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RL 18+ options I wish Rl had a 18+ option, we could actually trash talk and make that competitiveness peak, I jus got banned for a week for calling my tm8 a f**got bc he said 3v1 and teamed with them, if you don’t want to be apart of it, then don’t select the 18+ option, if you want to experience a more adult version of the game then click the 18+ option, rl community is more then lil Kids
[ 4730, 1080, 4525 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Adult recreational league RL Sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this. But is there any sort of adult rec league rocket league? Some casual teams that get together on a regular basis to play against other teams culminating in some sort of playoff bracket? I’m not nearly young and/or good enough to play on real teams, but I’d prefer not to solo queue forever. Thanks (: Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Mid to high diamond 2 v 2 team mate needed (Xbox EU) Anyone play Rocket League at mid to high diamond level on Xbox that needs a 2v 2 tm8, sick of playing with randoms, European servers Label: moderated Example-2: Post: RL - Looking for players to play 2vs2 competitively RL - looking for 2vs2 players to play competitively Hello, So as the title says - I'm looking for a 2vs2 players to play Rocket League competitively. I'm fed up of all of AFKs, bad losers and forfeiters! Requirements: Diamond at least Mature, and not a bad loser. Doesn't forfeit games when losing. Doesn't spam chat with "go for it!" constantly. Speaks English Able to play a few times a week between the hours of 7pm - 9pm. About me: Playing on ps5. Currently Diamond - bottom end of champion at best. I'm very competitive, but don't mind losing games. I'm very positive and see each loss as a lesson. If you're interested let me know. I look forward to hearing from you! Nathan Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: CA did heavily change Auto Results in players favor. Played 2.2 for some time now, and i can definitely confirm that auto results are very player favoured now. ( Played as Dark Elves and Vampire Coast ) Especially if you are the defender in a settlement, you can now win battles you couldn't win manually quite often in my experience with 2.2. I wouldn't say i don't welcome those changes, because of the obvious player bias of the AI, but i think this is still not intended by CA. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Locations to find Scorched This is a public service announcement. Are you in search of that ever elusive Spooky or Holiday Scorched? While it might seem obvious where to find Scorched in Fallout 76, it seems many only seem to know about limited locations, like Morgantown Airport and Wavy Willard's. While these two spots regularly host Scorched, they are by no means not the only spots in Fallout 76. There are a fair number of locations throughout the game where Scorched spawn all of the time. Note, Spooky and Holiday Scorched do not spawn inside of buildings. These special Scorched only spawn outdoors. Here is a list of static spawn outdoor points for Scorched: * Morgantown Airport (at least 16) -- Forest * Morgantown Trainyard (many) -- Forest * Morgantown High School (\~4) -- Forest * Wilson Brother's Auto Repair (4) -- Forest * Helvetia (many) -- Forest * Tyler County Fairgrounds (many) -- Forest * Poseidon Power Plant (many) -- Forest * Wixon Homestead (3-6) -- Forest * Overlook Cabin (\~5-6) -- Forest * Wavy Willard's (many) -- Toxic Valley * Palace of the Winding Path (\~14) -- Savage Divide * Bailey Family Cabin (3) -- Savage Divide * Camp Venture (5-6) -- Mire * Valley Galleria (3) -- Mire * Crashed Plane (3-4) -- Mire * Thunder Mountain Power Plant (many) -- Mire * Ranger District Office (at least 8) -- Cranberry Bog * Fort Defiance (\~6) -- Cranberry Bog Here is a list of rotating enemy type locations to check for Scorched: * Groves Family Cabin -- Forest * Horizon's Rest -- Forest * White Powder Winter Sports -- Forest * Pleasant Valley Ski Resort -- Savage Divide * NAR Repair Yard -- Cranberry Bog * Lewisburg -- Ash Heap Events featuring Scorched: * Collision Course (Morgantown Airport) -- launches when in proximity (has cool down timer) * Distant Thunder (Cranberry Bog) -- random launch * Scorched Earth (Cranberry Bog) -- launches after a nuke on fissure prime * Defend Events at Workshops have a chance of spawning Scorched Scorched also spawn near every fissure site in random numbers. This list is not necessarily comprehensive and is subject to change as Bethesda updates the game world. Hopefully, this post helps people find more of those pesky and elusive Holiday and Spooky Scorched. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Want to see a hair stylist soon, my mom recommended a ‘round cut’ for me. I just barely started trying to care for my hair, I was bleach blonde for a moment and damaged a lot of my hair at the bottom specifically. I want a new hairstyle because I feel like my face is being dragged down without layers. I’m not sure what to ask for though. Label: not moderated
not moderated
Giving up on losing the last vanity pounds I was able to lose 70 pounds in two years, the bulk of which (50 lbs) in the first. My starting weight was 200lbs at 5’4” which I had gained up to super quickly due to an increase in appetite from a new medication. I had been thin my whole life up until then and my ultimate goal weight was to get back down to 120lbs. It’s been going on 2 years since I reached 130 lbs that I’ve been fighting to lose the last 10 but instead either maintained or gained and lost 5-10 lbs repeatedly. I feel as though my 10 lb yo-yoing has worn me out and when I do get back on track and go down from 140 to 130 I get tired of restricting and start faltering on my deficit more often. I know I look good and I’m at a healthy weight but these last ten pounds make the most difference in my midsection and I can’t get it off my mind. Is anyone else in a similar boat? Any advice would be lovely. I also have a major sweet tooth I’ve been battling and it doesn’t help that I love and am good at baking, lol.
[ 2682, 11689, 736 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: All I Think About Is Food I 19F (5'11 269lbs) Have been on a "diet" now for 88 days and am so frustrated with the whole process. I have struggled with being chunky since I was a kid, and really just want to lose weight and be healthy. I'm unhappy with my appearance, and feel like all this fat is holding me back in life. I'm tired of taking up so much space. The main changes I've made is calorie counting. I've installed the lose it app and log everything down to the gram that I consume. I feel like from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep all I think about is what I'm going to eat, when I'm going to eat it, what I'll eat this week, how many calories I've been over, etc. Besides that it's like I have no self control. I get bored and I binge. I get stoned and I binge. I'm slightly peckish and I eat a three course meal. I just can't stop eating. It's been three months and I've barely managed to keep off 10 pounds. I feel like a failure. I feel like I'll always be overweight and unloved. I've recently started intermittent fasting 16-8 with hopes that it would curb my appetite/craving/make me stop over eating. I however just won't stick to the hours. I keep eating outside the time. I'm a full-time student and I work everyday I'm not in class or studying. I'm also experiencing financial difficulties. I am stressed. And my response to stress is eating. What are some tips/advice you guys can offer? How to I stop this stress eating, this late night snacking? When I'm not bingeing I try to eat "healthy" lots of chicken and for the first time in my life vegetables (not as often as I probably should) Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I'm having some problems with my weight loss. Advice is really appreciated. I'm a 22 years old male and my height is *5 feet and 10 inches* (*177 centimeters*). For the past few months I've been losing some weight until a few weeks ago. I'm going to explain briefly what happened to me and my weight. Below, I've added some data about my progress of weight loss. I reccomend you to give the data a look while I explain my experience, so you can understand better what I'm trying to describe. But obviously that's your choice and only do it if you want it. No worries! Some months ago I decided that I wanted to start losing weight. In the past years I had lost weight with extreme diets and starving myself, but later I had stopped those diets so I had gained that weight back with even more weight. But this time, I decided that I was going just to eat smaller portions and also more amount of healthy and low-calorie-dense foods. And it kinda worked! From the *27th August 2022* till the *24th September 2022*, I managed to lose some weight (including fat loss). But then (*24th September 2022*), I started to see that my weight didn't change for a few weeks (my weight was around *189 pounds*). So I assumed that I was in a *Plateau* and that it would be like that forever. However, suddenly, the *15th October 2022* my weight dropped some pounds. And it stayed kinda like that (*186 pounds* aproximately) until the *29th October 2022*, when it rised back to the *Plateau*'s weight. So now I'm very confused about what it's happening, and about what is supposed to happen in the future. My own data (I have a few more data from before the *27 - August - 2022*, but it doesn't show weight loss, so I discarded it): ​ |DATE|WEIGHT (pounds - kilograms)|BODY MASS INDEX (BMI)|FAT PERCENTAGE| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |*27 - August - 2022*|*198.2 lbs - 89.9 kgs*||| |*3 - September - 2022*|*194.9 lbs - 88.4 kgs*|*28.1 kg/m\^2*|*17.3 %*| |*10 - September - 2022*|*191.6 lbs - 86.9 kgs*||| |*17 - September - 2022*|*190.0 lbs - 86.2 kgs*||| |*24 - September - 2022*|*188.7 lbs - 85.6 kgs*||| |*1 - October - 2022*|*189.2 lbs - 85.8 kgs*|*27.4 kg/m\^2*|*15.9 %*| |*8 - October - 2022*|*189.4 lbs - 85.9 kgs*||| |*15 - October - 2022*|*186.3 lbs - 84.5 kgs*||| |*22 - October - 2022*|*186.5 lbs - 84.6 kgs*||| |*29 - October - 2022*|*189.2 lbs - 85.8 kgs*|*27.4 kg/m\^2*|*15.9 %*| ^((Although i could have calculated the body mass index from all the rows, I prefer to have it like this because of aesthetic/visual/comprehension reasons)) I have a few questions, and I would really appreciate that you answered them. Don't feel forced to answer them if you don't want. You can also choose to answer only some of them. 1. What would be your guess about what is happening with my weight loss progress? 2. Do you think I've reached a *plateau*? If your answer is yes, at which weight do you think it is? 3. I've readed in some articles that *Plateaus* disappear after some weeks without having to do anything. But in other articles, they say that *Plateaus* only disappear if you either reduce your calorie intake or increase your calorie use. So which one do you think is the correct answer? 4. According to what I've readed, an adult male (like myself) needs to consume at least *1500 kilocalories* every day. If I decided to consume that amount of kilocalories (1500) and I reached a *plateau*, what should I do? Should I reduce my calorie intake below *1500 kilocalories*? 5. As I already told you, I'm against doing myself extreme and difficult to sustain diets (although I don't have any problem if someone likes them). So, is there any way to break the (not-yet-confirmed) *Plateau* with a moderate and sustainable diet? Thank you so much for your time. Good luck with your weight loss! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Weight loss help Hi R/Loseit. I have a problem. All my life I was overweight, and it wasn’t until recently 2 years ago I decided to take charge of my weight. I had grown up with poor eating habits taught by my parents and had even no idea what a calorie was. However my weight loss journey has been up and down. It was pretty mellow until I had begun eating 1,200 calories a day (for fast results) which was no way survivable as I would end up binge eating after. I was in constant cycle and torment for months about the scale and clothes not fitting me correctly and then having a week of bliss because I’d looked great. I was scared I was going stay like this forever. I had the fortunate opportunity to go to Europe this summer and i decided to just eat whatever I wanted and enjoy the summer for myself. I gained very minimal pounds back (2-3?) but I still am only half way from my weight loss journey. So I decided to start coming back something new and healthier. I had begun consuming instead 1,500 calories a day as well as walking 10,000 steps a day with very minor weight lifting: thinking I’d succeed, I had noticed after a bit I had become to binge eat again. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and frankly I’m scared it’s a psychological issue rather then a dieting one, I would really appreciate some advice if I need to up my calorie intake to meet my exercise needs so I don’t feel inclined to binge. I am 19, F, 5’6 and 165 pounds. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: ESPN thinks Michigan is the Pittsburgh Steelers Can't post screenshots here and this is obviously a bug so they may fix it before you see it but here's the link to Michigan's 2022 stats, which have been replaced by the Pittsburgh Steelers for some reason. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I feel like I’m hitting a wall where I’m struggling to improve. Tips ? I’m a low diamond player , I can do passable Air play but no ridiculous free style or dribbles , my accuracy is decent (I can ping it on target 90% of the time no matter where I am, my keeping is again passable. Occasional clanger but occasional miracle , but I don’t know how to learn whay I need to learn to improve I feel I’ve just been improving my success rate on existing skills rather than learning new ones for months. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Now that the season is upon us, we can thankfully stop with the stupid posts! Hopefully, no more ... "if you were a flying horse, what retired college coach would be your best friend" type of posts!! At least until after the Super Bowl. Enjoy the games! :) Label: moderated
[Rittenberg] SOURCE: Paul Chryst is out as #Wisconsin coach. Jim Leonhard will be the team's interim coach. Announcement will be coming shortly.
[ 8459, 464, 7322 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: With Paul Chryst getting the boot, Bret Bielema remains the 2nd all-time winningest coach at Wisconsin BB: 68-24 PC: 67-26 Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Who is the next coach fired at the season halfway point? #NAME? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Any news on coaching searches from the programs that already fired their guy? Seems like I haven't heard anything from Nebraska, Georgia Tech, etc in the last couple of weeks. Fans of those teams - what are the insiders saying and are there any updates? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: About the new warframe I logged in and viewed the message but i still dont seem to have him? how do i get him in my inventory? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Which faction is the “Main Character Faction”? It would be the empire,right? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: How long or intensive should your workout be? alright, let's say I want to build muscle, I have plenty of food in the fridge and I want to get bigger, I don't need to be shredder or anything I just don't want brooms as my hands How long should I realistically workout at home? This is what I've been usually doing way back when I used to workout: Warmup: Shoulder circles, wide than narrow until it's unbearable do like 1 minute and something Air punches general shoulder movements and stretching to not dislocated it or something Actual workout:. Push ups - usually 15 Triceps dips - 20-ish Diamond Pushup 15 Triceps dips 16 Resistance string pulls 25 each arm palm push-ups 15 Declined dips 17 or so Wide push-ups 15ish pushup position low hold 1 minute Then just some punching and stretching to end it This is what I until now considered a decent workout but I hear people do multiple sets. Now I cannot imagine doing this multiple times, as I'm already tired when I do push-ups for the 3rd time. But I also heard those people do maybe 10 push-ups and simply don't push themselves to their limit but instead just move onto the next exercise and come back on the next set. After this my arms are simply not listening anymore so I think it is a workout of its own, thing is it usually lasts 20 minutes. The way I try to do this is with 0 breaks that way I'm totally exhausted later. ai find it much easier to workout intensively like this Note that This makes no difference to the fact that I couldn't do 2 sets of these either way, I used to do it slow but I find it easier to do it fast because it's over faster and when I do it slow I usually cheat a lot and are lazy. That's why I do it no breaks until failure and no my form isn't worse I do take a break to drink a glass of water but that's 1 minute Label: moderated
What if every D1 team/conference was the "best of the best"? IMO, this would make college football more interesting since every D1 team would be competitive every year... It would also be intriguing see a modern day version of a Princeton - Rutgers National Championship Rematch...
[ 1632, 5911, 5104 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: what if college football kept the bowl alliance title Label: moderated Example-1: Post: College Football Realignment-Part 1-Power 6 In an alternate world where geography and history was more important than money. PAC-12 North Washington Washington st Oregon Oregon st California Stanford ​ South USC UCLA Utah BYU Arizona Arizona st ​ ​ ​ ​ Big 12 North Colorado Nebraska Missouri Oklahoma Oklahoma st Kansas st Kansas ​ South Texas Texas A&M Texas Tech Baylor TCU Houston Arkansas ​ ​ ​ SEC Kentucky Louisville Tennessee Alabama Auburn Mississippi st Ole Miss LSU Tulane ​ ​ Big 10 West Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa Iowa st Illinois Northwestern ​ East Indiana Purdue Notre Dame Michigan Michigan st Ohio st ​ ​ ​ ​ Big East Cincinnati West Virginia Pittsburg Penn st Virginia Virginia Tech Rutgers Maryland Syracuse Boston College ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ACC North North Carolina North Carolina state Wake Forest Duke Clemson South Carolina ​ South Georgia Georgia Tech Florida Florida st UCF Miami (FL) ​ ​ ​ ​ Thoughts \- I elevated Houston BYU Cincinnati and UCF from G5 conferences just like in real life. \-I added Tulane because I needed a 10th SEC team, and since they were a former SEC team, I added them \-Big East is Back! \- ACC is probably the best conference \-I destroyed the SEC, but they still have 5 currently ranked teams. \-Big 10 East is the most historically significant division \-Big 12 is Basically SWAC vs BIG 8 \-PAC-12 didn't really change How would your team do if the conferences were like this Today? Any changes you would make? New Rivalries? Rekindled Rivalries? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: State Superteam If you were to take all the D1 colleges within each state and combined them, which states “superteam” would reign supreme? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Fastest Sub in ADCC History? Did we just witness it? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Protea Caladrius skin is broken :( After an excited **225 Platinum** spend on the Protea Caladrius Collection, and an hour or so tweaking colors, I take my lovely Protea out into the field. Turns out, after using any ability once, the skin breaks – specifically, the helmet falls apart entirely. Images: At no point does the helmet revert back to normal, so I can only assume this is a pretty severe model bug. The entire front of the helmet is completely gone, with just a random chunk of it sticking around on one side. Ugh. DE, fix, please, help. T__T Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Needing some help finding a plan My partner and I have been searching for weeks now and am still unable to find the Witches Outfit plan. Or the Vampire Outfit plan either. We have found all the other little random spawns, including the skeleton outfit plan. Anyone have a spare? Or any good ideas to fine them? Label: moderated
Wow just wow Thank you rocket League
[ 9100, 10749, 3025 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Rocket league Dream on Sharing my video showing off some rocket league skills with some music touch and funny combination piece of work. I hope you all like it [\_9\_DL\_GMZZM]( Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Rocket league: Random meme Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Rocket league I know you shouldn’t blame your team but umm… Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How do you actually stick with a farm instead of constantly starting new ones? I'm almost 200 hours into Stardew but have still never finished the community center. I really love the game, but I'm always kind of loaded by spring year 2 and I don't exactly know what to do at that point, because the grind isn't the same! I like how difficult it is to get started, but once I'm making wine and able to afford tons of seeds, it gets boring to me. I'm down for mods (already use a handful) but I'm not looking for anything that just manufactures difficulty, like making items sell for less or stuff like that. I dream of a mod that would add dynamic difficulty, like having all your crops die for some reason, weather causing issues, etc. etc., but sadly it doesn't seem like there are any mods like that. I don't like doing challenges (like only flowers or don't leave the farm) because I love all the different aspects of the game and limiting myself seems like it would make me lose interest faster. Any advice? Or any modders who want to make an exciting difficulty mod...I'm too dumb to do it Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Unbreakable slayers kinda broke a minor settlement battle (sorry for the weird crop idk how to fix it) ​ *Processing video r2pwm2oj5kk91...* Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Liverpool Vs Manchester City; A game of classic football Jurgen Klopp says "Liverpool can't compete with Manchester City in the transfer market" as the prepare to lock horns on Match-day 11 Label: moderated
Booster shot and training Hi guys so I’ve recently taken my booster shot (3rd dose, Moderna) and I was wondering how long it would take for the side effects to wear off as I’d like to be in shape for intense rolling as in +75% effort and take part in comp classes. If it helps its already been 5 days since I took the shot.
[ 9875, 3706, 10794 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: time for creatine levels to return to normal Hey, I have been trying to find the answer to this for a while but haven't found anything good. How long does it take for creatine levels to return to normal after it has been supplemented for over 3 months? I'm asking this as I have recently taken a break from supplements to see if what I'm paying for really has any effect on my personal progress in the gym. Thank you in advanced. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: How much did you squat 3 months-6 months or a year after you started training? Just interested in how everyone progressed :) Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Is 3 days a week enough to see progress within few months? I’ve been hitting the gym with a PT for 3 days a week. Each session consists of 3-4 supersets so around an hour per session. Each session works different muscle group. So for instance a session would be focused on back and shoulders, another will target biceps and triceps and so on. I am feeling that 3 times a week is not enough since it takes 6-7 days before we redo a session. So if we did the biceps session on Monday it will take two Wednesdays to redo the biceps. It’s getting on my nerves as i am i can handle more and it’s time of the year where i can allow myself to more free time. What are your thoughts? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Most people have leg day, arm day, shoulder, abs, etc., but what exactly does a beginner focus on? I’ve heard some have back day, chest, etc. I know absolutely minimal about working out, what do I need to focus on throughout the week? So far it’s been abs, legs, arms. Before working out a muscle group, I stretch and warmup with some cardio. What do you guys suggest? I’m grateful for any input! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: What cards should I add to Dark World to make it viable for Locals? I am thinking of Danger! since they also benefit from being discarded. What else comes up in your mind? I will also be incorporating the new DW cards from the structure deck once they are out. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Ludwig Smash Invitational - Group A - AITX | Jakal vs SBI | KEN --- #Group A **Jude "Jakal" Harris** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+AITX%2BeSports+gaming+website) ***vs*** **Kengo "KEN" Suzuki** // [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+SBI%2Be-Sports+gaming+website) [Wolf](#U-Wolf) Jakal | | 1 - 0 | | KEN [Sonic](#U-Sonic)[Sephiroth](#U-Sephiroth) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- [1 stock](#U-Wolf) | `=` [Wolf](#U-Wolf) | Battlefield | [Sonic](#U-Sonic) `=` | --- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* --- Label: not moderated
not moderated
More Recipes for Meal Prep This Week All recipes except for the chili and chicken bites are written for a single serving and can be increased as needed. They are also dairy free because I’m lactose intolerant, so feel free to adjust them to your preferences. ## Overnight Oats -1/2 cup old fashioned oats -1/2 TBSP chia seeds -1 scoop plant based vanilla protein powder -1/4 tsp Ceylon cinnamon -pinch of salt -1/2 tsp vanilla extract -1 tsp maple syrup -1/2 TBSP peanut butter -3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk -2oz (56gm) strawberries, sliced -2 TBSP pecan pieces In a 12oz jar or container with a cover, add all ingredients except for banana and walnuts. Mix to combine, then add the strawberry & pecans and stir. Cover, then place in fridge overnight, or a minimum or 2-4 hours. The next morning, stir oats, adding a splash of almond milk if needed. #### 493 calories 55gm carbs 18gm protein 31gm fat ## Baked Chicken Bites -2-4 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts -olive oil -seasonings of choice. I use salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, poultry seasoning, and a bit of paprika. I season lightly so I can use the chicken in different dishes. Preheat oven to 425°F. Mix your seasonings in a small bowl and set aside. Slice raw chicken into 1 inch cubes and lay flat on a large baking sheet or pan. Sprinkle with seasoning mix, then drizzle with olive oil. Toss to coat evenly. Bake in oven for 20-25 minutes, stirring with a spatula halfway through. Optionally, you can broil the chicken for the last 5 minutes of cooking. ## High Protein Salad -4oz cooked, cubed chicken breasts -2 TBSP walnut pieces -2 TBSP unsalted pepitas -2 TBSP dried cranberries -2 TBSP non dairy feta cheese -2 cups leafy greens -2 TBSP balsamic dressing Add all ingredients to a bowl and toss to combine. #### 595 calories 6gm carbs 42gm protein 34gm fat ## Chickpeas -1 cup dry chickpeas -water -seasonings of choice. I use salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a bit of paprika. Don’t add the salt until the last 30 minutes of simmering or the chickpeas May become tough First, you will need to soak your chickpeas overnight (roughly 10 hours). In a large covered dish, add chickpeas and cover with several inches of water. Cover and let soak overnight. The next morning, strain out the chickpeas. In a saucepan, add chickpeas and seasonings, then cover with several inches of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours uncovered. Once they reach your desired texture, strain out chickpeas. ## Mini Chocolate Protein Shake -3/4 cup almond milk -1 scoop plant-based chocolate protein powder Add protein powder and milk to a cup or bottle. Stir or shake to combine. #### 113 calories 5gm carbs 16gm protein 3gm fat ## Slow Cooker Turkey & Chickpea Chili -2 tsp olive oil -1 medium onion, chopped -1 lbs 99% fat free ground turkey -salt and pepper -3 cloves garlic -1 TBSP chili powder -2 tsp cumin -1/2 tsp onion powder -1/2 tsp oregano -1/4 tsp cinnamon -2 bell peppers, chopped -3 cups cooked chickpeas -28oz can petite diced tomatoes -2 cups low sodium chicken broth (I use Better than Bouillon base) Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onion and ground turkey. Season with salt and pepper and cook, breaking up the turkey, until meat is browned. Add garlic and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Transfer the mixture to the slow cooker. Then, add the spices, bell peppers, chickpeas, and diced tomatoes. Stir in the chicken broth. Cover and cook on low for 5-7 hours. Makes 6 servings. #### 224 calories 25gm carbs 23gm protein 4gm fat ## Salmon, Brown Rice, & Broccoli -1/8 cup dry brown rice -1/4 cup water -1/2 cup broccoli -1 salmon fillet (thawed if buying frozen) -1 TBSP olive oil, divided -salt -pepper -other seasonings to taste (garlic, paprika, etc.) First, rinse your rice. And rice and cool water to a large bowl, and use your hand to gently swirl and agitate the rice to remove excess starch, dust, and debris. Pour off the starchy water and add more fresh water as needed until it runs nearly clear, usually 3-4 times. Drain the rice in a fine mesh strainer. Next, add rice, 1/4 cups water, and salt to a large pot. Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer and cook, covered, until rice is tender and water is evaporated (40-55 minutes depending on how much water was used). Fluff gently with a fork and let sit, covered, off heat for about 10 minutes. Makes about 1/2 cup of rice. While rice is simmering, preheat oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pat salmon dry with paper towels. Drizzle half the olive oil on both sides of salmon, then sprinkle with salt. Rub black pepper, garlic powder, and/or paprika or other seasonings all over the salmon. Place on baking sheet and set aside. In a bowl combine the broccoli florets, remaining olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss well to combine then arrange the broccoli on the same sheet as the salmon. Place the sheet pan in the oven and bake for 15 minutes until salmon is fully cooked. Serve with rice. #### 356 calories 23gm carbs 25gm protein 20gm fat
[ 3776, 7217, 10911 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Overnight Oats Add Ins? My current recipe consists of the following: - 1/2 cup quick cook steel cut oats - 2 tbsp chia seeds - 2 tbsp peanut butter powder - 1 tsp honey - 1/2 cup boiling water to blend all ingredients - 1/2 cup oat milk Is there anything I should be mixing in for general health? Superfoods? MCT oil? Any ideas appreciated. Thanks in advance! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Fitness and nutrition questions So for about the pat 3-4 months I’ve been meal prepping chicken and veggies for dinner and I’ll have Greek yogurt, protein bar, and a protein shake for breakfast. Recently I’ve found myself slacking off on dinner but sticking to my breakfast still. Any ideas for meal prep options? My body just seems to reject chicken and veggies right now 🤢 I don’t want to lose my progress, I get discipline is HUGE with diet but it feels hard rn. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Meal ideas that don’t require cooking Basically what the title says. I love to cook, but I’m on a work assignment in an AirBNB and I don’t have a ton of room to buy ingredients that need to be stored & cooked (also don’t have much time for meal prepping). I’ve been eating a lot of sandwiches, protein shakes, fruit/veg, and yogurt, and I’m kind of bored of it. Does anyone have any ideas of things that can either be eaten cold or microwaved & aren’t prepackaged meals (trying to stay away from all the sodium and additives in prepared foods)? I’m mostly gluten free, low carb, and lactose intolerant (but handle processed dairy fine - cheese and yogurt are okay). Eggs are hit or miss on if they’ll give me an upset stomach. The diet restrictions are definitely limiting for me in terms of meal planning. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I'm warming up to The Pitt When it was first dropped, I think it was meh at best but now after a couple of days doing it, I think it is decently cool, particularly the second mission (Ashes to Fire) due to the music and ambience. What changed my mind? Playing solo vs in a team. When I first did it, I cleared it solo and it was not particularly interesting, moreover I was annoyed with the fetch quests - with a team this is not really a problem. I still have a problem with both missions that they are anti-climatic for me, probably because I've pretty much optimized my builds and the fights at the end aren't really challenging. Also, I agree that they didn't improve the look of The Whitespring's interior. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Match Thread: Castres vs Stade Francais - Top 14 Comp: Top 14 Venue: Stade Pierre Fabre [View TV providers, weather info and previous results]( | London | Paris | Jo'burg | New York | Sydney | Auckland | | --- | ---- | --- | ---| --- | ---| | 16:00 | 17:00 | 17:00 |11:00 | 01:00 | 03:00 | | Castres | Pos | Stade Francais | :--- | :----: | ---: | |Julien Dumora|15 |Kylan Hamdaoui |Geoffrey Palis|14 |Harry Glover |Adrea Cocagi|13 |Sefanaia Naivalu |Vilimoni Botitu|12 |Alex Arrate |Filipo Nakosi|11 |Nadir Megdoud |Louis Le Brun|10 |Joris Segonds |Santiago Arata|9 |James Hall |Wayan de Benedettis|1 |Clement Castets |Gaetan Barlot|2 |Mickael Ivaldi |Wilfrid Hounkpatin|3 |Nemo Roelofse |Leone Nakarawa|4 |Paul Gabrillagues |Tom Staniforth|5 |Baptiste Pesenti |Mathieu Babillot|6 |Mathieu Hirigoyen |Asier Usarraga Latierro|7 |Romain Briatte |Baptiste Delaporte|8 |Giovanni Habel-Kueffner |Paula Ngauamo|16 |Laurent Panis |Quentin Walcker|17 |Moses Alo-Emile |Florent Vanverberghe|18 |Mathieu De Giovanni |Gauthier Maravat|19 |Sekou Macalou |Josaia Raisuqe|20 |Arthur Coville |Jeremy Fernandez|21 |Leo Barre |Antoine Zeghdar|22 |Julien Delbouis |Levan Chilachava|23 |Giorgi Melikidze Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: VEGAS AINT SH*T WITHOUT CATHOLICS AND MORMONS: FUN FOOTBALL FACTS In honor of this weeks game between BYU and Notre Dame in Las Vegas, I wanted to highlight some fun facts that link these team to Las Vegas and each other. Modern Las Vegas was settled by missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (mormon) [Link]( The predominant religion in Las Vegas is Catholicism, making up 19% of the population. [Link]( Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints make up 7% of the population. [Link]( Rudy Ruettiger, who was the inspiration for the famous movie about a walk for Notre Dame football, joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 2017. [Link]( Manti Teo, Notre Dames most recent Heisman runner up, is a also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. [Link]( Notre Dame currently has a player who is serving a mission in North Carolina for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. [Link]( Label: moderated
Question: how is it that the triangle hold is such an effective hold I have recently been curious about the different submission holds in MMA and can see the merits of most all submission holds, but I still cannot find out about why a triangle hold is so effective, especially when compared to a traditional choke hold. Why is it that the inclusion of an opponents arm, which I would think makes it less effective than a choke hold, makes for a more viable submission hold. Sorry if this is a silly question, I am quite new to this sport and interested in the mechanics of it.
[ 8707, 6506, 5448 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: What’s the defense for when an opponent is near perfectly placed on a standing opponent’s back? I was just rewatching Olivera vs Poirier and the way Charles was just perfectly placed on Dustin’s back and I questioned why Dustin didn’t try anything to challenge the position after it was clear he lost the battle for hand position on the choke? Obviously these fighters are getting their lights chocked out and it’s easier said than done to escape a standing naked choke, and it’s not exclusive to Dustin these submissions happen all the time. I’ve seen fighters lean forward to force their opponent to slide off their back when they are too high or too sweaty to hang on. The question is when it’s just perfect, how can you possible defend a standing rear naked choke? A slam or a roll should almost always end in an equally bad position on the ground right? Should fighters adapt to recognize these positions sooner and possibly develop a defense for when they are able bodied to defend the choke in those first 3-5 seconds? Something very explosive and unorthodox would be the only escape in my opinion, the weight of the opponent and the force of the choke is just brutal. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Submissions In an mma fight, does a submission have to be a specific technique or could you just make something up that locks or strangles your opponent? Obviously this would be risky and your opponent would most likely have an easier time to escape since you might not know what you’re doing. But my question is if a submission can be any type of hold that submits your opponent. Thanks in advance! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Rotational finish for RNC vs Classic squeeze ? Hey guys, I have been studying lately the famous straight jacket instructionnal from Danaher and at some point he shows a new way to finish the RNC based on a rotation motion (similar to a collar choke). I find it very interesting since I have a lot of troubles finishinh a clean RNC thanks to my long and skinny forearms. Hence 2 questions : 1) Is this way much better and what are your feedbacks for those who tried both ? 2) Any tips for this technique ? Cheers ! Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Power Cleans This whole vid documents a PR for me. I have been afraid of 85# for a long time. Really trying to implement all of the excellent advice I have received on here. Thank you so much everyone. •Don’t pull too early •Keep your shoulder over the bar, don’t lean back Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Tactics Thursday For the discussion of football tactics. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Creatine and weight loss plateau M 26,SW: 205 lbs , CW: 190 lbs , GW: 165 Hello everyone, Over the last 11 weeks, I lost a total of 15 lbs. I’ve been weight training and progressing steadily in all my lifts. I am following a full body routine three times a week along with a one hour walk every day. As for my diet, I am eating around 1600 calories. At the beginning of October, I plateaued at my current weight (190 lbs). I believe it’s due to supplementing with creatine since I started taking 5 g daily along with 15 g of chia seeds in water (they’re great for keeping me full). I’ve been weighing myself every day and my weight is fluctuating around the 190 lbs with no upward or downward trends. I know creatine makes you retain water but I am debating whether I should cut my calories back to push through this plateau or just wait out the water retention. It’s quite demotivating to see that the number on the scale hasn’t changed for three weeks. Any thoughts on what I should do are highly appreciated. Thanks! Label: moderated
Rocket League Visual Glitch? Does anybody else have a green or infared filter on their Rocket League? Or is it just me? I play on Xbox One
[ 2730, 9346, 7997 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Xbox- rocket league has no audio. reset game and console multiple times Anyone else getting or had this and got any suggestions? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Game glitching a green glow or something to do with next season? ​ *Processing video hto7htazywl91...* Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Issues partying up on xbox series s Me and my buddies are having trouble joining each other’s parties on rocket league, anybody else having this issue? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Rumor: Kennesaw State in talks with C-USA Here is the article []( Label: moderated Example-1: Post: CO2 or green gas Getting my first sidearm soon, would you recommend green gas or CO2 pistols? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: How do you play your usual campaign? As I wait for my favourite mods to update to Immortal Empires, I was wondering how many of you and how much do you mod your typical campaign! [View Poll]( Label: not moderated
[citzen NaviHawk] how did I do for my first watch? Just bought it
[ 8097, 12744, 11863 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [orient ac00009n] hey everyone this watch cost too much for me but i loved the design of this amazing watch please sugest me watches similar but in low budget 100 dollar to 150 dollars Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: [Franck Muller] Grandfathers watch (Help Needed) Hello, this is my late grandfathers watch that he left for me. I’m in need of hep finding the exact model and worth of the watch as I cannot find a single thing online about this exact model. Back of watch states; - Franck Muller Geneve Master of complications N° 344 Conquistador SC (Still has plastic film over rear of watch, unsure as to whether that was there from new or placed there at a later date) Front of watch displays; - Time - Year Month & Date - The day - A third dial that rotates to display the sun and moon at there respective points in the sky The numbers are White on a Black face The right side of the watch has 2 buttons and 1 dial. The watch is missing a strap but am looking to have that replaced. Also I assume the watch is pre 2014 due to the date displayed on the watch is 2014. Thank you! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Finding out my taste] How do I know what I like ? I am completely new to watches, and you must get this a lot, but I don't quite know what watch I would like to have. I seem to prefer watches with a black "inside". I selected a few pictures of watches I liked on this subreddit; here they are. If you seem to find some kind of pattern or similarity between these watches and could share it, it would help me find out what I really like. Thanks ! Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Cant play competitive playlists on family shared account. I do not see the reason for this, if I own the game what is the problem with allowing the family shared account to also play competitive? It is not as this will effect smurfing numbers, the game is already free on Epic Games. Removing the block will only benefit thousands of people experiencing the same problem as I am. ​ Note: I just tried to play a tournament and it worked, it is only ranked matchmaking, this makes no sense to me why I can't play ranked aswell. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I want to buy UFC 279 but... I live in Canada, I used to be able to order and record UFC PPVs thru my cable provider. Unfortunately now when I order a PPV I can't record it and it's frustrating as fuck, thanks UFC. Are there any other options to purchase a PPV and record it or not have to watch in real time? I like to start watching a bit later after my kids go to bed and can be almost caught up to the main event after skipping most of the promos and bullshit. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: [Rolex Milgauss, z-blue] Eternal fan, I am ... .. hence I decided to take a close-up of my Milgauss. The z-blue´s change is fascinating, changing, depending on the light. I still haven't made up my mind how I should feel about Rolex not using coated glass in general in order to avoid reflections in direct sunlight though. I could imagine non-coated could be a bit more resistant (since you could scrub the coating obviously...) but on the other hand, coated glass improves the clearness of display and surprises reflections. Anyways :) I always enjoy looking at my wrist... Label: not moderated
Frustrated with the new MAXHR. I am a 74 year old petite female. I’ve been going to OTF for 3 1/2 years. The powers that be have raised my MAXHR to 200. I can’t get into the orange zone. My coaches say it’s fine even though I feel uncomfortable and very uncomfortable in the green. Is anyone else having this problem ? I’m a jogger and my joints can’t take more speed.
[ 7069, 2289, 10503 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Why am I always in the red zone?! I've been doing OTF for about 2 years now and I love it. But frequently when I'm exercising, especially on the treadmill, I shoot up into the red zone pretty quickly even if I'm at base pace. At the end of the workout I'll have 20+ minutes in the red and 30+ splat points, and this haven't changed much in the 2 years. I don't feel super exhausted at first when I'm in the red, and my HR usually drops back down to the green or blue with a minute of rest/changing stations. Any thoughts on why this is happening or if there's something I need to do to improve? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Runner’s knee I have been at OTF for 2 months now and I’m still loving it but my knees have been acting up. I used to never job/run before so it’s been a challenge. At first I had issues with shin splints and they’ve been better with new shoe inserts. I am able to run at 4 - 5 mph but now my knees are flaring up the next day. It’s hard to sit down and get back up. I also feel my knees click every time I go up the stairs. Shall I go back to power walking or talk to my coach about using the elliptical machine? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Max HR 218?! Hi everyone, after the update my max HR went up to 214. It’s kind of awkward and the teachers sometimes ask me why I’m still in the green when in reality I’m dying at a HR of 177, but still in the green. (Now, my HR goes up to id say max 203 if I’m really working hard. I’m only 22 - this doesn’t surprise me). Buuuut my max HR is now 218!! If i ever actually went that high i would be in cardiac arrest! I had them reset it a few weeks ago but it went back up right away and went even higher. Any ideas of what to do? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Best mods for Stardew? I’m a beginner at modding this game, any suggestions? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Mutual Aid ....not if u don't receive the supply requirement Two days now and can't complète Mutual Aid.. Madam Wagonner has not assigned a donation....yet evert time I talk to her, asks if if ready to donate. ..have tried quitting game, gone through my scrap box for multiple junk x 50....what is the supply required today...pleeeese....driving me mad...all other quests done but no main mission because of this 😑 Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Has anyone gotten the new secret jump scare round? Above ^ Label: not moderated
With today's conference victory, Kansas is technically leading the Big XII. Title
[ 9895, 1510, 2453 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Kansas is alone in 1st place in the Big XII standings. Discuss. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: For the first time since 2007, Kansas is #1 in the Big XII in football. Rock Chalk. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: With Kansas' victory over West Virginia, the Jayhawks are at the top of the Big 12 Yup. This is 2007 V2.0 Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: What are some fanbases that you like to be friends with? So theres fanbases that we hate but are some that we like to be friends with? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Rocket league smurfs Played an hour of rocket league which is 12 games. Began at gold 1 division 4 ended gold 1 division 1. After an hour. Got freestyled on for an hour. At least add smurfing in the report options. I literally played 3 golds and beat 2. Come on rocket league Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: I think I’m going to give up So I started my diet by taking long walks. Then I got very religious about calorie counting. CICO made me lose almost 90lbs! Then I try to push it further and tried OMAD. I couldn’t take it so I binged in some days. The binging made me relapse on my sobriety on alcohol. I have gained back some of my weight ever since. I want to give up on my diet, I want to give up on life. Yesterday, I went to the roof top of my 28 stories apartment building to find a nice spot to commit suicide. But there were high walls that I couldn’t climb over. I also have Bipolar Disorder which make all of this worse. For a while CICO and OMAD pushed away the suicidal thoughts because they made food the only thing occupying my mind. But I can’t get back into that “mode” anymore. Why is dieting so hard? Why is life so hard? Label: moderated
Freaky operators Why does the operator always make me jump when she just appears in random places on my orbiter 😱
[ 5451, 7445, 2045 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: The New War quest suffered a serious case of spaghetti code In the classroom, where you're supposed to meet Wally, tapping on a window, you meet just a floating hand... And later, when your Operator is supposed to meet with the Drifter aboard Zariman, both Wally leading the way and the Drifter are missing... It kind of makes the Operator look like they just halucinated everything 😅 Label: moderated Example-1: Post: How do i switch to my operator in Warframe? Completed the war within quest and whenever i hit 5 inside.or outside my orbiter it doesn't switch. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Drifter bug in New War cutscene headcanon Sooo, today I watched the video on youtube where you >!get to choose between drifter and operator!<. What struck me, is that the drifter was actually ***visible*** in the video, unlike when I played the quest in-game a few weeks ago. And all this time I thought he was invisible 'cause >!both drifter and operator can't coexist in the same timeline!<, it seemed so smart :( Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Now that the Beach Ball mode is back, I’m curious, what is everyone’s favorite LTM? I think mine would be Knockout. When I’m just not feeling like playing a regular mode, Knockout seems to add some fun back into the game. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Building Runick Hey everyone, So I recently got a runick core and wanted to know the best way to play the deck? What’s the best way to utilize their cards and what builds works best with them? Not currently playing spright or tearlamnets, any alternatives are welcome. Thanks. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: In the last 2-3 years, I gained 40 pounds, and I am wondering if certain issues I am having are as a result of this For twelve years, I was a competitive swimmer and I dedicated my lifestyle to trying as hard as I could. In the spring of 2018 I committed to a Division I swimming school, and I swam until the March of 2020 (I bet you know what happened there). Here is a rough guess of my weight (on 1/1) over the past 7 years or so: ​ Height: 6'0 ​ 2017 (Age 17): 160 2018 (Age 18): 165 2019 (Age 19): 170 2020: (Age 20): 170 2021: (Age 21): 210 2022: (Age 22): 220 ​ I have been experiencing a lack of energy (I was always very upbeat, even well into college), low levels of concentration, and general drowsiness for the last couple years. When I have gotten back in the water recently, I have practically no endurance, and out of curiosity, I have ask women I work with if I was more attractive at 18 or 22, with no real consensus, but I feel much more physically unattractive. ​ Which of these problems can be attributed to weight gain and which are just a result of progressing into your 20s? I have tried to swim again recently but I have only gotten discouraged due to my lack of endurance. I can hardly swim 1000 yards in a session anymore when I literally swam 5k races just 2-3 short years ago. I am getting more and more restless about this, and while I have tried to exercise more, I don't have the endurance to do it enough to actually see results. If anyone can help me that would be fantastic. Label: not moderated
not moderated
What exercises can I do with a bad foot to help lose weight? I've been dealing with coming and going pain in my right foot and leg ever since I was in high school. I'm wondering what kind of exercises I can do that won't exacerbate it too much? I know I'm overweight and I would like to find something that can get me moving more. I just want to make a safe exercising plan that won't make it worse but at the same time help me lose the weight that's probably not doing my leg any favors
[ 1680, 5704, 4581 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Broken bones in my foot—now what? I’m in a boot for at least 4 weeks. Can’t put any weight on the foot for the time being. Other than the new reality of using crutches constantly, what are some no-impact ways to stay active-ish? Up until this point I’ve been working out 5-6 days per week. Usually 2 days of cardio and 3-4 days of weight-based workouts like Caroline Girvan and Heather Robertson, alternating upper and lower body. I think I want to use the forced slowdown to work on stretching and flexibility, but other than that I’m not really sure what I’m looking for. Open to any suggestions, especially if you’ve had a similar injury! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Ankle Mobility - HOW? Hi everyone, my ankle mobility is garbage. HOW do I fix it? What are some stretches/exercises I should do each day to improve? They’re so stiff, unbending, and stubborn. If it helps, it’s specifically when trying to bend them forward. I also have rlly tight calves. Pls help, or let me know if you also have this issue lol. Thank you!! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Need help with AE Park Ave’s I picked up a pair a year ago in anticipation of law school. I tried on 9.5 regular, wide, and extra wide. My feet were swimming in all of them except for the regular. I know I have a wide foot but even in the wides my feet were swimming, heel was lose, and I felt like leather shoes would stretch open even more over time. My feet felt fine in the regulars and figured a bit of stretch would be help over time. I have maybe worn them a total of 5 times since everything has been remote work - and the left shoe is significantly tighter than the right, still both my feet swim in the heel. My left foot feels like there’s a shooting pain in my smaller toes and squeezing the outsides of my foot and the instep. They feel much worse than they did when I bought them. Do you think AE can make an reception for a broke grad student and get resized? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: To Whoever Launched that Nuke Fuck you, I’m sorry but I wasted an hour countless respawns all my stimpacks repair kits fusion cores and chems on finally being able to launch the nuke and complete I am become death after four years of having that quest not complete fuck you this is not the first time I’ve wasted so much time only to have the quest complete snatched away from me wether it be the game crashing server problems or what have you, you have been the most recent in this quest so fuck you Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Gunsmith perk and Tesla Rifles Does the slower damage effect of the Gunsmith perk no longer effect Tesla Rifles? I am sure in the past it did so. However on testing earlier there seemed to be no difference in durability loss whether it was enabled or not. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: I am invited to go to a “hotpot” but I don’t eat meat. I am invited to go to a hotpot for someone’s birthday, there will of course be meat. I told the host of the event that I don’t eat meat, he said it’s fine I can just eat vegetables and he will pay for me. However, by paying for me he is paying for an extra head which will include the purchase of additional meat. In this dilemma, what would you do? Label: not moderated
Problem with tractors on track is easly solvable. So, there is already virtual safety car and pit limiter. So, when an accident occur that need tractor or people to remove the car, there would be a new virtual limiter, limited to 60km/h through that sector. Other two sectors would be driven under VSC. There could be a border around the track which nobody can pass. Marshals will get the signal when the track is safe to enter. On rainy days, speed can be limited to 40km/h. Do you have any other ideas beside red flags every now and then?
[ 9374, 11930, 887 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Safety cars are ruining races. I accept safety of drivers and marshalls etc is paramount but why do they need to allow the cars to catch each other up under a safety car. For me, it's distorting too many results. Why can't they do it under a virtual safety car but have a further reduced speed at the actual incident. They could, for instance, have to use the pit lane limiters whilst going through the relevant section. If it was necessary to create a gap to get safe access i.e marshalls to clear the track etc the pull them into the pits but let them back out at timed intervals relevant to where they were to each. Let's be honest once they called a full safety car on Sunday (which I agree they had to do) did anything think Lewis had a chance. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Shame that Sky Sports is trying to justify something that is clearly wrong! The tractor was clearly on track before the Red Flag. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: I have had it with these engine change and track limit penalties The equipment change penalties have rendered qualifying moot. The grid is now set by whichever driver racks up the least penalties over the previous week. It is impossible for the fans to understand why the driver that qualified second is at the back of the grid. Rather than screwing with grid position, if a piece of equipment needs to be replaced, take it out of the team’s prize money at the end of the year. Or dock them points. But this system of setting the grid week after week based on penalties is ridiculous. Personally, I miss the days of pulling the pin on a hand grenade and tossing that into the back of the car for qualifying and having it blow up at the end of qualifying, but that may be too “old school” for the kids today. And then we have the track limit penalties. They seem so arbitrary and again for the fans incredibly confusing why on one corner you can straddle a curb but on the next, if your tires cross a line you get a penalty. If you don’t want drivers to exceed track limits, put a wall there. Everyone understands a wall. A wall clearly says, “don’t go past this point.” Or moats. Moats with alligators. Drones with frickin’ laser beams. Anything would be better than the current system. I agree that if a driver leaves the circuit there has to be a consequence, but this addition of five seconds (after warnings) either in the pit or it being added at the end of the race is a lousy way of doing it. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I have had it with these engine change and track limit penalties The equipment change penalties have rendered qualifying moot. The grid is now set by whichever driver racks up the least penalties over the previous week. It is impossible for the fans to understand why the driver that qualified second is at the back of the grid. Rather than screwing with grid position, if a piece of equipment needs to be replaced, take it out of the team’s prize money at the end of the year. Or dock them points. But this system of setting the grid week after week based on penalties is ridiculous. Personally, I miss the days of pulling the pin on a hand grenade and tossing that into the back of the car for qualifying and having it blow up at the end of qualifying, but that may be too “old school” for the kids today. And then we have the track limit penalties. They seem so arbitrary and again for the fans incredibly confusing why on one corner you can straddle a curb but on the next, if your tires cross a line you get a penalty. If you don’t want drivers to exceed track limits, put a wall there. Everyone understands a wall. A wall clearly says, “don’t go past this point.” Or moats. Moats with alligators. Drones with frickin’ laser beams. Anything would be better than the current system. I agree that if a driver leaves the circuit there has to be a consequence, but this addition of five seconds (after warnings) either in the pit or it being added at the end of the race is a lousy way of doing it. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: i don't know why i'm banned I decided to reinstall the game and i just discovered that i am banned. I tried to contact support for ban appeal but i have been refused two times already. Do you guys have any idea what i could do? Do you think my account is lost for ever ? I read online that some people have been ban by mistake, i guess it's my case... Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Face Palm Moment… I only realized just today that you don’t actually have to eat and drink anymore. Apparently it’s been like this for 2 years now. Label: moderated
not moderated
Is there a way to get marked demon princes as WoC? First campaign I tried was Vilitch and every Lord of his roster has the option to transform into an undivided Prince at Level 30 (Never made it that far though). Currently I am playing Belakor and was able to mark a Boyar to get a Prince. No option to designate him further though. Is there a way to get a marked prince in any of the WoC campaigns somehow?
[ 5332, 9470, 2308 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Border Princes LL? Is there anyone in lore who could be LL for Border Princes? Would be nice to start a campaign there as Empire. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Anyway to get marked Chaos Furies as WoC? I see the option to mark standard furies in custom battles under "extended roster" but I can't find a way to mark them in a campaign. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Best flavor of Daemon Prince With the introduction of Patch 2.0 and the Champions of Chaos DLC, we can now raise our lowly Chaos Lords to Daemon Princes. For the mono-WoCs there isn't much choice (or is there?), but for the Undivided lords, which one do you consider the best, and why? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Mesa prime I’m looking to get Mesa prime Systems and Neuroptics on Xbox I have 248 Platinum I can give Label: moderated Example-1: Post: I’m sad, recommendations on how to cope are appreciated Pain Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Instructionals - John Danaher vs Gordon Ryan Who do you guys think has the better instructionals and why between John Danaher and Gordon Ryan? Label: not moderated
Where do I find True Exodia and other cards I’m hoping to own every exodia card but everywhere I look I can’t find these cards: * True Exodia * Defense Seal Wall * Break the Seal * Ritual of the Ultimate Forbidden Lord
[ 904, 5403, 11099 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Cards from the anime - ebay? ​ [What would I search for in order to buy cards like this in the real world? Using most keywords just ends up with the cards we already use]( Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Best website to buy single yu gi oh cards? I wanted to make a deck for about an month or so but I can't find a website where I can buy specific cards Label: moderated Example-2: Post: What is the best website to buy cards from? I’m thinking buying cards to make a specific deck and I’m wondering what would be the best website to do so? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Buchecha is about to make me cry His speech about Leandro Lo, leaving for an undisclosed amount of time, and getting his 50k is a rush of emotions. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Defense vs offense? (Aka roll intensity) As a 4 stripe white belt hoping for blue soon, I’m wondering how you all determine your roll intensity? I struggle between trying new technique vs practicing defense and letting lower white belts work. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: What do you like to keep in your fish tanks? I have a purple super cucumber, a midnight squid, and some seaweed in my small tank! Just bought a large one to hold more ☺️ Label: not moderated
Start servers still ongoing maintenance? I’ve been trying for the past hour to log on, but all it says is servers are ongoing maintenance. Can anyone else and get on?
[ 1400, 10848, 11734 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Any news on the server outage? Lucky me, I finally get some time to play and the servers are down! I can’t even get to load - anyone have any news for me? Or am I better off just waiting until tomorrow to start treasure hunting? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Been Queuing for 42 minutes so far…. Anyone else? Servers must be down? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: PSN Servers down? I'm on ps4 and there's an error message logging in. Anyone else going through this?? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Unfair Regional Chat ban About a month ago this dude cussed me out during an Eidolon hunt when he lost everything and I died. I didn’t retaliate, just reported and still got banned from regional chat today. Why does this happen Label: moderated Example-1: Post: /r/Hockey's top highlights for the week of August 29 - September 04 **Monday, August 29 - Sunday, September 04** ###Top Videos | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 2,489 | [69 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x5rs36/team_czechia_wins_bronze_for_the_first_time_ever/) | `[Video]` [Team Czechia wins bronze for the first time ever 🥉](| | 983 | [101 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x3b8fz/installing_painting_the_ice_detroit_red_wings/) | `[Video]` [Installing & painting the ice - Detroit Red Wings](| | 593 | [75 comments]( | `[Video]` [POV you’re at the game the LA Kings win their first Stanley Cup in franchise history👑🤩💜🖤](| | 344 | [148 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x3fao5/kovalev_lays_out_tucker_with_a_flying_elbow/) | `[Video]` [Kovalev lays out Tucker with a flying elbow](| | 333 | [15 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x5vhwy/annrenée_desbiens_makes_a_spectacular_save_to/) | `[Video]` [Ann-Renée Desbiens makes a spectacular save to keep it 2-1 in the third period.](| | 306 | [35 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x3f3re/competitive_hockey_is_back_on_the_menu_in_europe/) | `[Video]` [Competitive hockey is back on the menu in Europe – Champions Hockey League](| | 275 | [33 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x21swv/germany_scores_gamewinning_goal_at_the_literal/) | [Germany scores game-winning goal at the literal last second, relegating host team Denmark](| | 179 | [159 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x1nht8/nhl_23_gameplay_trailer/) | `[Video]` [NHL 23 Gameplay Trailer](| | 173 | [2 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x5yn9k/alih_tribute_and_a_moment_of_silence_for_minho/) | `[Video]` [[ALIH] Tribute and a moment of silence for Minho Cho, who passed away earlier this year at age 35, in the first game between a Japanese and Korean team in two and a half years](| | 127 | [8 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x5ukxz/brianne_jenner_scores_the_first_goal_of_the_gold/) | `[Video]` [Brianne Jenner scores the first goal of the gold medal game](| | 112 | [37 comments]( | `[Video]` [Corey Perry helps himself to Alex Semin’s stick](|   ###Other Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 6,793 | [287 comments]( | `[Image]` [Of all the crazy Gretzky stats, this might be the hardest to wrap my head around](| | 2,842 | [141 comments]( | `[Image]` [My favorite thrift shop find!](| | 2,754 | [95 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x5w67a/canada_defeats_us_to_capture_gold_at_womens/) | [Canada defeats U.S. to capture gold at women's hockey worlds](| | 2,429 | [487 comments]( | [[Szymon Szemberg] Swedish ice hockey association announced that Swedish players in the Russian KHL will not be eligible for selection to the 🇸🇪national team. "The decision sends a strong message to the hockey world as it's about our fundamental values," says association president Anders Larsson."](| | 2,136 | [687 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x4e73m/canucks_vancouver_canucks_general_manager_patrik/) | [[Canucks] Vancouver Canucks General Manager Patrik Allvin announced today that the club has agreed to terms with center J.T. Miller on a 7-year contract worth a total $56 million.](| | 2,071 | [581 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x2mfql/theathletic_leah_hextall_on_social_media_abuse/) | `[Paywall]` [[TheAthletic] Leah Hextall on social media abuse she received as ESPN broadcaster: "Vile. Sexist. Misogynistic. And threatening".](| | 1,887 | [313 comments]( | [[Buffalo Sabres] Black and red is BACK. 😤 Our third jersey drops this November.](| | 1,885 | [136 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x3alos/tsn_hilary_knight_becomes_the_alltime_leading/) | [[TSN] Hilary Knight becomes the all-time leading scorer at the IIHF Women's World Championship with 87 points](| | 1,878 | [496 comments]( | `[Image]` [What’s your favorite hockey picture that doesn’t include anyone actually playing hockey? I’ll start](| | 1,796 | [319 comments]( | `[Video]` [[Burke] PM Justin Trudeau says it’s "fairly clear that both the government and Canadians in general have lost confidence in the leadership at Hockey Canada. And the longer it takes for Hockey Canada to realize that, the more difficulties they’re going to face."](|   ###Top Comments | score | comment | |--|--| | 2,682 | /u/slabby said [Just to get this going: CRITICISM AND ABUSE ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Hextall deserves criticism. She does not deserve abuse. The subject at hand is ABUSE, not criticism.](/r/hockey/comments/x2mfql/theathletic_leah_hextall_on_social_media_abuse/imkd65s/?context=5) | | 1,211 | /u/TheDirtyBurger522 said [I say this every time these kind of threads pop up and I’ll stand by it. The officials/referees have not gotten significantly worse recently. It’s that we as a society have the technology at the drop...](/r/hockey/comments/x2c1ta/whats_your_wildly_unpopular_rhockey_take_that_you/imirun3/?context=5) | | 1,188 | /u/crazycanucks77 said [This is one guy Calgary can't steal from us for 7 years](/r/hockey/comments/x4e73m/canucks_vancouver_canucks_general_manager_patrik/imutg0o/?context=5) | | 1,177 | /u/Calhalen said [Not what you wanna hear from the owner of the team with 2 all star RFAs](/r/hockey/comments/x1tddf/strickland_stars_owner_tom_gaglardi_isnt_a_fan_of/imflo1b/?context=5) | | 1,132 | /u/Tniz15 said [Big commitment for a big year. Wow](/r/hockey/comments/x1wdyq/sabres_we_have_agreed_to_terms_with_forward_tage/img3nen/?context=5) |   ###Awarded Posts | score/comments | awards | title & link | |--|--|--| | [594 - 65 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x57t6q/34_days_until_opening_night/)| 1 Coin Gift | [34 Days until Opening Night](| | [177 - 21 comments](| 1 Silver | `[Image]` [[Town of South Bruce] South Bruce Peninsula is so excited to have had the opportunity to celebrate our hometown Hockey Hero and StanleyCup Champion Kurtis MacDermid.](| | [368 - 149 comments](/r/hockey/comments/x11in1/i_asked_an_ai_to_create_logos_based_on_nhl_teams/)| 1 I'll Drink to That | I asked an AI to create logos based on NHL teams... [Part 3 of 3]| | [1,651 - 347 comments](| 1 Helpful | [That 🦆 logo was 🔥](| | [20 - 1 comments](| 1 Silver | Tanja Eisenschmid, Splitting One Second, and Revenge Nine-Plus Months in the Making|   ###Awarded Comments | awards | score | comment | |--|--|--| | 1 Crying Marchand, 1 I don't like this, 1 Bettman | 900 | /u/twilz said [We're the same age. In the past few days he's signed this contract, and his wife just gave birth to their third child. I'm not wearing pants, and eating hashbrowns for dinner.](/r/hockey/comments/x4e73m/canucks_vancouver_canucks_general_manager_patrik/imuwp7c/?context=5) | | 1 Gold, 1 Eureka! | 555 | /u/YeetDabSkrrt said [Kane and Toews deserve hate for the Beach stuff. The fact they haven’t been ostracized from literally everything shows that hockey fans don’t care about rape Edit: I know it might be seen as a popula...](/r/hockey/comments/x2c1ta/whats_your_wildly_unpopular_rhockey_take_that_you/imilm9r/?context=5) | | 1 Silver, 1 Starry | 46 | /u/MinnePuffin said [As a woman who loves hockey and loves the hockey community on Reddit, a lot of these replies just suck, guys. This isn't about criticism, it's about death threats, rape threats, notes saying they coul...](/r/hockey/comments/x2mfql/theathletic_leah_hextall_on_social_media_abuse/imluy3h/?context=5) | | 1 Helpful | 78 | /u/Decoy-Jackal said [Based](/r/hockey/comments/x5x58x/the_official_champions_hockey_leagues_twitter/in3q3xu/?context=5) | | 1 Wholesome | 253 | /u/BL0ATL0RD said [Sean, please calm down](/r/hockey/comments/x0ehrr/bardown_sean_monahab_has_a_ring_to_it/im7x09i/?context=5) |   Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Deck ideas for the DABL format. As title says. My budget is 250€ ( 300 if I really have to push it a bit more ), I have the relevant staples ( handtraps, Droplets,, Triple Tactics, Accesscode, NOT prosperity though ), but everything seems so out of budget, and what's under the budget just isn't good in a competitive enviroment. What looks interesting to me: Spright Runicks Bystial I don't really like Tearlaments nor Floowandereeze. What I currently have: Mathmech, Salamangreat as my rogue decks Shiranui, Sylvan, Zombie Horde, Altergeist as lower tier decks Beetrooper as whatever mess it is because Konami won't give insects a boos monster. :) Label: moderated
not moderated
[QUESTION]: Watch with humidity sensor Does anyone know watch with hygrometer in it? i want a watch through with i can measure the humidity wherever i go but doesn't seem to find any models - Smartwatches or hybrid
[ 6872, 10600, 4845 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [pocket watch] Are there any digital pocket watches out there? I want to buy a pocket watch for my partner (wrist watches are not allowed in her hospital for sanitation reasons). I thought a simple google search would yield something but apparently these aren't all that common. It doesn't need to be high end, just semi reliable quartz is sufficient. Something like the Casio W800H I use for work. Any suggestions? Thanks. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: [HELP!] Budget watch that is also reliable? Hey there! I'm looking for a cheap yet reliable watch. I do understand I won't get best s\*it for s\*it price, but is there any watch that could be both kind of cheap and reliable? I need a watch because I'll re-join armed forces where time is something you REALLY have to have under control. So what could be some cool suggestions? I don't need anything fancy, just time :D I also found an example. What do you guys think of it? Link :[]( Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Question] Do you know of a screenless heart rate monitor that can go on bottom side of wrist and then have a mechanical watch on top side of wrist? Perhaps something like a NATO strap style. [Question] Do you know of a screenless heart rate monitor that can go on bottom side of wrist and then have a mechanical watch on top side of wrist? Perhaps something like a NATO strap style. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: After months of being depressed I finally gave it a shot again! Not perfect but enough to give me that umph! Thanks ladies 💗💗💗 Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Deimos Fishing bug I'm currently having a bug whenever I try fishing in Deimos when my infected fishing spears isn't Piercing the exocrine. Is this happening to y'all too and does DE know about this? There's also a bug where my come and fass residue always keeps evaporating instantly along with my fishing dye Label: moderated Example-2: Post: does anyone else just use one concealer for their whole base makeup? For a while now I've been using just one fuller coverage concealer for my whole face! I was wondering if anyone else did the same :-) Basically I realised that I wanted very sheer makeup on some parts of my skin ( my moustache, marionette line area and under my bangs ) , light on most of my skin , medium to cover some occasional redness and visible spider veins I have on my outer face and full coverage for pimples, scars and my under eye circles. I was using a buildable skin tint for my face and then going in with a concealer but I was finding that the skin tint didn't really stay medium coverage so I was just using lots of concealer anyway. So I started just putting concealer where I wanted it, sheering it out over my face with a brush and going back in with a concealer brush to spot conceal. It feels very Intuitive to me to use something that's more pigmented but just manipulate it into the way I want in terms of base makeup! It also eliminates the annoying difference in shades between foundation and concealers that is a pet peeve of mine. I never liked how just spot concealing looked on my face either so I feel like I've been liberated since doing this method and I just wanna talk about it with other people haha Label: not moderated
not moderated
Best website for height + weight? Quick question, what is the recommended website/app for players' height and weights? Some websites are outdated or just incorrect, just wondering which one is the most reliable or what people trust. Capfriendly? Eliteprospects? []( Thanks for the help
[ 9756, 401, 9882 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Average height and weight for all 32 NHL teams Good read about size and weight. Great graphics too. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I’m looking for equipment advice. Getting back into hockey and I’m shocked at how expensive everything is. Looking for a reputable site where I can get decent prices or gently used stuff. I haven’t played much in 10 years and my gear is unusable. Haven’t had to buy equipment since I was 20; so it’s been 20 years and I’m clueless. Pure hockey and hockey monkey are ludicrous. Thanks in advance. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Where the media can I learn about Weight Training Where the media can I learn about Weight Training exercise guidelines information, Where can I find it? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: My genny mole rats died because I forgot to feed them. JUST KIDDING! I can imagine everyone panicking because they didn't know that you had to do that. It would be hilarious/annoying if we had to keep feeding our generators, or could get more power by feeding them certain foods. Missed opportunity from Beth. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: A survey about gamers and cybersecurity habits Hey everyone, I’m a graduate student at The Pennsylvania State University conducting a study about cybersecurity habits and gamers. If you have 5-10 spare minutes and wouldn’t mind filling out a quick survey, I would really appreciate it! The survey is voluntary, and all responses are anonymous. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me or email []( Thanks! Survey Link:[\_8rfowy9gzru2Kua]( Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Pre War Food Recipe Ideas Update is taking longer than expected for me so as I am staring at the download bar slowly inching forward I brainstormed some recipes that utilize all the pre war food I hate picking up by accident. Feel free to add to it. Mac's Famous Mac and Cheese: -Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese -Mongrel Dog Meat Soylent Green -Vegetarian Ham -Glowing Meat American Pie -Fancy Lady Snack Cakes -Dandy Boy Apples -Excess Adhesive Slurm Soda -Cotton Candy Bites -Tarberry Juice -Raw Fertilizer Krabby Patty -Imitation Seafood -Razorgrain -Brahmin Milk -Tato -Squirrel Meat My Germs Taters -Mashed Potato -Toxic Goo Trying Times Egg -Yum Yum Deviled Eggs -Bloodbag Label: not moderated
20 days sick before half Marathon, what should I do? Hey, guys! I was training for the past months for an half marathon, it will be on the 18th of September. But, I was sick for 20 days and now I feel like I’m nowhere near what I was before. I was running 15+ km at a 5:00/km pace with my heart rate at 155, but now, with a little run my heart rate is all over. Should I do the half marathon anyway? At a slow pace, maybe? Or should I just skip it and do another later this year? Thank you in advance
[ 4457, 10106, 7693 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Getting sick in during a training plan Hi all, Just keen to hear your thoughts and what you would do in my shoes. I’ve been doing the 14 week NRC Half Marathon plan. with 5 weeks to go now (race is Oct 2nd). Before the training, I could maybe run 5km without stopping but I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the program and my progress (eg I can easily run 12-16km with no worries, mental health has improved etc). Long story short is that I can’t see myself without running in my life! Anyway, last Sunday I was meant to do a 16km run as the last day of that week, followed by a easy 15 min recovery run today as the first day of this week. However I’ve become ill with a standard head cold/sore throat so I didn’t run those days and know I need to rest. My question is, once I’m “good” (tbh it’ll be tomorrow or Wednesday) should I just pick up on whatever run is for that day? Should I just take this week easy with recovery runs (no speed runs etc), and kick into gear next week? I’m very much in tune with “listening to my body” but just keen to hear different opinions. There’s a small part of me that is annoyed that some of the weeks will be marked “incomplete” on the app 😂 Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Marathon in 5 weeks... Should I cancel? On 1 October 2022, I am supposed to run a marathon. It will be my second marathon ever. Spur of the moment thing. The reason I am in doubt? My first marathon went great, I ran it in 3:34:xx which I was really proud of. I prepared myself immensely for that marathon though, as in, I ran 50-90 km per week. I was as prepared as I could be. I ran that marathon on 10 April 2022. Since that marathon, I ran an average of 30-40 km per week. I did do a long trail run about 5 weeks ago of 34km. But other than that one, my longest run was 20km. I am still only running roughly 30-50km per week. It's also not a marathon training plan, in fact, it is a very simple maintenance plan. I am not looking to PR. I am running it with my brother in law, who is aiming for a 4 hour finish. I will probably try to stick with him. So my question is, should I run, or is it safer to cancel? I don't want to injure myself. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Any tips to run fast while sick at a important meet? I came down with a cold/sinus two days before a qualifing meet for an important event. I just tanked my last event (200) running 1 1/2 seconds slower than I usually do. I still have a hundred later today, so any tips to help me get through with a decent time would be great. Preferably something I can do at the track. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: where do i get the water cooler? Hello there, so I have really wanted to vintage water cooler plan but I have no idea where to get it! I looked it up before and I thought you could get it during Halloween events but I'm not 100% sure. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Getting hair to stick up like an afro I have a jawline-length undercut mixed 3a/3b/3c (majority 3b) that generally doesnt rise up too much. I want it to look like img1 (scroll down) or img2 but my hair won't go up as much. Unless I use a really bad shampoo and conditioner i have that dries my hair out, i cant get my curls anywhere near those i linked. Does anyone know a way/products that can help me achieve this look? img1 -> img2 -> my hair -> Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: exercises to improve bone density I recently got a dexa scan done and my Z-score is -1.1 (36F). This has me worried about my future bone health. I have been exercising since college and doing heavy weights the past 4 years but the trainer who did my scan said high impact exercises are the best for stimulating bone health. Am I too old to improve at this point? What exercises can I do to at least maintain my current bone density? I've started doing box jumps and jumping rope but hoping you all have other ideas for variety or exercises that might be even better. Thank you! Label: moderated
Smash Ultimate Online, TONS of issues I dont understand how theres not a single post saying how instead of short hop nair doesnt work online, only a jab comes out. And I'm not gonna mention the huge delay because that's known
[ 10450, 2302, 9173 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Is smash ultimate worth it? Is smash ultimate worth it in 2022? I really like fighting games competitively. I tried melee but found the replay value low. Should i get smash ultimate? How is the online? I have heard that it isen't as competitive as melee because of the buffer. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Ludwig Smash Invitational - Group B - PAR | Kurama vs GW | zackray --- #[Watch Live]( --- #Group B **Pedro "Kurama" Alonso** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+Paragon+gaming+website) ***vs*** **Sota "Zackray" Okada** // [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+GameWith+gaming+website) [Mario](#U-Mario) Kurama | | 0 - 0 | | Zackray [Joker](#U-Joker)[ROB](#U-ROB) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* --- Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Smash Ultimate Summit 5 - Pool C - Solary | Glujtonny vs. InC | Jahzz0 #[Watch Live]( #Pool C **William "Glutonny" Belaïd** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+Solary+gaming+website) ***vs*** **Christian "Jahzz0" Ramsay** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+InControl+gaming+website) [Wario](#U-Wario) Glutonny | | 0 - 0 | | Jahzz0 [Ken](#U-Ken) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Can you use cards in Japanese or Korean in TCG? Like probably at least at tournaments al the cards near to be readable for the judge, ye? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: NEW: Looking for advice and key tips As the title suggest, i havent played since release, and started over on my xbox (easier to play with lil one) ive been playing about an hour a day level 15 now. Just looking for some tips or tricks in the game either general or things you wished someone would of told you as you played.! So glad i got back into fallout universe logged 500 hours of new vegas when it first came out. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: What would be the best gun for me, an airsoft beginner As the title says, I am trying to get into airsoft and would like to purchase a gun. I was just wondering what would be a good first gun for me. Label: not moderated
How "strong" is D HERO Plasma? So i just played a duel in YGO PRO TDOANE with HEROs against a mathmech deck and i summoned Plasma. After some back and forth the enemy summoned Geomathmech Final Sigma who has an "Unaffected by cards" effect. Despite this his effects were still negated. Is this a bug in the game or why is Final Sigma negated by Plasma? Shouldn't he be, well, unaffected by Plasma?
[ 6144, 6205, 7780 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Xtra HERO Cross Crusader to target Destiny Hero Plasma I'm a little curious as to whether or not the following summon loop is possible using the effect of Xtra HERO Cross Crusader or not. *Activate V-Hero Faris* *Put Increase in Spell/Trap Zone* *Activate Increase & Tribute Faris to summon* *Increase from S/T Zone* *Special Summon Vyon due to Increase* *Activate Vyon's effect* *Send Plasma to GY* *Link in Xtra HERO Cross Crusader using 2 other heroes* *Cross Crusader effect activates on Link Summon* Effect reads: ***If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 "Destiny HERO" Monster in your GY; Special Summon it.*** Is Plasma targetable by the effect of Cross Crusader and thus I can Special summon from the GY without having to tribute 3 monsters or is it not targetable? Apologies for the length of this but I am curious as to whether or not this is possible to pull off, or is it considered a bit of an 'illegal' move. TL:DR, Is it possible to target Destiny HERO Plasma from the GY using Xtra HERO Cross Crusader? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: HERO deck updates I haven't been following Yugioh for a while now and have been looking at how HERO decks have changed over the past 1 - 2 years. I've probably missed a great deal of discussions on card choices, since deck profiles don't even mention why they are cutting certain cards any more. --- > {Destiny HERO Celestial} > {Destiny HERO Dynatag} These cards have vanished from every main deck I've seen, even though they run both D-HERO Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer as well as {D-HERO Dystopia} in the extra deck, sometimes even {D-HERO Dangerous}. I find this weird because with two Malicious, one Denier, one Plasma and one Dark Angel, you don't have enough targets to use Fusion Destiny more than once, since only Malicious / Denier want to be put in the graveyard, while you'd rather have the other ones in your hand. Also, why is D-HERO Dystopia being run without Dynatag and Xtra HERO Dread Decimator? How do they boost his attack to make use if his effects? --- > {Evil HERO Adjusted Gold} > {Dark Calling} > {Evil HERO Malicious Bane} > {Vision HERO Trinity} > {Xtra HERO Dread Decimator} Why did these fall out of favor? They seem great to push for game in one turn after locking down the game in turn one with Plasma or Dark Angel. > {Xtra HERO Wonder Driver} I remember this being a staple for certain combos, but now the only Link HERO being run is Cross Crusader. --- > {E - Emergency Call} It can search out Stratos, Liquid Soldier, Shadow Mist and Solid Soldier. Why doesn't anyone run it any more? --- > 3x {Vision HERO Vyon} Over one year ago, people started to run Vyon as a 3-of. It's now back to being a 2-of - any specific reason why? --- > {Elemental HERO Great Tornado} Why is this card suddenly being run? Just as a target for Super Polymerization? --- > {Destiny HERO Plasma} vs {Destiny HERO Dark Angel} When should I go for one vs the other? From my testing, all combos can either end in DPE + Plasma or DPE (defense) + Dark Angel. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Does anyone know what would be stronger against bosses between these two legendary effects or where to point me to work it out? It's between these two rolls: Anti armour 50 crit damage plasma caster Bloodied 50 crit damage plasma caster I've been rolling for for the bloodied version with no luck and just got the anti armour one drop from an ally quest. I don't know if it's worth carrying on rolling to get the bloodied version if the anti armour would be stronger against bosses. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: what are some other end game events you hope CA adds? I for one have been loving the end game events, so far have had to deal with the Dawi grudgin and the Wild Hunt in my campaigns and they were a blast! It got me thinking though what other factions could get events and what the story would be. I personally hope to see them add a Dark Elf one where they set out to enslave everyone else, spawns a few black arks and a buncha armies and they basically try and establish a huge slave empire. One with the Lizardmen where they basically get told to exterminate everyone else would be cool Lastly I'd love for there to be a Beastmen one, maybe like a blood moon type situation where they just go ballistic Any other ideas? Honestly I feel the sky is the limit with the potential for the end game events Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Need Help! No energy/motivation. 210-152 Pounds, 152-142 Pounds Hello everyone I want to give some backstory on my body real quick. I'm 19 right now and in May of 2022 I weighed around 210 pounds. From 2020-May of 2022 I weighed in at 208-233 pounds depending on how much I didn't work out/ ate even more excessively. At the start of May I was scheduled for a Surgery and it was in the middle of June so I started to not eat as much. From that May- Surgery I went from around 210 pound to about 194 and I was still actively working out when I didn't work. From the Surgery to now (June 15ish to Oct 18) I'm currently 152 pounds but since the surgery I haven't worked out really at all. (Besides literally the curl bar I have at home and bodyweight workouts but even then I workout around 30 minutes now when I used to be able to get a two hour leg day workout in and be ready for school the next day no issue) I went through extreme not eating methods and went multiple days in a row without eating. It was getting to a point where I was worried I was going to die because an example is one week in early August the calorie pie chart was something like this, Monday: 300 Calories Tuesday: 0 calories Wednesday: 700 calories Thursday: 0 calories Friday: O calories Saturday: 0 calories Sunday: 1500 calories. I was worried I was going to die because like on this extreme week of not eating because on Sunday I had realized that I hadn't eaten a single bite of anything the last three days and prior to that little calories but my stomach didn't hurt in the slightest. (When before this I would wake up with severe stomach pains if I went days without eating) During these days I would drink a shit ton of water as I live right across from a Safeway so I buy the 32 pack of refreshe bottled water for like $4.30. So around 8 16.9 OZ bottles a day I was going through but it calmed the stomach pains and sort of tricked my stomach out into thinking it was getting full and even still I drink a crap ton of water just not as much (around 5-6 bottles now.) But the point is I haven't eaten much in the 4 months since my surgery and a monthish prior to my surgery and I understand I've lost a significant amount of muscle (I was more of a fatty than a power fatty but I still pretty strong. Think at around 220 my max bench was 275, squat was 375, and deadlift was 435.) Now however I have little to no strength to workout even though I'm now eating more (still like 1000-2000 calories depending on if I work or not). I got very sick around February of 2022 and I think it was COVID as Im almost certain I've lost my taste buds which is why I've been not eating as much as everything either tastes disgusting (like actual bile in my mouth) or like nothing/plain.(And yes although I'm white I do season my food when I cook and I've gone out to eat at both fast food joints and good restaurants and they all still taste that way so it's not like I just really suck at cooking or something)I still stretch extensively everyday as I work 4x10 at Amz but even on my off days I no longer have the motivation or strength to workout. (Even on the days I eat more or I feel more energetic as soon as I hit around the 30 minute mark I'm spent) I'm going to go to a doctor soon to get my blood work done as it's probably wack so when I get that done I'll take plenty of pictures. Any advice on calorie dense food I can force down for more calories? Do Liquid IVs work and would they possibly help me? The best bang for my buck energy conserving exercises? Any help is appreciated as I'm trying to get to 142 the right way with working out and actually eating protein but I've been stuck at 152-155. (Rn I'm skinny looking with some muscle in my arms, chest and legs but my stomach is a little chubby and I did one of those Body Weight Percentage calculators and I was about middle 19% at 159 when I did it.) Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: How do I fix not being able to come out of invisibility I recently downloaded a mod called “Psyker 2.0” which gives your characters psychic abilities but the only ability I have had problem with so far is the invisibility power because my character cannot leave it. So I finally had to go in and delete the mod for my character to go back to normal but every time I squat my character goes back into invisibility and visually never leaves it how do I fix it Label: not moderated
not moderated
What is the best budget WW2 Army Ranger replica? I cant find anything anywhere please help.
[ 5152, 11954, 1764 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: gear? I cant find any military outifts that arebt $30 or $150 i just want somwthing in between, around 75 usd per piece, any reconmendations? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: What’s a good replica eotech (provide link) Budget $100 Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Would you buy a ww2 Japanese type 100 sub machine gun replica? Assuming that they were on the market. Probably by Northeast or S&T. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Philosophy and history of Jiu Jitsu. Hello guys, I am a kickboxing coach, but I am fresh in bjj. I just started a week ago and I am in love with it. I am looking for resources such as books or links about the origins of the art (both in Japan and then Brazil) the philosophical/spiritual principles of Jiu Jitsu. Do you have any goodies? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Fitness Newbie - Advice appreciated! I'm a newbie(5'11", 191lb, male, skinny-fat), I'm cutting weight right now. Between workouts, I do 3mins of 15 incline, 3mph speed to get 3 mins of rest between workouts and some cardio, then after the entire day routine is done, I do 20mins of cardio. PPL, no rest days. I figure 2 days of rest per is just fine and I plan to continue this same workout regimen going into my bulk after I hit my cut goal. I start at my max weight for as many of the 5 reps as I can, and I lower weight to finish the sets if necessary, then I raise the weight and rinse/repeat until 5 set completion. I love the gym and I have plenty of time to burn during the morning/daytime. == Any and ALL advice appreciated. == This is my routine: **PULL** 5x5 Deadlifts. 5x5 Dumbbell Rows/5x5 Barbell Rows 5x10 Pulldowns 5x15 Face-pulls 5x10 Hammer Curls 5x10 Dumbbell Curls. **PUSH** 5x5 Bench Press 5x5 Shoulder Press 5x10 Incline Bench 5x10 Machine Fly 5x10 Machine Shoulder Press 5x10 Shrugs 5x10 Lat Raises 5x10 Dips 5x10 Skull-crushers 5x10 Machine Tricep Extensions **LEGS** 5x5 Squat 5x5 Leg Press 5x10 Leg Extensions 5x10 Leg Curls 5x15 Calf Raises 5x15 Calf Press Label: moderated Example-2: Post: yugioh gx episode Trying to remember a gx episode. I think it was Chazz but someone activated a card that revealed their own hand to their opponent. Label: moderated
not moderated
Just had my first class today! Got absolutely destroyed obviously (if I didn’t I should probably find another gym). Rolled a bit with the head coach and man, it was like scratching the balls on a sleeping tiger, I even told him at one point like “you’re not using even 1% of your knowledge are you?” He laughed in my face. I’m hooked.
[ 2132, 4648, 9577 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: took my first class I took my first class today and it wasn't that bad. I was nervous but not too nervous. I did zoom out a little because of my ADHD. The people were friendly and worked with me. I definitely plan on coming back. When I walked into the door they instantly recognized me as the person that walked in last week asking for a schedule. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: First day of IT today...Hell week tornado with burpees. It was very tough, but my wife and I did it. And we signed up. I think I'm really going to like this! Incredibly friendly people from the front desk to the the coach to the other members. They told us if we could do today then we can do any workout there and that was inspiring / reassuring. Looking forward to the journey and to being a part of this sub! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: First for me A young woman was eating a cliff bar on the treadmill next to me at class today. 😂 Coach didn’t say anything. Kind of bizarre. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How to support a friend who is injured? Hi everyone, just looking for some advice. I have a friend that I had been training with all summer, but he recently got injured to the point where he can’t run or bike which are the two things he loves most. I’ve had some pretty awful experiences in the past where I’ve been dropped by my friends as soon as I’ve gotten injured and couldn’t do the activity anymore and I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to him. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for how I can best support him during this time? Thanks! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Strength exercises to help with back pain from large-ish chest? To make a long story short, I’m a 32h and my back HURTS. It feels like my spine is splintering sometimes. If I don’t wear a bra for a few hours the pain will start to set in. I’m trying to find bras that actually fit/compress to help lessen the pain, but I was wondering if there’s any beginner friendly exercises to help strengthen my back/shoulder muscles so that I can go without a bra longer? I’m also trying to work on my posture. Does anyone have any advice or opinions? I’m also slightly afraid of barbells. Also, does anyone have good sport bra recommendations that are for smaller bands/bigger cup sizes? I feel like most sport bras are either too large in the band and don’t actually support my chest or if the band fits, the cups are too small. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Styanax Rally Point Bug - Canceling/dropping at random. Not seen any posts on here or the forums so wanted to see if others are having the same issue and shine some light on it. It seems that Styanax's 3, his rally point, can drop/cancel at random. It seems to happen mainly while in public play and have had multiple people mention it's dropping for them too while leveling. Maybe there is some strange interaction's with multiple sty's using it at once? It seems to be worse after the most recent hotfix too. Would love to hear and know if anyone else is having this issue and if anyone knows what could be causing it! Label: moderated
Diary reward hot takes? Hot or cold, your opinion, dont be scared of downvotes, i start. Morytania hard diary, blisterwood interrupt rate goes to 1/15, elite goes to 1/30. lumbridge elite diary / kourend / diary cape, skips 1 clue step a day, doesnt complete it, just skips it and gives you new one. remove all diary requirements from agility shortcuts, doesnt make any sense, not related to eachother in anyway imo. non diary: make mining like wc and fishing, multiple things from same object.
[ 8676, 1529, 5588 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Drop the rank theming. Just drop it, there is no reason to give us 8 dogshit items, one of which may look good when the sun hits it at just the right angle, every season. Make 8 individual, cool rewards. Silver and above gets a cool goal explosion, gold and above gets an animated decal, etc.. Much better, complaints about season rewards will diminish. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Help with chaos lightsworn deck I want to be competitive at at least a local level here is what I got so far for a deck list Monsters x33 2 Visas Starfrost 1 White Dragon Wyverburster 3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 2 The Chaos Creator 3 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn 1 Rokket Recharger 2 Rokket Tracer 1 Orbital Hydralander 1 Performage Trick Clown 1 Plaguespreader Zombie 3 Judgment Dragon 1 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 1 Fairy Tail - Snow 2 Felis, Lightsworn Archer 3 Chaos Valkyria 1 Chaos Dragon Levianeer 1 Chaos Nephthys 1 Absorouter Dragon 1 Archlord Kristya 1 Artifact Scythe 1 Black Dragon Collapserpent Spell x13 3 Chaos Space 3 Charge of the Light Brigade 1 Boot Sector Launch 3 Quick Launch 3 Solar Recharge Extra deck x15 1 Black Rose Dragon 1 Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon 1 Crystron Halqifibrax 1 Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion 1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity 1 Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn 1 Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn 1 Ruddy Rose Dragon 1 Striker Dragon 1 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying 1 T.G. Wonder Magician 1 The Zombie Vampire 1 formula synchron 1 apollousa, bow of the goddess Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Can anyone provide some critique or advice on my Mathmech deck-list - worried about the Bysteed Cards coming in 3 weeks. Here is the list: Main Deck: 3x Circular 3x Addition 3x Ash Blossom 2x Superfactorial 2x Ghost Belle 1x Called by the Grave 3x Subtraction 3x Diameter 3x Cynet mining 2x Parallel Exceed 2x Small World 1x Archfiend Eccentric 2x Rock Boi - Nibiru 1x Nabla 2x Sigma 1x Equation 2x Pot of Desires 1x Veiler 2x Imperm 1x Multiplication 2x Crosswipe Side Deck: 2x Droll & Lock 2x Flame Kaiju Boi - Dogoran 3x Dark Ruler 2x Rivalry of Warlords 1x Harpie Feather Duster 1x Mathmec Induction 1x Skull Meister 3x Cosmic Cyclone Extra Deck: 1x Final Sugma 2x Alembertian 2x Laplacian 1x Link Disciple 1x Link Devotee 1x Linguriboh 1x Update Jammer 1x Cyberse Wicckid 1x Splash Mage 1x I:P Masquerena 1x Transcode Talker 1x Knightmare Unicorn 1x Accesscode Talker Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Give your all Motivate thyself Label: moderated Example-1: Post: What if I nut once a week "According to some research, retaining sperm can boost testosterone levels by up to 45 percent in just a week. However, it returned to normal within a few days. Higher testosterone levels are associated with increased energy." Google answer but curious if I dont nut for a week and repeat cycle. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Request for Stardew Valley Hi! My name is Ivan and I am 15 year old boy who lives in Bulgaria. I can't afford the game by myself because I have money just to push off the week. And plus that the game prices here are in euro. 2levs=1euro. Can someone please gift me the game? I want to play it soo much. Thanks in advance! Label: moderated
not moderated
[SW220-1] my watch suddenly started running way too fast I Have a BMW branded watch with **SW220-1** (day/date) movements. As of this morning it started running really fast, about 5 minutes per hour. Any idea what can cause such a malfunction?
[ 8848, 7076, 595 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [Seiko King Samurai] runs too fast? My brand new Seiko King Samurai is running 24 seconds/day fast compared to my gshock square solar multiband. I am disappointed because my much cheaper Seiko 5 only runs 4 seconds a day fast. Should I just get over it? 24 seconds/day seems a bit much to me but maybe that's just how it goes with automatic watches. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: [Question] Seconds hand runs after crown pulled out to hacking position. As the title states, I have a watch that when hacked the seconds hand continues to run around 5-7 seconds before coming to rest. The watch is brand new and keeping extremely good time so I would hate to have to send it back but, if it’s defective I will. For more context, the movement is a SOPROD Newton Top Flight. When I hack the movement to precisely set the time at 0 seconds or 12 o clock it will continue to tick until the 5 seconds mark. Oddly, at fifteen seconds or 3 o clock, when hacked it stops dead. That however, is the only place on the clock that it will stop immediately. I’m no watchmaker, I’m just an enthusiast and have surface level knowledge of movements and their parts. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Identify][Seiko] Father's Watch - Need more information Recently came back home from a vacation in my home country. I recently got into watches and I remembered my dad owning a Seiko watch. I vaguely remember him using it when I was a kid (90s) so I don't really know much about this model. The back says 6306-7000 but when I google it, the results yield a different looking watch. The hour markers in the results are circular compared to the rectangular ones on this one. Would love to get more information on this watch so I can learn more about it before I take it to a repair shop. This watch has not been working for years now so I'm not even sure if this can be repaired lol. Any information is much appreciate. Thanks. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Reiss Gable-epsom Overcoat in Navy ($442 -> $120) $565 elsewhere too Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Any nutrition podcasts without the fluff? I’m studying nutrition, I’ve got an exam coming up and I’m trying to cram while I’m at work. Does anyone have any nutrition podcasts that will simply give me facts about nutrients, sources, DRVs etc. without the host going on tangents about ageing, obesity, etc. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Im stuck in space new war I'm very close to finishing the new war questsline at least that's what I thought until I got stuck in space outside the final Arcon fight. I play on ps5 and if anyone knows a solution please help me Label: moderated
Next month? With Marathon month coming to an end, what’s the next challenge coming our way?
[ 7505, 7634, 4018 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: September Monthly Updates & Check In Thread Let everyone know how your month turned out! Feel free to discuss your racing, training, and any other stats that you may or may not be pleased with, as well as any goals you have planned for the next months. Here are a few discussion point ideas: * Miles this month/mileage goal for the year? * Goals for the year? * Set any PR's or PB's? * Dealing with any injuries? * Learn anything this month regarding your training/running? * Got any plans for a race, time trial, or FKT? * What was your favorite run this month? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Was looking for a reason to not do the 23min RFD but the Marathon Month gods intervened 😂 I was half-heartedly looking for a reason to skip class tomorrow and was hoping my distance today would be enough to complete the full marathon, but didn’t actually push myself to make sure I got enough distance. Definitely would have skipped tomorrow if I completed MM but I’m at 26.19, so looks like I’m going 😂 Label: moderated Example-2: Post: To run or not to run signed up to my first half marathon in October for charity. Training was going well, but the last month and a half I fell very unwell with covid and also had a serious mental health crisis and have been completely unable to train. There are 6 weeks left until the race - I am not convinced that it’s enough time for me to safely train for it. I could pull out and register for a different event next year (there is one in April), giving myself more time, or I could throw myself into training for the next 6 weeks and risk it? But that doesn’t seem particularly sensible and I don’t want to get injured. I feel very guilty about pulling out and want to make sure I honour the donations by finishing a half one way or another. I guess I’d like to know what you would do in this situation? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I finking to build a swort soul tenyi deck Hello I’m finking to build a sword soul tenyi deck I really like the deck Typ and I how mutch it cost it to build of better to wait becouse of Banlist Label: moderated Example-1: Post: A Total War Saga: Westeros. What do you guys think? It'd be cool recreate the wars of George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: People really tell me that this riven is trash :( I got myself a Bunonico riven. As far as i know, the primary fire scales of Crits and the AOE of status. So i rolled for these stats and got: 58% crit Chance 66% Crit damage 67% Status Chance -23% Damage to corpus. Now people telling me that its trash because stat chance is useless and the other stats are to low. Which took alot of my excitement over what i thought to be my first ever godroll :( Whats your opinion reddit? Label: not moderated
Truman Boots Construction Recently saw this [Dimar Shoe Repair Video]( on Youtube, where he resoles a Truman Java Waxed Flesh boot. He discovers a fiberglass shank, which is okay I think, but also that instead of cork filling inside the welt area, they use foam. I always thought that part of the allure of the PCN style heritage boots was that there were no synthetics, and that cork was the preferred material between the midsole and insole. Curious as to other boot lover's opinions about it.
[ 9894, 11898, 6728 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Thursday Captains....what am I missing Hello everyone, long time lurker here, I quite enjoy this subreddit and all the knowledge. This is my first official post in the subreddit, please go easy on me. I have been a fan of quality boots for a few years now and there is some great content here and advice which I have come to value very much. This post may stir the pot a little and that is definitely not my intention, what I am hoping for are some opinions and different points of view from people who know quality footwear. As almost all of you know the internet is flooded with high praise for the Thursday Captain boot, including this subreddit. I have always been hesitant to purchase them but finally pulled the trigger after years of debating and they have arrived today in the brandy color. Upon opening the box and inspecting the boot, I could feel the weight and quality of the boot and construction. However as much as I wanted to love them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of being underwhelmed and disappointed in the overall look of the boot, specifically the leather and finish. It almost looks like fake leather to me from some angles even though I know it isn't. I immediately went to my closet and pulled out several other pairs of different brands to compare the look and feel. As I did this I became even more disappointed. Now I do realize that to each their own and that everyone has different opinions and styles they like best. What I am wondering is if anyone else here has ever felt the Captain boot looks kind of cheap or "plastic like" in the finish? I know for some this won't matter and it may just be a work boot, but I am trying to gauge that whole "Is it just me" question in my mind. In your opinions, is it just me or do these look cheap when placed by a masterpiece like the Taft Dragons? For me the Dragon's just look so much nicer and authentic. Perhaps it's just an overall preference of roughout leather vs smooth leather in my mind, but I can't quite put my finger on it. What am I missing? I am debating sending them back. Any and all comments or opinions welcomed and respected :-) Cheers! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Rough sand on Thursday boots ​ [Rough]( I recently got my first pair of goodyear welted boots/shoes from Thursdays. The first thing I noticed when pulling them out of the box was how rough the sanding was on the heel stack. As well as the curve of the heels being slightly different on each boot. Is this normal for a pair of Thursdays? Or is it outside their quality control and worth sending back? If normal, I may have to get my disc sander out to smooth these heels. Not a big fan of how rough they look. Also, they are the "Made in the US" Vanguards in waxed cacao leather. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: 37 Year Review: John Lobb (Bespoke) Inlock Shoes I hope some of you would enjoy a review of these. This is one of a few pairs of John Lobb shoes and boots I had made in the 1984-1986 timeframe. It is also one of the most favored shoes out of my collection and probably the most favorite pair of dress shoes I’ve ever owned. These were fashioned from a last that Lobb built for me the size of which would be something around a U.S. 11 ¼ in a B width with an A heel. The shoe is made with a short throat that is approximately 35mm wide and 30mm deep, containing a strip of elastic on the instep that fills the cutout. The cutout is covered by the two interlocked straps that are left unattached to the vamps at the tops and fronts, which move and flex with the elastic throat. The shoes are very lightweight at 12.9 oz. each. The single oak bark soles are 7mm thick. They were originally made with full leather heels (which I’ve learned are downright dangerous) which I had replaced with combination heels by Yohan Seror of Geneva when I was over there on business a few years ago. Yohan (who has completed the French ‘Compagnons du Devoir’ apprenticeship) is a magnificent shoemaker. The shoe trees are custom-made in a three-piece hardwood construction. Basically, a copy of the lasts cut up into a few pieces with locking pieces as handles. Sleek, elegant, and unique. I don’t wear black shoes much (other than with formal wear or to funerals) so this is the epitome of the perfect dress shoe for my purposes. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Pot of Greed real life effect? I like to believe that Pegasus adapted the effects of the spells to be used in the card game. So he found the spell "Pot of Greed" and saw that the spell could be used to give the caster a certain amount of money/gold. Adapted the effect to be used in the game to draw 2 cards. So... How much money would Pot of Greed give if you used it today? $2? $20? 200? 2,000? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: How not to lose my *chest* while building my chest I (24F) have been working on building more muscle, especially in my upper body and am noticing results! But with more definition in my chest, I have noticed my breasts have begun to shrink in size a bit. I don’t know if I’ve hit my second puberty cycle (similar the first puberty but happens in our mid-to-late twenties) but I would like to keep building my chest, keeping my breasts the same, and avoiding cosmetic procedures to do so. Any thoughts? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Please help me pick between the Chanel No. 1 foundation and the Shiseido Radiant Lifting foundation. Hi everyone! I’ve been confused between the two foundations for quite some time now and I can’t bite bullet on either. I prefer a glowly, natural looking, and well-wearing foundation. I do have a bit of PIE but nothing too crazy that I’m worried about covering up. I hate cakey makeup more than anything! Please suggest which one to get. Label: not moderated
not moderated
slime raising? I got really lucky in the mines and it the end of year pretty munch. So I have only one bar. Would if be worth or to get the slime hut?
[ 6746, 7100, 11850 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How rare is it to get 2 Prismatic shards from one slime? So I was playing stardew valley with my dad, we were in the skull caverns and a purple slime dropped 2 prismatic shards when we killed it. And I know the drop rate is 0.05%. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: What is a slime hutch? I just bought one in my save and just realised that I don’t know why… Can anyone enlighten me? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: TIL: there's a limit to the number of slimes in the slime hutch. I waited like a year for my tiger slime egg to hatch and was like "huh I guess they just take a while" Yeah. Whoops. It's a max of 20 slimes fyi. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Black Screen After Clicking Play in Launcher After clicking play in the launcher, EU4 pops up in fullscreen but it's just a black screen with the EU4 cursor and music. I've followed the instructions from this post ([\_to\_fix\_problemscrashes\_when\_starting\_eu4/]( but it's still black screening. I've looked in the settings .txt file and the refresh rate is normal and I'm launching it borderless. It started when I subscribed to the x10 mod and still happens when I'm not running it. Anyone know how to help? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Getting banned cuz leaving 1s??? So I played a 1s game after a view weeks break and I left it. Since when do you get banned for 5min for leaving a 1s game? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: PA and fusion cores Now that we have a fusion core recharger us plasma caster users would love to option to place empty cores in inventory rather then being dropped. Or swap active core without having to exit PA. QOL update please Label: not moderated
How do you fix Nebraska? Frost has left his alma matter an absolute dumpster fire. I’m not asking for names but how does anyone go there and turn that team into winners?
[ 10564, 458, 2369 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Dismal Nebraska Scott Frost was not the right guy and that is clear. Nebraska looking like they may want to recall bo pelini at this point . How many wins does the Nebraska football team need to achieve success at this point. They appear to have been hung up on trying to be a blue blood when they canned pelini years ago. Maybe settling for a 9-3 season should be the new successful as the devaney and Osborne days are long gone. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Nebraska blows another one score game. Sun rises again in the east, death, taxes and Nebraska blowing close games under Scott Frost. Let's all just get it over with. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Why isn’t Scott frost not fired yet I’m not a Nebraska fan at all but I feel bad for them I’m watching this and they are winning 28-24 to a team that wins like 3 games every year. He is 15-29 with them that record alone should have him fired. He has had time to build Nebraska to atleast be bowl eligible and he can’t even do that his best season in 4 years is 5-7 ! Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Please help, what do I wear to a wedding as a guest and a rehearsal dinner I 24f am attending my first wedding as an adult. I was invited with the invite addressed to be from the couple and my partner is a groomsmen (26f). This is my first wedding I'm attending. I have no idea what the heck to wear. Here's a picture of the dress I have: Is this good to wear to a wedding? The wedding is October 8th at 5pm. Venue is a hotel. Is it not formal enough I have no idea. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: The ammo economy changes were a brutal nerf to one of Praedos' evolution passives Evolution V: * Perk 3: **Universal Readiness**: Collecting ammo grants **5** Melee Combo counter This one now procs 5x less and makes it completely useless. I used to love having my combo sustained while using an explosive weapon but now with the rework to ammo being unviersal primary/secondary it doesn't do much. I think it needs to be looked at. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: How do you expand south as Tibet? Conquering all of Tibet was easy. Hard part is breaking into the south. Janupur, Delhi and Bengal are all giants. I've tried attacking Janupur when it's manpower was 0, and I won, but Delhi and Bengal had the same idea and they got fat. Bengal and Bahamaris DOWed my ally Orissa, so I had to decline call of arms. Now Bengal is eyeing me and I don't know what to do. Can't get any allies (Hard) or break into the south. Also, even though I keep up with tech, I am always outclassed by Indian armies. Why? Label: not moderated
SEC, please come and collect your trash. It's out by the curb.
[ 1091, 8122, 12169 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [Game Thread] Lane @ Tennessee State (2:00 PM ET) **GAME** | [Lane](#f/lane-sheet2-row15-col09)Lane @ [Tennessee State](#f/tennesseestate)Tennessee State --:|:-- **Location** | [Tennessee State](#f/tennesseestate) Hale Stadium **Time** | 2:00 PM ET **Watch** | **TV:** [ESPN3](#l/espn3) || [Flair]( ¦ [Discord]( ¦ [/r/CFB Book]( ||Made with the /r/CFB [Game Thread Generator]( *** *Please keep trash talk civil, and report any comments that violate [**our rules**](* ### LET'S TALK FOOTBALL! Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: [Game Thread] Southern Miss @ Texas State (5:00 PM ET) **GAME** | [Southern Miss](#f/southernmiss)Southern Miss @ [Texas State](#f/texasstate)Texas State --:|:-- **Location** | [Texas State](#f/texasstate) Bobcat Stadium (TX) **Time** | 5:00 PM ET **Watch** | **TV:** || [Flair]( ¦ [Discord]( ¦ [/r/CFB Book]( ||Made with the /r/CFB [Game Thread Generator]( *** *Please keep trash talk civil, and report any comments that violate [**our rules**](* ### LET'S TALK FOOTBALL! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Game Thread] North American @ UAPB (7:00 PM ET) **GAME** | [North American](#f/northamerican-sheet4-row12-col02)North American @ [UAPB](#f/uapb)UAPB --:|:-- **Location** | [UAPB](#f/uapb) Simmons Bank Field **Time** | 7:00 PM ET **Watch** | **TV:** || [Flair]( ¦ [Discord]( ¦ [/r/CFB Book]( ||Made with the /r/CFB [Game Thread Generator]( *** *Please keep trash talk civil, and report any comments that violate [**our rules**](* ### LET'S TALK FOOTBALL! Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Vampire Counts and Extra Spells? I started a new multiplayer campaign as Isabella, and we are getting a bit into the early game. However, I've noticed that I am unable to use any shadow spells with Isabella, and the same with Beast spells with Vlad. What's going on? Is this a bug or is there something I'm missing to make them available? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Match Thread: Lillestrom vs Bodo/Glimt | Eliteserien #**54': Lillestrom [vs](#bar-3-white) Bodo/Glimt** **Venue:** Arasen stadion [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Lillestrom** Mads Hedenstad Christiansen, Igoh Ogbu, Espen Garnas, Vetle Winger Dragsnes, Gjermund Asen, Lars Ranger, Magnus Knudsen, Ifeanyi Mathew, Kaan Kairinen, Ylldren Ibrahimaj, Thomas Lehne Olsen. **Subs:** Pal Helland, Henrik Skogvold, Akor Adams, Aral Simsir, Colin Rösler, Knut-Andrè Skjaerstein, Ibrahim Cisse, Elias Solberg, Holmbert Aron Fridjonsson. ^____________________________ **Bodo/Glimt** Nikita Haykin, Alfons Sampsted, Brice Wembangomo, Marius Hoibraten, Brede Moe ([](#icon-sub)Marius Lode), Ulrik Saltnes, Patrick Berg, Albert Gronbaek Erlykke, Joel Mugisha, Runar Espejord, Amahl Pellegrino. **Subs:** Hugo Vetlesen, Isak Helstad Amundsen, Julian Faye Lund, Nino Žugelj, Japhet Sery, Morten Konradsen, Elias Hagen, Lars Jorgen Salvesen. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)* Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: My biggest gripe with Master Duel Why don't the Egyptian Gods have summoning animations? They're so iconic, you'd think they would, but apparently not. I know that all of them suck except Obelisk and Sphere Mode Ra, but come on! They're like the OG big boss monsters, as well as just iconic! The Sacred Beasts also don't have unique animations, apparently. Label: moderated
Is anyone on Xbox able to help out with Pure Cobalt and Violet Flux? I have been trying to gather both for days now but having a really hard time doing it. Is anyone willing to help a fellow wastelander out?
[ 8759, 11677, 7511 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Pure violet flux and pure cobalt flux Hi guys I was just wondering if anyone was selling some pure violet and crimson flux? Also how much would it be I have tried doing it myself but end up without enough to make the jet pack any help would be welcomed thank you 😁 also I'm on xbox Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Anyone on pc have spare cobalt flux? I'm so tired of grinding for cobalt flux so I can finally get my jet pack. Anyone on pc have any I can buy if that's even a thing? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: how to get cobalt flux? Nukes are the only way of gathering flux however cobalt flux dose not grow in the cranberry bog anyone know any other ways to obtain it? Or do I have to wait for someone to launch one somewhere else? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Stuck here for Ayatan hunt So i spawned around here and i've roamed around for a really long time and i have no idea how to get any closer to the treasure ... am i stuck? I tried following the indicator but no luck ... i kept on getting back to the wall despite i try to reroute ... is it just me? ​ *Processing img 7bfunf3kxek91...* Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: In NYC you're not allowed to bring any high end camera to take pictures or videos. What do you recommend I bring to record good footage at UFC 281? I'm attending my first UFC even woo! I'm leaving to Japan to work and want to take my chance to experience some of the biggest fighters in todays game. So I didn't hesitate to drop some money on this event. I want to record good footage of unique moments like "IIIIIIIIIT'S TIIIIIIME" Last time I went to MSG they didn't let me bring in my camera. So what small device can I bring in to record stuff? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Vacationed in Davenport Florida. The anchor coverup is the “fix”. Finally calmed down enough to post this. I got this on Friday/ Saturday. I hope the artist learned a lesson from this. Label: moderated
Help! Consistent for several months but no progress and getting really discouraged Apologies for formatting as I’m on mobile! Stats: 27F, 5’7”, CW 185lbs, GW 150lbs (subject to change based on body comp since overall goal is lose fat and build a little muscle). Online calculators put completely sedentary TDEE at 1920 and RMR test (breathing into a mask that measures CO2 output to test metabolism) had maintenance at 2002 calories. Light exercise TDEE is 2100 and 2200 respectively. Moderate exercise TDEE at 2476 and 2585. Fitbit has my daily burn (including 1.25hr exercise) at ~2500 cals but I assume large margin of error with wearables. BMR from calculators is 1600 and from RMR test is 1668. My current macros are 130g protein, 160g carbs, and 55g fat (1650 calories). I’ve been religiously tracking macros and calories with a food scale (including all sauces, oils, pinches of toppings, etc). Current workout routine is strength training 5 days a week following a progressive program my trainer created (2 days lifting with personal trainer and 3 days on my own with preprogrammed workouts) + 3 x 30 minute cardio sessions a week on top. I have pretty consistently been within 5g of all macro goals, I’ve been hitting all my workouts, but I still haven’t seen any progress other than being able to lift heavier weights and I’m getting really discouraged. There has been no progress on the scale (if anything I’ve seen increases), my clothes are not fitting any looser so I don’t think I’m losing fat, and visually I still look the same. Unless I’m defying the laws of thermodynamics I must be missing something. I know there can be an initial water weight/stuffed sausage phase but that should’ve subsided by this point right? Do I need to start eating below my BMR? It’s been 10 weeks with no progress despite this being the most consistent I’ve ever been with both diet and exercise, and I’m almost ready to give up bc it feels hopeless. Hoping someone can provide additional perspective!
[ 1606, 7215, 4788 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I have no idea how many calories I should be eating. I (22F) typically do a 45 min/1 hr weightlifting sesh 4 days a week, with a 30 minute HIIT sesh on the weekend. I get 10K steps every single day. My Fitbit says I average 325 active minutes per week. I am 5'6/5'7 and weigh between 165 and 170 lbs. My scale tells me my BMR is 1515 calories (for 29% body fat), but online calculators vary widely based on the "activity level," which is hard to quantify. My TDEE, according to online calculators, is somewhere around 1850 calories. When tracking calories this month (just to see how much I typically eat), I end up somewhere around 2200 calories a day. Should I be cutting a deficit from THAT number, or using the BMR/TDEE measurements? If so, which one? Goal is body recomp, mainly losing body fat while maintaing/growing muscle. Please excuse my cluelessness :/ Label: moderated Example-1: Post: TDEE is dropping rapidly - what gives? For context, I'm 27/F, about 5'5'' and 127lbs with a goal of 120lbs. I'm moderately fit but not on any super structured/intense fitness program. I go bouldering about 2x/wk, hiking on weekends, and the rest of my exercise mostly comes from walking my dog (2mi, 3-4x/week). Other than that I work an office job that is very sedentary. None of this has changed significantly in the last 6 months. I started using MacroFactor about 6-7 weeks ago. This is my first time trying to calculate TDEE so I figured I'd let an app take care of it for me. I started at \~130lbs and for the first month or so I was losing weight at a pace I was generally satisfied with, without feeling too much strain being hungry all the time. The app seemed to settle on me expending \~1850kcal/day, and making my daily goal \~1650, and held there for awhile. It felt pretty sustainable for me. The last 2 weeks or so, all of that progress has halted entirely and even regressed a bit. MacroFactor cut my TDEE down by another 100 calories this week. My daily goal is now 1460 and I'm honestly struggling to find a way to eat enough to feel satiated without going over on calories, but also not starving to the point that I end up overeating. Is this normal? Should I be concerned about something else? Is this my body saying my goal weight is just too low? Or do I really just need to trust the process, keep cutting calories, and focus on exercising more? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Starting over (again)! Hi all, first time poster in this sub. I’m 24F, SW is 86kg (I’m 5’7). I’ve lost weight through calorie deficit before quite successfully, although I always seem to ‘fall off the wagon’ after a couple of months since I have a birthday weekend or an event where I find it hard to stay on track. I’m just worried I’m not doing calorie deficit in an unsustainable way. I’ve previously done 1300 a day which worked but I’ve read that if you go too low below your TDEE then you start burning some of your muscle, not fat, which obviously isn’t my goal. Would 1500 be more realistic? I have a TDEE of 2300 and a BMR of 1670. Also looking at fitness around it to be more active. Any tips on what’s worked for any of you? GW is 65kg to start as that was my lowest last time, and see how I feel from there 😅 TIA! Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I’m not sure what to do. I ate food and hate myself for it, I sooooo want to cut myself to punish myself for eating but I’m not young anymore so I’m not supposed to cut anymore. I just give into my primal urges sometimes and feel so disgusted with myself for doing so. I’m 5’9” 120lb (only slightly underweight) Restricting is already a way I self harm (I was 135lb) but I just don’t want to eat anymore. How do I stop eating all together or at least not hate myself when I do? “Your supposed to love yourself!” Why would I? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: 16 / 140lbs / 5'10 two years training Any guesses on the bf percentage? I think I’m under 15% Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Asafo Aumua Head High Tackle Anyone watching the Wellington vs Taranaki game? Don't support either team just the game and I have to say that tackle was terribly illegal. Drops the head so he can't see where he makes contact, doesn't attempt to wrap at all, and his shoulder makes direct contact to the head. Idk how that was just a yellow, that should be a red and some weeks off. Label: not moderated
My IBS Helps With Weight Loss - I Know That Is Bad I have food sensitive IBS. I can minimize it by avoiding or eating trigger foods in moderation. There are an annoying number of trigger foods that are fairly basic and/or I enjoy like tomato sauce (the acidity perhaps) and yogurt. So I generally try and minimize it. Still, around once a month I find that I have overdone it a bit, and I get in a spot where I'm, well, pooping a lot more. Not necessarily diarhea as long as I pull back immediately on the foods, but it can last for several days. Days during which I'm probably absorbing I dunno, maybe 10-20% less food as more, well, passes through. Not a crazy amount less, but less. So I tend to lose more weight during a week where this is going on. I know this probably isn't great for me, and don't do it on purpose. Well, sometimes my will power is low for it. I don't have that problem with cheating on the calorie counting, but sometimes I underestimate the consequences of something like having a slice of pizza or ice cream cone (that I have calories for!). Its hard, because I can eat that stuff, just if I eat it too often the stomach gets more sensitive to it (inflamed I guess). I'm wondering what nutrients I'm losing and if a daily multivitamin mostly takes care of it. Anyone else have something similar or any insights into it?
[ 2437, 1506, 8126 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Would this "diet" work or am I kidding myself? I'm 37 years old and I'm about 370 pounds. I've been trying my hardest for the last year to lose weight and it's just not working. I've tried phentermine, I've tried keto, carnivore diet and it's not working for me. The thing is, I know what my problem is and why I'm obese. I drink a 2 liter pepsi a day and 2 nesquik chocolate milks a day and I eat snacks and surgery things because I usually skip breakfast and eat one fast food meal at dinner time. my diets never worked because I tried to force myself to eat healthy food such as salads, season-less chicken and green beans. I hated it so much I would eat very little and be hungry all day. At the end of the day I would break and binge. I'm at a point where I'm ready to risk my life for weightloss surgery. I have colitis and I'm afraid of surgery so between those 2 things I figured the complication risk was too great for me to chance it but now I feel like I'm at a crossroads where choices have to be made regarding my life. So what brings me here is, for the last couple days I've been calculating and journaling what i eat on a normal basis and it dawned on me that if i eat what i usually eat, which is mcdonalds, and get rid of the sweets, pepsi and chocolate milk my macros would be about 1200 calories, 54 fat, 117 carbs, 35 protein, 1470 sodium, 85 cholesterol, 15 saturated fat, 6 sugars. I would drink diet sunkist which is 0 everything except 110 sodium and water. I can do this. absolutely no question hands down. However am I kidding myself thinking you can lose weight like this? is the transfat and what nots to much for this to actually work? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I am addicted to food, and it is the hardest barrier to my weight loss journey (Vent). I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, i am going through a divorce, i need to rethink my career path due to my current one ending in the next couple months, and I'm basically living day by day at this point. My comfort anchor has always been food. Specifically sweets. I don't eat them because I'm hungry, or craving a sweet thing. I eat them because i am sad, or anxious, or stressed, and that is a direct source of dopamine to get me through and take my mind off of the thing that is stressing me out, or making me sad or anxious. Acknowledging the addiction is hard because food is necessary. But i am not using food as it is intended to be used as, fuel. I'm using it as a way to hide away from my triggers and i just don't feel strong enough to face them quite yet. However, as a result, I've gained 10lbs when I've been trying to lose 20. So now that's more weight to lose, more stress, more sadness, and the cycle continues. I don't know what to do here. I'm medicated so that mitigates the depressing and anxiety as best as they can manage. The divorce is moving as well as it possibly can. As for my job, i suppose that will sort itself out as time goes. I just don't know what to do from here as far as addressing and tackling the root cause issue. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Does eating too few calories stall weight loss or is it something else? I (26F) lost around 45lbs over the past 6-9 months (don’t know exactly when as didn’t weigh myself at first haha). I now weigh 268lbs so definitely still a lot to lose. I went on an all inclusive holiday mid august and gained 2lbs, which I then lost. But I haven’t lost any weight since (around 3 weeks). I’m really surprised as I’m on new medication for my ADHD which completely suppressed my appetite to the point of feeling nauseous at the thought of eating sometimes. This is something I’m working on with my psychiatrist to find the right dosage so I am genuinely not purposely not eating to lose weight, I actually kind of hate it. But I’ve been eating maybe a slice of toast for breakfast, then nothing really all day, then a normal meal at night. I have had a few higher calorie snacks during the week, like a brownie or chocolate, but max maybe 4 of them in a week. When I did a rough calculation of my calories, id had around 1500 which should definitely be enough to lose weight. Any advice on why I’m not losing weight? I have 2 theories: - I’m underestimating my calories significantly. I really don’t think it’s this and I don’t want to start calorie counting as I have a history of EDs. - my eating is sporadic - sometimes 1 meal a day, sometimes 2 + snacks, sometimes a big meal out so I don’t know if the constant changing is affecting something? - I don’t eat much (any) fruit or veg. So although I’m in a calorie deficit I’m not getting the right nutrition? Any advice would be gratefully accepted!! TIA Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Help to unlock steel path I need help to complete ALL the nodes to unlock steel path Pc player IgorrMDC Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Can’t bend my arm… Hey everybody, So I’m doing Caroline Girvan’s Epic Beginner program on YouTube and I’m incredibly sore all over, which was expected since I haven’t done a workout like this in over a year. Her upper body workout w/dumbbells was what absolutely killed me and I couldn’t lift a single thing that day. But what’s weird is the pain I’m feeling after today’s workout. So despite experiencing DOMS from her upper body workout from two days ago, I thought I’d power through her full body workout video (also w/dumbbells) and hope that the soreness in my arms will just go away as I work out. But right after I was done I just couldn’t. Bend. My arms… at all… I’m honestly really freaked out because I don’t remember this ever happening to me before. My elbow joint feels so incredibly stiff that I can’t lift my arms nor bend it beyond a 90 degree angle. I don’t feel any pain just extreme soreness. I got one of those hot water bottles and placed it on my tricep and joints. It seemed to work a little bit then it just goes back to being stiff again afterwards. Is this just DOMS or do I need some sort of medical intervention? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Post Match Thread: Napoli 1-0 Spezia | Serie A # Napoli 1-0 Spezia [Goal 89' Raspadori]( **Napoli** \- 4-3-3 **Starting XI:** Alex Meret, Giovanni Di Lorenzo, Amir Rrahmani, Juan Jesus, Mário Rui, André Zambo Anguissa, Tanguy Ndombélé, Eljif Elmas, Matteo Politano, Giacomo Raspadori, Khvicha Kvaratskhelia **Substitutes:** Salvatore Sirigu, Davide Marfella, Leo Østigård, Alessandro Zanoli, Min-jae Kim, Mathías Olivera, Gianluca Gaetano, Stanislav Lobotka, Piotr Zieliński, Alessio Zerbin, Hirving Lozano, Giovanni Simeone **Coach:** L. Spalletti **Spezia** \- 3-5-2 **Starting XI:** Bartłomiej Drągowski, Ethan Ampadu, Jakub Kiwior, Dimitris Nikolaou, Emil Holm, Kevin Agudelo, Mehdi Bourabia, Simone Bastoni, Arkadiusz Reca, M'Bala Nzola, Emmanuel Gyasi **Substitutes:** Petar Zovko, Jeroen Zoet, Mattia Caldara, Petko Hristov, Mikael Ellertsson, Jacopo Sala, Julius Beck, Aimar Sher, Viktor Kovalenko, David Strelec, Leandro Sanca **Coach:** L. Gotti Label: not moderated
not moderated
Master rule 6. If there is a master rule 6 in the near future what could it do to make the game better. One sec f the main issues with modern Yu-Gi-Oh is the power of the first turn, changing draws on the second turn to two or three might help to counter that. I also feel like increasing the length of games to 4 or 5 turns may make the game more fun but I don't know how to do that. Any other ideas for improving the game if there is a master rule 6?
[ 6026, 5630, 10776 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I hate modern Yu-Gi-Oh! and here's why I'm an old school player, bought cards 20-15 years ago. Loved it up until the end of the GX era. Like some of the new support for older archetypes. I recently played Master duel for 2 weeks, but I quickly lost interest again. \- I hate how handtraps are stopping my combo's, which is how the game works now and then I just have to skip turn and then I watch my opponent play Patience with himself for 10 minutes to create a state where I can't do anything because of Quick effects that cancel everything and destroy them or I'm already dead before it's my turn again. \- Cards that provide card advantage are a huge red flag. I've numerous encounters where I had cleared their board and they had an empty hand. Only for them to draw 1 card and get 2 high power effect synchro's on the field and beat me anyway. That's just ridiculous. \- After their Patience is over and it's finally my turn, I still have to wait on cards they're activating in my turn. At that point, I'm just not playing the game anymore. \- All the omni-negates that everything has these days, that are Quick effects. It's just ridiculous. I don't know what to so more about this. \- And lastly, all the creative deck building is gone. It's just all archetypes now. I literally can't make a big brain play combo deck with weird effects that synergize to form something new and gimmicky. Almost every effect in the game is locked behind an archetype. What I love and loved of the anime back in the day is the back and forth of a duel. The suspense of drawing your card on turn that would shift the balance. Slowly completing a combo in your hand to then play it. Waiting for that one card in your deck to break the stalemate. Having these cards that have no story relation what so ever have a synergy that suprises the opponent. Instead you can now just pick on of the archetypes and hope your starting hand is good. Else it's over before you even played. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: How is the current game good? Hey guys, I'm not a current yugioh player. I wanna preface that yes I'm old. I played Yu-Gi-Oh when it first came out in middle school. I loved it, but I eventually stopped after GX came out. Then recently I had friends who told me about the phone game. I...get...waxed. Every game I get absolutely annihilated on the second turn. I tried running a black eyes deck and then a blue eyes deck just cause that's what I was into back in the day. It is a skill issue as I wasn't there for the hundreds of cards added after the hero archetype, and I still don't understand link or pendulum summoning. But with enough time I feel like I could get past that. The main problem is just the constant fact that you have one turn to do something or else you have to watch a 4 minute cutscenes of the other guy going through half of his deck summoning 27 monsters and 32 spell cards in such a rapid succession I can't even read what they do. I just don't have fun, but everyone swears that this version of Yu-Gi-Oh is so much better than the old version where you took turns and played it out. Can someone explain why that is? When did this major change take place? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Concept for the "Deck Master" mechanic in the regular TCG/OCG Hi there, I came up with some ideas how to implement the "Deck Master" mechanic int othe regular game of YU-GIOH!. Deck Master is already accepted as an alternative format, but the rulings are unclear and without a seperate banlist, the format won't be enjoyable for many players. Pls let me know what you think about my concepts and if the "Deck Master" mechanic is possible implication for a Master Rule 5. :) \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deck Master in the normal TCG/OCG \- New card type „Deck Master“ \- New card zone „Master Zone“ \- New summoning mechanic „Master Summon“ \- Min/max 1 „Deck Master“ per deck \- „Deck Master“ is open in the „Master Zone“ at the beginning of the duel \- If the „Deck Master“ is neither in the owners „Master Zone“ or on the owners field or on the way between those two, the owner loses the duel due to game mechanic Deck Master \- Has no level/rank \- Has atk/def stats \- Has type and attribute \- Can have a monster effect \- Can have a „Master Effect“ \- „Deck Master“ is open in the „Master Zone“ at the beginning of the duel \- Can only be summoned via „Master Summon“ to a free monster/extra monster zone on owners field. \- Treated also as a monster card on field, with all other ruling implications Master Summon \- Treated as special summon \- Can be declared during the owners main phase/ main phase 2 or at the start of enemys battle phase once per duel \- Banish „normal monster counterpart“ (stated on „Deck Master“) from the owners deck, hand or GY for cost Master Zone \- „Deck Master“ is open in the „Master Zone“ at the beginning of the duel \- In the „Master Zone“ the „Master Effect“ of the „Deck Master“ can be activated once per duel \- Nothing can interact or effects the „Deck Master“ in the „Master Zone“ \- The „Deck Master“ cannot leave the „Master Zone“ except through „Master Summon“ \- If the „Deck Master“ is returned to the deck or to the hand through card effect, it is placed face-up in the „Master Zone“ Master Effect \- In the „Master Zone“ the „Master Effect“ of the „Deck Master“ can be activated once per duel \- Is treated as an activation of a monster effect with all other ruling implications Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Did the kickoff meta change?! In plat/diamond rank, I see more and more of the right side going for the kickoff when there is a person that spawns equally far from the ball on the left side. Why? As the left spawning person should I just leave the ball to them when I see them rush it? Are we meant to hit it at the same time? When did this become a thing? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Tips for getting up early to workout without waking my roommate? Don’t know if this fits here but you guys have good ideas. My ideal wake up is 5am/5:10 to do my workout. This was fine over the summer. Now it’s suddenly colder (northern hemisphere), it is way more challenging (my body resists). I would previously have hacks like a lumie lamp (gradual sunrise effect), automatic play music etc. But this will wake my roommate who wants to sleep another 1.5hrs. It’s also freezing (okay not freezing but coooold) and that doesn’t help with leaping out. Any ideas? Thank you! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Today Marks the Start of 26 Straight Days of Live Football on TV! (CFB or NFL) This year starting on October 27th and running until November 22nd there will be a football game every night of the week between College Football and the NFL on TV. Sadly the day before Thanksgiving there is no game or we would have had a game every day until November 28th...) There is still time for someone to find a way to put a game on the 23rd. Even an FCS game would help us keep the streak going... Label: moderated
not moderated
Had a visceral reaction to meat for the first time... So last week I was having a meal with a group of people and I looked over at someone else's plate and I don't know what it was specifically about it but they were eating what was basically a mixed grill and I suddenly felt awfully ill, to the point that I had to turn away and spend several minutes bent over taking deep breaths and trying to recover. I've never reacted that way before - vegan for just over a year and a half and hadn't eaten meat for two years before that but I did grow up eating meat until I was in my mid-twenties so it's kind of bizarre to go from seeing it as food to not seeing it as food (and only being upset if I allowed myself to think about what it was and how it got there) to suddenly having such a strong reaction to it without even thinking about it. And I'm not usually squeamish in general either! Has this happened to anyone else? Is this going to happen any time I have to be around people eating meat now?
[ 2921, 7272, 727 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Hard to be vegan when living with parents Grew up on animal products and they make dinner sometimes and I find myself really stressing out about eating it or not. Today my Dad made burgers and I was stressing for like an hour or two feeling like I am hungry and that burger is easy calories sitting in the fridge so I finally ate it when he left the room (I don't want to eat the stuff in front of them and make it look like I'm pro-animal use) but then I feel guilty too. But also more full at least so I can feel full and go to bed. I just feel a lot of anxiety around eating. I could try to make some meal of my own but sometimes I am still just hungry and stressing out over wanting to eat the burger or whatever they made. I also feel kind of isolated because in my head I have seen undercover videos and stuff but my family I don't think has seen any of that crap. They're just like "yum food." Last time I had a veggie burger I asked my dad to grill but then I still ended up hungry still and had a burger. But then I feel bad. If anyone has some kind advice I'm open to it. Or maybe I'm just venting to people who I know care about animals. Idk I just hate this stress Label: moderated Example-1: Post: first three days vegan, feel like shit cold-turkey, (used to eat meat/dairy daily basis) I've been eating lots of different food (brown rice, beans, tofu, a tons of fruits and vegetables, bread, peanut butter ect...) I feel hungry all the time, I'm dizzy, stomach aches, headaches.. gas too. Is this normal? Have you guys experience any of this in the first week? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Third attempt and third failure at going vegan I’ve watched all of the documentaries, I come from a farming community, I know the animal abuse firsthand. I do not have to be sold this diet, it is logically and ethically sound way to exist with my fellow earthlings. However… My body just can’t handle it. Over the last month I committed to trying a slow vegetarian transition into a vegan diet and it ended just as the other two did. I was physically sick, covered in acne head to toe and constantly fatigued. I used supplements this time and was very careful about only taking in whole foods. Doctor says I likely developed an intolerance to some combination of grains, nuts, pea protein or soy. Despite my best efforts and under medical advice I had to return to animal protein. And the positive results were almost instant as soon as I got some meat back into my diet. I can honestly say I am emotionally and psychologically gutted though. Has anyone else here gone through something similar? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: It has been 2,172 days since Nebraska beat a ranked opponent September 17, 2016: Nebraska 35 \#22 Oregon 32 Label: moderated Example-1: Post: When to enter/participate in the Realms of Chaos? I'm new to Warhammer 3 and started a Khorne campaign. The rifts to the Chaos Realms opened up already and I'm trying to decide how strong I need to be to enter? Obviously if the AI is entering them I probably will be okay with a full stack with my Lord? My lord is probably lvl 18 maybe? Should I stop my campaign and go right for the Realms of Chaos when they open? If the AI is already inside for a few turns is it too late? Does the real world continue when you are in the Realms or does time freeze? Thanks for answers. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Eye primer and foundation suggestions! I have very oily eyelids and watery sensitive eyes, any eye primer that can help with the oiliness and make the makeup stay in place all day? I also have a couple of weddings coming up, was thinking about buying a new shade of EL double wear to go but wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions for a foundation that's longwearing and not very matte or glowy. Thank you all in advance! Label: not moderated
I'm 100% certain we're going to win tonight Just don't ask me to specify "we" Welcome back cfb!
[ 12245, 10279, 3624 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Which 0-3 team is going to win the CFP? As the title asks. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Football Question Hotline Everything you wanted to know about football but were afraid to ask. Ask about any and all things college football here. There are no dumb questions, only plays you don’t know yet. **Serious questions only, please!** Joke posts will be removed. Please do not downvote honest questions. Got a more specific question or idea? Check out the weekly thread schedule for more: Day | Thread | Time (ET) | Additional Information :--|:-- |:-- |:-- Monday | The Monday Morning Playoff Committee | 12:00 PM | A place for you to share playoff hypotheticals. | Betting Discussion Thread | 1:00 PM | Discuss spreads, over/unders, and prop bets for this week's games. Tuesday | Weekly /r/CFB Poll Discussion | 11:00 AM | Discuss /r/CFB's own poll. | Trivia Tuesday | 11:00 AM | Compete to win. | CFP Rankings Show | 6:45 PM | Will begin once the CFP rankings start. | CFP Committee Rankings | 8:00 PM | Will begin once the CFP rankings start. | CFP Rankings - Serious Discussion | 8:00 PM | Will begin once the CFP rankings start. Wednesday | Prediction | 11:00 AM | Make your predictions. | Dear CFB: Going to a Game Advice Thread| 2:00 PM | Ask for advice about going to a game or where to watch one! | Whose Line is it Wednesday | 11:00 AM Thursday | User-Friendly Bet | 10:55 AM | Put your flair where your mouth is. | TRASH TALK THURSDAY | 11:00 AM | YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Friday | Football Question Hotline | 10:55 AM | Got a football question? Get an answer. | Free Talk Friday | 11:00 AM | Tell us about you. Saturday | General Discussion: Talk Anything College Football Here! | 8:00 AM | A general space for chatter throughout the day and talk about non-ESPN Gameday style shows. | Today's Game Index | Varies | ESPN's College Football Gameday | 9:00 AM | Share your signs. | Picture/Video/GIFs | 9:00 AM | Share pictures, highlights, and gifs from games throughout the day. | [Game Thread] Non-FBS Games | 11:00 AM | A place to discuss non-FBS games. | Featured Games | Varies | CFB_Referee posted. Sunday | Post-CFP Selections | 9:00 AM | Will begin once the CFP rankings start. | Serious Postgame Discussion Thread | 10:55 AM | A thread for serious discussion only. | Complain About Your Team | 11:00 AM | You know you're going to want to at some point. | AP Poll | 1:55 PM | Will be updated as the results come out. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Unpopular opinions The CFB Championship will be between a SEC and Big 10 side. The teams will be Vandy and Northwestern. Both will go 12-0 until the championship. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Tight hamstrings days after lifting? So I never really felt that tight hamstring feeling before. I started lifting a few weeks back with a trainer, working on powerlifting and the like. I deadlifted for the first time on Thursday of last week. Have not worked out since, and today would be my first day of the week again. Starting yesterday I had super tight hamstrings on both legs, and still feel it today. Is that normal to have that tightness DAYS after?? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: best supplement for restorative sleep? (insomnia) I have heard about all the popular names thrown around such as magnesium, l theanine, l tryptophan ashwagandha but none have helped my sleep. In fact, magnesium and l tryptophan actually give me worse insomnia. I have ordered glycine as i saw some research indicating that it induces slow wave sleep quicker and overall improves sleep quality. Im hoping this helps me get some quality sleep. If anybody knows some hidden gem in terms of getting restorative sleep i would love to hear about it. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Back to uni makeup look Brows: Catrice cosmetics Lips: Elizabeth Arden shade Almond Foundation: The Body shop foundation and Elizabeth Arden Flawless Finish Pressed powder Bronzer: Esqua Highlight: Esqua Lashes: No Brand Label: moderated
not moderated
Match Thread: Nantes vs SC Freiburg | UEFA Europa League #**0': Nantes [vs](#bar-3-white) SC Freiburg** **Venue:** La Beaujoire-Louis-Fonteneau [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Nantes** Alban Lafont, Nicolas Pallois, Andrei Girotto, Quentin Merlin, Sébastien Corchia, Moussa Sissoko, Pedro Chirivella, Evann Guessand, Mostafa Mohamed, Moses Simon, Ludovic Blas. **Subs:** Denis Petric, Gor Manvelyan, Dennis Appiah, Samuel Moutoussamy, Rémy Descamps, Marcus Coco, Jean-Charles Castelletto, Kader Bamba, Mohamed Achi, Lohann Doucet. ^____________________________ **SC Freiburg** Mark Flekken, Philipp Lienhart, Matthias Ginter, Christian Günter, Lukas Kübler, Woo-Yeong Jeong, Nicolas Höfler, Yannik Keitel, Nils Petersen, Vincenzo Grifo, Ritsu Doan. **Subs:** Robert Wagner, Noah Weißhaupt, Benjamin Uphoff, Hugo Siquet, Noah Atubolu, Kevin Schade, Kiliann Sildialli, Lucas Höler, Maximilian Eggestein, Michael Gregoritsch, Keven Schlotterbeck. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)*
[ 9943, 7336, 10387 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Post Match Thread: SC Freiburg 2-0 Nantes | UEFA Europa League #**FT: SC Freiburg [2-0](#bar-3-white) Nantes** *SC Freiburg scorers: Daniel-Kofi Kyereh (48'), Vincenzo Grifo (72')* -------- **Venue:** Europa-Park Stadion [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **SC Freiburg** Mark Flekken, Philipp Lienhart, Matthias Ginter, Christian Günter, Kiliann Sildialli, Nicolas Höfler, Maximilian Eggestein ([](#icon-sub)Yannik Keitel), Vincenzo Grifo ([](#icon-sub)Noah Weißhaupt), Ritsu Doan ([](#icon-sub)Lukas Kübler), Daniel-Kofi Kyereh ([](#icon-sub)Kevin Schade), Michael Gregoritsch ([](#icon-sub)Nils Petersen). **Subs:** Lucas Höler, Jonathan Schmid, Noah Atubolu, Benjamin Uphoff, Woo-Yeong Jeong, Keven Schlotterbeck, Robert Wagner. ^____________________________ **Nantes** Alban Lafont, Andrei Girotto ([](#icon-sub)Evann Guessand), Nicolas Pallois, Jean-Charles Castelletto, Pedro Chirivella ([](#icon-sub)Moussa Sissoko), Ludovic Blas, Samuel Moutoussamy, Quentin Merlin, Dennis Appiah ([](#icon-sub)Sébastien Corchia), Moses Simon ([](#icon-sub)Ignatius Ganago), Mostafa Mohamed ([](#icon-sub)Kader Bamba). **Subs:** Marcus Coco, Rémy Descamps, Lohann Doucet, Denis Petric. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **20'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, SC Freiburg. Nils Petersen replaces Michael Gregoritsch because of an injury. **48'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! SC Freiburg 1, Nantes 0. Daniel-Kofi Kyereh (SC Freiburg) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Ritsu Doan.** **66'** [](#icon-yellow) Kiliann Sildillia (SC Freiburg) is shown the yellow card. **66'** [](#icon-yellow) Mostafa Mohamed (Nantes) is shown the yellow card. **69'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Nantes. Ignatius Ganago replaces Moses Simon. **69'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Nantes. Moussa Sissoko replaces Pedro Chirivella. **71'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, SC Freiburg. Yannik Keitel replaces Maximilian Eggestein. **72'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! SC Freiburg 2, Nantes 0. Vincenzo Grifo (SC Freiburg) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Christian Günter.** **78'** [](#icon-yellow) Christian Günter (SC Freiburg) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **78'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Nantes. Sébastien Corchia replaces Dennis Appiah. **78'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Nantes. Evann Guessand replaces Andrei Girotto. **82'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, SC Freiburg. Noah Weißhaupt replaces Vincenzo Grifo. **82'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, SC Freiburg. Kevin Schade replaces Daniel-Kofi Kyereh. **83'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, SC Freiburg. Lukas Kübler replaces Ritsu Doan. **84'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Nantes. Abdoul Kader Bamba replaces Mostafa Mohamed. **90'** [](#icon-yellow) Yannik Keitel (SC Freiburg) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Match Thread: Strasbourg vs Nantes | Ligue 1 #**0': Strasbourg [vs](#bar-3-white) Nantes** **Venue:** Stade de la Meinau [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Strasbourg** Matz Sels, Ismael Doukoure, Alexander Djiku, Ronael Pierre-Gabriel, Jean-Eudes Aholou, Habib Diarra, Jean-Ricner Bellegarde, Dimitri Liénard, Thomas Delaine, Kevin Gameiro, Habib Diallo. **Subs:** Eiji Kawashima, Sanjin Prcic, Antoine Nuss, Ludovic Ajorque, Adrien Thomasson, Colin Dagba, Lebo Mothiba, Dany Jean. ^____________________________ **Nantes** Alban Lafont, Nicolas Pallois, Jean-Charles Castelletto, Andrei Girotto, Dennis Appiah, Sébastien Corchia, Ludovic Blas, Samuel Moutoussamy, Kader Bamba, Evann Guessand, Mostafa Fathi. **Subs:** Michel Diaz, Pedro Chirivella, Lohann Doucet, Fabio, Mohamed Achi, Joe-Loic Affamah, Rémy Descamps, Denis Petric, Marcus Coco. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)* Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Match Thread: SC Freiburg vs Mainz | German Bundesliga #**0': SC Freiburg [vs](#bar-3-white) Mainz** **Venue:** Europa-Park Stadion [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **SC Freiburg** Mark Flekken, Philipp Lienhart, Matthias Ginter, Christian Günter, Kiliann Sildialli, Daniel-Kofi Kyereh, Nicolas Höfler, Maximilian Eggestein, Michael Gregoritsch, Vincenzo Grifo, Ritsu Doan. **Subs:** Kevin Schade, Lukas Kübler, Noah Weißhaupt, Benjamin Uphoff, Nils Petersen, Keven Schlotterbeck, Jonathan Schmid, Yannik Keitel, Woo-Yeong Jeong. ^____________________________ **Mainz** Robin Zentner, Stefan Bell, Anton Stach, Silvan Widmer, Dominik Kohr, Leandro Barreiro, Aarón Martín, Danny da Costa, Karim Onisiwo, Anthony Caci, Jonathan Burkhardt. **Subs:** Finn Dahmen, Ben Bobzien, Aymen Barkok, Edimilson Fernandes, Nelson Weiper, Lee Jae-Sung, Niklas Tauer, Delano Burgzorg, Angelo Fulgini. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)* Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Max can clinch the WDC in Singapore with the following points outcomes vs. opponenets: Leclerc +14, Perez +5, Russell -2, Sainz -18. Lewis was eliminated from WDC contention today. RB cannot clinch the WCC in Singapore, Ferrari and Merc still have a path to WCC that cannot be closed next race. Max and RB are championship locks of course, it’s just fun to run these scenarios. Max can clinch the WDC in Singapore with the following points outcomes vs. opponenets: Leclerc +14, Perez +5, Russell -2, Sainz -18. Lewis was eliminated from WDC contention today. RB cannot clinch the WCC in Singapore, Ferrari and Merc still have a path to WCC that cannot be closed next race. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Obama vs Trump Celebrity Match Just found out Obama does BJJ. Would you pay to watch this? [View Poll]( Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Needing stimpacks I am out of stim packs do to fighting assaultrons and I need the recipe to make them or buy more I don’t want to spend the 59 caps per at a vendor Label: moderated
not moderated
Why can't I recruit Tomb King units through allied recruitment? I'm allied to Khemri as Thorgrim, but when I go to recruit any of his units other than skeleton warriors, it says my cap is 0/0. Is this intentional? And if it isn't, what should I do?
[ 2904, 2992, 9142 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Cannot recruit allied units Cannot recruit tomb king units in IE playing as Mannfred do I have to do something? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Tomb King need an Alliance Update or Mod ASAP. I playing Oxyotl and I saved mighty Settra (King of Kings, Imperisable, Khemrikhra, etc)'s ass from Skarbrand. So I have an alliance with him since he is now a runner up of Southland Thunderdome (After Tiktaq'to). Expecting I would get Ushabti or Sphinx into my army. What I get is a buch of skeletons and the high tier units are lock because Tomb King use unit cap system. I expect many thing from Settra both good and bad. I didn't expect him tobe a sticky motherfucker. This need to be patch or mod or by Old One I will add "Settra the Sticky" into his many titles. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Tomb King balance? Several games in a row now in multiplayer, all of them against tomb kings players. Have they broken the mass of the tomb king units? Even going half of my army as chaos halberds and dragon ogres settra and the constructs can run straight through 2-3 units with no problem and taking 0 damage. Every match seems to be completely dominated by tomb king large units even with full anti large armies. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How do i switch to my operator in Warframe? Completed the war within quest and whenever i hit 5 inside.or outside my orbiter it doesn't switch. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: [Unruh] UPDATE: Oklahoma State DT Brendon Evers said he is calling it a college career because of an injury sustained in Week 1. “I’ve been trying play through it, but it’s gotten too bad and the best decision for me and my career was to shut it down and get it fixed and prepare for the draft.” Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Can I still get the NCR Ranger outfit? Can I still get the NCR Ranger outfit? I just got Fallout 1st but I can't find it in the atomic shop Label: not moderated
not moderated
mastery rank 9 Anyone else having trouble with it? I've been stuck on it for over a month
[ 2910, 2274, 81 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Mastery 9 test So I recently hit mastery 9, and I’m having a struggle with the test. I’ve got the mechanics down for it, but the prompt to stealth kill feels incredibly hit or miss. I can be right behind an enemy and get no prompt at times, and it’s making it much harder than it needs to be. Is this an issue, or am I just being stupid Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: how to get out of high champ one/low champ 2 i was high champ 3 then quit for awhile cause i couldn’t hit gc, now i’m back into it and legit can’t budge my rank Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Help a Champ1/2 Been stuck in C1/2 after solidifying myself in the rank. Mechanics are still be refined and tuned and new ones are being learned. Rotation is decent and being worked on but i can still lose track of teammates and opponents. My ADHD keeps my mind going 1000mph in the moment so i constantly find myself over or under reading the ball, so i’m trying to slow down my thought process enough. i understand that that is on me so i’m trying without any extra curricular (iykyk) help. Any help, advice, tips, etc. would be greatly appreciated as i really want to challenge for and get to GC. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Co-op desync crash whenever Imrik gets a kill I thought I might make this post to see if anyone else has had this issue and potentially if anyone knows a fix. I've been doing a 3 person Co-op game with 2 friends (Imrik, Thorgrim, Zhao Ming) and there was no issues at first but we ran into an issue when doing one of the dragon fights. The issue from what we worked out is that whenever Imrik gets a kills the game desyncs and kicks my friends out basically meaning I can't use Imrik in manual battles. We did a whole bunch of testing to work out what the problem was and initially thought it had to do with the special dragon battles but found out it occurs in all battles. We managed to do the special black dragon battle with no issues early on and at the start of the campaign there was no issues in manual battles, the problem only started occurring in the last 4-5 turns and I think it somehow might be tied to defeating Ghorst and getting poison attacks as that's the only thing to really change in Imrik's army since the last manual battle with no issues. I got some recordings of the issues (link below) though it doesn't show that we did a battle later where Imrik sat in the corner and did nothing with no crashes so we are almost 100% sure Imrik getting kills in any way triggers the crash (not shown are battles where we did testing such as all abilities being used, no abilities being used, etc...). We also know that Imrik can technically fight as he spent abbout a minute beating on a dragon in one battle with no issues until he got a kill on another unit. Anyway figured I might as well raise this in case anyone else has run into something similar. ​ Link showing it occurring twice: []( Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: What are some of your favourite meals to help with cravings? Tonight, I made a crunch wrap. I used a tortilla, 1/2 cup of shredded chicken, 1/4 of an avocado, a tiny bit of taco seasoning, and 1/4 cup of cheese. Baked in the oven for 15 minutes. It was really good and really satisfied that craving for fast food. I also made this protein icing which is just Greek yogurt with sugar free pudding mix. It was pretty ok! Obviously had that yogurt aftertaste but it helped with my cravings. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Missing the timing. Why? I'm gonna preface this by saying that I only played the game between the first HEROs and Blackwings, so excuse if I get something wrong. So, as far as I know, if something else happens in the chain of a card that states " can", that card's effect misses the timing and doesn't trigger. But if that same effect states " can", that effect can't miss the timing and triggers anyway. The question is: why does this ruling exist? I know most if not all old cards have the " can" wording, so, when did this rule come into effect? When the " can" cards were introduced? Before that? Did Konami create a problem and a solution for some reason? Are " can" cards still being printed? I'm sorry for this many questions but this ruling's existence confuses the heck out of me. Label: moderated
not moderated
Ludwig Smash Invitational - Group B - VGBC RB | aMSa vs. Moist | moky --- #Swiss Pools **Masaya "aMSa" Chikamoto** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Sponsor]( ***vs*** **Kurtis "moky" Pratt** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Sponsor]( *Watch the set on [Youtube](* [](#MeleeYoshi) aMSa [](#SponsorVGBC) | | 0 - 0 | | moky [](#MeleeFox) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* ---
[ 7367, 2665, 1370 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Ludwig Smash Invitational - Group A - C9 | Mango vs. GG | Zain --- #Swiss Pools **Joseph "Mang0" Marquez** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Sponsor]( ***vs*** **Zain "Zain" Naghmi** // [Twitch]( ) | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Sponsor]( *Watch the set on [Youtube](* [](#MeleeFox) [](#MeleeFalco) Mango [](#SponsorC9) | | 0 - 0 | | Zain [](#MeleeMarth) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* --- Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Ludwig Smash Invitational - Losers Top 12 - VGBC RB | aMSa vs. Tempo | Axe --- #Losers Top 12 **Masaya "aMSa" Chikamoto** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Sponsor]( ***vs*** **Jeffrey "Axe" Williamson** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Sponsor]( [](#MeleeYoshi) aMSa [](#SponsorVGBC) | | 0 - 0 | | [](#SponsorTempostorm) Axe [](#MeleePikachu) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* --- Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Ludwig Smash Invitational - Group B - Solary | Glutonny vs Bandits | Sonix --- #[Watch Live]( --- #Group B **William "Glutonny" Belaïd** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+Solary+gaming+website) ***vs*** **Carlos "Sonix" Pérez** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+Bandits%2BGaming+gaming+website) [Wario](#U-Wario) Glutonny | | 0 - 0 | | Sonix [Sonic](#U-Sonic) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* --- Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Vampires Seem a bit strong for AI My friend in a discord autoresolved these armies [And the result was this]( ​ [Only a handful of units didn't get revived]( Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Favourite power armour out of every Fallout game and DLC? Mine is either the X-01, T60 (BOS) or the T51 from Fallout 4 because they look sick. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Any tips how to controll stick drift ( left stick) on a xbox elite controller ? Thanks 🙏🏻 Need help :) Label: not moderated
not moderated
Global Match Thread **Use this Match Thread to discuss more than one match and in a less frantic way that a normal Match Thread.** **Don't use the Daily Discussion as a Match Thread.** ***----*** u/quatrotires ***'*** *selection for this weekend:* ***Saturday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- **12:30 / 07:30** | **[](#sprite1-p15) Everton vs Liverpool [](#sprite1-p3)** | **[](#sprite7-p327) Premier League** | **12:30 / 07:30** | **[](#sprite1-p18) Celtic vs Rangers [](#sprite1-p40)** | **[](#sprite3-p48) Scottish Premiership** | 14:00 / 09:00 | [](#sprite1-p4) Chelsea vs West Ham United [](#sprite1-p21) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | 14:00 / 09:00 | [](#sprite1-p149) Fiorentina vs Juventus [](#sprite1-p17) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | **14:30 / 09:30** | **[](#sprite3-p23) 1. FC Union Berlin vs Bayern München [](#sprite1-p8)** | **[](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga** | 15:15 / 10:15 | [](#sprite1-p9) Real Madrid vs Real Betis [](#sprite1-p296) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | **15:30 / 10:30** | **[](#sprite1-p342) SC Braga vs Vitória de Guimarães [](#sprite2-p99)** | **[](#sprite7-p374) Liga Portugal** | **17:00 / 12:00** | **[](#sprite1-p13) AC Milan vs Internazionale [](#sprite1-p25)** | **[](#sprite7-p370) Serie A** | 17:30 / 12:30 | [](#sprite1-p19) Aston Villa vs Manchester City [](#sprite1-p10) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | 17:30 / 12:30 | [](#sprite1-p86) Eintracht Frankfurt vs RB Leipzig [](#sprite5-p14) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | 17:30 / 12:30 | [](#sprite1-p237) Real Sociedad vs Atlético Madrid [](#sprite1-p76) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p162) FC Twente vs PSV Eindhoven [](#sprite1-p120) | [](#sprite7-p372) Eredivisie | 19:45 / 14:45 | [](#sprite1-p189) Lazio vs Napoli [](#sprite1-p75) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p363) Nantes vs Paris Saint-Germain [](#sprite1-p35) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p229) Sevilla vs Barcelona [](#sprite1-p6)** | **[](#sprite7-p369) La Liga** | ***Sunday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 12:00 / 07:00 | [](#sprite1-p337) Montpellier vs Lille OSC [](#sprite1-p320) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | 15:30 / 10:30 | [](#sprite4-p489) Estoril vs Sporting Clube de Portugal [](#sprite1-p52) | [](#sprite7-p374) Liga Portugal | 15:30 / 10:30 | [](#sprite4-p490) Gil Vicente vs FC Porto [](#sprite1-p37) | [](#sprite7-p374) Liga Portugal | **16:30 / 11:30** | **[](#sprite1-p2) Manchester United vs Arsenal [](#sprite1-p1)** | **[](#sprite7-p327) Premier League** | 19:45 / 14:45 | [](#sprite2-p71) OGC Nice vs Monaco [](#sprite1-p186) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | 19:45 / 14:45 | [](#sprite1-p310) Udinese vs AS Roma [](#sprite1-p36) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | r/WhatToWatchThisWeek Want to be alerted next time a WTWTW thread is up? Click here to join the [FIXTURE-GUIDE]( group (beware this group is not exclusive to this thread)
[ 3369, 1181, 5643 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: What To Watch This Week (10-16 October) These posts are as much for me as they are for you. So please feel free to reply with your suggestions for what to watch, and make a case for any game to be considered 'must watch', in which case I will bold it. The time zone used to sort games was LIS (Lisbon) time zone, so no, the game is not on a wrong date. --- ***Monday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 19:45 / 14:45 | [](#sprite1-p149) Fiorentina vs Lazio [](#sprite1-p189) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p66) Nottingham Forest vs Aston Villa [](#sprite1-p19) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | ***Tuesday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p113) FC København vs Manchester City [](#sprite1-p10) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group G 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p359) Maccabi Haifa vs Juventus [](#sprite1-p17) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group H **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p13) AC Milan vs Chelsea [](#sprite1-p4)** | **[](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League** | **Group E** 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p18) Celtic vs RB Leipzig [](#sprite5-p14) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group F 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p197) Dinamo Zagreb vs Red Bull Salzburg [](#sprite1-p455) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group E 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p12) Borussia Dortmund vs Sevilla [](#sprite1-p229) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group G **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p35) Paris Saint-Germain vs Benfica [](#sprite1-p26)** | **[](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League** | **Group H** 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p294) Shakhtar Donetsk vs Real Madrid [](#sprite1-p9) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group F ***Wednesday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p76) Atlético Madrid vs Club Brugge [](#sprite1-p217) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group B 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p75) Napoli vs Ajax [](#sprite1-p22) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group A **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p6) Barcelona vs Internazionale [](#sprite1-p25)** | **[](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League** | **Group C** 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p132) Bayer 04 Leverkusen vs FC Porto [](#sprite1-p37) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group B 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite2-p214) Viktoria Plzeň vs Bayern München [](#sprite1-p8) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group C 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p40) Rangers vs Liverpool [](#sprite1-p3) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group A 20:00 / 15:00 | Sporting CP vs Olympique de Marseille [](#sprite1-p119) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group D 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p5) Tottenham Hotspur vs Eintracht Frankfurt [](#sprite1-p86) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group D ***Thursday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- **01:45 / 20:45** | **[](#sprite1-p90) Corinthians vs Flamengo [](#sprite1-p100)** | **[](#sprite7-p429) Copa do Brasil** | **Final** **17:45 / 12:45** | **[](#sprite1-p296) Real Betis vs AS Roma [](#sprite1-p36)** | **[](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League** | **Group C** 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p423) Bodø/Glimt vs Arsenal [](#sprite1-p1) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group A 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p231) Dynamo Kyiv vs Stade Rennais [](#sprite2-p13) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group B 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p65) Feyenoord vs FC Midtjylland [](#sprite1-p484) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group F 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p363) Nantes vs SC Freiburg [](#sprite1-p154) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group G 17:45 / 12:45 | Royale Union SG vs SC Braga [](#sprite1-p342) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group D 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p149) Fiorentina vs Heart of Midlothian [](#sprite1-p123) | UEFA Conference League | Group A 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite3-p23) 1. FC Union Berlin vs Malmö FF [](#sprite1-p166) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group D 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p21) West Ham United vs Anderlecht [](#sprite1-p157) | UEFA Conference League | Group B ***Friday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 17:30 / 12:30 | [](#sprite1-p114) FC St. Pauli vs Hamburger SV [](#sprite1-p74) | [](#sprite8-p460) 2. Bundesliga | 19:30 / 14:30 | [](#sprite1-p79) Schalke 04 vs 1899 Hoffenheim [](#sprite1-p353) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite4-p155) RC Strasbourg vs Lille OSC [](#sprite1-p320) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite2-p9) Rayo Vallecano vs Getafe [](#sprite2-p180) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | ***Saturday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 14:30 / 09:30 | [](#sprite1-p86) Eintracht Frankfurt vs Bayer 04 Leverkusen [](#sprite1-p132) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | 15:00 / 10:00 | [](#sprite1-p18) Celtic vs Hibernian [](#sprite1-p164) | [](#sprite3-p48) Scottish Premiership | 17:00 / 12:00 | [](#sprite1-p486) Torino vs Juventus [](#sprite1-p17) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | 17:30 / 12:30 | [](#sprite1-p5) Tottenham Hotspur vs Everton [](#sprite1-p15) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | 19:45 / 14:45 | [](#sprite2-p182) Atalanta vs US Sassuolo [](#sprite4-p340) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p171) Athletic Club vs Atlético Madrid [](#sprite1-p76) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | ***Sunday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 13:00 / 08:00 | [](#sprite1-p182) Brøndby IF vs FC København [](#sprite1-p113) | [](#sprite7-p385) Danish Superliga | 13:30 / 08:30 | [](#sprite1-p120) PSV Eindhoven vs Utrecht [](#sprite1-p240) | [](#sprite7-p372) Eredivisie | 14:00 / 09:00 | [](#sprite1-p2) Manchester United vs Newcastle United [](#sprite1-p11) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | 14:00 / 09:00 | [](#sprite2-p13) Stade Rennais vs Olympique Lyonnais [](#sprite1-p106) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | 14:00 / 09:00 | [](#sprite1-p141) Djurgårdens IF vs AIK [](#sprite1-p108) | [](#sprite7-p384) Allsvenskan | 15:00 / 10:00 | [](#sprite1-p128) Aberdeen vs Heart of Midlothian [](#sprite1-p123) | [](#sprite3-p48) Scottish Premiership | **15:15 / 10:15** | **[](#sprite1-p9) Real Madrid vs Barcelona [](#sprite1-p6)** | **[](#sprite7-p369) La Liga** | 15:45 / 10:45 | [](#sprite3-p2) AZ Alkmaar vs Feyenoord [](#sprite1-p65) | [](#sprite7-p372) Eredivisie | **16:30 / 11:30** | **[](#sprite1-p3) Liverpool vs Manchester City [](#sprite1-p10)** | **[](#sprite7-p327) Premier League** | 16:30 / 11:30 | [](#sprite3-p23) 1. FC Union Berlin vs Borussia Dortmund [](#sprite1-p12) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | 17:30 / 12:30 | [](#sprite1-p157) Anderlecht vs Club Brugge [](#sprite1-p217) | Jupiler Pro League | 18:30 / 13:30 | [](#sprite1-p8) Bayern München vs SC Freiburg [](#sprite1-p154) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | **19:45 / 14:45** | **[](#sprite1-p35) Paris Saint-Germain vs Olympique de Marseille [](#sprite1-p119)** | **[](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1** | r/WhatToWatchThisWeek Want to be alerted next time a WTWTW thread is up? Click here to join the [FIXTURE-GUIDE]( group (beware this group is not exclusive to this thread) Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Match Thread: Manchester United vs Brighton & Hove Albion | English Women's Super League #**0': Manchester United [vs](#bar-3-white) Brighton & Hove Albion** **Venue:** Leigh Sports Village [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Manchester United** *Not available*. **Subs:** *Not available*. ^____________________________ **Brighton & Hove Albion** *Not available*. **Subs:** *Not available*. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)* Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: What To Watch This Week (3-9 October) These posts are as much for me as they are for you. So please feel free to reply with your suggestions for what to watch, and make a case for any game to be considered 'must watch', in which case I will bold it. The time zone used to sort games was LIS (Lisbon) time zone, so no, the game is not on a wrong date. --- ***Monday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 19:45 / 14:45 | [](#sprite2-p90) Hellas Verona vs Udinese [](#sprite1-p310) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite2-p9) Rayo Vallecano vs Elche [](#sprite4-p170) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p493) Real Zaragoza vs SD Eibar [](#sprite1-p500) | [](#sprite7-p369) Segunda División | ***Tuesday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p8) Bayern München vs Viktoria Plzeň [](#sprite2-p214) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group C 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p119) Olympique de Marseille vs Sporting CP | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group D **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p22) Ajax vs Napoli [](#sprite1-p75)** | **[](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League** | **Group A** 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p217) Club Brugge vs Atlético Madrid [](#sprite1-p76) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group B 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p86) Eintracht Frankfurt vs Tottenham Hotspur [](#sprite1-p5) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group D 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p37) FC Porto vs Bayer 04 Leverkusen [](#sprite1-p132) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group B 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p25) Internazionale vs Barcelona [](#sprite1-p6) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group C 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p3) Liverpool vs Rangers [](#sprite1-p40) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group A ***Wednesday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite5-p14) RB Leipzig vs Celtic [](#sprite1-p18) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group F 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p455) Red Bull Salzburg vs Dinamo Zagreb [](#sprite1-p197) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group E **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p26) Benfica vs Paris Saint-Germain [](#sprite1-p35)** | **[](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League** | **Group H** 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p4) Chelsea vs AC Milan [](#sprite1-p13) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group E 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p17) Juventus vs Maccabi Haifa [](#sprite1-p359) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group H 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p10) Manchester City vs FC København [](#sprite1-p113) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group G 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p9) Real Madrid vs Shakhtar Donetsk [](#sprite1-p294) | [](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League | Group F **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p229) Sevilla vs Borussia Dortmund [](#sprite1-p12)** | **[](#sprite7-p403) UEFA Champions League** | **Group G** ***Thursday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 01:30 / 20:30 | [](#sprite1-p100) Flamengo vs Internacional [](#sprite1-p190) | [](#sprite7-p349) Brasileiro Série A | 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p166) Malmö FF vs 1. FC Union Berlin [](#sprite3-p23) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group D 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p186) Monaco vs Trabzonspor [](#sprite1-p357) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group H 17:45 / 12:45 | [](#sprite1-p157) Anderlecht vs West Ham United [](#sprite1-p21) | UEFA Conference League | Group B 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p1) Arsenal vs Bodø/Glimt [](#sprite1-p423) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group A **20:00 / 15:00** | **[](#sprite1-p36) AS Roma vs Real Betis [](#sprite1-p296)** | **[](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League** | **Group C** 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p342) SC Braga vs Royale Union SG | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group D 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p154) SC Freiburg vs Nantes [](#sprite1-p363) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group G 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p484) FC Midtjylland vs Feyenoord [](#sprite1-p65) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group F 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite2-p13) Stade Rennais vs Dynamo Kyiv [](#sprite1-p231) | [](#sprite7-p408) UEFA Europa League | Group B 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p125) 1. FC Köln vs Partizan [](#sprite1-p215) | UEFA Conference League | Group D 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p123) Heart of Midlothian vs Fiorentina [](#sprite1-p149) | UEFA Conference League | Group A ***Friday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 19:30 / 14:30 | [](#sprite1-p353) 1899 Hoffenheim vs Werder Bremen [](#sprite1-p64) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p106) Olympique Lyonnais vs Toulouse [](#sprite2-p108) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | ***Saturday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 14:00 / 09:00 | [](#sprite4-p340) US Sassuolo vs Internazionale [](#sprite1-p25) | [](#sprite7-p370) Serie A | 14:30 / 09:30 | [](#sprite1-p132) Bayer 04 Leverkusen vs Schalke 04 [](#sprite1-p79) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | 15:00 / 10:00 | [](#sprite1-p4) Chelsea vs Wolves [](#sprite1-p70) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | 15:00 / 10:00 | [](#sprite1-p10) Manchester City vs Southampton [](#sprite1-p38) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | **17:00 / 12:00** | **[](#sprite1-p13) AC Milan vs Juventus [](#sprite1-p17)** | **[](#sprite7-p370) Serie A** | **17:30 / 12:30** | **[](#sprite1-p12) Borussia Dortmund vs Bayern München [](#sprite1-p8)** | **[](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga** | 17:30 / 12:30 | [](#sprite1-p229) Sevilla vs Athletic Club [](#sprite1-p171) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite2-p389) Stade Reims vs Paris Saint-Germain [](#sprite1-p35) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite2-p180) Getafe vs Real Madrid [](#sprite1-p9) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | ***Sunday*** Time (LIS / LIS -5) | Match | Competition | Round --------------|-----|-----------|-----|--- 01:00 / 20:00 | [](#sprite1-p90) Corinthians vs Atlético Paranaense [](#sprite1-p443) | [](#sprite7-p349) Brasileiro Série A | 13:30 / 08:30 | [](#sprite1-p65) Feyenoord vs FC Twente [](#sprite1-p162) | [](#sprite7-p372) Eredivisie | 13:30 / 08:30 | [](#sprite1-p240) Utrecht vs AZ Alkmaar [](#sprite3-p2) | [](#sprite7-p372) Eredivisie | 14:00 / 09:00 | [](#sprite3-p13) Moreirense vs Nacional [](#sprite2-p494) | Liga Portugal 2 | 15:45 / 10:45 | [](#sprite1-p311) SC Heerenveen vs PSV Eindhoven [](#sprite1-p120) | [](#sprite7-p372) Eredivisie | 16:00 / 11:00 | [](#sprite1-p193) Rapid Wien vs Austria Wien [](#sprite1-p364) | Bundesliga | **16:30 / 11:30** | **[](#sprite1-p1) Arsenal vs Liverpool [](#sprite1-p3)** | **[](#sprite7-p327) Premier League** | 18:30 / 13:30 | [](#sprite1-p68) VfB Stuttgart vs 1. FC Union Berlin [](#sprite3-p23) | [](#sprite7-p328) Bundesliga | 19:00 / 14:00 | [](#sprite1-p15) Everton vs Manchester United [](#sprite1-p2) | [](#sprite7-p327) Premier League | 19:15 / 14:15 | [](#sprite2-p303) Aris vs AEK Athens [](#sprite1-p284) | [](#sprite7-p380) Super League Greece | 19:45 / 14:45 | [](#sprite1-p320) Lille OSC vs Lens [](#sprite2-p181) | [](#sprite7-p377) Ligue 1 | 20:00 / 15:00 | [](#sprite1-p6) Barcelona vs Celta Vigo [](#sprite1-p408) | [](#sprite7-p369) La Liga | r/WhatToWatchThisWeek Want to be alerted next time a WTWTW thread is up? Click here to join the [FIXTURE-GUIDE]( group (beware this group is not exclusive to this thread) Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Been vegan for a little over 2 months now!!! I know its not a long time but I think I can most probably sustain it, eating vegan wasn't never an issue cause I mostly have a bland taste pallet so I can pretty much eat anything as long as texture isn't disgusting. Tbh veganism when it comes to food isn't that hard for me even better cause I am lactose intolerant( one of the reasons I started on vegan journey) and I started to get rusty metallic taste from red meat so its a win for me!! Also I tried tofu first time and sorry vegan friends but its horrible, I love soy tho it has become a treat for me lol.Anything soy is Double S tier. For my cosmetics and shampoo and other stuff it required alot of researching tho and the prices that I was able to cut on groceries added in here but I am happy as products feel genuinely better and my skin is not turning red anymore!!! funny enough my vegan moisturizer smells so damn good of vanilla beans and coffee powder I couldn't control myself of tasting it lol(it didn't taste well tho) Only issue I might have is with clothing, I didn't buy any new clothes yet but its almost October now and winter is around the corner I think buying clothes would be tough cause wool is damn comfortable, feel free to drop some recommendations of some vegan clothing brands ,would be nice. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I finally started! I finally made the jump, got over all the anxiety, and started training… and I love it. I can already see how it might just change my life. I just wanted to get it out to someone, anyone, that I’m proud of myself for taking that step. If anyone else is wondering whether they should start or not - please do, it’ll be the best thing you do! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: MUA can no longer do my bridal makeup, so I’m doing my own. Desperately need advice on blush! I’m unsure on what tones to consider for my wedding day blush. It’s an autumn wedding around dusk in a beautiful Georgian-era venue. The lipstick is quite pigmented and a deep burgundy. What colors would complement both my skin and not look “too much” with the lip? I’m in the UK and don’t have a budget. I appreciate any advice! Label: not moderated
Ayo! Its my cake day today! 🎂🥳 AYO! ITS MY CAKE DAY TODAY! 🎂🥳 And for my gift? They nerfed my favourite gun(Basmu) to the fucking ground in this fucking game. Piece of shit DE, fucking lazy bastards with dogshit sense of game direction and frame design. 2017 was better. Why not just fucking remove Wuclone and nerf the Bramma/Zarr instead? I genuinely thought that shit would be better after Steve and his dumbass anti vacuum ideas left but nooo. They nerfed everything else to the ground instead of making shit better. The free Styanax is kinda cool tho
[ 4320, 5954, 8492 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Wukong Nerfs Is Bad, And DE Should Feel Bad Reviews on Steam after patch say everything how playerbase feels about it 60% negative, nuff said ​ ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Label: moderated Example-1: Post: SFO: Grimhammer 3 update Everyone is excited about 2.2 today, but there was also an update from Venris on the SFO Grimhammer 3 page comments. []( Update is going smooth, that means we are porting not only basics of WH3 balance we made but new units and some mechanics from SFO 2. There is still tons to do because we don't want to repeat mistakes of the past and that means revisit of all content we made to deliver something fresh and more refine. Thanks to effort of last months and how mod is made now it took 15 minutes to make my actual work fully working with 2.2 game patch :). New visuals for SFO units teaser: []( ​ Next SFO Update Progress Overall % - TBA General............................50% Kislev................................90% Cathay..............................90% Khorne..............................90% Nurgle...............................90% Tzeentch...........................90% Slaanesh..........................90% Ogres................................90% Warriors of Chaos..........5% Beastmen.........................10% Empire..............................99% Bretonnia.........................99% Greenskins......................25% Vampire Counts.............10% Dwarfs..............................10% Wood Elves.....................10% High Elves.......................10% Dark Elves.......................10% Skaven.............................10% Lizardmen........................10% Tomb Kings.....................10% Vampire Coast...............10% ​ It looks like SFO Grimhammer 3 is around 50% completed, and if the pace keeps steady, we can expect the mod to be released late this year or early next year (not official, OP speculation). Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: We need to talk, this is important! From the New War Update, we have seen the change into the creative team happening, changing a lot of things into warframe overall. New content is more Warframeless oriented , they are now balance updates, and much more direct storytelling than it used to. So here we are ; What is one thing you like the more with the new dev team / the thing you liked better with the old dev team ? (Please for the sake of being nice, always give one of each and stay polite) Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [Postgame Thread] Missouri Defeats Abilene Christian 34-17 [Box Score provided by ESPN]( Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | T ----|-|-|-|-|-|- [Abilene Christian](#f/abilenechristian)|3|0|7|7|17 [Missouri](#f/missouri)|14|3|14|3|34 ### Made with the /r/CFB [Game Thread Generator]( Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Proposal to address referee problems in the PL I'll start this off by saying I'm an Arsenal fan, and don't think we lost today because of referee decisions, but after watching games and clips from all games this past week, its clear things need to change. My first proposal for VAR is that referees should be given all angles, mostly at full speed, and slo-mo should be used very sparingly. I believe a huge factor in the terrible, inconsitent decisions is that VAR arrives on their own decision, isolated from the physicality of the game, then only shows the ref 1-2 clips in slo-mo which support that decision. Other angles, full speed and longer clips often support the refs original decision, so he should be able to see those. VAR should be there to suggest the ref have another look, not to suggest a specific decision to him. The second might be a bit more controversial, but I strongly believe that nearly all refs have implicit bias' for and against certain teams, but they only have to state their a fan of some lower league team to avoid being disqualified from certain matches. I think the league must at least partially, if not fully outsource refereeing to foreigners. I don't think I need to explain the bias we've seen go against Arsenal numerous times, but I've also seen it benefit us (Anthony Taylor in our FA Cup win vs Chelsea comes to mind). Whatever happens, the premier league has enough money to fix these problems, and they must invest in improvement if they want to be taken seriously as the best league in the world. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Worldwide shipping clothing store I like thehut store. Any recommendations for similar online store with worldwide shipping? Label: moderated
Kansas is 5-0 for the first time since 2009, and tied for 1st place in the Big 12 through 5 weeks Embrace it.
[ 4079, 9297, 9895 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: After defeating Iowa State today, Kansas Football starts 5-0 for the first time since 2009. Title. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Big 12 Who in their right minds would’ve ever thought Kansas would be sitting at the top of the big 12 while Oklahoma is at the bottom? Last time Kansas started 5-0 was in 2009, they ended the year 5-7… Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Kansas is alone in 1st place in the Big XII standings. Discuss. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Skaven with Skrolk: cannot recolonize skavenblight? I started a Skrolk campaign, got my food to ~100, then abandoned my capital Skavenblight. It seems though that I cannot recolonize it. Is this intended? Or a bug? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: i just got a rabbits foot from a serpent in skull cavern, how rare is it ​ Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Compact option for long range engagements Been researching for a compact option I can use to hit targets far away, aeg or gas doesn’t matter, but It needs at least a top rail for a sight, and magazine options, any ideas? Label: not moderated
Need stream for Texas game Anyone got a stream for the Texas game in 50 minutes?
[ 448, 12609, 3785 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Help, I’m on a cruise ship and in need of a legit stream! Can anyone please recommend sites where I can stream live college football. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Where can I watch college football for free? I don’t want to use an illegal stream- is there anywhere I can watch it for free *legally*. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: [Postgame Thread] Sam Houston Defeats Texas A&M-Commerce 27-17 [Box Score provided by ESPN]( Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | T ----|-|-|-|-|-|- [Texas A&M-Commerce](#f/texasamcommerce)|0|0|7|10|17 [Sam Houston](#f/samhoustonstate)|3|7|7|10|27 ### Made with the /r/CFB [Game Thread Generator]( Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How do you guys get through the game until Uranus? It's been quite the drag...the gameplay is fine for the most part, but you run out of energy so quickly that you can barely use your abilities before running out. How do you all keep the boredom away while you grind all the way to Uranus? Also it's pretty funny that the game is supposed to get good at Uranus, of all places. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I like this community I have learned a lot about game mechanics from you all. Give yourselves a round of applause! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Legacy weapons are garbage I just want to say whoever shows up to public events with your exploding gatling plasmas, lasers, and flamers take pretty much all the fun out of an event. I just got done with radiation rumble, moonshine jamboree, and eviction notice and I couldn't even get 1 levels worth of experience because of how fast everything dies. Is it really still fun for you guys to one tap any enemy you look at? Or to kill everything around so quickly that no one else can get any loot or exp? Maybe just use regular guns so that way everybody can enjoy the game how it should be Label: moderated
not moderated
So Prime Resurgence is a bi-monthly thing instead of monthly?? Or was I just understanding this wrong the whole time. Cause from everywhere I’ve seen including DE themselves it was going to switch monthly which would be tomorrow, the 14th, but going to chick at the relay they have say little thing up that says the next offering for Valkyrie and Saryn starts in 22 days. So is it only like this since it just started? Or is this is how it is?
[ 10927, 1988, 6719 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Question 🚨🚨 Has DE said what time does prime resurgence start at? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: next resurgence cycle? When is the next set of frames and weapons released from the resurgence event? It said they would swap out monthly but i havent heard anything yet of the next cycle? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Permanent Prime Resurgence Hell Yeah I'm glad we finally won't have to wait months it even years for a prime to be unvaulted before people can get it. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: New season is coming up, and I don’t have a cable TV. Is signing up to ESPN+ worth? It’s only $6.99. So I am cool with that. How does ESPN+ work? Can I stream any NHL game over there? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: It’s a skill issue… It for real is, I can’t finish a single clip but I can hit an insane shot, just not in net. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Repairing my house/wildwood Is anyone else having issues trying to fix damage on the actual building? I can't select the wall to fix it and when I click on the camp item there is nothing to fix. Any suggestions? Label: not moderated
Is Appalachian State undefeated in stadiums that seat over 100k? Asking for a couple friends
[ 8623, 10611, 6825 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: If you bet Appalachian State and Georgia Southern in a parlay with $100 - congrats on winning 20k! Someone give me a sports almanac from the future! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Appalachian State have more wins over Texas A&M than South Carolina (who have played ever year since 2014). *sigh Label: moderated Example-2: Post: What are the chances of OK State getting into the CFP if it defeats an undefeated TCU in BIGXII CG? ? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Most realistic / precise co2 revolver 7.5J < Hi guys, This is not an airsoft related question but I noticed this community is far more active that the airgun one, and there are lots of intersections between the two, so probably somebody can help me choosing. I used to attend a shooting range where I mostly shot 6'' .357 and .38s. However, with moving abroad, I became less regular, required more practice and costs went up. As a result, I decided to invest in a realistic CO2 revolver with precision sufficient to allow for practice with a 25-30m target. I know the best option would be a professional airgun, but I am not ready to give up to the real feel. I heard lots of good comments on Dan Wesson 6''. However, it appears there's a few models to choose from, and even cartdriges can make an impact on power. What is your take and recommendation? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Waist slimming help? I have a goal to be around 25 inches. I'm currently 122 pounds, 5ft 4, and approximately 27-27.5 inches. I was 116 and about 26-26.5 inches, but I gained some weight during my master's program from stress eating sweets. I want to start weight lifting but don't know where to begin. Previously, I frequently ran long distances: 5-18miles per run and a pace of 7-9mins per mile depending on terrain and mileage. I was lean, but my diet was all over the place. I feel like 25 inches is achievable, but I don't know what workouts would promote my goal. Of course, I also focus on overall fitness, but having a small waist makes me feel good. I know you can't spot deduct fat. Ive read that cinching exercises that tighter the transverse abdominal muscles can help, but am unsure of the actuality of those workouts helping. Currently 35.5-27.5-38 Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Running gives me more muscle than lifting?? 30F, 5'4' and 120lbs, a mesomorph - I'm fairly fit but always aiming to be leaner... A year ago, I was at 19% bodyfat when i ventured into 6 months of strength workouts and HIIT workouts - only to find that i lost zero fat and lost 1kg (2.lbs) of lean muscle as a result. After that, i was quite sick with covid and found it very hard to return to exercise, hence started with some light yoga and then continued onto 6 months of running (uphill runs, i usually run 10km per day) and hiking. During those 6 months, i lost 2kg (4.4lbs) of fat and gained 2kg (4.4lbs) of lean muscle, not just in legs but equally all over my body. (measured with Inbody320, i have been doing these measurements for a decade now and find them to be pretty consistent and reliable) Can anyone explain how that is possible? Because it makes no sense to me. They'll always tell you strength training is best for body recomposition.. i have actually had similar results back in summer 2019 when i was at my leanest after a summer full of hiking and zero lifting. Label: moderated
not moderated
I keep learning new side effects of my chronic health conditions and the medications I treat with and I’m mad about it. This is more of a vent than anything else. The short version of my health problems is that I can’t breathe normally. I’m scheduled to have my fourth surgery soon for this issue, but I’ve also been on antihistamines for the last 15 years or so and probably always will be because my allergy treatments aren’t making enough of a difference. I recently gained the ability to start more thoroughly investigating my physical health and I’m shocked how much literally not being able to breathe hs impacted my weight. I’ve been so focused on the immediate impacts of feeling shitty all the time and never realized or put thought to the fact that the sleep apnea and therefore poor sleep probably contributes to weight gain and depression and anxiety. And the chronic fatigue issues. But like, duh. I also never knew that antihistamines are correlated with weight gain and it wasn’t ever mentioned by the same doctors who instructed me to lose weight (without any real analysis or advice on how to do that, exactly). I know these are probably obvious but I’ve had these problems for as long as I can remember, so I’m shook. Bodies are a pain and I’d rather be a corporeal form, I guess.
[ 2974, 9893, 10455 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: medication weight gain :/ posting out of sheer desperation i was on a histamine medication (hydroxizine) from april-august. in that time i gained 35-40lbs, i didn’t even realize that was a medication that could cause such severe weight gain until i looked into it. i stopped taking it after finding that out. anyone have any experience losing the weight from a medication after going off of it? i can’t do much exercise-wise due to chronic illness, but i’m wondering if anyone has any idea how to get rid of this weight. it’s so mentally taxing to deal with :/ Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Need advice I’m not sure if I have a eating disorder or not. But I weigh a healthy weight for my height 5’7 and 145 pounds. But I am always on the scale before I eat, or after I eat, if I gain just one pound I am done eating for the rest of the day. My family thinks I have a problem but I don’t think I I do. I look in the mirror everyday and I dont like what is staring back at me, my body, face, etc. and on top of this I deal with depression and anxiety, which at times can be very debilitating. The doctor has recently ( two weeks ago) put me on vraylar. She suspects that I suffer from bipolar 1 depression. The only thing I have noticed is maybe a little increase in energy. I’m looking for advice. Has anyone ever had to take vraylar for bipolar and if so how did you react to the medication. I’m also on viibryd and adderall along with trazadone. Looking for hope because right now i feel like there isn’t any hope left. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? I’m putting on weight and I can’t figure out why. I’m definitely eating less than 2000 calories per day (probably 1500-1750 typically), most of which are admittedly carbs. I’m trying to get back to a decent sleep schedule but for the last six months or so it’s been 4-6 hours per night with the TV on. I do have high stress levels from work (and anxiety in general). I run 4-6 miles once per week, one mile twice per week, and do 90 minute Ashtanga sessions twice per week. I don’t know if it’s the carbs, the stress, the sleep, some combination of the above, or a crappy metabolism. My GP doesn’t have much to say about it and I don’t know if I should be talking to a personal trainer, dietician/nutritionist, or bariatric specialist (I’m not obese but not sure who else would have a good idea of all of the factors that could be causing the weight gain). Does anyone have advice on where to start? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Can you tie your lapel together when your belt comes off? If your belt comes off can i tie my lapel together so you cant grab it? And can I take my arm out the gi sleeve and use the sleeve for chokes and to loop over limbs? And can you put someone elses arm in your own gi sleeve or tie it together with yours and we grapple like conjoined twins ? Is this question bad enough to be a defecation post? Iam a clear belt btw Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Transferring saves? Can I transfer my game from pc to switch lite? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: ["LUMINOR PANERAI"] Luminous? Yes! Radioactive? Not anymore! Original versions of Panerai watches with lume dials, the 'Radiomir' were known to contain Radium (patented by Guido Panerai in 1915), to make the hands and markers glow underwater. When developing watches for the Italian Navy 'Frogmen' for WW2, Guido Panerai discovered the danger, and the Radiomir model evolved to the Luminor. To make Luminor happen, Guido partnered with Rolex, who had perfected the water resistance of their Oyster case at that time, and then combined with his own touch, which is the lockable "Crown guard" lever mechanism, which ensures the crown 👑 and stem stay fully seated underwater. I'm not exactly sure what year this particular style is from....... If you have gotten this far, and are still reading, I know that this watch is a replica, but acquiring it taught me to learn about the original brand and the history and the connection to rolex , which was really cool. Obviously, it's a huge watch. And takes a certain risk to be able to wear it. As a conversation piece, it's awesome! I switched the original sandy brown strap to a simple black leather strap to complete. Label: moderated
Miami/Virginia Tech is so bad… That they didn’t even want it on ACC Network?
[ 8101, 9840, 8897 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: ACC Is the ACC the worst P5 conference this year? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Why is Tennessee a Top 10 Program? They beat Furman and Akron which any team in the Nation would have beaten them like they did. They beat Pittsburgh on the Road in O/T. Then they got super lucky bc UF went for 2 and failed, this putting them in a situation where they needed a touchdown to win in the final minutes. That game should have gone in overtime. But they did beat Florida at home. But is this a case of more SEC bias and fluff to boost the resumes of Georgia and Alabama? Or is Tennessee finally after almost 30 years of being useless coming to the table? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Am I the only one that thinks it's a little ridiculous that WVU vs. Kansas is only on ESPN +? I mean, this is a Power 5 conference game. There wasn't anyone that could have gotten bumped off one of the networks? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: What decks could have pitential in the future I was thinking of building scareclaw becouse the deck seems fun and its getting new support so in the future i think its gonna be pretty decent but what other decks could have potential. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: So I think I’ve hit a pretty big plateau and I need advice on losing the rest of the weight and breaking though this. I started at 325lbs right when the pandemic started so more than 2 years ago, I got down to 215lbs about a year ago, these past few months I got down to 220lbs but for the life of me, I can’t get past there again. I’m kind of tall, 6’ so I eat about 2500-2600 calories a day. I exercise about 4 hours a day 6 days a week, an hour of cardio, my weight training and a 10 mile bike ride, I also box so most of that time is spent on drills and exercises related to that. But nothing is happening, I’ve been doing this for months and it feels like I just can’t lose anything past this. My goal is 190 but it feels harder and harder to reach that as the days go on, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: GTFO!!! Sean o Malley won that fight there is absolutely no way. I don't know if the judges are in Dana White's pocket for this event or maybe they just want to give him the big push the same way they did Conor McGregor. But Peter Jan one that fight! Label: moderated
why Utah schools show so much animosity towards each other? This Utah state/ BYU game is pretty crazy. Fights all game. Seems like that every time BYU plays a instate rival.
[ 10832, 9146, 1847 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Should the NCAA have Utah and USC redo their game in case it was a big fluke? No disrespect to the utes, I'm a firm believer that Utah beating them is a huge fluke and robs the Trojans of truly accomplishing what their capable of. I've spent the last few minutes in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire regular season watching the Trojans play great football it's just not fair. If the Trojans lose again I will face that the Utes deserved the win, but I am just 100% sure it was a fluke and does a big disservice to the Trojans and the PAC 12. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Southern Utah gets no respect Utah beat them 73-7 and dropped a spot in the AP poll. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Every Game is a Playoff Game in the 4-Team Playoff Model Utah was among the favorites to get into the CFP. Notre Dame was an underdog to get in, but still had a shot. Utah just lost to Florida and Notre Dame is probably going to lose to OSU (21-10 as I’m writing this). Both teams have to be perfect for the rest of the season for just the possibility of getting in. But even if they win out, there’s still a strong possibility they miss (especially true for ND). College football is so exciting because EVERY. GAME. MATTERS. Would the Florida Utah game have been as exciting if the game wasn’t so critical for both teams playoff hopes? No. Who cares if Utah loses when the 12-team structure is in place. They could lose their next 2 games in addition to this one and still get in. To those who say, “more playoff games are better,” you’re dumb and ruined the game. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Do you need to Oil Airgun BBs (Not airsoft) I just got the thought of oiling bbs, i have an airgun shoots metal bbs and I'm not sure if i should oil the bbs before i shoot. Do i have to oil them at all? Do i have to oil them sometimes? do I always have to oil them? I'm very confused with this. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Washable Merino Oversized Sweater Does anyone have a recommendation for a button down or open washable merino sweater ideally in a camel color? I’m looking for something similar to this [Everlane sweater]( or the look of the Jenni Kayne Cashmere sweaters but washable. Icebreaker used to have good options but has nothing currently and I haven’t found what I’m looking for used. I’d like something that is 100% merino but will settle for 90% or so. Washable is a must. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Help with Gait. I’m currently a recreational runner, who has a history of completing and enjoying half marathons and anything under. I was an avid Track/cross country kid in high school, and spent most of my high school life/early adulthood doing 7-10 miles a day. (Currently 25f) When lockdown hit, my physical activity reduced dramatically, I quit an awful job (high physical requirement) , got an amazing one (also high physical requirement) , got pregnant, had a baby, got all the baby weight off - and am now trying to get back to finding out who I am besides a mother. I started going on morning runs about a month ago (3-4 days a week) and decided to just play it by ear and listen to my body for duration and intensity. I am slightly restricted on the amount of time I have as my spouses schedule brings up restrictions on my time away from our child. (currently 1.5y/o) Things were going great for the first 2 weeks, I went from 2 miles in 30 minutes to 3.5 in 30 over the course of 3 weeks. (My younger mind athlete is pained at the timing, but I know I’m out of practice) My current dilemma is the sheer amount of pain I am after my initial run, and a few days after my run. It started with expected muscle soreness, but that dissipated after the first 4-5 runs. The muscle soreness is gone, but I now have intense joint pain in my knees, hips and ankles that start in the middle of my run, and continue until I’ve restricted high intensity movement for several days. It made me realize I feel my gait is severely oblong, like my feet are made of lead and it’s awkward to get an even pace going. I’m struggling. I’ve been trying to focus on form, and my upper half is still in the same competition form I’m familiar with, (eyes to the horizon, arms lightly propelling, Parallel to My surroundings, little to no rib contortion, core feels engaged) but from the hips down, it literally feels likes I have no control of where or how my feet land despite trying to manipulate my form. Currently running in Nike Revoltuin 5 or TR-11, both resulting in the same pain. Any tips or recommendations on how to trouble shoot form, and minimize joint pain? Label: moderated
Weird stat: Aaron Judge has never hit his 62nd home run when ESPN interrupts a college football game 🤷🏻‍♂️ [\_McMurphy/status/1576029095137538049](
[ 1148, 6930, 5493 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Aaron Judge has hit his 61st home run of the season And with this, we will [hopefully] be freed from cutaways to Yankees games this weekend during CFB! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: ESPN. Please. Stop. I do not care about Aaron Judge. Nobody watching Mississippi and Kentucky play football cares about Aaron Judge. I didn’t even know who he was until you did the same thing last week. Just stop. I want to watch a top 15 SEC matchup. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Aaron Judge Hits HR 62 of the Season We did it! Us college football fans are free. No more second screens. No more interrupted broadcasts. No more baseball during football. Rejoice r/cfb! Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Oregon fans, do you want to join the B1G? I've heard complaints from you about UCLA and USC bolting for the B1G. What if you were to join them in 2024-6? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Private weight loss chefs? So I have an incredibly bougie problem, but I’m very curious as to whether or not private weight loss chefs exist. I’m not talking about dietitians or nutritionists that tell you *what* to eat, but chefs who will cook food that fits into specific caloric or macro requirements. Does this service exist? I ask because I’ve tried services like Factor, Blue Apron, etc, but the food either doesn’t taste good or is difficult to measure based on my caloric requirements. I enjoy cooking, but it’s a lot of work, and I’m thinking about ways I can outsource certain domestic tasks and make weight loss easier for myself. TIA! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Code for Charlie not working (need answer fast) I've used 3 keycards, been super careful typing in the code from Nukacrypt and checked against Fallout Builds. Label: not moderated
not moderated
[Tissot Visodate SeastarSeven] My watch goes to fast! So my watch goes at normal speed when it’s fully winded up. But when it’s not it goes really fast. Do somebody know how you can fix this without spending a lot of money?
[ 8848, 9704, 3421 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [Seiko King Samurai] runs too fast? My brand new Seiko King Samurai is running 24 seconds/day fast compared to my gshock square solar multiband. I am disappointed because my much cheaper Seiko 5 only runs 4 seconds a day fast. Should I just get over it? 24 seconds/day seems a bit much to me but maybe that's just how it goes with automatic watches. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: [SOTC] I need advice on servicing vintage watches Hello Everyone, I need advice on vintage watches and servicing them. I recently inherited a number of watches from a family member, including the following: - A 100+ year old Westclox pocket watch owned by my great grandfather who worked on the railroad. This watch stopped working on him in the 1950s, when he had retired and stopped using it. - A Wittinauer given to my grandfather in 1960. This watch was damaged in an accident about 50 years ago needing a new crystal, band, and other work. It sounds like it winds but, the dial has two complications and the hand is detached from one of them and the main hands on the dial do not move after the watch is wound. - A Seiko "world time" watch stamped with "Asian Games on the back. This watch is missing it's stem and has a broken original band. - An Omega manual watch given to my father on his wedding day in the early 70s. This watch needs a band and when it's wound, there's no indication in the movement upon casual glance that it's been wound. - An Omega pocket watch stamped with "Paris 1900" on the movement cover that seems to work fine but loses about a minute a day. - A few old quartz watches including a Gruen, Oleg Cassini, and an Oscar de la renta that seem to be of questionable quality The first 5 watches are of particular interest to me as they represent specific moments in my family history. I would like to service them but have no idea what to expect or how to find someone to service them. I would like them to be repaired and cleaned as I add them to my own collection. Being vintage watches, I have no idea what's involved with this financially or how to find someone who will service vintage watches. My own collection is comprised of much more contemporary watches and have only needed to have one serviced, which was done by someone who passed a couple of years ago. Now here's the thing. I had an old IWC my brother had handed down to me 30 years ago. It worked wonderfully until 2021 when I followed advice on finding someone to service it online. The person I shipped it to disappeared with it after receiving it and it was lost to me. This was crushing because I was very close with my brother until his passing after a long difficult battle with cancer. It was the only thing of his that I owned. I trusted it to someone who proved to be untrustworthy. So, here are my questions: 1. How do I find someone who can service these watches? There are precious few people in my area who service watches and the three who I contacted told me they wont work on watches as old as these. 2. What am I likely to face in cost for servicing an old watch? Obviously make and age and availability of parts is a huge factor but, for vintage watches specifically is there a ballpark range that I should expect as some form of loose guidance? Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Starking AM0184] Question about winding Hello, I'm rather new in the world of automatic watches and I have a question about winding. I have a Starking AM0184 and it's automatic. I've done tons of half rotations to the crown in order to fully wind it, but it never comes to a full stop, I can always wind it more. Should there be a full stop to the crown motion? Or can some watches be winded forever? (Maybe at some point the crown is just spinning but not giving charge to the watch) I'd like to know when my watch is fully winded but I can't see any clue on how winded it is. Thanks in advance :) Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Removing 2 items from comp isn’t splitting the lootpool Not sure who needs to hear this but epic thinks its ok to have the same CORE meta on all modes. the only thing they do is “shockwaves are not included in competitive playlists”. other than that the lootpool is the SAME. it should be Comp: Spaz, Charge, Scar, Aug, Casual/NoBuild: Prime, TwoShot, Hammer, OP SMG #1, OP SMG #2 Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Casual looking to solo the main quests. Hit a hard roadblock. Hello all! Sorry to bother you all but I am having some trouble in this game. Im a super casual who is trying to beat the story because I love the fallout series and am really enjoying this on aswell! Now, I hit level 55 recently and have hit a total roadblock in DMG. I do abysmal against pretty much anything. I am currently facing a dude name KIT in full armor and I can barely touch him. I guess my casualness has caught up to me lol. Ive tried to search the forums for ppl with similar problems but mostly find links to builds that seems far out of my scope of knowledge or gear. Anyone got any tips? Any build that are relatively easy to follow and dont demand super high-end gear that will see me through the story atleast? I dont have any special preferences when it comes to wpns and such. Anything to get the job done! Any help is appreciated. Im kinda stuck as of now :) Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Mexican CFB] the IPN wins the 75th national classic game Hello everyone I hope you guys are doing well. So it's me again, in other posts I have told a little about this rivalry in Mexico between the two largest public universities in Mexico. this game was of the utmost importance to know which team would have home field advantage in the playoffs. some interesting details: This will be the first year in our country that we will have 8 teams in the playoffs; since 2018 the IPN has won 6 of 10 meetings between the different teams of both institutions; the LB # 3 of Aguilas Blancas was invited to the IPP of the NFL last year but was not selected by any team; finally this year the UNAM celebrates the 95th anniversary of its football team. Here are the links to the full game and the highlights. Full game: Highlights: Hope you enjoy it :) Label: not moderated
skyline its it a good car to use to airdribble or should i pass and use the dom
[ 10987, 12756, 7990 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Is the new Honda Civic good for kickoffs? What do y’all think? Good? Bad? Depends on your skill? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: help with school project hi all, i'm working on an essay to go towards my university applications to go into motorsport engineering :)). my essay was initially about the introduction of the halo but after reading adrian newey's book i really want to write my essay about how to build the perfect f1 car. so, would anyone be able to recommend some cars to look at that were the best of their times, or specific parts to look at in order to make the car perfect? any help would be greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance :)) Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Anyone have tips for mastering air roll left? I’m diamond and i have pretty good control in the air using regular air roll. not great but good. i’ve realized that how much better directional is but i am terrible at it. anyone have tips? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: styanax gift missing?? Hi guys, I was under the understanding that we were going to receive Stianax after we log in today. But I haven't received anything. Is this normal? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: what site was it that i could search for airsoft stuff in my country and it would search all webshops in that country? Just link it! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Question] What is the most comfortable watch bracelet? From your experience what is the most comfortable / best feeling bracelet to wear? Label: not moderated
Lengthened and shortened position of muscles I\`m a personal trainer and I'm looking to do a template program for people who cant afford PT, I still want them to be able to personalize the program though so I am going to put in options for lengthened, shortened and mid range for certain muscle groups, ie a leg day doing multiple quad dominant exercises rather than just random have some structure to it for example the quads: getting shortened and mid range tension is fairly simple but to get multiple options for lengthened position I'm struggling with What are your go to exercises for each position in different muscles?
[ 11495, 8382, 6687 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: lengthened and shortened muscle positions I'm looking to do a template program for people who cant afford PT, I still want them to be able to personalize the program though so I am going to put in options for lengthened, shortened and mid range for certain muscle groups ie a leg day doing multiple quad dominant exercises. Rather than just random, have some structure to it for example the quads: getting shortened and mid range tension is fairly simple but to get multiple options for lengthened position I'm struggling with What are your go to exercises for each position in different muscles? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: help structure my leg day I train my legs once a week, here are the exercises i do: lying leg curls 4x12 rdls 3x12 leg press 3x10 hip abductions 3x15 cable kickbacks 3x10 sumo deadlift 3x8 barbell squat 3x10 what would be the correct order to perform these exercises? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: What is a good 3x/week full body hypertrophy/strength program *FOR ADVANCED LIFTERS* Currently running push pull legs 6x/week but I absolutely cannot keep on doing it as life is getting in the way. I need to limit my gym days to only 3 days a week. However, I cannot find any good full body programs unless it is a beginner program. Does anyone know of a good full body program for intermediate-advanced lifters? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Running improvement after septiplasty surgery? Hello everyone! I am getting a septiplasty (surgery for deviated septum) done this year and I was wondering if any runners/cyclists can attest to how their performance improved after the surgery. I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say that it's p difficult to breathe at baseline for me (particularly in a mask), although I never thought it was all that bad while running because I always breathe through my mouth. If I'm honest, I'm not really sure what questions I have about it, but I just wanted to see other people's experience with the surgery because it seems like most of the accounts about it are not related to exercise. Thanks! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: When a Rocket League Player plays Warzone Saw it on 9gag, just to funny to not post it here Label: moderated Example-2: Post: I’m angry that there are COUNTLESS YouTube channels out there like this one that solely consist of people making animals fight each other for views. I wasn’t sure where to post my frustrations about this. I thought this community would be an ok place to start but please let me know if I should post it somewhere else. Anyway… how is this allowed? Am I overreacting? Should this be normal? And if not, is there anything we can do to stop videos like this from being posted on YouTube? Label: moderated
what are your opinions on PF? Hi 😊 I have been trying to lose weight since the beginning of this year. I started following a lot of IG accounts and fitness people. Therefore my for you page is full of that kind of content. I see a lot of reels saying bad stuff about PF or just making fun of people that go there. Well, I go to that gym because I'm broke AF and other gyms intimidate me. Is it that bad of a gym to go to? I have seen results tho 🤷🏻‍♀️
[ 12179, 10472, 9804 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Looking for feedback on this site... Hi all, could you please help review this Health and Fitness Lifestyle 4 U site. This is my first version of a blog.. Hence, your feedback would be very much appreciated Label: moderated Example-1: Post: CAP (Crossfit Affiliate Programming) -- Anyone following it at their Gym? Any impressions? Our gym will be switching over to the CAP progamming. Any of you following it? What are your thoughts? Does it have a good focus on barbell? Did anyone follow it and improve their placing in the Open? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Is it wrong that I do bodybuilding for women and not myself? I love going to the gym and bodybuilding, I don't mind not being the biggest guy in the room as long as I got a great figure that girls notice. My physique is somewhat like Daniel Craig's in Casino Royale, I maintain a low body fat and if people ask me if I do it for myself, I will honestly tell them that I do it for the girls. I have maintained my six pack year long, I do progressive overloads, I maintain good form, and I don't really dabble with any form of anabolics. Anyways, I find happiness and satisfaction with it, I can say wholeheartedly that I just don't do it for myself but I do it for women or for $20. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Well this is a rip... When you go on rl exchange and buy $16 dollars worth of items expecting them to be sent to your account straight away but then only after reading the email you realise is says "our agent will send you a friend request, accept for them to trade you your purchased items." And you also realise that you don't have 2FA. You go to activate it... You see a random email that you don't remember and you need a code from so you can activate 2FA. You go to update that email to your current one but find out that you need a verification code from your old email that you can't sign into because you can't remember it and you made it in like 2017 for fortnite to change to a current new one.your sad because you have no idea what they email is and you have wasted $16-$18 on a sky blue 20xx and sky blue Zombas, nice.... Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Looking For The Best Workout Brands Hey Guys, I am looking for recommendations on what you all think the best workout shirts out there are. I am doing reviews of brands on Youtube to find the best out there. I have already reviewed Old Navy and Alo Yoga on my channel here: Here is a list of what I plan on reviewing but really looking to see if there is anything great out there that I may be missing! Alo Lulu Rhone Fabletics Ten Thousand Old Navy Nike Under Armour Tasc ASVR Myles Fresh Clean Tees Gym Shark Asics Thanks everyone! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Ranking college football's open head-coaching jobs, plus latest hot seat buzz Thoughts? Seems like 5. 4, and 3 are somewhat interchangeable. 5. Colorado Buffaloes 4. Georgia Tech Yellowjackets 3. Arizona State Sun Devils 2. Nebraska Cornhuskers 1. Wisconsin Badgers Label: not moderated
not moderated
Imagine being such a loser and fighting with multiple BSS creators about who won mini golf for an hour, Hank even said the edit was wrong Also he said Jeff should not get the money, people are nuts on Twitter.
[ 5070, 1269, 6691 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Should an investigation be done into bets on the TJ fight for those who knew about his shoulder injury? Cub swanson for example said 6 weeks ago TJ couldn't lift his arm. TJ knew he couldn't wrestle. He knew aljo would wrestle him and therefore he pretty much knew he had no chance of winning this fight. How many people new about this I wonder and having this information I'd pretty much a guaranteed winning bet. I think some investigation should be done on this as it seems like fraud. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: This week's event should be a fight night card No title? No true #1 contender eliminator? Holland vs Rodriguez had to be added last minute. Main event egregiously misses weight Possibly 4 catchweight fights? This card is extremely watered down and feels like a shit show at this point. If I had any friends and I hosted the fight, none of them would even want to come over. C'mon man Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Another sporting event, another apology administered by school officials... Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [32/32] Vegas Golden Knights Offseason Recap [Any contributions appreciated!]( **Prior Threads:** [[1/32] Buffalo Sabres]( [[2/32] Detroit Red Wings]( [[3/32] Florida Panthers]( [[4/32] Montreal Canadiens]( [[5/32] Ottawa Senators]( [[6/32] Tampa Bay Lightning]( [[7/32] Toronto Maple Leafs]( [[8/32] Boston Bruins]( [[9/32] Chicago Blackhawks]( [[10/32] Colorado Avalanche]( [[11/32] Minnesota Wild]( [[12/33] Nashville Predators]( [[13/32] St. Louis Blues]( [[14/32] Winnipeg Jets]( [[15/32] Carolina Hurricanes]( [[16/32] Columbus Blue Jackets]( [[17/32] New Jersey Devils]( [[18/32] New York Islanders]( [[19/32] New York Rangers]( [[20/32] Arizona Coyotes]( [[21/32] Philadelphia Flyers]( [[22/32] Pittsburgh Penguins]( [[23/32] Washington Capitals]( [[24/32] Calgary Flames]( [[25/32] Anaheim Ducks]( [[26/32] Los Angeles Kings]( [[27/32] San Jose Sharks]( [[28/32] Seattle Kraken]( [[29/32] Edmonton Oilers]( [[30/32] Vancouver Canucks]( [[31/32 Dallas Stars( **Past Golden Knights Recaps** [2021]( [2020]( [2019]( [Fan Survey Results 2019]( [2018]( [Fan survey Results 2018]( **2022 FAN SURVEY RESPONSES** *Q: How would you rate your team's offseason?* MEAN SCORE: 3.00 [Graph]( *Comparison to other teams:* Team|Mean Score :--|:-- Ottawa Senators|4.62 Columbus Blue Jackets|4.50 Detroit Red Wings|4.42 Seattle Kraken|4.38 Calgary Flames|4.29 Los Angeles Kings|4.24 Edmontoin Oilers|4.11 Arizona Coyotes|4.09 Carolina Hurricanes|4.09 Colorado Avalanche|3.93 Washington Capitals|3.90 New Jersey Devils|3.89 Dallas Stars|3.87 Nashville Predators|3.87 New York Rangers|3.86 Anaheim Ducks|3.85 Pittsburgh Penguins|3.78 Buffalo Sabres|3.73 Tampa Bay Lightning|3.62 Montreal Canadiens|3.57 Boston Bruins|3.56 Florida Panthers|3.30 Vancouver Canucks|3.22 San Jose Sharks|3.12 Minnesota Wild|3.09 **Vegas Golden Knights**|**3.00** Toronto Maple Leafs|2.91 Chicago Blackhawks|2.65 St. Louis Blues|2.59 New York Islanders|2.23 Winnipeg Jets|1.97 Philadelphia Flyers|1.27 2021 SCORE: 2.67 (29th) 2020 SCORE: 3.82 *Q: Best signing?* *Taken before Hauge signing 1. Nicolas Roy: **38.8%** 2. Phil Kessel: **36.7%** 3. Reilly Smith: **24.5%** *TRADE: VGK acquires Adin Hill from SJS for 2024 4th round pick (VGK)* [Graph]( MEAN SCORE: 3.00 SAN JOSE SHARkS MEAN SCORE: 3.12 (0.12) *TRADE: VGK acquires Future Considerations from CAR for Max Pacioretty & Dylan Coghlan* [Graph]( MEAN SCORE: 1.82 CAROLINA MEAN SCORE: 4.77 (+2.95) *TRADE: VGK acquires Shea Weber from MTL for Evgeni Dadonov* [Graph]( MEAN SCORE: 2.78 MONTREAL MEAN SCORE: 4.47 (+1.69) *Q: How much faith do you have in the front office?* MEAN SCORE: 2.31 [Graph]( *Comparison to other teams:* Team|Mean Score :--|:-- Detroit Red Wings|4.89 Colorado Avalanche|4.88 Columbus Blue Jackets|4.62 Carolina Hurricanes|4.57 Tampa Bay Lightning|4.53 Arizona Coyotes|4.46 Los Angeles Kings|4.37 Calgary Flames|4.33 Minnesota Wild|4.25 Montreal Canadiens|4.22 Anaheim Ducks|4.17 New Jersey Devils|4.15 Buffalo Sabres|4.14 New York Rangers|4.10 Seattle Kraken|4.04 Ottawa Senators|3.86 Dallas Stars|3.86 St. Louis Blues|3.84 Toronto Maple Leafs|3.79 Washington Capitals|3.76 Edmonton Oilers|3.75 Florida Panthers|3.73 Pittsburgh Penguins|3.62 Vancouver Canucks|3.49 Nashville Predators|3.24 San Jose Sharks|3.08 Chicago Blackhawks|2.77 New York Islanders|2.64 Boston Bruins|2.64 Winnipeg Jets|2.59 **Vegas Golden Knights**|**2.31** Philadelphia Flyers|1.12 2021 SCORE: 3.09 (16th) 2020 SCORE: 3.92 *Q: How confident are you in the team's coaching staff?* MEAN SCORE: 4.26 [Graph]( *Comparison to other teams:* Team|Mean Score :--|:-- Colorado Avalanche|4.83 Tampa Bay Lightning|4.79 Calgary Flame|4.68 Edmonton Oilers|4.63 Carolina Hurricanes|4.51 Pittsburgh Penguins|4.49 Montreal Canadiens|4.26 **Vegas Golden Knights**|**4.26** Vancouver Canucks|4.25 New York Rangers|4.20 Buffalo Sabres|4.14 Arizona Coyotes|4.06 St. Louis Blues|3.88 Columbus Blue Jackets|3.77 Los Angeles Kings|3.73 Toronto Maple Leafs|3.67 Detroit Red Wings|3.59 Boston Bruins|3.56 Minnesota Wild|3.53 Dallas Stars|3.36 Nashville Predators|3.31 New Jersey Devils|3.29 Washington Capitals|3.24 New York Islanders|3.19 Ottawa Senators|3.12 Chicago Blackhawks|3.11 Winnipeg Jets|3.00 San Jose Sharks|2.96 Florida Panthers|2.85 Seattle Kraken|2.65 Anaheim Ducks|2.51 Philadelphia Flyers|2.47 *Q: How would you rate your team's draft?* MEAN SCORE: 3.10 [Graph]( *Prospect Most Excited About:* 1. Brendan Brisson, LW: **51%** 2. Kaedan Korczak, D: **12.1%** 3. Paul Cotter: **8.2%** 4. Lukas Cormier, D: **6.1%** 5. Ivan Morozov, C: **6.1%** 6. Zach Dean, C: **6.1%** 7. Matyas Sapovaliv, C: **4.1%** 8. Pavel Dorofeyev, RW: **4.1%** *Q: Will this team make the playoffs next season?* YES: **93.9%** NO: **6.1%** *Q: If yes, how far will they go?* FIRST ROUND: 17.4% SECOND ROUND: **52.2%** WCF: 13% SCF: 6.5% WIN STANLEY CUP: 10.9% *Q: Where will they end up in their division?* 1ST: **6.1%** 2ND: **38.8%** 3RD: **49%** 4TH: **2%** 5TH: **0%** 6TH: **4.1%** 7TH: **0%** 8TH: **0%** *Q: What state is this team currently in?* REBUILDERS: **8.2%** BUBBLE TEAM: **14.3%** PLAYOFF TEAM: **65.3%** TOP CONTENDER: **12.2%** *Q: Where will they be in 5 years?* REBUILDERS: **42.9%** BUBBLE TEAM: **26.5%** PLAYOFF TEAM: **20.4%** TOP CONTENDER: **10.2%** *Q: What is the most pressing concern with your team?* [Word cloud]( **Sample of longer response:** *Management dealing away future assets to "win now" and the winning isnt happening.* *Front office incompetence. Major concern is that Cassidy will thrive here as a coach, inadvertently preventing meaningful change from happening with management.* *Cap inflexibility and inability to improve without massive rebuilding.* **Season Results Last Year:** W|L|OTL|P|GF|GA|PP%|PK% :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| 43|31|8|94|266 (12th)|248 (15th)|18.40%|77.40% *Team finished 4th in the Pacific* *Missed Playoffs* **Top Scorers and Goalies:** Player|GP|G|A|PTS|+/-|PIM|ATOI :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Jonathan Marchessault|76|30|36|66|3|36|17:34 Chandler Stephenson|79|21|43|64|5|26|19:19 Shea Theodore|78|14|38|52|6|24|23:08 *Phil Kessel (ARI)*|82|8|44|52|-24|40|16:41 Alex Pietrangelo|80|13|31|44|7|42|24:39 Player|GP|W|L|OTL|SV%|GAA|GSAA :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Robin Lehner|44|23|17|2|.907|2.83|-0.2 *Adin Hill (SJS)*|25|10|11|1|.906|2.66|-0.7 Logan Thompson|19|10|5|3|.914|2.68|3.9 Laurent Brossoit|24|10|9|3|.895|2.90|-7.3 **Additions/Subtractions:** *Links contain the Reddit threads of their announcement Additions|Old Team| :--|:-- [Phil Kessel](|[Arizona]( [Adin Hill](|[San Jose]( Subtractions|New Team| :--|:-- Max Pacioretty|[Carolina]( Evgeni Dadonov|[Montreal]( Dylan Coghlan|[Carolina]( Mattias Janmark|[Edmonton]( Gage Quinney|FA **Trades:** *Aug 29* [VGK acquires Adin Hill from SJS for 2024 4th round pick (VGK)]( *Jul 13* [VGK acquires Future Considerations from CAR for Max Pacioretty & Dylan Coghlan]( *July 8th* VGK acquires 2022 4th round pick (TBL - #128 - Cameron Whitehead) from MTL for 2023 4th round pick (VGK) VGK acquires 2022 3rd round pick (WPG - #79 - Jordan Gustafson) from TOR for 2022 3rd round pick (NYR - #95 - Nicholas Moldenhauer) & 2022 5th round pick (CHI - #135 - Nikita Grebenkin) *Jun 16th* [VGK acquires Shea Weber from MTL for Evgeni Dadonov]( **2022 NHL Draft** Player|Pick|Team :--|:--|:-- [Matyas Sapovaliv (F)](|#48|Saginaw Spirit (OHL) [Jordan Gustafson (F)](|#79|Seattle Thunderbirds (WHL) [Cameron Whitehead (G)](|#128|Lincoln Stars (USHL) [Patrick Guay (F)](|#145|Charlottetown Islanders (QMJHL) [Ben Hemmerling (F)](|#177|Everett Silvertips (WHL) [Abram Wiebe (D)](|#209|Chilliwack (BCHL) **Signings** Player|Term|Cap Hit :--|:--|:-- [Reilly Smith](|3 years|5m [Nicolas Roy](|5 years|3m [Nicolas Hague](|3 years|2.294m [Brett Howden](|1 year|1.5m [Phil Kessel](|1 year|1.5m [Keegan Kolesar](|3 years|1.4m **Salary/Cap:** Projected Cap Hit: 86.7m Projected Cap Space: -14.2m* *Projected to use LTIR *Top Cap Hits:* Player|Cap Hit|Term :--|:--|:-- Eichel, Jack|10m|4 years Stone, Mark|9.5m|5 years Pietrangelo, Alex|8.8m|5 years Weber, Shea|7.9m|4 years Karlsson, William|5.9m|5 years **[Projected Depth Chart (The Athletic)](** **F:** LW|C|RW :--|:--|:-- J. Marchessault|C. Stephenson|M. Stone R. Smith|J. Eichel|P. Kessel B. Howden|W. Karlsson|M. Amadio W. Carrier|N. Roy|K. Kolesar **D:** LD|RD| :--|:-- A. Martinez|A. Pietrangelo B. McNabb|S. Theodore N. Hague|Z. Whitecloud **G:** L. Thompson A. Hill Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Anyone know what this means or represents? ​ [I'm in the Zariman doing missions with a friend and saw this in a stairwell with a scorch mark that kind of pointed down the stairs. What was interesting is my friend couldnt see this or the marks this lead me too.]( Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Giancarlo Bodoni…WOW Dude was one of the most impressive dudes to watch this weekend. Taking down monsters of the sport like Diniz and Hulk while also having a very impressive victory over fellow breakout candidate O’Flanagan. Very impressive Label: moderated
not moderated
Anyone that accidentally traded in an item that you shouldn’t have, What was it? I accidentally stranded in Black Black OEM. I was mad least it wasn’t anything like black dieci I would cry.
[ 11011, 4719, 11617 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Trading black oems (Xbox only) Trading for 1100 creds Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Trade for a very rare? I just need one very rare item or better to trade up to a black market item. Nobody in game wants to add me back. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Did anyone else randomly get wacky taffy bm decal? I logged onto rocket tonight and randomly got a black market, not sure where or how I got it. I don’t think it’s traceable, was it a tournament reward last season? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: is the Double Bell lever action rifle worth it? So Ive been looking into getting a shell ejecting rifle for western and apocalypse games and I found this and really want it. . But I know how she'll ejecting guns have been. . Dose anyone know anything about this one? Is it worth it? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Fortnite is absolutely disgusting While on the other hand Minecraft is absolutely amazing Label: moderated Example-2: Post: good gun? Wondering if this is a good gun Label: not moderated
Why is TCU not ranked higher? So I know they’re in the top 15 but TCU is only ranked 13th and they are undefeated. They gave Kansas their first loss two weeks ago and then they just gave Oklahoma State their first loss. What could be the reason why they’re not ranked in the top 10?
[ 4446, 9840, 6999 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: TCU takes down Kansas in a ranked thriller‼️ • 4 straight wins vs Kansas • 10-1 vs Kansas since joining Big 12 Next game: October 15, 2:30PM CT vs. Oklahoma State Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Why is Tennessee a Top 10 Program? They beat Furman and Akron which any team in the Nation would have beaten them like they did. They beat Pittsburgh on the Road in O/T. Then they got super lucky bc UF went for 2 and failed, this putting them in a situation where they needed a touchdown to win in the final minutes. That game should have gone in overtime. But they did beat Florida at home. But is this a case of more SEC bias and fluff to boost the resumes of Georgia and Alabama? Or is Tennessee finally after almost 30 years of being useless coming to the table? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Should Alabama still be top 4? Hey y’all, Texas fan here (ou sucks Hookem 🤘🏼) after seeing that Alabama almost lost to both Texas and Texas AM shouldn’t they lose all their credit since both teams were un ranked. I watch a ton more nfl then I do college simply because I feel like the nfl is more coordinated but I definitely still love college football and I’m just curious. So please don’t bash me, I’m just curious how the ranking system works. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Different scales I will be traveling back and forth between my home and my in-laws out of state for the foreseeable future. I’ve recently started weighing myself daily to get a better idea of trends versus discrepancies from water weight etc. Would it be better to bring the scale I use back and forth (via car), get a second scale to keep at my in-laws and compare, or only weigh myself when I’m at home (4 mornings per week). Trying to create a habit without overthinking it or attaching myself to a number! Thanks for any advice! Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Unpopular Opinion: Georgia, Michigan, Clemson & Penn State should drop in AP despite wins. I'm noticing an interesting disparity week to week between the opinion based AP voters and the deep data from individuals like Jeff Sagarin at USA Today and the ESPN Football power Index (FPI) that considers weighting from several different wholly stats-driven datasets. Regardless of where the AP Poll settles, some thoughts on four of todays' early games: **Georgia**: Allowed an out of conference unranked MAC team to hang *22 points* on their first string defense, *the most scored by an opponent* ***in the last 18 games***. This is ***not*** last years' team. **Michigan**: Barely ***survived*** an unranked program with a historical record of 7-6 (2021) 2-3 (2020, Covid season), 3-9 (2019), 5-7 (2018) etc. At *no point* in this game did Michigan look like the "number 4 team in college football", *at* Michigan no less. **Clemson**: Required *overtime* to beat a slightly better program than the other two games, but still lingering near the bottom of the Top 25. This was *anyone's* game until the final seconds of OT. Clemson didn't beat them, so much as *survive* them. **Penn State:** Struggled to pull away from an out of conference unranked MAC program that until today I had forgotten exists. Today was a *strong* argument for 12 team playoff expansion *sooner* rather than *later*, because college football loves chaos, and chaos played well today. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: ssbu amiibos on smash 4 Do ssbu amiibos work on smah for wii u / 3ds? Label: moderated
best yugioh game Hey guys Used to love yugioh when I was younger, want to play the card game and easiest for me would be one of the mobile games. What is the best yugioh mobile game? Depth, longevity and accessibility are all important. Thanks in advanced
[ 5281, 9705, 182 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Yu-Gi-Oh video games!! There have been so many different yugioh games. Some in different art styles, some with different spins on the game entirely.. Which was your favorite video game and why? My first(not including a Gameboy color one) was "Yugioh Duelist of the Roses", which had a fun spin of playing on grid map, and each spot on the map was of a different "field" card. I think it had a level design too if I'm not mistaken. It was so cool! I think I fell off eventually because I played too many where it was just a top down normal version of the game. I'm interested to hear other people's thoughts on this. I also vaguely remember one game that had to do with summoning monsters via eggs? Lol Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Yugioh game with custom cards Me and my brother are trying to find a yugioh game we can make custom cards and duel with them in Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Best video game for getting back into yugioh? So some of the young ones in my family have rediscovered the card game and I'd like to grab one of the video games to learn the rules again so I can play with them. For context, the last time I held a deck was the same time I was playing GX Duel Academy, and I'd really like to find one like that -- uses accurate rules and has both single player and multiplayer. I looked at my two free options but from what I can tell, Duel Links only uses speed duels and Master Duel doesnt really have a single player campaign? Whats the most modern game that's built like Duel Academy? I see a couple options on the switch but I am incredibly out of the loop Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Case Opened Shoe Conversion Wrong Size A case was opened on a pair of Gucci shoes. I listed the pair as 7.5, the box states 37+ and the inside sole states 37 1/2. The buyer is stating that the shoes are not in American sizing, stating that the they’re in Italian sizing and that the 37 1/2 is an actual 8 in American. Does anyone know the Italian shoe conversion, is she right or am I right? I’m a 7.5 and when I bought them they fit me. And what happens with a case like this with shoe conversions? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Rocket league devs 10/10 Can even fucking report straight up porn as a pfp. Rocket league devs are something else... *Processing img rd29xjjwtwn91...* Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Weight loss, Ozempic/Semaglutide, Canada (no prescription) Hey guys! I am in my first month of Semaglutide usage and can I just say, I LOVE IT! I was unable to get a prescription due to high costs and young age however, after days scouring reddit for some help getting it in Canada without a prescription, many individuals in this community helped me and I thank them very much. It has changed my confidence levels, energy, and overall mental health for the better! I wanted to make this post to help other individuals in the same situation as me so if anyone needs a bit of guidance and help please feel free to message me or comment on this post and I would be more than happy to help ♡ Label: moderated
not moderated
Heavy late game freezes Im having an issue where just past 1700s i am getting massive lags spikes that last up to 10 seconds even causing the process to stop responding when playing on anything above 3 speed. I have a 5600x for reference. I have removed all the problematic notifications suggested and i am also aware that big Colonial wars would cause lag and i have experienced that on previous patches, but never have i had the entire game lock up for 10 seconds and stop responding when palying on anything faster than speed 3. Currently im in a war as teutonic horde with a big blobby Ottomans with Big france and big Portugal and Big Papal states. Also happening is a Big war between English colonies and England back by France and Castille. So0 basically the entire western Europe is at war as well as the Ottomans. This has happened before on previous patches but as i said ive never had to totally kill the game. Does anyone else find this happening? It sucks that now i have to basically wait for other GPs to finish thier wars before i can start mine.... Also i have bought every Trade COmpany upgrade becuase i read that can also cause the lag.
[ 7478, 9681, 8904 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Insane Lag in Multiplayer IE Is anyone else experiencing this? I’m trying to play Immortal Empires with a friend but so far it’s been unplayable. The other campaigns had no issues with lag and I’m wondering if there’s some settings or a fix for it. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Immortal Empires Multiplayer Lag Haven’t seen that many people reporting. Anyone else having this issue? Don’t know if it’s a settings problem or internet or game. Both of us can run the game on ultra. Any help? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Lag/Stutter Anyone else getting a los of lag spikes/Freezing during the game recently? I've updated windows, and my Graphics drivers, I've had it constantly since the new hoops update. Doesn't seem to affect freeplay which makes me think it's possibly server side? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Daily Free Talk Thread - Game thread links & live scores/video replays inside - 09 Sep 2022 Talk about anything! ##Offseason Schedule * Sep 21 - Physicals & Off-Ice Testing * Sep 22 - Training Camps Start (On-Ice) * Sep 24 - Preseason Games Start * Oct 7 & 8 - NHL Global Series ([NSH](/r/predators) vs [SJS](/r/sanjosesharks)) - Prague, Czechia * Oct 11 - Start of 2022-23 NHL Season (in North America) --- |Stats Leaders| |:--:| Unavailable|None yet|None yet| ##Regular Threads * [Meme Mondays](/r/hockey/comments/x6fnnr/meme_mondays_weekly_meme_contest_thread_submit/) * [Subreddit Picture of the Week](/r/hockey/comments/x5p0pg/subreddit_picture_of_the_week_make_your/) ##Mod News/Threads * [2022 Offseason Primer](/r/hockey/comments/vofsmq/2022_offseason_primer/) ##Some useful resources * [How to get flair](/r/hockey/wiki/flair) | [Request new flair](/r/hockey/comments/nni692/) | [Rules refresher](/r/hockey/wiki/faq#toc_3) | [Useful Sidebar Resources](/r/hockey/comments/an6r7g/) | [Other hockey resources](/r/hockey/wiki/) * [r/hockey Discord Server]( | [r/hockey Steam Group]( * [Follow us on twitter @RedditHockey]( and tweet using #RedditHockey ##/r/hockey stands with BIPOC, AAPI, and LGBTIQA+ /r/hockey aims to be an inclusive environment where people of all races, ethnicity, and how people identify can come and talk hockey. We will do our best to lift the voices of the hockey community that speak up against racism, sexism, or any other hate by ensuring their posts make it to /r/hockey for those to read. We will continue to do our best effort to [enforce and remove any comments]( or racist remarks as well as all bigotry, sexism, and xenophobia. --- **What is a Daily Free Talk Thread?** Use it to talk about anything related to hockey, ask quick questions, or any other daily chatter. It's also your hub for **links to Game Day Threads, live scores, daily stats and standings,** and a way to compile recent news and announcements for easy viewing. You can view a collection of all video replays by opening the stickied mod comment below. It updates throughout the night. --- If you have specific feedback about these threads please [message the mods](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhockey). Bot is maintained by /u/sandman730. Message him with any bugs. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Runners who don’t participate in weight training, how did running shape your body? I understand weight training is the best to gain muscle mass as long as you’re getting adequate protein. But I’m wondering what will happen to our muscles if we become runners only. Do your legs look toned? Were you able to lose the body fat? I identify as female. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: [Joey Knight] Per @therealBeede, this year’s #WarOnI4 game definitely moving to Saturday (Nov. 26). Had been a Black Friday game previous five seasons, starting with the 2017 classic. #UCF #USF [Tweet]( Label: not moderated
First nuke launch So I would like to launch my first nuke. My question is do I have to go through the whole process of repairing the reactor,and getting the code, sense it my first time or can I do it the fast way by going straight to the launch room?
[ 320, 2253, 12144 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: (PC) Anyone wanna help walk me through launching a nuke? So. I'm level 92 right now, and around level 60 or 70 somethin or another i completed the main questline. The f'd up part about it though is that on the mission i had been waiting for since day 1, was completed without me actually being able to go through the steps. And this is because i was in a team at the time and if anyone in your team launches a nuke while youre on that quest (i believe it's "i am become death") then its considered completed, therefore completely wiping any chance of going through the proper training to do so. I have literally no clue on how to do it and im not going to ruin the experience watching youtube videos. If anyones wants to help, my Gamepass ID is Setsen7. I'd really appreciate it and am willing to pay a thousand caps or so to get this done Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: How to get nuke silo codes? So I am doing my first nuke anyway. And I have a question do you have to go around and get all the code for the silo or is they some kind of website or YouTube that doesn’t it each week. Because I got free nuke keys but I don’t won’t to run all around the map again: Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Can someone nuke me please (PS4) I just need to be nuked for the platinum trophy. Not played for years but yesterday and today I jumped on to finish the PSN trophies. Just need to be nuked for the platinum. Not sure if there is still a jank way for people to do it but when I played people were just dropping nukes often and had infinite ability to nuke. Funny that when i tried to nuke, I found all the codes legit in game, I knew about the nuke code website anyway but wanted to do it legit my first time. Built up myself and fought all the enemies and did what I needed to do, was so close to dropping the nuke and someone just janked in and dropped a nuke from the silo. I was wounded. It was the last story mission iirc and it basically auto completed because someone else janked infront of me. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Currently I'm skinny fat but I want to get in shape, a bigger butt and stronger arms/back, currently I started to work out but still struggle with a healthy diet, I've read that in order to lose fat people need calorie deficit and in order to gain muscle people need a calorie surplus, is there any way to reach both goals at the same time even though these diets contradict each other? Sorry if I messed up grammar or spelling, english isn't my first language. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Is this worth as a primary weapon? Good morning airsofters, I own AEG already but i've been looking into shotguns to main for CQB and mil-sim. I'd like to ask if this shotgun []( is worth as a primary weapon. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Selfish? RL has created a bad and selfish culture the way the point system is setup. And knowing that I said something bad about RL this will be banned like my other one Label: not moderated
not moderated
[Tissot] PRX Chronograph Picked up my first Swiss Automatic today. I’ve been eyeing the PRX Chronograph for a while and was always hesitant given some of the feedback on this subreddit. Found a local AD nearby in the city and they had one in person! I tried it on my wrist and immediately fell in love with it. After some decision making I finally pulled the trigger and got it. It is a bulky watch but it just feels so good on the wrist and the shine on it is beautiful too. No regrets in my purchase. Let me know if you have any questions. My wrist size is 7.25” btw.
[ 3337, 1354, 8461 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [Tissot] Chrono PRX Panda love So this watch has been in my collection for 3 months now and it has taken me by surprise how much I love this PRX Chrono. From the first online pics I was in love with panda dial and excited to see a PRX Chronograph but in the same time a little bit scared that it will be too big on my 7” wrist. And yes, this is a big but not crazy big watch, with thickness around 14.4/5mm it sits deep on the rist and unles you are extending your wrist all the time you won’t have an issue with how thick this watch is. Bracelet is pretty comfy for day wear, snap is super solid, pushers are snappy and click like they should on a 2k watch. Still love this watch like the day I got it but just wanted to share the love here one more time. Happy Monday. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: [Advice] Best Swiss Watch under $800 Hey y’all. Need some advice on the best Swiss watch I can get for $800 or under. I’m new to the Swiss watch scene and only own one (a Hamilton Khaki Air Race). I’m looking to expand my collection by adding another piece. Sure, I can’t get a Rolex or Omega yet, but I think I can add a gorgeous watch to my collection at this price point. I’m looking for a watch that has a steel bracelet, around 38-40mm in size. I’m currently looking at the Tissot Le Locle Powermatic 80, but please let me know if you think there are better watches for the same price point. Thanks all! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Timex Marlin 34mm] Hand wind reliable 34-36mm alternatives? (Vintage recommendations also welcome) Pretty much obsessed with my first watch, Timex Marlin in 34mm. I have a smaller wrist and am loving both the smaller size and incredibly thin body. I really want another hand wind only watch (preferably no automatics) in the 34-36mm range but other than the bambino have found it basically non existent in any reasonable price range for me ($600ish max although I’d be willing to save to go higher). Would I have to go for vintage and if so are there any good recommendations? I’m a bit worried with the Chinese movement this Marlin just won’t be the watch I can keep until I’m old and not sure if it’s possible to put a Swiss movement in. Total newb to watches here but willing to learn. Any and all recommendations are welcome! Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: College GameDay? I'm pulling for Cuse at Clemson for obvious reason. What other games are on the board Label: moderated Example-1: Post: tournament ranks? do u guys know how to rank up in tournaments ? only by winning then or it is decided by the rank in ranked 3v3. I am tryna play w my gf, and she is obvi rank bronze so how long will her take to at least rank up to silver. thanks Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Help with Kuva Lich Hello, today I deliberately ranked up my lich to max without realizing I \*\*\*\*\*\* up. My railjack cant handle the level 70 mission and ranking up my railjack solo is so difficult that I'm pulling my hair out. Any way to get past this blockade???! Label: not moderated
Wall/floor angels form question Floor/wall angel question Most descriptions or videos of this posture exercise don’t say to press into the wall/floor with your hands and arms as you slide them up and down. I started doing them that way- pushing into the floor a little, which I guess involves isometric external rotation-when I do floor angels-and really squeezing my back muscles on the “down” motion. What a difference! It feels great, but am i doing the exercise the right way? Long time neck/trap pain person here with rounded shoulders and nerd neck that has improved slightly in the past few months. Also Been doing reverse plank progression exercises, glute bridges, and leg raises to iron out posture problems.
[ 8798, 12544, 11580 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: RDL vs Kneeling hip thrusts for glutes and hammies Hey guys, I was wondering if the two exercises do the same thing. From my point of view, both do the same movement and range, hinge at the hip and exercise glutes and hamstrings by basically straightening your body upwards. [Example here]( Why I wanted to ask this is because when I try RDL, even with proper technique and hinging, I get lower back pain (mainly because the lower back is too weak to handle the stabilization of the spine), but when I tried the kneeling hip thrusts, it felt like the lower back and quads were out of the equation and I could properly feel my glutes (where if I do standard hip thrusts, I feel a lot of quad activation, even though again, I learned about the proper technique - be it the head position, proper height of the bench, feet placement etc.) Do you think it would be sufficient exercise until I improve my stabilization to transition to RDLs or similar? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Sore after doing inclined push ups Hello, everyone! I just came back again to working out just this week and began doing the BWF primer first before I do the Recommended routine. I just wanted to ask if it's normal to feel kind of sore in the shoulder area after doing inclined push ups? I (still) feel sore in like the shoulder-chest area. (I'm so sorry I can't describe it wel. The area is like on your left armpit then point your finger in the upper left of the armpit. It's like centimeters away from the curve of the armpit. That's the area that feels sore.) Or is it normal to feel sore in that area? Also, I feel so frustrated because I feel like I'm doing inclined push ups incorrectly. I feel some tension in my neck which I find hard to correct(?) and like my back is bended a bit? and I hate it. Should I take a video of myself doing inclined push ups to see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: how does this sound as an almost daily exercise routine? its worked quite well for me and its completely free bare in mind this is party for rehab for a ruptured ACL ligament and some other damage in the same knee start with 30mins qigong and 2 yoga sun salutations to warm up/stretch/get grounded everything that follows is done slowly, deeply and intentionally, approaching failure by the end of the 3 sets 15 side leg lifts from lying down on side edge of body both sides 1 minute balancing on one leg with eyes shut both sides 15 pushups wide shoulders, elbows tucked, fully extending scapular shoulder flex behind back for that extra deep pectoral pushup 15 sit ups/crunches, legs not weighted, hands clasped behind head 10 one legged pelvic lifts/bridges from lying on back both sides 15 squats with 10kg held to chest repeat everything from the side lifts to the squats 3 times 10 minutes wim hof breathing (3x30breaths) 10-15mins meditation just thought id share because im quite happy with it. it feels well rounded and takes less than an hour. i think its a good regular lil practice Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Question: For sniping at a 70 acre site For sniping with a 500 fps sniper at a 70 acre site, what distance should the scope be zeroed in at? There’s 30m minimum engagement for the site also Thanks 😊 Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Lost Tech City 2022 - Top 16 Qualifier - Muteace vs Panda | ESAM --- #[Watch Live]( --- #Top 16 Qualifier **Eric "ESAM" Lew** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( | [Team](!ducky+Panda+gaming+website) ***vs*** **Antony "MuteAce" Hoo** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( [Pikachu](#U-Pikachu) ESAM | | 3 - 0 | | MuteAce [Peach](#U-Peach) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- [](#U-Pikachu)[2 stocks](#U-Pikachu) | `=` [Pikachu](#U-Pikachu) | Pokémon Stadium 2 | [DiddyKong](#U-DiddyKong) `=` | --- [1 stock](#U-Pikachu) | `=` [Pikachu](#U-Pikachu) | Pokémon Stadium 2 | [DiddyKong](#U-DiddyKong) `=` | --- [](#U-MiiBrawler)[2 stocks](#U-MiiBrawler) | `=` [MiiBrawler](#U-MiiBrawler) | Pokémon Stadium 2 | [Peach](#U-Peach) `=` | --- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* --- Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Origin dairy’s whole milk says 30% calcium, in a single serving (1 cup). How is this possible? Just wondering how it can be that high compared to everyone else being around 15-20% and origin’s milk is not fortified to my knowledge either, any information is appreciated, thanks! Link: Label: not moderated
Alcohol whilst Polishing Hi, I am an amateur in shining and only shine by boots for the ACF, I use a bulling technique that uses water mixed with about 1 part rubbing alcohol to 9 parts water, when I tell people this they all tell me that alcohol will crack and dry the leather, but so far (a month or so) this doesnt appear to be the case and I have a fantastic shine better than any shine I could've hoped for before hand, is it true that this technique will eventually cause my boots to crack and dry or will they be just fine with proper maintenance?
[ 7306, 3114, 1728 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Shoe Cream-Cream Polish-Wax Polish Checking to see if I understand it correctly. So in order to get a mirror shine on leather shoes, I need to 1. apply shoe cream, 2. apply cream polish, and 3. apply thin coats of wax polish over that. Is there anything I'm missing? Also, what are your recommendations for good cream polishes? I have a cheap shoe cream and I'll probably stick to Kiwi or Cherry Blossom for the wax, but I haven't really used cream polishes before. Lastly, is there anything else you need to apply regularly to maintain your shoes or are those three things enough? Thanks! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Unsure of what’s happening to my leather here I’ve had my pair of 6” Thorogood Moc toe boots for about six months now with light to medium usage and I’m starting to see marks that I’m unfamiliar with. These are my first pair and I’m not sure what’s happening to the leather. I’m worried I’m either not caring for the boots properly or not treating them carefully enough. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Help: I got hand sanitizer on my A1923’s Is there anything I or a cobbler can do about this? Will a colored polish fix this permanently? Or am I just f*cked? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Should any FBS team playing against an FCS team be automatically deducted ranking positioning? Even if they win against their FCS opponent in a landslide? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Well... welcome to the SEC, Texas... Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster and His Noodly Appendage... TEXAS. GOT. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED. ​ I have absolutely NO love for Texas, either the team or the state... but sweet merciful crap what a snowjob by the officials today in their game against Bammer. Two points taken off of the board after Young is sacked in his own end zone. Official tosses emergency flag to maybe save Bama two points, targeting is reviewed and it's obvious that the hit was clean, it was a SACK, in the END ZONE... SAFETY. Somehow Bama is allowed to punt. Texas loses by ONE point. That is vomit-worthy. They won't do it, but the pollsters should count this game as a loss on Alabama's record. What a joke. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: They should make all old dlc like released before 5 years ago free The game is massively different from what it was when it was released and there’s some old dlc that is a must to get otherwise your gameplay experience will be far inferior than most others. Unfortunately that means spending tons more money, which dissuades many new people from buying the game. It also kinda sucks for people who have the game but not many DLCs. Making some old ones free would encourage more people to buy the game and the new DLC rather than just not bother at all. Now some people might say that people will just wait for DLCs to become free rather than buy them undercutting profit. However, I think that if it takes years to make DLC free, many people would buy them for $10-20 to get years more worth of play time. Label: not moderated
Is sex before a workout bad or good As title says
[ 12114, 6036, 3842 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Pre workout sorry if it’s been asked Is there any pre-without y’all recommend that doesn’t make you tingly? I hate that feeling. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: As long as you hit your macros a week, does it matter when? Like if you have extra protein intake one day, less the next, etc. Does it matter if it’s pre or post workout, on a day you don’t work out, etc? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: My bodyweight routine opinion? Hi! Just thought I'd get opinions on the below routine: Just looking for opinions on the efficacy of this workout. Thanks Day 1: 30 to 40 minutes cardio on stationary bike, then 10 to 12 sets of 5 reps of pullups with 1 min to 90 seconds rest in between each set. Day 2: 30 to 40 minutes cardio on treadmill, then 10 to 12 sets of 5 reps of dips with 1 min to 90 seconds rest in between each set. Day 3: 30 to 40 minutes cardio on stair climber, then 10 to 12 sets of 10 reps hanging leg raises with 1 min to 90 seconds rest in between each set. Day 4: rest Then repeat. Three days on, one off Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Does this legit look like boosted stats to you ? Many 2s random mates say I got boosted since long, and while I do not care much about them (these toxic cowards just forfeit at 0-3 anyways), I just wonder if y'all consider those boosted-looking stats given I don't use trackers so often and don't really know much about boosted stuff (if you need the other stats tracked, search steam : ClashGone on the tracker search bar) Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Losing weight is a Sisyphean task and I’m exhausted So I’ve lost a lot of weight in the past 2 years from 60 kg down to 49 kg at my lowest. I’m a 25 year old 5 ft 1 female btw and I just gained weight when I returned home from vacation a month ago (like 2 kg more) after working out for a week, I went down to 50.1 and then last night it was my birthday and I’m back up to 51.9 basically undoing all my week’s progress. I’m just fucking exhausted, I track calories, count steps and for what? Just to gain water weight and do it all over again next week? I can’t enjoy a fucking donut on my birthday? What really gets me is how passive aggressive some people can be when it comes to being a short person. I went to see my friends and I was hoping they would notice that I lost weight and I’m no longer the ‘fat friend’ and they just said ‘you look normal, not skinny, but curvy and just perfectly plump!’ And I felt like sobbing right there. Plump? At an almost 20 BMI? I’m just so fucking exhausted and I don’t know what to do. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Just to warn people of Player "Jungle1992" | Question about Camp Structure The Player "Jungle1992" is baiting people to his base, with a huge amount of items in his Vendor (All at highest price), just to kill them with a floor based trap. If you step inside his base, he locks the level 0 locked door behind you. If you unlock it, he outright kills you. of course he didnt think of perk card to disable traps while sneaking, but he killed a lot of lower level players on the server I was on. ​ So far so good. But I also noticed something strange. He made the mistake of attacking one of my teammates and got a bounty. I then was able to attack his structures. But when they got the point where they should have been destroyed. They regenerated back to the same health level, that they were on before being attacked. Same thing also happened when I baited mobs to his base, to see if they can damage the structure. Same thing happened. Is this normal behaviour of the structures? He also, without powerarmor, began to hover for several minutes above us (no Jetpack sound, but could also be bug). I of course reported him for exploiting the game / hacking, just to be safe. But does anyone know if this is normal? Label: moderated
not moderated
Chainsword and Slaughter and Carnage Hello! How many kills does it take, to get the full buff from these weapons?
[ 10296, 7315, 4346 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How many 5+ forma weapons do you have that are now useless due to nerfs? I have to scroll to count mine :( Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Trog count for trophy anyone have a way to track how many trogs you killed with the axe for this trophy? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: I need some suggestions for corpus killing weapons I have a great grineer weapon that can handle 100+ level enemies easy but I still struggle a bit with corpus. Can anyone suggest a weapon and loadout taylored for killing them? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Week 2 Match-up Preview Thread: Jacksonville State Gamecocks vs. Murray State Racers [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate) vs. [Murray State](#f/murraystate) **When**: Saturday, September, 10, 07:00 PM Eastern **Where**: [Roy Stewart Stadium - Murray, KY]( **Watch**: [ESPN3](#l/espn3) Odds: N/A Total Points: N/A --- **All-Time Series : [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate) vs. [Murray State](#f/murraystate)** [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate) and [Murray State](#f/murraystate) have met 17 times since 10/04/2003. These teams last met 1,049 days (~3 years) ago on 10/26/2019. Series Wins: [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate) 15-0-2 [Murray State](#f/murraystate) Longest streak of continuous meetings: 17 (2003-2019). [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate) has won the last 6 meetings (2014-2019) in this series. --- **Last 6 Meetings** Winner|Date|Location|[Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate)|[Murray State](#f/murraystate)|Notes :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate)|2019-10-26||14|12| [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate)|2018-10-27||42|15| [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate)|2017-11-04||59|23|Jacksonville, AL [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate)|2016-11-12||33|15|Murray, KY [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate)|2015-11-21||42|20|Jacksonville, AL [Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate)|2014-09-27||52|28|Murray, KY [^(Series Comparison Data via RivalryBot Database)]( --- **Through Week 1** Week|[Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate) 2-0(0-0)|Result|[Murray State](#f/murraystate) 0-1(0-0)|Result --|--|--|--|--| 0|[Stephen F. Austin](#f/stephenfaustin) 1-1(0-0)|W 42-17|BYE|N/A 1|[Davidson](#f/davidson) 0-1(0-0)|W 35-17|[Texas Tech](#f/texastech) 1-0(0-0)|L 10-63 ^^All ^^rankings ^^reflect ^^the ^^current [^^/r/cfb ^^poll]( --- **[Jacksonville State](#f/jacksonvillestate) Injury Report** Not Available --- **[Murray State](#f/murraystate) Injury Report** Not Available --- What are your "Keys to the Game"? Who do you think wins? Do you think the favorite will cover the spread? Which player(s) are you most interested to watch? Let's talk football! --- To vote in the matchup "who will win poll" simply include the name of the team you think will win enclosed by {} as part of your TOP LEVEL comment discussing the matchup. To change your vote just edit your initial comment to bracket the other team. You can change your vote as often as you like until the GAME THREAD is posted A full listing of accepted FBS team aliases can be found [here.]( For FCS teams you will need to use the full name as it appears in the post title. A listing of links, and live vote totals, to all Match-up Preview threads for the current week can be found [HERE]( --- ^(Like this format?) ^(Generate your own "Match-up Discussion Thread" with the )[^(Match-up Discussion Thread Generator)](^(. Please DM /u/dupreesdiamond with any issues/suggestions regarding this template) Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: True Robin Marriage Mod Petition Can someone please make a real marriage mod for Robin, where she still works as a shopkeeper? Mabey get some solid benefits from it, but you really have to work for it since she's married? I need it. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Multiple PT’s and still suffering from ITBS I’m really at wits end with this injury, running is the only thing that genuinely helps me in every aspect of life and i simply can’t do it because of this. I’ve tried multiple physical therapists, massage therapists, acupuncture, nothing. I even had a mri and x ray which showed there was nothing fundamentally wrong. Im in school and i can’t even focus because my knee is throbbing, despite not even running for the past 6 months at all. Label: moderated
not moderated
Daily Competitive Discussion Thread 25/Sep/2022 # Welcome r/FortniteCompetitive Join our r/FortniteCompetitive [discord server!]( Use this thread to discuss scrims, any other professional tournaments happening currently and anything else relevant to competitive Fortnite right now. You can also use this thread to try to solicit User Specific advice such as keybinds or hardware and you may try to Look For Group here, too.
[ 12566, 4212, 4443 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Daily Competitive Discussion Thread 23/Sep/2022 # Welcome r/FortniteCompetitive Join our r/FortniteCompetitive [discord server!]( Use this thread to discuss scrims, any other professional tournaments happening currently and anything else relevant to competitive Fortnite right now. You can also use this thread to try to solicit User Specific advice such as keybinds or hardware and you may try to Look For Group here, too. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Daily Competitive Discussion Thread 11/Sep/2022 # Welcome r/FortniteCompetitive Join our r/FortniteCompetitive [discord server!]( Use this thread to discuss scrims, any other professional tournaments happening currently and anything else relevant to competitive Fortnite right now. You can also use this thread to try to solicit User Specific advice such as keybinds or hardware and you may try to Look For Group here, too. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Daily Competitive Discussion Thread 17/Sep/2022 # Welcome r/FortniteCompetitive Join our r/FortniteCompetitive [discord server!]( Use this thread to discuss scrims, any other professional tournaments happening currently and anything else relevant to competitive Fortnite right now. You can also use this thread to try to solicit User Specific advice such as keybinds or hardware and you may try to Look For Group here, too. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Energy providing snacks for the midday slump For context: I am in the process of correcting a HORRIBLE sweet tooth and while I normally used to drown myself in sugar midday to help me from taking a midday nap in the office, I’m trying to come up with snacks that help overcome the midday crash (I’ve cut out coffee and most sugary stuff in my lunches and breakfast which helps, but I still find myself wanting to doze around 1 or 2) Any healthy snacks for this? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Sunlight to lighten shell cordovan I've got a used pair of AE Leeds in shell that I think were probably color 8 when new but have darkened to very dark brown/near black with time. Has anyone set a pair of shell shoes in the sun to "bleach" them out a bit? I'll have a week of sunny but mild temps (\~70-78F) this week and was hoping for a first person endorsement of this approach to lightening their color. Thanks for any who cares to weigh in. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: YouTube butt workouts? Hi !! Does anyone have any good YouTube butt workouts I can do at home, wanting to grow the thang. Thankyou!! Label: moderated
not moderated
A small tour of my camp on top of the giant satellite dish. I managed to build this in adventure mode on public servers, I’m pretty proud of the place. Not once have I logged in and gotten the “your camp cannot be place led message” because someone else was built in my spot.
[ 210, 2476, 5918 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: “Your camp could not be placed” I’m mentally preparing myself to read that message for the next 5 months straight because of the influx of people that’ll be near there now with camps , I’ve had my camp next to the little pond in white springs golf course since 2019 and knowing my luck ima be joining servers with all of them being filled :( Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I love finding camp spots Ever just wander around till something really strikes a chord? I just found a small abandoned farm up in the northwest part of the map with a couple NPCs. Perfect spot for my diner and gas station. I'm moving from Cranberry Bog where there's some underground tunnels I was excited about. However, the scorchbeast devastate my camp even with six missile turrets on the roof. Down near the bear in the south there's a lake with a little island with random encounters. I could go back to my camp and see something different every time. I've done the waterfall camp, a spooky house next to the cat house, everywhere. A big shout out to everyone who has done such a great job, visiting camps is such a blast. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Spa Attendees: Share stories, pictures, and feedback! If you attended Spa this past weekend please share some of your stories, photos, advice, etc! I am seeing a lot of individual posts but thought it might be nice to have a place to dump this info if you don't want to make a whole post. I camped in Green from Thursday to Monday. Absolutely mental. As soon as it was over, all I could think about was going back next year. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I think auto resolve is a bit messed up... ​ Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: healthy Does cocacola make you skinny or fat why when i eat a lot of junk food and drinked before 1 liter cola a day and i was really 185 cm 60 kg and when i quit cola and eating healthy and starting training i went 70 kg... What if i want to gain more what should do Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Cheap, protein packed easy meals? Just starting working out 2 days ago, and I actually wanna be serious about it this time. So, do you guys have any recommendations for foods that are packed with protein? Label: moderated
not moderated
Vegan Dreams Hey everyone! This is just a genuine curiosity I have; I’d be interested to know from the fellow vegans out there. Do any you still have dreams of eating animal products? I’ve been vegan for going on 3 years and I would have dreams like that ever since I started. For example in the dream I would “eat chicken” and start freaking out in the dream thinking “how could I do that! I don’t know what came over me. Now I’m not vegan anymore! This is devastating”. Then I wake up feeling relieved that it was all a dream. However last night I had a dream that my cousin (who makes the BEST flan, sadly not vegan) made chocolate flan and in the dream I had a huge sweet craving and there was no other food. I went back and forth in my head about it, broke down and ate all three slices, immediately I felt bad and felt the guilt set in. Although when I woke up I was like damn, that was kind of good 😂 so I guess dreams are the only way we’ll be able to partake in cruelty free foods. Of course I would like to make it known that I don’t even consider eating animal products when I’m awake. Mind you I made the BEST alkaline vegan flan with coconut milk, caramelized date sugar and agar agar a few months ago, so I’m not even missing out!
[ 160, 2921, 8243 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Been vegan for a little over 2 months now!!! I know its not a long time but I think I can most probably sustain it, eating vegan wasn't never an issue cause I mostly have a bland taste pallet so I can pretty much eat anything as long as texture isn't disgusting. Tbh veganism when it comes to food isn't that hard for me even better cause I am lactose intolerant( one of the reasons I started on vegan journey) and I started to get rusty metallic taste from red meat so its a win for me!! Also I tried tofu first time and sorry vegan friends but its horrible, I love soy tho it has become a treat for me lol.Anything soy is Double S tier. For my cosmetics and shampoo and other stuff it required alot of researching tho and the prices that I was able to cut on groceries added in here but I am happy as products feel genuinely better and my skin is not turning red anymore!!! funny enough my vegan moisturizer smells so damn good of vanilla beans and coffee powder I couldn't control myself of tasting it lol(it didn't taste well tho) Only issue I might have is with clothing, I didn't buy any new clothes yet but its almost October now and winter is around the corner I think buying clothes would be tough cause wool is damn comfortable, feel free to drop some recommendations of some vegan clothing brands ,would be nice. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Hard to be vegan when living with parents Grew up on animal products and they make dinner sometimes and I find myself really stressing out about eating it or not. Today my Dad made burgers and I was stressing for like an hour or two feeling like I am hungry and that burger is easy calories sitting in the fridge so I finally ate it when he left the room (I don't want to eat the stuff in front of them and make it look like I'm pro-animal use) but then I feel guilty too. But also more full at least so I can feel full and go to bed. I just feel a lot of anxiety around eating. I could try to make some meal of my own but sometimes I am still just hungry and stressing out over wanting to eat the burger or whatever they made. I also feel kind of isolated because in my head I have seen undercover videos and stuff but my family I don't think has seen any of that crap. They're just like "yum food." Last time I had a veggie burger I asked my dad to grill but then I still ended up hungry still and had a burger. But then I feel bad. If anyone has some kind advice I'm open to it. Or maybe I'm just venting to people who I know care about animals. Idk I just hate this stress Label: moderated Example-2: Post: So I tried eating vegan for 24 hours. It was so easy. After my last post I decided on ‘testing the waters’ so to speak and decided to spend the day yesterday eating vegan. I tried staying away from processed foods (they’re expensive here!). Breakfast- banh tieu. This is a sort of bun which has sesame seeds on it. I love these and know exactly where to go to get definitely vegan ones. Paired with a Vietnamese coffee it was good (and even better with peanut butter). Plus there are street sellers with these all over so they’re easy to find. Lunch- I was super lazy and used GrabFood (the local UberEats here) to order from my usual restaurant. I had Hue style noodles and they tasted so good I ate the full bowl. Also had some dragonfruit and pineapple afterwards. Dinner- I was lazy and cooked rice with veg, lotus tofu and chili sauce. Tasted good for something I made up by myself. I also ate more pineapple because I love the stuff. I ended up not bothering with supper or snacks because I was stuffed. I also remembered how much I enjoyed straight black Vietnamese coffee during the day too. This is awesome! Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: The Winged Dragon of Ra I have one card. It is The winged Dragon of Ra. On the bottom left looks like Japanese writing. The discription is in English but the Attack and Defense have ???? by them. So what is the card? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: why are there people like this. I walked into someone's camp wanting to spend a bunch of caps, and I'm looking through thier vendor not knowing I walk in a trap. Now I'm getting multiple errors (fail to get a token. Error during login and loginError-gamecodefailure) when I log into the game and I can't join my friends?! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: How to tell the difference between a latte made with dairy milk vs oatmilk? Both Starbucks and Dunkin have plenty of nondairy options and I do pick up an iced latte from time to time. (Mostly I do mobile orders and keep it as basic as possible so its easier not to screw up). I sort of know what to expect taste wise from each, however, at dunkin specifically, half of the time my latte comes out tasting funny. Normally my lattes are sweet and creamy, despite not adding flavors or sugar, but sometimes it tastes off. An odd after taste, sour? Not sure. Salty? Idk how to describe it. I always hoped it was just burnt coffee beans but I really am not sure. For those who can describe the difference in taste from dairy to nondairy, what would you say, and also for those who can describe burnt espresso from not, how would you describe it? To me whatever it is makes the drink unpalatable and makes me wish I hadn’t spent the money.. I’m not the type to pull around and hassle them if my order is wrong, I just don’t eat/drink it & give it to a coworker. When I’ve tried to google what the taste difference was it was mostly a bunch of people asking “well whats your reason for ordering nondairy???” Knowing full well that if you aren’t allergic or lactose intolerant your reasons are invalid and you’re just being a Karen.. its hard to find an answer that isn’t “all vegans are karens, just drink the cows milk and stop being terrible to minimum wage workers” Label: not moderated
not moderated
Think I gave myself an eating disorder + stomach motility problems? Keep losing and gaining the same 20lbs. **TRIGGER WARNING** calories and poop I’ve definitely always had disordered eating. It’s how I managed to jump from 130 to 225lbs in less than a year. In 2020, I was able to drop 50lbs down to 175-180 without thinking too much about it. Just cutting alcohol and moving around more. Now I’ve gained some back, and while I’ve kept off the heavy drinking and been less sedentary, I keep teetering from 180 to nearly 200lbs. And I see exactly where the issue is…I’ve become extremely caloric restrictive for 4-5 days of the week (anywhere from 0-600cals), then go absolutely haywire on my days off…easily consuming 3-5,000kcal. I’ve completely screwed my bowels up. I can only shit once a week, sometimes nearing 2 weeks (and when I do, it’s a mass extinction event). Seriously. I can’t remember the last time I’ve gone any significant amount of time without stomach pain, and it’s really impeding the physical/exercise aspect of weight loss that I desperately need for my heart (and my sanity). Back when I was fit, biking was my mental health maintenance, It used to be something I looked forward to. My goal is 150-160lbs. Still on the heavier side for my height (5’4”), but at least enough to hopefully bring down my blood pressure. I’m 26, with a family history of heart disease, and I’ve already been to the hospital twice for hypertensive emergencies. I can’t imagine all this gaining and losing is helpful. Anyone else go through this? I feel like the binge and constipation is what triggers the following restriction. Just because after awhile the heaviness and pain becomes unbearable. How can I stop the cycle in its tracks? yesterday was my designated shittting day, and I was only able to get down 3 scrambled eggs since then. So I’ve got a “clean slate” atm. What should I do going forward? I’ve found that apples help a good deal, so I for sure want to start an apple a day routine. Right now V8 and pickle juice are the only things remotely appetizing to me :(
[ 3150, 10272, 7774 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: help i have been struggling with an eating disorder for a good majority of my life. binge and anorexia. a little while ago i hit the worst point of my anorexia and cut down to below 500 calories a day and i continued that for months. my feel like my body has completely changed its metabolism and is used to the way under need for my body to work properly. I started eating a bit more for a while and i gained a bit of weight back and i absolutely hated myself and started going back to the below 500. constantly restricting and then would binge at night. i haven’t been able to keep track of the amount of calories i have on average because it’s different everyday but it hasn’t been over 1000 since december. i’m so used to this now and i feel like i can’t even recover without wanting to commit. because i know i will gain all the weight back and it’s a trigger to my depression because of my past of being bullied and traumatized for being over weight. it’s all mental and i hate it. i weigh 130 pounds and i’m 5’5, i have lost all muscle tone almost and it’s all just high fat. even with the continuous low calorie i can’t lose weight and i am stuck, i’ve been stuck in between the 30’s for 5 months and with all the pain i put myself through i can’t break that weight. the lowest weight i was was 118 and that was in march. i wanted to maintain that. i tried working out and going to the gym but noticed i actually gained after instead of losing any weight over going for 2 weeks, it completely discouraged me and messed with my head. i feel like i can’t even start with working out because all i do is gain weight and as i said i can’t live with myself being over a certain point. my weight has become so controlling over my life and it’s all i ever think about. i want to be able to lose weight still and get leaner with muscle tone. i was always athletic growing up and extremely muscular for most of my life. i want to be comfortable in my own skin and this is so hard to write i’ve been crying just typing out whatever’s poping up so i’m sorry if it’s scrambled. i miss enjoying food without worrying and throwing it away when i’ve only taken a few bites. i have no idea where to start especially with gyms, i have such bad anxiety and i hate being at them. and the thing is that i do not want to gain weight at all but there has to be a way around it. i am completely stuck and i am so miserable please someone help me. that’s all i ask. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Progress in 7 days Hello, I’m new to this sub, but wanted to share my small victory, went down from 250 pounds to about 241 in a week. I’m fairly young so losing weight is not that much of a challenge for me, I’ve been exercising and sometimes running, also a big help was calorie counting and restricting sugar and all types of processed food I’ve been struggling with binge eating all of my teenage life, bullying and constant comments from my family also didnt help, but Im happy to say that I’ve started to overcome all of this. Because of this food was basically a comfort thing for me. Whenever I’m stressed or just straight up sad I would start eating and even though my stomach was completely full, I would eat more and more Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Short girl (5'1) losing at maintenance calories and maintaining at a surplus - has this happened to anyone else before? I'm 5'1, 118 lbs and I've been eating an average of 1800-2000 calories per day (sometimes hitting 2300, but I know there's no way I can maintain on that) instead of my usual 1300-1500 from before. I've always had a pretty big appetite, but whenever I ate anything past 1500 before I'd end up feeling bloated and gain around two extra pounds on the scale the next day. It's been around three months since I started lifting, and I've been walking around a lot more too. At first I was worried there was something wrong with me since I started losing weight on my maintenance of 1500, but after having had my blood/lab work and a few ultrasounds done for a previous ailment (UTI, but I was checked for stones/tumors) everything seems normal. Sooooo............has this happened to anyone else? I'm a little scared to keep eating this way since I'm short, but I'm also kind of liking the freedom. I feel a lot better about my intake now. And hey, if it turns out I'm eating too much, I can always go down to 1650 or 1700 and stay active. I just don't feel good about 1200 calories per day, to be honest. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: NSV: my average heart rate dropped by 50 beats Today I compared my first OTF work out roughly a year ago, with today’s. In my first work out, my average HR was 178 (yikes), and I spent 49 minutes in the red zone. Today, my average HR is 125, with a whopping 1 minutes in the red! I still feel like I’m pushing myself just as hard, but I’m no longer insanely out of shape. Super stoked on this! Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Necramech Stuff So I quit playing way back when because it was so freakin tiresome to try and work toward a necramech. Have they made that process easier and/or made new content accessible without it? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Champion of Chaos authority? Playing Festus as my first champion run and it’s going pretty well at turn 50 normal/ normal. I’ve got 3 armies rampaging and a couple ambush bait lords. The AI seems a little bugged in its desire to gun for me from across the map but whatever. Each of my armies is made up of either Nurgle marked units or marauders I’m building up. Plus a couple shadow sorcerer heroes for the sweet penumbral pendulum. Regardless of which army I select they all show at least 3 slaanesh authority though, sometimes more than my undivided or Nurgle authority level. I have a couple Nurgle gifts and an undivided gift activated. Not sure what I’m doing wrong that I’m growing the wrong authority type. Label: not moderated
not moderated
Is anyone else having problems with daily quests? I’m not sure why but it feels like none of my daily quests are resetting and I’m not sure if it’s something I’m doing or if it’s a known issue. I haven’t been able to do my refuge daily’s for a solid week, my settler daily hasn’t reset for probably about three and my raider daily’s haven’t reset for probably a week either.
[ 1737, 8639, 10194 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I'll post this again until I have a fix: Refuge dailies aren't showing, locking me out of leading expeditions I'm locked at 50% charge, since the last daily I did was skippy's and now no daily refuge quests show up. Is this a common bug? Is there a way to fix it? Because it kinda sucks that stuff is this grindy and you can't even GRIND for said stuff Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Guess I will see you guys in Expeditions on Thursday Since you know, it's not giving weekly rewards currently. Wonder what else is broken? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Fallout 1st daily challenge with vertibird fuel, npc issues, and events at the 30 minute aren’t triggering in all worlds So did you know that you cannot carry but 100 fuel max and that once you’ve gotten the fuel you cannot do it again the refuge daily so mow I am unable to complete the daily. Bethesda make this a weekly NPCs sometimes cannot interact with them having to click on them at least 5-20x to get them to work on xbox Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Is there any way to get Mesa Prime? Hello, I just downloaded the game for the first time yesterday and after looking trough the characters I just loved the look of Mesa Prime. I tried my best to read on how to get it and it looks like it is vaulted. But then I also read that they are available on Prime Resurgence (which I tought was on now?) Now this game is incredibly confusing and I would appcreciate any help. If I can spend money on this please let me know, wouldn’t be an issue. Thank you in advance for answers! Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Some dude keeps taking my rewards on earth I have had some dude named abiliss gistah constantly giving me voicelines for a while now I can't even remember what happened to prompt him into existence, how do I get rid of him? Nothing comes up when I search his name in the wiki and he keeps taking stuff when I do earth missions. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Thank you for helping out a noob become a fan! This post is meant to be a thank you post to all the wonderful folks on here who helped me in figuring out FO4 (my first ever FO game). I was about to give up on the game for the 3rd & final time but then decided to use this subreddit as last ditch effort & all the advice helped me big time. I'm now lvl34 & just got into the institute with the minutemen. Been doing bunch of side stuff & exploring a lot. Haven't really tried crafting/modding a lot as it doesn't really interests me , but I've been really enjoying all the stuff I've done so far. The wasteland is honestly such a cool place to explore! Label: not moderated
not moderated
Helminth abilities are disappointing. there. I said it and i meant it. Helminth abilities are honestly incredible additions to whatever warframe you add them to, allowing you to take the worst ability off of a warframe and replace it with a stronger alternative. The biggest problem with this system? All of the abilities are boring as hell. But >insert randomly generated name i can never remember here< there are so many powerful options, that can give cc or survivability to warframes yada yada. Yeah, there ARE like six really GOOD OPTIONS for abilities to subsume. Roar, larval grab or whatever, sleep from baruuk. Theres some decent abilities in there, for sure. But do you know what ISNT in there? Anything thats just fun to use. Like, is there a particular reason i can only use 2 abilities from ivaras quiver? Is it the augment? Because you don’t HAVE to make the augments work for every ability, and to be honest i just LIKE making a web to walk on. What about valkyr. Why warcry, why not ripline. Sure it sucks way more than warcry but its a LOT of fun. If it doesnt work in certain scenarios like in titanias pixie form, just disable it. Or make it to where it only pulls enemies. Its just horribly disappointing how few interesting abilities we actually got. Like i understand we cant give everyone minelayer, but why not let people use scarab swarm. Im not advocating to give away core parts of warframes like zephyrs air dash, but the system is way too dry. Some fours should be given to other warframes. Double the cost and half duration, bam, anyone is allowed to throw a cataclysm works conceptually way better than banish, and without the accompanying abilities its not that op All im saying is that DE missed out by not focusing on interesting abilities.
[ 6634, 2127, 12138 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: My Ideas For a Potential Valkyr Rework After spending way to long building her and her still being incredibly mediocre i really want her to focus more on being a berserker so i tried to come up with changes to actually make her feel so. \-Passive Her passive doesn't really feel like something a berserker would have so i would change it to "Damage Increases Valkyrs Critical Chance up to 100%" with her claws and the changes i mention late i also think it would make her a lot more viable in higher end content. \-Ripline This ability is a joke, i dont think i used it once during the 3 forma I oput on her. I would like to take inspiration from Hysterical Assault and instead give her Pounce "Activate to pounce on the enemy in front of you dealing your finisher damage and returning health" I think this would be a good replacement while also fitting her theme. \-Warcry I think Warcry is fine especially with the Eternal War augment but i think adding the ability to draw aggro would be a good addition to her kit \-Paralysis I feel like the changes to her passive would make this a lot more useful in order to gain the above mentioned critical chance while also leaving her vulnerable keeping her power in line. \-Hysteria This is probably controversial but i would remove her invulnerability and instead add life steal to her attacks in order to keep her balanced and to have more synchronization with the other changes to her kit. I think the combination of above abilities would allow for her to really be the berserker on the battlefield, drawing aggro and becoming more powerful the more damage she takes allowing her to be a great melee focused Warframe without the need for stat sticks like other frames. ​ I thought most of this up while writing this so it could probably use some more changes but i think this would be a great way to not only make her a worthwhile frame to use in endgame content but also bringing her more in line with the berserker role that she is meant to play. Please add to this on what you would change about my ideas. # Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Styanax helmenth Any one thought up any ideas or combos for abilitys on this frame? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Gathering up mods for a new Warframe player. Take a look about the list, maybe I missed some good starter mods which you find important. I am currently setting up a mod bundle for a friend of mine. He will get a quite good amount of mods (99% of them maxed and such) for the beginning, to actually keep up with me and play on an equal level. If you have any further ideas of what I could hand over, then post it down here. Info: Warframe ability damage mods are currently not important, thus the unranked and only transient fortitude in the list. Maxing 10-rank mods, Prime Mods and Augments are also not a thing atm. There should also be a kind of farming-urge for these things, as we have had agreed in this term. warframe: * vitality 8/10 * hunter adrenaline * vigor * redirection 8/10 * fast deflection * narrow minded 8/10 * continuity * constitution * transient fortitude 0/10 * streamline * fleeting expertise * natural talent * augur reach * stretch * augur message * handspring * flow * corrosive projection * enemy radar * rejuvenation * physique * energy siphon * sprint boost * steel charge rifle and shotgun: * serration 8/10 * heavy caliber 8/10 * point black * blaze * critical dmg chance mods * corrosive mods * charged shell * contagious spread * infected clip * stormbringer * hunter munitions * vital sense * hammer shot * ravage * vicious spread * vile acceleration * critical deceleration * shred * speed trigger * hell's chamber * split chamber * vigilante armaments Pistol: * hornet strike * magnum force * target cracker * creeping bullseye * pistol gambit * corrosive mods * pathogen rounds * convulsion * gunslinger * lethal torrent * barrel diffusion melee: * gladiator might * organ shatter * blood rush 8/10 * weeping * fury * quickening * spoiled strike * berserker fury * condition overload * healing return 6/10 * corrosive mods * fever strike * shocking touch * reach Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Need advice!!! Does anyone have advice or a video on how to defend against a body lock pass? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: You're only as strong as your weakest link. A saying tried and tested to be true by the flames of time. Accordingly, if Hawaii beats Vandy tonight then the Mountain West will be confirmed as stronger than the SEC. Unfortunately, if Vandy wins we'll never know which conference is stronger since the MW's worst team is UNLV. Football is back, baby. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Theorem infection C L E M ? Throwing this here, would it work ? Label: moderated
not moderated
Should I get the game on steam now or wait for a sale I have yet to try the game but someone was telling me about the game and it made me want to try it out. They told me imma need some dlc’s so I should get the monthly. I was going to and I’m alright with spending $39.99 to play the game, but I don’t really know how often this game goes on sale. Should I get the game now while it has my interest or wait until it’s on sale?
[ 7392, 3064, 7809 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Should I buy now or wait for bundle? I wanna buy base game and get dlc with monthly subscription, I can’t buy all dlc now. But the question is, if there will be humble bundle ultimate edition on sale once again, will I be able to redeem it on my steam account since I have base EU4? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Questions about Warhammer III 2.0: Is it a great game now? How cheap can I get all the DLC? Is it a great game? I had some performance issues, some game balance issues, the game felt a bit bare in some regards. Is that all sorted? And the cost of the DLC. What are the sales like? Is it worth waiting until everything's released? What's the timeline for that? Thanks, any help or pointers to answers would be great! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Fallout 3 on Steam Hello there. I saw that Fallout 3 GOTY was on sale right now, and was wondering if I should go for it now. I heard that there were some issues with it not working but I'm not sure if thats still happening. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Looking for a player to revive I need to revive a player to advance in the tadpole’s quest, I’ll pay you caps if you want too Label: moderated Example-1: Post: How do you play Tomb Kings? I've tried 5 times now to start an Mortal Empires campaign with Arkhan the Black. Every time I try to take the 1st Bretonian city Lakish or however its spelled, its always Defeat. Because they never leave the city. They start recruiting units, oh and Arkhan's starting army isn't enough to take them in the first three turns. Am I just playing this wrong, or are Tomb Kings that hard of a faction to play? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Possible fix for enemies having heart attacks in Westek. Let me preface this by saying I've only tested this one night. I could be wrong, but my results tonight were pretty conclusive. I ran Westek about 40 times and the results were consistent. Almost everyone who has run Westek for any period of time for XP knows the frustration of having many of the enemies just fall over dead and rob you of that potential XP. Tonight I finally had enough and decided to try to see what was causing it. Server hopping didn't help, so I ruled that out quickly. I suspected the Unstable Isotope mutation, but after taking a Rad-X to suppress my mutations, the dogs and some mutants were still falling over dead. I'm not going to go further into my mutations or buffs since they remained constant the whole time. If someone wants to do more in depth research, I'll provide all the details. After all of that was ruled out, I started fiddling with my perks. As it turned out, it seems that Grenadier (I had rank 1 as a filler, didn't really need it) had something to do with the problem. I ran a few times without it, and while the first run after removing it still yielded many enemies that had fallen over, the second run brought them all back. They remained for the next 4-5 runs so I put Grenadier back. The very first run after that, the enemies started fainting. The more I ran Westek, the worse it seemed to get. I removed Grenadier again and there were still dead enemies for that first run, but on the second they all were back to normal. I repeated this process about 5 times and the results were consistent. I'd love for some of you to test this and report your results here. For me, it sure seems to work. I'm no Angry Turtle, so my testing methods could surely be better but I did the best that I could to be sure of myself before posting this. If it doesn't work for you, sorry, but maybe I'm onto something and this is the real cause. Hope it works for all of you too. Label: not moderated
not moderated
Error while communicating Anyone else also struggles to log into servers today? I cannot log since like midnight today, Ive tried restarting both PC and router multiple times, checking game files on steam, clearing RL cache, synchronizing pc time, made sure that rocket league is able to connect to the internet both on my antivirus and my firewall but still nothing helps. I had some internet issues today but they seem to be fixed now and everything works just fine except rocket league, does anyone have any idea what could be the problem and how what else can I try?
[ 1011, 8791, 11734 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: R/rocketleague Anybody else having problems on Xbox for the nfl series? It keeps saying unable to contact matchmaking server, try again… I was JUST playing it. Uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted my xbox, nothing is working :( Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Lagging whole PC Can anyone help me with this issue? it’s only been happening for the past 2-3 months now but when I play Rocket League the game gives me lag spikes and messes up my discord all the time now. Is anyone else experiencing this issue and is there any way to fix it? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: PSN Servers down? I'm on ps4 and there's an error message logging in. Anyone else going through this?? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Meal timing (vs no meal timing). I was wondering if I could get your opinions on something? I was wondering about meal times, whether people have set meal times or just record what they ate at the end of the day (if one tracks calories or amounts). I have heard that I should eat every four hours and I have heard that I should only eat when hungry. Would greatly appreciate your thoughts/experiences. Thank you kindly in advance. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Power vs Flow Rolling Wanted to ask this on whitebelt wednesday but it seems it's been discontinued or something. Hi, Thanks for your answer and input in advance. I have been training around 15 months. My gym recommends people to use more technique than power. So in the beginning of the roll there isn't much intensive powerful move to break the guard or sweep. I don't have to use much power to roll. I had a hard time with this concept but I found myself recognizing more move and flow by rolling like this. And people at my gym do decent at the tournament. However I have a hard time when I go to other gym. I have to travel for work so I visited gym in Germany and Korea and some other gym in US. And I couldn't keep up with the intensity. I'm a white belt and don't know much. I was wondering what's the best style to roll with others and how do you guys roll? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Who is your underdog pick for making the playoffs? Why do you think they have a chance? Label: moderated
A baby for Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet? So, is Max becoming a father? This post from Kelly got deleted.
[ 6063, 439, 7038 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I was thinking about the fact that Ronnie Coleman has no children... It's so sad to me to know that his one in 8 billion genetics isn't going to be passed on... Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Sophia Grace is pregnant Does anyone watch her videos? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Just had a weird bug. Wondering if anyone else had gotten it before. I had just started a new game as England, and a few years in I get two envents that fire at once. I get a Newborn Daughter event fire off, where I choose to declare her my heir. Her stats are kind of rubbish, 3,0,2 iirc, but it's England, I don't want the War of the Roses yet. I then notice that I've also had a Newborn Son, the non event kind, not sure how to explain it, just a normal son, not found in a bush or anything. And this kids stats are way better, he's a 5,2,6 but I've already selected the daughter. I accept both, and somehow ended up with a daughter that has the stats of the son. Has anyone else seen that happen before? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: so I'm playing nukaworld and my star cores are glitched, any advice? In robco battle zone there's 2 star cores that never spawned and it's the ones where your stuck in the arena and once you clear the waves the door opens and they spawn... but they didnt... any advice on how to fix this? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Seeking Advice: Struggling to Get Into Shape Hi everyone. I just joined this group and am writing this out of frustration/exasperation. Basically, I've been thin my whole life, but for the past two or so years, I've noticed that my body is not as toned as it once was, and I've gained 10 or so pounds since starting college (I'm 23 now). I made it a priority once I graduated in May to get back into shape by eating better and working out more frequently. Nothing crazy or strenuous -- really just 30+ min of pilates and/or jogging most days, not eating too many processed foods and getting more fruits/veggies in. Because I never previously struggled with my weight or body shape, I figured I'd need just a couple months to get back to where I want to be. Specifically, about 10 lbs down and toned all over. But despite the lifestyle changes I've made, I've never been as unhappy with my body as I am now. Not to be all "woe is me," but I can't look in the mirror without feeling disgusted with my thighs and stomach and hips, and this experience has been kind of jarring and distressing. I'm at a loss over what to do. I don't want to be one of those people who works out 2 hours a day, but frankly I don't know what the solution is. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation of not seeing results despite months of trying to be healthier and more physically active? If so, do you have any advice? Any input is appreciated. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Once in a daily op - always in a daily op? This is certainly a bug. If you are part of a team and join a daily op and either leave or complete it. Everyone's gamer tag shows them as still being in the daily op. Please fix this as it is on all platforms and causes issues when people actually want to do a daily to find out nobody is actually there. Label: moderated
not moderated
So I tested the Exothermic and Siphoning Spectorage and I can say that it works. In general by doing in a SP infested mission, because Ember and fire lol, and I noticed there was A LOT of energy orbs even for Siphoning Spectorage. Doing it in Simulacram, I did a further test with an Eximus that has a guaranteed Energy Drop to avoid just random chance affecting the results, and yeah. With both mirrors and Inferno's fire he dropped three. One from the guaranteed drop, one from Exothermic and one from Siphon. Also funny note, due to how much Energy I got it took a while to notice that Immolation was at 90% since I was getting back so much energy. Lol.
[ 7833, 251, 2103 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Random thought. Would mystic mine stop exodia since technically its a monster effect? Just a random shower thought. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Do archon mods work with explosive legerdemain? I recently started building my mirage prime for an explosive legerdemain build, and I realized that explosive legerdemain deals heat, cold, electricity, and toxin damage. It struck me that the archon mods could help a lot, if they worked. I am planning on using archon stretch and flow, and I would love to know if they would work. Thanks! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Spectres and mods I know that galvanized mods don't work on Spectres but will "on aim" bonuses apply? Also if I create a Spectre in the forge with my current loadout but later change to galvanized mods, which mod configuration will it use? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Genuinely wondering: Why was anyone expecting a completely yellow Ferrari? Ferrari have been painted red in literally every race they've ever competed in, bar the last 2 rounds of the 1964 season (this was because Enzo was in an argument with the FIA and FCI and refused to represent Italy, hence NART). Tribute liveries, anniversary liveries, testing liveries, all red. Why would they not race in red for this? Their 1000th race was probably more significant and the car was, you guessed it, red. I see comments everywhere expressing actual disappointment in seeing a red Ferrari, and I have no clue why anyone would get their hopes up about something that will almost definitely never happen. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: After 2 years being homeless now i have a small place i can call home and found cheap used laptop i can play this game again. This is performance [\_z5nhZDY]( Label: moderated Example-2: Post: CA should Literally just pilfer wholesale, literally everything including the UI if they have to, the Holy Roman Empire mechanics from EU4 for the Empire. The Empire is the HRE and all the mechanics that works in EU4 would work for The Empire 1. Someone attacks an Empire prince you get called in to defend them, similar to a vassal 2. This gives you somethign called imperial authority if you accept the call to arms, you lose IA if you decline 3. IA can be used to slowly improve your empire, here's what it looks like in EU4. Instead of giving static bonus' like the curren system does you actively spend these point for bonus', there is no penatly for having low AE Here's how it looks like in game. 4. You can see there's 2 paths here once you get enough reforms, decentalization and centralization. This is so overwhelmingly obvious to port over. Do you want the elector counts to be summoned and annex them diretly? Or do you want to decentralize the empire and give them more autonomy and make them your vassals? 5. Imperial incidents. Sometimes things happen in life and those things are call incidents. For example if the king of Burgduny dies in battle (rest in peace) and the crown might pass to the King of Austria that triggers an incident. Incidents cause the emperor to choose what he wants to do. Maybe you're the Teutonic order who wants to join ghte empire, that could trigger an incident. Do you want to allow von Carstein to become an elector count? The other electors also vote based on their own interest and relation with the emperor. From the Emperor's poitn of view the incident looks like this. You can see the elector counts voting although the emperor, of course, has the final say. If he chose to deny TO the entrance to the empire that would cause a massive drop in Imperial Authority. The decisions that could be made during incidents and the incidents that could come up are so overwhelmingly obvious I don't need to go into detail about what incidents there should be. 6. Elections! The most controversial part about this post I'm going to assume. I think CA should either modify the lore (gasp, shock, awe, I can hear Games Workshop knocking on my door right now, they just want to talk) or set the timeline back slightly before Karl becomes emperor There should be an election where any elector count can become emperor, so that the player can start out as a lowly elector count and work his way up, trhough diplomacy (improving relations) and an actual election process that happens on a certain turn or date. Or maybe even eveyr x turns. Just steal this entire thing, and you'll have the perfect Empire mechanics. Label: not moderated
Is it possible to lose 10kg in 5 days I'm actually exploring best ways to lose weight on my 5 day challenge where I attempt to lose 10 kg in 5 days: So I am looking for any tips m you guys wouldsuggest, as I'm used to training to bulk, wanted to challenge myself doing th opposite and it's very tough. Appreciate your help guys! Something I read about that I found hard to process was the following: Reduce Your Intake of Ultra-Processed Carbs and Sweets A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals what you eat is most important for weight loss[4]. The pounds will come off more quickly if you improve the quality of the foods you ingest. “One of the healthiest ways to shed weight is to reduce your intake of sugar and rapidly metabolized carbohydrates,” says Bennett. “In particular, you want to cut out or drastically curtail your intake of high-glycemic-load foods, such as sugary snacks, processed carbs and soft drinks. When you avoid or cut back on French fries, chips, crackers and the like, you’ll speed up your weight loss.” AND THIS CONFUSED ME LOADS!! Should I be eating less: Pump Up Your Protein Increasing your protein consumption can help reduce appetite and help prevent the loss of muscle mass. “Eating around 25 to 30 grams of protein—two scoops of protein powder or 4 ounces of chicken breast—per meal can improve appetite control and manage your body weight,” says Dr. Albertson. “The best way to do it is to make sure you have one serving of high-quality protein per meal.”
[ 3963, 10195, 9569 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I want to lose weight fast, please give me some tips. Hello everyone. I'm new here and I'm looking for advices and motivation for my weight loss journey. I gained 10 kgs in 3 months because of binge eating and because of my problems and I want to lose it all as fast as I can. Do you have any tips on what should I do? I tried calorie deficit but the results were so slow. Is it also possble to lose all of that fat in 1 month? Please help me out. Also how can I stay motivated to do work outs every day, because of my work I can't seem to be concentrated. Thank you in advance. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Why do I lose weight on days when I eat mostly just carbs? I have been on a weight loss journey that has been fairly successful thus far. I had lost 20lbs in around 6 months with working out and eating healthy. However, every once in a while, I would have a few days here and there when I'd consume a lot of sugary food, but continue to lose weight. In fact, I had noticed that many atimes, whenever I'd spend a day or 2 eating only desserts (like cookies. A whole lot of cookies), fruits, and/or just plain sugar (as in a mouthful of sugar), and pretty much nothing else (no protein, no fat, no other macros), I would lose *more* weight than days when I'm eating healthy. I thought it was due to the total caloric intake, but noticed that sometimes with days like these I would be on a caloric deficit, and other days on a caloric *surplus* and the results would remain fairly the same. I went to test for diabetes and even brought the at-home tester as well, and I was fine. My fasting blood glucose is normal and so is my A1C. I know sugar provides instant energy, but with such high intake I would've imagined to at least to not lose weight, if not gaining more weight, when what happens is actually the opposite. Does anyone else experience this? Does anyone know why? If this us not the right sub to post this, where should I? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Fitting back in smaller clothes This morning, while getting ready for class, I realized that the running shorts I was wearing were from highschool, and haven’t fit me in two years! For context, I have PCOS. When I left for college and had access to the dining hall, I managed to gain nearly 100 pounds in 2.5 years. So far, after 3 years of working towards it, I’ve lost 75 of those through totally changing the way that I eat. I haven’t added much exercise in, and don’t count calories, but I work to keep my blood sugar consistently up throughout the day to avoid the binges. That means eating every three hours- I have meals of lean protein and veggies, and snacks of fruit (and popcorn, of course, I need my salt fix!) I’m at a point where I’ve found a healthy balance of losing weight while also not being afraid to go out with my friends and have a meal out now and then. I don’t need to not eat the next day and “make up” for it, and I’m allowed to just enjoy my life. So I suppose that’s two victories- I’m healthier than I’ve been in awhile, and I’m not letting it take over my life like I used to. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [Recommendation] for a solid feminine watch I’ve always loved Daniel Wellington Petite Melrose (rose gold) design but the brand has many bad reviews so I’m looking for other options within the price range, similar design, with solid quality. I’ve had a few options in mind which are Solvil et Titus, Fossil, and Tissot Everytime Quartz. Also open to other options. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: What are some fun semi-historical custom nations that you can create? I recently played a game as New England, based on historical evidence of English nobles settling in Crimea after being losing to the Normans in 1066, which was incredibly fun. Anyone get any other ideas for some semi-historical custom nations? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: I need a solution for night time eating! Quick background story, my partner and I run a business together and are usually out on the go from 1pm-9pm everyday. Before 1pm hits, most of the time we are organising things for our little one and for the business. Throughout the day we have no problem eating clean and sticking to our diet, but once we come back home at night we’re starving from such an exhausting and stressful day. My body craves carbohydrates and nothing seems to satisfy it at night except unhealthy foods. We’ve tried meal prepping healthy meals but it doesn’t seem to crush the starvation feeling after a long day. Any suggestions on how to deal with this? I’m getting fed up exercising/dieting in the day only to ruin it at night. Label: not moderated
not moderated
how to charge an airsoft battery from a car'12V output? Hi Reddit, Where i'm from, we usually have games taking place out of town in remote areas, usually in the middle of nowhere, in the woods. Since i'm running nimh batteries (9.6v) which lose a fair amount of their capacity within the first few hours, i got curious - has anyone ever seen a charger that could be used for charging those from a car's 12V output? I see tons of smart chargers for home use (220V AC), but so far no luck in finding any that could manage with a 12v DC input Any ideas why they're that hard to come by (or non-existing)? And no, i won't go LiPo just yet - i've seen enough phone/tablet/handheld/laptop batteries being an "any-second-now-fire-hazard. Also, winters are -10 to -20C at times (LiPo no likey) ..surely there has to be..something? Thanks.
[ 8721, 6416, 10112 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: What battery and charger to get for my first aeg ? Ok so finally got my head around a AEG. Now ideally i would want a Li-Po but i have alot of questions about them and the most important one is will i die from it ? I have heard horror storys of Li-Pos and that they can combust in your house for no reason. Can anybody tell me how exactly to contain them when not in use ( lets say this month i go to 4 games in total but then i wont go for 4-5 months untill spring ). Also i know that most stock rifles can handle a 7.4 lipo and anything above witouth a mosfet will kill the internals eventually. Are Nimhs better ? Can i get from those compact balance chargers or do i need that big blue smart charger 6Bac or whatever its called charger people reccomend. Like i said i have too much questions and am really keen on AEGs but i just dont wanna burn the house down when im going to work. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Question about Cyma AK batteries I have decided on the Cyma sport AK74M from Evike for my first airsoft rifle. This exact one: What would be a good battery for this gun? What would be a good battery charger? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Need help on which airsoft battery to order So I was looking at a Titan power battery and I was think that the c rate was way to low and I was wondering if there are any good recomondations for really good responsive batteries like for a dsg Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Bench PR on rest day Hello all, I have an upper lower calisthenics split and it's been fantastic, making more gains than ever before, but my question is this, on the weekend (which would usually be my rest day) I go to the gym with my friend and I do a few exercises, and they usually include muscles that I feel haven't been sufficiently worked in my "upper" days, but generally what happens is that I do rope pulldowns and then we both do bench PR'S, now I'm wondering if this is advisory or not. I recover from it, but am I doing too much?? Monday Upper Tuesday Lower & core Wednesday Rest day Thursday Upper Friday Lower & core Saturday Light chest: Sunday Rest day Upper day: 4x10 prone pull ups 4x10 dips 4x12 Australian pull ups 4x15 push ups 4x8 rear delt raise 4x8,6,6,6 wide grip pull ups Leg day: 4x8 Squat 4x8 sled leg press 4x failure Standing calf raises 4x10 Box jumps 4x7 hamstring focused deadlift 3x failure Hamstring raises 4x6 rope pulldown Core session: 4x8 L sit leg raises 4x10 windshield wipers 4x15 dragon flag 4x12 russian twist Chest: 4x6 bench PR's 4x6 bicep curls Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Cantu Curl Activator Cream Can I put this cream in my hair in the shower, then wash it out like I would with shampoo or conditioner? Has anyone tried this and did it have promising results? (I have wavy/curly hair) Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Targets for Spellbook of Judgement besides Jowgen As the title suggest, I'm looking for some alternative targets for Spellbook of Judgement, in case I only resolved 1 or 2 spells after activation. Label: moderated
Kansas star QB Jalon Daniels down on sideline w/apparent shoulder injury
[ 5064, 5461, 8769 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Jalon Daniels for Heisman? Can we give a shout out to what he's doing so far this season? He is running KU's offense to perfection, and honestly, through week 3, who has a better argument for the Heisman if the voting ended today? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Houston DE Derek Parish will miss the rest of the season with a bicep injury Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: [Degnan] BREAKING: Miami Hurricanes star receiver Xavier Restrepo out indefinitely with foot injury [Source]( Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Ideal (but somewhat realistic) Calendar Heres my ideal calendar, thought I'd share. Only problem is - it NEEDS rotations. But, I kept it some money-making clout venues like vegas, but the core races would be every year. I also tried to keep the rotations to match vibes. Order is irrelevent. 1. Australia 2. Austin 3. Imola 4. Monaco 5. Baku 6. Canada 7. Silverstone 8. Austria 9. Spa 10. Monza 11. Mexico 12. Brazil 13. Nurburgring / Hockenheim - ROTATE 14. Barcelona / Zandvoort- ROTATE 15. Hungary / Turkey - ROTATE 16. Abu Dhabi / Bahrain- ROTATE 17. Singapore / Las Vegas - ROTATE 18. Portimao / Mugello - ROTATE 19. China / Japan - ROTATE 20. South Africa / India - ROTATE Yes, India. Thoughts? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Since converting to Catholicism, Marcus Freeman is now 1-0 in other news go bears i guess 😔 Label: moderated Example-2: Post: I’m aware that they nerfed most aoe, But did they nerf prob cernos? I’ve used it for a long time, with a riven, and my specific build room clears steel path pretty easily. Or it did. I’m not sure if archon hunt enemies are stronger, but I can’t even 1 tap a normal grineer. And ammo also only gives one instead of multiple, even with ammo mutation, but I think everyone knows that now. Label: not moderated
Is Smash 3DS online still active? I kinda wonder how active it is? Really need to know if people genuinely still play it even in 2022. How long would it take to find a match?
[ 10450, 9389, 2081 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Is smash ultimate worth it? Is smash ultimate worth it in 2022? I really like fighting games competitively. I tried melee but found the replay value low. Should i get smash ultimate? How is the online? I have heard that it isen't as competitive as melee because of the buffer. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Anti Smash tournament This is more than likely a terrible idea, but hell I would watch it for sure. What if we made an online smash tournament, that doesn't allow any player that has played smash ultimate in 2022(including banned players, smash 64, melee players, brawl players, and smash 4 players) this would be an online tournament of course, so there would be no risk among banned players and mics would obviously be banned. Winners gets like 1k it would be actually so entertaining. Now this probably will never happen, but I can imagine. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Is it just me or the average level of competition has gone down instead of up? Typically you see the level of competition go up in any game the longer it has been out. I think many would agree that the average set in Melee from 5 years ago would beat it from 10 years ago for example. Yet in Ultimate it feels like the opposite. Sets from 2017-2018 appear to be at a much higher level than 2021-2022. So why do you guys think that is? (If you even agree. Perhaps it's just me and the level has gone up) I thought at first it might just be a little rust since a lot of players had to only play online or in small locals during Covid. So even though we're in 2022 everyone's just getting their muscle memory back. I had one other idea but it almost sounds a little conceited so I wasn't sure if I should say it. Well....I want to keep it straight with you guys though so I won't mince words here. I retired from the competitive scene around that time. I got too busy with Pokemon Go and Mega Man X Dive so I basically stopped playing Smash for a few years. I've gone back to it a bit now but when watching the big tournament streams all I can think of is how I would have won that set easy. I feel like I could walk into any local/regional/national and just win the whole thing which feels weird. Again, I've been out of the circuit for a few years so maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me but I'm wondering if my retirement actually hurt the scene because without a top player to strive for as a goal people just sort of relaxed a bit. I would really like to hear from people who are active in the tourney circuit though. Whether it be locals, regionals, or you just watch all of the tourney sets online. Has the skill level dropped off or it's as solid as it ever was? Also, should I get back into the scene or is it best to stay retired so that other people can win some tournaments? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: can weight loss result in brain fog? hi, I’m 16f trying to lose weight. I recently started sixth form in the uk and i’m always really tired with low energy levels after coming back from school. it’s hard to concentrate in lessons and clear my mind, especially when i’m doing quite hardcore subjects like maths and further maths. I just feel so stupid all the time, as if my brain won’t work anymore. Is this down to weight loss and dieting? for context i’m 5’4” and currently weigh 176lbs, eating around 1200 cals a day. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Opinion: The W07 will remain a more successful car than the RB18 I have seen a lot of posts praising Newey for creating the most successful car. Whilst this is correct in relation to a single driver’s race wins, I feel a more accurate assessment of the most successful car should be based on combined wins from both drivers. Hence the W07 is a more successful car, having won 19 out of the 21 races held (90.48%), in 2016 at the hands of both Lewis and Nico. Whereas even if the RB18 wins all the remaining races, either Max or Checo, it will have won 18 out of 22 races (81.82%). Further, that would make both the F2004 (83.33%) & F2002 (88.24%) more successful. Just my humble opinion, happy to hear your thoughts. To be clear, this is not a stance on drivers or teams, rather the way the success of a car is measured. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Favorite card design Sorry if this has been asked before. What are some of your favorite card designs. Label: moderated
Core Workout and GERD? So I suffer from a pretty exciting set of GERD, which means I kind of just throw up on occasion. It is extra bad when laying down, or really extra bad when faced down working my core. ​ Push-ups I can suffer through, Planks are difficult unless for short times, even just laying in bed watching TV can be difficult depending on what and when I've eaten. My question however comes up now that I've attempted to do the Reverse Hyperextension. I did like 4, realized it was a great exercise, then nearly projectile vomited across my couch. ​ Are there any "almost as good" movements that work that area that don't involve being face down, or should I just start pumping Tums before I start the RR?
[ 2001, 8157, 8175 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Targeted Oblique exercises So I've been trying to target obliques quite frequently but I seem to struggle actually feeling any strain because of the under-targeted nature of a lot of oblique exercises. does anyone have a way to isolate the obliques with an exercise preferably one where I could fluctuate intensity with weight or drop set? I've tried side crunches and side leg raises and no matter how much I try to control form the movement seems futile. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: HIIT routine that won't flare up piles So I've had hemorrhoids for a month now, though they're not flared up/painful/itchy etc. anymore. Before this happened I worked out about 3 times a week, intense HIIT using bodyweight only, 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 45 minutes. I want to get back into it, but want to avoid exercises that might flare up the roids (squats, crunches?). I'm hoping that a few of you wonderful folk might be able to suggest some exercises that I can turn into a routine? Pelvic floor exercises are good, but anything that makes me strain not so good. In truth I suck at knowing which exercises work which specific muscles etc, so need some advice on what I can do. I like to work hard (lots of burpees, squat jumps) and I'm worried this might be out of bounds now. Just FYI, exercise never caused my piles. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: hypertrophy and crossfit? Firstly, I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit to post: any help directing me to the appropriate place is appreciated! Okay. So, I've been doing crossfit for about 4 years, and have seen amazing results in terms of getting better at gymnastics, weightlifting, cardiovascular, form, etc. but I feel like I'm lacking the the "showy" muscles. I firstly want to work on building a better chest (former fatboy here so moobs are wip) and wider lats. I currently go MWFSun, where I partake in the Strength/WODs MWF, and Sun is mostly for accessory/gymnastics. Where can I fit in Chest/Back exercises to work on hypertrophy but not get too gassed and exerted so I can still perform well on the usual WOD days? Anyone have experience with programs outside your gym? How did it go? Thanks! Much appreciated! Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Custom tournaments got no sense... They don't give us XP, rewards or anything. Why do they exist? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: become strong Do you wanna become a real bodybuilder and a real men with muscle en see result in months [\_Protocol\_Mannen/58051/129377]( with this you can become physicaly and mentally strong Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Thoughts on Matter of Fact Vitamin C? Anybody here has experience with Matter of Fact's Vitamin C serum? Quite curious if it's really as good as Namvo says it does. She keeps saying it's the best vitamin c serum out in the market today, so I'm curious to give it a try once I run out of my Drunk Elephant one. Label: moderated
GameDay vs Hurricane Ian Okay so... do I brave Hurricane/Tropical Storm Ian and drive to Clemson for GameDay tomorrow or stay in Charlotte and prep for the storm? (That's apparently going to hit us? We're under tropical storm warning, I'm so confused.)
[ 2018, 11700, 2795 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Open Letter To Hurricane Ian Dear Ian, Congrats on category #4. Please go out to sea by Friday. Sincerely, All college football fans Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Anyone got a good Gameday sign idea for Clemson NCSU this weekend? Able to go to Gameday for the first time this weekend, wondering if you guys had any good sign ideas Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Any tips for staying fit during a Hurricane? Also Thank you to this community Hey everyone, first off If you're like me and being rained out because of Hurricane Ian, I wish for your safety above all. I was wondering if anybody had any tips for how to get some movement going indoors. I usually walk twice a day for 30mins or more but as of yesterday It has been raining non stop so I wasn't able to get my walks in. I couldn't go to the gym for the treadmill either because gas is scarce here at the moment so I'm saving my gas for emergencies, even more so that I live with my grandparents. Thank you In advance for the suggestions. Also huge thank you to everyone in this community. Everyone made me feel like the little brother of the group when I last posted about my journey and got lots of support, tips, and encouragement. A community like this really motivates me and many others to keep going or to even start their journey. Best to luck to everyone here on our journeys : ) Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: No Gi Guard Preferences This video by Lachlan really spells out, in an effective way, the differences between no gi guard types. Let me know what type of no gi guard you prefer, and comment if you think there’s anything Lachlan didn’t mention that’s relevant for your game. [View Poll]( Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: My routine review + thoughs guys ? Hello guys, i have a question. I did not train for like 7 months, but i want to do something with my life and start to workout again. My problem is that im working almost whole week, so i cant afford something special, not only from not enough time, but also lower regeneration from doing physical work and sleep problems bcs. of nightshifts etc. I did PPL 6x per week in the past, but i was at school, now its literally impossible for me, so i made my self a fullbody workout. Because i can afford only when i will have time + be able to, i will train every week on different days, different time and mainly i can affor max 3 days in week, so i needed routine thats literally "fullbody" not some A/B splits etc. i came out with this.: 2-3 days a week (depends on many factors ...) fullbody calisthenics routine: 3x pull-ups 3x dips 3x squats (with bands, backpack, or just some weights) 3x ring rows 3x push-ups 3x pistol squats 3x pike push-ups 3x glute bridges (for glutes + hamstrings) 4x band triceps extensions 4x band biceps curls 4x band face pulls 3x ABS (some core/ab work at the end of the workout) Thats it, as i said it will be performed 2x OR if i will have time and energy 3x per week. I want to know your thoughs on this routine. Also i want to say, im not any professional and i dont want to be, my goal is just basic strenght and hypertrophy with bodyweight exercises, im not interested in skills etc. Ty for any advices/review. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Frustration and envy... I only just found the beginner's hair doc, and while I've already been doing many of the things suggested (albeit with different products) I'm still not as attached to my hair as a source of pride as some of y'all seem to see it. For context, neither of my parents (both white, as am I, if it makes any difference) know how to handle curly hair since they didn't have it themselves, and I don't have any other close family with any similar hair, so it's been a learning process. I've been fine with that, and it doesn't seem like I've been experiencing as much harassment or whatever from it either, as all I can remember people commenting is that they like it. I don't wear it down often, usually tying it back in a ponytail because I don't like it in my face. I want to have my hair be a source of pride and empowerment like y'all see it but I can't get past how much pain it took for me to figure out this much. I know how to shower and what products to apply but I don't know worth jack about styling. It also doesn't help that mom's constantly nagging about "the back looks matted" or "you take too long in the shower, stop using up the hot water" when I'm with her. All I can tell her is that I'm doing my best. My hair's only tied to my identity because I've almost always worn it long. I'm tired and it makes me sad when I see the contrast between how much y'all are enjoying and proud of your hair and I'm not. I don't mind tying it back either, it just doesn't feel that good to do. Label: not moderated
Ok mods you can change the sidebar now. I'm sick of looking at that shit.
[ 9555, 9453, 11339 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: This sub’s moderation policy is atrocious and the mods should be ashamed With Half a million subs and less than 10 posts a day, you’d think the moderators of this subreddit would make a conscious effort to not hinder the subreddit’s activity. Yet here we are with the most bullshit content filters imaginable. I mean, you just don’t know which one of your unassuming words is going to set off the alarms. Just let us post. Please. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: help please What is all of revenants augment mods called Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Help with mods I have always played with mods. Today I updated my content patcher and now the majority of my mods isn’t in game. What can I do? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: When a airsoft field places you on a team will they let your friends join the same team? Pls answer Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Found some old cards in a shoebox Found a bunch of old Neos and generic E-Hero cards in a shoebox and the nostalgia was strong, mostly POTD or collector tins. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Need help with workout routine Hello i have been working out for a few years, mainly calisthenics, but then i stopped working out because of college and lost some muscle and strength. Now I'm getting back to i but its not the same, I do full body workouts, with 2 days rest between workouts. I want to keep doing full body with 2 days rest and keep the same exercises, i just need help with sets and reps, because I have zero progress. Routine: weighted ring pull ups 4x6 weighted ring dips 4x6 barbell rows 4x8-10 kettlebell shoulder press 4x6 each arm squats 6x6 I like that this program is simple 2x horizontal and 2x vertical push and pull and squats Should I add sets or reps? Or maybe do less, I'm not sure. I tried working out to failure every set and also tried having 2 reps "in reserve". Nothing really worked, but i really like these exercises. Label: moderated
not moderated
Player anthem question I ran across someone with Van Halen Jump radio classics last night. How do I get this? It’s not even in bakkes mod anthem list.
[ 10756, 4908, 10562 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Link to All of Kugaths voice lines? I can’t find them and YouTube only has specific ones. I’d like to have every voice line possible Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: I hit this clip on my radio I HIT THIS CLIP ON MY RADIO Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Petition to add "Hit Me Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears as a player anthem Title Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I made a spreadsheet to track the cost and nutritional content of meals! It's very simple to use—just input the names, nutrition facts, and cost of various meals throughout the week, and the spreadsheet does all the math for you. There's also a shopping list attached. [Here's the blank template;]( I hope it helps! Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Script limit makes the game boring Why even have a limit? i mean its boring to have a crap ton of junk in stash to save for the next day. Just let us have some freedom.. playing all day seems like Bethesda is punishing us for playing the game. Hell even getting 1 script would be ok but still the limit is annoying as hell Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Am I the only one that thinks it's a little ridiculous that WVU vs. Kansas is only on ESPN +? I mean, this is a Power 5 conference game. There wasn't anyone that could have gotten bumped off one of the networks? Label: moderated
not moderated
Match Thread: Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Montenegro | UEFA Nations League #**0': Bosnia and Herzegovina [vs](#bar-3-white) Montenegro** **Venue:** Bilino Polje [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Bosnia and Herzegovina** Ibrahim Sehic, Sinisa Sanicanin, Dennis Hadzikadunic, Sead Kolasinac, Amar Dedic, Muhamed Besic, Amir Hadziahmetovic, Miralem Pjanic, Edin Dzeko, Ermedin Demirovic, Miroslav Stevanovic. **Subs:** Dario Saric, Amer Gojak, Hrvoje Milicevic, Mateo Susic, Kenan Kodro, Vladan Danilovic, Nikola Vasiljev, Smail Prevljak, Besim Serbecic, Gojko Cimirot, Haris Duljevic, Sanjin Prcic. ^____________________________ **Montenegro** Milan Mijatovic, Zarko Tomasevic, Igor Vujacic, Risto Radunovic, Marko Vesovic, Aleksandar Scekic, Marko Jankovic, Vukan Savicevic, Adam Marusic, Milutin Osmajic, Stevan Jovetic. **Subs:** Lazar Carevic, Marko Simic, Stefan Mugosa, Sead Haksabanovic, Uros Djurdjevic, Drasko Bozovic, Milos Raickovic, Marko Vukcevic, Sasa Balic, Matija Sarkic, Nikola Vukcevic, Driton Camaj. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)*
[ 3953, 341, 5498 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Post Match Thread: Bosnia and Herzegovina 1-0 Montenegro | UEFA Nations League #**FT: Bosnia and Herzegovina [1-0](#bar-3-white) Montenegro** *Bosnia and Herzegovina scorers: Ermedin Demirovic (45'+1')* -------- **Venue:** Bilino Polje [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Bosnia and Herzegovina** Ibrahim Sehic, Sinisa Sanicanin, Dennis Hadzikadunic, Sead Kolasinac, Amar Dedic ([](#icon-sub)Mateo Susic), Miralem Pjanic ([](#icon-sub)Gojko Cimirot), Muhamed Besic ([](#icon-sub)Amer Gojak), Miroslav Stevanovic ([](#icon-sub)Kenan Kodro), Edin Dzeko, Ermedin Demirovic, Amir Hadziahmetovic. **Subs:** Dario Saric, Hrvoje Milicevic, Vladan Danilovic, Nikola Vasiljev, Smail Prevljak, Besim Serbecic, Haris Duljevic, Sanjin Prcic. ^____________________________ **Montenegro** Milan Mijatovic, Zarko Tomasevic, Igor Vujacic, Risto Radunovic, Marko Vesovic, Aleksandar Scekic ([](#icon-sub)Sead Haksabanovic), Marko Jankovic ([](#icon-sub)Driton Camaj), Milutin Osmajic ([](#icon-sub)Stefan Mugosa), Adam Marusic, Vukan Savicevic ([](#icon-sub)Nikola Vukcevic), Stevan Jovetic ([](#icon-sub)Uros Djurdjevic). **Subs:** Lazar Carevic, Marko Simic, Drasko Bozovic, Milos Raickovic, Marko Vukcevic, Sasa Balic, Matija Sarkic. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **10'** [](#icon-yellow) Ermedin Demirovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **22'** [](#icon-yellow) Vukan Savicevic (Montenegro) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **28'** [](#icon-yellow) Miralem Pjanic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is shown the yellow card. **45'+1'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Bosnia and Herzegovina 1, Montenegro 0. Ermedin Demirovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Edin Dzeko with a headed pass.** **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Montenegro. Nikola Vukcevic replaces Vukan Savicevic. **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Montenegro. Stefan Mugosa replaces Milutin Osmajic. **67'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Gojko Cimirot replaces Miralem Pjanic because of an injury. **70'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Montenegro. Uros Djurdjevic replaces Stevan Jovetic. **70'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Montenegro. Sead Haksabanovic replaces Aleksandar Scekic. **73'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Amer Gojak replaces Muhamed Besic. **73'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kenan Kodro replaces Miroslav Stevanovic. **78'** [](#icon-yellow) Edin Dzeko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **79'** [](#icon-yellow) Dennis Hadzikadunic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is shown the yellow card. **81'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Montenegro. Driton Camaj replaces Marko Jankovic. **90'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mateo Susic replaces Amar Dedic. **90'+4'** [](#icon-yellow) Adam Marusic (Montenegro) is shown the yellow card. **90'+4'** [](#icon-yellow) Sinisa Sanicanin (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is shown the yellow card. **90'+4'** [](#icon-yellow) Nikola Vukcevic (Montenegro) is shown the yellow card. **90'+6'** [](#icon-yellow) Marko Jankovic (Montenegro) is shown the yellow card. -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)* Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Match Thread: Romania vs Bosnia and Herzegovina | UEFA Nations League #**0': Romania [vs](#bar-3-white) Bosnia and Herzegovina** **Venue:** Stadionul Rapid - Giulesti [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Romania** Ionut Radu, Andrei Burca, Adrian Rus, Nicusor Bancu, Andrei Ratiu, Nicolae Stanciu, Darius Olaru, Razvan Marin, Denis Alibec, Dennis Man, Deian Sorescu. **Subs:** Stefan Tarnovanu, Florin Tanase, Daniel Boloca, Mário Makico Paulino, Ionut Nedelcearu, George Puscas, Cristian Manea, Alexandru Cicaldau, Tudor Baluta, Horatiu Moldovan, Florinel Teodor Coman, Andrei Cordea. ^____________________________ **Bosnia and Herzegovina** Nikola Vasiljev, Hrvoje Milicevic, Adnan Kovacevic, Eldar Civic, Besim Serbecic, Gojko Cimirot, Amer Gojak, Dario Saric, Smail Prevljak, Ermedin Demirovic, Amar Dedic. **Subs:** Muhamed Besic, Vladan Danilovic, Kenan Kodro, Haris Duljevic, Dino Hotic, Sanjin Prcic, Ibrahim Sehic, Mateo Susic, Kenan Piric, Sead Kolasinac, Sinisa Sanicanin, Edin Dzeko. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)* Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Post Match Thread: Partizan Belgrade 2-0 FC Cologne | UEFA Europa Conference League #**FT: Partizan Belgrade [2-0](#bar-3-white) FC Cologne** *Partizan Belgrade scorers: Fousseyni Diabate (15'), Ricardo Gomes (52')* -------- **Venue:** FK Partizan Stadium [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Partizan Belgrade** Aleksander Popovic, Igor Vujacic, Svetozar Markovic, Slobodan Urosevic, Aleksandar Filipovic, Bibras Natcho, Hamidou Traoré, Kristijan Belic ([](#icon-sub)Ljubomir Fejsa), Ricardo Gomes ([](#icon-sub)Andrija Pavlovic), Queensy Menig ([](#icon-sub)Patrick Andrade), Fousseyni Diabate. **Subs:** Nikola Terzic, Zlatan Sehovic, Aleksandar Lutovac, Samed Bazdar, Milan Lukac, Marko Zivkovic, Mihajlo Ilic, Sinisa Sanicanin, Nemanja Jovic. ^____________________________ **FC Cologne** Marvin Schwäbe, Timo Hübers, Nikola Soldo, Kristian Pedersen ([](#icon-sub)Denis Huseinbasic), Benno Schmitz, Eric Martel, Ellyes Skhiri, Florian Dietz ([](#icon-sub)Steffen Tigges), Sargis Adamyan ([](#icon-sub)Linton Maina), Florian Kainz, Jonas Hector. **Subs:** Ondrej Duda, Georg Strauch, Luca Kilian, Timo Horn, Mark Uth, Rijad Smajic, Jonas Urbig, Joshua Schwirten, Kingsley Schindler. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **15'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Partizan Belgrade 1, 1. FC Köln 0. Fousseni Diabaté (Partizan Belgrade) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner.** **45'+3'** [](#icon-yellow) Fousseni Diabaté (Partizan Belgrade) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, 1. FC Köln. Steffen Tigges replaces Florian Dietz. **48'** [](#icon-yellow) Timo Hübers (1. FC Köln) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **52'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Partizan Belgrade 2, 1. FC Köln 0. Ricardo Gomes (Partizan Belgrade) header from very close range to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Slobodan Urosevic following a corner.** **55'** [](#icon-yellow) Jonas Hector (1. FC Köln) is shown the yellow card. **58'** [](#icon-yellow) Kristijan Belic (Partizan Belgrade) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **61'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Partizan Belgrade. Ljubomir Fejsa replaces Kristijan Belic because of an injury. **66'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, 1. FC Köln. Linton Maina replaces Sargis Adamyan. **68'** [](#icon-yellow) Svetozar Markovic (Partizan Belgrade) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **70'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Partizan Belgrade. Patrick Andrade replaces Queensy Menig. **73'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, 1. FC Köln. Denis Huseinbasic replaces Kristian Pedersen. **74'** [](#icon-yellow) Ljubomir Fejsa (Partizan Belgrade) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **76'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Partizan Belgrade. Andrija Pavlovic replaces Ricardo Gomes. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Why does the empire bundle not give me the new DLC? I have the bundle, but no DLC. Any explanation? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: UFC Fighter Rankings Committee (full list) “The rankings panel is comprised of media members from the following outlets: KHON Honolulu, MMA Oddsbreaker, CFMU 93.3,, FightNews, Fight Network, Gazeta Esportiva, Cherokee Scout, Burbank Leader, MMA Weekly, KIOZ 105.3,, Wrestling Observer, Top Turtle Podcast, MMA Fight Coverage, BoxeoMundial,, MMA Soldier, MMA NYTT, Blood & Sweat, Inside Fighting Radio” Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Name my 7v7 adult team Need a team name for a 7s tournament I am entering, give me your best suggestions. Label: moderated
What’re the odds of pulling three spright blue in three boxes? Over the last two weeks I’ve bought three boxes of POTE and pulled 3 spright blue (the luck is insane I know). I’m just wondering what the odds of that even are.
[ 2924, 12373, 6880 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Huh. Well that was pretty easy. []( ​ Anybody know the odds on this? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: PSA: If you're a shotgun user, get four leaf clover You don't need to invest that much in the luck stat. Just get four leaf clover and it almost guarantees a critical in your next shot. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Does Luck have any effect one Legendary Loot drops? Does it effect the number of *s, type, etc? Or does it only really effect the number of caps and the conditions of the loot. I was thinking of running a 5 luck build(SG2 and BM3) which are the only perks that seem worth it IMO. Just didn’t know if that was stupid given how loot works I tried watching a YouTube video on the topic and they weren’t exactly decisive. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Wife won't have sex with me Since I've started training BJJ my wife won't have sex with me. She says that rolling around on the floor with sweaty people is gross and the thought of it is a major turn off. So much so she doesn't want to touch me at all. Anything I can do to get her to see that it's not gross so I can get some nookie? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: upgrades?? Installed a new barrel, trigger, and short stroke kit! Planning on getting a new slide, hop-up unit, 6.00 barrel, and a bbu (: anymore recommendations are gladly appreciated! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: what’s my eye shape?? hi! trying to improve in my makeup & thinking of getting into eyeliner but i cannot figure out the best eye shape description to look up for inspo. i’m leaning almond but i just want some other opinions. drugstore liquid eyeliner recs appreciated as well! Label: not moderated
not moderated
Just a friendly reminder that smurfing is this games biggest problem, and it isn't even close 1. No I'm not gonna shut up about it, and I don't care if I sound like I'm crying. It is out of control and should be posted about more often given how bad it's gotten. 2. "Alt" accounts are smurfs and this is not subjective. If you play on another account to avoid your rank, you're abusing the matchmaking system. 3. "Just don't let it bother you" is not a valid response. This game focuses heavily on rank and moving up in said ranks. The season rewards revolve around this too. To say that it shouldn't bother me is completely ridiculous and takes away a core part of the game. 4. Yes, they are smurfs. I understand that people will be better in certain ranks for various reasons, but RL tracker exists and it is very quick and easy to prove (yes, prove) that they aren't on their main. 4b. No. There are not enough players who recently switched platforms to excuse the state of smurfing. This belief statistically makes no sense. 5. Yes, it's good practice casual. I am trying to win in ranked and only win, that is quite literally the entire point in ranked. 6. I don't care if playing ranked with your lower skill friend sucks. If you want to use a Smurf account, play casual. There is no reason you HAVE to play ranked on a Smurf. 7. I know. You have a Smurf account (or multiple) and can't imagine the thought of always playing on your main. The thought of not stomping lower ranked players might just be enough to make you quit the game since playing at your own rank is hard. Go ahead and comment your little act below on why smurfing actually isn't a problem.
[ 1614, 6048, 8303 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Smurfing Any chance anyone is going to do anything about the smurfing in this game? Really ruins this game when you're playing ranked and every 2 out of 3 games you have someone obviously entire tiers ahead of everyone else. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Smurfs proliferation? Is it just me or it seems like the smurf problem has become very big this season? I've read of a lot of players complaining about finding smurfs and myself included run into one I'd say around 1 in 3 or 4 games, either that I checked on rl tracker when I sniff one or they blatantly tell you they are in their profile name. Found a guy litterally called SMURF yesterday. What is everyone experience in this regard? Personally I feel that I generally improved at the game and yet my 2s rank dropped down because of the incostincency of playstyle that I get every game. I mean if I dropped to mid C2 (while feeling I'm getting better) and competing with C3s-GC1s in the 1v1 playlist there must be something wrong I feel. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Ok Psyonix the smurfing is starting to get out of hand. Matchmaking has become a shit show. Every 3rd or 4th game I get someone who will just toy with me. I can't learn. I can't progress. Because I just end up running into people who toy with me. Smurfs are ruining the matchmaking queue. There has to be a solution to this. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Mandatory Class Review This may seem like a very petty complaint but is any one else annoyed with having to rate the class in the app before it allows you to see the stats/breakdown? I don't want to rate every single class I take...especially when I can't rate what about the class I liked/didn't like (ex. coach is great/class is great but music consistently over 84 decibels) Label: moderated Example-1: Post: [Vacheron Constantin] Need help identifying watch circa 2005 found in my family's house fire Apologies, I lurk and don't submit posts/threads often. My family had a fire in our home and I found this watch that looks like it was last used in 2005 April. We don't have a ton of money, so the idea that something like this was hiding in a nightstand is strange. We have a couple family friends who were nice to my brother and I growing up, as he had one of these as well that was lost in the fire, and I was unaware that I had one. There's a chance they gave this to us as a gift at some point, which I can see how is a very very very nice gift. The rear says "Chronometer 15 atm Automatic Geneve Certified Officially". I can post more photos if needed. After some minor movement it immediately started working again, so it seems to be authentic has its original case. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are fighting with the insurance company to get paid on a few items, and if my Brother's one that was heavily damaged in the fire is worth something, it would go a long way in helping him get back on his feet. Thank you! Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: List of Race engineers for every driver following Haas news (compiled using Inside Story, Google), Alfa Romeo couldn't be found * 1- Gianpeiro Lambiase / GP ( RB) * 11- Hugh Bird * 44- Peter Bonington ( Merc) * 63- Riccardo Musconi * 5- Chris Cronin (AM) * 18- Ben Michell * 3-Tom Stallard (McLaren) * 4-William Joseph * 10- Pierre Hamelin (Alpha Tauri) * 22- Mattia Spini * 55-Riccardo Adami (Ferrari) * 16- Xavier Marcos Padros * 6- Gaëtan Jego (Williams) * 23-James Urwin * 14- Karel Loos (alpine) * 31- Josh Peckett * 47- Gary Gannon (Haas) * 20- Ed Regan, Dominic Haines Label: not moderated
I just got banned from r/rolltide for calling them out on their pathetic blaming Obviously I can't share a screenshot but under the post game thread there was an insane amount of blaming the refs
[ 10684, 11686, 5892 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: The most ridiculous thing Iv ever seen Played a team, the opponents team mate made a single tiny mistake that caused us to score and the entire game the guy just threw the match cause he was that upset..these people are the worst. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: How do you react to people like this? (Serious) I’m d3 and have been grinding for a long time to get to champ and actually stay there for a few wins. I’m used to toxic people (I myself sometimes unleash a sneaky “Okay.” haha). But it happens so much that I 1: Get a troll who for now reasons plays for the other team 2: Someone who gets mad for a mistake or an Okay. quick chat or something snd starts intentionally throwing 3: Someone who forfeits after 1 goal down and then leaves the game if I don’t forfeit with him … This is extremely annoying and for me hard to just ignore, do you guys respond to these people or what do you do when this happens to you? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Refs hate TCU If you watch the games, the refs automatically rule against TCU almost every time. The targeting against TCU was fair on the OU QB, but the no call against our WR when targeted directly head to head a few plays later with no call? Even after they replayed it on the Jumbotron and everyone could see it… no call. The non existent fair catch against OU? Complete horseshit. The obvious TD against okst yesterday that they ruled a non TD, then had to spend 5 mins reviewing it even though everyone knew it was in. I swear to god you can almost hear the refs yell “fuck” anytime we win a coin toss. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: What was the first product released in the OCG to feature speed duels? Be it a deck, reprint set with new rules, booster pack/set, whatever. I just want to know what the first product to feature or include cards or rules of Speed Duels was. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: PS4 Warframe Market username can't be found on PC. I have a warframe market account and it worked fine for a while. I mainly used the android apps because it is more accesible to use my phone while playing instead of my laptop or PC. After a while, when i tried setting up a sale, i got the message 'request failed' and the message shown in the immage. Does anyone know a fix for this? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: I'm struggling with glueing down my brows, please help!!! When I try to glue down my brows, it goes alright until I need to conceal them. Once the concealer comes into play, it's game over. The concealer mixes with and weakens the glue, the glue becomes pasty and peels off in little sections, my brows become undone and it makes it look like chunks of my skin are falling off!!! I've tried everything I could think of. doing one layer of glue, doing many. setting it before applying concealer, waiting for the glue to dry properly before each layer, using different concealers, applying concealer with different techniques. I always get this issue. Can someone help me? Label: not moderated
AI dodging all your mortars? Katarin and Franz Campaigns too hard?... Garrisons too weak? Not starting with a hero? Enemy's running from battles on the campaign map? Too many settlement battles? AI keeps rebuilding towers? AI dodging your bombardment spells? Can't lower your grudges or imperial authority? Can't autoresolve an easy fight without losing a unit? Settlements making no money? Try multiplayer. Multiplayer fixes all those above issues. There's matchmaking. So even if you lose your first 10 games in a row you'll eventually get to your desired skill rating and get matched against other players of your skill level. Just disable all your mods and click on ranked matchmaking. Cue a million reasons why multiplayer isn't for you.
[ 12389, 6704, 4987 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Sieges are ruining this game for me They are far too large and cumbersome. I enjoy Warhammer 3 for a bit by auto-resolving but as soon as I'm tempted to play an actual city battle it's always an absolute cluster-mess. The enemy attacks at 4 different points along the wall...that's four different fronts I have to independently monitor. All of which can have melee infantry, ranged, flying's way too much. They also nerfed garrisons severely so now we have to fight city battles way more to stop the dickhead AI from stealing our cities (because the AI armies will simply refuse to fight you and just snipe your cities). The Warhammer 3 main campaign is pretty fun because it has very few city battles in it, but immortal empires is just a mess. Warhammer 2 was way better. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: How to deal with multiple fronts and getting backstabbed in campaign? Hi there. I have been casually playing total war since rome 1, when i was a teenager. Since warhammer 3 ( andTob and the warhammer 2 later stages), I seem to have completely lost whatever edge I had and get shitstomped by AIs in every campaign. I don't horribly lose in battles ( by that I mean, I do better than the auto resolve, if not by a lot), but I just get bumrushed from everyside. Way too many campaigns end up with me striggling against one enemy and while I'm on my side, getting backstabbed by other AIs that I can't counter for lack of armies. I have a very poor 'win' rate in campaign ( by that I mean, not getting bogged down in the first 30 turns and getting to that stage where my momentum picks up and I start making strides), considering I mostly play on normal, sometimes hard. Has anyone struggled with this, and found what they were doing wrong? I'm trying to git gud. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: 3 things I'd like an opinion on. 1. Setting specific units to the AI. Like instead of ONLY being able to put reinforcements to the AI. Just leave the box there and let it start the battle like a ally army would in battles . Or also like in multiplayer where you can give some units to the other player to use, do the same with AI in single player campaign. My reason for this is A I like the challenge I know the AI is not as smart as me. But I want my lords to really do there thing sometimes I like getting really into the character I'm playing as and kind of want the rest to just be AI. So let me command my own army and AI lords do there thing. This might also help people who are not so good at certain things or using specific units like chariots or micro managing some units. 2. Complete spectator option. In-between auto resolve and fight battle. Just spectate. With option of maybe spectating ally battles like you can in multiplayer. If it can be done in multiplayer. I don't see why not in campaign. Personally one my favorite things in multiplayer because sometimes you get so wrapped up in killing things you don't have time to zoom in and enjoy the graphics and look at the beautiful landscape. In multiplayer you can really get cinematic with it. 3. Attack nearby enemy setting in battle. Next too defensive stance. Have a radius that a unit will auto charge (depending on the unit) the nearest enemy. This can be good to watch the clash, could be good for people who don't want to micro every unit. Or good for people who want to focus on something else and let there units do what there supposed to. It's similar to auto fire for the ranged units. Bonus idea and probably extremely unlikely. If it became a thing it wouldint be without mods or maybe just something way down the line. But variations of the campaign map. Just ones that change the starting locations. Maybe some that are more lore friendly. And take place in different time periods. And maps where it's split between only a few completely confederated factions. Stuff like they did in romance of the three kingdoms 11. I remember in historical total wars choosing between a faction that has only one territory and one that's already large and stretched out. But I liked the unfairness lol. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: ultracite gatling laser Can they drop from enemies as non legendary? No matter how many cranberry bog events I do I can't get the plans to drop. I can't mod my legendary that I want to use until I can start scrapping them Label: moderated Example-1: Post: why do my knees look like this? :( they always have more or less, but it's become more noticeable in the past few years. [This]( And [this]( is what I mean. There's a lot of excess skin /fat that sort of drops over my kneecap. I only weigh 50kg so it's not an overweight thing. It looked this way at 45kg as well, just a bit less pronounced. I don't exercise, it's true, but I do walk as much as I can. What can I do that might target this? Something simple enough that I can do at home. Mind that I do have some knee pain that occurs with certain repetitive movements, maybe from sitting in weird positions all the time, not sure. Thank you! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Cute themed deck that's competitively viable atm? Hi guys! returning player here. I'm trying to get back into Yugioh irl and Master Duel. Played somewhat semi-competitively a long time ago and my main decks were Ghostrick and Madolche ( their cute visual and aesthetic are the main reasons why I started playing yugioh ). However, knowing Konami, I'm pretty sure they're both already reduced to mere meme-level decks because both of their archetypes are hella old. Thus, can anyone suggest me a cute looking themed deck that's similar to Ghostrick/Madolche and doing decently atm (at least T2 or really strong T3 deck)? Any suggestions would be appreciated! Label: moderated
not moderated
Post Match Thread: Estonia 2-1 Malta | UEFA Nations League #**FT: Estonia [2-1](#bar-3-white) Malta** *Estonia scorers: Rauno Sappinen (45'+6' PEN), Henri Anier (86')* *Malta scorers: Teddy Teuma (51' PEN)* -------- **Venue:** A. Le Coq Arena [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Estonia** Karl Hein, Joonas Tamm, Karol Mets, Henrik Pürg, Ken Kallaste ([](#icon-sub)Taijo Teniste), Henrik Ojamaa ([](#icon-sub)Vlasiy Sinyavskiy), Markus Soomets, Konstantin Vassiljev, Bogdan Vastsuk ([](#icon-sub)Martin Miller), Rauno Sappinen ([](#icon-sub)Henri Anier), Sergei Zenjov ([](#icon-sub)Robert Kirss). **Subs:** Rocco Robert Shein, Rasmus Peetson, Karl Andre Vallner, Erik Sorga, Matvei Igonen, Nikita Baranov, Artur Pikk. ^____________________________ **Malta** Henry Bonello, Enrico Pepe, Jean Borg, Cain Attard ([](#icon-sub)Shaun Dimech), Brandon Paiber ([](#icon-sub)Jurgen Degabriele), Matthew Guillaumier, Ryan Camenzuli, Joseph Mbong, Teddy Teuma, Jodi Jones ([](#icon-sub)Steve Borg), Alexander Satariano ([](#icon-sub)Luke Montebello). **Subs:** Jake Galea, James Brown, Zach Muscat, Paul Mbong, Matias Garcia, Cain Formosa, Bjorn Kristensen, Ferdinando Apap. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **45'+4'** [](#icon-red) Jean Borg (Malta) is shown the red card. **45'+6'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Estonia 1, Malta 0. Rauno Sappinen (Estonia) converts the penalty with a right footed shot to the top left corner.** **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Estonia. Taijo Teniste replaces Ken Kallaste. **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Malta. Steve Borg replaces Jodi Jones. **47'** [](#icon-yellow) Alexander Satariano (Malta) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **51'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Estonia 1, Malta 1. Teddy Teuma (Malta) converts the penalty with a left footed shot to the bottom right corner.** **68'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Estonia. Martin Miller replaces Bogdan Vastsuk. **68'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Estonia. Henri Anier replaces Rauno Sappinen. **72'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Malta. Shaun Dimech replaces Cain Attard. **72'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Malta. Jurgen Degabriele replaces Brandon Paiber. **73'** [](#icon-yellow) Sergei Zenjov (Estonia) is shown the yellow card. **77'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Estonia. Vlasiy Sinyavskiy replaces Henrik Ojamaa. **86'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Estonia 2, Malta 1. Henri Anier (Estonia) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Sergei Zenjov.** **89'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Malta. Luke Montebello replaces Alexander Satariano. **90'+3'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Estonia. Robert Kirss replaces Sergei Zenjov. -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)*
[ 7243, 7586, 4458 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Post Match Thread: HJK Helsinki 0-2 Real Betis | UEFA Europa League #**FT: HJK Helsinki [0-2](#bar-3-white) Real Betis** *Real Betis scorers: Willian José (45'+3' PEN, 64')* -------- **Venue:** Bolt Arena [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **HJK Helsinki** Conor Hazard, Miro Tenho, Jukka Raitala, Arttu Hoskonen ([](#icon-sub)Matti Peltola), Lucas Lingman ([](#icon-sub)Perparim Hetemaj), Nassim Boujellab ([](#icon-sub)Murilo), Santeri Vaananen, David Browne, Pyry Soiri ([](#icon-sub)Casper Terho), Santeri Hostikka, Malik Abubakari ([](#icon-sub)Anthony Olusanya). **Subs:** Joona Toivio, Jakob Tannander, Aapo Halme, Riku Riski, Paulus Arajuuri, Atomu Tanaka, Johannes Yli-Kokko. ^____________________________ **Real Betis** Claudio Bravo, Víctor Ruiz ([](#icon-sub)Luiz Felipe), Germán Pezzella, Juan Miranda, Aitor Ruibal, Joaquín ([](#icon-sub)Sergio Canales), William Carvalho ([](#icon-sub)Guido Rodríguez), Paul Akouokou, Willian José, Juanmi ([](#icon-sub)Rodrigo Sánchez), Luiz Henrique ([](#icon-sub)Andrés Guardado). **Subs:** Borja Iglesias, Daniel Martín Fernández, Edgar González, Youssouf Sabaly, Rui Silva, Álex Moreno. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **6'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Real Betis. Rodri replaces Juanmi because of an injury. **25'** [](#icon-yellow) Víctor Ruiz (Real Betis) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **45'+2'** [](#icon-yellow) Nassim Boujellab (HJK Helsinki) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **45'+3'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! HJK Helsinki 0, Real Betis 1. Willian José (Real Betis) converts the penalty with a right footed shot to the bottom right corner.** **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Real Betis. Luiz Felipe replaces Víctor Ruiz because of an injury. **48'** [](#icon-yellow) Germán Pezzella (Real Betis) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **48'** [](#icon-yellow) Luiz Felipe (Real Betis) is shown the yellow card. **60'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Real Betis. Sergio Canales replaces Joaquín. **64'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! HJK Helsinki 0, Real Betis 2. Willian José (Real Betis) right footed shot from the right side of the six yard box to the bottom right corner following a corner.** **74'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, HJK Helsinki. Anthony Olusanya replaces Malik Abubakari. **74'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, HJK Helsinki. Casper Terho replaces Pyry Soiri. **74'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, HJK Helsinki. Murilo replaces Nassim Boujellab. **75'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Real Betis. Guido Rodríguez replaces William Carvalho. **75'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Real Betis. Andrés Guardado replaces Luiz Henrique. **88'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, HJK Helsinki. Matti Peltola replaces Arttu Hoskonen because of an injury. **88'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, HJK Helsinki. Përparim Hetemaj replaces Lucas Lingman. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Post Match Thread: FCSB 0-0 Anderlecht | UEFA Europa Conference League #**FT: FCSB [0-0](#bar-3-white) Anderlecht** -------- **Venue:** National Arena [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **FCSB** Stefan Tarnovanu, Joonas Tamm, Joyskim Dawa, Alexandru Pantea ([](#icon-sub)Risto Radunovic), Valentin Cretu, Malcom Sylas Edjomou, Darius Olaru ([](#icon-sub)Dennis Harut), Razvan Oaida, Bogdan Rusu ([](#icon-sub)Andrea Compagno), Octavian Popescu ([](#icon-sub)Ianis Stoica), David Raul Miculescu ([](#icon-sub)Andrei Cordea). **Subs:** Eduard Radaslavescu, Sorin Danut Serban, Florinel Teodor Coman, Radu Boboc, Andrei Vlad, Marco Dulca. ^____________________________ **Anderlecht** Hendrik van Crombrugge, Wesley Hoedt, Jan Vertonghen, Zeno Debast, Majeed Ashimeru, Kristian Malt Arnstad, Marco Kana ([](#icon-sub)Yari Verschaeren), Francis Amuzu ([](#icon-sub)Julien Duranville), Michael Murillo, Lior Refaelov ([](#icon-sub)Sebastiano Esposito), Fábio Silva. **Subs:** Killian Sardella, Timon Vanhoutte, Anouar Ait El Hadj, Noah Sadiki, Hannes Delcroix, N'Diaye Moussa, Mario Stroeykens, Colin Coosemans, Ishaq Abdulrazak. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **9'** [](#icon-yellow) Marco Kana (RSC Anderlecht) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **19'** [](#icon-yellow) David Miculescu (FCSB) is shown the yellow card. **30'** [](#icon-yellow) Darius Olaru (FCSB) is shown the yellow card. **32'** [](#icon-yellow) Michael Murillo (RSC Anderlecht) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **45'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, FCSB. Andrea Compagno replaces Bogdan Rusu. **59'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, FCSB. Andrei Cordea replaces David Miculescu. **70'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, FCSB. Risto Radunovic replaces Alexandru Pantea. **71'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, RSC Anderlecht. Yari Verschaeren replaces Marco Kana. **76'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, RSC Anderlecht. Julien Duranville replaces Francis Amuzu. **83'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, RSC Anderlecht. Sebastiano Esposito replaces Lior Refaelov. **90'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, FCSB. Ianis Stoica replaces Octavian Popescu. **90'+1'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, FCSB. Denis Harut replaces Darius Olaru because of an injury. **90'+1'** [](#icon-yellow) Andrea Compagno (FCSB) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Post Match Thread: Finland 1-1 Romania | UEFA Nations League #**90'+3': Finland [1-1](#bar-3-white) Romania** *Finland scorers: Teemu Pukki (12')* *Romania scorers: Florin Tanase (52')* -------- **Venue:** Helsinki Olympic Stadium [Auto-refreshing reddit comments link]( --------- [](#icon-notes-big) **LINE-UPS** **Finland** Lukas Hradecky, Robert Ivanov, Richard Jensen, Leo Väisänen, Jere Uronen ([](#icon-sub)Ilmari Niskanen), Nikolai Alho, Rasmus Schüller ([](#icon-sub)Kaan Kairinen), Glen Kamara, Onni Valakari ([](#icon-sub)Lucas Lingman), Teemu Pukki ([](#icon-sub)Joel Pohjanpalo), Fredrik Jensen ([](#icon-sub)Benjamin Kallman). **Subs:** Miro Tenho, Pyry Soiri, Marcus Forss, Arttu Hoskonen, Carljohan Eriksson, Viljami Sinisalo, Santeri Hostikka. ^____________________________ **Romania** Ionut Radu, Ionut Nedelcearu, Adrian Rus, Nicusor Bancu, Andrei Ratiu, Marius Marin, Florin Tanase ([](#icon-sub)Nicolae Stanciu), Razvan Marin, Denis Alibec ([](#icon-sub)George Puscas), Deian Sorescu ([](#icon-sub)Denis Dragus), Dennis Man ([](#icon-sub)Andrei Cordea). **Subs:** Mário Makico Paulino, Tudor Baluta, Bogdan Mitrea, Alexandru Cicaldau, Cristian Manea, Horatiu Moldovan, Stefan Tarnovanu, Darius Olaru. ------------ [](#icon-net-big) **MATCH EVENTS** | *via [ESPN](* **12'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Finland 1, Romania 0. Teemu Pukki (Finland) right footed shot from outside the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Onni Valakari.** **41'** [](#icon-yellow) Adrián Rus (Romania) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **52'** [](#icon-ball) **Goal! Finland 1, Romania 1. Florin Tanase (Romania) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Nicusor Bancu.** **57'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Finland. Benjamin Källman replaces Fredrik Jensen. **58'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Finland. Lucas Lingman replaces Onni Valakari. **61'** [](#icon-yellow) Glen Kamara (Finland) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **65'** [](#icon-yellow) Marius Marin (Romania) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **66'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Romania. Nicolae Claudiu Stanciu replaces Florin Tanase. **66'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Romania. Andrei Cordea replaces Dennis Man. **67'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Romania. George Puscas replaces Denis Alibec. **71'** [](#icon-yellow) Rasmus Schüller (Finland) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. **75'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Finland. Joel Pohjanpalo replaces Teemu Pukki. **79'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Romania. Denis Dragus replaces Deian Sorescu. **87'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Finland. Ilmari Niskanen replaces Jere Uronen. **88'** [](#icon-sub) Substitution, Finland. Kaan Kairinen replaces Rasmus Schüller because of an injury. -------- *^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Click here)]( ^(to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.)* Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Moment of silence for Auburn/Penn St fans Sorry you gotta listen to Gary Danielson Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Anyone else feel like some of the victory conditions are a bit arbitrary? I’m playing as the Last Defenders, and I have to control provinces on the other side of the map? Or for other factions I have to wipe out 8 factions that are all over the map? Just strikes me as odd. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Does summoning Ultimaya Tzolkin count as a Synchro Summon? My friend and I are testing Vaylents on YGO Omega and he used supreme king gate zero to summon coral dragon, then tried to synchro for Ultimaya Tzolkin using Coral Dragon and Saion, but the game wouldn't let him. I assume this is because the Coral Dragon can't be used for a synchro summon? Label: moderated
not moderated
Game crashing between turns. I've had it happen with 2 different campaigns now. Both around 70 turns in. It starts going through the other factions turns then freezes and crashes. I found some people on the totalwar forums saying that if you roll back to 2.0 it will fix it but that didn't work. Anything else I can try? What's weird is I have Bretonnia campaign that I got to like turn 240 with no issues. I'm trying the rollback again now.
[ 11198, 10278, 6503 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Any update on the end turn crash? Just curious if they’ve said anything. It was introduced with 2.1 and wasn’t fixed with the hot fix. Seemingly randomly the game crashes during the end turn cycle with no mods. Doing different stuff from an earlier save doesn’t affect it either, still crashes at the same turn, same enemy faction cycle. Like in my case it always crashes on turn 89 when hag grief has a turn. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Empire campaign crashing I’m 0-4 on starting a new Empire Campaign since the patch. Just crashes to desktop. Not mad since it’s a beta, but hoping they fix soon. Anyone else? Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Fatal game crash playing as Ogre Kingdoms Playing the game as Ogre Kingdoms. After my turn the game crashes when AI #105 plays their turn. ​ This AI has a question mark so I cant see which factions this is. This happens even after reloading the game numerous times, trying different moves each time to "trick´" AI \`#105 into making different decisions but every time the turn timer reaches this specific AI the game hangs up for a few seconds then crashes to desktop without an error message. ​ Any ideas? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Creatine and weight loss plateau M 26,SW: 205 lbs , CW: 190 lbs , GW: 165 Hello everyone, Over the last 11 weeks, I lost a total of 15 lbs. I’ve been weight training and progressing steadily in all my lifts. I am following a full body routine three times a week along with a one hour walk every day. As for my diet, I am eating around 1600 calories. At the beginning of October, I plateaued at my current weight (190 lbs). I believe it’s due to supplementing with creatine since I started taking 5 g daily along with 15 g of chia seeds in water (they’re great for keeping me full). I’ve been weighing myself every day and my weight is fluctuating around the 190 lbs with no upward or downward trends. I know creatine makes you retain water but I am debating whether I should cut my calories back to push through this plateau or just wait out the water retention. It’s quite demotivating to see that the number on the scale hasn’t changed for three weeks. Any thoughts on what I should do are highly appreciated. Thanks! Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Does anyone have a recipe for vegan frosting? My boyfriends daughter and I tried to make a cake a couple of weeks ago. The frosting was SO runny and we tried adding more powder sugar to compensate. The whole thing was a fail, funny but now we want to try to make a cake with thicker frosting. Think like a birthday cake where we can make designs. Does anyone have a good recipe? Google did me wrong last time lol. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Follow For Fitness Motivation 💪🏻 #PairaFitness Click here for more videos Label: moderated
Just lost a tourney Bc of a teammate griefing. Username: ybl_esner Don’t understand why teammates have to do this, just sucks the fun right out of the game. Sorry for my rant. Just had to say this.
[ 5532, 4091, 12446 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: For a seemingly "wholesome." game this community is extremely toxic. I'm in plat competitive and my team just decides to randomly throw and defend the other team the entire time. Like forget the fact you're wasting my time, you're wasting seven minutes of your life, to try and purposely lose a game. I don't understand the mindset behind that. He's not on the same console, and I didn't spam anything. Didn't even use my chat at all during the game. Sadly this isn't the first time. I've accidentally bumped people and apologized, just for them to score on me every attempt they get, you get the people sending messages chirpping some insults, like people don't even mess with me that much on Call of Duty lol. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Why?? Join a tournament with intentions to get carried to a win knowing you’re not able to contribute to the team??? Why is the concept of teamwork rarely existent in this game? Go ahead, queue the comments that tell me I’m trash because I can’t carry 😂 Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Why do I get banned for leaving a tournament AFTER WE FORFEITED? THIS IS BULLSHIT I just got banned for leaving a tourney after we forfeited. Logically I shouldn’t be banned for leaving because we already lost. Why am I getting penalized for losing? This tournament rank doesn’t make sense. It’s RIDICULOUS that someone would be banned for losing. Why does it matter if I leave anyway, the opponent already won. Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Do I get the SSG96 So I've done tons of reading about this gun and came to the conclusion that its good out of the box but getting something different and upgrading it is better. But I also see so much hate for it but also love for it. I want a good sniper don't really care about price but I also know nothing about upgrading or getting something else. Would this be a good sniper to buy? No biased opinions please I just want the facts on what I should do. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Is a cheesesteak half of the week okay for you? More of a personal question on the subreddit. For context, I work Thurs-Sun on a busy block with restaurants. While I do bring homemade meals, I usually go to this cafe which has better nutrition than what I'd assume the cheesesteak has - but it's still my default option around here. I'm wondering my arteries will clog or anything detrimental will happen overtime. I'm 17 and pretty active, I play soccer and do track and field. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Message for Husker Fans Okay guys, it’s rough, really rough. But amid speculation that the sellout streak might end, let’s not do this. We’ve been one of if not the best fanbases in football, and the only thing keeping this program somewhat relevant. We are literally the only reason why some coaches even have a thought of coaching here. So, if we want this program to be even relevant again, show up to the games, cheer proud. Someday, we might have a little more to cheer for. Go Big Red Label: moderated
not moderated
Sedna, Pluto and Neptune rework? Just what the title says, honestly, I'm a vet player, been playing since 2014 and I know the game changed a lot since then but why are these three planets still the same than Mercury, Venus and Europa? Why not making new tilesets so at least visually we can say the game is not repetitive?
[ 6608, 4740, 9493 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: How do you guys get through the game until Uranus? It's been quite the drag...the gameplay is fine for the most part, but you run out of energy so quickly that you can barely use your abilities before running out. How do you all keep the boredom away while you grind all the way to Uranus? Also it's pretty funny that the game is supposed to get good at Uranus, of all places. Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Thank you monkeys for succeeding in removing the one feature new to the game and going back to blank maps where your 20 units stack can massacre the garrison in open space. Now we archived the new feature of warhammer 3, we can all play the new game, Warhammer 2+1, a big step back. Good job crybabies Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Why are most Tennogen skins just the base model with different color schemes? With the current tennogen sale, I figured I'd finally move my Warframe from standalone client to Steam to check them out. Most of the skins are just "recolors" of the base model, sort of like the immortal skins rather than having new models, is there a reason for that? Limited by DE or just too difficult to bother? Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: hello all my people on switch can we start a charity for me So I got scammed for a various number of plat so just wanted to know if there was people could donate/give plat to me ik this is going to end poorly I'll post something else on how it happened peace people Label: moderated Example-1: Post: 5/22/22-10/21/22 254.4 lbs to 174.3 lbs This a long one. On December 11 2021, my life changed. My wife and I lost our home to a tornado. We were in the home when it happened with our 2 cats. Miraculously, even though the entire second story was ripped off and the home was lifted 20 feet away from the foundation, we walked out with our cats and some cuts and bruises- that’s it. We lost 90% of our possessions, but in terms of life and health, we were okay. We’ve always been big people- like our whole lives. However over the next few months of living in a one bedroom apartment with ptsd, depression, and anxiety, we both gained weight to be at our heaviest we’ve ever been. I was at 254.4 pounds on 5/19/22 when I had to wake my wife up at 2 am because my heart rate was over 165 bpm when all I was doing was laying in bed trying to sleep. This was a panic attack caused by the stress of building/buying a home I didn’t feel we could afford on top of noticing how big I was getting. Bending over took more effort than it ever had before. It turns out to have been the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. It woke me up. I stopped drinking, stopped eating out, started keeping a food journal and counting my calories, began to do what exercises I could do in the apartment (I hate gyms-social anxiety) and most importantly began doing a metric shit ton of research on weight loss, vitamins, cardiovascular health and activity, and fitness in general. Around the first of June I decided that I wanted to be at 180 pounds before my birthday this year. I knew this was a steep goal, and I was okay if I failed. But I wanted to feel like I accomplished something- a feeling I hadn’t had all year to this point. My wife decided it was time for her to get her health under control as well and we’ve been on this extra journey together since then. I can’t believe I actually made it, but I made my goal. My birthday is tomorrow and my initial goal was to make it to under 180 lbs by today. Around the beginning of September I decided to up the ante and set my goal at 174.4 (80 pounds in 5 months). I’m a numbers guy, I know it’s not the healthiest thing to get obsessed with numbers but it’s been a huge motivator and helper for me in terms of calculating my necessary daily/weekly/monthly deficits and setting intermittent goals to get where I am. It’s not my final goal- I’m only 5’7”, so I want to make it to 154, but getting here means it’s time to slow it down. I’ve averaged 16 pounds per month to get where I am and I’m knocking that down to 10. I want to be (for the first time in my life) a healthy weight on 1/1/23. Tomorrow I’m having my first drink since 5/19/22 and I’m having some homemade peanut butter cookies to celebrate the most enlightening, destructive, and reconstructive year of my life. My wife is kicking ass too. She started at 270lbs and is now down to 215 lbs. together we have lost 135 pounds in 5 months. We can do anything if we do it together- something I admittedly wasn’t so sure of until we went through everything we’ve been through in the last 10 months. We each have our own workouts/exercises we like- I prefer cardio (walking and running) and she mainly prefers lifting. But we encourage each other to be happy and healthy in our own ways and it fills me with such love and warmness that it’s never about what’s better or what’s worse, it’s all about “do what you want because it’s better than doing nothing at all”. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Any nutrition podcasts without the fluff? I’m studying nutrition, I’ve got an exam coming up and I’m trying to cram while I’m at work. Does anyone have any nutrition podcasts that will simply give me facts about nutrients, sources, DRVs etc. without the host going on tangents about ageing, obesity, etc. Label: not moderated
Violet autumn (i think) 2nd and 3rd are poor quality close-ups
[ 2263, 476, 3139 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Any good colorful lipstick brands? I’m talking like bright green, yellow, anything like that. I really love colorful makeup, colourpops pallets are my favorite but they are seriously lacking in unique lipstick shades. Any recommendations would be appreciated thank you <3 Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Back to uni makeup look Brows: Catrice cosmetics Lips: Elizabeth Arden shade Almond Foundation: The Body shop foundation and Elizabeth Arden Flawless Finish Pressed powder Bronzer: Esqua Highlight: Esqua Lashes: No Brand Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Eyeshadow pallette for beginners? Im new to makeup. I have a couple eyeshadow pallettes with little pigment. What brands would you recommend that have color payoff but are easy to use? I watched a bunch of youtube videos but there too many products out there. I dont know if I should go with high end or drugstore. Im considering viseart cashmere or abh nuevo or natasha dennona or maybe colourpop or bh cosmetics? help. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: [Identify] this interesting watch in an old Vivian Maier photo Can anyone identify this interesting looking piece please? Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Can someone help me figure out what a good intermediate-expert sniper rifle would be? I’ve looked at videos and websites but I still don’t know what to choose. Currently I’ve been looking at the Ssg 24 Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Does this sound like a good plan? I [27F] am feeling pretty hopeless. I’ve been tracking my food for years, but I’ve always had trouble sticking to a deficit. I’m very stubborn about food and I always seem to self-sabotage by binge-eating junk food. I’ve decided to make a change. I’m 175 lbs now and, for me, that is too heavy. I am 5’7. I would just like to get my BMI into the ‘healthy weight’ category. I am going to start off with 1800 calories per day. I’m going to track this in MyFitnessPal. I will also aim for around 100g of protein per day. My big thing is alcohol (I just love beer), so I’m going to cut it out for a while. I need to get back a bit of control. For activity, I’m going to aim for at least 8000 steps a day. I will also be going to the gym 3x per week to do some strength training. I’m going to track my progress by taking photos of myself regularly and recording my weight on a weekly basis. Does this sound OK? I don’t want my whole life to be weight loss/calories, but it’s getting to the point where I’m obsessing over it and I just need to actually stick to a plan. Are my starting calories too high? Should I aim to do more steps? Thanks all. Label: moderated
Groupchat about stinky guy I'm in desperate need of some help. There's this guy at my gym who just smells HORRENDOUS and everyone I mention it to seems to agree but our instructor doesn't seem to mind it - something about the guy being a bit "unique-minded". Anyways, it's gotten so bad that we now have a dedicated groupchat for us to share techniques during rolls to keep our noses as far from his pungent body as possible. He seems to be catching on because after seeing the same few handy frames he's getting rid of them with ease and even throwing his hands in celebration after getting the tap due to nausea. Any tips?
[ 10500, 2537, 6644 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I'm tired of people coming to train without showering There's this guy in my class who I have to drill with almost every time, and he stiiinks. It's not like a bad, shitty smell. It's like he just left football or basketball practice, and didn't bother even washing himself before rolling with a stranger. Does anyone else have to deal with daily, and how do you nicely tell them to shower? P.s. he also breathes really weird when we're drilling. Maybe he can actually smell himself and chooses to use his stink to suffocate me. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Sensitive to Smells So I'm super sensitive to smells and I always request a tread on the end and in hopes of not having someone next to me. Half of my nose is broken so it doesn't work well but I have to breath in nose out mouth or I get light headed. Anyway I was in class yesterday and all was great until a guy came in late and jumped on tge elliptical right next to me. YALL...IM NOT PLAYING WHEN I SAY I ALMOST PUKED before he even started. He wore double layers like long shirt and then short shirt and pants then shorts. I thought I had made it once end time was called for treads but then we got tossed on to rowers and we where much closer and there's some air flow going. I had to breath with just my mouth at this point and once time was called I jumped off that rower so fast and to tge other side of the room. How do yall deal with this? Any tricks? Let me clarify that thid smell is not over exaggerated. It was like chopping up onions and garlic then putting it in a sealed jar for hours then taking the lid off and putting your nose straight into the jar and breathing in. I don't want to be rude and say anything either so that's out of the question. Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Seriously concerned about other people's hygiene at the gym I live in Amsterdam where washing hands after toilet use rate is low asf []( at the gym, I see people using the wc and going straight to the mat without washing their hands, or stepping on toilet water barefoot and practising heel hook, i got stomach flu last week after bjj class, what should I do? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Is this a "G-Roll?" I had some spare modules and I rolled a fixer with... Bloodied... 25% increased Fire Rate and +250 DR when reloading. Fed76 says its a trade only item. I don't run a bloodied build so I'm just wondering if it's a "jackpot godroll" for a bloodied rifle person. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Bobby Orr made his NHL debut 56 years ago today Orr registered an instrumental assist in his first-ever NHL game, as the Bruins defeated the Red Wings, 1-0. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Tips on how to kill the archon. Archons posses cc/warfarme ability immunity , dmg atenuation(only first phase), proc limits(4 like on a lich) and a very high health pool. Although is quite hard to lower it's health, following these tips might make it easier. 1. You need an endgame build. This is essential. If you don't have something that can deal with steelpath then don't even attempt it. 2. Don't go solo. Archon hunts aren't like regular missions. They are meant to be the endgame so don't expect to have an easy time on your own. It's better to do it with teammates. This brings us to the next tip. 3.Bring support warframes. The archon is immune to cc and dmg abilities but it's not resistant to buffing, dmg boosting abilities and it doesn’t ignore abilities that increase survivability. I am not sure how the damage attenuation is calculated so I'll assume it works just like an eidolon, in which case bringing warframes like Volt, Chroma, Wisp, Trinity, etc. Chroma might be even better with some range to buff the entire time because the fighting place is small. Also I've heard Nova's 4th affects the archon but it might be a bug. 4. Ammo management. In my run we had a volt(me) and wisp(I don't remember the other 2). We ran out of ammo quickly. I pulled out my archgun(fully modded mausolon) and told my teammates to do the same. Belive it or not I ran out of ammo on everything I had(acceltra, riven double grakatas and mausolon) before the archon died. So I highly recommend Protea or her dispensary and something that boost ammo(madurai, helminth ability, mods, arcanes etc). I think I've covered the basics. Tbh I think they are going to nerf the archon's health pool. The fight itself is fun as a challenge but overall to simple. I hope they add more interactions like we had in the new war. Label: not moderated
where can I watch vrains season 2? (UK) I watched the first season on Amazon but I'd prefer not to pay £24 for it
[ 5142, 3931, 541 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Watch the Singapore gp in the UK How do I watch the Singapore gp without paying for sky sports? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Where can i watch the NHL in the UK for free? Can’t seem to find any free streaming services to watch the NHL on. I have access to Prime Video but can’t get Prime Sports. Anyone know where I can watch it for free or is it even possible? Label: moderated Example-2: Post: Ludwig day 2 ultimate Vods Anyone have a link on where I can watch the vod of the stream ? YouTube makes it impossible to find it Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Big thanks to the turbo virgins that Show up at events like radiation rumble or moonshine jamboree with stupid ass insta kill guns and make it borderline impossible for the people who aren't absolute shirt stains to farm exp. This games community is generally pretty great but could be so much better without these touch starved wankers Label: moderated Example-1: Post: new airsoft project is the Sig Sauer/VFC MCX worth its price tag of about £500 in UK airsoft retailers Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Favourite XYZ Archetype I’ve been wanted to pickup a XYZ based archetype but cannot make up my mind on which. Sell me on your favourite XYZ focused archetype/deck. Open to anything and everything! Label: moderated
not moderated
Journey to New Lifestyle I'm a little nervous to post such a personal update. But I am reaching a new point in this journey and it's making me ponder a lot of things about the process and how deep change can affect all areas of your life. I don't know what maintenance looks like for me, but I do know I'm getting closer. Should I apologize in advance for a novel about the last year?! ​ **BACKGROUND:** I was "bigger but active" in my childhood and teen years. My parents had a LOT of rules and value-judgements related to food, which led to secret eating and shame during those latchkey kid days. There was a lot of personal trauma and laziness, and I gained about 30lbs the first year of college, and it went up another 75lbs over the next 15 years, peaking at 315 after I had my baby. My mom always tried to encourage me to be healthy for myself, but she has her own body image issues, and as a fat person, I didn't want to hear some skinny bitch telling me advice from her momentous 8lb weight loss journey (eye roll). I also have a problem with doing the exact opposite with what people what me to do. ​ **MAKING CHANGES:** In August 2021, I reached a new point of frustration with my life-long weight struggle, and I finally had enough. I had a 4yo at the time (now almost 6!), and I couldn't do anything with him. I was depressed, angry, resentful, exhausted, ashamed, and lonely. It was affecting everything in my life, including my marriage and my closest relationships. My back pain was unbearable. I finally realized it had NOTHING to do with anyone but me, and I deserved better. I went to my NP, she recommended their weight loss clinic, and I finally made an appointment. I started working with a weight loss NP, and she helped me find a safe, non-addicting pain medication to help with my back so I could actually move. She also helped me recognize my anxiety and depression was no longer manageable alone, and we found the right medication for that. I started with tracking calories (do this occasionally now as a check-in), low dose phentermine, added in dirty keto, then IF. Now it's mostly IF and dirty keto. All of this is with the supervision of my NP. I still can't bring myself to get my ass up and exercise, although I'm a LOT more active now just by being able to move more easily and not hating my life. ​ **MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS WHOLE JOURNEY: THERAPY!** After a few months, my NP referred me to a therapist who focuses on weight and food, and she has been amazing! She has really helped me explore weight and food theories and patterns, which has only had positive impacts on other areas of my life (parenting, marriage, friends, family, work, kindness, empathy, confidence, moderating emotions). Every relationship in my life is now better and stronger. Over the past year of therapy, I've really been able to identify how my mom's body image issues affected me, and it has helped me remove/manage some of those issues. I've been able to explore shame, and how I'm the only one to whom I'm truly accountable, and how being intentional in my choices can make life more satisfying, including food choices! I'm learning to truly listen to what my body wants AND needs (both in adding and limiting different things). Everything is different now: portions, food choices, how I reward myself, timing, speed, how I choose restaurants, treats and drive-thrus, how I think about a day/week/month as a whole when choosing food. I'm starting to realize that I actually made a million tiny changes gradually and worked them every. single. day. Tiny choices with consistency for a year. And all of it because I treated the source of the problem, instead of using a diet as a band-aid. This has been hard but life before was harder. I'm just choosing a different hard. Anyone who asks me about losing weight should be prepared for a passionate lecture about the benefits of therapy, probably containing terrible analogies about how even racecars need tune-ups! ​ **CURRENT SITUATION:** After more than a year, this morning I hit 91lbs down. I'm now the weight I was right after high school, but nothing is in the same place! None of my clothes fit, so thank God for old hoodies and leggings to get me through a few months! My MIL asked me last weekend what I've been doing (she's looking for the easy miracle answer), and it made me realize that it has been EVERYTHING. After a life of dieting and wishing the weight away, I finally understand what it means to make a permanent lifestyle change. I have COMPLETELY changed my relationship with food and shame. I don't do "cheat days" because I don't cheat on myself. If I want a treat and it's not "healthy," I eat it with intention and thoughtfulness, as much as my body tells me is right and no more. It's all just balanced together over time, all with the intention of contributing joy to my life. OK, I sound like I'm in a cult. I actually don't know what my goal or maintenance weight will be. I've never had one so I guess I keep going until my body tells me I'm there? If you're still here, good Lord, thanks for reading. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings to process as I close in on 100lb loss and keep going. ​ Progress photo because I don't know how to use reddit: [](
[ 11096, 1110, 8582 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Weight loss changed my life but my mother is discouraging it Hello everyone. I (15F) have been overweight for a long time - I think since I was maybe eleven. I’ve always been “big boned” - sorry I don’t know how to say it in English, but my ribs and bone structure are generally bigger. I am 5’4 and for most of my life have fluctuated from 142 - 152 pounds. But around a year ago I decided to change that and started reading tips and working to lose weight. It worked and I have done amazing, I am now around 98 pounds and my goal is to continue to lose until 85 - 90 then maintain (i guess i’m lucky i don’t have loose skin, maybe it’s the time). But my mother has caught on and is very upset. She noticed that I skip most of my meals (I do intermediate fasting and eat around 800 cal a day for six hours in the morning) and work out a lot (i try to take a 10K steps a day on our treadmill but it’s easy for me). she also said i never eat sweets anymore but i just feel uncomfortable when i eat sweets now. it’s very frustrating because my dad is supportive of me as he also lost lots of weight but my mother is frustrated with me. what to do to help her understand and not worry? Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Should I try to lose weight? I’m a teenage girl (a young one but i am not disclosing my age) who weights about 140 but the average weight for my age is 105. I’m obviously a bigger girl in size but I try my best to be active (I do track and field at my school and have for about a year now and I enjoy rollerskating a lot) so it’s not like I sit on my ass 24/7. I’ve always been bigger than my peers and my family members are also plus size. I’ve always been insecure about my size but also I know that my body is beautiful the way it is so I shouldn’t feel terrible about it but I really hate being fat and I want things to change. Ive tried eating less and eating more healthy stuff but my household can not support it so i always end up eating junk food again. Should I talk to my parents about my feelings on this and try to change my lifestyle or should I just wait until I’m older and more independent to make a change so then it’s fully in my hands? Sorry its so long but this is the first time I’ve been honest to anyone about these feelings. Thank you if you took the time to read it Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: What else can I do? Hi, I’m 16 years old, and here is my story. At the end of last year/ beginning of this year I hit a growth spurt. I am now 5’6 and in January was 198lbs. My parents sat me down and told me I needed to lose weight because it wasn’t healthy or something. I started running (up to six days a week now, 4miles per day), working out at the gym (4 days a week, typically hour long sessions). Sometimes I skip breakfast, and I eat like half the amount I used to. I lost weight. I’m down to 115lbs and I’m ok with it for the most part but I would like to enjoy cake again without being yelled at. Which brings me to the point of this. My mom keeps telling me that I’m still fat. She yells if I eat any unhealthy junk (this includes bread or even protein muffins). She wants me to lose ten more pounds and I’m not sure how to. I tried skipping meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) the other day and felt kinda lightheaded durring my run to the point I only got 1.5 miles in (normally I feel that way toward the end of the run). so I’m not doing that again but I don’t know what else to do while still keeping up with working part time, my schoolwork, friends (who tell me my mom is majorly crazy in her thinking), and just life in general. I’ve also gotten the diet pills from like Walmart but I haven’t noticed anything. What else can I do? Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Bigger farm mods? Hey everyone, I am planning to start a new playthrough of SV and I was wondering if you could recommend me some good mods for a bigger farm, greenhouse, cellar... I do not plan to install SV expanded so I guess the immersive farm and grandpas farm is not available for me. What are the good ones? Also, I would appreciate any other mod recommendations, especially quality-of-life mods and stuff like that. Thanks in advance :) Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: Can i run Fallout 4? Okay, so I just buy Fallout 4 GOTY. Here are my specs: Intel Core i3 6100u Intel HD 520 Graphics 4+4 GB Available RAM (Dual-channeled) Windows 10 If I download the Intel graphics bypass mod and other optimization stuffs from Nexus, can I run it? Thanks for your help. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Deimos fishing appears to be bugged. (PS4) The fishing in Deimos appears to be bugged. Dye appears to disappear and not take effect when landing. Because of the occasional dye that does work, I discovered that the infested fish appear to be spawning underground where it can't be reached (in the fishing spot to the left of the necrolisk). My buddy who was fishing with me couldn't find any fish at all while I was finding them everywhere in a certain spot (somewhere to the right of the necrolisk). Label: moderated
I've never played this game. Ask me a question and I'll answer them as if I had. ​
[ 3742, 5950, 2609 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: I never got far in starred valley, ask me questions Ask me whatever and I’ll answer with my little knowledge of the game Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Hi! I’m super new to the game. What are some things I should do asap? Any tips or tricks? Thanks 😊 Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Gamechanger for me. Hi. Long time scrounger here. After 145 levels of walking everywhere on the map l finally decided to unburden myself and for the first time playing can run and teleport. It feels like a different I'm almost cheating. Label: not moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Physics? Love the game but it's obvious that no one took a physics class. Or learned consistency. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Recommendations for quality collared shirts (cotton, fitted preferable)? Does anyone know of a reliable ready to wear brand that has good collared shirts for women? Looking to up my business wear game. I find fitted collared shirts at places like Ann Taylor and Banana Republic disappointing (the fabric they use is like paper!), and I’m jealous men have options like Charles Tyrwhitt and Thomas Pink. I’m not interested in silk blouses; I want a solid, white work-a-day business shirt that is fitted and not see through. Custom shirts are an option but for simplicity I’d love to find a retail brand! Label: moderated Example-2: Post: New App Update I am sure someone has already discussed this but I LOVE the new update of the OrangeTheory app! I get to see how many classes I have taken and it shows me all my stats & splats. It makes me feel happy! Love the Brag Board! Another thing I found is that when I went to go back to look at a workout from earlier this month (bc of the repeat days) a little pop up box appeared. It asked for my feedback about the workout and Coach, loved it! Anyways, I hope you guys like it & appreciate it as much as I do! Let me know if I missed anything else about it hahaha Label: moderated
What is a touchdown catch? I don’t think I know what a touchdown catch is anymore after Stanford had that one taken off the board.
[ 4528, 1026, 8835 ]
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Ending the safety debacle debate from the Texas - Alabama game. Many people already think this play was a safety and that it was incorrectly called. However, they have been citing rules as to tip balls on intentional grounding plays, linking photos of the Bryce Young after he was flipped over the defender, and other convoluted rules. None of that is needed. To clarify, when a runner's shin is on the ground, he is considered down. From this angle, we can see that Bryce Young's left shin is clearly on the ground. This angle of the replay was shown quite a bit less than the end-zone angle. Does this change the outcome of the game? Potentially not. Alabama likely runs different plays at the very end, because they would have needed a touchdown instead of a field goal to win. Discuss to your heart's content. Label: moderated Example-1: Post: Iowa's offense has scored a touchdown in 7 of the 20 quarters played so far this season. One quarter was cus they blocked a punt and started at the 16 yard line and the touchdowns against Michigan didn't come until Michigan already had a massive lead in the 4th quarter. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: Iowa recovered 2 fumbles inside the Illinois 35 and the offense responded with -10 yards Label: moderated
Below are some examples to help you: Example-0: Post: Week 9 Game Thread and Postgame Thread Index Automatically populating this thread. Please stand by... Label: not moderated Example-1: Post: SV: I finally broke the dang plateau! Long story short: I was stalling between the same two pounds for MONTHS. Like, basically the entire summer from June to August, I went back-and-forth between 142-144 pounds. Eating 1300 calories a day, getting about 10000 steps in daily + other exercise, and...nothing. Couldn't get below 142 if my life depended on it, even though I was clearly eating in a deficit (sedentary maintenance calories is about 1600 for me, and I'm not sedentary). At a loss and in a rage, I decided to say "screw it". I upped my calories to a range between 1450-1550 a day, and that in turn gave me extra energy to exercise more. I started averaging 15000-20000 steps a day and found out that I kind of like jogging (?), so started doing that as well. The first couple weeks of doing this, I immediately dropped into the 141 range. Hovered there for about a week and a half before and during my period, and today I was 140.4. It's not a huge drop obviously, but I was starting to get convinced that my scale didn't go below 142... So, I'm basically just here to tell you that plateaus are real and annoying af, but you CAN overcome them. My fix may not work for everybody, but it worked for me and I'm thrilled. Label: not moderated Example-2: Post: What’s your best away game story? Title Label: moderated