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1,900 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the optical conductivity in the low - energy regime of gapped mono- and bilayer graphene .
a scaling relation is found , in which the four parameters frequency , gap , fermi energy and temperature appear only as combination of three independent parameters .
the ratio of the optical conductivity of bilayer and mononlayer graphene is exactly 2 . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: monolayer and bilayer graphene are semimetals with good conducting properties @xcite . moreover , in the presence of a microwave field the related optical conductivity is constant over a large regime of frequencies .
this has been found in theoretical calculations @xcite and was also observed experimentally @xcite .
the reason for this behavior is the existence of at least two bands in both materials , where at fermi energy @xmath0 ( i.e. graphene without a gate potential ) the lower band is occupied and the upper band is unoccupied . as consequence ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the absorption of photons of energy @xmath1 from the microwave field creates electron - holes pairs due to the excitation of electrons from the lower band at energy @xmath2 to the unoccupied upper band at energy @xmath3 .
this mechanism applies also to gated graphene which has a shifted fermi energy @xmath4 . |
1,901 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: monotonicity criteria are established for the generalized marcum _
q_-function , @xmath0 , the standard nuttall _ q_-function , @xmath1 , and the normalized nuttall _
q_-function , @xmath2 , with respect to their real order indices @xmath3 .
besides , closed - form expressions are derived for the computation of the standard and normalized nuttall _ q_-functions for the case when @xmath3 are odd multiples of @xmath4 and @xmath5 . by exploiting these results , novel upper and lower bounds for @xmath1 and @xmath2 are proposed .
furthermore , specific tight upper and lower bounds for @xmath0 , previously reported in the literature , are extended for real values of @xmath6 .
the offered theoretical results can be efficiently applied in the study of digital communications over fading channels , in the information - theoretic analysis of multiple - input multiple - output systems and in the description of stochastic processes in probability theory , among others .
closed - form expressions , generalized marcum _
q_-function , lower and upper bounds , monotonicity , normalized nuttall _
q_-function , standard nuttall _ q_-function . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: extended version of the ( standard ) marcum @xmath7-function , @xmath8 , where @xmath9 , originally appeared in ( * ? ? ?
* appendix , eq .
( 16 ) ) , defines the standard - function in order to avoid ambiguity with its normalized version to be introduced later . ].
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | nuttall _ q_-function ( * ? ? ?
* eq . ( 86 ) ) , given by the integral representation @xmath10 where the order indices are generally reals with values @xmath11 and @xmath12 , @xmath13 is the @xmath14th order modified bessel function of the first kind ( * ? ? ? * eq . |
1,902 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: graphical models are widely used to study complex multivariate biological systems .
network inference algorithms aim to reverse - engineer such models from noisy experimental data .
it is common to assess such algorithms using techniques from classifier analysis .
these metrics , based on ability to correctly infer individual edges , possess a number of appealing features including invariance to rank - preserving transformation .
however , regulation in biological systems occurs on multiple scales and existing metrics do not take into account the correctness of higher - order network structure . in this paper novel performance scores
are presented that share the appealing properties of existing scores , whilst capturing ability to uncover regulation on multiple scales .
theoretical results confirm that performance of a network inference algorithm depends crucially on the scale at which inferences are to be made ; in particular strong local performance does not guarantee accurate reconstruction of higher - order topology . applying these scores to a large corpus of data from the dream5 challenge ,
we undertake a data - driven assessment of estimator performance .
we find that the `` wisdom of crowds '' network , that demonstrated superior local performance in the dream5 challenge , is also among the best performing methodologies for inference of regulation on multiple length scales .
matlab r2013b code ` net_assess ` is provided as supplement .
key words : performance assessment , multi - scale scores , network inference . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: graphical representations of complex multivariate systems are increasingly prevalent within systems biology . in general a graph or _ network _
@xmath0 is characterised by a set @xmath1 of vertices ( typically associated with molecular species ) and a set @xmath2 of edges , whose interpretation will be context - specific .
in many situations the edge set or _.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | @xmath3 is taken to imply conditional independence relationships between species in @xmath1 @xcite . for
fixed and known vertex set @xmath1 , the data - driven characterisation of network topology is commonly referred to as _ network inference_. in the last decade many approaches to network inference have been proposed and exploited for several different purposes @xcite . in some settings |
1,903 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the first results of a study of the dwarf spheroidal galaxy , leo i , using the new nagoya - south african infrared survey facility ( irsf ) are presented .
@xmath0 observations show that most , if not all , of at least the top magnitude of the agb in @xmath1 is populated by carbon stars .
in addition there are five very red objects which are believed to be dust enshrouded agb stars .
one of these is , remarkably , well outside the main body of the galaxy .
three of these obscured stars and five known carbon stars show variability in observations 11 months apart .
one of the obscured stars has @xmath2 making it highly likely that it , at least , is a mira variable .
the tip of the agb is at @xmath3 , but further variability studies are necessary to obtain a definitive value .
comparison with carbon stars , both miras and non - miras , in magellanic cloud clusters and taking into account other evidence on the ages and metallicities of leo i populations suggests that these obscured stars belong to the youngest significant population of leo i and have ages of @xmath4 gyr .
galaxies : dwarf - galaxies : stellar content - stars : agb and post - agb - stars : variable : other - local group .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a programme has been started , using the recently commissioned nagoya - south african 1.4 m infrared survey facility ( irsf ) at saao sutherland , to study the stellar populations , evolution and structures of local group galaxies .
one aim of this programme is to detect long period variables ( miras and other types ) in these systems and to derive their infrared light curves .
the programme will necessarily take several years to complete . in the present communication.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | we discuss the light that initial observations of the dwarf spheroidal galaxy , leo i , throw on the agb star population of that galaxy .
the irsf is a 1.4-m telescope constructed and operated in terms of an agreement between saao and the graduate school of science and school of science , nagoya university , to carry out specialized surveys of the southern sky in the infrared . |
1,904 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the angle dependence at different temperatures of the longitudinal thermal conductivity @xmath0 in the presence of a planar magnetic field is presented . in order to study the influence of the gap symmetry on the thermal transport ,
angular scans were measured up to a few kelvin below the critical temperature @xmath1 .
we found that the four - fold oscillation of @xmath0 vanishes at @xmath2k and transforms into a one - fold oscillation with maximum conductivity for a field of 8 t applied parallel to the heat current .
nevertheless , the results indicate that the @xmath3wave pairing symmetry remains the main pairing symmetry of the order parameter up to @xmath1 .
numerical results of the thermal conductivity using an andreev reflection model for the scattering of quasiparticles by supercurrents under the assumption of @xmath3wave symmetry provide a semiquantitative description of the overall results . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the order parameter in high - temperature superconductors ( hts ) has been proved to have mainly a @xmath4 pairing symmetry.@xcite in particular , try - crystal phase - sensitive measurements @xcite have determined the presence of a predominant @xmath5gap symmetry up to the superconducting critical temperature @xmath1 over , if any , other minor components smaller than 5% of that with the @xmath5symmetry .
thermal transport measurements have also shown the predominance of this symmetry for the gap function .
in particular , when a magnetic field is rotated parallel to the cuo@xmath6 planes , the longitudinal thermal conductivity shows a fourfold oscillation which can be explained in terms of both andreev scattering of quasiparticles by vortices ( as ) and doppler shift ( ds ) in the energy spectrum of the quasiparticles if one takes a @xmath5gap into account.@xcite nevertheless , the fourfold oscillation in the thermal conductivity has been resolved up to @xmath7 k. above this temperature , no direct evidence for this type of symmetry from this kind of measurements has been published . furthermore ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | deviations from the expected angular pattern within a pure @xmath5symmetry have been attributed to the effect of pinning of vortices.@xcite the variation of the thermal conductivity as a function of angle @xmath8 between the heat current and the magnetic field applied parallel to the cuo@xmath6 planes depends mainly on the heat transport by quasiparticles , their interaction with the supercurrents ( vortices ) and the symmetry of the order parameter.@xcite an angular pattern showing properties of the order parameter symmetry can only be achieved when the temperature is low enough so that the quasiparticle momentum is close to the nodal directions of the gap .
otherwise , thermal activation would also induce quasiparticles at different orientations from those of the nodes and hence , the sensitivity of the probe to measure gap characteristics will be reduced . |
1,905 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a smale flow is a structurally stable flow with one dimensional invariant sets .
we use information from homology and _ template _ theory to construct , visualize and in some cases , classify , nonsingular smale flows in the 3-sphere .
flows , knots , smale flows , templates . _
ams subject classification ( 1991 ) : _
58f25 , 57m25 . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the periodic orbits of a flow in @xmath0 form knots . for _ morse - smale flows _ there are only finitely many periodic orbits .
wada @xcite has classified all links that can be realized as a collection of closed orbits of nonsingular morse - smale flows on @xmath0 .
further , wada s scheme includes an indexing of the components of the link according to whether the orbit is an attractor , a repeller , or a saddle . in a _ smale flow _.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | , by contrast , the saddle sets may contain infinitely many closed orbits , while the attractors and repellers must still be collections of finitely many orbits .
franks @xcite devised an abstract classification scheme for nonsingular smale flows on @xmath0 using a device he called the _ lyapunov graph _ of a flow . |
1,906 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the quantum deformation of the barrett - crane lorentzian spin foam model which is conjectured to be the discretization of lorentzian plebanski model with positive cosmological constant and includes therefore as a particular sector quantum gravity in de - sitter space .
this spin foam model is constructed using harmonic analysis on the quantum lorentz group .
the evaluation of simple spin networks are shown to be non commutative integrals over the quantum hyperboloid defined as a pile of fuzzy spheres .
we show that the introduction of the cosmological constant , removes all the infrared divergences : for any fixed triangulation , the integration over the area variables is finite for a large class of normalization of the amplitude of the edges and of the faces . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: based on a canonical quantization approach , the loop quantum gravity program gives a picture of the quantum geometry of space in terms of spin networks .
dynamic enters the theory only through the hamiltonian constraint which is still poorly understood .
spin foam models @xcite are alternative way to give dynamic to spin networks and are candidates for the construction of a quantum theory of gravity in a covariant framework ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | spin foam models are attempts to evaluate transition amplitude between spin network states .
therefore it extends the structure of spin networks , which are one dimensional complexes , to two - complexes built from vertices , edges ( colored by intertwining operators ) and faces ( colored by certain type of group representations ) . |
1,907 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: high resolution n - body simulations of cold dark matter ( cdm ) models predict that galaxies and clusters have cuspy halos with excessive substructure .
observations reveal smooth halos with central density cores .
one possible resolution of this conflict is that the dark matter is warm ( wdm ) ; this will suppress the power spectrum on small scales .
the lyman - alpha forest is a powerful probe of the linear power spectrum on these scales .
we use collisionless n - body simulations to follow the evolution of structure in wdm models , and analyze artificial lyman - alpha forest spectra extracted from them . by requiring that there is enough small scale power in the linear power spectrum to reproduce the observed properties of the lyman - alpha forest in quasar spectra , we derive a lower limit to the mass of the wdm particle of 750 ev .
this limit is robust to reasonable uncertainties in our assumption about the temperature of the mean density gas @xmath0 at @xmath1 .
we argue that any model that suppresses the cdm linear theory power spectrum more severely than a 750 ev wdm particle can not produce the lyman - alpha forest .
# 1([eqn:#1 ] ) .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: cold dark matter ( cdm ) models of structure formation have been remarkably successful in explaining a wide range of observations at both low and high redshifts . however , high resolution n - body simulations of the cdm model have revealed two potential conflicts with observations .
first , the inner mass density profiles of simulated halos are cuspy , as opposed to the shallow profiles inferred from the rotation curves of dwarfs and low surface brightness galaxies ( @xcite ; @xcite ; @xcite ; but see van den bosch et al .
1999 ) , and the observations of soft cores in galaxy clusters by gravitational lensing ( @xcite ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | second , group - sized halos in simulations contain a large number of low mass subhalos , greatly in excess of the observed number of satellite galaxies in the local group ( @xcite ; @xcite ) .
a variety of mechanisms have been proposed recently to reduce the clustering of mass on small scales , while simultaneously retaining the large scale successes of the cdm model . |
1,908 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the felix collaboration has proposed the construction of a full acceptance detector for the lhc , to be located at intersection region 4 , and to be commissioned concurrently with the lhc .
the primary mission of felix is qcd : to provide comprehensive and definitive observations of a very broad range of strong - interaction processes .
this paper reviews the detector concept and performance characteristics , the physics menu , and plans for integration of felix into the collider lattice and physical environment .
the current status of the felix letter of intent is discussed . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: felix will be the first full acceptance detector at a hadron collider .
it will be optimized for studying the structure of individual events over all of phase space ( see figure [ prodplot ] ) .
felix will observe and measure all charged particles , from the central region all the way out to diffractive protons which have lost only @xmath0 of their initial energy ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | it will even see elastic protons which have a momentum transfer of at least @xmath1 gev@xmath2 .
this comprehensive , precision tracking is accompanied by equally superb electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry . |
1,909 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we show that two dehn surgeries on a knot @xmath0 never yield manifolds that are homeomorphic as oriented manifolds if @xmath1 or @xmath2 . as an application
, we verify the cosmetic surgery conjecture for all knots with no more than @xmath3 crossings except for three @xmath4-crossing knots and five @xmath3-crossing knots .
we also compute the finite type invariant of order @xmath5 for two - bridge knots and whitehead doubles , from which we prove several nonexistence results of purely cosmetic surgery . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: _ dehn surgery _ is an operation to modify a three - manifold by drilling and then regluing a solid torus .
denote by @xmath6 the resulting three - manifold via dehn surgery on a knot @xmath0 in @xmath7 along a slope @xmath8 .
two dehn surgeries along @xmath0 with distinct slopes @xmath8 and @xmath9 are called _ purely cosmetic _ if @xmath10 as oriented manifolds . in gordon s 1990 icm talk (.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | * conjecture 6.1 ) and kirby s problem list ( * ? ? ?
* problem 1.81 a ) , it is conjectured that two surgeries on inequivalent slopes are never purely cosmetic . we shall refer to this as the _ cosmetic surgery conjecture_. in the present paper we study purely cosmetic surgeries along knots in the three - sphere @xmath11 . |
1,910 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the phenomenon of length scale competition , an instability of solitons and other coherent structures that takes place when their size is of the same order of some characteristic scale of the system in which they propagate .
working on the framework of nonlinear klein - gordon models as a paradigmatic example , we show that this instability can be understood by means of a collective coordinate approach in terms of soliton position and width . as a consequence ,
we provide a quantitative , natural explanation of the phenomenon in much simpler terms than any previous treatment of the problem .
our technique allows to study the existence of length scale competition in most soliton bearing nonlinear models and can be extended to coherent structures with more degrees of freedom , such as breathers .
* lead paragraph * + * solitons , solitary waves , vortices and other coherent structures possess , generally speaking , a characteristic length or size .
one important feature of these coherent structures , which usually are exact solutions of certain nonlinear models , is their robustness when the corresponding models are perturbed in different ways .
a case relevant in many real applications is that of space - dependent perturbations , that may or may not have their own typical length scale .
interestingly , in the latter case , it has been known for a decade that when the perturbation length scale is comparable to the size of the coherent structures , the effects of even very small perturbing terms are dramatically enhanced .
although some analytical approaches have shed some light of the mechanisms for this special instability , a clear - cut , simple explanation was lacking . in this paper , we show how such explanation arises by means of a reduction of degrees of freedom through the so - called collective coordinate technique .
the analytical results have a straightforward physical interpretation in terms of a resonant - like phenomenon .
notwithstanding the fact that we work....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: fifty years after the pioneering discoveries of fermi , pasta and ulam @xcite , the paradigm of coherent structures has proven itself one of the most fruitful ones of nonlinear science @xcite .
fronts , solitons , solitary waves , breathers , or vortices are instances of such coherent structures of relevance in a plethora of applications in very different fields .
one of the chief reasons that gives all these nonlinear excitations their paradigmatic character is their robustness and stability : generally speaking , when systems supporting these structures are perturbed , the structures continue to exist , albeit with modifications in their parameters or small changes in shape ( see @xcite for reviews ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | this property that all these objects ( approximately ) retain their identity allows one to rely on them to interpret the effects of perturbations on general solutions of the corresponding models . among the different types of coherent structures one can encounter , topological solitons are particularly robust due to the existence of a conserved quantity named topological charge .
objects in this class are , e.g. , kinks or vortices and can be found in systems ranging from josephson superconducting devices to fluid dynamics . |
1,911 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the influence of the matter along the line of sight and in the lens environment on the image configurations , relative time delays , and the resulting models of strong gravitational lensing .
the distribution of matter in space and properties of gravitationally bound haloes are based on the millennium simulation . in our numerical experiments we consider isolated lens in a uniform universe model and the same lens surrounded by close neighbours and/or objects close to the line of sight which gives four different descriptions of the light propagation .
we compare the results of the lens modeling which neglects effects of the environment and line of sight , when applied to image configurations resulting from approaches partially or fully taking into account these effects .
we show that for a source at the redshift @xmath0 the effects are indeed important and may prevent successful fitting of lens models in a substantial part of simulated image configurations , especially when the relative time delays are taken into account . to have good constraints on the models we limit ourselves to configurations of four images .
we consider eighty lenses and large number of source positions in each case .
the influence of the lens neighbourhood and the line of sight introduces the spread into the fitted values of the deflection angles which translates into the spread in the lens velocity dispersion @xmath1 4 per cent .
similarly for the lens axis ratio we get the spread of @xmath1 10 per cent and for the hubble s constant of @xmath1 6 per cent . when averaged over all lenses and all image configurations considered
, the median fitted values of the parameters ( including the hubble s constant ) do not differ more than 1 per cent from their values used in simulations .
[ firstpage ] gravitational lensing : strong and weak - large - scale structure of the universe .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the strong gravitational lensing has many astrophysical and cosmological applications ( see e.g. @xcite and references therein for a review ) .
the qualitative understanding of the majority of multi - image configurations attributed to strong lensing can usually be based on a model of single galaxy - lens in a uniform universe .
the quantitative description requires more complicated models , starting with so called _ external shear _ @xcite , invoking a galaxy cluster @xcite , or taking into account another galaxy in the lens vicinity ( @xcite , @xcite ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the influence of the mass distribution in the lens vicinity and along the line of sight has been investigated by many authors ( @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , and @xcite to cite few ) .
photometric survey of several strong lens surroundings @xcite shows that many of them lie in poor groups of galaxies and that other groups near the line of sight are not uncommon . |
1,912 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we search for correlations between positions of extragalactic objects and arrival directions of ultra - high energy cosmic rays ( uhecrs ) with primary energy @xmath0 eev as observed by the surface detector array of the telescope array ( ta ) experiment during the first 40 months of operation .
we examined several public astronomical object catalogs , including the veron - cetty and veron catalog of active galactic nuclei .
we counted the number of ta events correlated with objects in each catalog as a function of three parameters : the maximum angular separation between a ta event and an object , the minimum energy of the events , and the maximum redshift of the objects .
we determine combinations of these parameters which maximize the correlations , and calculate the chance probabilities of having the same levels of correlations from an isotropic distribution of uhecr arrival directions .
no statistically significant correlations are found when penalties for scanning over the above parameters and for searching in several catalogs are taken into account . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: clarifying the origin of ultra - high energy cosmic rays ( uhecrs ) is one of the most important unsolved problems in modern astrophysics ( e.g. * ? ? ?
it is generally thought that cosmic rays with energies greater than 10@xmath1 ev ( 1 eev ) are of extragalactic origin because the galactic magnetic fields are not strong enough to confine them .
indeed , no apparent anisotropy in arrival directions of uhecrs along the galactic plane has been found . on the other hand ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | a steepening in the energy spectrum of uhecrs at around 50 eev is observed by the high resolution fly s eye ( hires ) experiment and the telescope array ( ta ) experiment @xcite , and also by the pierre auger observatory in a similar energy region @xcite .
this can be explained as a consequence of the cosmic ray energy losses due to interactions with the cosmic microwave background ( cmb ) , as predicted by @xcite , and @xcite . in this case |
1,913 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the coherent nonlinear tunneling dynamics of a binary mixture of bose - einstein condensates in a double - well potential .
we demonstrate the existence of a new type of mode associated with the `` swapping '' of the two species in the two wells of the potential .
in contrast to the symmetry breaking macroscopic quantum self - trapping ( mqst ) solutions , the swapping modes correspond to the tunneling dynamics that preserves the symmetry of the double well potential . as a consequence of two distinct types of broken symmetry mqst phases where the two species localize in the different potential welils or coexist in the same well , the corresponding symmetry restoring swapping modes result in dynamics where the the two species either avoid or chase each other . in view of the possibility to control the interaction between the species , the binary mixture offers a very robust system to observe these novel effects as well as the phenomena of josephson oscillations and pi - modes .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: ultracold laboratories have had great success in creating bose - einstein condensates ( becs ) @xcite in a variety of atomic gases such as rubidium ( rb ) , lithium ( li ) , sodium ( na ) and ytterbium ( yb ) .
these quantum fluids exist in various isotopic forms as well as in different hyperfine states .
the rapid pace of development in this field has led to condensates which are robust and relatively easy to manipulate experimentally ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | in particular , the tunability of inter - species and intra - species interactions @xcite via magnetic and optical feshbach resonances makes the bec mixture a very attractive candidate for exploring new phenomena involving quantum coherence and nonlinearity in a multicomponent system .
the subject of this paper is to investigate the tunneling dynamics of a binary mixture of becs in a double well potential . a single species of bec in a double well |
1,914 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: thermochemistry of gas - phase ion - water clusters together with estimates of the hydration free energy of the clusters and the water ligands are used to calculate the hydration free energy of the ion .
often the hydration calculations use a continuum model of the solvent . the primitive quasichemical approximation to the quasichemical theory
provides a transparent framework to anchor such efforts .
here we evaluate the approximations inherent in the primitive quasichemical approach and elucidate the different roles of the bulk medium .
we find that the bulk medium can stabilize configurations of the cluster that are usually not observed in the gas phase , while also simultaneously lowering the excess chemical potential of the ion .
this effect is more pronounced for soft ions . since the coordination number that minimizes the excess chemical potential of the ion is identified as the optimal or most probable coordination number , for such soft ions , the optimum cluster size and the hydration thermodynamics obtained without account of the bulk medium on the ion - water clustering reaction can be different from those observed in simulations of the aqueous ion .
the ideas presented in this work are expected to be relevant to experimental studies that translate thermochemistry of ion - water clusters to the thermodynamics of the hydrated ion and to evolving theoretical approaches that combine high - level calculations on clusters with coarse - grained models of the medium . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: ion - water clusters represent the transition between an ion in the gas phase and a fully hydrated ion .
hence these systems have been extensively studied to understand the thermochemistry of hydration and to infer how bulk properties emerge from properties of ions in clusters @xcite .
most notably , attempts have been made to infer the hydration free energy of an isolated ion , a thermodynamic descriptor of the nonideal interactions between the ion and water , by analyzing the thermochemistry of forming ion - water clusters @xmath0_n}$]@xcite , where x is the ion ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | thermochemical data alone is inadequate for inferring the structural characteristics of hydration . in this
regard , theoretical calculations of cluster formation have proven useful . |
1,915 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the so - called persistence problem of sloane , exploiting connections with the dynamics of circle maps and the ergodic theory of @xmath0 actions .
we also formulate a conjecture concerning the asymptotic distribution of digits in long products of finitely many primes whose truth would , in particular , solve the persistence problem .
the heuristics that we propose to complement our numerical studies can be thought in terms of a simple model in statistical mechanics . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in @xcite , sloane proposed the following curious problem . take a non - negative integer , write down its decimal representation , and multiply its digits together , getting a new non - negative integer .
repeat the process until a single - digit number is obtained .
the problem can thus be stated : is the number of steps taken in this process uniformly bounded ?.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | let us start with a general formulation of sloane s problem , while at the same time introducing some of the notation that we will use .
given a natural number @xmath1 , and an _ integer base _ @xmath2 , consider the base-@xmath3 expansion of the number @xmath1 , say @xmath4_q \;=\ ; \sum_{j=1}^k d_j q^{k - j}\ , \ ] ] where each digit @xmath5 ( and @xmath6 when @xmath7 ) . |
1,916 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we have searched for the proton decay mode @xmath0 using the one - kiloton soudan 2 high resolution calorimeter . contained events obtained from a 3.56 kiloton - year fiducial exposure through june 1997 are examined for occurrence of a visible @xmath1 track which decays at rest into @xmath2 or @xmath3 .
we found one candidate event consistent with background , yielding a limit , @xmath4 years at 90% cl with no background subtraction .
-.68 in -1.0 in 6.5 in 9.0 in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the prediction of many grand unified theories , that nucleon decay occurs at accessible lifetimes , remains unverified but continues to motivate experimental searches .
this expectation was foreshadowed in part by sakharov s early suggestion that the simultaneous effects of baryon number violation , c and cp violation , and departure from thermal equilibrium could produce the baryon - antibaryon asymmetry observed in the universe.@xcite it is interesting and suggestive that no fundamental symmetry is known which implies the conservation of baryon number .
currently , nucleon decay as a consequence of the minimal su(5 ) gut model is considered to be ruled out experimentally@xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | however , other unification models , both with and without supersymmetry , predict baryon number violating processes .
amplitudes for these processes involve the exchange of new particles with unknown masses so that precise nucleon lifetimes are not predicted . the expectation that these masses will be in the range between the gut scale of @xmath5 gev and the planck mass of @xmath6 gev leads to proton lifetimes in the range @xmath7 years@xcite . |
1,917 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the phenomenological consequences of string models wherein the mssm resides on a d - brane , and the hypercharge gaugino mass is generated in a geometrically separated hidden sector .
this hypercharged anomaly - mediated susy breaking ( hcamsb ) model naturally solves the tachyonic slepton mass problem endemic to pure amsb scenarios . in hcamsb ,
one obtains a mass ordering @xmath0 with split left- and right- scalars , whereas in mamsb models , one obtains @xmath1 with nearly degenerate left- and right- scalars .
we compute the allowed parameter space and expected superparticle mass spectrum in the hcamsb model . for low values of the hc and amsb mixing parameter @xmath2 ,
the spectra is characterized by light left - sleptons , while the spectra for large @xmath2 is characterized by light top- and bottom- squarks .
we map out the approximate reach of lhc for hcamsb , and find that with 100 fb@xmath3 of integrated luminosity , a gravitino mass of @xmath4 ( 105 ) tev can be probed for low ( high ) values of @xmath2 , corresponding to a gluino mass reach of @xmath5 ( 2.2 ) tev . both cases
contain as is typical in amsb models long lived charginos that should yield visible highly ionizing tracks in the lhc detector . also , in the lower @xmath6 range , hcamsb models give rise to reconstructable @xmath7 candidates in susy cascade decay events , while mamsb models should do so only rarely .
* prospects for hypercharged anomaly mediated + susy breaking at the lhc * + howard baer@xmath8 , radovan derm ' iek@xmath9 , shibi rajagopalan@xmath10 , heaya summy@xmath10 + _ 1 . dept . of physics and astronomy , university of oklahoma , norman
, ok 73019 , usa + 2 .
dept . of physics , indiana university , bloomington in 47405 , usa
+ _ .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: anomaly - mediated supersymmetry breaking ( amsb ) models have received much attention in the literature due to their attractive properties@xcite : the soft supersymmetry ( susy ) breaking terms are completely calculable in terms of just one free parameter ( the gravitino mass , @xmath11 ) , the soft terms are real and flavor invariant , thus solving the susy flavor and @xmath12 problems , the soft terms are actually renormalization group invariant@xcite , and can be calculated at any convenient scale choice . in order to realize the amsb set - up , the hidden sector must be `` sequestered '' on a separate brane from the observable sector in an extra - dimensional universe , so that tree - level supergravity breaking terms do not dominate the soft term contributions .
such a set - up can be realized in brane - worlds , where susy breaking takes place on one brane , with the visible sector residing on a separate brane .
the soft susy breaking ( ssb ) terms arise from the rescaling anomaly . in spite of its attractive features ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | amsb models suffer from the well - known problem that slepton mass - squared parameters are found to be negative , giving rise to tachyonic states . the original solution to this problem
is to suppose that scalars acquire as well a universal mass @xmath13 , which when added to the amsb ssb terms , renders them positive . |
1,918 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: parton distributions with qed corrections open new scenarios for high precision physics .
we recall the need for accurate and improved predictions which keeps into account higher order qcd corrections together with electroweak effects .
we study predictions obtained with the improved born approximation and the @xmath0 scheme by using two public codes : dynnlo and horace .
we focus our attention on the drell - yan @xmath1-boson invariant mass distribution at low- and high - mass regions , recently measured by the atlas experiment and we estimate the impact of each component of the final prediction . we show that electroweak corrections are larger than pdf uncertainties for modern pdf sets and therefore such corrections are necessary to improve the extraction of future pdf sets . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: recently the nnpdf collaboration published sets of parton distribution functions with qed corrections , the so called nnpdf2.3qed sets @xcite .
these sets contain the photon pdf with its uncertainty determined for the first time from dis and drell - yan lhc data . in this work we estimate and compare to the pdf uncertainties the contributions to the invariant mass of the drell - yan @xmath1-boson production due to electroweak corrections and the photon - induced channel , by considering the low - mass region , which is below the @xmath1 peak resonance and the high - mass tail .
in contrast to what was shown in ref ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | @xcite where predictions were computed with fewz , here we propose to combine two distinct parton level public codes : dynnlo @xcite for the nlo qcd prediction and horace @xcite which provides the exact @xmath2 electroweak radiative correction together with the photon - induced channel for the @xmath1 production .
the motivation for this combination is the interest to measure the difference between predictions with electroweak effects at nlo / nnlo qcd accuracy computed in the improved born approximation ( iba ) instead of using electroweak correction computed by fewz in the @xmath0 scheme . |
1,919 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study a quantum hall bilayer system of bosons at total filling factor @xmath0 , and study the phase that results from short ranged pair - tunneling combined with short ranged interlayer interactions .
we introduce two exactly solvable model hamiltonians which both yield the coupled moore - read state [ phys .
rev .
lett . * 108 * , 256809 ( 2012 ) ] as a ground state , when projected onto fixed particle numbers in each layer .
one of these hamiltonians describes a gapped topological phase while the other is gapless .
however , on introduction of a pair tunneling term , the second system becomes gapped and develops the same topological order as the gapped hamiltonian .
supported by the exact solution of the full zero - energy quasihole spectrum and a conformal field theory approach , we develop an intuitive picture of this system as two coupled composite fermion superconductors . in this language
, pair tunneling provides a josephson coupling of the superconducting phases of the two layers , and gaps out the goldstone mode associated with particle transport between the layers . in particular
, this implies that quasiparticles are confined between the layers . in the bulk
, the resulting phase has the topological order of the halperin 220 phase with u(1)@xmath1 u(1)@xmath2 topological order , but it is realized in the symmetric / antisymmetric - basis of the layer index .
consequently , the edge spectrum at a fixed particle number reveals an unexpected u(1)@xmath3 u(1 ) structure . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the emergence of topological order is one of the most intriguing phenomena in interacting quantum systems.@xcite most importantly perhaps , emergent quasiparticles in two - dimensional topological phases of matter can acquire non - abelian statistics and may provide quantum states with highly nonlocal entanglement that form an ideal basis for quantum information processing.@xcite many unanswered questions about topological systems remain , despite recent developments in the field exploring phase transitions ( notably those driven by topological bose condensation)@xcite , stability of topological phases to perturbations,@xcite coupling of multiple non - abelian subsystems,@xcite or creation of non - abelian theories from coupling simpler subsystems.@xcite it is in these general realms that the current paper seeks to explore . in most cases we are not able to easily relate the complex topological physics to more traditional condensed matter systems .
however , one important exception is that topological systems of ising type ( meaning they are described by a topological field theory related to the ising conformal field theory ( cft ) or the su(2)@xmath2 chern - simons theory ) can be frequently related to superconductors , thus providing a particularly powerful handle for understanding them .
such systems are now of particular interest due to a variety of recent experiments aimed at realizing them in the laboratory.@xcite in the current work we will examine a variant of the moore - read@xcite quantum hall state , which is of this superconducting type.@xcite another approach that has been extremely important in developing an understanding of topological phases is the use of exactly solvable models.@xcite even when exactly solvable models are very far from any real experimental system , their solutions teach us general principles , and we may hope that the physical systems will be described by the same phase of matter as the model , and will therefore have the same universal properties . further , with....
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | , we will deploy model hamiltonians that can be solved exactly as a central part of our current work . in this paper
, we consider the effect of inter - layer tunneling on a bilayer quantum hall system formed by two bosonic @xmath4 moore - read states , each one being the exact ground state of a three - body contact interaction . while we frame the discussion in terms of a quantum hall bilayer |
1,920 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present near - infrared ks - band photometry bracketing the secondary eclipse of the hot jupiter tres-2b using the wide - field infrared camera on the canada - france - hawaii telescope .
we detect its thermal emission with an eclipse depth of 0.062@xmath0% ( 5@xmath1 ) .
our best - fit secondary eclipse is consistent with a circular orbit ( a 3@xmath1 upper limit on the eccentricity , @xmath2 , and argument or periastron , @xmath3 , of @xmath4@xmath2@xmath5@xmath3@xmath4 @xmath6 0.0090 ) , in agreement with mid - infrared detections of the secondary eclipse of this planet .
a secondary eclipse of this depth corresponds to a day - side ks - band brightness temperature of @xmath7 = 1636@xmath8 @xmath9 .
our thermal emission measurement when combined with the thermal emission measurements using spitzer / irac from odonovan and collaborators suggest that this planet exhibits relatively efficient day to night - side redistribution of heat and a near isothermal dayside atmospheric temperature structure , with a spectrum that is well approximated by a blackbody . it is unclear if the atmosphere of tres-2b requires a temperature inversion
; if it does it is likely due to chemical species other than tio / vo as the atmosphere of tres-2b is too cool to allow tio / vo to remain in gaseous form .
our secondary eclipse has the smallest depth of any detected from the ground at around 2 @xmath10 to date . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the first detection of the transit of an exoplanet in front of its parent star ( @xcite ; @xcite ) opened a new avenue to determine the characteristics of these exotic worlds .
for all but the most eccentric cases , approximately half - an - orbit after their transits these planets pass behind their star along our line of sight allowing their thermal flux to be measured in the infrared .
the first detections of an exoplanet s thermal emission ( @xcite ; @xcite ) came from observations in space with spitzer using the infrared array camera ( irac ; @xcite ) . since then the vast majority of such measurements have been made using spitzer at wavelengths longer than 3 @xmath10 , and thus longwards of the blackbody peak of these `` hot '' exoplanets ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | recent observations have extended secondary eclipse detections into the near - infrared ; the first detection was from space with nicmos on the hubble space telescope ( @xcite at @xmath112 @xmath10 ) .
more recently , near - infrared detections have been achieved from the ground ; the first of these detections include a @xmath116@xmath1 detection in k - band of tres-3b using the william herschel telescope @xcite , a @xmath114@xmath1 detection in z-band of ogle - tr-56b using magellan and the very large telescope ( vlt ; @xcite ) , and a @xmath115@xmath1 detection at @xmath112.1 @xmath10 of corot-1b also with the vlt @xcite . |
1,921 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper we introduce several extremal sequences of points on locally compact metric spaces and study their asymptotic properties .
these sequences are defined through a greedy algorithm by minimizing a certain energy functional whose expression involves an external field .
some results are also obtained in the context of euclidian spaces @xmath0 , @xmath1 . as a particular example , given a closed set @xmath2 , a lower semicontinuous function @xmath3 $ ] and an integer @xmath4 , we investigate ( under suitable conditions on @xmath5 and @xmath6 ) sequences @xmath7 that are constructed inductively by selecting the first @xmath8 points @xmath9 so that the functional @xmath10 attains its minimum on @xmath11 for @xmath12 , @xmath13 , and for every integer @xmath14 , the points @xmath15 are chosen to minimize the expression @xmath16 on @xmath11 .
we assume here that @xmath17 .
an extension of a result due to g. choquet concerning point configurations with minimal energy is obtained in the context of locally compact metric spaces and constitutes a key ingredient in our analysis . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in this paper we study asymptotic properties of certain extremal sequences of points defined on locally compact metric spaces . we shall refer to them as _ greedy energy sequences_. this terminology was recently introduced in @xcite .
these sequences are indeed generated by means of a greedy algorithm at every step of which a certain energy expression is minimized . the notion of energy that we refer to
will be specified shortly ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the asymptotic properties that we analyze are mainly the following : if @xmath18 denotes the sequence of configurations formed by the first @xmath19 points of a greedy energy sequence , we use potential - theoretic tools to study the behavior of the energy of @xmath20 as @xmath19 approaches infinity and the limiting distributions of these configurations .
we remark that in @xcite a number of results about greedy sequences were obtained in a context in which potential theory is no longer applicable . |
1,922 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the increasing application of social and human - enabled systems in people s daily life from one side and from the other side the fast growth of mobile and smart phones technologies have resulted in generating tremendous amount of data , also referred to as big data , and a need for analyzing these data , i.e. , big data analytics . recently
a trend has emerged to incorporate human computing power into big data analytics to solve some shortcomings of existing big data analytics such as dealing with semi or unstructured data . including crowd into big data analytics
creates some new challenges such as security , privacy and availability issues . in
this paper study hybrid human - machine big data analytics and propose a framework to study these systems from crowd involvement point of view .
we identify some open issues in the area and propose a set of research directions for the future of big data analytics area . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: nowadays , the application of information technology is a vital part of our daily life .
people around the globe use billions of mobile devices daily and spend more times on using these digital devices than ever . sharing our opinions in social networks , searching the web , twitting , purchasing online products , participating in online polling and many other digital aspect of our lives
leave behind a tremendous digital footprint ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | billions of sensors embedded in cars , mobiles and other forms of devices constantly sense , generate and communicate trillions of bytes of information .
this gigantic generated data , which is also referred to as _ big data _ , is rich of information about the behavior of individuals in an interconnected network . that is why those who are interested in analyzing human behavior from business analysts to social scientists to academic researchers are highly interested in this data @xcite . |
1,923 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: lattice @xmath0 chiral models are analyzed by strong and weak coupling expansions and by numerical simulations .
@xmath1 order strong coupling series for the free and internal energy are obtained for all @xmath2 .
three loop contributions to the internal energy and to the lattice @xmath3-function are evaluated for all @xmath4 and non - universal corrections to the asymptotic @xmath5 parameter are computed in the `` temperature '' and the `` energy '' scheme .
numerical simulations confirm a faster approach to asymptopia of the energy scheme . a phenomenological correlation between the peak in the specific heat and the dip of the @xmath3-function is observed .
tests of scaling are performed for various physical quantities , finding substantial scaling at @xmath6 . in particular , at @xmath7 three different mass ratios are determined numerically and found in agreement , within statistical errors of about 1% , with the theoretical predictions from the exact s - matrix theory .
# 1currentlabel@secnum>0 .[#1 ] two dimensional @xmath0 chiral models on the lattice dipartimento di fisica delluniversit and i.n.f.n . , i-56126 pisa , italy .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: two dimensional @xmath0 principal chiral models defined by the continuum lagrangian @xmath8 are the simplest quantum field theories sharing with non - abelian gauge theories the property of asymptotic freedom and whose large n limit is a sum over planar diagrams . due to the existence of higher - order conservation laws , multiparticle amplitudes are factorized , and exact @xmath9 matrices have been proposed @xcite .
the resulting bound state mass spectrum is represented by @xmath10 and the bound state of @xmath11 particles transforms as the totally antisymmetric tensor of rank @xmath11
. the mass-@xmath5 parameter ratio has been computed , and the result is @xcite @xmath12 a `` standard '' lattice version of principal chiral models is obtained by choosing the action @xmath13\;\;\ ; , \;\;\;\;\;\beta\;=\;{1\over nt}\;\;\ ; , \label{latt - act}\ ] ] whose properties have been investigated by several authors @xcite especially by strong - coupling and mean field methods ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | numerical simulations have also been performed ( at @xmath14 ) , most recently by dagotto - kogut @xcite and hasenbusch - meyer @xcite . as a preliminary step within a more general program whose ultimate goal is performing the numerical @xmath15 expansion of matrix - valued field theories
, we decided to explore the properties of principal chiral models at larger - than - usual values of @xmath4 . |
1,924 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: entanglement dynamics of two noninteracting qubits , locally affected by random telegraph noise at pure dephasing , exhibits revivals .
these revivals are not due to the action of any nonlocal operation , thus their occurrence may appear paradoxical since entanglement is by definition a nonlocal resource . we show that a simple explanation of this phenomenon may be provided by using the ( recently introduced ) concept of _ hidden _ entanglement , which signals the presence of entanglement that may be recovered with the only help of local operations . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: entanglement is one of the most peculiar features of quantum mechanics and it also plays the role of a fundamental resource in many applications of quantum information @xcite . on the other hand ,
entangled systems unavoidably interact with their environments causing decoherence and a loss of entanglement .
since entanglement is by definition a nonlocal resource , one expects that any attempt to restore it must involve the use of nonlocal operations ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | we consider physical situations where two subsystems , for example two qubits , are prepared in an entangled state and subsequently decoupled @xcite . due to the interaction with their local environment , entanglement dynamics may exhibit a non - monotonous behaviour , with the occurrence of revivals alternating to dark periods @xcite . in some cases ,
this phenomenon is due to the fact that entanglement is transferred to quantum environments , and then back - transferred to the system @xcite . in other cases , the environment can be modelled as a classical system @xcite and no entanglement between the system and the environment is established at any time . in the latter cases , |
1,925 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: since the first discovery of an extrasolar planetary system more than a decade ago , hundreds more have been discovered .
surprisingly , many of these systems harbor jupiter - class gas giants located close to the central star , at distances of 0.1 au or less . observations of chromospheric hot spots that rotate in phase with the planetary orbit , and elevated stellar x - ray luminosities , suggest that these close - in planets significantly affect the structure of the outer atmosphere of the star through interactions between the stellar magnetic field and the planetary magnetosphere . here
we carry out the first detailed three - dimensional magnetohydrohynamics ( mhd ) simulation containing the two magnetic bodies and explore the consequences of such interactions on the steady - state coronal structure .
the simulations reproduce the observable features of 1 ) increase in the total x - ray luminosity , 2 ) appearance of coronal hot spots , and 3 ) phase shift of these spots with respect to the direction of the planet .
the proximate cause of these is an increase in the density of coronal plasma in the direction of the planet , which prevents the corona from expanding and leaking away this plasma via a stellar wind .
the simulations produce significant low temperature heating . by including dynamical effects , such as the planetary orbital motion
, the simulation should better reproduce the observed coronal heating . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the structure and heating of the solar corona , as well as the acceleration of the solar wind , are influenced by the structure and topology of the large - scale coronal magnetic field . on this basis
, the existence of a planet at a distance of 0.1 au or less @xcite , with a strong internal magnetic field is expected to have a significant effect on the stellar magnetosphere , which is controlled by the magnetic field structure @xcite . in recent years , some signatures of this star - planet interaction ( spi ) have been observed .
shkolnik et al ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | @xcite have reported on modulations in the ca ii k emission line , an indicator for chromospheric activity .
they find enhancements in the line intensity that have the same period as the planetary orbital motion , though sometimes with a significant non - zero phase - shift . |
1,926 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a universal unanswered question in neuroscience and machine learning is whether computers can decode the patterns of the human brain .
multi - voxels pattern analysis ( mvpa ) is a critical tool for addressing this question .
however , there are two challenges in the previous mvpa methods , which include decreasing sparsity and noises in the extracted features and increasing the performance of prediction . in overcoming mentioned challenges
, this paper proposes anatomical pattern analysis ( apa ) for decoding visual stimuli in the human brain .
this framework develops a novel anatomical feature extraction method and a new imbalance adaboost algorithm for binary classification .
further , it utilizes an error - correcting output codes ( ecoc ) method for multi - class prediction .
apa can automatically detect active regions for each category of the visual stimuli .
moreover , it enables us to combine homogeneous datasets for applying advanced classification .
experimental studies on 4 visual categories ( words , consonants , objects and scrambled photos ) demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves superior performance to state - of - the - art methods . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: one of the key challenges in neuroscience is how the human brain activities can be mapped to the different brain tasks . as a conjunction between neuroscience and computer science , multi - voxel pattern analysis ( mvpa ) @xcite addresses this question by applying machine learning methods on task - based functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fmri ) datasets .
analyzing the patterns of visual objects is one of the most interesting topics in mvpa , which can enable us to understand how brain stores and processes the visual stimuli @xcite .
it can be used for finding novel treatments for mental diseases or even creating a new generation of the user interface in the future ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | technically , there are two challenges in previous studies .
the first challenge is decreasing sparsity and noise in preprocessed voxels . |
1,927 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a dressing of a nonspherical potential , which includes @xmath0 zero range potentials , is considered .
the dressing technique is used to improve zrp model .
concepts of the partial waves and partial phases for non - spherical potential are used in order to perform darboux transformation .
the problem of scattering on the regular @xmath1 and @xmath2 structures is studied .
the possibilities of dressed zrp are illustrated by model calculation of the low - energy electron - silane ( @xmath3 ) scattering .
the results are discussed . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the ideas of zero range potential ( zrp ) approach were recently developed to widen limits of the traditional treatment by demkov and ostrovsky @xmath4 and albeverio et al . @xmath5 .
the advantage of the theory is the possibility of obtaining an exact solution of scattering problem .
the zrp is conventionally represented as the boundary condition on the matrix wavefunction at some point ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | alternatively , the zrp can be represented as pseudopotential ( breit @xmath6 ) .
on the other hand , darboux transformation ( dt ) allows to construct in natural way exactly solvable potentials . |
1,928 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we propose the characterization of binary cellular automata using a set of behavioral metrics that are applied to the minimal boolean form of a cellular automaton s transition function .
these behavioral metrics are formulated to satisfy heuristic criteria derived from elementary cellular automata .
behaviors characterized through these metrics are growth , decrease , chaoticity , and stability . from these metrics ,
two measures of global behavior are calculated : 1 ) a static measure that considers all possible input patterns and counts the occurrence of the proposed metrics in the truth table of the minimal boolean form of the automaton ; 2 ) a dynamic measure , corresponding to the mean of the behavioral metrics in _
n _ executions of the automaton , starting from _
n _ random initial states .
we use these measures to characterize a cellular automaton and guide a genetic search algorithm , which selects cellular automata similar to the game of life . using this method
, we found an extensive set of complex binary cellular automata with interesting properties , including self - replication . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: cellular automata with complex behavior exhibit dynamical patterns that can be interpreted as the movement of particles through a physical medium .
these particles are interpretable as loci for information storage , and their movement through space is interpretable as information transfer .
the collisions of these particles in the cellular automaton s lattice are sites of information processing @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | cellular automata with complex behavior have immense potential to describe physical systems and their study has had impact in the design of self - assembling structures @xcite and the modelling of biological processes like signaling , division , apoptosis , necrosis and differentiation @xcite .
john conway s game of life @xcite is the most renowned complex binary cellular automaton , and the archetype used to guide the search methodology for other complex binary cellular automata that we describe in this work . |
1,929 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study bennett deep sequences in the context of recursion theory ; in particular we investigate the notions of @xmath0 , @xmath1 , order@xmath2 and order@xmath3 sequences .
our main results are that martin - lf random sets are not order@xmath3 , that every many - one degree contains a set which is not @xmath1 , that @xmath1 sets and order@xmath2 sets have high or dnr turing degree and that no @xmath4-trival set is @xmath0 .
a sequence is bennett deep @xcite if every recursive approximation of the kolmogorov complexity of its initial segments from above satisfies that the difference between the approximation and the actual value of the kolmogorov complexity of the initial segments dominates every constant function .
we study for different lower bounds @xmath5 of this difference between approximation and actual value of the initial segment complexity , which properties the corresponding @xmath6-deep sets have .
we prove that for @xmath7 , depth coincides with highness on the turing degrees . for smaller choices of @xmath5 ,
i.e. , @xmath5 is any recursive order function , we show that depth implies either highness or diagonally - non - recursiveness ( dnr ) . in particular , for left - r.e .
sets , order depth already implies highness . as a corollary , we obtain that weakly - useful sets are either high or dnr .
we prove that not all deep sets are high by constructing a low order - deep set .
bennett s depth is defined using prefix - free kolmogorov complexity .
we show that if one replaces prefix - free by plain kolmogorov complexity in bennett s depth definition , one obtains a notion which no longer satisfies the slow growth law ( which stipulates that no shallow set truth - table computes a deep set ) ; however , under this notion , random sets are not deep ( at the unbounded recursive order magnitude ) .
we observe that all @xmath4-trivial sets are shallow . for bennett
s depth , the magnitude of compression improvement has to be achieved almost everywhere on the set .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the concept of logical depth was introduced by c. bennett @xcite to differentiate useful information ( such as dna ) from the rest , with the key observation that non - useful information pertains in both very simple structures ( for example , a crystal ) and completely unstructured data ( for example , a random sequence , a gas ) .
bennett calls data containing useful information logically deep data , whereas both trivial structures and fully random data are called shallow .
the notion of useful information ( as defined by logical depth ) strongly contrasts with classical information theory , which views random data as having high information content ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | i.e. , according to classical information theory , a random noise signal contains maximal information , whereas from the logical depth point of view , such a signal contains very little useful information .
bennett s logical depth notion is based on kolmogorov complexity . |
1,930 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we use numerical linked cluster ( nlc ) expansions to compute the specific heat , @xmath0 , and entropy , @xmath1 , of a quantum spin ice model of yb@xmath2ti@xmath2o@xmath3 using anisotropic exchange interactions recently determined from inelastic neutron scattering measurements and find good agreement with experimental calorimetric data . in the perturbative weak quantum regime , this model has a ferrimagnetic ordered ground state , with two peaks in @xmath0 : a schottky anomaly signalling the paramagnetic to spin ice crossover followed at lower temperature by a sharp peak accompanying a first order phase transition to the ferrimagnetic state .
we suggest that the two @xmath0 features observed in yb@xmath2ti@xmath2o@xmath3 are associated with the same physics .
spin excitations in this regime consist of weakly confined spinon - antispinon pairs .
we suggest that conventional ground state with exotic quantum dynamics will prove a prevalent characteristic of many real quantum spin ice materials .
the experimental search for quantum spin liquids ( qsls ) , magnetic systems disordered by large quantum fluctuations , has remained unabated for over twenty years @xcite .
one direction that is rapidly gathering momentum is the search for qsls among materials that are close relatives to spin ice systems @xcite , but with additional quantum fluctuations , or
_ quantum spin ice _ @xcite .
spin ices are found among insulating pyrochlore oxides , such as r@xmath2m@xmath2o@xmath3 ( r = ho , dy ; m = ti , sn ) @xcite . in these compounds ,
the magnetic r rare earth ions sit on a lattice of corner - sharing tetrahedra , experiencing a large single - ion anisotropy forcing the magnetic moment to point strictly `` in '' or `` out '' of the two tetrahedra it joins ( see .
fig .
1a ) .
consequently , the direction of a moment can be described by a classical ising spin @xcite . in these materials ,
the combination of nearest - neighbor exchange and long - range magnetostatic dipolar interactions....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: this supplement provides the reader with further material to assist with some of the technical materials of the main part paper for the proposed qsi hamiltonian @xcite , the numerical linked cluster ( nlc ) method @xcite gives reliable quantitative properties of the system in the thermodynamic limit down to some temperature by developing an expansion in connected tetrahedra that embed in the pyrochlore lattice . for each cluster
, we perform an exact diagonalization ( ed ) and calculate physical quantities from the resulting spectrum and states .
once a property is calculated , the properties of all subclusters are subtracted to get the weight of the cluster @xmath62 denoted as @xmath63 . in the thermodynamic limit ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | an extensive property , @xmath64 is expressed as @xmath65 where @xmath66 is the count of the cluster , per lattice site .
we consider all clusters up to four tetrahedra , the largest diagonalization being a 13-site system . |
1,931 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: this paper is a contribution to interweaving two lines of research that have progressed in separate ways : network analyses of international trade and the literature on african trade and development .
gathering empirical data on african countries has important limitations and so does the space occupied by african countries in the analyses of trade networks . here
, these limitations are dealt with by the definition of two independent bipartite networks : a destination share network and a commodity share network .
these networks - together with their corresponding minimal spanning trees - allow to uncover some ordering emerging from african exports in the broader context of international trade .
the emerging patterns help to understand important characteristics of african exports and its binding relations to other economic , geographic and organizational concerns as the recent literature on african trade , development and growth has shown .
financial support from national funds by fct ( fundao para a cincia e a tecnologia ) .
this article is part of the strategic project : uid / eco/00436/2013 keywords : trade networks , african exports , spanning trees , bipartite graphs .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a growing literature has presented empirical findings of the persistent impact of trade activities on economic growth and poverty reduction ( portugal - perez,@xcite,@xcite,@xcite , ackah , @xcite ) . besides discussing on the relation between trade and development , they also report on the growth by destination hypothesis , according
to which , the destination of exports can play an important role in determining the trade pattern of a country and its development path .
simultaneously , there has been a growing interest in applying concepts and tools of network theory to the analysis of international trade ( serrano,@xcite,@xcite,@xcite , @xcite , picciolo,@xcite ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | trade networks are among the most cited examples of the use of network approaches .
the international trade activity is an appealing example of a large - scale system whose underlying structure can be represented by a set of bilateral relations . |
1,932 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: can dissipationless n - body simulations be used to reliably determine the structural and substructure properties of dark matter halos ? a large simulation of a galaxy cluster in a cold dark matter universe
is used to increase the force and mass resolution of current `` high resolution simulations '' by almost an order of magnitude to examine the convergence of the important physical quantities .
the cluster contains @xmath0 million particles within the final virial radius , @xmath1 ( with @xmath2 ) , and is simulated using a force resolution of @xmath3 ( @xmath4 of @xmath5 ) ; the final virial mass is @xmath6 , equivalent to a circular velocity @xmath7 at the virial radius .
the central density profile has a logarithmic slope of -1.5 , identical to lower resolution studies of the same halo , indicating that the profiles measured from simulations of this resolution have converged to the `` physical '' limit down to scales of a few kpc ( @xmath8 of @xmath5 ) . also the abundance and properties of substructure are consistent with those derived from lower resolution runs ; from small to large galaxy scales ( @xmath9 , @xmath10 ) , the circular velocity function and the mass function of substructures can be approximated by power laws with slopes @xmath11 and @xmath12 respectively . at the current resolution ,
overmerging a numerical effect that leads to structureless virialized halos in low - resolution @xmath13-body simulations seems to be globally unimportant for substructure halos with circular velocities @xmath14 ( @xmath15% of the cluster s @xmath16 ) .
we can identify subhalos orbiting in the very central region of the cluster ( @xmath17 ) and we can trace most of the cluster progenitors from high redshift to the present .
the object at the cluster center ( the dark matter analog of a cd galaxy ) is assembled between @xmath18 and @xmath19 from the merging of a dozen halos with @xmath20 .
tidal stripping and halo - halo collisions decrease the mean circular velocity of the substructure halos....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in hierachical cosmological scenarios galaxies and clusters form in virialized dark matter dominated halos that are assembled via merging and accretion of smaller structures ( white & rees 1978 , davis _
et al _ 1985 ; for a recent analysis , e.g. tormen 1997 , 1998 ) . until recently , to what extent the _ subhalos _ survive within the potential well of the larger system has been largely uncertain , because cosmological @xmath13-body simulations were not able to resolve more than a handful of substructure halos ( e.g. carlberg 1994 , summers , davis & evrard 1995 , frenk _ et al _ 1996 ) .
infalling subhalos are heated by tidal forces generated by the global potential and by mutual encounters and rapidly lose a large fraction of their masses ; this is a physical effect but is greatly enhanced by limited numerical resolution ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the finite resolution sets an upper limit to the potential depth of halos - large force softening or low numbers of particles per halo conspire to produce soft , diffuse substructure halos that are easily disrupted by tidal forces ( moore , katz & lake 1996 ) and lead to structureless virialised halos .
this is the classic _ overmerging _ problem ( white _ et al _ 1987 ) . |
1,933 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this work , we show that , due to the alternating orientation of the spins in the ground state of the artificial square spin ice , the influence of a set of spins at a certain distance of a reference spin decreases faster than the expected result for the long range dipolar interaction , justifying the use of the nearest neighbor two dimensional square spin ice model @xcite as an effective model . using an extension of the model presented in ref .
@xcite , considering the influence of the eight nearest neighbors of each spin on the lattice , we analyze the thermodynamics of the model and study the monopoles and string densities dependence as a function of the temperature . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: spin ice are ferromagnetic frustrated rare - earth materials with pyrochlore structure @xcite .
the rare earth ions are located at the corners of tetrahedrons , and due to the anisotropy their magnetic moments can point only in the two possible orientations in the direction that connects the corner to the center of the tetrahedron - acting like ising spin variables .
the exchange and dipolar interactions between the magnetic moments , as well as the geometry of the structure , impose the so called ice rule - at the ground state , two of the spins located at the corners point inward and the two other spins point outward each tetrahedron ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | spin ice materials present also excitations ( violation of this 2-in , 2-out ice rule ) that behaves like magnetic monopoles @xcite , rising both theoretical @xcite and experimental @xcite interest in the study of the system . as the spin - orbit coupling is large in rare - earth ions , the interactions on a spin ice structure
is dominated by the exchange interaction @xcite |
1,934 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this article we propose a new method , which we name ` quartet neighbor joining ' , or ` quartet - nj ' , to infer an unrooted species tree on a given set of taxa @xmath0 from empirical distributions of unrooted quartet gene trees on all four - taxon subsets of @xmath0 . in particular , quartet - nj can be used to estimate a species tree on @xmath0 from distributions of gene trees on @xmath0 .
the quartet - nj algorithm is conceptually very similar to classical neighbor joining , and its statistical consistency under the multispecies coalescent model is proven by a variant of the classical ` cherry picking'-theorem . in order to demonstrate the suitability of quartet - nj , coalescent processes on two different species trees ( on five resp .
nine taxa ) were simulated , and quartet - nj was applied to the simulated gene tree distributions .
further , quartet - nj was applied to quartet distributions obtained from multiple sequence alignments of 28 proteins of nine prokaryotes . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: as the amount of available sequence data from genomes or proteoms rapidly grows , one is confronted with the problem that , for a given set of taxa , tree topologies relating homologous sequences of these taxa can ( and in practice often will ) differ from the each other , depending on which locus in the genome or which protein is used for constructing the tree .
possible reasons for discordance among gene trees and the species phylogeny include horizontal gene transfer , gene duplication / loss , or incomplete lineage sorting ( deep coalescences ) .
thus one is confronted with the task to determine the phylogeny of the taxa ( the ` species tree ' ) from a set of possibly discordant gene trees ( maddison @xcite , and maddison and knowles @xcite ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | several methods have been proposed and are used to infer a species tree from a set of possibly discordant gene trees : \(1 ) declaring the most frequently observed gene tree to be the true species tree was shown to be statistically inconsistent under the multispecies coalescent model by degnan and rosenberg @xcite , in cases where branch lengths of the underlying species tree are sufficiently small .
\(2 ) a popular approach for species tree reconstruction is by concatenating multiple alignments from several loci to one large multiple alignment and construct a single ` gene tree ' from this multiple alignment by standard methods . |
1,935 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a study of the performance of the trapped - ion driven geometric phase gates introduced in @xcite when realized in a stimulated raman transition .
we show that the gate can achieve errors below the fault - tolerance threshold in the presence of laser intensity fluctuations .
we also find that , in order to reduce the errors due to photon scattering below the fault - tolerance threshold , very intense laser beams are required to allow for large detunings in the raman configuration without compromising the gate speed . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: quantum information processing holds the promise of solving efficiently a variety of computational tasks that are intractable on a classical computer @xcite .
such tasks are routinely decomposed into a series of single - qubit rotations and two - qubit entangling gates @xcite . while the implementation of accurate single - qubit gates has been achieved in a variety of platforms @xcite , two - qubit entangling gates with similar accuracies are still very demanding .
such accuracies are compromised by the fact that _ ( i ) _ the qubits used to encode the information are not perfectly isolated from the environment , _.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | ( ii ) _ the quantum data bus used to mediate the entangling gates is not perfectly isolated either , and moreover leads to entangling gates that are slower than their one - qubit counterparts , and _ ( iii ) _ the tools to process the information introduce additional external sources of noise .
this becomes even more challenging in light of the so - called fault - tolerance threshold ( ft ) , which imposes stringent conditions as these gates should have errors below @xmath0 for reliable quantum computations @xcite . |
1,936 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: this paper deals with the numerical computations of two space dimensional time dependent _ parabolic partial differential equations _ by adopting adopting an optimal five stage fourth - order strong stability preserving runge - kutta ( ssp - rk54 ) scheme for time discretization , and three methods of differential quadrature with different sets of modified b - splines as base functions , for space discretization : namely- @xmath0 mecdqm : ( dqm with modified extended cubic b - splines ) ; @xmath1 mexp - dqm : dqm with modified exponential cubic b - splines , and @xmath2 mtb - dqm : dqm with modified trigonometric cubic b splines .
specially , we implement these methods on _ convection - diffusion _ equation to convert them into a system of first order ordinary differential equations ( odes ) , in time .
the resulting system of odes can be solved using any time integration method , while we prefer ssp - rk54 scheme .
all the three methods are found stable for two space convection - diffusion equation by employing matrix stability analysis method .
the accuracy and validity of the methods are confirmed by three test problems of two dimensional _ convection - diffusion _ equation , which shows that the proposed approximate solutions by any of the method are in good agreement with the exact solutions .
convection - diffusion equation , modified trigonometric cubic - b - splines , modified exponential cubic - b - splines , modified extended cubic - b - splines , differential quadrature method , ssp - rk54 scheme , thomas algorithm .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the convection - diffusion model can be expressed mathematically , which is a semi linear parabolic partial differential equation .
specially , we consider an initial value system of _ convection - diffusion _ equation in @xmath3 dimension as : @xmath4,\ ] ] together with the dirichlet boundary conditions : @xmath5,\ ] ] or neumann boundary conditions : @xmath6.\ ] ] where @xmath7 is the boundary of computational domain @xmath8 \times [ c , d]\subset { \mathbb{r}}^2 $ ] , @xmath9 $ ] is time interval , and @xmath10 @xmath11 and @xmath12 are known smooth functions , and @xmath13 denote heat or vorticity .
the parameters : @xmath14 and @xmath15 are constant convective velocities while the constants @xmath16 are diffusion coefficients in the direction of @xmath17 and @xmath18 , respectively ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the convection - diffusion models have remarkable applications in various branches of science and engineering , for instance , fluid motion , heat transfer , astrophysics , oceanography , meteorology , semiconductors , hydraulics , pollutant and sediment transport , and chemical engineering . specially , in computational hydraulics and fluid dynamics to model convection - diffusion of quantities such as mass , heat , energy , vorticity @xcite .
many researchers have paid their attention to develop some schemes which could produce accurate , stable and efficient solutions behavior of convection - diffusion problems , see @xcite and the references therein . in the last years |
1,937 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study radiative corrections to the mass spectrum and the triple higgs boson coupling in the model with an additional @xmath0 triplet field . in this model ,
the vacuum expectation value for the triplet field is strongly constrained from the electroweak precision data , under which characteristic mass spectrum appear at the tree level ; i.e. , @xmath1 and @xmath2 , where the cp - even ( @xmath3 ) , the cp - odd ( @xmath4 ) and the doubly - charged ( @xmath5 ) as well as the singly - charged ( @xmath6 ) higgs bosons are the triplet - like . we evaluate how the tree - level formulae are modified at the one - loop level .
the @xmath7 coupling for the standard model - like higgs boson ( @xmath8 ) is also calculated at the one - loop level .
one - loop corrections to these quantities can be large enough for identification of the model by future precision data at the lhc or the international linear collider . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the higgs boson search is underway at the cern lhc . by the recent results , the allowed regions of the higgs boson mass has been constrained to be 117.5 - 118.5 gev , 122.5 - 129 gev and larger than 539 gev at 95% confidence level ( cl ) at the atlas @xcite , and 114.4 - 127.5 gev and larger than 600 gev at 95% cl at the cms @xcite .
since the electroweak precision data at the lep suggest that the higgs boson mass is less than around 160 gev at 95% cl @xcite assuming the standard model ( sm ) , we expect that a light ( sm - like ) higgs boson will be discovered with the mass of around 125 gev soon .
on the other hand , it is well known that several phenomena such as tiny neutrino masses @xcite , existence of dark matter @xcite and baryon asymmetry of the universe @xcite can not be explained in the sm . because there is no strong motivation to the sm ( minimal ) higgs sector.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | , we may consider extensions of the higgs sector in order to explain these phenomena .
first , by imposing an unbroken discrete symmetry to the higgs sector , we can obtain dark matter candidates , such as the inert doublet model @xcite . |
1,938 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: la@xmath0sr@xmath1mno@xmath2 ( lsmo ) thin films under compressive strain have an orthorhombic symmetry with ( 1@xmath30)@xmath4 and ( 001)@xmath4 in - plane orientations .
( the subscript o denotes the orthorhombic symmetry . ) here , we grew lsmo on cubic ( laalo@xmath2)@xmath5-(sr@xmath6altao@xmath7)@xmath8 ( lsat ) substrates and observed a uniaxial contribution to the magnetic anisotropy which is related to the orthorhombic crystal structure .
since the lattice mismatch is equal in the two directions , the general understanding of anisotropy in lsmo , which relates the uniaxial anisotropy to differences in strain , can not explain the results .
these findings suggest that the oxygen octahedra rotations associated with the orthorhombic structure , possibly resulting in different mn - o - mn bond angles and therefore a change in magnetic coupling between the [ 1@xmath30]@xmath4 and [ 001]@xmath4 directions , determine the anisotropy .
we expect these findings to lead to a better understanding of the microscopic origin of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in lsmo . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the perovskite oxide la@xmath9a@xmath10mno@xmath2 ( a = ca , ba , sr ) has initiated a substantial body of research due to its colossal magnetoresistance @xcite .
extensive theoretical studies and experimental investigations utilizing la@xmath9a@xmath10mno@xmath2 perovskites in bulk form revealed a strong coupling between lattice distortions and magnetism , which substantially modify magnetic properties such as magnetoresistance and curie temperature @xcite .
la@xmath0sr@xmath1mno@xmath2 ( lsmo ) has the highest curie temperature ( 370k ) and a 100% spin polarization @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | lsmo can be coherently grown on a range of commercially available perovskite substrates , such as e.g. ndgao@xmath2 ( ngo ) and srtio@xmath2 ( sto ) .
the epitaxy stabilizes a different crystal structure which modifies the magnetic properties . |
1,939 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the modest significance of most sources detected in current ( sub)millimetre surveys can potentially compromise some analyses due to the inclusion of spurious sources in catalogues typically selected at @xmath03.03.5@xmath1 . here ,
we develop and apply a dual - survey extraction technique to scuba and mambo images of the lockman hole . cut above 5@xmath1 , our catalogue of submillimetre galaxies ( smgs ) is more robust than previous samples , with a reduced likelihood of real , but faint smgs ( beneath and around the confusion limit ) entering via superposition with noise .
our selection technique yields 19 smgs in an effective area of 165arcmin@xmath2 , of which we expect at most two to be due to chance superposition of scuba and mambo noise peaks .
the effective flux limit of the survey ( @xmath34mjy at @xmath31 mm ) is well matched to our deep 1.4-ghz image ( @xmath4jy beam@xmath5 ) .
the former is sensitive to luminous , dusty galaxies at extreme redshifts whilst the latter probes the @xmath6 regime .
a high fraction of our robust smgs ( @xmath380 per cent ) have radio counterparts which , given the @xmath310-per - cent contamination by spurious sources , suggests that very distant smgs ( @xmath7 ) are unlikely to make up more than @xmath310 per cent of the bright smg population .
this implies that almost all of the @xmath8mjy smg population is amenable to study via the deepest current radio imaging .
we use these radio counterparts to provide an empirical calibration of the positional uncertainty in smg catalogues .
we then go on to outline the acquisition of redshifts for radio - identified smgs , from sample selection in the submillimetre , to counterpart selection in the radio and optical / infrared , to slit placement on spectrograph masks .
we determine a median of @xmath9 from a sample of six secure redshifts for unambigious radio - identified submillimetre sources and @xmath10 when we include submillimetre sources with multiple radio counterparts and/or less reliable redshifts....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: surveys with bolometer arrays at millimetre ( mm ) and submillimetre ( submm ) wavelengths are potentially sensitive to dusty objects at extreme redshifts , galaxies that drop out of surveys at shorter and longer wavelengths due to obscuration and unfavourable @xmath11 corrections .
the first cosmological surveys using scuba ( holland et al .
1999 ) and mambo ( kreysa et al . 1998 ) quickly and radically changed the accepted picture of galaxy formation and evolution , moving away from the optocentric view of the last century ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the discovery of so - called ` scuba galaxies ' ( smail , ivison & blain 1997 ) was greeted with surprise due to the remarkable evolution in the dusty , starburst galaxy population implied by such a large source density at the flux levels accessible to the first generation of bolometer arrays ( blain et al .
excitement was replaced by pessimism with the first efforts to study smgs at optical and infrared ( ir ) wavelengths : early reports , backed up with a study in the hubble deep field north by hughes et al . |
1,940 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: there is no dearth of new robots that provide both generalized and customized platforms for learning and research .
unfortunately as we attempt to adapt existing software components , we are faced with an explosion of device drivers that interface each hardware platform with existing frameworks .
we certainly gain the efficiencies of reusing algorithms and tools developed across platforms but only once the device driver is created .
we propose a domain specific language that describes the development and runtime interface of a robot and defines its link to existing frameworks .
the robot device interface specification ( rdis ) takes advantage of the internal firmware present on many existing devices by defining the communication mechanism , syntax and semantics in such a way to enable the generation of automatic interface links and resource discovery .
we present the current domain model as it relates to differential drive robots as a mechanism to use the rdis to link described robots to html5 via web sockets and ros ( robot operating system ) . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: robot design deals with complexity in a manner similar to personal computers .
robots have input / output devices that either provide output by acting in the environment or sensors that provide input . like pcs ,
robot peripherals contain firmware ( device controllers ) to predictably and efficiently manage resources in real - time ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | data is provided via a well - defined interface ( set of system calls over a transport ) .
however , pcs abstract the differences in internal organization and chipsets through classifying devices in terms of their roles in the system . |
1,941 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the pair correlation function @xmath0 for zero - temperature , disordered , soft - sphere packings just above the onset of jamming . we find distinct signatures of the transition in both the first and split second peaks of this function .
as the transition is approached from the jammed side ( at higher packing fraction ) the first peak diverges and narrows on the small-@xmath1 side to a delta - function . on the high-@xmath1 side of this peak
, @xmath0 decays as a power - law . in the split
second peak , the two subpeaks are both singular at the transition , with power - law behavior on their low-@xmath1 sides and step - function drop - offs on their high-@xmath1 sides .
these singularities at the transition are reminiscent of empirical criteria that have previously been used to distinguish glassy structures from liquid ones .
it is only natural to suspect that the dramatic dynamical arrest that occurs as a liquid is cooled into a glass must be accompanied by a signature in the underlying atomic arrangements .
however , the atomic configurations in the liquid and glass are strikingly similar to one another . over the years
, the challenge to identify a subtle structural difference between the two states has led to the proposal of several empirical criteria @xcite . in this paper
, we revisit an old idea , due to bernal @xcite , of using static sphere packings to gain insight into the structure of amorphous systems @xcite .
we find that , with decreasing density , the structure of such packings changes distinctly as they unjam .
it is particularly revealing to study static packings of spheres interacting via a finite - ranged , purely - repulsive potential .
there is a fundamental change in the mechanical properties in such systems , reminiscent of the glass transition @xcite , as the packing fraction @xmath2 is varied across a well - defined unjamming / jamming transition at @xmath3 , which was found to coincide with the value of random close packing @xmath4 @xcite .....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the dominant feature in @xmath0 is the first tall , sharp peak at @xmath21 ( fig .
[ fig1 ] ) . precisely at the jamming threshold , @xmath22 , this peak is a @xmath23-function at @xmath24 ; @xmath0 is precisely zero for @xmath25 and has a power - law tail extending to @xmath26 .
the weight under the @xmath23-function is the coordination number at contact , @xmath27 ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | ( as we discuss below , @xmath27 is a few percent less than the isostatic coordination number , @xmath28 for our @xmath29-dimensional systems @xcite . ) for @xmath30 , there is some overlap between particles so that the delta - function peak broadens and shifts to @xmath31 .
the broadening produces a tail extending to @xmath32 that disappears in the limit where @xmath18 vanishes . by analyzing the height of the first peak and its left - hand width , we showed @xcite that the peak approaches a delta - function as @xmath33 decreases towards zero . |
1,942 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report a detailed account of the phase diagram of a recently introduced model for non - equilibrium wetting in @xmath0 dimensions [ phys .
rev . lett . * 79 * , 2710 ( 1997 ) ] .
a mean field approximation is shown to reproduce the main features of the phase diagram , while providing indications for the behaviour of the wetting transition in higher dimensions .
the mean field phase diagram is found to exhibit an extra transition line which does not exist in @xmath0 dimensions .
the line separates a phase in which the interface height distribution decays exponentially at large heights , from a superexponentially decaying phase .
implications to wetting in dimensions higher than @xmath0 are discussed .
# 1 .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: wetting phenomena occur in a large variety of experiments , where a planar substrate is exposed to a gas phase under thermal equilibrium conditions .
generally , ` wetting ' refers to a situation where a bulk phase @xmath1 in contact with a substrate coexists with a layer of a different phase ( @xmath2 ) which is preferentially attracted to the surface of the substrate . by changing physical parameters such as temperature and chemical potential , the system may undergo a wetting transition from a non - wet phase , where the thickness of the layer stays finite , to a wet phase , where the layer becomes macroscopic .
the phase diagram associated with the surface layer could be rather complex exhibiting a variety of surface phase transitions , prewetting phenomena and multicritical behavior @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | for example , by increasing the temperature @xmath3 while moving along the @xmath4-@xmath2 coexistence curve , a wetting transition may take place at a temperature @xmath5 , beyond which the thickness of the layer becomes infinite .
usually this transition is first order , although in certain models the transition is continuous , and is then referred to as continuous wetting . on the other hand , when the chemical potential difference between the two phases is varied , moving towards the coexistence curve at @xmath6 , a different type of transition takes place in which the thickness of the layer diverges . |
1,943 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we measure the field galaxy luminosity function ( lf ) as a function of color and redshift from @xmath0 to @xmath1 using galaxies from the norris survey of the corona borealis supercluster .
the data set consists of 603 field galaxies with @xmath2 and spans a wide range in apparent magnitude ( @xmath3 ) , although our field galaxy lf analysis is limited to 493 galaxies with @xmath4 .
we use the observed @xmath5 colors of the galaxies to compute accurate corrections to the rest @xmath6 and @xmath7 bands .
we find that our local @xmath7-band lf , when normalized to counts in high galactic latitude fields , agrees well with the local lf measured in the las campanas redshift survey .
our @xmath6-band local lf , however , does not match the @xmath8-band lf from the stromlo / apm survey , having a normalization 1.6 times higher .
we see compelling evidence that the @xmath6-band field galaxy lf evolves with redshift .
the evolution is strongest for the population of star - forming galaxies with [ ] @xmath93727 rest - frame equivalent widths greater than 10 .
the population of red , quiescent galaxies shows no sign of evolution to @xmath1 .
the evolution of the lf which we observe is consistent with the findings of other faint galaxy redshift surveys .
the fraction of galaxies with [ ] emission increases rapidly with redshift , but the fraction of galaxies with strong h@xmath10 absorption , a signature of a burst of star - formation , does not .
we thus conclude that the star formation in distant galaxies is primarily long - lived .
we also compute the lfs of the corona borealis supercluster ( @xmath11 , 419 galaxies with @xmath12 ) and the abell 2069 supercluster ( @xmath13 , 318 galaxies with @xmath14 ) .
the shapes of the two supercluster luminosity functions are broadly similar to the shape of the local luminosity function .
however , there are important differences .
both supercluster lfs have an excess of very bright galaxies .
in addition , the characteristic magnitude of the....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: with the introduction of efficient multi - object spectrographs on 4m - class telescopes , it has become possible to construct large samples of faint galaxies with measured redshifts .
with such a sample , one can compute the luminosity function ( lf ) of galaxies as a function of redshift and thereby directly observe the evolution ( or lack thereof ) of the galaxy population .
several groups have now presented the results of deep , faint galaxy redshift surveys ( @xcite , cfrs ; @xcite , autofib ; @xcite ; @xcite , cnoc ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the conclusions from these surveys are in broad agreement : the population of blue , star - forming galaxies has evolved strongly since @xmath16 while the population of red galaxies shows at most modest signs of evolution ( although , see kauffmann , charlot , & white ( 1996 ) for an alternative analysis of the red galaxies ) . however , there are important differences as well .
lin et al . ( 1996a ) demonstrate that the lfs from the various groups are formally inconsistent with each other . |
1,944 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: rapidity gaps between two hard jets at the tevatron have been interpreted as being due to the exchange of two gluons which are in an overall color - singlet state .
we show that this simple picture involves unitarity violating amplitudes .
unitarizing the gluon exchange amplitude leads to qualitatively different predictions for the fraction of @xmath0-channel color singlet exchange events in forward @xmath1 , @xmath2 or @xmath3 scattering , which better fit tevatron data .
= cmssbx10 scaled 2 to + r. oeckl@xmath4 and d. zeppenfeld@xmath5 + .5 cm @xmath5_department of physics , university of wisconsin , madison , wi 53706 , usa _
+ @xmath6_damtp , university of cambridge , cambridge cb3 9ew , uk _ .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: over the past few years rapidity gaps , i.e. pseudorapidity regions without hadronic activity , have been observed in hadronic collisions at both the hera @xmath7 collider @xcite and in @xmath8 collisions at the fermilab tevatron @xcite .
such rapidity gaps are widely attributed to the exchange of color singlet quanta between incident partons @xcite , the exchange of two gluons in a color singlet state being the simplest such model @xcite . at the tevatron , a fraction @xmath9 of all dijet events with jet transverse energies @xmath10 gev and jet separations of more than three units of pseudorapidity exhibit rapidity gaps between the jets .
this observation is particularly striking since it demonstrates that color singlet exchange effects in qcd events are relevant at momentum transfers of order 1,000 gev@xmath6 , raising the hope that perturbative methods can be used for quantitative descriptions ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | a gap fraction of order one percent was in fact predicted by bjorken @xcite , in terms of a fraction @xmath11 of dijet events which are due to @xmath0-channel color - singlet exchange and a survival probability @xmath12 of rapidity gaps of order 10% @xcite , [ eq : ps ] f_gap = f_s p_s . here
the survival probability estimates the fraction of hard dijet events without an underlying event , i.e. without soft interactions between the other partons in the scattering hadrons . |
1,945 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report measurements of the real and imaginary parts of the ac conductivity in the quantum limit , @xmath0 of insulating nominally uncompensated n - type silicon .
the observed frequency dependence shows evidence for a crossover from interacting coulomb glass - like behavior at lower energies to non - interacting fermi glass - like behavior at higher energies across a broad doping range . the crossover is sharper than predicted and
can not be described by any existing theories . despite this
, the measured crossover energy can be compared to the theoretically predicted coulomb interaction energy and reasonable estimates of the localization length obtained from it .
based on a comparison with the amorphous semiconductor nbsi , we obtain a general classification scheme for electrodynamics of electron glasses . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: strong electronic interactions are known to play a central role in disordered solids , of which coulomb glasses are a canonical example .
the lack of metallic screening on the insulating side of the metal - insulator transition ( mit ) enables long - range coulomb interactions @xcite .
efros and shklovskii ( es ) , following the original considerations for the non - interacting fermi glass case of mott@xcite , derived a form for the t = 0 k photon assisted frequency dependent conductivity describing the crossover from interacting coulomb glass - like behavior to fermi glass - like behavior@xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | these derivations were based on a theory of resonant absorption@xcite and take into account the mean coulomb interaction between two sites forming a resonant pair @xmath1 , where @xmath2 $ ] is the most probable hop distance between pairs and @xmath3 is the dielectric constant . the real part of the es crossover form for the frequency dependent conductivity is : @xmath4^{4}[\hbar\omega + u(r_{w } ) ] \label{eq : esxover}\ ] ] where @xmath5 is a constant of order one , @xmath6 is the non - interacting single particle density of states ( dos ) , @xmath7 is the pre - factor of the overlap integral and @xmath8 is the localization length . the concentration dependent localization length is predicted to diverge as @xmath9 as the mit is approached , where @xmath10 is the dopant concentration , @xmath11 is the critical dopant concentration of the mit ( @xmath12 in si : p@xcite ) and @xmath13 is the localization length exponent . neglecting logarithmic factors , eq .
( [ eq : esxover ] ) predicts a gradual crossover from linear to quadratic behavior as the incident photon energy exceeds the interaction energy of a typical charge excitation . |
1,946 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: due to imprecision and uncertainties in predicting real world problems , artificial neural network ( ann ) techniques have become increasingly useful for modeling and optimization .
this paper presents an artificial neural network approach for forecasting electric energy consumption . for effective planning and operation of power systems ,
optimal forecasting tools are needed for energy operators to maximize profit and also to provide maximum satisfaction to energy consumers .
monthly data for electric energy consumed in the gaza strip was collected from year 1994 to 2013 .
data was trained and the proposed model was validated using 2-fold and k - fold cross validation techniques .
the model has been tested with actual energy consumption data and yields satisfactory performance .
example.eps gsave newpath 20 20 moveto 20 220 lineto 220 220 lineto 220 20 lineto closepath 2 setlinewidth gsave .4 setgray fill grestore stroke grestore .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: numerous techniques for forecasting electric energy consumption have been proposed in the last few decades . for operators , energy consumption ( load )
forecast is useful in effectively managing power systems .
consumers can also benefit from the forecasted information in order to yield maximum satisfaction ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | in addition to these economic reasons , load forecasting has also been used for system security purposes . when deployed to handle system security problems
, it provides expedient information for detecting vulnerabilities in advance . |
1,947 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we show how to exchange ( braid ) majorana fermions in a network of superconducting nanowires by control over coulomb interactions rather than tunneling . even though majorana fermions are charge - neutral quasiparticles ( equal to their own antiparticle ) , they have an effective long - range interaction through the even - odd electron number dependence of the superconducting ground state .
the flux through a split josephson junction controls this interaction via the ratio of josephson and charging energies , with exponential sensitivity . by switching the interaction on and off in neighboring segments of a josephson junction array
, the non - abelian braiding statistics can be realized without the need to control tunnel couplings by gate electrodes .
this is a solution to the problem how to operate on topological qubits when gate voltages are screened by the superconductor . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: non - abelian anyons have a topological charge that provides a nonlocal encoding of quantum information @xcite . in superconducting implementations
@xcite the topological charge equals the electrical charge modulo @xmath0 , shared nonlocally by a pair of midgap states called majorana fermions @xcite .
this mundane identification of topological and electrical charge by no means diminishes the relevance for quantum computation . to the contrary.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | , it provides a powerful way to manipulate the topological charge through the well - established sub-@xmath1 charge sensitivity of superconducting electronics @xcite . following this line of thought ,
three of us recently proposed a hybrid device called a _ |
1,948 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider d - branes on an orbifold @xmath0 and investigate the moduli space of the d - brane world - volume gauge theory by using toric geometry and gauged linear sigma models . for @xmath1 , we find that there are five phases , which are topologically distinct and connected by flops to each other .
we also verify that non - geometric phases are projected out for @xmath2 cases as expected .
resolutions of non - isolated singularities are also investigated . -.1cm-.4 .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in string theory , it had been thought that standard concepts of space - time would break down at the scale @xmath3 since it is the scale of probes , i.e. fundamental strings . in @xcite , however , it was argued that the structure of space - time on sub - stringy scales can be probed by d - branes .
space - time appearing in the d - brane approach has very different features from that probed by fundamental strings .
first of all , space - time coordinates are promoted to non - commuting matrices , and usual space - time emerges from moduli space of d - brane world - volume gauge theory ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | so it is interesting to investigate space - time by using d - branes as probes and compare it with space - time probed by fundamental strings .
investigations toward this direction were made in @xcite , in which d - branes on orbifolds were studied . in particular , three dimensional orbifolds in @xcite serve as local descriptions of singularities in calabi - yau manifolds . |
1,949 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: famously , a @xmath0-dimensional , spatially homogeneous random walk whose increments are non - degenerate , have finite second moments , and have zero mean is recurrent if @xmath1 but transient if @xmath2 . once spatial homogeneity is relaxed , this is no longer true .
we study a family of zero - drift spatially non - homogeneous random walks ( markov processes ) whose increment covariance matrix is asymptotically constant along rays from the origin , and which , in any ambient dimension @xmath3 , can be adjusted so that the walk is either transient or recurrent .
natural examples are provided by random walks whose increments are supported on ellipsoids that are symmetric about the ray from the origin through the walk s current position ; these _ elliptic random walks _ generalize the classical homogeneous pearson rayleigh walk ( the spherical case ) .
our proof of the recurrence classification is based on fundamental work of lamperti . _
key words : _ non - homogeneous random walk ; elliptic random walk ; zero drift ; recurrence ; transience .
_ ams subject classification : _
60j05 ( primary ) 60j10 , 60g42 , 60g50 ( secondary ) .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a @xmath0-dimensional random walk that proceeds via a sequence of unit - length steps , each in an independent and uniformly random direction , is sometimes called a _ pearson rayleigh _ random walk ( prrw ) , after the exchange in the letters pages of _ nature _ between karl pearson and lord rayleigh in 1905 @xcite .
pearson was interested in two dimensions and questions of migration of species ( such as mosquitoes ) @xcite , although carazza has speculated that pearson was a golfer @xcite ; rayleigh had earlier considered the acoustic ` random walks ' in phase space produced by combinations of sound waves of the same amplitude and random phases .
the prrw can be represented via partial sums of sequences of i.i.d ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | random vectors that are uniformly distributed on the unit sphere @xmath4 in @xmath5 .
clearly the increments have mean zero , i.e. , the prrw has _ |
1,950 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: b[e ] supergiants ( b[e]sgs ) are evolved massive stars in a short - lived transition phase . during this phase ,
these objects eject large amounts of material , which accumulates in a circumstellar disk - like structure .
the expelled material is typically dense and cool , providing the cradle for molecule and dust condensation and for a rich , ongoing chemistry .
very little is known about the chemical composition of these disks , beyond the emission from dust and co revolving around the star on keplerian orbits . as massive stars
preserve an oxygen - rich surface composition throughout their life , other oxygen - based molecules can be expected to form .
as sio is the second most stable oxygen compound , we initiated an observing campaign to search for first - overtone sio emission bands .
we obtained high - resolution near - infrared @xmath0-band spectra for a sample of galactic b[e]sgs with reported co band emission .
we clearly detect emission from the sio first - overtone bands in cpd-529243 and indications for faint emission in hd62623 , hd327083 , and cpd-572874 . from model fits , we find that in all these stars the sio bands are rotationally broadened with a velocity lower than observed in the co band forming regions , suggesting that sio forms at larger distances from the star . hence , searching for and analyzing these bands is crucial for studying the structure and kinematics of circumstellar disks , because they trace complementary regions to the co band formation zone
. moreover , since sio molecules are the building blocks for silicate dust , their study might provide insight in the early stage of dust formation . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: massive stars , when evolving off the main sequence , undergo phases of strong mass - loss , often resulting in the formation of shells , disks or rings of circumstellar material .
one class of evolved massive stars , b[e ] supergiants ( b[e]sgs ) , are early - type emission line stars with high - density gaseous and dusty circumstellar disks of yet unknown origin ( see * ? ? ?
* for a recent review ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the gaseous inner disk is traced by the emission of low - ionized metal lines from both permitted and forbidden transitions . of these , the lines of [ caii ] and [ oi ] are particularly useful . while their intensities probe regions of high and medium densities , where the transition between the two regimes might be settled at an electron density of @xmath1@xmath2 , their line profiles contain the information on their kinematics .
farther out , molecules form via gas phase chemistry , and intense band emission from co molecules has been reported for many of these stars . |
1,951 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the occurrence at low temperatures of an ultrasharp field - induced transition in phase separated manganites is analyzed .
experimental results show that magnetization and specific heat step - like transitions below 5 k are correlated with an abrupt change of the sample temperature , which happens at a certain critical field .
this temperature rise , a magnetocaloric effect , is interpreted as produced by the released energy at the transition point , and is the key to understand the existence of the abrupt field - induced transition .
a qualitative analysis of the results suggests the existence of a critical growing rate of the ferromagnetic phase , beyond which an avalanche effect is triggered .
mixed valent manganites show a great deal of fascinating properties , arising from the strong interplay between spin , charge , orbital , and lattice degrees of freedom @xcite .
the most intriguing one is the existence of a phase separated state , the simultaneous coexistence of submicrometer ferromagnetic ( fm ) metallic and charge ordered ( co ) insulating regions dagotto .
the phase separation scenario has its origin in the unusual proximity of the free energies of these very distinct fm and co states , and in the fact that the competition between both phases is resolved in mesoscopic length scales , giving rise to real space inhomogeneities in the material .
yet another surprising result more recently found in manganites is the appearance of ultrasharp magnetization steps at low temperatures ( below @xmath0 5 k ) in the isothermal magnetization @xmath1(@xmath2 ) curves @xcite .
this effect , the field induced transition of the entire compound from one phase to the other of the coexisting states , is included in the category of metamagnetic transitions @xcite .
however , unlike the broad continuous transitions expected for inhomogeneous granular systems , in this case it occurs in an extremely narrow window of magnetic fields .
these ultrasharp steps were observed in both single crystals....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: 1 . temperature dependence of the magnetization , measured with @xmath2 = 1 t with zero - field - cooling ( zfc ) , field - cooled - cooling ( fcc ) , and field - cooled - warming ( fcw ) procedures .
the inset shows the time evolution of the normalized magnetization after zfc to @xmath15 = 8 , 40 , 60 and 100k .
field dependence of the sample s temperature showing an abrupt warming from 2.5 to @xmath20 30 k at @xmath21 @xmath19 2.2 t. the inset shows a spontaneous magnetization jump , measured with a fixed magnetic field ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | time dependence of the magnetization during a magnetic field sweep , for different waiting times between consecutive field increments : @xmath62 = 7.5 ( squares ) , 15 ( circles ) , 30 ( up triangles ) and 60 min .
( down triangles ) , at @xmath15 = 2.5 k. the inset shows an enlarged portion of the region just before the magnetization jump . |
1,952 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: two nights of phase - resolved medium resolution vlt spectroscopy of the extra - galactic low mass x - ray binary lmcx-2 have revealed a 0.32@xmath00.02 day spectroscopic period in the radial velocity curve of the heii @xmath14686 emission line that we interpret as the orbital period .
however , similar to previous findings , this radial velocity curve shows a longer term variation that is most likely due to the presence of a precessing accretion disk in lmcx-2 .
this is strengthened by heii @xmath14686 doppler maps that show a bright spot that is moving from night to night .
furthermore , we detect narrow emission lines in the bowen region of lmcx-2,with a velocity of @xmath2=351@xmath028 km s@xmath3 , that we tentatively interpret as coming from the irradiated side of the donor star .
since @xmath2 must be smaller than @xmath4 , this leads to the first upper - limit on the mass function of lmcx-2 of @xmath5@xmath60.86@xmath7 ( 95% confidence ) , and the first constraints on its system parameters .
[ firstpage ] accretion , accretion disks stars : individual ( lmcx-2 ) x - rays : binaries . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: low mass x - ray binaries ( lmxbs ) are compact binaries where the primary is a compact object and the secondary a low mass star ( @xmath81@xmath7 ) .
the secondary is transferring mass via roche - lobe overflow , forming an accretion disk around the compact object that gives rise to the observed x - rays . by far , most of the persistently bright lmxbs are neutron star systems that can be divided into two groups , the z - sources and atoll sources ( hasinger & van der klis 1989 ) .
z - sources are usually the brightest lmxbs in x - rays ( they are thought to have mass accretion rates that reach the eddington limit ) and trace a z - like shape in their x - ray colour - colour diagrams ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | atoll sources on the other hand have lower accretion rates ( @xmath91 - 2 orders of magnitude lower ) and their colour - colour diagrams usually consists of fragmented island - like regions .
apart from the difference in accretion rates , the main physical difference between z - sources and atoll sources are thought to be the strength of the neutron star magnetic field and their evolutionary history ( hasinger & van der klis 1989 ) . |
1,953 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: recent observational results provide possible evidence that binary black holes ( bbhs ) exist in the center of giant galaxies and may merge to form a supermassive black hole in the process of their evolution .
we first detected a periodic flux variation on a cycle of @xmath0 days from the 3-mm monitor observations of a giant elliptical galaxy for which an orbital motion with a period of @xmath1 years had been already observed .
the detected signal period being shorter than the orbital period can be explained by taking into consideration the doppler - shifted modulation due to the orbital motion of a bbh .
assuming that the bbh has a circular orbit and that the jet axis is parallel to the binary angular momentum , our observational results demonstrate the presence of a very close bbh that has the binary orbit with an orbital period of @xmath1 years , an orbital radius of @xmath2 pc , an orbital separation of @xmath3 pc , the larger black hole mass of @xmath4 @xmath5 , and the smaller black hole mass of @xmath6 @xmath5 .
the bbh decay time of @xmath7 years provides evidence for the occurrence of black hole mergers .
this letter will demonstrate the interesting possibility of black hole collisions to form a supermassive black hole in the process of evolution , one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the universe . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: ithe major galaxy mergers in galaxy formation inevitably leads to the presence of a binary black hole ( bbh ) located in the center of a giant galaxy @xcite .
the following observational results provide possible evidence of the presence of bbhs : double compact cores @xcite , two broad - line emission systems @xcite , the x - shaped morphology of radio lobes @xcite , wiggle patterns of radio jets @xcite , periodic variations and periodic outbursts @xcite , and the orbital motion of the compact core @xcite . strong evidence for bbhs as linking some observational results , however , has not yet been found .
clarifying the mechanism for the formation of bbhs is essential in the study of galaxy mergers in galaxy formation @xcite , in the role of black hole mergers in the evolution of supermassive black holes @xcite , and in the detection of gravitational waves at the phase of bbh orbital decay @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | is a nearby low - luminosity fr i radio galaxy and giant elliptical galaxy with a redshift ( @xmath8 ) of 0.0213 @xcite , and has the strong jet and counter jet that extend to about 100 kiloparsecs ( kpc ) which have been observed at radio @xcite , infrared @xcite , optical @xcite and x - ray waves @xcite .
the orbital motion of the compact core in , which has a period of @xmath1 years , was observed with a position accuracy of 10 micro arcseconds ( @xmath9as ) by using phase - referencing very long baseline interferometry ( vlbi ) @xcite . |
1,954 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: recent work has unveiled a new class of optical systems that can exhibit the characteristic features of superfluidity .
one such system relies on the repulsive photon - photon interaction that is mediated by a thermal optical nonlinearity and is therefore inherently nonlocal due to thermal diffusion .
here we investigate how such a nonlocal interaction , which at a first inspection would not be expected to lead to superfluid behavior , may be tailored by acting upon the geometry of the photon fluid itself .
our models and measurements show that restricting the laser profile and hence the photon fluid to a strongly elliptical geometry modifies thermal diffusion along the major beam axis and reduces the effective nonlocal interaction length by two orders of magnitude .
this in turn enables the system to display a characteristic trait of superfluid flow : the nucleation of quantized vortices in the flow past an extended physical obstacle .
these results are general and apply to other nonlocal fluids , such as dipolar bose - einstein condensates , and show that `` thermal '' photon superfluids provide an exciting and novel experimental environment for probing the nature of superfluidity , with applications to the study of quantum turbulence and analogue gravity . over the past decade ,
theoretical and experimental studies of photon fluids have opened new routes to realizing quantum many - body systems . in the most general case , a photon fluid
is created by propagating a laser beam through a defocusing nonlinear medium such that the photons in the beam act as a gas of weakly interacting particles @xcite . as in atomic many - body systems ,
the collective photon behavior can be described by a gross - pitaevskii equation @xcite , where the electric field plays the role of the order parameter , a macroscopic wave function with a clear resemblance to dilute - gas bose - einstein condensates ( becs ) and superfluid helium .
much research with photon fluids has therefore centered on exploring....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: d.f . acknowledges financial support from the european research council under the european unions seventh framework programme ( fp/20072013)/erc ga 306559 and epsrc ( uk , grant ep / j00443x/1 ) . i. c. acknowledges financial support by the erc through the qgbe grant , by the eu - fet proactive grant aqus , project no . 640800 , and by the autonomous province of trento , partly through the siquro project ( `` on silicon chip quantum optics for quantum computing and secure communications '' )
here we provide further details on the effect of nonlocal interactions on the landau critical velocity .
the starting point of this discussion is the bogoliubov dispersion of collective excitations in such a _ nonlocal fluid _ when this is at rest ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | after simple manipulation of eq.(4 ) of the main text , this can be written in the more usual form @xcite : @xmath150 that allows for transparent analytical manipulations and easier connection to the many - body literature .
with respect to the usual case of a local fluid @xcite , the nonlocality enters via the denominator of the interaction term that suppresses interactions at large @xmath151 . for a propagating fluid of light |
1,955 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we have monitored a sample of 27 nearby globular clusters in the hard x - ray band ( @xmath0 kev ) for @xmath11400 days using the batse instrument on board the compton gamma - ray observatory .
globular clusters may contain a large number of compact objects ( e.g. , pulsars or x - ray binaries containing neutron stars ) which can produce hard x - ray emission .
our search provides a sensitive ( @xmath150 mcrab ) monitor for hard x - ray transient events on time scales of @xmath2 day and a means for observing persistent hard x - ray emission .
we have discovered no transient events from any of the clusters and no persistent emission .
our observations include a sensitive search of four nearby clusters containing dim x - ray sources : 47 tucanae , ngc 5139 , ngc 6397 , and ngc 6752 .
the non - detection in these clusters implies a lower limit for the recurrence time of transients of 2 to 6 years for events with luminosities @xmath3 erg s@xmath4 ( @xmath0 kev ) and
@xmath5 years if the sources in these clusters are taken collectively .
this suggests that the dim x - ray sources in these clusters are not transients similar to aql x-1 .
we also place upper limits on the persistent emission in the range @xmath6 erg s@xmath4 ( @xmath7 , @xmath0 kev ) for these four clusters . for 47 tuc
the upper limit is more sensitive than previous measurements by a factor of 3 .
we find a model dependent upper limit of 19 isolated millisecond pulsars ( msps ) producing gamma - rays in 47 tuc , compared to the 11 observed radio msps in this cluster . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: globular clusters ( gcs ) are remarkable stellar systems where a variety of compact objects may form and evolve .
numerous millisecond pulsars ( msps ) inhabit gcs as revealed by radio observations ( lyne 1996 ) , e.g. 11 msps in 47 tuc ( robinson et al . 1995 ) . in the x - ray band ,
the number of bright sources ( @xmath8 kev ) per unit stellar mass is two orders of magnitude larger for gcs than for the remainder of the galaxy ( clark 1975 ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | persistent x - ray sources in gcs divide into two luminosity groups : one with low luminosities ( @xmath9 erg s@xmath4 , @xmath10 kev ) , and the other with high luminosities ( @xmath11 erg s@xmath4 ) ( hertz and grindlay 1983 , hertz and wood 1985 , verbunt et al .
the nature of the low luminosity , dim x - ray sources ( dxss ) has been controversial ( for reviews see bailyn 1995 , verbunt et al . |
1,956 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: forecasts of monsoon rainfall for india are made at national scale .
but there is spatial coherence and heterogeneity that is relevant to forecasting .
this paper considers year - to - year rainfall change and annual extremes at sub - national scales .
we use data mining techniques to gridded rain - gauge data for 1901 - 2011 to characterize coherence and heterogeneity and identify spatially homogeneous clusters .
we study the direction of change in rainfall between years ( phase ) , and extreme annual rainfall at both grid level and national level .
grid - level phase is found to be spatially coherent , and significantly correlated with all - india mean rainfall ( aimr ) phase .
grid - level extreme - rainfall years are not strongly associated with corresponding extremes in aimr , although in extreme aimr years local extremes of the same type occur with higher spatial coherence .
years of extremes in aimr entail widespread phase of the corresponding sign .
furthermore , local extremes and phase are found to frequently co - occur in spatially contiguous clusters . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: forecasting of seasonal rainfall , especially the summer monsoon , is important to the indian economy ( @xcite ) .
seasonal forecasts of rainfall are made at the national - scale ( @xcite ) because monsoons are large scale phenomena and there is an association between all - india summer monsoon rainfall and aggregate impacts ( @xcite ) .
however rainfall is a spatially heterogeneous phenomenon , and the country may be divided into distinct homogeneous rainfall zones , based on mean rainfall ( @xcite ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | there are also many regional differences in inter- and intra - annual variability ( @xcite ) , rainfall trends and the occurrence of extreme events ( @xcite ) .
apart from the south - west monsoon winds affecting major parts of the country and causing rainfall during the months june - september ( jjas ) , other factors play a role in monsoon rainfall [ @xcite ] . |
1,957 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we test ideas put forward e.g in arxiv:1508.02368 , which suggest that using rates in quantum optics can lead to better indicators of non - classicality for states of quantum optical fields with undefined photon numbers . by rate we mean the ratio of registered photons in a given detector to the total number of detected photons in all detectors in the experiment . for the hong - ou - mandel effect for parametric down conversion fields ,
we show that by using two detector correlation functions which are defined in terms of averages of products of measured rates , rather than usual intensities , one can observe non classical visibilities beyond @xmath0 for significantly higher pump rates . at such rates we already have a partially stimulated emission which leads to significant amplitudes for multiple pairs production , still the new approach allows to clearly see the non - classical dip . _
introduction .
_ superposition principle is at the core of quantum mechanics .
quantum entanglement is simply a manifestation of the superposition rule in the composed systems .
all quantum interference effects base on the fact of superposition of probability amplitudes of processes that make a contribution to the given event . in @xmath1
hong , ou and mandel realized one of the most impressive experiments opening new possibilities in modern quantum optics .
their seminal paper @xcite is a powerful confirmation of quantum mechanical predictions concerning quantum interference .
the general idea of the standard hom experiment is as follows @xcite .
let us consider two photons entering @xmath2 beam splitter .
let us assume that the single
photon states take the following form @xmath3 @xmath4 where @xmath5 and @xmath6 are certain functions depending on the wave vector @xmath7 and normalized in the following sense @xmath8 the relations ( [ norm ] ) are an immediate consequence of the orthonormality of fock states . the input (
before beam splitter ) state reads @xmath9 the output state is defined....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: it is well known that the maximal visibility of hom dip in the case of classical fields is @xmath36 .
the customarily used definition of visibility for hom dip is @xmath37 where @xmath38 the subscripts @xmath39 and @xmath40 denote the exit ports of the beam splitter .
@xmath41 is the instateneous intensity at exit @xmath42 the average is over a stochastic mixture of classical fields ( this includes random relative phases , which average out first order interference behind the beam splitter ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the maximum and minimum are taken with respect of some variation of the conditions of the fields entering the beam splitter ( like the relative time shift , polarizations , etc . ) .
as we are not able to measure instantenious values of the intensities in reality we have integrations over detectors time resolution @xmath43 we have taken the integration ( effectively ) over full time range , because we are interested in pulsed radiation , and we assume that the pulses time width is much narrower than the time resolution of the detectors . |
1,958 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: it has been argued that the spacetime of our universe can be accurately described by a perturbed conformal newtonian metric , and hence even large density inhomogeneities in a dust universe can not change the observables predicted by the homogeneous dust model . in this paper
we study a spherically symmetric dust model and illustrate conditions under which large spatial variations in the expansion rate can invalidate the argument . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in cosmology , one models the evolution and observables associated with an inhomogeneous universe of density @xmath0 and expansion rate @xmath1 by employing a friedmann - lematre - robertson - walker ( flrw ) homogeneous / isotropic model of density @xmath2 , where @xmath3 denotes some suitably defined spatial average .
one then assumes that the expansion rate and cosmological observables are those obtained in the corresponding flrw model .
one of the proposals to explain `` dark energy '' calls into question this long - standing ( 86-year ) procedure ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the idea is that the expansion rate and cosmological observables of a suitably inhomogeneous universe containing only dust , if analyzed within the framework of a homogeneous model , seems to behave as if the stress tensor also contains a fictitious negative - pressure fluid ( _ i.e. , _ dark energy ) .
although this proposal is conservative in the sense that it does not involve a cosmological constant of incredibly small magnitude ( presumably rationalized on some anthropic basis ) , a scalar field of unbelievably small mass , or an entirely unmotivated modification of general relativity , it is rather revolutionary because it implies that there is no dark energy and the expansion of the universe does not actually accelerate ( at least , not in the usual sense ) . at present , the idea that the backreaction of inhomogeneities accounts for the observational evidence usually attributed to dark energy is more of a concept than a predictive model . |
1,959 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the coulombic systems @xmath0 and @xmath1 , @xmath2 , @xmath3 and @xmath4 placed in a magnetic field @xmath5 are studied .
it is demonstrated a theoretical existence of the exotic ion @xmath6 for @xmath7 in parallel configuration ( the magnetic field is directed along internuclear axis ) as optimal as well as its excited states @xmath8 . as for the exotic ion @xmath9 it is shown that in spite of strong electrostatic repulsion of @xmath10particles this ion can also exist for @xmath11 in parallel configuration as optimal in the states @xmath12 ( ground state ) , @xmath13 . upon appearance
both ions are unstable towards dissociation with @xmath14 in the final state but with very large lifetime . however , at @xmath15a.u .
the ion @xmath6 becomes stable , while at @xmath16a.u .
the ion @xmath9 becomes stable . with a magnetic field growth ,
both exotic ions become more and more tightly bound and compact , their lowest rotational and vibrational energies grow . at the edge of applicability of non - relativistic approximation , @xmath17 g , there are indications that three more exotic linear ions @xmath18 , @xmath19 and even @xmath20 in parallel configuration may also occur .
the possibility of formation of new exotic chemical compounds which do not exist in field - free case is one of the most fascinating features of the physics in strong magnetic fields @xcite . in particular , it was conjectured long ago that linear neutral chains of molecules ( polymer - type molecules ) situated along a magnetic line might exist in astro - physically strong magnetic fields .
they were called the _
ruderman chains_. in the year 1999 , the first theoretical indication for the existence of the exotic one - electron molecular ion @xmath21 in magnetic fields @xmath22 g was provided @xcite .
it is a sufficiently long - living state for which the optimal configuration is parallel ( all protons situated along a magnetic line ) decaying to @xmath23 .
perhaps , the most astonishing result is an observation of the....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since long ago the hybrid system @xmath6 , made out of @xmath29-particle , proton and electron , @xmath0 , was attempted to explore for field - free case @xcite and for the case of a magnetic field of moderate strength @xmath40a.u .
@xcite . in both studies
no indication to appearance of a bound state was observed ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | here we will show that for larger magnetic fields @xmath30 g the exotic hybrid ion @xmath6 can exist in parallel configuration as optimal being a sufficiently long - living state .
it decays to @xmath41 . for all magnetic fields |
1,960 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: aiming to learn about the chemistry of the dense pdr around the ultracompact ( uc ) region in , we have observed a series of mm - wavelength transitions of c@xmath0h@xmath1 and c@xmath1h . in addition , we have traced the distribution of other molecules , such as h@xmath2co@xmath3 , sio , hco , and hc@xmath0n .
these data , together with the reactive ions recently detected , have been considered to determine the physical conditions and to model the pdr chemistry .
we then identified two kind of molecules .
the first group , formed by the reactive ions ( co@xmath4 , hoc@xmath4 ) and small hydrocarbons ( c@xmath1h , c@xmath0h@xmath1 ) , traces the surface layers of the pdr and is presumably exposed to a high uv field ( hence we called it as `` _ high uv _ '' , or huv ) .
huv species is expected to dominate for visual absorptions @xmath5mag .
a second group ( less exposed to the uv field , and hence called `` _ low uv _ '' , or luv ) includes hco and sio , and is mainly present at the edges of the pdr ( @xmath6mag ) .
while the abundances of the huv molecules can be explained by gas phase models , this is not the case for the studied luv ones .
although some efficient gas - phase reactions might be lacking , grain chemistry sounds like a probable mechanism able to explain the observed enhancement of hco and sio . within this scenario
, the interaction of uv photons with grains produces an important effect on the molecular gas chemistry and constitutes the first evidence of an ionization front created by the uc region carving its host molecular cloud .
the physical conditions and kinematics of the gas layer which surrounds the uc region were derived from the huv molecules .
molecular hydrogen densities @xmath7 @xmath8 are required to reproduce the observations .
such high densities suggest that the region could be pressure - confined by the surrounding high density molecular gas . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: is a nearby ( @xmath9pc ; * ? ? ? * ) complex star forming region .
it hosts an ultracompact ( uc ) hii region near its center , powered by the infrared source . the molecular content of this region has been the subject of several observational studies in the last decade .
so far , it is known a huge co bipolar outflow @xcite , @xmath10 long ( = 3.6pc ) , which is probably a relic of the formation of the b0v star associated to irs1 @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | is an excellent laboratory to learn about the physical conditions and kinematics of an extreme pdr ( g@xmath11 = 5 10@xmath12 in units of habing field , * ? ? ?
continuum observations at 6 cm , reported by @xcite , show that the uc hii region is highly asymmetric , has a cometary shape and reaches its maximum toward its exciting star , . |
1,961 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we discuss a connection between axial anomaly and polarized radiative processes . by comparison with the corresponding unpolarized cases , we consider some physical outputs for the @xmath0 and @xmath1 polarized radiative decays .
we analyse in detail the pattern of mass singularity cancellation .
uprf-00 - 10 + june 2000 axial anomaly effects in pion and @xmath1 radiative decays 1.0 cm luca trentadue and michela verbeni + .2 cm _ dipartimento di fisica , universit di parma , + infn gruppo collegato di parma , 43100 parma , italy _ + pacs 11.30.rd , , .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: undoubtedly the axial anomaly represents a fundamental issue for understanding the basic aspects of quantum field theory .
this issue has been analysed deeply over the years .
+ the anomaly problem has been treated by means of renormalization procedure , giving the interpretation of its origin in terms of ultraviolet divergences @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | a more formal analysis of the axial anomaly can be made by using the path integral formalism @xcite .
+ dolgov and zakharov @xcite have shown an alternative approach to the axial anomaly , by studying the @xmath2 triangular diagram through dispersion relations . from this approach |
1,962 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: salient object detection or salient region detection models , diverging from fixation prediction models , have traditionally been dealing with locating and segmenting the most salient object or region in a scene .
while the notion of most salient object is sensible when multiple objects exist in a scene , current datasets for evaluation of saliency detection approaches often have scenes with only one single object .
we introduce three main contributions in this paper : first , we take an in - depth look at the problem of salient object detection by studying the relationship between where people look in scenes and what they choose as the most salient object when they are explicitly asked .
based on the agreement between fixations and saliency judgments , we then suggest that the most salient object is the one that attracts the highest fraction of fixations .
second , we provide two new less biased benchmark datasets containing scenes with multiple objects that challenge existing saliency models .
indeed , we observed a severe drop in performance of 8 state - of - the - art models on our datasets ( 40% to 70% ) .
third , we propose a very simple yet powerful model based on superpixels to be used as a baseline for model evaluation and comparison .
while on par with the best models on msra-5k dataset , our model wins over other models on our data highlighting a serious drawback of existing models , which is convoluting the processes of locating the most salient object and its segmentation .
we also provide a review and statistical analysis of some labeled scene datasets that can be used for evaluating salient object detection models .
we believe that our work can greatly help remedy the over - fitting of models to existing biased datasets and opens new venues for future research in this fast - evolving field .
shell : xx ieee transactions on image processing salient object detection , explicit saliency , bottom - up attention , regions of interest , eye movements .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: lease take a look at the images in the top row of fig .
[ fig : fig1 ] .
which object stands out the most ( i.e. , is the most salient one ) in each of these scenes ?.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the answer is trivial .
there is only one object , thus it is the most salient one . |
1,963 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we describe the hopf algebraic structure of feynman graphs for non - abelian gauge theories , and prove compatibility of the so - called slavnov taylor identities with the coproduct .
when these identities are taken into account , the coproduct closes on the green s functions , which thus generate a hopf subalgebra .
graphs - leipzig .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: quantum field theories have been widely accepted in the physics community , mainly because of their their well - tested predictions .
one of the famous numbers predicted by quantum electrodynamics is the electromagnetic moment of the electron which has been tested up to a previously unencountered precision .
unfortunately , quantum field theories are percepted with some suspicion by mathematicians ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | this is mainly due to the appearance of divergences when naively computing probability amplitudes .
these _ infinities _ have to be dealt with properly by an apparently obscure process called renormalization . |
1,964 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: speckle structure of parametric down conversion light has recently received a large attention due to relevance in view of applications to quantum imaging the possibility of tailoring the speckle size by acting on the pump properties is an interesting tool for the applications to quantum imaging and in particular to the detection of weak object under shot - noise limit . here we present a systematic detailed experimental study of the speckle structure produced in type ii pdc with particular attention to its variation with pump beam properties .
parametric down conversion , entanglement , speckles , quantum imaging , quantum correlations .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: thermal or pseudothermal light ( as the one obtained by scattering of coherent light by a diffuser ) presents a random intensity distribution known as speckle pattern @xcite .
this structure can have interesting applications , e.g. in metrology @xcite .
in particular , speckle structure of parametric down conversion ( pdc ) light has recently received a large attention due to relevance in view of applications to quantum imaging @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the aim of sub shot noise ( ssn ) quantum imaging is to obtain the image of a weak absorbing object with a level of noise below the minimum threshold that is unavoidable in the classical framework of light detection .
being interested in measuring an image , one is forced to consider a multi - mode source , which is able to display quantum correlation also in the spatial domain . |
1,965 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: since the major review by scalo ( 1986 ) , significant progress has been achieved in constraining the mass function ( mf ) of low - mass stars . the break - throughs which today allow a much better understanding of the stellar luminosity function ( lf ) and
the underlying mf are documented here and the resulting mf for galactic field stars is confronted with microlensing data , the chemical enrichment history of the galaxy , the oort limit and well - studied open clusters . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the mass , @xmath0 , of an isolated main - sequence star can be determined from its absolute luminosity , @xmath1 , and the mass luminosity relation , @xmath2 } , \tau,\mbox{\boldmath$s$})$ ] .
the corresponding mass(absolute - magnitude ) relation is @xmath3 , where @xmath4 represents some photometric pass band , and the other parameters have been dropped for conciseness . for galactic disc stars with @xmath5 ,
the stellar age is usually @xmath6 gyr , [ fe / h]@xmath7 and the dependence on the stellar spin , @xmath8 , is not significant ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the continuous distribution of stars by luminosity is related to the distribution by mass through @xmath9 , where @xmath10 and @xmath11 are the lf and mf , respectively .
the differential volume number density of stars in the absolute - magnitude interval @xmath12 to @xmath13 is @xmath14 , which is also the differential number density of stars , @xmath15 , in the mass range @xmath0 to @xmath16 . |
1,966 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: single stars in ancient globular clusters ( gcs ) are believed incapable of producing planetary nebulae ( pne ) , because their post - asymptotic - giant - branch evolutionary timescales are slower than the dissipation timescales for pne .
nevertheless , four pne are known in galactic gcs .
their existence likely requires more exotic evolutionary channels , including stellar mergers and common - envelope binary interactions .
i carried out a snapshot imaging search with the _ hubble space telescope _ ( _ hst _ ) for pne in bright local group gcs outside the milky way .
i used a filter covering the 5007 nebular emission line of [ ] , and another one in the nearby continuum , to image 66 gcs .
inclusion of archival _ hst _ frames brought the total number of extragalactic gcs imaged at 5007 to 75 , whose total luminosity slightly exceeds that of the entire galactic gc system .
i found no convincing pne in these clusters , aside from one pn in a young m31 cluster misclassified as a gc , and two pne at such large angular separations from an m31 gc that membership is doubtful . in a ground - based spectroscopic survey of 274 old gcs in m31 , jacoby et al .
( 2013 ) found three candidate pne .
my _ hst _ images of one of them suggest that the [ ] emission actually arises from ambient interstellar medium rather than a pn ; for the other two candidates , there are broad - band archival uv _ hst _ images that show bright , blue point sources that are probably the pne . in a literature search ,
i also identified five further pn candidates lying near old gcs in m31 , for which follow - up observations are necessary to confirm their membership .
the rates of incidence of pne are similar , and small but non - zero , throughout the gcs of the local group . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the first planetary nebula ( pn ) belonging to a globular cluster ( gc ) was discovered more than 85 years ago , in m15 ( pease 1928 ) .
it was another six decades before a second gcpn was found , this time in m22 ( gillett et al . 1989 ) .
jacoby et al ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | ( 1997 , hereafter jmf97 ) then carried out a systematic ground - based ccd survey of 133 milky way gcs , using a narrow - band [ ] 5007 filter along with a filter in the neighboring continuum .
they discovered two more pne , in the galactic clusters ngc 6441 and pal 6 . |
1,967 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a hybrid monte carlo ( hmc ) approach is employed to quantify the influence of inelastic deformation on the microstructural evolution of polycrystalline materials .
this approach couples a time explicit material point method ( mpm ) for deformation with a calibrated monte carlo model for grain boundary motion .
a rate - independent crystal plasticity model is implemented to account for localized plastic deformations in polycrystals .
the dislocation energy difference between grains provides an additional driving force for texture evolution .
this plastic driving force is then brought into a mc paradigm via parametric links between mc and sharp - interface ( si ) kinetic models .
the mc algorithm is implemented in a parallelized setting using a checkerboard updating scheme .
as expected , plastic loading favors texture evolution for grains which have a bigger schmid factor with respect to the loading direction , and these are the grains most easily removed by grain boundary motion .
a macroscopic equation is developed to predict such texture evolution .
* @xmath0 * monte carlo , grain boundary , plasticity , anisotropy , texture , driving force .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the prediction of microstructural evolution in response to thermo - mechanical loading is important for materials design , processing or thermomechanical fatigue phenomena .
computational modeling of evolving texture in response to large plastic deformation and recrystallization has been studied extensively @xcite but less so than that produced by thermally - induced stresses i.e .
stress - induced texture evolution @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | we consider a thermo - mechanical setting in which temperature changes cause stresses to develop due to geometrical constraints .
the temperature is sufficiently high to generate grain boundary motion and yet low enough such that recrystallization does not occur . |
1,968 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we use serre construction and deformation to construct stable bundles and reflexive sheaves on calabi - yau threefolds . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the goal of this note is to use a deformation technique to construct slope stable bundles and reflexive sheaves on an arbitrary ( projective ) calabi - yau threefold with prescribed chern classes within a certain range . for a projective algebraic surface @xmath0 ,
gieseker @xcite showed that if @xmath1 , then there exists a rank @xmath2 stable bundle @xmath3 over @xmath0 with @xmath4 and @xmath5 using deformation theory of sheaves , which was motivated from the differential geometric counterpart obtain by taubes @xcite . a similar result in the higher rank case
was proved by artamkin @xcite . now for threefolds.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | , we do nt have corresponding existence result in such a general formulation .
it is well - known that serre construction and monad construction are successful tools to construct vector bundles , especially on @xmath6 . |
1,969 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the focus of this work is to study mid - infrared point sources and the diffuse interstellar medium ( ism ) in the low - metallicity ( @xmath0 0.2 z@xmath1 ) giant hii region n66 in order to determine properties that may shed light on star formation in these conditions . using the _ spitzer space telescope _
s infrared spectrograph , we study polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ( pah ) , dust continuum , silicate , and ionic line emission from 14 targeted infrared point sources as well as spectra of the diffuse ism that is representative of both the photodissociation regions ( pdrs ) and the hii regions . among the point source spectra
, we spectroscopically confirm that the brightest mid - infrared point source is a massive embedded young stellar object , we detect silicates in emission associated with two young stellar clusters , and we observe spectral features of a known b[e ] supergiant that are more commonly associated with herbig be stars . in the diffuse ism , we provide additional evidence that the very small grain population is being photodestroyed in the hard radiation field .
the 11.3 pah complex emission exhibits an unexplained centroid shift in both the point source and ism spectra that should be investigated at higher signal - to - noise and resolution . unlike studies of other regions , the 6.2 and 7.7 band fluxes are decoupled ; the data points cover a large range of i@xmath2/i@xmath3 pah ratio values within a narrow band of i@xmath4/i@xmath3 ratio values .
furthermore , there is a spread in pah ionization , being more neutral in the dense pdr where the radiation field is relatively soft , but ionized in the diffuse ism / pdr .
by contrast , the pah size distribution appears to be independent of local ionization state .
important to unresolved studies of extragalactic low - metallicity star - forming regions , we find that emission from the infrared - bright point sources accounts for only 20 - 35% of the pah emission from the entire region .
these results make a comparative....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the small magellanic cloud ( smc ) is an excellent test - bed for studying star formation in a low - metallicity environment .
its low metallicity ( @xmath0 0.2 z@xmath1 determined from numerous elemental abundances ; * ? ? ? * ) and strong interstellar radiation field ( isrf ; 4 - 10 g@xmath5 , * ? ? ?
* ) make it an important contrasting environment to star forming environments in the milky way or the large magellanic cloud ( lmc ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the smc is also a good comparative theater to studies of ` passive ' star formation in blue compact dwarf galaxies ( bcds ; see * ? ? ?
* for the distinction between active and passive ) , because their star - forming regions have similar densities ( @xmath0 100 @xmath6 ) , star formation rates ( @xmath0 0.1 m@xmath1 yr@xmath7 ) , radiation field hardnesses , and the smc is the lowest - metallicity nearby star - forming region @xcite . |
1,970 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the breakdown of the time - temperature superposition ( tts ) near its glass transition temperature ( @xmath0 ) in simple bead - spring polymer melts with and without the chain angle potential was numerically investigated .
the stress relaxation modulus at different temperatures @xmath1 was calculated by the green - kubo relation .
the tts of @xmath1 of bead - spring polymer melts worked well at temperatures sufficiently higher than its @xmath0 .
however , when the system temperature is approaching the glass transition regime , the breakdown of tts is observed . at temperatures near the @xmath0 ,
the temperature dependence of the shift factor ( @xmath2 ) , which is defined at the time scale between the bond relaxation and the chain relaxation regimes of a @xmath3-function , is significantly stronger than ones ( @xmath4 ) defined by the time scale of the chain relaxation modes . in direct relation to the breakdown of tts of @xmath1
, the decoupling of stokes - einstein law of diffusion - viscosity relation also appears in the glass transition regime .
the analysis of the van hove function @xmath5 and non - gaussian parameter , @xmath6 , of the bead motions strongly suggest that the tts breakdown is concerned with the dynamic heterogeneity .
the effect of the chain stiffness on the temperature dependence of the shift factors was also investigated in this study .
the stiffer chains melt has a stronger temperature dependence of the shift factors than the ones of the flexible chains melt .
however , regardless of the chain stiffness , the stress relaxation modulus functions of the bead - spring polymer melts will begin to breakdown the tts at a similar @xmath0-normalized temperature around @xmath7 . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: amorphous polymer materials are commonly used in various industrial products , such as packaging films , body materials , electro - photographic toners , adhesive agents , buffer materials , etc . from the viewpoints of the control of the viscoelastic and mechanical properties of these amorphous polymer materials , understanding of the dynamics of the polymer chain
is one of the essentials of polymer science and engineering .
the time - temperature superposition ( tts ) principle is a useful concept widely used for the analysis of the dynamic properties of a polymer.@xcite according to the time - temperature superposition , which assumes that all of the relaxation modes of a polymer chain obey the same temperature dependence , the dynamic material functions obtained at several different temperatures can be collapsed into a `` master '' curve by shifting the time scale of each function ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the shifting coefficients , which are the so - called `` shift factor '' , are represented as a function of the temperature of the system .
the dependence of the shift factor on temperature can be well described by the vogel - fulcher - tammann ( vft ) or the williams - landel - ferry ( wlf ) equation , both being basically the same equation , and the equations are applicable above the glass transition temperature ( @xmath0 ) + ca . |
1,971 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we theoretically study the phenomenon of self - propulsion through casimir forces in thermal non - equilibrium .
using fluctuational electrodynamics , we derive a formula for the self - propulsion force for an arbitrary small object in two scenarios , i ) for the object being isolated , and ii ) for the object being close to a planar surface . in the latter case ,
the self - propulsion force ( i.e. , the force parallel to the surface ) increases with decreasing distance , i.e. , it couples to the near - field .
we numerically calculate the lateral force acting on a hot spheroid near a surface and show that it can be as large as the gravitational force , thus being potentially measurable in fly - by experiments .
we close by linking our results to well - known relations of linear response theory in fluctuational electrodynamics : looking at the friction of the anisotropic object for constant velocity , we identify a correction term that is additional to the typically used approach . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the prediction of an attractive force between two uncharged , perfectly reflecting plane - parallel plates embedded in vacuum by h. b. g. casimir back in 1948 turned out to be a milestone on the way to modern quantum physics @xcite .
the equilibrium casimir effect can be equivalently ascribed to quantum zero - point fluctuations of the electromagnetic field , or to charge and current fluctuations in the plates @xcite . by introducing objects to the quantum vacuum , forces appear due to topological constraints .
casimir s famous formula for the equilibrium energy @xmath0 @xmath1 was rederived and verified many times ( e.g. see ref ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | @xcite ) . in the present notation @xmath2 denotes the separation between the plates , @xmath3 their surface area , @xmath4 the speed of light , and @xmath5 the reduced planck constant , indicating the quantum nature of the casimir effect .
the casimir effect is relevant on small length scales ( e.g. on the submicron scale ) . shortly after casimir |
1,972 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the expected value of partial perfect information ( evppi ) denotes the value of eliminating uncertainty on a subset of unknown parameters involved in a decision model .
the evppi can be regarded as a decision - theoretic sensitivity index , and has been widely used for identifying relatively important unknown parameters .
it follows from jensen s inequality , however , that the standard nested monte carlo computation of the evppi results in biased estimates . in this paper
we introduce two unbiased monte carlo estimators for the evppi based on multilevel monte carlo method , introduced by heinrich ( 1998 ) and giles ( 2008 ) , and its extension by rhee and glynn ( 2012 , 2015 ) .
our unbiased estimators are simple and straightforward to implement , and thus are of highly practical use .
numerical experiments show that even the convergence behaviors of our unbiased estimators are superior to that of the standard nested monte carlo estimator .
_ keywords _ : value of information , expected value of partial perfect information , unbiased estimation , multilevel monte carlo .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since introduced by howard @xcite , the concept of the expected value of information has long been studied in the context of decision analysis @xcite and applied to various areas , such as medical decision making @xcite , environmental science @xcite and petroleum engineering @xcite .
the expected value of information is defined as the expected increase in monetary value brought from reducing some degree of uncertainty on unknown parameters involved in a decision model by obtaining additional information .
there are several definitions of the expected value of information depending on the type of information , which includes perfect information , partial perfect information and sample information ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | in particular , the expected value of partial perfect information ( evppi ) , or sometimes called the partial expected value of perfect information , denotes the value of eliminating uncertainty on a subset of unknown parameters completely , and has been advocated and used as a decision - theoretic sensitivity index for identifying relatively important unknown parameters @xcite . for many problems encountered in practice , calculating the evppi analytically is not possible . the simplest and most often - used method
to approximately evaluate the evppi is the nested monte carlo computation @xcite . |
1,973 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in a previous paper , sarkar and the third author gave a combinatorial description of the hat version of heegaard floer homology for three - manifolds . given a cobordism between two connected three - manifolds , there is an induced map between their heegaard floer homologies .
assume that the first homology group of each boundary component surjects onto the first homology group of the cobordism ( modulo torsion ) .
under this assumption , we present a procedure for finding the rank of the induced heegaard floer map combinatorially , in the hat version . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in their papers @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , ozsvth and szab constructed a decorated topological quantum field theory ( tqft ) in @xmath0 dimensions , called heegaard floer theory .
( strictly speaking , the axioms of a tqft need to be altered slightly . ) in its simplest version ( called hat ) , to a closed , connected , oriented three - manifold @xmath1 and a @xmath2 structure @xmath3 on @xmath1 one associates a vector space @xmath4 over the field @xmath5 also , to a connected , oriented four - dimensional cobordism from @xmath6 to @xmath7 decorated with a @xmath2 structure @xmath8 , one associates a map @xmath9 the maps @xmath10 can be used to detect exotic smooth structures on @xmath11-manifolds with boundary .
for example , this can be seen by considering the nucleus @xmath12 of the elliptic surface @xmath13 i.e. a regular neighborhood of a cusp fiber and a section , cf . @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | let @xmath14 be the result of a log transform with multiplicity @xmath15 ( @xmath16 , odd ) on a regular fiber @xmath17 , cf .
* section 3.3 ) . |
1,974 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study two - body @xmath0 and semileptonic @xmath1 decays with @xmath2 , where @xmath3 is regarded as the tetraquark state of @xmath4 . with the decay constant @xmath5 mev determined from the data
, we predict that @xmath6 , @xmath7 , and @xmath8 . with the form factors in qcd models ,
we calculate that @xmath9 and @xmath10 , and @xmath11 and @xmath12 , respectively , and extract the ratio of the fragmentation fractions to be @xmath13 . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: through the @xmath14 transition at quark level , the @xmath15 decays are able to produce the @xmath16 bound states like @xmath17 ; particularly , the hidden charm tetraquarks to consist of @xmath18 , such as @xmath19 , @xmath20 , and @xmath21 , known as the @xmath22 states @xcite . for example
, we have @xcite @xmath23 where @xmath3 is composed of @xmath24 , measured to have the quantum numbers @xmath25 . on the other hand
, the @xmath26 decays from the @xmath27 transition can also be the relevant production mechanism for the @xmath16 and @xmath18 bound states ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | however , the current measurements have been done only for the ratios , given by @xcite @xmath28 where @xmath29 are the fragmentation fractions defined by @xmath30 .
in addition , none of the @xmath22 states has been observed in the @xmath31 decays yet . from figs . |
1,975 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we demonstrate a novel 2d mot beam source for cold @xmath0 atoms . the source is side - loaded from an oven operated at temperatures in the range @xmath1 the performance
is analyzed by loading the atoms into a 3d mot located @xmath2 downstream from the source .
the maximum recapture rate of @xmath3 is obtained for @xmath4 and results in a total of up to @xmath5 trapped atoms .
the recaptured fraction is estimated to be @xmath6 and limited by beam divergence .
the most - probable velocity in the beam @xmath7 is varied from @xmath8 to @xmath9 byincreasing the intensity of a push beam .
the source is quite monochromatic with a full - width at half maximum velocity spread of @xmath10 at @xmath11 , demonstrating that side - loading completely eliminates beam contamination by hot vapor from the oven .
we identify depletion of the low - velocity tail of the oven flux as the limiting loss mechanism@xmath12 our approach is suitable for other atomic species . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since the first demonstration of a laser - cooled atomic beam by phillips and metcalf @xcite the development and improvement of cold atom sources has evolved into an essential activity in atomic physics laboratories . in particular sources for cold rb , k and cs received a lot of attention and became compact and familiar standard devices @xcite .
however , for most other atomic and all molecular species the situation is less favorable and considerable time as well as resources remain necessary for the development of a source . aside from optical cooling schemes many other cooling principles
have been explored , we mention cryogenic cooling by surfaces @xcite or buffer gas @xcite , filtering by magnetic @xcite or electric funnels @xcite and stark deceleration of molecules @xcite as well as rydberg atoms @xcite . in spite of the success of these sources in specific cases ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | optical cooling is the preferred option whenever an appropriate optical transition is available .
the highest optically cooled atom fluxes to date have been produced from zeeman - slowed atomic beams @xcite . |
1,976 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this talk we review recent progress on the systematic evaluation of the kaon and antikaon spectral functions in dense nuclear matter based on a chiral su(3 ) description of the low - energy pion- , kaon- and antikaon - nucleon scattering data . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a good understanding of the antikaon spectral function in nuclear matter is required for the description of @xmath0-atoms @xcite and the subthreshold production of kaons in heavy ion reactions @xcite .
an exciting consequence of a significantly reduced effective @xmath0 mass could be that kaons condense in the interior of neutron stars @xcite . the ultimate goal is to relate the in - medium spectral function of kaons with the anticipated chiral symmetry restoration at high baryon density . to unravel quantitative constraints on the kaon spectral functions from subthreshold kaon production data of heavy - ion reactions requires transport model calculations which are performed extensively by various groups @xcite . the next generation of transport codes which are able to incorporate more consistently particles with finite width are being developed @xcite .
this is of considerable importance when dealing with antikaons which are poorly described by a quasi - particle ansatz @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | there has been much theoretical effort to access the properties of kaons in nuclear matter @xcite .
an antikaon spectral function with support at energies smaller than the free - space kaon mass was already anticipated in the 70 s by the many k - matrix analyses of the antikaon - nucleon scattering process ( see e.g. @xcite ) which predicted considerable attraction in the subthreshold scattering amplitudes . |
1,977 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report on an effort to study the connections between dynamics in simulated radio galaxy plasma flows and the properties of nonthermal electron populations carried in those flows .
to do this we have introduced a new numerical scheme for electron transport that allows a much more detailed look at this problem than has been possible before .
especially when the dynamics is fully three dimensional the flows are generally chaotic in the cocoon , and the jet itself can flail about violently .
the bending jet can pinch itself off and redirect itself to enhance its penetration of the ambient medium .
these behaviors often eliminate the presence of a strong jet termination shock , which is assumed present in all modern cartoon models of the rg phenomenon . instead a much more complex `` shock web '' forms near the end of the jet that leads to a far less predictable pattern of particle acceleration .
similarly , the magnetic fields in these flows are highly filamented , as well as spatially and temporally intermittent .
this leads to a very localized and complex pattern of synchrotron aging for relativistic electron populations , which makes it difficult to use properties of the electron spectrum to infer the local rate of aging . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the interaction between high power plasma jets and the circumgalactic medium ( cm ) is now the firmly established paradigm for radio galaxies ( rgs ) , as many talks at this meeting verify .
the original `` twin exhaust '' model ( blandford & rees 1974 ) outlined how fast plasma jets could possibly carry energy efficiently from the active galactic nucleus ( whose nature was still the subject of speculation in 1974 ) into hot spots of radio lobes , depositing that energy at `` working surfaces '' associated with the regions where the jets impinged on the ambient medium .
blandford & rees touched on most of the issues that have occupied researchers in this field over the quarter century since ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | those authors perceptively captured a basic concept that seems now clearly to be at the heart of the physics of the radio galaxy phenomenon , and also that previewed discovery of remarkably similar outflows from an amazing diversity of astrophysical systems .
we are still at the task of learning about jet physics more than 25 years later , because the application of the simple concept is actually very complex . |
1,978 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we discuss the reaction @xmath0 with the purpose of obtaining information on the @xmath1 anomalous amplitude @xmath2 . we compare a full calculation at @xmath3 in chiral perturbation theory and various phenomenological predictions with the existing data of amendolia _
et al_. by integrating our theory results using monte carlo techniques we obtain @xmath4 nb at @xmath3 and @xmath5 nb after including the dominant electromagnetic correction .
both results are in good agreement with the experimental cross section of @xmath6 nb . on the basis of
the chpt results one would extract from the the experimental cross section as amplitudes @xmath7 gev@xmath8 and @xmath9 gev@xmath8 , respectively , which have to be compared with the low - energy theorem @xmath10 .
we emphasize the need for new data to allow for a comparison of experimental and theoretical distributions and to obtain @xmath2 with smaller uncertainty . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: ever since the late 1960s anomalies @xcite have played an important role in our understanding of strong - interaction physics .
anomalies arise if the symmetries of the lagrangian at the classical level are not supported by the quantized theory after renormalization , resulting in so - called anomalous ward identities @xcite . for the case of chiral @xmath11 ,
the constraints due to the anomalous ward identities have efficiently been taken care of through the effective wess - zumino - witten ( wzw ) action @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the wzw action is expressed in terms of the pseudoscalar octet of goldstone bosons and contributes at @xmath12 in the momentum expansion of chiral perturbation theory @xcite ( for an overview see , e.g. , refs.@xcite ) .
it is determined through the underlying group structure up to an overall constant @xcite and , in the purely strong sector , gives rise to interaction vertices involving an odd number of goldstone bosons ( odd - intrinsic - parity sector ) @xcite . |
1,979 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: at existing and planned neutrino factories ( high energy and high intensity neutrino beam facilities ) precision studies of qcd in neutrino - nucleon interactions are a realistic opportunity .
we investigate charmonium production in fixed target neutrino experiments .
we find that @xmath0 production in neutrino - nucleon collision is dominated by the color octet @xmath1 nrqcd matrix element in a neutral current process , which is not accessible in photo or leptoproduction .
neutrino experiments at a future muon collider will acquire sufficient event rate to accurately measure color octet matrix element contributions . the currently running high energy neutrino experiments nomad and nutev
could also observe several such events . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: one of the most promising future high energy facilities is the recently proposed muon collider . in order to facilitate a decision on whether and how it should be built , all the various uses it can be put to should be assessed .
the highly collimated and intense neutrino beams unavoidably generated by muon decay provide a unique opportunity for precision studies of qcd and electroweak physics .
an excellent example of such investigations is related to the ongoing issue of the validity of the nonrelativistic qcd ( nrqcd ) expansion for charmonium states and the extraction of the so - called color octet matrix elements ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the fact that heavy quarkonium represents a non - relativistic quantum - mechanical system significantly simplifies its theoretical studies .
in particular , the presence of several important scales in the quarkonium system , @xmath2 , @xmath3 and @xmath4 ( @xmath5 ) where @xmath6 is a small parameter ( relative velocity of quarks in the quarkonium state ) allows separation of physical effects occurring at different scales @xcite . |
1,980 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: progress in the measurement of the ground state magnetic moments of mirror nuclei at nscl is presented .
the systematic trend of the spin expectation value @xmath0 and the linear behavior of @xmath1 versus @xmath2 , both extracted from the magnetic moments of mirror partners , are updated to include all available data . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the ground state magnetic dipole moment has sensitivity to the orbital and spin components of the state wavefunction , and hence serves as an important observable in the study of nuclear structure .
in particular , the simultaneous consideration of the magnetic dipole moments of mirror nuclei can provide a framework to test present day nuclear structure models .
+ sugimoto @xcite showed that if isospin is a good quantum number , the nuclear magnetic dipole moment could be decomposed into isoscalar and isovector components @xmath3 where the sum of the isoscalar @xmath4 and isovector @xmath5 moments are taken over all nucleons and @xmath6 denotes the expectation value of @xmath7 for the state @xmath8 , where @xmath9 and @xmath10 are the magnetic quantum number and nuclear spin , respectively ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the isoscalar magnetic moment represents the sum of the magnetic moments of the mirror partners @xmath11 here @xmath12 is the total isospin and @xmath13 . the left - hand side of eq
. [ eq2 ] can also be expressed in terms of the isoscalar spin expectation value @xmath0 @xmath14 where @xmath15 and the constant 0.38 is the sum of the magnetic moments of the bare proton and neutron . |
1,981 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the physics of a twisted magnetic flux tube rising in a stratified medium is studied using a numerical mhd code .
the problem considered is fully compressible ( no boussinesq approximation ) , includes ohmic resistivity , and is two dimensional , i.e. , there is no variation of the variables in the direction of the tube axis .
we study a high plasma @xmath0 case with small ratio of radius to external pressure scaleheight .
the results obtained can therefore be of relevance to understand the transport of magnetic flux across the solar convection zone .
we confirm that a sufficient twist of the field lines around the tube axis can suppress the conversion of the tube into two vortex rolls . for a tube with relative density deficit of order @xmath1 ( the classical parker buoyancy ) and radius smaller than a pressure scale - height ( @xmath2 )
, the minimum amount of twist necessary corresponds to an average pitch angle of order @xmath3 $ ] .
the evolution of a tube with this degree of twist is studied in detail , including the initial transient phase , the internal torsional oscillations and the asymptotic , quasi - stationary phase . during the initial phase , the outermost , weakly magnetized layers of the tube are torn off its main body and endowed with vorticity .
they yield a trailing magnetized wake with two vortex rolls .
which fraction of the total magnetic flux is brought to the wake is a function of the initial degree of twist . in the weakly twisted case ,
most of the initial tube is turned into vortex rolls . at the opposite end ( strong initial twist ) , the tube rises with only a small deformation and no substantial loss of magnetic flux .
the formation of the wake and the loss of flux from the main body of the tube are basically complete after the initial transient phase . a sharp interface between the tube interior and the external flows is formed at the tube front and sides ; it has the characteristic features of a magnetic boundary layer .
its structure is determined....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the rise of magnetic flux from the deep levels of the solar convection zone to the photosphere is a complex phenomenon involving many different magnetic and hydrodynamical processes .
particular attention has been devoted in the past @xmath5 years to the time - evolution of a single buoyant magnetic flux tube considered as a one - dimensional object ( @xcite ; @xcite ; @xcite ; @xcite ; @xcite ; @xcite .
further references and a recent review can be found in the paper by @xcite ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | these calculations incorporate several aspects of the basic physics of the rise of the magnetic tubes ( buoyancy , magnetic and rotational forces , external stratification , etc ) .
they have been successful in predicting morphological and kinematic features of the resulting active regions which are observed at the surface of the sun . yet , the assumption of one - dimensionality of the magnetic region is certainly a drastic simplification . from laboratory and numerical experiments in different contexts we know of the complicated hydrodynamical and magnetic structure within and outside a tubular object which is moving with respect to the surrounding fluid . |
1,982 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we continue the development of the infinitesimal deformation theory of pasting diagrams of @xmath0-linear categories begun in @xcite . in @xcite
the standard result that all obstructions are cocycles was established only for the elementary , composition - free parts of pasting diagrams . in the present work we give a proof for pasting diagrams in general . as tools we use the method developed by shrestha @xcite of representing formulas for obstructions , along with the corresponding cocycle and cobounding conditions by suitably labeled polygons , giving a rigorous exposition of the previously heuristic method , and deformations of pasting diagrams in which some cells are required to be deformed trivially .
[ multiblock footnote omitted ] .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: it is the purpose of this paper to extend the results of yetter @xcite , generalizing classical results of gerstenhaber @xcite and gerstenhaber and schack @xcite on the infinitesimal deformation theory of associative algebras and poset - indexed diagrams of associative algebras to a deformation theory for arbitrary pasting diagrams of @xmath0-linear categories , @xmath0-linear functors , and natural transformations . in particular , in @xcite the standard result that obstructions are cocycles was established only for the simplest parts of pasting diagrams : for pasting diagrams in which no compositions either 1- or 2-dimensional occur . in this paper
we will establish it for deformation complexes of pasting diagrams in general , by first giving a detailed and rigorous exposition of a method developed heuristically by shrestha @xcite , then applying the method to prove that obstructions are all cocycles in a family of pasting diagrams sufficient to imply the result in general . along the way to proving that obstructions are closed in general , we will have occasion to consider deformations of pasting diagrams in which specified functors or natural transformations are required to be deformed trivially .
although in the present work such conditions will be used only to reduce the problem of showing obstructions are cocycles to simple instances , the ability to handle deformations subject to such restrictions could well be useful in other settings ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | we will also make explicit a point overlooked in the statements and proofs of @xcite theorems 8.2 and 8.3 : the cochain maps constructed in those theorems depend on choices of association for 2-dimenensional compositions in the pasting digaram .
however , as we establish here , the cochain maps are independent of those choices , up to algebraic homotopy , and thus , the isomorphism type of the deformation complex for a pasting diagram is well - defined in either the homotopy category or derived category of cochain complexes over @xmath0 . |
1,983 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: an one - step replica - symmetry - breaking solution for finite connectivity spin - glass models with @xmath0 body interaction is constructed at finite temperature using the replica method and thermodynamic constraints . in the absence of external fields ,
this construction provides a general extension of replica symmetric solution at finite replica number to one - step replica - symmetry - breaking solution .
it is found that this result is formally equivalent to that of the one - step replica - symmetry - breaking cavity method . to confirm the validity of the obtained solution , monte carlo simulations are performed for @xmath1 and @xmath2 .
the thermodynamic quantities of the monte carlo results extrapolated to a large - size limit are consistent with those estimated by our solution for @xmath1 at all simulated temperatures and for @xmath3 except near the transition temperature . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since the celebrated paper by edwards and anderson@xcite , mean - field theory of spin glass ( sg ) has been extensively investigated .
the replica theory@xcite is one of the most successful achievement that has revealed the nature of the low temperature phase of mean - field sg models .
parisi s pioneering work provided the replica method with implementation of replica symmetry breaking ( rsb ) ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | originally , @xmath0 step rsb ( @xmath0rsb ) was proposed as `` a sequence of approximated solutions '' to the true solution and the full rsb solution was derived as a @xmath4 limit .
this approach has actually proven to be exact recently@xcite for the sherrington - kirkpatrick ( sk ) model@xcite . although this introduction of rsb is motivated by de almeida - thouless ( at ) condition@xcite , which is the instability of replica symmetric ( rs ) solution with respect to replica couplings , it should be noted that at instability is only one of the possible scenario for rsb@xcite and that the origin of rsb is in general model - dependent . |
1,984 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: although the possibility of a low - energy cut - off ( lec ) of the relativistic electron population ( e@xmath0 gev ) in the different components of radio galaxies has been discussed in the literature , from both theoretical and observational viewpoints , its possible role in causing a distinct spectral flattening , and thus reducing the apparent brightness temperature of the radio nucleus , has thus far not been explicitly discussed . here
we point out that such an effect may in fact be quite significant for the parsec - scale , superluminal emission regions associated with the inner radio jets .
this is because the observed frequency of the spectral turnover arising from the lec increases linearly with the bulk doppler factor ( @xmath1 ) of the jet flow , whereas the frequency of synchrotron self - absorption ( the well - known cause of spectral flattening and turnover at low frequencies ) shows a mild decrease as @xmath1 rises . for an observationally relevant range of source parameters , we investigate here the role of the lec .
we argue that some statistical trends revealed by the recent very long baseline interferometry ( vlbi ) surveys can in fact be understood in terms of effects arising from lec , including the faster superluminal motion found in the vlbi surveys at higher frequencies , and the apparent inability of most radio cores to even attain the brightness temperatures consistent with the equipartition condition .
we also point out some possible implications of the lec for x - ray observations of kiloparsec scale relativistic jets of quasars . submitted 29 december 2003 ; accepted by astrophysical journal letters on 21 january 2004 .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the frequent association of flat or inverted radio spectra with the parsec - scale knots in the jets of luminous active galactic nuclei ( agn ; bl lacertae objects and quasars ) is commonly interpreted in terms of synchrotron self - absorption ( ssa ) effects .
a combination of very long baseline interferometry ( vlbi ) measurements of the angular size and flux density near the frequency of ssa , with the x - ray flux density expected from synchrotron self - compton scattering , then yields the values of the magnetic field , @xmath2 , and the doppler factor , @xmath3 $ ] , for the knots , where @xmath4 is the bulk lorentz factor and @xmath5 is the viewing angle to the axis of the flow ; @xmath1 has a maximum value equal to 2@xmath4 ( e.g. , marscher 1987 ; ghisellini et al .
evidence for spectral flattening at lower radio frequencies , possibly attributable to free - free absorption in the nuclear region , has also been discussed in the context of a few superluminal agn ( e.g. , matveyenko et al ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | 1980 ; britzen et al .
2001 ; kellermann 2003 , and references therein ) . here |
1,985 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: with the akeno giant air shower array ( agasa ) , 581 cosmic rays above 10@xmath0ev , 47 above 4 @xmath1 10@xmath0ev , and 7 above 10@xmath2ev are observed until august 1998 .
arrival direction distribution of these extremely high energy cosmic rays has been studied . while no significant large - scale anisotropy is found on the celestial sphere , some interesting clusters of cosmic rays are observed . above 4 @xmath1 10@xmath0ev
, there are one triplet and three doublets within separation angle of 2.5@xmath3 and the probability of observing these clusters by a chance coincidence under an isotropic distribution is smaller than 1 % . especially the triplet is observed against expected 0.05 events .
the @xmath4 distribution expected from the dark matter halo model fits the data as well as an isotropic distribution above 2 @xmath1 10@xmath0ev and 4 @xmath1 10@xmath0ev , but is a poorer fit than isotropy above 10@xmath0ev .
arrival direction distribution of seven 10@xmath2ev cosmic rays is consistent with that of lower energy cosmic rays and is uniform .
three of seven are members of doublets above about 4 @xmath1 10@xmath0ev . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: investigation on anisotropy of extremely high energy cosmic rays is one of the most important aspects to reveal their origin . in energies
@xmath5 10@xmath0ev , cosmic rays slightly deflect in the galactic magnetic field if they are protons of galactic origin , so that one could observe the correlation of their arrival directions with the galactic structure . especially in the highest observed energy range ,
correlation of cosmic rays with the local structure of galaxies may be expected if their origins are nearby astrophysical objects and the intergalactic magnetic field is less than 10@xmath6 gauss . in the 1980 s , wdowczyk , wolfendale and their collaborators ( @xcite ).
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | have shown that excess of cosmic rays from the direction of the galactic plane increases systematically with energy until a little above 10@xmath0ev , though the available data was not statistically enough at that time .
gillman and watson ( 1993 ) have summarized anisotropies in right ascension and galactic latitude combining the haverah park data set with the data sets from the arrays at volcano ranch ( @xcite ) , sydney ( @xcite ) and yakutsk ( @xcite ) . |
1,986 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: at present , part of the forward rpc muon system of the cms detector at the cern lhc remains uninstrumented in the high-@xmath0 region .
an international collaboration is investigating the possibility of covering the @xmath1 region of the muon endcaps with large - area triple - gem detectors .
given their good spatial resolution , high rate capability , and radiation hardness , these micro - pattern gas detectors are an appealing option for simultaneously enhancing muon tracking and triggering capabilities in a future upgrade of the cms detector . a general overview of this feasibility study will be presented .
the design and construction of small ( @xmath2 @xmath3 ) and full - size trapezoidal ( @xmath4 m@xmath5 ) triple - gem prototypes will be described . during detector assembly ,
different techniques for stretching the gem foils were tested .
results from measurements with x - rays and from test beam campaigns at the cern sps will be shown for the small and large prototypes .
preliminary simulation studies on the expected muon reconstruction and trigger performances of this proposed upgraded muon system will be reported . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: compact muon solenoid ( cms ) experiment @xcite has been collecting data successfully since the start of the first large hadron collider ( lhc ) physics run in 2009 . during two future long shutdown periods of the accelerator , the cms collaboration intends to upgrade several subsystems of its detector @xcite .
in particular , the muon system as depicted in fig . [
fig : cmsmuonsystem ] will be extended by completing rings 2 and 3 in the fourth station in both endcaps to ensure efficient muon triggering and reconstruction in that region as the lhc instantaineous luminosity continues to increase . during the first long shutdown presently scheduled for 2013 - 2014.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | , this fourth endcap station will be equipped with resistive plate chambers ( rpcs ) up to @xmath6 .
for the latter subsystem , which is a dedicated cms muon trigger detector , the very forward region beyond @xmath7 will remain empty and could in principle be instrumented up to @xmath8 as is already the case for the cathode strip chamber ( csc ) system that serves as muon tracker in the endcap region . |
1,987 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in the low - energy regime light and strange baryons should be considered as systems of constituent quarks with confining interaction and a chiral interaction that is mediated by goldstone bosons as well as by vector and scalar mesons .
the flavor - spin structure and sign of the short - range part of the spin - spin force reduces the @xmath0 symmetry down to @xmath1 , induces hyperfine splittings and provides correct ordering of the lowest states with positive and negative parity .
there is a cancellation of the tensor force from pseudoscalar- and vector - exchanges in baryons .
the spin - orbit interactions from @xmath2-like and @xmath3-like exchanges also cancel each other in baryons while they produce a big spin - orbit force in nn system .
a unified description of light and strange baryon spectra calculated in a semirelativistic framework is presented .
it is demonstrated that the same short - range part of spin - spin interaction between the constituent quarks induces a strong short - range repulsion in @xmath4 system when the latter is treated as @xmath5 system .
thus one can achieve a simultaneous understanding of a baryon structure and baryon - baryon interaction in the low - energy regime .
-1 cm -0.5 cm -1 cm 23 cm * baryons in a chiral constituent quark model * l. ya .
glozman _ institute for theoretical physics , university of graz , austria _ .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: our aim in physics is not only to calculate some observable and get a correct number but mainly to understand a physical picture responsible for the given phenomenon .
it very often happens that a theory formulated in terms of fundamental degrees of freedom can not answer such a question since it becomes overcomplicated at the related scale .
thus a main task in this case is to select those degrees of freedom which are indeed essential ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | for instance , the fundamental degrees of freedom in crystals are ions in the lattice , electrons and the electromagnetic field . nevertheless , in order to understand electric conductivity , heat capacity , etc .
we instead work with `` heavy electrons '' with dynamical mass , phonons and their interaction . in this case |
1,988 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we address the problem of constructing the non - associative version of the dynkin form of the baker - campbell - hausdorff formula ; that is , expressing @xmath0 , where @xmath1 and @xmath2 are non - associative variables , in terms of the shestakov - umirbaev primitive operations .
in particular , we obtain a recursive expression for the magnus expansion of the baker - campbell - hausdorff series and an explicit formula in degrees smaller than 5 .
our main tool is a non - associative version of the dynkin - specht - wever lemma .
a construction of bernouilli numbers in terms of binary trees is also recovered . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the baker - campbell - hausdorff formula is the expansion of @xmath3 in terms of nested commutators for the non - commuting variables @xmath1 and @xmath2 , where the commutator of @xmath4 and @xmath5 is defined as @xmath6 : = ab - ba$ ] .
the explicit combinatorial form of it was given by dynkin in his 1947 paper @xcite . by considering the linear extension of the map @xmath7 defined by @xmath8 , @xmath9 , @xmath10 ,
@xmath11 $ ] and @xmath12 $ ] he proved that @xmath13 this series is related to lie s third theorem and the history around it is too rich to be retold here ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | so we refer the reader to the recent monograph @xcite and references therein for a historical account .
the baker - campbell - hausdorff formula , as well as many other results in lie theory , firmly belongs to associative algebra . |
1,989 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the voltage - carrying state of superconducting nbtin nanowires , used for single - photon detectors , is analyzed . upon lowering the current
, the wire returns to the superconducting state in a steplike pattern , which differs from sample to sample .
elimination of geometrical inhomogeneities , such as sharp corners , does not remove these steplike features .
they appear to be intrinsic to the material .
since the material is strongly disordered , electronic inhomogeneities are considered as a possible cause .
a thermal model , taking into account random variations of the electronic properties along the wire , is used as an interpretative framework . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: superconducting nanowire single - photon detectors ( snspd s ) are promising devices for the detection of single photons because of their fast response time , broadband sensitivity , and low dark - count rate@xcite .
a variety of materials are currently being used , with the common denominator that their resistivity in the normal state is unusually large , consistent with an electronic mean free path in the order of the interatomic distance .
these materials are chosen for their high critical temperature and fast electron - phonon scattering . in view of the increased interest ,.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the need for reproducible device - fabrication has become an issue .
it has been found that often variations of detection efficiency occur from device to device@xcite and as a function of position on a single device@xcite , which are not easily understood . |
1,990 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we perform hydrodynamical and nucleosynthesis calculations of core - collapse supernovae ( sne ) and hypernovae ( hne ) of population ( pop ) iii stars .
we provide new yields for the main - sequence mass of @xmath0 @xmath1 and the explosion energy of @xmath2 ergs to apply for chemical evolution studies .
our hn yields based on the mixing - fallback model of explosions reproduce the observed abundance patterns of extremely metal - poor ( emp ) stars ( @xmath3 } < -3 $ ] ) , while those of very metal - poor ( vmp ) stars ( @xmath4 } < -2 $ ] ) are reproduced by the normal sn yields integrated over the salpeter initial mass function .
moreover , the observed trends of abundance ratios [ x / fe ] against [ fe / h ] with small dispersions for the emp stars can be reproduced as a sequence resulting from the various combination of @xmath5 and @xmath6 .
this is because we adopt the empirical relation that a larger amount of fe is ejected by more massive hne .
our results imply that the observed trends with small dispersions do not necessarily mean the rapid homogeneous mixing in the early galactic halo at [ fe / h ] @xmath7 , but can be reproduced by the `` inhomogeneous '' chemical evolution model .
in addition , we examine how the modifications of the distributions of the electron mole fraction @xmath8 and the density in the presupernova models improve the agreement with observations . in this connection , we discuss possible contributions of nucleosynthesis in the neutrino - driven wind and the accretion disk . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the first metal enrichment in the universe was made by the supernova ( sn ) explosions of population ( pop ) iii stars . despite the importance of pop iii stars in the evolution of the early universe ,
their properties are still uncovered .
the main issues is the typical masses of pop iii stars ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | some studies have suggested that the initial mass function ( imf ) differs from the present day imf ( e.g. , top - heavy imf ; @xcite ) and that a large number of stars might be so massive as to explode as pair - instability sne ( e.g. , @xcite ) . on the other hand , @xcite suggested an imf that is peaked in the range of massive stars that exploded as core - collapse sne . in the early universe , the enrichment by a single sn can dominate the preexisting metal contents ( e.g. , @xcite ) .
the pop iii sn shock compresses the sn ejecta consisting of heavy elements , e.g. , o , mg , si , and fe , and the circumstellar materials consisting of h and he , and thus the abundance pattern of the enriched gas may reflect nucleosynthesis in the sn . the sn compression will initiate a sn - induced star formation ( e.g. , @xcite ) and the second - generation stars will be formed from the enriched gas . among the second generation stars , low mass ( @xmath9 ) stars have long life - times and might be observed as extremely metal - poor ( emp ) stars with [ fe / h ] @xmath7 @xcite . |
1,991 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the present study deals with the exact solutions of the einstein s field equations with variable gravitational and cosmological `` constants '' for a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic bianchi type - i space - time .
to study the transit behavior of universe , we consider a law of variation of scale factor @xmath0 which yields a time dependent deceleration parameter ( dp ) @xmath1 , comprising a class of models that depicts a transition of the universe from the early decelerated phase to the recent accelerating phase .
we find that the time dependent dp is reasonable for the present day universe and give an appropriate description of the evolution of the universe .
for @xmath2 , we obtain @xmath3 which is similar to observed value of dp at present epoch .
it is also observed that for @xmath4 and @xmath5 , we obtain a class of transit models of the universe from early decelerating to present accelerating phase . for @xmath6 , the universe has non - singular origin .
the gravitational constant @xmath7 is permitted to follow a power - law expansion which is suitable for the present evolution of the universe .
the cosmological constant @xmath8 is obtained as a decreasing function of time and approaching a small positive value at present epoch which is corroborated by consequences from recent supernovae ia observations .
we also observed that our solutions approach to the @xmath9-cdm model .
the physical significance of the cosmological models have also been discussed .
+ + + + pacs : , 98.80.-k + keywords : cosmology , transit universe , variable gravitational & cosmological constants , variable deceleration parameter + .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the einstein field equation has two parameters , the cosmological constant @xmath9 and the gravitational constant @xmath10 . in 1998 ,
the discovery that the accelerated expansion of the universe is driven by the dark energy ( de ) from the type ia supernovae ( sn ia ) observations ( riess et al .
1998 ; perlmutter et al . 1999 ) greatly astonished the world ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe ( peiris et al . 2003 ; spergel et al . 2007 ) , combined with more accurate sn ia data ( riess et al .
2004 ) indicates that the universe is almost spatially flat and the dark energy accounts for about @xmath11 of the total content of the universe . |
1,992 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we determine the thermodynamic properties and the spectral function for a homogeneous two - dimensional fermi gas in the normal state using the luttinger - ward , or self - consistent t - matrix , approach .
the density equation of state deviates strongly from that of the ideal fermi gas even for moderate interactions , and our calculations suggest that temperature has a pronounced effect on the pressure in the crossover from weak to strong coupling , consistent with recent experiments .
we also compute the superfluid transition temperature for a finite system in the crossover region .
there is a pronounced pseudogap regime above the transition temperature : the spectral function shows a bogoliubov - like dispersion with back - bending , and the density of states is significantly suppressed near the chemical potential .
the contact density at low temperatures increases with interaction and compares well with both experiment and zero - temperature monte carlo results .
the formation of fermion pairs and superfluidity of such pairs are distinct but related phenomena : in weak - coupling bcs theory , both are predicted to occur at the same temperature @xmath0 .
however , a basic question of many - body physics is how they are related at stronger coupling and in low dimensions , where quantum fluctuations play a large role .
while preformed pairs in the normal phase trivially exist in the strong - coupling bose limit where one has tightly bound dimers , it has been argued that pairing above @xmath0 can also occur in the bcs regime . in this case , one expects a significant suppression of spectral weight at the fermi surface even above @xmath0 .
this so - called pseudogap regime extends up to a crossover temperature @xmath1 , and its spectral and thermodynamic properties deviate strongly from the predictions of fermi - liquid theory @xcite .
recently , pairing and superfluidity have been studied in ultracold atomic gases , which afford accurate control of both the interaction strength and....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the fully dressed fermionic propagator @xmath105 is calculated from the bare propagator @xmath106^{-1}$ ] via the dyson equation @xmath107 where @xmath108 are fermionic matsubara frequencies , and @xmath109 is the self - energy which captures the interaction effects .
dilute fermi gases are well described in the ladder , or t - matrix , approximation . the bosonic vertex function
is then given by @xmath110^{-1}\end{aligned}\ ] ] in terms of the bare coupling @xmath111 , which depends on the uv momentum cutoff @xmath112 ( see below ) , and the pair propagator @xmath113 for bosonic matsubara frequencies @xmath114 ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | in the ladder approximation the bosonic vertex function is equivalent to the t matrix , which describes the propagation of bound fermion pairs , or dimers , via dressed fermion - fermion excitations .
finally , the fermionic self - energy describes how fermions scatter off ( virtual ) dimers , @xmath115 the pair propagator @xmath116 has a logarithmic ultraviolet divergence @xcite ; this is regularised by expressing the bare coupling @xmath111 in eq . in terms of the physical binding energy @xmath22 of the two - body bound state which is always present in an attractive 2d fermi gas , @xmath117 note that the existence of a bound state is both necessary and sufficient for pairing in 2d @xcite . |
1,993 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: zero age main sequence ( zams ) models with updated physical inputs are presented for selected assumptions about the chemical composition , covering the ranges 0.6 @xmath0 m @xmath0 1.2 m@xmath1 , 0.0001 @xmath0 z @xmath0 0.04 , 0.23 @xmath0 y @xmath0 0.34 .
the hr diagram location of the zams as a function of y and z is discussed both in the theoretical ( logl , logt@xmath2 ) and in the observational ( m@xmath3 , b - v ) diagrams , showing that the v magnitude presents an increased dependence on z to be taken into account when discussing observational evidences .
analytical relations quantifying both these dependences are derived .
implications for the galactic helium to heavier elements enrichment @xmath4y/@xmath4z are finally discussed . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: long time ago , the observational evidence for ms stars has been the very first challenge for the theory of stellar structure and the prediction for underluminous metal poor ms stars has been among the very first success of the theory . since that time
, the location in the color magnitude ( cm ) diagram of the zero age main sequence ( zams ) and its dependence on the adopted chemical composition keeps being a relevant ingredient for the investigation of stellar clusters and in particular for distance determinations through ms fitting .
the issue is now matter of a renewed interest vis - a - vis the absolute magnitudes made available by the hipparcos satellite for a large amount of stars ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | + in this context , theoretical predictions concerning the zams are also connected with the still open problem of the ratio @xmath4y/@xmath4z marking the enrichment of interstellar medium during the nuclear evolution of galactic matter . from an observational point of view , for any given range of metallicities the location of the related main sequences depends on the corresponding variation in y , which thus governs the observed zams broadening . in spite of the difficulty of the procedure , which is affected by uncertainties on cluster reddening , metallicity and distance modulus , several evaluations of the quoted ratio have been provided in last decades , by using suitable relations between the main sequence thickness and chemical composition variations ( faulkner 1967 , perrin et al .
1977 , pagel 1995 , cayrel de strobel & crifo 1995 , fernandes et al . 1996 ) . |
1,994 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in 1924 david hilbert conceived a paradoxical tale involving a hotel with an infinite number of rooms to illustrate some aspects of the mathematical notion of `` infinity '' . in continuous - variable quantum mechanics we routinely make use of infinite state spaces : here we show that such a theoretical apparatus can accommodate an analog of hilbert s hotel paradox .
we devise a protocol that , mimicking what happens to the guests of the hotel , maps the amplitudes of an infinite eigenbasis to twice their original quantum number in a coherent and deterministic manner , producing infinitely many unoccupied levels in the process .
we demonstrate the feasibility of the protocol by experimentally realising it on the orbital angular momentum of a paraxial field .
this new non - gaussian operation may be exploited for example for enhancing the sensitivity of n00n states , for increasing the capacity of a channel or for multiplexing multiple channels into a single one .
the `` hilbert hotel paradox '' demonstrates the counterintuitive nature of infinity @xcite .
the hilbert hotel has infinitely many rooms numbered @xmath0 , all of which are currently occupied .
each new visitor that arrives can be accommodated if every current guest in the hotel is asked to move up one room ( @xmath1 ) .
even if a countably infinite number of new guests arrives at once , they can still be accommodated if each of the existing occupants moves to twice their current room number ( @xmath2 ) leaving the odd - numbered rooms free .
we may ask whether such phenomena can exist physically .
one possibility is in continuous - variables systems where in principle we have infinite ladders of energy eigenstates .
previously @xcite , the first of the hilbert hotel paradoxes ( with a single new guest ) was proposed in cavity qed using the sudarshan - glogower bare raising operator @xmath3 that shifts all the amplitudes up one level leaving the vacuum state unoccupied . here
, we show how we can implement the extended....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: this work was supported by the canada excellence research chairs ( cerc ) program , the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada ( nserc ) and the uk epsrc . o.s.m.l .
acknowledges support from conacyt and the mexican secretaria de educacion publica ( sep ) .
dklo , jj , and vp acknowledge quisco ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | v.p . , f.m.m . , d.k.l.o . and j.j .
developed the theory . f.m.m . |
1,995 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: observables in random tensor theory are polynomials in the entries of tensor of rank @xmath0 which are invariant under @xmath1 .
it is notoriously difficult to evaluate the expectations of such polynomials , even in the gaussian distribution . in this article , we introduce singular value decompositions to evaluate the expectations of polynomial observables of gaussian random tensors .
performing the matrix integrals over the unitary group leads to a notion of effective observables which expand onto regular , matrix trace invariants .
examples are given to illustrate that both asymptotic and exact new calculations of expectations can be performed this way . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a random tensor is a @xmath0-dimensional array of random variables .
the joint probability distribution is typically chosen to be @xmath1-invariant .
just like unitary invariance in random ( hermitian or complex ) matrices selects matrix traces as natural invariant observables , the invariance under @xmath1 points to a family of invariant observables , which are polynomials in the tensor entries ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | those observables are labeled by connected , @xmath0-regular , edge - colored graphs , and one is interested in the large @xmath2 expansion of their expectations . in matrix models
@xcite , expectations of observables @xmath3 can be expanded onto feynman graphs , actually maps whose genus is the exponent of @xmath2 in the expansion at large @xmath2 . |
1,996 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in a class of multidimensional models , topology of the thick brane provides three chiral fermionic families with hierarchical masses and mixings in the effective four - dimensional theory , while the full model contains a single vector - like generation .
we discuss how to incorporate three non - degenerate neutrino masses in these models with the help of only one singlet bulk fermion .
-27pt 8.5 in ( .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: one of the interesting possibilities which open up in theories with more than four spacetime dimensions is to explain the misterious pattern of fermion mass hierarchies @xcite . in previous works @xcite ,
we have shown how a single family of fermions , with vectorlike couplings to the standard model group @xmath0 in 6 dimensions was reduced to @xmath1 _ chiral _ families in 4 dimensions .
this mechanism hinged on a localisation on a vortex in the `` transverse '' dimensions , characterized by a winding number @xmath1 . as a variant , an effective vortex achieving the same result.
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | could be simulated by coupling the fermions to a winding - number 1 scalar elevated to the @xmath1th power .
the value @xmath2 is not favoured in such schemes , and was only invoked for its phenomenological interest . |
1,997 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: by associating a spin - orbit interaction with a non - abelian gauge potential , we theoretically present a spin polarization in a quite general form using an effective yang - mills field and a usual electromagnetic field . in this gauge invariant result ,
we focus on a purely electrically - induced spin contribution .
we find that both the inverse spin galvanic effect and the spin hall effect arise from the same origin , i.e. , the su(2)@xmath0u(1 ) hall effect .
we also discover that a large effective magnetic field of the order of @xmath1 t is induced in the rashba system .
generation of spin by applying an electric current in the presence of spin - orbit interaction has been investigated with much theoretical and experimental attention in spintronics @xcite .
one of the most successful phenomena of electronic spin - and - charge coupled transport is the spin hall effect @xcite . in a system with spin - orbit interaction
, a spin current appears in the transverse direction to an applied electric current . as a result
, electronic spin accumulates at the edges of the sample . as a similar effect , in the inverse of the spin galvanic effect @xcite a spin polarization
is also induced by applying an electric current .
these two phenomena are different in a direction of an emergent spin polarization . in a case of a two - dimensional electron system without inversion symmetry ,
the induced spin polarization is out - of - plane in the spin hall effect , while the in - plane spin arises in the inverse spin galvanic effect .
although the electronic spin is the well - defined quantity , the theoretical definition of spin current is not uniquely given under the spin - orbit interaction .
in the presence of spin - orbit interaction , electronic spin dynamics always accompanies the relaxation compared with the equation of motion for electric charge .
to resolve this ambiguity in the definition , the non - abelian gauge theory is one of the possible solutions . to connect
the spin....
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: we first calculate the electronic spin driven by the effective su(2 ) yang - mills field due to the spin - orbit interaction . to confirm rigorously the su(2 ) gauge covariance
, we consider up to the third - order contribution of the non - abelian spin - orbit gauge potential .
therefore , we will obtain the gauge invariant result after the strict calculation . the diagrammatic representation of the spin density induced by the first order in @xmath7 is shown in fig ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | 1(a ) , and this contribution is written down @xmath104,\end{aligned}\ ] ] where @xmath105 is the system size , @xmath106 denotes the fermi distribution function , @xmath107 ( @xmath108 ) is the impurity - averaged retarded ( advanced ) green s function of free electrons defined as ( @xmath109 ) @xmath110 and @xmath111 represents contribution of the diffusion ladder @xmath112 considering the slowly varying spin - orbit coupling , @xmath113 and @xmath114 , we carry out the gradient expansion and the leading contribution reads @xmath115 \pi_{\omega}({{\bm q}},{\omega } ) \notag \\ & -{{\mathcal a}_t}^a({{\bm q}},{\omega } ) { g^{\rm r}}_{{{\bm k}},{\omega } } { g^{\rm a}}_{{{\bm k}},{\omega } } \bigg [ \frac{i}{\tau } + { \omega}\pi_{\omega}({{\bm q}},{\omega } ) \bigg ] \bigg\}.\end{aligned}\ ] ] after integrating the green s function with respect to @xmath38 and @xmath39 , we finally obtain @xmath116 \notag \\ & = \frac{{\sigma_{\rm c}}}{l^d } \int{d^d r ' } \int{d t ' } \sum_{{\bm q}}\sum_{\omega}\frac{e^{i { { \bm q}}\cdot ( { { \bm r}}-{{\bm r } } ' ) -i { \omega}(t - t')}}{d { { \bm q}}^2 -i { \omega } } { { \bm \nabla}}_{{{\bm r } } ' } \cdot \big [ { \partial}_{t ' } { { \bm{\mathcal a}}}^a({{\bm r}}',t ' ) + { { \bm \nabla}}_{{{\bm r } } ' } { { \mathcal a}_t}({{\bm r}}',t ' ) \big ] \notag \\ & \equiv { \sigma_{\rm c}}{{\bm \nabla } \cdot}\langle{{\partial_t}{{\bm{\mathcal a}}}^a + { { \bm \nabla}}{{\mathcal a}_t}^a}\rangle.\end{aligned}\ ] ] the spin current is similarly calculated , @xmath117 { { \rm im}}\big [ k_j ' k_l ' { g^{\rm r}}_{{{\bm k}}',{\omega } } ( { g^{\rm a}}_{{{\bm k}}',{\omega}})^2 \big ] \pi_{\omega}({{\bm q}},{\omega } ) \notag \\ & -i 2 \hbar q_j { \omega}{{\mathcal a}_t}^a({{\bm q}},{\omega } ) { { \rm im}}\big [ k_i k_j { g^{\rm r}}_{{{\bm k}},{\omega } } ( { g^{\rm a}}_{{{\bm k}},{\omega}})^2 \big ] \pi_{\omega}({{\bm q}},{\omega } ) \bigg\},\end{aligned}\ ] ] and results in @xmath118 here we consider the higher - order contribution for the su(2 ) gauge covariance .
we... |
1,998 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: this paper studies quantized control for discrete - time piecewise affine systems . for given stabilizing feedback controllers
, we propose an encoding strategy for local stability .
if the quantized state is near the boundaries of quantization regions , then the controller can recompute a better quantization value .
for the design of quantized feedback controllers , we also consider the stabilization of piecewise affine systems with bounded disturbances . in order to derive a less conservative design method with low computational cost
, we investigate a region to which the state belong in the next step . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in many applications , the input and output of the controller are quantized signals .
this is due to the physical properties of the actuators / sensors and the data - rate limitation of links connected to the controller .
quantized control for linear time - invariant systems actively studied from various point of view , as surveyed in @xcite ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | moreover , in the context of systems with discrete jumps such as switched systems and piecewise affine ( pwa ) systems , control problems with limited information have recently received increasing attention . for sampled - data switched systems , a stability analysis under finite - level static quantization has been developed in @xcite , and an encoding and control strategy for stabilization has been proposed in the state feedback case @xcite , whose related works have been presented for the output feedback case @xcite and for the case with bounded disturbances @xcite . also , our previous work @xcite has studied the stabilization of continuous - time switched systems with quantized output feedback , based on the results in @xcite . however ,
relatively little work has been conducted on quantized control for pwa systems . in @xcite , |
1,999 | Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we employ the exact eigenstate basis formalism to study electrical conductivity in graphene , in the presence of short - range diagonal disorder and inter - valley scattering .
we find that for disorder strength , @xmath0 5 , the density of states is flat .
we , then , make connection , using the mrg approach , with the work of abrahams _ et al . _ and find a very good agreement for disorder strength , @xmath1 = 5 . for low disorder strength , @xmath1 = 2 , we plot the energy - resolved current matrix elements squared for different locations of the fermi energy from the band centre .
we find that the states close to the band centre are more extended and falls of nearly as @xmath2 as we move away from the band centre .
further studies of current matrix elements versus disorder strength suggests a cross - over from weakly localized to a very weakly localized system .
we calculate conductivity using kubo greenwood formula and show that , for low disorder strength , conductivity is in a good qualitative agreement with the experiments , even for the on - site disorder .
the intensity plots of the eigenstates also reveal clear signatures of puddle formation for very small carrier concentration .
we also make comparison with square lattice and find that graphene is more easily localized when subject to disorder . .
And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: graphene has been long studied as a theoretical toy model not only to understand it s appealing physical properties,@xcite but also as a basic building block of various carbon allotropes like graphite,@xcite and more recently fullerenes and nanotubes.@xcite while graphite is the three dimensional allotrope of carbon and could be formed by the bernal stacking of graphene sheets , fullerene and nanotubes are the zero and one dimensional allotropes , formed by introducing pentagonal impurities and rolling the graphene sheets , respectively . after its experimental isolation in 2004,@xcite there has been a renewed interest in studying various properties of graphene sheet ,
both theoretically and experimentally , as well as due to potential technological applications.@xcite graphene consists of a single sheet of carbon atoms arranged on a honeycomb lattice .
basic properties of graphene are well described by a tight - binding model for the @xmath3-orbitals which are perpendicular to the graphene plane at each carbon atom ..
Please generate the next two sentences of the article | the effective low - energy theory states that the charge carriers in graphene are massless dirac fermions , characterized by a linear dispersion relation and a linear energy dependence of the density of states which vanishes at the fermi level implying a semi - metallic behaviour for graphene.@xcite graphene has attracted a lot of attention recently not only due to its potential technological applications but also for understanding of physics in 2d systems@xcite .
its low energy description mimics ( 2 + 1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics and hence graphene could act as a testing ground for various relativistic phenomena.@xcite early experiments on graphene have revealed that the conductivity at low temperatures is directly proportional to the carrier concentration ( or gate voltage ) except for very low carrier concentration . for zero gate voltage , |