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[ Location: Sky Box ] Clarke (thoughts): I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It's so beautiful. In this moment, I'm not stranded in space. It's been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse k*lled everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. 12 nations had operational space stations at the time of the b*mb. There is now only The Ark, one station forged from the many. We're told the Earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again. 4 more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream. This is reality. Guard: Prisoner 319, face the wall. Clarke (thoughts): Reality sucks. Clarke: What is this? Guard: Quiet. Hold out your right arm. Clarke: No. No. It's not my time. I don't turn 18 for another month. Guard: Hold out your arm. Clarke (thoughts): On The Ark, every crime, no matter how small, is punishable by death - unless you're under 18. Guard: Your watch. Clarke: No. It was my father's. Guard: Take it off. Clarke: No. Guard: Hey! Clarke: No. Clarke (thoughts): Juvenile offenders get put here -- lockup. We call it the Sky Box. Guard: Prisoner 319. Abigail Griffin (Clarke's Mother): Clarke, stop. Wait here. Clarke: Mom? Mom, what's going on? What is this? Guard (to another prisoner): Come on. Let's go. Clarke: They're k*lling us all, aren't they, reducing population to make more time for the rest of you? Abigail Griffin: Clarke, you are not being ex*cuted. You're being sent to the ground, all 100 of you. Clarke: What? But it's not safe. No. No. We get reviewed at 18. Abigail Griffin: The rules have changed. This gives you a chance to live. Your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody else first, just like your father, but be careful. I can't lose you, too. I love you so much. (Guard uses tranquilizing g*n on Clarke) Abigail Griffin: Earth, Clarke. You get to go to Earth. [ Location: Drop Ship ] Wells: Welcome back. Look. Clarke: Wells, why the hell are you here? Wells: When I found out they were sending prisoners to the ground, I got myself arrested. I came for you. Clarke: What was that? Wells: That was the atmosphere. Chancellor Jaha (via TV screen): Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. Random Prisoner: Your dad is a dick, Wells. Chancellor Jaha: If, however, you do survive, those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. [ Location: The Ark ] Parents: I saw a ship launch not more than 20 minutes ago. Who was on it? Was it the prisoners? They're just kids. Are they going to Earth? Has something changed? Callie Cartwig: Folks, as I said, at this time, we cannot confirm or deny anything. Parents: Come on, lady! Is my son on that ship. [ Location: Drop Ship ] Chancellor Jaha: The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last w*r, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years. No one ever made it there. Because we spare you no food, or water, or medicine, I cannot stress strongly enough, that Mount Weather is life. Prisoners: Spacewalk bandit strikes again. Go, Finn! Check it out. Finn (to Wells): Your dad floated me, after all. Wells: You should strap in before the parachutes deploy. Clarke: Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live. Chancellor Jaha: You must locate those supplies immediately. Finn (to Clarke): Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year. Clarke: You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk. Finn: But it was fun. I'm Finn. Chancellor Jaha: Your one responsibility is stay alive. Clarke: Stay in your seats. Finn, are you okay? Male: Whoa! [ Exodus ship ] Kane: ( to CALLIE ) Not now. Jackson: Total system failure, that’s what we’re looking at. All we know for sure is that they were off course when we lost contact, so… Kane: Tell me about communications. Jackson: Other than the telemetry from their wristbands, we got nothing… No audio, no video, no computer link. Everything that we programmed in to help them is gone. They’re on their own. [ Exodus ship ] Wells: Retrorockets ought to have fired by now. Clarke: Okay. Everything on this ship is a hundred years old, right? Just give it a second. Wells: Clarke, there’s something I have to tell you. I’m sorry I got your father arrested. Clarke: Don’t you talk about my father. Wells: Please, I can’t die knowing that you hate me. Clarke: They didn’t arrest my father, Wells. They ex*cuted him. I do hate you. ( People shouting ) ( Crash ) ( Machines stop ) Monty: Listen. No machine hum. Jasper: Whoa. That’s a first. ( Buckles clicking ) Clarke: Finn, is he breathing? Male: The outer door is on the lower level. Let’s go. Clarke: No. We can’t just open the doors. Bellamy: Hey, just back it up, guys. Clarke: Stop. The air could be toxic. Bellamy: If the air is toxic, we’re all d*ad, anyway. Octavia: Bellamy? Male: That's the girl they hid under the floor. Bellamy: My God, look how big you are. Octavia: What the hell are you wearing, a guard’s uniform? Bellamy: I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you. Ha ha! Clarke: Where’s your wristband? Octavia: Do you mind? I haven’t seen my brother in a year. Male: No one has a brother. Female: That’s Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor. Bellamy: Octavia, Octavia, no. Let’s give them something else to remember you by. Octavia: Yeah? Like what? Bellamy: Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years. Octavia: ( Exhales ) Ah… ( Steps onto Earth ) Uh! We’re back, bitches! ( All cheering ) ( Music playing] “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons ) ♪ I'm waking up to ash and dust ♪ ♪ I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust ♪ ♪ I'm breathing in the chemicals ♪ ♪ I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus ♪ ♪ This is it, the apocalypse ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones ♪ ♪ Enough to make my systems blow ♪ ♪ Welcome to the new age, to the new age ♪ ♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive ♪ ♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh... ♪ Finn: Why so serious, Princess? It’s not like we died in a fiery expl*si*n. Clarke: Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats. Finn: You don’t like being called Princess, do you, Princess? Clarke: Do you see that peak over there? Finn: Yeah. Clarke: Mount Weather. There’s a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain. [ The Ark ] Kane: There it is. We know they’ve landed, but communications are down, which means we’re still blind to conditions on the ground. Thanks to Abby’s wristbands, at least we know how those conditions affect the human body, which is more than we’ve had for a hundred years. So nice work. Now, what are they telling us? Abby: Two d*ad kids, dark tiles. Dr. Jackson, please share our theory with Councilor Kane. Jackson: Of course. Granted, they’ve only been on the ground for seven minutes, but as of now, we believe the fatalities are due to the landing, not radiation levels. Abby: Both boys died at the same time that we lost contact with the drop ship. Kane: Rough landing? That’s your theory? Abby: The dots connect. Kane: Would you agree that if it was radiation, we’d see fatalities climb fairly quickly now? Because I’m noticing a lot of red on that board. Abby: Spiking vital signs, two possibilities, one, injuries sustained during landing. Kane: And the other? Abby: They’re excited to be there. [ The Ground ] Wells: We got problems. The communications system is d*ad. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires. Clarke: Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. See? Look. This is us. This is where we need to get to if we want to survive. Wells: Where’d you learn to do that? Your father. Jasper: Ah, cool, a map. They got a bar in this town? I’ll buy you a beer. Wells: You mind? Jasper: Whoa. Male: Hey, hey, hey, hands off of him. He’s with us. Wells: Relax. We’re just trying to figure out where we are. Bellamy: We’re on the ground. That not good enough for you? Wells: We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father’s message. That has to be our first priority. Octavia: Screw your father. What, you think you’re in charge here, you and your little Princess? Clarke: Do you think we care who’s in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we’ll get and the harder this’ll be. How long do you think we’ll last without those supplies? We’re looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now. Bellamy: I got a better idea. You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change. Delinquents: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wells: You’re not listening. We all need to go. Murphy: Look at this, everybody… The Chancellor of Earth. Wells: Think that’s funny? Uh! Clarke: Wells. Male: Yeah. Come on. Get him. Wells: No, but that was. All right. Male: What you gonna do now, Wells? Murphy: Come on. Come on. Male: Whoo! Whoo! Delinquents: Aw. Aw. Finn: Kid’s got one leg. How about you wait until it’s a fair fight? Octavia: ( to FINN ) Hey, spacewalker, rescue me next. ( to BELLAMY ) What? He’s cute. Bellamy: He’s a criminal. Octavia: They’re all criminals. Bellamy: Look, O. I came down here to protect you. Octavia: I don’t need protecting. I have been locked up one way or another all my life. I am done following orders. I need to have fun, Bell. I need to just do something crazy just because I can, and no one, including you, is gonna stop me. Bellamy: I can’t stay with them, O. Octavia: Now what are you talking about? Female: Go find something. Bellamy: I did something, okay, to get on the drop ship, something that they will k*ll me for when they come down. I can’t say what it is just yet, but you have to trust me. You do still trust me, don’t you? Octavia: Yeah. Finn: ( to CLARKE ) So Mount Weather. When do we leave? Clarke: Right now. We’ll be back tomorrow with food. Wells: How are the two of you gonna carry enough food for a hundred? Finn: ( Grabs MONTY and JASPER ) Four of us. Can we go now? Octavia: Sounds like a party. Make it five. Bellamy: Hey, what the hell are you doing? Octavia: Going for a walk. Clarke: ( to FINN ) Hey, were you trying to take this off? Finn: Yeah. So? Clarke: So this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they’ll think you’re d*ad. Finn: Should I care? Clarke: Well, I don’t know. Do you want the people you love to think you’re d*ad? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won’t if they think we’re dying. Clarke: Okay! Now let’s go. Bellamy: Go on. Octavia: Mwah! ( Sighs ) Clarke: You shouldn’t have come here, Wells. Octavia: Before you get any ideas, Finn is mine. Clarke: Before you get any ideas, I don’t care. [ the Ark: Earth Monitoring Station ] Callie: Hey, darling, how’s Clarke? Abby: Her vital signs are strong, blood sugar is low. She hasn’t eaten. ( Telephone rings ) Abby: This is Dr. Griffin. On my way. Jackson, put it out there we need blood… A neg. And a lot of it, and then get your ass to the O.R. Callie: Abby, what’s wrong? Abby: The Chancellor has been sh*t. [ The Ground ] Jasper: Now, that, my friend, is game. Monty: That, my friend, is poison sumac. Octavia: What? It is? Monty: The flowers aren’t poisonous. They’re medicinal, calming, actually. Jasper: His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on The Ark. Clarke: Hey, guys, would you try to keep up? Finn: Come on, Clarke. How do you block all this out? Clarke: Well, it’s simple. I wonder, ‘why haven’t we seen any animals?’ Maybe it’s because there are none. Maybe we’ve already been exposed to enough radiation to k*ll us. Sure is pretty, though. Come on. Octavia: Someone should slip her some poison sumac. Jasper: ( Snorts ) Finn: I got to know what you two did to get busted. Monty: Sumac is not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean. Jasper: Someone forget to replace what we took. Monty: Someone has apologized, like, a thousand times. Jasper: How about you, Octavia? What'd they get you for? Octavia: Being born. Monty: That is so not game. Finn: No animals, huh? ( Snap ) All: Uh! [ The Ark ] Abby: Chancellor has lost a lot of blood. If only they found him sooner, damn it. Jackson: Abby, he’s waking up. Abby: Increase the anesthesia. Jackson: We used way too much blood and anesthesia.. We’re way over the line. Abby: Your Chancellor is going into shock. Jackson: You’re asking me to break the law. Abby: Fine. I’ll do it myself. Let them come after me. Shumway: Excuse me, sir. You asked to be notified if there was news. The Chancellor is still in surgery, but we have I.D.ed the sh**t. Bellamy Blake is the only person on The Ark unaccounted for. Kane: Who is he? Shumway: He’s no one, a janitor. We’re still working up a profile, but his motive for going to Earth is clear. Kane: Sister. I remember. Her mother kept her hidden for almost sixteen years, nearly a record. What is it, Commander Shumway. Spit it out. Shumway: We could start now. As Chancellor pro tempore, you can give the order to start reducing the population. Kane: Not yet. Shumway: Sir, we’re wasting time. Removing the hundred from the population only buys us another month. Engineering needs more than that to fix those systems, if they can fix them at all. Kane: You have my answer, Commander. Enough. If we’re gonna k*ll hundreds of innocent people, we’re gonna do it by the book. Is that clear? In the meantime, I want to know who helped this janitor get on that drop ship because he sure as hell didn’t do it by himself. Seems we have a traitor in our midst, Commander, and the hundred have an assassin in theirs. [ The Ground ] Male: Find any water yet? Wells: No, not yet, but, I’m going back out if you want to come. ( Chuckles ) ( Sniffles ) Murphy: You know, my father, he begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him. Wells: You spelled “die” wrong, geniuses. Bellamy: If you're gonna k*ll someone, it's probably best not to announce it. Murphy: You’re not really a member of the guard, are you? Bellamy: No. The real guard will be here soon unless we stop it. You don’t actually think they’re gonna forgive your crimes. Even if they do, then what? Guys like us, we’re gonna become model citizens now, get jobs, if we’re lucky, maybe pick up their trash? Mbege: You got a point? Bellamy: No. I got a question. They locked you up, dumped you down here like lab rats to die. So why are you helping them? Mbege: The hell we are. Bellamy:You’re wearing those bracelets, aren’t you? Right now, those things are telling them whether or not it’s safe to follow us down. Murphy: Okay. You said we could stop it. How? Bellamy: Take them off. The Ark will think you’re d*ad, that it’s not safe to follow. You follow? Murphy: Right, and if we do, I mean, what’s in it for us? Bellamy: Someone has got to help me run things. [ The Ark ] Callie: Hey, Ab. How’s the Chancellor doing? Abby: Ask me again if he makes it through the night. Who else did we lose? Apprentice: Murphy and Mbege, both named John. Kane: Neither was injured during landing. Apprentice: I concur. Something else k*lled these two. One second, they were fine, and the next, bang. Abby:Then it isn’t radiation. Kane: Come on, Abby. Wishful thinking isn’t good science. Abby: It’s not wishful thinking. One second, fine, the next, bang isn’t how exposure to radiation presents. Kane: Well, it could be if there was enough of it. Abby: If there was enough of it, they would all be d*ad. Please let me be right. [ The Ground ] Finn: Hey, you know what I’d like to know? Why send us down today after ninety seven years? What changed? Octavia: Who cares? I’m just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, and now I’m spinning in a forest. Monty: Maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite or... Clarke: It wasn't a satellite. The Ark is dying. At the current population level, there’s roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we’re gone. Finn: So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man? Clarke: My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The Council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public, anyway, when Wells… Monty: What, turned in your dad? Clarke: Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That’s why today. That’s why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time. Monty: They’re gonna k*ll more people, aren’t they? Octavia: Good. After what they did to me, I say, float them all. Jasper: You don’t mean that. Finn: We have to warn them. Clarke: That’s what my father said. Jasper: Oh, damn, I love Earth. Oh! Holy… Finn: Ha ha! Jasper: Hoo hoo hoo. Clarke: Octavia, what the hell are you doing? ( Splash ) Clarke: Octavia… Monty: I can’t swim. Octavia: I know, but we can stand. Ha ha ha! Clarke: Wait. There’s not supposed to be a river here. Finn: Well, there is. So take off your damn clothes. Jasper: Oh… Octavia, get out of the water. Clarke: Get out of the water now! Octavia: Aah! Clarke: Octavia! Octavia: Aah! Jasper: No. Octavia: Aah! Aah! Monty: What the hell is that? Finn: We have to help her. Clarke: What are you gonna do? Finn: Try not to get eaten. Clarke: No. Wait. If we distract it, it might let her go. Help me. Octavia: Aah! No! Uh! Monty: It worked. It let her go. Jasper: Octavia, get to the shore, now! ( OCTAVIA gasping ) Jasper: I got you. Monty: It’s coming back. It’s headed right for you, guys. jasper: Come on. Come on. Keep moving. Clarke: Okay. Octavia: Thank you. Thank you. Clarke: You’re gonna be okay. Monty: Note to self, next time, save the girl. ( Laughter ) ( People whooping ) Female: Yeah. Go on, baby. Male: Yeah. Keep going. Fox: Ah, ah… ah! ( All whooping ) Bellamy: Who’s next? Wells: What the hell are you doing? Bellamy: We’re liberating ourselves. What does it look like? Wells: It looks like you’re trying to get us all k*lled. The communication system is d*ad. These wristbands are all we got. Take them off, and the Ark will think we’re dying, that it’s not safe for them to follow. Bellamy: That’s the point, Chancellor. We can take care of ourselves, can’t we? Delinquents: Yeah! Wells: You think this is a game? Those aren’t just our friends and our parents up there. They’re our farmers, our doctors, our engineers. I don’t care what he tells you. We won’t survive here on our own, and besides, if it really is safe, how could you not want the rest of our people to come down? Bellamy: My people already are down. Those people locked my people up. Those people k*lled my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that. Wells: My father didn’t write the laws. Bellamy: No. He enforced them, but not anymore, not here. Here, there are no laws. Delinquents: Yeah. Yeah. Delinquents: Cool. Bellamy: Here, we do whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want. Now, you don’t have to like it, Wells. You can even try to stop it or change it, k*ll me. You know why? Whatever the hell we want. Murphy: Whatever the hell we want! Male: Whatever the hell we want! All: ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ♪ whatever the hell we want ♪ ( Thunder ) Female: Rain! Real rain! Male: Check it out! Female: It’s water! Wells: We need to collect this. Bellamy: Whatever the hell you want. ( All cheering ) ( Thunder ) [ The Ark ] Jackson: Ten more, one after the next. Abby, look at plasma osmolarity. It’s going up across the board. Abby: They found water. Kane: Councilor Abigail Griffin, you’re under arrest for exceeding the maximum medical supplies allowed for a patient. Sorry this has to be public. The policy in these matters is very clear, no special treatment. How much blood did you use, Abby? Jackson:Don’t answer that. Abby: I used whatever it took. Breaking the law to keep you from becoming Chancellor was the easiest decision I’ve ever made. Kane: In that case, given your confession, in my role as Chancellor pro tempore, you leave me no choice but to find you guilty. Abby: We always have a choice, Kane. You chose to press charges against my husband, your friend, even though you knew he would get floated for it. You chose to include my daughter in those charges, and now you’re choosing this. Hiding behind the law absolves you of nothing. Kane: Be that as it may, in accordance with penal code one, because all crimes committed by those above the age of maturity are capital crimes, you are hereby sentenced to death. Execution is set for the morning, and I choose at every turn and at any cost to make sure that the human race stays alive. Abby: That’s the difference between us, Kane. I choose to make sure that we deserve to stay alive. ( Door closes ) ( Whimpers ) [ The Ground ] ( Birds chirping ) ( Music playing ) Finn: Pretty cool, huh? Clarke: Did you go to the river? Finn: Figured it was worth losing a finger or two. Here. You call that a sip? You think this means we’re all gonna grow two heads? Clarke: Ha ha! Finn: What do you know? She can laugh. Come on. You have to see this. That’s a toe. Plus, near as I can tell, whatever it is, it’s walking on two feet. My guess… Monkeys. Clarke: Pbbt! Ha! I’m sorry. It’s just, according to everything I’ve read, there were no bipedal animals anywhere near here, certainly not monkeys. Finn: Right. You read anything about glow-in-the-dark forests or man-eating snakes? [ The Ark ] ( Door opens ) Callie: Are you out of your mind? You can’t just k*ll everyone who disagrees with you. Kane: Now, you all think I’m a bad guy, but I’m the only one who’s willing to do what it takes to save us. Callie: She’s my best friend. Kane: So what do you want me to say, I’m sorry? I’m not. Friendship is a luxury we can’t afford, and if I have to take us down to a cosmic Adam and Eve, I will do it. Callie: Please, show mercy, if not for Abby, then for me. Kane: We can’t afford mercy, either. [ The Ground ] Wells: Mmph… Bellamy: Shh. Shh. That’s far enough. I don’t want to sh**t you, Wells, hell, I like you, but I do need them to think that you’re d*ad. Wells: Why? Why are you doing this, for real, not some crap about getting to do what you want to do? Bellamy: I have my reasons. I also have the g*n. So I ask the questions, and the question is, why aren’t you helping me? Your dad banished you, Wells, and yet here you are, still doing his bidding, following the rules. Aren’t you tired of always doing what’s expected of you? Stand up to him. Take off that wristband, and you’ll be amazed at how good it feels. Wells: No. Never. Not gonna happen. Is that clear enough for you? Bellamy: Yeah. It is. I’m sorry it had to be this way. Wells: No! No! Get off of me! No! Bellamy: Get him down. Put him down. Wells: No! Come on, man. Let me go. Bellamy: Get it. Do it. Wells: No! Don’t do this! Don’t do this! No. No! Come on, man. Aah! [ The Ark ] ( Door opens ) Male: Dr. Griffin, it’s time. Abby: Callie. ( Sobbing ) Guard: That’s enough. Abby: Watch out for Clarke for me. Callie: Okay. Abby: Jackson, use the wristbands. There may be a way to reverse-engineer them for communication. Talk to Sinclair in engineering. Nod if you understand. Jaha: Stop. Dr. Griffin is pardoned. ( to KANE ) I’ll deal with you later. Open the door. Open the door. Abby: I spent twelve hours putting those intestines back together. Get him back to bed now. Jaha: Tell me about the one hundred. Did they make it? [ The Ground ] ( Music playing ) Clarke: You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling. Finn: Mount Weather awaits. Jasper: Just hang on till the apogee, and you’ll be fine. Finn: The apogee like the Indians, right? Jasper: Apogee, not apache. Clarke: He knows. Today, Finn. Finn: Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side. Jasper: Wait. Finn: What? Jasper: Let me. I can do it. Finn: Knew there was a badass in there somewhere. Jasper: Heh heh. Finn: Hey, it’s okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it. Jasper: See you on the other side. Ha ha! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! We are apogee! Yeah! Clarke: Yeah! Finn: Yes! Whoo! Octavia: Yeah! Whoo! Clarke: You did it, Jasper! Jasper: Whoo! Yeah! Ha ha ha! Finn: Let’s go, Princess. You’re up. Jasper: Come on, Clarke! You got this! Whoo! Apogee! We did it! Mount Weather! Whoo! Whoo! Octavia: Yes! Monty: Whoo! Finn: Yeah, Jasper! Clarke: Jasper. Finn: Come on. Come on. Come on. Jasper! Clarke: Jasper! No. Come on. Finn: Get down. Get down. Octavia: Come on. ( Fluttering ) Clarke: We’re not alone.
{"type": "series", "show": "The 100", "episode": "01x01 - Pilot"}
Clarke: I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face, or breathed real air, or floated in the water. None of us have. For three generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind. A hundred prisoners sent on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive. But we will be tested, by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all, by each other. Bellamy: Previously on The 100… Guard: Prisoner three nineteen, take off the watch. Clarke: No. It was my father's. Mom? Abby: You're being sent to the ground. Wells: Clarke, I'm sorry I got your father arrested. Clarke: They didn't arrest my father, Wells. They ex*cuted him. Bellamy: Atom, my sister doesn't leave this camp. Anyone who touches her, they answer to me. Atom. Clarke: Jasper was h*t. They took him. He's alive. [ Flashback - the Ark, “One year ago” ] ( Crowd cheers and the announcer speaking indistinctly on TV ) Jake: There we go. There we go! Feel that? Feel that? See that? Here comes the momentum change. Wells: Defense. Jaha: The defense is there. Jake: Serve it up. Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Ho! Right here, kid. They're unbeatable. Clarke: Prepare for crushing defeat. Wells: It's not over yet. Clarke: Actually, it was over a hundred and forty seven years ago. Jaha: A technicality. Jake: Give it up. You're going down. Abby: What'd I miss? Jaha: Your husband and daughter being obnoxious. Abby: Jake, you better play nice. Wells: Come on, get down the field, f*re. Jake: Waste of time. Waste… hey, baby. Abby: Hi. So, I ran into Bennett when I was leaving the clinic and he has that systems analysis that you asked for. Wells: Ho-ho-ho-ho! Clarke: This isn't gonna last. Wells: What was that about momentum? Oh, oh, I feel the momentum. Jake: Okay. Abby: What? You're going now? Jake: Just for a few minutes. Jaha: Everything okay? Jake: Oh, yeah. You know this old boat. It's always something. [ Flashback Ends ] [ Inside the Dropship ] ( JASPER moans in pain ) Clarke: His pulse is three eighty. ( JASPER continues moaning ) ( Camp starts to grow restless as JASPER continues moaning ) Delinquent: Go back to sleep! Delinquent: Quiet! Clarke: Don't listen to them. You're gonna make it through this, okay? Promise. Delinquent: Can he just die already? Clarke: I'm gonna get clean water. Keep an eye on him. ( JASPER continues moaning ) [ Outside of the Dropship ] ( JASPER continues moaning ) ( CLARKE hears a girl screaming and goes to find her ) Charlotte: No! No! No! ( CLARKE approaches girl and gently tries to wake her ) Clarke: Hey, wake up. It's okay. It's okay. It's just a dream. You're Charlotte, right? I'm Clarke. It's okay to be scared. Do you want to talk about it? Charlotte: It's… my parents. They were floated and they… and I see it in my dreams and I just… Clarke: I understand. My dad was floated, too. So, how did you end up here? Charlotte: Well… we were taking my parents' things to the redistribution center and… I kind of lost it. They said I as*ault a guard. Clarke: I can't say I blame you. See that bright star up there? That's The Ark orbiting above us. I think whatever happened up there, you know, the pain… maybe we can move past that now. Maybe being on the ground is our second chance. Charlotte: Do you really believe that? Clarke: I'm trying to. ( CLARKE holds CHARLOTTE close and tries to comfort her; CLARKE stares up at the Ark ) [ In the woods at night ] Trina: I think this is north. Come on. Pascal: Really? Because we just came from that way, Miss I-Can-Navigate-With-The-Stars. Trina: It's your fault we've been lost for two days. Never should've gone off by ourselves. Pascal: Come on. We'll find the dropship tomorrow. Trina: That's what you said last night. And I'm hungry. Pascal: Trina, relax. We're fine. Trina: Did you feel that? ( The two turn and see a large yellow fog coming at them ) Trina: What is that? Pascal: I don't know. I don't know. ( The two back away from the coming fog ) ( The fog is upon them ) Trina: Oh! I can't see! Pascal: Let's get out of here. Trina: Oh, my God, it burns! Aah! Aah! ( Both scream ) ( Screen Fades to black, the 100 logo is shown ) [ The next morning with BELLAMY ] ( JASPER moans in the background as MURPHY tries to throw a Kn*fe and stick it in a tree ) Murphy: That damn kid, always messing with my head. Bellamy: He's not gonna last much longer. Better think of a new excuse. ( BELLAMY shows off by throwing his axe into the tree and it sticks ) Bellamy: That's how it's done. ( ATOM and other members of BELLAMY's group approach ) Atom: We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal. Murphy: Visit your special tree when you were out there? Bellamy: Atom took his punishment. Let it go. Atom: Could be Grounders. Murphy: Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lot of that going around recently. ( JASPER continues to moan ) Atom: Look, Bellamy, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here. Bellamy: Morale will go up when I find them more food. Delinquent: And what do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal? Bellamy: Now? Nothing. It's possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later. Murphy: Let's go k*ll something. Bellamy: You're not going. ( BELLAMY stops MURPHY from following ) Bellamy: I need you to stay here. If the Grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected. Murphy: Fine. Somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut. [ Inside the Dropship ] Clarke: The Grounders cauterized the wound. Saved his life. Finn: Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait. Garden of Eden this ain't. Clarke: This is infected. He could be septic. Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark? Monty? Monty: That would be a firm no. Clarke: My mother would know what to do. Wells: How's he doing? Clarke: How does it look like he's doing, Wells? Wells: Hey, I'm just trying to help. ( JASPER continues moaning ) Clarke: Right. You want to help? Hold him down. Monty: I'm not gonna like this, am I? ( JASPER continues moaning ) [ OCTAVIA approaches ATOM in the Dropship ] Octavia: Hey. I could really use a break from this place. What do you say you and me take a trip to the butterfly field? Huh? Am I being too subtle? ( ATOM ignores OCTAVIA's advances and sharpens his w*apon ) Octavia: Atom. ( ATOM continues to ignore OCTAVIA and sharpens his w*apon ) ( OCTAVIA leaves ) [ BELLAMY talks with MURPHY ] Bellamy: With w*apon… Octavia: What did you do to Atom? ( BELLAMY motions for MURPHY to leave so he does ) Bellamy: Atom's fine. Octavia: Then why did he blow me off? Bellamy: Maybe he's just not interested. Octavia: You can't keep everyone away from me. Bellamy: Atom had to learn. You disobey me, you pay the price. He paid the price. Now we're good. Octavia: Now I'm paying the price. So, next time you decide to go on a power trip, leave me out of it. Bellamy: Atom's fine. Octavia: Then why did he blow me off? ( JASPER lets out a loud shout, which scares OCTAVIA ) ( OCTAVIA leaves BELLAMY's tent, rushing for the Dropship ) [ Inside the Dropship ] ( JASPER screams louder ) Clarke: Hold him still. I need to cut away the infected flesh. ( OCTAVIA comes running in ) Octavia: Stop it! You're k*lling him. Finn: She's trying to save his life. ( BELLAMY joins the group ) Bellamy: She can't. ( WELLS stands up to BELLAMY ) Wells: Back off. Clarke: We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die. Bellamy: Kid's a goner. If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy. Clarke: Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters. Bellamy: Take a look at him. He's a lost cause. Clarke: Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope. Bellamy: This isn't about hope, it's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll k*ll him myself. ( BELLAMY turns to leave ) Bellamy: Octavia, let's go. Octavia: I'm staying here. ( BELLAMY leaves ) Monty: Power-hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. No offense. Finn: Yeah. Bellamy is all that. But he also happens to be right. [ Flashback - the Ark, in ABBY and JAKE's home ] ( ABBY stares out a window at Earth, a door opens, JAKE walks in and sits down ) Abby: How'd it go? Jake: Hey. Well, I told Jaha it's definitive. The Ark's got a year of oxygen left, maybe two. Abby: You'll fix it. Jake: Not this time. I've tried, Abby. This isn't a glitch. It's a system failure. People need to know. Abby: No. They'll panic. Jake: You sound like Kane. Abby: Because he's right. Jake: No. We can't avoid the truth. We have to let everyone on the Ark put their minds to a solution. Abby: What, and risk anarchy? No. It's too dangerous. Promise me that you'll obey the council's orders, that you'll keep it quiet. Promise me. Jake: I can't. Abby: For Clarke. Do it for Clarke. Jake: I am doing this for Clarke. Abby: They'll float you, Jake. Jake: If you do this, I won't be able to stop it. ( CLARKE is shown listening in on her parents' conversation ) [ Flashback ends ] [ Camp ] Finn: You're mad. Clarke: I'm not mad. You want to think Jasper's a lost cause, go ahead. You're wrong. Finn: I hope I am. ( CLARKE plays with the red substance on JASPER's poultice ) Clarke: Whatever this stuff is, it has to have had antibiotic properties. ( WELLS approaches ) Wells: Let me take a look. Before you refuse my help, remember who aced botany in Earth Skills. Clarke: The Grounders used it as a poultice. I'm thinking a tea might be even more effective if we can figure out what it is. Wells: I know what it is. Seaweed. Look… no root structure. Clarke: Right. Well, then there must be a water source nearby. Wells: Yeah, it would have to have a slow current, lots of rocks. The water would probably be more red than green. Finn: I know just the place. Clarke: All right. Let's go. Wells: Hey. I know what this stuff looks like. Do you? ( CLARKE, WELLS, and FINN walk through the woods to find the red seaweed ) Wells: You know, you should, uh, really rethink this whole hating me thing. It's not just the Grounders. We're surrounded by criminals. We need each other. We're gonna be friends again. Clarke: You got my dad k*lled. Not possible. Wells: This is Earth, Clarke. Anything's possible. Finn: I'd let it go. Wells: Yeah. Well, I've known Clarke her whole life better than you ever will, so, I'll decide when to let it go. Finn: Yeah, I can tell you guys are close. ( FINN steps on something that makes a loud bang ) ( FINN steps on it again and gets a loud bang, he then starts to uncover the object ) Clarke: What is it? Finn: Uhh… Ha! It's an automobile. Clarke: Come on, guys. This thing's been here a hundred years. All right? It can wait. Jasper can't. ( CLARKE turns away from the automobile and the boys, continuing on ) [ In the woods with BELLAMY and the hunting party ] ( The boar oinks oblivious to the boys ) Bellamy: Shh.... She's mine. ( A twig snaps behind BELLAMY and the hunting party ) ( BELLAMY throws his axe behind him, hitting a tree, narrowly missing a little girl who had stepped on the twig ) Delinquent: Get him! ( BELLAMY's hunting party goes after the boar, while BELLAMY looks at the little girl with ATOM at his side ) Bellamy: Who the hell are you? Charlotte: Charlotte. Bellamy: I almost k*lled you. Why aren't you back at camp? Charlotte: Well, what with that guy who was dying, I just… I couldn't listen anymore. Atom: There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl. Charlotte: I'm not little. Bellamy: Okay, then… ( BELLAMY pulls out a Kn*fe and hands it to CHARLOTTE ) Bellamy: But you can't hunt without a w*apon. Ever k*lled something before? ( CHARLOTTE shakes her head, “no” in response ) Bellamy: Who knows? Maybe you're good at it. [ By the river ] Clarke: So, what does this seaweed look like? Wells: Like that. Hey, that thing that bit Octavia, how big was it? Finn: Big. We could rig this into some kind of a net. Find something to lower it into the water. ( CLARKE walks straight into the water ) Finn: Or we could just do that. ( CLARKE starts grabbing the red seaweed and then walks back to shore with it ) ( A large flock of birds squawk in the distance and comes flying right for the group, they duck to avoid injury ) Wells: Let's get out of here. ( A horn bellows in the distance ) Clarke: Grounders? Wells: It could be a w*r cry. Finn: Or a warning. ( The group sees a large cloud of yellow fog ) Finn: What the hell is that? Clarke: Run. Run! [ Flashback - the Ark, WELLS and CLARKE ] Wells: You're up. Clarke. Clarke: Sorry. Wells: Well, if your strategy is to lose really fast, that was a great move. What's going on? Clarke: Nothing. Wells: You can talk to me. Clarke: My dad found a problem with the oxygen system. I'm not supposed to know. Wells: They've had other malfunctions. They always figure out a way to deal with it. Clarke: No. This one might not be fixable. The council doesn't want anyone to know. Wells: The council meaning my dad? Clarke: Yeah. And my mom and others. I think he's gonna go public anyway. Wells: Clarke, he can't. He'll get floated. Clarke: I know. But what if he's right? Don't people deserve to know the truth? You can't tell your dad I told you. You can't tell anyone. Wells: Your secret's safe with me. I promise. [ Flashback ends ] [ Running through the woods with CLARKE, FINN, and WELLS ] ( A horn bellows in the distance ) Finn: Clarke, run! ( The horn continues to bellow in the distance ) ( WELLS and FINN start coughing ) ( FINN opens up the automobile and everyone climbs inside ) Clarke: It's getting inside. Finn: Seal any openings. ( FINN continues to cough as they seal the automobile ) ( A horn continues to bellow in the distance ) [ BELLAMY and the hunting party running in the woods ] ( BELLAMY and the hunting party run through the woods ) Bellamy: Come on! There are caves this way. ( A horn continues to bellow in the distance ) ( BELLAMY and CHARLOTTE get separated from the others ) ( BELLAMY reaches for CHARLOTTE ) ( ATOM follows close behind but trips ) ( A horn continues to bellow in the distance ) ( The fog engulfs ATOM ) ( A horn continues to bellow in the distance ) ( BELLAMY and CHARLOTTE manage to find one of the caves ) Atom: Bellamy! ( BELLAMY starts coughing ) Atom: Bellamy! ( The fog forces BELLAMY into the cave, leaving ATOM outside ) [ Delinquents start filing into the Dropship ] ( Delinquents start coughing ) Monty: What's going on? Delinquent: Air got thick, everybody's skin started burning. Octavia: Monty, my brother's out there. Monty: He'll be fine. We'll all be fine. [ Inside the automobile ] ( FINN cleans off the window and sees the fog outside ) Finn: It's still out there. Clarke: Look, we should just make a run for it. Jasper can't wait much longer. Finn: Us dying in a cloud of acid fog isn't gonna help Jasper. ( FINN jimmies the glove compartment on the automobile, it opens ) ( FINN looks down to see his prize ) Clarke: Is that… Finn: Booze. Hooch. Rotgut. ( FINN opens the bottle and drinks ) Clarke: Well, careful. Finn, it could be… Finn: Whiskey, I think. Better than the moonshine on agro station. ( FINN offers the Whiskey to WELLS ) Wells: Alcohol's toxic. Finn: This is Earth. Everything's toxic. Plus, it's a time-honored rite of passage. Wells: We'll pass. ( CLARKE looks over at WELLS, angry that he spoke for her ) ( CLARKE reaches over and grabs the bottle from FINN ) Clarke: Far be it for me to stand in the way of tradition. ( CLARKE drinks the Whiskey and coughs ) ( CLARKE sighs ) [ Inside the cave with BELLAMY and CHARLOTTE ] ( BELLAMY lies on the ground sleeping while CHARLOTTE sleeps and has a nightmare ) Charlotte: No! ( BELLAMY awakes and tries to wake CHARLOTTE ) Bellamy: Charlotte, wake up. Charlotte: I'm sorry. Bellamy: Does it happen often? ( CHARLOTTE sighs, giving BELLAMY his answer ) Bellamy: What are you scared of? You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it. Charlotte: But… I'm asleep. Bellamy: Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep. Charlotte: Yeah, but… How? Bellamy: You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death. Let me see that Kn*fe I gave you. ( CHARLOTTE hands over the Kn*fe ) ( BELLAMY grips the Kn*fe tightly ) Bellamy: Now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that Kn*fe and you say, ‘screw you. I'm not afraid.' ( BELLAMY hands the Kn*fe back to CHARLOTTE ) ( CHARLOTTE grips it tightly with both hands ) ( CHARLOTTE timidly repeats BELLAMY's words ) Charlotte: Screw you. I'm not afraid. ( BELLAMY gives CHARLOTTE a look, telling her she can do better ) ( CHARLOTTE, with a little more confidence, repeats BELLAMY's words ) Charlotte: Screw you. I'm not afraid. ( BELLAMY smiles and gently pats CHARLOTTE ) Bellamy: Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep. [ In the automobile ] ( CLARKE drinks the Whiskey ) Clarke: It's been hours. Jasper… Finn: Is in good hands. Octavia will take care of him. Clarke: While we're on the subject, why is it that everyone thinks me wanting Jasper to not die is a bad thing? Like I'm such a downer. I can be fun. Yeah. You think I'm fun. Right? Finn: Oh, yeah. Among other things. Wells: You're fun. You remember that time… ( A drunk and upset CLARKE looks over at WELLS ) Clarke: Remember that time you betrayed me and got my father ex*cuted? Yeah, I remember. Where were we? Fun. Finn: Yeah. ( CLARKE focuses her attention back on WELLS ) Clarke: Well, since you brought it up, and I didn't, because I don't want to talk about it, what were you thinking? Wells: I made a mistake, Clarke. ( CLARKE's not satisfied with his answer ) Clarke: I made a mistake, Clarke.”“ ( CLARKE's close to tears ) Clarke: Not good enough. ( CLARKE grows angry at WELLS ) Clarke: You know, I bet you couldn't wait to run to daddy. Tell him everything so that he'd finally believe you were the perfect son he always wanted. ( WELLS gets angry with CLARKE ) Wells: What do you want me to say?! Clarke: I want an explanation. Wells: I can't give you one. I thought I could trust him. Clarke: Well, I thought I could trust my best friend. Guess we were both wrong. Wells: I'm still your friend. Clarke: No, you're not. If you were my friend, you would walk out into that fog and never come back. ( FINN tries to calm things down ) Finn: Okay, how about we just… take it easy. ( FINN takes the Whiskey from CLARKE ) Clarke: I have no idea how to do that. ( WELLS takes the bottle from FINN, sniffs and then drinks ) Finn: So, we having fun yet? ( Silence befalls the three ) [ Inside the Dropship ] ( JASPER continues to moan in pain ) Delinquent: That kid's driving me crazy. Delinquent: Can't take this much longer. Delinquent: Someone needs to shut that kid up. ( JASPER continues to moan in pain ) ( MURPHY, unable to sleep or take any more of JASPER's cries, decides to end JASPER himself ) Murphy: That's it. I'm ending this. Delinquent: I heard Bellamy gave him till tomorrow. Murphy: Yeah, well, Bellamy isn't here, is he? The kid's dying anyway. I'm just getting it over with. ( MURPHY gets up ) ( MONTY races to and up the ladder first ) Monty: Murphy's going to k*ll Jasper! ( MONTY tries to close the hatch as MURPHY tries to enter ) ( OCTAVIA runs over to help and begins kicking at MURPHY ) ( MURPHY is forced back down, allowing them to close the hatch ) ( MURPHY continues to try and force his way in while MONTY holds the hatch down ) Monty: The lock's on the other side. Octavia: Don't let him in! ( OCTAVIA looks for something to lock the door ) Murphy: I'm gonna k*ll him, okay? Let me in! Let me in, Monty! Uhh! ( MONTY sits down on the hatch as MURPHY tries to open it ) ( OCTAVIA tries to pull a pipe from the Dropship loose ) Monty: No rush. I'm fine here. ( The pipe comes loose ) Octavia: I got it! Move it! Murphy: Both of you better open up this hatch right now! ( Screen Fades to black ) [ Flashback - The Ark, JAKE and ABBY's home ] ( JAKE GRIFFIN records a message ) Jake: In this time of uncertainty, we will come together as a people. I'm telling you this because you must know the truth and because I want a future for my child and yours. Be strong. Clarke: You're gonna disobey the council? ( CLARKE walks into the room ) ( JAKE tries to hide the truth from CLARKE ) Clarke: Dad, I know. I heard you and mom. Jake: Okay, you know. I've been thinking about this a long time. The people have a right to know. Your mother doesn't understand. Clarke: What's the plan? Jake: You don't need to know the plan. Clarke: You're making a video, so, what? You're gonna break into the communications mainframe? Making you either suicidal or incredibly dumb. Jake: Wow. You are picking a fine moment to start behaving like a typical teenager. Clarke: I'm gonna help you. Jake: No. No, Clarke, you're not. ( JAKE gets up from his chair and walks over to CLARKE ) Clarke: But I can… Jake: Absolutely not. No. No, baby. ( JAKE hugs and comforts CLARKE ) ( JAKE kisses CLARKE's cheek ) Jake: You get that stubborn streak from your mother, you know. One of many things I love about both of you. ( The door to the Griffin home is opened ) Guard: Jake Griffin, you're under arrest for treason. Clarke: Dad? Dad? ( The guards arrest JAKE and pull him away from CLARKE ) Clarke: No, no, no, no. ( The guards restrain CLARKE ) Jake: Get your hands off of her. Clarke: Let me go! ( The two guards let go of CLARKE and she hugs her father ) Jake: Ohh. Clarke: I'll warn them. I'll find a way. Jake: No, Clarke, no, listen to me. Do not… do not do that. ( Two guards restrain CLARKE as JAKE is pulled away ) Clarke: Get off of me! Let me go! Let me go! Dad! Dad! [ Flashback ends ] [ The automobile ] ( CLARKE opens up the automobile door ) Clarke: The fog's cleared. Come on. Let's go. Jasper's waiting. ( CLARKE, FINN, and WELLS walk through the forest ) ( FINN approaches WELLS ) Finn: Last night was pretty intense. You and Clarke ever… Wells: No. Not like that. Finn: So, help me out. Your best friend tells you something fairly expl*sive. You seem like the type of guy that'd keep it to yourself. Wells: You don't know me. Finn: Why'd you do it? Wells: I don't know. Why do you care? Finn: You knew what the rules were on The Ark. You had to know her dad would get floated. Wells: I made a choice. If she hates me for the rest of my life, I made the right choice, and that's all you have to know. ( WELLS walks away ) [ BELLAMY and CHARLOTTE ] ( BELLAMY walks out of the cave with CHARLOTTE close behind ) Bellamy: It's all clear. Anybody out here? Jones? Jones: We're here! ( BELLAMY and the others meet up ) Bellamy: Lost you in the stew. Where'd you go? Jones: Made it to a cave down there. Bellamy: The hell was that? Jones: I don't know. ( BELLAMY looks over the group ) Bellamy: Where's Atom? ( JONES shrugs ) [ CLARKE, FINN, and WELLS ] ( FINN walks beside CLARKE ) Finn: Trapped in a hundred-year-old car by toxic fog. Whew. Last night was pretty… What's the word? Fun. Clarke: It wasn't fun. It was irresponsible. We should've left the second the fog cleared. Finn: Even if the fog cleared, we'd never make it back through these woods at night. You were kind of rough on Wells. Clarke: Hardly. Finn: He's a pretty straight-up guy. And he loves you. You know that, right? But every time your dad comes up, he won't give you a straight answer. Makes me think he's hiding something. So, I gotta ask you. How sure are you that Wells is the one who turned in your dad? Clarke: A hundred percent. All right? He's the only one I told. Finn: Is he the only one who knew? ( CHARLOTTE screams in the distance ) Clarke: Who was that? [ CHARLOTTE screaming ] Charlotte: Aah! Aah! ( ATOM lies on the ground seriously injured ) ( BELLAMY comes running and finds CHARLOTTE staring at ATOM ) Bellamy: Son of a bitch. Atom. ( BELLAMY rushes to ATOM ) ( BELLAMY looks over ATOM's wounds, unsure of how to help him ) Atom: k*ll me. k*ll me. k*ll... me. ( ATOM gasps from pain and lack of oxygen ) ( The others show up behind CHARLOTTE ) ( BELLAMY stands back up ) ( CHARLOTTE walks towards BELLAMY ) ( ATOM begins to choke ) Atom: I… can't… breathe. ( CHARLOTTE reaches for the Kn*fe BELLAMY gave her ) ( CHARLOTTE gives BELLAMY the Kn*fe ) Charlotte: Don't be afraid. ( BELLAMY looks up at the hunting party ) Bellamy: Go back to camp. ( The hunting party leaves ) Bellamy: Charlotte, you too. ( CHARLOTTE leaves ) ( BELLAMY bends back down ) Atom: k*ll... me. Bell...a...my... pl...ea..se. ( CLARKE approaches from behind ) ( ATOM continues to choke ) ( CLARKE walks over and kneels next to ATOM ) ( ATOM notices CLARKE ) Atom: Plea...se. Clarke: I heard screams. Bellamy: Charlotte found him. I sent her back to camp. ( CLARKE inspects ATOM ) ( CLARKE looks up at BELLAMY and shakes her head ) ( BELLAMY looks down and nods ) ( CLARKE takes a deep breath ) Clarke: Okay. I'm gonna help you, all right? ( CLARKE reaches over and runs her fingers through ATOM's hair and begins humming ) ( BELLAMY looks over at CLARKE ) ( CLARKE takes the Kn*fe from BELLAMY's hand ) ( BELLAMY realizes CLARKE is going to do what he couldn't ) ( CLARKE pierces ATOM's neck with the Kn*fe ) ( BELLAMY looks up at CLARKE ) ( CLARKE continues to hum ) ( ATOM chokes on blood ) ( BELLAMY doesn't take his eyes off CLARKE ) ( ATOM dies ) ( CLARKE continues to hum while BELLAMY watches ) ( CHARLOTTE is shown to be watching in the distance ) [ Night time, Camp ] ( Indistinct camp chatter ) ( Camp gate opens, FINN, WELLS, CLARKE, and BELLAMY return ) Clarke: We've gotta get to Jasper. I'll need boiled water to make the medicine. ( CLARKE and FINN leave ) ( BELLAMY hauls ATOM's body into camp on a gurney ) Bellamy: Get Clarke whatever she needs. Wells: I better go get this grave dug. ( WELLS leaves to dig ATOM's grave ) ( OCTAVIA exits the Dropship and approaches CLARKE ) Octavia: It's about time. They're gonna k*ll Jasper. Did you get the medicine? Clarke: Yeah. I… I got it. Come on. Let's go talk. ( CLARKE tries to pull OCTAVIA towards the Dropship ) ( OCTAVIA ignores CLARKE and heads for BELLAMY ) Bellamy: Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back. ( BELLAMY tries to stop OCTAVIA from seeing ATOM's body ) Octavia: Why? ( The siblings scuffle ) Octavia: Stop. ( OCTAVIA pushes BELLAMY's arm away and approaches ATOM ) ( OCTAVIA lifts the jacket off of the body, revealing ATOM ) Octavia: Atom. Bellamy: There's nothing I could do. Octavia: Don't. ( OCTAVIA cries ) ( OCTAVIA covers ATOM's face with the jacket ) ( OCTAVIA gets up to leave ) ( BELLAMY tries to explain ) Bellamy: O... O... please. Octavia: Don't. ( OCTAVIA leaves ) ( MURPHY approaches BELLAMY ) ( BELLAMY sniffles ) Bellamy: Lose anyone here? Murphy: No. Bellamy: Jasper? Murphy: Still breathing. Barely. I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sister… ( BELLAMY lunges at MURPHY and shoves him ) Murphy: Bellamy… ( BELLAMY pulls MURPHY, by the collar, to him ) Bellamy: My what? My what? Murphy: Your little sister. ( MURPHY shoves BELLAMY off of him ) Bellamy: Yeah, that's right. My little sister. Got anything else you want to say about her? ( MURPHY, impassively, studies BELLAMY's face ) Murphy: Nothing. Sorry. ( BELLAMY, still angry, sizes up MURPHY ) ( BELLAMY turns to JONES ) Bellamy: Get him out of here. ( BELLAMY gives one last glare at MURPHY before he leaves ) ( ATOM's body is taken away ) ( MURPHY, still angry with BELLAMY, flings his Kn*fe at a tree, finally getting it to stick ) [ Flashback - The Ark, JAKE ] Jake: Hey, baby. You have to warn them, Abby. Abigail: Oh, Jake, stop. Jake: Oh, the Ark's dying. There's no choice. Abby: Yes, there is. There's Earth. We'll at least have a chance. Jake: Here. Hang on to that. And… give this to Clarke and tell her that I… Clarke: Dad! Jake: Clarke, you shouldn't be here, honey. You don't want to see this. It's okay. ( Crying ) Jake: It's okay. It's okay. Here. Keep that for me. Abby: Jake, it's time. ( Kiss ) Jake: I love you, kid. Clarke: I love you. Jake: Okay. Clarke: Oh, my God. [Crying] I'm so sorry. Abby: Sweetheart, it's not your fault. ( Swallows ) Clarke: I'm really sorry about Atom. Octavia: I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we? But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die. Clarke: Wells? I know I probably don't deserve it, but I need to know the truth. It was my mom. Wasn't it? She's the one who told your dad. I didn't want to believe it. I… I couldn't. I blamed you because my father's d*ad and it's my mother's fault. Isn't it? Wells… Please. I knew how you would feel. I wanted to… to protect me. So, you let me hate you. Wells: What are friends for? Clarke: How can you forgive me? Wells: This is already done. ( Crying ) Finn: Smooth. [Coughing] Octavia: [Swallows] “Disgusting. Love it. Jasper: Can I, uh, get a h*t of that? Octavia: Jasper! Monty: Let's start with the soft stuff. Finn: Welcome back, buddy. Jasper: Was that a dream or did I get speared? Clarke: You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it. Jasper: My savior. Clarke: Thank you for not dying. I don't think I could've taken that today. Jasper: I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool. Oh, hello. ( Crickets chirping ) Charlotte: Hi. Wells: Couldn't sleep? Charlotte: I never can. You on watch? Wells: Join me. Charlotte: I had a nightmare. Wells: Hmm. Charlotte: I… I have them every night. But… I think I found a way to make them stop. I'm sorry. Wells: No! [Groaning] [Coughing] [Choking] Charlotte: Every night, I see him. Your father. He kills my parents and… and I see his face and… and I wake up and I see yours. And the nightmare never ends. The only way to make it end was… was to slay my demons. I had to. ( CHARLOTTE humming )
{"type": "series", "show": "The 100", "episode": "01x03 - Earth Kills"}
Clarke: I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face, or breathed real air, or floated in the water. None of us have. For three generations, The Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind. A hundred prisoners sent on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive. But we will be tested, by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all, by each other. Previously on The 100… Abby: The Ark is dying, Raven. I have to prove that earth is survivable. We have nine days to get this ready, so I can survive a drop. Murphy: You know, my father, he begged for mercy, when your father floated him. This is for my father. Clarke: You're Charlotte, right? It's okay to be scared. Do you want to talk about it? Charlotte: It's my parents. They were floated, and I see it in my dreams. Bellamy: No! Wake up, Charlotte. Does it happen often? Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep. You shouldn't be out here alone. What if I was a Grounder? Finn: They got Wells just outside the wall. Clarke: Says the guy who just spent another night exploring the woods all by himself. Finn: But I'm reckless. And irresponsible. I got you something. Clarke: Where did you get this? finn: The art supply store. Clarke: I know when we were kids… Wells was always giving me ink, charcoal, just anything I could draw with, really. I found out later that he was trading his own stuff to give it to me. He didn't want me to know that, either. He let me hate him so that I wouldn't hate my mother. Finn: I know. Clarke: My mother k*lled my father. Just wish there was something I could do. To tell her I know. Make her feel what I'm… Finn: Where are you going? Clarke: To make her feel it. Abby: No! No. No. Hell no. No. No. Th… this isn't right. Jackson: Abby. Abby: No. Jackson: Abby. Abby: Okay. It's not conclusive. Just because her wristband went out doesn't mean… okay. It's the first terminated signal in over a week. We can still assume that things are s*ab on Earth. We should assume that. I need an analysis of Clarke's vital signs for the past two days. Jackson: Abby… Abby: Just have it ready for me when I get back. Monty: Yes! I did it. It's still operational. Clarke: What? Monty needed a working wristband. Finn: And you needed to punish your mother. Clarke: Look, they're running out of air, and we need their help. My mother thinking I'm d*ad is only temporary. Monty: Not if I can't patch it through the dropship mainframe. I can do it. We'll be talking to The Ark by nightfall. Murphy: This section should be finished by tomorrow. Hey! You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around, and wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh? Connor: I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine. Bellamy: Murphy, get this guy some water. Hey, you got this? I'm just kidding. Connor: Uhh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy? Murphy: Look at you! You wanted a water break. Get back to work. Octavia: Look, we're already there. Just a few steps, okay? One foot in front of the other. Hey. What's wrong? Jasper: Hmm? Oh, nothing. I'm good. Octavia: Jasper, it's been a week, okay? You've been given a second chance. You gotta use it. Jasper: Octavia? Octavia? Octavia! Octavia, are you okay? Octavia: Hey, jerk! Get the hell out of here. Jasper, come on. There's nothing to be afraid of. Kane: Councillor. Councillor. Are you headed to Mecha Station? Abby: Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. Kane: You've been down there nine times in the past week. Is there something I should be made aware of? Abby: Are you tracking me, Kane? Kane: I'm tracking everybody, Abby. Mind if I join you? Abby: Not at all. But you're gonna have to be inoculated. Kane: Inoculated? Abby: A mechanic came down with strep last week. She's fine now, but I'm still checking the bacterial levels in the station. We don't want another outbreak. We can stop by sick bay on the way. Kane: That's all right. I don't want to slow you down. Just… keep me informed. Abby: Absolutely. How soon can you get this thing ready to drop? Raven: I'm still scraping up parts to fabricate a pressure regulator. We got two more days, right? Abby: Can we launch without that part? Raven: We could launch, but we'll be d*ad before we get to the ground. And I mean bad d*ad. Ruptured lungs, air bubbles in the brain. We need that part. Why? What's wrong? Did something change? Abby: Clarke's wristband signal went out. Raven: Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything, right? She took it off like the rest of them. Okay. I can get a pressure regulator. Today. Abby: How? Raven: The less you know, the better. Clarke: This Kn*fe was made of metal from the dropship. Octavia: What do you mean? Clarke: Who else knows about this? Octavia: No one. We brought it straight here. Bellamy: Clarke? Clarke: It means the Grounders didn't k*ll Wells. It was one of us. Octavia: So, there's a m*rder in the camp? Bellamy: There's more than one m*rder in this camp. This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet. Clarke: Get out of my way, Bellamy. Bellamy: Clarke, be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved… the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the Grounders k*lled Wells is good for us. Clarke: Oh, good for you, you mean. What… keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it? Bellamy: Yeah. That's it. But it's good for all of us. Fear of the Grounders is building that wall. And besides, what are you gonna do… just walk out there and ask the k*ller to step forward? You don't even know whose Kn*fe that is. Clarke: Oh, really? J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know. Murphy: No water till this section is up! What? What are you staring at, huh? Clarke: You son of a bitch! Murphy: What's your problem? Clarke: Recognize this? Murphy: It's my Kn*fe. Where'd you find it? Clarke: Where you dropped it after you k*lled Wells. Murphy: Where I what? The Grounders k*lled Wells, not me. Clarke: I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it. Murphy: Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap? Clarke: You thr*at to k*ll him. We all heard you. You hated Wells. Murphy: Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the Chancellor that locked us up. Clarke: Yeah, but you're the only one who got in a Kn*fe fight with him. Murphy: Yeah, I didn't k*ll him then, either. Octavia: Tried to k*ll Jasper, too. Murphy: Come on. This is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone. Bellamy: Come again? Murphy: Bellamy, look, I'm telling you, man. I didn't do this. Bellamy: They found his fingers on the ground with your Kn*fe. Clarke: Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can k*ll each other without… without punishment? Murphy: I already told you. I didn't k*ll anyone. Octavia: I say we float him. Delinquents: Yeah. Clarke: That's not what I'm saying. Octavia: Why not? He deserves to float. It's justice. Clarke: Revenge isn't justice. Octavia: It's justice. Float him! Clarke: No! Get off him! Get off of him! Let him go! You can't do this! Get off me. No! No! You can stop this! They'll listen to you! Myles-: Bellamy! You should do it. Delinquents: Bel-la-my! Clarke: I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a k*ller. Murphy: Bellamy, don't do this. Don't… Clarke: Don't. Bellamy. You can't do this, Bellamy. No, Bellamy, no! Bellamy: This is on you, princess. You should've kept your mouth shut. Clarke: What the hell are you doing? Cut him down! Charlotte, get out of here now! Cut him down! Get out of my way. Charlotte: Stop! Okay? Murphy didn't k*ll Wells! I did! Clarke: Oh, my God. Guard: It's not meal time yet. Raven: I'm not hungry. I'm here to trade. Before you tell me I'm in the wrong place, just let Nygel know it's her little bird. Nygel: Well, well, well. How long has it been, little bird? Raven: I need a pressure regulator. Nygel: What for? Raven: Regulating pressure. Nygel: That's good. I see you got your mom's sense of humor. Raven: What do you want for it? Nygel: Oh, I don't move machine parts anymore. It's too dangerous. How about settling for some herb and moonshine like everybody else? Raven: Save the act for someone who doesn't know better. Just tell me what it's gonna take. Nygel: I owe a favor to the chief of electrical, and he's got a thing for tough, pretty girls like you. Raven: You're joking, right? Nygel: I never joke about business, Raven. Kane's watching my every move, so, if I'm gonna do this, you're gonna need to make it worth my while. Raven: By screwing the chief of electrical? I can't do that. Nygel: Then I guess you don't need to regulate pressure as badly as you thought you did. Raven: Go float yourself, Nygel. Nygel: You know, your mother would've taken that deal. In fact, she did. Many times. Raven: Don't you dare talk about my mother that way! Nygel: Little girl. Raven: No! I'll float you, Nygel! Get off me! Nygel: Bye, little bird! Murphy: Bring out the girl, Bellamy! Bellamy: Why, Charlotte? Charlotte: I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me. Clarke: What the hell is she talking about? Bellamy: She misunderstood me. Charlotte, that is not what I meant. Murphy: Bring the girl out now! Charlotte: Please don't let them hurt me. Bellamy: If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up. Now you stay quiet. Clarke: Those are your boys out there. Bellamy: This is not my fault. If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall. Murphy: You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out. Charlotte: No! Please, Bellamy. Bellamy: Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be okay. Just stay with them. Murphy: Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us. Bellamy: Dial it down and back off. Murphy: Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me? Bellamy: I was just giving the people what they wanted. Murphy: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now? So, who here wants to see the real m*rder hung up? All in favor?? I see. So, it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards! Bellamy: Hey, Murphy! Murphy. It's over. Murphy: Whatever you say, boss. Son of a bitch! Hey! Come on. Let's get the girl. Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you can hear me! And when I find you, you are gonna pay! Come on. Abby: I'll be right back. Raven: All those people out there? Abby: Oxygen deprivation. It's just the beginning. Why are you here? Raven: I messed up. I can't get the part. Nygel wants me to… Abby: You went to Nygel? Raven: Yeah. Abby: Kane's been trying to get her for years. Did anybody see you? Raven: I don't know. No. Abby, I'm trying to tell you. We can't launch today. Abby: Are you sure Nygel has the part? Raven: She can get one, yeah. Abby: Okay. I'll take care of it. Raven: What are you gonna do? Abby: The less you know, the better. Nygel: Hello, Dr. Griffin. Abby: Nygel. Nygel: Morphine. What do you want for it? Abby: Pressure regulator. Nygel: I underestimated Raven. How does a girl like that get such a well-connected benefactor? Abby: You have three seconds to decide. Do we have a deal or not? Female Voice: Attention. The mess hall will be closed tomorrow from 1100 hours to 1200 hours. Clarke: It's gonna be night soon, Finn. Where are we going? At least tell me you have a plan and we're not just wandering aimlessly through the woods. Finn: I have a plan. Clarke: What the hell do you think you're doing? Just because we saved you doesn't mean you're forgiven. Got it? Finn: Clarke. Clarke: What? Finn: She's just a kid. Clarke: She's a k*ller. You k*lled someone, Charlotte. Ended his life. Did you stop to think about that for even one second? Look at me! You can't just k*ll someone to make yourself feel better. Murphy: Charlotte! Clarke and Finn can't save you. Clarke: We should run. Finn: Yeah, that's one way to go. I like my plan better. Get in. Get in. Clarke: Finn, what is this place? Finn: For now, it's home. Clarke: I can't believe you kept this place quiet. Finn: Come on, Clarke. What would be the point of telling anybody? Clarke: Some of this stuff could be useful. Finn: Like what? There's no w*apon. All the food expired, like, ninety years ago. Clarke: Yeah, but we could repurpose. Share with the group. You can share this with the group if you'd like. Finn: What'd you find? Clarke: Well… Looks like they never made it here. No. I figure the b*mb took them by surprise. Finn: All this preparation. What a waste. Clarke: I don't know. Maybe they were lucky. They couldn't have lived more than a few years down here, then when they ran out of food or lost their minds, they would've opened the doors and been d*ad within a few days. Back then, maybe sooner. Anyway. What are we gonna do about her? If I hadn't confronted Murphy, none of this would have happened. Finn: How could you know it'd go down like that? Clarke: Bellamy knew. We think the Grounders are a thr*at. Now we're k*lling each other. There have to be consequences. We can't just let them hang people. Finn: No. Hopefully, we figure it out before Murphy kills us for helping her. Clarke: He's not the forgive and forget type. Raven: How did you… Abby: Don't worry about it. How fast can you install it? Raven: I don't know. A few hours, maybe. Abby: We may not have that much time. Raven: I'm on it. Vera: Our ancestors built this Ark to be our salvation, but it's also our test. But we endure because we have faith. Faith that one day, generations from now, our people will return to the ground. Are you here to join us? Nygel: He's here to see me, Vera. Go on with your mumbo-jumbo. Your mother's inspired today, Marcus. I remember when you were the tender of the tree. You were a cute kid. Vera: Let's begin the offering. Kane: Why did you bring me down here, Nygel? What do you want? Nygel: It's about what you want. I have something for you. Kane: Unless it's a signed confession, I'm not interested. Nygel: Not even if it involves your friend Abby Griffin? Kane: What about Abby? Nygel: She and a girl named Raven Reyes asked me to get them a pressure regulator. As a lowly culinary tech, I didn't feel I had a choice when one of your fellow Councilors asked me to help her break the law. Kane: And since when do you give up your customers? Nygel: I don't have customers, Marcus. I am a citizen of The Ark, and I don't believe anyone should be above the law. Do you? Kane: You're a plague on this ship, Nygel. And even if what you said is true, it's your word against a member of the Council, and who do you think the people will believe? Nygel: You know… you should thank me. With Abby out the way, your agenda should sail right through. Kane: I don't know what you're talking about. Nygel: You're almost as convincing as your mother. Vera: As the Earth will one day provide for us, so we provide for the Earth. Nygel: Waste of water if you ask me. Kane: Not to them. Clarke: Finn. Finn, wake up. She's gone. Murphy: Charlotte! You can't hide forever. Don't worry. We won't hurt you. Charlotte: Let me go! Bellamy: I'm trying… hey, hey. I'm trying to help you. Charlotte: I'm not your sister! Just stop helping me! I'm over here! Bellamy: Are you trying to get us both k*lled? Charlotte: Just go, okay? I'm the one they want. Bellamy: Okay, Charlotte, listen to me. I won't leave you. Charlotte: Please, Bellamy. Aah! Murphy! I'm over here! Murphy: Come on out, Charlotte! Come on out. Finn: Someone else was here. Clarke: No, no! Murphy! Finn: Murphy has her. Raven: Abby, how about I pace in the operating room next time you're working? Jackson: Abby, did you take morphine from the clinic? Abby: They inventoried already? Jackson: No. Kane was just here. He's on his way to Mecha to arrest both of you right now. You gave Nygel morphine? Abby: She turned me in. How much longer? Raven: Twenty minutes. Abby: They're gonna be here in five. No matter what happens, you launch that pod. Do you understand? Raven: I'm not going without you. Abby: Only one of us needs to get to the ground, Raven. The second you find those kids, you radio back. Three hundred innocent people will die if you don't. Raven: Abby, they'll float you. Abby: Then they'll float me. Tell Clarke I love her. Murphy: Charlotte! Charlotte: Put me down! Murphy: Charlotte! Damn it. Bellamy! You cannot fight all of us. Give her up. Bellamy: Maybe not, but I guarantee I'll take a few of you with me. Clarke: Bellamy! Stop! This has gone too far. Just calm down. We'll talk about this. Murphy: I'm sick of listening to you talk. Bellamy: Let her go. Murphy: I will slit her throat. Charlotte: No, please. Please don't hurt her. Murphy: Don't hurt her? Okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go. Bellamy: Don't do it, Charlotte. Don't do it, Charlotte! Charlotte: No! No, I have to! Murphy, this is not happening. I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did. Clarke: Charlotte! No! No, no, no! No! Bellamy. Bellamy. Bellamy, stop! You'll k*ll him! Bellamy: Get off me! Uhh! He deserves to die. Clarke: No! We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here. Bellamy: So help me God, if you say the people have a right to decide… Clarke: No, I was wrong before, okay? You were right. Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules. Bellamy: And who makes those rules, huh? You? Clarke: For now, we make the rules. Okay? Bellamy: So, what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened? Clarke: No! We banish him. Bellamy: Get up. Clarke: Bellamy! Stop! Bellamy: If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here. Understand? As for the four of you, you can come back and follow me, or go off with him to die. Your choice. Raven: Come on, come on! No! Damn it! She gave us a bad part. Kane: I'm hoping… there's a logical explanation for all this. Abby: My daughter. Kane: I know. I'm sorry. We all knew it was a long sh*t. Abby: I still believe. Kane: What's the pressure regulator for, Abby? There's no bacteria, is there? Your infected mechanic… Raven Reyes. What's she up to? Did you know that her boyfriend Finn Collins… was one of the hundred? Your obsession… is now gonna get her floated, too. If you don't tell me what you're up to… I won't be able to save her. Abby: You still don't understand. I'm trying to save all of us. Kane: Arrest her. Continue to search for Raven Reyes. Guard: Sir. What was that? Sir, a pod launched. Kane: Abby… what have you done? Clarke: We have to know the truth. That's why we've decided to banish… Anybody got a problem with that? Jasper: Will we be able to talk to them? Monty: No. More like morse code. You want to do the honors?? That port right there. Octavia: What the hell? Jasper: What happened? Monty: It didn't work. I think we fried all the wristbands. Jasper: Sit there at your own risk. I think I might be cursed. Octavia: Then call me a risk taker. And Jasper, you're not cursed. Jasper: I'm unlucky then. Octavia: No. Brave. Jasper: Brave? For getting my face bashed in or for ruining any chance to contact The Ark? Octavia: No, for standing up to a bully and trying to help everyone. Jasper: Yeah. And failing. Both times. Octavia: I didn't see anyone else step up. Did you? And I don't care how things turned out. You were brave to try. And bravery is always rewarded. Clarke: Finn! Finn, stop it! Calm down! Finn: We're d*ad to them! Don't you get that? Clarke: No, there's still hope. Finn: Even you don't believe that. It's over, Clarke. They're gonna die up there, and we're alone. Clarke: You're not alone.
{"type": "series", "show": "The 100", "episode": "01x04 - Murphy's Law"}
Written by SCOTT PETERS and RENE ECHEVARRIA Directed by YVES SIMENEAU **March 3rd 1946 Crescent City, California** A car is parked. Inside are seated a man and woman, and in the back is a young girl. The song 'I'm In Heaven' is playing on the radio. Mrs Rutledge: Ethan, I don't think it's going to clear up anytime soon. Ethan: I don't think it's gonna last that long. It's not raining that hard. Mrs Rutledge: It was so nice this morning. Ethan: Yeah. It'll clear up, and if it doesn't, we'll just have a picnic in the car. Maia: No Daddy. I want to play. Ethan: Oh no. You're gonna get all wet sweety. Maybe later. Maia: Please! It's a very light shower. Please! I won't get wet. Mrs Rutledge: Ok. Maia: Yay! Mrs Rutledge: But for just a minute. I want you to come right back. Maia: I promise. Ethan: Have fun. Maia: I will. Maia leaves the car and walks through a woodland area. A light appears from above, and the girl drops the flowers she's been picking, and disappears. **May 11th 1951 South Korea** A black soldier is being held by a group of white ones, while the repeatedly h*t him. Soldier: We treated you as an equal, but that wasn't good enough for you. You had to cross the line. I'd put in for a transfer if I were you. He throws some pictures on the floor of Richard kissing a white girl. They others leave in disgust and suddenly a bright light appears from above. Richard looks up as the light get's brighter and engulfs him. **June 11th 1979 Tacoma, Washington** Two men are walking through a large ornate hallway. Man: So where are you two going for dinner? Orson: Chez Michael. Man: That's gonna set you back. Orson: Elizabeth has been married to me for 35 years. She deserves a nice meal. Man: Have a good evening, Orson. Orson: God bless. Orson walks outside to his car. He places his briefcase on the bonnet and a bright light appears. **April 22nd 2001 Highland Beach, Washington** Two young men are sat on the beach at night, drinking. Shawn: You need to slow down Cous! I'm not driving back into town, for another six pack. Kyle: You're just afraid my Dad will kick your ass if I come home smelling like beer. Shawn: Evil cousin Shawn, that's me. Corruptor of the innocent. They clink their beer bottles together. Kyle: That next door neighbour of yours, what's her name? She seem's ready for some corruption. Shawn: You mean Nikki? She's 14, Kyle. Kyle: 14? Shawn: Yeah. Kyle: Mmmm. Shawn: Mmmm. A bright light appears from above. Shawn disappears. Kyle screams and falls to the ground, unconscious. Present Day Kyle is in a hospital bed, in a coma. His father is sat at his bedside watching a tv. He stands up and moves over to the bed. Tom: Hey kiddo! You're missing your show. It's a big comet. NASA say's we'll never see one closer in our lifetime. Yeah, I didn't think that would work. Kyle's mother enters the room Linda: Hi, how is he? Tom: Same, same as always. Linda: Some of your mail is still coming to the house. Tom: I'll call the post office. She moves over to the bed and brushes his hair back from his forehead. Linda: Hi baby. She kisses him Tom: I haven't seen you around here for the last couple of day's. Linda: I can't make it every day. Not anymore. Not after three years. Tom: So what are we supposed to do? Just give up on him? Linda: I better go. Tom: Linda, just wait. Linda! Linda! He rushes after her. Linda: It's not a competition, Tom! It's not about who can sit by his side the longest. I still love him, I just can't live here like you do. Tom: I know. I wasn't accusing you. Linda: I saw you got a bill, from Olympia investigations. More private detectives? Tom: I thought we were onto something. Someone matching Shawns description, living down in Monteray. Linda: But it wasn't him, was it? Shawn could be anywhere. Even if you found him, it wouldn't wake Kyle up. Tom: At least I'd have some answers. Linda: I'm worried about you Tom. Tom: Finding Shawn, and figuring out what happened to our son, is my job. How can you not know that? Linda: You look tired. Try and get some rest. She leaves the hospital Shawn's younger brother is outside with his girlfriend. Nikki: I thought we were supposed to be watching the comet. Danny: Oh yeah, the comet. She looks up into the sky. Nikki: Is it supposed to be that bright? Agent Diana Skouris of Homeland Security- Seattle Branch,is running on a treadmill. Diana: Skouris here. Ryland: Get over here, now! Department Of Homeland Security, Seattle Diana is rushing down a hallway. She rushes into a large room. Diana: This cannot be good. Ryland: Alright, listen up everyone. We're at Defcon 1. These envelopes are orders from home sect. Our first priority is to secure Seatac airport and ground all the planes. Gather up all the foreign dignitaries in the greater metropolitan area. Get them, the local elected officials and take them all to the shelters in those orders. Diana: Someone bring me up to speed. Sid. Sid: It's a Comet. It's not a fly by anymore. It's headed right at us. Chen: Sir, it just changed course. It's headed right at us, again. Diana: Comet's cannot change course. Ryland: This one has. Diana: Then it's not a comet. Chen: It's estimated velocity is... Sid: 3000km's a second. Ryland: How much time do we have? Chen: Impact in 28 minutes. Another man comes up behind Ryland and hands him a phone. Agent: Sir. Ryland (Into phone): Ryland. Understood. He puts the phone down and addresses the people in the room. Ryland: China just launched it's m*ssile at it. Get ready guys, we're going next. Kyle's hospital room Tom is watching the news. News: There has been a launch. The US military has launched a volley of 24 type 2 m*ssile. People are out in the street, watching the m*ssile head for the comet. Nikki: Kenny, what's going on? Department of Homeland Security Diana: Alright, our m*ssile are in the air. Chen: England has launched too. Sid: France and Russia. Diana: Norad's saying the first lot of m*ssile will intercept in fifteen seconds. 9, 8,7,6,5,4.. Kyle's room News: 3,2,1 The m*ssile h*t the target. With Danny and the others Susan (Danny's mom): We should get inside. Homeland Security Diana: Multiple hits. I think they got it. Kyle's hospital room News: Norad is reporting that at least nine of the Titan 2 m*ssile have h*t their target. It appears the comet has... Homeland Security Chen: No effect. The comet's still headed right for us. Ryland: How hard will it h*t? Diana: Something that big, that fast? You don't wanna know. You don't wanna know. With Danny and Nikki Nikki: I'm scared. I'm going to go find my parents, ok? They kiss and she leaves. Homeland Security Diana phones her father. Diana: Hey Dad. If you're there, can you pick up the phone? It's Diana. You know, your daughter. Sid and the others are also phoning home. Sid: Just tell my brother that I love him. Chen: You tell mommy that I love her, ok? Ryland: Nancy it's Dad. I just wanted to tell you, I love you.Danny's house News: A catastrophic impact with Earth, now appears unavoidable. Susan: Tom it's Susan. What is going on? Well Tom, isn't there a shelter that we can go to? I mean technically you still work for Homeland Security, don't you? Kyle's hospital room Tom: Susan, it doesn't matter. Those shelter's aren't going to make a damn bit of difference. I'm sorry. I love you sis. Just hug Danny close and pray for the best. Homeland Security Chen: Sir, British m*ssile just h*t the object, but it's still coming. Sid: It's entered the atmosphere. Diana: I got it on Seatac radar. It's slowing down. Ryland: What? Diana: It's at mach 7. Mach 2. It's going subsonic. It's levelling off and continuing to lose speed. It's as if it's coming in for a landing. Ryland: Landing? Sid: What, like a plane? Chen: No, more like a mothership. Ryland: Give me some coordinates. Where is it going? Diana: 47 North, Longtitude. 122, maybe 123, west, latitude. Ryland: That's by Mount Rainier. That's our backyard. Members of Homeland Security and the press arrive on the mountain. Reporter: Come on, get the sh*t! Get the sh*t! A ball of light comes out of the sky and begins to move along the lake. The onlookers stand silently and watch. Reporter: We're close to the base of mount Rainier. The ball of light is massive. 100, 200ft in diameter. Hard to tell. We're going to try to get closer. I can tell you, that this is, without a doubt, one of the most incredible sights I've ever seen. The public are watching the broadcast on their televisions. The ball of light continues to hover and then begins to change shape. Reporter: We're still looking for something official from the government. The light get's smaller and suddenly explodes, sending out a large wave of energy, bl*wing people to the floor. News: What's going on? Reporter: We're not sure what's just happened. The ball of light is gone. The mist begins to clear and as Diana looks on, thousands of people begin to emerge. Shawn is one of them, along with Orson, Richard and Maia. Susan: I think I just... I saw your brother! Danny: You sure? Susan: Yeah! Maia appears out of the mist. Later at Homeland Security Ryland: Pull me all the files from the Northern Counties. He walks into another room where Tom is waiting. Tom: I want back in. Ryland: Tom, do you have any idea what I'm wading through here? I have over 4000 people, that stepped out of a ball of light and landed in my lap. Some of them have been gone 60 years. None of them have any memory of what happened to them. Now you want me to drop everything, because you want back in. Tom: I can help. Ryland: I needed help from you before. When Home Sec asked me who I wanted to bring over from the bureau, your name was at the top of the list. What did I get from you? Tom: Five months. Ryland: Five months, and then an indefinite leave of absence. You made fools out of both of us. Tom: I needed to find the truth about what happened to my son! Ryland: And you still do. And that's the reason you want back in, because your nephew is one of the returnee's. Tom: Look I admit, I have a personal stake in this. That's why I'll come through for you. I need answers too. Ryland takes Tom in to see Diana. Ryland: Diana Skouris Diana: Yes. Ryland: Tom Baldwin. You two will be one of the teams that's responsible for investigating what happened to the returnee's. Tom: Scouris! Ex CDC right? Diana: Yes. I heard of you, too. She turns to Ryland. Diana: You gotta be kidding me, right? Ryland: Is there a problem? Diana: He went MIA once, who's to say he won't do it again? Tom: Me. Diana: Is this where you give me the 'Be a good soldier' speech? Ryland: No, this is where I give you the speech, about how you're my best field scientist and Tom is my best lead investigator, and how together you're gonna make a good team. Diana: Well, it should be interesting. Tom: Nice to meet you, too. Ryland: Beautiful. The sooner we find out what's going on, the better for us. Tom walks over to a monitor, which is showing the returnee's milling around in a large room. Ryland: The better for them. The returnee's are logged. Guard: What's your name again, sir? A montage of faces and names appear. Julia: Julius Anita: Anita Amanda: Amanda Clips from various interviews with the people returned. Amanda: I want to see my family. Other people talk, in various languages. Diana: So for them, no time has past. Tom: So between you and me. What do you think happened to them? Where do you think they've been? Diana: I don't know. There had to have been some kind of intelligence behind it. Tom: Was it the hand of God? Or little grey men? Diana: I'm not discounting anything. Here look, here's an interesting one. Maia appears on the screen. Maia: They're d*ad aren't they? Diana: This is Maia Rutledge. She was the first one to disappear, as far as we can tell. She was eight years old, only she was born in 1938. Maia: I'll be ok. Mostly. Diana: She's a tough little kid. Tom: Look, there's one returnee I'd like to interview myself. Diana: Yeah, so I've been told. Returnee 1217, Shawn Farrell. He's all yours. The Barbara Yates Show on TV Interviewee: All we're asking for is access. These people deserve to see their families and to receive legal representation. They're private citizens who've done nothing wrong. Yates: We don't know that. It's been less than a week. For all we know, these people could be walking time b*mb. Maia and Orsen are watching the show. Maia: She doesn't like us much. Orson: The feeling's mutual. Shawn is pacing, while Richard sits reading the National Geographic. Richard: The Secretary of State is coloured? Shawn: Black. I'll take your word for it. Richard: And the National Security Advisor, too. Lord, the world sure has changed, since we've been gone. You should try and relax son. You're not going to get out of here any quicker, by wearing a groove in the floor. Shawn: You some kind of jailhouse philosopher? Richard: Barracks philosopher actually. I was a combat pilot in Korea. Shawn: Nice tattoo. Who's Lily? Richard: A girl I used to know. Tannoy: Shawn Farrell, report to interview room one. Shawn: I'll see you. He walks over to a side room. Orson is sat at one of the hatches. Interviewer: What's your name again, sir? Orson: Orson Bailey. I wanna speak to someone in charge. I mean, why can't I just make a call. Shawn arrives in the room to find Tom waiting for him. They are separated by glass. Shawn: Uncle Tommy, hi! It's good to see you! Look, what's going on, nobody will tell us anything. Tom appears to be in shock. Tom: We'll let you know as soon as we find out. I still can't believe it's you. Shawn: How do you think I feel? Listen, do you know how long they're gonna keep us, because I really want to go home. Tom gestures for Shawn to sit. Tom: Shawn, do you remember anything? Anything at all about what happened that night? Shawn: See, nothing! Nothing. One minute I'm sitting there with Kyle, on the beach, the next, it's three years later, and I'm standing next to some mountain with a couple thousand strangers around me. Listen Uncle Tommy, some people are saying that we were abducted by aliens. Tom: We can't rule anything out yet. Shawn: Well can you give me anything? How's my Mom? How's Danny? Tom: Fine, they're all fine. They miss you. Shawn: Hey, what about Kyle? He must have seen something the night I disappeared. Did he tell you anything? Tom stands up. Tom: He hasn't said a word. Shawn: He's ok, isn't he? Isn't he? Tom: Kyle's in a coma, Shawn. Shawn: What are you talking about? Tom: What I'm talking about, is Kyle, lying in a bed, with a ventilator down his throat. Being fed down one tube and pissing out of another. He's been like that ever since the night you left. Shawn: He was fine last time I saw him. We were having a couple of beers... He sit's back down. Tom: Look, don't you lie to me Shawn! Shawn: I'm not. Tom: Don't you lie to me! I've been waiting three years to hear the truth from you, so please don't lie to me. Shawn is upset. Shawn: I just told you the truth! Is that what you've been thinking, this whole time? That I gave Kyle something that messed him up and then I just took off? Screw you Uncle Tommy! I just told you everything I know! He picks up a chair and throws it. Shawn: Dammit!! Richard is sat on a chair, playing with a zippo lighter A woman walks up to him. Lily: You look as bored as I feel. I wish there were windows in this place. I'd like to see the stars, wouldn't you? Richard stands up and seems to be confused. Lily: Do I look that bad? Richard: No, it's just that you remind me of someone I used to know. Lily: How long you been gone? Richard: Since '51. Lily: Wouldn't be me then, '93. Richard: My friend, her name was Lily, too. Lily Bonham. Lily: That's my Grandmother's name. Richard: Lily Bonham from St Louis? Lily: You knew my Grandmother. Richard: Is she still alive? Lily: I'm sorry. She died before I was born. Richard sit's in a chair, clearly upset. Lily kneels beside him. Lily: Are you alright? Richard: Lily's d*ad, and I'm sitting here with her Granddaughter. It doesn't make any sense. No g*dd*mn sense at all. Lily: I know how you feel. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up from this dream and tell my husband all about it. Richard: You have a family? Lily: Yeah. Brian and I and our daughter Heidi. She was six months when I...So what was she like, my Grandmother? Everyone say's I look a lot like her. Richard: They were right. Orson is still at one of the windows. Interviewer: I'm sorry. That's not possible right now. Orson: This is ridiculous. You have no right to hold us here like this. We haven't done anything wrong! Interviewer: I'm sorry. Maia approaches him and hands him a serviette. Maia: This is for you His nose is bleeding. Later in Diana's office Diana: We're letting them go? They've only been back six weeks. It's too soon. Ryland: Well the ninth circuit court of appeal has upheld the lawsuit by the ACLU on behalf of the families. We don't have a legal right to hold them. Chen: Ok, but some of these people have no place to go. No families left. Sid: The word is, Egypt and China are refusing to repatriate it's citizens. India's on the fence. Ryland: Well, wait a minute. We're not kicking anybody out. Whoever wants to stay, can stay. As far as American citizens, whoever leaves will get whatever assistance is required, to get their life back on track. Medicare, unemployment, rent vouchers, vocational training. Diana: Vocational training? We need to isolate these people. Tom: They're not virus samples, they're human beings. Ryland: The orders been given. We're letting them go. I wouldn't book your vacations, just yet. The doors are opened and the people are released. Maia sits on a chair, alone. Ryland: Each regional Homeland Security Office, will be responsible for the returnee's who settle in their region. So we'll be monitoring 79 people. Plus, another 135 have chosen to remain in quarantine for the time being. Maia is all alone now. Ryland: Each of our returnee's, will check in once a week. Any difficulties faced by the returnee's in our district, will be handled by this office. Finally, we'll continue with our ongoing investigation. They'll all sleep better, once we know what the hell's going on. Thankyou. The returnee's are queueing up and receiving numbers on cards. Lily walks up to Richard. Lily: You look so lonely standing there without an ID number. Richard: I'm supposed to be 82 years old. There's no-one here waiting for me. Lily: So what are you gonna do, now that you're out? Richard: Head back to the old neighbourhood, I suppose. What about you? Wait, let me guess. Take your daughter to Woodland Park. Lily: We used to love that place.Of course, Heidi was barely crawling then and now she's 12. Richard: You've been a good friend. Lily is crying, and they hug. Kenny and Susan are waiting outside as Shawn walks up the stairs. Orson speaks with one of the guards. Orson: They told me there would be a bus to the city. Guard: Yes sir, over there. Lot's of families are waiting for their loved ones, each holding an ID number to enable the returnee's to recognise them. Shawn: Hey Mom! Danny! Shawn rushes over to his mother and brother. Lily thinks she recognises her husband and walks over to a man. Lily: Brian! Brian! He turns, but it's not him. Lily: I'm sorry. Shawn has his arms around his family. Shawn: Let's go! A lot of reunions are happening, but Lily's husband isn't there. She decides to make her own way home, and arrives at her house. Nervously making her way to the door, she prepares to knock, just as two young girls open the door. Heidi: Can I help you? Lily: Heidi? Heidi: Yeah. Lily: Heidi, it's Mommy. Heidi: Who? A man comes rushing out. Brian: Heidi! That's ok sweetie, I got it. Lily: Brian. Brian: Lily. She begins to cry and rushes into his arms. Brian: Look at you, you haven't aged a day. Lily: Why didn't you come pick me up Didn't they contact you? Brian: Yeah. You have to try to understand, Lil. I didn't think I was ever going to see you again. I'm married, Lily. Carole has been a really good mother to Heidi. We have a son now,too. A little boy. I'm sorry. Lily. Lily turns and walks back down the steps, crying. Orson is walking through what seems to be an old people's home. He approaches an elderly woman sat on a bed. Orson: Elizabeth? Elizabeth: Orson? Where have you been? I've been waiting for you. He kisses her hand. Orson: I know. Elizabeth: Where's the car. We're going to be late for dinner. Orson: I'm sorry honey. Things got a little out of control. But it won't happen again. He begins to cry. There's a welcome home party at Shawns house. He's walking through, welcoming people, whilst his arm remains around Danny's shoulder. Shawn: Hey mom. Hey guys, it's good to see you. Danny: I'm sorry your buddies didn't show up. I guess most of them are away at college. Shawn: They're just jealous that I get to enjoy two more years of high school. Nikki approaches them. Nikki: High School's not that bad. Hi Shawn. Remember me? Shawn: Nikki? No! Last time I saw you, you were just a little kid. Now look at you. Danny has his arm around her. Danny: Look at me, huh? Shawn: Yeah, I guess so. St. Louis, Missouri Richard is walking amongst some homeless people, who are living in an abandoned building. Chen: What the hell are you looking at? Richard: I used to live here. Chen: Yeah? Well, I live here now. Get the hell outta here! Shawns house Diana and Tom are in the kitchen. Diana: Why did you bring me here? Tom: I thought it would put a Human face on the returnee's, for you.Remind you they're people not virus'. Linda walks in. Linda: Tom, are you gonna introduce me to your new friend? Tom: Ah, Linda. This is my partner. My work partner, Diana Scouriz. Diana this is my wife, Linda. Linda: We're separated. Call me. We need to talk. Diana: Well that was awkward. Tom: Really? Diana: Yeah. Tom: I hadn't noticed. Give me a second. He heads outside, to find Shawn sitting on the porch. Tom: You look thirsty. Shawn: Thankyou. Tom: I just wanted you to know, I really am glad you're back. Shawn: Whatever, Uncle Tom, I mean... A bird flies into the side of the house, k*lling itself. Shawn picks it up and cradles it in his hands. Shawn: Geez Tom: Neck's broken. Shawn: Reflection must have confused him, huh? Tom: Why don't you come back inside. You're missing your own party. Shawn: I know, it's just weird being in there. The birds eyes open and it flies away. Maia: I have to come to see the Doctor, every week? Diana: I know, it doesn't sound like much fun to me either, but hey, you know, you get to live with these lovely people, and that beats a bunk in quarantine, right? Foster Mother: Besides, there's nothing we can't handle, right Maia? Maia: That would be nice. Kenneth: Well we should get going. It's a bit of a drive to Everett. Diana: Yeah, terrific. Good luck Maia. Maia: You'll see me again. Diana: Yeah, next week. Maia: Sooner than that. Diana looks confused and Maia walks away. Orson is walking with his business partners son at the offices of Kensington and Bailey. Adam: Can I get you anything? Orson: Uh, water, that'll be fine. Adam: Mary, could you get Mr Bailey some water? Just down here. You know, I can't get over it. You look exactly the same as the last time I saw you. Orson: And you were what, thirteen. Your father asked me to show you the ropes. Adam: Yes. Orson: It looks like I succeeded. Adam: Please have a seat. Orson: Thank you. Adam: So, what can I do for you Mr Bailey. Orson: My old corner office, for starters. Thankyou. A secretary, some business cards. I should be able to start seeing clients within a week or so. Adam: You're looking for a job? Orson: This is still Kensington and Bailey, isn't it? Adam: I'm embarrassed. Times are tight. I just had to lay off three of my actuaries. I don't have any openings right now, Mr Bailey. Orson: Openings? I'm a partner here. Adam: Mr Bailey, your interest in the company, was bought out, when you were declared d*ad. Orson: I'm not d*ad. Adam: Well, your wife accepted the settlement. It is all legal. Orson: Don't be too sure of that. What happened to me, there's no precedent. Adam: You are right about that, but it might be years until precedent is established. Until that happens, all of you returnee's are gonna have to get in line and plead your case in front of a judge. Do you have the kind of resources to... Orson: Have you seen the kind of place my wife is in? I have to get her out of there! Adam: I don't have permission to discuss this any further. Orson: I need money, now! He squeezes a glass until it shatters. Maia arrives at her new home. Foster Mother: This is the living room and there's the kitchen. Do you wanna see your room? Maia: Ok. Foster Mother: I think it's really nice. It's the one over here. Kenneth: We just had it redone. Maia: It's a very nice room. Foster Mother: I got you a few things to start. Tomorrow we can go shopping and you can pick out a few bits, yourself. Maia: Ok She hops up onto the bed and takes her trainers off, putting them on the chair. Kenneth: Maia honey, we have a rule. No shoes on the furniture. Maia: I didn't want them to get wet. Foster Mother: Wet? Why would they get wet? Kenneth: Why don't you get cleaned up. We're going to eat soon. They leave the room. Maia picks up the shoes and places them back on the chair. Richard is walking through a diner, looking at the various people in the booths. Maia is asleep in bed. Shawn is outside in his garden. Orson is sat at his wife's side. Shawn sits on a bench and waves to Nikki, who's standing at her window. Richard lights up a cigarette as he sit's in a booth at the diner. Some punk rockers point to a no smoking sign and he puts his cigarette out. Lily is walking through the streets. Shawns family car is covered in grafitti. Water spills out of a hosepipe into Maia's bedroom. Her foster mother walks in and Maia stares at her. Richard is looking at some old photo's of Lily. Orson arrives in a taxi at the gate's of Adam's house. He begins to press the bell. Orson: Adam, it's Orson. Let me in, I wanna talk. He continues to press the buzzer, but Adam's ignoring it. Orson: I know you can hear me. Let me in! You want me to wake the whole neighbourhood? Orson begins to shake the gate and as he does so, the house begins to shake, smashing things inside. The windows blow out and Adam grabs his head as Orson begins to yell. Adam falls to the ground, d*ad, with some glass embedded in his chest. Kyle's hospital room. Diana turns up to find Tom asleep in the chair. Diana: Tom? Tom: What are you doing here? Diana: Your phone is off. Ryland wants us to come in. Tom: What's up? Diana: There's been a m*rder. The police are holding one of the 4400. Homeland Security A picture of Orson is brought up on a monitor. Ryland: That's him. That's Orson Bailey. Tom: Bailey? Some kind of businessman, right? Ryland: Right. Tom: Life insurance? Ryland: Yeah. Diana: Disappeared in the 70's. Ryland: '79. Declared d*ad in '86. Seattle police are holding him in connection with a h*m* in Madison Park, last night. Tom: Do they know he's one of the 4400? Ryland: Bailey told them. That's why they called us. Diana: Well, I thought the returnee's were told not to discuss their status? Ryland: Well we counsel them to avoid it, if they possibly can, but we were talking job interviews and housing applications. There's not really a protocol for being questioned about a m*rder. Tom: He said holding, not charging. Ryland: That's right. There are some conflicting reports about what actually went on at the crime scene. Tom: We'll check it out. Ryland: Quietly. I don't want to be dodging microphones at the six 'o'clock news. Tom: Quietly it is. Ryland: Diana! He hands her a folder, and they leave. Tom leaves the building with Diana and uses his mobile to call his wife. He reaches her answerphone. Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't come to the phone right now, but just leave a message and I'll call you back. Tom: Linda it's me again. You said we needed to talk, so pick up the phone. Linda, come on. Alright, call me. Diana: Everything alright? Tom: Same old, same old. Call me, don't call me. I wish she'd make up her mind. Diana: You know, I had a boyfriend once. Every time... Tom: Boyfriend? Diana: Well, don't look so surprised. God! Yeah, anyway, the thing about this guy thing... Tom: You can stop! Diana: I barely got started. Tom: All I'm saying is, you don't have to try to make me feel better. Diana: Well, it was more of an attempt at bonding, via a shared similar experience. Can you open the door? Tom: How long did you go out with this guy? Diana: Nine months. Tom: Nine months. So you're equating your nine months of dating, with my nineteen years of marriage. Diana: You're right, ok, forget it. You want me to drive? Tom: What for? Diana: I don't know. So you can brood? Tom: Just get in. He get's into the car and leaves her standing. She taps on the window as her door is still locked. Shawn's first day back at High School. He walks up to find his locker. The halls are filled with people, all staring at him. Someone rushes up and pushes him against the locker. Kenny and Nikki are watching. Brad: Look who floated in on a ball of light. Remember me? Shawn: Rossi. Hi. It looks like the steroids finally kicked in. Brad: Funny man, funny. I always did appreciate your sense of humour. But that time you sold me those concert tickets, right before you disappeared. Shawn: To see the Foo Fighters? How was the show? Brad: The police were waiting for me when I showed up. The tickets were stolen man. You got me arrested. Shawn: You got arrested for stolen tickets? Brad: Yeah, I had 5 tabs of ect's on me. I had to pee into a cup, once a week, for two years, because of you. Shawn is being h*t up against the locker. Nikki and Kenny rush over. Nikki: Stop it! Danny: Come on, get off of him! Brad: It's between me and your brother. Danny: Yeah? Well I'm making it between you and me. Brad: See you around, freak. Oh by the way. I like the new paint job on your ride. Brad walks away. Nikki: You ok? Shawn: Fine Diana and Tom are looking at the surveillance video of Orson. Officer: The security camera's caught everything. The guy definitely had a bug up his ass. Except, as far as we can tell, he never went inside. Kensington fell into all that glass, and impaled himself. Tom: You've been through all the footage? Officer: Every scrap. He never made it past the gate. Tom: Hold on a second. Did you see that? They watch as Orson shakes the gate so violently that it comes away from the concrete posts. Tom: That's glass. Diana: Yeah, something blew out the windows, but from the inside. Officer: Yeah, we're still trying to figure that one out. There was no seismic activity. No evidence of a b*mb or gas leak. Tom: And Bailey's not talking? Officer: We've sent half a dozen guys in there, but he hasn't given us anything. Orson in interviewed. Orson: Look, I've been over and over this, with you people. Tom: We're not the police, we're Homeland Security. Orson: Well tell the bozo's out there, that I had nothing to do with what happened to Adam. Tom: Let's just go over your day again. You went to see Adam Kensington about a job, and even though your name is still on the company letterhead, he brushed you off. I know how that would make me feel. Orson: I admit I was angry. I went to Adam's house to...I don't know why I went. But I didn't k*ll him. Diana: Let me read you an e-mail Kensington sent to his attorney, after your visit. Tom: It's not important. Diana: Just a sec. Bailey is making desperate claims regarding his financial stake in the company. He actually thr*at to sue. I don't think he realises, there are going to be hundreds of law suits involving the 4400. It'll take years. The poor bastard, he really is rather.... The coffee pots are shaking. Diana: ...a pathetic case. The coffee pots shatter. Orson's nose is bleeding. Orson: Now I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not an idiot either. You've had me here for twelve hours. Either you charge me with something, or let me go. Diana and Tom make their way out of the station. Diana: So we're just gonna let him walk, after what happened in there? Tom: Yeah, looks like it. But for future reference, if I ever wanna play good cop, bad cop, I'll let you know. Diana: Which one do I get to be? Tom: This isn't a joke. There's a time to lean in on a guy, and that wasn't it. You shut him down. Diana: Look, I'm sorry. Bailey admitted he was angry with Kensington. He was at his house. Tom: I didn't say it was over, did I? Maia lays flowers on the graves of her parents. Maia: Do you think they ever thought about me? Foster Mother: Oh sweetie, they were your parents. I am sure that they thought about you every day. Maia: Thanks for bringing me here. Kenneth: This place used to be so nice. Now the kids leave their garbage everywhere. Foster Mother: It's a shame. Maia: You don't have to worry. Cranridge is nice. Kenneth: Cranridge cemetary? Maia: Yes, that's where you will be. Kenneth: Be? Be what? Maia: Buried. Tom and Diana go to the morgue. Medical Examiner : Kensington's a popular guy around here today. The whole staffs been through here for the post mortem. Tom: Why's that? Medical Examiner : Well, he may have been a boring old suit when he was alive? But in death, he's a rock star. Diana: God, look at that. Those were his parietal bones? They're looking at x-rays of his skull. Medical Examiner : We've seen bleeding deaths in here, as bad as you can imagine. Even a guy who jumped off the space needle and had to be brought to us in a garbage bag, but I have never seen a skull in this kind of shape before. Thousands of tiny little bone fragments that... Tom: Kensington was impaled. Are you saying that's not how he died? Medical Examiner :Oh, that would have k*lled him, but he was already d*ad, from a shattered skull. Richard is in a phonebox. He phones Lily's house. Heidi: Hello? Richard: Hello, is Lily there? Heidi: Who? Richard: Is this Heidi? Heidi: Yes. Richard: I'm Richard Tyler, a friend of your mothers. Heidi: My mother's name is Carole. Are you sure you have the right number? Richard: This is the Moore residence, isn't it? Heidi: Yeah, but there's no-one named Lily here, sorry. Lily is with a Doctor. Doctor: Well I can't give you any medicine for the nausea. Lily: Why not? Doctor: Because it wouldn't work. You're not sick Lily, you're pregnant. Lily: That's impossible. The quarantine Doctors would have told me. Doctor: You said they gave you a full screening seven weeks ago. If you'd just conceived, it wouldn't have shown up in their tests. Lily: Conceived? When? Doctor: I assume it happened right before you disappeared. But there's no mistake, you're definitely pregnant. There's nothing to worry about. I'd like to see you next week.... Her voice fades out. Lily is in shock. Seacrest Senior High School Shawn is walking down the stairs. Nikki: Shawn! Shawn: Hey, how you doing? What's up? Nikki: Good. Did you get your car fixed? Shawn: It's gonna be in the shop for about a week. Nikki: Yeah. You know, Danny and I are going to a party tonight at Irvin Chobey's house. You should come. Shawn: I don't think so. Nikki: Why not? Shawn: Um, well, they're gonna be listening to music I've never listened to. Talking about movies I've never seen. School is bad enough. Partying with a bunch of runts from... Nikki: Is that how you saw me? A runt? Shawn: You were fourteen, Nikki. Nikki: And now? The bell rings. Shawn: I'm late for class. Orson goes to visit his wife. He finds her cubicle empty. Orson: Where's my wife? Manager: Mr Bailey, you have our deepest condolences. Orson: What? Manager: We called your hotel room, there was no answer. Orson: Elizabeth? Manager: It was a pulmonary embolism, about one 'o'clock this morning. We tried to revive her. Orson: No!! She's all I have!! He has the man hold by the collar. Manager: Please just calm down. Orson: She's all I have!! He begins to lose control. Things begin to explode and his nose is bleeding again. Homeland Security Diana: So, the red dots mark the spots where the American members of the 4400 originally lived. Tom: You mean, the returnee's. Diana: Not according to the press. It's the 4400. Now you have to admit, it's a bit strange. A nice, round number, like that. I wonder if it has any significance. Tom: So you're saying that if 3781 people, had suddenly shown up that night, it wouldn't have been as strange. Diana: I'd say, slightly less strange. This however, is downright weird. Here's where the 4400 are right now, two weeks after their release. Tom: 65% are still in Seattle. Diana: They're just not going home, and none of them can come up with a good reason as to why. Tom: You think it means something? Diana: In the CDC, we'd call this a statistically significant, disease cluster. Tom: Yeah well, in the FBI, we'd call it a freaky coincidence. Diana: I don't believe in coincidences. Disease clusters. I believe in those. Lily meet's with Brian in a restaurant. Brian: What do you mean, you're pregnant? Lily: I just found out a few day's ago. Brian: I don't understand. When you disappeared, I'd been in New York for weeks, studying for the bar. Lily: I can't explain it. I haven't been with anyone else. Brian: So what are we talking, immaculate conception? Lily: I don't know what we're talking about. I wish I did. Brian: You know, when you disappeared, I'd have given anything in the world to talk to you again. I had whole conversations with you, in my head. I missed you so much, Lil. But we can't do this. I have another family now, and I'm sorry, I know that's not fair to you, but... Lily: I am still part of your life, whether you want me to be or not. Brian: Lil, you haven't been part of my life for eleven years. Lily: I wanna see Heidi. Brian: I'm sorry, that's impossible. Lily: She's my daughter. Brian: She doesn't know that. She thinks that Carole is her mother. Lily: You never told her about me? Brian: She was a baby when you left. Hell, we were babies when you left. Lily: You can't stop me from seeing her. Brian: I already have. He hands her an envelope. Lily: What's this? Brian: It's a temporary restraining order. Lily: But I haven't done anything wrong. Brian: Lily, I'm a lawyer, I know how to work the system. Now I don't wanna use this, but I will if you force me to. My first priority has to be to protect my family. Lily: I am your family! Brian: I wish you were, but you're not. Not anymore. I'm sorry lil, I'm asking you. Please stay away from Heidi and from me. I'm sorry Lil. He stands up and leaves. The residential home Manager: At first I thought it was an earthquake. Everything was shaking, falling off the walls, but then, I can't believe I'm gonna say this.... things started to fly around the room. Papers, chairs. Tom: What do you mean, fly? Manager: I mean fly. Like it was a tornado. Except there was no wind. Everybody was screaming. Mr Bailey Was shouting.My head felt like it was gonna burst, and then suddenly it was over. Tom: What about Bailey? Manager: Oh, he looked scared, like the rest of us. That's when he ran away. The staff, everyone's saying he's one of these people. The 4400? Is that true? Tom: Listen to me very carefully. You are not going to talk about this to the press or anyone else, and the same goes for your staff. If I pick up a paper and see a word of this, or I see it reported on the news, I'm gonna take an interest in this place. Tom, Diana and Ryland take a walk outside the Homeland Security building. Ryland: Things flying around the room. Tom: I know, but we got a half a dozen witnesses, all saying the same thing. Ryland: Yeah, flying. I gotta do a briefing for Home Sect DC in the morning and I'm gonna tell them what? Diana: Well I'd go with, the incident is under investigation. Tom: Bailey checked out of his hotel, after he left the nursing home. He could be on the run, we're not sure. Ryland: Find him. You bought us some time, but this story is gonna leak and I want Bailey in our hands before it does. On campus Nikki: Is this campus, everything you remember it to be? Danny: You heard about Williams and Miss Sinclair, right? Shawn: No. Danny: No? They found them in the janitors closet. Shawn: What is that? Danny: Making out. Not bad. Rossi watches them as they walk past. Shawn: What? Danny: Everybody in school's been talking about it. Brad: Yo, freak! Still hiding behind your little brother? Shawn: You know what Brad? You need to shut it down. Brad: You wanna shut me down? You know, the only thing I'm shutting down, is you, bitch! Shawn drops his bag, as Brad stands up. Shawn: You're really starting to piss me off, now. Brad: Come on, bring it! Knock me down. They begin to fight on the grass. Shawn gets him on the floor and holds him there. Brad begins to turn blue and Kenny runs over shouting. Danny: Hey, come on! Let him go! Shawn! Shawn get's up. Danny: What did you do to him? Shawn is bleeding from the mouth, and walks away. Maia's foster father has a brochure from a cemetary. Kenneth: I don't wanna hear anymore. Foster Mother: Keep your voice down, she'll hear you. Kenneth: It's bad enough she tells us we're gonna be buried in Crown Ridge cemetary, but then the next day, we get a brochure from the place, in the mail? Foster Mother: It's a coincidence. Look, she's not what we expected, so let's just talk to her. Kenneth: Yeah. The woman goes to Maia's room and finds her standing there with her bag packed. Maia: It's ok. I knew I wasn't going to be here very long. Shawn is playing basketball in the street with Kenny. Danny: Come on, come on let's go. Shawn: Give me the ball. Danny: Your sh*t space boy. Shawn: What is your problem Danny: What's my problem? Shawn: Yeah, what's your problem Danny: Come on Danny, not you too. Come on! Danny: The way he went down? That's not normal. You know it, I know it, everybody saw it! Shawn: What are you saying? Danny: You tell me. Shawn: I didn't do anything to him, alright, Danny? Not a thing! Tom and Diana are going through some of Elizabeth's belongings. Diana: Is this all that's left, when you're done? Poor Mrs Bailey. A box of trinkets. Tom: They're not trinkets. They're memories. The kind you leave behind, you know, for family and friends? Diana: Hmmm. I should get to work on that. Tom: I'm not going there. Diana: Well, believe it or not, some of us are happier alone. Tom: No-one's happy alone. If they think that, they're kidding themselves. Diana: I thought you weren't going there? Tom: Did you see this? This looks promising. He finds a photo of Orson and Elizabeth. Diana: Wyler summer cabin. Wyler was Elizabeth's maiden name. Tom: Orson's panicking, he needs a place to run. Diana: Well there's no address. Tom: Then we'll have to find one. Maia is taken back to Homeland Security. Kenneth: It's better this way, for everyone. Foster Mother: Everyone? Or just you
{"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x01 - The Pilot"}
Written by SCOTT PETERS & RENE ECHEVARRIA Directed by YVES SIMENEAU Adam's House Orson begins to shake the gate and as he does so, the house begins to shake, smashing things inside. The windows blow out and Adam grabs his head as Orson begins to yell. Adam falls to the ground, d*ad, with some glass embedded in his chest. Kyle's hospital room. Diana turns up to find Tom asleep in the chair. Diana: Tom? Tom: What are you doing here? Diana: Your phone is off. Ryland wants us to come in. Tom: What's up? Diana: There's been a m*rder. The police are holding one of the 4400. Homeland Security A picture of Orson is brought up on a monitor. Ryland: That's him. That's Orson Bailey. Tom: Bailey? Some kind of businessman, right? Ryland: Right. Tom: Life insurance? Ryland: Yeah. Diana: Disappeared in the 70's. Ryland: '79. Declared d*ad in '86. Seattle police are holding him in connection with a h*m* in Madison Park, last night. Tom: Do they know he's one of the 4400? Ryland: Bailey told them. That's why they called us. Diana: Well, I thought the returnee's were told not to discuss their status? Ryland: Well we counsel them to avoid it, if they possibly can, but we were talking job interviews and housing applications. There's not really a protocol for being questioned about a m*rder. Tom: He said holding, not charging. Ryland: That's right. There are some conflicting reports about what actually went on at the crime scene. Tom: We'll check it out. Ryland: Quietly. I don't want to be dodging microphones at the six 'o'clock news. Tom: Quietly it is. Ryland: Diana! He hands her a folder, and they leave. Tom leaves the building with Diana and uses his mobile to call his wife. He reaches her answerphone. Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't come to the phone right now, but just leave a message and I'll call you back. Tom: Linda it's me again. You said we needed to talk, so pick up the phone. Linda, come on. Alright, call me. Diana: Everything alright? Tom: Same old, same old. Call me, don't call me. I wish she'd make up her mind. Diana: You know, I had a boyfriend once. Every time... Tom: Boyfriend? Diana: Well, don't look so surprised. God! Yeah, anyway, the thing about this guy thing... Tom: You can stop! Diana: I barely got started. Tom: All I'm saying is, you don't have to try to make me feel better. Diana: Well, it was more of an attempt at bonding, via a shared similar experience. Can you open the door? Tom: How long did you go out with this guy? Diana: Nine months. Tom: Nine months. So you're equating your nine months of dating, with my nineteen years of marriage. Diana: You're right, ok, forget it. You want me to drive? Tom: What for? Diana: I don't know. So you can brood? Tom: Just get in. He get's into the car and leaves her standing. She taps on the window as her door is still locked. Shawn's first day back at High School. He walks up to find his locker. The halls are filled with people, all staring at him. Someone rushes up and pushes him against the locker. Kenny and Nikki are watching. Brad: Look who floated in on a ball of light. Remember me? Shawn: Rossi. Hi. It looks like the steroids finally kicked in. Brad: Funny man, funny. I always did appreciate your sense of humour. But that time you sold me those concert tickets, right before you disappeared. Shawn: To see the Foo Fighters? How was the show? Brad: The police were waiting for me when I showed up. The tickets were stolen man. You got me arrested. Shawn: You got arrested for stolen tickets? Brad: Yeah, I had 5 tabs of ect's on me. I had to pee into a cup, once a week, for two years, because of you. Shawn is being h*t up against the locker. Nikki and Kenny rush over. Nikki: Stop it! Danny: Come on, get off of him! Brad: It's between me and your brother. Danny: Yeah? Well I'm making it between you and me. Brad: See you around, freak. Oh by the way. I like the new paint job on your ride. Brad walks away. Nikki: You ok? Shawn: Fine Diana and Tom are looking at the surveillance video of Orson. Officer: The security camera's caught everything. The guy definitely had a bug up his ass. Except, as far as we can tell, he never went inside. Kensington fell into all that glass, and impaled himself. Tom: You've been through all the footage? Officer: Every scrap. He never made it past the gate. Tom: Hold on a second. Did you see that? They watch as Orson shakes the gate so violently that it comes away from the concrete posts. Tom: That's glass. Diana: Yeah, something blew out the windows, but from the inside. Officer: Yeah, we're still trying to figure that one out. There was no seismic activity. No evidence of a b*mb or gas leak. Tom: And Bailey's not talking? Officer: We've sent half a dozen guys in there, but he hasn't given us anything. Orson in interviewed. Orson: Look, I've been over and over this, with you people. Tom: We're not the police, we're Homeland Security. Orson: Well tell the bozo's out there, that I had nothing to do with what happened to Adam. Tom: Let's just go over your day again. You went to see Adam Kensington about a job, and even though your name is still on the company letterhead, he brushed you off. I know how that would make me feel. Orson: I admit I was angry. I went to Adam's house to...I don't know why I went. But I didn't k*ll him. Diana: Let me read you an e-mail Kensington sent to his attorney, after your visit. Tom: It's not important. Diana: Just a sec. Bailey is making desperate claims regarding his financial stake in the company. He actually thr*at to sue. I don't think he realises, there are going to be hundreds of law suits involving the 4400. It'll take years. The poor bastard, he really is rather.... The coffee pots are shaking. Diana: ...a pathetic case. The coffee pots shatter. Orson's nose is bleeding. Orson: Now I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not an idiot either. You've had me here for twelve hours. Either you charge me with something, or let me go. Diana and Tom make their way out of the station. Diana: So we're just gonna let him walk, after what happened in there? Tom: Yeah, looks like it. But for future reference, if I ever wanna play good cop, bad cop, I'll let you know. Diana: Which one do I get to be? Tom: This isn't a joke. There's a time to lean in on a guy, and that wasn't it. You shut him down. Diana: Look, I'm sorry. Bailey admitted he was angry with Kensington. He was at his house. Tom: I didn't say it was over, did I? Maia lays flowers on the graves of her parents. Maia: Do you think they ever thought about me? Foster Mother: Oh sweetie, they were your parents. I am sure that they thought about you every day. Maia: Thanks for bringing me here. Kenneth: This place used to be so nice. Now the kids leave their garbage everywhere. Foster Mother: It's a shame. Maia: You don't have to worry. Cranridge is nice. Kenneth: Cranridge cemetary? Maia: Yes, that's where you will be. Kenneth: Be? Be what? Maia: Buried. Tom and Diana go to the morgue. Medical Examiner : Kensington's a popular guy around here today. The whole staffs been through here for the post mortem. Tom: Why's that? Medical Examiner : Well, he may have been a boring old suit when he was alive? But in death, he's a rock star. Diana: God, look at that. Those were his parietal bones? They're looking at x-rays of his skull. Medical Examiner : We've seen bleeding deaths in here, as bad as you can imagine. Even a guy who jumped off the space needle and had to be brought to us in a garbage bag, but I have never seen a skull in this kind of shape before. Thousands of tiny little bone fragments that... Tom: Kensington was impaled. Are you saying that's not how he died? Medical Examiner :Oh, that would have k*lled him, but he was already d*ad, from a shattered skull. Richard is in a phonebox. He phones Lily's house. Heidi: Hello? Richard: Hello, is Lily there? Heidi: Who? Richard: Is this Heidi? Heidi: Yes. Richard: I'm Richard Tyler, a friend of your mothers. Heidi: My mother's name is Carole. Are you sure you have the right number? Richard: This is the Moore residence, isn't it? Heidi: Yeah, but there's no-one named Lily here, sorry. Lily is with a Doctor. Doctor: Well I can't give you any medicine for the nausea. Lily: Why not? Doctor: Because it wouldn't work. You're not sick Lily, you're pregnant. Lily: That's impossible. The quarantine Doctors would have told me. Doctor: You said they gave you a full screening seven weeks ago. If you'd just conceived, it wouldn't have shown up in their tests. Lily: Conceived? When? Doctor: I assume it happened right before you disappeared. But there's no mistake, you're definitely pregnant. There's nothing to worry about. I'd like to see you next week.... Her voice fades out. Lily is in shock. Seacrest Senior High School Shawn is walking down the stairs. Nikki: Shawn! Shawn: Hey, how you doing? What's up? Nikki: Good. Did you get your car fixed? Shawn: It's gonna be in the shop for about a week. Nikki: Yeah. You know, Danny and I are going to a party tonight at Irvin Chobey's house. You should come. Shawn: I don't think so. Nikki: Why not? Shawn: Um, well, they're gonna be listening to music I've never listened to. Talking about movies I've never seen. School is bad enough. Partying with a bunch of runts from... Nikki: Is that how you saw me? A runt? Shawn: You were fourteen, Nikki. Nikki: And now? The bell rings. Shawn: I'm late for class. Orson goes to visit his wife. He finds her cubicle empty. Orson: Where's my wife? Manager: Mr Bailey, you have our deepest condolences. Orson: What? Manager: We called your hotel room, there was no answer. Orson: Elizabeth? Manager: It was a pulmonary embolism, about one 'o'clock this morning. We tried to revive her. Orson: No!! She's all I have!! He has the man hold by the collar. Manager: Please just calm down. Orson: She's all I have!! He begins to lose control. Things begin to explode and his nose is bleeding again. Homeland Security Diana: So, the red dots mark the spots where the American members of the 4400 originally lived. Tom: You mean, the returnee's. Diana: Not according to the press. It's the 4400. Now you have to admit, it's a bit strange. A nice, round number, like that. I wonder if it has any significance. Tom: So you're saying that if 3781 people, had suddenly shown up that night, it wouldn't have been as strange. Diana: I'd say, slightly less strange. This however, is downright weird. Here's where the 4400 are right now, two weeks after their release. Tom: 65% are still in Seattle. Diana: They're just not going home, and none of them can come up with a good reason as to why. Tom: You think it means something? Diana: In the CDC, we'd call this a statistically significant, disease cluster. Tom: Yeah well, in the FBI, we'd call it a freaky coincidence. Diana: I don't believe in coincidences. Disease clusters. I believe in those. Lily meet's with Brian in a restaurant. Brian: What do you mean, you're pregnant? Lily: I just found out a few day's ago. Brian: I don't understand. When you disappeared, I'd been in New York for weeks, studying for the bar. Lily: I can't explain it. I haven't been with anyone else. Brian: So what are we talking, immaculate conception? Lily: I don't know what we're talking about. I wish I did. Brian: You know, when you disappeared, I'd have given anything in the world to talk to you again. I had whole conversations with you, in my head. I missed you so much, Lil. But we can't do this. I have another family now, and I'm sorry, I know that's not fair to you, but... Lily: I am still part of your life, whether you want me to be or not. Brian: Lil, you haven't been part of my life for eleven years. Lily: I wanna see Heidi. Brian: I'm sorry, that's impossible. Lily: She's my daughter. Brian: She doesn't know that. She thinks that Carole is her mother. Lily: You never told her about me? Brian: She was a baby when you left. Hell, we were babies when you left. Lily: You can't stop me from seeing her. Brian: I already have. He hands her an envelope. Lily: What's this? Brian: It's a temporary restraining order. Lily: But I haven't done anything wrong. Brian: Lily, I'm a lawyer, I know how to work the system. Now I don't wanna use this, but I will if you force me to. My first priority has to be to protect my family. Lily: I am your family! Brian: I wish you were, but you're not. Not anymore. I'm sorry lil, I'm asking you. Please stay away from Heidi and from me. I'm sorry Lil. He stands up and leaves. The residential home Manager: At first I thought it was an earthquake. Everything was shaking, falling off the walls, but then, I can't believe I'm gonna say this.... things started to fly around the room. Papers, chairs. Tom: What do you mean, fly? Manager: I mean fly. Like it was a tornado. Except there was no wind. Everybody was screaming. Mr Bailey Was shouting.My head felt like it was gonna burst, and then suddenly it was over. Tom: What about Bailey? Manager: Oh, he looked scared, like the rest of us. That's when he ran away. The staff, everyone's saying he's one of these people. The 4400? Is that true? Tom: Listen to me very carefully. You are not going to talk about this to the press or anyone else, and the same goes for your staff. If I pick up a paper and see a word of this, or I see it reported on the news, I'm gonna take an interest in this place. Tom, Diana and Ryland take a walk outside the Homeland Security building. Ryland: Things flying around the room. Tom: I know, but we got a half a dozen witnesses, all saying the same thing. Ryland: Yeah, flying. I gotta do a briefing for Home Sect DC in the morning and I'm gonna tell them what? Diana: Well I'd go with, the incident is under investigation. Tom: Bailey checked out of his hotel, after he left the nursing home. He could be on the run, we're not sure. Ryland: Find him. You bought us some time, but this story is gonna leak and I want Bailey in our hands before it does. On campus Nikki: Is this campus, everything you remember it to be? Danny: You heard about Williams and Miss Sinclair, right? Shawn: No. Danny: No? They found them in the janitors closet. Shawn: What is that? Danny: Making out. Not bad. Rossi watches them as they walk past. Shawn: What? Danny: Everybody in school's been talking about it. Brad: Yo, freak! Still hiding behind your little brother? Shawn: You know what Brad? You need to shut it down. Brad: You wanna shut me down? You know, the only thing I'm shutting down, is you, bitch! Shawn drops his bag, as Brad stands up. Shawn: You're really starting to piss me off, now. Brad: Come on, bring it! Knock me down. They begin to fight on the grass. Shawn gets him on the floor and holds him there. Brad begins to turn blue and Kenny runs over shouting. Danny: Hey, come on! Let him go! Shawn! Shawn get's up. Danny: What did you do to him? Shawn is bleeding from the mouth, and walks away. Maia's foster father has a brochure from a cemetary. Kenneth: I don't wanna hear anymore. Foster Mother: Keep your voice down, she'll hear you. Kenneth: It's bad enough she tells us we're gonna be buried in Crown Ridge cemetary, but then the next day, we get a brochure from the place, in the mail? Foster Mother: It's a coincidence. Look, she's not what we expected, so let's just talk to her. Kenneth: Yeah. The woman goes to Maia's room and finds her standing there with her bag packed. Maia: It's ok. I knew I wasn't going to be here very long. Shawn is playing basketball in the street with Kenny. Danny: Come on, come on let's go. Shawn: Give me the ball. Danny: Your sh*t space boy. Shawn: What is your problem Danny: What's my problem? Shawn: Yeah, what's your problem Danny: Come on Danny, not you too. Come on! Danny: The way he went down? That's not normal. You know it, I know it, everybody saw it! Shawn: What are you saying? Danny: You tell me. Shawn: I didn't do anything to him, alright, Danny? Not a thing! Tom and Diana are going through some of Elizabeth's belongings. Diana: Is this all that's left, when you're done? Poor Mrs Bailey. A box of trinkets. Tom: They're not trinkets. They're memories. The kind you leave behind, you know, for family and friends? Diana: Hmmm. I should get to work on that. Tom: I'm not going there. Diana: Well, believe it or not, some of us are happier alone. Tom: No-one's happy alone. If they think that, they're kidding themselves. Diana: I thought you weren't going there? Tom: Did you see this? This looks promising. He finds a photo of Orson and Elizabeth. Diana: Wyler summer cabin. Wyler was Elizabeth's maiden name. Tom: Orson's panicking, he needs a place to run. Diana: Well there's no address. Tom: Then we'll have to find one. Maia is taken back to Homeland Security. Kenneth: It's better this way, for everyone. Foster Mother: Everyone? Or just you They say goodbye to her. Foster Mother: Maia honey? You know this isn't about you. You are a wonderful girl. It's just, Kenneth and I, we just made a mistake. We are not ready to be parents yet. Maia: It's ok. Foster Mother: No, it's not. But sweetie? Those things you say? They can scare people, if you're not careful. Do you understand? She nods. Foster Mother: Good Seacrest High School Shawn is sat on a wall. Nikki approaches, with a CD in her hands. Nikki: For you. Come on, take it. Shawn: What is it? Nikki: A CD that I b*rned. Think of it as a crash course in all things new and cool. The Darkness, Handsome Boy Modeling School, k*lling Joke, all the bands you've never heard of. Shawn: Thankyou. But Nikki, I could listen to all the music, and watch all the shows, but it wouldn't matter, cos they're still gonna look at me like I'm different. Nikki: At least you'll be listening to some good music. Shawn: I don't understand, see, because everybody has been looking at me like I'm some kind of monster since the fight, but you, aren't you afraid to be seen with me? Nikki: No! What do I care what those creeps think? If you like the CD, I'll bring you another one. Shawn: Sounds great. Nikki: Alright. Shawn: Ok. Nikki: Ok. See ya. Shawn: Talk to you later. Nikki: Ok. Lily is walking in the park. She watches a family, down by the lake. Homeland Security Tom: Ok, bring up the sattellite charts. Diana: So we're looking for a small house, with a north facing exposure, somewhere within the vicinity of Appleton Lake. Tom: If it's still standing. Diana: No structures within grids 1,2,3 and 9. 4 and 7 each have one, but they're the wrong shape. Tom: Let's eliminate all those. Diana: That leaves us with five, six and eight. That's too small. Wrong orientation. That's too small, that's too big. Nothing but tree's and air, it's not there anymore. Tom: Hang on a second. Get a little tighter on this. Diana: It looks like it could be a house. Tom: This [Picture] was taken fifty years ago. These tree's would be huge by now. Enlarge again. Diana: Bingo! There's your house. Tom: Bingo. They leave the building Diana: Appleton's what? About seventy miles? Tom: Yeah. Look, when we get up there, I'll handle Bailey. Diana: Alright. Are we leaning on him? Tom: No leaning. Diana: No problem. A man approaches them. Court Officer : Excuse me. Are you Tom Baldwin? Tom: Yeah, who are you? Court Officer : You've been served. Sorry man. He leaves, and Tom opens the envelope. Diana: You're getting sued? Tom: Linda's filed for divorce. Lily is sat in the middle of a playpark, watching the children play. Richard turns up. Richard: Lily. Lily: Richard! She jumps up and hugs him, beginning to cry. Lily: I don't understand. I thought you went home. Richard: I did, but there was nothing there for me. Lily: How did you find me here? Richard: The park, right? This is where you used to bring Heidi. Lily: Richard, it was terrible. Brian's married. Heidi doesn't know I exist. Maia is sat on the grass, outside Homeland Security. Ryland approaches and sit's down next to her. Ryland: Hello Maia. Maia: Hello. Ryland: Oh, I like it out here. It's much better than my stuffy office. Maia: But you didn't bring me out here to talk about the weather. Ryland: You're a very smart little girl. Maia: Thankyou. The thing is that the Griffins didn't really give a reason, why they brought you back. Maia: Maybe they didn't have a reason. Ryland: Could be. Were they mean to you? Maia: No. Ryland: Were you mean to them? Maia: No. Ryland: Why do you think you're back here? Maia: I don't think they like kid's, much. Ryland: Why do you say that? Maia: They brought me back, and I'm a kid. Ryland: You don't really wanna tell me the reason, do you? It's ok. Maybe you'll change your mind one day. Maia: Maybe. Tom reaches Linda's answerphone, as he's driving to Orson's cabin. Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't take your call right now, but please leave me a message and I'll call you back. Diana: What, she's still not answering? Tom: Nope. Diana: Can I ask you a question? Tom: No. Diana: Well I'm gonna ask you anyway. So your son, how long has he been in a coma? Tom: Three years. Diana: That's a long time. Tom: You have no idea. Diana: Maybe you and your wife can work things out. Tom: Yeah, one day Kyle's gonna wake up and I'll have to tell him his whole family's fallen apart. I go to that hospital every day, and I tell myself that makes me a good father. Diana: Oh you are a good father. Kyle's lucky to have a Dad like you. Cos, not everyone does. You can trust me, cos I know. Richard and Lily are sat drinking coffee. Richard: A baby? Are you sure? Lily: I had the Doctors do the test three times. The thing is that, Brian was out of town when I disappeared and I haven't been with anyone since I've been back. Richard: I don't understand. How did you... Lily: I don't know. I'm sorry to be dumping this on you. It's not really fair. Richard: It's ok, I wanna help. Lily: There's some sort of connection between us, isn't there? I feel it. Richard: I can feel it too. That's why I came back. But it's more complicated than that. Your Grandmother and I, we weren't just friends, it was more than that. We were gonna start a family. Lily: I think part of me already knew that. The way you talk about her. The look in your eye. Richard: I thought I was playing it so safe. Lily: It must have been difficult for the two of you. A white woman and black man, in the fifties Richard: Black. Back then I was n*gro, or coloured, or worse. We didn't care. We figured, after the w*r, we'd take off to some big city like Chicago, New York, Paris. Lily: But you never made it home. Richard: No. I never did. She takes his hand Lily: I'm glad you found me. Richard: Me too. Shawn is listening to the CD that Nikki gave him. He looks over at a picture of him and Kyle Orson is sat in the cabin. Tom and Diana turn up and get out of the car. Orson hears them and hides. Tom makes his way up the steps and approach the door. Tom: Mr Bailey, it's Tom Baldwin, Homeland Security. We met at the police station, remember? Diana points and makes her way around the house Tom: Mr Bailey, we're here to help, but you've gotta talk to us. Orson: Go away! Tom: I'm afraid we can't do that. Orson: I just wanna be left alone. I don't wanna hurt anyone. Tom: That's good, because we don't want anyone else hurt. Orson: If you leave, I promise, no-one will ever see me again. I'll just stay here, away from everybody. Tom: Listen to me. We both know that's not going to work, Mr Bailey. Now please, open the door. We can figure this out together. I'm on your side! Orson: No you're not! No-one is. Tom: My nephew, he's one of the 4400, just like you. I've seen how hard it is for him. I know it's even harder for you. Orson: You don't know anything. My wife, she was everything to me. Tom: Believe me, I'm sorry for your loss. Orson: I don't need pity out of you! Go away! I just wanna be left alone. Tom: We can't do that. Orson: I said get away from me. The house begins to shake. Orson: Please stay away. Please. His nose is bleeding. Things are falling down. Tom's nose is bleeding, as is Diana's ears. Diana: Tom, your nose. Tom kicks the door in and get's out his g*n. As he get's inside he falls to his knee's. Orson: I can't control it. I can't control it. Tom is on the floor, screaming. Diana is standing in the doorway and is pointing her g*n at Orson. Diana: Whatever it is you're doing, Mr Bailey, stop it! Orson: I can't control it. Diana: Stop it now! She sh**t him in the shoulder and he falls to the ground. The shaking stops and Tom get's up. Diana: Are you alright? Tom: Yeah, I'll call for an ambulance. Diana: Ok. We're gonna get you some help Mr Bailey. Just don't die on me. Homeland Security Ryland: Bailey's alive, but it doesn't look like he's gonna be talking to us anytime soon. As far at the general public's concerned? We're gonna deny it ever happened. Diana: Yeah well,we know better. The question is, will it happen again? Tom: So what do you suggest we do? Round them all up and put them all back in quarantine? Diana: You saw what Bailey could do. You felt it, the same as me. Who know's what the rest of them are capable of. Ryland: I sure as hell don't. But then again, it's not my job to find out. It's yours. Aren't you glad you wanted back in. He leaves the room. Tom: I haven't thanked you for saving my life. Diana: I never sh*t anyone before. Just seeing him lying there like that. Tom: Are you gonna be ok? Diana: Yeah, I'll get there. You know, I mean't what I said to Ryland back there. If Orson can do those things, who knows where all this is going? Tom: So far we've got one case, and maybe that's all that will ever happen. Diana: You ever noticed anything unusual with Shawn? Cos I just need to know, if you had, you'd tell me. He thinks back to the bird hitting the wal. Tom: There's nothing to tell. Danny and Nikki are online, finding sites about The 4400. Shawn is walking up the stairs. Danny: That's good. There's three other sites. Shawn: What are you guys doing? Danny: Research. Shawn: On the 4400 scoop.com? Nikki: It's just...You know the web. There's a site for everything. Shawn: The 4400 menace? I know this guy. I was in quarantine with him. Danny: They're saying he k*lled someone, just by thinking about it. Shawn: So that makes me some kind of freak? Nikki: No, we were just... Danny: We wanna fast. Come on, he did something to him, you saw it! Shawn: Danny, you have no idea what you're talking about. Neither do you. He leaves the room. Nikki: Shawn! Danny: What? You were thinking the same thing. Shawn arrives in Kyle's hospital room. He stands over him and touches his chest. Kyle begins to drag in a breath and opens his eyes. Sitting up, he then falls back to the bed and closes his eyes. Shawn backs out of the room.
{"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x02 - Pilot - Part 2"}
Surhumain (1x03 : The New & Improved Carl Morrissey) Written by IRA STEVEN BEHR Directed by HELEN SHAVER **Previously on The 4400** Flashbacks to the pilot episode. Introductions of the characters and their sudden arrival **Present** Carl, one of the 4400, is working in the fishmongers section of a supermarket. A woman enters Mrs Martino: What looks good today, Carl? Carl: I have a white fish with your name on it, Mrs Martino. Mrs Martino: When you were gone, in 18 months,I haven't got a decent piece of fish. You...you take care of me. You are such a sweetheart. Carl: Oh, it's easy being nice to you. Mrs Martino: Tell me, how does it feel to be back? Carl: It's OK. It's good It's like I never left. Boss: What do you think you're doing out there? Carl: I was helping a customer. Boss: Rosie can help a customer. Derek can help a customer. I told you to stock the display cases. Carl: But I've known Mrs Martino since I was a kid. Boss: And I'm supposed to care? Now, get that flounder on ice. Carl picks up his wife from outside a cinema. Grace: So how'd it go today? Grace: Slow as usual.It's the neighbourhood. It's not like it used to be. Carl: It's not that bad. Grace: It's gotten worse since you were away. Carl: I don't see it. Grace: You don't want to see it. Carl: OK, I admit it. It's not like when we were kids. Grace: No one cares about the place any more.There's no pride.There's no sense of community. Carl: I didn't know you were so unhappy. Grace: I'm not unhappy.I got you back, didn't I? I got nothing to complain about. Carl: Yeah. She smells the fish on him Grace: Oh. Carl: Oh, I'm sorry. Fish smell. Grace: I don't mind. Carl: I'll hop in the shower as soon as we get back. Hey. Let's cut across the park. Grace: The park? Nobody goes into Bradley Park. No. Carl: Yeah? Sure they do. How do you think I got here? Grace: It's not safe. There's nothing but lowlifes and junkies in there. Carl: Grace, I5 years ago I proposed to you in this park. Grace: I5 years ago I was a size 2 and you had your hair down to your shoulders.Things change. From now on, you take the long way around. Carl: Grace, I just wish that you'd... Some boys are playing baseball in the street behind him. They bat the ball and it flies through the air at great speed. He can't see it, but his hand comes out and stops it, anyway. Carl: ... Stop worrying. Marry me, Gracie. Grace: Of course I will. One night Carl takes a short cut through the park. Some youths stop him Youth 1: Yo, what are you doing in our park, man? Carl: Your park? Youth 2: Just give up your wallet. Carl: You're mugging me? Youth I: Now you're catching on. Seven bucks! Carl: It's all I have. They att*ck him and he fights them easily, knocking both to the ground with great speed Titles Ryland, Tom and Diana are at Homeland Security watching Maia on tape Ryland: The complaints started after her foster parents brought her back to quarantine last week. Diana: What kind of complaints? Ryland: Well, for instance, yesterday, Maia spoke to an employee in the cafeteria. She told her that her daughter would be in the hospital soon, but would be Ok.Then the little girl was in a car accident. Diana: So you're saying what,she's got some kind of second sight? Ryland: I have five stories just like that one. Tom: Why hold a little girl for 60 years and then send her back able to predict the future?What were they thinking? Diana: We don't know if there is a they. Tom: He, she it, take your pick. Ryland: Let's leave that for the team in the theory room. Tom: When they're not playing video games. Diana: That's why they're intimidated.They feel your hostility. Tom: Good. Ryland: I wouldn't worry too much about the big brains.Just talk to that girl. Tom and Diana leave Ryland's office Maia is drawing in an interview room, when Tom and Diana enter. Tom sit's at the table with her, while Diana stands by the window. Tom: Thanks. Maia: I never meant to scare anyone. Tom: We know that, sweetie.But why did you say those things to Mrs Krause about her daughter? Maia: Because they're true. Tom: But how did you know? Maia: I just do. Tom: lf I asked you if it was going to rain next Sunday, would you know the answer? Maia: Maybe.I don't know What's going to happen to me now? Tom: The doctors here are going to take another look at you. Don't worry. lt won't hurt. Maia: I don't believe you. It's gonna hurt, isn't it? Diana: You might be uncomfortable some of the time, but mostly it's going to be boring. Maia: Will you look in on me now and then? Diana: Me? Maia: To see that I'm all right. Diana: Sure. Richard and Lily are looking at an apartment Lily: It's expensive though. Richard: Rental vouchers will cover it. Landlord: So...do you have any questions? Lily: The small bedroom, do you think it'll get too much light for a nursery? Landlord: It's a northern exposure, so you should be all right. She turns to Richard Lily: So, what do you think? Richard: I like it. Lily: Me, too. Landlord: Is this your first baby? Lily: Oh...we're not actually a couple. Landlord: Oh, so it's just you and the baby. Lily: No, it'll be the three of us. Richard looks at her in shock. He's from the I950's and a white woman and a black man living together was virtually unheard of and definitely not accepted. Lily: Why not? You can't stay in that hotel forever. We can share this place. Unless you don't want to. Richard: No. No, I'd like that. Landlord: Great. I'll go do the paperwork. The landlord leaves the apartment. Lily: I hope I didn't embarrass you. Richard: No. It's..It's not that. I figure he wouldn't rent you the place if I was part of the deal.I know, Iknow. lt's not 1951 any more.Times have changed, but... Sometimes I'm just surprised at how much. Lily: Good. It's settled, then? Lily looks around the room, which begins to warp and move Lily: Oh, God. Richard: Lily? Lily, what is it? Lily: Oh. Richard: Lily? Lily: I don't feel so good. Richard: You need to sit down. Shall I call a doctor? Lily: No, no. No, let's just leave. Richard: And go where? Lily: Anywhere but here. Carl arrives home to find Grace waiting for him. Grace: Carl, where have you been? Carl: I got mugged. Grace: Oh, God. Are you all right? Did they hurt you? Carl: I didn't get hurt. They got hurt. Grace: Who did? Carl: I learned something important tonight.I'm a different man. Those aliens, or whoever took me, they did something.They took me. They changed me.They made me better. Grace: First thing in the morning call the counsellor and make an appointment. Carl: I don't have time for that. I've got things to do. Grace: What kind of things? Carl: The park, Gracie! I want to make it like it was before. People will bring their kids again.You and me, we can have our picnics at the old spot. Grace: Carl, you're scaring me. Carl: Wh.. There's nothing to be scared of, not any more. Tom and Linda have been called to the hospital. Linda is at Kyle's bedside holding his hand, when Tom enters the room. Tom: Linda, any idea why Dr Mayhew wants to see us? Linda: He didn't say. Tom: So how have you been? Linda: Good! My lawyer was asking if you'd signed those divorce papers yet. Tom: I thought maybe if we had dinner one night...we could sign them together. Linda: You mean make plans that you cancel at the last minute? Tom: I'll bring the papers, we'll have a good meal, a couple of glasses of wine... Linda: And a good cry. Tom: That, too. Linda: Stefano's? Tom: Yeah. Where else? Dr Mayhew enters the room. Dr Mayhew: Tom, Linda, thanks for coming in. I was reviewing Kyle's EEG read out and noticed something peculiar. Tom: What now? Dr Mayhew: Last Thursday he had a burst of increased brain activity. It was brief, no more than a few seconds. Tom: That's good, isn't it? Dr Mayhew: Technically, yes. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm gonna run some tests, see if I can find out what happened. Linda: Tests!We've had three years of tests. Dr Mayhew: I understand your frustration Linda, but we need to look into this. He leaves the room. Linda: lt's a roller coaster, isn't it? Tom: Never ends. Linda.So Stefano's, right? How does Thursday night sound, 730? Linda: I'll be there. Tom goes outside and speaks to the someone at the nurse's station. Tom: Dorothy. Dorothy: Yeah. Tom: Did anyone visit last Thursday night, besides his mother and me? Dorothy: Let me check. Yes. He had one other visitor. Your nephew Shawn. Tom: Shawn! Tom goes to Shawns school to confront him. He catches up with him outside. Shawn: Yeah, I went and saw Kyle on Thursday night. He's my cousin.I wanted to see him. What about it? Tom: Nothing happened there? Shawn: I was only there for a couple of minutes. Tom: So you saw nothing, did nothing? Shawn: What could I have done? Tom: At your welcome home party, a bird smacked into the window, remember? Shawn: It was stunned. What about it? Tom: No, it was more than that. And then...you picked it up. Suddenly, it was alive and well. What the hell did you do to Kyle? Shawn: Argh! I didn't do anything to him. Look, I really like these little chats we have, Uncle Tommy, but I gotta go to class. Tom: Shawn. We'll talk again. Shawn: Oh, I can't wait. He begins to walk up the steps. Nikki and Danny run to catch up with him. Nikki: A bunch of us are going to see Fountains Of Wayne this weekend. Shawn: Have fun. Nikki: You know, this whole loner thing is so tired. Shawn: Well, it works for me. Shawn walks away and Danny turns to Nikki angrily. Nikki: Fountains of Wayne...Friday night! Danny: What is with you?Why do you keep pushing him? Nikki: Someone has to. I don't see you doing anything. Danny: I 'm giving him his space, let him figure things out for himself. You should try it sometime. Nikki: Ugh! Diana and Tom go to the theory room at Homeland Security. Diana: Marco. Marco: Skouris. Good. I checked out your idea. Tom: What idea? Diana: So am I a genius or am I crazy? Marco: We don't make that distinction in here. Anyway's, I visited a sampling of disappearance sites on the west coast, like you suggested. Turns out you were right. The gravity at those sites is weaker. But only by five parts per billion. Diana: That's barely measurable. Tom: Not to mention barely understandable. English, please. Diana: The gravity changed at some of the places where people disappeared.The question is, was it natural or was it manipulated? Marco: If it was manipulated, the question is, by who? Diana: So back to the possibility of alien abductions? Marco: I wouldn't rule out little green men, but obviously, I'm going to need to take more measurements. Tom: So in other words,you've made no progress. Marco: Er...you explain it to him. Oh, hold on! You remember Adam Kensington? The insurance guy Orson Bailey k*lled. Tom: Yeah, what about him? Marco: Not one of the good guys as it turns out. He was point man in an insurance scheme to defraud policy holders.Bailey saved Washington state a billion-dollar buy-out. Could have been Enron all over again. Diana: God! That's interesting. Brings up all kinds of possibilities. Marco: Well, er...don't be a stranger. They leave the room. Tom: So this thing about Bailey. You're trying to say, whoever sent him back meant him to go after Kensington? Diana: It's a theory. That's why they call it the theory room. Shawn is sitting on the garage floor playing guitar. Danny walks over to him. Danny: That's tight. Shawn: Oh, no. I suck.Hey, is this about the concert thing? Danny: No, no, it's got nothing to do with that. I just want to know what's going on with you and Nikki. Shawn: Me and Nikki what? Danny: I just want to know what's going on between you two. Shawn: What do you think's going on? Danny: Something. She's always talking about you. Can't go anywhere without her wanting to bring you along. Shawn: How's that my problem, Danny? Danny: Just do me a favour. Leave her alone, ok? Shawn: I thought that's what I'd been doing. Look, you got a problem with your girlfriend, go talk to her about it, ok?. Danny: Yeah. We're the same age. I'm not your little brother now. Shawn: Then stop acting like a two-year-old. You're my brother. She's your girlfriend. It's all good...right? Danny: Yeah, right. Back at Lily and Richard's new apartment. Lily: Richard, I am so glad I found this place. Now we have a new apartment, we can get you a computer. Richard: Forget about the computer. Let's get you to a doctor. Lily: I'm fine. I know this is going to sound strange, but that other place we looked at....the baby didn't like it. Richard: Maternal instincts kicking in already, huh? Lily: No, it's not that. It's that somehow. I know what the baby's thinking. Richard: Lily, the baby's barely two months along.It's not thinking anything. Lily: I can't explain it any more than you can explain where you've been for 50 years, or what's happened to us during the time we've been gone. I don't sound too strange, do I? Richard: Of course not. She reaches up and kisses him. As she turns, she see's a couple. The woman has a baby in her arms and his rocking her. Richard: Lily? Lily: I used to rock Heidi like that when she was a baby. It feels like yesterday, but it wasn't, was it? Richard: No.It was what...11 years ago? Lily: I want to see Heidi. I miss her. Richard: Lily, give it some time. Once Brian's used to you being back, he'll drop the restraining order. Carl is in bed with his wife, who is sleeping. He get's up and goes to the park. Kneeling down by a bench covered in graffiti, he begins to paint it, then moving onto graffiti covered walls. He hears a woman screaming. Some men are attempting to r*pe her. Man: Don't move! Woman: Stop it! Cut it out! lt isn't funny! Man: Shut up! Just shut up! Grab her legs. Carl arrives. Carl: Hey, guys, why don't you leave her alone? Man: Get lost! Carl: No! You get lost. Man: Go get him, man! Come on! Two of the men rush at him, while a third runs away. The sounds of a fight can be heard offscreen. Diana walks into the examination room, to find Maia curled up on a table, alone. Diana: Hey, Maia. How long have they left you like this? Maia: A while. I think they all went on their coffee break. Diana: Oh! Well! You know, that's pretty dumb of them, isn't it? Maia: Will you stay until they come back? Diana: Of course. When they show up, your doctors and I are going to have a little talk. Maia: And then can l go home? Diana: Home? Maia: With you. I don't like being here alone. Diana: You want to stay with me? Maia: You don't like being alone either. I can always come back for my checkups. Please. Diana: Look, Maia, l'm not even sure I'm the kind of person I want to live with. No, I...eat cold pizza for breakfast and... Maia: That sounds all right to me. Diana: Yeah. You know, Maia, just let me think about it, OK? She returns to her office, where she finds Tom waiting. Tom: Where have you been? Diana: I was looking in on Maia. Tom: Really? Diana: I promised her, didn't I? So what have you got? Tom: Sid lent us his research clippings. I think I found something worth checking out. They go to see the female attempted r*pe victim, who is working behind the counter of a cafe. Tom: One guy taking on three attackers doesn't sound that far-fetched. : Female Victim: But if you saw him, you'd think it was impossible. He was...35, 40, maybe five-foot-six, weighed 150 pounds. Diana: So not exactly the Rock, huh? Female Victim: lt was the way that he moved. Tom: Could he have been on drug, maybe PCP? Female Victim: He didn't act like he was on drugs. You know, most guys would have walked away. Or, er...maybe called the cops later, after it was too late. But, er...this guy, he saved me. Tom's phone rings. Tom: I'm sorry. [Into phone] Baldwin. Linda. Dinner. Yeah, no... Linda, l'm s... Don't hang up, Linda. Just... Linda has put the phone down. Tom turns back to the woman. Diana: Anything else you can remember? Female Victim: Just one thing. This guy...I don't mean to be rude or anything, but...he smelled funny. Like day-old fish. They walk outside the diner. Diana: So that was your wife on the phone? Tom: I don't wanna talk about it. Diana: Fair enough. Tom: So what, are we in Orson Bailey territory here? Diana: I wouldn't rule it out, which would give us what? A telekinetic insurance salesman, a clairvoyant eight-year-old, and now some kind of sad sack super vigilante. Tom: Hell of a trio. Diana: They're only the ones we know about. Unless you can think of anyone else. Tom: Just take it one case at a time. Lily is hiding outside her husbands home, watching through the window as Heidi does her homework. Brian: Heidi, can you remember the formula for an isosceles triangle? Hey. I'm probably not the best at this, but... As Lily watches her daughter, the baby causes her some distress. Lily: Oh! She knocks over a plant pot and Brian looks up. At some point she is arrested as in the next scene she phones Richard from the police station. Lily: Richard? Richard: Lily. Thank God. Are you all right? I was worried sick. Where are you? Lily: I've been arrested. Later at the fishmongers. Mrs Martino: Carl, I have my grandchildren coming for dinner. How about some nice swordfish? Carl: You can't go wrong with swordfish. Burt: Carl! Carl: Give me a second, Burt. You got like... Burt: What did I tell you about chatting when work has to be done? He's poking him in the chest. Carl: Please stop with the finger. Burt: Stop? Carl grabs his hand and bends it. Carl: I asked you not to do that. Burt: Let go! Carl: I mean it. I show up on time. l do my work. Now just leave me alone. Ok? Burt: OK, OK. He turns to the woman. Carl: So...how much swordfish are we talking here? Tom and Ryland are out having a coffee. Ryland: I'm telling you Tom, there's a lot of chatter in DC about putting the 4400 back in quarantine. Not that I agree. I mean, if they're so dangerous, how is cramming them into one space going to be safer? He can see that Tom isn't listening. Ryland: ...so l took my p*stol and I sh*t her in the forehead. Tom: sh*t who? Ryland: Do us a favour, Tom, sign the divorce papers. Tom: Do me a favour, Dennis, stay out of it. Ryland: I spoke to her. Tom: What are you doing talking to Linda? Ryland: I danced with her at your wedding, now I'm not supposed to talk to her? Tom: I was in the middle of an investigation. Ryland: Tom. You asked her for dinner and you stood her up. Tom: It slipped my mind. Ryland: Maybe.Maybe you just don't want to admit the truth to yourself. Richard approaches Brian as he leaves his house. Richard: Brian Moore? Brian: Yeah. Richard: I'm Richard Tyler, a friend of Lily's. Brian: You another one of those 4400? Richard: Is that a problem? Brian: Look, Itold her to stay away, but she wouldn't listen. Richard: I understand you're upset, but Lily's in jail. You don't want that. Brian: What l want is a normal life for my daughter, for my family. Richard: It won't happen again. Brian: I'm supposed to take your word for it? Richard: I promise, if you drop the charges, she'll never bother you or Heidi ever again. You used to love her once, remember? Brian: Yeah, I remember. Grace and Carl are arguing in their living room. Grace: I want you to stop! Carl: I can't! Grace: What do you mean, can't? What you're doing is dangerous, not to mention illegal. You can't just go around beating people up. Carl: I've been given an opportunity and l'm going to take it. I'll clean up that park and then I'll clean up the neighbourhood. Grace: Oh, God, you sound like a crazy man. You promised me you'd call your counsellor. Carl: I never said that. You said it. Grace: Tomorrow, I'm going to call him. Brian: You'd call Homeland Security on me? Grace: The way you're acting, can you blame me? Carl: What I'm doing here, I'm doing for us, Grace. This is where we live. I just want us to be happy and not be afraid any more, and it starts with Bradley Park! I don't want it to end there. It won't. I won't let it. They can't hurt me. No one can. Grace: You're just one man. I lost you once and I don't want to lose you again. Carl: I can do it. I can make this neighbourhood safe again. For you, for Mrs Martino...even Burt. So please stop worrying. This is what I was meant to do. This is my destiny. Lily is released and finds Richard waiting for her outside. They hug and later dance to 'Mona Lisa' that's playing in the background. Richard: This was brand new when l disappeared. And it's a... What do you call it? Lily: Golden oldie. Richard: I guess I'm a golden oldie, too. Lily: No, not to me. Richard: Hey, we have to talk about what happened last night. Lily: No, there's nothing to talk about. Do you know what I saw when I looked through Brian's window? A happy family. I realised Heidi doesn't need me. Richard: Maybe one day... Lily: I'll be there for her if she does. But until then I'll stay away. This is where I want to be now, here with you. Where I'm happy. And the baby's happy. Richard: Well, that makes three happy people. Lily: All you've done for me....it's not because I remind you of the other Lily, is it? Richard: Maybe at first. Now all I see is you. They kiss. Shawn is working on his car in the garage, when Nikki enters. Shawn: Danny's inside. Nikki: I'm not here to see Danny. She turns off the engine. Shawn: Cute. Can you turn it back on, please? Nikki: Did Danny say something to you? Is that why you're acting like his? Our friendship has nothing to do with him. Shawn: Nikki, we don't have a friendship, OK? Nikki: Shawn, listen to me... She touches the hot engine. Nikki: Ah! Ah! Ah! Shawn: Hey, hey, come here. Let me see it. Let me see. He rubs her hand and the burn disappears. Nikki: It's gone. It doesn't hurt any more. Shawn: It mustn't been that bad of a burn. Nikki: Yes, it was. You did something to it, didn't you? They kiss. Tom signs the divorce petition whilst at work. Diana walks in. Diana: Tom. See, the thing about vigilantes is that they're not very common, except in Charles Bronson movies, so l have to create my own profile. Now, we know he's a white male,slender, somewhere between 30 and 50. He works a blue-collar job, has low self-esteem, lives in a high-crime area. Tom: I'm with you so far. Diana: I cross-checked my profile with the members of the 4400 in and around the Seattle area and I came up with 37 names. Tom: You're not taking me through all 37. Diana: Of those 37, I was able to eliminate 24. I 'm sure you don't care how. And that left me with 13. Tom: l'm on the edge of my seat. Diana: Here are my two favourites - Robert Lorenzano and Carl Morrissey. They both fit the profile, but Carl, he's our guy. Check out his occupation. Tom: Supermarket employee. Diana: Yeah, I called the store. Carl works in the seafood section. Tom: And our guy smelled like day-old fish. Diana: Oh, yeah. l'm good. It's night and Carl is walking through the park when he spots a man spraying graffiti. Carl: Hey! What the hell are you doing? I just cleaned that! The man throws the can of paint and att*cks him. Carl easily fells him to the ground. He turns to some others. Carl: Come on! Meanwhile, Tom and Diana go to his home. Tom: We'd like to talk to your husband. Grace: Why? Tom: Any idea where he was Tuesday night? Grace: He was here. Tom: You sure about that? Grace: I just told you. Diana: Have you heard of the 'Bradley Park vigilante'? Grace: What does that have to do with Carl? Tom: You tell us, Mrs Morrissey. Grace: You're not going to throw him back into quarantine, are you? Tom: We want to help him. Grace: That's funny. That's all Carl wants to do is help. People grumble but nobody does anything, nobody tries to make anything better, except Carl. Tom: Where is he, Mrs Morrissey? She takes them to the park, where they find him sat on a bench with a large bleeding wound in his abdomen. Grace: Carl. Carl: Grace. I got rid of all the graffiti. Grace: Oh, my God, Carl. Carl: You should have seen it. They were falling like bowling pins. I didn't see the Kn*fe. I don't know why l didn't see the Kn*fe. Tom get's on the phone. Tom: This is Agent Baldwin... Get an ambulance to Bradley Park right away. Carl: I thought I could clean the whole neighbourhood up myself.I thought that's why they sent me back, but I guess I was wrong. Grace: No, no, no, no! No, don't leave me, Carl. Please. He's dying. Grace: No! No! I just want you. I just...want you. Carl is d*ad. Grace: No. The next morning, Tom and Diana sit by a statue in the park. Tom: Why take this guy, give him extra juice to think he can make a difference, send him back... Diana: Only to get himself k*lled. What's the point? Tom: I wish to hell l knew. New's Reporter: The wife of slain Bradley Park vigilante, Carl Morrissey, revealed that her husband was one of the controversial 4400. Mrs Morrissey stated that her husband was a true neighbourhood hero, a sentiment echoed by many area residents. Law enforcement officials and a spokesperson for the National thr*at Assessment Command refused to confirm or deny Mrs Morrissey's statement. People from the neighbourhood take action and begin to clean up the park in honour of Carl. Diana decides to let Maia live with her. Doctor: That paperwork. OK. I need you to sign there. And there.And initial here. And sign there. Diana: That's it? Doctor: You got Mr Ryland to sign the approvals, that simplifies things. She enters the room. Maia: l thought you were one of the doctors. Diana: Yeah. I thought you were asleep. So you sure fooled me. How would you like to get out of here? Maia: Now? Diana: Right now. Maia's case is already packed and she's dressed. It appears she already knew that Diana was on her way. Tom rushes through the corridor at the hospital. Tom: Look out, look out, look out! He enters Kyle's room and finds Linda sat by the bed, which is empty. Tom: Where's Kyle? Linda: Surgery. Dr Mayhew said he's got some kind of fluid building up in his skull. They're trying to relieve the pressure. Tom: What do you mean 'trying'? Linda: They said that draining the fluid might not be enough. That more might build up and if it does, then Kyle could suffer permanent brain damage within a week. Danny and Shawn appear in the doorway . Danny: Uncle Tommy, Mom's on the way. Tom raises his head and he and Shawn look at each other. To be continued
{"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x03 - New & Improved Carl Morrissey"}
"Modus Operandi\n\n(1x04 : Becoming)\n\nWritten by CRAIG SWEENY\n\nDirected by DAVID STRAITON\n\n**P(...TRUNCATED)
{"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x04 - Becoming"}
"Persécutions\n\n(1x05 : Trial By f*re)\n\nWritten by ROBERT HEWITT WOLFE\n\nDirected by NICK GOMEZ(...TRUNCATED)
{"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x05 - Trial By f*re"}
"Ici Commence l'Obscurité\n\n(1x06 : White Light)\n\nWritten by SCOTT PETERS\n\nDirected by TIM HUN(...TRUNCATED)
{"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x06 - White Light"}
"L'heure du Réveil\n\n(2x01 et 2x02: Wake Up Call)\n\nWritten by CRAIG SWEENY & IRA STEVEN BEH\n\n*(...TRUNCATED)
{"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x01 - Wake-Up Call - Part 1"}
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "conversational" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, other

Dataset Card for "fd_dialogue"

This dataset contains transcripts for famous movies and TV shows from https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/

The dataset contains only a small portion of Forever Dreaming's data, as only transscripts with a clear dialogue format are included, such as:

PERSON 1: Hello
PERSON 2: Hello Person 2!

(they are both talking)

Something else happens

PERSON 1: What happened?

Each row in the dataset is a single TV episode or movie. (5380 rows total) following the OpenAssistant format. The METADATA column contains type (movie or series), show and the episode ("" for movies) keys and string values as a JSON string.

Show Count
A Discovery of Witches 6
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 9
Alias 102
Angel 64
Bones 114
Boy Meets World 24
Breaking Bad 27
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 113
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 164
Charmed 176
Childrens Hospital 18
Chuck 17
Crossing Jordan 23
Dawson's Creek 128
Degrassi Next Generation 113
Doctor Who 699
Doctor Who Special 21
Doctor Who_ 108
Downton Abbey 18
Dragon Ball Z Kai 57
Foyle's War 28
Friday Night Lights 7
Game of Thrones 6
Gilmore Girls 149
Gintama 41
Glee 11
Gossip Girl 5
Greek 33
Grey's Anatomy 75
Growing Pains 116
Hannibal 4
Heartland 3
Hell on Wheels 3
House 153
How I Met Your Mother 133
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 42
Justified 46
Keeping Up With the Kardashians 8
Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu 12
London Spy 5
Lost 117
Lucifer 3
Married 9
Mars 6
Merlin 58
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 15
New Girl 3
Once Upon A Time 79
One Tree Hill 163
Open Heart 8
Pretty Little Liars 4
Prison Break 23
Queer As Folk 38
Reign 9
Roswell 60
Salem 23
Scandal 7
Schitt's Creek 4
Scrubs 29
Sex and the City 4
Sherlock 8
Skins 20
Smallville 190
Sons of Anarchy 55
South Park 84
Spy × Family 12
StarTalk 6
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale 5
Supernatural 114
Teen Wolf 58
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime 22
The 100 3
The 4400 16
The Amazing World of Gumball 4
The Big Bang Theory 183
The L Word 3
The Mentalist 38
The Nanny 8
The O.C. 92
The Office 195
The Originals 45
The Secret Life of an American Teenager 18
The Simpsons 14
The Vampire Diaries 121
The Walking Dead 12
The X-Files 3
Torchwood 31
Trailer Park Boys 10
True Blood 33
Tyrant 6
Veronica Mars 59
Vikings 7

An additional 36 movies with transcripts are also included:

Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages (2015)
Frozen (2013)
Home Alone
Lego Batman Movie, The (2017)
Disenchanted ( 2022)
Nightmare Before Christmas, The
Goonies, The (1985)
Polar Express, The (2004)
Frosty the Snowman (1969)
The Truth About Christmas (2018)
A Miser Brothers' Christmas (2008)
Powerpuff Girls: 'Twas the Fight Before Christmas, The (2003)
Tis the Season (2015)
Jingle Hell (2000)
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (2016)
Mummy, The (1999)
Knock Knock (2015)
Dungeons and Dragons , Honour among thieves ( 2023)
w*r of the Worlds (2005)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Twilight Saga, The: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Twilight Saga, The: Breaking Dawn Part 1
Twilight Saga, The: Eclipse
Godfather, The (1972)
Transformers (2007)
Creed 3 (2023)
Creed (2015)
Lethal w*apon 3 (1992)
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Black Panther Wakanda Forever ( 2022)
Money Train (1995)
Happys, The (2016)
Paris, Wine and Romance (2019)
Angel Guts: Red p*rn (1981)
Butterfly Crush (2010)

Note that there could be overlaps with the TV dialogue dataset for Friends, The Office, Doctor Who, South Park and some movies.

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