stringlengths 8
| body
stringlengths 0
| docstring
stringlengths 1
| id
stringlengths 5
def findall(self, query): | return list(self._finder(filter, query))<EOL> | Finds all cells matching the query.
:param query: A literal string to match or compiled regular expression.
:type query: str, :py:class:`re.RegexObject` | f1323:c1:m27 |
def export(self, format): | import warnings<EOL>warnings.warn(<EOL>"<STR_LIT>"<EOL>"<STR_LIT>",<EOL>DeprecationWarning,<EOL>stacklevel=<NUM_LIT:2><EOL>)<EOL> | .. deprecated:: 2.0
This feature is not supported in Sheets API v4. | f1323:c1:m28 |
def duplicate(<EOL>self,<EOL>insert_sheet_index=None,<EOL>new_sheet_id=None,<EOL>new_sheet_name=None<EOL>): | return self.spreadsheet.duplicate_sheet(<EOL>,<EOL>insert_sheet_index,<EOL>new_sheet_id,<EOL>new_sheet_name<EOL>)<EOL> | Duplicate the sheet.
:param int insert_sheet_index: (optional) The zero-based index
where the new sheet should be inserted.
The index of all sheets after this are
:param int new_sheet_id: (optional) The ID of the new sheet.
If not set, an ID is chosen. If set, the ID
must not conflict with any existing sheet ID.
If set, it must be non-negative.
:param str new_sheet_name: (optional) The name of the new sheet.
If empty, a new name is chosen for you.
:returns: a newly created :class:`<gspread.models.Worksheet>`.
.. versionadded:: 3.1.0 | f1323:c1:m29 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def row(self):<DEDENT> | return self._row<EOL> | Row number of the cell. | f1323:c2:m2 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def col(self):<DEDENT> | return self._col<EOL> | Column number of the cell. | f1323:c2:m3 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def input_value(self):<DEDENT> | import warnings<EOL>warnings.warn(<EOL>"<STR_LIT>"<EOL>"<STR_LIT>"<EOL>"<STR_LIT>"<EOL>"<STR_LIT>",<EOL>DeprecationWarning,<EOL>stacklevel=<NUM_LIT:2><EOL>)<EOL> | .. deprecated:: 2.0
This feature is not supported in Sheets API v4. | f1323:c2:m5 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def session(self):<DEDENT> | return vishnu.get_session()<EOL> | :return: the current vishnu session
:rtype: vishnu.session.Session | f1329:c0:m0 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def session(self):<DEDENT> | return vishnu.get_session()<EOL> | :return: the current vishnu session
:rtype: vishnu.session.Session | f1333:c0:m0 |
def google_app_engine_ndb_delete_expired_sessions(dormant_for=<NUM_LIT>, limit=<NUM_LIT>): | from vishnu.backend.client.google_app_engine_ndb import VishnuSession<EOL>from google.appengine.ext import ndb<EOL>from datetime import datetime<EOL>from datetime import timedelta<EOL>now = datetime.utcnow()<EOL>last_accessed = now - timedelta(seconds=dormant_for)<EOL>query = VishnuSession.query(ndb.OR(<EOL>ndb.AND(VishnuSession.expires <= now, VishnuSession.expires != None),<EOL>VishnuSession.last_accessed <= last_accessed<EOL>))<EOL>results = query.fetch(keys_only=True, limit=limit)<EOL>ndb.delete_multi(results)<EOL>return len(results) < limit<EOL> | Deletes expired sessions
A session is expired if it expires date is set and has passed or
if it has not been accessed for a given period of time.
:param dormant_for: seconds since last access to delete sessions, defaults to 24 hours.
:type dormant_for: int
:param limit: amount to delete in one call of the method, the maximum and default for this is the NDB fetch limit of 500
:type limit: int | f1350:m0 |
def google_cloud_datastore_delete_expired_sessions(dormant_for=<NUM_LIT>, limit=<NUM_LIT>): | from vishnu.backend.client.google_cloud_datastore import TABLE_NAME<EOL>from import datastore<EOL>from datetime import datetime<EOL>from datetime import timedelta<EOL>now = datetime.utcnow()<EOL>last_accessed = now - timedelta(seconds=dormant_for)<EOL>client = datastore.Client()<EOL>accessed_query = client.query(kind=TABLE_NAME)<EOL>accessed_query.add_filter("<STR_LIT>", "<STR_LIT>", last_accessed)<EOL>accessed_results = accessed_query.fetch(limit=limit)<EOL>expires_query = client.query(kind=TABLE_NAME)<EOL>expires_query.add_filter("<STR_LIT>", "<STR_LIT>", now)<EOL>expires_results = expires_query.fetch(limit=limit)<EOL>keys = list()<EOL>for result in accessed_results:<EOL><INDENT>keys.append(result.key)<EOL><DEDENT>for result in expires_results:<EOL><INDENT>if result.key not in keys:<EOL><INDENT>keys.append(result.key)<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>client.delete_multi(keys)<EOL>return len(keys) < limit<EOL> | Deletes expired sessions
A session is expired if it expires date is set and has passed or
if it has not been accessed for a given period of time.
:param dormant_for: seconds since last access to delete sessions, defaults to 24 hours.
:type dormant_for: int
:param limit: amount to delete in one call of the method, the maximum and default for this is the NDB fetch limit of 500
:type limit: int | f1350:m2 |
def get_session(): | return _thread_local.session<EOL> | Returns the session for the current request | f1352:m0 |
def save(self, sync_only=False): | entity = datastore.Entity(key=self._key)<EOL>entity["<STR_LIT>"] = self.last_accessed<EOL>entity["<STR_LIT:data>"] = self._data<EOL>if self.expires:<EOL><INDENT>entity["<STR_LIT>"] = self.expires<EOL><DEDENT>self._client.put(entity)<EOL> | :param sync_only:
:type: bool | f1353:c0:m3 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def host(self):<DEDENT> | return self._host<EOL> | :return: the host of the memcache instance
:rtype: string | f1362:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def port(self):<DEDENT> | return self._port<EOL> | :return: the port of the memcache instance
:rtype: integer | f1362:c0:m2 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def host(self):<DEDENT> | return self._host<EOL> | :return: the host of the memcache instance
:rtype: string | f1363:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def port(self):<DEDENT> | return self._port<EOL> | :return: the port of the memcache instance
:rtype: integer | f1363:c0:m2 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def host(self):<DEDENT> | return self._host<EOL> | :return: the host of the memcache instance
:rtype: string | f1364:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def port(self):<DEDENT> | return self._port<EOL> | :return: the port of the memcache instance
:rtype: integer | f1364:c0:m2 |
def __init__(self, host=DEFAULT_HOST, port=DEFAULT_PORT, db=DEFAULT_DB): | super(Config, self).__init__()<EOL>if not isinstance(host, str):<EOL><INDENT>raise TypeError("<STR_LIT>")<EOL><DEDENT>self._host = host<EOL>if not isinstance(port, int):<EOL><INDENT>raise TypeError("<STR_LIT>")<EOL><DEDENT>if port < <NUM_LIT:0>:<EOL><INDENT>raise TypeError("<STR_LIT>")<EOL><DEDENT>self._port = port<EOL>if not isinstance(db, int):<EOL><INDENT>raise TypeError("<STR_LIT>")<EOL><DEDENT>if db < <NUM_LIT:0>:<EOL><INDENT>raise TypeError("<STR_LIT>")<EOL><DEDENT>self._db = db<EOL> | :param host: host on which redis is available
:rtype: string
:param port: port on which redis is running
:rtype: int
:param db: db
:rtype: int | f1367:c0:m0 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def host(self):<DEDENT> | return self._host<EOL> | :return: the host of the redis instance
:rtype: string | f1367:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def port(self):<DEDENT> | return self._port<EOL> | :return: the port of the redis instance
:rtype: integer | f1367:c0:m2 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def db(self):<DEDENT> | return self._db<EOL> | :return: the db of the redis instance
:rtype: integer | f1367:c0:m3 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def secret(self):<DEDENT> | return self._secret<EOL> | :return: secret used for HMAC signature
:rtype: string | f1372:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def cookie_name(self):<DEDENT> | return self._cookie_name<EOL> | :return: the name for the cookie
:rtype: string | f1372:c0:m2 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def encrypt_key(self):<DEDENT> | return self._encrypt_key<EOL> | :return: key to use for encryption
:rtype: string | f1372:c0:m3 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def secure(self):<DEDENT> | return self._secure<EOL> | :return: whether the cookie can only be transmitted over HTTPS
:rtype: boolean | f1372:c0:m4 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def domain(self):<DEDENT> | return self._domain<EOL> | :return: the domain the cookie is valid for
:rtype: string | f1372:c0:m5 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def path(self):<DEDENT> | return self._path<EOL> | :return: the path the cookie is valid for
:rtype: string | f1372:c0:m6 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def http_only(self):<DEDENT> | return self._http_only<EOL> | :return: whether the cookie should only be sent over HTTP/HTTPS
:rtype: boolean | f1372:c0:m7 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def auto_save(self):<DEDENT> | return self._auto_save<EOL> | :return: whether this session should auto save
:rtype: boolean | f1372:c0:m8 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def backend(self):<DEDENT> | return self._backend<EOL> | :return: config for desired backend
:rtype: vishnu.backend.config.Base | f1372:c0:m11 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def generate_sid(cls):<DEDENT> | return uuid.uuid4().hex<EOL> | :return: generates a unique ID for use by a session
:rtype: string | f1372:c1:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def started(self):<DEDENT> | return self._started<EOL> | Has the session been started?
- True if autosave is on and session has been modified
- True if autosave is off if session has been saved at least once
- True is a matching persistent session was found | f1372:c1:m2 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def needs_save(self):<DEDENT> | return self._needs_save<EOL> | Does this session need to be saved. | f1372:c1:m4 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def timeout(self):<DEDENT> | return self._config.timeout<EOL> | Fetch the current timeout value for this session | f1372:c1:m5 |
@timeout.setter<EOL><INDENT>def timeout(self, value):<DEDENT> | if value == TIMEOUT_SESSION:<EOL><INDENT>self._config.timeout = None<EOL>self._backend_client.expires = None<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>self._config.timeout = value<EOL>self._calculate_expires()<EOL><DEDENT> | Sets a custom timeout value for this session | f1372:c1:m6 |
def _calculate_expires(self): | self._backend_client.expires = None<EOL>now = datetime.utcnow()<EOL>self._backend_client.expires = now + timedelta(seconds=self._config.timeout)<EOL> | Calculates the session expiry using the timeout | f1372:c1:m7 |
def _load_cookie(self): | cookie = SimpleCookie(self._environ.get('<STR_LIT>'))<EOL>vishnu_keys = [key for key in cookie.keys() if key == self._config.cookie_name]<EOL>if not vishnu_keys:<EOL><INDENT>return<EOL><DEDENT>morsel = cookie[vishnu_keys[<NUM_LIT:0>]]<EOL>morsel_value = morsel.value<EOL>if self._config.encrypt_key:<EOL><INDENT>cipher = AESCipher(self._config.encrypt_key)<EOL>morsel_value = cipher.decrypt(morsel_value)<EOL><DEDENT>received_sid = Session.decode_sid(self._config.secret, morsel_value)<EOL>if received_sid:<EOL><INDENT>self._sid = received_sid<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>logging.warn("<STR_LIT>")<EOL><DEDENT> | Loads HTTP Cookie from environ | f1372:c1:m8 |
def header(self): | if self._send_cookie:<EOL><INDENT>morsel = Morsel()<EOL>cookie_value = Session.encode_sid(self._config.secret, self._sid)<EOL>if self._config.encrypt_key:<EOL><INDENT>cipher = AESCipher(self._config.encrypt_key)<EOL>cookie_value = cipher.encrypt(cookie_value)<EOL>if sys.version_info > (<NUM_LIT:3>, <NUM_LIT:0>):<EOL><INDENT>cookie_value = cookie_value.decode()<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>morsel.set(self._config.cookie_name, cookie_value, cookie_value)<EOL>if self._config.domain:<EOL><INDENT>morsel["<STR_LIT>"] = self._config.domain<EOL><DEDENT>if self._config.path:<EOL><INDENT>morsel["<STR_LIT:path>"] = self._config.path<EOL><DEDENT>if self._expire_cookie:<EOL><INDENT>morsel["<STR_LIT>"] = "<STR_LIT>"<EOL><DEDENT>elif self._backend_client.expires:<EOL><INDENT>morsel["<STR_LIT>"] = self._backend_client.expires.strftime(EXPIRES_FORMAT)<EOL><DEDENT>if<EOL><INDENT>morsel["<STR_LIT>"] = True<EOL><DEDENT>if self._config.http_only:<EOL><INDENT>morsel["<STR_LIT>"] = True<EOL><DEDENT>return morsel.OutputString()<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>return None<EOL><DEDENT> | Generates HTTP header for this cookie. | f1372:c1:m9 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def encode_sid(cls, secret, sid):<DEDENT> | secret_bytes = secret.encode("<STR_LIT:utf-8>")<EOL>sid_bytes = sid.encode("<STR_LIT:utf-8>")<EOL>sig =, sid_bytes, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()<EOL>return "<STR_LIT>" % (sig, sid)<EOL> | Computes the HMAC for the given session id. | f1372:c1:m10 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def is_signature_equal(cls, sig_a, sig_b):<DEDENT> | if len(sig_a) != len(sig_b):<EOL><INDENT>return False<EOL><DEDENT>invalid_chars = <NUM_LIT:0><EOL>for char_a, char_b in zip(sig_a, sig_b):<EOL><INDENT>if char_a != char_b:<EOL><INDENT>invalid_chars += <NUM_LIT:1><EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>return invalid_chars == <NUM_LIT:0><EOL> | Compares two signatures using a constant time algorithm to avoid timing attacks. | f1372:c1:m11 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def decode_sid(cls, secret, cookie_value):<DEDENT> | if len(cookie_value) > SIG_LENGTH + SID_LENGTH:<EOL><INDENT>logging.warn("<STR_LIT>")<EOL>return None<EOL><DEDENT>cookie_sig = cookie_value[:SIG_LENGTH]<EOL>cookie_sid = cookie_value[SIG_LENGTH:]<EOL>secret_bytes = secret.encode("<STR_LIT:utf-8>")<EOL>cookie_sid_bytes = cookie_sid.encode("<STR_LIT:utf-8>")<EOL>actual_sig =, cookie_sid_bytes, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()<EOL>if not Session.is_signature_equal(cookie_sig, actual_sig):<EOL><INDENT>return None<EOL><DEDENT>return cookie_sid<EOL> | Decodes a cookie value and returns the sid if value or None if invalid. | f1372:c1:m12 |
def terminate(self): | self._backend_client.clear()<EOL>self._needs_save = False<EOL>self._started = False<EOL>self._expire_cookie = True<EOL>self._send_cookie = True<EOL> | Terminates an active session | f1372:c1:m14 |
def get(self, key): | self._started = self._backend_client.load()<EOL>self._needs_save = True<EOL>return self._backend_client.get(key)<EOL> | Retrieve a value from the session dictionary | f1372:c1:m15 |
def __setitem__(self, key, value): | self._started = self._backend_client.load()<EOL>self._needs_save = True<EOL>if self._config.auto_save:<EOL><INDENT>self._started = True<EOL><DEDENT>self._backend_client[key] = value<EOL> | Set a value in the session dictionary | f1372:c1:m16 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def pad(cls, data):<DEDENT> | if sys.version_info > (<NUM_LIT:3>, <NUM_LIT:0>):<EOL><INDENT>try:<EOL><INDENT>data = data.encode("<STR_LIT:utf-8>")<EOL><DEDENT>except AttributeError:<EOL><INDENT>pass<EOL><DEDENT>length = AES.block_size - (len(data) % AES.block_size)<EOL>data += bytes([length]) * length<EOL>return data<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>return data + (AES.block_size - len(data) % AES.block_size) * chr(AES.block_size - len(data) % AES.block_size)<EOL><DEDENT> | Pads data to match AES block size | f1373:c0:m1 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def unpad(cls, data):<DEDENT> | if sys.version_info > (<NUM_LIT:3>, <NUM_LIT:0>):<EOL><INDENT>return data[:-ord(data[len(data)-<NUM_LIT:1>:])].decode()<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>return data[:-ord(data[len(data)-<NUM_LIT:1>:])]<EOL><DEDENT> | Unpads data that has been padded | f1373:c0:m2 |
def encrypt(self, raw): | padded = AESCipher.pad(raw)<EOL>init_vec =<EOL>cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, init_vec)<EOL>return b64encode(init_vec + cipher.encrypt(padded))<EOL> | Encrypts raw data using AES and then base64 encodes it.
:param raw:
:return: | f1373:c0:m3 |
def decrypt(self, encrypted): | decoded = b64decode(encrypted)<EOL>init_vec = decoded[:AES.block_size]<EOL>cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, init_vec)<EOL>return AESCipher.unpad(cipher.decrypt(decoded[AES.block_size:]))<EOL> | Base64 decodes the data and then decrypts using AES.
:param encrypted:
:return: | f1373:c0:m4 |
def must_exist(self): | self._must_exist = True<EOL> | Indicates this path must exist before runtime | f1392:c0:m1 |
def must_be_file(self): | if self._must_be_dir:<EOL><INDENT>raise AttributeError('<STR_LIT>')<EOL><DEDENT>self._must_be_file = True<EOL> | Indicates that, if it exists, this path must be a file | f1392:c0:m2 |
def must_be_dir(self): | if self._must_be_file:<EOL><INDENT>raise AttributeError('<STR_LIT>')<EOL><DEDENT>self._must_be_dir = True<EOL> | Indicates that, if it exists, this path must be a directory | f1392:c0:m3 |
def create_dir(self): | self._create_dir = True<EOL> | Indicates that, if it doesn't exist already, this path will be created as a directory | f1392:c0:m4 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return Types.path<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1392:c0:m5 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def friendly_type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | _constraints_set = []<EOL>if self._must_be_dir:<EOL><INDENT>_constraints_set.append('<STR_LIT>')<EOL><DEDENT>if self._must_be_file:<EOL><INDENT>_constraints_set.append('<STR_LIT>')<EOL><DEDENT>if self._must_exist:<EOL><INDENT>_constraints_set.append('<STR_LIT>')<EOL><DEDENT>_constraints_as_str = '<STR_LIT>' + '<STR_LIT:U+002CU+0020>'.join(_constraints_set) + '<STR_LIT:)>' if _constraints_set else '<STR_LIT>'<EOL>return '<STR_LIT:path>' + _constraints_as_str<EOL> | :return: friendly type name for the end-user
:rtype: str | f1392:c0:m6 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return Types.boolean<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1393:c0:m0 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def user_friendly_type(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return friendly_type_name(self.key_type)<EOL> | :return: user friendly type of the key
:rtype: str | f1394:c0:m0 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def mandatory(self) -> bool:<DEDENT> | return self.default is SENTINEL<EOL> | :return: True if this key has no default
:rtype: bool | f1394:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return '<STR_LIT>'<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1394:c1:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return Types.float<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1395:c0:m0 |
def set_limits(self, min_: typing.Optional[float] = None, max_: typing.Optional[float] = None): | self._min, self._max = min_, max_<EOL> | Sets limits for this config value
If the resulting integer is outside those limits, an exception will be raised
:param min_: minima
:param max_: maxima | f1395:c0:m3 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def path(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | path: str = ELIBConfig.config_sep_str.join(self._raw_path)<EOL>if ELIBConfig.root_path:<EOL><INDENT>prefix = ELIBConfig.config_sep_str.join(ELIBConfig.root_path)<EOL>path = ELIBConfig.config_sep_str.join((prefix, path))<EOL><DEDENT>return path<EOL> | :return: path of this config value as a string | f1396:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def key(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return self._raw_path[-<NUM_LIT:1>]<EOL> | :return: last component of path
:rtype: str | f1396:c0:m2 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return self.path.replace('<STR_LIT>', '<STR_LIT:.>')<EOL> | :return: user friendly name of this value as a string | f1396:c0:m3 |
def raw_value(self) -> typing.Optional[object]: | raw_value = self._from_environ()<EOL>if raw_value is None:<EOL><INDENT>raw_value = self._from_config_file()<EOL><DEDENT>if raw_value is None:<EOL><INDENT>raw_value = self._from_default()<EOL><DEDENT>return raw_value<EOL> | :return: raw value | f1396:c0:m7 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>@abc.abstractmethod<EOL>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1396:c0:m11 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def friendly_type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return self.type_name<EOL> | :return: friendly type name for the end-user
:rtype: str | f1396:c0:m12 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return Types.string<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1397:c0:m0 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return Types.integer<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1399:c0:m1 |
def set_limits(self, min_=None, max_=None): | self._min, self._max = min_, max_<EOL> | Sets limits for this config value
If the resulting integer is outside those limits, an exception will be raised
:param min_: minima
:param max_: maxima | f1399:c0:m5 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return Types.array<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1401:c0:m0 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>def friendly_type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | return f'<STR_LIT>'<EOL> | :return: user friendly type for this config value | f1401:c0:m1 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>@abc.abstractmethod<EOL>def key(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | :return: last component of path
:rtype: str | f1402:c0:m0 |
@property<EOL><INDENT>@abc.abstractmethod<EOL>def friendly_type_name(self) -> str:<DEDENT> | :return: friendly type name for the end-user
:rtype: str | f1402:c0:m1 |
def add_to_toml_obj(self, toml_obj: tomlkit.container.Container, not_set: str): | self._toml_add_description(toml_obj)<EOL>self._toml_add_value_type(toml_obj)<EOL>self._toml_add_comments(toml_obj)<EOL>toml_obj.add(tomlkit.comment('<STR_LIT>'))<EOL>self._toml_add_value(toml_obj, not_set)<EOL> | Updates the given container in-place with this ConfigValue
:param toml_obj: container to update
:type toml_obj: tomlkit.container.Containers
:param not_set: random UUID used to denote a value that has no default
:type not_set: str | f1402:c0:m8 |
def _ensure_config_file_exists(): | config_file = Path(ELIBConfig.config_file_path).absolute()<EOL>if not config_file.exists():<EOL><INDENT>raise ConfigFileNotFoundError(ELIBConfig.config_file_path)<EOL><DEDENT> | Makes sure the config file exists.
:raises: :class:`epab.core.new_config.exc.ConfigFileNotFoundError` | f1403:m0 |
def read_config_file() -> typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]: | return _read_file()<EOL> | Reads configuration from the disk.
:return: configuration dictionary.
:raises MissingConfigPackageError: raised if ``package`` is not ``None`` and it doesn't exist at the top level of
the config file. | f1403:m3 |
def _aggregate_config_values(config_values: typing.List[ConfigValue]) -> dict: | _keys: defaultdict = _nested_default_dict()<EOL>_sorted_values = sorted(config_values, key=lambda x:<EOL>for value in _sorted_values:<EOL><INDENT>value_keys = value.path.split(ELIBConfig.config_sep_str)<EOL>this_config_key = _keys<EOL>for sub_key in value_keys[:-<NUM_LIT:1>]:<EOL><INDENT>this_config_key = this_config_key[sub_key]<EOL><DEDENT>this_config_key[value_keys[-<NUM_LIT:1>]] = value<EOL><DEDENT>return _default_dict_to_dict(_keys)<EOL> | Returns a (sorted)
:param config_values:
:type config_values:
:rtype: | f1406:m3 |
def write_example_config(example_file_path: str): | document = tomlkit.document()<EOL>for header_line in _get_header():<EOL><INDENT>document.add(tomlkit.comment(header_line))<EOL><DEDENT>config_keys = _aggregate_config_values(ConfigValue.config_values)<EOL>_add_config_values_to_toml_object(document, config_keys)<EOL>_doc_as_str = document.as_string().replace(f'<STR_LIT>', '<STR_LIT>')<EOL>with open(example_file_path, '<STR_LIT:w>') as stream:<EOL><INDENT>stream.write(_doc_as_str)<EOL><DEDENT> | Writes an example config file using the config values declared so far
:param example_file_path: path to write to | f1406:m5 |
def validate_config(raise_=True): | ELIBConfig.check()<EOL>known_paths = set()<EOL>duplicate_values = set()<EOL>missing_values = set()<EOL>for config_value in ConfigValue.config_values:<EOL><INDENT>if config_value.path not in known_paths:<EOL><INDENT>known_paths.add(config_value.path)<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>duplicate_values.add(<EOL><DEDENT>try:<EOL><INDENT>config_value()<EOL><DEDENT>except MissingValueError:<EOL><INDENT>missing_values.add(<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>if raise_ and duplicate_values:<EOL><INDENT>raise DuplicateConfigValueError(str(duplicate_values))<EOL><DEDENT>if raise_ and missing_values:<EOL><INDENT>raise MissingValueError(str(missing_values), '<STR_LIT>')<EOL><DEDENT>return duplicate_values, missing_values<EOL> | Verifies that all configuration values have a valid setting | f1411:m0 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def check(cls):<DEDENT> | attribs = [<EOL>'<STR_LIT>',<EOL>'<STR_LIT>',<EOL>'<STR_LIT>',<EOL>'<STR_LIT>',<EOL>]<EOL>for attrib in attribs:<EOL><INDENT>if getattr(cls, attrib) == '<STR_LIT>':<EOL><INDENT>raise IncompleteSetupError(f'<STR_LIT>')<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT> | Verifies that all necessary values for the package to be used have been provided
:raises: `elib_config._exc.IncompleteSetupError` | f1412:c0:m0 |
@classmethod<EOL><INDENT>def setup(<EOL>cls,<EOL>app_version: str,<EOL>app_name: str,<EOL>config_file_path: str,<EOL>config_sep_str: str,<EOL>root_path: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,<EOL>):<DEDENT> | cls.app_version = app_version<EOL>cls.app_name = app_name<EOL>cls.config_file_path = config_file_path<EOL>cls.config_sep_str = config_sep_str<EOL>cls.root_path = root_path<EOL> | Configures elib_config in one fell swoop
:param app_version: version of the application
:param app_name:name of the application
:param config_file_path: path to the config file to use
:param config_sep_str: separator for config values paths
:param root_path: list of strings that will be pre-pended to *all* config values paths (useful to setup a
prefix for the whole app) | f1412:c0:m1 |
def friendly_type_name(raw_type: typing.Type) -> str: | try:<EOL><INDENT>return _TRANSLATE_TYPE[raw_type]<EOL><DEDENT>except KeyError:<EOL><INDENT>LOGGER.error('<STR_LIT>', raw_type)<EOL>return str(raw_type)<EOL><DEDENT> | Returns a user-friendly type name
:param raw_type: raw type (str, int, ...)
:return: user friendly type as string | f1414:m0 |
def read_local_files(*file_paths: str) -> str: | def _read_single_file(file_path):<EOL><INDENT>with open(file_path) as f:<EOL><INDENT>filename = os.path.splitext(file_path)[<NUM_LIT:0>]<EOL>title = f'<STR_LIT>'<EOL>return '<STR_LIT>'.join((title,<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>return '<STR_LIT:\n>' + '<STR_LIT>'.join(map(_read_single_file, file_paths))<EOL> | Reads one or more text files and returns them joined together.
A title is automatically created based on the file name.
*file_paths: list of files to aggregate
Returns: content of files | f1415:m0 |
def constant_succeed_validator(): | return validator(lambda _: True)<EOL> | Returns validator that always succeeds | f1417:m1 |
def constant_fail_validator(message): | return validator(lambda _: False, message)<EOL> | Returns validator that always fails with given message | f1417:m2 |
def is_odd_validator(): | return validator(lambda x: x % <NUM_LIT:2> == <NUM_LIT:1>, is_odd_validator.message)<EOL> | Returns validator that checks if integer is odd | f1417:m3 |
def divisible_by_validator(n): | return Predicate(lambda x: x % n == <NUM_LIT:0>, '<STR_LIT>' % n)<EOL> | Returns validator that checks if integer is divisible by given `n` | f1417:m4 |
def merge_errors(errors1, errors2): | if errors1 is None:<EOL><INDENT>return errors2<EOL><DEDENT>elif errors2 is None:<EOL><INDENT>return errors1<EOL><DEDENT>if isinstance(errors1, list):<EOL><INDENT>if not errors1:<EOL><INDENT>return errors2<EOL><DEDENT>if isinstance(errors2, list):<EOL><INDENT>return errors1 + errors2<EOL><DEDENT>elif isinstance(errors2, dict):<EOL><INDENT>return dict(<EOL>errors2,<EOL>**{SCHEMA: merge_errors(errors1, errors2.get(SCHEMA))}<EOL>)<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>return errors1 + [errors2]<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>elif isinstance(errors1, dict):<EOL><INDENT>if isinstance(errors2, list):<EOL><INDENT>return dict(<EOL>errors1,<EOL>**{SCHEMA: merge_errors(errors1.get(SCHEMA), errors2)}<EOL>)<EOL><DEDENT>elif isinstance(errors2, dict):<EOL><INDENT>errors = dict(errors1)<EOL>for k, v in iteritems(errors2):<EOL><INDENT>if k in errors:<EOL><INDENT>errors[k] = merge_errors(errors[k], v)<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>errors[k] = v<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>return errors<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>return dict(<EOL>errors1,<EOL>**{SCHEMA: merge_errors(errors1.get(SCHEMA), errors2)}<EOL>)<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>if isinstance(errors2, list):<EOL><INDENT>return [errors1] + errors2 if errors2 else errors1<EOL><DEDENT>elif isinstance(errors2, dict):<EOL><INDENT>return dict(<EOL>errors2,<EOL>**{SCHEMA: merge_errors(errors1, errors2.get(SCHEMA))}<EOL>)<EOL><DEDENT>else:<EOL><INDENT>return [errors1, errors2]<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT> | Deeply merges two error messages. Error messages can be
string, list of strings or dict of error messages (recursively).
Format is the same as accepted by :exc:`ValidationError`.
Returns new error messages. | f1421:m0 |
def add_error(self, path, error): | self.errors = merge_errors(self.errors, self._make_error(path, error))<EOL> | Add error message for given field path.
Example: ::
builder = ValidationErrorBuilder()
builder.add_error('', 'Some error')
print builder.errors
# => {'foo': {'bar': {'baz': 'Some error'}}}
:param str path: '.'-separated list of field names
:param str error: Error message | f1421:c2:m2 |
def add_errors(self, errors): | self.errors = merge_errors(self.errors, errors)<EOL> | Add errors in dict format.
Example: ::
builder = ValidationErrorBuilder()
builder.add_errors({'foo': {'bar': 'Error 1'}})
builder.add_errors({'foo': {'baz': 'Error 2'}, 'bam': 'Error 3'})
print builder.errors
# => {'foo': {'bar': 'Error 1', 'baz': 'Error 2'}, 'bam': 'Error 3'}
:param str, list or dict errors: Errors to merge | f1421:c2:m3 |
def raise_errors(self): | if self.errors:<EOL><INDENT>raise ValidationError(self.errors)<EOL><DEDENT> | Raise :exc:`ValidationError` if errors are not empty;
do nothing otherwise. | f1421:c2:m4 |
def __call__(self, value, context=None): | raise NotImplemented()<EOL> | Validate value. In case of errors, raise
:exc:`~lollipop.errors.ValidationError`. Return value is always ignored. | f1422:c0:m0 |
def type_name_hint(data): | return data.__class__.__name__<EOL> | Returns type name of given value.
To be used as a type hint in :class:`OneOf`. | f1425:m0 |
def dict_value_hint(key, mapper=None): | if mapper is None:<EOL><INDENT>mapper = identity<EOL><DEDENT>def hinter(data):<EOL><INDENT>return mapper(data.get(key))<EOL><DEDENT>return hinter<EOL> | Returns a function that takes a dictionary and returns value of
particular key. The returned value can be optionally processed by `mapper`
To be used as a type hint in :class:`OneOf`. | f1425:m1 |
def validated_type(base_type, name=None, validate=None): | if validate is None:<EOL><INDENT>validate = []<EOL><DEDENT>if not is_sequence(validate):<EOL><INDENT>validate = [validate]<EOL><DEDENT>class ValidatedSubtype(base_type):<EOL><INDENT>if name is not None:<EOL><INDENT>__name__ = name<EOL><DEDENT>def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):<EOL><INDENT>super(ValidatedSubtype, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)<EOL>for validator in reversed(validate):<EOL><INDENT>self.validators.insert(<NUM_LIT:0>, validator)<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT><DEDENT>return ValidatedSubtype<EOL> | Convenient way to create a new type by adding validation to existing type.
Example: ::
Ipv4Address = validated_type(
String, 'Ipv4Address',
# regexp simplified for demo purposes
Regexp('^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$', error='Invalid IP address')
Percentage = validated_type(Integer, validate=Range(0, 100))
# The above is the same as
class Ipv4Address(String):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Ipv4Address, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.validators.insert(0, Regexp('^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$', error='Invalid IP address'))
class Percentage(Integer):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Percentage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.validators.insert(0, Range(0, 100))
:param Type base_type: Base type for a new type.
:param name str: Optional class name for new type
(will be shown in places like repr).
:param validate: A validator or list of validators for this data type.
See `Type.validate` for details. | f1425:m3 |
def validate(self, data, context=None): | try:<EOL><INDENT>self.load(data, context)<EOL>return None<EOL><DEDENT>except ValidationError as ve:<EOL><INDENT>return ve.messages<EOL><DEDENT> | Takes serialized data and returns validation errors or None.
:param data: Data to validate.
:param context: Context data.
:returns: validation errors or None | f1425:c2:m1 |
def load(self, data, context=None): | errors_builder = ValidationErrorBuilder()<EOL>for validator in self.validators:<EOL><INDENT>try:<EOL><INDENT>validator(data, context)<EOL><DEDENT>except ValidationError as ve:<EOL><INDENT>errors_builder.add_errors(ve.messages)<EOL><DEDENT><DEDENT>errors_builder.raise_errors()<EOL>return data<EOL> | Deserialize data from primitive types. Raises
:exc:`~lollipop.errors.ValidationError` if data is invalid.
:param data: Data to deserialize.
:param context: Context data.
:returns: Loaded data
:raises: :exc:`~lollipop.errors.ValidationError` | f1425:c2:m2 |
def dump(self, value, context=None): | return value<EOL> | Serialize data to primitive types. Raises
:exc:`~lollipop.errors.ValidationError` if data is invalid.
:param value: Value to serialize.
:param context: Context data.
:returns: Serialized data.
:raises: :exc:`~lollipop.errors.ValidationError` | f1425:c2:m3 |
def get_value(self, name, obj, context=None): | raise NotImplemented()<EOL> | Get value of field `name` from object `obj`.
:params str name: Field name.
:params obj: Object to get field value from.
:returns: Field value. | f1425:c17:m1 |