Sentence Similarity
stringlengths 3
| non_english
stringlengths 1
browsers | blaaiers |
directs | насочва |
quintus | квинт |
counts | dihitung |
downloaded | downloadet |
bariloche | باریلوچه |
consistency | pastovumas |
extreme | крайни |
thunder | tro |
movements | förflyttningar |
lysenko | лисенко |
alp | planina |
imagine | immagina |
deadline | termiņš |
acquaintance | známý |
assumptions | antaganden |
herpetologist | erpetologo |
salaries | mzdy |
screenplay | guião |
attracts | atraem |
clothes | vestiti |
tenements | kamienicach |
propagation | 繁殖 |
lighthouse | fari |
kabaddi | கபடி |
supposedly | konon |
bombing | 爆撃 |
earns | reason |
itunes | آیتونز |
warsaw | warskou |
kidnapping | викрадення |
panels | панели |
starfish | meritähti |
inhabitant | locuitor |
environmental | περιβαλλοντικές |
weimer | ויימר |
flabbergasted | atònit |
attracted | مجذوب |
entwined | põimunud |
reconfiguration | preustroj |
persuasion | presvedčenie |
diethyl | dietil |
lhasa | λάσα |
warnock | وارناک |
articulation | artikulasjon |
visualize | mailarawan |
exports | експортує |
together | együtt |
pulled | ditarik |
consist | consistono |
sweepers | penyapu |
remained | blieben |
filibuster | פיליבסטר |
complaints | pritužbe |
live | mamuhay |
dyskinesia | دیسکینزی |
excision | excizie |
demoralized | demoralize |
rock | 岩 |
hartman | хартман |
superficial | yüzeysel |
template | 模板 |
ruslana | руслана |
ripples | wellen |
harassed | lastiggevallen |
resignation | istifa |
hush | hysj |
menstruation | ciklin |
sleepover | ööbimine |
yard | avlu |
removes | entfernt |
convection | संवहन |
combat | zwalczanie |
#in | #v |
legitimate | perusteltu |
bike | biçikleta |
officially | oficiāli |
method | 法 |
coinage | acuñación |
demonstrate | demonstrar |
giulio | džūlio |
deplete | tanjšajo |
preserve | bevare |
psychologically | psicològicament |
allies | zavezniki |
pathogenicity | patogenitātes |
factorial | παραγοντικό |
resurrection | resurrección |
sediments | sedimenty |
rehabilitation | rehabilitering |
qin | цінь |
mittens | handschuhe |
horseman | הפרש |
potential | potensial |
stairs | scări |
gracefully | gracieus |
rental | thuê |
feedforward | फीडफॉरवर्ड |
jyoti | ஜோதி |
expressionism | експресіонізм |
This dataset contains parallel sentences (i.e. English sentence + the same sentences in another language) for numerous other languages. Most of the sentences originate from the OPUS website. In particular, this dataset contains the MUSE dataset.
The following datasets are also a part of the Parallel Sentences collection:
These datasets can be used to train multilingual sentence embedding models. For more information, see sbert.net - Multilingual Models.
, str
"english": "consistency",
"non_english": "pastovumas"