A Primer on Data-Driven Gamification Design
Tools for Gamification Analytics: A Survey
A Primer on Data-Driven Gamification Design
The Gamer Motivation Profile: What We Learned From 250,000 Gamers
A Primer on Data-Driven Gamification Design
Towards Personality-driven Persuasive Health Games and Gamified Systems
A Primer on Data-Driven Gamification Design
Demographic differences in perceived benefits from gamification
Teaching agents with human feedback: a demonstration of the TAMER framework
Teachable Robots: Understanding Human Teaching Behavior to Build More Effective Robot Learners
Teaching agents with human feedback: a demonstration of the TAMER framework
Interactively shaping agents via human reinforcement: the TAMER framework
Application of Machine Learning in Wireless Networks: Key Techniques and Open Issues
User Association for Load Balancing in Vehicular Networks: An Online Reinforcement Learning Approach
Application of Machine Learning in Wireless Networks: Key Techniques and Open Issues
Deep Learning for Radio Resource Allocation in Multi-Cell Networks
Application of Machine Learning in Wireless Networks: Key Techniques and Open Issues
Integrated Networking, Caching, and Computing for Connected Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
New Word Detection in Ancient Chinese Literature
A Neural Probabilistic Language Model
Retrospective Mutiple Change-Point Estimation with Kernels
An Algorithm for Optimal Partitioning of Data on an Interval
Retrospective Mutiple Change-Point Estimation with Kernels
learning with kernels .
Recursive Self-Organizing Maps
Finding Structure in Time
Recursive Self-Organizing Maps
;Neural-gas' network for vector quantization and its application to time-series prediction.
An Overview of Current Research on Automated Essay Grading
An Overview of Current Research on Automated Essay Grading
Computer Based Assessment Systems Evaluation via the ISO9126 Quality Model
becoming happier takes both a will and a proper way : an experimental longitudinal intervention to boost well - being .
The Satisfaction With Life Scale
becoming happier takes both a will and a proper way : an experimental longitudinal intervention to boost well - being .
the benefits of frequent positive affect : does happiness lead to success ? .
becoming happier takes both a will and a proper way : an experimental longitudinal intervention to boost well - being .
self - determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation , social development , and well - being .
Asymmetric Binary Coding for Image Search
Deep Hashing for Scalable Image Search
Asymmetric Binary Coding for Image Search
Fast Supervised Hashing with Decision Trees for High-Dimensional Data
Asymmetric Binary Coding for Image Search
Face Description with Local Binary Patterns: Application to Face Recognition
Two-Stage Enhancement Scheme for Low-Quality Fingerprint Images by Learning From the Images
a chaincode based scheme for fingerprint feature extraction .
Two-Stage Enhancement Scheme for Low-Quality Fingerprint Images by Learning From the Images
Design and implementation of Log-Gabor filter in fingerprint image enhancement
Two-Stage Enhancement Scheme for Low-Quality Fingerprint Images by Learning From the Images
A novel adaptive approach to fingerprint enhancement filter design
Management of information security indicators under a cognitive security model
Decision support for Cybersecurity risk planning
Management of information security indicators under a cognitive security model
A Survey on Systems Security Metrics
Shield: A stackable secure storage system for file sharing in public storage
Achieving Secure, Scalable, and Fine-grained Data Access Control in Cloud Computing
Shield: A stackable secure storage system for file sharing in public storage
eCryptfs: An Enterprise-class Encrypted Filesystem for Linux
An Improved PSO Clustering Algorithm with Entropy-based Fuzzy Clustering
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques
An Improved PSO Clustering Algorithm with Entropy-based Fuzzy Clustering
A new optimizer using particle swarm theory
Benchmarking Apache Spark with Machine Learning Applications
STRADS: a distributed framework for scheduled model parallel machine learning
Benchmarking Apache Spark with Machine Learning Applications
Large-scale matrix factorization with distributed stochastic gradient descent
Benchmarking Apache Spark with Machine Learning Applications
The Netflix Prize
Benchmarking Apache Spark with Machine Learning Applications
Managed communication and consistency for fast data-parallel iterative analytics
Coreference and lexical repetition: mechanisms of discourse integration.
From Discourse to Logic: Introduction to Modeltheoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory
Coreference and lexical repetition: mechanisms of discourse integration.
Centering: A Framework For Modeling The Local Coherence Of Discourse
Coreference and lexical repetition: mechanisms of discourse integration.
Processing of Reference and the Structure of Language: An Analysis of Complex Noun Phrases
An Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Protocol for Multi-User Systems
Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices
An Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Protocol for Multi-User Systems
Faster Fully Homomorphic Encryption
An Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Protocol for Multi-User Systems
Disentangling the controversial identity of the halfbeak stock (Hemiramphus brasiliensis and H. balao) from northeastern Brazil using multilocus DNA markers
MRBAYES: Bayesian inference of phylogenetic trees
Disentangling the controversial identity of the halfbeak stock (Hemiramphus brasiliensis and H. balao) from northeastern Brazil using multilocus DNA markers
inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data : linked loci and correlated allele frequencies .
The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries.
facilitating optimal motivation and psychological well - being across life ’ s domains .
The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries.
Method Variance in Organizational Research Truth or Urban Legend
The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries.
employee engagement from a self - determination theory perspective .
Stud krill herd algorithm
A new optimization method: Big Bang-Big Crunch
Stud krill herd algorithm
A New Improved Firefly Algorithm for Global Numerical Optimization
Quo vadis TAM
Developing a multidimensional measure of system-use in an organizational context
Quo vadis TAM
The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success : A Ten-Year Update
Quo vadis TAM
A Theoretical Integration of User Satisfaction and Technology Acceptance
RGB-D camera Based Navigation for the Visually Impaired
An I terat ive Image Registrat ion Technique w i th an Appl icat ion to Stereo Vision
RGB-D camera Based Navigation for the Visually Impaired
FastSLAM 2.0: An Improved Particle Filtering Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping that Provably Converges
Towards End-to-End Code-Switching Speech Recognition
Joint CTC-attention based end-to-end speech recognition using multi-task learning
Towards End-to-End Code-Switching Speech Recognition
A Comparison of Modeling Units in Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition with the Transformer on Mandarin Chinese
Towards End-to-End Code-Switching Speech Recognition
SentencePiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text Processing
Whose Culture Matters? Near-Market Knowledge and Its Impact on Foreign Market Entry Timing
Asset stock accumulation and sustainability of competitive advantage
Whose Culture Matters? Near-Market Knowledge and Its Impact on Foreign Market Entry Timing
international investment and international trade in the product cycle » .
Intrusion Detection Using Deep Belief Network and Probabilistic Neural Network
stuxnet : dissecting a cyberwarfare weapon .
Intrusion Detection Using Deep Belief Network and Probabilistic Neural Network
Accelerated PSO Swarm Search Feature Selection for Data Stream Mining Big Data
Intrusion Detection Using Deep Belief Network and Probabilistic Neural Network
Deep learning
A Core System for the Implementation of Task Sets
The activation of attentional networks
A Core System for the Implementation of Task Sets
Executive control of visual attention in dual-task situations
A Core System for the Implementation of Task Sets
anterior cingulate cortex dysfunction in attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder revealed by fmri and the counting stroop .
Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems: Networks of plausible inference
Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
Learning Bayesian networks: The combination of knowledge and statistical data
Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
The Compact Genetic Algorithm
Learning from Linked Open Data Usage: Patterns & Metrics
DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data
Learning from Linked Open Data Usage: Patterns & Metrics
Tabulator: Exploring and analyzing linked data on the semantic web
State-frequency memory recurrent neural networks
Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks for Long-Term Dependencies
State-frequency memory recurrent neural networks
ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method
State-frequency memory recurrent neural networks
Bidirectional recurrent neural networks
State-frequency memory recurrent neural networks
Serial Order: A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach
State-frequency memory recurrent neural networks
Rapid retraining on speech data with LSTM recurrent networks
Compact and Sharp-Rejection Bandstop Filter Using Uniplanar Double Spiral Resonant Cells
Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications [Book Review]
Compact and Sharp-Rejection Bandstop Filter Using Uniplanar Double Spiral Resonant Cells
Low-Profile Folded Monopoles With Embedded Planar Metamaterial Phase-Shifting Lines
Compact and Sharp-Rejection Bandstop Filter Using Uniplanar Double Spiral Resonant Cells
Sharp-Rejection Ultra-Wide Bandstop Filters
Mining business topics in source code using latent dirichlet allocation
Combining Formal Concept Analysis with Information Retrieval for Concept Location in Source Code
Mining business topics in source code using latent dirichlet allocation
Recovering traceability links between code and documentation
DAOS and Friends: A Proposal for an Exascale Storage System
End-to-end Data Integrity for File Systems: A ZFS Case Study
DAOS and Friends: A Proposal for an Exascale Storage System
Adaptable, metadata rich IO methods for portable high performance IO
DAOS and Friends: A Proposal for an Exascale Storage System
GraphBuilder: scalable graph ETL framework
Shape-based hand recognition
Personal Verification Using Palmprint and Hand Geometry Biometric
Shape-based hand recognition
A Prototype Hand Geometry-based Verification System
Shape-based hand recognition
Snakes, Shapes and Gradient Vector Flow
HeapDefender: A Mechanism of Defending Embedded Systems against Heap Overflow via Hardware
A Practical Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detector
HeapDefender: A Mechanism of Defending Embedded Systems against Heap Overflow via Hardware
Hardbound: architectural support for spatial safety of the C programming language
Geometry-based shading for shape depiction enhancement
Lit-Sphere extension for artistic rendering
Geometry-based shading for shape depiction enhancement
Light warping for enhanced surface depiction
SQORE: an ontology retrieval framework for the next generation Web
The Anatomy of A Large-Scale Hyper Textualweb Search Engine
SQORE: an ontology retrieval framework for the next generation Web
creating semantic web contents with protege - 2000 .
Primary Object Segmentation in Videos via Alternate Convex Optimization of Foreground and Background Distributions
Video Segmentation by Tracking Many Figure-Ground Segments
Primary Object Segmentation in Videos via Alternate Convex Optimization of Foreground and Background Distributions
Causal video object segmentation from persistence of occlusions
Primary Object Segmentation in Videos via Alternate Convex Optimization of Foreground and Background Distributions
ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences
Primary Object Segmentation in Videos via Alternate Convex Optimization of Foreground and Background Distributions
Constrained parametric min-cuts for automatic object segmentation
Analytical Approximation-Based Machine Learning Methods for User Positioning in Distributed Massive MIMO
Gaussian Process Regression for Fingerprinting based Localization
Analytical Approximation-Based Machine Learning Methods for User Positioning in Distributed Massive MIMO
Gaussian Process Priors With Uncertain Inputs Application to Multiple-Step Ahead Time Series Forecasting
Live-streaming changes the (video) game
Starcraft from the stands: understanding the game spectator
Live-streaming changes the (video) game
Learn and play with interactive TV
From Vision to NLP : A Merge
Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering