Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation
finding scientific topics .
Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation
Spatial latent dirichlet allocation
Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation
A Scalable Formulation of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis: Applied to Face Recognition
Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages
Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient
Mining Efficient Association Rules Through Apriori Algorithm Using Attributes and Comparative Analysis of Various Association Rule Algorithms
Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation
Humanlike shoulder complex for musculoskeletal robot arms
A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots
50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities
age progression in human faces : a survey .
50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities
Unique in the Crowd: The privacy bounds of human mobility
50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities
A Prototype Hand Geometry-based Verification System
Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges
Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems
Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges
Fundamental challenges in mobile computing
Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges
Agile application-aware adaptation for mobility
Self-compassion and well-being among older adults
The Satisfaction With Life Scale
Self-compassion and well-being among older adults
Self-Compassion , Stress , and Coping
Self-compassion and well-being among older adults
global self - esteem across the life span .
Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness.
Brain potentials in affective picture processing: covariation with autonomic arousal and affective report
Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness.
Emotion and motivation I: Defensive and appetitive reactions in picture processing.
Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces
Robust classification of EEG signal for brain-computer interface
Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces
an eeg - based brain - computer interface for cursor control .
Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces
Control of a two-dimensional movement signal by a noninvasive brain-computer interface in humans
MITRA: byzantine fault-tolerant middleware for transaction processing on replicated databases
Database replication techniques: a three parameter classification
Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation
Challenges of System-Level Simulations and Performance Evaluation for 5G Wireless Networks
Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation
Radio propagation path loss models for 5G cellular networks in the 28 GHZ and 38 GHZ millimeter-wave bands
Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation
Chunk-Based Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems—Part II: Joint Chunk, Power and Bit Allocation
Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation
Energy-Efficient Hybrid Analog and Digital Precoding for MmWave MIMO Systems With Large Antenna Arrays
Sequenceserver: a modern graphical user interface for custom BLAST databases
A new bioinformatics analysis tools framework at EMBL–EBI
Sequenceserver: a modern graphical user interface for custom BLAST databases
BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language
Increasing Advertising Value of Mobile Marketing - An Empirical Study of Antecedents
marketing in hypermedia computer - mediated environment : conceptual foundations .
Increasing Advertising Value of Mobile Marketing - An Empirical Study of Antecedents
Location management for mobile commerce applications in wireless Internet environment
Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders
Cortical midline structures and the self
Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders
The Enigmatic temporal pole : a review of findings on social and emotional processing
Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors
Query recommendation using query logs in search engines
Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors
Extracting key terms from noisy and multitheme documents
Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors
Optimizing search engines using clickthrough data
Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors
Learning to rank: from pairwise approach to listwise approach
Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors
Normalized cuts and image segmentation
ICD-10 coding algorithms for defining comorbidities of acute myocardial infarction
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve: Practical Review for Radiologists
Models in information behaviour research
On user studies and information needs
Models in information behaviour research
Cognitive perspectives of information retrieval interaction: elements of a cognitive IR theory
What's inside the Cloud? An architectural map of the Cloud landscape
The Eucalyptus Open-Source Cloud-Computing System
What's inside the Cloud? An architectural map of the Cloud landscape
OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks
What's inside the Cloud? An architectural map of the Cloud landscape
Dynamo: amazon's highly available key-value store
Hierarchical Committee of Deep CNNs with Exponentially-Weighted Decision Fusion for Static Facial Expression Recognition
Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting
Hierarchical Committee of Deep CNNs with Exponentially-Weighted Decision Fusion for Static Facial Expression Recognition
MatConvNet: Convolutional Neural Networks for MATLAB
Hierarchical Committee of Deep CNNs with Exponentially-Weighted Decision Fusion for Static Facial Expression Recognition
An Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition
Hierarchical Committee of Deep CNNs with Exponentially-Weighted Decision Fusion for Static Facial Expression Recognition
Combining modality specific deep neural networks for emotion recognition in video
Understand, Compose and Respond - Answering Visual Questions by a Composition of Abstract Procedures
Learning to Compose Neural Networks for Question Answering
Understand, Compose and Respond - Answering Visual Questions by a Composition of Abstract Procedures
The VQA-Machine: Learning How to Use Existing Vision Algorithms to Answer New Questions
Understand, Compose and Respond - Answering Visual Questions by a Composition of Abstract Procedures
Graph-Structured Representations for Visual Question Answering
Understand, Compose and Respond - Answering Visual Questions by a Composition of Abstract Procedures
Efficient Inference in Fully Connected CRFs with Gaussian Edge Potentials
Understand, Compose and Respond - Answering Visual Questions by a Composition of Abstract Procedures
Glove: Global Vectors for Word Representation
Semantic contours from inverse detectors
Large Scale Image Annotations on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Semantic contours from inverse detectors
Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation
Inter-Cell Interference Coordination for Expanded Region Picocells in Heterogeneous Networks
lte - advanced : next - generation wireless broadband technology [ invited paper ] .
Inter-Cell Interference Coordination for Expanded Region Picocells in Heterogeneous Networks
Femtocell Networks: A Survey
Inter-Cell Interference Coordination for Expanded Region Picocells in Heterogeneous Networks
Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Challenges in Heterogeneous Networks
Complura: Exploring and Leveraging a Large-scale Multilingual Visual Sentiment Ontology
SENTIWORDNET: A Publicly Available Lexical Resource for Opinion Mining
Complura: Exploring and Leveraging a Large-scale Multilingual Visual Sentiment Ontology
Exploration and Visualization in the Web of Big Linked Data: A Survey of the State of the Art
Complura: Exploring and Leveraging a Large-scale Multilingual Visual Sentiment Ontology
NodeTrix: a Hybrid Visualization of Social Networks
quadcopter control in three - dimensional space using a noninvasive motor imagery - based brain - computer interface .
EEG Control of a Virtual Helicopter in 3-Dimensional Space Using Intelligent Control Strategies
quadcopter control in three - dimensional space using a noninvasive motor imagery - based brain - computer interface .
towards a standard for pointing device evaluation , perspectives on 27 years of fitts ' law research in hci .
quadcopter control in three - dimensional space using a noninvasive motor imagery - based brain - computer interface .
Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia
Shape from Focus
Surface Reflection: Physical and Geometrical Perspectives
Self-Construal as a Mediator Between Identity Structure and Subjective Well-Being
Who is this "We"? Levels of collective identity and self representations.
Online novelty detection on temporal sequences
Finding surprising patterns in a time series database in linear time and space
Online novelty detection on temporal sequences
Event detection from time series data
Science Question Answering using Instructional Materials
Question Answering Using Enhanced Lexical Semantic Models
Science Question Answering using Instructional Materials
Information Extraction over Structured Data: Question Answering with Freebase
Science Question Answering using Instructional Materials
jMWE: A Java Toolkit for Detecting Multi-Word Expressions
Science Question Answering using Instructional Materials
Discriminative Word Alignment With Conditional Random Fields
A Reconfigurable Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Using Bent Cross-Dipole Feed for Polarization Diversity
A reconfigurable slot antenna with switchable polarization
A Reconfigurable Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Using Bent Cross-Dipole Feed for Polarization Diversity
A Novel Miniaturized Broadband Dual-Polarized Dipole Antenna for Base Station
A Reconfigurable Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Using Bent Cross-Dipole Feed for Polarization Diversity
A Differential-Fed Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna for UWB Applications
A Reconfigurable Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Using Bent Cross-Dipole Feed for Polarization Diversity
Polarization Reconfigurable U-Slot Patch Antenna
A Reconfigurable Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Using Bent Cross-Dipole Feed for Polarization Diversity
Polarization Reconfigurable Slot Antenna With a Novel Compact CPW-to-Slotline Transition for WLAN Application
構 建 一 個 中 文 國 小 數 學 文 字 問 題 語 料 庫 ( building a corpus for developing the chinese elementary school math word problem solver ) [ in chinese ] .
Designing a Tag-Based Statistical Math Word Problem Solver with Reasoning and Explanation
構 建 一 個 中 文 國 小 數 學 文 字 問 題 語 料 庫 ( building a corpus for developing the chinese elementary school math word problem solver ) [ in chinese ] .
The Penn Chinese TreeBank : Phrase structure annotation of a large corpus
構 建 一 個 中 文 國 小 數 學 文 字 問 題 語 料 庫 ( building a corpus for developing the chinese elementary school math word problem solver ) [ in chinese ] .
MAWPS: A Math Word Problem Repository
Aspects of Research through Design : A Literature Review
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
Aspects of Research through Design : A Literature Review
Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI
Bounded matrix factorization for recommender system
Factorization meets the neighborhood: a multifaceted collaborative filtering model
Bounded matrix factorization for recommender system
Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems
Bounded matrix factorization for recommender system
Projected Gradient Methods for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Open information extraction based on lexical semantics
Extracting Semantic Networks from Text Via Relational Clustering
Open information extraction based on lexical semantics
Information Extraction
Open information extraction based on lexical semantics
Automatic Extraction of Facts, Relations, and Entities for Web-Scale Knowledge Base Population
Feedback-error-learning neural network for trajectory control of a robotic manipulator
A hierarchical neural-network model for control and learning of voluntary movement
Feedback-error-learning neural network for trajectory control of a robotic manipulator
learning representations by back - propagating errors .
Adaptive modeling for large-scale advertisers optimization
Bid generation for advanced match in sponsored search
Adaptive modeling for large-scale advertisers optimization
Smart Pacing for Effective Online Ad Campaign Optimization
Adaptive modeling for large-scale advertisers optimization
Ad click prediction: a view from the trenches
Adaptive modeling for large-scale advertisers optimization
Advertising keyword suggestion based on concept hierarchy
Learning by googling
Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web
Learning by googling
Enriching very large ontologies using the WWW
Learning by googling
Scaling question answering to the web
A vision-based robotic grasping system using deep learning for 3D object recognition and pose estimation
Grasping unknown objects using an Early Cognitive Vision system for general scene understanding
A vision-based robotic grasping system using deep learning for 3D object recognition and pose estimation
Selection of robot pre-grasps using box-based shape approximation
A vision-based robotic grasping system using deep learning for 3D object recognition and pose estimation
Grasping with application to an autonomous checkout robot
A vision-based robotic grasping system using deep learning for 3D object recognition and pose estimation
Multi-column Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification
Adaptive stair-ascending and stair-descending strategies for powered lower limb exoskeleton
Control method of robot suit HAL working as operator's muscle using biological and dynamical information