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Your glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a measurement of how much blood passes through your kidneys each minute. If your GFR is too low, it means that your kidneys aren't working well and your body is retaining toxins. | Increase GFR |
Oxygen saturation (Sa0₂) relates to the circulation of oxygen through your bloodstream, with recorded levels above 95% typically considered healthy and levels below 90% typically considered problematic. | Increase Oxygen Saturation |
When you eat fat, your body breaks it down into a variety of different components, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. These components are circulated through the body for storage, to make energy, and to make a variety of hormones and digestive juices. | Increase Good Cholesterol |
Scientists have found a direct link between cardiovascular exercise and healthy brain matter. Studies have shown that the body's ability to correctly regulate glucose levels may help to regenerate tissues and have healthy gray matter. | Improve Your Memory with Exercise |
In the human body, each organ is held inside a hollow chamber, or "cavity." When an organ sticks out through its cavity, you may suffer from a hernia — a condition that is not usually life-threatening, and can sometimes go away on its own. | Know if You Have a Hernia |
Having a weak, slow flow or having trouble urinating can be uncomfortable and concerning. You probably want to increase urination if you’re not urinating often, can only urinate a little bit at a time, or are having trouble urinating at all. | Increase Urination |
Whether you have been exposed to low temperatures or you are caring for someone with hypothermia, you may need to know how to increase body temperature. | Increase Body Temperature |
Staying healthy is a key component to living a long and happy life. There are many aspects to both mental and physical health that can make it hard to maintain. | Improve Your Health |
10% of strokes occur in adults under the age of 45. [1] For this reason, it is important to be able to recognize signs and symptoms that may indicate you (or another person) are having a stroke and not to dismiss the possibility based on age. | Identify Stroke Symptoms As a Young Adult |
Cervicitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the cervix. The cervix is the thickened tissue that connects the uterus to the vagina. | Identify Cervicitis |
The recipient of a kidney transplant will require careful help recovering from this major surgical procedure. There are risks involved with the surgery itself that will be addressed at the hospital. | Help Someone Recover From a Kidney Transplant |
The quality of care a sick person receives during recovery from an illness is one of the most important steps to getting better. You may have a friend or family member who is suffering from a bad cold, an illness, or an infection. | Help a Sick Person Feel Better |
If you’re trying to lose weight, you probably think of fat as the enemy. The fat you’re fighting, however, is white fat – different from the brown fat in your body. | Increase Brown Fat |
Your trapezius muscles are a triangular-shaped band of tissue located in your back on either side of your neck. The muscles run from the back of your neck and along your spine, reaching the rib cage base. | Heal a Pulled Trapezius Muscle |
Ulcerative colitis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the rectum and extends upwards, toward your colon. It is characterized by chronic inflammation and ulcers in your colon. | Identify Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms |
Many people's hands get cuts on them due to chapped and dry skin, especially in the winter months. These cuts can be very painful and sensitive. Petroleum jelly or liquid bandage can help to heal the cuts, and keeping hands well-hydrated with lotion can prevent further cuts. | Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin |
Bodies are constantly in flux. People may grow taller until the age of 20 to 25, while adults can start shrinking by the time they are 40. The best ways to increase your height will vary depending upon how old you are. | Grow Taller Overnight |
Renal failure, also known as kidney failure, is a condition that can take two different forms: acute, when it presents itself very suddenly, and chronic, when it develops slowly over at least three months. | Identify Renal Failure |
It’s quite possible that you’ve never heard the term “healthonism” before, as it was coined only in 2015 by J. Walter Thompson Intelligence. [1] [2] If you’ve heard of 10k races where the runners take wine breaks (instead of water) along the way, or of yoga classes being held in craft breweries before tasting parties, though, you have some notion of the concept. | Identify Healthonism |
In today’s hectic world that we live in, maintaining our good health is important. It's easy to let stress take center stage and set us up for poor diet and lifestyle choices. | Have a Good General Healthy Body |
Finding an exercise program that you enjoy, can fit into your lifestyle and is one that you can stick with long-term can be difficult. There are so many forms of exercise, different types of equipment and accessories, and an overload of information of which workout is best — it can make exercise way more complicated than it needs to be. | Have a Simple Workout Plan and Stick to It |
Did you know that many studies have shown that only about 20% of people who lose weight keep it off? [1] Most research has shown that the people who keep the weight off are more likely to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. | Get Skinnier |
Milia are tiny white bumps that can afflict your skin at any age. They pose no threat to you and are mostly a cosmetic annoyance. In most cases, they will go away on their own. | Get Rid of Milia |
At times, your health can be in a delicate balance. You may be well and then slowly or suddenly become incapacitated and bedridden. With a little work and a healthy amount of patience, you'll soon start acclimating to your new lifestyle. | Handle Life As a Bedridden Patient |
Constipation can run the gamut from a mild annoyance to severe pain. Chances are if you’ve waited the better part of a week for a bowel movement, you’re ready for a quick fix. | Get Rid of Constipation Fast |
Sometimes after being sick for a while it can be hard to get up off the couch and get active again, but it's important to get up because being active boosts your immune system and helps you get over the illness more quickly. | Get up off the Couch After Sickness |
Colds are commonly due to infection with a virus, but coughs can be due to a number of things, including infections with viruses, bacteria, and fungi. | Get Rid of Cough and Cold |
Vitamin E is an important vitamin for your inner and outer health. While it is an important part of your diet, it can also help your skin and hair as well. | Get Vitamin E |
Though you can get vitamin D from some foods and in supplements, the main source of vitamin D is through exposure to sunlight. This vitamin helps your body absorb calcium and allows your immune system to function properly. | Get Vitamin D from Sun |
A funk is a mood that is characterized by lack of motivation, grumpiness and general malaise. Although it’s usually less serious than depression or anxiety, it can last for weeks or months, if you don’t try to get rid of it. | Get Out of a Funk |
Home-sickness is a very common experience, no matter your age or background. Being away from home for any length of time, be it a day or a year or more, can bring about feelings of loss, sadness and even heartache for the place and people you've left behind. | Get Over Home Sickness |
Did you know the cervix changes position and texture depending on where you are in your ovulation cycle? Feeling your cervix can help you determine whether or not you are ovulating, and it's a great way to better understand your reproductive system. | Feel Your Cervix |
Entering parenthood is a wonderfully exciting time! With your baby on the way, you may choose to find out the baby’s sex so you can prepare. There are useful medical techniques that can tell you your baby’s sex quite accurately around the middle of your pregnancy. | Find Out Your Baby's Sex |
Bloating during pregnancy is a normal part of the process, but it can be uncomfortable to say the least. You get bloated while pregnant due to the progesterone in your body, which slows down your digestive system, as well as your expanding uterus, which can put pressure on your rectum and lead to gas. | Fight Bloat During Pregnancy |
Mimicking the symptoms of pregnancy can be tricky. A woman's body goes through a variety of changes during pregnancy, all of which can be difficult to imitate. | Fake Pregnancy |
When you are pregnant, your immune system runs slower than usual. Therefore, you are more susceptible to illnesses like the cold. Fight off a cold by boosting your immune system. | Fight a Cold when Pregnant |
Chest congestion, and the coughing that typically goes with it, can make a person feel quite miserable. It can also interfere with many aspects of one’s life – from attending work or school to trying to sleep at night. | Get Rid of Chest Congestion |
Having a child can be one of the most beautiful and joyous times of your life, but you may also be feeling unhappy with your post-baby body. During pregnancy, your body underwent the extensive changes necessary to prepare you to give birth, which can unfortunately lead to a lack of confidence when comparing your before and after body. | Feel Confident About Your Post‐Pregnancy Body |
Postpartum Hemorrhage, or PPH, is medically defined as blood loss greater than 500ml after vaginal delivery, and 1000ml after cesarean delivery. It has been stated than PPH is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. | Eliminate Postpartum Hemorrhage |
Although caesarean sections are an increasingly common part of the birthing process, the procedure is still considered a major surgery. [1] This means that, as with any surgery, you will need time to heal after undergoing your own. | Exercise After a C Section |
Staying active during pregnancy is good for both your health and the health of your baby. It is important to consult your doctor to make sure that your exercise routine is safe for you in your particular situation. | Exercise Safely During Pregnancy |
Changing your body composition takes time and commitment to healthy lifestyle habits. It's difficult to make significant changes in body composition in a short amount of time. | Get in Shape Fast |
A sick note, sometimes called a doctor’s note or a medical certificate, is a recommendation from your doctor about your medical condition and how it affects your ability to attend school or work. | Get a Sick Note |
Cervical dilation happens as a pregnant woman gets closer to her labor and delivery. The cervix dilates in order to unblock your baby’s path from your uterus to the birth canal, and finally to your arms. | Check a Cervix for Dilation |
Keeping a diary is healthy for the body, mind and soul. A health diary helps you keep track of all aspects of your health. [1] It can include information on your sleep patterns, exercise, food, and hospital visits. | Get Healthier Using a Diary |
Studies show that you do not need hours per week at a gym to benefit from exercise. Beginning consistent exercise with adequate rest between sessions can improve health most for those who were sedentary. | Get Better Health in 10 Minutes a Day |
The birth of a new baby is very exciting and a lot of your time in the coming weeks and months will be devoted to caring for your little one. That being said, it is very important that new moms look after themselves as well, especially if your delivery included a C section. | Care for Your C Section Scar |
For some people, the passage of time seems to slow down to a crawl during the last month of pregnancy. Mom gets more and more uncomfortable, and the anticipation for seeing and holding that new baby becomes nearly unbearable. | Enjoy the Last Month of Pregnancy |
As the end of your pregnancy approaches, you may find that you are a little emotionally and physically drained. However, there are ways to enjoy your final weeks of pregnancy, including finding peace by finalizing your plans, taking time to pamper yourself, keeping yourself healthy, and making baby memorabilia. | Enjoy Your Final Weeks of Pregnancy |
Many women wish to naturally induce labor. Using acupressure points is one method that may help start or speed up labor. Proponents of acupressure as an induction aid believe it works by encouraging cervical dilation and stimulating productive contractions. | Use Acupressure to Induce Labour |
Occasionally, especially for first-time mothers, labor can take much longer than anticipated. This is called latent labor and it occurs when labor stalls in the middle of the birthing process. | Help Labor Progress |
Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils that are extracted from plant sources to treat the body and mind with a natural healing approach. | Use Aromatherapy During Pregnancy |
When a woman has a vaginal birth after she has had a previous baby via a cesarean, it is referred to as a VBAC. Depending on the reason why the initial cesarean was performed, many women can go on to have a successful vaginal delivery. | Have a Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean |
After you give birth, you can expect a heavy discharge of blood, tissue, and bacteria known as “lochia.” This blood loss is completely natural, and should be on par with a heavy period. | Tell if Postpartum Bleeding Is Normal |
Entering early labor can be exciting when you're anxious to meet your baby. Early labor refers to the time between the onset of labor and when the cervix is dilated three centimeters. | Speed up Early Labor |
Many women experience vaginal bleeding at some point in their pregnancy, especially in the first trimester when the pregnancy is just beginning. In many cases (especially early on, and if the bleeding is minimal) this can be completely normal. | Stop Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy |
When it comes to giving birth, it's usually best to let mother nature run her course, unless of course there is a medical necessity to induce labor. | Speed Up Labor |
Labor is the ultimate paradox, at once a terrifying and an exhilarating experience. For some mothers-to-be, it can be overwhelming and unnerving. Embarrassment, discomfort, and the tidal wave of hormones which often accompany pregnancy can come to a head when crunch time arrives. | Relieve Panic During Labor |
In the weeks or days preceding your baby’s birth, there will be some signs that your body is preparing for labor. All pregnancies and labors are different, and the signs of labor can sometimes be hard to notice. | Recognize the Signs of Labor |
Childbirth is a beautiful and exciting time, but it can also be quite an ordeal for a mother’s body. Postpartum pain can occur whether you give birth vaginally or have a cesarean delivery (c-section). | Treat Postpartum Pain |
Postpartum hemorrhage is defined as abnormal amounts of bleeding from the vagina post-delivery. This bleeding can occur within 24 hours after delivery or after a few days. | Recognize Symptoms of a Postpartum Hemorrhage |
If you are pregnant, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of preterm labor. If you know the symptoms, you can seek medical treatment that will hopefully prevent you from giving birth to your baby prematurely. | Recognize Preterm Labor |
Returning to work after having a baby can be very difficult. You may find yourself physically exhausted after spending late nights with a crying infant and then rushing to the office in the mornings. | Return to Work After Maternity Leave |
At the end of your third trimester, your body will begin to show signs that it is time for your baby to be born through labor and delivery. Although every birth is unique and hard to predict, adequate preparation can help you feel more confident when you go into labor and help your birthing experience go as smoothly as possible. | Prepare Yourself for Labor and Delivery |
The shock and pain of miscarriage can be devastating. Often, the emotional pain takes longer to heal than the physical pain. When talking about miscarriage, remember that it’s okay to grieve and to express your emotions in a way that helps you. | Talk to Your Husband About Miscarriage |
A miscarriage is the sudden end of a pregnancy. About 10 to 25 percent of all pregnancies will end in miscarriage. For the most part, miscarriages are unpreventable and the result of an abnormality of the fetus. | Recover from a Miscarriage |
Contractions may be painful, but they also signal that your baby is about to arrive, which is an exciting moment. If you think that you might be in labor, then it’s important that you know how to recognize real contractions versus false labor. | Recognize Contractions |
Miscarriages are one of the most difficult things any parent or prospective parent can experience. They can be especially difficult for women, who not only experience emotional trauma, but are dealing with physiological changes as well. | Support Your Wife After a Miscarriage |
As your pregnancy progresses, you'll not only be choosing names for your baby and shopping for baby clothes, you'll also be preparing yourself and your husband for childbirth. | Prepare Your Husband for Childbirth |
If you've planned out a Cesarean section, or C-section, in advance, you might be wondering what you need to do to make sure that you're ready for the big day. | Prepare for a C Section |
Labor and delivery is one of the most fulfilling yet taxing part of childbirth. Use these tips to understand and prepare for this life changing event. | Prepare for Childbirth |
Compared to the “baby blues” and postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis is quite rare, affecting only about 0.1% of women who give birth. The condition is, however, very serious, and it can be dangerous to both mothers and babies. | Recognize and Treat Postpartum Psychosis |
Natural childbirth used to be the only way to give birth. Natural childbirth is the delivery of a baby with minimal drug or surgical intervention. This means that the mother giving birth avoids common medicine, such as anesthesia, an epidural, an episiotomy (which is an incision that increases the size of the vagina or birth canal), and pain relievers. | Prepare Yourself for Natural Childbirth |
A Cesarean section, or C-section, is a procedure during which a baby is surgically delivered. This procedure is carried out when a vaginal birth isn't possible, when vaginal birth will put the mother’s or baby’s life at risk, if the mother has delivered previous children by C-section, or when the mother simply prefers this type of childbirth opposed to natural childbirth. | Prepare for a Cesarean Section |
If you're expecting a baby, you're probably learning about how to prepare for labor and delivery. While many women experience labors or births that go as planned, common complications can come up. | Plan for Common Labor Complications |
Back labor occurs when most of the pain of labor is concentrated in the lower back. If the baby enters the birth canal face up rather than face down, back labor is more likely but it can also occur on its own regardless of the baby's position. | Manage Back Labor |
Whatever kind of birth you may be planning, from hospital to home, you need to be prepared! However, it can be very easy to over-pack, or worse, under-pack. | Pack Your Bag Before Going Into Labour |
While doctors agree in most cases that labor is best left up to nature, sometimes nature needs a push. You can safely attempt to induce labor at home but you should know what you can expect during a medical induction. | Induce Labour |
Here are five ways that you can minimize labour pains. These are healthy mind/body tips to use throughout your pregnancy. | Minimize Labour Pains |
A nursing care plan is an instrument used by nurses which outlines the care to be received by a patient. It is a set of actions the nurse will implement to resolve nursing problems identified by assessment. | Make a Nursing Care Plan for a Postpartum Hemorrhage |
Many women want to have a natural birth of their babies and are able to safely deliver without medical intervention. [1] If you have a high-risk pregnancy or simply appreciate the reassurance of having access to expert medical care in case of emergency, a home birth may not be possible or preferable; however, you can still have a comfortable and natural birth in a hospital. | Make a Hospital Birth a Natural Birth |
Your wife's labor experience may be the most stress you ever encounter in your life, but understand that it's even more stressful, and painful, for your wife. | Help Your Wife Through Labor |
By their ninth month, most moms-to-be are anxiously awaiting their delivery day. The truth is, a new baby will come when it's ready, period. Still, a mom's job is to encourage her little one, so if you're into your 40th week of pregnancy, you might want to try these ideas for encouraging your baby to come into the world a little faster. | Induce Labor Naturally |
Home births have been the norm for centuries. Only recently have women begun going to the hospital for childbirth. Today, home births have regained popularity for several reasons. | Plan a Home Birth |
Dealing with labor pain is something that most women fear a great deal, because of stories they read or hear, but the experience of labor is highly individual and can even be totally different for a second or third child. | Manage Pain During Labor |
A miscarriage is when a woman loses a pregnancy before the 20th week. It’s impossible to know how many pregnancies end in miscarriage, since many occur before the woman even knows she’s pregnant. | Know the Signs of Miscarriage |
A miscarriage is the unfortunate result of a genetic abnormality that occurs in the fetus, often characterized by the tripling of a chromosome. While miscarriage can't be prevented by Western medicine in any definite way, there are plenty of precautions you can take to decrease your chance of miscarrying. | Prevent a Miscarriage |
50% of women between the ages of 18-25 will experience at least 1 miscarriage in their lifetime. Anyone who hasn't experienced a miscarriage can easily appear insensitive and/or use lines like "It wasn't meant to be." | Get Through a Miscarriage |
Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion, occurs when a pregnancy fails to progress before 20 weeks of gestation. Miscarriages are common, impacting up to 25 percent of recognized pregnancies. | Determine If You Had a Miscarriage |
Up to 20 percent of pregnancies may end in miscarriage. [1] A number of factors impact a woman’s chance of miscarrying, from biological to lifestyle factors. | Prevent Recurrent Miscarriages |
Having a miscarriage can be very emotionally distressing for both you and your partner, while also taking its toll on your body. A miscarriage is defined as losing a fetus — spontaneously or otherwise — before 20 weeks of pregnancy. | Care for Yourself After a Miscarriage |
Having a miscarriage can be an emotionally difficult process. You will understandably be sad and grieving. Many people experience miscarriage and have a difficult time coping. | Explain Miscarriage to Children |
A miscarriage can be a devastating experience. While it is different for everyone, most people feel grief and even experience depression. Everyone's coping method will be different, but there are several steps that most people will find helpful. | Cope With a Miscarriage |
A miscarriage can be one of the hardest things a couple ever goes through. Having an unsupportive husband during this time can make you feel abandoned on top of the grief you already feel. | Deal with an Unsupportive Husband After a Miscarriage |
Most miscarriages are the result of a chromosomal abnormality in the developing fetus, not the result of something that the mother or her partner have done. | Have a Safe and Healthy Pregnancy After a Miscarriage |
A miscarriage is a spontaneous loss of a pregnancy prior to 20 weeks and unfortunately, is an all too common occurrence amongst women. About 10%-25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage and in the aftermath, you may feel anxiety, sadness, and confusion about trying to get pregnant again. | Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy After Miscarriage |
Do you want to add a baby boy to your family? There are many old wives’ tales that claim to help you conceive a baby boy. Many have no scientific backing. | Have a Baby Boy |
Doctors generally recommend waiting for labor to begin naturally up until two weeks after your due date. Sometimes women may wish to induce labor to accommodate busy schedules, but the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises strongly against this. | Go Into Labor Early |
During a water birth, a mother chooses to give birth in a birthing pool full of warm water. This can ease labor pain for a mother. However, there is also some evidence that delivering in water can increase a baby’s risk of breathing in water. | Have a Water Birth |
A "home birth" is when a woman chooses to give birth in her own home rather than in a hospital. Some women prefer the idea of a home birth for a variety of reasons - for instance, it can give mothers greater freedom during their labor to move, eat and bathe. | Give Birth at Home |