int64 0
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0 | This story of unrequited love doesn't sustain interest beyond the first half-hour. |
0 | It's a stale, overused cocktail using the same olives since 1962 as garnish. |
1 | In IMAX in short, it's just as wonderful on the big screen. |
0 | Sex ironically has little to do with the story, which becomes something about how lame it is to try and evade your responsibilities and that you should never, ever, leave a large dog alone with a toddler. |
1 | I'd watch these two together again in a New York minute. |
1 | It's a film that's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and, not far down the line, to find a place among the studio's animated classics. |
1 | Continually challenges perceptions of guilt and innocence, of good guys and bad, and asks us whether a noble end can justify evil means. |
1 | He's a better actor than a standup comedian. |
1 | So beautifully acted and directed, it's clear that Washington most certainly has a new career ahead of him if he so chooses. |
0 | He's just a sad aristocrat in tattered finery, and the film seems as deflated as he does. |
1 | Insomnia is one of the year's best films and Pacino gives one of his most daring, and complicated, performances. |
0 | It's so badly made on every level that I'm actually having a hard time believing people were paid to make it. |
1 | While not quite "Shrek" or "Monsters, Inc.", it's not too bad. |
1 | A slight but sweet film. |
0 | My only wish is that Celebi could take me back to a time before I saw this movie and I could just skip it. |
0 | One of these days Hollywood will come up with an original idea for a teen movie, but until then there's always these rehashes to feed to the younger generations. |
0 | an appalling 'Ace Ventura' rip-off that somehow manages to bring together Kevin Pollak, former wrestler Chyna and Dolly Parton. |
1 | A smart, arch and rather cold-blooded comedy. |
0 | It finds no way to entertain or inspire its viewers. |
1 | A powerful, chilling, and affecting study of one man's dying fall. |
0 | The satire is unfocused, while the story goes nowhere. |
1 | The Son Of The Bride's humour is born out of an engaging storyline, which also isn't embarrassed to make you reach for the tissues. |
0 | An uneasy mix of run-of-the-mill raunchy humor and seemingly sincere personal reflection. |
1 | An uplifting, near-masterpiece. |
0 | The film's hero is a bore and his innocence soon becomes a questionable kind of inexcusable dumb innocence. |
1 | Unlike lots of Hollywood fluff, this has layered, well-developed characters and some surprises. |
0 | In his role of observer of the scene, Lawrence sounds whiny and defensive, as if his life-altering experiences made him bitter and less mature. |
0 | Boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quickly wears out its limited welcome. |
1 | Pete's screenplay manages to find that real natural, even-flowing tone that few movies are able to accomplish. |
0 | Exploitative and largely devoid of the depth or sophistication that would make watching such a graphic treatment of the crimes bearable. |
1 | The humor and humanity of Monsoon Wedding are in perfect balance. |
1 | The gorgeously elaborate continuation of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy is so huge that a column of words cannot adequately describe co-writer/director Peter Jackson's expanded vision of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. |
0 | To paraphrase a line from another Dickens' novel, Nicholas Nickleby is too much like a fragment of an underdone potato. |
0 | Lacks depth. |
0 | It's as if Solondz had two ideas for two movies, couldn't really figure out how to flesh either out, so he just slopped 'em together here. |
0 | In the end, Tuck Everlasting falls victim to that everlasting conundrum experienced by every human who ever lived: too much to do, too little time to do it in. |
1 | This slight premise ... works because of the ideal casting of the masterful British actor Ian Holm as the aged Napoleon. |
0 | Rarely has sex on screen been so aggressively anti-erotic. |
1 | Straightforward and old-fashioned in the best possible senses of both those words, Possession is a movie that puts itself squarely in the service of the lovers who inhabit it. |
1 | Though the story ... is hackneyed, the characters have a freshness and modesty that transcends their predicament. |
1 | It's light on the chills and heavy on the atmospheric weirdness, and there are moments of jaw-droppingly odd behavior -- yet I found it weirdly appealing. |
1 | The first Tunisian film I have ever seen, and it's also probably the most good-hearted yet sensual entertainment I'm likely to see all year. |
1 | Anybody who enjoys quirky, fun, popcorn movies with a touch of silliness and a little bloodshed. |
1 | As the dominant Christine, Sylvie Testud is icily brilliant. |
0 | The makers of Mothman Prophecies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a mediocre horror film too bad to be good and too good to be bad. |
1 | (A) devastatingly powerful and astonishingly vivid Holocaust drama. |
1 | Dogtown & Z-Boys evokes the blithe rebel fantasy with the kind of insouciance embedded in the sexy demise of James Dean. |
1 | It works well enough, since the thrills pop up frequently, and the dispatching of the cast is as often imaginative as it is gory. |
1 | (Hayek) throws herself into this dream Hispanic role with a teeth-clenching gusto, she strikes a potent chemistry with Molina and she gradually makes us believe she is Kahlo. |
0 | The film's needlessly opaque intro takes its doe-eyed Crudup out of pre-9/11 New York and onto a cross-country road trip of the Homeric kind. |
0 | The biggest problem with Satin Rouge is Lilia herself. |
0 | The thought of watching this film with an audience full of teenagers fixating on its body humour and reinforcement of stereotypes (of which they'll get plenty) fills me with revulsion. |
1 | Captivates and shows how a skillful filmmaker can impart a message without bludgeoning the audience over the head. |
0 | Jaglom offers the none-too-original premise that everyone involved with moviemaking is a con artist and a liar. |
0 | Contrived, maudlin and cliche-ridden...if this sappy script was the best the contest received, those rejected must have been astronomically bad. |
0 | One suspects that Craven endorses They simply because this movie makes his own look much better by comparison. |
0 | The film's final hour, where nearly all the previous unseen material resides, is unconvincing soap opera that Tornatore was right to cut. |
1 | Like its bizarre heroine, it irrigates our souls. |
1 | Savvy director Robert J. Siegel and his co-writers keep the story subtle and us in suspense. |
0 | Puts on airs of a Hal Hartley wannabe film -- without the vital comic ingredient of the hilarious writer-director himself. |
0 | The appeal of the vulgar, sexist, racist humour went over my head or -- considering just how low brow it is -- perhaps it snuck under my feet. |
0 | Has the disjointed feel of a bunch of strung-together TV episodes. |
1 | While Broomfield's film doesn't capture the effect of these tragic deaths on hip-hop culture, it succeeds as a powerful look at a failure of our justice system. |
0 | Completely creatively stillborn and executed in a manner that I'm not sure could be a single iota worse... a soulless hunk of exploitative garbage. |
1 | ...a vivid, thoughtful, unapologetically raw coming-of-age tale full of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. |
1 | A treat for its depiction on not giving up on dreams when you're a struggling nobody. |
0 | It's fitting that a movie as artificial and soulless as The Country Bears owes its genesis to an animatronic display at Disneyland. |
0 | We don't get paid enough to sit through crap like this. |
0 | Feels like a cold old man going through the motions. |
1 | Both an admirable reconstruction of terrible events, and a fitting memorial to the dead of that day, and of the thousands thereafter. |
1 | Bravado Kathy! |
0 | Execrable. |
0 | (Seagal's) strenuous attempt at a change in expression could very well clinch him this year's Razzie. |
0 | Thoroughly awful. |
1 | The production values are of the highest and the performances attractive without being memorable. |
0 | Starts as a tart little lemon drop of a movie and ends up as a bitter pill. |
1 | Despite Besson's high-profile name being Wasabi's big selling point, there is no doubt that Krawczyk deserves a huge amount of the credit for the film's thoroughly winning tone. |
0 | Often lingers just as long on the irrelevant as on the engaging, which gradually turns What Time Is It There? |
1 | A sensitive, moving, brilliantly constructed work. |
0 | Not exaggerated enough to be a parody of gross-out flicks, college flicks, or even flicks in general. |
0 | A high-minded snoozer. |
1 | Bring on the sequel. |
1 | Judging by those standards, 'Scratch' is a pretty decent little documentary. |
0 | A movie like The Guys is why film criticism can be considered work. |
0 | PC stability notwithstanding, the film suffers from a simplistic narrative and a pat, fairy-tale conclusion. |
1 | An often watchable, though goofy and lurid, blast of a costume drama set in the late 15th century. |
0 | Check your brain and your secret agent decoder ring at the door because you don't want to think too much about what's going on. |
1 | A seriocomic debut of extravagant promise by Georgian-Israeli director Dover Kosashvili. |
0 | As saccharine as it is disposable. |
1 | The film becomes an overwhelming pleasure, and you find yourself rooting for Gai's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other Carmen before her. |
1 | Matters play out realistically if not always fairly. |
0 | As lively an account as Seinfeld is deadpan. |
1 | It may not be a great piece of filmmaking, but its power comes from its soul's-eye view of how well-meaning patronizing masked a social injustice, at least as represented by this case. |
0 | The only thing that distinguishes a Randall Wallace film from any other is the fact that there is nothing distinguishing in a Randall Wallace film. |
0 | Contains all the substance of a Twinkie -- easy to swallow, but scarcely nourishing. |
1 | Cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expression. |
0 | Ver Wiel's desperate attempt at wit is lost, leaving the character of Critical Jim two-dimensional and pointless. |
1 | Instead of hitting the audience over the head with a moral, Schrader relies on subtle ironies and visual devices to convey point of view. |
0 | A sustained fest of self-congratulation between actor and director that leaves scant place for the viewer. |
0 | A lame romantic comedy about an unsympathetic character and someone who would not likely be so stupid as to get involved with her. |
Subsets and Splits