The Easter Present
[ "Raymond woke up excited because it was Easter morning.", "He jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.", "He wanted to see if the Easter Bunny had come.", "To his delight he saw his Easter basket full of presents and candy.", "He knew that this was going to be an amazing Easter." ]
[ "He wanted to see if the Easter Bunny had come.", "Raymond woke up excited because it was Easter morning.", "To his delight he saw his Easter basket full of presents and candy.", "He knew that this was going to be an amazing Easter.", "He jumped out of bed and ran downstairs." ]
[ 1, 4, 0, 2, 3 ]
How I was elected
[ "I went into the voting booth on election day.", "I saw that no one was running for constable.", "I voted for myself as a write-in candidate.", "I was the only person who voted for the position.", "I am now constable of my voting ward." ]
[ "I was the only person who voted for the position.", "I went into the voting booth on election day.", "I voted for myself as a write-in candidate.", "I saw that no one was running for constable.", "I am now constable of my voting ward." ]
[ 1, 3, 2, 0, 4 ]
Packing Tape
[ "I bought a box of packing tape from Amazon.", "It was an Amazon Prime order.", "The package was supposed to arrive on Wednesday by 8 pm.", "It did not arrive that day.", "I contacted Amazon and accepted a $5 credit." ]
[ "The package was supposed to arrive on Wednesday by 8 pm.", "It did not arrive that day.", "I contacted Amazon and accepted a $5 credit.", "I bought a box of packing tape from Amazon.", "It was an Amazon Prime order." ]
[ 3, 4, 0, 1, 2 ]
[ "Jim's jaw was very swollen and red.", "He couldn't figure out what was the problem.", "Jim went to the dentist, who looked at his teeth.", "The dentist found a rotten tooth, and pulled it out.", "Afterwards, Jim was always careful to brush his teeth twice a day." ]
[ "Afterwards, Jim was always careful to brush his teeth twice a day.", "He couldn't figure out what was the problem.", "Jim's jaw was very swollen and red.", "Jim went to the dentist, who looked at his teeth.", "The dentist found a rotten tooth, and pulled it out." ]
[ 2, 1, 3, 4, 0 ]
Rare Bird
[ "Marge was out in the woods looking for birds.", "She saw a very rare bird high up in a tree.", "To get a better look she climbed the tree next to it.", "At the top , Marge took out her binoculars and watched the bird.", "She excitedly wrote down her find in her bird journal." ]
[ "To get a better look she climbed the tree next to it.", "Marge was out in the woods looking for birds.", "She excitedly wrote down her find in her bird journal.", "She saw a very rare bird high up in a tree.", "At the top , Marge took out her binoculars and watched the bird." ]
[ 1, 3, 0, 4, 2 ]
Phil goes to War
[ "Phil was a young man in his early twenties'", "Undecided what to do with his life being recently let go of his job.", "He speaks with his closest friends who recruits him to the army.", "Phil spends time in the army and the time has come to go to war.", "Phil fights in the war and receives a medal of honor for his braveness" ]
[ "Phil spends time in the army and the time has come to go to war.", "Undecided what to do with his life being recently let go of his job.", "Phil fights in the war and receives a medal of honor for his braveness", "He speaks with his closest friends who recruits him to the army.", "Phil was a young man in his early twenties'" ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 0, 2 ]
Too Nice
[ "Adriana was a faithful woman.", "She would do anything for her husband.", "Sadly he didn't show as much love for her.", "Adriana walked in on her husband with another woman.", "After his apology she forgave him and stayed in the marriage." ]
[ "She would do anything for her husband.", "Adriana walked in on her husband with another woman.", "Sadly he didn't show as much love for her.", "Adriana was a faithful woman.", "After his apology she forgave him and stayed in the marriage." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
Less Hours
[ "Working late hours was normal for Tom.", "Anytime the office was open he was at work.", "Tom began having children with his wife.", "As his kids grew they complained about his work schedule.", "Tom had to learn to cut back on his hours to spend time with his kids." ]
[ "Tom had to learn to cut back on his hours to spend time with his kids.", "Tom began having children with his wife.", "Anytime the office was open he was at work.", "Working late hours was normal for Tom.", "As his kids grew they complained about his work schedule." ]
[ 3, 2, 1, 4, 0 ]
[ "Leslie's boyfriend was overseas making money.", "She met another boy and invited him over to watch movies one night.", "Leslie's boyfriend came home unexpectedly to propose to her.", "He caught them kissing on the couch,", "Leslie's boyfriend punched the other boy in the nose." ]
[ "She met another boy and invited him over to watch movies one night.", "He caught them kissing on the couch,", "Leslie's boyfriend was overseas making money.", "Leslie's boyfriend punched the other boy in the nose.", "Leslie's boyfriend came home unexpectedly to propose to her." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 1, 3 ]
Phone charger
[ "Johnny brought his phone to work everyday.", "His phone would always run out of battery before his shift ended.", "He would be bored at the end of his shift.", "He decided to bring his charger to work with him.", "He was never bored at the end of a shift, again." ]
[ "His phone would always run out of battery before his shift ended.", "He would be bored at the end of his shift.", "Johnny brought his phone to work everyday.", "He decided to bring his charger to work with him.", "He was never bored at the end of a shift, again." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 3, 4 ]
[ "Seamus became very interested in US politics.", "He passionately supported his favorite politician.", "This particular politician was running for governor.", "With Seamus' help, the politician won the election.", "The politician did not keep his promises, discouraging Seamus." ]
[ "He passionately supported his favorite politician.", "The politician did not keep his promises, discouraging Seamus.", "This particular politician was running for governor.", "With Seamus' help, the politician won the election.", "Seamus became very interested in US politics." ]
[ 4, 0, 2, 3, 1 ]
Libby's New Shoes
[ "Libby ordered new shoes on the internet.", "She waited eight days for the shoes to arrive.", "On the eighth day, a package was delivered.", "Libby eagerly opened the box.", "Libby tried on her new shoes." ]
[ "On the eighth day, a package was delivered.", "She waited eight days for the shoes to arrive.", "Libby ordered new shoes on the internet.", "Libby tried on her new shoes.", "Libby eagerly opened the box." ]
[ 2, 1, 0, 4, 3 ]
[ "My sister had colitis.", "She could only eat certain grains.", "I accidentally fed her rye for dinner.", "She had to go to the emergency room.", "I realized I should double check what I feed her." ]
[ "My sister had colitis.", "I realized I should double check what I feed her.", "She had to go to the emergency room.", "She could only eat certain grains.", "I accidentally fed her rye for dinner." ]
[ 0, 3, 4, 2, 1 ]
[ "Hannah was fascinated from the hair curler advertisement on television", "Her mom purchased the same exact curler that was advertised.", "Hannah tried it out in her bathroom.", "Unfortunately, the curler burned a huge piece of her hair.", "Hannah had to cut her hair short to even out the damaged ends." ]
[ "Hannah had to cut her hair short to even out the damaged ends.", "Her mom purchased the same exact curler that was advertised.", "Hannah was fascinated from the hair curler advertisement on television", "Hannah tried it out in her bathroom.", "Unfortunately, the curler burned a huge piece of her hair." ]
[ 2, 1, 3, 4, 0 ]
Man in the mirror
[ "Red went to the bathroom to shave.", "The mirror was too dirty to see too well.", "Red wiped down the mirror to see better.", "Once the mirror was clean he shaved his face.", "Red cleaned the mirror again before he left the bathroom." ]
[ "The mirror was too dirty to see too well.", "Red cleaned the mirror again before he left the bathroom.", "Red wiped down the mirror to see better.", "Red went to the bathroom to shave.", "Once the mirror was clean he shaved his face." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 4, 1 ]
Bob's Applesauce
[ "Everyday Bob's mother added applesauce to his lunchbox.", "Bob always tried to give the applesauce away at school.", "But nobody wanted the gross applesauce.", "One day, Sarah accepted it.", "She only kept it because she liked Bob." ]
[ "But nobody wanted the gross applesauce.", "She only kept it because she liked Bob.", "Bob always tried to give the applesauce away at school.", "Everyday Bob's mother added applesauce to his lunchbox.", "One day, Sarah accepted it." ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 4, 1 ]
Be Careful What You Say
[ "Jeff insulted Carrie in school.", "He said that her shoes are extremely cheap.", "Carrie became offended by the comment and ran home.", "The next day, her brother confronted Jeff.", "He gave a Jeff a huge wedgie, and the whole class laughed at him." ]
[ "He said that her shoes are extremely cheap.", "The next day, her brother confronted Jeff.", "Carrie became offended by the comment and ran home.", "Jeff insulted Carrie in school.", "He gave a Jeff a huge wedgie, and the whole class laughed at him." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
Sweet Music
[ "Music was Kat's life.", "She never met an instrument that she couldn't play.", "Her gift for music took her all the way to New York City.", "She earned a scholarship to a prestigious performing arts school.", "She completed her studies with honors, and is now a renowned pianist." ]
[ "Music was Kat's life.", "She completed her studies with honors, and is now a renowned pianist.", "She never met an instrument that she couldn't play.", "She earned a scholarship to a prestigious performing arts school.", "Her gift for music took her all the way to New York City." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 3, 1 ]
Rhonda gets a sense of humor
[ "Rhonda won tickets to a comedy show.", "Rhonda was not a big fan of comedy.", "She decided to go to the show anyway.", "Rhonda thought the comedians were hilarious.", "Now Rhonda regularly attends comedy shows." ]
[ "Now Rhonda regularly attends comedy shows.", "She decided to go to the show anyway.", "Rhonda thought the comedians were hilarious.", "Rhonda was not a big fan of comedy.", "Rhonda won tickets to a comedy show." ]
[ 4, 3, 1, 2, 0 ]
Broken phone
[ "Joe was playing in his yard.", "His phone fell out.", "It broke in half.", "Luckily Joe had an insurance plan on the phone.", "The phone company gave him a brand new phone!" ]
[ "Joe was playing in his yard.", "His phone fell out.", "The phone company gave him a brand new phone!", "It broke in half.", "Luckily Joe had an insurance plan on the phone." ]
[ 0, 1, 3, 4, 2 ]
Walking on a Rainy Day
[ "Jim had to walk to school on a rainy day.", "He put on his rubber boots and rain jacket.", "He got his umbrella from the closet.", "Jim stepped outside into the pouring rain.", "He quickly opened his umbrella in order to stay dry as he walked." ]
[ "Jim stepped outside into the pouring rain.", "Jim had to walk to school on a rainy day.", "He quickly opened his umbrella in order to stay dry as he walked.", "He put on his rubber boots and rain jacket.", "He got his umbrella from the closet." ]
[ 1, 3, 4, 0, 2 ]
[ "Tom wanted to walk backwards.", "He wanted to do it the whole day.", "He walked backwards through school.", "He bumped into the salad bar in the lunchroom.", "Tom never walked backwards again." ]
[ "He wanted to do it the whole day.", "Tom never walked backwards again.", "He bumped into the salad bar in the lunchroom.", "Tom wanted to walk backwards.", "He walked backwards through school." ]
[ 3, 0, 4, 2, 1 ]
[ "Cayla wasn't sure what was wrong with her.", "She didn't seem sick but she couldn't get out of bed.", "Cayla's mom would yell at her to get up and go to school.", "Cayla finally saw a doctor and explained her problems.", "The doctor said Cayla was depressed." ]
[ "The doctor said Cayla was depressed.", "Cayla's mom would yell at her to get up and go to school.", "Cayla wasn't sure what was wrong with her.", "She didn't seem sick but she couldn't get out of bed.", "Cayla finally saw a doctor and explained her problems." ]
[ 2, 3, 1, 4, 0 ]
Brand new shoes
[ "Mike went to the park to play basketball with his friends.", "He showed off his brand new shoes to everyone.", "Mike told everyone his shoes would help him play better.", "After the game, Mike realized he had not played any differently.", "Mike regretted spending so much money on his new shoes." ]
[ "He showed off his brand new shoes to everyone.", "After the game, Mike realized he had not played any differently.", "Mike went to the park to play basketball with his friends.", "Mike regretted spending so much money on his new shoes.", "Mike told everyone his shoes would help him play better." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 1, 3 ]
Stormy Weather
[ "Bill the weatherman was shocked to see the letter at his desk.", "It was $500 and a note from an umbrella company to predict more rain.", "Last week he got $600 from a sunglasses company to call for more sun.", "He panic during his next broadcast and predicted an earthquake.", "There was no quake but everyone in town swore they felt something." ]
[ "Last week he got $600 from a sunglasses company to call for more sun.", "There was no quake but everyone in town swore they felt something.", "It was $500 and a note from an umbrella company to predict more rain.", "Bill the weatherman was shocked to see the letter at his desk.", "He panic during his next broadcast and predicted an earthquake." ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 4, 1 ]
[ "Kiki was a brand new mother.", "She wanted to try to breastfeed her baby.", "Kiki found it to be more difficult than she thought it would be.", "She decided to switch to formula feeding.", "Kiki and her baby were much happier with her decision." ]
[ "Kiki and her baby were much happier with her decision.", "She decided to switch to formula feeding.", "Kiki was a brand new mother.", "Kiki found it to be more difficult than she thought it would be.", "She wanted to try to breastfeed her baby." ]
[ 2, 4, 3, 1, 0 ]
Dave's Boat
[ "Dave loved to sail.", "One day he decided to sail his boat far away.", "He packed all sort of gear for the trip.", "The day before the trip his boat was stolen.", "Dave was sad he couldn't take his trip." ]
[ "One day he decided to sail his boat far away.", "The day before the trip his boat was stolen.", "Dave was sad he couldn't take his trip.", "He packed all sort of gear for the trip.", "Dave loved to sail." ]
[ 4, 0, 3, 1, 2 ]
The Cute Guy
[ "Susan saw a cute guy in math class.", "She followed the cute guy to his science class.", "Susan sat behind him and stared at the cute guy.", "The teacher asked Susan why she was in the wrong class.", "Embarrassed, Susan stood up and went to her class." ]
[ "She followed the cute guy to his science class.", "Susan sat behind him and stared at the cute guy.", "Embarrassed, Susan stood up and went to her class.", "Susan saw a cute guy in math class.", "The teacher asked Susan why she was in the wrong class." ]
[ 3, 0, 1, 4, 2 ]
School food fight
[ "Dan threw mashed potatoes at his friend Alex in the cafeteria.", "Alex thew food back.", "Before long the whole cafeteria was throwing food.", "A teacher saw Dan start the food fight.", "Dan was suspended for 2 days." ]
[ "Alex thew food back.", "A teacher saw Dan start the food fight.", "Dan was suspended for 2 days.", "Before long the whole cafeteria was throwing food.", "Dan threw mashed potatoes at his friend Alex in the cafeteria." ]
[ 4, 0, 3, 1, 2 ]
Yuko Goes to Dinner
[ "Yuko is very hungry in her apartment.", "She decides she would like to eat.", "She checks the cabinets but she does not have any food.", "Yuko decides to go out to eat.", "Finally Yuko can eat dinner at a restaurant." ]
[ "She decides she would like to eat.", "She checks the cabinets but she does not have any food.", "Finally Yuko can eat dinner at a restaurant.", "Yuko is very hungry in her apartment.", "Yuko decides to go out to eat." ]
[ 3, 0, 1, 4, 2 ]
Bee sting
[ "I sat on a bee in the locker room.", "I jumped around in pain.", "I began to cry because my friend was laughing at me.", "A nice lady came and took the stinger out of my butt.", "I left my friend behind in the locker room." ]
[ "I jumped around in pain.", "I sat on a bee in the locker room.", "A nice lady came and took the stinger out of my butt.", "I left my friend behind in the locker room.", "I began to cry because my friend was laughing at me." ]
[ 1, 0, 4, 2, 3 ]
Movie Fiasco
[ "My friend and I wanted to see a new movie in the theatres.", "We went to the theatre and bought our tickets then walked inside.", "Once, we were in the theatre, my friend handed me a bottle of beer.", "As soon as the bottle touched my lips, a flashlight shined at us.", "We were told to leave the theatre and the beer was confiscated." ]
[ "We went to the theatre and bought our tickets then walked inside.", "Once, we were in the theatre, my friend handed me a bottle of beer.", "We were told to leave the theatre and the beer was confiscated.", "My friend and I wanted to see a new movie in the theatres.", "As soon as the bottle touched my lips, a flashlight shined at us." ]
[ 3, 0, 1, 4, 2 ]
Painted Rocks
[ "Penny was a very good painter.", "One day she decided to paint animals on large, smooth rocks.", "Her creation turned out so well she painted more.", "She put them up for sale at a flea market.", "She sold out within the hour making over $100." ]
[ "She sold out within the hour making over $100.", "Penny was a very good painter.", "She put them up for sale at a flea market.", "Her creation turned out so well she painted more.", "One day she decided to paint animals on large, smooth rocks." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 2, 0 ]
Stupid Boy
[ "Gina had one of her new Lisa Frank pencils on her desk.", "A boy named Dave ran over and snatched it.", "The pencil was brand new.", "And the boy threatened to sharpen it to annoy Gina.", "Gina pretended not to care, and he gave the pencil back." ]
[ "And the boy threatened to sharpen it to annoy Gina.", "A boy named Dave ran over and snatched it.", "Gina pretended not to care, and he gave the pencil back.", "Gina had one of her new Lisa Frank pencils on her desk.", "The pencil was brand new." ]
[ 3, 1, 4, 0, 2 ]
[ "Hari was getting old and stiff.", "He decided to take care of his health.", "He enrolled in yoga class.", "At first, he was the worst yogi at the yoga class.", "But, after many years he became one of the best yogis!" ]
[ "He enrolled in yoga class.", "At first, he was the worst yogi at the yoga class.", "He decided to take care of his health.", "Hari was getting old and stiff.", "But, after many years he became one of the best yogis!" ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
Netflix and Bill
[ "Jim wanted to binge watch his favorite show.", "He ordered the DVD set but couldn't wait for it to arrive.", "His friend Bill also loved the show.", "He called Bill but Bill didn't have it on DVD either.", "They saw it was on Netflix and binge watched it together." ]
[ "Jim wanted to binge watch his favorite show.", "He called Bill but Bill didn't have it on DVD either.", "They saw it was on Netflix and binge watched it together.", "His friend Bill also loved the show.", "He ordered the DVD set but couldn't wait for it to arrive." ]
[ 0, 4, 3, 1, 2 ]
Making cheese
[ "I wanted to make cheese.", "I began to boil milk.", "I poured vinegar into the milk.", "I let it curdle up over the heat.", "I then filtered the cheese curds out of the milk." ]
[ "I poured vinegar into the milk.", "I began to boil milk.", "I wanted to make cheese.", "I then filtered the cheese curds out of the milk.", "I let it curdle up over the heat." ]
[ 2, 1, 0, 4, 3 ]
Stale Crust
[ "I arrived to the pizza place since my delivery was made.", "The cashier gave me my orders and took down the payment.", "Before going into the car, I checked the pizza.", "Unfortunately, I noticed that the entire pizza is tough and stale.", "Luckily, I received a refund on the purchase." ]
[ "Before going into the car, I checked the pizza.", "Luckily, I received a refund on the purchase.", "The cashier gave me my orders and took down the payment.", "Unfortunately, I noticed that the entire pizza is tough and stale.", "I arrived to the pizza place since my delivery was made." ]
[ 4, 2, 0, 3, 1 ]
Jim Dies His Hair
[ "Jim noticed that his hair was becoming more gray every year.", "He didn't like the gray, but felt that he dying his hair was dishonest", "One day he decided to trying dying his hair.", "Jim loved the way he looked black hair again.", "Jim no longer felt that dying his hair was in any way dishonest." ]
[ "Jim no longer felt that dying his hair was in any way dishonest.", "Jim loved the way he looked black hair again.", "He didn't like the gray, but felt that he dying his hair was dishonest", "One day he decided to trying dying his hair.", "Jim noticed that his hair was becoming more gray every year." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 1, 0 ]
Piggy Bank
[ "Alistair bought a piggy bank to save with.", "He put several nickels into it everyday.", "Eventually he was able to save up for a new book.", "He broke the piggy bank to get the change.", "Finally he got his new book." ]
[ "He broke the piggy bank to get the change.", "He put several nickels into it everyday.", "Eventually he was able to save up for a new book.", "Alistair bought a piggy bank to save with.", "Finally he got his new book." ]
[ 3, 1, 2, 0, 4 ]
[ "A squirrel lived in a tree outside Anna's bedroom.", "Everyday it tried to steal seeds from a bird feeder out there.", "However there was a device to prevent the squirrels from getting any.", "So Anna dismantled the squirrel preventing device.", "Soon the squirrel was big and fat on bird seed." ]
[ "So Anna dismantled the squirrel preventing device.", "A squirrel lived in a tree outside Anna's bedroom.", "Everyday it tried to steal seeds from a bird feeder out there.", "However there was a device to prevent the squirrels from getting any.", "Soon the squirrel was big and fat on bird seed." ]
[ 1, 2, 3, 0, 4 ]
[ "I had ten thousand dollars.", "I decided to start a lawn care business.", "So, I leased a car and hired a friend to work with me.", "Our business was doing great!", "Soon, we became the best lawn care business in town." ]
[ "I decided to start a lawn care business.", "I had ten thousand dollars.", "So, I leased a car and hired a friend to work with me.", "Our business was doing great!", "Soon, we became the best lawn care business in town." ]
[ 1, 0, 2, 3, 4 ]
Linda Decides to Vote
[ "Linda has never voted in any election.", "However, her friends tell her that this election is very important.", "She spends weeks researching all the candidates.", "On election day Linda votes for the candidate she likes best.", "She is very happy that she voted this year." ]
[ "However, her friends tell her that this election is very important.", "Linda has never voted in any election.", "She spends weeks researching all the candidates.", "On election day Linda votes for the candidate she likes best.", "She is very happy that she voted this year." ]
[ 1, 0, 2, 3, 4 ]
She Was Crazy
[ "In the beginning, Charles didn't think Lisa was crazy.", "But he was wrong.", "The more they dated, the less he liked her.", "Charles stopped calling her and turned off his ringer.", "Lisa called him constantly for two weeks." ]
[ "In the beginning, Charles didn't think Lisa was crazy.", "But he was wrong.", "Charles stopped calling her and turned off his ringer.", "Lisa called him constantly for two weeks.", "The more they dated, the less he liked her." ]
[ 0, 1, 4, 2, 3 ]
[ "Terri was always the best math student in her classes.", "But she felt insecure when someone got better math grades than her.", "Terri bragged that she never studied.", "But eventually, her grades got worse.", "Terri decided to work hard and got the best math grades in her school." ]
[ "Terri bragged that she never studied.", "But eventually, her grades got worse.", "But she felt insecure when someone got better math grades than her.", "Terri was always the best math student in her classes.", "Terri decided to work hard and got the best math grades in her school." ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
Leprechaun Trap
[ "I once made a leprechaun trap as a kid.", "I really fantasized that I'd find a leprechaun in there.", "I put candy, drawings, and things inside to attract the leprechaun.", "I waited all day and there was nothing to be found.", "By the next morning there still wasn't a leprechaun and I gave up." ]
[ "I once made a leprechaun trap as a kid.", "By the next morning there still wasn't a leprechaun and I gave up.", "I waited all day and there was nothing to be found.", "I really fantasized that I'd find a leprechaun in there.", "I put candy, drawings, and things inside to attract the leprechaun." ]
[ 0, 3, 4, 2, 1 ]
New Clothes
[ "Janice was cleaning her closet last week.", "She noticed she had almost no new clothes.", "It made her sad.", "She felt poor and worthless.", "She closed the closet door rather than finish cleaning." ]
[ "It made her sad.", "She noticed she had almost no new clothes.", "She felt poor and worthless.", "Janice was cleaning her closet last week.", "She closed the closet door rather than finish cleaning." ]
[ 3, 1, 0, 2, 4 ]
Grass Fire
[ "I got a call from my friend Roger this afternoon.", "He said that his property caught on fire and he needed my help.", "We used my horse trailer to move all the animals very quickly.", "The fire department got things under control in a few hours.", "Thankfully the only thing that burned was grass." ]
[ "Thankfully the only thing that burned was grass.", "The fire department got things under control in a few hours.", "He said that his property caught on fire and he needed my help.", "We used my horse trailer to move all the animals very quickly.", "I got a call from my friend Roger this afternoon." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 1, 0 ]
Cookie Raid
[ "A little girl wanted to eat cookies.", "It was late at night and her parents were asleep.", "The girl tiptoed across the kitchen slowly.", "She reached her hand into the cookie jar and pulled out a cookie.", "But when she turned around, an angry mother was glaring at her!" ]
[ "It was late at night and her parents were asleep.", "She reached her hand into the cookie jar and pulled out a cookie.", "But when she turned around, an angry mother was glaring at her!", "The girl tiptoed across the kitchen slowly.", "A little girl wanted to eat cookies." ]
[ 4, 0, 3, 1, 2 ]
The New Laptop
[ "Jason wants to buy a new laptop.", "His old laptop is getting slow.", "Jason researches current laptops.", "Jason decides to buy an Apple Macbook.", "Jason goes to the Apple store and purchases his new laptop." ]
[ "Jason goes to the Apple store and purchases his new laptop.", "Jason decides to buy an Apple Macbook.", "Jason wants to buy a new laptop.", "Jason researches current laptops.", "His old laptop is getting slow." ]
[ 2, 4, 3, 1, 0 ]
Francisco's Flight
[ "Francisco hadn't seen his mother in Years.", "He saved up money diligently for the flight to her home in Iowa.", "Finally the day had come for Francisco to fly to Iowa.", "He and his mother were very happy to see each other.", "Francisco promised he would never wait so long to see her again." ]
[ "Francisco hadn't seen his mother in Years.", "Francisco promised he would never wait so long to see her again.", "Finally the day had come for Francisco to fly to Iowa.", "He saved up money diligently for the flight to her home in Iowa.", "He and his mother were very happy to see each other." ]
[ 0, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]
Fernando Paints His Bedroom
[ "Fernando is tired of the simple colors his apartment is painted.", "He decides to paint his bedroom a new color.", "The paint store has a sale on a beautiful gray color.", "Fernando takes a day off work to paint his bedroom.", "He is very happy how his bedroom looks with gray walls." ]
[ "Fernando is tired of the simple colors his apartment is painted.", "He decides to paint his bedroom a new color.", "The paint store has a sale on a beautiful gray color.", "Fernando takes a day off work to paint his bedroom.", "He is very happy how his bedroom looks with gray walls." ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Ball over the Fence
[ "Sam and Joe were tossing a ball around in the back yard.", "Joe accidentally tossed the ball over the fence.", "The ball went into the neighbor's yard.", "Sam climbed over the fence to get the ball.", "Joe was more careful with the ball after that." ]
[ "Joe accidentally tossed the ball over the fence.", "Sam climbed over the fence to get the ball.", "Sam and Joe were tossing a ball around in the back yard.", "Joe was more careful with the ball after that.", "The ball went into the neighbor's yard." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 1, 3 ]
Paper Cuts
[ "Sam was reading the book out loud in class.", "After she finished read one page, she tried to flip the page.", "The sides ended up cutting her finger.", "The teacher immediately took her to a clinic.", "The nurse rubbed alcohol and placed a band-aid around it." ]
[ "The teacher immediately took her to a clinic.", "Sam was reading the book out loud in class.", "After she finished read one page, she tried to flip the page.", "The sides ended up cutting her finger.", "The nurse rubbed alcohol and placed a band-aid around it." ]
[ 1, 2, 3, 0, 4 ]
Zombie Attack
[ "Eli was a fan of the Walking Dead and all his friends knew it.", "One day they decided to prank him by dressing up as zombies.", "Eli was scared out of his wits and shot them all!", "The court didn't think he proved he felt he was in imminent danger.", "Eli was sentenced to life in prison for his reckless behavior." ]
[ "Eli was a fan of the Walking Dead and all his friends knew it.", "One day they decided to prank him by dressing up as zombies.", "The court didn't think he proved he felt he was in imminent danger.", "Eli was scared out of his wits and shot them all!", "Eli was sentenced to life in prison for his reckless behavior." ]
[ 0, 1, 3, 2, 4 ]
Room for Baby
[ "Dina and her husband lived in a one bedroom apartment.", "They were expecting a child very soon.", "They didn't have the money to get a two bedroom place.", "Dina purchased a crib and made room for the baby in their room.", "This arrangement worked out perfectly for all three of them." ]
[ "Dina and her husband lived in a one bedroom apartment.", "They didn't have the money to get a two bedroom place.", "They were expecting a child very soon.", "Dina purchased a crib and made room for the baby in their room.", "This arrangement worked out perfectly for all three of them." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 3, 4 ]
Juan's Running Shoes
[ "Juan resolved to start exercising more.", "He needed a new pair of shoes to exercise.", "The local store had a great pair of running shoes.", "Juan tried them on and they fit perfectly.", "He was ready to start getting into shape!" ]
[ "He was ready to start getting into shape!", "The local store had a great pair of running shoes.", "Juan tried them on and they fit perfectly.", "Juan resolved to start exercising more.", "He needed a new pair of shoes to exercise." ]
[ 3, 4, 1, 2, 0 ]
Getting a Pet
[ "Mary and Lou decided to buy a parakeet.", "On the way to the pet store they saw an injured bird.", "The bird had hurt its wing.", "Mary got out of the car and tenderly picked up the bird.", "They drove back home." ]
[ "The bird had hurt its wing.", "On the way to the pet store they saw an injured bird.", "Mary and Lou decided to buy a parakeet.", "They drove back home.", "Mary got out of the car and tenderly picked up the bird." ]
[ 2, 1, 0, 4, 3 ]
The bug-killing kitty.
[ "Jordan was watching a movie.", "Suddenly, she noticed a gigantic water bug on the floor.", "She put her cat in the room with it.", "The cat quickly hunted down the bug.", "It ate the bug and Jordan was able to relax again." ]
[ "She put her cat in the room with it.", "The cat quickly hunted down the bug.", "It ate the bug and Jordan was able to relax again.", "Suddenly, she noticed a gigantic water bug on the floor.", "Jordan was watching a movie." ]
[ 4, 3, 0, 1, 2 ]
[ "Jay had a job interview coming up.", "He needed to be ready for it.", "He went out to buy a new suit.", "He practiced his speaking skills.", "When the big day came, he was ready!" ]
[ "Jay had a job interview coming up.", "When the big day came, he was ready!", "He needed to be ready for it.", "He went out to buy a new suit.", "He practiced his speaking skills." ]
[ 0, 2, 3, 4, 1 ]
[ "Rhea's daughter had married her beau.", "Rhea had never met the man.", "She was apprehensive about their first meeting.", "But when they met, Rhea was relieved.", "Her new son-in-law was a wonderful, charming man!" ]
[ "She was apprehensive about their first meeting.", "But when they met, Rhea was relieved.", "Rhea had never met the man.", "Rhea's daughter had married her beau.", "Her new son-in-law was a wonderful, charming man!" ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
Stained Pants.
[ "Jim was watching tv and eating chocolate pudding.", "He laughed at a scene in a movie and accidentally spilled pudding.", "The pudding fell on his pants.", "Jim's mom came in the house and seen the stain.", "Jim's mom got angry and grounded Jim for a week." ]
[ "Jim's mom got angry and grounded Jim for a week.", "Jim was watching tv and eating chocolate pudding.", "Jim's mom came in the house and seen the stain.", "The pudding fell on his pants.", "He laughed at a scene in a movie and accidentally spilled pudding." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 2, 0 ]
The Elevator
[ "Tim usually took the stairs up to his office.", "One day he decided to try the elevator.", "After a few seconds the elevator suddenly stopped.", "Tim was trapped!", "From now on he will always use the stairs." ]
[ "From now on he will always use the stairs.", "One day he decided to try the elevator.", "Tim was trapped!", "After a few seconds the elevator suddenly stopped.", "Tim usually took the stairs up to his office." ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 2, 0 ]
[ "Lucy was happy grandpa picked her up.", "After her rough day she just wanted to go home.", "Grandpa decided to get Lucy a treat.", "The car pulled into a parking lot.", "Lucy looked up happily to see a Walgreens." ]
[ "The car pulled into a parking lot.", "Grandpa decided to get Lucy a treat.", "Lucy was happy grandpa picked her up.", "After her rough day she just wanted to go home.", "Lucy looked up happily to see a Walgreens." ]
[ 2, 3, 1, 0, 4 ]
Mario Maker
[ "Tommy loved to play video games.", "He was hoping to get the Super Mario Maker game for Christmas.", "He put the game on the top of his Christmas list.", "His parents discussed it and decided to buy him the game.", "Tommy is going to be so excited when he opens it on Christmas morning!" ]
[ "He put the game on the top of his Christmas list.", "His parents discussed it and decided to buy him the game.", "He was hoping to get the Super Mario Maker game for Christmas.", "Tommy loved to play video games.", "Tommy is going to be so excited when he opens it on Christmas morning!" ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
More Bags
[ "Karl the supermarket bag boy was faced with a dilemma.", "To fit all the food in one bag or to waste a bag and use two?", "The stress of the situation piled on him greatly.", "At last he decided to use two bag just to be safe.", "He handed the bags to the customer and thanked him." ]
[ "He handed the bags to the customer and thanked him.", "To fit all the food in one bag or to waste a bag and use two?", "At last he decided to use two bag just to be safe.", "The stress of the situation piled on him greatly.", "Karl the supermarket bag boy was faced with a dilemma." ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 2, 0 ]
The Forger
[ "Tom, a high school student, did not do well on a test.", "The teacher told Tom that his mother had to sign the graded test.", "Tom didn't want his mother to find out his poor grade.", "So, he forged her signature.", "The next day, he handed the test to the teacher and got away with it." ]
[ "Tom didn't want his mother to find out his poor grade.", "The teacher told Tom that his mother had to sign the graded test.", "The next day, he handed the test to the teacher and got away with it.", "Tom, a high school student, did not do well on a test.", "So, he forged her signature." ]
[ 3, 1, 0, 4, 2 ]
First Snow
[ "Bella woke up early one morning to a cold room.", "She noticed it was chillier than usual.", "She decided to look out her window.", "Everything was covered in fresh white snow.", "Bella bundled up and ran outside to play in the snow." ]
[ "Everything was covered in fresh white snow.", "She noticed it was chillier than usual.", "Bella bundled up and ran outside to play in the snow.", "She decided to look out her window.", "Bella woke up early one morning to a cold room." ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 0, 2 ]
Samantha Buys Doug a Watch
[ "Samantha wanted to buy a gift for her boyfriend, Doug.", "She had a lot of money, but wasn't sure what to buy.", "Samantha asked Doug's friend for advice.", "Doug's friend told Samantha that Doug needed a new watch.", "Samantha bought Doug a watch, and Doug was happily surprised." ]
[ "Samantha wanted to buy a gift for her boyfriend, Doug.", "She had a lot of money, but wasn't sure what to buy.", "Samantha bought Doug a watch, and Doug was happily surprised.", "Doug's friend told Samantha that Doug needed a new watch.", "Samantha asked Doug's friend for advice." ]
[ 0, 1, 4, 3, 2 ]
Bongo Joe
[ "Bongo Joe grabbed his Bongos and walked down the street.", "He would play a tune for the people who walked passed him.", "Every few people handed him a tip for his great rhythms.", "With all the money, Bongo Joe bought a second set of bongos.", "Now when he goes out, his friend follows him with the other set." ]
[ "Bongo Joe grabbed his Bongos and walked down the street.", "Now when he goes out, his friend follows him with the other set.", "Every few people handed him a tip for his great rhythms.", "He would play a tune for the people who walked passed him.", "With all the money, Bongo Joe bought a second set of bongos." ]
[ 0, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]
The Pianist
[ "Mitch wanted to learn how to play the piano.", "Unfortunately, his family was too poor to afford piano lessons.", "To pay for the lessons, Mitch got a job delivering the newspaper.", "He saved all the money he made.", "After 3 months, Mitch was able to afford his piano lessons!" ]
[ "Unfortunately, his family was too poor to afford piano lessons.", "After 3 months, Mitch was able to afford his piano lessons!", "To pay for the lessons, Mitch got a job delivering the newspaper.", "Mitch wanted to learn how to play the piano.", "He saved all the money he made." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 4, 1 ]
Good cookies
[ "Ted liked cookies.", "However he only liked when his mother made them.", "He spit out all other cookies.", "His friends met up and tried to make the best cookies of all time.", "They were so good that Ted decided to try other people's cookies." ]
[ "Ted liked cookies.", "They were so good that Ted decided to try other people's cookies.", "His friends met up and tried to make the best cookies of all time.", "However he only liked when his mother made them.", "He spit out all other cookies." ]
[ 0, 3, 4, 2, 1 ]
[ "My daughter was explaining to me what God was.", "She told me it was everyone and everything.", "She told me God was Love.", "I teared up listening to her explanation.", "It was a proud mommy moment." ]
[ "She told me it was everyone and everything.", "My daughter was explaining to me what God was.", "She told me God was Love.", "I teared up listening to her explanation.", "It was a proud mommy moment." ]
[ 1, 0, 2, 3, 4 ]
Pizza Cooking
[ "Julia loved pizza so much she wanted to make some of her own.", "She bought all the ingredients and laid them upon the counter.", "Julia carefully followed the instructions from her cookbook.", "However she was very indecisive about the toppings.", "Finally Julia gleefully to add as many toppings as possible." ]
[ "Julia carefully followed the instructions from her cookbook.", "Julia loved pizza so much she wanted to make some of her own.", "Finally Julia gleefully to add as many toppings as possible.", "However she was very indecisive about the toppings.", "She bought all the ingredients and laid them upon the counter." ]
[ 1, 4, 0, 3, 2 ]
[ "Burt was in charge of fireworks for the town fair.", "He was nervous because it was his first time.", "He loaded in a large firework and prepared to fire it.", "Once he launched it it only went 20 feet up.", "Burt looked at it for a second and then jumped for cover." ]
[ "Burt was in charge of fireworks for the town fair.", "Burt looked at it for a second and then jumped for cover.", "He loaded in a large firework and prepared to fire it.", "He was nervous because it was his first time.", "Once he launched it it only went 20 feet up." ]
[ 0, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]
Shy with Santa Claus
[ "Our granddaughter just saw Santa Claus.", "She is 18 months old.", "She sat on his lap.", "She did not cry but she was very skeptical about him.", "The photo of her face looking at Santa is priceless." ]
[ "The photo of her face looking at Santa is priceless.", "She did not cry but she was very skeptical about him.", "She is 18 months old.", "Our granddaughter just saw Santa Claus.", "She sat on his lap." ]
[ 3, 2, 4, 1, 0 ]
Beats by Dre
[ "Clark needed to buy some headphones.", "His had broken the night before.", "Clark drove to Target and looked around at the selection.", "He saw large headphones called Beats by Dre.", "Clark decided they were too expensive and left Target." ]
[ "His had broken the night before.", "He saw large headphones called Beats by Dre.", "Clark drove to Target and looked around at the selection.", "Clark needed to buy some headphones.", "Clark decided they were too expensive and left Target." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
The Opossum that wouldn't leave
[ "There once was an Opossum that lived under my brothers front porch.", "My brother swatted at it with a broom to try and make it leave.", "The Opossum walked out from under the porch and stared at him.", "My brother had no words for the Opossum's bravery.", "He left the Opossum alone and it eventually left on its own accord." ]
[ "He left the Opossum alone and it eventually left on its own accord.", "My brother swatted at it with a broom to try and make it leave.", "The Opossum walked out from under the porch and stared at him.", "My brother had no words for the Opossum's bravery.", "There once was an Opossum that lived under my brothers front porch." ]
[ 4, 1, 2, 3, 0 ]
[ "Vlad always made fun of people where he worked.", "People then decided to start making fun of Vlad.", "Vlad didn't like it very much.", "Vlad then truly understood the error of his ways.", "Vlad vowed not to be so insensitive to his coworkers." ]
[ "People then decided to start making fun of Vlad.", "Vlad vowed not to be so insensitive to his coworkers.", "Vlad then truly understood the error of his ways.", "Vlad always made fun of people where he worked.", "Vlad didn't like it very much." ]
[ 3, 0, 4, 2, 1 ]
Attack of the Ants
[ "I went with my friend Jane to the park yesterday.", "While we were at the park we played in a giant sandbox.", "Suddenly, fire ants came out of the sand and started biting us!", "It was so scary that we ran home.", "We will never go to that sandbox again." ]
[ "I went with my friend Jane to the park yesterday.", "We will never go to that sandbox again.", "Suddenly, fire ants came out of the sand and started biting us!", "While we were at the park we played in a giant sandbox.", "It was so scary that we ran home." ]
[ 0, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]
The Potter's Wheel
[ "A couple decided to make their own pottery.", "They purchased a potter's wheel and decided to learn how to use it.", "They each attempted to make their own pots.", "They nearly all turned out badly.", "They decided they were better off buying pottery instead." ]
[ "They purchased a potter's wheel and decided to learn how to use it.", "They decided they were better off buying pottery instead.", "A couple decided to make their own pottery.", "They nearly all turned out badly.", "They each attempted to make their own pots." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 3, 1 ]
Francis Milks a Cow
[ "Francis wanted to help out his parents more around their farm.", "However, he hated waking up early with his father to do farm chores.", "One morning he forced himself to wake at dawn, despite feeling sleepy.", "His first chore was to milk an old cow.", "Francis was so proud he was finally helping at the family farm." ]
[ "However, he hated waking up early with his father to do farm chores.", "His first chore was to milk an old cow.", "One morning he forced himself to wake at dawn, despite feeling sleepy.", "Francis wanted to help out his parents more around their farm.", "Francis was so proud he was finally helping at the family farm." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
The 69-point Word
[ "Gina stared hard at the scrabble board.", "To win, she needed to score 30 points.", "There was a triple open, but only for a 6-letter word starting with z.", "She almost gave up, but then she grinned instead.", "Snatching her titles, she played Zephyr for 69 points!" ]
[ "There was a triple open, but only for a 6-letter word starting with z.", "She almost gave up, but then she grinned instead.", "Gina stared hard at the scrabble board.", "To win, she needed to score 30 points.", "Snatching her titles, she played Zephyr for 69 points!" ]
[ 2, 3, 0, 1, 4 ]
Raging Rivers
[ "I always wanted to go to Raging Rivers as a kid.", "We finally took a family trip there.", "When I got there, I went straight to the wave pool.", "It ended up being way too deep, with waves I couldn't handle!", "After that, I hated Raging Rivers and wanted to go home!" ]
[ "It ended up being way too deep, with waves I couldn't handle!", "I always wanted to go to Raging Rivers as a kid.", "After that, I hated Raging Rivers and wanted to go home!", "When I got there, I went straight to the wave pool.", "We finally took a family trip there." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 0, 2 ]
I sat on the sofa
[ "At my place, there are a lot of seating options.", "Sometimes it can be hard to choose where to sit.", "This morning, I sat down in the easy chair.", "I was not comfortable.", "I moved to the sofa instead." ]
[ "This morning, I sat down in the easy chair.", "I moved to the sofa instead.", "Sometimes it can be hard to choose where to sit.", "I was not comfortable.", "At my place, there are a lot of seating options." ]
[ 4, 2, 0, 3, 1 ]
Beyond Pettiness
[ "I order a dinner meal by my local restaurant.", "The waitress was eager to take my order down.", "She gave me the food and I slowly ate it.", "I realized that I was short on the payment where she asked me.", "Since I didn't have the money, the restaurant gave me a fine." ]
[ "Since I didn't have the money, the restaurant gave me a fine.", "I order a dinner meal by my local restaurant.", "She gave me the food and I slowly ate it.", "I realized that I was short on the payment where she asked me.", "The waitress was eager to take my order down." ]
[ 1, 4, 2, 3, 0 ]
Hiking Trail
[ "Rich and Neil loved to go hiking.", "One weekend, they decided to try out a two day trail nearby.", "On the first day, they got lost and Rich sprained his ankle.", "They were worried they would have to call for help.", "Eventually Rich and Neil powered through and finished with pride." ]
[ "Rich and Neil loved to go hiking.", "On the first day, they got lost and Rich sprained his ankle.", "Eventually Rich and Neil powered through and finished with pride.", "One weekend, they decided to try out a two day trail nearby.", "They were worried they would have to call for help." ]
[ 0, 3, 1, 4, 2 ]
[ "I was showering.", "I noticed my shower head was slightly broken.", "I called my landlord and asked him to repair it.", "He refused to repair it.", "I threatened to sue him and he decided to repair it." ]
[ "I was showering.", "He refused to repair it.", "I called my landlord and asked him to repair it.", "I noticed my shower head was slightly broken.", "I threatened to sue him and he decided to repair it." ]
[ 0, 3, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ "Gina was due in the principal's office.", "But she didn't want to go there.", "She went to the library and grabbed a book.", "She tried to sit quietly and read.", "But the librarian saw her, and sent her on her way." ]
[ "She tried to sit quietly and read.", "Gina was due in the principal's office.", "But the librarian saw her, and sent her on her way.", "She went to the library and grabbed a book.", "But she didn't want to go there." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 0, 2 ]
Fresh flowers
[ "Lily went to plant some flowers.", "She took some seeds and water and started planting.", "A month later, she saw flowers blooming.", "She picked them up and made a bouquet.", "She ended up giving them to her friends." ]
[ "A month later, she saw flowers blooming.", "She picked them up and made a bouquet.", "Lily went to plant some flowers.", "She ended up giving them to her friends.", "She took some seeds and water and started planting." ]
[ 2, 4, 0, 1, 3 ]
A Bee in Jane's Car
[ "Jane was driving down the road when a bee flew in her window.", "She didn't want to get stung, so she pulled off the road.", "Jane opened all the doors and the bee flew out of the car.", "Jane was relieved she hadn't gotten stung.", "She decided to keep the windows closed for the rest of her trip." ]
[ "Jane was driving down the road when a bee flew in her window.", "Jane opened all the doors and the bee flew out of the car.", "She decided to keep the windows closed for the rest of her trip.", "Jane was relieved she hadn't gotten stung.", "She didn't want to get stung, so she pulled off the road." ]
[ 0, 4, 1, 3, 2 ]
Atlantic City
[ "In 2013 my sister in law went to Atlantic City.", "She went to see the Long Island Medium.", "The trip was a disaster, as the bus broke down.", "She got in late, but was able to see the performance.", "She said she would never ride a bus to Atlantic City again." ]
[ "The trip was a disaster, as the bus broke down.", "She got in late, but was able to see the performance.", "She went to see the Long Island Medium.", "In 2013 my sister in law went to Atlantic City.", "She said she would never ride a bus to Atlantic City again." ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
Pizza Party
[ "Jeff was a pizza delivery man.", "One day he had to deliver 50 pizzas to a party.", "On the way, a cat ran in front of his car.", "Jeff slammed on the breaks.", "Some of the pizza boxes flew forward, spilling pizza on the floor." ]
[ "Jeff slammed on the breaks.", "Some of the pizza boxes flew forward, spilling pizza on the floor.", "Jeff was a pizza delivery man.", "On the way, a cat ran in front of his car.", "One day he had to deliver 50 pizzas to a party." ]
[ 2, 4, 3, 0, 1 ]
Drunk teacher
[ "Sue got very drunk with her friends one night.", "The next morning she woke up and went to work.", "While teaching a lesson she stumbled on her words.", "Her students asked if she was drunk.", "Sue took a swig from her flask and didn't answer." ]
[ "Her students asked if she was drunk.", "The next morning she woke up and went to work.", "Sue took a swig from her flask and didn't answer.", "While teaching a lesson she stumbled on her words.", "Sue got very drunk with her friends one night." ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 0, 2 ]
[ "Alan was riding the subway home from work.", "He got engrossed in his newspaper.", "He didn't even notice when the subway passed his stop!", "By the time he realized, it was too late.", "Alan had to walk back four blocks." ]
[ "Alan had to walk back four blocks.", "By the time he realized, it was too late.", "He didn't even notice when the subway passed his stop!", "He got engrossed in his newspaper.", "Alan was riding the subway home from work." ]
[ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ]
Ham on Rye
[ "Mable wanted to make something for me to eat.", "She asked me if I preferred an omelette or a sandwich.", "I thought about that for a few moments and decided on a sandwich.", "So then I asked her if she would make me a ham on rye.", "She said that would be fine and made me a scrumptious ham on rye." ]
[ "She said that would be fine and made me a scrumptious ham on rye.", "She asked me if I preferred an omelette or a sandwich.", "Mable wanted to make something for me to eat.", "I thought about that for a few moments and decided on a sandwich.", "So then I asked her if she would make me a ham on rye." ]
[ 2, 1, 3, 4, 0 ]
Work Ethic
[ "Mike was trying out for the basketball team and got cut.", "The coach gave him a specific list of things to work on to improve.", "Mike spent all offseason perfecting aspects of his game.", "The next year Mike made the team!", "He was a starter and took the basketball team to state." ]
[ "Mike spent all offseason perfecting aspects of his game.", "The coach gave him a specific list of things to work on to improve.", "He was a starter and took the basketball team to state.", "The next year Mike made the team!", "Mike was trying out for the basketball team and got cut." ]
[ 4, 1, 0, 3, 2 ]
Surprise Party
[ "Lily was looking forward to her birthday - she always had a big party.", "But her best friend wasn't mentioning any plans.", "On her birthday, she still hadn't heard anything about a celebration.", "Lily was very disappointed when she walked into her dark living room.", "Her mood changed quickly when her friends jumped out to surprise her." ]
[ "On her birthday, she still hadn't heard anything about a celebration.", "But her best friend wasn't mentioning any plans.", "Her mood changed quickly when her friends jumped out to surprise her.", "Lily was looking forward to her birthday - she always had a big party.", "Lily was very disappointed when she walked into her dark living room." ]
[ 3, 1, 0, 4, 2 ]
The Cleanse
[ "Jane decided to do a cleanse.", "She visited Whole Foods and bought a cleanse in a box.", "The first 2 days Jane felt better than she had in years.", "By day 4 she felt like she had the worst flu ever.", "On day 4 she quit her cleanse 3 days early." ]
[ "Jane decided to do a cleanse.", "The first 2 days Jane felt better than she had in years.", "By day 4 she felt like she had the worst flu ever.", "She visited Whole Foods and bought a cleanse in a box.", "On day 4 she quit her cleanse 3 days early." ]
[ 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 ]
Puppy Love
[ "Maddie really wanted a puppy.", "Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one.", "She worked really hard for three months on her school work.", "When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's!", "Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward." ]
[ "Maddie's mom took her to get her puppy as her reward.", "Her mom told her if she gets all good grades, she could get one.", "She worked really hard for three months on her school work.", "Maddie really wanted a puppy.", "When report cards came out, she had earned all a's and b's!" ]
[ 3, 1, 2, 4, 0 ]