Jimmy: my kazoo came from china! Karen: your what? Jimmy: <file_video> Karen: what the hell is that thing Jimmy: ahaha it's a kazoo, that's an instrument Karen: it shounds horrible, why would anyone want to listen to something like that? Jimmy: don't be so critical! It has it's own perks Karen: maybe when it lays on a table, definitely not when you are playing it Jimmy: hahaha come on Karen: don't you dare sending me another video with this Jimmy: <file_video> Karen: Jimmy!!!!!!!
Jimmy had a kazoo delivered from China. He sends Karen videos with kazoo music.
Frank: Where u at? Vivianne: Right behind you lol Frank: Wait what
Vivianne is behind Frank.
Kuba: You're still up? Klaudia: Yeah. Just came back from work. Kuba: It's 4 in the morning. What kind of job??? Klaudia: Weeding party. I was a waitress there. Kuba: Ah, now I get it. Klaudia: And you? Why you're still up so late? Kuba: Can't sleep... Klaudia: :( Kuba: Was it a good party? Klaudia: Did you try reading a boring book? Or some herbs? Kuba: Tried everything. Klaudia: Yes, the party was good. People were nice and polite. They had some great time on the dance floor ^^ Kuba: Do you oten work as a wiatress? Klaudia: No, not really. From time to time. The party was in a restaurant held by my parents' friends and they were shot of waiting staff. Kuba: But don't you need some papers or some legal permissions to work as a waitress? Klaudia: Yes, you do. I don't have it, but the owner knows me, I know them and in emergency situation, I help them. Kuba: Okey, I get it :) Klaudia: You know, it's really not very often. I worked for them maybe 5 times in the last 2 years. Kuba: Do they host a lot of parties? Klaudia: Quite a lot. Every weekend, one or more events. Plus sometimes during the week, birthday parties, funeral meetings etc. Kuba: Circle of life :P Klaudia: :D :D :D Something like that! Kuba: Are you going to bed now? Klaudia: Almost there. Need to grab a few things for tomorrow. I'm going horse riding! Kuba: So cool! Where to you ride? Klaudia: Skierniewice. There is a small place, stables, 10 or 15 horses. Kuba: It it far from Warsaw? Klaudia: Some 50km? Kuba: Why do you go there? Why did you chose this place? Klaudia: I like the way they teach there :) I think it's a wise way. :)
It's 4 am, Kuba can't sleep and Klaudia just came back from work. She works as a waitress sometimes at her parents' friends who organise different events. Kuba needs to go to sleep as he goes horse riding tomorrow in Skierniewice.
Phil Jones: I would like to inform you that you are eligible for additional parking spaces in our building. The cost of the parking spaces is about 300$ per month. Michael Borrow: Thank you. I will forward the information to our employees. Phil Jones: <file_other> Michael Borrow: Thank you.
Michael Borrow is entitled to additional parking spaces for around USD 300/month. He will pass this on to his employees.
Evelyn: Do you know if I can make a reservation on using someone else's credit card? Evelyn: Ever tried that? Phil: Yes but I always use mine Phil: I guess you can do it but careful Phil: They require you to show the card at the arrival Evelyn: Really? Phil: Not everywhere but it's better to contact the place before and ask Phil: I mean before you make a res Evelyn: OK. It's not a hotel, it's a private studio in Italy Phil: You can try to contact them directly and just ask if you need a credit card at all Evelyn: I could even make some down payment and pay the rest in cash at arrival
Evelyn wants to book a studio in Italy via using somebody else's credit card. Phil advises to ask the studio how to settle the payment.
Lena: i'm on my way to the movies, hope i'll arrive safe. Enid: why? Lena: it's like civil war outside Enid: what's happen? Lena: policemen, smoke, screams, it's terrific! Enid: the strike? Lena: not only people on the street, but all theses hooligans. Enid: you can't avoid them? Lena: no, i'm just terrified Enid: stay away or go back home. Lena: but i have to meet Ollie at the movies in 15 minutes Enid: keep your calm. Lena: ok ok. I'll stay behind the policemen. They're heading towards the post office, that's my way. Enid: Let me know when you're safe in the movies Lena: ok i will, it seems a bit more quiet now
Lena is heading to meet Ollie at the movies in 15 minutes. There's a strike and riots going on outside, and Lena is worried about her own safety. Lena will stay behind the policemen that are going the same way as her. The riots seem quieter now. Lena will let Enid know when she's at the movies.
Mike : Wassup buddy Long time no conversation Steve : Hey bro just got a little bit busy with my work Mike : Maybe we can meet this week Steve : Yeah sure i will call you Mike : Ok Bro!
Mike and Steve will meet this week. Steve will call Mike.
Channing: what booze ru takin to kels party? Dyson: bottle of vodka 8 beers Gerry: rum & coke Channing: ok cool ill get some whiskey and beer too
Channing, Gerry and Dyson are bringing different types of alcohol to Kels party.
Tara: Good afternoon. Joe: Good afternoon, Tara. Tara: How are you? Joe: Great, thank you. You? Tara: Great. Before anything else, thank you for agreeing to chat with me. I really have no other openings on my schedule. Joe: It's not a problem. Whatever works for you, works for me. Tara: I just rather do this face to face, but it's near Christmas time and we haven't had a minute to spare. Joe: It's understandable, I really do appreciate the time. Tara: So, let's get to business. You're looking to make a supplier deal with our company? Joe: Exactly. We are a new small company and we think we could benefit from each other. Tara: How so? Joe: Well, as we are a new company, our prices are really competitive and making a deal with your big company would give us the push we need. As I see it, it's a win-win situation. Tara: I see. I've checked the table summary you sent me but I'd like to look at something more detailed. Can you send me one? Joe: Already did. It should be in you inbox. Tara: Very well, I'll give it a look and then I'd like to discuss them in person. Is that OK? Joe: Of course! Tara: I'm looking at my schedule and maybe next Thursday, at 12? Joe: Sure, send me a location and I'll be there. Tara: Let's talk over lunch. I'll send you an address later on. Joe: All right. Thank you very much for you time. Tara: Thank you and again, I'm sorry we have to do this over chat. Joe: No problem.
Joe is looking to make a supplier deal with Tara's company. Tara will check the details and then would like to talk in person over lunch next Thursday at 12. Tara will send Joe an address later.
Chaima: heeeey! can you help me choose a dress for my birthday party next week please? Chaima: I am running out of ideas Meriem: sure! let me see what you have chose so far Chaima: here you go <file_photo> Chaima: <file_photo> Chaima: <file_photo>, this one is my favorite, but I feel like I would look fat in it ๐Ÿ˜‚ Meriem: humm... white is tricky that's for sure.. Meriem: I am not a huge fan of these dresses to be honest... they are outdated... where the hell do you shop? Chaima: La Redoute Meriem: ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ okey mommy! now I understand Meriem: girl, go to Asos, Misguided, Boohoo... you'll look like an Instagram baddie ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ Chaima: girl, I am thirty! no 15 anymore Meriem: damn girl! 30 is YOUNG! you don't have to dress very sexy and revealing to be trendy! smh Chaima: true... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I am such a granny! Meriem: <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> Meriem: see, classy, trendy! Chaima: WOW!
Meriem is helping Chaima choose a dress for Chaima's birthday party next week. She suggests brands like Asos, Misguided, or Boohoo.
Mom: Can you open the door? Jason: I just got out of the shower Jason: wait Mom: I called you so many times Jason: K Im coming down rn Mom: Fast Mom: ๐Ÿ˜ก
Jason is coming down to open the door.
Katie: I've bought a pregnancy test this morning Katie: Do you think it'd be better to have two of the, just to be sure? Amy: No, not any more, a pharmacist told me that one is enough, they are more accurate now Lucy: I also recommend you to do it in the morning because the concentration of hormones is higher Amy: also this is not true anymore Amy: you can do it whenever you want Katie: But I'm so scared Lucy: oh, I understand it very well Lucy: do you want us to be with you? Amy: yes, it's better to not be alone in this situation Katie: thank you girls, this is very and thoughtful of you Katie: so let's meet at my place tomorrow at 11AM Amy: yes, sure, I'll bring some sweets in case the situation gets desperate Lucy: a bottle of vodka would be better Katie: but let's hope everything will be fine Amy: yes, sure, you have to be very unlucky after having taken such a small risk Lucy: yes, don't worry. I've taken it many times and it's been always negative Amy: in the worst case I know a very understanding doctor that can help Katie: ok, let's see tomorrow how it goes
Katie bough a pregnancy test and Lucy and Amy will be with her at her place tomorrow at 11 AM when she takes it.
Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home Brian: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home. Brian: Brian: Have you noticed the broken pipe in the bathroom? Jane: No, i haven't seen anything Michaela: me neither, what happened Brian: I've enter the bathroom this morning and it was full of water Jane: so it must have happened after I left Jane: after 10 Brian: ok, I though maybe you knew but had no time to do anything about it Brian: I have a day off so I'll try to fix it Michaela: don't do it yourself, call a plumber, please Brian: We'll pay a fortune and it seems a simple thing Michaela: but you remember the last time, your DIY ended horribly Brian: But it was a special case, it seemed easy, but wasn't Michaela: this one seems easy as well Brian: no, this one IS easy Michaela: ok, do it yourself but if it doesn't work call a plumber, just try to fix it before we come back home Brian: ๐Ÿ‘
Brian entered the bathroom this morning and it was full of water. Michaela told him to call a plumber. Brian will try to fix the broken pipe.
Rebeca: I'm gonna go to doctor Amber: what happened? Rebeca: I think it's flue Rebeca: u know, fever, cough Amber: go, go, rest a little Rebeca: I'll let u know till when i got sick leave Amber: ok, now go!
Rebeca is going to see a doctor, she suspects she has a flu.
Mark: Tanyaaaaa, I'm a dodohead and forgot to write you for your bday Mark: I hope you had a fantastic time celebrating and that the year ahead is full of happiness and adventure! Mark: miss ya buddy! bigs hugs from far away Mark: <file_photo> Tanya: ooooommmmggggg Tanya: that photo!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Tanya: thank youuuu Tanya: miss you too! come visit soon!!! Mark: will do so ASAP ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Mark hopes Tanya enjoyed her birthday. Mark will visit Tanya asap.
Greta: <file_photo> Greta: it was the last time I bought sth online Hillary: lol Hillary: is that a tent? Greta: it was supposed to be number 8 Hillary: maybe it was an infinity symbol Greta: lol Hillary: but you can return it, right? Greta: I think so Greta: but you know it eats your time Greta: I'll have to go shopping Hillary: go out... Greta: exactly Hillary: I can heroically go with you Greta: PLEASE Hillary: I assume you want dark trousers number 8 Greta: I want to buy monochromatic, dark trousers with wool Hillary: nice Greta: I need sth for winter Hillary: how much are you willing to spend? Greta: I want to pay less than 30 $ Hillary: ok Greta: I really need them :c Hillary: is Wednesday ok for you? Greta: I'm free after work Hillary: ok so Wednesday it is
Hillary and Greta will go shopping for monochromatic, dark trousers with wool size 8 for Greta. They will go on Wednesday after work.
Easton: Hi! Are you busy right now? Kylie: Not really, what's up? Easton: I'm looking for a birthday gift for Max and I need your opinion. I've found these two handbags and I don't know, which one should I choose. Easton: <file_photo> Easton: <file_photo> Kylie: Honestly, I like neither of them, they're a bit in your face, sorry. Kylie: Max prefers handbags in more neutral colors. Easton: How about this one? Easton: <file_photo> Kylie: Now that's what I'm talking about! :) It's gorgeous!! Easton: Thanks a lot! :)
Easton is buying Max a handbag for her birthday.
Serena: I need coffee! Chloe: LOL, me too. Serena: Why did we go to this club, WHY? Chloe: It's seemed like a good plan at the time. Serena: I hate this. I hate myself. I hate everyone. Chloe: I put my lenses backwards this morning... Serena: LOL Chloe: and only realized it 15 minutes later. Serena: Stop it! Chloe: everything was blurred, but I didn't notice hahaha. When I tripped over my dog I realized sth was not right. Serena: I love you. Chloe: I'm never drinking again. Serena: It's decided. Chloe: I'm srlsy not gonna make through this day. Serena: Stay strong! Drink some coffee and just turn on the standby mode. Chloe: There's no modes anymore, Serena... There's only darkness and despair. Serena: LOL
Serena and Chloe have a hangover.
Moira: Hey! I've sent you both the initial version of the plan. Sue: Thanks, Moira Jay: thanks Moira: Sue, will you be able to review it and get back to me asap? Sue: Yes, I will do. Moira: Thank you.
Moira sent both initial versions of the plan to Sue and Jay. Sue will review it.
Ashton: queues at the airport were horrible, so stressful Arabella: but you managed? Ashton: Luckily I did Arabella: good, on the plane already Ashton: Yes, queuing again I guess Arabella: Write me after you've landed Ashton: I will
Ashton managed to get on his plane after queueing long. He will write to Arabella after he's landed.
Harris: How are U? Lena: Fine, U? Harris: Been better. Lena: ? Harris: My friend Aoki died yesterday. Lena: O No! Harris: Yeah. Lena: What happened? Harris: Not sure yet. Thinking the worst... Lena: O how awful! Harris: Yes. Lena: You just never know. Harris: True. Lena: Had you seen her lately? Harris: Not for a few months. She lives in Michigan. Lena: Oh, that's far. Harris: Not too far but far enough. Lena: Right. Harris: Got to go, mom's calling. Lena: K bi. Feel better! Harris: K will do
Harris's friend Aoki died yesterday. They suspect suicide. Harris hasn't seen her lately as she lived in Michigan.
Mary: I'm making the reservation!! 6pm good? Olivia: could we make it more like sevenish? I don't know if I can make it on time Olivia: traffic is the worst lately Mary: Okey-dokey Olivia: Who's coming? Mary: Jim and Sara and Dan Olivia: THE Dan? Mary: Mhm Olivia: OMG
Jim, Sara, Dan, Olivia and Mary will meet at about seven.
Noah: Hi dad how are you doing now? William: i am fine son how are you? Noah: i am good dad.. Mom told me you fell and became unconscious in mall? William: ah! i told her not to tell you its nothing dear .. Noah: Dad.. please tell me.. William: look your there for your studies ... work hard and dont worry about us.. i can take care of everything Noah: Dad but you and mom are very important to me.. you have done so much for me i cant leave you like this William: but i am fine son it is nothing serious it was just low blood pressure Noah: dad you are very important to me please let me come back i will continue my studies there William: no son its the best university of country you worked really hard to get admission there i dont want to be hurdle Noah: DAD! please you can never be.. and my dream is to see you and mom happy and nothing else William: we are happy and would be happier to see you succeeding and achieving your dreams Noah: dad please William: Noah! look my dear its nothing serious, i am seeing doctor in few days if anything serious would come up i would call you here but till then concentrate on your studies. Noah: ok dad but please you have to see doctor and tell me honestly what he says.. and i will come there during holidays and we will see doctor.. no excusee William: ok son .. right now just work hard towards your dreams Noah: yes dad! you will be proud of me William: i am proud of you son Noah: love you dad take care please William: love you too son..
William became unconscious in mall due to low blood pressure. Noah worries about him. Noah wants to come back and continue studies there. William doesn't approve of that idea. He will see a doctor in few days.
Mick: Do you teach English? Amy: Yes I do Mick: How much do you charge? Amy: 60zล‚ per hour Mick: I'll call you back if interested.
Amy charges 60zล‚ per English lesson. Mike will call her back if he makes his mind.
Andrew: Good evening. I am writing in connection with the job advertisement. Is the job offer still available? Kate: Good evening. Yes, it is. Andrew: I am a professional translator and lecturer of English and Spanish. I have graduated from English and Spanish studies. Kate: Could you be so kind as to send me your CV in English and Spanish? Andrew: Yes, of course. Please find the documentation attached. Kate: Thank you very much. Andrew: Thank you.
Andrew is looking for a job as a professional translator and lecturer of English and Spanish. Kate got Andrew's CV in English and in Spanish.
Laurien: Hey you! I'm Laurien. We meet yesterday in a bar. Grace: Yes, I remember U. U were with 2 friends. Laurien: Exactly! One more time: Happy birthday! Grace: Oh, thank you! You rememmbered! Laurien: Of course! It was yesterday ;) Grace: Indeed Laurien: So, how about we meet once more? Grace: I don't know. I don't really know U... Laurien: That's exactly wyhu we should meet... to know eachother :D Grace: Well... maybe... Laurien: Say yes. We can meet in some crowded place if you want Grace: Well, ok. Laurien: Great! Let's meet in the cafe next to the bar. Grace: The one with green tables? Laurien: Yes, exactly! Tomorrow at 6 pm? Grace: ok, It's good with me. Laurien: Awsome, see U tomorrow! Grace: See U
Laurien and Grace met yesterday in a bar. They arrange to meet each other again tomorrow at 6 PM in the cafe next to the bar.
Shawn: @Lizzie, @Jacob, you need antyhing? I'm at Tesco's Lizzie: im fine tx Jacob: yeah Jacob: get me some cheese, will u? Shawn: sure thing Jacob: tx a lot
Shawn will buy cheese for Jacob in Tesco.
Adam: Hi Mona said you bought a new TV? Carl: Yes, we broke old. Adam: Which model? Carl: Philips Ambilight 55 E524532.
Carl bought a new Philips Ambilight 55 E524532 TV because the old one is broken.
Linda: Lovely weather today Marcel: It is a beautiful day Candy: But it's cold Candy: It's sunny so I went out without a hat Candy: It was a mistake! Marcel: Oh no! Linda: It's 2 degrees
It's sunny but cold, only 2 degrees.
Dan: Do any of Bath people know of a short term 2-bed flat available from June? Please share! Grace: I feel seriously behind we need to catch up sooon! Hatti: if youโ€™re behind, thereโ€™s no hope for anyone! Xx Rose: iโ€™ll let you know if i see something Rose: youโ€™re very welcome to spend a couple of days with us if it helps.. Dan: need a flat for about 3 months Rose: oh, in that case i wonโ€™t be able to help! X Dan: haha! ;) x
Dan is looking for a 2-bed flat in Bath for about 3 months starting on June.
Daniel: <file_gif> Nancy: ahahaha Lisa: ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Tom: oh god, I love it! Lisa: Is it inspired by your personal history? Daniel: unfortunately! Lisa: What happened? Daniel: wisdom teeth start to erupt, I think Lisa: Hy? Nancy: oh no, this can be really painful, I went through it Nancy: But all of them at once? Daniel: I think only one - the upper left Nancy: Is it very painful? Daniel: Very and I am really swollen today, like a hamster Daniel: <file_photo> Lisa: Go to a dentist, you may even need an antibiotic Nancy: Exactly, don't ignore it Daniel: I thought it will pass Tom: it may actually, get worse, girls are right, don't wait with it Daniel: ok, i'll make an appointment then Nancy: ๐Ÿ‘
Daniel will go to the dentist as his wisdom tooth is erupting.
Calvin: hey man Josh: hi Calv Calvin: want some fun? Josh: ofc! Calvin: so join my team tomorow at 8 Josh: what is the plan? Calvin: we go to escape room Calvin: then to a pub Calvin: and them some clubbing Josh: sounds great Calvin: i thought you will be ready Josh: i am! XD Calvin: see u Josh: see u
Josh will join Calvin's team tomorrow at 8 for the escape room, pub and clubbing.
Martha: what will you wear? Penny: when? Martha: on this company dinner Penny: oh, some dress I guess Martha: what colour? Penny: black? Martha: good, that suits u
Penny is going to wear a black dress to the company dinner.
Jenny: They have great deals at mxdonalds rn Jenny: Mc Donalds* Steven: Ye? Steven: What do they have? Jenny: A bigmac with large fries for 5 bucks Jenny: Only today Ivana: Oh Ivana: tempting! Jenny: haha
Today McDonald's offers a bigmac with large fries for 5 bucks.
Carol: can you tell prof 2moro i'll bring the essay next week? Jill: im not there 2moro Holly: i can do it. but better send email Carol: do you have his address? Holly: sure
Carol will send an email to her professor saying that she will bring the essay next week.
Louis: shit, I'm on the bus Louis: and I realized that I forgot the charger :( Brittany: LOL, you always forget the charger :D Brittany: Perhaps Nick has one that will suit you phone Louis: I hope so! I'll let you know when I arrive Brittany: <file_gif>
Louis is on the bus and has realised he has forgotten the charger. Brittany thinks Nick might have one. Louis will inform Brittany when he gets there.
Peter: Pauline where are you? May: I thought she's with Paul. Paul: Nope, alone here. Peter: Hm, we're about to head home. Pauline: You guys go ahead, safe and sound here! :D
Peter is looking for Pauline. Pauline asks him to go home without her.
Wendy: My dear Ann, finally a good connection! Nearly impossible to get here. We're in Havana now, arrived last night. Quite a nice apartment in the old town, a bit on a simple side but luxurious by Cuban standards. ;-) Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: That's on a tiny balcony overlooking a street (called Cuba!) in Havana Vieja. It makes our hearts weep to see all these beautiful houses like a heap of rubble. And people live in them! Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: The apartment consists of a sitting room with a small kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom. All very clean and quite new, I guess. Found it thru' Airbnb. Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: That's Lulce, our "housekeeper". As you see, Mark's taken quite a liking for her! She prepares our breakfast, does the cleaning and even offers to sort out our further transport. The only thing: she speaks only Spanish! Ann: Hi there! It all looks very, very nice. I love the chairs on the balcony! How long are you staying there? Ann: If you have a proper Internet access, maybe we could skype? Wendy: Hi Ann, I was too enthusiastic too soon. We've got wifi connection only for some 3 hours in the evening and occasionally and irregularly in the morning. So I couldn't answer yesterday. Skype wouldn't be possible, as my evening is your middle of the day, uh? Ann: Ooops! Missed your message on time. Pity as I was like free just after lunch break. So how are you enjoying Havana? Must be extremely interesting. Wendy: Oh yes it is!! So much to see and Mark insists on our walking everywhere. Absolutely knackered at the end of the day. Shame about no skyping but it is rather impossible from Cuba, as I see it. Wendy: <file_photo> Wendy: Wouldn't you like to live in one of these? You can imagine what gems they could be! They seem to be renovating some, but most of them are beyond restoration. Or only with the funds that are unavailable in this country. A city of irreplaceable losses it is! Ann: Very sad indeed. At least they can save some of them. How long are you staying there? Wendy: 3 more days. Only. Then off to Varadero and its famous beaches! Could do with some dolce far niente. Ann: Hope it's not too crowded and no jellyfish!
Wendy and Mark arrived to Havana yesterday night. They stay in an apartment in the old town, found on Airbnb. Lulce prepares the breakfast, cleans and helps with transport, but speaks just Spanish. Wendy has poor Internet connection. They walk a lot. They stay other 3 days and then go to Varadero.
Wayne: i think danielle is starting to suspect we're throwing her a surprise party tomorrow Clara: oh no... :-/ Clara: why do you say that? Wayne: she keeps asking about our plans tomorrow Wayne: but she's being almost aggressive when she asks lol Clara: that doesn't mean anything Wayne: she also saw a receipt from that store where i got the decorations for the party Wayne: she asked what it was and i told her i didn't know where it came from Wayne: but i'm sure she didn't believe me Clara: just keep cool Clara: we're only 24 hours away from the party Clara: if you keep cool she'll never know
Wayne thinks Danielle is suspecting they're throwing her a surprise party tomorrow as she keeps asking about the plans and she also saw a receipt from a decorations store.
Kate: I feel like dancing! Paul: Wanna hit some clubs 2nite? Kate: yassss Paul: Should I gather up the gang? Kate: Why not, it would be great to go dancing together, it's been ages! Paul: I think they'll be up to it! Kate: Perfect! xD
Paul will join them at the clubs tonight.
Lisa: remember that shirt you were wearing yesterday? Jack: the pink polo? Lisa: YES!! Jack: what about it? Lisa: where did you get it? my boyfriend loved it and it would be a perfect birthday gift Jack: I actually got it as a gift, too, i have no idea where it's sold Lisa: that sucks
Lisa's boyfriends liked a t-shirt of Jack. She wants to get one for her boyfriend as a birthday gift. Jack doesn't know where the t-shirt is from.
Ralph: Have you been out with the dog? Ruth: Not yet. Can you do it please? Ralph: Don't want to. It's dark and rainig. Ruth: I know, but someone has to, last time it was me. Dogs can't stay all at the time at home. Ralph: OK, I'll go. Where's the umbrella? Ruth: In the entrance, next to the coat track Ralph: Found it. I'm going. Tell me good luck Ruth: Don't you exagerate? It's only a walk and it's just raining
Ralph wants Ruth to take the dog for a walk. She doesn't want to because it is dark and raining, but gives in.
Johnny: Team Tulum, where you at ? Gary: Papaya Playa project Sara: Come over! Vinny: are you still there? Whatโ€™s your plan for dinner? Gary: Coco Beach Vinny: Are you staying there until the full moon party? Sara: No weโ€™re about to leave, where are you guys? Gary: damn internet is not doing well here Sara: Iโ€™ll try to call you Gary: Fuuuckk Eva: Ok, i think weโ€™ll pass tomorrow. Anybody wants to go grab some breakfast tomorrow? Lara: We are going to burrito amor Gary: Weโ€™ll be late for Coco, you guys go ahead and order and we will join
Gary and Sara are at Papaya Playa project, but they are about to leave in order to eat dinner. Gary and Sara will eat breakfast with Eva tomorrow.
Alene: Hello, do you have swimming suits in your shop? Jake: Of course we do, fell free to visit us any time you need it :] Alene: Do you have an XXXL size? Jake: Oh, that may be a problem, I think the biggest ones are XL Alene: Thatโ€™s too badโ€ฆ Anyway, Thank you.
Jake sells swimming suits in his shop, but he doesn't have an XXXL size there.
Tobias: What do you say, we grab a beer after work or something? Trevor: You read my mind :P Tobias: 9 at my place? Trevor: sounds like a plan
Tobias and Trevor are meeting for a beer at 9 at Tobias's place.
Nash: guys, are we playin 2moro? Hodgson: yeah, why not? Nash: dunno. some said be out this week Brent: i'm coming. Miles and Briggs too Nash: thats' five at least then cool Hodgson: i bring my neighbo too Nash: ogh cool hope he play no better than us Hodgson: no promises you know Brent: we do suck guys seriously
Nash, Hodgson and Brent are playing tomorrow. Hodgson will bring his neighbour.
Tom: I think your car has a flat. Renee: Oh no! Tom: Yeah. Renee: Thanks!
Renee's car has a flat.
Mario: Hi, group. Iโ€™m here! ๐Ÿ’™ Patrick: Just landed as well :D Daniela: omg!! 885th festival!!! And you are still teaching with a smile, I really admire you โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ see you tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ Marta: See you tomorrow !!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ Abdo: Wishing u double this number bro, god bless Vipin: Sir u are my biggest inspiration always want to learn from u Waiting for your India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ tour Mario sir Mario: Iโ€™ll be there next summer! <file_video> Mihai: What, not even four figures yet? I'm disappointed... ๐Ÿ˜Š Richie: Have fun Oreo but on a serious note, you are a true legend.. up you go to your 1000th festival and congress and that would be celebrated big time..congrats bro Babacar: respect Ieva: Can't wait to see you tonight! โค๏ธ Alina: Amazing! ๐Ÿ˜
Mario is going on his 885th festival, which made him a legend and an inspiration for others.
Larry: hey mate, did you wire me the money for Peter's gift? Jake: no sorry, how much? Larry: 20 quid, we are getting him new headphones Jake: 20 quid?! That's a lot... Larry: I know but it's just 3 of us and it's his 30th birthday... Jake: Ok fine, whatever
Jake should transfer Larry 20 quid for the gift for Peter's 30th birthday.
Boon: Hey Sweettits! Martha: Don't call me that. Boon: Just a compliment. Chill. Martha: I'm chill. Boon: Can I call you Sugarbun? Martha: No. Boon: Bt ur pics are so damn sexy! Martha: Thank you. Boon: So, wanna have sex? Martha: What? Boon: Sex. Martha: No, fuck you.
Boon proposes sex to Martha. She's not interested.
Peter: When is your flight? Sean: tomorrow about 5PM Elena: no, after 6 Peter: ok!
Sean has a flight after 6 PM tomorrow.
Isabel: I love Spain! Lisa: Me too! Isabel: Have you ever been there? Lisa: Yes, actually I have a family in Madrid so I go there regularly, once a year Isabel: Omg, really?! I'm so jealous! Lisa: What about you? Isabel: I've never been! Lisa: Well we can think about going there together one day Isabel: It would be great :D
Lisa has a family in Madrid. She visits them once a year. Lisa and Isabel consider going there together in the future.
Kenneth: Hi Mark! "Long" time no speak ;) Kenneth: Hope you're fine! Just a short request - would you know whom to reach out to for topping up my mobile account? Kenneth: There's only 1 euro there and I'd like to have it as an alternative to my own phone. Kenneth: Thanks in advance! Mark: Hi Kenneth! Which countries will you be calling and approximately how many minutes will you need in the upcoming month? Kenneth: It will be Sweden for sure that I know of. Kenneth: As for the minutes - hard to judge as I still don't know my workload for the second half of the month Mark: Are you booked for the calls in the system? Kenneth: Yes I am. The new calling period to start November, 19th isn't fixed yet though. Kenneth: Hope my phone account works which I'm about to test in 1 minute as my slots starts then Mark: Which is the primary solution that you used so far for calls? Kenneth: My mobile phone. Mark: Ok, cool. Then I will send you some emergency credit now :) Kenneth: Thanks so much! Time to start the calls for me! Have a nice day! Mark: Good luck with the calls! Kenneth: Oh, now it says Iโ€™m sorry, โ€œI canโ€™t let you do thatโ€. Mark: I know what the problem is. Please give me a few minutes. Kenneth: Okay, the sooner the better, thanks! Mark: Can you call with Skype until this is fixed? Kenneth: Yeah, thanks.
Kenneth is going to Sweden and wants to top up his account to make phone calls abroad.
Lucienne: Did you hear that Lydia's husband killed himself? Mile: Who is Lydia? Caroline: That's horrible! Caroline: The shy girl that was in our class in high school Caroline: Lydia Cabral Mile: I remember her Mile: Didn't know she was married Lucienne: That's really shocking Caroline: Poor girl, she must be devastated
Lydia's husband committed a suicide. Lydia Cabral was a class mate in high school with Lucienne, Mile and Caroline.
Sash: need to see u Caron: y Caron: i'm out from 12 Sash: will be before Sash: then Caron: k Sash: open the door: Caron: what time u coming I need to go out Sash: soon Caron: hurry up I need to go out
Sash needs to meet Caron, so she decides to come to Caron before 12, when Caron's out. Caron wants Sash to hurry as she need to go out.
Tina: Hello Mrs. Jones. I'm really sorry, but my timetable at uni has changed and I won't be able to come on Thursdays any more. Karen: Oh, that's not good Tina. Is there any chance it will change again or maybe you could change it somehow? Tina: I'm afraid not, I already spoke to my supervisor and there's nothing they can do. Karen: Hm, we need to make it work. Kids really like you. Tina: It's nice to hear Mrs. Jones. I like them as well and would like to keep working for you. Tina: <file_other> Tina: Here's my new timetable. I think it shouldn't change until the end of the semester. Karen: Thank you Tina. Karen: I see that you have Wednesdays off. I think we can make it work. Let me consult it with my husband first Tina: I understand. I have less classes this semester, so I can also come for the evenings as well. Karen: That would be wonderful. Do you know anyone who may help us out on Thursdays? Tina: Hm, I'll talk to my friends at uni, I think it won't be a problem. Karen: Great, please let me know when you find someone. I'd happily meet them, just in case. Tina: I understand, I'll let you know as soon as I find someone.
Tina won't be able to come on Thursdays any more, because her timetable has changed. Karen still wants Tina to teach her children. Tina can come in the evenings. Tina will look for someone willing to teach Karen's children on Thursdays.
Anastasia: order a latte for me, I will be late Hilary: ok, how much time do you need? Anastasia: 10 minutes
Anastasia will be late 10 minutes and Hilary will order her a latte.
Nick: Hi Charlie. Thanks for yesterday. It was nice to see you Charles: Hi Nick. So nice indeed. Come back whenever you want. How was your trip back? Nick: good good. Except the journey in the metro. Charles: What's happened? Nick: we had a control in the subway. Almost a face control! Charles: are you kidding? what have you done? Nick: nothing special. We bought our reduced tickets at the machine, and then the controllers stopped us like thieves. Charles: did you cheat? Nick: of course not! we had our discount family card. But the red one, not the blue one! Charles: and so or blue, it's a discount card, isn't it? Nick: yes but the discount is not the same. With the red one the reduction is for train, only the blue one gives you discount on subway! Charles: didn't know that. Nick: me neither, and when i tried to explain it, i've been consider like a thieve. Charles: did you get a fine? Nick: yes! quite expensive. Next time i'll book a cab. Charles: next time i'll come and pick you up!!
Nick had a control in the subway when coming back from Charles yesterday. Since he had the discount card only for train, he got a fine.
Gloria: I know it'll sound stupid, but have you got a spare vacum cleaner? Nat: Yes, I have. Gloria: What??? Gloria: Why do you have two vacum cleaners? How does this??? You're werid. Nat: :D Nat: One is mine, the other I inhertied. Gloria: I have no more questions. Nat: You want it or not? Gloria: Not sure... Did someone die using that other one?... Nat: :D :D :D Nat: No, it's save. Don't worry. I'll pop up around in the evening, ok? Gloria: I still don't trust you...
Gloria is looking for a vacuum cleaner and she is shocked to hear Nat has a spare one. Gloria is not sure if she wants it.