finugorbib /
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license: cc-by-nc-nd-4.0
  - ru
  - en
  - fi
  - myv
  - mrj
  - kca
  - koi
  - kpv
  - olo
  - mns
  - mhr
  - mdf
  - udm
  - vep
  - krl
  - translation
pretty_name: finugorbib
  - 100K<n<1M
  - config_name: default
      - split: train
        path: data/subset=*/split=train/*.parquet
      - split: validation
        path: data/subset=*/split=dev/*.parquet
      - split: test
        path: data/subset=*/split=test/*.parquet
  - config_name: all_to_rus
      - split: train
        path: data/subset=all_to_rus/split=train/*.parquet
      - split: validation
        path: data/subset=all_to_rus/split=dev/*.parquet
      - split: test
        path: data/subset=all_to_rus/split=test/*.parquet
  - config_name: nt_to_rus_fin_eng
      - split: train
        path: data/subset=nt_to_rus_fin_eng/split=train/*.parquet
      - split: validation
        path: data/subset=nt_to_rus_fin_eng/split=dev/*.parquet
      - split: test
        path: data/subset=nt_to_rus_fin_eng/split=test/*.parquet

finugorbib data card

This a text of the Bible, translated into 12 Finno-Ugric languages spoken in Russian Federation (see below), and aligned with Russian, English and Finnish. This dataset was downloaded from All rights belong to the Institute for Bible translation Helsinki, see the file.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

  • Curated by: SLONE contributors
  • Language(s) (NLP): Erzya, Hill (Western) Mari, Khanty, Komi-Permyak, Komi-Zyrian, Livvi-Karelian, Mansi, Meadow (Eastern) Mari, Moksha, Udmurt, Veps, Northern Karelian, English, Finnish and Russian
  • License:: Each text has the following copyright notice by the text creators (loosely equivalent to CC BY-NC-ND 4.0):
© Институт перевода Библии Хельсинки {ГОД}
© Institute for Bible Translation Helsinki {YEAR}
{НАЗВАНИЕ КНИГИ, напр. Псалтирь на мордовском-эрзя языке}
{BOOK NAME, e.g. The Psalms in the Mordvin-Erzya language}

Можно использовать и распространять свободно в некоммерческих целях под следующими условиями:
Вам нельзя изменить текст.
Вы должны включить эту информацию об авторских правах при текста.

Если Вы хотите иметь эту Библию на вашем сайте, в котором Вы в каком-то месте просите пожертвования, Вам необходимо попросить письменное разрешение от ИПБ Финляндии.

Free non-commercial distribution under the following conditions:
You may not alter any of these texts.
You must include this copyright notice.

If you want to have this Bible on your website, where you ask anywhere in it for donations, you need to ask for written permission from IBT Finland.

Below is the brief information about the languages

Language Language code on the website ISO 639-3 Glottolog
Erzya erzya myv erzy1239
Hill (Western) Mari hill_mari mrj west2392
Khanty khanty kca khan1279
Komi-Permyak komi_permyak koi komi1269
Komi-Zyrian komi_zyrian kpv komi1268
Livvi-Karelian livvi olo livv1243
another copy of Livvi-Karelian data livviksi
Mansi mansi mns mans1269
Meadow (Eastern) Mari meadow_mari mhr east2328
Moksha moksha mdf moks1248
Udmurt udmurt udm udmu1245
Veps vepsa vep veps1250
Northern Karelian viena krl nort2673


  • Khanty and Mansi are macrolanguages, but the language variants were not specified.
  • Northern Karelian is considered a dialect of Karelian and doesn't have its proper ISO 639-3 code.

Dataset Sources

The dataset has been downloaded from

Its constituent books and the corresponding copyritght notices are listed in the file


The dataset is intended (apart from its original religious purposes) to help humans and machines learn the low-resourced Finno-Ugric languages.

Dataset Structure

Note that the Bible text consists of the Old and New Testaments. Each consists of multiple books (denoted by 3-letter codes, e.g. Php). Each book consists of one or more chapters, and each chapter consists of verses (usually corresponding to sentences). The texts are aligned across languages verse-by-verse, but these alignments are not always exact, so additional data filtering is recommended.

The dataset is separated in two subsets. By default, both are loaded:

  1. all_to_rus: Old and New Testament, paired with Russian (reachable from
  2. nt_to_rus_fin_eng: New Testament, paired with English, Finnish and Russian (reachable from

Both subsets are split into test, validation and train splits:

  • test is composed of the ultimate chapter of each book (and the chapters 15 and 16 of the Gospel by Mark)
  • dev is composed of the penultimate chapter of each book (and the chapters 13 and 14 of the Gospel by Mark)
  • train is composed of the rest of the chapters.

This specific structure was imposed to ensure that each verse belongs to a single split, regardless of the language.

Each data row has the following fields:

  • text: str: text of the current verse in the lower-resourced Finno-Ugric language
  • other: str: text of the current verse in another langage (English, Finnish or Russian)
  • lang: str: name (from the website) of the lower-resourced language
  • lang_code: str: language code (ISO 639-3) of the lower-resourced language
  • other_lang: str: language code (ISO 639-3) of the paired language (eng, fin or rus)
  • verse_id: Optional[int]: id of the verse, numeric (if parsed correctly, otherwise null)
  • book_chapter: str: id of the book and chapter (e.g. 57_Php02)
  • book_chapter_verse: Optional[str]: id of the book, chapter and verse (e.g. 57_Php02_14), string (if parsed correctly, otherwise null)

Dataset Creation

The dataset was curates as a source of machine translation training and evaluation data. It consists solely of the Bible texts. They have been downloaded from the website (using the wget tool) and parsed from html files into aligned text pairs (using the beautifulsoup package). No additional filtering or postprocessing has been applied.