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test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0463 | 0.4 | The woman is slicing tofu. | The woman is putting on lipstick. | Žena nanosi karmin. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0465 | 0.4 | A woman is folding paper. | A woman is applying eye shadow. | Žena nanosi senku za oči. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0466 | 0.25 | Someone is folding a piece of paper. | A person is slicing a small pieces of ginger. | Osoba secka male komade đumbira. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0469 | 0.25 | A man is lifting weights. | A man is chopping egg plant. | Čovek secka patlidžan. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0500 | 0.4 | A man is playing a cello. | A man is rapidly lifting small weights. | Čovek brzo podiže male tegove. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0501 | 0.4 | The man is talking. | A man is walking down stairs. | Čovek silazi niz stepenice. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0502 | 3.2 | A man tries to feed a mouse to a snake. | A man is teasing a snake with a mouse. | Čovek zadirkuje zmiju mišem. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0510 | 0 | A man is playing the drums. | A woman is slicing some leaves. | Žena secka neko lišće. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0512 | 2.2 | A man is playing a ukulele. | A man is sitting and playing a small guitar. | Čovek sedi i svira malu gitaru. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0524 | 0.8 | A kitten is drinking milk from a bowl. | A small child is drinking water from a cup. | Malo dete pije vodu iz čaše. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0531 | 0.8 | A man breaks cinder blocks on another man. | A woman breaks an egg into a pan. | Žena razbija jaje u tiganj. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0551 | 0.3 | A man is hitting a boy with flower vase. | A man is cutting a mat. | Čovek seče prostirku. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0558 | 0 | The man is mixing whipping cream. | The man is holding a skunk. | Čovek drži tvora. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0560 | 0.75 | A man is stirring juice. | A man is peeling an onion. | Čovek ljušti luk. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0562 | 2.333 | Someone is slicing two uncooked racks of ribs apart. | Someone is cutting a piece of meat. | Neko seče komad mesa. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0572 | 1.333 | A man is kicking pots of water. | A man is turning foods. | Čovek okreće hranu. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0575 | 1.2 | Two little girls talk on the telephone. | Two couple are talking with each other. | Dva para razgovaraju jedan s drugim. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0576 | 4.2 | A cat gets stuck on a moving ceiling fan. | A cat is swinging on a fan. | Mačka se ljulja na ventilatoru. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0577 | 3.8 | The cat is drinking milk. | A white cat is licking and drinking milk kept on a plate. | Bela mačka liže i pije mleko koje je ostavljeno na tanjiru. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0589 | 3 | Rocky and Apollo Creed are running down the beach. | The men are jogging on the beach. | Muškarci trče duž plaže. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0590 | 0.5 | A man is singing while playing the guitar. | A man is stuffing himself full with food. | Čovek se prejeda hranom. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0594 | 0 | A boat sails along the water. | The man is playing the guitar. | Čovek svira gitaru. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0600 | 0.333 | An okapi is eating from a tree. | A moose drinks from a sprinkler. | Alatka pije vodu iz prskalice. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0605 | 1.5 | Several kids jump up and down on a trampoline. | A man is doing back flips on a trampoline. | Čovek radi salto unazad na trambolini. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0609 | 0.167 | A woman is pouring egg into a frying pan. | A man is petting two dogs. | Čovek mazi dva psa. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0610 | 0.5 | A woman is frying ground meat. | A man is cutting a trunk with an axe. | Čovek seče panj sekiricom. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0619 | 1.25 | Three boys in karate costumes are fighting. | Three men are practicing karate moves in a field. | Tri muškarca vežbaju karate pokrete na polju. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0630 | 1.6 | Swimmers are racing in a lake. | Women swimmers are diving in from the starting platform. | Plivačice skaču sa startne platforme. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0635 | 0 | A person is boiling noodles. | A cat is licking a bottle. | Mačka liže bocu. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0639 | 1 | A person is slicing some onions. | A woman is chopping herbs. | Žena secka začinsko bilje. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0649 | 0 | A man reels in a fish. | A woman is pouring oil in a bowl. | Žena sipa ulje u činiju. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0658 | 0 | A woman is cutting an onion. | A horse is standing. | Konj stoji. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0660 | 4 | A lady mixed up a meat mixture in bowl. | A woman is stirring meat in a bowl. | Žena meša meso u činiji. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0666 | 2.75 | A girl is applying makeup on her face. | A woman is putting on makeup. | Žena nanosi šminku. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0670 | 3.333 | A woman puts make-up on. | A woman is putting on eyeshadow. | Žena nanosi senku za oči. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0673 | 3.5 | A cat plays in his water. | The cat fished a straw out ouf his water dish. | Mačka je izvukla slamku iz svoje posude sa vodom. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0681 | 0.188 | A person is adding food in a pan. | A man is dancing in the street. | Čovek pleše na ulici. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0683 | 0 | A man is smoking. | A baby is sucking on a pacifier. | Beba sisa cuclić. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0689 | 0.25 | A person is putting shredded cheese in a pot. | A hamster is eating some seeds. | Hrčak jede neka semena. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0695 | 0.364 | A man is erasing a chalk board. | A woman is dancing, and singing. | Žena pleše i peva. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0698 | 3.2 | The man is exercising. | A man is doing pull-ups. | Čovek radi zgibove. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0713 | 0 | A chimp is kicking a target. | A woman is putting oil into a skillet. | Žena sipa ulje u tiganj. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0717 | 0 | A man is doing exercise. | A baby is laughing. | Beba se smeje. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0720 | 0 | The girl is carrying a baby. | A man is eating a food. | Čovek jede hranu. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0726 | 1.75 | Several swimmers jump into the water. | Swimmers are racing in a lake. | Plivači se takmiče na jezeru. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0728 | 0 | A man spins on a surf board. | A man is putting barbecue sauce on chicken. | Čovek stavlja sos od roštilja na piletinu. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0736 | 2.75 | A young man is riding a skateboard and jumps onto a sidewalk then off at another curb. | A man is riding a skateboard. | Čovek vozi skejt. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0740 | 1.8 | A person dices up an orange pepper. | The cook is slicing bell peppers. | Kuvar secka paprike. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0745 | 0 | Two men are dancing together. | A woman opens a closet. | Žena otvara ormar. |
test | main-captions | MSRvid | 2012train | 0747 | 0 | A man is reading an email. | A person opening a banana. | Osoba otvara bananu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0011 | 2.8 | The curious boys look in the shed. | Two small boys in a woody area looking at a shed. | Dva mala dečaka u šumovitom području gledajući ka šupi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0018 | 4.4 | A moped in front of steps of ruins. | A moped in front of ruins. | Skuter ispred ruševina. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0019 | 4 | A man sleeps with a baby in his lap. | A man asleep in a chair holding a baby. | Čovek koji spava u stolici držeći bebu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0030 | 2.6 | Two cats are looking at a window. | A white cat looking out of a window. | Bela mačka gleda kroz prozor. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0037 | 1.2 | A person wearing a helmet rides a bike near a white structure. | A girl wearing black shorts and boots is standing next to a blue motorcycle. | Devojka u crnim šortsevima i čizmama stoji pored plavog motocikla. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0054 | 3.2 | A man with a bicycle at a coffee house. | Man walking bicycle to patio of a coffee shop. | Čovek nosi bicikl do terase kafića. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0079 | 0.8 | A black and white cat is high up on tree branches. | Black and white lamb with tag in right ear. | Crno-belo jagnje sa oznakom u desnom uvu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0084 | 3.4 | A young blonde girl wearing a helmet sits with a red bicycle behind her. | A young girl wearing a bike helmet with a bicycle in the background. | Mlada devojčica nosi biciklističku kacigu sa biciklom u pozadini. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0088 | 2 | Blue couch and twin bed in a living room. | Blue couch in room with sun shining in. | Plavi kauč u sobi sa suncem koje sija unutra. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0104 | 0 | The flock of sheep are spread out in the field. | A white cat stands on the floor. | Bela mačka stoji na podu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0105 | 4.6 | Two dogs and one cat sitting on couch. | Two dogs and a cat resting on a couch. | Dva psa i mačka odmaraju na kauču. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0115 | 4 | A bicycle is parked by a shop. | A bicycle is parked outside a bookstore. | Bicikl je parkiran ispred knjižare. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0119 | 3.8 | A orange and white cat laying on a blanket in a black leather chair. | A ginger and white cat curled up and asleep on a leather chair. | Crveno-beli mačak se uvio i zaspao na kožnoj stolici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0123 | 4 | Young couple sitting on a black couch. | Young couple sitting on couch. | Mladi par sedi na kauču. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0124 | 2.8 | A group of black people in front of a building with a moped. | A group of people are outside a decrepit building. | Grupa ljudi je napolju ispred ruinirane zgrade. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0126 | 3.6 | Elderly woman sitting on red patterned couch with her arm around younger woman. | Two women sitting on couch posing for camera. | Dve žene sede na kauču pozirajući za kameru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0135 | 1.8 | A man riding on the back of an orange SUV. | an African man hanging onto the back of a very full yellow van. | Afrički čovek se drži za zadnji deo veoma punog žutog kombija. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0142 | 3.6 | Red and white bus driving down road. | A bus drives down a busy road. | Autobus vozi niz prometnu ulicu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0152 | 1.2 | A cat laying on a red cushion looking at the camera. | A tan dog lying on a moggie bed looking up at the camera. | Tamni pas leži na mačijem krevetu i gleda prema kameri. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0156 | 5 | Two green and white trains sitting on the tracks. | Two green and white trains are sitting on the train track. | Dve zelene i bele vozove stoje na železničkoj pruzi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0168 | 4 | A grey cat lying on a wooden table. | A grey cat laying on a dining table. | Siva mačka leži na trpezarijskom stolu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0171 | 0 | A man sitting in a back yard playing the guitar. | A man riding on the back of an orange SUV. | Čovek koji vozi na zadnjem delu narandžastog SUV-a. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0175 | 3.4 | A father napping in a chair with a baby on his lap. | Man with pink shirt sleeping on chair with infant. | Čovek sa roze košuljom spava na stolici sa bebom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0176 | 4.4 | a close up head of an ostrich. | A close up of an ostrich face. | Bliski plan lica noja. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0179 | 4.2 | Green and white bird perched on tree branch. | Bird with a green head and white chest perched on a tree branch. | Ptica sa zelenom glavom i belim grudima je sletela na granu drveta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0182 | 5 | A man in a top hat rides a white horse. | A man with a top hat riding a white horse. | Čovek sa cilindrom koji jaše belog konja. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0188 | 0.2 | A woman riding a brown horse. | A woman taking her own photo from above. | Žena koja sama sebi pravi fotografiju odozgo. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0200 | 0.2 | Two men standing in grass staring at a car. | A woman in a pink top posing with beer. | Žena u roze majici pozira sa pivom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0205 | 4 | Two Indian women with two Indian girls near the water. | Two Indian woman stand with two Indian girls on a beach. | Dve indijske žene stoje sa dve indijske devojčice na plaži. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0207 | 2.6 | A table is set with wine and dishes for two people. | A wooden table is set with candles, wine, and a purple plastic bowl. | Drveni sto je postavljen sa svećama, vinom i ljubičastom plastičnom činijom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0214 | 0.6 | A moped in front of ruins. | White bus parked in grass in front of building. | Beli autobus parkiran na travi ispred zgrade. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0219 | 1.2 | A person driving a cart pulled by a bicycle. | A man wearing a dust mask riding a three wheeled bicycle. | Čovek koji nosi masku za prašinu vozi trotočkaš. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0227 | 3.8 | A dog sniffing the bottom of a door. | A black and white dog sniffing at a closed door. | Crno-beli pas njuška zatvorena vrata. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0236 | 4.2 | a small bird sitting on a branch in winter. | A small bird perched on an icy branch. | Mala ptica je sela na ledeni grančicu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0237 | 2.8 | A yellow bird is eating fruit on a wire grate. | A yellow bird eating fruit on a bird feeder. | Žuti ptica jede voće na hranilici za ptice. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0239 | 4.2 | A brown duck and white duck stand on the grass. | Brown and white ducks walking on green grass. | Braon i beli patke šetaju po zelenoj travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0240 | 2.4 | A black and white cat and dog on a striped couch. | A black and white cat standing in front of a window. | Crna i bela mačka stoje ispred prozora. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0244 | 3.6 | A man wearing black formal wear & a black top hat is riding a white show horse. | A man with a top hat riding a white horse. | Čovek sa cilindrom koji jaše belog konja. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0248 | 3.8 | A small brown birds is eating from a bird feeder hanging from a tree. | A small bird perches on the bird feeder hanging from the tree. | Mala ptica sedi na hranilici za ptice koja visi sa drveta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0249 | 0.6 | This a picture of the countryside with a large city in the background. | There are some black cattle in a grassy plain with a large tree in the background. | Na travnatoj ravni se nalaze neke crne krave sa velikim drvetom u pozadini. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0259 | 4.8 | Blue and red plane in mid-air flight. | a blue and red airplane while in flight. | plavi i crveni avion dok leti. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0263 | 1.2 | Three men posing in a tent. | Three men eating in a kitchen. | Tri muškarca jedu u kuhinji. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0270 | 2.4 | A close-up of a gray cat with green eyes. | A close-up of a cat on a cream sofa. | Primerak mačke na krem sofi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0273 | 4.2 | A train is at a train station. | The train sits at the train station. | Voz stoji na železničkoj stanici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0276 | 0 | The train heads down the tracks and along the hedge. | a dog on the floor of a patio looks at a cat on the fence. | Pas na podu terase gleda mačku na ogradi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0278 | 0.2 | a little girl is laughing at the camera. | A white cow with big ears looking into the camera. | Bela krava sa velikim ušima gleda u kameru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0280 | 3.4 | Three young women standing in a room together. | Three dark haired young women in white, red and black sweaters. | Tri brinete mlade žene u belom, crvenom i crnom džemperu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0294 | 3 | A white bird with long orange legs standing by a lake. | Large white bird with long orange beak standing on the shoreline. | Velika bela ptica sa dugim narandžastim kljunom stoji na obali. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0297 | 3.2 | A red train driving through a snow covered city. | The train is riding on the tracks in the snow. | Voz vozi po šinama u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0306 | 3 | Three bicyclists crossing a bridge in a city. | The bicyclists are crossing a bridge in the rain. | Biciklisti prelaze most dok pada kiša. |
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