stringlengths 353
| full-code-of-function
stringlengths 42
| __index_level_0__
int64 1
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: test_sessions.rb
path of file: ./repos/kbsecret/test
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative "helpers"
require "fileutils"
# Tests for KBSecret::Session and related classes/mo
| def test_default_session
# the default session should always exist, and session? should take both a string
# and a symbol
assert KBSecret::Config.session?(:default)
assert KBSecret::Config.session?("default")
hsh = KBSecret::Config.session(:default)
# the default session also has a configured hash, and that hash is the same whether
# looked up by string or by symbol
assert_instance_of Hash, hsh
assert_equal hsh, KBSecret::Config.session("default")
end | 630,538 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: formatter.go
path of file: ./repos/scan4all/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package chroma
import (
// A Formatter for Chroma lexers.
type Formatter interface {
// Format returns a formatting function for
| func (r recoveringFormatter) Format(w io.Writer, s *Style, it Iterator) (err error) {
defer func() {
if perr := recover(); perr != nil {
err = perr.(error)
return r.Formatter.Format(w, s, it)
} | 142,332 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/coreutils/nohup/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use std::{
fs::{File, OpenOptions},
| fn main() {
let matches = cli::create_app().get_matches();
// Ok to unwrap: COMMAND is required
let mut cmd = matches.values_of("COMMAND").unwrap();
// Ok to unwrap: Since COMMAND is required, there must be the first value
let command_name =;
let args: Vec<_> = cmd.collect();
let mut command = Command::new(command_name);
let mut command_c = command.args(&args);
let mut open_opts = OpenOptions::new();
// If standard input is a terminal, redirect it from an unreadable file.
if io::stdin().is_tty() {
command_c = command_c.stdin(Stdio::null());
if io::stdout().is_tty() {
// Try to open in write append nohup.out else open $HOME/nohup.out
let stdout = match get_stdout(&open_opts) {
Ok(f) => {
println!("nohup: stdout is redirected to 'nohup.out'");
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("nohup: {}", err);
command_c = command_c.stdout(stdout);
// If standard error is a terminal, redirect it to standard output.
if io::stderr().is_tty() {
let stderr = match get_stdout(&open_opts) {
Ok(f) => {
println!("nohup: stderr is redirected to 'nohup.out'");
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("nohup: {}", err);
command_c = command_c.stderr(stderr);
// Make all SIGHUP a ignored signal
unsafe { signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) };
let err = command_c.exec();
if let Some(ENOENT) = err.raw_os_error() {
eprintln!("nohup: '{}': {}", command_name, err);
} else {
eprintln!("nohup: {}", err);
} | 168,868 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: fileutil_test.go
path of file: ./repos/etcd/client/pkg/fileutil
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 2015 The etcd Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of t
| func TestDirEmpty(t *testing.T) {
dir := t.TempDir()
if !DirEmpty(dir) {
t.Fatalf("expected DirEmpty true, got %v", DirEmpty(dir))
file, err := os.CreateTemp(dir, "new_file")
if err != nil {
if DirEmpty(dir) {
t.Fatalf("expected DirEmpty false, got %v", DirEmpty(dir))
if DirEmpty(file.Name()) {
t.Fatalf("expected DirEmpty false, got %v", DirEmpty(file.Name()))
} | 208,259 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: api_op_UpdateDatabase.go
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/timestreamwrite
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
package timestreamwrite
import (
awsmiddleware ""
internalEndpointDiscovery ""
smithyhttp ""
// Modifies the KMS key for an existing database. While updating the database, you
// must specify the database name and the identifier of the new KMS key to be used
// ( KmsKeyId ). If there
| func (c *Client) fetchOpUpdateDatabaseDiscoverEndpoint(ctx context.Context, region string, optFns ...func(*internalEndpointDiscovery.DiscoverEndpointOptions)) (internalEndpointDiscovery.WeightedAddress, error) {
input := getOperationInput(ctx)
in, ok := input.(*UpdateDatabaseInput)
if !ok {
return internalEndpointDiscovery.WeightedAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown input type %T", input)
_ = in
identifierMap := make(map[string]string, 0)
identifierMap["sdk#Region"] = region
key := fmt.Sprintf("Timestream Write.%v", identifierMap)
if v, ok := c.endpointCache.Get(key); ok {
return v, nil
discoveryOperationInput := &DescribeEndpointsInput{}
opt := internalEndpointDiscovery.DiscoverEndpointOptions{}
for _, fn := range optFns {
endpoint, err := c.handleEndpointDiscoveryFromService(ctx, discoveryOperationInput, region, key, opt)
if err != nil {
return internalEndpointDiscovery.WeightedAddress{}, err
weighted, ok := endpoint.GetValidAddress()
if !ok {
return internalEndpointDiscovery.WeightedAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("no valid endpoint address returned by the endpoint discovery api")
return weighted, nil
} | 230,037 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: api_op_ListResourceDataSync.go
path of file: ./repos/teller/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
package ssm
import (
awsmiddleware ""
smithyhttp ""
// Lists your resource data sy
| func (c *Client) ListResourceDataSync(ctx context.Context, params *ListResourceDataSyncInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListResourceDataSyncOutput, error) {
if params == nil {
params = &ListResourceDataSyncInput{}
result, metadata, err := c.invokeOperation(ctx, "ListResourceDataSync", params, optFns, c.addOperationListResourceDataSyncMiddlewares)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := result.(*ListResourceDataSyncOutput)
out.ResultMetadata = metadata
return out, nil
} | 526,088 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/chiselstrike/cli/tests/integration_tests/rust_tests
the code of the file until where you have to start completion:
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2022 ChiselStrike <>
use crate::framework::prelude::*;
static MODELS: &str = r#"
import { ChiselEntity } from '@chiselstrike/api';
export class Biography extends ChiselEntity {
title: string = "";
page_count: number = 0;
export class Person extends ChiselEntity {
name: string = "bob";
age: number = 0;
| pub async fn count_basic(c: TestContext) {
c.chisel.write("models/models.ts", MODELS);
c.chisel.write("routes/people.ts", PEOPLE_CRUD);
import { Person } from "../models/models.ts";
export default async function chisel(req: Request) {
return await Person.cursor().count()
import { Person } from "../models/models.ts";
export default async function chisel(req: Request) {
return await Person.cursor()
.filter({age: 50})
} | 408,466 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/appsync/src/operation
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
/// Orchestration and serialization glue logic for `ListSourceApiAssociations`.
#[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::default::Default, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListSourceApiAssoci
| fn source(&self) -> ::std::option::Option<&(dyn ::std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match self {
Self::BadRequestException(_inner) => ::std::option::Option::Some(_inner),
Self::InternalFailureException(_inner) => ::std::option::Option::Some(_inner),
Self::NotFoundException(_inner) => ::std::option::Option::Some(_inner),
Self::UnauthorizedException(_inner) => ::std::option::Option::Some(_inner),
Self::Unhandled(_inner) => ::std::option::Option::Some(&*_inner.source),
} | 801,256 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/fuel-core/bin/e2e-test-client/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use crate::{
use libtest_mimic::{
use std::{
pub const SYNC_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
pub mod config;
pub mod test_context;
pub mod tests;
pub fn main_body(config: SuiteConfig, mut args: Arguments) {
fn with_cloned(
config: &SuiteConfig,
f: impl FnOnce(SuiteConfig) -> anyhow::Result<(), Failed>,
) -> impl FnOnce() -> anyhow::Result<(), Failed> {
let config = config.clone();
move || f(config)
// If we run tests in parallel they may fail because try to use the same state like UTXOs.
args.test_threads = Some(1);
let tests = vec![
"can transfer from alice to bob",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can transfer from alice to bob and back",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can collect fee from alice",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
| pub fn main_body(config: SuiteConfig, mut args: Arguments) {
fn with_cloned(
config: &SuiteConfig,
f: impl FnOnce(SuiteConfig) -> anyhow::Result<(), Failed>,
) -> impl FnOnce() -> anyhow::Result<(), Failed> {
let config = config.clone();
move || f(config)
// If we run tests in parallel they may fail because try to use the same state like UTXOs.
args.test_threads = Some(1);
let tests = vec![
"can transfer from alice to bob",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can transfer from alice to bob and back",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can collect fee from alice",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can execute script and get receipts",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can dry run transfer script and get receipts",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can dry run multiple transfer scripts and get receipts",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"dry run script that touches the contract with large state",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"dry run transaction from `non_specific_tx.raw` file",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
"can deploy a large contract",
with_cloned(&config, |config| {
async_execute(async {
let ctx = TestContext::new(config).await;
libtest_mimic::run(&args, tests).exit();
} | 491,501 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: reservoir_errors.go
path of file: ./repos/tania-core/backend/src/assets/domain
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package domain
const (
ReservoirErrorNameEmptyCode = iota
| func (e ReservoirError) Error() string {
switch e.Code {
case ReservoirErrorNameEmptyCode:
return "Reservoir name is required."
case ReservoirErrorNameNotEnoughCharacterCode:
return "Not enough character on Reservoir Name"
case ReservoirErrorNameExceedMaximunCharacterCode:
return "Reservoir name cannot more than 100 characters"
case ReservoirErrorNameAlphanumericOnlyCode:
return "Reservoir name should be alphanumeric, space, hypen, or underscore"
case ReservoirErrorPHInvalidCode:
return "Reservoir pH value is invalid."
case ReservoirErrorECInvalidCode:
return "Reservoir EC value is invalid."
case ReservoirErrorBucketCapacityInvalidCode:
return "Reservoir bucket capacity is invalid."
case ReservoirErrorWaterSourceAlreadyAttachedCode:
return "Reservoir water source is already attached."
case ReservoirErrorBucketVolumeInvalidCode:
return "Reservoir bucket volume is invalid."
case ReservoirNoteErrorInvalidContent:
return "Invalid reservoir notes content"
return "Unrecognized Reservoir Error Code"
} | 410,866 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: test_queue.rb
path of file: ./repos/polyphony/test
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'helper'
class QueueTest < MiniTest::Test
def setup
| def test_push_shift
spin {
@queue << 42
v = @queue.shift
assert_equal 42, v
(1..4).each { |i| @queue << i }
buf = []
4.times { buf << @queue.shift }
assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4], buf
end | 258,910 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: spm_eeg_prep_ui.m
path of file: ./repos/malini/Codes/deconvolution - model/spm8
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function spm_eeg_prep_ui(callback)
% User interface for spm_eeg_prep function performing several tasks
% for
| function getD
function D = getD
Finter = spm_figure('GetWin','Interactive');
D = get(Finter, 'UserData');
if ~isa(D, 'meeg')
D = [];
end | 386,287 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/medialive/src/operation/delete_tags
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
pub use crate::
| pub(crate) fn new(handle: ::std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>) -> Self {
Self {
inner: ::std::default::Default::default(),
config_override: ::std::option::Option::None,
} | 779,760 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: local.go
path of file: ./repos/docker-ce/components/engine/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Package local implements certificate signature functionality for CFSSL.
| func PopulateSubjectFromCSR(s *signer.Subject, req pkix.Name) pkix.Name {
// if no subject, use req
if s == nil {
return req
name := s.Name()
if name.CommonName == "" {
name.CommonName = req.CommonName
replaceSliceIfEmpty(&name.Country, &req.Country)
replaceSliceIfEmpty(&name.Province, &req.Province)
replaceSliceIfEmpty(&name.Locality, &req.Locality)
replaceSliceIfEmpty(&name.Organization, &req.Organization)
replaceSliceIfEmpty(&name.OrganizationalUnit, &req.OrganizationalUnit)
if name.SerialNumber == "" {
name.SerialNumber = req.SerialNumber
return name
} | 566,664 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: generic_test.go
path of file: ./repos/mockery/pkg/fixtures/test
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package test
import (
mocks ""
rtb ""
func TestRe
| func TestReplaceGeneric(t *testing.T) {
type str string
m := mocks.NewReplaceGeneric[str, str](t)
assert.Equal(t, m.A(rtb.B(1)), str(""))
assert.Equal(t, m.B(), rtb.B(2))
assert.Equal(t, m.C(), str(""))
} | 238,298 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: gbtest63.m
path of file: ./repos/SuiteSparse/GraphBLAS/GraphBLAS/test
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function gbtest63
%GBTEST63 test GrB.incidence
| function gbtest63
%GBTEST63 test GrB.incidence
% SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2023, All Rights Reserved.
% SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
rng ('default') ;
for trial = 1:2
if (trial == 1)
ij = [
4 1
1 2
4 3
6 3
7 3
1 4
7 4
2 5
7 5
3 6
5 6
2 7 ] ;
W = sparse (ij (:,1), ij (:,2), ones (12,1), 8, 8) ;
% load west0479 ; %#ok<*LOAD>
% W = west0479 ;
load west0479_correct ; %#ok<*LOAD>
W = Problem.A ;
end | 192,601 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: issue.go
path of file: ./repos/erda/tools/cli/common
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright (c) 2021 Terminus, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with t
| func UpdateIssue(ctx *command.Context, orgID uint64, request *apistructs.IssueUpdateRequest) error {
var resp apistructs.IssueUpdateResponse
var b bytes.Buffer
path := fmt.Sprintf("/api/issues/%d", request.ID)
response, err := ctx.Put().Path(path).JSONBody(request).
Header("org", strconv.FormatUint(orgID, 10)).
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(utils.FormatErrMsg(
"get issues", "failed to request ("+err.Error()+")", false))
if !response.IsOK() {
return fmt.Errorf(utils.FormatErrMsg("update issue",
fmt.Sprintf("failed to request, status-code: %d, content-type: %s, raw bod: %s",
response.StatusCode(), response.ResponseHeader("Content-Type"), b.String()), false))
if err := json.Unmarshal(b.Bytes(), &resp); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(utils.FormatErrMsg("update issue",
fmt.Sprintf("failed to unmarshal response ("+err.Error()+")"), false))
if !resp.Success {
return fmt.Errorf(utils.FormatErrMsg("update issue",
fmt.Sprintf("failed to request, error code: %s, error message: %s",
resp.Error.Code, resp.Error.Msg), false))
return nil
} | 713,465 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/gdnative/examples/scene-create/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use gdnative::prelude::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ManageErrs {
struct SceneCreate {
// Store the loaded scene for a very slight performance boost but mostly to show you how.
template: Option<Ref<PackedScene, ThreadLocal>>,
children_spawned: u32,
// Demonstrates Scene creation, calling to/from gdscript
// 1. Child scene is created when spawn_one is called
// 2. Child scenes are deleted when remove_one is called
// 3. Find and call functions in a node (Panel)
// 4. Call functions in GDNative (from panel into spawn/remove)
// Note, the same mechanism which is used to call from panel into spawn_one and remove_one c
| fn update_panel(owner: &Spatial, num_children: i64) {
// Here is how we call into the panel. First we get its node (we might have saved it
// from earlier)
let panel_node_opt = owner.get_parent().and_then(|parent| {
let parent = unsafe { parent.assume_safe() };
parent.find_node("Panel", true, false)
if let Some(panel_node) = panel_node_opt {
let panel_node = unsafe { panel_node.assume_safe() };
// Put the Node
let mut as_variant = Variant::new(panel_node);
let result =
unsafe {"set_num_children", &[Variant::new(num_children as u64)]) };
match result {
Ok(_) => godot_print!("Called Panel OK."),
Err(_) => godot_print!("Error calling Panel"),
} else {
godot_print!("Could not find panel node");
} | 734,180 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: Solution_test.go
path of file: ./repos/awesome-golang-algorithm/leetcode/1701-1800/1782.Count-Pairs-Of-Nodes
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package Solution
import (
func TestSolution(t *testing.T) {
// 测试用例
cases := []struct {
name string
inputs bool
expect bool
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", false, false},
// 开始测试
for i, c := range cases {
t.Run(" "+strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
got := Solution(c.inputs)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, c.expect) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %v
| func TestSolution(t *testing.T) {
// 测试用例
cases := []struct {
name string
inputs bool
expect bool
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", false, false},
// 开始测试
for i, c := range cases {
t.Run(" "+strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
got := Solution(c.inputs)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, c.expect) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %v, but got: %v, with inputs: %v",
c.expect, got, c.inputs)
} | 187,218 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: spec_helper.rb
path of file: ./repos/dry-monads/spec
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal:
| def suppress_warnings
original_verbosity = $VERBOSE
$VERBOSE = nil
result = yield
$VERBOSE = original_verbosity
end | 52,983 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: stdtdis_rnd.m
path of file: ./repos/malini/Codes/FC_EC_calculation code/DynamicFC/jplv7/Ucsd_garch/Distributions
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function t = stdtdis_rnd(n,df)
% returns random draws from the standardized t(n) distribution with unit variance
% rnd = stdtdis_rnd(n,df)
% random = stdtdis_rnd(n,df)
% n = size of vector
% df = a scalar dof parameter must be > 2
| function t = stdtdis_rnd(n,df)
% returns random draws from the standardized t(n) distribution with unit variance
% rnd = stdtdis_rnd(n,df)
% random = stdtdis_rnd(n,df)
% n = size of vector
% df = a scalar dof parameter must be > 2
% random = a vector of random draws from the standardized t(n) distribution
% SEE ALSO: stdtdis_cdf, stdtdis_rnd, stdtdis_pdf,
% written by:
% James P. LeSage, Dept of Economics
% University of Toledo
% 2801 W. Bancroft St,
% Toledo, OH 43606
% Author: Kevin Sheppard
% Revision: 2 Date: 12/31/2001
if nargin ~= 2
error('Wrong # of arguments to tdis_rnd');
end | 386,152 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/sysinfo/src/unix/linux
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::{self, DirEntry, File};
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use libc::{c_ulong, gid_t, kill, uid_t};
use crate::sys::system::SystemInfo;
use crate::sys::utils::{
get_all_data, get_all_data_from_file, realpath, FileCounter, PathHandler, PathPush,
use crate::{
DiskUsage, Gid, Pid, Process, ProcessRefreshKind, ProcessStatus, Signal, ThreadKin
| pub(crate) fn update_process_disk_activity(p: &mut ProcessInner, path: &mut PathHandler) {
let data = match get_all_data(path.join("io"), 16_384) {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(_) => return,
let mut done = 0;
for line in data.split('\n') {
let mut parts = line.split(": ");
match {
Some("read_bytes") => {
p.old_read_bytes = p.read_bytes;
p.read_bytes = parts
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<u64>().ok())
Some("write_bytes") => {
p.old_written_bytes = p.written_bytes;
p.written_bytes = parts
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<u64>().ok())
_ => continue,
done += 1;
if done > 1 {
// No need to continue the reading.
} | 661,588 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: rdir.m
path of file: ./repos/CBIG/external_packages/matlab/default_packages/others
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function [varargout] = rdir(rootdir,varargin)
% Lists the files in a directory and its sub directories.
| function [varargout] = rdir(rootdir,varargin)
% Lists the files in a directory and its sub directories.
% function [D] = rdir(ROOT,TEST)
% Recursive directory listing.
% ROOT is the directory starting point and includes the
% wildcard specification.
% The function returns a structure D similar to the one
% returned by the built-in dir command.
% There is one exception, the name field will include
% the relative path as well as the name to the file that
% was found.
% Pathnames and wildcards may be used. Wild cards can exist
% in the pathname too. A special case is the double * that
% will match multiple directory levels, e.g. c:\**\*.m.
% Otherwise a single * will only match one directory level.
% e.g. C:\Program Files\Windows *\
% TEST is an optional test that can be performed on the
% files. Two variables are supported, datenum & bytes.
% Tests are strings similar to what one would use in a
% if statement. e.g. 'bytes>1024 & datenum>now-7'
% If not output variables are specified then the output is
% sent to the screen.
% See also DIR
% examples:
% D = rdir('*.m');
% for ii=1:length(D), disp(D(ii).name); end | 617,530 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/transcribe/src/types/error
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NO
| fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
::std::write!(f, "BadRequestException")?;
if let ::std::option::Option::Some(inner_1) = &self.message {
::std::write!(f, ": {}", inner_1)?;
} | 756,927 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: KronGraph500NoPerm.m
path of file: ./repos/d4m/examples/3Scaling/2ParallelDatabase/alg
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function [StartVertex, EndVertex] = KronGraph500NoPerm(SCALE,EdgesPerVertex)
| function [StartVertex, EndVertex] = KronGraph500NoPerm(SCALE,EdgesPerVertex)
%Graph500NoPerm: Generates graph edges using the same 2x2 Kronecker algorithm (R-MAT) as the Graph500 benchmark, but no permutation of vertex labels is performed.
%IO user function.
% Usage:
% [StartVertex EndVertex] = Graph500NoPerm(SCALE,edgefactor)
% Inputs:
% SCALE = integer scale factor that sets the max number of vertices to 2^SCALE
% EdgesPerVertex = sets the total number of edges to M = K*N;
% Outputs:
% StartVertex = Mx1 vector of integer start vertices in the range [1,N]
% EndVertex = Mx1 vector of integer end | 727,509 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: meta_test.go
path of file: ./repos/erda/internal/tools/pipeline/pipengine/actionexecutor/plugins/apitest/logic
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright (c) 2021 Terminus, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance wit
| func TestWriteMetaFile(t *testing.T) {
pipelinefunc.CallbackActionFunc = func(data []byte) (err error) {
return nil
meta := &Meta{
Result: "success",
t.Run("writeMetaFile", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, CtxKeyLogger, &logrus.Entry{})
writeMetaFile(ctx, &spec.PipelineTask{}, meta)
} | 712,128 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: delete_snapshot_group.go
path of file: ./repos/sealer/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package ecs
//Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//You may obtain a copy of the License at
//Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| func (client *Client) DeleteSnapshotGroupWithCallback(request *DeleteSnapshotGroupRequest, callback func(response *DeleteSnapshotGroupResponse, err error)) <-chan int {
result := make(chan int, 1)
err := client.AddAsyncTask(func() {
var response *DeleteSnapshotGroupResponse
var err error
defer close(result)
response, err = client.DeleteSnapshotGroup(request)
callback(response, err)
result <- 1
if err != nil {
defer close(result)
callback(nil, err)
result <- 0
return result
} | 723,187 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: plugin.go
path of file: ./repos/buildkit/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: /*
Copyright The containerd Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file excep
| func (r *Registration) Init(ic *InitContext) *Plugin {
p, err := r.InitFn(ic)
return &Plugin{
Registration: r,
Config: ic.Config,
Meta: ic.Meta,
instance: p,
err: err,
} | 652,769 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: option.go
path of file: ./repos/tun2socks/core/option
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package option
import (
| func WithTCPDelay(v bool) Option {
return func(s *stack.Stack) error {
opt := tcpip.TCPDelayEnabled(v)
if err := s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, &opt); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("set TCP delay: %s", err)
return nil
} | 547,955 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: repositories_manager.go
path of file: ./repos/cds/engine/api/repositoriesmanager
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package repositoriesmanager
import (
gocache ""
func (c *vcsClient) IsBitbucketCloud() bool {
if c.vcsProject != nil {
return c.vcsProject.Type == "bitbucketcloud"
return false
func (c *vcsClient) IsGerrit(ctx
| func (c *vcsClient) doJSONRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, in interface{}, out interface{}) (int, error) {
_, code, err := services.NewClient(c.srvs).DoJSONRequest(ctx, method, path, in, out, func(req *http.Request) {
c.setAuthHeader(ctx, req)
if code >= 400 {
log.Warn(ctx, "repositories manager %s HTTP %s %s error %d",, method, path, code)
switch code {
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
err = sdk.NewError(sdk.ErrNoReposManagerClientAuth, err)
case http.StatusBadRequest:
err = sdk.NewError(sdk.ErrWrongRequest, err)
case http.StatusNotFound:
err = sdk.NewError(sdk.ErrNotFound, err)
case http.StatusForbidden:
err = sdk.NewError(sdk.ErrForbidden, err)
err = sdk.NewError(sdk.ErrUnknownError, err)
return code, sdk.WithStack(err)
} | 513,641 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/rules_rust/tools/rustfmt/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
/// The expected extension of rustfmt manifest files generated by `rustfmt_aspect`.
pub const RUSTFMT_MANIFEST_EXTENSION: &str = "rustfmt
| pub fn find_manifests() -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let runfiles = runfiles::Runfiles::create().unwrap();
.map(|var| {
.filter_map(|path| match path.is_empty() {
true => None,
false => Some(runfiles.rlocation(format!(
} | 22,920 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: read_test.go
path of file: ./repos/gitkube/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 2015 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bigquery
import (
bq "google.go
| func TestReadQueryOptions(t *testing.T) {
// test that read options are propagated.
c := &Client{projectID: "project-id"}
pf := &pageFetcherReadStub{
values: [][][]Value{{{1, 2}}},
tr := &bq.TableReference{
ProjectId: "project-id",
DatasetId: "dataset-id",
TableId: "table-id",
queryJob := &Job{
projectID: "project-id",
jobID: "job-id",
c: c,
config: &bq.JobConfiguration{
Query: &bq.JobConfigurationQuery{DestinationTable: tr},
it, err :=, waitForQueryStub, pf.fetchPage)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err calling Read: %v", err)
it.PageInfo().MaxSize = 5
var vals []Value
if err := it.Next(&vals); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Next: got: %v: want: nil", err)
want := []pageFetcherArgs{{
table: bqToTable(tr, c),
pageSize: 5,
pageToken: "",
if !testutil.Equal(pf.calls, want, cmp.AllowUnexported(pageFetcherArgs{}, Table{}, Client{})) {
t.Errorf("reading: got:\n%v\nwant:\n%v", pf.calls, want)
} | 504,999 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/codegurureviewer/src/types
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
/// <p>Information about an associated repository in an S3 bucket. The associated repository contains a source code .zip file and a build artifacts .zip file that contains .jar or .class files.</p>
#[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct S3BucketRepository {
/// <p>The name of the repository when the <cod
| pub fn build(self) -> ::std::result::Result<crate::types::S3BucketRepository, ::aws_smithy_types::error::operation::BuildError> {
::std::result::Result::Ok(crate::types::S3BucketRepository {
name:|| {
"name was not specified but it is required when building S3BucketRepository",
details: self.details,
} | 772,317 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/phaser/phaser/vendor/web-sys/src/features
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: #![allow(unused_imports)]
use super::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
extern "C" {
# [wasm_bindgen (extends = :: js_sys :: O
| pub fn modifier_symbol_lock(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Self {
use wasm_bindgen::JsValue;
let r = ::js_sys::Reflect::set(
"setting properties should never fail on our dictionary objects"
let _ = r;
} | 622,335 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: spm_vb_regionF.m
path of file: ./repos/spm
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function [F] = spm_vb_regionF (Y,xY,SPM)
% Get log model evidence over a region of data for a GLM
% FORMAT [F] = spm_vb_regionF (Y,xY,SPM)
% Y Matrix of fMRI data (eg. from spm_summarise.m)
% xY Coordinates etc from region (eg. from spm_voi.m)
% SPM SPM data structure (this must be loaded in from an
% SPM.mat file). If this field is not specified this function
% will prompt you for the name of an SPM.mat file
% F Log model evidence (single number for whole region)
% Importantly, the design matrix is normalised so that when you compare
% models their regressors will be identically scaled.
% Valid model comparisons also require that the DCT basis set used in high
% pass filtering, as specified in SPM.xX.K.X0, is the same for all models
% that are to be compared.
% W. Penny, G. Flandin, and N. Trujillo-Barreto. (2007). Bayesian Model
% Comparison of Spatially Regularised General Linear Models. Human
% Brain Mapping, 28(4):275-293.
% Will Penny
| function [F] = spm_vb_regionF (Y,xY,SPM)
% Get log model evidence over a region of data for a GLM
% FORMAT [F] = spm_vb_regionF (Y,xY,SPM)
% Y Matrix of fMRI data (eg. from spm_summarise.m)
% xY Coordinates etc from region (eg. from spm_voi.m)
% SPM SPM data structure (this must be loaded in from an
% SPM.mat file). If this field is not specified this function
% will prompt you for the name of an SPM.mat file
% F Log model evidence (single number for whole region)
% Importantly, the design matrix is normalised so that when you compare
% models their regressors will be identically scaled.
% Valid model comparisons also require that the DCT basis set used in high
% pass filtering, as specified in SPM.xX.K.X0, is the same for all models
% that are to be compared.
% W. Penny, G. Flandin, and N. Trujillo-Barreto. (2007). Bayesian Model
% Comparison of Spatially Regularised General Linear Models. Human
% Brain Mapping, 28(4):275-293.
% Will Penny
% Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging
[Pf, sts] = spm_select(1,'^SPM\.mat$','Select SPM.mat');
if ~sts, return; end | 715,814 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: ifstatus_windows.go
path of file: ./repos/sliver/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package tstun
import (
| func (iw *ifaceWatcher) callback(notificationType winipcfg.MibNotificationType, iface *winipcfg.MibIPInterfaceRow) {
// Probably should check only when MibParameterNotification, but just in case included MibAddInstance also.
if notificationType == winipcfg.MibParameterNotification || notificationType == winipcfg.MibAddInstance {
// Out of paranoia, start a goroutine to finish our work, to return to Windows out of this callback.
go iw.isUp()
} | 454,473 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/materialize/src/transform/src/fusion
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All
| pub fn action(relation: &mut MirRelationExpr) {
if let MirRelationExpr::Union { inputs, .. } = relation {
let mut list: Vec<MirRelationExpr> = Vec::with_capacity(1 + inputs.len());
Self::unfold_unions_into(relation.take_dangerous(), &mut list);
*relation = MirRelationExpr::Union {
base: Box::new(list.remove(0)),
inputs: list,
} | 370,585 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: client.go
path of file: ./repos/teller/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2016-10-01.
// The key vault client performs cryptographic key operations and vault operations against the Key Vault service.
package keyvault
| func (client BaseClient) GetCertificateContacts(ctx context.Context, vaultBaseURL string) (result Contacts, err error) {
if tracing.IsEnabled() {
ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/BaseClient.GetCertificateContacts")
defer func() {
sc := -1
if result.Response.Response != nil {
sc = result.Response.Response.StatusCode
tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
req, err := client.GetCertificateContactsPreparer(ctx, vaultBaseURL)
if err != nil {
err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "keyvault.BaseClient", "GetCertificateContacts", nil, "Failure preparing request")
resp, err := client.GetCertificateContactsSender(req)
if err != nil {
result.Response = autorest.Response{Response: resp}
err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "keyvault.BaseClient", "GetCertificateContacts", resp, "Failure sending request")
result, err = client.GetCertificateContactsResponder(resp)
if err != nil {
err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "keyvault.BaseClient", "GetCertificateContacts", resp, "Failure responding to request")
} | 526,507 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/image/tests
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: //! Compares the decoding results with reference renderings.
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::u32;
use crc32fast::Hasher as Crc32;
use image::DynamicImage;
const BASE_PATH: [&str; 2] = [".", "tests"];
const IMAGE_DIR: &str = "images";
const OUTPUT_DIR: &str = "output";
const REFERENCE_DIR: &str = "reference";
fn process_images<F>(dir: &str, input_decoder: Option<&str>, func: F)
F: Fn(&PathBuf, PathBuf, &str),
let base: PathBuf = BASE_PATH.iter().collect();
let decoders = &[
"tga", "tiff", "png", "gif", "bmp", "ico", "hdr", "pbm", "webp",
for decoder in decoders {
let mut path = base.clone();
+ match input_decoder {
Some(val) => val,
None => decoder,
let pattern = &*format!("{}", path.display());
for path in glob::glob(pattern).unwrap().filter_map(Result::ok) {
func(&base, path, decoder)
#[cfg(feature = "png")]
fn render_images() {
process_images(IMAGE_DIR, None, |base, path, decoder| {
println!("render_images {}", path.display());
let img = match image::open(&path) {
| fn from_str(filename: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut filename_parts = filename.rsplitn(3, '.');
// Ignore the file extension;
// The penultimate part of `filename_parts` represents the metadata,
// describing the test type and other details.
let meta_str ="missing metadata part")?;
let meta = meta_str.split('_').collect::<Vec<_>>();
let (crc, kind);
if meta.len() == 1 {
// `CRC`
crc = parse_crc(meta[0]).ok_or("malformed CRC")?;
kind = ReferenceTestKind::SingleImage;
} else if meta.len() == 3 && meta[0] == "anim" {
// `anim_FRAME_CRC`
crc = parse_crc(meta[2]).ok_or("malformed CRC")?;
let frame: usize = meta[1].parse().map_err(|_| "malformed frame number")?;
kind = ReferenceTestKind::AnimatedFrame {
frame: frame.checked_sub(1).ok_or("frame number must be 1-based")?,
} else {
return Err("unrecognized reference image metadata format");
// The remaining part represents the original file name
let orig_filename = filename_parts
.ok_or("missing original file name")?
Ok(Self {
} | 598,935 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: service.go
path of file: ./repos/awless/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package s3
import (
| func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegion, signingName string) *S3 {
svc := &S3{
Client: client.New(
ServiceName: ServiceName,
SigningName: signingName,
SigningRegion: signingRegion,
Endpoint: endpoint,
APIVersion: "2006-03-01",
// Handlers
// Run custom client initialization if present
if initClient != nil {
return svc
} | 335,136 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/rust-for-backend-development/lesson_5/src/db
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use postgres::error::Error;
use postgres::NoTls;
use postgres::Row;
use r2d2::{Pool, PooledConnection};
use r2d2_postgres::PostgresConnectionManager;
* Copyright [2020] [Dario Alessandro Lencina Talarico]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* y ou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by app
| pub fn read_movies(db: &mut PooledConnection<PostgresConnectionManager<NoTls>>) -> Result<Vec<Movie>, Error> {
let statement = db
"select * from movies",
let movies: Vec<Movie> = db.query(&statement, &[])?
.map(|row| {
let title: String = row.get("title");
let genre: String = row.get("genre");
Movie {
} | 11,753 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: authentication_client.go
path of file: ./repos/hubble-ui/backend/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: /*
Copyright The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a co
| func NewForConfigAndClient(c *rest.Config, h *http.Client) (*AuthenticationV1beta1Client, error) {
config := *c
if err := setConfigDefaults(&config); err != nil {
return nil, err
client, err := rest.RESTClientForConfigAndClient(&config, h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AuthenticationV1beta1Client{client}, nil
} | 380,372 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: a_test.go
path of file: ./repos/codeforces-go/leetcode/weekly/200/a
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by copypasta/template/leetcode/generator_test.go
package main
import (
| func Test(t *testing.T) {
t.Log("Current test is [a]")
examples := [][]string{
`[3,0,1,1,9,7]`, `7`, `2`, `3`,
`[1,1,2,2,3]`, `0`, `0`, `1`,
// TODO 测试参数的下界和上界
targetCaseNum := 0
if err := testutil.RunLeetCodeFuncWithExamples(t, countGoodTriplets, examples, targetCaseNum); err != nil {
} | 132,066 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/greengrass/src/operation/update_thing_runtime_configuration
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
| pub(crate) fn new(handle: ::std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>) -> Self {
Self {
inner: ::std::default::Default::default(),
config_override: ::std::option::Option::None,
} | 819,836 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: grant_test.go
path of file: ./repos/infra/internal/server/data
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package data
import (
is ""
| func isNotBlocked[T any](t *testing.T, ch chan T) (result T) {
timeout := 100 * time.Millisecond
select {
case item := <-ch:
return item
case <-time.After(timeout):
t.Fatalf("expected operation to not block, timeout after: %v", timeout)
return result
} | 571,316 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: proposals_test.go
path of file: ./repos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/simulation
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package simulation_test
import (
| func TestProposalMsgs(t *testing.T) {
// initialize parameters
s := rand.NewSource(1)
r := rand.New(s)
ctx := sdk.NewContext(nil, true, nil)
accounts := simtypes.RandomAccounts(r, 3)
// execute ProposalMsgs function
weightedProposalMsgs := simulation.ProposalMsgs()
assert.Assert(t, len(weightedProposalMsgs) == 1)
w0 := weightedProposalMsgs[0]
// tests w0 interface:
assert.Equal(t, simulation.OpWeightMsgUpdateParams, w0.AppParamsKey())
assert.Equal(t, simulation.DefaultWeightMsgUpdateParams, w0.DefaultWeight())
msg := w0.MsgSimulatorFn()(r, ctx, accounts)
msgUpdateParams, ok := msg.(*types.MsgUpdateParams)
assert.Assert(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, sdk.AccAddress(address.Module("gov")).String(), msgUpdateParams.Authority)
assert.Assert(t, len(msgUpdateParams.Params.SendEnabled) == 0) //nolint:staticcheck // we're testing the old way here
assert.Equal(t, true, msgUpdateParams.Params.DefaultSendEnabled)
} | 29,374 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: safe_migrate_spec.rb
path of file: ./repos/discourse/spec/lib/migration
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe Migration::SafeMigrate do
before { Migration::SafeMigrate::SafeMigration.disable_safe! }
after do
| def migrate_up(path)
migrations =, ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration).migrations
end | 616,579 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/worklink/src/operation
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
/// Orchestration and serialization glue logic for `ListWebsiteCertificateAuthorities`.
#[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::defaul
| pub fn meta(&self) -> &::aws_smithy_types::error::ErrorMetadata {
match self {
Self::InternalServerErrorException(e) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(e),
Self::InvalidRequestException(e) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(e),
Self::TooManyRequestsException(e) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(e),
Self::UnauthorizedException(e) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(e),
Self::Unhandled(e) => &e.meta,
} | 811,319 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/cosmic-time/examples/stopwatch/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: /*
* This file is not specific to cosmic-time.
* The relevant code to this example is in
* This is just code to make an iced theme, so
* the stopwatch example can be prettier, and
* show the andvantages of style animations
* with a custom theme.
use iced::widget::{button, container, text};
use iced::{application, color, Shadow, Vector};
use iced::{Background as B, Border};
pub struct Theme;
impl application::StyleSheet for Theme {
type Style = ();
fn appearance(&self, _style: &Self::Style) -> application::Appearance {
application::Appearance {
background_color: color!(0xff, 0xff, 0xff),
text_color: color!(0xff, 0x00, 0x00),
impl text::StyleShe
| fn appearance(&self, style: &Self::Style) -> container::Appearance {
match style {
Container::White => container::Appearance {
background: Some(B::Color(color!(0xd1, 0xd5, 0xdb))),
text_color: Some(color!(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)),
Container::Red => container::Appearance {
background: Some(B::Color(color!(0xfc, 0xa5, 0xa5))),
text_color: Some(color!(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)),
Container::Green => container::Appearance {
background: Some(B::Color(color!(0xb3, 0xf2, 0x64))),
text_color: Some(color!(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)),
Container::Blue => container::Appearance {
background: Some(B::Color(color!(0x93, 0xc5, 0xfd))),
text_color: Some(color!(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)),
} | 478,444 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/rustrogueliketutorial/chapter-71-logging/src/map_builders
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use super::{MetaMapBuilder, BuilderMap, TileType};
use rltk::RandomNumberGenerator;
pub struct RoomBasedStairs {}
impl MetaMapBuilder for RoomBasedStairs {
fn build_map(&mut self, rng: &mut rltk::Ran
| fn build(&mut self, _rng : &mut RandomNumberGenerator, build_data : &mut BuilderMap) {
if let Some(rooms) = &build_data.rooms {
let stairs_position = rooms[rooms.len()-1].center();
let stairs_idx =, stairs_position.1);[stairs_idx] = TileType::DownStairs;
} else {
panic!("Room Based Stairs only works after rooms have been created");
} | 38,647 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: encoding.go
path of file: ./repos/streamdal/apps/server/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository ar
| func DecodeFloat64LE(b *[]byte) (float64, error) {
if len(*b) < 8 {
return 0, io.EOF
v := math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(*b))
*b = (*b)[8:]
return v, nil
} | 206,643 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/quicksight/src/operation/list_user_groups
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
#[allow(missing_docs)] // documentation missing in model
#[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListUserGroupsOutput {
/// <p>T
| pub fn build(self) -> crate::operation::list_user_groups::ListUserGroupsOutput {
crate::operation::list_user_groups::ListUserGroupsOutput {
group_list: self.group_list,
next_token: self.next_token,
request_id: self.request_id,
status: self.status.unwrap_or_default(),
_request_id: self._request_id,
} | 762,323 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: template_test.go
path of file: ./repos/db/adapter/ql
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package ql
import (
db ""
func TestTemplateSelect(t *testing.T) {
b := sqlbuilder.WithTemplate(template)
assert := assert.New(t)
"SELECT * FROM artist ORDER BY id() ASC",
"SELECT * FROM artist ORDER BY id() ASC",
"SELECT * FROM artist ORDER BY name DESC",
b.Select().From("artist").OrderBy("name DESC").String(),
"SELECT * FROM artist ORDER BY name DESC",
| func TestTemplateUpdate(t *testing.T) {
b := sqlbuilder.WithTemplate(template)
assert := assert.New(t)
"UPDATE artist SET name = $1",
b.Update("artist").Set("name", "Artist").String(),
"UPDATE artist SET name = $1 WHERE (id < $2)",
b.Update("artist").Set("name = ?", "Artist").Where("id <", 5).String(),
"UPDATE artist SET name = $1 WHERE (id < $2)",
b.Update("artist").Set(map[string]string{"name": "Artist"}).Where(db.Cond{"id <": 5}).String(),
"UPDATE artist SET name = $1 WHERE (id < $2)",
b.Update("artist").Set(struct {
Nombre string `db:"name"`
}{"Artist"}).Where(db.Cond{"id <": 5}).String(),
"UPDATE artist SET name = $1, last_name = $2 WHERE (id < $3)",
b.Update("artist").Set(struct {
Nombre string `db:"name"`
}{"Artist"}).Set(map[string]string{"last_name": "Foo"}).Where(db.Cond{"id <": 5}).String(),
"UPDATE artist SET name = $1 || ' ' || $2 || id, id = id + $3 WHERE (id > $4)",
"name = ? || ' ' || ? || id", "Artist", "#",
"id = id + ?", 10,
).Where("id > ?", 0).String(),
} | 2,520 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/holochain-rust/crates/core/src/wasm_engine/api
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use crate::{
wasm_engine::{api::ZomeApiResult, Runtime},
workflows::{author_entry::author_entry, get_entry_result::get_entry_result_workflow},
use holochain_core_types::{
entry::{deletion_entry::DeletionEntry, Entry},
use holochain_persistence_api::cas::content::{Address, AddressableContent};
| pub fn invoke_remove_entry(runtime: &mut Runtime, args: &RuntimeArgs) -> ZomeApiResult {
let context = runtime.context()?;
// deserialize args
let args_str = runtime.load_json_string_from_args(&args);
let try_address = Address::try_from(args_str.clone());
// Exit on error
if try_address.is_err() {
"zome: invoke_remove_entry failed to deserialize Address: {:?}",
return ribosome_error_code!(ArgumentDeserializationFailed);
let deleted_entry_address = try_address.unwrap();
// Get Current entry's latest version
let get_args = GetEntryArgs {
address: deleted_entry_address,
options: Default::default(),
let maybe_entry_result = context
.block_on(get_entry_result_workflow(&context, &get_args));
if let Err(err) = maybe_entry_result {
log_error!(context, "zome: get_entry_result_workflow failed: {:?}", err);
return ribosome_error_code!(WorkflowFailed);
let entry_result = maybe_entry_result.unwrap();
if !entry_result.found() {
return ribosome_error_code!(EntryNotFound);
let deleted_entry_address = entry_result.latest().unwrap().address();
// Create deletion entry
let deletion_entry = Entry::Deletion(DeletionEntry::new(deleted_entry_address.clone()));
let res: Result<Address, HolochainError> = context
.map(|_| deletion_entry.address());
} | 150,697 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: ticker.go
path of file: ./repos/hatchet/internal/services/ticker
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package ticker
import (
type Ticker interface {
Start(ctx context.Context) error
type TickerIm
| func (t *TickerImpl) Start() (func() error, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
t.l.Debug().Msgf("starting ticker %s", t.tickerId)
// register the ticker
ticker, err := t.repo.Ticker().CreateNewTicker(&repository.CreateTickerOpts{
ID: t.tickerId,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// subscribe to a task queue with the dispatcher id
cleanupQueue, taskChan, err := t.tq.Subscribe(taskqueue.QueueTypeFromTickerID(ticker.ID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = t.s.NewJob(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not schedule get group key run requeue: %w", err)
_, err = t.s.NewJob(
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
for task := range taskChan {
go func(task *taskqueue.Task) {
defer wg.Done()
err := t.handleTask(ctx, task)
if err != nil {
t.l.Error().Err(err).Msgf("could not handle ticker task %s", task.ID)
cleanup := func() error {
t.l.Debug().Msg("removing ticker")
if err := cleanupQueue(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not cleanup queue: %w", err)
// delete the ticker
err = t.repo.Ticker().Delete(t.tickerId)
if err != nil {
t.l.Err(err).Msg("could not delete ticker")
return err
// add the task after the ticker is deleted
err = t.tq.AddTask(
if err != nil {
t.l.Err(err).Msg("could not add ticker removed task")
return err
if err := t.s.Shutdown(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not shutdown scheduler: %w", err)
return nil
return cleanup, nil
} | 591,310 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/rust-analyzer/crates/ide-db/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: //! Rustdoc specific doc comment handling
use crate::documentation::Documentation;
// stripped down version of
| pub fn is_rust_fence(s: &str) -> bool {
let mut seen_rust_tags = false;
let mut seen_other_tags = false;
let tokens = s
.split(|c| c == ',' || c == ' ' || c == '\t')
.filter(|t| !t.is_empty());
for token in tokens {
match token {
"should_panic" | "no_run" | "ignore" | "allow_fail" => {
seen_rust_tags = !seen_other_tags
"rust" => seen_rust_tags = true,
"test_harness" | "compile_fail" => seen_rust_tags = !seen_other_tags || seen_rust_tags,
x if x.starts_with("edition") => {}
x if x.starts_with('E') && x.len() == 5 => {
if x[1..].parse::<u32>().is_ok() {
seen_rust_tags = !seen_other_tags || seen_rust_tags;
} else {
seen_other_tags = true;
_ => seen_other_tags = true,
!seen_other_tags || seen_rust_tags
} | 368,120 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/codeguruprofiler/src/types
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by
| pub fn build(self) -> crate::types::Match {
crate::types::Match {
target_frames_index: self.target_frames_index,
frame_address: self.frame_address,
threshold_breach_value: self.threshold_breach_value,
} | 777,890 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: config_test.go
path of file: ./repos/kratos/contrib/config/nacos
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package config
import (
func TestConfig_Load(t *testing.T) {
sc := []constant.ServerConfig{
*constant.NewServerConfig("", 8848),
cc := constant.ClientConfig{
TimeoutMs: 5000,
NotLoadCacheAtStart: true,
LogDir: "/tmp/nacos/log",
CacheDir: "/tmp/nacos/cache",
RotateTime: "1h",
MaxAge: 3,
LogLevel: "debug",
client, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
ClientConfig: &cc,
ServerConfigs: sc,
if err != nil {
source := NewConfigSource(client, WithGroup("test"), WithDataID("test.yaml"))
type fields struct {
source config.Source
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
want []*config.KeyValue
wantErr bool
preFunc func(t *testing.T)
deferFunc func(t *testing.T)
name: "normal",
fields: fields{
source: source,
wantErr: false,
preFunc: func(t *testing.T) {
_, err = client.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{DataId: "test.yaml", Group: "test", Content: "test: test"})
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
deferFunc: func(t *testing.T) {
_, dErr
| func TestConfig_Watch(t *testing.T) {
sc := []constant.ServerConfig{
*constant.NewServerConfig("", 8848),
cc := constant.ClientConfig{
TimeoutMs: 5000,
NotLoadCacheAtStart: true,
LogDir: "/tmp/nacos/log",
CacheDir: "/tmp/nacos/cache",
RotateTime: "1h",
MaxAge: 3,
LogLevel: "debug",
client, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
ClientConfig: &cc,
ServerConfigs: sc,
if err != nil {
source := NewConfigSource(client, WithGroup("test"), WithDataID("test.yaml"))
type fields struct {
source config.Source
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
want []*config.KeyValue
wantErr bool
processFunc func(t *testing.T, w config.Watcher)
deferFunc func(t *testing.T, w config.Watcher)
name: "normal",
fields: fields{
source: source,
wantErr: false,
processFunc: func(t *testing.T, w config.Watcher) {
_, pErr := client.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{DataId: "test.yaml", Group: "test", Content: "test: test"})
if pErr != nil {
deferFunc: func(t *testing.T, w config.Watcher) {
_, dErr := client.DeleteConfig(vo.ConfigParam{DataId: "test.yaml", Group: "test"})
if dErr != nil {
want: []*config.KeyValue{{
Key: "test.yaml",
Value: []byte("test: test"),
Format: "yaml",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
s := test.fields.source
watch, wErr := s.Watch()
if wErr != nil {
if test.processFunc != nil {
test.processFunc(t, watch)
if test.deferFunc != nil {
defer test.deferFunc(t, watch)
want, nErr := watch.Next()
if (nErr != nil) != test.wantErr {
t.Errorf("Watch error = %v, wantErr %v", nErr, test.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, test.want) {
t.Errorf("Watch watcher = %v, want %v", watch, test.want)
} | 441,753 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: local.rb
path of file: ./repos/gitlabhq/lib/gitlab/ci/config/external/file
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
module Ci
class Config
module External
module File
class Local < Base
extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize
def initialize(params, context)
# `Repository#blobs_at` does not support files with the `/` prefix.
@location = Gitlab::Utils.remove_leading_slashes(params[:local])
def content
strong_memoize(:content) { fetch_local_content }
def metadata
type: :local,
location: masked_location,
blob: masked_blob,
raw: masked_raw,
extra: {}
def validate_context!
return if context.project&.repository
errors.push("Local file `#{masked_location}` does not have project!")
def validate_content!
if content.nil?
errors.push("Local file `#{masked_location}` does not exist!")
elsif content.blank?
errors.push("Local file `#{masked_location}` is empty!")
def fetch_local_content
BatchLoader.for([context.sha, location])
.batch(key: context.project) do |locations, loader, args|
context.logger.instrument(:config_file_fetch_local_content) do
| def initialize(params, context)
# `Repository#blobs_at` does not support files with the `/` prefix.
@location = Gitlab::Utils.remove_leading_slashes(params[:local])
def content
strong_memoize(:content) { fetch_local_content }
def metadata
type: :local,
location: masked_location,
blob: masked_blob,
raw: masked_raw,
extra: {}
def validate_context!
return if context.project&.repository
errors.push("Local file `#{masked_location}` does not have project!")
def validate_content!
if content.nil?
errors.push("Local file `#{masked_location}` does not exist!")
elsif content.blank?
errors.push("Local file `#{masked_location}` is empty!")
def fetch_local_content
BatchLoader.for([context.sha, location])
.batch(key: context.project) do |locations, loader, args|
context.logger.instrument(:config_file_fetch_local_content) do
args[:key].repository.blobs_at(locations).each do |blob|[blob.commit_id, blob.path],
rescue GRPC::InvalidArgument
# no-op
override :expand_context_attrs
def expand_context_attrs
project: context.project,
sha: context.sha,
user: context.user,
parent_pipeline: context.parent_pipeline,
variables: context.variables
def masked_blob
return unless valid?
strong_memoize(:masked_blob) do
Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_blob_url(context.project, ::File.join(context.sha, location))
def masked_raw
return unless valid?
strong_memoize(:masked_raw) do
Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_raw_url(context.project, ::File.join(context.sha, location))
end | 298,011 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: trimpathseparator_test.go
path of file: ./repos/k6/lib/fsext
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package fsext
import (
func TestTrimAferoPathSeparatorFs(t *testing.T) {
m := afero.NewMemMapFs()
f := NewTrimFilePathSeparatorFs(m)
expecteData := []byte("something")
err := afero.WriteFile(f, f
| func TestTrimAferoPathSeparatorFs(t *testing.T) {
m := afero.NewMemMapFs()
f := NewTrimFilePathSeparatorFs(m)
expecteData := []byte("something")
err := afero.WriteFile(f, filepath.FromSlash("/path/to/somewhere"), expecteData, 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
data, err := afero.ReadFile(m, "/path/to/somewhere")
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist))
require.Nil(t, data)
data, err = afero.ReadFile(m, "path/to/somewhere")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expecteData, data)
err = afero.WriteFile(f, filepath.FromSlash("path/without/separtor"), expecteData, 0o644)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist))
} | 735,456 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: tape_test.go
path of file: ./repos/learn-go-with-tests/io/v7
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package main
import (
func TestTape_Write(t *testing.T) {
file, clean := createTempFile(t, "12345")
defer clean()
| func TestTape_Write(t *testing.T) {
file, clean := createTempFile(t, "12345")
defer clean()
tape := &tape{file}
file.Seek(0, 0)
newFileContents, _ := io.ReadAll(file)
got := string(newFileContents)
want := "abc"
if got != want {
t.Errorf("got %q want %q", got, want)
} | 604,605 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: build.go
path of file: ./repos/fabio/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package filetype provides functionality for wrapping descriptors
// with Go type information.
package filetype
import (
pimpl ""
// Builder constructs type descriptors from a raw file descriptor
// and associated Go types for each enum and message declaration.
// # Flattened Ordering
// The protobuf type system represents declarations as a tree. Certain nodes in
// the tree require us to either associate it with a concrete Go type or to
// resolve a dependency, which is information that must be provided separately
// since it cannot be derived from the file descriptor alone.
// However, representing a tree as Go literals is difficult to simply do in a
// space and time efficient way. Thus, we store them as a flattened list of
// objects where the serialization order from the tree-based form is important.
// The "flattened ordering" is defined as a tree traversal of all enum, message,
// extension, and service declarations using the following algorithm:
// def VisitFileDecls(fd):
// for e in fd.Enums: yield e
// for m in fd.Messages: yield m
// for x in fd.Extensions: yield x
// for s in fd.Services: yield s
// for m in fd.Messages: yield from VisitMessageDecls(m)
// def VisitMessageDecls(md):
// for e in md.Enums: yield e
// for m in md.Messages: yield m
// for x in md.Extensions: yield x
// for m in md.Messages: yield from VisitMessageDecls(m)
// The traversal starts at the root file descriptor and yields each direct
// declaration within each node before traversing into sub-declarations
// that children themselves may have.
type Builder struct {
// File is the underlying file descriptor builder.
File filedesc.Builder
// GoTypes is a unique set of the Go types for all declarations and
// dependencies. Each type is represented as a zero value of the Go type.
// Declarations are Go types generated for enums and messages directly
// declared (not publicly imported) in the proto source file.
// Messages for map entries are accounted for, but represented by nil.
// Enum declarations in "flattened ordering" come first, followed by
// message declarations in "flattened ordering".
// Dependencies are Go types for enums or messages referenced by
// message fields (excluding weak fields), for parent extended messages of
// extension fields, for enums or message
| func (tb Builder) Build() (out Out) {
// Replace the resolver with one that resolves dependencies by index,
// which is faster and more reliable than relying on the global registry.
if tb.File.FileRegistry == nil {
tb.File.FileRegistry = protoregistry.GlobalFiles
tb.File.FileRegistry = &resolverByIndex{
goTypes: tb.GoTypes,
depIdxs: tb.DependencyIndexes,
fileRegistry: tb.File.FileRegistry,
// Initialize registry if unpopulated.
if tb.TypeRegistry == nil {
tb.TypeRegistry = protoregistry.GlobalTypes
fbOut := tb.File.Build()
out.File = fbOut.File
// Process enums.
enumGoTypes := tb.GoTypes[:len(fbOut.Enums)]
if len(tb.EnumInfos) != len(fbOut.Enums) {
panic("mismatching enum lengths")
if len(fbOut.Enums) > 0 {
for i := range fbOut.Enums {
tb.EnumInfos[i] = pimpl.EnumInfo{
GoReflectType: reflect.TypeOf(enumGoTypes[i]),
Desc: &fbOut.Enums[i],
// Register enum types.
if err := tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterEnum(&tb.EnumInfos[i]); err != nil {
// Process messages.
messageGoTypes := tb.GoTypes[len(fbOut.Enums):][:len(fbOut.Messages)]
if len(tb.MessageInfos) != len(fbOut.Messages) {
panic("mismatching message lengths")
if len(fbOut.Messages) > 0 {
for i := range fbOut.Messages {
if messageGoTypes[i] == nil {
continue // skip map entry
tb.MessageInfos[i].GoReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(messageGoTypes[i])
tb.MessageInfos[i].Desc = &fbOut.Messages[i]
// Register message types.
if err := tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterMessage(&tb.MessageInfos[i]); err != nil {
// As a special-case for descriptor.proto,
// locally register concrete message type for the options.
if out.File.Path() == "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" && out.File.Package() == "google.protobuf" {
for i := range fbOut.Messages {
switch fbOut.Messages[i].Name() {
case "FileOptions":
descopts.File = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "EnumOptions":
descopts.Enum = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "EnumValueOptions":
descopts.EnumValue = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "MessageOptions":
descopts.Message = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "FieldOptions":
descopts.Field = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "OneofOptions":
descopts.Oneof = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "ExtensionRangeOptions":
descopts.ExtensionRange = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "ServiceOptions":
descopts.Service = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
case "MethodOptions":
descopts.Method = messageGoTypes[i].(protoreflect.ProtoMessage)
// Process extensions.
if len(tb.ExtensionInfos) != len(fbOut.Extensions) {
panic("mismatching extension lengths")
var depIdx int32
for i := range fbOut.Extensions {
// For enum and message kinds, determine the referent Go type so
// that we can construct their constructors.
const listExtDeps = 2
var goType reflect.Type
switch fbOut.Extensions[i].L1.Kind {
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
j := depIdxs.Get(tb.DependencyIndexes, listExtDeps, depIdx)
goType = reflect.TypeOf(tb.GoTypes[j])
case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
j := depIdxs.Get(tb.DependencyIndexes, listExtDeps, depIdx)
goType = reflect.TypeOf(tb.GoTypes[j])
goType = goTypeForPBKind[fbOut.Extensions[i].L1.Kind]
if fbOut.Extensions[i].IsList() {
goType = reflect.SliceOf(goType)
pimpl.InitExtensionInfo(&tb.ExtensionInfos[i], &fbOut.Extensions[i], goType)
// Register extension types.
if err := tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterExtension(&tb.ExtensionInfos[i]); err != nil {
return out
} | 597,199 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/gentle-intro/code
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: //
use std::cell::RefCell;
fn main() {
let greeting = RefCell::new("hello".to_string());
assert_eq!(*greeting.borrow(), "hello");
assert_eq!(greeting.borrow().len(), 5);
| fn main() {
let greeting = RefCell::new("hello".to_string());
assert_eq!(*greeting.borrow(), "hello");
assert_eq!(greeting.borrow().len(), 5);
let mut gr = greeting.borrow_mut();
*gr = "hola".to_string();
assert_eq!(*greeting.borrow(), "hola");
} | 8,889 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/parity-ethereum/ipfs/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 2015-2020 Parity
| fn from(err: Error) -> Out {
use self::Error::*;
match err {
UnsupportedHash => Out::Bad("Hash must be Keccak-256"),
UnsupportedCid => Out::Bad("CID codec not supported"),
CidParsingFailed => Out::Bad("CID parsing failed"),
BlockNotFound => Out::NotFound("Block not found"),
TransactionNotFound => Out::NotFound("Transaction not found"),
StateRootNotFound => Out::NotFound("State root not found"),
ContractNotFound => Out::NotFound("Contract not found"),
} | 73,705 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: gen.go
path of file: ./repos/minicron/client/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build ignore
package main
| func main() {
const pkg = "number"
gen.Repackage("gen_common.go", "common.go", pkg)
// Read the CLDR zip file.
r := gen.OpenCLDRCoreZip()
defer r.Close()
d := &cldr.Decoder{}
d.SetDirFilter("supplemental", "main")
d.SetSectionFilter("numbers", "numberingSystem")
data, err := d.DecodeZip(r)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("DecodeZip: %v", err)
w := gen.NewCodeWriter()
defer w.WriteGoFile(*outputFile, pkg)
fmt.Fprintln(w, `import ""`)
genNumSystem(w, data)
genSymbols(w, data)
genFormats(w, data)
} | 350,088 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: mailer.rb
path of file: ./repos/pakyow/frameworks/mailer/lib/pakyow/mailer
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal: true
require "mail"
require "oga"
require_relative "plaintext"
require_relative "style_inliner"
module Pakyow
module Mailer
class Mailer
def initialize(config:, renderer: nil, logger: Pakyow.logger)
@config, @renderer, @logger = config, renderer, logger
def deliver_to(recipient, subject: nil, sender: nil, content: nil, type: nil)
processed_content = if content
process(content, type || "text/plain")
elsif @renderer
| def process(content, content_type)
processed_content = {}
if content_type.include?("text/html")
document = Oga.parse_html(content)
mailable_document = document.at_css("body") || document
processed_content[:text] = Plaintext.convert_to_text(
stylesheets = if @renderer
processed_content[:html] =
stylesheets: stylesheets
processed_content[:text] = content
end | 651,866 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/diem/consensus/consensus-types/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
// SPDX-License
| fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"EpochRetrievalRequest: start_epoch {}, end_epoch {}",
self.start_epoch, self.end_epoch
} | 316,907 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: faces_match_test.go
path of file: ./repos/photoprism/internal/photoprism
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package photoprism
import (
| func TestFaces_Match(t *testing.T) {
c := config.TestConfig()
m := NewFaces(c)
opt := FacesOptions{
Force: true,
Threshold: 1,
r, err := m.Match(opt)
if err != nil {
} | 400,726 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: timeseries.go
path of file: ./repos/docker-ce/components/cli/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package timeseries implements a
| func (ts *timeSeries) Clear() {
ts.lastAdd = time.Time{} = ts.resetObservation(
ts.pending = ts.resetObservation(ts.pending)
ts.pendingTime = time.Time{}
ts.dirty = false
for i := range ts.levels {
} | 569,924 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: issue_comment_extractor.go
path of file: ./repos/incubator-devlake/backend/plugins/bitbucket/tasks
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: /*
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless requir
| func convertIssueComment(issueComment *BitbucketIssueCommentsResponse) (*models.BitbucketIssueComment, errors.Error) {
bitbucketIssueComment := &models.BitbucketIssueComment{
BitbucketId: issueComment.BitbucketId,
AuthorId: issueComment.User.AccountId,
IssueId: issueComment.Issue.Id,
AuthorName: issueComment.User.DisplayName,
BitbucketCreatedAt: issueComment.CreatedOn,
BitbucketUpdatedAt: issueComment.UpdatedOn,
Type: issueComment.Type,
Body: issueComment.Content.Raw,
return bitbucketIssueComment, nil
} | 528,322 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: flowcontrol_client.go
path of file: ./repos/agones/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: /*
Copyright The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use
| func NewForConfigOrDie(c *rest.Config) *FlowcontrolV1alpha1Client {
client, err := NewForConfig(c)
if err != nil {
return client
} | 445,901 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/bottlerocket/sources/api/migration/migrations/archived/v1.1.0/schnauzer-paws/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use migration_helpers::{migrate, Migration, MigrationData, Result};
use std::process;
const SETTING: &str = "settings.kubernetes.pod-infra-container-image";
const OLD_SETTING_GENERATOR: &str = "pluto pod-infra-container-image";
const NEW_SETTING_GENERATOR: &str = "schnauzer settings.kubernetes.pod-infra-container-image";
const NEW_TEMPLATE: &str =
"{{ pause-prefix }}/eks/pause-{{ goarch os.arch }}:3.1";
/// We moved from using pluto to schnauzer for generating the pause container image URL, since it
/// lets us reuse the existing region and arch settings, improving reliability and allowing for
/// testing new regions through settings overrides.
pub struct SchnauzerPaws;
impl Migration for SchnauzerPaws {
fn forward(&mut self, mut input: MigrationData) -> Result<MigrationData> {
// Check if we have this setting at all.
if let Some(metadata) = input.metadata.get_mut(SETTING) {
if let Some(metadata_value) = metadata.get_mut("setting-generator") {
// Make sure the value is what we expect.
match metadata_value {
serde_json::Value::String(string) => {
// Happy path. Update the generator.
*metadata_value = NEW_SETTING_GENERATOR.into();
"Changed setting-generator for '{}' from {:?} to {:?} on upgrade",
// Set the associated template. We didn't have a template for this
// setting before, and metadata can't be changed by the user, so we can
// just set it.
metadata.insert("template".to_string(), NEW_TEMPLATE.into());
"Set 'template' metadata on '{}' to '{}'",
} else {
"setting-generator for '{}' is not set to {:?}, leaving alone",
| fn backward(&mut self, mut input: MigrationData) -> Result<MigrationData> {
// Check if we have this setting at all.
if let Some(metadata) = input.metadata.get_mut(SETTING) {
if let Some(metadata_value) = metadata.get_mut("setting-generator") {
// Make sure the value is what we expect.
match metadata_value {
serde_json::Value::String(string) => {
// Happy path. Update the generator.
*metadata_value = OLD_SETTING_GENERATOR.into();
"Changed setting-generator for '{}' from {:?} to {:?} on downgrade",
// Remove the associated template. We didn't have a template for this
// setting before, and metadata can't be changed by the user, so we can
// just remove it.
if let Some(metadata_value) = metadata.remove("template") {
"Removed 'template' metadata on '{}', which was set to '{}'",
SETTING, metadata_value
} else {
"Found no 'template' metadata to remove on setting '{}'",
} else {
"setting-generator for '{}' is not set to {:?}, leaving alone",
_ => {
"setting-generator for '{}' is set to non-string value '{}'; SchnauzerPaws only handles strings",
SETTING, metadata_value
} else {
println!("Found no setting-generator for '{}'", SETTING);
} else {
println!("Found no metadata for '{}'", SETTING);
} | 363,755 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: archive.go
path of file: ./repos/docker-ce/components/engine/builder/remotecontext
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package remotecontext // import ""
import (
| func normalize(path string, root containerfs.ContainerFS) (cleanPath, fullPath string, err error) {
cleanPath = root.Clean(string(root.Separator()) + path)[1:]
fullPath, err = root.ResolveScopedPath(path, true)
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrapf(err, "forbidden path outside the build context: %s (%s)", path, cleanPath)
} | 564,004 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/similar/examples
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use similar::{Algorithm, T
| fn main() {
.diff_lines(OLD, NEW)
} | 397,574 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: Solution_test.go
path of file: ./repos/awesome-golang-algorithm/leetcode/2401-2500/2464.Minimum-Subarrays-in-a-Valid-Split
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package Solution
import (
func TestSolution(t *testing.T) {
// 测试用例
cases := []struct {
name string
inputs bool
expect bool
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", false, false},
// 开始测试
for i, c := range cases {
t.Run(" "+strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
got := Solution(c.inputs)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, c.expect
| func TestSolution(t *testing.T) {
// 测试用例
cases := []struct {
name string
inputs bool
expect bool
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", true, true},
{"TestCase", false, false},
// 开始测试
for i, c := range cases {
t.Run(" "+strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
got := Solution(c.inputs)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, c.expect) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %v, but got: %v, with inputs: %v",
c.expect, got, c.inputs)
} | 185,339 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: column.rb
path of file: ./repos/rodf/lib/rodf
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: module RODF
class Column
def initialize(opts={
| def initialize(opts={})
@elem_attrs = {}
@elem_attrs['table:style-name'] = opts[:style] unless opts[:style].nil?
if opts[:attributes]
end | 365,574 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/pinpointsmsvoice/src/types
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
/// When writing a match expression against `EventType`, it is important to ensure
/// your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a
/// feature that is supported by the service but has n
| pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
match self {
EventType::Answered => "ANSWERED",
EventType::Busy => "BUSY",
EventType::CompletedCall => "COMPLETED_CALL",
EventType::Failed => "FAILED",
EventType::InitiatedCall => "INITIATED_CALL",
EventType::NoAnswer => "NO_ANSWER",
EventType::Ringing => "RINGING",
EventType::Unknown(value) => value.as_str(),
} | 816,389 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: basic.rb
path of file: ./repos/stackneveroverflow/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rack-2.0.3/lib/rack/auth
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: require 'rack/auth/abstract/handler'
require 'rack/auth/abstract/request'
module Rack
module Auth
# Rack::Auth::Basic implements HTTP Basic Authenticat
| def call(env)
auth =
return unauthorized unless auth.provided?
return bad_request unless auth.basic?
if valid?(auth)
env['REMOTE_USER'] = auth.username
end | 244,558 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/lakeformation/src/operation
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
/// Orchestration and serialization glue logic for `DeleteObjectsOnCancel`.
#[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::default::Default, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct DeleteObjectsOnCancel;
impl DeleteObjectsOnCancel {
/// Creates a new `DeleteObjectsOnCancel`
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub(crate) async fn orchestrate(
runtime_plugins: &::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugins,
input: crate::operation::delete_objects_on_cancel::DeleteObjectsOnCancelInput,
) -> ::std::result::Result<
| fn meta(&self) -> &::aws_smithy_types::error::ErrorMetadata {
match self {
Self::ConcurrentModificationException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::EntityNotFoundException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::InternalServiceException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::InvalidInputException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::OperationTimeoutException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::ResourceNotReadyException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::TransactionCanceledException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::TransactionCommittedException(_inner) => ::aws_smithy_types::error::metadata::ProvideErrorMetadata::meta(_inner),
Self::Unhandled(_inner) => &_inner.meta,
} | 764,519 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: questions_controller.rb
path of file: ./repos/bootcamp/app/controllers/practices
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal: true
class Practice
| def empty_message
case params[:target]
when 'solved'
when 'not_solved'
end | 146,373 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: read_freesurfer_file.m
path of file: ./repos/fieldtrip/external/gifti/@gifti/private
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function this = read_freesurfer_file(filename)
% Low level reader of FreeSurfer files (ASCII triangle surface file)
% FORMAT this = read_freesurfer_file(filename)
% filename - FreeSurfer file
% See
| function this = read_freesurfer_file(filename)
% Low level reader of FreeSurfer files (ASCII triangle surface file)
% FORMAT this = read_freesurfer_file(filename)
% filename - FreeSurfer file
% See
% Copyright (C) 2013 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
% Guillaume Flandin
% $Id: read_freesurfer_file.m 5322 2013-03-13 15:04:14Z guillaume $
fid = fopen(filename,'rt');
if fid == -1, error('Cannot open "%s".',filename); end | 685,060 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: node_list.go
path of file: ./repos/podman/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package client // import ""
import (
| func (cli *Client) NodeList(ctx context.Context, options types.NodeListOptions) ([]swarm.Node, error) {
query := url.Values{}
if options.Filters.Len() > 0 {
filterJSON, err := filters.ToJSON(options.Filters)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query.Set("filters", filterJSON)
resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/nodes", query, nil)
defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var nodes []swarm.Node
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&nodes)
return nodes, err
} | 105,270 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: pool.go
path of file: ./repos/chainlink/core/chains/evm/client
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: package client
import (
pkgerrors ""
evmtypes ""
var (
// PromEVMPoolRPCNodeStates reports current RPC node state
PromEVMPoolRPCNodeStates = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "evm_pool_rpc_node_states",
Help: "The number of
| func (p *Pool) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction) error {
main := p.selectNode()
var all []SendOnlyNode
for _, n := range p.nodes {
all = append(all, n)
all = append(all, p.sendonlys...)
for _, n := range all {
if n == main {
// main node is used at the end for the return value
// Parallel send to all other nodes with ignored return value
// Async - we do not want to block the main thread with secondary nodes
// in case they are unreliable/slow.
// It is purely a "best effort" send.
// Resource is not unbounded because the default context has a timeout.
ok := p.IfNotStopped(func() {
// Must wrap inside IfNotStopped to avoid waitgroup racing with Close
go func(n SendOnlyNode) {
defer p.wg.Done()
sendCtx, cancel := p.chStop.CtxCancel(ContextWithDefaultTimeout())
defer cancel()
err := NewSendError(n.SendTransaction(sendCtx, tx))
p.logger.Debugw("Sendonly node sent transaction", "name", n.String(), "tx", tx, "err", err)
if err == nil || err.IsNonceTooLowError() || err.IsTransactionAlreadyMined() || err.IsTransactionAlreadyInMempool() {
// Nonce too low or transaction known errors are expected since
// the primary SendTransaction may well have succeeded already
p.logger.Warnw("Eth client returned error", "name", n.String(), "err", err, "tx", tx)
if !ok {
p.logger.Debug("Cannot send transaction on sendonly node; pool is stopped", "node", n.String())
return main.SendTransaction(ctx, tx)
} | 492,223 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/snarkVM/circuit/types/integers/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the snarkVM library.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use super::*;
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> SubWrapped<Self> for Integer<E, I> {
type Output = Self;
fn sub_wrapped(&self, other
| fn sub_wrapped(&self, other: &Integer<E, I>) -> Self::Output {
// Determine the variable mode.
if self.is_constant() && other.is_constant() {
// Compute the difference and return the new constant.
witness!(|self, other| console::Integer::new(self.wrapping_sub(&other)))
} else {
// Instead of subtracting the bits of `self` and `other` directly, the integers are
// converted into field elements to perform the operation, before converting back to integers.
// Note: This is safe as the field is larger than the maximum integer type supported.
let difference = self.to_field() + (!other).to_field() + Field::one();
// Extract the integer bits from the field element, with a carry bit.
let mut bits_le = difference.to_lower_bits_le(I::BITS as usize + 1);
// Drop the carry bit as the operation is wrapped subtraction.
// Return the difference of `self` and `other`.
Integer { bits_le, phantom: Default::default() }
} | 332,862 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/jumpy/src/core/metadata
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: use super::*;
#[derive(Clone, HasSchema, Default, Debug)]
pub struct MapMeta {
pub name: Ustr,
/// The parallax background layers
pub background: BackgroundMe
| pub fn is_out_of_bounds(&self, pos: &Vec3) -> bool {
const KILL_ZONE_BORDER: f32 = 500.0;
let map_width = self.grid_size.x as f32 * self.tile_size.x;
let left_kill_zone = -KILL_ZONE_BORDER;
let right_kill_zone = map_width + KILL_ZONE_BORDER;
let bottom_kill_zone = -KILL_ZONE_BORDER;
pos.x < left_kill_zone || pos.x > right_kill_zone || pos.y < bottom_kill_zone
} | 303,937 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go
path of file: ./repos/xorm/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_amd64.go
// +build amd64,darwin
package unix
import (
var _ syscall.Errno
| func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) {
var _p0 *byte
_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
if err != nil {
r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_OPEN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm))
fd = int(r0)
if e1 != 0 {
err = errnoErr(e1)
} | 194,211 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: client.go
path of file: ./repos/magistrala/pkg/auth
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright (c) Abstract Machines
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package auth
import (
| func SetupAuthz(cfg Config) (magistrala.AuthzServiceClient, Handler, error) {
client, err := newHandler(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return thingsauth.NewClient(client.Connection(), cfg.Timeout), client, nil
} | 693,511 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: put_lte_network_id_cellular_ran_responses.go
path of file: ./repos/magma/orc8r/cloud/api/v1/go/client/lte_networks
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package lte_networks
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
import (
strfmt ""
| func (o *PutLTENetworkIDCellularRanDefault) readResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer, formats strfmt.Registry) error {
o.Payload = new(models.Error)
// response payload
if err := consumer.Consume(response.Body(), o.Payload); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
return nil
} | 572,810 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: times.m
path of file: ./repos/chebfun/@chebfun3v
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: function F = times(F, G)
%.* Pointwise multiplication of two CHEBFUN3V objects.
% F.*G computes pointwise, componentwise multiplication of two
% CHEBFUN3V objects, a CHEBFUN3V and a CHEBFUN3, or a CHEBFUN3V
| function F = times(F, G)
%.* Pointwise multiplication of two CHEBFUN3V objects.
% F.*G computes pointwise, componentwise multiplication of two
% CHEBFUN3V objects, a CHEBFUN3V and a CHEBFUN3, or a CHEBFUN3V
% and a double.
% Copyright 2017 by The University of Oxford and The Chebfun Developers.
% See for Chebfun information.
% Empty check:
if ( isempty(F) || isempty(G) )
F = chebfun3v();
end | 394,326 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: status.rb
path of file: ./repos/notifications-rails/notification-settings/lib/notification_settings
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal:
| def default_status
if idle? && !offline?
elsif offline?
end | 213,122 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: split2.m
path of file: ./repos/optimviz/utils/mcs/private
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
| function x1 = split2(x,y)
% determines a value x1 for splitting the interval [min(x,y),max(x,y)]
% is modeled on the function subint with safeguards for infinite y
function x1 = split2(x,y)
x2 = y;
if x == 0 & abs(y) > 1000
x2 = sign(y);
elseif x ~= 0 & abs(y) > 100*abs(x)
x2 = 10.*sign(y)*abs(x);
end | 139 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: encode.go
path of file: ./repos/agones/vendor/
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in
| func (o MarshalOptions) marshalMessageSlow(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) ([]byte, error) {
if messageset.IsMessageSet(m.Descriptor()) {
return o.marshalMessageSet(b, m)
fieldOrder := order.AnyFieldOrder
if o.Deterministic {
// TODO: This should use a more natural ordering like NumberFieldOrder,
// but doing so breaks golden tests that make invalid assumption about
// output stability of this implementation.
fieldOrder = order.LegacyFieldOrder
var err error
order.RangeFields(m, fieldOrder, func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
b, err = o.marshalField(b, fd, v)
return err == nil
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, m.GetUnknown()...)
return b, nil
} | 446,962 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/ec2/src/operation/describe_transit_gateway_policy_tables
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
pub use crate::
| pub(crate) fn new(handle: ::std::sync::Arc<crate::client::Handle>) -> Self {
Self {
inner: ::std::default::Default::default(),
config_override: ::std::option::Option::None,
} | 805,901 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: helper.go
path of file: ./repos/sentinel-golang/ext/datasource
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Copyright 1999-2020 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with th
| func FlowRuleJsonArrayParser(src []byte) (interface{}, error) {
if valid, err := checkSrcComplianceJson(src); !valid {
return nil, err
rules := make([]*flow.Rule, 0, 8)
if err := json.Unmarshal(src, &rules); err != nil {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("Fail to convert source bytes to []*flow.Rule, err: %s", err.Error())
return nil, NewError(ConvertSourceError, desc)
return rules, nil
} | 110,023 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: 20130814174329_alter_timestamp_to_include_timezone.rb
path of file: ./repos/catarse/db/migrate
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: class AlterTimestampToIncludeTimezone < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
execute "
DROP FUNCTION if exists expires_at(projects);
drop VIEW if exists financial_reports ;
ALTER TABLE projects ALTER COLUMN online_date set data type timestamp with time zone;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION expires_at(projects) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$
SELECT (($1.online_date AT TIME ZONE coalesce((SELECT value FROM configurations WHERE name = 'timezone'), 'America/Sao_Paulo') + ($1.online_days || ' days')::interval):
| def up
execute "
DROP FUNCTION if exists expires_at(projects);
drop VIEW if exists financial_reports ;
ALTER TABLE projects ALTER COLUMN online_date set data type timestamp with time zone;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION expires_at(projects) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$
SELECT (($1.online_date AT TIME ZONE coalesce((SELECT value FROM configurations WHERE name = 'timezone'), 'America/Sao_Paulo') + ($1.online_days || ' days')::interval)::date::text || ' 23:59:59')::timestamptz
CREATE or replace VIEW financial_reports AS
SELECT, u.moip_login, p.goal, ((p.online_date + (p.online_days||' days')::interval)::date::text || ' 23:59:59') as expires_at, p.state FROM (projects p JOIN users u ON (( = p.user_id)));
end | 91,339 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: regexp.rb
path of file: ./repos/ferrocarril/mruby/src/extn/stdlib/json/add
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: # frozen_string_literal
| def as_json(*)
JSON.create_id =>,
'o' => options,
's' => source
end | 547,888 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: eegplotsold.m
path of file: ./repos/eeglab/functions/miscfunc
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: % EEGPLOTSOLD - display data in a clinical format without scrolling
% Usage:
% >> eegplotsold(data, srate, 'chanfile', 'title', ...
% yscaling, epoch, linecolor,xstart,vertmark)
% Inputs:
| function y = eegplotsold(data, srate, channamefile, titleval, yscaling, epoch, linecolor,xstart,vertmark)
% Define defaults
if nargin < 1
help eegplotsold % print usage message
data = 0.5*randn(8,floor(DEFAULT_SRATE*PLOT_TIME*2));
titleval = ['eegplotsold() example - random noise']; % show example plot
end | 553,077 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: cell_component.rb
path of file: ./repos/govuk-components/app/components/govuk_component/table_component
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: class GovukComponent::
| def determine_scope
conditions = { scope:, parent:, header:, auto_table_scopes: config.enable_auto_table_scopes }
case conditions
in { scope: String }
in { scope: false } | { header: false } | { auto_table_scopes: false }
in { auto_table_scopes: true, parent: 'thead' }
in { auto_table_scopes: true, parent: 'tbody' } | { auto_table_scopes: true, parent: 'tfoot' }
end | 693,934 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
filename: client.go
path of file: ./repos/pixie/src/pixie_cli/pkg/vizier
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: /*
* Copyright 2018- The Pixie Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
| func newVizierClusterInfoClient(cloudAddr string) (cloudpb.VizierClusterInfoClient, error) {
isInternal := strings.Contains(cloudAddr, "cluster.local")
dialOpts, err := services.GetGRPCClientDialOptsServerSideTLS(isInternal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := grpc.Dial(cloudAddr, dialOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cloudpb.NewVizierClusterInfoClient(c), nil
} | 737,421 |
You are an expert in writing code in many different languages. Your goal is to perform code completion for the following code, keeping in mind the rest of the code and the file meta data.
Metadata details:
path of file: ./repos/aws-sdk-rust/sdk/sms/src
the code of the file until where you have to start completion: // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
| pub(crate) fn or_empty_doc(data: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
if data.is_empty() {
} else {
} | 801,382 |