audioduration (s) 0.3
| file
stringlengths 16
| instruction
stringclasses 400
values | label
stringclasses 13
values |
6930-75918-0009_eyes | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Use Arabic numbers for your answer. | 2 |
1995-1826-0023_so | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Write in digits. | 2 |
5142-33396-0061_by | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Use Arabic digits. | 2 |
7021-79740-0000_are | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Write your answer in numbers. | 2 |
3575-170457-0050_age | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Write in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
8555-284449-0016_as | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Please use Arabic numerals. | 2 |
7127-75947-0033_how | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Write in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
672-122797-0008_off | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Use numbers for your response. | 2 |
7176-92135-0009_on | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Write in Arabic digits. | 2 |
4970-29095-0016_now | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Please write the number in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
1089-134691-0008_ease | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Answer with Arabic numbers. | 2 |
260-123440-0012_no | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Respond using Arabic digits. | 2 |
2300-131720-0001_out | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Write your answer with Arabic digits. | 2 |
260-123440-0013_so | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Use digits to write your answer. | 2 |
5683-32866-0010_do | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Provide your answer in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
4077-13751-0016_do | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Respond in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
1284-1180-0017_all | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Use Arabic numerals for your response. | 2 |
2961-961-0004_who | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Please write your answer using numbers. | 2 |
5639-40744-0023_boy | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Provide the answer in digits. | 2 |
672-122797-0008_earth | Identify the number of English phonemes in this audio file. Use numbers for your answer. | 2 |
4992-41806-0002_all | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Use Arabic numbers for your answer. | 2 |
3575-170457-0026_know | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Write in digits. | 2 |
5683-32879-0024_you | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Use Arabic digits. | 2 |
1580-141083-0031_see | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Write your answer in numbers. | 2 |
5683-32866-0010_me | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Write in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
6829-68771-0000_so | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Please use Arabic numerals. | 2 |
908-31957-0009_though | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Write in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
8555-284449-0009_are | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Use numbers for your response. | 2 |
7729-102255-0024_all | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Write in Arabic digits. | 2 |
8455-210777-0003_bow | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Please write the number in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
4507-16021-0030_is | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Answer with Arabic numbers. | 2 |
1995-1826-0010_say | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Respond using Arabic digits. | 2 |
260-123286-0018_saw | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Write your answer with Arabic digits. | 2 |
8555-292519-0009_ho | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Use digits to write your answer. | 2 |
5683-32865-0012_eyes | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Provide your answer in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
8555-284447-0004_the | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Respond in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
1995-1837-0018_way | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Use Arabic numerals for your response. | 2 |
121-123852-0002_earth | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Please write your answer using numbers. | 2 |
8463-294828-0004_now | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Provide the answer in digits. | 2 |
1188-133604-0022_may | Identify the total English phonemes in this audio clip. Use numbers for your answer. | 2 |
672-122797-0051_no | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Use Arabic numbers for your answer. | 2 |
1089-134686-0020_or | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Write in digits. | 2 |
908-31957-0002_thee | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Use Arabic digits. | 2 |
1221-135767-0011_age | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Write your answer in numbers. | 2 |
2094-142345-0055_sir | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Write in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
1580-141084-0048_out | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Please use Arabic numerals. | 2 |
8224-274381-0017_each | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Write in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
8455-210777-0025_die | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Use numbers for your response. | 2 |
1580-141083-0049_out | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Write in Arabic digits. | 2 |
672-122797-0001_air | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Please write the number in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
672-122797-0000_fir | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Answer with Arabic numbers. | 2 |
4446-2271-0002_too | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Respond using Arabic digits. | 2 |
5105-28233-0008_eighth | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Write your answer with Arabic digits. | 2 |
7127-75947-0022_me | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Use digits to write your answer. | 2 |
672-122797-0074_now | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Provide your answer in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
2300-131720-0011_or | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Respond in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
61-70968-0018_so | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Use Arabic numerals for your response. | 2 |
61-70968-0024_you | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Please write your answer using numbers. | 2 |
1284-134647-0003_were | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Provide the answer in digits. | 2 |
4992-41806-0006_you | Count the English phonemes present in this given audio file. Use numbers for your answer. | 2 |
8555-292519-0000_dye | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Use Arabic numbers for your answer. | 2 |
6930-76324-0001_no | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Write in digits. | 2 |
4992-41797-0010_on | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Use Arabic digits. | 2 |
8224-274384-0001_the | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Write your answer in numbers. | 2 |
8555-284447-0006_in | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Write in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
260-123286-0014_sea | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Please use Arabic numerals. | 2 |
5683-32866-0017_is | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Write in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
237-126133-0006_out | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Use numbers for your response. | 2 |
6930-81414-0024_me | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Write in Arabic digits. | 2 |
260-123288-0009_sea | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Please write the number in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
2300-131720-0016_to | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Answer with Arabic numbers. | 2 |
2300-131720-0016_as | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Respond using Arabic digits. | 2 |
237-134500-0031_all | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Write your answer with Arabic digits. | 2 |
5639-40744-0005_woe | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Use digits to write your answer. | 2 |
7729-102255-0046_way | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Provide your answer in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
2094-142345-0015_now | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Respond in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
121-123859-0003_so | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Use Arabic numerals for your response. | 2 |
4507-16021-0046_day | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Please write your answer using numbers. | 2 |
121-123859-0002_say | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Provide the answer in digits. | 2 |
2830-3980-0025_law | From the audio, ascertain the number of English phonemes in the utterance. Use numbers for your answer. | 2 |
237-126133-0005_now | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Use Arabic numbers for your answer. | 2 |
7176-88083-0022_off | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Write in digits. | 2 |
237-126133-0016_no | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Use Arabic digits. | 2 |
4077-13754-0011_law | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Write your answer in numbers. | 2 |
260-123286-0019_too | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Write in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
7021-85628-0005_so | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Please use Arabic numerals. | 2 |
8463-287645-0013_age | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Write in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
2094-142345-0033_so | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Use numbers for your response. | 2 |
3729-6852-0041_sir | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Write in Arabic digits. | 2 |
5639-40744-0022_on | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Please write the number in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
1284-1181-0005_no | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Answer with Arabic numbers. | 2 |
1580-141084-0036_of | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Respond using Arabic digits. | 2 |
8555-284449-0012_i'll | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Write your answer with Arabic digits. | 2 |
5683-32865-0009_now | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Use digits to write your answer. | 2 |
4992-41797-0010_he | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Provide your answer in Arabic numbers. | 2 |
7021-85628-0013_on | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Respond in Arabic numerals. | 2 |
4507-16021-0041_is | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Use Arabic numerals for your response. | 2 |
1284-1181-0008_do | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Please write your answer using numbers. | 2 |
6829-68769-0031_as | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Provide the answer in digits. | 2 |
4507-16021-0049_day | Listen and count the English phonemes in this audio recording. Use numbers for your answer. | 2 |