1 value
Unnamed: 6
2 values
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hi Phillip, This message is to confirm our meeting with you on, Tuesday, October 30th from 9:00 am - 10:00 am, the location will be EB 3267. Attendees will be Monica Brown and Sheri Righi. Let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached at 713-345-6687. Thanks,
Confirmation: Risk Management Simulation Meeting 10/30/01
meeting confimation - tues, 8/10
meeting confirmation
meeting confirmed
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Phillip; Could you please e-mail me the draw file you created for Bishops Corner. I was working on submitting it to you and rather then recreate it I should just have you send it back to me to fill in the new draw totals. Also, I need the vendor payee list that you created for the Land and Soft costs. I need to re-format it by draw number and to the Bank One format, and again it would be easier to get it from you then to re-create it. Please take a look at the following summary and compare to your numbers to see if you agree. Land And Soft Costs - Initial Draw $ 1,608,683.05 Galaxy - Draw # 1 $ 250,000.00 Galaxy - Draw # 2 $ 223,259.09 Total Paid To Date Cash $ 2,081,942.14 Project Cost $ 10,740,980.87 Loan Amount $ 8,055,736.65 Equity Required $ 2,685,244.22 Developer Profit $ ( 326,202.57) Balance Of Funding $ 2,359,041.65 Total Paid To Date $ 2,081,942.14 Balance To Fund Cash $ 277,099.51 Galaxy - Draw # 3 $ 467,566.66 Bank One Draw # 1 $ 190,467.15 Final Cash Funding $ 277,099.51 I think you thought you had more to fund. However, I do not see that you accounted for the cash portion of the Developer fee that you paid CIS. Am I looking at this right? Please let me know and attach? the files discussed above. I am working all day Monday so I hope I can get it before then if possible. Thanks A Lot
Bishops Corner
draw file bishops corneer
draw file for bishops corner
draw file you created for bishops corner
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Jeff/Brenda: Please authorize the following products for approval. customers are expecting to see them on 1/14. PG&E Citygate-Daily Physical, BOM Physical, Monthly Index Physical Malin-Daily Physical, BOM Physical, Monthly Index Physical Keystone-Monthly Index Physical Socal Border-Daily Physical, BOM Physical, Monthly Index Physical PG&E Topock-Daily Physical, BOM Physical, Monthly Index Physical Please approve and forward to Dale Neuner Thank you
authorize products for approval
please authorize products for approval
purchases requiring approval
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Patti, This sounds like an opportunity to land a couple of analyst to fill the gaps in scheduling. Remember their rotations last for one year. Do you want to be an interviewer? Phillip
Analyst Interviews Needed - 2/15/01
an opportunity
do you want to be an interviewer?
potential analyst hires
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Don't make me pull tapes on whether you understood our fee...j.a. Always understands. Happy to help you guys anyways (I know you'll thank me later) J. Robert Collins
You are a bad bad boy!
did you understand our fee?
fee questions
happy to help you guys
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
John - you may have already heard this but on Friday, NYMEX increased margins for clearing brokers posting for Enron by 50%. Also Soc Gen cancelled their margin line on Friday (Warren wants to make it very clear that it was Soc Gen and not Fimat.) So far, Fimat is not reducing its trading limit with us but is passing through the NYMEX requirement. All of our brokers will have the right to do this and I expect them to do so. Sarah
Fimat/Soc Gen
nymex increased margins
nymex increased margins
nymex margins increased
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Tracy called me at work. A water pipe broke under the street between her house and the old Hamilton house. She said water was shooting everywhere and that they were to turn off the water for at least 5 hours. Well, they worked fast because when I got home at 6:00, I had water. So I made some turkey soup. But Willow Lane will be torn up for a while as it just buckled the cement. The hole was about 7 feet down according to Tracy. Good thing this didn't happen on Thanksgiving! I have a foundation man coming out next week to check the foundation. Tracy seems to have a similar problem. Maybe we can get a two for one deal. John, I need your book list at this week. No excuses! Oh, tell Jeannie that I finished her soup this evening for dinner. She's a good cook! Have a good week guys. Love, Mom
Willow Lane
requests of items
update from tracy
water pipe issues
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Need your book list from!!!! May sleet and snow tonight but I think the ground is too warm to stick or get icy. Although I could use a day off work! Send me your christmas list! Also, I see that Enron and Dynegy have been negotiating for days.....this concerns me. they cannot seem to come up with a new price. Are you continuing to lose trading? what % of normal trades are you now doing a day? I just hope you and Matthew are OK. And Jeannie. Let me know. Love you, Mom.
Book list
book list request
work updates? and wishlist request!
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
ARNOLD, JOHN D: Attached below you will find the final Evaluation forms for your direct reports; these forms have been pre-populated with your employees' basic data. If you have already completed your employees' final Evaluations, you may disregard these forms. When completing the Evaluation, carefully consider employee input, consolidated feedback and your observations of their performance and contribution, and encourage employee participation in the evaluation discussion. For many employees, this will be the only formal opportunity to discuss their performance with their supervisor. Final Evaluations should be completed and returned to your HR representative by August 17 (July 31 for all those in Business Units reporting to Enron Europe) for employees in job groups below Vice President level. If you have any questions, please contact your HR representative or the PEP help desk at x34777, option 4. We recommend saving all the below attachment[s] at once in the following manner: Outlook Users: Go to File -> Save Attachments, click OK if prompted, then choose which directory to save the documents under. Lotus Notes Users: Go to Attachment -> Detach All, then choose which directory to save the documents under. - DISTURNAL, JOHN.doc - GRIFFITH, JOHN H.doc - MAGGI, MICHAEL J.doc - MAY, LAWRENCE J.doc - QUIGLEY, HENRY H.doc - RANGEL, INA R.doc
Supervisor Evaluation Forms
final employee evaluation forms
final evaluation forms attached - direct reports
final evaluation reports
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Russell: I think I should give you a little background on small ventures. Bill Perkins and I have a strong personal and professional relationship. He is an extremely creative individual. Whalley actually commented on him today as someone "who thinks outside the box". Bill actually sat in a bar four years and said the next tradeable market would be bandwidth. He has been successful in the gas business when he has had someone to filter his ideas. As such he provides an informal consulting role to Enron. He throws out ideas and, every once in a while, he comes up with a great one. He pointed out an anomalous pricing occurence in the options market, a market I normally don't follow closely, that I translated into a multimillion dollar trade for Enron. In return, I have agreed to have Enron intermediate his trades within reason. I want to emphasize that continuing this relationship should be considered a high priority. I am willing to accept some of the credit risk exposure as a cost of doing business. Bill understands his role as an independent in the market and performs the right risk/reward trades for someone with finite capital. I place very high confidence in Bill not conducting high risk trades. Having said that, we certainly need to monitor his credit exposure and continue to require LC's. Just understand that he is at a different level of sophistication that any other non-investment grade counterparty. I understand there was some concern in regards to the Transco Z6 spread option he traded. He was absolutely right about the valuation and we, on the trading desk, knew it as well. There are a couple isolated products that Enron does not do a good job of valuing because of systems limtations. This was one product. Our spread options are booked in Excel using option pricing models created by the research group. The problem with these models is that they are strictly theoretical and don't take into account gas fundamental price limitations. For instance, it is less probable, though not impossible, for a transport spread from a production area to a market area to go within variable cost than the models predict. Thus it is necessary to apply a correlation skew curve on top of the overlying correlation used. Obviously, we have this function in our pricing models. I was not aware this methodology had not been transferred to the valuation models. This has since been changed. Fortunately these incidents tend to be extremely rare as very few non-investment grade companies trade these types of products. Finally, on Friday Bill wanted to do a trade that reduced his exposure to Enron. I gave Mike Maggi the go ahead to do the trade without consulting credit. I do not believe that I acted out of line in approving this trade considering the circumstances. If you believe differently, please advise. Thanks,
small ventures usa
background on small ventures
background on small ventures
important memorable incidents
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
FYI WPS owns about 20 mw of Yarmouth 4 (often referred to as Wyman) (9800 heat rate) in Maine and is making this indicative offer to CPs for cal 02... $5 capacity payment plus actual fuel costs (#6, 0.7% sulfur) - they report a current bid at around $4.75 I have asked them to provide history of : forced outage, actual oil costs compared to index, reduced output due to congestion constraints (this last summer), and other information. Until we get this and other information I told them we could not properly evaluate the value of this opportunity. Woody
WPS Yarmouth/Wyman UE offer - no action requested for now
evaluating potential bid
good opportunity
update on wps opportunity
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Today, Enron hosted a conference call to give investors a current overview = of the company. Here's an update of what we discussed during the call. We told investors that we're doing everything we can to protect their inter= ests and to regain their confidence. Our focus remains on our credit qualit= y, balance sheet and liquidity, which are essential for our continued succe= ss and expansion of our wholesale businesses. It took more than a few weeks to get where we are today. Here's a snapshot = of significant events that led to our current situation:
Overview of Investor Conference Call
overview of the conference call
update of enron conference call
update on conference call with investors
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
You have received this message because someone has attempted to send you an e-mail from outside of Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow into our messaging environment. Your e-mail has been quarantined and is being held at the MailSweeper server. Sender:
An Inbound Message For You Has Been Quarantined
quarantined e-mail
your e-mail has been quarantined
your email has been quarantined
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hi Folks, Another wild week in the NFL. We've got Footballguy Scott Luebke's Week 7 Upgrade - Downgrade - Waiver Wire Picks. Before we get to that though, let me throw out something I posted today on our message boards regarding owners who beat themselves up second guessing themselves. This season has been as tough to predict as any in recent memory and I thought this might be something some of you might need to hear. From our Message Boards One of our message board members was (justifiably) frustrated with watching Trung Canidate blow up on his bench while Ahman Green and Ricky Williams fared less well as his starters. My reply to him: Don't be down on yourself. That's the nature of the game. There is no way you bench Ricky Williams or Ahman Green for Canidate when Canidate was such a question mark last week. You did what just about every one of us would have done I'm guessing. It's part of the game. Is it frustrating? Sure it is. But it's still part of the game. In my local league last week, I took a chance again on Antonio Freeman after starting him for the first few weeks (but not week 5 - Aargh... ) Did it play out? No, it didn't. I had guys on my bench who outscored him. But looking back on everything I knew with Minnesota and Billy Schroeder, it was the right call for me. I learned a long time ago the secret to Fantasy Football. You just have to take the best info you can assemble, make your call and let the players do the rest. Just like a real GM. You can only do so much. If you got beat because you didn't know Terry Glenn was out and you started him, well, that's your bad. But if you got beat because Trung Canidate decided to play the game of his life, and proven RBs Williams and Green did not, well, that's not your fault. I promise you, if you can predict things to that degree, you need to quit your job and head to Vegas. Control what you can control. Bust your butt to know all you can know. Make the best decisions you can make and be comfortable you've done all you can do. After that, just enjoy the games. Trust me, you'll be a better owner because of it. Ok, let's jump to Scott's report for this week. Have a great week, everyone. Joe /**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/ Upgrades QB - Tom Brady (Waiver Wire) - 5 touchdown passes in the last 2 weeks deserves an upgrade in my book. More importantly, Brady has yet to throw an interception this season. When Bledsoe returns from injury, the Patriots' coaching staff will have a very difficult decision to make. There's even some talk that Bledsoe might not return this season. Right now, Brady deserves a pickup by any fantasy team needing a quarterback. QB - Tim Couch - The yardage numbers won't win any awards, but the 4 touchdowns in the last 2 games is impressive. Couch is starting to show signs of becoming a very good quarterback in this league. Keep in mind, a tough schedule looms ahead for Couch. However, with the Browns offense improving, he should be considered a top quarterback for teams in a keeper league looking towards the future. QB - Doug Flutie - The Flutie magic continues to strike. He's not the best fantasy quarterback, but numerous fantasy teams can be aided by inserting Flutie into the lineup. With Curtis Conway and Jeff Graham staying healthy, Flutie should be considered a top 15 quarterback this season. With a strong rushing game keeping defenses honest, look for Flutie to post numbers similar to Sunday on occasion. 280 passing yards and 2 scores is respectable against a tough Denver defense. RB - Anthony Thomas -The A-Train continues to ride into fantasy starting
[Footballguys] Update # 131 Week 7 Upgrade - Downgrade
fantasy football
this week in nfl
week 7 fantasy football update
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
this is an old one but a great one. If you dont like this email, then you just don't understand. A chronology of events for Saturday, December 4, 1999, and the early morning hours of Sunday, December 5, 1999: 6:00 Arise, play the Eyes of Texas and Texas Fight at full-freaking blast 6:20 Get in car, drive to New Braunfels 7:30 Tee off (me and a buddy were the FIRST tee-time of the morning) 8:50 Turn 9 (crack open first beer) 8:53 Crack open second beer 8:58 Crack open...(you get the idea) 10:30 Finish 18 (holes, as well as beers), sign scorecard for smoooooth 95 10:35 Headed for San Antonio 10:50 Buy three 18-packs for pre- and post-game festivities 11:10 We decide we don't have enough booze, so we double-back to a liquor store and buy the good ol' 750 ml plastic bottle "Traveler" Jim Beam 11:50 Arrive at the tailgate spot. Awesome day. Not a single cloud in the sky. About 70 degrees. 11:55 I decide that we're going to kick the shit out of Nebraska. 11:56 I tell my first Nebraska fan to go fuck himself. 12:15 The UT band walks by on the way to the Alamodome. We're on the second floor of a two-story parking garage on the corner (a couple hundred of us). We're hooting and hollering like wildmen. The band doubles back to the street right below us and serenades us with Texas Fight and The Eyes of Texas. AWESOME MOMENT. 12:25 In the post-serenade serendipity, 50-100 grown men are bumping chests with one another, each and every one of them now secure and certain of the fact that we are going to kick the shit out of Nebraska. 1:00 The Nebraska band walks by on the way to the Alamodome. Again, we hoot and holler like wildmen. Again, the band doubles back and stops right below us to serenade us, this time, however, with the Nebraska fight songs. Although somewhat impressed by their spirit and verve, we remain convinced that we are going to kick the shit out of Nebraska. 1:30 I begin the walk to the Alamodome, somehow managing to stuff the "Traveler" and 11 cans of beer into my pants. 1:47 I am in line surrounded by Nebraska fans. They are taunting me. I am taunting back, still certain that we are going to kick the shit out of Nebraska. I decide to challenge a particularly vocal Nebraska fan to play what I now call and will forever be remembered as "Cell-Phone Flop Out." Remember flop out for a dollar? The rules are similar. I tell this Nebraska jackass that if he's so confident in his team, he should "flop out" his cell phone RIGHT NOW and make plane reservations to Phoenix for the Fiesta Bowl. And then I spoke these memorable words: "And not those damn refundable tickets, either! You request those non-refundable, non-transferrable sons-of-bitches!" He backs down. He is unworthy. I call Southwest Airlines and buy two tickets to Phoenix, non-refundable and non-transferrable. Price: $712. He is humbled. He lowers his head in shame. I raise my cell phone in triumph to the cheers of hundreds of Texas fans. I am KING and these are my subjects. I distribute the 11 beers in my pants to the cheering masses. I RULE the pre-game kingdom. 2:34 Kickoff. Brimming with confidence, I open the Traveler and pour my first stiffy. 2:45 I notice something troubling: Nebraska is big. Nebraska is fast. Nebraska is very pissed off at Texas. 3:01 The first quarter mercifully ends. 9 yards total offense for Texas. Zero first downs for Texas. I'm still talking shit. I pour another stiffy from the Traveler. 3:36 Four minutes to go in the first half: the Traveler is a dead soldier. I buy my first $5 beer from the Alamodome merchants. While I am standing in line, a center snap nearly decapitates Major Applewhite and rolls out of the end zone. Safety. 3:56 Halftime score: Nebraska 15, Texas 0. I wish I had another Traveler. 4:11 While urinating next to a Nebraska fan in the bathroom at halftime, I attempt to revive the classic Brice-ism from the South Bend bathroom: "Hey, buddy, niiiiiiiiice cock." He is unamused. 4:21 I buy my 2nd and 3rd $5 beer from the Alamodome merchants. I share my beer with two high school girls sitting behind me. Surprisingly, they are equipped with a flask full of vodka. I send them off to purchase $5 Sprites, so that we may consume their vodka. I have not lost faith. Nebraska is a bunch of pussies. 4:51 No more vodka. The girls sitting behind me have fled for their lives. I purchase two more $5 beers from the Alamodome merchants. 5:18 Score is Nebraska 22, Texas 0. I am beginning to lose faith. This normally would trouble me, but I am too drunk to see the football field. 5:27 I call Southwest Airlines: "I'm sorry, sir. Those tickets have been confirmed and are non-refundable and non-transferrable." 5:37 I try to start a fight with every person behind the concession counter. As it turns out, the Alamodome has a policy that no beer can be sold when there is less than 10 minutes on the game clock. I am enraged by this policy. I ask loudly: "Why the fuck didn't you announce last call over the fucking PA system??!!" 5:49 Back in my seats, I am slumped in my chair in defeat. All of a sudden, the Texas crowd goes absolutely nuts. "Whazzis?," I mutter, awaking from my coma, "Iz we winnig? Did wez scort?" Alas, the answer is no, we were not winning and we did not score. The largest (by far) cheer of the day from the Texas faithful occurred when the handlers were walking back to the tunnel and Bevo stopped to take a gargantuan shit all over the letters "S", "K", and "A" in the "Nebraska" spelled out in their end zone. I cheer wildly. I pick up the empty Traveler bottle and stick my tongue in it. I am thirsty. 6:16 Nebraska fans are going berserk as I walk back to the truck. I would taunt them with some off-color remarks about their parentage, but I am too drunk to form complete sentences. With my last cognitive thought of the evening, I take solace in the fact that if we had not beaten them in October, they would be playing Florida State for the national championship. 6:30 Back in the car. On the way back to Austin for the 8:00 Texas-Arizona tip off. We can still salvage the day! I crack open a beer. It is warm. I don't care. 7:12 We have stopped for gas. I am hungry. I go inside the store. I walk past the beer frig. I notice a Zima. I've never had a Zima. I wonder if it's any good. I pull a Zima from the frig. I twist the top off and drink the Zima in three swallows. Zima sucks. I replace the empty bottle in the frig. 7:17 There is a Blimpie Subs in the store. I walk to where the ingredients are, where the person usually makes the sub. There is no one there. I lean over the counter and scoop out half a bucket of black olives. I eat them. I am still hungry. I lean further over the counter and grab approximately two pounds of Pastrami. I walk out of the store grunting and eating Pastrami. The patrons in the store fear me. I don't care. 8:01 We are in South Austin. I have been drinking warm beer and singing Brooks and Dunn tunes for over an hour. My truck-mate is tired of my singing. He suggests that perhaps Brooks and Dunn have written other good songs besides "You're Going to Miss Me When I'm Gone" and "Neon Moon" and that maybe listening to only those two songs, ten times each was a bit excessive. Perhaps, he suggests, I could just let the CD play on its own. I tell him to fuck off and restart "Neon Moon." 8:30 We arrive at the Erwin Center. My truckmate, against my loud and profane protestations, parks on the top floor of a nearby parking garage. I tell him he's an idiot. I tell him we will never get out. I tell him we may as well pitch a fucking tent here. He ignores me. I think he's still pissed about the Brooks and Dunn tunes. I whistle "Neon Moon" loudly. 8:47 I am rallying. I have 4 warm beers stuffed in my pants. We're going to kick the shit out of Arizona. 9:11 Halftime score: Texas 31, Arizona 29. I am pleased. I go to the bathroom to pee for the 67th time today. I giggle to myself because of the new opportunity to do "the bathroom Brice." There are no Arizona fans in the bathroom. I am disappointed. I tell myself (out loud) that I have a "Niiiiiice cock." No one is amused but me. 9:41 I walk to the bathroom while drinking Bud Light out of a can. Needless to say, they do not sell beer at the Erwin Center, much less Bud Light out of a can. I am stopped by an usher: "Where did you get that, sir?" I tell him (no shit): "Oh, the cheerleaders were throwing them up with those little plastic footballs. Would you mind throwing this away for me?" I take the last swig and hand it to him. He is confused. I pretend I'm going to the bathroom, but I run away giggling instead. I duck into some entrance to avoid the usher, who is now pursuing me. I sneak into a large group of people and sit down. The usher walks by harmlessly. I am giggling like a little girl. I crack open another can of Bud Light. 9:52 I am lost. In my haste to avoid the usher, I have lost my bearings. I have no ticket stub. I cannot find my seats. Texas is losing. 10:09 Texas is being screwed by the refs. I am enraged. I have cleared out the seats around me because I keep removing my hat and beating the surrounding chairs with it. A concerned fan asks if I'm OK and perhaps I shouldn't take it so seriously. I tell him to fuck off. 10:15 After the fourth consecutive "worst fucking call I have EVER seen," I attempt to remove my hat again to begin beating inanimate objects. However, on this occasion I miscalculate and I thumbnail myself in my left eyelid, leaving a one-quarter inch gash over my eye. I am now bleeding into my left eye and all over my shirt. "Perhaps," I think to myself, "I'm taking this a bit seriously." 10:22 I am standing in the bathroom peeing. I'm so drunk I am swaying and grunting. I have a bloody napkin pressed on my left eye. My pants are bloody. I have my (formerly) white shirt wrapped around my waist. I look like I should be in an episode of Cops. 10:43 Texas has lost. I put my bloody white shirt back on my body and make my way for the exits. I am stopped every 20 seconds by a good samaritan/cop/security guard to ask me why I am covered in blood, but I merely grunt incoherently and keep moving. 10:59 With my one good eye, I have located the parking garage. I walk up six flights of stairs, promise that when I see my friend I will punch him in the face for making me walk up six flights of stairs, find the truck, and collapse in a heap in the bed of the truck. I look around and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I take a nap. 11:17 I awake from my nap. I see my friend in the driver's seat. I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I am too tired to punch my friend. I call my friend a "Stupid fuck." 11:31 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid fuck." 11:38 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid fuck." 11:47 I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is lined up all the way around the garage, six whole flights, and no one is moving. I call my friend a "Stupid fuck." 11:58 I am jostled. The truck is moving. I lift my head to look out the bed of the truck and notice that traffic is beginning to move on the second floor. I jump out of the truck, walk to the edge of the parking facility, and pee off the sixth floor onto the street below. My friend looks at me like I just anally violated his minor sister. I turn around and pee on the front of his truck while singing the lyrics to "Neon Moon." 12:11 We are moving. We are out of beer. I jump from the truck and go from vehicle to vehicle until someone gives me two beers. I am happy. I return to my vehicle. 12:26 We have emerged from the parking facility. We make our way to my apartment and find Ed sitting on the couch with a freshly opened bottle of Glenlivet on the coffee table in front of him. We are all going to die tonight. 12:59 We have finished three-quarters of the bottle of Glenlivet. We decide it would be a wonderful idea to go dancing at PollyEsther's. Ed has to pee. He walks down the hall to our apartment and directly into the full length mirror at the end of the hall, smashing it into hundreds of pieces. We giggle uncontrollably and leave for PollyEsther's. 1:17 The PollyEsther's doorman laughs uncontrollably at our efforts to enter his club. "Fellas," he says in between his fits of spastic laughter, "I've been working this door for almost a year. I've been working doors in this town for almost 5 years. And I can honestly say that I ain't never seen three drunker mother fuckers than you three. Sorry, can't let you in." We attempt to reason with him. He laughs harder. 1:44 We find a bar that lets us in. We take two steps in the door and hear "Last call for alcohol!" I turn to the group and mutter: "See, dat wasn't that fuckin' hard. Day don't fuckin' do that at the Awamo...the awaom...the alab...fuck it, that stadium we was at today..." We order 6 shots of tequila and three beers. 2:15 Back on the street. We need food. We hail a cab to take us the two and one half blocks to Katz's. The cab fare is $1.60. We give him $10 and tell him to keep it. 2:17 There is a 20 minute wait. We give the hostess $50. We are seated immediately. 2:25 We order two orders of fried pickles, a Cobb salad, a bowl of soup, two orders of Blueberry blintzes, two Reuben sandwiches, a hamburger, two cheese stuffed potatoes, an order of fries, and an order of onion rings. 2:39 The food arrives. We are all asleep with our heads on the table. The waiter wakes us up. We eat every fucking bit of our food. Most of the restaurant patrons around us are disgusted. We don't give a shit. The tab is $112 with tip. 2:46 I'm sleepy. 9:12 I wake up next to a strange woman. She is the bartender at Katz's. She is not pretty.
[Fwd: a day in the life]
an oldie but goodie
events for saturday, december 4, 1999
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Special Greeting Subject: PRESIDENTIAL BUSH'S SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GREETING "Christmas is a time of wonder and joy, of generosity and peace, that brings family and friends together in celebration and song. We sing old hymns and familiar carols, we show love for others in the giving of gifts, and we observe the hallowed traditions that make the season special. This year in the midst of extraordinary times, our Nation has shown the world that though there is great evil, there is a greater good. Americans have given of themselves, sacrificing to help others and showing the spirit of love and sharing that is so much a part of the Christmas season. According to the Gospel of Luke, two thousand years ago, the savior of mankind came into the world. Christians believe that Jesus' birth was the incarnation of God on earth, opening the door to new hope and eternal life. At Christmastime, Christians celebrate God's love revealed to the world through Christ. And the message of Jesus is one that all Americans can embrace this holiday season -- to love one another.
president bush's special christmas greeting
presidential christmas greeting
special christmas greeting
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
You have received this message because someone has attempted to send you an e-mail from outside of Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow into our messaging environment. Your e-mail has been quarantined and is being held at the MailSweeper server. Sender:
An Inbound Message For You Has Been Quarantined
do not respond
prohibited email from
quarantined e-mail
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Rob, I have tried to create several index products in product manager but have only been successful with a couple. Could you please create Jan Index products for Agua Dulce Pool, Corpus Christi Pool, Thompsonville Pool, HPL HSX Pool, Hpl HSX E Pool, and Exxon Katy. Thanks,
Index products for Jan
need assistance with index
please create jan index products
please create jan index products for the following...
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
We are going to have the draft on 8/20. However, we still need to decide where and at what time. I would prefer to have the draft around noon. We can have the draft at a bar (BW-3) or at the enron building (access to the internet). Please let me know ASAP.
draft time
the draft
timing for draft on 8/20
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I know that Christa sent an e-mail about this a couple of weeks ago, but I wanted to follow up. Does anyone have any interest in going to Austin Friday night and then going tubing in New Braunfels on Saturday. Let me know. Forward this to anyone you think mught be interested.
going to austin friday night and then going tubing in new braunfels on saturday
interest in going out
my follow up
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I am trying to activate this HSC-Hehub product but keep getting an error that says "product is not tradeable". Is it ready to go yet? If not, when? Thanks,
New Products
error when activating hsc-hehub
hsc-hehub activation?
product is not "tradeable"?!
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Here it is. 1. Dave Baumbach 2. Matt Lenhart 3. Bryan Hull 4. Mick Walters 5. O'neal Winfree 6. Hector/Lenny/Brian 7. Eric Bass 8. Harry Bucalo 9. Jason Bass 10. Phillip Love
Draft Order Determined
fantasy lineup
team list
the list
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I am trying to pull together a report on the future of the gas market in Texas. I was wondering if you have a report that shows new generation coming on in the next 3-4 years as well as a report that shows current generation. The names of the companies building/owning the facilities is not important. The most important data is MW capacity as well as type of generation (i.e., natural gas, coal, etc.) Do you have this information? Thanks,
do you have this information?
generation capacity and type question
tx gas market future data?
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dale, On the new Gas Daily product that you are setting up, I think it would be a good idea to have a Nymex reference in the short description. Something like, US Gas Daily NX GD/D HSC. In addtion, we need two new index locations set up, Carthage hub and Agua Dulce hub. Please contact Todd Richardson for further details on these. Thanks for your help.
New Product
gas daily product
gas daily product
need two new indexes
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The game is at 8:45 at the Post Oak YMCA. The Post Oak YMCA is outside the loop at the corner of San Felipe and Augusta. We have eight as of now, so make sure and let me know if you can't make it for any reason.
Game Tonight
game time
the game
tonight's game
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Howard, Per our conversation, these are the meters that I need historical flow information on. Info for 2 years back would be helpful. #1008 #1007 #1358 #1009 #1175 Thanks,
Historical flows
historical flow data request
meters that i need historical flow information on
the meters that i need historical flow info on
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Imelda, Could you please re-map HPL meter #0073 to the IF-HPL/Shpchan mid market curve. Please keep all other mappings for this zone and point the same. Thanks,
Re - mapping
re-map hpl meter #0073
re-map hpl meter #0073 needed
re-mapping request
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
A guy at work is thinking about upgrading his home speakers. He really likes a set already and wants to buy them, but they require a high powered amp. His question is does the quality of the amp make that big of a difference assuming equivalent power levels? i.e for a given level of power how much does the quality of the high end amp matter? Thanks
Home Audio?
amp questions
home speakers
question about amps and sound quality
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hello all, Attached is an updated sheet regarding what needs to be done at night regarding MDEA and our old nightly duties. Also there is now a folder near the MAPP printer (between Dean and Don) that will include all the nightly faxes and load sheets. The folder will help us keep track of what has been faxed in case EES trans calls complaining. The load sheets are needed for the daily forecasting expained in the SOP 13 Dean sent out last week. In the folder there are extra copies of the SOP 13 in case you want it as well as GENCO phone numbers in case Allegheny calls. Hopefully this will help create some consistency on nights and provide the day people access to the MDEA load sheets. If you have any questions please give me a ring. Happy Holidays,
*Updated* Nightly Duties and MDEA Load sheets folder
updated mdea nightly tasks
updated sheet for night duties
what needs to be done
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
=09Join the Utility Communicators International (UCI) for their winter work= shop on: Loyalty Marketing January 24-25 Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf, San Fran= cisco,CA =09 Click Here To Download Registration Form, UCI Newsletter =09 =20 =09Conferenceregistration is only $350 for members,$475 for non-members. R= egistration includes the conference, continental breakfasts both mornings,= a luncheonon the 24th and an informal reception the evening of the 24th wh= ere you havean opportunity to meet members of UCI and learn more about this= unique organization. Hotel room reservations are limited. A special room= rate of only $169 is in effect for UCI attendees, but this rate is only gu= aranteed throughDecember22, so please don't wait too long. To make reserva= tions callthe Hyattat Fisherman's Wharf at 1800-233-1234 and be sure to tel= l them thatyou willbe attending the UCI Conference. =09 Join Utility Communicators International for their Winter Workshop in San = Francisco on January 24th-25th, where you'll be sure to walk away with some= practical ideas on how to build, manage and leverage loyalty among your ma= ny stakeholders, customers, employees, regulators, lawmakers, shareholders,= community leaders and the media. UCI's unique and practical winter wor= kshop is an outstanding opportunity to review and discuss the pressing issu= es facing our rapidlychanging industry. We have lined= up experts who will lead case studies, peer group discussions and idea exc= hanges. The workshop will focus on the many aspects of building and mainta= ining the loyalty of our diverse constituents who are so essential during t= hese times of change and crisis. It's tough being a marketing communicatio= ns manager for an energy company. The regulatory environment and competit= ive issues are changing all the time. The bottom lineisthat no matter how= much things change or how fast they change,youstillhave to deliver the res= ults. For more than 80 years UCI membershavegathered experience in dealin= g with industry regulations and are nowworkingtogether to conquer the chall= enges ahead as we move toward deregulation. JOIN UCI TODAY! =09 About = UCI Utility Communicators International is an all-volunteer organization = specifically designed for communications professionals,advertising managers= and marketing directors in the energy industry. UCI is comprised of commu= nications professionals from electric, gas, water companies, advertising ag= encies and various other service organizations that work with the utility c= ommunicator. The membership includes representatives from the U.S., Canada= , the Caribbean, Bermuda, Mexico and the U.K. UCI offers you the opportuni= ty to broaden your knowledge and sharpen your communications skills through= conferences, publications and the web. It also provides you with the perfe= ct forum to network and exchange information and ideas with other marketing= communications professionals in the utility business. And that's somethin= g you just can't get from a trade journal or an advertising club. =09 =09Join UCI today and as a paid member you will enjoy a number of benefits = that include: Our quarterly newsletter highlighting achievements and c= ase studies of member companies. A $200 discount off the fee for our annua= l conference ($895 vs. $1095 for non - members). A discount to our Spring = workshop in San Francisco, Jan. 24-25th where we will explore the challenge= s of building loyalty among the numerous stakeholders in your companies, fr= om customers, to shareholders to the media. A copy of our membership guide= which will give you the ability to reach out to others in similar position= s for advice and guidance in meeting your objectives. The intangible benef= it of instantly building a network of over 300 friends that share your same= challenges. Where else can you get all this for the low corporate member= ship price of $550 or an individual membership price of $350? Join today a= nd make plans to attend our marketing workshop in San Francisco, January 24= - 25th, 2002 and the UCI Annual Conference in New Orleans, June 11-14th, 2= 002. There are just no other events like these. Don't miss them! So st= op talking to yourself. And start talking to UCI. For more information, v= isit us at Click the link for our newsletter and the U= CI registration form. =09 Click Here To Download Registration Form, UCI Newsletter =09 =09 =09
Loyalty Marketing Workshop Jan 24-25 San Francisco, CA
join uci's winter workshop
open asap- hotel room reservations are limited!
uci winter workshop dates
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
HOT or NOT News December 24, 2001 - Be your own Boss and Work from Home. Click here to get FREE Information on how you can make up to $4000 per Week!! Merry Christmas! -Jim and James =)
HOT or NOT News - December 24, 2001
news december 24, 2001
work from home on this new website!
work from home opportunity
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Your mailbox has exceeded one or more size limits set by your administrator. Your mailbox size is 112347 KB. Mailbox size limits: You will receive a warning when your mailbox reaches 75000 KB. You cannot send mail when your mailbox reaches 100000 KB.You may not be able to send or receive new mail until you reduce your mailbox size. To make more space available, delete any items that you are no longer using or move them to your personal folder file (.pst). Items in all of your mailbox folders including the Deleted Items and Sent Items folders count against your size limit. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. See client Help for more information.
Your mailbox is over its size limit
mailbox size limit reached
mailbox size limits
your mailbox has exceeded size limits
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
TJ: How many 1-800 phone numbers does power have? ( If any other than 24 Hr trading, please advise) What is the number for 24 HR group? ( I will need to coordinate a cutover for this) Do you know of any special phone needs for the weekend trading? (The people on turrets will be fine, they pin in anywhere) Any other thoughts or concerns are appreciated. Thank you,
24 hr 1-800 phone
1-800 phone numbers
important questions
phone capacity
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear Investor, About 3 weeks ago, I e-mailed you about a stock I believe can make you filthy rich. So far, I haven't heard back from you, and that's a real shame. That's because we don't get many chances like this one -- where a small investment now can
UP 27% and still climbing! Buy NOW or miss out...
i can make you filthy rich
investment opportunity
life changing stock
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Several discussions have been circulating regarding current Enron phone numbers and the need for new toll-free numbers the UBS East Power Group. For the UBS Power Trading group (EAST): We can request new toll-free numbers (24 Hour, Fax and Scheduling) as per Kathy Link (UBS Houston 5-5418). a. Don Baughman and I have discussed a few options for these numbers, but would welcome any input or related requirements you may be aware of prior to us initiating this. b. We will establish these for East Power ASAP. David Steiner (503-464-3701) will be the contact to facilitate this effort for the West Desk Our current "853" numbers will probably be replaced by new "584" numbers(Kathy Link is working on this). If this occurs, new numbers will be assigned to us. Our Current "800" numbers for 24-Hour, "Fax, and Scheduling can be forwarded / transferred by the IT group to the Estate from our current phone turrets. Let's discuss these numbers tomorrow, Tuesday morning (February 4th). Thanks,
New UBS Phone Number Requests
circulating discussions
enron phone numbers
toll-free number change updates
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
When: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: ECS6980 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* As promised, please find the attached agenda for our follow-up meeting regarding CPM and additional P&L requirements. See you at 1:00... Steve
Power Trading Systems Requirements
attached agenda for our follow-up meeting
follow-up meeting regarding cpm and p&l requirements
the attached agenda
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hey don, 1. We have a new solution for the db which will work in outlook. They wanted to know if we will still need the historical data and they will need to check if we are allowed to take that data. Do we need the data? Do we still have business from that when we become UBS? 2. Please put in an erequest for a public folder. Goto erequest and choose applications/ms outlook/public folder...put notes that you will use to replace old "east power trading" ln db. Let me know so I can get it done.
LN Database "east power trading"
data migration request
new solution for the db which will work in outlook
solution for the db
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Respond by January 10, 2002 and no later than 4:00 p.m. Enron North America Corp. and Enron Net Works LLC are circulating this Questionnaire to their directors and officers to develop and verify information that will be used in connection with the proposed sale of all the business of wholesale trading of natural gas and electricity with customers in North America. In a nutshell, we need to disclose any transactions between you and Enron Corp., Enron North America Corp. or Enron Net Works relating to the trading business since September 30, 1999. We expect to be in position to sign the purchase documents upon completion of the auction scheduled for Thursday, January 10, 2002. Unfortunately, that means we need your responses to the questionnaire as soon as possible, and in no event later than 4:00 p.m. of January 10, 2002. Regards,
Sent on behalf of Mark E. Haedicke
needs questionnaire responses asap
report on transactions since 9/99
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
By 3pm today, could you please provide me with information to complete the attached schedule regarding AR, AP, and shipped but not billed amounts. This information is needed to be presented to the DIP committee tomorrow. The purpose of this schedule is to put together a beginning net asset balance sheet prior to bankruptcy. Information needed should be as of 11/30/01. Specifically, I believe the following people are the point people for: ENA: Leslie Reeves: AR, AP, Shipped but not billed EGM, EIM: Kevin Sweeney: AR, AP, Shipped but not billed, Angeles Beltri: reconciliation of roles to accounting for prm amts EEL, gas, power: David Oliver: prm net asset, liabilities, AR, AP, shipped but not billed, P&L EEL metals NY/US companies: Louis Colarusso, Claire Wright prm net asset, liabilities, AR, AP, shipped but not billed, P&L EGM ECTRIC: Cindy Horn/Melissa Allen: prm net asset, liabilities, AR, AP, shipped but not billed, P&L NORDIC ECTRIC: Matthew Landy: prm net asset, liabilities, AR, AP, shipped but not billed, P&L EIM ECTRIC: Jenny Latham: split out of ECTRIC from receivership, AR, AP, shipped but not billed, P&L Also, please give me information about any numbers you are not comfortable with as I am compiling a detailed schedule of the exceptions/problems with these numbers. Please call me with any questions, comments, concerns (713 853 9123). Thanks
urgent info needed for DIP
needed information
provide me with information
urgent! response needed before 3pm
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dear NewCo employees: =20 I wanted to send a note giving you my views on the NewCo opportunity and ne= xt steps.=20 =20 What are those opportunities? In short, to date no competitor has taken En= ron's dominant market position. In most cases, competitiors are retrenchin= g from an aggressive expansion of their deregulated business in order to pr= otect their key regulated franchises or balance sheets. Market liquidity an= d activity is extremely fractured and highly diminished from 2000 levels. = This will create opportunities as bid/offers expand and customers have less= choices to manage key long-term risks. This lack of transparancy and liqui= dity will also provide numerous opportunities, in the commodity, asset and = capital markets, to take advantage of key arbitrages across the North Ameri= can grid. We are faced with an energy asset overhang, in the short run, w= hich is unprecedented since the early nineties. This coupled with market p= articipants selling assets to protect balance sheets will provide many oppo= rtunities to acquire attractive energy assets at good value. However, in th= e long-run, as we emerge from the recession and as highly energy intensive = technology investment resumes, increasing asset values, demand for energy a= nd energy price volatility are highly likely. On the services side, there a= re numerous un-met needs in the market place at this point including demand= side management, distributed generation amongst others that only Enron peo= ple have the complete value chain understanding to make feasible. I also be= lieve that innovation in the energy capital markets can provide value to Ne= wCo and our customers given the blight of liquidity in capital markets. In = short, we are at the eve of an opportunity in the energy markets which has = not been seen since the early nineties. =20 What is NewCo? NewCo will be a private company that will focus on the ener= gy merchant business in North America which will capitalize on the opportun= ities detailed above. These businesses will stretch from production to mar= ket, wholesale through retail primarily in natural gas and electricity in t= he United States and Canada. It will be a portfolio of several key business= es, services and assets supported by a common infrastructure. It will be m= ajority owned by Enron but will have significant outside investment to ensu= re liquidity and legitimacy. It will be re-branded and be operating and sol= vent by mid Q2 at the latest. It will be seeded with a number of Enron ass= ets and contracts that we think add value to our business or provide key cr= edit support. Those assets are conservatively valued at approximately $500 = million to one billion. With asset and new cash investment, NewCo should be= at least a billion dollar company. It will emerge as a non-debtor company = and should be an investment grade rated company. NewCo will employ approxim= ately 100 to 200 people depending on the mix of businesses and assets under= control. These people will be sourced from the existing pool of talent in= Enron and ex-employees. NewCo will have access to all Enron's existing sys= tems and infrastructure. It will be in the market of buying and selling ene= rgy albeit not market making which will be restricted under the non-compete= with Netco.I would expect that we would have a strong business and transac= tional relationship with Netco. =20 What will be NewCo's culture? It will have the benefits of being a small pr= ivate company which will measure success by cashflow generation. It will b= e a small company atmosphere where everyone knows each other. It will be a= group that celebrates success together and works hard towards shared objec= tives. It will have an attractive employee compensation plan particularily= for long term value creation. We will build an organization of integrity = of which people can be proud. It will center its objectives around our cust= omers and the satisfying un-met needs in the market. NewCo will value cust= omer relationships. It will be a partnership and employ an atmosphere of o= pen communication. NewCo will be innovative, agile and nimble. =20 What is next? There will be a meeting in 30C2 at 4:00 PM on Monday to discu= ss issues, questions and comments. There will also be a dinner set up for = 6:30PM on Tuesday at the Capital Grille to provide us an opportunity to spe= nd additional social time to discuss NewCo. NewCo will be located on the 30= th floor. The immediate tasks in hand can be broken into the following: a)= opportunity and business definiton including fully vetted business plans f= or opportunities identified around specific assets or independent of these = assets; b) setting up infrastructure necessary to cure defaults and start p= erforming to key operating assets including managing out of the bankruptcy;= c) modelling cashflows, operating costs, capital requirements and proforma= 's for NewCo; d) working through the NewCo structure and path through bankr= uptcy to solvency, rating and operation; e) scouring Enron for other valuab= le assets not yet identified for NewCo; f) detailed market research; g) as= set acquisition target definition; h) financing and capitalization plan inc= luding raising external investment and i) additional hiring and recruitment= . =20 On a final note, we will need to identify a new name for the company so let= me know your ideas! I look forward to working with you towards reaching sh= ared goals and celebrating the inevitable success. =20 =20 Respectfully, Dave Delainey
my views on newco opportunity
newco opportunities & next steps
newco opportunity
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sally - per our discussion, I have removed the following names from the NETCO organization chart which was submitted to Louise today. Bob - we need to communicate to these individuals that they are still on the NETCO list but will be transferred at a later date, which is still to be determined. I have relayed this information to Faith Killeen and her team who is trying to reconcile our budget with the NETCO list. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Leslie Michelle Bruce Kris Hanson Dale Neuner Donnie Vinson Laura Dewitt Donnie Myers
netco list updates
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Tammy, Attached is the Latest EOP's Headcount & TradeFloor Count to be Placed In the Headcount list I have highlighted in red any changes to headcount and comments that were affected. If I only changed an employee name and the headcount # did not change I did not highlight it. I also added a Grand Total without HPL Employees (those that are tranferring to AEP). I will be forwarding the EOP's Headcount 5.3 attachment to Sally's direct reports and will forward a revision as necessary. For those employees yet to be placed we have Gas Logistics employees that were not included with their groups per Ina's list and this will be necessary. We also need to meet with Sally again to discuss even further priority to be given to a couple of other groups that need to be on the trade floor with the Traders and Gas Logistics Schedulers (i.e., Transport Rate, Risk Mgmt) Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Regards,
EOP's Revised Headcount & TradeFloor Count To Be Placed
eop headcount
eop's headcount & tradefloor count with highlighted changes
updated eop headcount/tradefloor count
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I would like to pull together a relatively small group of people to discuss and address issues and opportunities that impace Global Accounting. This group will have a working session every other week on Tuesday beginning May 15. (These are the Tuesday's that the CAO staff meeting does not take place). The meetings will be held in 50M03 and will start at 8:30 and last approximately one hour Please contact me with any questions. If you will not be able to attend, please call Sharron at x37094. Thanks. The members of the Global Accounting Steering Committee are: Rick Causey Sally Beck Bob Butts Wes Colwell Fernley Dyson Rodney Faldyn Rod Hayslett Bob Hermann Kevin Hughes Phillip Lord Allan Sommer George Wasaff
Global Accounting Steering Committee
focus group on global accounting
global accounting meeting
request for a group to discuss global accounting
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sally, I was scanning the brochure for the referenced conference, and noticed that Operational Risk is being addressed by an Enron Corp. employee, Kevin Kindall. I tried to locate him on our People finder, but could not locate him. I was just curious if you know who he is? The brochure lists him as a manager. Although I can not attend due to the Impact & Influence conference, it is the type of conference I would love to attend in the future.
Energy Power Risk Management Conference - 2001
kevin kindall?
operational risk is being addressed
unable to attend the conference
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
We have designed an additional Daily Position Report which consolidates P&L, positions, maturity gap, and VAR by commodity rather than business unit. In accordance with the Risk Policy paragraph III - Limit Structure, possible breaches of limits are monitored against commodities rather than Business Units. This report is currently being published to the Executive Viewer under the name of DPR RAC (will be retitled to DPR commodity). We are in the process of granting each one of you access to this report. When access is granted to all DPR viewers, we plan to remove the limits amount off of the Business Unit Daily Position Report as the limits are granted by commodity, not business unit. Please contact me with any questions/comments or concerns. Thank you
DPR by commodity
additional daily position report
daily position report
new dpr report
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Notes for this Week's Report: * UK Gas's Average EOL and Non-EOL deals per day have decreased since their peak of 140 EOL and 96 Non-EOL transactions in March. They ended April with an average of 118 EOL deals per day and are currently tracking at 82 transactions in May. Non-EOL is reporting at 86 deals per day in May. * UK Power's average deals per day finished April with 13 EOL deals and is currently showing 13 daily transactions in May as well, down from March's 59 EOL deals. Non-EOL's average transactions have increased dramatically, however, ending April with 180 deals per day and currently tracking at 253 deals in early May. While transactions are down, EOL and Non-EOL volume is up during this same period. * US West Power's average transactions per day continued to increase to 194 EOL deals in May, up from 80 deals per day in January, a 143% increase. Non-EOL daily transactions has increase from 206 to 237 deals during the same period. * Southwest Power's EOL transactions per day has continued to increase in 2001. On average, they ended January with 26 EOL trades and now show 73 daily transactions in May, a 180% increase. Non-EOL transactions have increased during this same period as well, up from 68 in January to 91 in May. * WTI Physical's total monthly transactions already show a strong 109 EOL deals in May. This monthly total through 17 trading days is up from April's total of 60 EOL deals. * IPE Financial Gasoil's total monthly transactions via EOL already shows 174 deals, up dramatically from it's 81 deals in March and 74 in April. During this same period, Non-EOL trading is also up from 234 total deals in March to 442 in May. * US Weather's total monthly transactions has shown a jump in May with 53 deals via EOL, up from 23 in April and 15 in March. Non-EOL deal totals are up slightly to 37 deals in May from 23 in April, but still report below average for 2001.
EOL Average Deal Count as of 5-23-01
notes for this week's report
this week's report
uk eol transactions
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Attached is the ERMS Discounting Analysis as of May 25, 2001. Please call Chris Abel at X33102 or Anita Luong at X-36753 if you have questions. Thanks
ERMS Discount Memo as of May 25, 2001
discount analysis
erms discounting analysis as of may 25, 2001
erms discounting analysis of 5-25-01
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
RE: Media Preparedness Session, June 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Doubletree Hotel, Lamar Room (downtown) Team You may be wondering what our Media Preparedness Session on June 12 is about. Here's the logic... We are in the enviable position of having significant media interest in the genius behind EnronOnline and our mid/back office services while, at the same time, we are trying to leverage our e-commerce reputation at Net Works. We can use this to our commercial advantage, e.g. advertising without the expense. Dealing with the media, however, can be like getting behind the wheel of a race car with no training -- you might have fun for a while but eventually crash. That's why it's important that we set aside some time to get ready for the race.
Media Preparedness Training
media preparedness meeting agenda
media preparedness session
media preparedness session
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The ENW Staff meeting for Thursday (06/06/01) will be held in EB27C2 from 12:00-1:30 pm. Assistants: Please let me know if your supervisor is unable to attend. Kerry - I know you won't be attending. Thanks,
ENW Staff Meeting Reminder
enw staff meeting date and time
meeting for thursday
staff meeting scheduled
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sally and Wes, The Integrated Solution Center has prepared a report for ENA called "Monthly Dashboard" for the month of May 2001. The purpose of this report is to provide you the statistics of your business area's utilization of the ISC via the SAP Hotline. The report's content was carefully selected to summarize the criticality of issues. Each priority level is broken down by the total number of tickets as well as the number of exceptions. The report also presents the grand total of tickets and total number of exceptions, which are benchmarked against the SLA. The ISC recognizes the importance of communication with our customers will therefore provide this report to you via email on a monthly basis. Should you have any questions, please contact Lisa Darnell, Manager of Customer Assurance, 713-345-6734. Thanks,
Stats - utilization of the ISC
"monthly dashboard" report
ena "monthly dashboard" report for may 2001
monthly dashboard
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
FYI. Attached is the Enterprise Portal Dashboard. This will be mailed to you bi-monthly (twice per month). If you would prefer not to receive it, please notify me and I will remove you from the distribution list. Best Regards,
Enterprise Portal Update
enterprise portal dashboard
enterprise portal dashboard
enterprise portal dashboard
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I just can't believe this, I am coming back to work at Enron. It didn't work out at ms legal search. So I left there on Monday, Elaine (my old boss at ms)called me on Tues and wanted to know if I was interested in going back to Enron at the same pay I left at with full benefits (except the matching stock of course (not funny!) back to work for her husband Bob Williams and his assistant Jan. He is putting together a task force to help with the SEC stuff. I can say is, God has taken such good care of me, its been one miracle after another. GOD rocks! Anyway, I start back at Enron Jan. 30th, I hope I see you in passing, I'll be looking for you. See yah!...............................soon Lynn
I'm coming back to Enron
coming back to work at enron
returning to enron
srating back at enron
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Dave Delaney and Jim Fallon need the following information for a meeting tomorrow at noon. They need to know which BU all ENW and ISC employees support (i.e. EGM, EIM, EBS, EES, and ENA). I've provided all the employees that remain in the estate in the spreadsheet below for you. There's a tab for each of you with all of your Estate employees listed. Please designate which company each employee supports and return by 11 AM tomorrow. I apologize for the short notice. Thanks for your help.
Data needed for Fallon and Delaney
bu support survey
information needed for meeting tomorrow at noon
information needed for tomorrow's meeting
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sally, Bob - just a thought about where we currently are and how we help ma= intain solid leadership for the future. As I looked around the room at your= breakfast meeting today it appeared many of the people in important manage= ment roles were probably at an age where they would like to stay at Enron, = work hard and hopefully be able to take care of immediate family needs (col= lege, etc.) and then retire with a enough to enjoy their elder years. Other= s were probably at an age where career changes are in their plans so it's t= he quick hits that will make a difference. Maybe the mix was 50/50. Clearly= I'm in the former category. Several people at the meeting commented about = the severe impact the current situation has had on their retirement plans a= nd how the time left to make this up is a concern. In my relatively short t= ime here (3 1/4 years) I have made the following observation. Enron has a g= reat Associate and Analyst program and these employees contribute immediate= ly to the company. In addition Enron has a very young and mobile workforce = that provides great flexibility and energy to our efforts. No doubt this ha= s led to the great success over the years. However at the end of the day th= e business requires a level of maturity and experience that very effectivel= y complements this young and very talented workforce. Helps pull things tog= ether and keep the sanity. In many cases this translates to employees in th= eir mid to later years of their work life. During the good times no problem= as bonus $'s and other vehicles take care of things. However we are possib= ly in a situation where those are limited or reduced to some extent for som= e extended period of time. =20 Question: Do we need to do something positive, send a signal, to our middle= aged and more senior employees that we understand the importance and value= you add to the company and are willing to take a look at our pension/retir= ement plans. When we come out of this current situation what will the compa= ny look like? Will most of the younger crowd leave for the "quick hits" els= ewhere? How do we maintain and protect our more senior employees. How do we= keep them here before they take another job that offers them additional se= curity? Listening to Ken Lay at the employee meeting when asked a question = about pension I don't believe he really knew what type of retirement progra= m we have in place. It really is, save all you can in your 401K and then we= 'll give you this cash balance vehicle to subsidize it. I know the cash bal= ance option is a newer vehicle that many companies are moving to but Enron'= s is rather weak. Many companies apply a larger percentage than Enron's 5%.= Obviously this all has a cost, I know these plans were carefully considere= d over the years and changing anything at this point is not going to happen= . In addtition this probably goes against our culture in many respects and = I'm not saying lets make this a job for life. We still need to manage our w= orkforce as we have in the past and deal with employees that do not contrib= ute regardless of age.=20 Just wanted to share some honest thoughts and observations. I get concerned= when I look at the makeup of our workforce and think about commitment, loy= alty and ongoing leadership. I promise this isn't about me although I certa= inly have my concerns as I know you do also. =20 Thanks for listening - Bob
Employee retention
future leadership needs
where we currently are
where we currently are
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Once again this year, I am leading the BEAR (BE A Resource for CPS Kids) Holiday Fundraiser. BEAR offers help and hope for abused and neglected children. This program is more commonly known during the holidays as the "BEARing Gifts" Program, and it assists an average of 800 children a month. Last year was the first year we called on Enron's Community Relations and our fellow employees to raise money for new bikes, in-line skates and scooters (each child also gets a helmet) for thousands of children under the care of Children's Protective Services. BEARing Gifts provides holiday gifts to CPS kids who otherwise would have no holiday at all. Please visit the Enron Lobby on November 5, 6, 7 or 8 between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., make a donation, and participate in our raffle to win free airline tickets and many other fabulous prizes. For more information, contact Margaret Doucette at (713) 345-7892 or Janette Elbertson at (713) 853-7906. Thank you very much for your support. Mark Haedicke
BEAR (BE A Resource for CPS Kids) Holiday Fundraiser
bear - kids' holiday fundraiser
fundraiser for kids
holiday fundraiser
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
After interviewing the short list of candidates, the Managing Directors of ETS met today to narrow the list to the final two. They are; Everett Plante Brad Holmes Mark, you will be contacted by HR to schedule an interview with each of these individuals. Stan Horton will also be asked to interview them. A final decision can be made at the conclusion of those discussions. Expediting this decision will assist me in taking on my new responsibilities. If there is any information I can provide you on the responsibilities of the current EGS position or on either of the candidates please let me know. Thank you.
2 internal candidates
candidates interviewing
final two candidates for egs position
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Risk Controls Scoped out new Rho & Drift process with IT (1.5 months to completion) New process will be web-based reconciliation of Infinity Rho & Drift and ERMS Rho & Drift. Infinity numbers will be taken off the website Sheila is building and we will pull the ERMS numbers directly from ERMS Models - completed testing of website (looks great) Tested Options NYMEX reporting - testing didn't go as well as for the model website - we still need additional IT work Building of Sch C web based tool put on hold to devote IT resources to Rho & Drift Risk Analytics New books and curves web based tool documented with IT Started scoping exception reporting tools (enhancements to current tools as well as new tools) with IT Started using the one fully functioning exception reporting tool (Post ID's not captured by RisktRAC - cleaned up all 47 missing Post ID's) - put daily process in place to use this tool Took over the daily credit exception reporting from IT (used to be part of 830) - now there is no need for the 830 - 830 completely done away with!! Merchant Assets Recalculated 99, 2000, and 2001 SEC VAR for earnings restatement. Other Obtained 1 RAC IT resource from Steve Stock
Weekly report for week of Nov 12
infinity/erms rho & drift updates
new rho & drift process
rho & drift process
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sally, here is a revised version of the savings for ENA, EGM, EIM, Back Office, Frameworks, and Corporate Systems. There have been a number of changes as follows :- Back Office The headcount numbers have changed because the original cuts took into account bugeted headcount counts rather than working from our currrent position. Ramesh Rao spent some time today revising those figures to better represent what it will really take to address the three scenarios. Also the changes reflect what it will take to support EA business only. EES - at least, part of it - was supposed to be integrated into UNIFY early next year and therefore EES had a 20% allocation from the backoffice. EGM/EIM Jeff made some slight alterations to make sure that current employee counts were accurate, and base cont/consultant headcount more on average budgeted for next year rather than actuals today. They assumed in budgeting that contractors and consultants would be reduced next year as new dev in Thunderball, Freight and EIM started to be completed The Summary page now shows savings rather than totals and all values are scaled to show millions.... regards
Updated IT Savings
revised version of different savings
revised version of savings report
savings revisions
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
As discussed yesterday, we will have a 5:00 pm meeting daily to update you on details regarding the merger. We will begin this meeting today, Novmeber 13, and will continue this as long as you find it useful. The meeting will be held each day in ECS 04075 (same conference room that we were in on Monday morning). Mark Taylor will join us from Legal this afternoon. He will discuss terms of the merger agreement and will answer questions that you may have. We will also discuss our ENW plans for a PRC "Lite". There is no need to RSVP to this meeting each day. The meeting will be held daily for all of those who can attend.
5:00 PM Daily Meeting
5:00 pm meeting daily
daily merger meeting update
meeting at 5:00 pm today
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sally, Please find attached the file that we discussed this morning. It is set up in a pivot table so you need only filter on the X in each column to get the names you are looking for. Please let me know if there are any questions. Kevin x37206
Per Your Request
file from this morning
morning discussion
requested file
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Sally, Here is a detail version of the Employment Contract & Retention Report. We will provide you with a summary version when we reschedule our meeting. Let us know if you have any questions. Regards
Employment Contract & Retention Report
employment contract & retention report
employment contract & retention report
employment contract & retention report
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
This week each business unit across Enron has been asked to identify the optimal structure and resources on a going forward basis. While the review is not complete, we are close to finalizing decisions surrounding each individual business. We ask for your continued patience and we know that may be asking a lot. Please take the opportunity to enjoy the time with your family at Thanksgiving and know that we are working hard on finalizing all details. No significant organizational announcements will take place next week. Mike and Jeff
Announcement for all EGM employees
company wide structural review
optimal structure and resources review
this week going forward
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
As you know, this is an unprecedented time in Enron's history. We must adapt our employee programs to fit the immediate needs of our company during this time of transition. It is especially difficult to announce the immediate suspension of the following programs. ? ClickAtHome - Enron has suspended the ClickAtHome program. The program will no longer accept new participants, PC orders, or Internet service orders. Orders submitted and confirmed prior to November 20, 2001 will be honored. Enron will also discontinue subsidized Internet service. Effective January 1, 2002, employees who are currently subscribers to subsidized Internet service will be switched to the regular commercial rate of their service provider and be responsible for the entire cost of the service. ? Matching Gifts and Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP) - Enron's Matching Gift program and VIP grants have been suspended indefinitely. As we consider the immediate needs of all employees during this trying time, it is appropriate that we discontinue the dollar for dollar match for charitable contributions as well as cash donations recognizing employees' volunteer hours with non-profit organizations. Matching Gift or VIP submissions received prior to November 20 will be honored. We regret that we have had to make these changes. We must continue to look for ways to reduce operating expenses through this transition period.
Program Changes
changes in employee programs
employee program changes
enron has suspended the clickathome program
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
FYI - Despite the fact that this an OU student, I thought that you would find this note interesting. Since we compete with Big 5 for talent at several schools, we should be aware of the make up of some of their job offers that lure students to join them. Paying for a masters degree at UVA ahead of time is certainly an interesting piece of this job offer. See note from Lexi below.
Jonathan Beck
competitor job offers
interesting job offer to ou student
note from lexi
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Attached is a draft agenda for your review and comments. As speakers were confirmed, the placement of certain items on the agenda were dictated by the speakers' schedules and then logical grouping of topics around those speakers. Sunday evening will not be heavy - simple welcome and intros, drink and dinner - I know that many will be tired from traveling. We have arranged for a private showing of the movie Rogue Trader (complete with comfy chairs and popcorn) which I thought could be fun for the group to see as a means of setting the stage for our discussions on Monday and Tuesday. This can be optional, as I know that jet lag my get the best of some. The morning on Monday will set the stage: why we have gathered, endorsement of our efforts (Causey). Perhaps you, Brent and I could each give a short "state of the union of operations" according to us - covering ENA, EGM and EEL). Then definition of the operating standards that we must uphold, discussion, plans on reporting and buy in on these. Monday lunch will allow everyone to share with their tablemates a project in which they are involved that will have an impact on global consistency of operational controls, or a project which through sharing or expanding could have such an impact. Each table can report back as we gather to start the afternoon. Having defined and discussed fundamental operating standards, we will move Monday afternoon to review of the Doorstep concept: what, why, how and lessons learned. Then we will discuss next steps around this on-going project. Just before the afternoon break, we will roll out a new communications tool for the operations controllers: a website tailored for the group. We will finish the afternoon by tying in operations performance and its impact on assessing and measuring market risk and credit risk, with Ted Murphy and Bill Bradford addressing the group. Monday evening will include a tour of Enron Field and dinner at Ruggles Center Field Terrace. Bill Bradford will join us for dinner, and we are waiting for an RSVP from Ted Murphy. Tuesday morning will start with Jeff Skilling as our real keynote speaker. He plans to spend an hour plus with the group. He will make an informal presentation and then will entertain questions. The rest of the morning will be spent in breakout teams, with assignments to come up with specific action steps to strengthen operating controls, improve the accuracy of information provided and move toward best practices in providing mid and back office services within Enron. Before lunch, Tom Gros and I will share a short story on CommodityLogic. Philippe Bibi will join us for lunch to share his IT vision with the group. After lunch, we will wrap up and summarize next steps, including a date to reconvene much of this group perhaps early in 2001 to check progess against our designated next steps (wholesale group in London perhaps). Please call me or e:mail any comments or suggestions. The only details still in flux are Tom Gros' availability and confirmation of Philippe's attendance.
Draft Agenda
draft agenda
draft agenda
draft agenda -- review and provide comments
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
We have a new date - Monday, July 24th beginning at 9:00 am. I will contact your supervisors after the PRC meeting to let them know the final results. Your supervisor will give your performance review and will be able to summarize the feedback received through the PEP system during the review. Thanks for providing your resumes. I will feel more informed during the process.
Associates PRC Meeting
new date
prc date - 7/24
review date change
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Thanks for the Pappa's gift certicate. For a woman who can't remember the last time that she cooked dinner, this will come in very handy! Thanks, too,
thank you for the gift certificate!
thank you!
thanks for the pappa's gift certificate
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Attached is your actual form. I did not have a totally blank one to forward, as I have actually done work on all evals on my disk. So I am sending yours so that you can erase your data and use this as a template. Hope this works!
Mid Year Evaluation Form
evaluation form attached
form attached
template of form
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Hector has still referred to the key players under Jeff Gossett as managers. However, only one of these (Will Kelly) is a manager. The remainder are senior specialists. Let me know if you would like to discuss any of this in detail. We are potentially exposed for Steve Jackson to hire some of these players away. Steve is going to have deliverables at his new employer, our competitor, which will require that he have good people. He will be moving to Columbus, Ohio where he will not personally know anyone locally to hire. He does know these risk specialists here, and being young and single or childless, their mobility factors could be high. Enron would not want to lose any other talent to Steve's new employer.
Retention plan for four managers
poaching of key people
still referred to the key players
talent poaching and job title reminders
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
As you know, exceeding this limit would require contacting the Enron Board of Directors. Jeff Skilling is keenly interested in this measurement. In conversations with Ted Murphy today, Jeff has asked that he receive a daily report from Ted on component V@R. Ted called me about 3:00 pm today (Houston time) to let me know about this requirement. Obviously, we want to meet Skilling's request with information that is as timely, accurate and complete as possible. Therefore, we were concerned about feeds from London that over the past several weeks have caused one London commodity or another to be excluded from the first run of component V@R. (Mike: I assume that you are very familiar with these feed problems from your representative that you send to the daily 8:30 meeting.) I pulled Steve Stock out of a pre-PRC meeting to meet with Ted, Shona, Ramesh and me at 4:00 today. Realizing that the time was very late in London, we tried to reach you both at home numbers and by cell phone to include you in the meeting. Since we could not do so, we continued without you given that Skilling will want to see this report daily starting tomorrow. Here is the key fact to know: It takes 3 hours to run the component V@R calculations, once all inputs have been received and processed. The Component V@R calculations are kicked off at 6:30 am Houston time, producing an approximate completion time of 9:30 am Houston time. With this timeframe, our goal would be to have the component V@R report to Jeff by approximately 10:00 am Houston time. Given current calculation times, in order to consistently calc component V@R including all London feeds, London books (UK power, UK gas and Nordic power) will have to be completed, calculated and officialized by 4:00 am Houston time (10:00 am London time). If this time frame is not met, then component V@R reports for Jeff will be incomplete. We had hoped to discuss this with you today so that you could work with your operations staff, systems support and traders to insure that you could consistently meet a 10:00 am London requirement for officialized books. The other immediate action to take is to ask Mike to work with David Hardy on what we understand to be an almost-completed task of including UK spread options in V@R calculations using the V@R engine. Those V@R calculations that are done through Excel calculations are not captured and included in the component V@R calculations. While there are other commodities that will currently be excluded from component V@R reports, they are deemed to be less material than the UK spread options. Ramesh felt that it is only a matter of days before this is completed. Mike, we would like for you to stay on top of this from an operations perspective to insure that this happens. I should note that the firm 10:00 am deadline for officializing books in the UK will only result in producing a report for Jeff by 10:00 am Houston time. We don't know what Jeff's expectation will be regarding timing. It is probably safe to say that we should be actively looking at process and systems changes that could result in the ability to deliver such a report earlier in the morning. Mike, I will call you during my morning commute on Thursday to see whether or not you have any questions or if there are concerns about consistently meeting the 10:00 am deadline in London.
Component V@R Calculations for Skilling - 10:00 am London Requirement
adding v@r component to report
time limit issues
v@r- hard deadline upcoming
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I will be in San Antonio attending an offsite meeting hosted by Rick Causey on Wednesday and Thursday, September 13 through 15. I will leave the offsite meeting before its conclusion on Friday, so that I can attend a lunch meeting with Philippe Bibi, Rick Buy, Ted Murphy and Bill Bradford to discuss common needs around risk systems. I will be in the office the afternoon of September 15. Patti Thompson, my assistant (x39106), will have telephone numbers where I can be reached. Key contacts while I am out are listed below: Natural Gas Operations Steve Jackson x37070 Bob Hall x36956 Leslie Reeves x37962 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 Leslie Reeves x37962 DPR Mike Moscoso x35242 MPR David Maxwell x36983
Meeting in San Antonio - September 13-15
offsite meeting
offsite meeting
out of the office -- sep. 13 through 15
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I thought that you might want to know that Randy Gay's wife passed away on Friday evening. Randy is the Manager of the West Desk Gas Logistics group. His wife had been on a liver transplant list for some time and had been moved up on the list several weeks ago as her condition became more severe. Unfortunately, she developed complications during the last two weeks which resulted in her being removed from the transplant list. Randy has a four year-old daughter. Several of us will be attending the funeral today. Over the past several weeks within ENA, we have raised funds for playground equipment to complete a fund raising effort that Randy's wife had headed for their civic association. Through donations from ENA employees, the original goal for the playground equipment was far exceeded.
Employee Concern - Gas Logistics Manager
randy gay - wife condolences
randy gay's wife passed away
sad news
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
No manager is listed below on this request and I don't know the employee. The manager blank must be completed for me to be able to address these. Without that, I can't possibly tell what group this person is working in and whether or not it makes sense to grant the system access. Please return this to me for my approval when complete.
Your approval is requested
incomplete form (no manager listed)
manager blank is incomplete
return this to me
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
On Sunday, the new Fortune magazine was a roadway for my two-year old's cars. On Monday, my sixteen year-old used the cover to cut out pictures of money for a school project. Last night, the magazine made it into my hands around midnight when everything at home was settled in for the night. What a nice article! I smiled while reading it. How nice to see your accomplishments recognized in print. Congratulations. I hope that you have plenty of copies for your mom and dad. --Sally
Fortune Article
fortune article
fortune article - kudos!
i read the article. congratulations!
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Around midnight last night as I was creating our calendar for the week, I ran through the incoming calls on caller ID to find the piano teacher's number. I think that I saw yours. Did I miss you sometime this weekend? With almost two teenagers in the house, my personal messages have dropped very far down the list in importance. I an never quite sure that I get messages that anyone calls! Feel free to call me at work, or I can try to catch you during my commute tonight again. Hope you had a good weekend. Ours involved homework, shoe shopping and continuing the search for new clothes. Our friend Mo was in town from London and had burgers with us on Saturday night. --Sally
Did I miss you?
did you call?
incoming calls on caller id
scheduled callings
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
To give you more clarity, Stephen transferred to EBS effective July 1, 2000. His move to EBS was agreed to earlier in 2000, with the understanding that it would be effective upon the completion of the SAP implementation for ENA on July 1. Stephen was playing a critical role in ENA to insure a smooth transition for SAP, and Todd Lindholm at EBS was in agreement that Stephen would remain an ENA employee through implementation, with his performance review being based on his work for ENA. Stephen is very talented and will no doubt do a great job at EBS. During the first 6 months of 2000, however, his heart was already at EBS and he failed to communicate with my other direct reports on SAP issues, consistently missed my staff meetings, recruited our other key SAP expert to EBS without a back-up plan for ENA, etc. It was his failure to make his SAP assignment a priority that landed him in the Needs Improvement category relative to other directors on my team. It is the r elativity of his performance that is key, not necessarily the label of that category.
Needs Improvements for Managers & Directors
performance info - stephen
transfer to ebs
update on stephen's transfer
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I will be out of the office from Wednesday, July 26 through Friday, July 28. I am taking my older daughter on a preliminary look at colleges. I will have my cell phone with me -- the number is 713-417-1591. My assistant, Patti
Key Contacts - Out of Office - July 26-28, July 31 and August 1
my contact info for july 26-28
out of the office
out of the office from wednesday, july 26 through friday, july 28
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I will be out of the office on vacation from Monday, July 10 through Friday, July 14. Patti Thompson, my assistant (x39106), has telephone numbers where I can be reached if needed. In my absence, please contact the following persons in Houston with questions. Peggy Hedstrom is the appropriate contact in Calgary. Natural Gas Operations Brent Price x37647 Power Operations Kristin Albrecht x34763 Financial Products Operations Sheila Glover x33210 Coal, Pulp & Paper, LNG Scott Earnest x31746 Weather Todd Hall x31957 DPR Mike Moscoso x35242 MPR Todd Hall x31957 I will be back in the office on Monday, July 17.
Vacation Scheduled - Contact List
i will be out of the office july 10-14
out of office monday, july 10 through friday, july 14
out of the office
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Tangela, I have listed your assignments for the summer below. You will need to check with each supervisor when you begin assignment to determine appropriate work hours. In addition, please review your school schedule with each supervisor. Week of: Work Area Supervisor Ext. Location June 26 Power Operations Leslies Reeves x37962 EB 3121F July 3 Operational Pricing Model James Scribner x39641 EB 2118A July 10 Operational Pricing Model James Scribner x39641 EB 2118A July 17 Operational Pricing Model James Scribner x39641 EB 2118A July 24 Global Data Mary Solmonson x36079 EB 3750 July 31 Global Data Mary Solmonson x36079 EB 3750 Please note: Enron will be closed July 3rd & 4th in celebration of 4th of July holiday. Sally
Summer Schedule
assignments for summer
summer job assignments
your assignments for the summer below
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
My trading operations team, under the leadership of Mary Solmonson, is sponsoring a working session on Thursday and Friday, June 15 and 16 in the ballroom at the Rice. Mary leads the team that manages Global Databases, our global contract, counterparty and facilities databases that create the common platform that facilitates the consolidation of information for credit aggregation, risk exposure, customer information, feeds to SAP for financial reporting, etc. In addition to managing these databases, Mary has harnessed information from these databases in a new way to create an effective prospecting tool for use by originators and traders. This tool can help measure and increase coverage by industry segments. This project, Entelligence, has been endorsed by Greg Whalley and Jeff Shankman and is currently under development for delivery later this quarter. We invite you to speak to the group of Enron employees from offices worldwide who will attend the working session next week. Please let me know if you are interested and if June 15 or June 16 fits your schedule. Thanks for considering this speaking opportunity.
Invitation to Speak - June 15 or 16
trading operations meeting (rsvp requested)
working session on thursday and friday, june 15 and 16
working session on thursday and friday, june 15 and 16
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Mary, As Brent Price is out of the country until July & I am travelling out of the country more frequently, I would like to temporarily designate Susan Harrison as a signer. Susan is the Director of our off-system Settlements & Volume Management groups. This temporary designation will ensure that we maintain appropriate signing coverage while Brent & I are unavailable. Thanks,
Signers for Same Day Wires
signing coverage - susan harrison
temporary designation/susan harrison
temporary signee designation
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I am sorry that I will not be able to join you tonight for dinner and to hear Julie Andrews speak. Tonight is the induction ceremony for the high school drill team members for next year, with parents being introduced as well as our daughters. So the place that I most need to be tonight is at Klein High School with Meagan. Thanks to Mary for arranging the dinner. I hope that all of you enjoy the evening. The final speaker in the series is Jane Goodall, and that will be next Tuesday, May 16. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for a spot for dinner. That night is Meagan's 16th birthday, so I have asked her to be my guest that evening for dinnner and the lecture. I can't think of a better idea for this birthday than to expose her to a group of very bright, motivated women! I will look forward to introducing her to those of you whom she has not yet met.
Lecture Series
dinner tonight
sorry i have to cancel tonight
unable to attend
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
1) I just talked with Scott Earnest and asked him to send you and John Sherriff copies of the lastest draft of the report on Singapore. This draft now incorporates comments from Bill Bradford that were pending last week (he made the trip to Sydney and Singapore, but had to be in New York last week, meaning his imput was delayed until yesterday. You and John should receive those drafts today. 2) I sent an e:mail message to John Sherriff after you and I talked, simply to clarify the several purposes of my trip to London (since you said he was asking). I have scheduled a brief meeting one-on-one with him while I am there. 3) To outline for you the primary points on my agenda for the week, they are the following: Iron out with you the trading operations support that Brent and I can provide for you during this transition period Finalize details with Tara Rozen on work permits, accomodations and all of the details on having support personnel in London Map out with you how we can provide training, orientation and contacts for Michael Jordan when he arrives to help make his assimilation a smooth one (which as you and I discussed, may involved a short stint in Houston) Meet with you, Barry, Richard Sage and anyone else that you feel is appropriate to collect their ideas on working collectively on effective trading operations and controls world-wide I look forward to seeing you next week.
Various Items
here's an update
london trip agenda
scott earnest
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Two of you had to leave the staff meeting before this final discussion point and three of you were not in attendance, so I wanted to send you the attached memo that I distributed at the end of the meeting. This memo will be sent by Rick Causey via notes mail regarding an additional role that I will assume with regard to global operations. I shared this in the staff meeting so that you would be the first to know. I will still fulfill my role within ENA as VP of Energy Operations. I will not be going away! This expanded responsibility should create addtional opportunities for operations personnel and will validate some of the global functions that we already provide to the organization.
Additional Responsibility
final discussion point
i will not be going away!
staff meeting notes
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
The attachment below recaps our meeting from this morning. Highlights from last week are noted and commitments for this week are detailed as well. Let me know if anything has been left off the list. --Sally
Recap of 4/23 Meeting on Commercialization
highlights from last week
meeting recap
morning meeting recap
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
Thought you might be interested in these two changes. Mary has actually been out of the office since late February. All of her global database responsibilities were transferred in late 2000 to James Scribner and his team, under Beth Apollo. Mary's effectiveness on CommodityLogic had been lessened over time, and beginning with her absence in February I have relied on my business leads (Bob Superty, Kim Theriot and Mechelle Stevens) for their evaluation of the NomLogic, ConfirmLogic and InvoiceLogic modules.
Management Team Changes
shifting mary's responsibilities during her absence
two changes
two changes
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
I will serve as your representative in the year end 2000 Associates PRC Meeting. ENA Management Committee I represented some of you during the mid-year PRC meeting, and some of you are new to my list of Associates to represent. I have copied you on an e:mail message that I sent to your supervisor of record as of October 1, according to the records of the Analysts and Associates Program. You will note that I have asked your supervisor to provide a list of your accomplishments for the second half of the year, as well as a description of your job responsibilities. You may want to take charge of creating this information. In addition to the input that I have requested from your supervisor, it would be helpful for me to have a copy of your resume (not necessary to repeat, if you gave me one at mid-year). While the PRC process will focus on your accomplishments during the prescribed time period at Enron, it enhances my ability to represent you in the process if I have some background information on you. My assistant will contact you during the next few days to set up a time for me to meet with each one of you, if you would like to do so before the PRC meeting. These meetings will be scheduled during the weeks of November 27 and December 4. I will also meet or talk with your supervisor during those two weeks in preparation for the PRC meeting. Feel free to call me if you have any questions about the process. I will be out of the office the remainder of this week and most of next week, but I will check and respond to voice mail messages. My number is x35926.
Year-End Associate PRC Meeting
2000 associates prc meeting
representative for prc meeting
the year end 2000 associates prc meeting
Summarize the email and create a subject line.
This is a copy of the presentation that Bob Superty made to the Peoples Energy Board this week. Lousie Kitchen told me that he was very impressive in the presentation (not a surprise to me, but it is nice when others recognize the talent that is in the operations organization). We may be able to incorporate some of this into our presentation to originators for internal purposes, and there may be parts of this that could be used in external marketing tools. --Sally
Peoples presentation
bob superty's presentation to peoples energy board
copy of bob superty's presentation
presentation from board meeting
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Tight time frame for Mike & co. on metals deliverables. Raises the question around the timing of next week's visit on metal. Will we divert critical resources from these efforts. --Sally
Merchanting Metals Update #2
metals time frame
time frame for mike & co.
timing of next week's visit on metal
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Does Vanessa know anything about this? I know that we had a definite interest several years ago in a system from Siebel. We shelved it at the time due to IT resource constraints and Philippe's concern over costs. In the meantime, EES bought a license and uses this system. I know that Mary was resurrecting this with someone on her team. She had recently reviewed it with Brenda Herod, I believe. This is one of the items that we listed in Dallas as a need if we were to get heavily into providing services for others. --Sally
CRM system
resurrecting siebel system
system question
usage of systems
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Big ticket item on here is the group dinner in Dallas for the ASE. I can view the entry and can click on attendees - but only see a list of 10 or 12 attendees. There were 30 or so, plus Greg Piper and Lisa Petruska. I am missing a second page of attendees, or were only a few listed? If I am not missing a page, please ask Heather to include the complete list of attendees (all who were at the ASE plus Greg and Lisa). A $4,000 meal for 10 attendees looks funny. There were many more in attendance. The cost of the meal makes more sense with a complete list of attendees. Thanks.
<<Concur Expense Document>> - Robert M Hall
group dinner in dallas for the ase
missing attendees
need complete list of attendees - dinner in dallas for ase
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All eight students that we interviewed for the Enron Scholarship were great and we should actively be sure that we get them on our interview schedules next year when they are in the second year of the MBA program. I don't want to simply leave that to chance by encouraging them to consider us. Karen's letter (noted below) is a good idea, but we should augment that by getting these students names on our radar screen for next year. I will find out who the recruiter is for UT MBA's and I will get copies of the students' resumes and my notes on where they could be a good fit to that recruiter. --Sally
UT/Enron MBA Excellence 2001 Scholarship Winners Announced!
enron scholarship student interviews
enron scholarship students recruiting
retaining names of enron scholarship students
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FYI - Beth Apollo led the doorstep review in Monterrey last week. No problems discovered - but Beth did find some communications and system access issues that could be improved to make it easier for Max's team to do their jobs. She has quickly identified a point person within Operations in Houston who is bi-lingual (Gordon). Max's note addresses his pleasure over Beth's responsiveness and the doorstep process in general. Just wanted to pass this along. --Sally
Gordon Heaney's Acceptance
communications and system access issues
doorstep review findings
the doorstep review
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Cindy had to change lunch to March 30, which conflicts with Bob Shults. I moved Cindy to March 30th- can you try to move my lunch with Bob to March 28th? Thanks. (FYI, CIndy's last names has only "O's" in it - Olson and Bob's last name has only "S's" - no "Z".)
Olson Lunch
lunch change
move my lunch with bob
schedule change needed
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Kathryn Corbally (Senior Director currently in Investor Relations) is moving to Connecticut soon to join her husband. He has been working up there for the last six or eight months - he was one of the group that defected from our weather derivatives team about a year ago. She hopes to continue to work for Enron - has been talking with Investor Relations and some other groups that I can't remember - and to do so either out of her home or in Enron's New York office. It struck me that depending upon needs at MG's New York office, that Kathryn could be someone for you to consider. She came originally from the London office - you may or may not find anyone still there that could give you some feedback on her. In London, she ran mid and back office - that was in very early days for EEL, so most of the job was probably accounting. She came to Houston and has done a number of different things. I think that she is well organized and control minded. Understands Enron's business. Managing a group of people is probably not her strongest attribute. I am not sure that people enjoy working under her. That could be old news, however. There are a number of people here in Houston that could probably give you a read on her based on very recent experience. Do you know of her? Just thought that I would mention her as a potential resource in New York. Don't know what your short and longer term needs are there. She would definitely represent an Enron point of view. They have two small daughters - she might be interested in something part time even. Could mean lower cost that way. This idea may not have any merit or you may not have a need around metals. If you do want to consider this, I will be glad to help identify who you could go to for some fact finding around her. Let me know. --Sally
Off the Wall?
intro, re:kathryn corbally
kathryn corbally update
potential employee for your team
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Congratulations on your promotion to Managing Director. I have the dubious honor of being here late enough on Friday night to have seen the arrival of the promotional memo via e:mail. I will be in the London office next week and I believe that we have some time scheduled together. I look forward to the chance to visit with you then. --Sally
congrats on your promotion!
congratulations on your new position
your promotion
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Please put this on your calendars - I would like for both of you to attend. Should Jeff and Stacey be there, too? This will be a meeting that we should have regularly with Wes and team so that can jointly review any exposures and make timely decisions on how to handle those. I am sure that there is some prep work that needs to be done for this meeting. I would assume that we should cover A/R, UA4, imbalances, weird or over/undervalued deals in risk books, OA, etc. Can you work with Greg and Georgeanne ahead of time on content and have necessary back up to discuss highlights. I would love for us take charge and lead this meeting. --Sally
Exposures Meeting
leading an exposures meeting.
please add this meeting to your calender
put this on your calendars
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From Enron Corp Business Controls Operations in Enron's Crisis Management Center will cease at the close of business in Houston on September 12. All inquiries or information pertaining to the events of the last two days should now be directed to Enron Corp Business Controls at 713.345.2804. In the event immediate assistance is required after hours, the Business Controls telephone number will be answered by the 24x7 security desk which can have a representative from Business Controls return your call immediately. With respect to employees stranded around the United States, we regret that these employees should make their way back to Houston or their home office as best they can via commercial airlines, train, or rental car. Unfortunately, corporate and other private aircraft will not be flying until sometime after restrictions are lifted on commercial carriers. Therefore, Enron corporate aircraft should not be counted on to provide assistance in this situation.
Crisis Management
crisis mamangement center closing
close of business in houston on september 12
enron corp business controls operations ceases at close of business in houston
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Due to a variety of circumstances we did not migrate employees to the UBSWE environment tonight (Monday, February 4, 2002). We will communicate further details of the migration plan on Tuesday, February 5, 2002. Thank you for your cooperation in advance, please contact the Resolution Center at x 3-1411 should you have any questions. UBSW Energy Global Infrastructure
DRAFT: INFORMATION, Please Read: UBSWE Migration postponed
recent changes to migration plan
we did not migrate employees to the ubswe environment tonight
update on ubswe migration plan
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Hello Everyone, This week again saw some upsets, both in college and pro games, however, the overall results were better this week than the past few weeks. In the college games, it was split between the Oklahoma and Nebraska game as far as who got it right, the Auburn/Arkansas game and UCLA/Stanford game were both missed by most people. Quite a few people also missed the Oregon/Washington St. game. In the pros, the New Orleans/St.Louis game was missed by just about everyone, everyone missed the NY Giants/Washington game, the Minnesota/Tampa Bay game was missed by quite a few people, and the Arizona/Dallas game was also missed by about half the people. Through all that, Rob Benson is currently in the lead with only 5 games missed. Rob also picked Pittsburgh tonight. Still alive for the money with 6 games missed are Joe Quenet and Jeff Miller, who both picked Tennessee tonight. There were also 3 other people who have 6 wrong, however, they all chose Pittsburgh tonight. Therefore, if Pittsburgh wins tonight, then Rob will win outright. If Tennessee wins tonight, then it will come down to total points. Rob chose 38 points, Joe has 48 points and Jeff has 34 points. Therefore Jeff will win with a Tennessee victory and 35 or fewer total points, 36 he will tie with Rob. Rob will also win if Tennessee wins and the total points are from 37-42 and he will also tie with Joe at 43 points. Joe will win if Tennessee wins and there is 44 or more total points scored, 43 he will split with Rob. We raised the entry fee to $3 per entry this week and will continue that for the rest of the season unless enough people want it back down to $2. We had 34 entries this weekend, therefore the prize money is $102 !! There is no Thursday night game this upcoming week, therefore this coming week's picks will be due on Friday. Following is each person who played this week with the amount of games they missed. Andy Rob Benson 5 Joe Quenet 6 Jeff Miller 6 Reagan Mathews 6 Tom Chapman 6 Daniel Jenkins 6 Rick Broussard 7 Dave Ryan 7 Jaime Gualy 7 Larry Campbell 7 Cory Willis 7 Gautam Gupta 7 Michele Wilks 8 Bryce Schneider 8 Andy Pace 8 Pat Hanse 8 Russell Ballato 8 Kayne Coulter 8 Steve Pan 8 Carter Ellis 8 Valerie Ramsower 9 Robert Vargas 9 Diana Allen 9 Todd DeCook 9 Thomas Lowell 9 Ryan Williams 10 Clayton Vernon 10 Larry Jester 10 Joe Brewer 10 Mike Roan 11 Smith Day 12 Rudy Acevedo 12 Ashish Mahajan 13 Joe Step 15
results of football pool
college and pro games update
update - last week's college and pro games
fantasy league update

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