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"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
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We did the swap with Pan Energy on 4/28-30 only. On those days, we received all the gas at Carthage, nothing at Castle Busby. When we are not operating under the swap, Duke markets the gas that usually comes in at Castle Busby. Apparently, they sold the gas to Highland in April.
-----Original Message-----
From: Parker, Megan
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 2:59 PM
To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON
Subject: Panenergy 4/01
Did we exchange with Panenergy in April? If we did, can you send me your nom sheet? Meter 7052-Castle Busby looks different this month. Elsa did some deals with Highland Energy at 7052. We normally buy all of the gas from Duke at this meter when we exchange. There also wasn't flow every day, so Duke's volume is very small.
Megan | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
If you have not already responded and would like to attend this CLE program, please RSVP by e-mail by today, Wednesday, August 15. Thank you.
Jamie Serota and Allan Van Fleet with Vinson & Elkins have developed a one hour CLE program covering the antitrust issues encountered when non-regulated entities such as Enron compete with regulated utilities for market share. An outline of the program is attached.
Jamie Serota and Allan Van Fleet will present the CLE program on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at the Doubletree Hotel, 400 Dallas (La Salle B room) from Noon to 1:30 p.m. The program will be accredited for 1.00 hour of CLE credit including at least .25 hours of ethics credit. If you would like to attend please RSVP by Wednesday, August 15, 2001 by sending an e-mail to my assistant, Janette Elbertson.
Lunch will be served.
Janette Elbertson
Administrative Coordinator
Enron Wholesale Services
Legal Department
Telephone: (713) 853-7906
Fax: (713) 646-2600
e-mail: janette.elbertson@enron.com | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
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[] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
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Pursuant to my memo of November 16 (copy attached), I would like to set up a
conference call with the Group to discuss these issues. Please let me know
if you are available Friday, December 17 at 2:30.
This e-mail is sent by a law firm and contains information that may be
privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete the e-mail and notify us immediately.
- 2CYC01!.WPD | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
We are currently experiencing a problem with our ability to display pay checks. We are addressing the issue at this time and will provide you with updates as we have additional information.
Contact Information:
ISC Customer Care
713-345-4727 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Download the New E-Detective2000 Investigative Software
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"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
A bit more detail in the bullets and a heads up call on this would have been
a good idea. DF
---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 06/26/2000
10:36 AM ---------------------------
From: Drew Fossum 06/26/2000 10:39 AM
To: Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rod Hayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Michel
Nelson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rockey Storie/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Stephen Herber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lee Huber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: LG&E issue
Steve filled in the detail for me on the LG&E issue mentioned in the Law
bullets this morning. A valve was left open between an LG&E facility and
Northern for an approximate 3 month period (I'm not sure how recent). LG&E's
gas loss data indicates that the amount of gas that inadvertently got into
Northern was approx. 180,000 MMBtu, with a value of about $500,000. Rockey
and Steve have talked to LG&E and it does not appear that we have any good
arguments for avoiding the liability. The unexpected (and unmetered)
deliveries from LG&E presumably reduced our lost and unaccounted for balance
during the referenced 3 month period. Accordingly, I assume the cost of
replacing that gas should be accounted for in Northern's PRA and so should
not affect earnings. I'm not sure what the timetable is for resolving this
matter. DF | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Let's talk about it on Monday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dhar, Amitava
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 9:49 PM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Cc: Shanbhogue, Vasant
Subject: Report for Prof. Duffie
Hi Vince,
Please take a look and let me know how we need to modify the report. I am yet to put the page numbers in Table of Contents which I am thinking of putting once the organization of the report is final.
<< File: Enron Credit Strategic Plan062501.doc >> | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
> FYI. The vote was last Wednesday. Joe
> <<Partners' Vote - To Firm announcing new partners.WPD>>
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- Partners' Vote - To Firm announcing new partners.WPD | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
attachment | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 2:42 PM
To: Laferla, Lynda ; Stephanie Wade (E-mail)
Cc: Nacey, Sheila; Madeline Jordan (E-mail)
Subject: RE: April deal
Beginning Wednesday, April 4th, El Paso will be taking 3,373 Dth per day from DRN #716, contract #101067. El Paso will scheduling the gas on contract #5207.
Thanks everyone.
Chris L. Germany
Manager, Gas Trading
Phone 713-853-4743
Fax 713-646-3059
-----Original Message-----
From: Laferla, Lynda
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 1:43 PM
To: Germany, Chris
Cc: Nacey, Sheila
Subject: RE: April deal
So give me the details...............do you know his contract number and I assume the volume will
be 91080 divided by 27 = 3373/day???? LL
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 1:30 PM
To: Laferla, Lynda
Cc: Nacey, Sheila
Subject: RE: April deal
They are starting on the 4th. I thought I told him the 3rd but I may have made a mistake. My fault.
-----Original Message-----
From: Laferla, Lynda
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 11:23 AM
To: Germany, Chris
Cc: Nacey, Sheila
Subject: April deal
Got a call from El Paso asking to begin deal on 4/4???? let me know what you want to do and
El Paso's contract that will be picking up gas....
Thanks Lynda | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I double-checked with Bob, and he said Prebon reported these two trades as
peak. The other two were in fact reported as off-peak - he just entered them
incorrectly. But as far as this sleeve goes, there's no way one side is peak
and the other isn't - Prebon has to make up their minds!
Again, let me know what you find out. Until then, we recognize the two trades
as they are.
Evelyn Metoyer@ENRON
05/02/2001 08:59 AM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Prebon deal errors from yesterday
That's what I was confused about because Prebon shows this deal as peak and
we show it as peak and I know it is the other side of a sleeve. Can you
double check with Bob for accuracy.
Kate Symes @ ECT 05/02/2001 10:43 AM
To: Evelyn Metoyer/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Prebon deal errors from yesterday
Does this mean that 598738 should be off peak hours as well? Because 598739
is only one side of a sleeve deal for EES. I would think that both sides need
to have the same hours......
Let me know, and I'll change them accordingly.
Evelyn Metoyer@ENRON
05/02/2001 08:43 AM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Prebon deal errors from yesterday
sorry it is 598739
Kate Symes @ ECT 05/02/2001 10:25 AM
To: Evelyn Metoyer/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Prebon deal errors from yesterday
598736 and 598737 have been changed to off-peak hours. But I can't pull up
306927. Is this the right deal number?
Evelyn Metoyer@ENRON
05/02/2001 08:03 AM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: Prebon deal errors from yesterday
Bob Badeer
deal 306927
Prebon shows as off-peak hours....enpower has peak hrs
Bob Badeer
deal 598737
Prebon shows as off-peak hours....enpower has peak hrs
Bob Badeer
deal 598736
Prebon shows as off-peak hours....enpower has peak hrs | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Drexelius/CES/ColumbiaGas on 12/28/99
07:58 AM ---------------------------
Heidi Boyd
12/27/99 06:16 PM
To: Noel Bartlo/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas, Paul
Subject: TRANSCO # behind CGV JAN 2000
Hi Noel and Paul,
I don't know who else to copy on this, please forward it to them and cc me if
you don't mind.
I need 498 dth's/day total to be sent to CGV for three of my customers in
Jan 2000. Thanks! | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Attached is the referenced approval list. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Thanks for your help.
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 07/24/2000 04:13
PM ---------------------------
From: Kathleen Clark@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 07/24/2000 03:05 PM
To: kay.mann@enron.com
Subject: ABB Purchase Agreement - Final Version
Attached is the final version: | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
This is one of andres' deals, can you help it do the calc sheet scott?
---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001
09:26 AM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Darron C Giron 01/24/2001 09:13 AM
To: Genaro Mendoza/NA/Enron@ENRON, B Scott Palmer/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: 12/00 Agave Pricing
This is a Central deal. I work on the West Desk. I am forwarding it to the
appropriate people.
DG 3-9573
Genaro Mendoza@ENRON
01/22/2001 03:35 PM
To: Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: 12/00 Agave Pricing
Can you please update the pricing for the 12/00 purchase from Agave (I
believe it still has the 11/00 pricing) ? It is deal # 312068.
Genaro | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Michael sent me this draft today, but I think that you should review these slides since I know that you have been working on this. Let's discuss in the morning. Tuesday is my last day before I leave on vacation.
Thanks, Kim.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ratner, Michael
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 4:51 PM
To: Watson, Kimberly; Zahn, Gary; Saunders, James
Cc: Howard, Kevin A.
Subject: TW Presentation.
Attached is a draft presentation for credit agencies regarding TW. Please take a look at it and provide me with your comments. In particular, I have designated some pages that I think you can help me with, see below. Please feel free to comment on the rest of the presentation too.
Jim Saunders and Gary Zahn - 26
Kim Watson - 6, 17, 19, 24 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
It's time for the Halloween Ball this Saturday! If you are thinking of participating one full-time social activity this semester, this is it!! Last year, the Halloween Ball was a big success, I anticipate this year will be a blast as well. So, go get your new costume and get ready to mingle with the full-time students this Saturday. Please see below for details. Make your check out to "C4C" and drop it off in Jennifer Sang's mailbox in the student lounge.
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Ng [mailto:lng@haas.berkeley.edu]
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 3:24 PM
To: Tai, Tony
Subject: UPDATED: C4C Halloween Ball Information
Hi Tony, this version of my message is corrected/updated - I had forgotten in my earlier one to say that checks are payable to C4C.
Don't miss out on the "HAAS FREAK SHOW", it's the wildest party of the semester! Everyone is invited - bring your friends and significant others! Costumes are a must!
Date & Time:
Saturday, October 27th
8 pm to 2 am
Curve Bar & Restaurant
747 Third Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 896-2286
(Located across from PacBell Park)
Ticket Info:
Tickets are free for C4C members, $25 for all others and $30 at the door, so buy early. Tickets are on sale this week at Haas - just leave a check payable to "C4C" in Jennifer Sang's (first-year, full-time program) mailbox in the MBA lounge. She'll make sure your ticket is reserved at the door. Don't miss out on the fun - there will be great music, dancing, appetizers, cash bar, costume contest, and raffle prizes!
All proceeds from the party will be donated to Special Olympics, so you are guaranteed to have an awesome time while also supporting a terrific cause!!! | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Many thanks for the last two years of Enron experience. Friday morning will be my final day here in Houston and I wanted to drop a contact address if there is anything you need or should you find yourself in England in the next 1-3 years. Best wishes to all of you.
Email address: tobin1977@hotmail.com
Mailing address:
University of Warwick
Lakeside Residence
Tobin Carlson
Coventry, CV47AL
Tobin | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Here is the resume I told you about. Also, if you could have another talk
with Brandon, I think that he may still be interested in a position. Thanks!
---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 09/12/2000
01:26 PM ---------------------------
09/11/2000 02:26 PM
To: Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Barry Steinhart's Resume
Here is Barry's resume. Please forward it on to your brother in law and let
me know what he thinks.
Bryan Garrett
Global Bandwidth Trading
Enron Broadband Services
Phone - (713) 853-7993
Mobile - (713) 256-6668
www.enron.net | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Attached, please find the TXU nominations for the weekend of October 14-16,
No Scheduled Flows
(See attached file: HPLN1014.xls)
- HPLN1014.xls | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
request_number: PS-BPA:117, 119, 120, 121 and 122-
firstname: Steve
lastname: Marshall
e-mail: marss@perkinscoie.com
directed_to: Peter J. Burger - LP-7
Office of General Counsel
Bonneville Power Administration
P.O. Box 3261
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
exhibit_wp-02-e-: BPA-75
page_numbers: 4
request_text: PS-BPA:117, page 4, lines 6-7: Beginning at line 6 the
witnesses state &Tiered rates may be good for both BPA and the Northwest
region, and should properly be explored8. How do you propose properly
exploring tiered rates?
PS-BPA:119, page 4, lines 3-4: Beginning at line 3 the witnesses state
&During these unprecedented market conditions, BPA will continue to explore
every potential avenue for finding solutions that are both fair and
practical.8 Please give examples of such potential avenues. Would a change
in base rates during the five-year rate period be one such avenue? Would a
change in the manner in which the CRACs are applied during the five-year rate
period be one such avenue?
PS-BPA:120, page 4, lines 3-6: Beginning at line 3 the witnesses state
&During these unprecedented market conditions, BPA will continue to explore
every potential avenue for finding solutions that are both fair and
practical. This certainly would not exclude tiered rates, though the region,
s historically strong opposition to tiered rates is a factor that cannot be
ignored8. Does the language &will continue8 mean that BPA is currently
exploring the use of tiered rates as a potential avenue for finding
solutions? If so, please provide all data, analysis and communications that
make up this exploration.
PS-BPA:121, page 4, lines 5-6: Beginning at line 5 the witnesses state & . .
. though the region,s historically strong opposition to tiered rates . . .8.
Please provide all bases for this statement.
PS-BPA:122, page 4, lines 5-6: Beginning at line 5 the witnesses state & . .
. though the region,s historically strong opposition to tiered rates . . .8.
Please describe your use of the term ®ion8. Do you mean to imply that the
opposition was a consensus of all parties in the region? If so, how did this
consensus manifest itself? If not, what parties composed this opposition?
contact_name: Steve Marshall
contact_address: Perkins Coie
One Bellevue Center, Suite 1800
411 - 108th Avenue N.E.
Bellevue, WA 98004
contact_phone: 425-453-7314
contact_email: marss@perkinscoie.com
contact_fax: 425-453-7350
delivery_instructions: Please mail hard coies of data responses to Steve
Marshall at the address above
The following information is from the web server:
2. Remote Host: seairon.perkinscoie.com
3. Remote IP Address:
4. Form URL:
5. Browser Client: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT) | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
From an operational perspective, during a Stage 3 Emergencies, the ISO has
three options available to keep the lights on. It can (1) buy more power
(under its DOE granted Section 202(c) authority), (2) cut scheduled power
transactions, or (3) derate transmission capacity used to export power from
its system. The Cal ISO has recently been derating to zero transmission
capacity to the Northwest (option 3). Because transmission users can't get
capacity to sell their power outside California, the effect is that the ISO
gets cheaper power over customers in the NW.
I was thinking of a political approach to solving this problem. I was
wondering if you could work with your contacts to mobilize NW Senators (?) to
write a letter to the California ISO and the Governor; you might even get
Steve Wright to sign on given that this situation must make it more
difficult for him to balance his budget.
The central theme of the letter would point out what a hue and cry there
would be if BPA engaged in such actions and that California is simply trying
to get cheaper power than the rest of the region. It could also point out
that the Cal ISO already has the mechanism of the Secretary of Energy's
Section 202(c) orders to get the power it needs for an emergency and that
this order is fairer because it allows market participants to have a just and
reasonable rate determined (albeit after the fact) for the power. I wouldn't
bring up the ISO's authority to cut scheduled power transactions. I don't
think we want to encourage that.
What do you think? Call me. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Pizza is here! | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Just a quick note to let you know that we are planning to have Brazil (Power
only) launched on EnronOnline by February 2001. I will update you soon with
the current status and next steps.
Please let me know if you have any questions/comments
---------------------- Forwarded by Carlos Alatorre/NA/Enron on 12/06/2000
08:44 AM ---------------------------
Remi Collonges
11/30/2000 07:34 PM
To: David Forster/Corp/Enron@Enron
cc: Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron, Carlos Alatorre/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: EnronOnline
I am delighted and thankful. On our side, I'm fairly sure I can enlist the
help of Patrick Hensen, so that our dependance on your team be kept at the
necessary minimum while we benefit from his experience.
I will coordinate with my team and call Carlos next week to see whether he
wants to take advantage of my presence in Houston the week of the 11th to
15th of December to be briefed on the status of our efforts (and to be
briefed on our next to do's).
Again, thanks for your support,
David Forster
11/30/2000 09:15 PM
To: Remi Collonges/SA/Enron@Enron
cc: Carlos Alatorre/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: EnronOnline
Further to our recent conversation and in light of the information which you
provided regarding attainable margins, we have re-prioritised our workload to
accomodate a Brazilian launch by February.
Carlos Alatorre will be the person within EnronOnline who will help you in
preparing for launch.
Dave | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Attached are the referenced swaps. They are complete with the prior comments
of K&E incorporated, except in each case for the maximum limit on share
I will be on vacation next week. Angela Davis at ex. 58347 will assist you
as needed.
Mary Cook
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal
Houston, Texas 77002-7361
(713) 345-7732 (phone)
(713) 646-3490 (fax)
mary.cook@enron.com | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Just a few housekeeping items:
(1) Expense reports: If you would like assistance with expense reports I would be happy to prepare them for you.
(2) Tri-Met Bus Passes: I am working up a list of people who receive a bus pass each month. If you wish to continue to receive a pass please send me an email to that effect.
(3) Iron Mountain Storage: We will be sending a shipment of boxes to storage today. If you have material which needs to be stored, or if your recycle box is overflowing and needs to go away, please let me know.
Kathy | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
There appears to be a brand new book out by David Brin (one of Tim's authors)
called "Heaven's Reach" which I think is still only available in hardback.
If you decide not to get it, please let me know and I may. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
you will want to cover arround 85.71, which should happen on or before july
-----Original Message-----
From: Fenner, Chet [mailto:Chet_Fenner@bmc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:22 PM
To: Parks, Joe
Si, Se?or Paras!
-----Original Message-----
From: Parks, Joe [mailto:Joe.Parks@bridgeline.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:09 PM
To: Fenner, Chet
its called liquidation
-----Original Message-----
From: Fenner, Chet [mailto:Chet_Fenner@bmc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:07 PM
To: Parks, Joe
Wooo, what a day! Blood-red screen, except for ORCL and good ol' PRGN
(climbed 8.7% to a buck even!). Dollar trading right in hand w/ the
-----Original Message-----
From: Parks, Joe [mailto:Joe.Parks@bridgeline.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:01 PM
To: Fenner, Chet
i figure by next week it should be good and sold off, i might get flat into
the fourth of july, because if there isnt a terriost attack, the monkeys
will come back and buy it
-----Original Message-----
From: Fenner, Chet [mailto:Chet_Fenner@bmc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:57 PM
To: Parks, Joe
Just get us there by the end of the week and I won't have to worry about my
-----Original Message-----
From: Parks, Joe [mailto:Joe.Parks@bridgeline.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:56 PM
To: Fenner, Chet
i am thinking 87-90 on DIA, however you manage your own theta. if i see
something that really scares me i will let you know
-----Original Message-----
From: Fenner, Chet [mailto:Chet_Fenner@bmc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:55 PM
To: Parks, Joe
Now, what I'll REALLY need you for is telling me when to bail!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Parks, Joe [mailto:Joe.Parks@bridgeline.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:39 PM
To: Chet Fenner (E-mail)
This e-mail is the property of Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. and/or its relevant
affiliate(s) and may contain confidential and privileged material for the
sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, distribution or
disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the
sender and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any
attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and
do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between
Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended
recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the
basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.
This e-mail is the property of Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. and/or its relevant
affiliate(s) and may contain confidential and privileged material for the
sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, distribution or
disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the
sender and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any
attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and
do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between
Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended
recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the
basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.
This e-mail is the property of Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. and/or its relevant
affiliate(s) and may contain confidential and privileged material for the
sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, distribution or
disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the
sender and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any
attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and
do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between
Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended
recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the
basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.
This e-mail is the property of Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. and/or its relevant affiliate(s) and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.
************************************************************************ | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
-----Original Message-----
From: Butler, Janet
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 4:35 PM
To: Alvarez, Ray; Bagot, Nancy; Benner, Martha; Benson, Eric; Blair, Lynn; Boatman, Jack; Bradley, Rob; Branney, Theresa; Brennan, Lorna; Briggs, Tom; Butler, Janet; Comnes, Alan; Cordes, Bill; Corman, Shelley; Culwell, Christi; Daniel, Shonnie; Darveaux, Mary; Dietz, Rick; Dornan, Dari; Dushinske, John; Farrell, Sharon; Fossum, Drew; Fulton, Donna; Goodpasture, John; Hammond, Pearce; Harris, Steven; Hartsoe, Joe; Hass, Glen; Hayes, Robert; Hayslett, Rod; Heckerman, Bambi; Hess, Theresa; Hill, Robert; Holmes, Bradley; Holtzman, Staci; Hopkins, Tamara; Horton, Stanley; Huber, Lee; Janousek, Martha; January, Steven; Kean, Steven J.; Kilmer III, Robert; King Jr., Frazier; Kirk, Steve; Kissner, Tim; Lantefield, Laura; Lawrence, Linda L.; Lichtenwalter, Blair; Linnell, Elizabeth; Loeffler, Michael; Lokey, Teb; Lowry, Phil; Mann, Ruth; Mara, Susan; Martens, Donna; McCoppin, Dorothy; McGowan, Mike W.; Miller, Mary Kay; Miller, Terri; Nacey, Sheila; Nelson, Kimberly (ETS); Neppl, Ray; Neubauer, Dave; Neufeld, Eva; Neustaedter, Robert; Nicolay, Christi L.; Novosel, Sarah; Paladino, Ranelle; Palmer, Maureen; Paschal, Zelda; Patterson, Geneva; Pavlou, Maria; Petersen, Keith; Place, Janet; Porter, Gregory J.; Pribble, Dan; Pryor, Tony; Raker, Colleen; Rice, Randy; Ringblom, Kathy; Robertson, Linda; Saunders, James; Sawyer, Lisa; Scott, Donna; Shafer, John; Shapiro, Richard; Smith, Mike; Soldano, Louis; Stanton, Lon; Steffes, James D.; Sullivan, Kathleen; Talcott, Jim; Taylor, Gina; Tu, Denis; Van Norden, Mike; Veatch, Stephen; Vignaroli, Donald; Warner, Jody; Watson, Kimberly; Wilkie, Kim; Wilson, Rob; Winckowski, Michele; Wininger, James; Yoho, Lisa
Subject: Commission Meeting
Attached are two press releases from FERC announcing the new marketing affiliate proposed rule that was voted out today and the directives for FERC outlined in their strategic plan.
We will have a summary of the meeting available early tomorrow morning. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/07/2000
05:31 PM ---------------------------
From: Shalesh Ganjoo@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 11/07/2000 10:03 AM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: gappy@stanfordalumni.org, Martin Lin/Contractor/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Shalesh Ganjoo/Contractor/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Technical Survey
We are attaching below a document on Internet Protocol (IP) written by
Martin. We hope you will find it informative and provide us with some feed
back to improve it. Shalesh is still working on documents for fiber optics
and storage. We felt that they were not complete and therefore not ready for
review. We hope to have them ready for your review soon. In the mean time
we would appreciate any comments you may have about the IP document. Thank
Shalesh and Martin | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
To save you some time in the future, if a counterparty says "declined" on the
worksheet, you don't even have to look at it at all, because it means Credit
has decided not to trade with them.
Shari Stack
08/24/2000 03:00 PM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/23/00
The following CPs are not authorized to trade US power products:
Maguire Oil Company- Restricted by Credit
Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co.- Restricted by Credit
Panda Energy International, Inc. - Restricted by Credit
Roswell Energy, Inc. Restricted by Credit
Copano Energy Services/Upper Gulf Coast L.P.- Restricted by Credit
US Steel: Not a current CP/not FERC approved
Great River Energy: Will have to get back to you on this. They usually act as
agent for another company and I am waiting to get info on what they want to
Shari | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Attached is yesterdays NG curves that goes out more than
14 years. Is the curve that you talked to me about yesterday?
If it is, this curve was entered by Dutch Quigley using curveload.
the curves were generated using the query below:
select ref_period_dt,curve_amt
from egs_curves
where effective_dt = '26-mar-01'
and curve_cd = 'NG'
and curve_type_cd = 'PR'
order by ref_period_dt | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
HI. I'm so overwhelmed at the goodness of God. Know ye not that it's the
goodness of God that leads a man to repent. I feel like I just got a new
boyfriend that I want to spend all my time with. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ok-Ok.
I just wanted to share a scripture with you girls.
Hebrews 4:12 -
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
I'm so excited and encouraged to continue in this race. I'm so thankful that
God is teaching me through you and His Word that this race is not given to
the swift,
neither to strong but to the one that endures to the end. Keep pressing my
Love You,
Dana | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Hey Rick. I think we all kind of feel that we are on the side of right and know that we're trying hard, but it sure is nice to hear from you that it is appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Shapiro, Richard
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 7:29 AM
To: Guerrero, Janel; Palmer, Mark A. (PR); Steffes, James D.; Kaufman, Paul; Dasovich, Jeff; Mara, Susan; Comnes, Alan; Kingerski, Harry; Lawner, Leslie; Frank, Robert; Neustaedter, Robert; 'Bev Hansen (E-mail)'; 'Hedy Govenar (E-mail)'; 'Scott Govenar (E-mail)'; Walton, Steve; Thome, Jennifer; Denne, Karen; 'Ken Smith (E-mail)'; 'Sandra Yamane (E-mail)'; 'Joan Kradin (E-mail)'; 'Rich Lichtenstein (E-mail)'; Landwehr, Susan M.; Montovano, Steve; Sullivan, Kathleen; Staines, Dan; Briggs, Tom; Robertson, Linda; Novosel, Sarah; Fulton, Donna; Alvarez, Ray; Allegretti, Daniel; Yoho, Lisa; Migden, Janine; Ryall, Jean; Keeler, Jeff; Bolton, Stacey; Schoen, Mary; Dernehl, Ginger; McVicker, Maureen; Noske, Linda J.; Schmidt, Ann M.; Linnell, Elizabeth; O'connell, Earlene
Cc: Kean, Steven J.
Subject: RE: California Campaign Closeout
Importance: High
A follow-on to Janel's comments: I wanted to comment a bit on the " California campaign", our group's(internal and external) individual and collective efforts, and the work that continues: While I may be properly, and not surprisingly, characterized as "non-practicing"(in a formal religious sense), I do believe quite firmly that what we do in life( and how we do it) echoes through eternity...it is the effort and the quality of the effort in all that we do in our lives that both matters and echoes...While we engage in work that cannot be equated with the work of people, past and present, such as Mother Teresa, the work we do is good, very good in fact, and makes a significant difference to the 18,000 Enron employees and their families...Each of you, in the context of the broad "campaign" to communicate the rightness of our perspective and to protect the good name of the company and individuals within the company, has put forth a great effort that has been performed with excellence and that has made a significant and positive difference....and that has succeeded in many respects thus far....I understand the effort continues, but each of you should feel very proud now.... about what we have done and how we have done it. Thanks very much.
-----Original Message-----
From: Guerrero, Janel
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 5:18 PM
To: Shapiro, Richard; Palmer, Mark A. (PR); Steffes, James D.; Kaufman, Paul; Dasovich, Jeff; Mara, Susan; Comnes, Alan; Kingerski, Harry; Lawner, Leslie; Frank, Robert; Neustaedter, Robert; Bev Hansen (E-mail); Hedy Govenar (E-mail); Scott Govenar (E-mail); Walton, Steve; Thome, Jennifer; Denne, Karen; Ken Smith (E-mail); Sandra Yamane (E-mail); Joan Kradin (E-mail); Rich Lichtenstein (E-mail); Landwehr, Susan M.; Montovano, Steve; Sullivan, Kathleen; Staines, Dan; Briggs, Tom; Robertson, Linda; Novosel, Sarah; Fulton, Donna; Alvarez, Ray; Allegretti, Daniel; Yoho, Lisa; Migden, Janine; Ryall, Jean; Keeler, Jeff; Bolton, Stacey; Schoen, Mary; Dernehl, Ginger; McVicker, Maureen; Noske, Linda J.; Schmidt, Ann M.; Linnell, Elizabeth; O'connell, Earlene
Subject: California Campaign Closeout
Attached is the presentation that Rick and Steve will make to Mr. Lay regarding our accomplishments during the California energy crisis.
Great work everybody!!
More to come on RTOs..... | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000
07:29 PM ---------------------------
Jim Garven <James_Garven@baylor.edu> on 11/28/2000 05:10:55 PM
To: "Vince J Kaminski" <Vince_J_Kaminski@enron.com>
Subject: Greetings from Baylor University
Dear Vince,
Since we last corresponded, I have left LSU and am now Professor of Finance &
Insurance at Baylor University in Waco, TX.? My colleague at Baylor, John
Martin, mentioned that you will be coming to campus for a conference on
Friday, February 23 that he is organizing.?? I am curious whether your
schedule might permit staying over that evening so that we can feature you as
our dinner speaker for the chartering ceremony of Gamma Iota Sigma, a
national risk management fraternity.? For that matter, would you also
possibly be available to make any presentations to undergraduate and graduate
students on the previous day (Thursday, February 22)?? What I have in mind is
a presentation similar to the presentations you made last spring to my LSU
Thank you for your consideration of this request.? I am looking forward to
seeing you once again.
Jim Garven
James R. Garven, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance & Insurance
Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
Hankamer School of Business
HSB 336
Baylor University
Box 98004
Waco, TX? 76798
Voice: (254) 710-6207
Fax: (603) 994-6680
E-mail:? James_Garven@baylor.edu
Home Page: http://garven.baylor.edu
Vita: http://garven.baylor.edu/dossier.html
Research Paper Archive: http://garven.baylor.edu/research.html
_________________________________________ | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Yes, please. Sara
"JASON PETERS" <PETEJ@andrews-kurth.com>
08/07/2000 08:01 PM
To: <Sara.Shackleton@enron.com>
Subject: PrimeTrade Agreement - CSFB
Do you want to see my comments to the above-referenced Agreement before they
go out or would you prefer for me to copy you on the fax to CSFB.
I got your message on ABN - AMRO (Australia). I'll come by this week to
check the changes.
Jason | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
The conference room 37c1 is booked at 11:00 - and I believe Julissa plans to
have extra tables available to set up our dishes.
Please see Julissa in 37c1 between 11:00 and 11:30 so she can tell us how
she'd like items arranged.
In the meantime - please keep at your desk unless you need to put in a
refrigerator on your floor.
The room is booked (until 3pm), so we'll have plenty of time for going back
for seconds, and for clean up.
Hope that answers most questions. Thanks....Sandy | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
We have received the fully executed Confidentiality Agreement with the
referenced Counterparty dated July 13, 2000. A copy will be sent to Dave
Samuels for the files.
Also, attached is an updated list of the Online Confidentiality Agreement for
your review. Please call me at x33399 with any comments or questions. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Start Date: 4/12/01; HourAhead hour: 19; No ancillary schedules awarded.
Variances detected.
Variances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.
Details: (Hour: 19 / Preferred: 12.00 / Final: 11.99)
TRANS_DATE: 4/12/01
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Louise we do not have a formal policy on this yet however this is oneof the areas I would like our culture committee to tackle and make a recommendation along with alternative work arrangements........Can you hold him off for a while???????? | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Since late 1998, we have been trying to put in place a Master between ENA and
the above counterparty. We currently have a Master dated July 1997 between
ECC and Pancanadian Petroleum Limited and Pancanadian wants to pretty much
duplicate this Master. Here are the credit terms of the late 1998 drfat that
we sent them which I need for you to tell me are still okay:
No Credit Support Providers
Cross Default - $50,000,000 for ENA and $25,000,000 for them
Additional Event of Default - occurrence of a MAC and the failure to provide
Perfprmance Assurance in accordnace with annex A. MAC is defined as
Enron's rating going below BBB- and their Net Worth falling below
$133,000,000 opr their Funded Debt to Net Worth being more than 1 to 1
They want to defined the "control" concept in Affiliate as ownership of more
than 50% of equity. This term is used in the Setoff language and limits the
possible entities that could be Affiliates on our side and their side
Forms of collateral are cash and LC's
Collateral Thresholds are $10,000,000 for us and $3,500,000 for them
Let me know what you think.
Carol | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Zimin Lu
01/31/2001 01:10 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: FEA announces the release of @ENERGY 2.0
Vince and Stinson,
I have successfully downloaded the @energy2.0. I am working with IT
to update the license before we can use the software.
Vince J Kaminski
01/31/2001 11:20 AM
To: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: FEA announces the release of @ENERGY 2.0
Please, take a look at it.
I think we should download the update.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001
11:21 AM ---------------------------
"Michelle Mendoza" <michelle@fea.com> on 01/26/2001 02:33:14 PM
To: <Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com>
Subject: FEA announces the release of @ENERGY 2.0
January 26, 2001
Vince Kaminski
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street
30th Floor, Rm. 3036B
Houston, TX 77251-1188
1 713-853-3848
Dear Vince Kaminski,
This is to inform you of the release of @ENERGY 2.0. FTP download
instructions are available immediately. The download instructions are
included at the end of this email. Your CD's and manuals will be shipped to
you within 2 weeks. Please see below for more information regarding this new
Please confirm that you are the correct recipient for this shipment and your
address above is correct by clicking reply and send. If any changes need to
be made, please make the changes above and reply.
**Swing users: @ENERGY/Swing now replaces the "SWING" product. See the
@ENERGY user manual for a discussion of the changes. Contact FEA for the
necessary license keys. You will be able to run both the new and old SWING
Heres an overview of the new and changed features since version 1.6:
@ENERGY (Forward Curve)
Jump parameters are now calibrated for use in other @ENERGY functions.
Inputs and outputs to POWERCALIB and COMCALIB have changed. See the
corresponding function syntax in the User Guide for additional information.
35-40% speed improvement. The module is now out of beta.
@ENERGY (Basics)
Different interpolation schemes on forward prices are now supported. If you
use INDEXSWAP , EXOTICSWAP, or OPTINDEXSWAP with floating price linked to a
series of futures dates, such futures dates need not be close to dates
specified in the forward curve input. A new utility function, PATHUTIL,
allows you to simulate and visualize price paths consistent with the models
supported by @ENERGY. 25-30% speed improvement.
@ENERGY (Advanced)
Different interpolation schemes on forward prices are now supported. If you
use OPTDIFFSWAP or DIFFSWAP with floating price linked to a series of
futures dates, such futures dates need not be close to dates specified in
the forward curve input. CALSPREADOPT now allows for the specification of
two different mean reversion rates. 30-35% speed improvement.
@ENERGY (Swing)
SWINGOPT and STRIPSWINGOPT now allow for valuation of swing straddle
contracts with overall load constraints. 65-70% speed improvement. The
module is now out of beta.
@ENERGY (Weather)
30-35% speed improvement.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We appreciate this
opportunity to be of continuing service to Enron North America Corp..
Michelle Mendoza
Financial Engineering Associates, Inc. (FEA)
To download @ENERGY 2.0 via FTP, follow the following instructions:
NOTE: Using EXPLORER leads to unpredictable results, so we suggest using
NETSCAPE or a DOS shell.
In the Location box type: ftp://energy@ftp.fea.com
Password: 2rbzxgv5
energy-2.0-win32.exe is for Windows 95/98/2000/NT. Download and run on
a local drive.
At a DOS prompt type: ftp ftp.fea.com
User: energy
Password: 2rbzxgv5
Type "binary" and hit 'return'.
Type "ls" for a list of available files.
Type "get" energy-2.0-win32.exe and and wait for the ftp> prompt.
Type "quit".
The file will be downloaded into the directory at which you entered the ftp
Double click on the exe and follow the instructions on the screen. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Junior Achievement (JA) is seeking Enron employees to serve as JA
consultants! Join more than 6,000 volunteers from hundreds of Houston
companies who have made a difference. As a Junior Achievement consultant, you
become a role model who shows students how to achieve personal and
professional success. By making a commitment to be a consultant in either
elementary, middle or high school, you can make a positive impact in our
local schools.
The time commitment to teach is minimal- only one hour per week for 5-10
weeks (depending on the grade level). Volunteers for all programs receive
training, materials and support from Junior Achievement. You may teach a
class alone or team up with a co-worker, friend or spouse. Most classes are
taught during the school day with an after school program available in some
To learn more about various Junior Achievement programs, attend a Brown Bag
Lunch on October 12 at 11:30 a.m. in EB 552. A representative from JA will
give a presentation and answer your questions. If you are interested in
becoming a consultant this year, please attend.
If you are unable to attend the Brown Bag luncheon, but would like additional
information on volunteering, please call Katherine Cheng at (713) 682-4500.
One thing you can count on is the satisfaction of knowing you,re making a
difference in these students, lives. Junior Achievement wants to reach over
130,000 young people during the 2000/2001 school year. With your help, it can
reach its goal. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Start Date: 4/9/01; HourAhead hour: 17; No ancillary schedules awarded. No
variances detected.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----
*** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule.
TRANS_DATE: 4/9/01
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
The attached comments for ENA and EES will be filed with FERC this afternoon
in response to their request for comments on reimposition of the maximum rate
price caps on short-term capacity releases into California. The request for
comments was issued in the proceedings for the San Diego complaint and the
LADWP complaint against El Paso.
In our comments, we briefly summarize our view of how the California natural
gas problems developed, explain how a basis differential differs from
transportation costs, and answer the Commission's five questions. Our major
points are that reimposition of the price cap will not do anything to further
reduce natural gas costs, that the market is already responding to the
pricing signals because several pipeline projects have been announced which
would increase capacity into and within California, and that FERC should not
reimpose the price caps.
Please let me know ASAP if you have any problems with this filing. I will
have to release it to the D.C. office for filing by no later than 2:30 this
afternoon. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Here are Lisa Maillet and my contact information. Would one of you over the
next few days email back with the correct contact information (business hour
and after hours) so we can have on hand in preparation for gas flows.
Lisa Maillet
Work# 508-786-7205
Home# 781-894-4465
Mobile# 508-326-2435
Trey Christensen
Work# 713-613-4396
Home# 713-668-0488
Pager# 800-759-7243 Pin# 2377872
Mobile# 713-416-3014 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
just bring me a check (i'm on 32)
From: Harry Bucalo
09/13/2000 01:38 PM
To: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Fantasy F-ball fees
when do you need the fantasy funds by? How do I get them to you?
Harry B. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Wanna go to the Rodeo?
---------------------- Forwarded by Robin Rodrigue/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2001
03:38 PM ---------------------------
From: Dolores Muzzy 02/22/2001 03:00 PM
Subject: Rodeo tickets for tonight's performance
I have approximately 25 tickets for tonight's rodeo performance of Lonestar &
Brad Paisley. If you are interested please come by my new location of EB1190A
and pick up your tickets.
Dolores | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Please be advised that effective Monday May 13, the Enron Venezuela office
will be moved to the following address:
Enron Venezuela, Ltd.
Avenida La Estancia
Centro Banaven
Torre B, Piso 8
Caracas, 1060, Venezuela
Phone Number: (58212) 902.7811 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Now why would I give up Bruce after just getting him?
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric.Bass@enron.com [mailto:Eric.Bass@enron.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 3:33 PM
To: Bass, Jason
Subject: Trade
Mcnabb and Freeman for Bruce | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I spoke with Dick Reiten today about when he could expect Enron to take the PGE/NWN deal to the creditor committee for approval. Dick says by next week he will have his financing lined up with the lenders only having outs if there is a substantial change in the economics of the deal due to regulatory action. He expects Oregon PUC approval in late May. He believes that he needs approval from the creditors committee by early February. He stated that his team is getting questioned on the timing of the creditor committee approval. He was pretty insistent that early February should be plenty of time to get approval on a deal of this magnitude.
I told Dick the the Creditor Committee had a mountain of work to do and thought everyone involved needed to understand the complexities of the bankruptcy process before such a large deal was put before the Creditor Committee. He recognized that but stated the DIP banks were also asking his people about the sales process and timing and thought they would want affirmation that the deal was getting Creditor Committee approval.
I told Dick that we would try to move the process along and thought early to mid February was the quickest we could hope to get Creditor Committee approval. (This was based on our conversation in Jeff's office that we would know betterabout the timing in 4 to 6 weeks.
Dick plans on us talking weekly about the the progress. As you can see he is thinks it very important to move this forward as quickly as possible. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Mr Sturm:
Due to the California power crisis, Enron Gas Trading is unable to extend
sell authorization on options to Enron Power Trading. Please call if you
should desire to sell any options and credit will be extended on a
trade-by-trade basis. We apologize for any inconvience.
John Arnold
Vice President, Gas Trading
Enron North America
---------------------- Forwarded by John Arnold/HOU/ECT on 02/05/2001 12:55
PM ---------------------------
Larry May@ENRON
02/05/2001 12:51 PM
To: Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fletcher J Sturm/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: re: options
Please enable Flecther Sturm to sell options | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 08/23/2000
12:51 PM ---------------------------
Celeste Roberts@ECT
08/23/2000 10:06 AM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Courtney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Traci
Warner/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Scott Porter/HOU/EES@EES,
Bernie Barcio/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Wilson, Bill
Windle/Corp/Enron@Enron, Brian Spector/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Kate Fraser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pushkar Shahi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Waymon
Votaw/NA/Enron@Enron, Patrick Wade/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Dye/HOU/EES@EES, Jon
William Kendrick/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Larry Leib/Corp/Enron@Enron, Andrew
Miles/NA/Enron@Enron, Stephen Stenhouse/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Trevor Randolph/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Charles Barker
Varnell/DEN/ECT@Enron, Doug Sewell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alhamd
Communications@Enron Communications, Frank Bay/Enron Communications@Enron
Subject: Rice Team Mtg.
Greetings, Rice Recruiting Team!
Each of you has been chosen to represent Enron for our Fall 2000 recruiting
efforts at the Rice/Jones School. As part of the team, you will be
challenged with choosing the best candidates from Rice to join our Associate
Our first campus event will be a tailgate party for the Rice/University of
Houston game, Saturday, September 2nd. Everyone is invited to meet in the
parking lot of Rice Stadium. We will have tickets to the game along with
beer and sandwiches. The general presentation will be on Wednesday,
September 6th, and interviews will be held on campus Thursday, October 5th,
and Friday, October 6th. There are a variety of campus events planned, so I
hope you are all able to participate.
We are planning to have a brief team meeting Tuesday, August 29th, from 9:00
to 10:00 am in 42C1 (the Gas Control Presentation Room) to discuss the
Associate Program, and the fall recruiting calendar.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Celeste Roberts
Director of Associate & Analyst Campus Recruiting | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Thank you for your order. We are currently reviewing for completeness and
A separate email with your Dell Order number(s) will be sent to you after the
order is processed.
A recap of your order is provided at the end of this message for your
We encourage you to verify, print, and retain the information on this page
for your records.
Date Submitted: 3/27/01 12:14:33 PM
If at any time you have questions regarding your order please contact your
Dell Sales Representative:
Name: Employee Purchase Program
Email: enterprise_online@dell.com
Phone: (800) 695-8133 ext 66402
Again, thank you for your order. We appreciate you buying from Dell and using
your Dell Premier Pages Service.
Dell Premier Pages Service
Shopping cart includes 1 unique item(s)
Total Price: $219.00
Item Detail#:1
Dimension L Series (Required)--Dimension® L Series, Pentium® III
Processor at 933 MHz
Memory: 256MB SDRAM, 1 DIMM
Keyboard: QuietKey® Keyboard
Monitor: 17" (16.0 viewable, .28dp) E770
Video Card: Intel 3D AGP Graphics
Hard Drive: 20GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive
Floppy Drive: 1.44MB Floppy Drive
Operating System: NEW Microsoft® Windows®
2000 Professional
Mouse: Dell® 2 Button Mouse
Network Card: Integrated Intel䐂/100 Ethernet
Modem: V.90/56K PCI DataFax Modem for
CD/DVD ROM Drive: NEW 8X/4X/32X CD-RW Drive
Sound Card: Soundblaster 64V Integrated
Speakers: harman/kardon Speakers
Bundled Software: Microsoft® Office 2000 Small
Norton Antivirus® at no additional charge: Norton Antivirus® 2001
Hardware Support Services: 3 Yr Next Business Day On-Site Parts
& Labor,D1
Resolution Assistant: Resolution Assistant
Software and Peripherals: Program Management Services
Software and Peripherals: Power Point Upgrade
Single Item Cost: $219.00
Quantity: 1
Sub-Total for Item: $219.00
** END OF ORDER ** | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Attached is a general bio. Please let me know if you need something
different or additional. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I just received the e-mail regarding your visit to Portland (Monica Lande
forwarded it to me). Regarding that, I would definitely be interested in
gaining access to Livelink. Monica explained that Livelink is a system that
allows one to view confirms, in which case it would greatly benefit my
position to have access to it. I look forward to your visit, and to working
with you in the future.
Kate Symes
West Desk Deal Control
503.464.7486 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Ken Lay announced today that he has resigned from Enron's Board of Directors. His resignation is effective immediately.
In a press release, Ken said, "I want to see Enron survive and successfully emerge from reorganization. Due to the multiple inquiries and investigations, some of which are focused on me personally, I believe that my involvement has become a distraction to achieving this goal."
He added, "My concern is for current and former Enron employees and other stakeholders, and I feel that it is in their best interest for me to step down from the Board." | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
pls find this article and print for me (sounds interesting--please give to
Soldano and Mike Moran also). Thanks. DF
---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 03/21/2000
03:17 PM ---------------------------
From: Michel Nelson 03/20/2000 09:44 AM
To: Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven
cc: Charlie Graham/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: PG&E
PGE story regarding release of movie and potential for additional news (bad)
out of their Topock location.
N30158.DTL | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I have little need for Volp at this time.
Thank You | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Please read below if you are interested (or may be interested) in buying
transmission anytime on Feb 28/March 1
---------------------- Forwarded by Cara Semperger/PDX/ECT on 02/14/2001
02:55 PM ---------------------------
From: Andy Rodriquez/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/14/2001 04:44 PM CST
To: Bill Rust/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lloyd
Will/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Corry Bentley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cara
Semperger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Tim Heizenrader/PDX/ECT@ECT, Charles Yeung/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: OASIS Version 1.4 Cutover
Just to make sure you are all aware, there is going to be an OASIS outage
coming up at the end of the month. As I understand it, all S&CP compliant
OASIS nodes will be offline from 12 noon Wednesday, Feb 28th, to midnight of
Feb 28/March 1 (12 hours). All the above will be local time, so expect
Eastern Time nodes to be out one hour earlier, Mountain Time nodes to be out
one hour later, and Pacific Time nodes to be out 2 hours later.
The outage is to upgrade OASIS from version 1.3 to 1.4. This will mostly be
affecting the computer-to-computer template methods used by programs that
interact with OASIS. Standard web interfaces should only be effected in
minor ways, if at all.
The plan is that all transactions will be taken by phone or fax during this
time, and posted on the OASIS as soon as they are back up and time permits.
I would suggest that the following actions be taken:
1.) Forward this message to Enron employee that buys or sells transmission or
ancillary services on the OASIS.
2.) Forward this message to any developers that have written custom tools to
interact with OASIS nodes. Remember, developers don't always know what is
going on in the industry.
3.) Begin mentioning this to Transmission Providers NOW to make sure they are
aware of this change and understand that they WILL have to work with fax and
verbal reservations. Try to contact everyone you do business with and get
their commitments to address this before it develops into something nasty.
4.) Be prepared to deal with this on February 28th. If you have time, see if
you can do some test scenarios with our more important TPs, to make sure we
understand what information they are going to want for their processes. Will
they have a special fax form to fill out? Will they accept only verbal
Hopefully, this will be a smooth transition. However, we need to be prepared
in case it is not.
This will impact all 1.3 S&CP Compliant OASIS nodes. I'm not sure who those
are, but I believe it will impact the following nodes:
SPP OASIS (Holding a Workshop for 1.4 on February 16th)
NEPOOL OASIS (test node: http://nepooldev.jtsin.com/OASIS)
Southern OASIS (test site: http://test.weboasis.com/)
Florida OASIS (FLOASIS) (test site: http://oasis.siemens-psc.com/)
Idaho Power OASIS
Northwest OASIS
Pacificorp OASIS
Rocky Mountain Area OASIS (RMAO)
Southwest OASIS (test site: http://www3.swoasis.com/OASIS/SRP/data2 login =
studentx Password = tx)
Western OASIS
PJM OASIS (test site: http://oasisstaging.pjm.com )
It may also impact other nodes I am not aware of. Many of these will have
test sites up soon, so watch the OASIS for notices regarding them.
Andrew Rodriquez
Senior Specialist - Enron NetWorks
713-345-3771 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I have been in touch with Mr. Woodford today. This is my first day back
from Turkey Day vacation. The dogs are good. I packed them up and drove 9
hours to Ark to visit the folks. Geronimo was very good. I was surprised,
although he was a little much for my Dad.
How is the baby? Have you adjusted? Have the dogs adjusted?
The luncheon was just OK. I thought last year was better with regards to
food and clothes. River Oaks CC did not live up to the Junior League in my
Debra Perlingiere
Enron North America Corp.
Legal Department
1400 Smith Street, EB 3885
Houston, Texas 77002
Phone 713-853-7658
Fax 713-646-3490 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
-----Original Message-----
From: Collins, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:53 PM
To: Holcombe, Tina ; Snow, Dina; Leigh, Lorie; Gonzales, Kathryn; Quezada, Daniel; Presas, Jessica
I just met with the move coordinator. We are now scheduled to move to the 4th floor, however, the information collected in the meeting will need to be approved. Needless to say the churn will not have to be submitted today.
The following issues were discussed in the meeting today:
Fax Machine/Lines TBD (I will process the churn for all fax lines)
Churn Due Date Thursday, January 17 (tentative)
Move Date Tuesday, January 21 (tentative)
Boxes Will be moved by move team (if staff is available)
Filing Space Please get with your group and determine what files can be achieved if any (space is being looked at)
Once move to locations have been determined an email will need to be sent to your group requesting that they go to that location box the items if any and label the boxes with the name, location and unit(label with flag nearest to that location).
-----Original Message-----
From: Collins, Angie
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 12:31 PM
To: Holcombe, Tina ; Snow, Dina; Leigh, Lorie; Gonzales, Kathryn; Quezada, Daniel; Presas, Jessica
Importance: High
Hello Everyone,
I was just informed that churns for our move to the 3rd floor are due today by 5:00 p.m. I will have the move to locations for your group to you as soon as possible. Please begin inputting the information for your churn ASAP and once I provide you with your new locations you can plug them in.
For coding please use your current cost center and company number. For manager information please put my contact information. This information is used by the move team as an alternate contact for questions regarding your churn. I will also need to get with you on whether or not you need to move any additional equipment other than the phone line for your group. Equipment will only be moved if the location you will be moving into does not have that particular equipment needed or if there is a business reason why the equipment must be moved. I realize the inconvenience this may cause and apologize in advance.
Please leet me know if you have any questions or need any assistance with your churn.
Thank you.
Angie Collins
3-3347 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Greg Piper would be your contact for this and you can reach Greg at
Robert Howe <rhowe@availant.com> on 03/19/2001 10:00:43 AM
To: "'jeff.skilling@enron.com'" <jeff.skilling@enron.com>
Subject: Availant
In the March 2001 article of ecompany you recently made a statement about
what " Keep's
executives up at night?" You were quoted: " Keeping the system up. You
dread the chance
the system will crash. We had an air-conditioning problem last April or
May, and we went down.
The next day the front page of Gas Daily Journal had a story that said, '
gas trading stops because
EnronOnline is down.'
I work with Availant, a software company in Cambridge, MA and our product,
Availant Manager, is
"self healing" technology. It is proactive and autocorrective, designed to
monitor key system
resources and to take safe and effective action on an event before an outage
ever occurs. Recently,
Compaq decided to ship our software with every new Proliant server it
delivers to its customers.
It is brand-named Compaq Availability Agents.
We believe our software could be of great value to Enron as the operation of
your online business is
so dependant on continuous server uptime. If you would, please let me know
via email or phone the most
convenient way in which to schedule a meeting with the team who runs your
server operations. I can be
reached directly at 617-374-7969.
Robert Howe
215 First Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
(617) 374-7969
fax (617) 621-3959
rhowe@availant.com | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Do you please have a deal number for the below deal with Kristann Shireman
from EES 04/11/01 ?
Your help is greatly appreciated !
---------------------- Forwarded by Ellen Wallumrod/NA/Enron on 05/11/2001
03:46 PM ---------------------------
Judy Dyer@EES
05/10/2001 10:32 AM
To: Ellen Wallumrod/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Need to purchase physical gas
This is the deal with Janie Tholt we have been waiting for. This is the
E-mail from her to our trader.
---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Dyer/HOU/EES on 05/10/2001 10:32 AM
Kristann Shireman
05/10/2001 10:30 AM
To: Judy Dyer/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re: Need to purchase physical gas
---------------------- Forwarded by Kristann Shireman/HOU/EES on 05/10/2001
10:29 AM ---------------------------
Jane M Tholt@ECT
04/11/2001 10:25 AM
To: Kristann Shireman/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re: Need to purchase physical gas
San Juan Blanco
May-Dec 2001-5000 /day +.02
Calendar 2002: 4800/day +.0225
Calendar 2003 500/day +.0225
Calendar 2004 175/day +.0225
Calenar 2005 250/day +.0225
Permian Basin/Keystone
Calendar 2003 1300 /day +.03
Calendar 2004 +.03
Calendar 2005 +.03
Calendar 2006 +.03
Calendar 2007 +.03
Caelndar 2008 +.03
Calendar 2009 +.03
Calendar 2010 +.03
PGE Citygate
June 2001-Oct 2001+.12
Nov 2001-Mar 2002 +.14
Calendar 2003 +.12
Calendar 2004 +.11
Calendar 2005 +.09
Calendar 2006 +.07
Calendar 2007 +.06
Calendar 2008 +.06
Calendar 2009 +.06
Calendar 2010 +.06
Jan 2011-Mar 2011 +.06
Socal Border-non Wheeler Ridge
Cal Year 2006-2010 +.08 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Brian and Glen,
Based upon a review of the 1/21/00 draft of Motion for Extension of
Procedural Schedule, Transwestern Pipeline Company does not wish to join as a
party to the motion, and does not plan to oppose the motion.
Susan Scott | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Attached is a copy of the master netting assignments list that sets forth those that are signed and/or currently being worked on. As you can see, BP Amoco, Dynegy and Reliant have recently been executed. A master crude netting agreement has been signed with ConAgra. Liquid payments netting agreements have been signed with Coastal, Conoco, Morgan Stanley, Sunoco and Valero. Master Netting Agreements have previously been executed with PG&E, The New Power Company and Entergy-Koch Trading, LP.
Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cook, Mary
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:33 AM
To: Heard, Marie
Subject: FW: Master Netting Agreements
Please let Melinda know. Don't forget to include PGE and New Power.
-----Original Message-----
From: Winn, Melinda
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:25 AM
To: Cook, Mary
Cc: Ephross, Joel; Cash, Trey
Subject: Master Netting Agreements
Mary, could you tell me which parties have executed the agreements and which are currently in negotiation?
Melinda | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Online college library and research firm slows pace, reduces staff by almost
Houston Chronicle, 05/09/01
Markets / Your Money Mixed Day Waiting for Fed's Act Wall St.: The Dow falls
51.66 points to 10,883.51, with Nasdaq rising 25.20 to 2,198.77. Long-term
yields rise on below-par productivity report.
Los Angeles Times, 05/09/01
JAPAN: Japan power market not fair for newcomers-Enron.
Reuters English News Service, 05/09/01
Enron Official: Japan Needs Independent Power Regulator
Dow Jones International News, 05/09/01
UK: INTERVIEW-U.S. Williams enters Europe energy markets.
Reuters English News Service, 05/09/01
INDIA: Enron moves execs families out of India - paper.
Reuters English News Service, 05/09/01
India: Dabhol: MSEB denies capacity underutilisation
Business Line (The Hindu), 05/09/01
Asia Pulse, 05/09/01
MSEB ropes in HC judge as arbitrator
The Economic Times, 05/09/01
SJM demands probe into Enron deal
The Times of India, 05/09/01
Plans for more power from Uran unlikely: MSEB
The Times of India, 05/09/01
Enron: Preparing for pull out?
The Times of India, 05/09/01
Dabhol lenders willing to back PPA termination
Business Standard, 05/09/01
Prize Petroleum eyes Enron stake in Panna, Mukta
Business Standard, 05/09/01
May 9, 2001
Houston Chronicle
Online college library and research firm slows pace, reduces staff by almost
Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle
Questia Media laid off half of its work force Tuesday in an effort to reduce
The developer of an online library and research site for college students cut
139 jobs as it begins to slow down the pace at which books are added to the
Founder Troy Williams said the company is finding it too hard to raise enough
additional cash from investors to justify the pace at which it was adding
"Customers have said they're generally satisfied with the number of books
that are on the site right now, so it's a good time to slow down," Williams
said of the 35,000 books currently available. "A significant number of our
people were involved in that process."
At one time, Questia employed more than 300 workers but cut back to about 280
in recent weeks. The layoffs will leave the staff at about 140.
No senior vice presidents are leaving as part of the layoffs, but Williams
said a number of vice presidents and director-level employees have been cut.
Laid-off employees will receive eight weeks of pay and 60 days of benefits,
Williams said.
"We've tried to be as humane as we could about the whole thing," Williams
Williams said Questia's layoffs are not a result of the company growing too
large too fast.
"It took that many people to launch the service," Williams said. "But since
we're not digitizing books that quickly, we just don't need that many."
Questia was started in 1998 by Williams with the backing of investors such as
Compaq Computer Corp. co-founder Rod Canion and Enron Chairman Ken Lay.
The company raised more than $135 million over the past two years to build an
online searching and note-taking interface and so far has purchased the
rights to digitize more than 60,000 books. The company charges students about
$20 per month for unlimited access and pays publishers based on the number of
page views their books get from students.
The site went live in early January but had trouble attracting the number of
subscribers the company originally hoped for.
In early April, following an intense television ad blitz during the National
Collegiate Athletic Association's men's basketball tournament, the company
had slightly more than of 1,000 paying subscribers, sources close to the
company say.
Company officials always said building the subscriber base would be an
expensive long-term project.
Several adjustments in strategy over the 14 weeks since the service launched
indicate the original plans weren't panning out.
On-campus membership drives were shifted first from community colleges to a
handful of large major universities, a television ad campaign was launched
months earlier than expected, while an early mascot was pushed into the
background in favor of a simpler marketing message.
The changes in strategy appear to be paying off as subscribership has jumped
significantly in recent weeks.
Williams wouldn't discuss the numbers, but sources say that figure has topped
"We've had a fivefold increase in the number of paying subscribers in the
past two weeks alone, which is a significant proof point in students'
willingness to pay for such a service," Williams said.
The company has offered the service free to nearly 100,000 students and
faculty at four universities in recent weeks, an effort that is expected to
bear fruit in new subscribers next fall.
With current subscriber growth projections, he said the company is expected
to have a positive cash flow in about 18 months.
Questia is expected to close on another round of funding from a group of
investors in several weeks.
"We're very sanguine about the future," Williams said. "We have to buckle
down over the summer. We're a very cyclical business, so we're not going to
make great strides over the summer."
Business; Financial Desk
Markets / Your Money Mixed Day Waiting for Fed's Act Wall St.: The Dow falls
51.66 points to 10,883.51, with Nasdaq rising 25.20 to 2,198.77. Long-term
yields rise on below-par productivity report.
From Times Staff and Wire Reports
Los Angeles Times
Home Edition
Copyright 2001 / The Times Mirror Company
Key indexes finished mixed Tuesday but more stocks rose than fell as Wall
Street struggled for direction ahead of the Federal Reserve's meeting next
In the bond market short-term yields fell further, and long-term yields
inched up after the government's disappointing report on first-quarter worker
The Dow Jones industrials eased 51.66 points, or 0.5%, to 10,883.51, the
fourth loss in five sessions, as the 11,000 mark again proves to be a barrier
for the blue-chip index.
But the Nasdaq composite index rose 25.20 points, or 1.2%, to 2,198.77 as
semiconductor and computer networking stocks rose ahead of Cisco Systems'
quarterly earnings report, released after regular trading ended.
Cisco's operating results slightly beat estimates, but the company reported a
massive net loss as it wrote down the value of excess inventory. Cisco
shares, which rallied $1.13 to $20.38 in regular trading, fell to $19.90 in
after-hours activity.
In the broad market Tuesday, winners edged losers by 21 to 17 on Nasdaq and
by 16 to 14 on the New York Stock Exchange. Trading volume was moderate.
Some analysts were impressed by the market's strength, especially in the wake
of the downbeat productivity report.
The government said worker productivity fell at a 0.1% rate in the first
quarter, the first decline in five years. The report, though not entirely
unexpected, raised fears about inflationary pressures in the economy.
Productivity gains had helped hold inflation to a minimum in the late 1990s.
Long-term Treasury bond yields rose modestly Tuesday as traders registered
their concern about inflation's trend.
The 10-year T-note yield ended at 5.24%, up from 5.19% Monday.
But shorter-term yields continued to slide as traders bet that the Fed, which
meets Tuesday, will cut its key short-term lending rate for a fifth time this
The six-month T-bill yield slid to a new two-year low of 3.69% from 3.72%
Though the central bank may lower short-term rates further, the productivity
report "increases the likelihood that the Fed will have to reverse course
next year," raising rates to contain inflation, Henry Willmore, chief U.S.
economist at Barclays Capital, told Bloomberg News.
Among Tuesday's market highlights:
* Financial stocks remained under pressure on concerns about loan losses and
weaker borrowing in the struggling economy. American Express fell $1.93 to
$41.30 after Morgan Stanley downgraded the stock.
J.P. Morgan Chase fell $1.45 to $47.75, Bank One lost 94 cents to $37.46 and
Northern Trust fell $1.49 to $64.71.
* Chip stocks were strong, led by PMC-Sierra, up $4.79 to $44.10; Vitesse
Semiconductor, up $2.60 to $36.25; and Broadcom, up $2.24 to $44.53.
But among personal computer stocks, Dell lost $1.08 to $24.83 after
announcing new job cuts.
Dell rival Compaq fell 27 cents to $16.83 and Apple Computer eased 39 cents
to $24.57.
* Among blue chips, 3M fell $1.54 to $116.36. Chief Executive James McNerney
said at 3M's annual meeting that there are "no signs" the global economy will
turn around any time soon.
* Utility and energy-trading stocks were weak. Enron fell $1.93 to $56.11,
Orion Power lost $1.04 to $28.76 and NRG Energy fell $1.64 to $31.07.
Market Roundup: C7, C8
GRAPHIC-CHART: Daily Diary: Tuesday, May 8, 2001;
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
JAPAN: Japan power market not fair for newcomers-Enron.
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2001.
TOKYO, May 9 (Reuters) - U.S. energy giant Enron Corp said on Wednesday that
Japan's newly deregulated power market lacked competition and contained
barriers that were deterring new entrants.
"There's no real competition in the power market," Nicholas J.O'Day, vice
president of Enron Japan Corp told reporters.
A number of unnecessary regulations, the high costs of the transmission
network and other factors have thwarted attempts by newcomers to enter the
power market, he said, adding that more reforms were needed.
New entrants have to borrow the transmission network system from power
utilities when they try to enter the market, but it was hard to judge whether
the transmission fees reflect real costs, he said.
Since March last year, non-utility firms have been allowed to begin supplying
power to large-lot commercial users, ending a monopoly by Japan's 10 power
The move was aimed at lowering electricity rates, which are much higher than
in most Western economies.
Yet the ratio of newcomers in the power market now stands at at only 0.2
percent of the total.
Enron also said that it would be necessary for Japan to set up an independent
regulator to promote more competition in the power market.
"It's OK if the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METT) could act as a
regulator," he said, but added that METI's traditional relationship with
power utilities may prevent it from being a fair regulator.
Enron, North America's biggest buyer and seller of electricity, set up its
first joint venture in Japan in 1999, named "E Power". Enron Japan itself was
set up last May.
In March, Enron presented plans to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) fired
power plant in northern Japan, aiming to become the first foreign company to
build such a plant in Japan.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Enron Official: Japan Needs Independent Power Regulator
Dow Jones International News
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
TOKYO -(Dow Jones)- Japan's power industry needs a strong independent
regulator in order to become truly competitive, an Enron Japan Corp. official
said Wednesday.
"Japan is in a new global environment now. It requires new structures for its
economy," said Nicholas J. O'Day, vice president at Enron Japan, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Houston-based Enron Corp. (ENE).
While he said that the existing Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry might
rise to fill the role, he expressed concerns that the ministry would be able
to serve an impartial role given the historical relationship between it and
the incumbent utilities. That relationship might make it difficult for the
ministry to objectively treat new entrants to the power field, he said.
Launched in April 2000, Enron Japan is focusing its business on areas such as
electricity trading and marketing, and trading in weather derivatives,
nonferrous metals and financial products. It has also said it plans to
introduce broadband services in Japan.
"Contrary to popular belief, Enron is not out to destroy the existing Japan
utilities," O'Day said.
Rather, he said, Enron maintains that increased liquidity is a vital factor
to bring about a competitive environment.
Enron is basing its conclusions on a report by U.S.-based Brattle Group,
O'Day said. The consultancy was commissioned by Enron to assess the state of
Japan's power industry and make suggestions for reform.
The Brattle report will be released May 15 at an Enron co-sponsored seminar
in Tokyo called, "Reassessing Power Deregulation."
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
UK: INTERVIEW-U.S. Williams enters Europe energy markets.
By Stuart Penson
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2001.
LONDON, May 9 (Reuters) - U.S. energy company Williams is gearing up for a
push into Europe's deregulating gas and power markets where it will focus on
trying to sell its expertise in trading and risk management to local
Williams will launch a European operation in London next week with an initial
staff of 25 trading energy in the UK, German, Scandinavia and the Benelux
region, the London unit's managing director told Reuters in an interview on
"The majority of our business will be around structured transactions to
assist utilities in maximising the value of their assets," said Tim Loposer.
Williams in Europe would at a later stage expand into trading crude oil and
refined products, he said.
Williams is the latest addition to a growing band of U.S. energy companies
setting up offices in London, a location they see as the ideal base from
which to tap into Europe's potentially lucrative energy markets.
Free trading in gas and power is gaining momentum across the European Union
as markets open up to competition in line with EU directives on
UBS Warburg in a recent report estimated profits from gas and power trading
this year in Europe would amount to $1.9 billion, rising to $2.4 billion next
Companies such as El Paso Energy , Duke Energy , ENRON AEP and TXU Europe are
already building trading books in the UK and mainland Europe.
"We are trying to differentiate ourselves from the other U.S. companies that
have come to Europe," said Loposer. "We are not just a trader and we are not
a utility, or a significant owner of generation," he said.
Unlike some of its U.S. rivals, Williams was not planning to acquire physical
assets, such as power stations, in Europe, said Loposer.
"What we are looking for are incumbent utilities which are looking for a
partner to help extract value from their assets," he said.
"We take care of the physical commodity risk as well as the financial risks,
we are very comfortable doing this," said Loposer, adding the strategy in
Europe essentially would mirror the company's approach in the U.S.
Williams approach will be based on the use of structured deals, or
combinations of different trading tools like futures and options.
Loposer said the company also would look to bring to Europe experience from
the U.S. market of tolling deals, which involve delivering fuel to power
stations and then marketing the power generated.
Loposer said his team already was targeting Spain and Italy in its search for
risk management contracts.
"We are very close to some announcements, there are three or four deals that
may come through," he said.
"Clearly southern Europe has strong growth," said Loposer. "The divestments
are happening there and the fundamentals are fairly strong. That said, we
have learned that things can change overnight," he added.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
INDIA: Enron moves execs families out of India - paper.
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2001.
BOMBAY, May 9 (Reuters) - Families of executives overseeing U.S. energy giant
Enron Corp's troubled Dabhol Power Company (DPC) project in India are leaving
the country, possibly signalling an intention to terminate the nearly
complete $2.9 billion project, an India newspaper said on Wednesday.
The Times of India said the children of Enron executives had been pulled out
of the American School in Bombay as their families were being relocated to
It also said security around the expatriate executives had been tightened,
and personal bodyguards assigned to senior executives.
But the unsourced report said it was not clear if the decision to move the
families out of Bombay was made by Houston-based Enron, or reflected personal
decisions made by the executives themselves.
A spokesman for Dabhol Power Co, the operator of the nearly complete 2,184 MW
power plant south of Bombay, told Reuters it was company policy not to
comment on administrative and personnel matters.
The newspaper said security had been tightened because "there is likely to be
a tremendous backlash against representatives of the U.S.-based energy
company" if the project was terminated.
It said "more than 15,000 jobs in Dabhol will be lost if a decision is taken
either to terminate the project or stop construction on Phase II".
The project is mired in controversy after the Maharashtra State Electricity
Board (MSEB) reneged on its commitment to buy all the power produced by the
giant plant, saying it is too costly.
MSEB has also defaulted on monthly payments to DPC for the electricity it has
taken, forcing the company's board last month to authorise the management to
terminate the contract.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
India: Dabhol: MSEB denies capacity underutilisation
Business Line (The Hindu)
Copyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & Sons Ltd (KSL); Source: World Reporter (TM) -
Asia Intelligence Wire
MUMBAI, May 8. OFFICIALS of the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB),
in a presentation made before the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory
Commission (MERC), today refuted claims that the board underutilised its own
capacity to justify power purchase from Enron's Dabhol Power Company.
Members of Prayas, a non-government organisation, in a petition filed with
MERC, had accused MSEB of flouting merit order dispatch of load shedding to
justify DPC phase II.
They had also said the State would have 2000 MW of excess power if hydro
power was fully utilised and MSEB's Uran plant was used at full capacity.
MSEB officials explained that the board could not use hydro electricity
beyond its current capacity.
"DPC power was drawn by and large to remedy low frequency conditions as the
supply from other sources was not sufficient," a senior MSEB official said in
his presentation.
The officials said the Uran plant was being underutilised due to lack of LNG
The use of furnace oil as feedstock would cost the board Rs 16,000 per tonne,
resulting in per unit costs of Rs 4, the official said.
The board was already making optimum use of its thermal power capacity.
According to an official, 95 per cent of DPC power was used to sustain
frequency as per the Indian Electricity Grid Code.
"Load shedding has always been carried out in consultation with the Western
Regional Load Dispatch Centre," he said.
- Our Bureau
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Asia Pulse
(c) Copyright 2001 Asia Pulse PTE Ltd.
NEW DELHI, May 9 Asia Pulse - The Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB)
has said that there is no pressure from the federal government on the state
government to continue its agreement with US energy giant Enron-promoted
Dabhol Power Company (DPC).
MSEB in a letter to the federal governemt denied news reports which suggested
that that the deal with Enron could have been scrapped by the state
government but for "pressure" from the federal government.
(PTI) 09-05 1657
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
MSEB ropes in HC judge as arbitrator
The Economic Times
Copyright (C) 2001 The Economic Times; Source: World Reporter (TM)
THE MSEB on Tuesday appointed a former Bombay High Court judge ML Pendse as
its arbitrator, reports Girish Kuber in Mumbai. The formal announcement about
Mr Pendses appointment is expected by Wednesday.
Enron already has appointed its arbitrator. According to government sources
once the two parties complete their formalities for appointing an arbitrator,
the case will be tried in London. According to the PPA the dispute resolution
clause states that disputes should be referred to an expert for technical
And in other cases, the resolution should be by reference to arbitration to
be conducted under the New York Convention of 1958 and to be located in
MSEB had delayed the monthly payments of electricity bills from October last
year and subsequently defaulted on payments, claiming that the cost of power
produced by DPC was exorbitant. It also slapped two penalty bills of around
Rs 800 crore on Enron for failing to generate electricity within the
stipulated time period of three hours.
Enron subsequently has invoked state guarantees, counter-guarantees and
political force majeure, and then went on to invoke the arbitration clause.
Meanwhile, the Madhav Godbole panel is yet to receive the names of the
members of Enrons lenders and share holders who will be attending the first
meeting with the state government panel on May 11.
The Godbole panel has been appointed with a mandate to renegotiate the PPA
with DPC.
Though Enron has accepted the invitation, it has made it clear that it is
meeting the panel as a courtesy and it should not seen as its willingness to
renegotiate the PPA.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SJM demands probe into Enron deal
The Times of India News Service
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), an arm of the RSS, has demanded a judicial
probe into the Enron deal, while investigating the role of politicians and
bureaucrats in the controversy-ridden power project.
Ramesh Seth, convener of SJM, Mumbai and Anil Gachke, convener of SJM's
national action group on power, have alleged that while examining the
feasibility of the project, inflated and fabricated figures of demand for
power were given by those in power.
When pointed out that this would mean an examination of leaders like Gopinath
Munde, Sharad Pawar and Balasaheb Thackeray, Gachke said that a probe should
be instituted irrespective of political affiliations.
Gachke said the SJM would not budge from their stand of cancellation of the
deal. Seth, a qualified engineer, had predicted on behalf of the Manch that
Enron power would cost Rs seven per unit in 1996, which was way higher than
the actual cost of power.
To make people aware of the issue, they have organised a seminar 'Enron
-review and thereafter', which will be held today at Ghia Hall, Kala Ghoda at
2 pm.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Plans for more power from Uran unlikely: MSEB
Business Times Bureau
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
MUMBAI: The Maharashtra State Electricity Board has stated to the Maharashtra
Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) that MSEB's plans to generate more
power from its idle Uran plant in order to avoid expensive Dabhol power, are
unlikely to materialise due to the high costs involved.
In a hearing that took place on Tuesday, against a petition filed by SR
Paranjpe, MSEB officials made it clear to the Commission that it has to pay
Rs 16,000 per tonne for furnace oil to Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilisers
(RCF) which makes the power costlier from Uran.
This was because as per the plans worked out by the Union ministry of
petroleum and natural gas, MSEB can avail of additional natural gas from GAIL
by diverting the gas allocated to RCF. In turn, the Board is expected to pay
up the differential price to RCF. But MSEB, in its reply to a question during
the hearing, stated that fuel (furnace oil) for RCF costs Rs 16,000 per tonne
and if the differential price is to be borne by it, then the cost of power
generated from the Uran plant will be over Rs 4 per unit. This, the Board
claims, will make it an unviable proposal to be implemented.
However, the petitioner has challenged this claim made by MSEB and MERC has
asked to present written submissions before the Commission this week.
MSEB's Uran plant has a capacity of 913 MW, but only around 300 MW is being
generated due to lack of natural gas. This arrangement, initiated by the
ministry to offer more natural gas to MSEB, follows a representation made by
CM Vilasrao Deshmukh last month.
Currently, MSEB has been allocated only 1.6 mmtpa natural gas from GAIL since
the output from ONGC's Bombay High has depreciated in the recent past, said
sources. Union petroleum minister Ram Naik had earlier announced that the
ministry would take all efforts to allocate more natural gas to Uran.
The petition had challenged that MSEB had violated the merit order despatch
and purchased more power from Enron violating the limits set by MERC in its
May 5 order. The Commission will issue an order soon after the petitioners
submit their affidavits responding to MSEB's reply to the charges made
against them.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Enron: Preparing for pull out?
Pradipta Bagchi
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
MUMBAI: Is Enron preparing to pull out of India? Officially, the answer's
``no''. But in a significant move, the families of the expatriate executives
working in its subsidiary, the Dabhol Power Company (DPC), have been shifted
out of Mumbai and relocated to Singapore.
In addition, the security cover for expatriate executives working in DPC has
been tightened, including personal bodyguards for senior executives.
According to sources, the families have been shifted from Mumbai and the
children of these executives studying in the American School in Bandra-Kurla
have been pulled out. An American School spokesperson refused to comment when
asked about this.
An Enron spokesperson, when contacted, also declined to comment. "It is our
corporate policy not to comment on personnel and administrative matters," he
It is not clear if the decision to move the families out of Mumbai was taken
at the corporate level in DPC or whether the decision has been a personal one
taken by the expatriate executives themselves.
About 15 expatriate officials are working in DPC as part of the management
and operations team.
According to the sources, uncertainty over the fate of the $2 billion project
has led Enron's expatriate executives to move their families out of Mumbai.
This is because in the event of the power project being terminated in the
next few weeks, expatriate officials feel that there is likely to be a
tremendous backlash against representatives of the US-based energy company.
Over 15,000 jobs in Dabhol will be lost if a decision is taken either to
terminate the project or to stop construction work on phase II of the DPC
The security around the expatriate officials still working to salvage the
project in Mumbai has been tightened. In addition, some of the senior DPC
officials have been allocated security personnel to act as their bodyguards.
The Enron spokesperson said that the company had just moved its premises to a
new building in the Bandra-Kurla complex and the security needs of the
company have changed. "We have no extra security than is absolutely
necessary", he maintained.
It is unclear what will be the fate of the project, with Kenneth Lay, the
chairman of Enron Corp, using his veto power to dissuade the Enron board from
terminating the project earlier this week.
A team of Enron executives is scheduled to meet the government next week to
discuss the reccommendations of the Godbole Committee, set up to review the
power purchase agreement by the Maharashtra government.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dabhol lenders willing to back PPA termination
Our Banking Bureau Mumbai
Business Standard
Copyright (c) Business Standard
The Maharashtra government's tough stance, combined with the Centre's silence
on honouring its counter-guarantee for December last year which has been
invoked by the Dabhol Power Company, has left the lenders to the project with
no choice but to say yes to DPC's plan of serving the power purchase
agreement termination notice.
"If the governments (Centre and state) do not come forward to resolve the
crisis, it will be difficult for the lenders to convince the company to keep
the decision of terminating the PPA in abeyance. We had got a three-week
reprieve and we will not be in a position to stretch it further," said a
source among the lenders. The deadline expires on May 15.
At the DPC board meeting in London in the last week of April, the resolution
on PPA termination was passed by a 7:1 vote. The lone voice of dissent was
that of the representative of the Industrial Development Bank of India on the
DPC board.
The three Maharashtra State Electricity Board representatives were not
allowed to vote since they were an interested party.
"At best, the lender's representative will abstain from voting at the next
meeting. We have no moral rights to oppose the move," said another source.
The only positive development for which the lenders can claim credit for is
MSEB's payment of Rs 134 crore, that too, under protest.
"The escrow account with Canara Bank has not yet been activated. A string of
clearances has been pending with the state government. The Centre is also not
willing to honour its counter-guarantee. The lenders have not been able to
achieve any thing," sources added.
DPC had invoked the political force majeure clause in its contract with the
board. MSEB is now arguing that the invocation of this clause has absolved
DPC of all its liabilities.
The DPC board authorised the managing director of Enron India to issue a
notice for terminating the power purchase agreement to MSEB and the state
Serving of the notice requires backing of the lenders who have an exposure of
about $200 crore in the project.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Prize Petroleum eyes Enron stake in Panna, Mukta
Sidhartha New Delhi
Business Standard
Copyright (c) Business Standard
Prize Petroleum Company Ltd has decided to enter the oil and gas production
sector by trying to acquire the 30 per cent Enron equity in the Panna, Mukta
and Tapti fields in western offshore and has valued Enron's equity at around
Rs 600 crore.
Prize Petroleum, in which Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) holds 50
per cent equity, will invest Rs 1,900 crore in the project. Of this, Rs 1,300
crore will be the debt component and the balance will be in the form of
Prize Petroleum, in which ICICI has 45 per cent stake and HDFC 5 per cent, is
in talks with a number of banks to raise the debt portion of the investment.
Sources told Business Standard that a substantial portion of the debt has
already been finalised and the balance is expected to be clinched shortly.
This will be Prize Petroleum's maiden foray into the oil sector. Its
promoters had decided to go in for only the discovered fields where risks are
low. As a result, it refrained from participating in the two rounds of
exploration acreage offered under the new exploration licensing policy.
Of late, Enron has been uncomfortable operating the three offshore fields
which had been awarded to the Enron-Reliance consortium in 1995. Late last
year, it announced its intention to pull out of the project and invited bids
to farm out its portion of the equity.
The award of the three fields to the consortium was the subject of prolonged
controversies, both inside and outside Parliament. It was ultimately cleared
by the Supreme Court when the apex court rejected a public interest
litigation against the award.
An estimated $696 million has been spent on the development of Panna and
Mukta. It is learnt that the consortium has put up three well-head platforms
in the two fields which are estimated to have 146 million barrels of oil
reserves. Tapti is primarily a gas field.
ONGC holds 40 per cent stake in this project with Reliance and Enron holding
30 per cent equity each.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Good Morning Sara,
Here is Annex II. Please advise if you think we will be able to send out the
confirmation today. Sheila Glover is applying the pressure on me to resolve
this as quickly as possible.
Thanks again for all of your help!!
Jorge | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I'm not exactly sure where the spreadsheet on our site comes from. Our
preference is to keep everything in our SQL Server database, and many of the
people that you mentioned have read access to that. When Julie Sarnowski gets
back from vacation next week, let's talk about uploading these data to the
server and providing a central facility for the floor.
Kate Symes 02/21/2001 03:19 PM
To: Tim Heizenrader/PDX/ECT@ECT
cc: Cara Semperger/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: Dow Jones Index Prices - Database Access
I'd like to inquire about the Dow Jones index price database currently being
maintained by the Fundamentals group. It's come to my attention - by virtue
of the fact that I receive the Dow Jones data each afternoon - that several
people are interested in having access to those figures. I've had requests
from mid-marketing, trading, and scheduling, and am working with IT to put
the NP-15 and SP-15 data online. Cara Semperger, in particular, relies on the
index prices in order to run one of her reports.
I'm wondering if it would be possible to give these people access to your
database, or maybe if your group would benefit from the data I receive. Your
spreadsheet looks like a compilation of the documents I receive from Dow
Jones, and one might be more useful for an individual or group than the
other. I don't have a preference either way - I'm more than happy to compile
the reports in a separate folder. Please let me know what works best for you.
(I sit in the middle of the room between Tracy Ngo and Val Sabo.)
Kate | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
i am in, we had a great time.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thames, Davis
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 1:27 PM
To: Mckay, Brad
Subject: conf call
thursday 4:45p. let me know if you have a conflict, there will be a callin number.
hope your thanksgiving went well, we had a great trip to all the parent's farms. pretty ridiculous.
hdt | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska
deal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand
charge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be
scheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand
charge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this
happening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume
Management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the
imbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I
will change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale
ticket (#384258).
D | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
No. 94
Tuesday May 15, 2001 Page A-17
ISSN 1523-567X
Regulation, Law & Economics
Futures Trading
Exchanges Note Plans for Launch
Of E-Based Single Stock Futures Market
CHICAGO--The leaders of Chicago's two futures exchanges and the world's
largest options exchange unveiled plans May 14 to launch an electronic
single-stock futures exchange.
Senior executives of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc., the Chicago Board
of Trade, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange said they signed a letter of
intent to develop the first domestic single-stock futures exchange. The
Nasdaq and the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
announced a single-stock futures venture in March.
Ban Lifted on Single-Stock Trading
Plans for the exchange come six months after futures laws were reformed to
permit U.S. exchanges to trade single-stock futures. Last December, the
Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 was enacted, lifting a
prohibition on such transactions for the first time in more than 18 years.
During a briefing with reporters, exchange executives said the CME and CBOE
would be the two primary partners in the joint venture. Each of the exchanges
would own 45 percent of the new entity. The CBT would own the remaining 10
percent of the exchange. By their coming together in an unusual spirit of
cooperation, the exchange officials said, they hoped the as yet unnamed
venture would restore Chicago's position as the world leader in futures
"This exciting new initiative combines the best of securities and futures
trading," said William Brodsky, CBOE chairman and chief executive officer.
"Our willingness to work together on this venture will ensure that Chicago
remains the world's center in derivatives trading and risk management."
Approval of Boards, Regulators Needed
The exchanges said the new entity would be structured as a for-profit company
with its own management and board of directors. The company would be
organized separately from the three Chicago exchanges. The proposal still
must gain the approval of the boards of directors of the three exchanges and
federal regulators. Exchange officials said they were still uncertain whether
the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission would be the primary regulator of the new exchange.
Exchange officials stressed that the trading activity would be available only
on an electronic basis. Market participants would be able to access the
trading via the CME's Globex2 and CBOE's CBOEdirect electronic trading
platforms. Exchange officials said they hope to offer principal-to-principal
trading by Aug. 21 and retail trading by Dec. 21.
By Michael Bologna
Copyright , 2001 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington D.C. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
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0001026033 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I am very interested and I will be available at any time for training.
-----Original Message-----
From: May, Tom
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 7:32 PM
To: Forney, John M.; Coulter, Kayne; Miller, Jeffrey; Hernandez, Juan; Baughman Jr., Don; Comeaux, Keith; Day, Smith L.; Thomas, Paul D.
Cc: Cunningham, Lance; Will, Lloyd
Subject: FW: Power World Training
Please let Lance and myself know if any of you are interested in attending the Power World training. Power World provides visual representation of an optimal power flow model that can help make decisions regarding potential TLR's and price impacts of congestion. We have the program now and the intent is to make more use of it over the next few months and as RTO's and congestion pricing becomes more prevalent.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cunningham, Lance
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 5:37 PM
To: Imai, Rika; Soykok, Gulay; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Hanse, Patrick; Rust, Bill; Coffer, Walter; Kraszewski, Robert; Lin, Martin; Kohli, Sandeep; Halliburton, Tom; Will, Lloyd; May, Tom; Yaman, Sevil; Huang, Alex; Shanbhogue, Vasant
Subject: Power World Training
Power World will be in next week to conduct training.
We plan to begin at 11:00 AM on Wednesday (6/27) and end about 6:00 PM, to accommodate the trading floor's schedule.
On Thursday (6/28), we will begin at 11:00 AM and end about 4:00 PM.
All participants will need to have a laptop and an external mouse. I will get back to everyone on the room number later.
Lance B. Cunningham, P.E.
Enron Wholesale Services, Research
1400 Smith Street
Houston, TX 77002-7361
(713) 345-4186 FAX (713) 646-2503 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT on 01/30/2001 08:03
AM ---------------------------
From: Torrey Moorer on 01/30/2001 07:56 AM
To: Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter Berzins/NA/Enron@Enron, Matt
Motsinger/HOU/ECT@ECT, Simone La Rose/HOU/ECT@ECT, Adam
Johnson/NA/Enron@Enron, Tara Sweitzer/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Fw: If Texans didn't think this way... this would be funny!!!!
---------------------- Forwarded by Torrey Moorer/HOU/ECT on 01/30/2001 08:01
AM ---------------------------
Jim & Tracey <lawstar@swbell.net> on 01/29/2001 05:40:50 PM
To: Torrey.Moorer@enron.com, Malcolm Guidry <mamosi.guidry@prodigy.net>,
Kilraven19@aol.com, CMcgalin@aol.com, "BAKER, ERIN R" <EBAKER@entergy.com>
Subject: Fw: If Texans didn't think this way... this would be funny!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Aleta Nash <anash@spnbl.com>
To: Carol Foster <cfoster.GWPO.SPNBL_GWDOMAIN@spnbl.com>; Doneane Beckcom
<dbeckcom.GWPO.SPNBL_GWDOMAIN@spnbl.com>; Dana Overstreet
<doverstreet.GWPO.SPNBL_GWDOMAIN@spnbl.com>; Michelle Pitts
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: If Texans didn't think this way... this would be funny!!!!
Foreigner's Travel Guide to Texas
> Like it or not, the new Texas White House will be in Crawford, Texas and
> soon will be drawing a number of people to the state, including many who
> are not used to Texas ways. They might find the following advice useful.
> 1) Don't expect to find filet mignon or pasta primavera at the local
> restaurant. It's a cafe. They serve hamburgers and chicken fried steak.
> them cook something they know. If you confuse them, they'll kick your
> 2) Don't laugh at the names (Merleen, Bodie, Bubba, Bobby Ray, Curley,
> Lynn, Billy Joe, Sissy, Clovis, etc.). Or we will HAVE to kick your ass.
> 3) Don't order a bottle of pop or a can of soda. In Texas it's called a
> coke. Nobody gives a damn whether it's Pepsi, RC, Dr. Pepper, 7-Up or
> whatever - it's still a coke. Accept it. Doing otherwise can lead to an
> kicking.
> 4) We know our heritage. Most of us are more literate than you (read some
> Frank Dobie). We are also better educated and generally a lot nicer than
> you. Don't refer to us as a bunch of cowboy hicks, or we'll kick your
> 5) We have plenty of business sense (e.g., Howard Hughes, H. Ross Perot,
> Southwest Airlines, Dell computers). Naturally, sometimes we have small
> lapses in judgment (e.g., Phil Gramm). However, we are not dumb enough to
> let someone move to our state just so they can run for the US Senate. If
> anyone tried to do that they would get a serious ass kickin'.
> 6a) Don't laugh at our Civil War monuments. If Lee had listened to Gen.
> you'd be paying taxes to Richmond instead of Washington.
> 6b) IF you visit the Alamo, take your hat off and be properly humble, or
> we'll kick your ass.
> 7) We are fully aware of how hot it gets and high the humidity is, so shut
> up about it. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, or we'll
> kick your ass.
> 8a) Do not attempt to eat tamales without first removing their corn husk
> casing. Everyone will instantly know that you're a Yankee.
> 8b) DO NOT, under any circumstances, complain that the chili is TOO hot or
> contains no kidney beans, this will get your ass kicked into next week.
> 9) Don't talk about how much better things are at home because we know
> are not. Many of us have visited Northern hell-holes like Detroit,
> and DC, and we have the scars to prove it. If you don't like it here,
> is ready when you are. Move your ass on home - before we kick it.
> 10) Yes, we know how to speak proper English. We talk this way because we
> don't want to sound like you. We don't care if you don't understand what
> are saying. All other Texans understand what we are saying and that's all
> that matters. Now, go away, or we'll kick your ass.
> 11) Don't complain that certain areas of this state "smell" of oil. If
> your livelihood depended on those wells you'd soon learn to love the
> Besides, None of OUR lakes or rivers have caught fire recently. If you
> whine about OUR scenic beauty, we'll kick your ass all the way back to
> Pittsburgh, PA.
> 12) Don't ridicule our Texas manners. We say sir and ma'am. We hold doors
> open for others. We offer our seats to old folks. Such things are expected
> of civilized people. Behave yourselves around our sweet little gray-haired
> grandmothers, or they'll kick your ass -- just like they did ours.
> 13) Don't think we're quaint or losers because most of us live in small
> towns. We do this because we have enough sense to not live in crime
> infested cesspools like Baltimore. Make fun of our small towns and we'll
> kick your ass.
> 14) DO NOT DARE to tell us how to cook barbecue. This will get your ass
> shot (right after it is kicked). Criticize the barbecue and you may go
> in a pine box -- minus your ass.
> 15) Remember, the only reason you are lucky enough to be here in the first
> place is because we have not pulled the Border Patrol off the Rio Grande
> put them on the Red River (where they really belong) to keep your ass out.
> 16) Enjoy your visit. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Could you teach my brother how to use his e-mail?
Dorland | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Please, watch out.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/07/2001
03:21 PM ---------------------------
jgshelp <jgshelp@rice.edu> (by way of Suzana Gamez-Vazquez <ramos on
05/07/2001 02:22:35 PM
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: Fwd: VIRUS WARNING from Rice Network Management
Peggy's machine could have been infected.? DO NOT open any email attachment
from her or
??????????????? Yuxing Yao <yyao@RICE.EDU>
??????????????????????? and
??????????? Chemistry <chem@RICE.EDU>
X-From_: pshaw@rice.edu Mon May? 7 10:20 CDT 2001
X-Sender: pshaw@sparta.rice.edu
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
Date: Mon, 07 May 2001 10:22:05 -0500
To: jgshelp@rice.edu
From: Peggy Shaw <pshaw@rice.edu>
Subject: Fwd: VIRUS WARNING from Rice Network Management
I stupidly open one of the files mentioned below. Could someone come down and
check out my computer.
X-From_: owner-libstaff@listserv.rice.edu? Mon May? 7 09:54:19 2001
Delivered-To: pshaw@sparta.rice.edu
X-foo-then-bar-then: baz
Date:???????? Mon, 7 May 2001 09:53:39 -0500
Reply-To: Glenn Forbes Fleming Larratt <glratt@rice.edu>
Sender: Fondren Library Staff Information <LIBSTAFF@listserv.rice.edu>
Comments:???? To: alldepts@rice.edu
From: Glenn Forbes Fleming Larratt <glratt@rice.edu>
Subject:????? VIRUS WARNING from Rice Network Management
X-To:???????? ALLDEPTS@listserv.rice.edu
To: LIBSTAFF@listserv.rice.edu
Two messages distributed via the ALLDEPTS mailing list in the last two
hours have contained virus-infected attachments, probably because of
mail-oriented virus rather than any knowing behavior on the part of the
nominal senders. Please delete *unread* the messages from
??????? Yuxing Yao <yyao@RICE.EDU>
??????? Chemistry <chem@RICE.EDU>
As an emergency measure, our mailing list software has been configured
to prohibit e-mail with attachments from being distributed.
If you have inadvertently opened one of the infected files, please consult
your local IT divisional support or the Consulting Center at x4983 as
soon as possible.
As always: *never* open attachments unless your virus protection is
up-to-date, and you're 100% sure that the attachment is what it appears
to be.
??????????????????????????????? Glenn Forbes Fleming Larratt
??????????????????????????????? Rice University Network Management
??????????????????????????????? glratt@rice.edu | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Thanks for the presentation. I opened it without any problems.
"Gil, Alla" <alla.gil@ssmb.com> on 06/19/2000 01:21:30 PM
To: "'Vince J Kaminski'" <Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com>
cc: "Kulick, Adam" <adam.kulick@ssmb.com>
Subject: RE: Your presentation
I'm very happy you found the presentation useful.
I'm working very closely with Adam Kulick who you probably know.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you have any difficulty
opening the file.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 1:43 PM
To: Gil, Alla
Cc: Vince J Kaminski
Subject: Your presentation
I enjoyed your presentation at Risk2000 last week.
I would appreciate an electronic copy of the documentation.
Vince Kaminski
Vincent Kaminski
Managing Director - Research
Enron Corp.
1400 Smith Street
Room EB1962
Houston, TX 77002-7361
Phone: (713) 853 3848
Fax : (713) 646 2503
E-mail: vkamins@enron.com
- RiskCongress.ppt | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
This is what I was calling about this morning - please advise if you will be able to assist Ian with regard to this matter - and if there is anything I can do to assist. Teresa
-----Original Message-----
From: Brungs, Ian
Sent: October 24, 2001 8:11 AM
To: Callahan, Teresa
Hello Teresa,
Apologies for the short notice. Please find attached a power of attorney we will need to have signed in order to register a claim on ECTRIC's behalf in Belgium. Please note the instructions on the bottom which indicate what the signor must write prior to his signature. Should I fax you a copy with my initials?
As well, Sue has informed me that there is no one indicated on the Houston data base as a legal rep to take care of the board minute which should go along with this. Do you know who that may be?
Sadly we need to be able to fax a copy of this to our solicitors in Belgium today. Can you please let me know whether you can obtain the signatures required for this power of attorney. Thanks again in advance and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. (0207 783 4084)
Kind Regards
Ian | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Paul, Attached is a draft of the Temporary Assignment and Amended of the
Sandia Agreement. Please review. Sorry for the delay. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
have you handled already?
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 01/28/2001 08:54 PM -----
Expense Server@Enron_Development
01/02/2001 01:28 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: <<Concur Expense Document>> - General Expenses
The following expense report is ready for approval:
Employee Name: John Hardy Jr Jr.
Status last changed by: Automated Administrator
Expense Report Name: General Expenses
Report Total: $5,239.11
Amount Due Employee: $346.02
To approve this expense report, click on the following link for Concur
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 01/28/2001 08:54 PM -----
Expense Server@Enron_Development
01/12/2001 04:15 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: <<Concur Expense Document>> - Dec - 2000
The following expense report is ready for approval:
Employee Name: Mark A. Palmer
Status last changed by: Automated Administrator
Expense Report Name: Dec - 2000
Report Total: $8,581.93
Amount Due Employee: $3,367.90
To approve this expense report, click on the following link for Concur
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 01/28/2001 08:54 PM -----
Expense Server@Enron_Development
01/12/2001 04:46 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: <<Concur Expense Document>> - Dec - 2000
The following expense report is ready for approval:
Employee Name: Mark A. Palmer
Status last changed by: Automated Administrator
Expense Report Name: Dec - 2000
Report Total: $8,581.93
Amount Due Employee: $8,581.93
To approve this expense report, click on the following link for Concur
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 01/28/2001 08:54 PM -----
Expense Server@Enron_Development
01/18/2001 02:51 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: <<Concur Expense Document>> - January 18, 2001
The following expense report is ready for approval:
Employee Name: Michael Terraso
Status last changed by: Automated Administrator
Expense Report Name: January 18, 2001
Report Total: $2,139.56
Amount Due Employee: $2,139.56
To approve this expense report, click on the following link for Concur
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 01/28/2001 08:54 PM -----
Expense Server@Enron_Development
01/22/2001 03:46 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: <<Concur Expense Document>> - Miscellaneous
The following expense report is ready for approval:
Employee Name: Mark A. Palmer
Status last changed by: Automated Administrator
Expense Report Name: Miscellaneous
Report Total: $524.47
Amount Due Employee: $524.47
To approve this expense report, click on the following link for Concur
http://nahou-wwxms01p | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
(1) This is Carlos' email address:
(2) His resume has been circulated to Mark Schroeder and Diane Bazelides, to
(3) Attached is his resume for your review.
To: Diane Bazelides/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX
cc: Joe Hillings/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Resume of Carlos Ibarguen
- Enron Fax.doc
- RESUME english.DOC | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Anything else Entex man?
Enron North America Corp.
From: Kyle R Lilly 12/14/99 10:49 AM
To: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Deal 117413
Can you tier this deal monthly instead of daily for Nov 99 production?
Kyle | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Sandra Brawner will not be moving at this time.
Enron North America Corp.
From: Kimberly Brown 09/20/2000 03:29 PM
To: Move-Team/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ENRON, John Salinardo/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Janelle Duree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT
What does this mean? Sandra Brawner can not move.
09/20/2000 03:22 PM
Sent by: John Salinardo@ENRON
To: Kimberly Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT
it is to late for me to add changes. We will have to correct them after the
churn. Thank you for you patience.
Enron North America Corp.
From: Kimberly Brown 09/20/2000 07:36 AM
To: Move-Team/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janelle Duree/HOU/ECT@ECT, David A
Cummings/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben Hill/HOU/ECT@ect
cc: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: REVISED CHURN | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Notice No. 01-21
January 22, 2001
TO: All NYMEX Members/Member Firms
All NYMEX Clearing Members
All NYMEX Floor Traders
All NYMEX Operations Managers
FROM: George Henderson, Vice President
RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading
Floor and Clearing Members
The expiration date for the February 2001 options contract for Unleaded
Gasoline (GOG1), Heating Oil (OHG1) and Natural Gas (ONG1) is Friday, January
26, 2001.
All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options
position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or
engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options
contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized
representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m.
until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments
and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation
prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the
expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution
procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no
later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released.
Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Correction (299-2068 and 299-2169)
personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be
available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and
Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or
problems you may have.
The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all
information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration
Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the
Option Expiration process:
Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the
previous 4 business days and trades adjusted for the previous 4 business days
by adjustment date.
Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day
position to the projected end of day position.
Contains all trade and position transfers "TO" your firm and the status of
each transfer.
Contains all trade and position transfer "FROM" your firm and the status of
each transfer.
Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number
of long positions you wish to exercise.
Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number
of long positions you wish to abandon.
PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission.
Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the
system. This input may be made at any time prior to 6:45 p.m. Any PCS input
via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded.
Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final.
Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by
contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your
Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21
E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS
All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at
their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the
expiration process.
Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871,
access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status.
Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be
aware of event status.
The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in
which they will be announced are:
Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money
Do Not Exercise Submissions
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 5:45 PM
Usual Event Time: 5:45 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
Standard Event Message: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 6:30 PM
Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM
Announced via e-mail
Standard Event Message: All positions are deemed final
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 7:30 PM
Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
Standard Event Message: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on
the Single Position Maintenance Windows
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 8:25 PM
Usual Event Time: 8:30 PM
Announced via Fast Facts and e-mail
Standard Event Message: All Report Distribution is completed
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 11:00 PM
Usual Event Time: 11:00 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal
operational conditions and could vary.
Time: 5:30 PM
Activity: Exercise Notice Submission
Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 1
Time: 5:30 PM
Activity: Do Not Exercise Submission
Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 2
Time: 5:45 PM
Activity: Announce Out-of-the-Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise
Event: Fast Facts Notice
Reference Number: 3
Time: 6:30 PM
Activity: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Event: C21 E-mail
Reference Number: 4
Time: 6:45 PM
Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 5
Time: 7:30 PM
Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final
Event: Fast Facts Notice
Reference Number: 6
Time: 8:25 PM
Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single
Position Maintenance Windows
Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail
Reference Number: 7
If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles
V. Bebel at 299-2130, Angel Rivera at 299-2150 or Anthony Di Benedetto at
299-2152 prior to the expiration date.
Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this
Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy
the text between the quotes, open your internet browser,
paste it into the web site address and press Return. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Marie Heard/HOU/ECT on 11/03/99 03:46 PM
Bennett Kaufman
11/03/99 09:14 AM
To: Marie Heard/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Jardine Fleming Contact information
---------------------- Forwarded by Bennett Kaufman/HOU/ECT on 11/03/99 09:13
AM ---------------------------
10/29/99 10:21 AM
To: Mary Perkins@ECT, Bennett Kaufman@ECT, Cathy L Moehlman@ECT, Jeff
Kinneman@ECT, John Greene@ECT
Subject: Jardine Fleming Contact information
Here are the contact details for the Jardine Fleming persons in London, in
case you need to talk to them on any settlement admin related matters.
Arjun Khullar : 44 171 382 8316 (o), 44 370 651 260 (m)
Darrell Uden : 44 171 382 8449 (o), 44 385 702 352 (m)
Hugh Bevan : 44 171 638 5858 (o)
Rahul | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
gas unchanged.........tried to pop up to 2.30 sold back to 2.22 now unchanged. Cal 03 3.16-3.17 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Kathleen will be bringing it to you, if she hasn't all ready.
Stephen Plauche
10/31/2000 04:18 PM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: ENSR Extension Letter
Joe Curreri at ENSR wanted me to let you know that he is still waiting on
the signed extension letter (Master Services Agreement). Once you initial
it, please have someone deliver it to Janet Dietrich as she then needs to
sign it before sending it back to Joe at ENSR. Please let me know if there
is anything I need to do to get this process completed. Thanks.
x 33890 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Juan Hernandez/Corp/Enron on 09/25/2000
09:24 AM ---------------------------
juan hernandez <purogallo@yahoo.com> on 09/22/2000 11:23:31 PM
To: juan.hernandez@enron.com, christina.sanchez@enron.com
Subject: Alex Hernandez at 2-day
The Hernandez Clan keeps getting larger.
Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.
- Alexdrew.jpg
- Myhomey.jpg
- Family.jpg | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/08/2000
08:25 AM ---------------------------
Shirley Crenshaw
09/06/2000 12:56 PM
To: ludkam@aol.com
cc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)
Subject: Vince's Travel Itinerary
Here is Vince's travel itinerary for Sunday to New York.
EB 1962
NEW YORK, NY 10007
TELEPHONE: 212-693-2001
FAX: 212-571-2316
CONFIRMATION: 3110994415
CALL SOS: IN U.S 800 523-6586/INTL 215 245-4707 (COLLECT)
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I am out of the office until Friday, May 11. If you need to contact me,
please leave a message at 713 853-3820 or contact Emy Geraldo @ 713 853-5391
or Pam Metoyer X3-6707. Thanks. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
So you just want the new changes to be redlined correct?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mann, Kay
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 9:49 AM
To: Adams, Suzanne
Subject: Re: Opinions
I need you to make the changes in the email, including the date. I want redlines to be able to show the signers the changes, as well as the other lawyers. Maybe copying the doc to a new file will help.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net) | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
We are getting ready for the launch of "NetcoOnline" and have been preparing new documentation, a refreshed site design and cleaned products to reflect our Gas and Power focus.
The following timetable could change, but the general sequence should apply in any case:
Week of Jan 14:
Upon approval by the new buyer of the PA and ETA formats, we will contact the Master Users at our Top 50 customers and send them copies of the final PA and ETA forms with our new buyer's name filled in. During this week, we will be working hard to get as many of the PA's returned as possible. Once we have an approved PA, we can send the customer their new User ID, which will allow them to start trading on the day we launch "NetCoOnline".
A Splash page will be available within two business days of knowing our new company name, on a web page reached via an automatic redirect from www.enrononline.com. This page will tell customers about the pending launch of "NetCoOnline" and provide links to the PA and Registration screens and also to the User Admin screens, which will allow customer Master Users to start setting up their Sub users.
The Splash page will look something like the following:
A Press Release will be issued which will include the planned launch date of "NetcoOnline"
Week of Jan. 21:
If all goes well, "NetcoOnline" will be launched on Tuesday, January 22, with at least financial products (timing for gas physical and power physical to be determined according to regulatory issues).
We will send out a mass mailing to approx. 3,000 individuals at 450 companies inviting them to sign up for NetcoOnline. Included in the package will be a simple brochure, copies of the PA and ETA, key messages and a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
General Terms and Conditions (GTC's) will be available online and must be accepted online before a company can start to trade a particular commodity.
Trading/Origination Coordination
Certain individuals in the Trading and Origination groups will be contacting customers on our Top 50 list to introduce the new company and begin the process of getting signed PA's. The NetcoOnline marketing team will work with Trading and Origination groups to make sure that all Master Users that previously had EnronOnline North American Gas and Power execution rights are contacted within one week of the PA and ETA being approved by the new buyer. NetcoOnline Marketing will follow up with the Master Users to make sure PA's are signed and returned.
NetcoOnline Marketing Contacts:
For Marketing-specific questions, please use the following contacts. For other questions, please contact Bob Shults (30397) or Dave Forster (31861).
Teresa Mandola (39807) - Power
Kara Boudreau (30570) - Gas
Jennifer McQuade (53614) - Power
Dan Diamond (39673) - Gas
Password Application (PA) - Only document where a physical signature is required by an authorized person (Master User)
Electronic Trading Agreement (ETA) - Must be accepted online by the Master User before they can proceed into NetcoOnline
Master User - Typically the company authorized signatory that signed the Password Application. Establishes transaction rights for each trader (sub-users)
Sub-User - Trader, assigned either execute or read only status
General Terms & Conditions (GTC) - Document that governs online trades unless a Master Agreement is in place
Master Agreement - Document that governs online and offline trades and supersedes the GTC
<Embedded Paintbrush Picture> | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
It probably was and at this point I don't know what is and isn't in the
From: Katherine L Kelly 07/24/2000 10:12 AM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Belden & Blake NYSEG
Do you know if all this gas was simply turned around and sold to CES? And do
you know if we have made any progress on getting these deals into the system?
---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT on 07/24/2000
10:11 AM ---------------------------
From: Bryce Baxter 07/24/2000 10:00 AM
To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Belden & Blake NYSEG
FYI - John Singer wants us to pay this based on volume he is providing in a
spreadsheet. To do thatm, Gloria will have to put this in Unify, and won't
have true pipe support. Are you comfortable with that?
---------------------- Forwarded by Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT on 07/24/2000 09:59
AM ---------------------------
From: John M Singer @ ENRON 07/24/2000 08:53 AM
To: Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bryce
Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Belden & Blake NYSEG
Attached is the backup fro the Jan, Feb and Mar for Belden & Blake's NYSEG
invoices. I created these spreadsheets from the information given me by
Heidi Boyd, who was the person nominating this gas for CES. Belden & Blake
invoiced ENA base on these spreadsheets.
The NYSEG gas is a back to back purchase/sale to CES. There should be a
deal for the sale in the system for the sale. Check with Chris Germany.
There are three price scenarios for the gas. Should there be a spereate
deal for each price?
John | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Start Date: 1/4/02; HourAhead hour: 5; No ancillary schedules awarded. Variances detected.
Variances detected in Load schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2002010405.txt
---- Load Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblLoads.
Details: (Hour: 5 / Preferred: 362.32 / Final: 362.29)
TRANS_DATE: 1/4/02
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Is the same true for the current estimate?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kleb, Steve
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 2:26 PM
To: Hayslett, Rod
Cc: Geaccone, Tracy; Gilbert, Steve; Fiscus, John
Subject: RE: Fw: Undeliverable: Fw: Last schedule
Please find attached file. Transportation & Storage Revenue is right off the Earning Model Income Statement. Carlton data can be found in the Commercial Function detail within the "Database" worksheet of the Earning Model. The Cash Flow verbiage is very general related to the subject matter, but does provide a business reason on a Direct Cash Flow basis for an item buried within the Indirect Cash Flow format. Call me if you have any further questions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hayslett, Rod
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:45 AM
To: Kleb, Steve
Cc: Geaccone, Tracy
Subject: FW: Fw: Undeliverable: Fw: Last schedule
Can you help explain how the data in the attached file matches the detailed budgets and current estimates you have provided to me? It may simply, I just haven't had time to look.
Thanks for the email. Can you help me match the information in this email
to your operating plan or cash flow analysis?
> Do you have the volume and rate information on Northern Natural that
> will tie to Rod's forecast as well?
> Kyle
(See attached file: AnnualStats.xls) | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Subsets and Splits