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At the current moment BTC is trading above $70k and a huge altcoin season may begin anytime soon. According to our price prediction, Ethereum Classic is showing bullish signs and we may see a huge rally anytime soon.
ETC Token Price Analysis: [https://cryptoofficiel.com/ethereum-classic-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/ethereum-classic-price-prediction/)
How high Ethereum Classic Can Rise? What are your thoughts about it. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQzhrTHNnUTNQdHd4RTNOcTI3b3JuVVh2SVNQSlBxZFNLWW1RUV9QbUVFUlFNYk5KNXAxVktwOF85ZXdRQ3Z1LVJvWldOWE5LYlNyQzZHLUUxaEhDWFRTNERqdkM0S0RtVHZyRzAyQVIteFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhUXY3Z2VzOXJXZmdWLTItNGZwczBuMlBrOG00aUxWU2l0ekNFcHRmU2hUV1lkZlpiTjdJend1MDBVUktCR3h2ZjRfaG04N1hXVkg4dzBwRFd1VWpRQkNOLTRmdmw4U0JDVXJjY2VWS05TalNkcVBEVVBzRTJadUF6YlFQRVhMaFFEa0JWWmk2MTdUbEdYU0VmbzY4SEFPdzRMWWRnUGt5S1V4cHJKUjJ5WC1NcDZLRTFDaWRRY1ZDV3Z4QTBPWnFMVGE0dnlGSEVyT0ZhYjhha1FOQjB0Zz09 |
Is there a benefit in using one monero wallet over another? I downloaded Monero GUI sometime ago because of something I read on this sub that gave me the impression it was better for Monero than something like Exodus. I opened it recently after a long time of inactivity and it is processing a lot of things. I'm not exactly sure what it's doing but it looks like it might be downloading the entire blockchain. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTllBcFgyRkRWajJtQ0wyWmVFY1ZGOXBpaDFZdkczVGtsUUw2UHpvU0l0VmFkNnNzS25Kcm1SV2JPUW9xY0g0ZUZkVV9IQXNWYU1QNzB4bXJPbFUwQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaDJtLVZKUG5teXY3MUcyN2piSUtrckxlV2JhLW80ZGZFMnNBT1pYV2d0aUlkT2RDTFJ4NXFKcnZXS09RLXJMQmI2VlBoM1hHSDlQMC1wQ290VzRHVFo2ZGJraUtqZ013ZFJ0cXhDaFJQMVdJakNzMlkxOWNLUlFqSER6UEQ4SW1pWVNWTFRRNXRuTE5yY2RuUkFZQl82aGF2OTNMOFNWeFF4UjZXVHVJX2w0PQ== |
Someone (possibly the same shady people that were behind the dead "haveno main" network) has set up a second Haveno network called "Haveno-AIoha" after they saw the first real network called reto (https://haveno-reto.com) gaining some traction.
"AIoha" got criticized by a few people in the Haveno matrix chat for their completely unreadable GitHub repository with nearly 2000 unnecessary changed files:
They, for some reason I can't explain, made a weird negative remark about a default Haveno setting that is literally used by themselves?
As well as claiming they started "months before" the reto network, meanwhile their GitHub history was only going back a meere 4 days, not to mention that reto launched 2 days after Haveno went 1.0.0, so it's literally not possible that "AIoha" started "months before". They also copied most of their websites wording from retos website.
What do they do next? Instead of just fixing their messed up GitHub, they start going completely schizophrenic and accuse random people like u/rottenwheel, u/boldsuck and me of running reto:
They also wrote paragraphs and paragraphs projecting their own actions onto me?
**These people are absolutely unhinged and I would HIGHLY suggest everyone to avoid them.**
I believe nobody in their right mind would trust these people to properly handle disputes after seeing them go off the rails like this over some minor criticism
That being said, they did make exactly one great contribution that I am thankful for:
By announcing that they would have no trade fee, they made [reto remove their fee as well](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gku3gl/reto_just_announced_that_they_will_remove_trade/)!
This is a win for the community but also removes any incentive to use "aIoha" compared to reto, which has been running without any controversies for the past 6 months and nearly 1500 completed trades.
It also hit a new liquidity ATH of 2300 XMR recently, check out this thread on how to get started:
[Haveno is Live on Mainnet: How to Install : Monero](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1g42umh/haveno_is_live_on_mainnet_how_to_install/) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhai0zRHdkUHRwS3FjMVhzY2RnYnFodVJTOGdfd3dIWXhtNm9HMm9TTDF6SUJqM3pqb3k1a3QtTEZmZnlGNnFKbFZKd1RCcF9ldUdRRzR2cXlpSWViY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTzdIbTROQ2d1Vl9MR0J5V3pzWFNZb1VlRGNOVnZuRUoxNEhCdmJNbHBpdGpMUlVpWkluZnNRdHB6dHA0ZS03WFI2QWVJUXNSdmlmYnJfVHdXanBpMjFwczdDaGc5dDZYTkZ3cUFqX244QVZGdFpQRlF0ZkZQMEhGd19PTk1qTUdNX2xpNWJXOWZTSXc5TGdtRmlacmxLOEQ0TmtNX1Bnbk9SQnZGNkh0WTdlLUtnTlRpMTdxNVZqZmVEZ2pJRDdK |
After reading some of the comments under this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gku3gl/reto\_just\_announced\_that\_they\_will\_remove\_trade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gku3gl/reto_just_announced_that_they_will_remove_trade/), I realized that people don't understand what USDT is and why it is needed as a tool.
If you don't know what USDT is, it is a centralized stablecoin from the very shady/scammy company Tether.
Within the USDT smart contract there is a blocking feature. This is when law enforcement agencies work together with Chainalysis and other know-you-transaction engines work together to block someone's funds for various reasons (guess which ones).
And that's where the “scaremongering” in comments from people who don't realize that 99.99999999% of the time they won't face blocking because... um, they probably don't have enough liquidity (I don't want to offend anyone) and aren't doing the things they might catch blocking for.
Here you can see how often and how much USDT is blocked and on what network: [https://x.com/search?q=%28has+just+been+frozen%29+%28from%3Awhale\_alert%29&f=live](https://x.com/search?q=%28has+just+been+frozen%29+%28from%3Awhale_alert%29&f=live)
**Why have USDT as an option for Haveno? Why not <some-other-stable>?**
Because of the liquidity of USDT. Take a look at this [https://defillama.com/stablecoins](https://defillama.com/stablecoins) and compare these numbers to your favorite stablecoin (if you have one).
The second point, those people from the Monero community who live in Asian countries, CIS countries, African countries, Latin American countries - they understand what USDT is and what role it has long played in the life and economy of their countries.
I'm talking about over-the-counter (OTC) trading and that USDT is the exit point from fiat into the crypto world. More often it is USDT (TRC20) on the Tron network and not USDT (ERC20) on the Ethereum network, but now this small detail is not important for my post.
**How exactly can USDT be useful to you?**
A lot of people here complained that Kraken removed XMR, and that it was convenient for many people to send bank transfers, from their account, buy XMR there and withdraw.
I explain very simply how USDT + Haveno-Reto can be useful to you.
***Option\_1***: Kraken (or any other centralized exchange where you deliberately made KYC to send wire transfers on your behalf) + USDT + Haveno-Reto:
1. send a EUR/USD/GBP/etc bank transfer to a centralized exchange, like you used to do when XMR was available on your favorite centralized exchange
2. buy USDT
3. withdraw USDT (ERC20) to a non-custodial wallet (tips on non-custodial wallets will be at the end of this post)
4. open Haveno-Reto and buy XMR
***Option\_2***: buy USDT (ERC20) on the OTC market with cash and/or bank transfer and buy XMR on Haveno-Reto.
This option may be much easier and more convenient for someone than buying XMR directly for cash. Or maybe not. We are all different, and we are all marketed differently. And that's fine. :)
When you choose one of the options and/or make your own, it goes without saying that you can add Tor, Whonix, i2p, and anything else you want to this chain. For example, it might make sense for someone to withdraw USDT (ERC20) to ***address\_1***, then transfer it to ***address\_2*** and then buy XMR on Haveno-Reto. Why? Well... think for a moment :)
**Who should not worry about using USDT**
If you deliberately buy USDT on a centralized exchange (like Kraken) to then withdraw to a non-custodial wallet and buy XMR.
**Who should be careful**
If you are engaged in some kind of activity that your favorite state does not like.
Also, if someone wants to buy on the OTC market USDT directly for a wire transfer in their own name - be careful and only trade with verified traders. Why? Because you may be sold USDT that was for example involved in drug trafficking, and when the guys in uniform come to the trader, they will be able to trace you, even though you knew nothing and honestly sent your wire transfer to buy USDT. Such USDT may have a “**bad AML score**” (another scam from the existing system to make it harder for you to enter/exit the fiat world).
If you buy USDT for cash without KYC - this is the best option, and you can safely go to Haveno-Reto and exchange USDT for XMR.
**Alternatives to USDT**
There have been a couple comments along the lines of “*why not DAI*?” and “*why not LUSD?*”.
DAI rebranded to SKY (USDS ~~= Uncle Sam's Digital Shitcoin~~) and added a locking feature there. That is, DAI will still exist (for now), but all efforts and all work will be centered on USDS. So, either DAI will be picked up by a super active community (which I doubt) or DAI will slowly die.
Liquity (LUSD) **v1**. I was introduced to this stablecoin by a friend of mine in the Monero community. Yes, LUSD is currently censorship-resistant without blocking/freezing feature. And I'm glad that some people remembered in the comment section LUSD as an alternative to shady/scammy USDT. :)
But it has very, very little liquidity compared to USDT.
For me USDT and LUSD are like a hammer and a saw, two completely different tools for completely different purposes.
And moreover, if you want to get LUSD it is an additional step, which often lies through the purchase of ETH, which is much more difficult (usually) to buy for example for cash on the OTC market. But yeah, you can send the same bank transfer to the same centralized exchange, buy ETH, withdraw it to Metamask and get LUSD.
Important point, once again - no one is calling anyone to keep their savings in USDT. This is a tool that you need to learn how to use ***correctly*** based on your vision/state of the market.
I hope that in the future I will see on Haveno-Reto the possibility to buy XMR for USDT (TRC20) which is on Tron network. That is, shady/scammy USDT + shady/scammy/centralized Tron network. What could be better, lol.
Also, I hope to see support for LUSD (version 1) because it's a cool project.
**Wallet recommendations for USDT (ERC20)**
I don't use proprietary wallets, and I don't advise you to, but I'll leave 1 proprietary wallet on the list here for you to make your own choice.
My choice is: [https://unstoppable.money/](https://unstoppable.money/)
Why? Because: [https://walletscrutiny.com/android/io.horizontalsystems.bankwallet/](https://walletscrutiny.com/android/io.horizontalsystems.bankwallet/)
You can also use Metamask as a browser extension as well as a standalone app on Andoid/iOS.
The most popular wallet for storing and using USDT is: [https://trustwallet.com/](https://trustwallet.com/)
Trust Wallet was an open source wallet, but after they were bought by Binance in 2018 - the wallet became proprietary. The company's explanation is to protect me so that hackers don't copy their UI. Yes, yes, yes, of course, thank you. /s
I've used Trust Wallet for a long, long time and I personally haven't had any problems. Why did I use it? Because all the alternatives that were available at that moment were even more proprietary and many times more shady.
But, I did this: [https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5355](https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5355) and after some time Unstoppable Wallet developers added Tron support and I immediately unistalled Trust Wallet.
And I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to post here if you are waiting for XMR to be added to Unstoppable Wallet like me: [https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5492](https://github.com/horizontalsystems/unstoppable-wallet-android/issues/5492)
Thank you for your attention.
**EDIT**. I see that people add in comments different stablecoins that they like for some reason. Remember to always DYOR, so you don't lose money with a no-name stablecoin that is 1.5 months old and liquidity for a 2-pack of beer. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTEw2TEZuT2hrSUw3RDZVVzdiNFJpM0ZYUmllR3FZbHViMWVXOFJqdy1tcVI0a25ONjZOenVsQXNuWlZseGt3U2Nfd29NajVCLU9KUkstdWFaNVMtX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbkljdmRoaUVqT0R1Mk44aGVGbzQ4SzFUdllWNk81cXNWeGYzZHhtTFJrOWJFUUp0ZmdJN2kwTHZ6SVI1UlNkY01TQTdONVpDZW1UaTVoMTJwWnh1d1VSYlBNZERaY1hPUDhxbGp4N08xXzM0TUVSN1RJamJ1VGxiS0UtT0VYYS10eF9fY0w4WHdINUNzd3hmWGc5U0hWaDlETjZWNVJhaVhrSjU2RElZM2xKLVJIRGRpS0R3cDlzZXByMUExNVF5OXFKbW81TFJ3SEJhSURSNXhKY1RYUT09 |
The bulls are coming, the bulls are coming | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhT0tZVXRwczdiVUpKVnMyVzRNcGtpblpGUldTQVluVWlhQ1JTQ3ZhZnFiU2RLWnFHbGtVTGVGeVNXQmpHRkpSODlRc0JRaEZ5RjJrUWFRalhDc1VCQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWXl6S2JRbHBYTkFjUFR4OE1nR3p1a3VKRmtVY0pfVHZlYmtUNEoxRkJEMm1uZjNPbktDSi13T2RudWVvaXg3ODJsWGRMVndHTFNYaG1NSllZR3NJcGhvOGFqejN3QTJaOG43aC1MOEJWczd0M0xGTDQwVGRqd1N6bXh2d1U3YUF2NzJod0dVelczTEV2dzNCa1ROZmZhQk9GYVBJcGl6cUJya2J3RXp4LWJRPQ== |
Fellow regards, longtime lurker breaking the silence to YOLO $32K to save the family farm.
Grandaddy died in April this year leaving a 3 generation farm, (fully paid, no debt) to my parents. Mom never worked and my dad’s income has never been much (minister at small church). Unsurprisingly, mom and dad want to cash in on that sweet sweet inheritance $$$ by selling the farm and upgrading their lifestyle with the proceeds.
I would give my right kidney to keep that farm if I knew how to sell it. It’s where I grew up, convinced my girlfriend (now wife) to marry me, and want our two small children to make their own memories there.
I’ve traded positions in $NVDA, $ASTS, $RKLB and $RDDT (thanks to this community) hoping to somehow make enough to buy the farm but have only managed roughly to double my money ($15K to $32K). I completely realize it’s an idiot move but it’s the only chance I have at this point and I’m 100% willing to go to $0 if there is a chance I can make it to $1.1MM.
The farm is going to be listed next week and I want to go full regard with my portfolio to buy it. If I sell my house I still need $1.1MM to make up the difference and I’m willing to bet everything I have in the market for the chance to make it happen.
Would happily go all-in on anything that might print before February since the farm will probably be sold around that time.
Before anyone asks, there is no other way. My folks want the $$$ now and won’t sell the farm for any less than market value to me or anyone else. Renting the tillable acres to a local farmer would only cover 1.5 months of the mortgage payment. Maybe the best offer is $800K, maybe the real estate market crashes tomorrow, but bottom line is I have to close the gap between $35K and $1.1MM to have any shot at keeping it.
TLDR: regard wants to yolo his 100% gains on a moonshot to save his sentimentality important childhood home knowing full well he should blow it on strippers stead because it would be more fun.
Thanks in advance! | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhT0dHTGJvQnVNMXR2ZkZ3eF9vQWxQYzhtS0VNSVBQZXNtR01kY2Z2TDJBalBWWExRMmQ4eG5BbmhuMHNMblAwWjZnc0lGSWloZGxFZHdVaTJWWkJ3QVJtYmQ5THlSODJZSV95QmhCZVlwYjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQzFPVmE1U3U1UFY5dEFfSHJHZ2FnLW4wVkZySW9ZdTItMU9lWTVXeXZremNzSTZNRFFuVEdFZEhnUVZXZjhOS0ozOVRCaXhfYV9VWEpLTVQzRGRFVVl0NXNHN0tmenZhNHpOckx2ZG94eGpxZlV6LWR2YWhmSlF6UXdjQ0NGNnpTX2JOU1BBenFxNXlQNmJfQnc2bmVUUmZIVE1vWnFzX2xDZXJ6OWtpazhkSVNEeEtXSWh5SklOeEhxR3c4U1c2Nl9NWHQwOERDNlA5RVZuY1F3UVAxUT09 |
"btcli subnet list" on my linux only shows the subnet of mainnet.
Is there any way to list up subnets of testnet?
I am a novice on bittensor, and I could not find the way to connect to testnet to test. Please help me if you could | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhY0hMT0VCNHhhcVl0MWkxajlNMzZ3YVBZdklLeHgyZEU2Sld5N29jNlhFeU5nRUhycjhNOVBrWHJIZnJaRkpjUzdoNGNOdzBmRlJueHFrQ3d2OTc3S0VqZmxjSXItbU1SLTZDWUg2YTVucHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWmRFYV9lZlZVcnJSU2ZCaEdfSHo1MEFBVFg3NzdBSEE4b24wVzRqdUNiVFE2eHBVWjJWVEhXVXFnLXZGY0dSOThDYnJnZUdxcEFJbU5CZmt5aUZzUU9ZOEZ4ZEFQTlpiYldmUTJEUDdDS3N5NWxPbWxXVzhOR0ZUWEt4bjRJdXNrc01sd1BVd2JIa3lpQnlyWllwWGJ5U21UYjZTcmo1N2dRNzJ3b2JpTk1tM2ZOclNweGJKRG5nMHFjRXlDTHRB |
Well, I'm not an expert or anything, but two months ago I made my first 'big' investment in Ethereum because it was very low, and I had a feeling it would go up soon. I never lost money, but I did lose part of what I gained, and there were many ups and downs. Now it’s the highest point I’ve ever seen till i invested here, and I've made a 25% gain but comparing yo the last 6months it could go much more high . What's your prediction? Should I sell or keep holding with diamond hands? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhRTUtN0tqWFlObk9oeDVfeEhVZWs4UUExY04ybVZwQXoxeDdFZng0c3NVYUdDT2lUT2pvWDJQRXpNNDNSUmZvTmdKRld2VjBIQnRfZkpnQ2lidjBEZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhcmlCV29MZXk5cWlWT2RuTkVfZDZkUVRHdnRGOFk2a3hjRWl4S29WLTNSS3ltWE13Y1c1bWVOTjlsa2lzbl9fSkJObk5KNmpaZC1rNDZtWFV1X011T0YtdlJhNVFGbkE2eXcwUTVOTVozQWlQWng3d3FtRk1sYURsejQ4bGl6S0dPRjYtMHNQcWl6Y3N1UkpVSU53VmthU1RTVHZvbG1DcXFJakctRGgwUm5UY1BvLUs4dDdQY2N6U1N5ZGhpMlBvazBnRkNBbzVDTExpaFF0RFpDREdqUT09 |
Is anyone else experiencing an issue with [https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao](https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao) when attempting to bridge wtao to native tao? I keep getting a balance of "NAN".
I have tried
\-Clearing cahce
\-3 different browsers
\-Metamask and Coinbase wallets
\-validated my balance on etherscan
Anyone have any other bridges that will bridge wtao to native? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhc0RSRXVtSnhoUU5QamdYM1lPQnJvMFUwaC1GWGZLOFFRUk9yS0NIRmZzdFBydHpnRjR1cWN3TmR1T2VLQVNtNUZKSTBia1JfSS1pbWxRVWJfeGxMRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQkk0NFpMbFpTT2ROOXJMOFhIODQ1RTczZ2xiZDBYY1F4RTZjMUZ4WE1jYzMzRkFDOGJ0UXh3Smh6aDJiVUlOTFJBQVQwdVpHQWZGQ0RqWFp2VFVubWktSDB4eVF1bV9QZDRaQkJYdk56Yl9mWXZGLUNVZ1NIMU5ENDRoWHE2dEswOGRLdGl1bzVmZGNDUzRSb1I4UTNBPT0= |
Is anyone else having an issue bridging wtao to native tao using https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao. I keep receiving a balance of "NAN" despite using different browsers and wallets to attempt to connect. Are there any other bridges available? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTzYzZ1FSS056YnpNUEUycmZ6X0VfVjkzS25URTg2VFJOM3RveU93bm9BMWJSR2s3eDhGWHNzU0xmaDVNYWtfcVp6MFNCcVNTUDZOMWcwSkxqYVpiZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQW96TWJLNFIyLUtMa3Y4WkJmYklGMDdSdFpJQ05tY0hfdnJ6bF9YZlBVV0RkVWRvYV8wb0xwT2k4Q0VNMm5tOGNQdDYtdmlhbmNETFNDTUhVZFlsLXdTMjBaN3NFTmZscHVkNHEyNklZQmJxT3h6eHZDVGpscTVRVXBrbkc3cDVfSUVSaVNBX0g1T1ZQNTRoS0ZDRFRBPT0= |
Dear friends and supporters of private and secure shopping environment,
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Your crazy privacy brother from another continent and mother
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CEO of ShopinBit Schweiz AG | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWlU0aDYwOE5aYk14VHVSSTdGT3RER25YUXRLbGlySnJQY3NGejU0dlZSQ2FuNFdZNmZmamozTUwxSXU5bXp1SllvREllbTU5YUxPU19EODExWVI4MWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNm0yN0l0ZjNhQmlPcHFhNE1nVjBGUDR3eU1ZWnpUUVRmLXRzUGJPUWg2MWV4NlM5bHZyOGNib0hrdUxBMmM0eVNXdlBxUk5VRnU2Tnc1a01ZbFU0N1NCQnFkR05nMG5ZeXpzWm9EVlhXZ05jdUJpVXFLLXJIMDViMk1iUDhhZEVnZXA5al9XT3J3anlDTHN1Y0EyMFloZGxhOEpvNEhTS1M5ZFY5c3RhQ193dFdvVGUxZkYtdFgwZWpsOFRJYVZNNFBJdGtyY1pJUVBLRXF1TzE5dmNRUT09 |
I would like to rebalance my portfolio by swapping some BTC for ETH, I still believe a lot in the potential of ETH, and for me this slow climb is a bullish signal and I would not want to miss it.
Any advice where to swap my BTC to ETH?
**EDIT: After few days or research and tried different dex, IMO the best one is** [deXch](https://redirectdexch6.xyz/)
**Key Features:**
\- **Full Non-Custodial Solution**: Your funds remain entirely under your control, ensuring top-level security.
\- **Supports Multiple Assets**: Easily swap Bitcoin, Solana, Tron, and many other cryptocurrencies.
\- **Low Fees**: Enjoy 1:1 exchange rates with a flat $10 fee per transaction.
\- **High Privacy Standards**: According to their documentation, no IP addresses or logs are stored.
\- **Completely Decentralized**: Your assets are never at risk of being frozen.
On top of that, they offer highly responsive and efficient customer support.
**NB; I don't suggest to use it, it's not marketing or promotion, JUST MY EXPERIENCE** | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNDk5SnJnUW92eEp5c2lKLUVZcGhIWGRXRHhGam83R0hwdTl3WExyc0hKWmpLNHltQVI5a3NLNU1VQlBDOXl3aTdPaW83LXBBUVhQTlhlY1gwZ09FVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNGxhSU1WemFkS3hkNXoyNThSOElJUHl5WXVSek1WejFicm5ieUYyeXExdm1JVnk1YzR4azVTOGdIWnZtYzFpSk40a0d5TXZ6dFZ1aVZGMXIzcHBpZFJ4TkFnR21yQm9JM3dqU3ZSOWRJbmdMMW9UdU1EbzV2RDB4eTZuTEk0cjJSa09jR3ZMdmltSlJkdXE3bGJua0VpTk1XRTdETTl5UG9JSTdHYnY1d2s4PQ== |
Hey Monero community! 👋
As many of you know, we recently launched Bitrica ([https://bitrica.com](https://bitrica.com?utm_source=reddit)) as a new P2P platform following LocalMonero/AgoraDesk's closure. Thanks for all your amazing feedback! You guys reached out with tons of suggestions about adding more payment methods and currencies, and we listened!
**New Currencies Added:** CAD, INR, KES, MXN, NGS, CNY, AUD, TZS, UGX
**All Available Currencies:** USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, CAD, INR, KES, MXN, NGS, CNY, AUD, TZS, UGX
**All Available Payment Methods:** Bank Transfer, Cash App, PayPal, Venmo, Wire Transfer, Zelle, Monzo, Revolut, Sberbank, Tinkoff, VTB, Yandex Money, N26, SEPA, Wise, Western Union, Skrill, World Remit, Xoom, Interac e-Transfer, UPI, IMPS, NEFT, Paytm, PhonePe, M-PESA, Airtel Money, SPEI, OXXO, Chipper Cash, OPay, Palmpay, Alipay, WeChat Pay, UnionPay, PayID, BPAY, Mobile Money, Tigo Pesa, MTN Money
We're especially looking for sellers right now - lots of buyers are waiting! If you're currently selling on other platforms, this is your chance to be among the first traders here and build your reputation early. First movers always have the advantage! 😉
The minimum trade amount is just 0.07 XMR (around $12), making it super accessible for everyone.
Let me know if you have any questions! We're constantly improving based on your feedback. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWHdaMnRTR2RaZzN1bGdFcU9walFQM3RIbXVQSkEzYjZydncybXN6eUVjdEZKbURmRGF4ZVFucy12cEdEQ2F3b0VFZEhxTDV1RmJSV2ZOT25qUWpSU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWWZXUkMxaEVFODY4cThwYnNLX25Fd2RRc0xtcXlvSXYwNHVSNHNKUnNOa2NJRlFuWTR1cGJ5V0FsakVNNUJFRE04TUJaOEVDaUMxX3RJa1ExQWE4M3lrZG9rUFVOaF9ZVTFxR0xqU0NUUktxeWkyaHJlYzYyRFhvVVBOX1N5YVBPeXdXdUFpa2hqc3FrbHBsTWFwY0lZUFdaX3NXTlFHaVJhbklrQ2FXZjJaT0Vhd0J1aVRscTZBWE14dElJX0MxSUc3Xy12M0M3anRvSkJ1SkJGc1EzUT09 |
“Tesla shares surged more than 6% on Friday, pushing the company’s market cap past $1 trillion for the first time.
The stock has been on a tear this week as investors bet that Tesla and CEO Elon Musk will benefit from a potential Trump administration.”
Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/08/tesla-hits-1-trillion-market-cap-as-stock-rallies-after-trump-win.html | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhcFA1NDhZVUVYVXgwWEE4SWRZVFRUX3VvU1ZnUlducjJVQUZjMmRfWkM4Z2hTRnVJZFpWVzdmczgyZ3ptOGNjaGFhbzg3MkxqdlJaeGdkMUx2bG5aVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMExkQ3JtcklRRU9ZSFRoYXhTRTBnWkpKcEJnQ3hLUU01ZzRyN3ROVkVTTzFJX3pCcTJhd2oyS3c2ZHVsaGlfZmlEZHkzcHN6RXo1SldONmRzSHY5ZzZMY29aZDNsLWo1N0VEYWhYajA1NkdNaVhCSjdPYjlIVzBWSkNiZTgwczJMOVJoUHozVFVUeGtyVm5kMHBZdGdDQXFDbEs2em9zZW9CdThURVpod19yOHdmOU1DWkNTai1KLTBVLWI4OGVQcW9KXzNjS09nYjNGZUdfdlkyd3lpdz09 |
The price of bitcoin went up when Trump won, are these two things related with each other or just a coincidence? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaTBhNkZqcjlscHJxeHZqYW1jbU5qd0pDWXFfUGhlYU1faXc0Z1A1Q1FYdkZwbUZfeXk5TVYydDFWMndUV3JpZ1RHeUpHeTlGSTR2VlFDbEtQbllLS3pud3dKSVNtb1FMSUdpMHhLVFVua0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhc0dQSHg4SUFuLXZJWnFKX2VkZklYUkVaRzJZdmhxQmVRSU1nMFlHbUJZdXN6Q0lOSGtaQ0VYblA5ekhRMGpwX2pzd21RNkVRZUJkQ1JtRV9nMHhWTExORmVqWmhURzRoUzgxTmQyTXQwSGVNWUpvVl9fTFFHbGZwd29LckV5VDR5MldJWTV4MnNnNlhqRjR1RWQtbWhzNWNJRFJxbmI5NUNUdUJPR21wZ21nVUphM0VSbXl6UmxZUEExZVhiOVdzd2dVWHhlbVM5d19FSnJUQ0FuaHFaQT09 |
$INTC | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhR3RLalFKbzk1SVV2NTdsSUR4SmhxTFBFeXo3b1RRQkpTbUV5QV9vcjVURTIzS3I0aDlQaGNVMl83UzZhcTludVVOMWNYTU1RWlpVMktRTENIYTJycVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTm4wVHZpN1JoaFRIUVk1WjFsczV3LTc3cEE5TTR6U29iRm9zd01nYmVrOFJHelRmSE9vVk1VMkJQUUFFdXBKVW9pRnd1X2w5eTdhUEEwVUhTRDBZNGJrbG9aNnp2d3NXbzZ6b0Q0ZGpIMjQtd3d2Q1NSV0hpc2hNZTM3RlEtSGY2RkpsR0R0RWdnX1BaeUxWODRqWlp3cVEyd3h3R0c5VlFtalVkdlY3a1lybjFoMnhyYk9TaTZkN2M3dG1fTXdwTkJKb1ZINWFvWHlFQjRjZHIzRW0tdz09 |
Everyone piling into Tesla, Bitcoin, DJT, etc. and no one ever mentioned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These two companies have been orphaned ever since their conservatorship 15+ years ago. During Trump's first presidency he implemented steps to re-privatize the entities and with him back in office the market reacted accordingly. I started building my position in the junior preferreds a little over a year ago.
Should mention that there is still room to run. Most of the junior preferred issues are trading at around 30% of their face value. I only hold the junior preferred shares as the common will most likely get wiped in any recap and release scenario.
It will be interesting to see who Trump picks as his treasury secretary in the coming weeks. John Paulson is one of the names being floated around - he famously bet against subprime mortgages during the GFC and holds a large amount of Fannie and Freddie junior preferreds.
[Ignore other financial company holdings - virtually all gains coming from Fannie and Freddie JPS](https://preview.redd.it/q6o6mipgprzd1.png?width=1025&format=png&auto=webp&s=880dad11ef1c86ff4ed5d4820b8d206e1d20ab87)
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhME9sODIzdEhsLVBJR0prTVdZcjd3ak83aFlEa0EwOTZnM1czd1lNa1IzWHZITWh0VjdfZ3Q3SjdnNHdDM1YwWmdSeG9xSWtPa1ZwT3BJXzNpV2hoSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhRzVGLWtaS1RzUDg0YW5feXZPMHRpTDZpeHZMSk9zbExUTm5lQVE3ZkM1aFRLVndZV0ttbTNjc1BwTWNVUjIwTVB6UTF1RENuc0I1YkZmdGpvcm1UUGJROWJMZlhiYUx4TWlHN2ZJWG14SFh2bU5hcjhvUlVvMWRjQnB6bXhjNEF1eEtQS29MekVZWjlDX3RFMHctYjNzT04yYk9ZS1EwZlhhUGU3ZVBLb29iY2hWenEwa1RURVFPVC1DMkRqUnN2UWtKZ3VEZ1BwT2d6MGFJV1N2NnAxZz09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWXZUMkFsUnlVRndaQ01yc0EzNnVXdlVHcU9DR2ZfVkpncllJb0lZZVNTVWxpZVkwME9YRkpBYk1fYWhWMXNWUDQ1azlpR2RhaktBa1FYTlVYekZjWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhamhhN3BjOW9UbWppNUJaN1BZMTBZMzlET1pLV1Z2MkVLTFIxM0NYeGlOSWZVLVpDZ2hiLXlBTy1qNjNlbUVQak1oejd2dWlLSng2Qjdzc2Q5blFfQ0EzZndyVDVpemFYRFNiQ1J5c3oydFZ0aDBmUzZjaGhycWZlb3VPSDF4Mko5Rk5VV3NkU0xTbkJXNjIwOHJWUFNCUFdTOVF5UHFIdWJXVS1HVENDVjZJPQ== |
Hi all,
We launched [sigmanero.org](http://sigmanero.org) back in April but since then the adoption has not picked up.
The concept of a betting exchange using multisig might be too early to take off just yet, especially since the hard work of building a network effect is yet to be done.
However this served as a proof of concept that this can be done, especially the step of generating multisigs among strangers in a quick way on the browser. Hopefully people will see this and iterate for future products.
Thanks to all the people that registered and gave it a try! We repeat the well known advice that user feedback is crucial, so if anyone is thinking of launching something, do it now and learn quickly what works and what doesn't.
**Final call to one user who won a bet but lost its seed key -- we added the option to request a refund by asking the counterpart to sign a refund of the funds -- better than nothing!**
Initial post for reference::https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1c8rzib/announcement\_sigmaneroorg\_sports\_betting\_with/
So long! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbXltVjBOemJ5blFCclZfMGladjdWZkQtdGMtTkNXZWQ0UmtNSGZMRXpTUGpoVHlaazItLTlOcGxacllVYlpMTHpfY2hGYnBybWtGSTVtVlhvSkpEbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhU1hYZy0weEtyZTJzWE84M0oxaHhvSEdLd0ZNY2haRWVqMWNTd21JUjByU2VyODRXd3VqQjRpVzc3Wm5LWGUya1YzQkZuOFR6a2ZlSHVSLTZFTUlVS3VOSHVtQm5WcWc0czRRZjF2ZzZkYlJqbXJ4NjlGWjBLbnpNTGRENWRJWlFEMzJWRnhvVDE3d2dOZ3diM3ZON3FCM1BMN0JtbFUxS1JISFR5UmNYZkZBVXlJZ25hc0xnYmdoTUg0bHNoQ0I1WkgzWmN1TWdOLUp4VDFKcG5EVVFwdz09 |
When Monero is banned due to issues with "Money laundering" and "Terrorism funding". Like we've seen with Japan, South Korea, Australia, UAE & Morocco.
They'll begin to target Haveno and entrap people which most people use PayPal, cashapp etc which are tied to a real identity.
How do we survive this other than continue using Bitcoin as a Trojan horse into the mainstream in order to be able to swap Bitcoin for Monero? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhRzVWQURTUldlb25Yd08tUUxQd1Y3allqeUdBMTNKTDZ5UUlZbF8tTFprcXBmcDE0NkNuRnVqWnE4S0Z5YlJndDZlWU0yOTE1eThsX29uS3NmVWZRc1E4Y1R0bE9QLXhGY1JjQXh2cFJtcmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTXU2U0hWYmtNRlZPSFEzRFY0Q0lWUXIwV0MxZ0FVVEFhNVBOTzgxN3c5TU1IY3VQU2VMQmVSaG9JZF91Qnp4VUtGdUFsRHNFRExtb3poNDNNcGdwNHBkS053RXV3ZzJlbzdPRXg2YzR0WjROY0RLYXFpdWlpRm8xRWxJUUVhbTNmdUlWX3FIZUdSWmtWeHc2WE9JQThxZ3kzUWptZlJOdjE0aThTZ1pyRTZNPQ== |
I just got the notification of !remind me 2 years ago. Who held strong?! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZ2piRUNCcGJONWtDRXh4dFhqbmdJS2FDZWZnaG9VcTlseDFIazN3TDJUZmJjM01Rem5mOG9fZWUxRjQ1eEtKQklKSG1HWmtFQk9Eb3FwRlY4VllRUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdGNIbFVIc01sdzVjeUNTZGpETmlheGVZZTlxOXNGY0JlQzRlWWtGT0o5eEVoN2stdmlYYXg2VTVLYWVWdVZ5dm9SVUJwcExDWnRZTm5GUEZNQUNvMWVWaWU4ZC1RRjZHR1Y3emVQQTdETWR0cFVLMkRrN294S3kzLUlqa3VPaW00anVSV29MdUxCeHBOU3p1UlV5b0hlZHlHTWNJbElUaHhHS1hEX2l4UVdrPQ== |
HODLing is proof of work | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhOG9NUmE1bUhlMk5hQkRuVjhRaXhnMlcwd0J0YlZkOVJHNTduUU10NnJ4UkxuQ2RXdDd4Tm1WbXVBZkRpZ3dSZ1l2WlFrd0hLOURweGZ1aGhOREZUNVFZOWEyUXU1bnRSUlk3TUVEcm04RUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYnhOMUtiWWxhbW1xYzhFNGJIYTMzTWFuU2tjR1owN2RzWk9iMXQ4VUNFMk02OHJOeWVxTEZHc2hEQzBDcWU5czE5bmhIUm9aOHM2V1RVbEtWMGFhT2ExQUpBd0xVU1g2bFFNRm5XX290ckhDRWhyZWl1RndSZzg4NXdqQV9JOTBBVXkxTXBWSk5CdV9NTmRST2tKVUZnPT0= |
Load up now or regret. time to fly. Don't cry 😭 if you fall behind. All bag holder fasten your seat belt.. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVVkxa2N5SHRuME5qanBaVEhqYWlwSWNZVzJFNXY4MmxmbGlhQ3ZuRzNQODF1cEVTUE1CbFFZZ2VpcDhFdENVS3gyUUlmUVQ1Z0U2eGdQUmhsaENGQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdEZqTzNhZThrbGhIZFNJeXBVNGVBTTBRZ2xObVlsUWt5VDBXc21YeUVKeFVDMlNBM0g3LTgzdkpCNzBXNC1kSFBYUmNreFFkWG9jTUlaSjhPb1Y2bDBlZnVyYURpNmJkel9meWhYRXVBa2J0YnRQcktieEdFMUVYdldoYks2TFliZDVIVC1RdlJPbVMtV1YwVXNhcHJnPT0= |
Just wanted to share something. At around 9:05pm today I had kraken open and suddenly saw someone place a 2,000 TAO limit order at 510 price. I did the math and it was roughly 1.5 million dollars. Nothing else to share here, I was just a little shock at the big number. And hey, if that was you that placed the order, I want to be your friend 😂 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhcnZyVHpSQThxRV9PeEtPZmhoVWxMNC15YjNTT0E1TGFVT0FDRmVhejN6YWZ5SW9hMWFwckJYOHNHUmt1VWN5RDNyc3VnT3JoTUp6Z1dLSzA5M2tkQVd0aHppRHNkYXBoWWt2ZVRuMUVhRUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQ0RMLXZzVGRiMjByVzc2YlBodkxhZDJRTjJOa3pWa2ZxMlFqUHBsU2lMLTlkTnJCdC1aQWlCVnNwbm5pZUVQTGN0eG5zLS1OVmFrVDhKdWc4V0hsc3pyODUycUdjdmY1LWpYZUlCM1ozRzhBeVNxbmlfMVd4VWdXeGZnRnlTWlBUSG1DMXR3eU0zVlJPdm9jY0pkc01lMmFfbExrdThoQXBpcXRjSGJDaXRRPQ== |
I know the people in this community already knows. But this is going to blow I’ve seen this everywhere as of late. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQjlPdjV4MjY4RWs2WTZoOEJic3QxOHpzR0JERkV3aFFzTG5maDNFN0VkbTJadlRwSUNvVzNTY0FoSW1COGZwUU90cUt3QWpUSHdCcXV3UlAwdWZsVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVUxvVTdSRVNGWEVQNExFWnd4YzJBckEwNF9Vc0ZzRDJTcTc2UnZlT290MExQYV9NTUpvYzE2WWVUdlJqVU82MzdKTTVFMTRkRUpnWDd6UVVSOVp5Y3NpSFd0VzRzX3BiNUlod0RuODBOS1RCWlFDbDA5YnRpamVkT3JZMGRLWDB2V0pXajdQZl9INzBqWEV6TnYxU1pWZ1VuYmpaLTNCRmN6RHM0ZGRWa3pUUlMzaE9IOFhLSzdQaDFwTVFkMnlF |
It feels like 2021 all over again with how bitcoin is doing | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhM2NYYTczNmp5THlQQlE4WkxJdmM4cE96eGljd0o0VEJqNnVzcGpPcTI0ODN0X2ZKVEU5N1ZHU01XUVdtMWVoWGFUNVFtdWtQZGdnR2kxd3lldzRXTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdHZWMWJQVmtCNlhrZm82Rjh2bE5hc0RRMS1hTWw2M0MzSjlyQ2NtT3Z4WDhhemtyaTZkbGoyaGtwVE1RUUVtSlJkTXViUW9WY3hMU0RZOVB3Rk9jMVJOZ2NjN0FmRXhCSUxJTlY3dUpvZzBsNkRnOXh3UkFNbXZ1Q3RDbmZuSmpUT054WUJyZk4weGFadFFjVHRpcF9oaGFwZTlYRmVLcDZWR1VneUwzamY5bUZHcHBFOTJKVmlXTXp2cFY1azhwNVhuaTJ2Qkk4VjA1bTVyaFZ5SlJqdz09 |
Here is one of the BCH malicious addresses: https://explorer.cloverpool.com/bch/address/bitcoincash:qzu9mypqts9fk4rdfslsfs3ff22enrs09uwuc09523
more info here since post gets auto removed here due to keywords: https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1gnv1nz/someone_is_doing_a_massive_adress_spoofing_dust/ | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhUS03U1Zra0ozc0VCVEJWdDJnUjBEa2k4M19JNGl3WGJHSElQZ0FYcVotc2lqSkdxanZiam5rcjdlVW5RM2NCbW1MUmN1dy1veno1bzNkb1JKX21VMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZ0ZWaG1BY19sVElxU3I0cndsWTcyTTlpZGJkRGZYZmZVTEw0cGt0amFkeldvWlNUaXBhOW9xWHVIb3JGWWRhdVpFTGxDTmxMWWIybjBtNnNlWUxFSk5hX2N1d0NZYU9TTjdCWHQtSjJHQ2pvWkQ2XzdkVEdMZHJ6M3piMHJiQ1VrQ0x5aTgwTTFFdVB4SFR1Sl9JVmMxQnB4Q0hrYkEyR2RnRXY2REpiRTFfZjFkTGVvSHg4M3hXN2p3VXo4T0ZNbFB3ZmhkNnQ4dmtjY3QwOFFPdThDZz09 |
We finally did it | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQ1FQMHN1ZHZmSEo2N0dKdTdEQ3ZqaWF4NVgzNTVoeVhlejNQcUpNM0NZbUNMSzBWWXpLRzVlY2Rxc2dSUE0zSGdVaWtIUFEyWnZTQnllcWtYbWlZcm5xMWh3LUdaRzlhUEkwUkZpbWhkS1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWE9IbG8yVW9qcTlTQlMxejFIMW42eEVZZHRYdWR1YWJ1R2JCZndEMHI1dmNOd3lPOWtBblc3TER2TTVwazFfTmJBdF9vYldlWlk2V0VaT25PaTlJUFZjQl81UFY1TXhRQnh6RWtIUk1YN0NFNDFfdE00OFdmVWFucXljUkljYk9yUVBxRWNsLWs1T1ljLVNhSnYzcmVBPT0= |
Having been an ex holder of Cardano over the years, I’m not a true disbelief for what to make of the most recent pump over the past couple days. I’m curious perspective and opinion whether a retracement is in the cards or not? Anytime I’ve seen this happen in the market. It’s always followed by a sharp decline in search of support. I’m curious why Cardano, SUI and a couple others are seeing climbs by 30% while the rest of the market is moving a lot slower
Is it correction for these alts that are pumping like crazy? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYzh3OWdFN3B3d3ZhUmRmSUZkUGRpMU1BZVdRTGFzcDRQM3FaU3M2Snh1MlNmSU45ZXM0T2UyXzhnb1VZQ0Q2OGdTdzJZZGNhRkY0VmQxWEtOSXBnVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhM2tlMHJTU29OaFotRTZTZ2phaUZQMVFHbU1ZS0FmNlZPSWJDN3ZCT0VlbnJOMkNKd0NxTVZaWnBTd0xORzdzYk9vWDlaU0lqeWdSZFNtUHpqSkNSZGZXWXk0bThmN2JERC1vRlJ5SHlPLXB2eWZDVE1yeE9wajBCbGExUGdjMkJvRE9kbnZKbzMzeUluOGExUnIxTUIyNXdLTnNwdHZkZVhSSHZUZmhYM3pQRTVVREZPN3FqdG15Z0YxbkdWcmhQ |
I can't focus.
Too much to do.
Too many coins pumping.
I simultaneously miss and hate this feeling. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhY3pXZUVfS1lWQ1hTVjNKUF82OFhSQTQyWlhIai1EdnZGU09KWmw5N3BMY3BnSGtTYlF4TVc2dTFqRzJYb0t2SGJLdFZaUHoydld4Qy1Ydm9oODAzTnZXdjJucU5qMTVEYmJSRVNTQkxFSU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTGJJSEluVTJ0SUpPZG9kdG14X1lxS1BvRlFkRDBWVzJoWHBlbU5qQ1czc3h3SGNlUDAzbzFVSm83UVpMc3Rra21wSWl6dmtJSzdfUWRmYUFlbk9WZzBtbjRFU2hwbmxyMDlnMnl6ZHd3V1RNRUhXOHNIMk1PcDh2WktVWVQ4ZEV5NU5ETUt2Zk9jaWdRVFZuNDlmQUh4R0VaUVBLOWk1bjl0Z1l5SFo0OHQtT25oclY4dml6WHJMeXlvbmJoTmxOajY2bUxxc1BVVUdhWUFlSWNVSEdQQT09 |
?? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVTdIdnFSRXB1UFc1cUNTd1RmMnVJOUdpTE5FQUZIR1RnQzROUzRkY3hCc0hIbVdmUERab0k0UDFmOGZ6bGpndlVPV2ZDN0xLVjgzbDg4YnRmb1BlWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVzI2NmN1V2wyaGxZWFhhUXRrX1FIWDdnRjlIRmQ1TlBBbFU4MVo0NFVWM3BzdUcyX3VwSFZXeUpSUHFUUmpkNnNaX1daeWd2OXh4MXJHRVo0R29QNGNpN1IzSU5DbUJhUXRoY2pOdXJWRVFvNHBpMEU3MTF2d0dYWE1SVllQSlhWNWlPWVJXVjVHTnVJRjZ5WFRoWUl1OEpqeld5WWEtTkxhTlNuLTFXS0VjajV6MjBQUV9RTjlaZGFTUlZUZXBxeFdaci1McGVnVHY0cEozc29qN2xCdz09 |
Hello everyone!
Recently I read about suspicious nodes in the monero network and how they can do bad things - like transaction scanning etc. and so I decided to use the banlist from rblaine95 on [github.com](http://github.com) .
However I can't help but notice that my node is connected to some nodes that are "after handshake", but have block height 1, which doesn't change at all. I thought my monero node is glitched so I restarted it, but it is still going. I attach some pictures of said nodes below, so you can know what I'm talking about.
Should I just ban those nodes? Or ignore them?
Thanks for your time and help mates!
[This node is stuck at height 901 and it doesn't change either. So I guess it is similiar to other \\"height 1\\" nodes.](https://preview.redd.it/abnn3zc0i30e1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4450fdbbf0afa4d828f2508412eaad9708bda3b)
[Here's a chunk of normal \(honest\) nodes that are synced as they should be and one of the weird ones with them.](https://preview.redd.it/3u64ae85i30e1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=f07d8471c287a6d6794815a1fa78cca318786055)
Edit: I made a github repo with all IP addresses that I have banned. Feel free to use it. [https://github.com/HidenInTheDark/Monero-Peers-Ban-List](https://github.com/HidenInTheDark/Monero-Peers-Ban-List) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZUJIcVJsZE1lS1JwVll3VFF1aUFTbEZHTXRJSXhrRng3OGZlX25yaDUwQVFLaGFqOWt6ME11MTlJQnlXUl9iWWpKNW1tN09fYWlVNGxlT2oycGZSbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZ0w2ZHlhUUpodzRvZ2hDREJxdE43U1NzTGtQVjZ3OUo2MnRRNDh6QWh3emV5SUhEaUpnZmgyN0NKRFlLRERNTzEzZUVfd29QLURncF93YUg2bjRnOHh3N2p4bWlIWWVSMkJITnZ4cUxrSktoeGhnaWRmZzF1dEFlbjRHLVVRSnRYSk40NVhFSWVPcldkMFRxNzk0dW1uLUpqSUw5dU44RWtoZG5CX0xLcXdsYTBTNWJpMXB2SnBLdVRLMTJxa3dk |
Hello everyone, this theard is to share with you a thought I had the other day about the explosion of meme coins: crypto is finally becoming mature, which is excellent news for Monero, but only on the long-run.
I think there have been 3 ages of crypto:
* Childhood (2008-2021): crypto industry as we know it today appeared in 2008 with Bitcoin, and a number of other projects aimed at doing better or bringing new features (anonymity, smart contract etc.).
* Crypto had to prove that it was viable, and gained traction very gradually over these 13 years.
* Teenage years (2021-2025): crypto became known to the general public, with a certain number of excesses and stupid things being done (Solana, rug pulls, meme coins etc.).
* Crypto has had too many excesses, and is in the process of finding itself through its excesses.
* Adulthood (2025-...): a lot of irrelevant projects will gradually die out, and the only ones left will be those that actually make a difference.
* I think this is when Monero will really gain attention, because of its unique features (anonymity, fungibility, etc.).
This, combined with the gradual delisting of CEXs, means that Monero should attract the attention and traction it deserves, but this will happen very gradually over the next few years.
What do you think? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNGFGVS02d0lkUmtZeXcyLVRzMHpDVzRId1FiU0txLTl2d0Z1RHdMaW9YTkZNcC1nSDFXV2xJVlBkWTktYkpHUEgzXzVrTzEyNVpCdWRWM3R3SktVVl80eDRhRE5tUHBXXzF6WDJXc1dzeDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYkgwYXVhM285UlQxZXo2OG5wQXVUdW9HMUFJM2NJN29WZjdSVGJ4cHl4bS1Va2dOaGMzVW8zRkZpRFFpLUNXR1UyQ3BKY0FkQWNveF9SWHRXNVprTlRPU3hoM3l0dXBWTU5GaEpiaHUtUld3NkQyT1BENUw1TGlNSHB5YnlGSWZrYjBJQnFmanVsaWtaRlh1X29lRHBkODctNXZRODBuckUzdkoyUkJzR25PSDJkQkJSaE1ER3JKV0FHby02M1c2 |
"The tools can and should aim towards reducing the particular currencies value, consequently inducing a voluntary outflow of their users."
Shortly after the paper was published and with her influence the attack begun. Chart lines up | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhT2k2c0twRDFuUUQtc05VLWh6OFNVLWl2VHYweno0bDVsM3JoZ2lIcnNfMmJsb0lvbmhYNXBlS2pjSW1kNlhuTDA4T2xZUXRYb19qUlQ1NXVuTzd2TWRmUTlTLXdUYWtSTHZydUhDbFpLM3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVTZmTWVGa19PQ2ZfbHIyVHBfWUViR3lBdnpvbVE0Y2ZjR2RRS21DWU1JU1dSa0EwSGlJeGxYRWxHaEhSa3lRT1ZmeDFQLUdDZ09QT3NCMW1VZkQxanJXZkszQWlkbGFraEVuRi1uWlZnZkFmWHRqWTg3RmxXUkplQ2p3OVUwQlhRQnJwUW01ZWtUY1FtcUx3VXZyWU1kZGREZnhuVEI5b25FeVg4LU52ZVJSai04eklyd21BMnVWZmF6LXJTbmFW |
Never thought I’d see myself owning ETC again but yet here I am. ETC is so undervalued at the moment and I have a feeling we are going to see another Kansas City Shuffle where the attention is on ETH over the next 6 months but we see ETC go crazy… just like the last bull cycle.
Time to load up again gentlemen.
To the moon 🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZUM3ZWo3UkYtZzFMZUU0M0pRUHZhdm1OdE45ZkFOUTFqdWxXZzBrQ1VNSTFTTkxTRUE2Mm92WmFMT01zYU93RkY0enBaMWZQel9XXzlsbUoyOXU4NFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZXdHWFVnZ29fWkRDZmpLWGhPSkxGNDY3QUlSeVpBS3JXZmZWSlRqRFhvaDBiVFUtYnJ1RkZ2V3c3NTdyNEdDZmdFbTBqNHJTOHM1ODF2QzBncVdrSnNxSGZGX010MDNPQTdtcWtGV29yd3ZCUXRhWU4ycHNCd2hSTVdua2Q0MWkyZ09UdWxQbGFiaXFMeGpQUlBseVVrNE5oM0QyMzNzZE9zUW5GUTFtYmRFPQ== |
Bought a couple stocks in college for a few weeks until I discovered options. Got fucked multiple times instead of just buying VOO or SPY or anything else. Today is the day I see green on my all since 2018. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWUNwTHhPMEs2c2EyTllHMW1MUU1iaEoxWmYwRTBPYUg3VGFwaXlTVTU4cFl0dHpSZjRiczJ5dHBTd3IyTmtZVEswZGh3ZFFSeXNCMGdIZ2VheDZmWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYjRnTG01X014YmhFaFhzOWhldmxrX1lTb1A1M0Z4OUluUlRwdVVTaXo3N0lfQzB1QUJYZXcwUWxIRVVXNjlnMzM4VEVCTUVwMFBfRGZOb1NKS0dpTHAtem81cDRnWEt2Sl90YndaN1cyUUVIajB0dkJZbmpvWm5TYlBpZUt5XzA0ZGg5WE95Y1k5STcyOGtXN081N19Tbm9RYXVUTXZpYzlhWVNEUEY1VXBpN0g0c3N4OHAwM1FySDlvSDJVaHNL |
Buy low, sell never ! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWl85NG1pV3NxSWZxWUUxa3piX1A4dldaT09uVm1kcW56R2tJQWowN2x5akpVOFA2RWp0ZXN0VVZITmZ3NWFvX1laeDY2YnJXbmxPVFVrdUd1SHhjaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNUZ6Qk5QeU02RktyOG9FRFBhV0JNUFo3OGM5SUdKbElOY0FJS2g5NW1ubkptQ0xSWm5TOVZNczBDQm55NVQ3ZW9mQlJuV2hfVGEyTVlobkRBdHJlZnFaSmNiaUdFOFZlbHlFZXR6V2MxMTlTQU5xUnQ2M0R2Nkp2bTBOWHFmdTJaZFVjVEJOMVJiRi1ITlVRUy0tbzNpSTl0S19ZXzdISm9RTHozUE1NSVF3PQ== |
Given the success of the previous MAAMs ([see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/search?q=maam&sort=new&restrict_sr=on)), let's keep this rolling.
The principle is simple: ask anything you'd like to know about Monero, especially the dumb questions that you've been keeping for you every other days, may the community clarify it all!
Finally, credits to binaryFate for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdTI0c1FIcDhnQldkb1hiU185WklrSkduX2FfZ09vcWNGYW5JYjVRb0NidzdISUtORWYwRWI3UVBITVVEb0ZfR2hRWm9Mb1I4S2c0NnhXQVpaV1QxcEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdjBOcDdRbFdPRmNTXzVpbFAxRmtVQWRpUUxvaDRaLWtQRWV5eUVvS3VfVVVXNHdoOUoya3NfLXdGaTdhM0w3Z3V3VmxKV0syLWhZTHJudkRQZUZKMl9MWGd2bE9udzFYUmZYVC1LcHlvRm9aMnVjVkJ1U3VscXpxYXA1dm8ybXB3WVZWOXp4U0JjQkp5RUtabjE0b1JjWE4wb3hObGFJTFFRMVRiSGZSQmRSQkN0YVZaQUpucWotYUhlMThoTVQyQjJyaWtMZFJnOTZCQXRwenh6TkJhQT09 |
I have been gambling for years and it shows. So proposed a challenge try and recoup at least 25% - 50% with in the next year with only 1k. Or just enjoy the comments. Either way this should be fun. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhU19HaHpXbXVTck5NRGZxd1FaN21Na3VsSlI0QnFnS25SRjkyTndiMXNhTnQ4WTRfQXFFby1qZjEyQzRYbE8zYy02ZTRzVGhRbWdZa250QktyU3lqaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdjNsWkVoSGRMWnByWHp2b2MxLVpjZ0gyYUlmeWlCRG9LUXJ1ZU01SjlQcFZMNmE1YWdCbVAySWJXOXlxZnM4ZnN3V1dTbWNMUFBwZ0dnMzFadHNpcmZGUU1QNmNqVjYyR1lLdmFSS012N1V2Rm44QWtJUHVxZEQyV2ZucXJ4T3loMnZYMU1jN1RUUWpzbjh0aHN4aEh5bFhuUVZ5a0tvRVpSX1B6dFIwS2dnYU1XbkpiTUIzUkNFaEJWdEhmZzM5NjJIR1djMmxOR3JwZlUzLWlQM21qZz09 |
ERROR: type should be string, got "https://preview.redd.it/5i2pyzrxja0e1.jpg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f04c7bed78f9c752e85e916ed65fb1503dccc2\n\nhttps://preview.redd.it/capdss2yja0e1.jpg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7840950b254bfbef13d3c2bb56be8b2a0a005d\n\n(Repost from 30 minutes ago because my post wasn't clear enough according to the mods) \n \nSo, I wanted to bet on Tesla mooning as a result of Trump winning due to their new close relationship, and the deregulation that was coming for Tesla in the new administration. I'm not a political person, just trading off an idea!\n\nSo here's what I did: \n \nBought $15,000 on 3:1 Kamala bets to win $30,000 to hedge my $50,000 in TSLA weekly calls. If she had won, I'd lose $10K-15K Max. If Trump won, this happens... Rolled my weekly calls to 29 Nov/ 20 Dec and held till today. Closed 95%." | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhLUY5TkdDTFpkSXRSWExyVm93U1hCYl9yR0RNS3FEQjk0bEJpMmtDc0NjZHhnSHhjekhRTTB6WU93RFE0bk01MmdPR0Q0M0VuWjRqMkpzaHN5YXlYbDlDUUdyY1NFeWFFem5Tc1ViT0VYWWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhRmZYLUJZTVg1N014YXZDc2dSXzNTR1RTendYVGVNS0NPeWpLaUVjM0h0ZFJQcnVVUUFNX0V6QTFHRFVsaU15Vk1tV1NVaU5HSEtuT3NQanRHejRrLVZDQ010UlVxSm0zNWh1dU9SOHRRWS1ZZEhzUE9fWnJ6dXVidzZheXctb1NwWVNTOWIzNG9idzJOUVUwVTFhSWxBcEVjenlpOTJDTm5veXl0dHl6bGRieWdtNGxTOTlISVd6dFBoVWhsLXRZbnZTRFFOaHB2U1FKcHFsQy1zT0dMZz09 |
Being a top 20 coin is still a big deal , especially because it’s holding the bitcoin name and all tokenomics . I have repeatedly encouraged you guys to hold , we are seeing some movement now but this is only a fraction. This is a top 5 coin for sure. Everything that’s bullish about BTC works for BCH plus it’s for everyday transactions. DO NOT SELL. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdzJWd2sxTFdVcjVDVnlFd0s5cXB5NDM0RDdLN0VuVWtaV0JkbXlOWi03cHJndFRpVTR6SERBMDcwV2N2SlRkLVpwUUlJcjhVX3kyZTJHUXdFY1JKcUh4NzRSWXdicW1rTWZfRFRPcjdFRWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWkpXdDl1aFpwRXF2WDY3cGs2eGJ6VlgzUWs0VlhadFBnd0h2TlJYRUNxaWVGcHBSTVVNWEZrU3BUUGdtNG45dmt4UmJpQ2RwYUJoMlV6Z3RCZkliRVpmcU1SMGE1R0xLLWtiNXpDc0NnMGp0aVJWX294eUFEcllEVXYzUkxMQlpoSnVwWHJ6NzdhWkctb3JjSmR2V1YzeHJ6Q09JOFhpNFd0amdZRC1idjkyb2dXYWlWSmNYeFJkSElGaWZGSXZ6Z2pfc281bElHYjA2emlFMjJVdUdtZz09 |
Y’all what gives? Every coin is up since the 10am (pst) dip yesterday besides ETC. it’s still under that local high. Come on now, let’s get the party started and catch the f up.
Side note: last run up, ETC & Doge mirrored each other. Whenever doge was running, etc would drop. I’m wondering if some of those same swaps exist and since doge is running, etc is struggling. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMkZ1eWZ5RC1zenVKZjlOLVdJdWpjNzZ0ekxXNWctMm11V3BQQXFlZE5EaGRMdEVWbS0xWnRFaHJjdzJGRVNoeFVMemp3VTB1a0NybmpvWTRzVGFZQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaXQ3cUJRMlg4bzJtb3QyeVE5QTFiWV9jM3RPa2REMW5WTHhPOFdLNFAtVG9nVUZHQ3FVRjRwVUV2bFU0UlVkeXVXY05GS2h4TnFTM2J2MjJOUjNKcktUSnJLT3otbDJxeXRzXzJ5Y0sxVTJMdk9MSndTdGktSkRZSTRXY0ZYd1VGNGJBclRDWkprTGo5MWZjZlFFUFhFQVRwdzlhMWk3Z3U1cHVhRnVoa3JBPQ== |
Any problems with actively staking/unstaking switching validators? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZnplcUtjZ1FvcTFCaVdNUWhETVlVV3V1enlENVNDMGlDVTVVQlI3UmhyY0VSOE5TMUJsbWYwUmxjZFk3RGUxSlMzSmtqeTRlYmdoYTlYQ0dRcExhbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhU0VWZVVmZU9NT2dBbHhsRXdmNW1HRWZIVEJhZk9IZ0ZGVHZTd3N5am5xelZibWdvU2pQM3ZPcE5DWVhlOG9zZjhkOFJVUjFHTUM2OVA1ajJmU2FmNHFuYkFpMFdtUmZCeHhBOU9jYmN5ZmhzbnB6SXROY3poaHNwUW9aVHkzVHFkbHI4empWZ2JWSkN4Um9tS0FZcS1waG5JR3dkNW9vZV9ZRnE2aGhrREo3OXFKNUFfcjJoSzhPS2YxMG1xYk5vMUFRV1VBbXFSOGt6RkVqSXVfaXQ5dz09 |
All in on MSTR. Blend of equity and leaps. I do love options. Trade of the century. I am never letting go. Will execute the calls eventually. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQXk5cDFmQ29EWjc4YU9EY0JibGtQS3RWNXAxTHBwUnNjV2xHYmM3bVpVVW5QYmJKSEl2Z2RWY0YzeGV3QnA4QUY1OU5udVI4c2lPY0dNb2hmWGpRbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhN2FqV2JJZndPU0hXV2UybFlRY19yUUJGRjF1TlZHLXlYX0dRd1RNdEo1VmZaTUxHMjZVQS1HTXZ2V2VhQXY0UEJEWGdndms2VjYxOHAxMlRmd1NudTlNTi1hZi1sdXg2QlBCLVpwQzhnWWZNX3MtTnRMeUx0cjRpbGZwWElBQllzRG8yMWlwcjNXMUNfci1IUzBTd3lkc2JpdF9Gdm5FZnMtdG05QzNqUzdjPQ== |
You are all so bullish on TSLA. Time to do the opposite, this week we have CPI, multiple fed speakers and unemployment. See you all back at 250$ | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhSmJxaDRxRFBwbVZRNnlWYzg4SWQwQ243eC1LNlFhdEZzWmVMTmFUREUxc3VmdmNLLVEtZlVlNmhaX2p2cEVGVExrSnZqdlpqcVYtTVpIbkhZVWtrODRlaXZpaWM3d3JCbWRhUGZ3R0hrMWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZ0ZtcUtoYXJzOHdSNzR6YUNld2VDUDZGNmVVZUVSY1lPNjBvTWgxeEt4dUV0a3JFVFNIbXpOTzlMTnFDMWppM3ZZdUtSU3hzOXBSWlZmVzdVVkhjQ002RWlPcVlucnJTNUtzX3lyal9FcFBmZG5UcGI4REVPME8zaFo2WmNIaUl2NDZEWlY0T1RHREs0VUwzaUNONnduOEx1cHl0bjFETVZWZDJ1RTFyT1NJYWQwX01YM25GaHlZQVI2YTAyOG9D |
This bitcoin run has been awesome that’s just like we were all waiting for, but the question is when yall think it will slow down and what price will it drop back to? I was not able to put some more whole lot when it was 70s, but I am planning on putting a lot next time it drops as I was able to save some more money. What yall thinking? Drop back to 74 - 78 maybe ?
Besides that what yall plan for altcoins, how have you been analyzing and taking those? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlheTNNVlR3OVBJLXZUQlJCcjdGYlZWVWVraklESzJLR1pCMjRMVmhtMV9JZTVCQlUtRnhzYnR0UE8tYlBucmlocGF3LUw2c2FNZkhRNFluaEZpUzNrTDg5cVlsaFpyUFNIRFJkLWFhc0h4WWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhREE4STV2QmdjbURTRV9lYzBEY1Y5YUJBNXlRaWtnYllWaFQ4MGNRWmxRbkVHdFRnZXh1U2FPcFZOeC1HQ0MxY3QxZnVTRHNUUXlRVzlvY3hRUWFQQUt2bVRJM2Fvc3VPcU1LOE5ENGpxVnRYM2tsS3o4azBMSXF1WGh6a19ZcWJ0b3ZwY1BNOWpZZWFfWk5VaUcxRjAwTkE0Ty1idXR1dXRuT0NWbnBWYjNQSHJHMk9QNUFvWDluOS12eWQwNU92MC04bDZoQ01yVEtudU1DVUxQSTFCUT09 |
Don't get caught up in the market. This will drop. Don't know when. But make sure y'all take profit especially if you've invested a large sum in the last couple days 👊🏽 | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNzJKOVFhbkJiTV9pVHQ5SHVGSklLMFFCV2JaRmhJTFhKbThmSGRXcE1hSmhwVWxLTFN1dFJXd1Q0N2hCYWcxTWNOZ0VVRG91clhYX2RnUl93bUE1bGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMEZEZ0NjSlV5aDVSbC1yNFVUdEhhaE9iSnRPMFRhY3RxN0JvcW55dy1CRnRPU1lFR3h0bFhMX2hOUDVvVlNTYnYxYlZQS19zOFk1QndPVERYM2lfbjBJcGlTYkRoSUxVYzdQc2VIZ0VaV3pPNENjYkN0R29TUXg5REw4SEN0bE9DU1drUzNIT2VmbHhJSkdCRkFmczFlVENXbjF1SGd4bVhoVEZmdGxQY2hjPQ== |
I don't normally buy/sell BTC, i purchased some a few years ago based on a tip from a friend and now want to sell. It seemed a bit crazy that it was close to $1k in fees to sell half a bit coin. Is this normal? Or is this Coinbase just taking advantage of someone that is very new to this? I am holding off for now, but curious if this is normal Thanks!
| r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhOHJVTWlZWGRLcjA0ajlnRlF3SlJHUnJGTk9qOHJ2R2g2Vm43R0pnZ3d3UWRRRnFqelh3ZThJMU1KMmR2VjlCSDR2a1VVY3hHSDdkVU9kZ3NOQ2VtWnlHZ1ZzRWdaUjFyRXdENmI1TU1NaGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhblJkMjUwbGkwRnRyR2hiSmVTZUNZZW9QTXFvQ01HUHpNRkVaRWx6ZDB5cHhQYnNnanJQTElRZ2FKSmxjUTRiUE5TU2VEWUpEakttQzY3YVZvMGFHY0g3c2ZyOTI1MktwSW1RQ29ueFF0MlN3bXdvOVRCV1dEVGdkRV9oNnVTcmJ5YVVtNnFXamRqbXpLZlBDNDVtbjFUdXhWV3RRTG1Bc19xSzhYU2lVWjN3d0FZOHpKNjB0dE9sS1RScE1qZ0wt |
ERROR: type should be string, got "https://preview.redd.it/dkcwg756cc0e1.png?width=1415&format=png&auto=webp&s=3abb8974679f733b5e838c7b8421114a2d083dbf\n\nToday, with a growth of over 10%, Bitcoin has surpassed silver in market cap, becoming the eighth most valuable asset in the world, with a market cap of over $1.7 trillion. This milestone not only reflects the growing institutional acceptance and adoption of Bitcoin as digital gold but also solidifies its role as a legitimate store of value." | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbmVrcU5QeUpYdThYU0pLSkJkRGlWV1Q4dU1iRXNFMkk1aWhuTU1lVmtnNVFvZ1AyZk1PbTY3elVSTmxndnZ0ejNoOW5EOGtMQ3NhcHBmY1FDNVJVVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVW5xa2x2YXVwOHBnTE5YZkJxbG9ERy1qdU1fVFlZTjg4WHQwSlphalhYSTdzUGV3MjhGeTVRX05lTHdkM2tsbTZkMTFyT1FqeGJWa3FOaVlHUlRNMnZQcEZnVzE5TEhQa1VQUGM2a2FiN3BxdkVpMjBWOFMzZzI2Y25tbEdNaFA3WUx3NU5IVV9kZDhsZlVXbExKWXY4RjRFeHI2MG8yME1MNlRWSVB4ZzZBN2MyYnZzVjhrWXcyZUc2OG93YU5l |
So many folks want to enter into the market but always ask 'when will prices drop' etc etc. NOBODY KNOWS. However, look at what's happening. This year, we got spot BTC/ETH ETF's, a Pro crypto president is going to be in office and crypto is becoming an actual asset people will talk about.
**This time is actually different.**
Ask yourself this- where do you see BTC/ETH 10 years from now? Higer or lower? My bet is higher.
We haven't even entered Q1 where the real parabolic gains come in.
Stop contemplating and go buy, set a stop loss and the most you'll lose is like 10%.
If you knew with a 100% guarantee you'll double your money a few years from now, would you take it? Who wouldn't? Stop chasing 'quick gains'. The best time to plant a tree was a year ago, the second best time is now. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWTF2Z1hBNEVWSlppSTVYU2JyNUVrTUZ1SHEtLW5mZHR0TEpNMmtTXzZGcEpwS01LelBXd3I2ODF3emFfNFhqa2lrX1BHV0RYZjVDRFF4NzZrNHZhVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNE9ldFcxcEs4NF90dDNMc1V4RjM0Q1lnWmxjX3Zjb2VoTDJsYkVmbVdRdWNPTzJlbFRrVjJCdFc3anJNN0RQQ3lRWTlIOEdFVUJtaFhLb0loWkZHaUNaWjRGUkVGLXdvbFR2VE1naEFGUFM3SDRUd3Q1TnF1Tkxad0NmVVFiNmxCeC1aakRQaks2dHJGZThyQks1WG1ReFJuYUU3VkNjZHJuckQzOFMwb0JnUjR6Y2Rodm5GMThlbW5jN1NLM19U |
If you don’t like what do you? I’m new to crypto so I’m trying to see what is good and how you decide what is good. Bought some Chainlink because people on YouTube/here told me it was good lol 😂 so idrk. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWmhmNTQtUWhVcUdaOUZfbjFLeHBFVzhfdk9ZRkxxMUoweEM5dmd5NFY0dU96MzNiQVZjazJSQ0hNR1BBQTcwNmc3dUNIQ3pjU2ZkeldYREMxaFFsZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMUJSS05oWjRVWW5peTBCX1RLZm56ZV9fQlFhdVNyMzBtRmpNQUVCSnFYcm51VGJCcmY3bDl5SFNfMXUyZlNHc1JaZm92LVBINzc5RFFuc0UxLW8wMlpMOGVGZXdXVVFkVEhfR3IyeUp4M3lGeWhscFdpZTlwazd0OVBwX0VCTGk5RVNaQXcxak5ZYTdOSndoSFphWUo5ak1Ub2YwWHlLX1lxaXotLWlIMWdNZ2RzTjFEQ2NET254czd5blJGMXFB |
Hey BCHers! Y'all need to get some game over on NOSTR. This includes the mods on this site. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhSm04WFNobTF2dk1zeXRlcGZKcHNMa29sbTQ5SU5OZ1Z3SmcyWFV4ZEFXZTQyM2JHb3dFRUU3eHRlVzdWN2JvalhXdHJZVjc3bmVjV2l1WlVWYlNPbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTktLa0JHS21uaDhSQ21RTkpXTlBPOUNaX25GY01kUERYTUNZVzFBdHd2V1htZmdnMkR1ZzRjUFRHMEZIU2hEM3ZKWWo3T2IwTUVhTGw1SFZxY0ttcm1XWFZwUk95aWg1dXpZcXd2YTZLZFl3RlZMY1V4dnY5ZWE2eUNDX0d4b2JWMC00WmFacnJOS08tcFBoWGZyenQ1OUlYcnJTal9JLXJlNDZKbEdHaVJnPQ== |
Opened a lotto account last week after the elections and full send $TSLA FDs . Holding 49 contracts $450c for 3/22/2025 for now. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbkdVclhpeTlyTkpYM1RTU0RJYWp1LURTNEtJZy00WFRhWTlma2t2anAyOElpUDczdU4zOERzemZUZ3FMUDN4ZXNYNmxpVVV2TkhUaWlhMlgyeG9KNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlheUdTU0NOYXBJTHZFMTJhQ3hzY0RWT2otZXl4d2ZTWnFSaUhpNlZSbVRCMHI4UHg5ZzRzbERUOWFHOV9hRy1XN3RseWVYWURJYXFta05kcHN0NGtfaDl4WnU3OVB1RHQybTRpb25YeDU3d1NIQnpxaGs0RHY2QjZEZk0zVzhadzF6Y1FiUzBNOGhQcHFnSTMwMUpzVzRIXzRNRTA4bnJEMkRQQklPR1RkTEV6QnNGRng5czlLcVppcjVhajJ1N2o0MWZFOEFKVHF5Snp4cndFb01wMThjQT09 |
Everyday I add to my short positions just to get rinsed thankfully started out small. You guys want me to lyk when I go long? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhb0NtdzNYOHpfbDhXZWM4MzdBVTNKWFpkZ3h6M1VrMFdvRmpOSnc2MDdnUkVCVmdyaWFIVjEwSS0wQjBpODVvTktReWNoaGVKOHF1cmxyek9qSkFuMGx2Rl9YWE9QM1pzQzhXZE80V18yQ1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTDFuVFg1VjN4VjltVmdtNTE2N3NiWTBzdVdWT3FaMVNqdVYtcnBrVmctS2xLR1YzV2lVdFhIZUZ3Vm9IblZvUmhGUDRobjF4czR3RGladmdXZzBYaENOSVdKYndZQms1YXlWekZJdVBYQ1RwNlc1MTltcE5DZURqZjhueW5jbnE2N3hQM3JNLXBpSTN2UTFiZE5xRHJDYk0yNVBIbENIbzEwNms4ajRrWWN6TU9ieWNFclVTcHlpWGY5NFU1SWNfeW00R1psRjlhdUpKcGpPU243WF82Zz09 |
Is there a basic xmr wallet implementation in kotlin?
I have a simple POS android app (made in Kotlin only) that accepts lightning, and I would like to include payments in monero as well.
What I need is the functionality of listening to new incomming transactions, considering the vendor has provided a public address, private view key, and a public restricted node URL (optional).
I tried using the fixedfloat iframe (xmr to btc-ln) but it did not work due to rate variability. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWm1ZX29seEJRbW8yN25tSW40dkRVWWRWVnZTV1JEVm11MzJQOEhVSi1LckVhZ0k0NGNONHpGYmtTUk1TOWhhbElSdk5OaWlZdmNmWU5VNUx0MWpnWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhcmMxdERxSl9lenc3VllDVFRFcjlxbWQteWlOY3FLWTJBOW1Xa25KU3dPNU8zM1pPcE5uOWZlSXRJLVZPbUhqNWFuekNUMUl0R1Vtc2hELUUxMHBhQ1FJajRKeWY0MXBEd0lfMmV5b0dLdTQ0LUdldVBuRjBRdGV2ekpyWmNCd2NXLTdPQXozdEMya2M2UlVud1ZGcGhZX3RiZFpKcl9YeDlSeEFDaFZCZkRodGJadGF0ak5LUnRSblNIRHBmX2RK |
The idea of BTC->XMR atomic swaps has been interesting to me for a long time, and as an outsider looking in it seemed to me that [UnstoppableSwap.net](http://UnstoppableSwap.net) was the service that would finally make them user friendly, so I decided to finally give it a try a couple of days ago.
I want to share my experience here in case there are others like me wondering whether they should give this a try too, as there's not a lot of info out there.
I was expecting it to be a web service, but to my surprise I had to download and execute a 95MB binary, which triggered "untrusted publisher" warnings on Windows. I hope I don't need to elaborate on how sketchy this is.
There were three available liquidity providers. The one that offered the lowest transaction cost was also the one with the lowest uptime. I tried to initiate a swap there a couple of times and it didn't work. The UI shows a somewhat detailed log of each step as it happens. These explanations seemed very technical to me; I did not understand what anything meant. But they were very effective at signaling to me: YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Undeterred I then tried the next best liquidity provider. This time the first of four stages in the process succeeds (the stage where my bitcoin gets locked apparently) and several "verifications" ensue. However, nothing else happened, and after a very long wait (probably more than a hour) a big yellow warning message appeared with the most perplexing of messages. [See for yourself](https://imgur.com/jvSBGRG).
Basically, the message was warning me that something went wrong and I was at risk of losing my bitcoin. It was informing me that in order to prevent that, I had to take an action ("refund") during a rather narrow time window in the future (after 7 hours from when the message first appeared but before 21 hours or something like that). The start of this window would have been like 3AM for me, and at the end of the window I would have been at work. So now I have to either go to bed extremely late, or make time in my morning rush to take care of this before going to work.
What I find absolutely abhorrent, and puts the final nail in the coffin for me, is that an "atomic swap" client was threatening me with the possibility of losing my bitcoin. To me, this goes against the philosophy of "atomic swap".
In the end I did the required "refund" (the program did it by itself since I left it running during the night), got my bitcoins back, and did not lose more than a couple transaction fees.
I'm sure many of you have had success working with UnstoppableSwap and are scoffing at my inaptitude here, and that's fine. The point that I want to make though is not that UnstoppableSwap doesn't work, but that a random casual like me who has very basic crypto knowledge (a crypto normie if you will) is not the target audience for UnstoppableSwap.
**TLDR:** I had a bad experience using UnstoppableSwap.net and I don't think it's ready for a general audience. If you don't know how Monero swaps are implemented on the blockchain level, you may be in for some unexpected behavior. Tread carefully. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZGJPWUZyWkNZMkdZdHdkTUdpRjlHcWV2YnJVeDZ1bmgyWFpwcnVKVGFmRHNpdnNSekxmbXU3alM3dWg5cFhBb2JwQWZhZ0hKVzZCdGxKcGRyVHlBaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhc3p1aGpFWlR3aVhWaWo5WnduNnpzQy1tQTVZUEYxelpkQUQzNFlkQksxWTBld1FFZVBOaGFEQk5SbzdtWjlxN0prQ1gxbUlFUFRmWVBXNzhlbjl0Szh3YUZ4UEZKdFZQTmdoR2FpQnFvOHNzQnlDV1NiTXJMZmRrMnREODNEVno5Vk12RXFQdzRmNkFsUFItUkg3TDFOdFFhNmItRVU1cEdwZmpHOVdtMDF5eVA1VWVXcDkzVEp5SklsVWVxSjRq |
According to our analysis BCH token is showing bullish signs and expected to show a huge rally in coming weeks.
Bitcoin Cash Price Forecast- [https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/)
# BCH About To Parabolic
Trade experts suggests BCH token will be trading above $750 before the end of 2024. In 2025 the Bitcoin Cash will be trading in the range of $1000 to $2500.
What do you think about the future potential of BITCOIN CASH? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhT2xKSk55V3R1cjFFWDNTanJSdWczNkNWUDc5VXVyWk5rTWY0TmZ2ZEw1bDBPMVdGRk9KeFdTSEV5bzB0RTJfRC1jMGV4OFJIV2RrbXh3X3k1Si15R3M4dV9OeGUyYXo3RUJkREVJbUNJQkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdlhjeEtSeWtMem5QZndUa0VrZ3loLU0wa3pIMUxWc0wxTXhDZ250Y0pnWlY4Z0gybktDY2c2YVJwNko4ZG1GTkFoOU05RFV3NEpNay14YkFLWlNZd0d2Wl81ZTlhZ25KRjJvUzMtYUhvQkdTT1FpNHA3OHB0Z0ZMT0UwS3puUkU2bWRDZHRzVDVieHJtUGhTUlJ2MmdMY2ZNeFEyRzdyMUNEVTZvdEhpNzN5TnNZc09YbV9UdEZ4NGN6Nk1JMDFfeUg2cEctc0NxbGItM0UtY2lLcGVKdz09 |
r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaU5EZjRkM0Y4OVpoQy14Q1h6ZU9oVk1INVNkMkdzb0luTFo4b2gxQnhsU0dQU2RwbGh4M1E1V3J1OVhkT2tKVUhScVBFVWpzWllwTzBRQTM4aVdRTTVuS2FUcXJfU2hNb1U1cnJGUl9ORzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhSkpFMGtzTkpYdkJBT19qeGI4cGpRX1dGN2VSaXZmVFA1UGhjNGdBQjE1VUZZQWh1d0k3azJjMnpVTmZQZDZWUUtiOWhROXdidmhoWmNLMlN3b1V5T0EzTDNORm90b1dad21tR1owOGRoQ1pBeldGbTZNR0pYemtPX1d3S1VJVE1rZENqRWxZNHdyQTlnQ3BxbGRIY0NMc0pNUHpoU3RwUFlocUJGR3RPdURsdVlfQXNOaWg3SERMX3VZRkpfckFzU0lPVmtYcU1Hei1wQks2QVNHUTBCUT09 |
Started the acc with 100$ on election results day, degened it all the way to 125k before losing it all trying to short 5mil BTC lmao | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZGNyalh0aGIzYjFZQXdDcUN6ZkZzX3VlYVUzZ0lKRE5IMzVLaVBGbVI5SGxDR0didzhEdDZJSHpvUUMwZXZRM0loWE45Nm96YWtkTDhwbm55bjE2V2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbkdMQWUzZDJDcVNWZHdxbWxoOTZfOC1ianFzTXBPSkgtanJob2NSSEFZdVNhQnlNV2Q1bGs4bUpleDJPNjFUdHY3SWMxM3hmbG4wU3ctTC1mUVo0YnVDLWZTQVJ6UGhlaVlKa1Q5Rkt6U2cyb3RsbFlsd3M4Vk5XR0N6YzNtLUU1WjNZWmpyQ0RXRDVhZ0k4ZTNSY0lxN0JPUkpMMWVlWmlNUk9aNi1NVGtXWDZhZm1zQWJrbkl0dU1rVlFkQ3F6 |
Been out of work till this month. Everything seems to just be rallying.
I doubt we'll see lows like we have before. But is it too late to buy in or trade? Missed the opportunity to catch bullring?
Haven't bought anything yet. Would love some advice and strat | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhTW8zVzJQSjZSMjVHdl9aTWJHby1SbVZxa24wN2N3eXQ1NEhXQUN0QnhDLS1kejlMTzhVZTM4aldid01CSVVFYm9hZ1o2NzROWmlLUFAtcGJ1dnlWbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdElqdzZPZlJKYWpNT3VqM0g3UHZraDd5OU1mTWhQeVhhWlA1ZWg3Y0hRcVZwR3ZNSXZvWUdYVkw4cXVMQmppSW4xM0YzUG5sTVF4WWI4MkhnYVlqQlI3bXhKZlBHaFZxVmZjZkpGc0lraVRpZzdmZ09QOWg0c3VSd09jb1dXUW1mWFZRWHhCbVpQSEVxaUJ2RG5YMXpXeHQ4cURZbmgyRE9iODNkelhpUHhzPQ== |
I finally received my Ledger (Flex) and just moved all my coins incl new staking. This step by step guide makes it super easy - the Talisman part is not on there but pretty much self explanatory .
Prices go up - Safety 1st !! Use a Hardware Wallet !! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhd08tOW1sakR6ZURzTDg2eHI1Ni1oT0pYdkZxOE1zZ2VqM0xEdS1IUlNJQ0dZV0k2R3hrMkY3ZHRicmQtOEZJb25pa19PaWh2UjRRVDJ3S1lDVGdVRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaWFiTzhjRmV2LVhNS0NLMXZDMTlqV3hEZzk0cXpLM3pzdVNtUzRhdThfSEw0S0l0RFBKcXRsNzVFQ2hxUW9rSF9HdVUycm5JZWVWd094VlVhM3pjTEJxeDFyemgtSzVQRG5ZdnFhd0R3QWlyNFdNMFBlbEJ6QjZDWEVSU2FXNDYtNnE2R3gxWm1RekZzRzdIZmxRWnlHVGk1eUh2ZXdGVEE4YkZXOUFzdHZzPQ== |
What should I tell her? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhS0xaVEh6QUdZalJjYnY5VDUwak9iVkpwaWtsSTFCcUNMZTFvR1F2dmJuQW5kMV9xX3FuUF9HS2Z5MDRaa0JOWVRJejAzSzEyX0otaTRmNjFFRk9sZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMlowS28tdHNFRDVwUHRqVnBkR09jaFFIaS04Qkswby01WG1hMUxtM0xxNzRYREtRSFNfX0pmTUtUeDhzNVBISlJiaXI4eFlDOW1nbnJRQ3lnVnhLbHVJVXNpWFB3QkZScXFIVFEyYTlOdVc3UjZFRjJvenFQR3JpWngzZ3c1QTVVVTVlUl9BOEFuZTlTZDFheDVKTk5iSEVkTEhnOER3LU52WVBwOU5fLXp0MXJnNDI2TjlIcnVhcVgzN0xqbDdiendTc2hKSThoY1E2NUxBalBLdlJnQT09 |
I am a physician and I was admitting a patient to the hospital with anemia (low blood count) due to a bleed in his stomach. He would not look away from his phone while he was trading Bitcoin to answer my questions (while he was bleeding in the emergency room).
The top is in. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWWdacnVfN1ZGak9JMUk4dEU4SFluM3IzWmN6MFRJekNUQUx5eWVON29mQUR3em5kTFE1QVBLNE5TMGVGYWVZS2Fka3Y2emdxbVkxcmUwX1l6a016ZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaVl1RUt0eDZSMWUxazMtSnBCVnZpY3NLQl9xaTAwU01zRlFIaEM5RDA4aHVQdm9ER1hDM1lCRjlZQk9BY0RsSU1JRDd2QjVsNVNnSUtrZkFaMEV3Y2FsdnNZWVZyV0xOeDhLYmFmclpNLU54RUFZZ2NZODBraFI0UHRSZ0tlX2JrQXdsOEM5MzdtS3drcFdzajRCU2lCSW9aOFYzY0N5WXozWkhqQjJFWTlnPQ== |
Hello. I am a holder. I have been considering buying a monero for a long time. The technical side is clear to me. Now I'm interested in the goals of the community. That's why you keep this coin. There are two types of coins for me. Those that have practical applications and those that are used as investments. I do not consider speculative memcoins. I'm interested in technology. I believe that this is the future. And so, I'm interested in the goals of the community members. Why do you keep coins?
And I apologize for my English. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbVVmV20yLS11T25ENndsbXlrNEJlWUZSQ242bmxiYnlfZEFmZXFPOGpVUkdNc3Bsalh4ZEhwVlhfUDRvNXVqdm1VcmtHTzlSaE5nVGVYUmlFV3ZPVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMngtQUFWVWV0bThiVDhCOU9SYUs2SmlCY2dCLUI2M0xwMTdhTEd5TF9mdldqWXpVdVpCQVlKNFJpQ25ocC0yMlo3STJINjM4X3pZeGJmcGZncW54X3NFZTFKZk9QZEpETGhQVGFsTXBHbTBxQW81T2o2TEgydjZlNjVvT1JDWENVSVBrUWFyWkRBVW5PaTdBMzZUMWl4X1ZndlhnOER2aFV1UFM3LXdOUnRvPQ== |
**Exolix & Monerujo entered into a partnership**🤝
Monerujo, the trusted and user-friendly Android wallet for Monero, now offers seamless swaps with Exolix!
Here’s what our integration brings to you:
* Zero-confirmation swaps for amounts under 0.3 XMR
* Low minimum exchanges starting at just $5
* No KYC or registration required
All the details are available [**here**](https://exolix.com/blog/exolix-and-monerujo-partnership-for-effortless-crypto-exchanges?utm_source=twitter+&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blog)!
🎉T**o celebrate, we’re launching a special Giveaway for the Monero community!**
Joining is easy:
* Complete a swap on Exolix through your Monerujo wallet anytime from November 12th to 24th.
* No forms or personal details — your privacy is our top priority.
On November 25th, we’ll randomly select **three** winning transactions, and each winner will receive **1 XMR** in their Monero wallet. Good luck😉 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNTZWUjRDbi1EQmNpdkc4T2dvQkk0ZXJDWUhPbzAwbXNDWURrVkQwUTBWbXpkTGFMZERSWGtPeGNmRHZEbnJwakVqb2J3SHhuNVZocjBHR1RlZnUxQ2RBVE1MV3BvVjdRV1A3NFBja1JHMUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlheHEzb09KYkc4eDhsRXJJYml2Vm44QkppZjlYQWM2YnRnNy1PcE9zUHRXMC0tVzFCWGxTa3JGdmpULTQ1emVEWE9zdURmQThoSmcwQzlLWWxBT2hUdktyNmc4aVVCSi1ETlI3ZVo3N1hPZzRLVG00OGpNX0tXQ2NDdi0tUm5zT0tXSWM4TklMTVdUT2dTdWdabnZvQlpvUW5HZWZjYno1VXBLT1hsQTVfWUVFUHNmeEpfdVlEV1ZUYWxERnZXY1FEMXZHVkF3ZE1CQllfSUF1cGkwenRKUT09 |
Hello there, i need a advice about some asic and connection pool | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhRWYzOUc2N1JRMVFWTjE3eW9HdFM2TXdCYlVKc1VaZ19pTUcxVWxJSWlVdjFkN1Nqa29OUFVVTktpeXB2WHVCc0JRTmtiTWdkN3MxZGRMaEFLb1JNMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZ0k2UG5RallCaVhKU2s0UjVjTFp5VjBaNkxuNFpQM1o3OWlLRmY2N0l1WUZxbGZFM0dJRDV0UGVnSkFzZjgxR1BVVHdzdkZwM0U0VmVQM1AyYUVaZlR1aUQtN2xDU2V3YVFUSGNmaFY1bjhncXRpaW5TSVNBRy1QeTlIQUh4Z1RiLTIzdnM1NTdDQkd4NUc2VnZGcU8zT1RpOV9feHJXSGhsN1NIYzdNcy00b0U4Ni1VOFJrRWk3emtUemxGZ1YtcjZrMHFYWnJxLVQwSU1UblpEYi1Zdz09 |
It’s Joever guys rip bag holders.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhUHVzU2pUWmRORHIzWlR1cGcyRmJjQTRsZnhLd0czX0FleTlOUnV2N3NJZE01UlBtU0tGUVljV2lKalV2d0E0MnczLWhod2k1ZHdpRkkwemM5aHp5bEF5V09PdkVwSG9SVi1hUHZwcWZyeWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlheWowbDNUSWVqVmNmWWc1WnphUVIxamZFNldWSXF4OUlhXzUwbFJ6Z3EtWFNVZUN2ZnJ4U09zOVNHdUp6bW1CU003QTJFYUQtV3lnS0dRTGVXREdiVWhTTzV2a0o5d3d4U3VGeEtRTjRKazl0T0RYUkJGLTNqcGlNSy1YZ3lWbmdOMUp4czZQTTlXNE9JYi1XRUphdzBqNENRdVJLRnRqZzBpSXJRT3FFR3F1Z21GVWdGSjBVZ2otRng2a0JNYzhn |
What are your thoughts and concerns with this recent news? What does the outlook for Tesla now look like? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZDBNWWRRSlJiVmU2VlJuTEtWaDVQOERLXzRuSURpa05qYk5LR3dsaEJMYm9hdklNWmhvQlJWYkNFcXFfd3NYRV9SczhycEVTZ2RzOTFGai1mcVE4TVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlheDU4OXNNdXp2V3RsdUEtaXBLMlJpbXlPZUw5U3kwNTUycHh6MUlzTGZQNDBEZVB0am5BTWhoRmU2eHlNQkd3RzJVRnBRREpjZDZoajFmY0NoTkxTOS1TQ1JlRGpjbTliTHZqYThYV1VjcnBTajZWOWctUEkwS2UySFJDQ2hFSHJYR1R2alZCaFNJVTVfX0VheHZMNUtvdy1YdzdZX2NaZDdiMWhBSmtFOHdkM0pEcGpBbzBIcHlLNExVU2dTUkdMUHBsTEZVTTh1ZjVzVzlwbEtlQU5ydz09 |
[OpenAI NanoGPT compatible](https://preview.redd.it/49btjj3mvk0e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6551d9eaacf34c34554793329ad30ac5aba7a02a)
Another active week for us, so time for a few updates.
First off, we did a podcast with Jeremy from the Bitcoin Cash Podcast which you can watch here [https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BRJjwyvMrLxw](https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BRJjwyvMrLxw) or Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtkrGvwKoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtkrGvwKoY) . It was a lot of fun (I'm Milan), also gotta credit Jeremy for this being the most professional-feeling podcast I've been on so far. We talk about the benefits of anonymity, discuss Bitcoin Cash and Nano, central banks, implementing BCH on NanoGPT, and quite a bit more.
**New text models**
We added **Yi Lightning** (and other Yi models), GLM-4-Plus (and other Zhipu models), and Claude 3.5 Haiku. Yi Lightning is relatively unknown in "the west" but is currently #6 on LMArena (independent leaderboard), above even Claude 3.5 Sonnet, while GLM-4-Plus is #9.
Yi Lightning is incredibly cheap to use, roughly 1/50th the cost of Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT. **We seem to be the only service that offers access to it outside China**. With this addition we now support literally all the top 20 text models on the leaderboards and are the only service anywhere to do so.
[Independent leaderboard ranking](https://preview.redd.it/8duxvhkhtk0e1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=e249d5876587d7df5c1e0fd09681a43fbec4dbd3)
**OpenAI compatible route**
Because Yi Lightning is so high performing and cheap many want to use it for API purposes, which we've made easier by creating an OpenAI compatible API route. See [https://nano-gpt.com/api](https://nano-gpt.com/api) or reach out to us if this is something you're interested in as well. It makes it essentially simple to swap out "OpenAI" for "Nano-GPT" in your code, add our API key, and then have access to all the OpenAI models you're used to plus about 50 others, all in one route.
**New image models**
**Flux Pro V1.1 Ultra** (what a name) is the first proper model to offer 4K/HD images. The max resolution is 2048x2048 (square) or up to 3136x1344 (landscape), and it generates these big images without losing quality.
We've also added NSFW image generation via **Promptchan.** This is the best NSFW model according to most of the benchmarks and user opinions, and it comes with an overload of customization options. Change the image quality, style, pose, filter, optimize for faces, and decide how creative you want the model to be. The model is only visible if you explicitly opt-in by checking "show explicit content" in Settings.
**Model UX improvements**
Since we have so many models nowadays it's becoming unclear which to use. For both text and images the models are by default ranked by their overall score on independent leaderboards, and for text models it's now also possible to sort them for performance on coding or maths.
Models now also have provider icons in front of them so you can find the model you want to use more easily.
[Model sorting](https://preview.redd.it/d2qc9ymktk0e1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=49f8cd12a196826da5c7b0b839c82d4d17c777dd)
**More payment methods**
Doge, Solana and BTC have been added as payment methods. It's been pretty interesting adding coins - BCH is still one of our most used coins which we think might partially be because it was one of the first we added, but also partially because the BCH community is actually using crypto for payments. At the end of the month we'll release statistics on which coins are used most, which should be interesting!
**Next up**
We're adding payments via ETH, Polygon, Binance Pay and Coinbase Commerce which is an all-in-one integration, then we feel like we support practically any payment method. From then on our focus will likely purely be on improving UX: adding file upload, image upload, improving the look of conversations and generally optimizing the experience in every way.
As always thanks for your support - it's great fun building all this and seeing people use it. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhT3poUHhveVk2dzQzMU1nbUpFdzBVNTJhLUx1dE1XSEt5RXdNb0Rrd1dPR1BXeGdwcnA4Mmw0cHZMMzl6ZkJRV3hWLVExQWNiMHdhSWNxcWhsa0xjX1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMXdQenJIUXZzMGVBUXVGWURscHU3YnNmc2hLOGh5N0ZaSjF4X2lUc3hRdXVZS1JuZmliRjZPb3d1LXNkQmVqMEVMbi1xWGYyZ2YzdU15aFRzYzVlZjdsRUJXVmcxMDd0clRsWDBqYWdNRnJZUjlPaExuTm5QMVhQX0k1RHNwZjRKejJPb2MtNlNBZU9lREVvMmY0ZXF1ZFM3aTN5Vzd4T2l6THBzbzJrX2owM19LWUdmaHNLbnltN3E5RXhBTlFIR0lsY3I0blZBd0F5cGdfVTR0SkJadz09 |
I had a plan in my mind, hold forever but life said no...
I had to sell because I bought a house and I need to renovate to live there but we are poor right now and my bitcoin are a really big help.
I sold at 74 and feel devasted watching it go to 90 and possibly beyond, I had time untill january to sell but the risk on the short period and not this massive gain difference from there to 90 (It was my new sell point after knew I had to sell) It didn't make me feel safe. (I'm moving with my girlfriend so It's not just about me).
I hope Bitcoin explodes to 200k but watching my 4 years stacking disappear very close to a massive bull run it makes me sad and stupid.
I know I've sold for a fair one and It was a need for it but I can't ignore all the years of sacrifice spent stacking satoshi gone.
All my precious satoshi...
But I made 3.5x so I can't complain much.
I could have 0 Bitcoin right now but my mentality still the same.
I will start from zero again, a new shrimp will born.
I wish you all good stacking.
A fallen Bitcoiner.
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNHhiMmJ6QUx1NGYwaEthYm1kOThWeDRfbWJMR19mYnBOMFlEREx0UV9iUEhQUDJuVXNSMWJRWnNuQ0FTRHNMZzZpbUhZV3FMUkUzVU1iWHBBWC00WkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZmdhRjRJZVRIY0lfWWFraUI1bHJkdTBnQ1ZkWnZoZnFvRnFoOGh0UGFVV1RSaFpjU2JzU2kwcWF0ZHdKTU90QlRKUU0zSmdHRGNxc2dlcUNMb1hLTHNES2oxY3ZkS1Myb3BZdURfMUdTa0lfSkRnei1zVlZ6STJfRXhnbmszbTNnZlB4YzY4Mnd3eFRHaENfZjFVWUVPMUNycUlId1d6ek9oV1hCYVNXby1NPQ== |
It’s lock in day this Friday for May 2025 upgrade✌️
Let’s bang some drums and make some noise.
Join Fiendish & Friends for an hour at 13:00 CET to discuss BCH, VMLA, BigInts, and check out what Paytaca is doing with its ecosystem and merchant adoption!
https://x.com/fiendishcrypto/status/1856452981345882608?s=46 | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQVdlWWJ0OWdFalJER0Zsd0gybTU4cWlCY3h2UzZnQmhTMzBmdzlDcEJxcnh3X1lYZFNGNEF3V1YwMzBDQzJwTWh5MUw1SnppWk5xSUs1cHFqSjh5LUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdXJod1pkZEg4cnk4QjNvdnU4dklOTEV2V3Q4NF9EZnV6WVFadWpOWG1PcC1SZnVNUW5JdEVSbjJUejdPMUZLRGs2Rm82aFlyaTVEVzU5UjlqZTBTNFpJVEVyd1RZTjQ0OXFISVQzcHRfOTVIQm1IMWh3WkRqUEFhVi1lSDZ2b3NEYWZwd1dRMFlwcE1KSmx1R3Z0ZEFtQWxNZDhraWFMclNObWVOdGg4RUhvPQ== |
That's enough for a town for a whole week.
Garlic is easy to grow, incredibly healthy, tasty when cooked, ensuring happy and healthy human beings. Therefore helping to fulfill Satoshi's vision and Bitcoin's mission in the betterment of human kind. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYy11bm1EaWJWMkZvLVoybkFGMlFqYjlmMHZpdS1lQk4zT090d3JBS2s2bTZqdWJpN3ZpSWxSX0RMNDRQMnlvcXg5aEk4VDZxeG9mRmVQTE80RXRwUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhM0dDMjhRRnh2dTg2TG1PdGdyWTJMMmpLYkh5SmJueWdraE5CSlVMaV9BaWZLUXNsb2JQaGhxbWlmdlNxTXQyWjB0cDBYMzZUT3VXRXJuSEh1QkppczV1dWNVUGFKdnZfeXBVWmlWSXhFeVVraWtHNzRmT3g0TDE4aVV1N19RRnhraGg3elIwZDI2NGdIT1czVmNDM3NZOWc1dGRiUVIwbXdrZnVqbTFZVTJaV0g4aGRjbXN5eldnVHcydGEzcVVm |
https://x.com/brodyadreon/status/1856408139907903748?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhckxPd3JjQVpSX25lYS1lZDF5SVUzcWdRMzczUE52UTRmMkVlLVJ6S0hCS0ZuZ25uMXF6TUdoZmg2RGFWbjRpWWtkSUpyVXVGckhGUzUyME5XNnd1TFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhUXlDVW5DZG1XY3ZEdzUybXRlLUVsbWZHME1aVTA3NGVITGJ3ck1uX0JmTldEdTNQLWcwd3JfLWZMdUliTnFlaGRLN0R4aEtKdWZWbmR5dy1EX3YzNlpFQ2xNUjAtNUo1M2RiMDZpLXRDendUX0ZTekVMUGlyTkNURG9EaVRTcFoydUdIX0Y1cGk3YVlXbFVtSDVrWDFRdXpHQ1ItS0d6NTNISzA1Vzg4azRDbE9MdjVHVHJDWXFYdE9uN2hOTFozX1k2eEFKNi1ZM192TWM4TUk5TFlNZz09 |
⏱🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZUFqbVM5MGRoRk4zWm9IT2Qtb294dTRTeDQ2Vk5JZWdPN1ZldkRZMUFKeXdodlFEekoxcmgtTGFNLUxIRVZZVjI1blBhd0FudkpndUlBWDhWNmJqS0RXMFhKQXlRRlh3ZFdXMExmWEV5a0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhcDZ3ekNQeEplb3pUaDQtdllLXzNkaFRqenlZdzNJUGZ5bUJNbV9wNW41aXlYR2tPQ3RGYTByTjdpazZGdkNBN05scXl0ZmpDUW1UaGQ1U29GcnhIOGhIVmxIUWpUYzdROWtmbDBGWVJ5dDJxX3ZUQnJLdVZ3cnZPTWVlZklUcXhackZxZUtiSG02c1JILU5fRWRKeTVlZjN5TWJFMnJGNzN1bDc2Q2hQVERTZHNuS2pmYlo2RHV1QWJyejhlVy03 |
Greetings, I am new to the Monero and coin communities, I am interested in this area. I have a few questions. I would be very happy if you answer. Thank you.
1. **Is Monero's supply limited?**
* If not, what is the reason and what are the advantages of having an unlimited supply?
2. **Is Monero decentralized?**
* What are the benefits of decentralization for Monero?
3. **Why is Monero difficult to trace?**
* Where does the untraceability feature come from, and what security benefits does it provide?
4. **Does Monero have better security than Bitcoin?**
* What are the security differences between the two coins?
5. **Why is Monero less listed on centralized exchanges?**
* What are the reasons behind this, and what are the consequences?
6. **How can I use Monero outside of centralized exchanges?**
* What are the ways to use Monero outside of centralized exchanges?
7. **If Monero gets delisted from all exchanges, can I still use it like real money?**
* What are the ways to use Monero as real money outside of exchanges?
8. **Can I make payments or exchanges with real people using Monero?**
* Can I use Monero for daily transactions or exchanges? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbERIbXZvSk9lX0lSa2puRXdaWDQyMVBBb0xaVTNCWUxIMjViNEs2Q0Y5NWwxTkFDUWY4cndHS3lrcHJMZk1SMC1NZU80bXIxM0ZPZHVwX0hSWUZmZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMmRKREtEOUxUTWtJV1JDWWhTOXJiUjF6aFBvYWZFSy1ETTFGVGdsc1Z1YzNfZ09qajJkQi1vcW45a2w0Zml5SnlZUEVpNG5pSGFkWlAyZldxTnNXd09VUnJUWE5yOEl3X1BwRERCZ1FFYzZfWjJsYjh4Z3dwX0R0Y180ekNxVTZhc0M5eUR3OWdjbVVHX01GekZfa2Yzd3BwZk95X0RhRVpwQ0MxaFNhU0E0PQ== |
If BCH ever does rise, people will start to see it as a legitimate threat and competitor to btc-core, and it stands to take market share from people blindly throwing money at the #1 marketcap. Currently the market seems to be giving BCH a 1 in 200 odds of success (BCH ratio is 0.005 - 0.5%) compared to BTC, Those odds seem quite low for a functional blockchain that actually works in the wild and is battle tested against attacks on all fronts for years, compared to a nonfunctional BTC-Core coin, that has to be kept on centralized exchanged due to fees, so the blockchain is basically nonfunctional.
As we see recently, some posts are stating that BTC-Core has "won" since its a higher price, when in reality BTC-core is a total failure due to high fees, while BCH just works and has real utility, to compete with actual payment companies like Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Western union, fees must be cheap and scale-able, BCH does just that.
https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BCH-USD?hl=en&window=6M | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhUl9zVjg3d1pUd3psT1JTSy0zYlQ2NzBRelpSakdCZEVUcE5SNkxlcFlMMHZvMzNlRTFwR3ZXM1lrR29IN1E3Y3EzQkRuU1VnNFlfU09tRi1xQUUzZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbFhtV3VLMU90UWp1OG1xTWtudjBfSDhraXhoTEtrcFBvWF9yTFJCTzN3OHg1WGZSOHU5YV9fVWhVMlQ3ZXJGSGlxd3J5anJrXzNFUnNRMXV2NFVrN1FKcU1zWW1FYUtjUlROUWc0MzY4eFJnUF9hUHJaTm8wQW1ld25rZE80c2pYZHMtZExVZk1rdUVVczl5RHhKTWlZRDVVemhXUzFac3lvV0JQOXZnOGZycEdVQUtVeVQ5M09mWDJpdXozMVVNWWhNVllTcV80cVg4NzA2UzRtRWthQT09 |
I'm observing the cryptospace for 4 years now and I didn't buy and hold any coin that made me rich like Dogecoin.
So I have a couple of questions. I read a lot about forks and that Bitcoin Cash is actually what Bitcoin should be, the same argument comes from the Monero Community. Doge is also a Bitcoin fork, so what makes Bitcoin Cash the best option to invest into?
Bitcoin is the gold standard nowadays, is the price only because of attention and interest of the general people? Did it skyrocket cause governments are in it now and they see that it's the future?
What blocks Bitcoin Cash to be the same price per coin Bitcoin is nowadays? They're so similar and what I heard of it's even better.
Is it a matter of time or did BCH just got denounced? Cause honestly Bitcoin Cash is up there and I see no reason for it not to reach 5-Digits in price minimum.
Would be nice to hear from you what real Bitcoin is | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZVpwV0J1ZmRScTBxTHFqcnlXYmdLZTZIcklySk56ZnhPZTdydjFmZFZ2NTRMMmxEdnU2QlhtdEpyMzZMdnBfbTlNSGRuclhVS09vMnhqMXAtS25uckZZaE9vcGMxR0NnazNFR1FDU1pIdTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdkgxVTJsaGktSkZ2N3N1TmZUTEp4UkNUT3hhc0F6OTJSRzR2MHZJTVVZVWxQcFZuaGIyUzYzbUpTUkZQU3U4Nzk4ajNqSXRxM2RYWXVyQ2FsZzNYOE9URXd0ckVqdnNuRFoxMFVJLUNoOTdPWWlFc19GV254M1Q0Nmxtdk0xYmFFdkdqTnM3b0ZvSmxIZEZoZVhCQ0VYUXNiU1lUVlBIQWl3WXRPMnlWYzEyTjN0TllDQWM4X0VBNkNtQ1lpLTNv |
Hi guys, I have been researching the technology behind cryptocurrency for a while now, currently hold a few bch and just had a few questions.
Does BCH stay true / similar to the original whitepaper of BTC, to be used as decentralized electronic cash? - additionally, has it been compromised at all by bad actors, as is believed to be the case with BTC and blockstream?
And does BTC have any real value / is it worth investing into, given that it can't be used as a currency due to transaction fees? The store of value argument makes 0 sense to me as value comes from purpose, so to me BTC seems useless, and is being driven up by people who know nothing about it and don't want to miss out, and the people supposedly controlling btc behind the scenes. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhd1BxTkpncThaQ0FGTXZ6dmFaM2lUdEhza3hVSDFVdHJIR1phQmpLbUIzck45VG10UnRLUFllTzItdE8zb2N1aXhyU2g1RlpEQ21iZjdPY0JLQ0VMMHdkREptWGV3UHlPSXd6eXREMFRNOWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhSlBEWmkzNFVhTHFnMnN3ZUE5TGc0YUs4aE95WWJDaS1JRWJ6Qm9YSVVrLVBEZS1xYVBuampaWkdkMDdVVXdZU2taQTNmQl9Vb3JNTVBnSXlqa0Z2aU9hbzdzYS1GcVBRMkZKV2lEMWZHY1dTR3lLVmNWb2VQNURpbHBWNmZ3QzBSQjhBYkpWTHhacENNcEZvTm82bkhmVUdieW9aTEVwMXZZUnF1anFqS0RBNFI5Ni1YRlhWblNyREE4X0t6X0JE |
I've been reading up on Roger Ver's case, and something seriously doesn’t make sense to me. The government seems to have access to private conversations he had with his lawyers, which are supposed to be protected by attorney-client privilege. You know, the whole "talk to your lawyer without worrying it'll be used against you" thing. You can read more about what that means here: [https://law.usnews.com/law-firms/advice/articles/what-are-privileged-communications](https://law.usnews.com/law-firms/advice/articles/what-are-privileged-communications)
But in the indictment, they keep citing emails between Ver and his attorneys.
For example, they mention how in 2012, Ver gave his law firm a list of assets and some exit tax calculation.
For example, they mention how in 2012, Ver gave his law firm a list of assets and some exit tax calculation.
How is that not protected? And later, there’s a conversation where he’s talking strategy with his lawyer about how to value his Bitcoin.
**Like, how did the government get their hands on these emails?**
**Was it through his lawyers?**
**Did they somehow just seize it?**
**How did they get this info?**
**Again, how are these private conversations being used in the indictment?**
**How did they get these emails?** Were they turned over by Ver or one of his attorneys, or were they secured by other methods?
Shouldn’t Ver have been able to fight this?
Does anyone know how this works? Is the government overreaching here or what’s the deal? And where’s Ver’s case at right now?
Why is there no updates?
With the release of version 1.0.13 of Haveno-Reto, I decided to switch my operating system from Mint 22 xfce to Lubuntu 24.04 (LXQt). I installed Haveno-Reto using the .deb package and restored the backup I created through the version 1.0.12 interface. But every time I start up Haveno-Reto on my freshly installed OS, the access password screen shows cropped like 1/4 of it's normal size, so I CAN NOT see the password field. My screen resolution is 1440x900. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZmQ4eG1kdnBxUkZTdHZXY2I3WEduLTd4bVc4NW5GZndpQmRBaU5TVzJ0OFZCbW9BVVpyMTMxdVpEYjdEcDF3VHRDVGFOODQxVk9zYzhfYlhuUzhYZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZ3Y1alpEZW5MRDNNQmxRMTNCOXFLT3hKbllVOHowV2d5YzhJNlJyNDhHdmIwaHZkY2d4RDBvSXhjYnU3OUNXT001R2YwRFQzemVBQ0FOSlhJYXJqWHpJZFAyM2FURVFBb1dlTXVkbUJrTlBSeVVyMVpsdDk2a3QyUl91RTVSTXg4cFdMOTFIMG43TGdnSEN1eDNjeFNlS0V2N3dkckQ5SGQyckxLcFQ5Z2YwPQ== |
- Stake roughly 50000 FIL in Filliquid
- lock up FIT 3 month, mining almost 500,000 FIG
- re-staking FIG, get earn from protocol profit by filecoin.
- withdraw all my principal to binance safely.
- After this experience, I’m positively considering continuing to mine FIG tokens.
**Part 1: Experience with Filliquid**
- **Introduction**:
- Here’s my review after using Filliquid for the past three months. If you're considering this product, this may be helpful.
- **First Impressions**:
- The APY was quite low, and all the functions were rather slow, which was inconvenient. The UI and UX felt like they only supported the minimum functionality. However, after checking the documentation and seeing that the smart contract is decentralized and verified, I decided to go ahead with Filecoin staking.
- **Usage**:
- I accessed Filliquid through [Filliquid Dapp](https://dapp.filliquid.io/en/lease?invitecode=b1LlOVfy) using MetaMask and connected my wallet. I transferred Filecoin to this wallet using Binance.
- **Features Used**:
- **Filecoin Staking**: I staked Filecoin and received FIT, which works as a receipt. This decentralized approach prevents centralized platforms from blocking my earnings. By redeeming FIT, I could view my Filecoin interest earnings.
- **FIG Farming**: The value of FIT fluctuates as storage providers (SPs) in Filliquid repay Filecoin, allowing me to mine FIG in the meantime and generate additional revenue.
- **Side Effects**:
- I didn’t experience any issues and successfully mined a total of 500,000 FIG tokens.
- **Overall Impression**:
- I’ve been monitoring the project since its testnet phase, and seeing the consistent release of new features is promising. If UI/UX improves, TVL grows, and more SPs use it, the project seems likely to continue growing. The terms provided to SPs borrowing Filecoin also seem reasonable.
**Part 2: Expected Returns with FIG Token**
- **Background**:
- FIG Token is related to the Filliquid ecosystem, and I’m interested in it for investment purposes.
- **Investment Rationale**:
- **Utility**: If FIG token offers real utility within the ecosystem, such as discounts or voting rights, it could contribute to its value growth.
- **Expected Returns**:
- **Short-Term**: Potential gains from successful exchange listings and sales of FIG tokens.
- **Long-Term**: If Filliquid establishes a strong market position, FIG could appreciate as the ecosystem expands. FIG also allows sharing in Filecoin earnings without the need for a mining device, providing dividends and a long-term revenue pipeline.
https://youtu.be/UaeSUiBvVeg?si=_1Ztz58NVpAdM_Np | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhRmpDUTgxZnh5MVAyMDQ5cEF5QW5QeVdEb3I2Y0JBWE1Sb01NamFfRkhvVl9aaDhwellmTFRYVlNXT1F1NTRJSEREVmtYNEpxQ3JqVXE2Yzlubk0tTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhc1l1SHlST3haUUFKU3pVUmFmMzJiNnVyNEFJeHNCYm55N3Y1dkpZYUxTRS1lLTN0bGpSczVtb2w0Sm9ka2ZYTXdoZ1NYR0hDdl9nTE1uank1MU9fbGV3SWI0TTlLOXdQQ2gzX2N1MTZyRXd2eFdLLU55YTFueWpLeU8tTWVsclpiSm1POVI4dmxkLWtWVFExdHFqUVlBSXU2MTdkTksyYllhZUxKa1VYWnRBPQ== |
Hello brother degens. Well essentially I got here by disregarding every basic financial/common sense safeguard and went all in daily/weekly n/otms on any slight daily sell off. I wouldn’t recommend it at all but honestly it’s none of my damn business what you do. Everyone around me is irritated that a guy making $20/hr two years ago just made a qm in 3 months and who can blame them. Stay the course. Worst thing you can do is work with some cool mf at your local Wendys plotting your next rise to glory.
Bought $RKLB calls each dip $3.50-$15
40k $13.5 - $16 $RKLB weeklies for ER
$TSLA and $BITX flips on the side
Started with an all in at $3.5c and walked with my conviction and tuned out the noise. If you asked my honest opinion, $RKLB is just getting started. I’ve been around for $AMD $TSLA $NVDA and it’s showing promising signs and an exciting future.
Closed ER play and bought $25c and will continue to pound options and shares as opportunities present themselves.
Congratulations to the $RKLB bulls that just launched out of the deep dark trenches 🚀 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhX3VDU1o5cTY4clVWVzBabDdXTl8yODc5V0doRGtzQWp1QmVLaG16aTlaYnpBc3B0c0RyU1RDbDdKTWI3bkZsamJGS25Sd1laUHpjVm5obmpwc1lRSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYUttc2p4X29BUHBwRWZWbzBoY25WQ09Eb2hPYkJpeXBsZXp4WE01RTFTYU95N2lsR0Y1eFFhS0FKaXF3UVhpQ3VPSVZDUFRmb1pCeFRjVDgyMkFQVmJrTTF6d2I5TGR2ZlIwLVp6UnNoQzJueTcxNHh6Vk1oZUtCUUhtOWlGZWpEaXVxcUN4TlNzVzlMTHpFcmRxUkdYSm9tNWR5Q2ZucC11czdRa1JGeGhBPQ== |
Edit: Ticker TXRH , position 1 Call June 25 2025, $200 Strike
So I've been watching Texas Roadhouse since June of this year. Why? Well, my wife and I love to go and eat here, and we noticed an interesting trend. No matter if we were in Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina, or anywhere else, Texas Roadhouse is literally packed from opening (which is around 4:30 PM most days) to 10 PM (I think) most nights. When I mean packed, people will be parking on the grass and everywhere.
Seeing this, it made me start thinking, "Is this a traded company?" The answer? Yes. So I began to look at the fundamentals of cash, debt, profit, and more.
They have no debt, $200 million +/- in cash, a quarterly gross of around 16% +/-, nearly $7 million +/- in revenue per store, opening 30 new locations, and they also own Bubba's 33s and Jaggers (never been there because we don't have any near us). They were also up on net income by 33%, revenue by 13%, and up between 13-30% +/- on everything else.
Go to Texas Roadhouse on any day of the week and see how busy they are. If they keep growing, making more money, and keeping their prices low (which they are notoriously cheap compared to anywhere else if you want a steak), I would not doubt if they acquire other businesses and grow to a $50 billion market cap.
A competitor, which is Darden, is only a $19 billion +/- market cap, $200 million +/- in cash, but $1.3 billion +/- in long-term debt, and only $5.3 million +/- in per store revenue.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZm9pYUhaSWdDcW90d3BwdHVGY0lCTTNsbUxpRG1hYkt6eFV0VXlyQm5NN0hDbmswWjN4eHpfaTdPclpEdEdGdTZXSjFSczd0WHVRNW9UbjhKNmE2ekY5ZjcwWms1LWx2TE9Bei1MTzdJZzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWUlnZ3ByR1gwT0lPVkVKR3Eyb25FeHV6ZDdZTkhJUjlOWWota3hoY2dkdFZ1Qzc3NWJnWjhrSVBid3FPUlJTVl92UWV1ckxRcmRFRzlJOWJfYjZja3d1Zld5NUktWEFBUGUzOHFvVDlsWHRnb0VMUGQ2dHktOFpHR2ltUHRHdHFvRmxhZzlGbnFMSzhobUVDclQzVHB0b2p1TUJ3UGJuNnRMa2lfN05ERnQ0VExCX0dQMTYxWENGRUl4dVh3Q3N0 |
I thought this a remarkable event:
An unknown miner, with string 'rWGFYS' in coinbase, orphaned a block 6min47s after it was first published, seemingly by extending a different chain on top of 872047 .
Order of events:
2024-11-13T14:55:35Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000001961e63529ad04a3b247d64ef211a05eaa15e968d0ba7b6 height=872047 version=0x26708000 log2_work=89.139276 tx=403843063 date='2024-11-13T14:55:39Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.8MiB(3620txo)
2024-11-13T15:01:12Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000007cbdd9773a42e2bb8800296e17e435d586b321eb85a3b4 height=872048 version=0x32000000 log2_work=89.139281 tx=403843152 date='2024-11-13T15:00:35Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.9MiB(3947txo)
2024-11-13T15:07:59Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000001961e63529ad04a3b247d64ef211a05eaa15e968d0ba7b6 height=872047 version=0x26708000 log2_work=89.139276 tx=403843063 date='2024-11-13T14:55:39Z' progress=0.999999 cache=0.9MiB(3898txo)
2024-11-13T15:07:59Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000007519b67ab39ad235328bc28e47fe5bbd8c973b171c372b height=872048 version=0x25630000 log2_work=89.139281 tx=403843161 date='2024-11-13T15:01:10Z' progress=0.999999 cache=0.9MiB(4116txo)
2024-11-13T15:07:59Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000002555250f55c39de1d03b7bec2a01999b06891d1dae3de41 height=872049 version=0x20a00000 log2_work=89.139285 tx=403843261 date='2024-11-13T15:07:50Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.9MiB(4288txo)
It might be interesting, if anyone has the original 872048, to see what changed or whether the replacement (98 txs) was strictly a transactional superset of the older one (89 txs).
After finding a source for the replaced original block's data, I could confirm that
- the orphaned block contains a miner signature pointing to Nicehash as origin
- the new block by the unknown miner/pool is a transactional superset, containing all txs from the old block and the following 9 additional txs (of course the coinbase txs differ and are not included in this):
_tip of the hat to CTOR which makes it easier to get a diff of txs :-p_ | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhcDYtWFBpNG9ZYWpsa28yYi1pTXhlb19mdW5NdGpVd1dEbXhoUUp4a3BpaHc0blNYTnpoTkhOVjhnVnRURTlkeVRxMDZGQWQybk91eEFZdHl5UlVUS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaGxMLTJPUGppLVZGZU95VVdTYlN1UkxBcWZQMkZ5NWctTW02YjJDMVQ4ZzlCNnJjUUVXSGM1Y2plQ1RsdlNZWjJfVFpMOFlfckVkenB5VlR5eC01SmJqdVlWMnhEV2U5azU0dHVNNGxYVjJWZVZTNktPekNHNTlXRE5UV3dWeWpHc3NYUDJRQWRDb25OSnplc0llOERraFM4RVFXd2hrWU14TjNYa1pFc3VxeHNxZzQ2U2xwSmMzSmNtSGwwdHFW |
To add onto this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1gp44kh/why\_you\_should\_not\_worry\_buying\_ath/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1gp44kh/why_you_should_not_worry_buying_ath/)
Which has garnered the attention of 70,000+ people. The idea is to not worry about buying an ATH into a clear bull market with a higher uptrend. Since posting, BTC has gained around 10% and alts varying, but higher.
Obviously each week that goes by, less and less gains will be achievable.
I believe BTC will form at the 100K for psychological reasons and then money will flow to ETH/SOL.
**"The best time to plant a tree was yesterday, the second best time is now". DCA and forget :)** | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNFpxaDBQSWZMbHhYbzh0WUxvQ3JzU1A4R2w1d2lPbktTS0MtZUpTRVJYYWZOQkZMT0RRR0taUzdmeTk0SmVSb08teklOSlh2Z21NX3BKc0kwVG9xc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNWlQZ3FDUkNaRFhPUjFrTUxhQjNQb2R6X3RMNGhQNmwtaW10ZDl4bUgyQ1RDQURsaEtmdzhuOFA0dVAzVzdGQWdleW5vWmc2LVhKYk1xLW9qQXE3dkJ2bzhfT2pjREMxTFh6VlA5Rzl1WjdLYWFkcDFsa0NpV0FuWUJ2MVJLNjJUazljSUhDbC1tVG4xcHFQYUtER1dsYWhBUnJUejZGdFFUSEtjTUU3UzRGalJFU2JwTGk3NmpiQ3VRRFNMTnl1VWJVMWNta0ZOUXhWajhxYjg1YmRpZz09 |
Posted here 3 months ago with my RKLB gains, safe to say we have gone up a bit more. What was 108k of rklb positions in June now is worth 1.2 million.
Current positions and dates purchased.
1/17/25 5.5c on 6/7/24
1/16/26 10c on 3/1/24
12/18/26 10c on 8/21/24
22k shares being accumulated since 2022 averaged at $6
A bit of history. Thanks to you absolute degenerate morons I got into options during Covid, like a lot of you. Lost a bunch of money buying weekly spy puts with that one super degen guy, forget his handle. Posted a novel here on shorting spy.
Anyway, through losing a lot of money and occasionally making money I got a good idea of how it works and in 2022 I got a brilliant idea, use the same yolo tactics but on a company I actually understand in a segment I understand(it’s not brilliant, it’s common sense) As a space nerd I thought all of the options were complete trash(rip Astra) until Rocket Lab started acquiring satellite component companies and saw what they were going for. A space company that will make money through vertical integration with big DoD options opening in the near future. Started buying shares then, and then buying leaps when they were down into the 4’s knowing a lot of potential catalyst were on the horizon in 23 and 24. It’s worked! The options in the photo were rolled over from previous positions(except for the 5.5 call, fucking insanity) and some earlier calls I hit on(in previous post) were sold and bought shares with it.
Thank you degens, now I gotta figure out wtf to do with this | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhSGFKbEpvVnU2SU9IVUtaQ0NBd3pqOEFnSkF6Nkw2eXNzbG1LbFA2TkhoREwwUnF1RzhvVjhOOXpZVnJWVW1vLW95a1ZtbmEyNks5aVdGYldWM1c1bkxMRVFqQTV3d2NqZ3d4QURibUN6MW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhZGN1dG41UmFCcjE1M1hMV2ZKbjRlRWdmblRHN2xROFdBQktIWWc4NDJ1UTZNNG9TS1VQZHRra2NKTVpNSzBBVzRPR3VNbjNnc29Qa0xxX0M4UGREWmgtdXBRcVhmcXpqRS15T0s3ZlBIUldPbkhlbzEwRmVzelZ4RWhUSzFXSjZneUxaV3ozQ0Ffdi1IZU54eE13ajl4aWdJZ1VLdlpQbXpFQmY4eDY2WTVzPQ== |
You could argue that it's happening right now, but I'm talking in a scale that we saw in 2021, where even actual monkeys made 5x on their investments. right now very specific coins (and meme coins) are pumping, 80% of alts are 60-90% below their 2021 ATH, and BTC keeps pumping like crazy.
do you think this time will be different? BTC will keep pumping to 100k(+-), everyone will sell and the market will dump hard and that will be it for this run?
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYmZNN29nMDk5bkVENVpIM0JLNmNPaDdDLVNJbW1kc3BYX280ZmNqOTZXb3dRak94LWFmOEFNdm43OU1ZS05lUGZJX2hzV1RZV0RLNEh3WEQ4QjB2NmVzSHlTSFJubEdnWmdjak1lRHZjdVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVl9aNF9CdEV6TmtYSHVMMjZJMmlIR01iVTRobENkcF8xSDJzN2Z3cXhVQ0lhZ2pOVWludnNtX3RIOXNHdHo0UkNPQ2gwd3k1amMtd2VUWFNBdXppRWstMVRaQm9xV0hZVUVYdXpDQlBzTDJaMmRoT1Zyck5NT2JFdk9jWmRNcGpsaWNZNklfSXFIM09aNnJOM1o0NWk1V01JU3JHbFBDR0p5ei1NdDM2OERyUWVLd0dzZXVnUlhXdU9tVTBZYjVuSlZnU2ZEMUNDakdoclJEQ2E2bVhTZz09 |
Im looking for a way to convert my wTAO bought from a DEX (Uniswap) to native TAO since i cant actually stake my wTAO, what is the best place for it?
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdy1LZDBjRjVaU0pCUjRpamdkbVFFbXFycW96Zmtxekh1d3NRSjFWbjRKalhLOC1TOHh2UWJFMi1pS1h0ZXJvWUxuNktVOW03c0xCcHlFN28yc3J1UVVQWVhmMk5SaEFENC03QVUwb01nakU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhV2c2UV9WakdfdWpVYUpjUjV4RXVBWEs1VDdpQmhzcUZ5alB0S1h6S0NpX1U5cXNfUVhSMUlsZ29hLXp3ZXE0eFNyN0Jham9MZGpFQlZuTXZfRnFNMmlyaXNRdlgxQmNGMmlyQnBzcW9rUVkxVDNmc1hTTDVJeEVON1JfT2V1M3BiTUhRWnFBbGhsUWNMa3JTd3hjdlBRSnhyN18zV2pCVmdOUjlaRVZHMHc4Z2Z6LVo2ZlBFU0xKNmc1NDVaWDIx |
Hey everyone, I been in the crypto markets since 2020 at the end of last bull & through the bear market
Just want to tell everyone , this is the beginning of a good phase , scoop up some alts & start accumulating btc if your new. Don’t go all in because it will have opportunities to back track to cool down
Learn trading & always remember , even if you only made $1. It’s still 1 more dollar that you didn’t have before. Emotions & greed will make you lose money. Patience & not being greedy won’t. Good luck & change your life around a little. Learn learn learn | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhUmMyWXhlQ0ZoX3FFbGZKem9abmtHbHoyTGlFaEplbEZBY1lHRlFlTUV2bU9lb3NOdnJ1UjA2SVk1YktHdzZ0LWVzT3paeUdjYVpqdEhXODRNZjFlci15QjVUY3ZrZ3A3NGxEdldlYU5uVHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhXzRrZGpYR2xPelhLUGltWnVGUXNhQldpVkszenFuNlZvbjNlNXp2aWtCeEVRTDhtRlotbmdzNmp5MlN1ZnRlTFNRVnctTkVGajZHdGYzTk1vS2ZGUWNGc1V6TUszNXlQM0JtbnFpSXJEN2ZaN0djWFN5WWFQbnRlN3B6RFNJcWh1TWtEb0tvODl6NjRtNWNoZlAtMHBYNnZnbkhFejFXX1M2X2xNWVR6cm44PQ== |
Something that truly concerns me is the likelihood of we be heading the ltc way.
For those not acquainted with litecoin trajectory , as the “silver to bitcoin gold” and slowly fading away to a less and less important coin, project, very little to no contributor at all on its GitHub directory.
This latest (and current) btc rally I have seen btc go from 65k to 93k
While we (just like ltc) have barely moved at all.
The btc/ltc , just like the btc/bch gap keeps widening, to the point we don’t even represent 0.5% of btc price nowadays, it’s really really sad.
Now I’m not saying we are going to have the same end , however it does look like a Deja VU from what I witnessed on ltc, and that scares me.
What you guys think ?
I’d appreciate insights on our current status as a coin.
Thanks. 🙏 | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhQUVLUVJxc0dub0ZvNFBVNXhmRTI1WHN1YkFoNWFzYmdKMW5GeXB2TmVuS1FWLWczc1hlZTJxbDdaNThWRWVJZFNwRE5ZaUxXbUdfNXVXRkZfbEs5ekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhUjdNTUFPOGV5MjJTOE15aTVMbFpMd2hkX1phRjRvVnMyVk5GS1N3aVVLbkFQZ1lBX2M3Z3AwU3pvcE1TLWtPNlRxUzh1WTRzUXpRSHFyZk03R1VmVU0yNVMyemFySmxxM3dYQkZlMW1seDdjSUN0UTBWaVVtM3huc1ZYYjJTVTM0WUlkZDhENGVPdFYzajBXcWhsWDRjU3BVYWViaVV5Rk8xRHJhMGFVek5FPQ== |
Running simple mode on the GUI and tried to send a very small test transaction. (I know running your own node is recommended and important).
The fee came up as over 3 XMR!
Had to switch the public node several times before the fee came up as normal. Is there a way to see exactly which remote nodes one is connected to when running on simple mode? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhSUZJZ2RvZ0VzeDlGdXQ2YnY1SFZodGgwTkY1d0VqdDhWZXlHN0ttNnNFV29fTGpVcXBvTzZzcC1RT1c2QjhmZW1LU29QMEJBajFMVmFjbVpCMFg3VTRXVk9vYTlHYzZ6QzJockZLWHpRRFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVnlGdHM0VHRqNzBkNzdhUDdNdTltZkE5WnBLbEZuMXlLQ2NCcEZ4V2RtZTJEVl9kcGd5bHhWOGVmSHdMRjd6Tkd5VGl1SDBRcjJieUVfWWc1QUUwUDBBZllseHlYSHhWVERQNktxLWowM3RzWElNM29EMzk1MEJEa1dDN0hSdWFVeWVheHE1V2pnS0tfZmRCckRqTjg1THJVaGJFU2Itczl3V2pZUU5Qb2lZPQ== |
Since I’m quite late to the cryptocurrency game, I’m eager to buy but want to do so at a favourable price. Right now, it doesn’t seem profitable to buy at the current rates. Should I consider looking into altcoins instead or wait for Bitcoin to drop to around 68K to 70K? Do you think this kind of price dip is likely to happen? Maybe this December? the recent "Trump pump" just a temporary effect? Many people predict a rise to 100 to 120 million in value next year, but I suspect it might decrease once Trump is in office for after few months. What do you think, especially in light of potential Trump policies? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhaXg5cDFvZFhqQkZ3Qk1CenJWZm92c0RDT2xfS0x0RVp5UGUxRHdWZHhNUTJIa0g2djZua2ZHUFpRajdMYVZWUkFWbEtpcXpGXzMxeGp2LXdZQ1JrejBPa24yajg0MS1WbmxEYWdwVW9BQ0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhSDJKZURVZEo3X0Z6WGUycW5fRTRuSkhEelMtUEVRSHo0MGN3XzhDalh4WkxoSnk5VUFZRlFlMy03RC1RMmhlWlgzcWJNZVJrOUJ1ZG1SeExqMnhISVhnMnpIRFFuSmhTRWowaG1oT0hqOXBzVHBHdktrY0o1eUotLWh4U2k4b1FFOHBkNDdoTDZEaTVuZG1FUUtMemNQc0ZzcGtQRWR6UWZuZkczWjFBVTZBeGRvbmVGNktqWEFlUm5kUjFENFE0ZlpyN3JmUlBIaFZMSlRwUzNNQ25KQT09 |
I'd like to present several points that contradict the prevailing opinion on AML and, more generally, state regulatory actions toward traditional (morally outdated) public blockchains such as Bitcoin, as opposed to those improved by modern cryptography, such as Monero.
1. Users of open, outdated, blockchains, such as Bitcoin, are at risk of losing their funds if their assets are deemed "tainted" by AML services or government.
2. Following from the first point, **the more Bitcoin's supply is marked by AML or government agencies as suspicious (or subject to confiscation), the better it is for Monero**. People will have no choice but to get rid of their now unwanted coins, selling them for next to nothing.
3. As a consequence of the previous point, the Bitcoin blockchain will "slow down" and get bogged down, as every transaction will need AML scrutiny—not just from large institutions, but from regular users as well. This will reduce transaction volume (and therefore miner profits) and increase distrust and animosity between users of the outdated blockchains.
4. Consequently, these outdated blockchains will become increasingly toxic, with users fearing to send transactions or risk receiving "dirty" Bitcoins.
5. As a further outcome, **a bad actor could deliberately send "tainted" Bitcoins, those linked to money laundering or criminal activity, to a target's address, thereby triggering an AML check and turning the victim's access to their funds into a bureaucratic nightmare**, similar to the current banking requirement to prove one's innocence if suspicious funds are received.
None of the above scenarios can occur with a private blockchains. The only viable escape route for disillusioned Bitcoin investors will be to transfer their assets into Monero.
And this is where swap services like Haveno and Serai really begin to shine.
**Monero traders will be able to set prices based not on the speculative fiat market, but according to the AML score of the Bitcoin offered in exchange.** The higher the AML score, the higher the price for Monero to swap.
If we formalize this theory, Monero’s price will increase as more addresses on Bitcoin and other outdated blockchains are marked as "dirty" with high AML scores.
`P_XMR = k * (N_dirty / A_BTC) * S_AML`
***P\_{XMR}*** = Monero's price
***N\_{dirty}*** = Number of "dirty" or high-AML-score Bitcoin addresses
***A\_{BTC}*** = Total Bitcoin supply
***S\_{AML}*** = Aggregated AML score for Bitcoin, indicating overall "dirtiness" in Bitcoin’s supply
***k*** = A constant representing the demand sensitivity for Monero as Bitcoin "dirtiness" increases
The higher the ratio **N\_{dirty} / A\_{BTC}**, the more Bitcoin addresses are marked as "dirty," which theoretically boosts demand for Monero as a clean, private alternative.
In conclusion (or ***TL;DR***), as the Monero community, we should not oppose or be negative toward AML and government regulation (which would only decrease Monero demand)—we should support it and actively help Bitcoin become more AML-friendly. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlheFZyWS1ERmx3U0VxWjEyX3ZFMVMtME9ySnh5YWpYbE5MRnRlTVA5R1VqVUJXYXBqWnpQSTNRNllveEJudUZuck11Rjl2SXFFR0lLSGN0Nk5NTjJKRlRVYjVwWFBCSW1KZU9rS09fYnlOc0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhWFc0Q1YtV0owdFlBaHRRZDlWd2pMX0dPc2NnRFlrN1lUSFZsN3ZxbVVtRzVJMy1XRVpIR3F0UWFsclJENkdoSTRoUUtvellwakpJT1FFR3RrSFdYeTNTSkhEWUxwUnhIN2lpOHk4cDJTVU53UWh0UDRaT0tEUjdOcW5JeWxNc25IT0RqOTNuNmJ3eTFON0hFUWRmakFFaGVoeXRqc1ZhcXhxZldXMFVRbVBKSEFlTVZxUHFJb0JqTXZja3NWaFpsMlRXR3lPWEFWV1FmUDdHZEVYLTlIZz09 |
Trump wins presidency and BTc tops 92k. Etc can’t even go past $25. We’re actually dumping hard too like wtf. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhbUpFVEdzZU9MQ1luTjFLZ2poUGdHNURaSjhMa3FweXZCRFRLRXlFQzhrSzFJS0czSDh5NHQzV0c3RXVGUmpoTGVuYTRkWHI3bE1CLXhwMTFHZklONTF4cU1UbkN5RjY0LTc5MFVGODk1eXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhY1F6RHl4RHdab0g5N2ZaZFZFVEFEQjJidXczMUVNVXhrck43bkN2elJscmxyMnNzMF91T1VCS2V4WlpDRVQ0VDZFQjZNd0tHdXVIS25qQ3hyUS1zcjV2M1F0VmZrSE9zZE04aTN5dUc0MXlfTWdsTGZQazFnRHlDOHJGa3pCTk9PX2s5OVdBRFVfZy1ya3gxWGdabzlWUkpZbmIyN2plZ0g1UnU0TGxxTkhUTk9jM0ZydGdGTFdsTTlUWVdiNXRX |
He'll wait until it's $ETC's turn to pop, and just as it does he'll announced converting his ETC trust into an ETF. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhckxOR3U5N2lQNm9nZ1lpX1NldVNMQ2Q3a09wYk1NaWNqcGwyRzkxVzBoQUtlSjBnNU1LV3c2cHN2bm1sbVdoWUE1djNXOG9FTzZaWWpjbTdEa3doOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVGZ0RUZQTzQwd2tsRFFyQUFOV096VEM4bXBCX3VaT3ZnbzlOajZWal9ZSkttbUVyTm01Wk84bHhaYjQ3UmR1NEdPS1ltbk9NN3RyYUNLMXY4cEdGb2JKR2VHM3Y5VzdHOU5YcDRjX09ZdTBrZlA3cXBKSVY1ZVFIN2VDQXI5LVBSYUdTNkNyS2s1WHplNy12eXlmTGh1b0lvbmllMDhHamdzeVZFb0NOUjBsQW9PRVE4bUdwSG5hdmJ4c2Z2bFdKRm44UmpwZnJTbFNTS0k2b1RJX2dQdz09 |
Hey guys some big astrological events are going on. Starting on Nov. 19, 2024 Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, where it will stay through Jan. 19, 2044. The last time this happened was the American Revolution (1775–1783) and the beginning of the French Revolution (1789) were defining events. Both revolutions emphasized ideals of liberty, equality, and challenging monarchies and traditional power structures.
Pluto (power & transformation) meeting Aquarius (innovation & rebellion) is showing us exactly what's happening right now. X is evolving beyond traditional media as we're seeing in real time with Elon, and crypto is absolutely going crazy as it represents true financial freedom. Trump understands and supports crypto because he sees it's the future and America needs to get on board with this global financial revolution.
The way Pluto in Aquarius represents decentralization and disruption of old systems is playing out perfectly with crypto right now. We're watching this massive transformation in how people view and use money, with crypto adoption accelerating and traditional financial structures being challenged.
But overall, this transit emphasizes themes of equality, freedom, and collective empowerment, meaning that the digital landscape may see major shifts. For example, there could be movements toward open-source technology, the decentralization of social media platforms, and an increased focus on community ownership
TLDR; invest in Crypto and AI and ur gonna be fuck you rich in 2044 when we look back to the start of it cause Elon is gonna make it mainstream and soon its gonna be globally used on a much larger scale based off how shit is looking rn | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhc09Mc1U4bFBLT0VKUG9rVXRZNlQteExIT09ZaDVZelhxOE1JUnVLT2w1WURvSXVWbTJjZlZvUnhhV1dKRDNUb1hKTy01WFJ3NGU4LVhJZUV4WnNSb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhOGttLXlKUDhYc0s4NmE1cldwQ2hUckNUV1hBaDFJUm5TeUd3SjROamJ5RExNNjZ2b2JncGEzYV9CWGlZLXhkeTFYYlpheThJa1FrWVdvQTFPM2dHNTAzWldQU2Zwb0Fja0lLWmxlTy1fUG0tX2dWY3V2bjFtcFRlcmprdGpKZl9CMXRDMHlQV3lsdTRqalY5dG5pSW1Fd1FXV1pLTk5EcGZlcmVuQS16YUZsbjNHbUxwa3lrd05pRElJWXd1NHFfd21xWVRyTVVtU2FfMzZWZ001cDBJQT09 |
I need a solution to buy TAO though decentralized options and stake it straight after that, anybody has the recommended place for it? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVDM3eG1ZanczSDRfZUtzQ251WUlMWGpCdEt6dFFUY19NZWJLc3dRdXgtVFdEd1JwRE94VU81R3pHT3BjMWZaSnVpejBUZEFiQndIUklJV3B4X3V0c2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhNEl6dnpRSE5kZk9mdXIyVmZYM2NyajVBcTVLOFVPSVB5Y1FkY1dyTGlHQ3FDcXdOcXZhQktvWm8zWXBoZVZWUFVaUTFsU19ha2dWQWx1OHQzTm9HY3NZdkc3WEJDYTZ3UFZWRGVHaHV4YkxYVVE5ekxTSDNsNlp4a3I2UU13NmJXN2xNX0FtNWxMTTFmZS04RlVGOGhMUG91QURaTVZlVmpUZlFja29lSk5sYWNqZ3lxZkstdm5WbjgwTnNSVGlW |
Changelly has been holding my funds for over 2 months, i swapped eth for monero on their exchange and they asked for a KYC. The kyc was completed very quickly around 2 days after they asked, but still have not refunded my exchange . No matter how much I ask for an update they just reply with the same copy and pasted messages like im talking to a chatbot.
After further looking into this I have found this is a pretty common situation and I was just wondering if you guys have any advice or have seen anyone say how they got their money back. I have completed kyc showing my identity and where the funds I swapped came from.
I've used changelly before and had no issues which is why I am confused as to why this is happening now. Whenever I ask support via email to reply with a real response and not the few bot like responses they send me , they stop replying.
I have also since checked the transaction and it appears they sent my money out of the wallet without paying me a penny to "hitbtc" | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhMkVjZkdBdVFMRkcwV0ViblFKT2xlUlJVek9LRDV0WmtsSkhqNjRoYWdVSmhXeTJ0YmttNmRudXpPbVpuTUV0ZXRNZEN1V3R6MEltMF9Cc2dGTkVObnFnWkh2Vzl3OEZsTWo4Vk93SUtvcTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhVmhKREt2bDN1OVl4a09jTVZjZXVkVjBZUXN2Zm1xWTVVX25FVGx6WEtib3RYQ1Zac1RZTWxFUDBLNGF6UmNEd05fMndqQ2V5SWtnX19tQy1aNm5kRGpUaDlqZlZqMERlWkhTbHdiRmpVbnAyMnBqY0hCZ3Zyd3RHMDFtSVB3Mk9uRkZiREZtc2R3d1d3MWhUX0FjdnN5eDgyMnNKN3ZFbVdfT2VSc2wtd09wR2hkNG0wS1BSNDMySVZNNC1JWVYy |
**We’ve Faced Tough Challenges as a Community**
Major CEXs have delisted Monero, limiting accessibility and reducing exposure. While promising projects like Haveno have emerged, they haven’t yet built the strong, circulating economy Monero truly needs. The market still dictates the price, and right now, we’re seeing more volume selling low than buying high.
It’s a reality we can’t ignore - but it’s also an opportunity to grow.
**Lessons from The Richest Man in Babylon**
In The Richest Man in Babylon, Arkad teaches us that true wealth isn’t just what’s in the vault - it’s the principles of trust, wisdom, and reputation that create lasting value.
Now think about Satoshi. His main project's strength isn’t just in its code or vaults - it’s rooted in trust and decentralization. Monero shares these same principles: privacy, security, and autonomy. But Arkad’s lesson reminds us that principles alone aren’t enough. To create real, lasting value, we need action.
**1. Action > Talk**
For Monero to thrive, we must actively build its adoption and economy. Part of that is listing at higher prices, which reflects confidence in Monero’s value and invites bigger players to take notice.
Sure, there’ll always be traders looking to cash out quickly by selling lower than market value - but that’s not the point. The point is to set an invitation for bigger players to see how much supply volume they can absorb to shift the market value window.
Higher prices don’t mean pricing people out - they mean showcasing Monero’s worth, which drives market analysis, liquidity and adoption. So, if you buy two, hold one and list one at the price you believe it can reach on platforms like Haveno-Reto or other DEX platforms.
But we also need to balance this with accessibility. Higher prices should reflect Monero’s growing utility and liquidity, not just speculation. We must foster adoption by improving Monero’s ease of use and providing feedback to the community to ensure the tools meet user needs.
**2. Adoption Starts with Design**
The backend of Monero is brilliant, but let’s face it - the design journey for adopting and using DEXs isn’t attractive to most traders yet. Simplifying the process of buying, using, and trading Monero will unlock its potential for mainstream adoption.
A better user experience combined with strong fundamentals is how we grow Monero’s economy, making it both accessible and valuable.
**3. Marketing Matters**
We also need to spread Monero’s message in ways that resonate. TikTok, memes, and influencers might sound gimmicky - but they work. Look at Dogecoin - it started as a joke but became a cultural phenomenon with the right marketing push.
Imagine what Monero could achieve with a well-crafted narrative that highlights its privacy and decentralization.
Marketing doesn’t have to compromise Monero’s principles. It’s about making those principles relatable and inspiring, inviting a wider audience into the ecosystem.
Monero reflects the wisdom of The Richest Man in Babylon: trust, autonomy, and resilience are at its core. To thrive, we need to act. Let’s balance confidence with accessibility by listing higher, simplifying adoption, and amplifying Monero’s promise to the world.
The stronger and more vibrant the Monero ecosystem becomes, the closer we get to building real wealth and independence for everyone. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhdXZ1YVJybnZSNVRJSzRUY0M3MFdHTXVoaW5mbDNOay1IdkwtUUtNVC1Ec1FBOHRvOHlON2p2ejBYTWpnZVNNelFOazJjbWRjaTVDbzNvZ1BwZFR0RHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhT2MzaW9ZR3NDdUlfa0djVVZYamxsNWRhOHpXOWVFeV91NEd2MkhtYkFybWNEYXlScmZUQnp3X1FJVFgwRlI0cWZkQ1lPV2VHem91a1NrSE1XOVlhNEZJOWRFeC1uel9fSUpHS0lzMXg2eTJjWmFValpZcDJhSnRmMTctYnpvVThaTkNuVmdwc0dfTWYyVWI5ZFIyU1loOGJFYV9HbHRJUDU5N0x6c19iSDlsTUJvZVV2amdOalg4QllaU1FRRUppNm9HX2QybDFXVHlORUZMTFo1a041dz09 |
[The crypto industry has feuded with Gensler and the SEC throughout the Biden administration, arguing that the agency has failed to provide clear rules of the road and has instead regulated crypto via enforcement. According to the Blockchain Association, the Securities and Exchange Commission's various legal actions against the crypto industry have collectively cost crypto firms $426 million since 2021 to litigate. Industry executives have long criticized the regulatory agency's lack of coherent digital asset policy as the biggest hurdle developers face in the United States.](https://cointelegraph.com/news/18-us-states-file-lawsuit-against-sec-gary-gensler) | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhYVB6azFsN2k5WTdxSWhwVWt5emlxMjBISXVVaUdWU2dvcmhabmczRU1KNTNJSWNxZWRycFdmQzVWeHNEczcwLTJrVEFlanl3OTNGZWxTeHZ1dnVZMmtSVUZ4SDVQMkN4WEN2OVIyT1p0ZlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UTnlhLXdIRk1KMHljeG1RT3NYMGY3UUFFcDVOYXVEWW85T3ZOYzFMT2Z2X0pIelZaM3ViX3NjVDd1X3JaVE5XcXlQdXVtdWo2aktoNkFHYURuNEs4a0o5OXVNWW9KaTBidnhhaU1HRWFncGNDaW80TkRhUFB2MnBHaFUzTFBjTXV3N280Tm9Pem15LXY5ZjRfVDZoRGF3ZXdObENsT1ZHbnlncFUwR2NkNnBWR2VkVE9sX2tFR3FfanFIRUVKbEFJT1VJM3Q5eVdod1pLOHR4VU1DRWhCd0RiUT09 |