class label
4 classes
Sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature, and certainly not on CO2.
[ { "evidence_id": "Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum:98", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum", "evidence": "This depth depends on (among other things) temperature and the amount of CO 2 dissolved in the ocean.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:203", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "The Atlantic is set to warm at a faster pace than the Pacific.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:3", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "This acceleration is due mostly to human-caused global warming, which is driving thermal expansion of seawater and the melting of land-based ice sheets and glaciers.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:68", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "The heat needed to raise an average temperature increase of the entire world ocean by 0.01 °C would increase the atmospheric temperature by approximately 10 °C.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:69", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Thus, a small change in the mean temperature of the ocean represents a very large change in the total heat content of the climate system.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed.
[ { "evidence_id": "Australia:1011", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Australia", "evidence": "\"Australia's extreme heat is sign of things to come, scientists warn\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Australia:136", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Australia", "evidence": "According to the Bureau of Meteorology's 2011 Australian Climate Statement, Australia had lower than average temperatures in 2011 as a consequence of a La Niña weather pattern; however, \"the country's 10-year average continues to demonstrate the rising trend in temperatures, with 2002–2011 likely to rank in the top two warmest 10-year periods on record for Australia, at 0.52 °C (0.94 °F) above the long-term average\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Australia:137", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Australia", "evidence": "Furthermore, 2014 was Australia's third warmest year since national temperature observations commenced in 1910.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Australia:141", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Australia", "evidence": "January 2019 was the hottest month ever in Australia with average temperatures exceeding 30 °C (86 °F).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Australia:226", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Australia", "evidence": "Australia has grown at an average annual rate of 3.6% for over 15 years, in comparison to the OECD annual average of 2.5%.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
climate models have overestimated the amount of global warming and failed to predict what climatologists call the warming ‘hiatus’.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate:115", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "These models predict an upward trend in the global mean surface temperature, with the most rapid increase in temperature being projected for the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climatology:51", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climatology", "evidence": "These models predict an upward trend in the surface temperatures, as well as a more rapid increase in temperature at higher latitudes.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:108", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Uncertainty over feedbacks is the major reason why different climate models project different magnitudes of warming for a given amount of emissions.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:143", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The 2017 United States-published National Climate Assessment notes that \"climate models may still be underestimating or missing relevant feedback processes\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:300", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Additional disputes concern estimates of climate sensitivity, predictions of additional warming, what the consequences of global warming will be, and what to do about it.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Climate scientists say that aspects of the case of Hurricane Harvey suggest global warming is making a bad situation worse.
[ { "evidence_id": "Effects of global warming:167", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Effects of global warming", "evidence": "The effects of climate change, in combination with the sustained increases in greenhouse gas emissions, have led scientists to characterize it as a climate emergency.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Hurricane Harvey:1021", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Hurricane Harvey", "evidence": "\"It's a fact: climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadly\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Hurricane Harvey:292", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Hurricane Harvey", "evidence": "The Gulf of Mexico is known for hurricanes in August, so their incidence alone cannot be attributed to global warming, but the warming climate does influence certain attributes of storms.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Hurricane Harvey:294", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Hurricane Harvey", "evidence": "Weather events are due to multiple factors, and so cannot be said to be caused by one precondition, but climate change affects aspects of extreme events, and very likely worsened some of the impacts of Harvey.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Hurricane Harvey:996", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Hurricane Harvey", "evidence": "\"Storm Harvey: impacts likely worsened due to global warming\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
according, again, to the official figures—during this past 10 years, if anything, mean global temperature, average world temperature, has slightly declined.
[ { "evidence_id": "2000s (decade):628", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "2000s (decade)", "evidence": "The global temperature kept climbing during the decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Global warming is the long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:146", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Between 1993 and 2017, the global mean sea level rose on average by 3.1 ± 0.3 mm per year, with an acceleration detected as well.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:22", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Currently, surface temperatures are rising by about 0.2 °C per decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Most likely the primary control knob on climate change is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change (general concept):29", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate change (general concept)", "evidence": "These include processes such as variations in solar radiation, variations in the Earth's orbit, variations in the albedo or reflectivity of the continents, atmosphere, and oceans, mountain-building and continental drift and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change (general concept):430", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate change (general concept)", "evidence": "\"Episodic fresh surface waters in the Eocene Arctic Ocean\".", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change and ecosystems:44", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate change and ecosystems", "evidence": "Alterations to the ocean currents, due to increased freshwater inputs from glacier melt, and the potential alterations to thermohaline circulation of the worlds oceans, may affect existing fisheries upon which humans depend as well.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change denial:266", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change denial", "evidence": "United States Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, in a 19 June 2017 interview with CNBC, acknowledged the existence of climate change and impact from humans, but said that he did not agree with the idea that carbon dioxide was the primary driver of global warming pointing instead to \"the ocean waters and this environment that we live in\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Mediterranean Sea:131", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Mediterranean Sea", "evidence": "Because of the short residence time of waters, the Mediterranean Sea is considered a hot-spot for climate change effects.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Global warming' is a myth — so say 80 graphs from 58 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in 2017.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climatic Research Unit email controversy:84", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climatic Research Unit email controversy", "evidence": "The Independent Climate Change Email Review report was published on 7 July 2010.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global cooling:99", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global cooling", "evidence": "Academic analysis of the peer-reviewed studies published at that time shows that most papers examining aspects of climate during the 1970s were either neutral or showed a warming trend.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming controversy:215", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming controversy", "evidence": "The highly publicised figures came from work still undergoing peer review, and CICERO would wait until they had been published in a journal before disseminating the results.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:314", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "His 1861 paper proposed changing concentrations of these gases could have caused \"all the mutations of climate which the researches of geologists reveal\" and would explain ice age changes.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:749", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Müller 2010; The New York Times, 25 May 2015; UNFCCC: Copenhagen 2009. openDemocracy, 12 January 2010; EUobserver, 20 December 2009.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
global warming ceased around the end of the twentieth century and was followed (since 1997) by 19 years of stable temperature.
[ { "evidence_id": "20th century:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "20th century", "evidence": "The 20th (twentieth) century was a century that began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "20th century:6", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "20th century", "evidence": "The average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880; Two-thirds of the warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15-0.20 °C per decade.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:146", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Between 1993 and 2017, the global mean sea level rose on average by 3.1 ± 0.3 mm per year, with an acceleration detected as well.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:366", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The period from 1983 to 2012 was likely the warmest 30-year period of the last 1400 years in the Northern Hemisphere, where such assessment is possible (medium confidence).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:41", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "An example of such an episode is the slower rate of surface temperature increase from 1998 to 2012, which was dubbed the global warming hiatus.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Doubling the concentration of atmospheric CO2 from its pre-industrial level, in the absence of other forcings and feedbacks, would likely cause a warming of ~0.3°C to 1.1°C.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change feedback:16", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change feedback", "evidence": "The higher CO2 levels led to an additional climate warming ranging between 0.1° and 1.5 °C.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate sensitivity:13", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate sensitivity", "evidence": "Without feedbacks the radiative forcing of approximately 3.7 W/m2, due to doubling CO 2 from the pre-industrial 280 ppm, would eventually result in roughly 1 °C global warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate sensitivity:88", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate sensitivity", "evidence": "Neglecting other forcings and considering the temperature increase to be an equilibrium increase would lead to a sensitivity of about 1.1 °C (2.0 °F).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:58", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Increased concentrations of gases such as CO 2 (~20%), ozone and N 2O are external forcing on the other hand.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Permian–Triassic extinction event:13", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Permian–Triassic extinction event", "evidence": "Further evidence for environmental change around the P–Tr boundary suggests an 8 °C (14 °F) rise in temperature, and an increase in CO 2 levels by 2000 ppm (for comparison, the concentration immediately before the industrial revolution was 280 ppm, and the amount today is about 410 ppm).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
more than 100 per cent of the warming over the past century is due to human actions.
[ { "evidence_id": "Kyoto Protocol:20", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Kyoto Protocol", "evidence": "The view that human activities are likely responsible for most of the observed increase in global mean temperature (\"global warming\") since the mid-20th century is an accurate reflection of current scientific thinking.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:150", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8 °C (1.5 °F) over the past 140 years.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:459", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said the likelihood was 90 percent to 99 percent that emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, spewed from tailpipes and smokestacks, were the dominant cause of the observed warming of the last 50 years.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:69", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:77", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), and secondarily the clearing of land, have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, and other heat-trapping (\"greenhouse\") gases in the atmosphere...There is international scientific consensus that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
I would not agree that carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to the global warming that we see.
[ { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:229", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "Cumulative anthropogenic (i.e., human-emitted) emissions of CO 2 from fossil fuel use are a major cause of global warming, and give some indication of which countries have contributed most to human-induced climate change.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:69", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scott Pruitt:133", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scott Pruitt", "evidence": "On March 9, 2017, in an interview on CNBC's Squawk Box, Pruitt stated that he \"would not agree that\" carbon dioxide is \"a primary contributor to the global warming that we see\" backing up his claim by stating that \"measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there's tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, "SUPPORTS" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scott Pruitt:387", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scott Pruitt", "evidence": "In March 2017, Pruitt said that he does not believe that human activities, specifically carbon dioxide emissions, are a primary contributor to climate change, a view which is in contradiction with the scientific consensus.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, "SUPPORTS" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scott Pruitt:9", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scott Pruitt", "evidence": "Pruitt rejects the scientific consensus that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are a primary contributor to climate change.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, "SUPPORTS" ] } ]
no one really knows if last year 2016 was a global temperature record.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Global warming is the long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Ice age:68", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Ice age", "evidence": "This allows a temperature record to be constructed.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "James Hansen:203", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "James Hansen", "evidence": "But we know the last time the world was 2 degrees warmer, sea level was 6 meters or 20 feet higher.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "James Hansen:456", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "James Hansen", "evidence": "\"Breaking global temperature records after Mt.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
the U.S. is shattering high temperature records far more frequently than it is shattering low temperature records.
[ { "evidence_id": "Georgia (U.S. state):97", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Georgia (U.S. state)", "evidence": "The highest temperature ever recorded is 112 °F (44.4 °C) in Louisville on July 24, 1952, while the lowest is −17 °F (−27.2 °C) in northern Floyd County on January 27, 1940.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Ice core:176", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Ice core", "evidence": "At lower temperatures, the difference is more pronounced.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "San Francisco:181", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "San Francisco", "evidence": "The lowest recorded temperature was 27 °F (−3 °C) on December 11, 1932.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "U.S. state and territory temperature extremes:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "U.S. state and territory temperature extremes", "evidence": "The following table lists the highest and lowest temperatures recorded in the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the 5 inhabited U.S. territories during the past two centuries, in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "U.S. state and territory temperature extremes:2", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "U.S. state and territory temperature extremes", "evidence": "record low of 40°F in 1911 in Aibonito and 1966 in San Sebastian in Puerto Rico), only the most recent date is shown.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:52", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Scientists have determined that the major factors causing the current climate change are greenhouse gases, land use changes, and aerosols and soot.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:134", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists within the global scientific community that human activities are the main source of climate change and that the burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:5", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human activities (primarily greenhouse gas emissions) are the primary cause.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:653", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "AIBS Position Statements \"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
The Earth’s climate is changing in response to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and particulate matter in the atmosphere, largely as the result of human activities.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate:114", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "The most talked-about applications of these models in recent years have been their use to infer the consequences of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily carbon dioxide (see greenhouse gas).", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Earth:173", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Earth", "evidence": "Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone are the primary greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:48", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "increased concentrations of greenhouse gases), solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions, and variations in the Earth's orbit around the Sun.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:52", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Scientists have determined that the major factors causing the current climate change are greenhouse gases, land use changes, and aerosols and soot.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:59", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs, and nitrous oxide.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
Research has found a human influence on the climate of the past several decades ...
[ { "evidence_id": "Attribution of recent climate change:3", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Attribution of recent climate change", "evidence": "According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it is \"extremely likely\" that human influence was the dominant cause of global warming between 1951 and 2010.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Attribution of recent climate change:81", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Attribution of recent climate change", "evidence": "Like the warming \"signal\" that has gradually emerged from the \"noise\" of natural climate variability, the scientific evidence for a human influence on global climate has accumulated over the past several decades, from many hundreds of studies.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:117", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "This report explicitly endorses the IPCC view of attribution of recent climate change as representing the view of the scientific community: The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:18", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human influence on the climate system is clear.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:723", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The available evidence suggests very strongly that human activities have already begun to make significant changes to the earth's climate, and that the long-term risk of delaying action is greater than the cost of avoiding/minimising the risk.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
The IPCC (2013), USGCRP (2017), and USGCRP (2018) indicate that it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-twentieth century.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:279", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The scientific consensus as of 2013[update], as stated in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, is that it \"is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:5", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report concluded, \"It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:127", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Since the mid-20th century, most of the observed warming is \"likely\" (greater than 66% probability, based on expert judgement) due to human activities.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:190", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "It is extremely likely (95-100% probability) that human influence was the dominant cause of global warming between 1951-2010.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:37", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "These, together with other anthropogenic drivers, are \"extremely likely\" (where that means more than 95% probability) to have been the dominant cause of the observed global warming since the mid-20th century.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Earth's changing climate is a critical issue and poses the risk of significant environmental, social and economic disruptions around the globe.
[ { "evidence_id": "Effects of global warming:0", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Effects of global warming", "evidence": "The effects of global warming or climate damage include far-reaching and long-lasting changes to the natural environment, to ecosystems and human societies caused directly or indirectly by human emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Effects of global warming:246", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Effects of global warming", "evidence": "A 2013 study found that significant climatic changes were associated with a higher risk of conflict worldwide, and predicted that \"amplified rates of human conflict could represent a large and critical social impact of anthropogenic climate change in both low- and high-income countries.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global catastrophic risk:221", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global catastrophic risk", "evidence": "Climate change refers to a lasting change in the Earth's climate.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:569", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth's physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sustainability:225", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sustainability", "evidence": "Analysis of consumption patterns relates resource use to the environmental, social and economic impacts at the scale or context under investigation.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Human activities (mainly greenhouse-gas emissions) are the dominant cause of the rapid warming since the middle 1900s (IPCC, 2013).
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:217", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Over the last three decades of the twentieth century, gross domestic product per capita and population growth were the main drivers of increases in greenhouse gas emissions.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:59", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs, and nitrous oxide.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:187", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:5", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human activities (primarily greenhouse gas emissions) are the primary cause.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Scientists have known for some time, from multiple lines of evidence, that humans are changing Earth’s climate, primarily through greenhouse gas emissions.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:52", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Scientists have determined that the major factors causing the current climate change are greenhouse gases, land use changes, and aerosols and soot.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:459", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said the likelihood was 90 percent to 99 percent that emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, spewed from tailpipes and smokestacks, were the dominant cause of the observed warming of the last 50 years.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:69", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:77", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), and secondarily the clearing of land, have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, and other heat-trapping (\"greenhouse\") gases in the atmosphere...There is international scientific consensus that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities.
[ { "evidence_id": "Holocene extinction:39", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Holocene extinction", "evidence": "In order to constitute the Holocene as an extinction event, scientists must determine exactly when anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions began to measurably alter natural atmospheric levels on a global scale, and when these alterations caused changes to global climate.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Nature:415", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Nature", "evidence": "\"Tropical Ocean Warming Drives Recent Northern Hemisphere Climate Change\".", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:130", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The introduction includes this statement: There is strong evidence that the warming of the Earth over the last half-century has been caused largely by human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use, including agriculture and deforestation.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, "SUPPORTS" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:50", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Most of the global warming since the mid-20th century is very likely due to human activities.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, "SUPPORTS" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:565", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "American Physical Society Climate Change Policy Statement, November 2007 \"Emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities are changing the atmosphere in ways that affect the Earth's climate.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, "SUPPORTS" ] } ]
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global issue:135", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global issue", "evidence": "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:346", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "IPCC AR5 WG1 Summary for Policymakers 2013, p. 4: Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:4", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "While there have been prehistoric periods of global warming, many observed changes since the mid-20th century have been unprecedented over decades to millennia.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:187", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Conclusions of AR5 are summarized below: Working Group I \"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:16", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Its conclusions are summarized below: \"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, and sea level has risen.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:146", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Between 1993 and 2017, the global mean sea level rose on average by 3.1 ± 0.3 mm per year, with an acceleration detected as well.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:29", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Further examples include sea level rise, widespread melting of snow and land ice, increased heat content of the oceans, increased humidity, and the earlier timing of spring events, such as the flowering of plants.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:347", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased \"Myths vs. Facts: Denial of Petitions for Reconsideration of the Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:391", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "\"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:49", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report stated that: Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as evidenced by increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, the widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Climate change is due to cosmic rays.
[ { "evidence_id": "CLOUD experiment:2", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "CLOUD experiment", "evidence": "The primary goal is to understand the influence of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) on aerosols and clouds, and their implications for climate.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change (general concept):114", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change (general concept)", "evidence": "It has been postulated that ionized particles known as cosmic rays could impact cloud cover and thereby the climate.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Henrik Svensmark:1", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Henrik Svensmark", "evidence": "He is known for his theory on the effects of cosmic rays on cloud formation as an indirect cause of global warming.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Henrik Svensmark:118", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Henrik Svensmark", "evidence": "\"Cosmic rays blamed for global warming\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Henrik Svensmark:58", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Henrik Svensmark", "evidence": "They also found that galactic cosmic rays, and total solar irradiance did not have any statistically significant influence on changes in cloud cover.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Sea level rise due to global warming is exaggerated.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:146", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Between 1993 and 2017, the global mean sea level rose on average by 3.1 ± 0.3 mm per year, with an acceleration detected as well.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:3", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "This acceleration is due mostly to human-caused global warming, which is driving thermal expansion of seawater and the melting of land-based ice sheets and glaciers.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:51", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "This is an important confirmation of climate change simulations which predicted that sea level rise would accelerate in response to global warming.", "entropy": 1.0397207736968994, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "SUPPORTS" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:78", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Under the influence of global warming, melt at the base of the ice sheet increases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level:4", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level", "evidence": "However, 20th century and current millennium sea level rise is presumed to be caused by global warming, and careful measurement of variations in MSL can offer insights into ongoing climate change.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] } ]
Medieval Warm Period was warmer than the climate warming today.
[ { "evidence_id": "Medieval Warm Period:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Medieval Warm Period", "evidence": "The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum, or Medieval Climatic Anomaly was a time of warm climate in the North Atlantic region lasting from c. 950 to c. 1250.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Medieval Warm Period:36", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Medieval Warm Period", "evidence": "study found warmth exceeding 1961–1990 levels in Southern Greenland and parts of North America during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (defined in the study from 950 to 1250) with warmth in some regions exceeding temperatures of the 1990–2010 period.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Medieval Warm Period:37", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Medieval Warm Period", "evidence": "Much of the Northern Hemisphere showed significant cooling during the Little Ice Age (defined in the study from 1400 to 1700), but Labrador and isolated parts of the United States appeared to be approximately as warm as during the 1961–1990 period.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Medieval Warm Period:6", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Medieval Warm Period", "evidence": "It is thought that between c. 950 and c. 1100 was the Northern Hemisphere's warmest period since the Roman Warm Period.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Medieval Warm Period:66", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Medieval Warm Period", "evidence": "They also found that the warming during the 10–14th centuries in some regions might be comparable in magnitude to the warming of the last few decades of the 20th century, which was unprecedented within the past 500 years.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle.
[ { "evidence_id": "Arctic ice pack:1", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic ice pack", "evidence": "The Arctic ice pack undergoes a regular seasonal cycle in which ice melts in spring and summer, reaches a minimum around mid-September, then increases during fall and winter.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic ice pack:5", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Arctic ice pack", "evidence": "As well as the regular seasonal cycle there has been an underlying trend of declining sea ice in the Arctic in recent decades.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic oscillation:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic oscillation", "evidence": "The Arctic oscillation (AO) or Northern Annular Mode/Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode (NAM) is a weather phenomenon at the Arctic poles north of 20 degrees latitude.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic:220", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic", "evidence": "\"Arctic cut-off high drives the poleward shift of a new Greenland melting record\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic:95", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic", "evidence": "The current Arctic warming is leading to ancient carbon being released from thawing permafrost, leading to methane and carbon dioxide production by micro-organisms.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere has little to no effect.
[ { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:192", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "Increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO 2 and other long-lived greenhouse gases such as methane, nitrous oxide and ozone have correspondingly strengthened their absorption and emission of infrared radiation, causing the rise in average global temperature since the mid-20th century.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:292", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "Conversely, a rise in the partial pressure of CO 2 or a lower pH will cause offloading of oxygen from hemoglobin, which is known as the Bohr effect.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:153", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations have led to an increase in dissolved CO2, which causes ocean acidification.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:58", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Increased concentrations of gases such as CO 2 (~20%), ozone and N 2O are external forcing on the other hand.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:131", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "Future warming is projected to have a range of impacts, including sea level rise, increased frequencies and severities of some extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, and regional changes in agricultural productivity.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Human CO2 is a tiny fraction of CO2 emissions.
[ { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:185", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "Human activities emit about 29 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, while volcanoes emit between 0.2 and 0.3 billion tons.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:203", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "The oceans act as an enormous carbon sink, and have taken up about a third of CO 2 emitted by human activity.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:109", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "In the modern era, emissions to the atmosphere from volcanoes are approximately 0.645 billion tonnes of CO 2 per year, whereas humans contribute 29 billion tonnes of CO 2 each year.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:133", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "Land use change (mainly deforestation in the tropics) account for up to one third of total anthropogenic CO 2 emissions.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:234", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "The estimate of total CO 2 emissions includes biotic carbon emissions, mainly from deforestation.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas.
[ { "evidence_id": "Atmospheric methane:1", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Atmospheric methane", "evidence": "Atmospheric methane concentrations are of interest because it is one of the most potent greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:39", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "The oxidation of methane can produce both ozone and water; and is a major source of water vapor in the normally dry stratosphere.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Natural gas:217", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Natural gas", "evidence": "Natural gas is thus a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide due to the greater global-warming potential of methane.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Water vapor:110", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Water vapor", "evidence": "Water vapor is the most potent greenhouse gas owing to the presence of the hydroxyl bond which strongly absorbs in the infra-red region of the light spectrum.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Water vapor:6", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Water vapor", "evidence": "Being a component of Earth's hydrosphere and hydrologic cycle, it is particularly abundant in Earth's atmosphere where it is also a potent greenhouse gas along with other gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Polar bear numbers are increasing.
[ { "evidence_id": "Polar bear:280", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Polar bear", "evidence": "The numbers taken grew rapidly in the 1960s, peaking around 1968 with a global total of 1,250 bears that year.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Polar bear:308", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Polar bear", "evidence": "In two areas where harvest levels have been increased based on increased sightings, science-based studies have indicated declining populations, and a third area is considered data-deficient.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Polar bear:311", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Polar bear", "evidence": "In 2010, the 2005 increase was partially reversed.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Polar bear:404", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Polar bear", "evidence": "Warnings about the future of the polar bear are often contrasted with the fact that worldwide population estimates have increased over the past 50 years and are relatively stable today.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Polar bear:61", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Polar bear", "evidence": "Of the 19 recognized polar bear subpopulations, one is in decline, two are increasing, seven are stable, and nine have insufficient data, as of 2017.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
There's no empirical evidence for climate change.
[ { "evidence_id": "Biodiversity:309", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Biodiversity", "evidence": "Climate change has proven to affect biodiversity and evidence supporting the altering effects is widespread.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change (general concept):66", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Climate change (general concept)", "evidence": "... there is a strong, credible body of evidence, based on multiple lines of research, documenting that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Science:153", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Science", "evidence": "Natural science is concerned with the description, prediction, and understanding of natural phenomena based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Skepticism:63", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Skepticism", "evidence": "A scientific or empirical skeptic is one who questions beliefs on the basis of scientific understanding and empirical evidence.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Skepticism:7", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Skepticism", "evidence": "Scientific skepticism concerns testing beliefs for reliability, by subjecting them to systematic investigation using the scientific method, to discover empirical evidence for them.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
We're coming out of the Little Ice Age.
[ { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:341", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "This means that it is a very cold continent where water is mostly in the form of ice.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Captain America: The First Avenger:145", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Captain America: The First Avenger", "evidence": "Producer Avi Arad said, \"The biggest opportunity with Captain America is as a man 'out of time', coming back today, looking at our world through the eyes of someone who thought the perfect world was small-town United States.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Captain America: The First Avenger:146", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Captain America: The First Avenger", "evidence": "Sixty years go by, and who are we today?", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Captain America: The First Avenger:162", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Captain America: The First Avenger", "evidence": "... We have to deal with much the same way that Captain America, when thawed from the Arctic ice, entered a world that he didn't recognize,\" similar to the way Stan Lee and Jack Kirby reintroduced the character in the 1960s.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Summit Series:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Summit Series", "evidence": "The Summit Series, or Super Series (in Russian Суперсерия СССР — Канада; Superseriya SSSR — Canada), known at the time simply as the Canada–USSR Series, was an eight-game series of ice hockey between the Soviet Union and Canada, held in September 1972.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
2009-2010 winter saw record cold spells.
[ { "evidence_id": "Cold wave:115", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Cold wave", "evidence": "Overall it was the coldest winter since 1978–79, with a mean temperature of 1.5 °C (34.7 °F).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Cold wave:117", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Cold wave", "evidence": "It was the coldest winter and longest cold spell for thirty years in the United Kingdom, whilst temperatures in the Italian Alpine peaks reached low to an extreme of −47 °C (−52.6 °F).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Winter:108", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Winter", "evidence": "In Europe, the winters of early 1947, February 1956, 1962–1963, 1981–1982 and 2009–2010 were abnormally cold.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Winter:122", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Winter", "evidence": "In the United States, a record five-week cold spell bottomed out at −20 °F (−29 °C) at Hartford, Connecticut, and −16 °F (−27 °C) in New York City.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Winter:141", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Winter", "evidence": "2011 was one of the coldest on record in New Zealand with sea level snow falling in Wellington in July for the first time in 35 years and a much heavier snowstorm for 3 days in a row in August.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Climate change is because of El Niño.
[ { "evidence_id": "El Niño:6", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "El Niño", "evidence": "The ENSO cycle, including both El Niño and La Niña, causes global changes in temperature and rainfall.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "El Niño:71", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "El Niño", "evidence": "El Nino affects the global climate and disrupts normal weather patterns, which as a result can lead to intense storms in some places and droughts in others.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Humboldt Current:68", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Humboldt Current", "evidence": "These two species experience population shifts related to climate changes and environmental events such as El Niño.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "La Niña:224", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "La Niña", "evidence": "\"El Niño in a changing climate\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "La Niña:232", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "La Niña", "evidence": "\"The impact of global warming on the tropical Pacific Ocean and El Niño\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Climate change is because of Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change (general concept):12", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate change (general concept)", "evidence": "Examples include variability in ocean basins such as the Pacific decadal oscillation and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate system:408", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate system", "evidence": "\"Externally Forced and Internally Generated Decadal Climate Variability Associated with the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate system:84", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate system", "evidence": "Examples of this type of variability include the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, the Pacific decadal oscillation, and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate variability:57", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate variability", "evidence": "the Pacific decadal oscillation – The dominant pattern of sea surface variability in the North Pacific on a decadal scale.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Pacific decadal oscillation:0", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Pacific decadal oscillation", "evidence": "The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is a robust, recurring pattern of ocean-atmosphere climate variability centered over the mid-latitude Pacific basin.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory.
[ { "evidence_id": "Second law of thermodynamics:262", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Second law of thermodynamics", "evidence": "The theory of classical or equilibrium thermodynamics is idealized.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Second law of thermodynamics:288", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Second law of thermodynamics", "evidence": "Loschmidt's paradox, also known as the reversibility paradox, is the objection that it should not be possible to deduce an irreversible process from the time-symmetric dynamics that describe the microscopic evolution of a macroscopic system.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Second law of thermodynamics:301", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Second law of thermodynamics", "evidence": "The recurrence theorem may be perceived as apparently contradicting the second law of thermodynamics.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Second law of thermodynamics:320", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Second law of thermodynamics", "evidence": "If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations – then so much the worse for Maxwell's equations.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Second law of thermodynamics:42", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Second law of thermodynamics", "evidence": "Carnot's original arguments were made from the viewpoint of the caloric theory, before the discovery of the first law of thermodynamics.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Clouds provide negative feedback.
[ { "evidence_id": "Cloud:338", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Cloud", "evidence": "Broadly speaking, if clouds, especially low clouds, increase in a warmer climate, the resultant cooling effect leads to a negative feedback in climate response to increased greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Cloud:339", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Cloud", "evidence": "But if low clouds decrease, or if high clouds increase, the feedback is positive.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Negative feedback:135", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Negative feedback", "evidence": "A basic and common example of a negative feedback system in the environment is the interaction among cloud cover, plant growth, solar radiation, and planet temperature.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Negative feedback:7", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Negative feedback", "evidence": "One such feedback system is the interaction between solar radiation, cloud cover, and planet temperature.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Tropical cyclone:134", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Tropical cyclone", "evidence": "This effect results in a negative feedback process that can inhibit further development or lead to weakening.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Sea level rise predictions are exaggerated.
[ { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:10", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "A conservative estimate of the long-term projections is that each Celsius degree of temperature rise triggers a sea level rise of approximately 2.3 meters (4.2 ft/degree Fahrenheit) over a period of two millennia: an example of climate inertia.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:187", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "More recent research, especially into Antarctica, indicates that this is probably a conservative estimate and true long-term sea level rise might be higher.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:322", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "\"Scientists keep upping their projections for how much the oceans will rise this century\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:51", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "This is an important confirmation of climate change simulations which predicted that sea level rise would accelerate in response to global warming.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:8", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "For example, in 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected a high end estimate of 60 cm (2 ft) through 2099, but their 2014 report raised the high-end estimate to about 90 cm (3 ft).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Methane is the only cause of climate change.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:52", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Scientists have determined that the major factors causing the current climate change are greenhouse gases, land use changes, and aerosols and soot.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:77", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "If this energy balance is shifted, Earth's surface becomes warmer or cooler, leading to a variety of changes in global climate.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:78", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "A number of natural and man-made mechanisms can affect the global energy balance and force changes in Earth's climate.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Methane:120", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Methane", "evidence": "Climate change can increase atmospheric methane levels by increasing methane production in natural ecosystems, forming a Climate change feedback.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Methane:361", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Methane", "evidence": "\"Tackling Climate Change Through Livestock\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
They changed the name from 'global warming' to 'climate change'.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change adaptation:0", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change adaptation", "evidence": "Climate change adaptation (CCA) is a response to global warming (also known as \"climate change\" or \"anthropogenic climate change\").", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:1428", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "\"Reduction in surface climate change achieved by the 1987 Montreal Protocol\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:1828", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "\"Assessing dangerous climate change through an update of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 'reasons for concern'\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:337", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In technical sources, the term climate change is also used to refer to past and future climate changes that persist for and extended period of time, and includes regional changes as well as global change.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:709", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "NASA's Global Climate Change.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Solar Cycle Length proves its the sun.
[ { "evidence_id": "Axial precession:237", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Axial precession", "evidence": "(the angle between the equatorial plane and the ecliptic plane) is the maximum value of δ for the Sun and the average maximum value for the Moon over an entire 18.6 year cycle.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017:259", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017", "evidence": "The metonic series repeats eclipses every 19 years (6939.69 days), lasting about 5 cycles.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sun:166", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sun", "evidence": "Because energy transport in the Sun is a process that involves photons in thermodynamic equilibrium with matter, the time scale of energy transport in the Sun is longer, on the order of 30,000,000 years.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sun:286", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sun", "evidence": "The oscillation in the Z direction takes the Sun ( W ( 0 ) ν ) 2 + Z ( 0 ) 2 = 98  parsec {\\displaystyle {\\sqrt {\\left({\\frac {W(0)}{\\nu }}\\right)^{2}+Z(0)^{2}}}=98{\\text{ parsec}}} above the galactic plane and the same distance below it, with a period of 2 π / ν {\\displaystyle 2\\pi /\\nu } or 83 million years, approximately 2.7 times per orbit.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sun:293", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sun", "evidence": "At this speed, it takes around 1,190 years for the Solar System to travel a distance of 1 light-year, or 7 days to travel 1 AU.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
IPCC overestimate temperature rise.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Global warming is the long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "IPCC Third Assessment Report:12", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "IPCC Third Assessment Report", "evidence": "The TAR estimate for the climate sensitivity is 1.5 to 4.5 °C; and the average surface temperature is projected to increase by 1.4 to 5.8 Celsius degrees over the period 1990 to 2100, and the sea level is projected to rise by 0.1 to 0.9 metres over the same period.", "entropy": 1.0986123085021973, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:230", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Under the pledges of the countries entering the Paris Accord, a sharp rise of 3.1 to 3.7 °C is still expected to occur by 2100.", "entropy": 1.0397207736968994, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:686", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "\"Sea level rise 'under-estimated'\".", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:719", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "On the basis of available data, climate scientists are now projecting an average global temperature rise over this century of 2.0 to 4.5°C.", "entropy": 1.0986123085021973, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Southern sea ice is increasing.
[ { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:1046", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "\"A 40-y record reveals gradual Antarctic sea ice increases followed by decreases at rates far exceeding the rates seen in the Arctic\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:396", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "Models also suggest that the ozone depletion/enhanced polar vortex effect also accounts for the recent increase in sea ice just offshore of the continent.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic Ocean:122", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Arctic Ocean", "evidence": "The mean extent of the ice has been decreasing since 1980 from the average winter value of 15,600,000 km2 (6,023,200 sq mi) at a rate of 3% per decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Eocene:116", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Eocene", "evidence": "During the cooling period, benthic oxygen isotopes show the possibility of ice creation and ice increase during this later cooling.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Eocene:86", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Eocene", "evidence": "Any ice growth was slowed immensely and would lead to any present ice melting.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Sea level rise is decelerating.
[ { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:139", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Over the 21st century, this is expected to rise, with glaciers contributing 7 to 24 cm (3 to 9 in) to global sea levels.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:2", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "More precise data gathered from satellite radar measurements reveal an accelerating rise of 7.5 cm (3.0 in) from 1993 to 2017, which is a trend of roughly 30 cm (12 in) per century.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:3", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "This acceleration is due mostly to human-caused global warming, which is driving thermal expansion of seawater and the melting of land-based ice sheets and glaciers.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:308", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "More importantly, the GMSL curve shows a net acceleration, estimated to be at 0.08mm/yr2.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:5", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Climate scientists expect the rate to further accelerate during the 21st century.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Humans are too insignificant to affect global climate.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:6", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The largest human influence has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Holocene extinction:39", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Holocene extinction", "evidence": "In order to constitute the Holocene as an extinction event, scientists must determine exactly when anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions began to measurably alter natural atmospheric levels on a global scale, and when these alterations caused changes to global climate.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Human impact on the environment:0", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Human impact on the environment", "evidence": "Human impact on the environment or anthropogenic impact on the environment includes changes to biophysical environments and ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources caused directly or indirectly by humans, including global warming, environmental degradation (such as ocean acidification), mass extinction and biodiversity loss, ecological crisis, and ecological collapse.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Human:119", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Human", "evidence": "Humans have had a dramatic effect on the environment.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Human:121", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Human", "evidence": "Currently, through land development, combustion of fossil fuels, and pollution, humans are thought to be the main contributor to global climate change.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Phil Jones says no global warming since 1995.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:1428", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "\"Reduction in surface climate change achieved by the 1987 Montreal Protocol\".", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:21", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Multiple independently produced instrumental datasets confirm that the 2009–2018 decade was 0.93 ± 0.07 °C warmer than the pre-industrial baseline (1850–1900).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:253", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The Framework Convention was agreed on in 1992, but global emissions have risen since then.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:811", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "10–14 Tyndall 1861.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Hockey stick controversy:175", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Hockey stick controversy", "evidence": "He said there had probably been no global warming since the 1940s, and \"Satellite data show no appreciable warming of the global atmosphere since 1979.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Arctic sea ice loss is matched by Antarctic sea ice gain.
[ { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:1026", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "\"Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses\".", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, "SUPPORTS" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:357", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "This ice sheet is constantly gaining ice from snowfall and losing ice through outflow to the sea.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic:18", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic", "evidence": "The Arctic is affected by current global warming, leading to Arctic sea ice shrinkage, diminished ice in the Greenland ice sheet, and Arctic methane release as the permafrost thaws.", "entropy": 1.0397207736968994, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic:88", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic", "evidence": "The effects of global warming in the Arctic include rising temperatures, loss of sea ice, and melting of the Greenland ice sheet.", "entropy": 1.0397207736968994, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea ice:208", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea ice", "evidence": "\"Antarctic ice shelf disintegration triggered by sea ice loss and ocean swell\".", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] } ]
Solar cycles cause global warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "Earth:315", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Earth", "evidence": "There is a scientific consensus linking human activities to global warming due to industrial carbon dioxide emissions.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:218", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "CO2 emissions are continuing to rise due to the burning of fossil fuels and land-use change.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:303", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In general, since the 2010s, global oil companies do not dispute that climate change exists and is caused by the burning of fossil fuels.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Solar cycle:606", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Solar cycle", "evidence": "\"Cosmic Rays and Global Warming\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Over 31,000 scientists signed the OISM Petition Project.
[ { "evidence_id": "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism:60", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism", "evidence": "Critics have noted that of the 105 \"scientists\" listed on the original 2001 petition, fewer than 20% were biologists, with few of the remainder having the necessary expertise to contribute meaningfully to a discussion of the role of natural selection in evolution.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Art Robinson:26", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Art Robinson", "evidence": "The OISM website states that \"several members of the Institute's staff are also well known for their work on the Petition Project\", and that the petition has \"more than 31,000\" signatures by scientists.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Art Robinson:27", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Art Robinson", "evidence": "Robinson asserted in 2008 that the petition has over 31,000 signatories, with 9,000 of these holding a PhD degree.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Oregon Petition:22", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Oregon Petition", "evidence": "As of 2013, the petition's website states, \"The current list of 31,487 petition signers includes 9,029 PhD; 7,157 MS; 2,586 MD and DVM; and 12,715 BS or equivalent academic degrees.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Project Steve:49", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Project Steve", "evidence": "During the four-day drive A Scientific Support For Darwinism And For Public Schools Not To Teach Intelligent Design As Science gathered 7733 signatures of verifiable scientists.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Less than half of published scientists endorse global warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:2", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Nearly all publishing climate scientists (97–98%) support the consensus on anthropogenic climate change, and the remaining 3% of contrarian studies either cannot be replicated or contain errors.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:266", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "97% of the scientists surveyed agreed that global temperatures had increased during the past 100 years; 84% said they personally believed human-induced warming was occurring, and 74% agreed that \"currently available scientific evidence\" substantiated its occurrence.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:282", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "76 out of 79 climatologists who \"listed climate science as their area of expertise and who also have published more than 50% of their recent peer-reviewed papers on the subject of climate change\" believed that mean global temperatures had risen compared to pre-1800s levels.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:837", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Scientists Reach 100% Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
A drop in volcanic activity caused warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "1257 Samalas eruption:133", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "1257 Samalas eruption", "evidence": "Sea surface temperatures too decreased by 0.3–2.2 °C (0.54–3.96 °F), triggering changes in the ocean circulations.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:48", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "increased concentrations of greenhouse gases), solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions, and variations in the Earth's orbit around the Sun.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum:154", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum", "evidence": "Volcanic eruptions of a large magnitude can impact global climate, reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface, lowering temperatures in the troposphere, and changing atmospheric circulation patterns.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum:184", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum", "evidence": "Further, methane is a potent greenhouse gas as it is released into the atmosphere, so it causes warming, and as the ocean transports this warmth to the bottom sediments, it destabilizes more clathrates.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Triassic–Jurassic extinction event:84", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Triassic–Jurassic extinction event", "evidence": "Massive volcanic eruptions, specifically the flood basalts of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), would release carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide and aerosols, which would cause either intense global warming (from the former) or cooling (from the latter).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Plant stomata show higher and more variable CO2 levels.
[ { "evidence_id": "Photosynthesis:248", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Photosynthesis", "evidence": "Plant species with the greatest photosynthetic rates and Kranz anatomy showed no apparent photorespiration, very low CO2 compensation point, high optimum temperature, high stomatal resistances and lower mesophyll resistances for gas diffusion and rates never saturated at full sun light.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Stoma:117", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Stoma", "evidence": "Stomatal density and aperture (length of stomata) varies under a number of environmental factors such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, light intensity, air temperature and photoperiod (daytime duration).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Stoma:125", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Stoma", "evidence": "These studies imply the plants response to changing CO2 levels is largely controlled by genetics.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Stoma:126", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Stoma", "evidence": "The CO2 fertiliser effect has been greatly overestimated during Free-Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiments where results show increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere enhances photosynthesis, reduce transpiration, and increase water use efficiency (WUE).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Stoma:128", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Stoma", "evidence": "Rates of leaf photosynthesis were shown to increase by 30–50% in C3 plants, and 10–25% in C4 under doubled CO2 levels.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Tuvalu sea level isn't rising.
[ { "evidence_id": "Tuvalu:442", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Tuvalu", "evidence": "Because of the low elevation, the islands that make up this nation are vulnerable to the effects of tropical cyclones and by the threat of current and future sea level rise.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Tuvalu:466", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Tuvalu", "evidence": "Tuvalu is also affected by perigean spring tide events which raise the sea level higher than a normal high tide.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Tuvalu:471", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Tuvalu", "evidence": "Tuvaluan leaders have been concerned about the effects of rising sea levels.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Tuvalu:484", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Tuvalu", "evidence": "Gradual sea-level rise also allows for coral polyp activity to increase the reefs.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Tuvalu:493", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Tuvalu", "evidence": "Mean sea-level rise is projected to continue (very high confidence).", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Renewables can't provide baseload power.
[ { "evidence_id": "Base load:35", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Base load", "evidence": "\"Supplying Baseload Power and Reducing Transmission Requirements by Interconnecting Wind Farms\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Geothermal gradient:41", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Geothermal gradient", "evidence": "Generating electrical power from geothermal resources requires no fuel while providing true baseload energy at a reliability rate that constantly exceeds 90%.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Renewable energy:362", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Renewable energy", "evidence": "EGS and HDR technologies, such as hydrothermal geothermal, are expected to be baseload resources which produce power 24 hours a day like a fossil plant.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Wind power:171", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Wind power", "evidence": "about 8% of total nameplate capacity) to be used as reliable, baseload electric power which can be relied on to handle peak loads, as long as minimum criteria are met for wind speed and turbine height.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Wind power:825", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Wind power", "evidence": "\"Supplying Baseload Power and Reducing Transmission Requirements by Interconnecting Wind Farms\" (PDF).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] } ]
Ice Sheet losses are overestimated.
[ { "evidence_id": "Ice sheet:26", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Ice sheet", "evidence": "The Greenland, and possibly the Antarctic, ice sheets have been losing mass recently, because losses by ablation including outlet glaciers exceed accumulation of snowfall.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Ice sheet:28", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Ice sheet", "evidence": "The IPCC projects that ice mass loss from melting of the Greenland ice sheet will continue to outpace accumulation of snowfall.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Ice sheet:29", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Ice sheet", "evidence": "Accumulation of snowfall on the Antarctic ice sheet is projected to outpace losses from melting.", "entropy": 1.0986123085021973, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850:273", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850", "evidence": "Between 2000 and 2016, 29 % of the glacierized area was lost, the remaining area estimated at around 1,300 km2 (500 sq mi).", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850:327", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850", "evidence": "The net loss in volume and hence sea level contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) has doubled in recent years from 90 km3 (22 cu mi) per year in 1996 to 220 km3 (53 cu mi) per year in 2005.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Melting ice isn't warming the Arctic.
[ { "evidence_id": "Arctic sea ice decline:14", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Arctic sea ice decline", "evidence": "The fast rate of the sea ice melting is resulting in the oceans absorbing and heating up the Arctic.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic:18", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic", "evidence": "The Arctic is affected by current global warming, leading to Arctic sea ice shrinkage, diminished ice in the Greenland ice sheet, and Arctic methane release as the permafrost thaws.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic:88", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Arctic", "evidence": "The effects of global warming in the Arctic include rising temperatures, loss of sea ice, and melting of the Greenland ice sheet.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Arctic:96", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Arctic", "evidence": "Release of methane and carbon dioxide stored in permafrost could cause abrupt and severe global warming, as they are potent greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:11", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Surface temperature increases are greatest in the Arctic, which has contributed to the retreat of glaciers, permafrost, and sea ice.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Murry Salby finds CO2 rise is natural.
[ { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere:140", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere", "evidence": "While CO 2 absorption and release is always happening as a result of natural processes, the recent rise in CO 2 levels in the atmosphere is known to be mainly due to human (anthropogenic) activity.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:186", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "Human activities have caused CO 2 to increase above levels not seen in hundreds of thousands of years.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon sequestration:171", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Carbon sequestration", "evidence": "These reactions are exothermic and occur naturally (e.g., the weathering of rock over geologic time periods).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Geysers on Mars:0", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Geysers on Mars", "evidence": "Martian geysers (or CO 2 jets) are putative sites of small gas and dust eruptions that occur in the south polar region of Mars during the spring thaw.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:832", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings such as modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions and persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use.\"", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
97% consensus on human-caused global warming has been disproven.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 1.0397207736968994, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:292", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In a 2019 CBS poll, 64% of the US population said that climate change is a \"crisis\" or a \"serious problem\", with 44% saying human activity was a significant contributor.", "entropy": 1.0397207736968994, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, "REFUTES" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:10", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Of these, 97% agree, explicitly or implicitly, that global warming is happening and is human-caused.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, "REFUTES" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:19", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "It is extremely likely (95–100% probability) that human influence was the dominant cause of global warming between 1951–2010.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:266", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "97% of the scientists surveyed agreed that global temperatures had increased during the past 100 years; 84% said they personally believed human-induced warming was occurring, and 74% agreed that \"currently available scientific evidence\" substantiated its occurrence.", "entropy": 1.0397207736968994, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, "REFUTES" ] } ]
Water vapor in the stratosphere stopped global warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "Atmospheric methane:244", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Atmospheric methane", "evidence": "This process is enhanced by global warming, because warmer air holds more water vapor than colder air, so the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases as it is warmed by the greenhouse effect.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:101", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "According to basic physical principles, the greenhouse effect produces warming of the lower atmosphere (the troposphere), but cooling of the upper atmosphere (the stratosphere).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:110", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "After an initial warming due to emissions of greenhouse gases, the atmosphere will hold more water.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Runaway greenhouse effect:19", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Runaway greenhouse effect", "evidence": "An increase in temperature from greenhouse gases leading to increased water vapor (which is itself a greenhouse gas) causing further warming is a positive feedback, but not a runaway effect, on Earth.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Water vapor:39", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Water vapor", "evidence": "When water vapour condenses onto a surface, a net warming occurs on that surface.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
Adapting to global warming is cheaper than preventing it.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change adaptation:8", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change adaptation", "evidence": "Adaptation is especially important in developing countries since those countries are bearing the brunt of the effects of global warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change mitigation:762", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Climate change mitigation", "evidence": "\"Eat less meat to avoid dangerous global warming, scientists say\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:212", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Successful adaptation is easier if there are substantial emission reductions.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:243", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Adaptation is especially important in developing countries since they are predicted to bear the brunt of the effects of global warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:244", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The capacity and potential for humans to adapt, called adaptive capacity, is unevenly distributed across different regions and populations, and developing countries generally have less capacity to adapt.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
CERN CLOUD experiment proved cosmic rays are causing global warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "Cosmic ray:213", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Cosmic ray", "evidence": "Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark has controversially argued that because solar variation modulates the cosmic ray flux on Earth, they would consequently affect the rate of cloud formation and hence be an indirect cause of global warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Cosmic ray:718", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Cosmic ray", "evidence": "\"Sun's Shifts May Cause Global Warming\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Henrik Svensmark:1", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Henrik Svensmark", "evidence": "He is known for his theory on the effects of cosmic rays on cloud formation as an indirect cause of global warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Henrik Svensmark:118", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Henrik Svensmark", "evidence": "\"Cosmic rays blamed for global warming\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
Water levels correlate with sunspots.
[ { "evidence_id": "Sun:175", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sun", "evidence": "Sunspots are visible as dark patches on the Sun's photosphere, and correspond to concentrations of magnetic field where the convective transport of heat is inhibited from the solar interior to the surface.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sun:183", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sun", "evidence": "At this point in the dynamo cycle, buoyant upwelling within the convective zone forces emergence of toroidal magnetic field through the photosphere, giving rise to pairs of sunspots, roughly aligned east–west and having footprints with opposite magnetic polarities.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, "SUPPORTS" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sun:209", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sun", "evidence": "Long-term secular change in sunspot number is thought, by some scientists, to be correlated with long-term change in solar irradiance, which, in turn, might influence Earth's long-term climate.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sunspot:48", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sunspot", "evidence": "Sunspots number is correlated with the intensity of solar radiation over the period since 1979, when satellite measurements became available.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sunspot:63", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sunspot", "evidence": "On longer time scales, such as the solar cycle, other magnetic phenomena (faculae and the chromospheric network) correlate with sunspot occurrence.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] } ]
Antarctica is too cold to lose ice.
[ { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:119", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "As a result of continued warming, the polar ice caps melted and much of Gondwana became a desert.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:341", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "This means that it is a very cold continent where water is mostly in the form of ice.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:346", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "Offshore, temperatures are also low enough that ice is formed from seawater through most of the year.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:357", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "This ice sheet is constantly gaining ice from snowfall and losing ice through outflow to the sea.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:78", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "The continent has about 90% of the world's ice (and thus about 70% of the world's fresh water).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
Coral atolls grow as sea levels rise.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change in Tuvalu:34", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change in Tuvalu", "evidence": "Gradual sea-level rise also allows for coral polyp activity to raise the atolls with the sea level.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Coral reef:17", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Coral reef", "evidence": "As communities established themselves, the reefs grew upwards, pacing rising sea levels.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Coral reef:52", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Coral reef", "evidence": "Healthy tropical coral reefs grow horizontally from 1 to 3 cm (0.39 to 1.18 in) per year, and grow vertically anywhere from 1 to 25 cm (0.39 to 9.84 in) per year; however, they grow only at depths shallower than 150 m (490 ft) because of their need for sunlight, and cannot grow above sea level.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Coral reef:98", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Coral reef", "evidence": "Atolls may also be formed by the sinking of the seabed or rising of the sea level.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Tuvalu:484", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Tuvalu", "evidence": "Gradual sea-level rise also allows for coral polyp activity to increase the reefs.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
CO2 increase is natural, not human-caused.
[ { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere:140", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere", "evidence": "While CO 2 absorption and release is always happening as a result of natural processes, the recent rise in CO 2 levels in the atmosphere is known to be mainly due to human (anthropogenic) activity.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:186", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "Human activities have caused CO 2 to increase above levels not seen in hundreds of thousands of years.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:59", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs, and nitrous oxide.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:123", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "[clarification needed] This increase is the result of human activities by burning fossil fuels, deforestation and forest degradation in tropical and boreal regions.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse gas:130", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Greenhouse gas", "evidence": "It is likely that anthropogenic (i.e., human-induced) warming, such as that due to elevated greenhouse gas levels, has had a discernible influence on many physical and biological systems.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Scientists retracted claim that sea levels are rising.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:166", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Sea level rise will continue over many centuries.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:354", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "rising sea levels, shrinking Arctic sea ice).", "entropy": 1.0986123085021973, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:9", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, regional changes in precipitation, more frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves, and expansion of deserts.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:0", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Since at least the start of the 20th century, the average global sea level has been rising.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:322", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "\"Scientists keep upping their projections for how much the oceans will rise this century\".", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null ] } ]
Renewable energy investment kills jobs.
[ { "evidence_id": "BP:283", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "BP", "evidence": "It established an alternative and low carbon energy business in 2005, with plans to invest $8 billion over a 10-year period into renewable energy sources including solar, wind, and biofuels, and non-renewable sources including natural gas and hydrogen power.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Green-collar worker:26", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Green-collar worker", "evidence": "Some 2.3 million people have found renewable energy jobs in recent years, and projected investments of $630 billion by 2030 would translate into at least 20 million additional jobs.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Green-collar worker:9", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Green-collar worker", "evidence": "In the context of the current world economic crisis, many experts now argue that a massive push to develop renewable sources of energy could create millions of new jobs and help the economy recover while simultaneously improving the environment, increasing labour conditions in poor economies, and strengthening energy and food security.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Renewable energy commercialization:11", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Renewable energy commercialization", "evidence": "A key benefit that this investment growth brings is a growth in jobs.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Renewable energy:6", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Renewable energy", "evidence": "Globally there are an estimated 7.7 million jobs associated with the renewable energy industries, with solar photovoltaics being the largest renewable employer.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
CO2 limits won't cool the planet.
[ { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:191", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "Less energy reaches the upper atmosphere, which is therefore cooler because of this absorption.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:266", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "Occupational CO 2 exposure limits have been set in the United States at 0.5% (5000 ppm) for an eight-hour period.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Gaia hypothesis:44", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Gaia hypothesis", "evidence": "As the temperature rises closer to the value the white daisies like, the white daisies outreproduce the black daisies, leading to a larger percentage of white surface, and more sunlight is reflected, reducing the heat input and eventually cooling the planet.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Global warming is the long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:116", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "If cloud cover increases, more sunlight will be reflected back into space, cooling the planet.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Schmittner finds low climate sensitivity.
[ { "evidence_id": "Earth's energy budget:66", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Earth's energy budget", "evidence": "Climate sensitivity is the steady state change in the equilibrium temperature as a result of changes in the energy budget.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Electronic keyboard:55", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Electronic keyboard", "evidence": "They are not sensitive to the climate or humidity changes in a room and there is also no need for tuning, as with acoustic pianos.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Land degradation:46", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Land degradation", "evidence": "Sensitivity is the degree to which a land system undergoes change due to natural forces, human intervention or a combination of both.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Mediterranean Sea:205", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Mediterranean Sea", "evidence": "Because of its latitude and its land-locked position, the Mediterranean is especially sensitive to astronomically induced climatic variations, which are well documented in its sedimentary record.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Perennial plant:39", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Perennial plant", "evidence": "Herbaceous perennials are also able to tolerate the extremes of cold in temperate and Arctic winters, with less sensitivity than trees or shrubs.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Greenland has only lost a tiny fraction of its ice mass.
[ { "evidence_id": "Greenland ice sheet:143", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Greenland ice sheet", "evidence": "If iceberg calving has happened as an average, Greenland lost 294 Gt of its mass during 2007 (one km3 of ice weighs about 0.9 Gt).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenland:200", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Greenland", "evidence": "Findings show that Greenland has lost 3.8 trillion tonnes of ice since 1992, enough to raise sea levels by almost 11mm (1.06cm).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenland:201", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Greenland", "evidence": "The rate of ice loss has increased from an average of 33 billion tonnes a year in the 1990s, to 254 billion tonnes a year in the last decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850:273", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850", "evidence": "Between 2000 and 2016, 29 % of the glacierized area was lost, the remaining area estimated at around 1,300 km2 (500 sq mi).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850:286", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850", "evidence": "Between then and 2010, the mountain lost 80 percent of its ice — two-thirds of which since another scientific expedition in the 1970s.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] } ]
Arctic sea ice extent was lower in the past.
[ { "evidence_id": "Arctic Ocean:122", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Arctic Ocean", "evidence": "The mean extent of the ice has been decreasing since 1980 from the average winter value of 15,600,000 km2 (6,023,200 sq mi) at a rate of 3% per decade.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, "REFUTES" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change in the Arctic:28", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate change in the Arctic", "evidence": "The Arctic sea ice September minimum extent (i.e., area with at least 15% sea ice coverage) reached new record lows in 2002, 2005, 2007, and 2012.", "entropy": 1.0986123085021973, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, "REFUTES" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Polar ice cap:37", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Polar ice cap", "evidence": "In August 2013, Arctic sea ice extent averaged 6.09m km2, which represents 1.13 million km2 below the 1981–2010 average for that month.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, "REFUTES" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea ice:117", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Sea ice", "evidence": "In comparison to the extended record, the sea-ice extent in the polar region by September 2007 was only half the recorded mass that had been estimated to exist within the 1950–1970 period.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, "REFUTES" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea ice:118", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Sea ice", "evidence": "Arctic sea ice extent ice hit an all-time low in September 2012, when the ice was determined to cover only 24% of the Arctic Ocean, offsetting the previous low of 29% in 2007.", "entropy": 1.0986123085021973, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, "REFUTES" ] } ]
Climate change isn't increasing extreme weather damage costs.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change adaptation:20", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate change adaptation", "evidence": "This causes a variety of secondary effects, namely, changes in patterns of precipitation, rising sea levels, altered patterns of agriculture, increased extreme weather events, the expansion of the range of tropical diseases, and the opening of new marine trade routes.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Economic impacts of climate change:2", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Economic impacts of climate change", "evidence": "Many analyses, such as that of the Stern Review presented to the British Government, have predicted reductions by several percent of world gross domestic product due to climate related costs such as dealing with increased extreme weather events and stresses to low-lying areas due to sea level rises.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Effects of global warming:259", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Effects of global warming", "evidence": "Global losses reveal rapidly rising costs due to extreme weather-related events since the 1970s.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Heat wave:54", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Heat wave", "evidence": "Global warming boosts the probability of extreme weather events, like heat waves, far more than it boosts more moderate events.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:159", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "\"Impacts [of climate change] will very likely increase due to increased frequencies and intensities of some extreme weather events\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
UAH atmospheric temperatures prove climate models and/or surface temperature data sets are wrong.
[ { "evidence_id": "John Christy:40", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "John Christy", "evidence": "We have found that climate models and popular surface temperature data sets overstate the changes in the real atmosphere and that actual changes are not alarming.\"", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Microwave Sounding Unit temperature measurements:111", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Microwave Sounding Unit temperature measurements", "evidence": "Globally, most climate models used by the IPCC in preparation of their third assessment in 2007 show a slightly greater warming at the TLT level than at the surface (0.03 °C/decade difference) for 1979–1999 while the GISS trend is +0.161 °C/decade for 1979 to 2012, the lower troposphere trends calculated from satellite data by UAH and RSS are +0.130 °C/decade and +0.206 °C/decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Microwave Sounding Unit temperature measurements:92", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Microwave Sounding Unit temperature measurements", "evidence": "Specifically, surface data showed substantial global-average warming, while early versions of satellite and radiosonde data showed little or no warming above the surface.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "UAH satellite temperature dataset:27", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "UAH satellite temperature dataset", "evidence": "In comparing these measurements to surface temperature models, it is important to note that values for the lower troposphere measurements taken by the MSU are a weighted average of temperatures over multiple altitudes (roughly 0 to 12 km), and not a surface temperature (as seen in figure above).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "UAH satellite temperature dataset:28", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "UAH satellite temperature dataset", "evidence": "The results are thus not precisely comparable to surface temperature records or models.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
IPCC human-caused global warming attribution confidence is unfounded.
[ { "evidence_id": "Attribution of recent climate change:10", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Attribution of recent climate change", "evidence": "The IPCC's attribution of recent global warming to human activities is a view shared by the scientific community, and is also supported by 196 other scientific organizations worldwide (see also: Scientific consensus on climate change).", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "IPCC Fifth Assessment Report:48", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "IPCC Fifth Assessment Report", "evidence": "There is a clear human influence on the climate It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of observed warming since 1950, with the level of confidence having increased since the fourth report.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:127", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Since the mid-20th century, most of the observed warming is \"likely\" (greater than 66% probability, based on expert judgement) due to human activities.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:190", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "It is extremely likely (95-100% probability) that human influence was the dominant cause of global warming between 1951-2010.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:306", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "They provide an analysis of what is known and not known, the degree of consensus, and some indication of the degree of confidence that can be placed on the various statements and conclusions.\"", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
We didn't have global warming during the Industrial Revolution.
[ { "evidence_id": "20th century:6", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "20th century", "evidence": "The average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880; Two-thirds of the warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15-0.20 °C per decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:19", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Climate proxy records show that natural variations offset the early effects of the Industrial Revolution, so there was little net warming between the 18th century and the mid-19th century, when thermometer records began to provide global coverage.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:55", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Before the Industrial Revolution, naturally occurring amounts of greenhouse gases caused the air near the surface to be warmer by about 33 °C (59 °F) than it would be in their absence.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:59", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs, and nitrous oxide.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:713", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human activities resulting from the industrial revolution have changed the chemical composition of the atmosphere....Deforestation is now the second largest contributor to global warming, after the burning of fossil fuels.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Hansen predicted in 1988 the West Side Highway would be underwater in 20 years.
[ { "evidence_id": "James Hansen:46", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "James Hansen", "evidence": "When the analysis was updated in 1988, the four warmest years on record were all in the 1980s.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "James Hansen:48", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "James Hansen", "evidence": "During a senate meeting on June 23, 1988, Hansen reported that he was ninety-nine percent certain the earth was warmer then than it had ever been measured to be, there was a clear cause and effect relationship with the greenhouse effect and lastly that due to global warming, the likelihood of freak weather was steadily increasing.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "West Side Highway:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "West Side Highway", "evidence": "The West Side Highway (officially the Joe DiMaggio Highway) is a 5.42-mile-long (8.72 km) mostly surface section of New York State Route 9A (NY 9A) that runs from West 72nd Street along the Hudson River to the southern tip of Manhattan in New York City.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "West Side Highway:194", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "West Side Highway", "evidence": "Construction began in early 1996 on the West Side Highway project.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "West Side Highway:370", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "West Side Highway", "evidence": "\"After 20 Years of Delays, a River Park Takes Shape\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Great Barrier Reef is in good shape.
[ { "evidence_id": "Crown-of-thorns starfish:219", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Crown-of-thorns starfish", "evidence": "The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the most outstanding coral reef system in the world because of its great length, number of individual reefs and species diversity.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Great Barrier Reef:17", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Great Barrier Reef", "evidence": "The percentage of baby corals being born on the Great Barrier Reef dropped drastically in 2018 and scientists are describing it as the early stage of a \"huge natural selection event unfolding\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Great Barrier Reef:2", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Great Barrier Reef", "evidence": "The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Great Barrier Reef:53", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Great Barrier Reef", "evidence": "In the northern part of the Great Barrier Reef, ribbon reefs and deltaic reefs have formed; these structures are not found in the rest of the reef system.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Great Barrier Reef:57", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Great Barrier Reef", "evidence": "Crescentic reefs are the most common shape of reef in the middle of the system, for example the reefs surrounding Lizard Island.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
Postma disproved the greenhouse effect.
[ { "evidence_id": "Effective temperature:42", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Effective temperature", "evidence": "One reason for the difference between the two values is due to the greenhouse effect, which increases the average temperature of the Earth's surface.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:117", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Simultaneously, the clouds enhance the greenhouse effect, warming the planet.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Greenhouse effect:64", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Greenhouse effect", "evidence": "It was demonstrated experimentally (R. W. Wood, 1909) that a (not heated) \"greenhouse\" with a cover of rock salt (which is transparent to infrared) heats up an enclosure similarly to one with a glass cover.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Ice age:148", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Ice age", "evidence": "The consensus theory of the scientific community is that the resulting greenhouse effect is a principal cause of the increase in global warming which has occurred over the same period, and a chief contributor to the accelerated melting of the remaining glaciers and polar ice.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Ice age:158", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Ice age", "evidence": "The ice age continues until the reduction in weathering causes an increase in the greenhouse effect.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
Underground temperatures control climate.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate:1", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "Some of the meteorological variables that are commonly measured are temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate:108", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "Increases in greenhouse gases, such as by volcanic activity, can increase the global temperature and produce an interglacial period.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate:113", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "Any imbalance results in a change in the average temperature of the earth.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate:36", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "Alterations in the quantity of atmospheric greenhouse gases determines the amount of solar energy retained by the planet, leading to global warming or global cooling.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate:75", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "Ice caps form because high-latitude regions receive less energy as solar radiation from the sun than equatorial regions, resulting in lower surface temperatures.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Global warming is increasing the risk of heatwaves.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:123", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Climate change also increases droughts and heat waves that inhibit plant growth, which makes it uncertain whether this balancing feedback will persist in the future.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:155", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Many regions have probably already seen increases in warm spells and heat waves, and it is virtually certain that these changes will continue over the 21st century.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:156", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Since the 1950s, droughts and heat waves have appeared simultaneously with increasing frequency.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:9", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, regional changes in precipitation, more frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves, and expansion of deserts.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Heat wave:54", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Heat wave", "evidence": "Global warming boosts the probability of extreme weather events, like heat waves, far more than it boosts more moderate events.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing.
[ { "evidence_id": "Attribution of recent climate change:14", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Attribution of recent climate change", "evidence": "Human activities can also impose forcings, for example, through changing the composition of the atmosphere.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate system:226", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate system", "evidence": "Volcanic eruptions, solar variations and anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere and land use change are external forcings.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate system:6", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate system", "evidence": "These external forcings can be natural, such as variations in solar intensity and volcanic eruptions, or caused by humans.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:45", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Other changes are caused by external forcings.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:832", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings such as modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions and persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use.\"", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions.
[ { "evidence_id": "Attribution of recent climate change:72", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Attribution of recent climate change", "evidence": "Over the past five decades there has been a global warming of approximately 0.65 °C (1.17 °F) at the Earth's surface (see historical temperature record).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate:12", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate", "evidence": "Climate change may occur over long and short timescales from a variety of factors; recent warming is discussed in global warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming controversy:998", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming controversy", "evidence": "\"Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature\" (PDF).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:22", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Currently, surface temperatures are rising by about 0.2 °C per decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "21st century:490", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "21st century", "evidence": "Climate scientists have reached a consensus that the earth is undergoing significant anthropogenic (human-induced) global warming.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:10", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Of these, 97% agree, explicitly or implicitly, that global warming is happening and is human-caused.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:266", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "97% of the scientists surveyed agreed that global temperatures had increased during the past 100 years; 84% said they personally believed human-induced warming was occurring, and 74% agreed that \"currently available scientific evidence\" substantiated its occurrence.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:289", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "They found 4,014 which discussed the cause of recent global warming, and of these \"97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
The warming trend is the same in rural and urban areas, measured by thermometers and satellites.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:95", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In areas with high soot production, such as rural India, as much as 50% of surface warming due to greenhouse gases may be masked by atmospheric brown clouds.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:311", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "For example, urban and rural trends are very similar.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:313", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "In fact, the lower-tropospheric temperatures warm at a slightly greater rate over North America (about 0.28°C/decade using satellite data) than do the surface temperatures (0.27°C/decade), although again the difference is not statistically significant.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:320", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "This was done by using satellite-based night-light detection of urban areas, and more thorough homogenisation of the time series (with corrections, for example, for the tendency of surrounding rural stations to be slightly higher in elevation, and thus cooler, than urban areas).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:325", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "After trends were adjusted in urban weather stations around the world to match rural stations in their regions, in an effort to homogenise the temperature record, in 42 percent of cases, cities were getting cooler relative to their surroundings rather than warmer.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Satellites measure Antarctica losing land ice at an accelerating rate.
[ { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:1046", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "\"A 40-y record reveals gradual Antarctic sea ice increases followed by decreases at rates far exceeding the rates seen in the Arctic\".", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:363", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "found instead that the net change in ice mass is slightly positive at approximately 82 gigatonnes per year (with significant regional variation) which would result in Antarctic activity reducing global sea-level rise by 0.23 mm per year.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Antarctica:365", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Antarctica", "evidence": "A satellite record revealed that the overall increase in Antarctic sea ice extents reversed in 2014, with rapid rates of decrease in 2014–2017 reducing the Antarctic sea ice extents to their lowest values in the 40-y record.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850:391", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850", "evidence": "More recently, new satellite imaging data led to calculations of Thwaites Glacier \"ice shelf melt rate of 207 m/year in 2014–2017, which is the highest ice shelf melt rate on record in Antarctica.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:88", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "All datasets generally show an acceleration of mass loss from the Antarctic ice-sheet, but with year-to-year variations.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Worry about global warming impacts in the next 100 years, not an ice age in over 10,000 years.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global catastrophic risk:224", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global catastrophic risk", "evidence": "These global climatic changes occurred slowly, prior to the rise of human civilization about 10 thousand years ago near the end of the last Major Ice Age when the climate became more stable.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global catastrophic risk:232", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global catastrophic risk", "evidence": "[citation needed] The amount of heat trapping gases emitted into Earth's Oceans and atmosphere will prevent the next ice age, which otherwise would begin in around 50,000 years, and likely more glacial cycles.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:64", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in 2010 were equivalent to 49 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (using the most recent global warming potentials over 100 years from the AR5 report).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Ice age:124", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Ice age", "evidence": "(Current projected consequences of global warming include a largely ice-free Arctic Ocean within 5–20 years, see Arctic shrinkage.)", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:128", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Projections based on the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios suggest warming over the 21st century at a more rapid rate than that experienced for at least the last 10,000 years.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Recent studies agree that recent global temperatures are unprecedented in the last 1000 years.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:22", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Currently, surface temperatures are rising by about 0.2 °C per decade.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:366", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The period from 1983 to 2012 was likely the warmest 30-year period of the last 1400 years in the Northern Hemisphere, where such assessment is possible (medium confidence).", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:48", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Global warming in this case was indicated by an increase of 0.75 degrees in average global temperatures over the last 100 years.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:507", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Since the start of the 20th century, the global mean surface temperature of the Earth has increased by more than 0.7°C and the rate of warming has been largest in the last 30 years.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] } ]
Al Gore's book is quite accurate, and far more accurate than contrarian books.
[ { "evidence_id": "Al Gore:399", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Al Gore", "evidence": "In a 2007 court case, a British judge said that while he had \"no doubt ...the film was broadly accurate\" and its \"four main scientific hypotheses ...are supported by a vast quantity of research\", he upheld nine of a \"long schedule\" of alleged errors presented to the court.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "An Inconvenient Truth:109", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "An Inconvenient Truth", "evidence": "All 19 climate scientists who had seen the movie or had read the homonymous book said that Gore accurately conveyed the science, with few errors.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "An Inconvenient Truth:133", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "An Inconvenient Truth", "evidence": "\"He is making a qualitative point, which is entirely accurate.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "An Inconvenient Truth:170", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "An Inconvenient Truth", "evidence": "The story is scientifically accurate and yet should be understandable to the public, a public that is less and less drawn to science.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Earth in the Balance:0", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Earth in the Balance", "evidence": "Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (ISBN 0-452-26935-0, paperback ISBN 1-85383-743-1) is a 1992 book written by Al Gore, published in June 1992, shortly before he was elected Vice President in the 1992 presidential election.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Most glaciers are retreating, posing a serious problem for millions who rely on glaciers for water.
[ { "evidence_id": "Effects of global warming on human health:459", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Effects of global warming on human health", "evidence": "Earth's glaciers are expected to melt within the next forty years, greatly decreasing fresh water flow in the hotter times of the year, causing everyone to depend on rainwater, resulting in large shortages and fluctuations in fresh water availability which largely effects agriculture, power supply, and human health and well-being.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Glacier:92", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Glacier", "evidence": "Following the Little Ice Age's end around 1850, glaciers around the Earth have retreated substantially.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Glacier:93", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Glacier", "evidence": "A slight cooling led to the advance of many alpine glaciers between 1950 and 1985, but since 1985 glacier retreat and mass loss has become larger and increasingly ubiquitous.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850:401", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Retreat of glaciers since 1850", "evidence": "In areas that are heavily dependent on water runoff from glaciers that melt during the warmer summer months, a continuation of the current retreat will eventually deplete the glacial ice and substantially reduce or eliminate runoff.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Water scarcity:140", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Water scarcity", "evidence": "Climate change has caused receding glaciers, reduced stream and river flow, and shrinking lakes and ponds.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Cosmic rays show no trend over the last 30 years & have had little impact on recent global warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:150", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8 °C (1.5 °F) over the past 140 years.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:48", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Global warming in this case was indicated by an increase of 0.75 degrees in average global temperatures over the last 100 years.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:507", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "Since the start of the 20th century, the global mean surface temperature of the Earth has increased by more than 0.7°C and the rate of warming has been largest in the last 30 years.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Solar activity and climate:69", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Solar activity and climate", "evidence": "estimated that the residual effects of the prolonged high solar activity during the last 30 years account for between 16% and 36% of warming from 1950 to 1999.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null ] } ]
Extreme weather events are being made more frequent and worse by global warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global issue:19", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global issue", "evidence": "Other likely changes include more frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, wildfires, heavy rainfall with floods, and heavy snowfall; ocean acidification; and massive extinctions of species due to shifting temperature regimes.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:198", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Impacts include the direct effects of extreme weather, leading to injury and loss of life; and indirect effects, such as undernutrition brought on by crop failures.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:9", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, regional changes in precipitation, more frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves, and expansion of deserts.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Heat wave:54", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Heat wave", "evidence": "Global warming boosts the probability of extreme weather events, like heat waves, far more than it boosts more moderate events.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Weather:96", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Weather", "evidence": "Climate change caused by human activities that emit greenhouse gases into the air is expected to affect the frequency of extreme weather events such as drought, extreme temperatures, flooding, high winds, and severe storms.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
A variety of different measurements find steadily rising sea levels over the past century.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:146", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Between 1993 and 2017, the global mean sea level rose on average by 3.1 ± 0.3 mm per year, with an acceleration detected as well.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:0", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Since at least the start of the 20th century, the average global sea level has been rising.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:1", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Between 1900 and 2016, the sea level rose by 16–21 cm (6.3–8.3 in).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:2", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "More precise data gathered from satellite radar measurements reveal an accelerating rise of 7.5 cm (3.0 in) from 1993 to 2017, which is a trend of roughly 30 cm (12 in) per century.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Sea level rise:26", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Sea level rise", "evidence": "Since the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago, the sea level has risen by more than 125 metres (410 ft), with rates varying from less than a mm/year to 40+ mm/year, as a result of melting ice sheets over Canada and Eurasia.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Urban and rural regions show the same warming trend.
[ { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:103", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "On the other hand, one 1999 comparison between urban and rural areas proposed that urban heat island effects have little influence on global mean temperature trends.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:311", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "For example, urban and rural trends are very similar.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:324", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "Not all cities show a warming relative to their rural surroundings.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urban heat island:42", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Urban heat island", "evidence": "Surfaces in the urban areas tend to warm faster than those of the surrounding rural areas.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Urbanization:469", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Urbanization", "evidence": "For North America and Europe, such practice could reduce earth warming trends.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] } ]
The strong CO2 effect has been observed by many different measurements.
[ { "evidence_id": "Atmosphere of Venus:45", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Atmosphere of Venus", "evidence": "The large amount of CO2 in the atmosphere together with water vapour and sulfur dioxide create a strong greenhouse effect, trapping solar energy and raising the surface temperature to around 740 K (467 °C), hotter than any other planet in the Solar System, even that of Mercury despite being located farther out from the Sun and receiving only 25% of the solar energy (per unit area) Mercury does.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:265", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "There are few studies of the health effects of long-term continuous CO 2 exposure on humans and animals at levels below 1%.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon dioxide:269", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Carbon dioxide", "evidence": "A study of humans exposed in 2.5 hour sessions demonstrated significant negative effects on cognitive abilities at concentrations as low as 0.1% (1000 ppm) CO 2 likely due to CO 2 induced increases in cerebral blood flow.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:28", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The warming evident in the instrumental temperature record is consistent with a wide range of observations, documented by many independent scientific groups; for example, in most continental regions the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation has increased.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Physical impacts of climate change:148", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Physical impacts of climate change", "evidence": "Large-scale measurements of sea-ice have only been possible since the satellite era, but through looking at a number of different satellite estimates, it has been determined that September Arctic sea ice has decreased between 1973 and 2007 at a rate of about -10% +/- 0.3% per decade.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ]
The most recent ocean measurements show consistent warming.
[ { "evidence_id": "Global warming:28", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The warming evident in the instrumental temperature record is consistent with a wide range of observations, documented by many independent scientific groups; for example, in most continental regions the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation has increased.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Instrumental temperature record:5", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Instrumental temperature record", "evidence": "The global average and combined land and ocean surface temperature, show a warming of 0.85 [0.65 to 1.06] °C, in the period 1880 to 2012, based on multiple independently produced datasets.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Physical impacts of climate change:243", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Physical impacts of climate change", "evidence": "From 1961 to 2003, the global ocean temperature has risen by 0.10 °C from the surface to a depth of 700 m. There is variability both year-to-year and over longer time scales, with global ocean heat content observations showing high rates of warming for 1991 to 2003, but some cooling from 2003 to 2007.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:391", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "\"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level.\"", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Scientific consensus on climate change:49", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Scientific consensus on climate change", "evidence": "The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report stated that: Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as evidenced by increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, the widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ null, "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] } ]
Climate scientists could make far more money in other careers - most notably, working for the oil industry.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change denial:1039", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Climate change denial", "evidence": "He has accepted more than $1.2 million in money from the fossil-fuel industry over the last decade while failing to disclose that conflict of interest in most of his scientific papers.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming controversy:373", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming controversy", "evidence": "reducing emissions/consumption) and for the prolonging of profits to the oil industry at the expense of the environment.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming controversy:39", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming controversy", "evidence": "One of the authors' main arguments is that most prominent scientists who have been voicing opposition to the near-universal consensus are being funded by industries, such as automotive and oil, that stand to lose money by government actions to regulate greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Jim Inhofe:122", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Jim Inhofe", "evidence": "According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Inhofe has received over $529,000 from the oil and gas industry since 2012.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] }, { "evidence_id": "Russia:376", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Russia", "evidence": "Russia has an upper-middle income mixed economy with enormous natural resources, particularly oil and natural gas.", "entropy": 0.5623351335525513, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" ] } ]
Ancient natural cycles are irrelevant for attributing recent global warming to humans.
[ { "evidence_id": "Climate change (general concept):19", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change (general concept)", "evidence": "Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Earth:315", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Earth", "evidence": "There is a scientific consensus linking human activities to global warming due to industrial carbon dioxide emissions.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:183", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "The effects of climate change on human systems, mostly due to warming and shifts in precipitation, have been detected worldwide.", "entropy": 0.6365141868591309, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:276", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "In the scientific literature, there is an overwhelming consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:49", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Attributing detected temperature changes and extreme events to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases requires scientists to rule out known internal climate variability and natural external forcings.", "entropy": 1.0986123085021973, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null ] } ]
The natural cycle adds and removes CO2 to keep a balance; humans add extra CO2 without removing any.
[ { "evidence_id": "Carbon capture and storage:36", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Carbon capture and storage", "evidence": "The CO 2 is removed after combustion of fossil fuels, but before the flue gas is expanded to atmospheric pressure.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon cycle:110", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Carbon cycle", "evidence": "Since the industrial revolution, human activity has modified the carbon cycle by changing its components' functions and directly adding carbon to the atmosphere.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon cycle:113", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Carbon cycle", "evidence": "Another direct human impact on the carbon cycle is the chemical process of calcination of limestone for clinker production, which releases CO 2.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Carbon sequestration:198", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Carbon sequestration", "evidence": "Various carbon dioxide scrubbing processes have been proposed to remove CO 2 from the air, usually using a variant of the Kraft process.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Climate change mitigation:29", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Climate change mitigation", "evidence": "The reason for this is that human activities are adding CO2 to the atmosphere faster than natural processes can remove it (see carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere for a complete explanation).", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]
Numerous papers have documented how IPCC predictions are more likely to underestimate the climate response.
[ { "evidence_id": "IPCC First Assessment Report:15", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "IPCC First Assessment Report", "evidence": "There are many uncertainties in our predictions particularly with regard to the timing, magnitude and regional patterns of climate change, due to our incomplete understanding of: sources and sinks of GHGs; clouds; oceans; polar ice sheets.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:113", "evidence_label": 1, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "They judge that global mean surface air temperature has increased by 0.3 to 0.6 °C over the last 100 years, broadly consistent with prediction of climate models, but also of the same magnitude as natural climate variability.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "REFUTES", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:128", "evidence_label": 2, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Projections based on the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios suggest warming over the 21st century at a more rapid rate than that experienced for at least the last 10,000 years.", "entropy": 0.6931471824645996, "votes": [ "REFUTES", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:292", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Some critics have contended that the IPCC reports tend to be conservative by consistently underestimating the pace and impacts of global warming, and report only the \"lowest common denominator\" findings.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:296", "evidence_label": 0, "article": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", "evidence": "Another example of scientific research which suggests that previous estimates by the IPCC, far from overstating dangers and risks, have actually understated them is a study on projected rises in sea levels.", "entropy": 0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] } ]