stringlengths 238
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Grande Mario Monti #cotechinoelenticchie] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Dopo i ministri del governo #Monti che illustrano la #manovra su La7 c'è #Alfano. Ho paura.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [rivisitazione della conferenza stampa del governo #monti a #maancheno #LOL] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Buona vigilia a tutti. E giù le mani dagli agnellini! INI INI! IRSTR] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Anche il direttore de La Padania definisce #Grillo \"pericolosa antipolitica\". Il classico Bue che del cornuto all'asino. #noncicredo] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [devo ancora leggere l'ultimo capitolo di akob] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Forza borriello 😍😍😍 http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ si ahahahah sta puttana che ne ha detto gli ha detto di tutto poi siamo uscite e io mammina sei arrabbiata ? lol lei:] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Gran Shopping Mongolfiera fashion week con la collezione uomo donna di Tata Italia... http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [belli giovani e intraprendenti.. le foto dei possibili ministri del #governo #monti http #italia #occupy] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo Monti:1)credo che B. i danni maggiori li ha fatti e li farà dall'opposizione quando torna venditore di fumo e abile contrattatore] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [TT ITALIA 23:08 1.#serviziopubblico 2.#piazzapulita 3.#Grillo 4.Franca Rame 5.Prince Of Persia 6.Belsito 7.M5S 8.Nero Wolfe 9.Falcao] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il M5S è stata l'unica forza politica che ha RIFIUTATO rimborsi elettorali!Come si dimostra l'onestà?#serviziopubblico #Grillo #piazzapulita] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo al 7,2% non è affatto un bene per la politica italiana. Di populisti ne abbiamo le tasche piene. Anzi le ampolle, come dice ] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [L'amore non è un sentimento ma una capacità. (L'amore secondo Dan)] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Juve ! Storia di un grande amore] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ il fatto è che in europa league perdiamo punti quindi è lo stesso. ormai il posto champions per i prossimi 5-6 anni è andato] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [È in corso il voto di fiducia al governo Monti alla Camera dei Deputati. Seguiranno aggiornamenti sui risultati.] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Il sottoscritto è pieno di speranza ed è una speranza che vi invito a condividere. Mario Monti] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Buongiorno sono quasi le 8 del mattino ed e' ancora buio! E piove.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Casini a destra e sinistra: non fate i furbi e i pavidi verso il governo Monti] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : . Compagno, si ricordi che quando verrà eletto, ciocorì e biancorì saranno gli unici snack ammessi! http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Per me il governo Monti cade a Gennaio. Ho questa strana senzazione. Forse lo salverà il PD come sempre masochista.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : Uno Stato si misura per come tratta i suoi membri più deboli. #lagabbia] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ no anche io..(leggi:un figo della madonna)] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Tra #Renzi a #Serviziopubblico e #Grillo a #Piazzapulita stasera c'è l'imbarazzo della scelta. Anzi, direi che è rimasto solo l'imbarazzo.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Buonasera Prof,permetta una domanda :siccome i giorni passano velocemente,alla fine il porcellum verrà cambiato secondo lei?] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#fatepresto si ma non a pene di segugio! Governo #Monti istituzionale ma che i ministri siano tecnici competenti e non di #casta] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Latini: 'La manovra del governo Monti non è sostenibile per gli italiani' http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ue, Monti: "L'armonia franco-tedesca non basta": #francia #germania #mario monti ROMA ? ''L'armonia franco-tedes... http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario #Monti Senatore a vita è una splendida notizia per tutti gli italiani, è l'emblema di quei cittadini meritevoli che onorano la Patria.] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Se il futuro della tv è Freccero… meglio un carloconti, tanto il livello è lo stesso. http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Questo non é un governo di destra . Pier Luigi Bersani sul governo Monti, sul Corriere di oggi] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ho collezionato 10,896 monete d'oro! Chi di voi può prenderne di più? http #android, #androidgames, #gameinsight] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#amomiopadreperchè beh leggendo tutti i tweet c'è ne sono alcuni che sono molto tristi, mi dispiace davvero :'c] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ella Milano -BTS with Ella Milano (2012) FullHD http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Certo amore mio :) è in italiano però :)] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Potevi anche portarmi,non credi ?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ho intervistato il direttore del tg1 economia Loris Gai: si parla di comunicazione, governo Monti, Rai! solo su #sosoddisfazioni] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : te lo auguro di cuore e farò il possibile affinché sia così. Un abbraccio] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ho sempre creduto in tutto .. ma non ha te !!] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [A Napoli la pizza in onore di Mario Monti con un bel tocco di basilico 'spread' Adnkronos Cronaca http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [http Mario #Monti, un tecnico di grande qualità. Punto.] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Senza vergogna: si rafforza la Casta nel governo Monti http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Prime misure del #governo #Monti per rispondere alla #crisi http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Guielmo del Toro... direi ragazze ke questi sn i ruoli perfetti x tom Loki ne è un esempio...] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il mi sento fortunato del google play c'ha una fantasia di merda :-)] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Al #G20 di Cannes circola tra le conversazioni informali il nome di Mario Monti come nuovo premier! #Italiaresiste] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : Brava sta chiara però #xf7 http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo attacca l'Euro. Beh è chiaro che punta a rubare elettori alla #Lega. Strategie da politicante per l'antipolitico] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Per approfondimenti: Crisi Governo: dimissioni di Berlusconi, ora tocca a Mario Monti http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : è la mamma più bella di questo mondo. #FelizDiaMAMABertotti] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il caso politici nel governo #Monti nasce dal fatto che per Interni, Esteri e delega ai Servizi un accademico doc non è proprio il top] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo \"Un #debito che non abbiamo fatto noi.\" Ma la #partitocrazia chi l'ha consentita e tollerata se non noi?] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ i nostri discorsi sono i migliori, posso parlare di tutto con te, ci facciamo troppe risate c':] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [A chi tiene auto ferma, accesa per lungo tempo... non farlo. Ricordate che la Terra non è di vostra proprietà. Siete solo OSPITI! #PM10] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Vorrei proprio sapere che fine ha fatto il parmiggiano che ho comprato #Volatilizzato] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ a dopo amour. x] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Letta dice che il PD è nato con il governo Monti. Meglio tardi che mai. http via ] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Giovanni Favia (M5S) ospite ad Agorà (Rai3) su Finaziamento ai partiti e Governo Monti http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [GOVERNO, MONTI: SQUADRA SNELLA, FORTE, TRASPARENTE il Velino/AGV Agenzia Giornalistica il Velino http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [L'interrogazione UE contro Mario Monti http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ah si ho capito bene si, si chiama Liam. LOL.] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Lei ha una voce con i controcazzi. #italiasgottalent] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo Monti, tu Ci SMONTI!. By Luigi] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [MESSAGGIO PER TUTTI GLI ITALIANI ONESTI: MARIO MONTI CHIEDE DI AUMENTARE L'ETÀ DELLE PENSIONI PERCHÉ IN EUROPA... http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ probabile! HAHAHAH] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Fwd: Detesto le donne disperate perché le donne disperate accettano tutto e, accettando tutto, creano accanto a sé... http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Appelli Micromega Governo Monti http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Grazie Bella <3<3<3] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [--invece stavo morendo. un'altro ci ha fermate e fa "dove andate belle?" "affanculo" ci abbiamo risposto. dio che nervi.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Bisogna portare e sfidare #Grillo sul campo della politica. La sua non è #antipolitica. #pd] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#ansa \"Rosi Mauro, annuncio dimissioni stasera da Vespa\" sigla della trasmissione sarà cambiata: da \"Vai col vento\" a \"Hocus Pocus\"] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Che tristezza #Santoro.Una settimana fa #Grillo rispondeva a #Ruotolo e andava bene. Oggi è uguale agli altri perché ha evitato Bertazzoni?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [A Costo Zero: Mario Monti, il bullo di Arcore e Bersani: http via ] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [L'#Imu è un'istigazione a delinquere. #Grillo riscalda gli animi. Ora. Poi quando arriverà il conto il messaggio sarà ancora più efficace] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Visco #pd Il #governo #monti non sta facendo il massimo per migliorare la situazione lavorativa, le cose peggioreranno] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Parlando di politica, con questo governo Monti a cosa servono i partiti?] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 'notte!!!! :*******] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario Monti nominato senatore a vita della Repubblica italiana moribonda #elezioni #308] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Boom d'ascolti con il presidente del consiglio Mario Monti http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mi piace troppo *^*] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Alemanno: \"il voto a #Grillo blocca l'Italia\". Il consiglio di uno che se ne intende. In fondo ha già bloccato #Roma...] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [mario monti Rispondo a Berlusconi: non sono affatto disperato. Capita di attribuire agli altri... http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Monitaly 20-27 nov: il governo Monti muove i primi passi e l'Italia rientra tra le figure chiave dell'eurozona:... http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ a me piacciono i fatti e non le parole.. #Grillo come tutti i politici parole tante.. fatti zero.. ognuno la pensa come vuole no?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Cicchitto: Monti riconosca i meriti del governo Berlusconi: «Siamo molto contenti che il governo Monti abbia dat... http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Stupendo! Per una volta, tra l'altro, il titolo italiano, sebbene scontato, è anche per questo perfetto! La musica è ovunque..] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [L'unica cosa che vorrei fare in questo momento è vomitare. Mi sto sentendo male. http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ in due mesi quel 5,5% può diventare anche 8-10%. è quella la strada da seguire secondo me] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ buongiorno amore <3] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario Monti: Berlusconi risparmi all'Italia il biasimo per aver causato un disastro #mariomontipremier] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Sei alla ricerca di un lavoro da casa ? http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Se si farà un governo Monti senza le estreme, Giorgio Napolitano avrà fornito uno straordinario saggio di sapienza e sagacia politica.] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Iacopino regala tessera da giornalista a mario Monti. Non ce n'erano gia' abbastanza a spasso per il palazzo di finti giornalisti?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il governo di Mario Monti: ecco i ministri. Quanto sono Wired? In che direzione andrà l'innovazione... http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Auguri anche a te campione .] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Giudizio su emendamenti #manovra? Si poteva fare di più professor #Monti.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Corriere della Sera: Berlusconi, lieve malore al comizio«Solo stanco, sta bene»: L'ufficio stampa: «Si è seduto http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Colazione di stamattina:caffe',biscotti e voglia di te #Buongiorno] = positive |