"line": 155,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Oh yeah, before I forget."
"line": 156,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "I left you a box of condoms on the \nfirst drawer of the desk, Gil."
"line": 157,
"character": "Gillian",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "You what?!"
"line": 158,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "You what?"
"line": 159,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Hey, if he wants to bring his new \ngirlfriend or whatever here, I want him \nto be ready!"
"line": 160,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Oh, but just one condition. If you're \ngonna fuck like rabbits, stay away from my \nroom."
"line": 161,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "I have too many pics of my imouto there \nand I don't want their eyes soiled."
"line": 162,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Imowho?"
"line": 163,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Little sister."
"line": 164,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Then just say little sister."
"line": 165,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Yeah, whatever."
"line": 166,
"character": "Dana",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "First stop, Panama!"
"line": 167,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "Sigh. To think I'd be evicted..."
"line": 168,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "They are pretty ruthless. They don't \neven allow you to skip one month?"
"line": 169,
"character": "Jill",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "I... was two months late already, \nactually."
"line": 170,
"character": "Alma",
"type": "dialogue",
"text": "*sigh* Jill, Jill..."
"line": 171,
"character": "Alma",