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2016-11-18 19:25:51
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
21st Century learners, 21st century technology!
I teach in a dual immersion 4th grade classroom. We teach 50% of the day in English and 50% in Spanish. My classroom is the English model for two classrooms of 30 students. Half of the 4th grade students at my school come to me to learn science, writing, and math in English in the morning, and the other 1/2 come to me in the afternoon to learn the same subjects. Most of my students are English Learners; however, many come to this school speaking English only. This school is a Title I school and is located in a high poverty area where many of the families are farm workers. \r\n\r\nWe continually discuss how to implement the 4 Cs into our lessons: collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. We also never forget about the 5th and most important \"C,\" which is CARING! I have a great bunch of students who are enthusiastic about learning and reading. Most importantly, my students are so grateful for any help that we may receive. I really have a great group of kids who are so sweet.
My students are becoming better researchers, project builders and writers each day. Currently, we do not have the ability for students to print and publish their work. All of my students have small student laptops, but they do not have the ability to print and our school printer is rather far away and is overworked! We currently have plenty of paper but nothing to do with it! I would like my students to freely print their work in order to display and share with other students and their families. We need printers, ink and computers that can connect to the printer. \r\nI would like my students to have a printing station within the classroom so that they can create colorful displays and start to love to use the resources available to them. This is a 21st-century skill and I would like my students to be able to learn a skill that is needed in the real world!
My students need laptops that have printing abilities. I would like my students to have the ability to work on their projects and to print their works, research and writings.
2016-12-20 22:34:22
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Team Sports
Fun & Physically Fit
My school is comprised of four hundred students in grades kindergarten through fifth who come from diverse backgrounds. We are a high-poverty school, and a majority of our students are on free and reduced lunch. My students are surrounded by fantastic teachers, principals, and other staff work hard to provide rigorous academics in a safe environment. As a result, we are consistently among the top-performing schools in our area.\r\n\r\nThis year, we are working very hard to get all of our students excited about healthy lifestyles and physical fitness! Many of my students have very limited opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities. It is my goal to expose them to a variety of fitness and health related activities. I can't wait to see the excitement on my students' faces if and when we receive our new equipment!
With a variety of PE equipment, my students will be able to expand their knowledge of what it means to be healthy and physically fit. We will use these materials to learn new ways to work together, become stronger mentally and physically, and learn more about how our bodies work.\r\n\r\nYour generous donations will aid my kindergarten students in refining their gross and fine motor skills, and also challenge my older students to strategize and cooperate, all while learning to live a healthy lifestyle.\r\nMy hope is that my students would then take what they've learned in my elementary PE class and turn it into a lifetime of healthy living.
My students need a variety of balls, balance aids, and other products to provide a well-rounded physical education experience.
2016-11-22 06:12:57
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Project Some Light Over Here!
Hello!, thank you for wanting to learn more about my class! My students are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. The ages range from 6-8 years old. They don't have a lot of the life experiences as other students do. Almost all of my class qualifies for free lunch. Some of them ride the bus for over an hour a day (one way) to get to school. I would like to make learning fun and interactive.\r\n\r\nThey don't have access to language as other students. I want my students to become engaged in their learning and be able to interact with it. I can show them pictures in a book but then I have to put the book down so I can sign the story. So they lose the visual. It isn't possible to sign and hold a book at the same time.\r\n\r\nMy classroom is special because my students require a lot of visual aids and pictures. I would love to show them a video of a whale or show them pictures about what we are learning.
This technology would benefit my students so much. They would be able to see the text or book that we are reading and see me sign at the same time. By using a projector and document camera I can make the curriculum more visual for my students. My students don't all have the same background knowledge as other students. They don't have incidental learning. They are very literal and need to have pictures or videos. \r\nThe projector will help to make their lives expand to bigger and more exciting places than just the classroom. Right now I can't even do a read aloud unless I have an interpreter. I can't do any close reading with the whole class because they won't be able to see the text. This technology will give the same access to the books as hearing students. Using the document camera will also help the students be able to interact with technology. This is something that they don't get to do often.
My students need a projector to be able to look at texts and pictures and be able to see me sign at the same time to get access to the classroom curriculum.
2016-09-13 10:58:45
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Music, Performing Arts
Buzzing With Books
\"Help us to be the best band that we can be.\" One of my students has said to me multiple times. My band students are extremely hard working and have the potential to be amazing musicians. They continuously rise to the challenges put in front of them and challenge me as a teacher. Because of this I want to continue to help them move forward as musicians and people giving them tools to work through life. Because, as a music teacher you teach children using music as the vehicle.
The Foundations for Superior Performance method books does exactly what is in the title. It lays the foundation for students to have superior performance skills. What is great about it is it has it all in one book. Using this book students will have a better idea of how to warm-up on their personal instrument, have all of their scales and different scale exercises in one place, and as a full band students will be able to work on their ear in an ensemble setting with beautifully arranged chorales. This is a book that will be used everyday in class for everything that was just mentioned. My students will have a better opportunity hone their skills in class with the use of this book.
My students need books made to help them perfect their craft.
2016-07-20 16:08:01
Grades 9-12
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
PE/Health Technology
As a teacher in a low-income/high poverty school, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, Our school is working hard to create a positive learning environment where teachers can help guide our students to becoming well educated and productive citizens in our society. I am looking to keep things simple and provide my students with creative and meaningful learning experiences in health/wellness, physical education and life skills.
This iPad will make a difference in marking attendance, grades and assessments, lessons, and all students records (run times, scores, behavior, effort etc.) Which can be accessible anywhere I have my iPad. The iPad will help integrate technology into the Physical Education.\r\n\r\n In addition, to recording students times in wide variety of ways. I can take a photo of each student as they cross the finish line with their time superimposed over the picture. I can tap on a students name when they finish a run and their time will be recorded. Or of course I can use a conventional stopwatch-like app as well. There are many apps available for Physical education and physical fitness. These apps would enhance the learning and also bring in a fun new twist to the curriculum.\r\n\r\nI would be able to use the iPad for skill cues, lessons, teams, instructions, new games, activities and drills. With the iPad I would be able to wirelessly project them onto a screen in the gym. Not only are these instructions now large and easy to read (students don't need to try to decipher my messy handwriting) but I can save my instructions for future use.\r\n\r\nWith technology the possibilities are endless in the PE/Health.
My students need of an iPad for Health and Physical Education
2016-10-20 12:25:39
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
Ceramics: Our History in Clay and Sculpture
Our school is a diverse school from different backgrounds that come to school excited to be involved with other students and teachers. 100% of our students qualify for free breakfast, snacks, and lunches at my school. Students don't always have the advantages at home so they are inspired to use the tools that our school provides for them. \r\nThe tools that we provide our students will give them experiences to lead to their success in the future. The teachers strive to give students examples and positive experiences in their young lives to help their enrichment.
This project is about starting a ceramics program in our school to get students hands on experiences in building and creating. Every teacher aspires to get students to think critically while reflecting on our history and the art of ceramics is the perfect way to get students to design, plan, and build their projects step by step.\r\n\r\nStudents are itching for something of value to build or make that they can call their own. Clay is a real world craft, and the oldest craft on this earth in the hands of students will teach students about human life and survival. Ceramics is not just an sculptural art form but was necessary for human survival and is still widely used today. The students will be able to create something permanent that they will remember their entire life.
My students need the safety and basic equipment to start a ceramics program.
2016-08-23 15:59:15
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Louisiana Flooded Classroom
I teach in Baton Rouge where the recent flooding occurred. Most of my students are displaced and our school was severely damaged. We have 4-5 feet of water damage In our school building. We lost all school supplies and textbooks we had in our classrooms and storage areas. Additionally, we lost miscellaneous teaching materials for work stations and all classroom supplies. We Lost workbooks, bookshelves, file cabinets computers laptops iPads. My students have lost a lot of personal uniforms shoes clothing as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The learning tools will make there learning environment a positive place. It will help them to over come any experience that they are going though during the flooding in Louisiana. We loss all classroom and teacher supplies. We lost our reading center activities , computers. Etc. These supplies would really help my students and making the environment help. We are in a totally new place and I want to make everything normal for my students. We would appreciate all the classroom and teachers supplies that will be help to the learning of the students. And the classroom teachers . And school
My students need classroom supplies that will make the class environment a postive learning experiences.
2016-06-07 21:29:50
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Paper, Pencils, Markers, OH MY!
My students are a great energetic group of five and six year olds that come to school eager to learn and grow. They love learning new things and doing experiments with hands on learning. They come from low income families and don't always get a variety of learning experiences at home. \r\n\r\nOur school is located on the far Northern end of our county and is a Title I school where a vast majority of the students receive the free lunch program and also receive food supplies for the weekend. No matter what their struggles are, these students walk into my classroom full of life and are excited to find out what is in store for them that day.
This year our classroom supply money has been cut until just the prospect of having enough items to last for the year is overwhelming. The requested materials will benefit the students because we use dry eraser markers for everything. The students use them in our literacy and math stations to record their answers, they are always excited to get new ones.. \r\n\r\nThe ring binder will serve as a place to store their markers until they are needed. We will use the card stock for art projects and to make new literacy and math projects and to have for framing students work.
2016-11-06 12:21:04
Grades 6-8
Special Needs
Special Needs
Easy as 1-2-3!
I am fortunate enough to work with exceptional students every day. My students are unique learners who express themselves creatively and honestly. They see outside the box and beyond themselves. They are caring, empathetic and have strong desire to help others. Many of my students have struggled with feeling different or left out, so they are very in touch with the feelings of others. They are the first kids to welcome someone and offer a shoulder when needed. They are compassionate and sensitive.\r\n\r\nIn addition, my students are funny and witty! They make me laugh out loud regularly and I can't believe how quick they come up with a clever retort or an alternate solution to a problem. They love to prove me wrong or beat me in a challenge. I would like to say I win often, but this is not the case with this bright group.\r\n\r\nFinally, my students are positive and optimistic. They are at the stage in life where some kids can become negative and sullen. Even though my students are pre-teens and teenagers, they haven't lost their toddler like imaginations and youthful silliness. They aren't \"too cool\" and they smile and laugh and spread joy.
My students named this project because they said these items would make learning easy! These items were personally requested by my class. I wanted to hear what they believed they needed and which items would help them. My students will use the privacy folders to stay focused and the reading trackers to help the stay on track!\r\n\r\nThe students know their needs and enjoyed helping me shop for this project! I think students learn the best when they feel heard and they are active participants in their education. These materials will help students improve their study, reading and writing skills.
My students need a bean bag chair for comfortable reading and erasable pens for creative writing! Students will love using the Apple Pen for a variety of reasons! It makes learning fun and easy!
2016-09-07 15:07:07
Grades 9-12
Special Needs
Special Needs
Start the Year Strong!
I have eight amazing students! My students have Autism and attend a special school to meet their needs. They are 17-21 years old. My students love art, computers, and writing. They are kind, caring, and love to tell jokes. \r\n\r\nMy students come from Harlem or the surrounding areas. The school they attend predominantly serves students of color who receive free or reduced-price lunch. The school serves students up to age 21, and most of my students will be graduating this year (at age 21).
These materials will help my students to start the school year in a well-stocked classroom. At the moment, the printer has no ink, and we have only one ream of paper. Ink and paper will allow my students to print their papers and projects. It will also allow me to print worksheets and activities that I have designed. The laminator will allow me to create reusable activities and flashcards for my students. It will also allow them to preserve any work that they want to display. Starting off the school year with the materials we need will help set a positive tone for the rest of the year.\r\n
My students need printer ink and paper so that they can print their essays and projects, and a laminator and laminating pouches so that we can make reusable materials.
2016-07-16 19:49:34
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Super Supplies
We begin our day hanging our booksacks and taking out morning supplies. One classroom management tip that works is sharpening a few pencils in the morning! My class is amazingly smart.\r\n\r\nMy kids are very bright nd very inquisitive.\r\n\r\nThey love to be independent. They are taking ownership of their own learning. They walk into my classroom each day with bright eyes and ready to learn. They ask a million questions and can't wait to hear my answers. I love them dearly!
The materials I have requested will allow us my students to be more independent. I will be able to assign them jobs such as sharpening pencils and filling papers in binders. They will be able to visually see what's expected on display with the charts. They will learn responsibility and leadership skills through these materials.\r\n\r\nDonations to this project will allow my students to take responsibility for themselves and become more independent.\r\nWe will no longer waste time looking for a pencil sharpener and pencils to sharpen. We'll file our homework in our page protectors. This project will allow my students to take pride in our classroom and help with overall organization.
My students need pencils and pencils sharpeners because we use them everyday and it's the first thing that runs out. Laminating helps with durability and overall appeal of classroom material. Pocket charts help with organization.
2016-10-31 07:25:34
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
1st Graders Reaching For The Stars In Reading And Writing!!!
I am a teacher in a diverse, low-income/high poverty school district. My students are faced with challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, they attempt to show, what my school calls steps to success, REP (Respect, Excellence and Persistence.) I am looking to teach my students the best way I can, which will give some of them an escape from their reality outside of school. My school includes students from shelters, which we give extra support to in a variety of ways, to assist them and their families. \r\n\r\nMy class is also special because it is an ICT classroom. The children in special education are unique to me because although they have a disability they strive to do their best. We incorporate in our class room a team work attitude. The children in general education and the children in special education work as a unit.
My School is focusing on reading, writing and assessments this school year. I believe that these supplies will enable our children to access supplemental instruction through the use of listening centers and word work centers. \r\n\r\nWhen you donate to my plan, your investing in the future of my students!\r\n\r\nThese supplies would benefit my students in many ways. For accurate assessment purposes, privacy folders would be a great help. It would benefit students in concentrating, while taking a test. The better our assessments are the better we can assist each child, based upon their need. The listening center would be helpful during our individual reading time. And the word work center would be a great asset in aiding their reading and writing skills.
My students need reading, writing and assessment supplies because this is one of the areas my school is focusing on this school year.
2016-09-19 14:55:03
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Writer's Workshop for 1st Grade Authors!
Our school is Pre-K - 8, and has a higher than average free and reduced lunch rate. Our low-income district is extremely diverse. While eager to learn, many lack the basic skills needed to succeed. As a result, the school offers after school basic skills programs and extended summer school to help those struggling with grade-level academics. Funding is tight, however, and as with many small districts, there aren't programs or materials to address all of the students' needs. In my role as the school's Basic Skills Instructor and Writing Coach, I will be working with all levels on developing their writing and reading skills, specifically in the lower grades, in order to increase our school's literacy level. I will be introducing the Writer's Workshop program to the 1st grade this year and will need writing journals with primary lines so our younger students can begin their writing journeys.
Literacy is the key to success in all learning. Reading and writing are the foundation that students need in order to tackle math, science, and all subject areas throughout their academic careers. \r\n\r\nDeveloping a love of reading and writing while students are young will help them strengthen those skills they'll be using throughout their lives. If funded, the 1st grade students will be writing about the stories they read, and will learn how to express themselves through their writing. They will become independent writers by writing creative stories. Most importantly, they will build confidence in their ability to communicate through their writing.\r\n\r\nHaving journals of their own in which to practice their writing skills will allow these 1st graders to take pride in their writing and track their progress and improvement over the course of the year.\r\n\r\n
My students need primary lined writing journals to begin their journey into writing and 1st grade Writer's Workshop.
2016-09-01 06:47:50
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Technology in the Classroom!
My students are Pre-K students, meaning that for many, this is the first time they are attending school. My students are very active and learn better when the learning experience is hands on. My students are very eager and excited about learning each and every day. They always walk through the classroom door with a big smile on their face. I want my students to have a wonderful and exciting learning experience that will continue to make them eager to learn as they grow.
Technology plays an important part in today's society. There are so many fun games that will intrigue my students to learn through the computers. There is a website called Ticket to Read that the students at my school can access that helps them to learn their different letters and letter sounds. However, I do not have computers in my classroom and it is difficult to get my students the time needed in the computer lab to complete the work. If I had computers in my room then it would be an easy and fun way for students to access the website, Ticket to Read and Starfall, to help encourage the students to learn their letters and numbers in a fun way! Many of the children in my classroom do not have computer access at home so being able to have the computers in the classroom will help the students to learn their letters and numbers in such a hands on and engaging way.
My students need two computers for integrating technology in the classroom while learning letters and numbers.
2016-09-22 21:24:35
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Doing It The WRITE Way!
The students in my classroom come from a mix of economic situations and backgrounds. There are every-day struggles in their lives, but they are resilient students who come prepared to learn and do better each day. \r\n 7th grade students are curious and bold about the things they believe in. When practicing writing, they show great insight and skill already. \r\nAs these students grow this year, I am working on developing them into thinkers who can put their ideas to paper, back those ideas up with text, and prove their beliefs to be true. I am also hoping to impart my own love of literature so they will become life-long readers to supplement their writing and idea development.
As my students work on developing stronger written arguments and backing those up with textual evidence, they are learning to express themselves in clearer and more truthful ways.\r\nThese items will enhance the writing experience for all students, and allow them to see their work presented in an academic manner.\r\nAllowing students to create multiple drafts requires storing those drafts in writing folders, and using clipboards opens up alternate seating arrangements for students who need to move around to keep their minds focused. Once they have edited their work and worked their way to a final draft, typing and saving those papers will create a portfolio of growth for students to look back on with pride!
My students need writing folders and clipboards for creating drafts, and laptops for typing up beautifully completed essays.
2017-04-10 22:07:40
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literature & Writing, Visual Arts
Paper...paper...paper... please!
I have the best scientists, mathematicians, historians, and authors walking into my classroom every morning. Every day, my students come to school ready to explore and learn. My students and I believe without a doubt that they are the smartest students in the world. Our school is located in a low income area. All students receive free breakfast, lunch and snack. Although, these students are faced with many difficulties, my students have a passion for learning and work hard. The data proves it.
My first graders are hard workers and require a great deal of regular print paper. These little ones go through at least one worksheet per academic subject (reading, writing, grammar, math, science, & social studies) and we also have an additional math center daily that requires extra paper outside of our regular subjects. I will be using the ledger (11x17) paper to print large copies of worksheets in order for me to model activities for my students. It is extremely difficult to model worksheets to students on a regular size paper.\r\nOh yes, we can't forget about the card stock and construction paper. It is the time for spring crafts. Every student loves a short break from the everyday curricula to work on a fun craft. Please help my students and I to continue to have a successful school year.
My students need plenty of paper for everyday worksheets and spring crafts.
2017-01-24 10:38:37
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Diminish the Digitial Divide
I teach in a low-income urban school district. All of my students are faced with daily challenges in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, I am looking to keep things simple and provide my students with creative and meaningful learning experiences. My students come to school each and every day despite the challenges they face. My co-teacher and I are committed to building a safe and nurturing community in our classroom. Our students walk into our class and receive hugs and leave each day knowing they are loved.
It is so important to inspire curiosity and increase engagement amongst all students. The Swivl allows classroom teachers to record lessons for students to view as needed. Students who may need a lesson retaught and or may have been absent will be able to view the lesson online. This tool is a game changer for students with disabilities as it allows them to review lessons as needed versus being pulled from the general education classroom.\r\nThe Swivl will allow for my urban students to experience the same flipped lessons as their suburban peers. Many suburban school districts use the idea of flipped classrooms as this is a new trend for increasing teacher time with students. Research shows that technology infused lessons increases student engagement and therefore student success. \r\nThank you so much for your interest in 21st-century learners!
My students need a Swivl to allow them to be exposed to flipped lessons like their suburban peers. Research shows technology infused lessons increases the level of student engagment. Please help me close the digital divide.
2016-09-05 12:14:45
Grades 3-5
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literature & Writing
Global Learners Taking the Lead!
My students live and breathe technology! As part of a rural elementary school that serves over 600 students, they are energized when they have the opportunity to learn while using some sort of technology. When a device is in their hands they feel empowered. With the push for creating global learners in my state, I see that the potential is definitely there however the resources are not. Being part of a district where 100% of our students receive free lunch, we know that not every home is able to provide the resources that are required to be competitive and prepared as a global learner. Many of my students do not have internet access at home and once they leave school that energy for learning fizzles until they walk through our doors again the following day. Let's keep the energy alive! Let's create global learners!
In effort to create global learners, communication skills are essential. My desire is to have my students to use the iPad Air 2 to create digital portfolios via ClassDojo. This is a new feature offered by the company that will allow students to share and converse with their parents about their learning without having to cause an inconvenience of coming to the school. Currently 95% of my parents access ClassDojo on their mobile devices so that they can keep up with their child's daily participation in class and to obtain updates on events that take place within our classroom and school. With this new feature, parents will not just be able to see grades, but they will also be able to see the quality of work that their child produces within the classroom and foster conversation (communication) between students and parents about what they are learning.
My students need this iPad Air 2 so that they can create student digital portfolios as a tool for use during student led conferences.
2017-04-09 15:50:46
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Health & Life Science
Magical Morphing: Exploring the Wondrous Life Cycle of Butterflies
Each day, 22 students hop, skip and jump into my classroom, completely excited about what the school day will bring for them. They're young and silly (they are 5 years old, after all), and eager to grab onto and learn anything I throw at them. I teach at a Title I school in Texas where nearly 90% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. Poverty affects so much of their lives, but I feel like it's my job to ensure that once they step foot in my classroom, they never feel like they'll have to go without.\r\n\r\nMy AWESOME class this year is particularly young, with many little friends who barely made the cutoff to begin school, so they need some extra help staying focused and engaged.\r\nThis year, I'll be taking advantage of their fire for learning and I will use the extra energy to drive our instruction down a more active, engaging path toward success. I'll be dedicated to making sure these kids know they matter, and they feel confident they can succeed in all things.
Kindergarten learning should be all hands-on, all the time. Throughout the year, we've been studying a myriad of science subjects, but the best is yet to come: the life sciences. At the end of the school year, we will be studying the life cycle of a butterfly!\r\nThe entire four-classroom kindergarten team will be using these butterfly gardens to experience the awe-inspiring transformation as larva become caterpillars, chrysalides and finally emerge as butterflies. I cannot tell you how excited we are to to be able to provide this interactive experience for our students! The butterflies will transform and fly away just as our little ones get ready to spread their wings and fly to first grade!\r\n
My students need a hands-on way to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly, and having the experience of watching live caterpillars transform will be absolutely magical!
2017-01-03 14:54:07
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Use Your \"Marbles\" to Stimulate the Brain
Singer. Dancer. Artist. Number Cruncher. Gamer. Scientist. Athlete.\r\nMy students are a diverse group with various interests, strengths, and backgrounds; however, there is a need for technology-based resources and thought-provoking resources. \r\n\r\nOur school is located in South San Francisco, north of Silicon Valley, home of technology and innovation, currently has more than 700 students. Common Core Math is the math of their generation. What exactly does this mean? This means the generation of tomorrow needs experiences to engage them in critical thinking and problem solving to make learning more meaningful.\r\n\r\nPlease help my students have an equal opportunity and access to resources such as games for the classroom to have the skills to compete in today's world. These children are the future!
Math is generally thought of as numbers and word problems. But there is more to math than meets the eye. Math promotes problem solving, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, visualizing, and collaborating. When students challenge their brains in different ways like a workout, students can expand their thinking and sharpen their skills for real-world situations.\r\n\r\nGames and building make learning fun! If you give a student a worksheet to calculate the relationship between mass and height, how likely will they be engaged? But if you ask them to build a rollercoaster and experiment the two factors, the learning is more relevant. What would you rather have as a learning tool-paper and paper task or a game that stimulates your brain?\r\n
My students need hands on materials and games to promote critical thinking, problem solving, and visual perception to stimulate the brain to think \"outside the box\".
2016-07-07 20:11:41
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Flexible Seating!
The 22 culturally diverse students who make up my classroom are amazing, bright 4th graders from a small town in Florida. I have not yet met my students for this upcoming year; however... \r\n\r\nI know they will all enter my classroom with diverse backgrounds and learning styles.\r\n\r\nThere will be many, many differences in all aspects of their lives - social, physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental. As their teacher I work hard, regardless of those differences, to reach them and help them be successful.\r\n\r\n
Alternative or flexible seating is when students are given various seating options in the classroom, as opposed to traditional seating where all students sit in chairs. This approach gives each individual student the power to choose which work space is best for their learning. With this type of seating in my classroom, my students will have more opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers through more active and engaged learning.\r\n\r\nYour donation will help me turn my classroom into a flexible, creative workspace that has been proven to improve behavior, attention and focus, and academic performance.\r\n\r\nThe Hokki stools, balance balls, and bouncy bands will allow my students the opportunity to wobble, bounce,and balance while helping them stay more focused and engaged on the lesson at hand.\r\n
My students need flexible seating options like Hokki stools, balance balls, and bouncy bands to allow movement and help them stay focused, productive, and comfortable in the classroom.
2017-02-14 16:43:39
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Creating a Sense of Community
We are a small public high school within San Diego Unified, located on the campus of a community college. Students choose to come to our school rather than attend their neighborhood schools. We have approximately 100-125 students total and consider ourselves to be part of the Big Picture network of schools where we focus on differentiating students learning based on their interests and academic needs . Our students attend regular high school classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays they are out on internships in San Diego's business community for a minimum of 4 hours each day. In addition, our students are eligible to take free college classes at the community college on these days. Our students come from all neighborhoods in San Diego and make up a diverse student body both racially and socioeconomically. We have approximately 30% enrollment in Free and Reduced Lunch.
The House on Mango Street is a vital book for engaging my Hispanic students at the very beginning of their high school experience. Having taught many students from the barrios in San Diego, I have found that celebrating a character whose life and experiences mirrors their own, helps these students to know that this is a safe space and that they can trust me in making sure that they get the best education possible while also being considerate of their lives and experiences. \r\n\r\nOnce they finish reading this novella, they write their own memoirs using Cisneros' poetic style to tell their own stories and to represent their own neighborhoods.
My students need copies of the book The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros.
2016-06-23 16:17:07
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Gym & Fitness, Special Needs
Help Us Have a BALL in PE!!
My students are a great group of students although they live in a rough area with high levels of poverty, and face many challenges not faced by students in more affluent regions of our city. Solely by virtue of their parents’ zip code, these kids start school already on uneven footing at kindergarten. \r\n\r\nWe are a PK-5 Title 1 school and have 98% Hispanic students, 95% of my students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program, and two special education units. I want to do my best to provide the best PE program for students who really deserve it, but I need YOUR help!
Having a variety of safe, gator skin balls to use in PE is very important. There are so many games using balls to improve motor skills including kicking, throwing, volleying, and dodging as well as social skills like cooperation and sportsmanship. These gator balls are soft so they are safe to use in the gym with lots of students.\r\n\r\nI have students ranging from Pk through 5th grade who have different skill levels so it's important that I have a few sizes of balls for these games. My students love games where they can use balls which increases their physical activity level and benefits their health. These balls will be used all year long and in the years to come!
My students need 24 soft, gator skin balls of different sizes.
2016-11-15 21:14:07
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
\"Book 'em, Danno!\"
All of my students are diagnosed with emotional, behavioral, and social disabilities. They struggle to control their feelings and behavior in an effort to maintain a calm demeanor while they try to navigate through their school day. Often, they are easily frustrated during routine academic demands, miscues during social interactions, and internal stimuli that they are often unable to express verbally.\r\n\r\nSeveral of my students also have a diagnosis of autism and/or developmental delay, which further hinders their emotional, behavioral, and social growth. They have needs that cannot be met in the typical classroom. For instance, one of my students cannot tolerate for other students to look at him, speak to him, or to touch him. He prefers to sit behind his own corral at his desk. He requires concrete boundaries in order to be able to sit at a table for lessons. It takes a lot of consistent effort and creativity to help this student feel safe in his surroundings. \r\n\r\nAll day long, we work with these students to try to build enduring relationships, build trust, and improve self-esteem.
My students need help in learning sight words, so they can improve their fluency; learning word families and rhymes will help them to recognize words automatically instead of decoding them, allowing them to focus on the words and meaning of the text instead of the individual phonemes and graphemes.\r\n\r\nMy students need books that allow for hands-on opportunities to help them to maintain focus and engagement; to allow for an opportunity to foster a love for reading. This will allow them to better comprehend what they are reading and visually help them learn how to retell in sequence. \r\n\r\nMy students have very big deficits in their academics, especially in reading, due to emotional and behavioral disabilities. The storytelling sets on my wish list will not only allow students to learn reading hands-on, they will also allow students to work together and build their social skills. The STEM activities that accompany some of the books will all for applied learning projects, which is a way of helping students make connections between what they learn in school and how that knowledge is used for real purposes both in school and out of school
My students need books with hands-on activities to help them remain focused and engaged while learning how to read; my special needs students require materials that will allow them to access the curriculum and absorb concepts.
2016-09-15 13:17:19
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Easy on the Eyes and on the Nose!
The students we serve are 3 and 4 year olds with a variety special needs and abilities who are served in a separate classroom in a public school in North Carolina. \r\n\r\nStudents in our program have mild to moderate physical, developmental and speech needs that are best supported in a high-quality early childhood environment. Being in a program for exceptional children in the school system, such as ours, helps the students and their families receive the support services they require in one setting.
In a classroom for young children with special needs, we learn quite a bit through our senses; however, smelling dirty diapers is NOT something we would like for our students to experience! Since diapers are a part of our world, we need an appropriate place to dispose of them rather than in our classroom trashcan!\r\n\r\nIn contrast, we would like for our students to use their senses to use mirrors and explore how they look and how they form words with their mouth as well as to use during dramatic play. \r\n\r\nWe need an odor free diaper pail and mirrors for our classroom.
My students need mirrors to look at their reflection and a diaper pail for dirty diapers.
2016-09-27 16:15:24
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Student Materials Needed!!!!
Hi my name is Mrs. Lofton and I teach math to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders in Louisiana. I am working on showing my students how we use math in everyday life. As we move though the units I make sure and have the students complete a project using real life examples.\r\nThe students I teach are all looking to make something of themselves and are very interested in learning the different ways we use math in our every day lives. They are learning how so many jobs require different math skills form the simplest job to the hardest. A large number of my student live on their own and work and still manage to get to school on time and use their day in a productive way. We thank you in advance for any help as these students struggle with bills already and sometimes its hard to get all the supplies needed. Most of my students are on a career path and are interning during their time away from school.
My students are in need of basic math materials to help them through the year. As they all do not have the supplies needed for math to be successful.\r\nThe calculators will be used with the overhead so that the students can see how to use and read the information. The binders will be used in class to keep the students papers in order and the dividers will allow the students to each have a section in the binder. The tabs will be used to section off the assignments by units to help keep the students organized. As always we need pencils and paper to do our everyday assignments. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
My students need basic material to help them in math. They will use all these material on a daily basis.
2016-07-09 20:28:03
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Literacy & Language
Early Development, Literature & Writing
Ipad And Supplies For Our Room
My classroom is filled with 22 energetic Kindergartners who come in ready to learn. They love technology, writing, reading, and moving. From the beginning of the day until the end they are learning, playing and growing. \r\nWe are part of the No Excuses University where we promote college readiness throughout the year, we believe that even in Kindergarten they can start planning on college. We are a Title 1 school located in Texas. My classroom is filled with both English and English Language Learners. \r\nI always tell my class that they are the best Kindergarten class in the school and after a few weeks I will hear them telling each other that they are the best.
The iPads a would be used to work on reading, writing and math projects. By utilizing apps on the iPad, they can create stories and work on math problems. The ipad would allow them to create, code and explore with ozobot. We can use the paper and ink to print our stories. The books would be used to teach writing lessons and then to enjoy reading. The lamps would make our library inviting. The turtle food would feed our class pets, which help us learn responsibility.\r\nThe technology items will allow them to collaborate with a group while being creative and using their critical thinking skills with everyday learning.\r\nI will be able to use all of these tools to target different areas for each student. The writing books will help them understand why you write and give examples of how an author uses his words to tell a story.
My students need an ipad, case, ozobot, printer ink, books, classroom lighting and food for our turtle.
2016-09-13 19:54:58
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Gone Chopin … Bach in Five
What does \"The message in the music\" mean to you? To my kids, it means so much more! Music is not just for entertainment! My kids are learning how music can be used as a human rights tool! They are learning to express their feelings of the world around them in positive ways.\r\n\r\nMy kids are every stereotype you can think of: poor, underprivileged, rough, angry. Turn that same prism around there is also joy, happiness, intelligence and creativity. They are learning to navigate the world around them and we are working on showing them how to use this energy in a positive way.
Our piano lab is aging. We have 3 classes of 35 kids that are bursting at the gills, which is a great problem to have! BUT keyboards are beginning to have the keys break off making them unuseable. We also don't have enough keyboards for every student in class, even if you counted the slightly broken ones!\r\n\r\nWe are in desperate need of more keyboards for our labs to meet the needs of our students. A keyboard for each student in class will facilitate their love of music and help them grow and appreciate the world around them. We are down to 24 semi working keyboards and 35 kids in each piano class. These keyboards are needed sooner rather than later for our kids to have a successful year in class.
My students need Yamaha keyboards to replace the broken ones in our piano lab.
2017-02-16 15:34:49
Grades 6-8
Music & The Arts
Performing Arts
Without A String, The World Is Silent!
Our inner city Hispanic students are trying to assimilate into our local culture while struggling to maintain their own identity. One way is through music. These families are very poor, yet full of life, and value education for their children. Many times music is how they learn the concepts they need to gain their education.\r\nThese children love to learn and often have to accomplish that without the basic needs for completing education. In music, that's done without music stands to hold music which is often handwritten since no budget exists for purchasing band or choral music. Stands can often be the back of another student in front of them! Instruments are bought from the teacher's personal funds or donations from those who no longer use them and often need extensive repair before they an be used.
Strings are a vital necessity when it comes to playing a good violin well. The instruments these strings will assist are advanced players who need a higher quality string for their instruments. They have worked hard, earned money to help them get a better instrument and we want to give them a chance to make better music!\r\n These children have shown their dedication to learning their craft and their commitment to music is unsurpassable! Teaching them to hear quality without providing them quality, long lasting strings in nearly impossible. These strings will make the difference for these students who have sacrificed their time and energy to play not only in the classroom but for community events and concerts around the neighborhood. Playing music has created better achieving students in these classrooms, some of which who have gone on to college and been the first in their families to do so.
My students need strings to keep their instruments playing the wonderful sounds of music!
2016-09-29 15:12:13
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Bring Projects to Life With Color
Color! Strong and beautiful just like my students! Students with Special Needs and English Language Learners are the lowest performing sub-group at our middle school. The majority of these students don't have printers at home to complete their homework. Even fewer have colored ink.\r\nMy Special Need students are from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds and income levels. The majority of my students are receiving free or reduced lunch. My class serves students with a wide range of disabilities; intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, autism spectrum disorder, health impairment, and specific learning disabilities. The ethnic makeup of my class is 40% Latino, 30% Caucasian, and 20% Pacific Islander, 3% African American and 7% \"other.\" The typical student in my class takes pride in their work and is successful academically with teacher assistance.The opportunities and achievement gaps are significant among our student population. As a special education teacher, I want students to bring their projects and ideas to life. This can happen by adding colored ink to their projects.
Having a printer with color ink will inspire students to go above and beyond with their assignments. We currently have an old printer with black ink. Very few of my students have ever printed in color due to costs. I want to provide my students with the same opportunities that other students have. With updated technology students will take pride in their work.\r\nI have been implementing a new reading program for the past year. My students are very successful when we use an audio CD and listen to what we have read. I need a copy of \"A Wrinkle in Time\" (Fantasy) and \"My Brother Sam is Dead\" (Historical Fiction) to complete my multi genre reading program.
My students need a printer and ink cartridges to complete their general education projects. We also need 2 CD's to help us with reading and understanding our classroom novels.
2016-08-27 17:54:02
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Learning My Words And Listening To My Weekly
I have the great opportunity of working in low income/high poverty area. It is great opportunity because these students truly appreciate the things you do for them. This makes teaching a pleasure and a honor . The students work hard for success. Altough our resources are low the students do there best. \r\n The staff at our school work hard to produce life long learners. My goal is to get support to get the tools to help make this year an enjoyable learning experience.
This project will help stimulate my students to learn there weekly list of words. They will be able to see the words on a daily basis and this will help motivate them to know the uses and spelling of the words.\r\nThis well also support the students that are absent..They often miss out on word because they won't seek out on want they missed.\r\nStudents will be able to team up and practice learning the words : spelling, meaning, parts of speech and using correctly in a sentence. This will help them become comfortable and knowledgeable with using their weekly list.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students need the chart stand in order to visualize there story vocabulary daily.. The table stand will be used in small groups for writing their ideas. Headphones will help personalize my students work.
2017-03-12 20:40:07
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Who doesn't love Lego (Books)??
I believe it is my duty to provide a learning environment that gets my students excited about reading and technology.\r\n\r\nOur classrooms are full of students from a variety of backgrounds, but we all come together as one big family at school. My students live in a small rural community of about five thousand people. Approximately 41.5 percent of students at our school are living at, or below, the poverty level. Most of their families consist of blue-collar workers living paycheck to paycheck.
A donation from one of my kindergarten families has the library stocked with enough lego blocks to create a pretty stellar Lego building center. I am also currently in the process of constructing a Lego wall.\r\nThis project builds an awesome library of Lego titles to excite even the most well-read Lego connoisseur. \r\nA donation to this project will help to bring a enough Lego ideas books to keep students building for days (and days and days). Currently, the Olalla Library has ZERO Lego books. This project furnish enough books that a student will be able to get a new Lego book every week of the school year! Now that's Lego-tastic!\r\nPlay on!
My students need a variety of books to satisfy their LEGO cravings.
2016-08-25 17:04:39
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
Deep in the Heart of Texas
\"I love the library\", is one of my favorite things to hear when walking down the hallways! My school is located in Dallas, Texas, where ninety-seven percent of the students are low socioeconomic and therefore receive free lunch. Most come from single parent households where the caregiver has little or no education. They do not own books and are struggling to learn to read. Despite these challenges, most are eager and willing to learn new things.\r\n\r\nAs a librarian, I love exposing my students to a whole new world, through books. The library is a safe place to enjoy learning. My students love to check out books that they can take home. Whether in English or Spanish, learning to read is a priority at my school.
My students would like to participate in the Texas Bluebonnet Award Program, this year. The Bluebonnet Award is given to one book, each year, that is chosen by Texas students in grades 3 through 5. Based on a master list of 20 nominated books, students must read 5 of the 20 books to be able to vote in January of 2017. As a librarian, I encourage my students to read a variety of genres and find books that they enjoy reading. This program has books from many different genres and reading levels.\r\n\r\nFunding this project will help my students become better readers and help them to develop a love for reading. The donations for this project will allow my students to choose from a variety of Texas Bluebonnet nominated books and vote for their favorite. This program will also allow students to see how the voting process works. When the winner is announced by the Texas Library Association, students will be excited to see which book won the vote.
My students need Texas Bluebonnet Nominated books to read so that they can vote for a winner in January.
2016-09-14 00:07:00
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Make them Move!
My students are a full classroom of transitional kindergarten students and kindergarten students. I have a very active classroom with 18 boys and 4 girls. They are a diverse bunch of learners. They are inspired each day to explore, learn and manipulate in the classroom and at school. \r\n\r\nThe students are from a variety of backgrounds which makes learning very interesting each day. They learn from each other, their experiences and from the rigorous curriculum. Some of my students are reading and writing, while others are just beginning. \r\n\r\nNo matter where the students are in their learning, they are encouraged to try their best and never give up. Students are encouraged to talk to one another, communicate and build life long skills, even at this young age. This school year will be full of active learning and fun for the entire class. \r\n
My students are all about movement. They are 4 and 5 and need to have constant activity. I asked my students what they would like to have in their classroom to help them get their wiggles out. \"They said they like to bounce...like a bunny.\" What a great idea! They could use balance balls to get that jumping sensation and work their core at the same time. They could use the hippity hops to carry their fun to the yard during play time. The students are so excited to get to be active and during their PE time students often say just how much they wish there was more equipment and more to do... with well organized games and materials that focus on their gross motor skills, I can just see the smiles on their face to get the materials that would facilitate those activities.
My students need active movement both inside the classroom and outside I order to access the core PE standards.
2017-03-03 11:09:49
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Gym & Fitness, Special Needs
Music Please! Motivation Needed for More Vigorous Physical Activity!
My students are as unique and wonderful as they come. They belong to our vibrant and diverse urban community whose population is close to 300,000. Most of my students; ages 5-12, are members of a self-contained special education class at their perspective schools. All of my students have been identified as having one of the 14 disabilities named under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The majority have autism, intellectual disabilities or multiple disabilities. They are an integral part of a school district that is more than 76% Black and Hispanic and where 65% of the students qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. Although, my students come from a vast variety of home situations, they all come to school each day hoping to be loved and understood. \r\nMost of my students learn best through movement and play and learn they do! Not all enjoy being physically active but through our time together in Adapted Physical Education class, all are learning to be proficient movers and each has found something physical they do well and enjoy. Motivation is always the “Key” and music tends to be highly motivating for most. \r\n
As an itinerant Adapted Physical Educator, I am responsible for physically educating approximately 80 students with variety of disabilities. I am currently moving between 11 schools, approximately 4 each day and although I do serve students across the continuum, I am the physical educator for the majority of my students, serving most of them in a separate, small group setting.\r\n Music has always been an integral part of my lesson delivery as I discovered long ago that music is the “key” to most of my students’ motivation to move! Everyone tends to move more when they hear music and it is no different with my young students with disabilities. Whether we are performing stretches and yoga poses, moving in different directions at different levels, tempos or speeds, practicing locomotor and fitness-related skills, working to hone manipulative and ball-related skills or playing a cooperative or competitive group game, my students remain more actively on task, have increased success performing the designated skills and are more likely to be moving at a moderate to vigorous pace when they are working to music. \r\nBeing itinerant teacher has its challenges, including not having my own classroom and having to carry my APE equipment with me where ever I go. Therefore, I need a portable speaker that can travel with me and be easily set up in a variety of spaces to use throughout each of my lessons. I have all of my music on school-issued IPod so I need a speaker that is Bluetooth compatible from varying distances. And lastly, I need the speaker to be loud enough to cover large spaces, including \r\noutdoor spaces. Please consider helping my students continue on their path to acquiring the skills needed to increase their likelihood of lifelong health!
My students need quality sound at a volume level they can hear in large open spaces to motivate them to engage in physical education lessons and to encourage them to move at moderate to vigorous level.
2016-12-10 20:39:04
Grades PreK-2
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
Art in the 21st Century
Despite being a Title I school and having a large population of low income, at-risk, and limited English proficient students, our school has managed to maintain itself among the highest performing schools in our large urban school district, and we consistently earn recognition for our accomplishments from the state.\r\n\r\nMy students are all hardworking, energetic and eager, and they come to class each day ready to learn about how to become better artists. They come to my class to express themselves through different forms of art.
It is important for my students to not only learn about art but also how to incorporate technology into art. Using ipad minis my students will be able to work with a different aspect of art that is innovative and dynamic.\r\n\r\nWith ipad minis my students will create and share digital content and media focusing on art and cross-curricular learning. Students will be able to explore drawing and painting, digital photography, critique, digital storytelling, animation, graphic design, website building, movie-making, even songwriting! \r\n\r\nWith the ipad minis my students will also be able to communicate and collaborate locally and globally. As educators we need to prepare our students to be global leaders and what better way than to prepare them with technology and the skills.
My students need ipad minis to upload and email their digital artwork.
2016-10-12 13:13:05
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Sand and Water Word Work Fun!
My students are an amazing group of tiny humans. There are 20 of us (including myself) and we are one big loving family. Our school is a Title I (mostly free and reduced lunch) Animal Sciences Magnet school, located in a rough neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. \r\nAs an animal sciences magnet, we incorporate animals into much of our curriculum, have an Animal Care Center on site, and we simply love animals.\r\nBack when our school was founded, there was an absurd number of animal cruelty reports in the surrounding neighborhood. The district thought it might help to have an animal sciences magnet in the area to promote a love and respect for animals, and it worked!\r\nWe have partnerships with Busch Gardens and Lowery Park Zoo to help provide engaging activities for our students. Each grade level studies a biome and chooses a conservation effort to promote and endorse. For example, Kindergarten studies the Savannah/Grasslands of Africa, and we raise money for the Cheetah Conservation Fund.\r\nWe simply want to make the world a better place, and we know it starts with us.
My students participate in Daily 5 centers every single day. This reading program consists of Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work, and Work on Writing. \r\nI would love for my students to have a fun and engaging way to build words and practice spelling at Word Work. My plan for the sand and water table is to have kinetic sands on one side and water beads on the other side. One student can be searching for letters to spell out words on each side, and the letters will be buried in either the sand or the water beads. This is also great for my students who have some sensory needs as well as fine motor delays. A sand and water table allows those students to get the stimulation they require while learning in an engaging way.
My students need a sand and water table for word work activities.
2016-11-01 08:09:11
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
\"Not All Who Wander Are Lost\"J.R.R.Tolkien
The students at PALM Charter High School are unique. They have a love for automobiles of all shapes and sizes. The students choose to come to PALM because PALM gives them what they love: racing, welding, body shop, graphics. My students need high interest, hands-on, relatable texts. They enjoy automobiles, hunting, fishing, mud bogging, and the beach. These books allow my students to engage which allows them to engage, to become fluent, and to increase their ability to comprehend texts.
Textbooks' walls of text intimidate and confuse readers. Textbooks' large size also creates a feeling of discouragement in readers. Small, graphic novels and non-fiction engage readers and create less fear and confusion. They include colorful illustrations and chunks of text that allow a student to feel less intimidated. Students also feel a sense of accomplishment upon completing a text. They are not looking at a textbook and thinking, \"Oh no! I have to read ALL of this!\"\r\n\r\nThe high interest books encourage student engagement and help redevelop a lost interest in reading. The graphic novels allow growth in literacy and deepen students' knowledge of literature.\r\n\r\n
My students need high-interest texts to increase their engagement and foster learning.
2016-08-10 14:46:38
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Math & Science
Early Development, Mathematics
Kindergarten STEM Stations
\"I'm reading! I'm really doing it!\" Excitement like this is what makes my job worth doing. As a teacher in a low-income school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, I am looking to keep things simple and provide my students with creative and meaningful learning experiences.\r\n\r\nLiving in a low income area may prevent some of them from getting ahead early in life and may not provide them with the life experiences many of us see as \"typical\". I may not be able to control their home lives, but I will certainly do my best to control their experience during the school day. By doing this in a creative and positive way, I am hopeful to inspire even our earliest learners to continue on a path of academic excellence.
My students will use these 3 kits to explore the creative process. These materials will not directly teach my students new skills, but they will help prime my students for learning in all content areas and with many daily living skills. In my experience, students learn best through hands on activities. These materials will allow them to do just that without limiting them! \r\n\r\nThe donations for this project will improve my classroom by allowing them to explore math, science, and technology. Since I will be able to provide the appropriate stimulation that my students need, classroom disruptions and behavioral issues will be minimized.
My students need the craft tub, the Three Little Pigs problem solving kit, and the water play kit to explore the creative process in our classroom.
2016-12-12 12:23:46
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences
First Grade is Cool with Coding
\"Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way.\" - George Evans \r\n\r\nI work in a low income school district in Washington state where 100% of my students receive free meals at school. They are eager to learn despite the odds they have against them in their lives. At our school, we do everything we can to help them be college and career ready. This includes being people who are hard workers and excited to read.
Robotics is something that the fifth graders learn at our school. My first graders are so anxious to get to fifth grade in order to work with the robots. A teacher in the lower grades got a set of these robots donated to her classroom and has seen the fire they ignited in her students. They were so engaged and interested in getting an opportunity to control the robot. The Next Generation Science Standards have our students work with programming for Project Lead the Way. They are struggling with writing simple programs. \r\n\r\nThese robots are a great way to teach them cause and effect while integrating engineering into the programming.\r\nThe Dash robots can be programmed to carry carts and move around obstacles. Using the coding game and robots will help them see the cause and effect relationship with coding. Incorporating robotics and computer coding takes a step towards what their future will look like.\r\n\r\nAllowing them to experiment, manipulate, and program these robots will be the first step in preparing them to be college and career ready in a 21st century. Integrating engineering into that learning will only strengthen their learning and excite them even more.
My students need a Wonder Workshop Dash robot with a ball launcher and a coding game.
2016-08-28 14:00:45
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
A Classroom Library for Exceptional Students
The main goal of my Exceptional Education class is to teach students to function independently. We focus on developing reading skills, math skills, social skills, self-advocacy, and functional skills. When they leave high school, the students should be able to apply for and obtain a job, be confident in themselves, and pursue their goals. \r\nEarning a certificate diploma shouldn't hold the students back from anything. The students enjoy school, reading, and act like typical teenagers. We are a class of neurodiverse students, including autism, Downs Syndrome, and intellectual disabilities. The students do attend a Title I school, and the entire class is on free/reduced lunch.
While the high school has its own library, the students in my exceptional education class are unable to read the books on grade level. The items I have selected to start a classroom library include both fiction and nonfiction titles. My students have expressed interest in reading about animals, historical figures, and engaging fictional stories.\r\nHaving this classroom library will allow the students to access books and increase their understanding of the world. This will also give the staff an opportunity to engage in more diverse one-on-one readings. We want to promote independent reading and help students develop a love of literature.
My students need a classroom library with a diverse set of books that are on their reading levels.
2016-10-27 15:09:16
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Learning Through History-Holocaust
My classroom contains 6th-8th grade students that are looking for an alternative to the mainstream middle school campus. Students are given a second chance to make a positive decision to be successful in their educational career and future. \r\n My students have been either unsuccessful or unmotivated and my classroom works to build self esteem, confidence and motivation from within for future success. \r\nMy students may struggle to conform to the traditional classroom but they want to be challenged and learn. \r\n
I would like my students to have another source to read to gain varying perspectives of this historical event in our time. Night is another account of the events that occurred during this time period in history. \r\n\r\nIn addition to reading Anne Frank's Diary and Night, we will use the details gained from these novels to expand and support our writing. By reading both these pieces of literature and understanding the impact on history will prepare my students to truly understanding the impact now and then on the world. By learning about history we can strive to not repeat it.
My students need Night, the novel, to gain for insight about the Holocaust.
2016-08-10 14:09:16
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
We Want to Shake, Wobble and Bounce!
My second grade students are from very diverse backgrounds and live in a very low income area in Delaware. Our school district is very rural and is mainly surrounded by farm land. In our classroom we encourage creativity and movement throughout the day and by allowing them the freedom to make choices about what they want to create is key! As a group we strive for greatness through partner work, collaborative conversations and problem solving but we are active workers! I would describe them as very kind students who are up for any challenge. Without hesitation, I want to provide my students with more than I ever imagined possible and that begins with effective tools and creative outlets. I want to provide opportunities they may never experience outside of our classroom and that includes physically building their own creations as well as keeping their bodies moving during instruction.
My students always ask to work in different places around our classroom! If they are being highly productive and working, I am A-Okay with them choosing a different option around the room. Instead of the students bringing in their own pillows from home, we decided on both stability and soft cushions for quick, movable seating options in our class. \r\nThey brainstormed being able to use the cushions as a wiggly chair pad, while laying on the floor under their belly or elbows to even standing on them for balance during yoga! How creative!? The best part about stability cushions is that they are actually providing my students with core stability exercises for their abdominal muscles! Not to mention, we would also be able to sanitize these very regularly which is an amazing quality. \r\nOur third seating option was introduced by me but for my students who decided that they work the best at their regular seats. They love the idea that they would still be able to work but move their bodies through the bouncy bands on their chairs! They can stretch, bounce, tap and wiggle their way to learning! \r\nAlso, the addition of wobble stools will allow students the option to move their bodies while working throughout the entire day. If they need to pull these up to our small group table or use them at their desk for additional movement, I am all for it!
My students need wobble stools, chair bands, a seating cart and stability cushions to promote active learning and work throughout our day!
2016-08-11 16:10:26
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Mathematics
Ready To Go With Our MacBook Pro
My students are amazing in every single way. We are an incredibly diverse group and every single person has their own background and story. Although we may be from different cultures, states, or even countries, we are one big family. \r\n\r\nMy students pride themselves on the fact that no two people in our class are the same. Each and every one of us learns in their own unique way and they have come to embrace their differences and use them to their advantage. \r\n\r\nWe are not your typical class and we are extremely grateful for that. These students are a special group of individuals who yearn to learn and always strive to better than the day before. \r\n\r\n
A MacBook Pro will serve as additional means of technology within our classroom. We use different form of technology every single day in both Math and Science. This laptop will be used in both small group and individual settings that allow the students to research materials in Science. \r\n\r\nStudents will use the laptop as an interactive tool in Math and Science. Games, interactive PowerPoints, and so much more will literally be at their fingertips once we receive the MacBook Pro laptop. This piece of technology will allow my students to continue to broaden their knowledge of any and all subjects.
My students need a MacBook Pro to serve as an additional means of technology in the classroom.
2016-08-03 12:47:26
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Book Bins for All!
My district is made up of students who are living below the poverty rate. They come to school with very little outside of the classroom experiences. They are eager to learn and have a thirst for new knowledge. I try to provide them with as many positive experiences as possible that will broaden their horizons and show them what life is outside of their community. I am hoping that by giving them a positive start to their education they will continue their learning for a long time.
I want my students to always have books at their fingertips. I currently have all of my classroom library organized by level and genre. The class is allowed to pick out the books that they find most interesting. I do not want them to use their independent reading time searching for a book that looks good. \r\n\r\nThe organizational bins that I am requesting will allow each student to have their own space for books. The books will be located in a specific spot for them to grab when they need to be reading. The books will last longer because they are not jammed into their desks among all of their other materials.
My students need a way of storing their books and these containers will help them do just that!
2016-11-06 13:08:45
Grades 6-8
Applied Learning
Community Service
Spreading the Love One Card at a Time.....
Caring , enthusiastic , trustworthy and helpful. These are my students in the FEA club. They come with ideas and are ready to go out into the community and spread the love of teaching through writing. \r\n\r\n\r\nMy students are future educators and the nurturers to our future leaders ........ \r\n\r\nOur students are in a Title I School. These 15 students are ready to share and provide their own materials to be able to make an elderly person smile, a child feel welcomed and teachers feel appreciated. It is amazing to see these students give to the community and sacrifice their own materials and earnings to make a person feel special .
The materials needed to spread the love in our community consist of blank cards that the students can decorate, write poems, and write messages to the community. The chrome notebook would be beneficial to research information and pictures to place on the cards. Stickers, markers, would be used to decorate the cards. \r\n\r\nLove notes is a fun and nurturing way to spread the love of teaching in the community. As a teacher , it is my responsibility to teach my students that all it takes in this world is a small gesture, as simple as writing a message to someone. \r\nWriting messages to other children, teachers, or the elderly makes them feel appreciated, loved and worthy. When my students research and write the cards with messages, it encourages a love for researching , writing and self expression.
My students need to help spread the love of teaching with notes and cards. The Chromenotebook would be beneficial to research information, poems and ideas to reach the community.
2016-06-24 07:28:56
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Ditch the white board and get a boogie board!
My students are 1st graders at a large Title One elementary school in Florida. The school is also a STEM Museum Magnet school. We have worked hard to get students excited about science and technology learning. Imagine learning to read and write through science, engineering, and the use of technology and then you can think of how my students learn.\r\nThese awesome first graders come in eager to write and share their ideas. They want to use the technology I already have in the classroom and would love to explore more and more as the year progresses. As a teacher in the school I try to focus on pulling out the best in student learning and tailor their educational needs as best I can with the resources I have.
In first grade the students are constantly asked to share their answers, sometimes by calling out, raising a hand, and many times they are asked to write down answers on a white board. While using the individual white boards was convenient years ago, now the students are utilizing technology more and more. These boogie boards will help fuse together the technology piece and the sharing out piece of educational activities.\r\n\r\nThe kids are always eager and excited to draw their math problems, spell a word, or just get a correct answer and so, just imagine the 21st century sharing of answers on a boogie board. The students will be able to share out their thinking in so many ways thanks to the boogie board e-writers. My students will each have one boogie board and will not need to share. I will also have a larger one for the whole class to see as I model how to complete activities on the boogie board. \r\n\r\nThese boogie boards will give more time for activities to be completed and less time with supplies as we used to when using white boards, markers, erasers, and white board cleaners. They will help utilize technology in the classroom and get my students excited about sharing their ideas in all areas of curriculum.
My students need Boogie Board e-writers to replace my old individual white boards.
2016-12-21 13:48:03
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Who needs a Chromebook?\r\nWE DO!!
My students are eager to learn and make their mark on the world.\r\n\r\nThey come from a Title 1 school and need extra love.\r\n\r\nMy fourth grade students are in a high poverty area and still come to school every day to get their education. I am trying to make it fun and educational for them so they can get the most out of their schooling. I created a caring environment for the students to bloom! They deserve the best.\r\nThank you!\r\n
I am requesting 1 Chromebook to access online interventions, differentiate instruction, and get extra practice. The Chromebook will be used to supplement ELA and math instruction. Students will play ELA and math games that are engaging and fun, as well as participate in assignments online. This in turn will help my students improve their skills. Having a Chromebook in the classroom would not only allow students to use the programs at their own pace, but would ensure more students are getting adequate time to use the programs. The online programs have been especially beneficial to my students with special needs. They are able to work at their level as well as be challenged with some different materials. This is making these students more confident in their abilities.\r\n\r\nThe Chromebook would allow my students to have daily access to computers and increase their computing skills.\r\nThis will change their lives for the better as they become more successful in school. Having access to technology in the classroom would help bridge the achievement gap.
My students need a chromebook to help with differentiation and extra practice!!!
2017-03-18 19:24:53
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning, Literacy & Language
College & Career Prep, Literacy
STEAM Through Technology and Inquiry Based Learning
I have a very diverse classroom, and that is one of my FAVORITE things about my school. I have many students who know 2, 3 or even 4 languages! Many of my students bring different cultures and experiences to school and we all learn and share with each other. I learn SO MUCH from them. I also have very diverse learning needs.\r\n\r\n I have students who read at a pre-K level, and students who read at middle school/high school levels - and everything in between. This looks very similar across all subjects. This range also applies to emotional needs and basic ilfe needs. To reach all needs, I need ENGAGING and high-interest lessons. Everything I do is very intentional and strategic to guide my students to discover and deepen their love for lifelong-learning. \r\n\r\nMost IMPORTANTLY, I want students to develop life skills such as emotional regulation, communication skills, assertiveness, self-calming techniques, among many, many other things that we all need to lead our lives. I believe that every one of my students is capable of greatness, and with these skills I hope to help them avoid climbing some of these \"mountains of life\" alone.
I have one computer in my classroom that is available for students to use. I often let students use my own work laptop. Our computer lab is used mainly for assessment purposes.\r\n\r\nI want my students to have access to technology to deepen their research, inquiry, and access to information beyond the curriculum. This will help me individualize and make learning exciting and relevant for all students. I need Chromebooks to access technology so they can learn the skills needed for higher education and future careers. This will also help my students who have difficulty reading on their own, or struggle to write at a pace similar to their peers - among so many other things.\r\n\r\nPlease consider donating!!!! Thank you!!!
My students need Chromebooks to work on inquiry-based projects, to gain confidence in computer literacy, to practice math and to work on their reading..
2017-01-03 12:14:26
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Environmental Science
Flexible Seating!
Our students are engaged 6th-grade middle school students at an environmental charter school in Lutz, Florida. Our campus is located on approximately 27 acres of natural woodlands and an organic garden. Our school's mission is community oriented and all about creating lifelong learners. Our students have been taught to embrace nature as their best learning tool. My students are hands-on learners who get really excited about our weekly labs. They are appreciative and respectful students who love learning and also their natural environment.
Research has shown that flexible seating within a classroom improves student performance! When students have the ability to incorporate physical activity while learning, they also tend to better stay on task. Flexible seating also helps to accommodate children who need movement, breaks and preferential seating options. \r\n\r\n I would like to incorporate this within my own classroom. I have already purchased many seating options such as small sitting rugs, exercise balls, stools, floor pillows and intend on modifying several desks to standing height. I also will add \"fidget bands\" to some chairs that are already in the classroom. I would like to further purchase wobble chairs and bean bag chairs.
My students need more flexible seating options for differentiated seating within the classroom.
2016-09-27 23:30:32
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
More Movement with Hokki Stools
The 51 fifth grade students that will cycle through my classroom this year all love learning, at least most of the time. At our school, 97.3% of the students receive free or reduced price lunch. Of the 560 students, 97.3% are minority students. \r\nThe school has a vibrant community that loves to get together and celebrate. Around Halloween there is a whole school parade to show off the beautiful costumes that students wear. On Cinco de Mayo we put on a big festival with crafts made by the students, dances, and games. At the end of the year the school hosts a carnival to celebrate the hard work put in during the school year, with a dunk tank being the most popular activity.
My students will use these five brightly colored Hokki stools in place of regular, stationary, 4-legged chairs. As I will only have a total of ten in the classroom and not enough for each student to have an individual one, they will be used in a variety of ways. During independent reading time they will be used as special chairs students will each use on occasion. I will utilize them in place of chairs at my small group tables during math and reading times. The rest of the day they will be used by the students who need the highest amount of movement in their life in order to stay focused on school.\r\n\r\nWhenever asked what the classroom is missing, my students always say more Hokki Stools. They can't get their fill of the 5 stools we already have. When the students are sitting in group with me on the Hokki Stools, they are always moving, but at the same time doing their work. Anytime the students get to pick where they can sit, the Hokki Stools are the first to be taken. There are always students who head over to the kidney table to get one of the stools who are disappointed as there are not enough of them. \r\n\r\nWe ask a lot of students to sit for 7 hours a day. The Hokki stools will be a compromise that allow my students to do desk work and move at the same time. These stools will help students to meet their 60 minutes a day of movement by allowing them to activate their core muscles for balance while they sit. For many of my students, these chairs will take away the barrier that exists in schools for a child who can't sit still.
My students need 5 Hokki stools to increase their movement even while sitting.
2016-10-03 20:44:31
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
We Need A Kleen Slate
My class is made up of 23 students and more than five nationalities. Being an ESL class, we speak many different languages and come from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. All of my students receive free/reduced price lunch and some may go through periods of homelessness throughout the duration of the year. Aside from their hardships outside of the classroom, my students love coming to school and participating in opportunities that are out of the ordinary in their home lives. Many students don't have the technology at home that they engage in at school and they are enthusiastic about incorporating this into their learning.
With many different learning styles and levels in our class, students will have the opportunity to engage in hands on learning with these individualized dry erase response boards. \r\n\r\nUsing dry erase response boards that allow for various templates will give students the opportunity to participate in whole class learning in a fast paced environment. Students will have the chance to participate in engaging and higher ordered questioning without feeling the pressure of a small group setting. \r\n\r\nThe dry erase paddles offer a back sleeve that makes it simple to insert any magnetic or dry erase activity to fit the needs of any lesson.
My students need dry erase response paddles for multiple response templates and strategies at differentiated levels.
2016-09-01 17:53:59
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
6th Graders Think Like Engineers!
\r\n\r\n\r\nMy 6th grade math and science core class is made up of 10 and 11 year old students. They come to me from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnic groups and neighborhoods and they all share the desire for a 21st century education.\r\n\r\n Whether excitedly building towers out of spaghetti or learning about factors my class has an infectious enthusiasm for knowledge.\r\nThey work cooperatively and are respectful of one another.\r\n These children are kind, clever, energetic and are so eager to learn!
These materials will make a difference in my students' lives. They will be able to fully utilize the new district math and science adoptions for 6th grade.\r\n\r\nMy students will use the Chromebooks to hone in on their 21st century skills! They can use Google Drive to do math homework and exams. For science research enhancement, they can use the Chromebooks to reference videos on line.\r\n\r\nThere are also numerous applications for my students to enjoy. They will have access to Google Docs for writing up labs. They will use Google Slides for presentations and Google Classroom to access our agenda.
My students need Chromebooks to support our adopted math and science programs!
2016-12-12 21:06:57
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Shhhhh!! I am Working Independently In a Learning Center!
Our school is ranked as a high poverty school with 99% of our students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. I teach what is called a Self Contained Cross Categorical Academic class of typically about 16-20 students, Kindergarten to third grade. The disabilities in my classroom range in severity. As you can imagine, trying to teach multiple grade levels at once can be challenging but somehow with our organized chaos, my educational aide and I make it happen. Each and every one of my students is making progress to meet their annual goals. Teaching at my school has been a blessing because I know that, even on the hardest days, I have little ones who come to school and love the consistency and love what they get at school. Not only do I teach my students academics, but I try to push them to do their absolute best and show them that even though they may have a disability, they can do anything if they set their mind to it.
Hands on learning is the best way to help concepts stick in the minds of my special little learners. Everyday my students rotate through Learning Centers/Stations during math, reading and writing. My students Learning Centers are created especially for their learning levels. My students Learning Centers are also themed to make them fun and relevant to what they are learning.\r\nEvery two weeks I rotate out Learning Centers to keep the centers fresh and new so that my students do not lose interest.\r\nEveryday there are 30 different centers which my students can rotate through depending on their skill level and the academic block they are being used during.\r\nAs you can imagine maintaining fresh, fun and innovative centers can be challenging and time consuming as well as expensive. My project is simple as I am asking for materials to help me maintain my students Learning Centers. The card stock will be used to print the centers on, the Velcro helps me secure the various pieces to each center. Please consider supporting my center material project. Thank you for your consideration.\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students need Velcro and card stock for fresh innovative learning centers.
2016-10-09 20:31:40
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, History & Civics
Health & Life Science, History & Geography
From National Parks to Outer Space
I teach in a Title I school where over 90% of students qualify for free or reduced lunches. Our families comprise a multitude of cultures, including students from migrant families. A significant portion of our students have special needs and require materials for differentiated instruction. Our school has limited funds, so being able to meet the needs of all students can be challenging. That's why I am always searching for ways to provide access to materials that can benefit my high needs students.
In social studies, my students are learning about various National Parks here in the United States and planets in their science curriculum. As the new media specialist, I am trying to build our out-dated collection, so the students have both the quantity and quality of materials they deserve. Several grade levels have been studying outer space, and I do not have the resources required to meet their needs. In addition, students will be learning about National Parks, and I only have a very small selection of materials. \r\nThese books will provide my students with current resources that will give them up-to-date information for their research. A collection analysis report shows that our collection has items that are decades old. This confirms that current information is desperately needed so that students have accurate information to refer to when formulating their ideas
My students need books about National Parks and the planets to supplement what they are learning in class.
2016-06-24 12:27:38
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Flexible Seating = Optimal Learning
In the past three years, I have taught ROCKSTAR kiddos that overcome tremendous obstacles outside of the school day to continually show success in the classroom. \r\nWe are a small elementary school located in Lafayette, IN and we were named a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School - this is a testament to the kids as their hard work and continued motivation to meeting goals has been recognized. \r\nOur children come from a variety of diverse cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. We have many kids throughout our school who are English Language Learners while others are just trying to find food and shelter for their next meal when they leave school. Despite all these odds, our kiddos never cease to amaze me in their drive to learn and their ability to find success in the classroom. These 2nd graders are eager and excited to learn and try new things and we hope you will help us do just that!
Out with the old, in with the new! We are excited to turn our classroom into a flexible seating environment for our kiddos this coming fall. We are offering exercise balls, stools, camping chairs, bean bags, benches, stand up tables, and much more to improve the individual needs of each student. The physical movement for each child this set-up will provide will also assist in stimulus of their brains. \r\nWe are striving to make school an exciting and engaging environment for our kiddos - one that welcomes them to feel safe and a part of something special! Flexible seating will offer choice for students and let them work and learn in the best place for them.\r\nWe are still in need of a place to meet large group, which is why I am asking for help to supply a large meeting rug for our classroom. The foam squares will also help in creating comfortable seating when students choose to work on the floor in their favorite place around the classroom. We all learn in different ways and my goal is to meet the needs of each and every student that walks into our classroom this year with their best option for optimal learning.
My students need a group meeting rug for large and small group instruction along with soft, comfortable seating options for individual work around the room.
2016-08-01 12:34:49
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Getting Our MOVE On!
All of our students receive free breakfast, lunch, and most of them struggle through life, but they are great kids! However, these young minds are eager to learn and just waiting for opportunities to succeed. They are wonderful to be around and really enjoy spending time with their friends, teachers, community members, and coaches whenever they have the opportunity. They have already experienced and will also face more obstacles than most adults will ever encounter. \r\nFewer than 25% of the students are meeting grade level standards, but they absolutely love sports. We get to see them \"come to life\" and \"out of their shell\" in many ways, especially athletics and artistic expression (singing/dancing). With more of that success and confidence, it will transfer into in the classroom academically. Please give my students that chance to enjoy an active lifestyle at school and develop a holistic enjoyment of school by supporting our project. You can create lifetime learners and unlock opportunities that may otherwise be nonexistent.
With so many distractions, poor eating options and habits, video games, and social media, a sedentary and destructive lifestyle is becoming the norm in our community and around the world. Too often, the current generation waits for things to come to them instead of taking the necessary \"steps\" for a positive outcome. This phenomenon is easily observed in the classroom, and even more so on the playground as more and more students stand, sit, or rarely elevate their heart rate during recesses and P.E. \r\nAs an educator, nothing brings greater satisfaction than when my \"kids\" (students) tap into their own intrinsic motivation and independently seek out their goals to make positive change. \r\nAlthough technology has created many health issues in our populations, health and fitness activity trackers items like fitbits encourage us to keep moving and reach our hourly and daily activity goals in an extremely fun and informative way. The fitbit doesn't lie!!! In addition, fitbits bring a social and competitive aspect into the fitness realm since the students will be able to compete against their friends to see who takes the most steps. All of sudden, moving around and utilizing recess and P.E. minutes is the new \"game\". Regardless of the ending step count numbers, if they accidentally make exercising a habit, EVERYBODY wins!!\r\nOur fitbits will give birth to a creative student led challenge and help us reach our goal of more than 60 minutes of exercise. It's time move towards a positive, healthy, and active lifestyle one step at a time until we're at the top of the academic and wellness mountain.
My students need fitbit activity trackers and protective sleeves to motivate them to increase their physical activity throughout the day and exercise at least 60 minutes a day.
2016-06-20 11:58:18
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Health & Life Science
Safely Searching for Critters
Islip Middle School is located in a small coastal community on Long Island. My student body consists of 125 eager and excited naturalists that come from wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds. For the past two years, my co-teacher and I have been embarking on a journey we like to call our \"Nature Centered Outdoor Classroom.\" We are fortunate to have a pond and a lake right outside our classroom that regularly serves as the \"Blackboard\" for our daily lessons. Our curriculum focuses on the natural environment and all of its local issues. We hope to be creating a generation of kids that have a newfound love and respect for their environment.
After searching for inspiration for a new approach to teaching, I turned to the natural environment for my daily lessons. We are fortunate to have a pond and a lake that often serve as the background for my \"Nature Centered Outdoor Classroom\". Students are outside on a weekly basis performig various activities including testing water samples, identifying trees, learning about invasive species and collecting critters from our waterways. We use what information we gather outside to link to the NYS Science Curriculum when back inside the classroom.\r\n\r\n I have found that the students learn better by \"doing\" and having life jackets will help keep them safe when we are outside collecting water and critter samples in our waders. \r\n\r\n\r\n
My students need life jackets so we can safely go out into our pond in search for critters.
2017-01-04 08:49:13
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Mathematics
Ocean-Bots: Deep Sea Explorers
I teach in a transient city in North Carolina. Most of my students come from military homes and have moved all over the country and some all over the world. Other students have never left this city or had similar experiences that others may have had due to their socioeconomic status. My students are full of energy and curiosity and would love to be able to complete more engaging hands-on activities in the classroom. I want to give each and everyone of my students the opportunity to grow as scientists and want to explore their world.
Students will use Sphero SPRK bots to help them understand the challenges facing scientists exploring the ocean floor. Using the bots students will learn why scientists have only been able to explore less than five percent of the earths oceans. Students will work together to use the graph paper and ocean topography maps to chart a course of exploration for their Sphero. \r\nStudents will have the opportunity to combine their math and science skills to become deep sea oceanographers and engineers. Students will use the Sphero a prototype for programming and data collection to track how forces move objects around the ocean floor, as well as the level of impact when collisions or other forces act on the robot to move it.
My students need Sphero SPRK bots to help them understand deep ocean exploration and the challenges that scientist face with ocean exploration.
2016-05-11 11:40:19
Grades 9-12
Math & Science, Music & The Arts
Applied Sciences, Visual Arts
Lego Robotics Programming Resources & Digital Media Mics
My robotics classes and after school club are going to embark on a new mission for the next school year, learning a \"foreign language\". They will still be speaking English but will be utilizing a new programming language called RobotC, and its more advanced than anything we've worked with before.
I have a great group of students in grades 6-12 that take technology-related courses from me.\r\nMany of the kids I have in class have parents that are also products of our district. We are a close community rich in values and take pride in our history. My students include siblings in different grades, student athletes, honor roll students as well as those on the credit recovery tract. I am moving to a larger lab next school year, increasing our workable space dramatically. My junior high classes focus on robotics using the Lego Mindstorms kits. At the high school level, I teach classes that include graphics, stop-motion video production, CAD, and even using 3D printing to prototype ideas and solutions students design. Students are consistently engaged in the lessons we work on that include concepts from technology, engineering, robotics, math, and science. I, along with my fellow colleagues, take pride in the dedication to excellence our student body has.
My robotics club is an after school extension of my technology classes. I teach Lego robotics to students in grades 6, 7, and 8. Our robotics club has doubled in size since its inception last school year, and as the 8th grade class moves to the high school level, we are transitioning to a new programming language. Students will now have more control of their robots and sensors as well as learn more advanced programming methods. This will enhance problem solving skills and help develop logical thinking patterns. Additionally, my digital media classes record video projects on both our in class cameras and on their personal devices. The microphones requested would bring their projects to the next level by providing high quality audio files that can be added to videos. Students will be able to make voice overs for their stop motion film projects, record interviews of students and staff around the campus with excellent audio, and create top notch how to videos that are easy to understand.
The programming resources requested here would help my students master the basics of the new programming language. They'll also provide me with additional resources to not only become a more effect educator in the classroom but also to mentor our robotics team in ways I haven't been able to before. With the ability to record high quality audio, my digital media students will be able to produce better audio/visual projects and utilize more advanced technology by editing films and mixing audio.
My students need microphones for producing high quality audio recorded on their smartphones as well as guides to help learn how to use the a new programming language.
2016-09-01 00:01:35
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Help Us Organize Our Classroom Library
My students are special because they are eager and energetic kindergarteners. They have a new love of learning as they begin their journey through school. They see each new learning experience as a fun and exciting challenge.\r\nThe school where I teach is unique. We do not service a true neighborhood. The majority of students come from neighboring communities on a permit or open enrollment. These students are typically low income which is why our school is Title 1. These families are great, they travel to come to this school. Parents are active volunteers and a nice support system for the school.\r\n
My class has so many books that my students are excited about reading. However, the books are spilling out of the shelves. Finding a book in the classroom library is very difficult. It seems that the books are more often on the floor or get crushed from trying to fit them on the shelf. If my class were to get new library bookshelves, the books would be easier to find and put away. The new bookshelves do not allow books to fall out. \r\nThe new supplies would make it more inviting for my students to go to the classroom library. The rug would make a cozy spot for the students to sit and read. These supplies would truly improve the classroom. This project would make books more accessible. The portable listening center would enable me to store those books in a separate place so they will not get lost among the other books
My students need new bookcases, a cozy reading rug, and a shelf for listening center books.
2016-08-25 12:13:51
Grades 3-5
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literature & Writing
History comes to life in Mrs. Butler's 5th Grade Class
Sharing my love of reading, my energetic, eager to learn 5th Grades are dreamers, thinkers, talkers, and questioners. They love to bringing history alive through historical novels. They are mini inspirations to themselves and others around them, even if they don't know it yet. They thrive on researching and exploring historical events.\r\n\r\nThey are budding ambassadors, world travelers, scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers... They are our future and I want to give them a great start to their long successful career and help them experience places through books.\r\n
This project would significantly help my students' understanding of America's History. They will be able to take virtual tours of places that we are studying. Students will be able to create projects to share with classmates what they have learned. They will be able to research and explore a plethora of topics. \r\n\r\nTechnology is a driving force in our world. Students need to be able to navigate and create on various types of platforms. If we have iPads that are exclusively for our classroom, it will ensure students adequate time to use them.\r\n\r\n3 iPads many will enhance student learning and bring history to life!!!!\r\n
My students need 3 ipad minis. They will be able to use the apps to create various projects, and they will be able to explore and learn about various places and events in history.
2016-09-30 13:40:05
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness, Nutrition Education
Healthy Bodies and Dirty Hands... let kids be kids.
Students today come with special challenges when it comes to learning. This is especially true for the students in my class. I teach a class of very special kiddos that each have their own struggle with issues such as autism, learning disabilities, medical defects, and processing delays.\r\n\r\nThis doesn't stop these kiddos from becoming a loving and supportive community. Living in a high poverty area also means that experiences we had as children such as gardening, building, sewing, and other life skills are not available to them. I do my best to expose them to these skills, but sometimes I need a little help. \r\n
Many of my students are not exposed to where their fruits and vegetables actually come from. They live in a high poverty area that has a limited supply of healthy foods...they are always intrigued by the fresh food I bring to school. In addition, our students are often missing the joy of getting dirty, watching plants grow with pride, and working on fine and gross motor skills\r\n\r\nWho doesn't love the satisfaction of growing their own food!? This experience is something that these students can bring back to their families and community to help emphasize the importance of eating healthy.
My students need Gardening supplies to advance their knowledge in healthy eating, science, and mathematics.
2016-05-01 21:03:38
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literacy, Performing Arts
Can You Hear Me Now? Help My Students Hear and be Heard.
Every day in my classroom is a new adventure. Students are constantly engaged and motivated. We support each other, believe in each other, and do all we can to achieve success. I teach my students that nothing is impossible, considering that it spells ... \"I'm possible!\" This is our class motto! My students are bright, compassionate, enthusiastic learners.
Though we may not have the same resources that more affluent schools have, these children make the most of the resources we do have. They come into the classroom with a smile each day. Our classroom is a community where everyone is accepted, valued, and challenged to achieve greatness.
A PA system will permit me to amplify my voice. This in turn will allow all students to have the ability to hear, as I read and give directions throughout the day. Aside from this, it will also serve as a wonderful tool for student presentations. My students make several presentations over the course of the year. They write stories that they read to the class, complete and present biography projects, and lead songs created to learn and practice reading strategies. At such a young age, it can be hard for students to project their voices. Often times, students struggle to hear their classmates when they read. With the mic that comes with this system, students will be able to share their presentations clearly. More information will be shared and presentations will be enhanced with the aid of this tool. I also direct the Junior Show Choir, composed of 3rd-6th graders. We sometimes have to practice in the classroom without mics. This would be an amazing asset to our after school group too
By helping to fund this project, you are giving my students the ability to share their voice. You will also make it possible for them to hear all of the information shared in class clearly. We have all sat in the back of a room and struggled to hear a speaker. This PA system will permit the class to hear everything being said, so they do not miss a beat when it comes to their learning.
My students need a PA system so they can present and to amplify my voice, so that all students can hear.
2016-08-04 13:25:01
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Hovering on Our Hovergraft
I teach middle school engineering. I teach the basic standards that the students are supposed to learn. However, we don't stop there. I have been teaching robotics and we do any project that a student can think of completing and is willing to put the work into that project. We never stop.\r\n\r\nMy school is in a low income area and we are a Title I school.\r\nSome years our free lunch rate has exceeded 97%. These are the students who need the opportunity to discover that there is a whole wonderful world around them. I teach students in grades 6th through 8th. I have taught at my school for 12 years. I have taught every subject in every grade. I have been teaching robotics to students since 2007. I have observed the great difference in the students when they are given the opportunity to experience new and exciting lessons through a hands on mechanism. Suddenly they are shown why learning in school can be valuable. Creating hovercraft that can be ridden on by the students is one of the great projects that can prove the value of education.
The students in 8th grade will be presented Newton's 3 laws and be expected to understand and use those laws to describe real life circumstances. The students involved in this project will create a hovercraft. The hovercraft will show the students real life actions of Newton's 3 laws. The students who participate in building the hovercraft will also learn the Engineering By Design(EBD) process and how it works to create a new machine. Another 8th grade standard is understanding power. The students will learn about power and the transfer of power as they work the hovercraft. My students need 3 handheld blowers to do this project.\r\n\r\nI believe that the best way to learn is through fun.\r\nI learned to read by reading what I enjoyed reading. My students would like to create a hovercraft. When they finish they will have a fun way to experience Newtons 3 laws. With that experience they will never forget the classroom lessons. The only thing that can slow us down is obtaining the materials needed for the hovercraft. I want my students to learn by having fun to prepare them for a future in science.\r\n\r\nWe have been having great fun with the project in my classroom and several other classes have used it. By adding battery power to the blowing motors the project will work even better as a real activity.\r\n\r\nI have already removed a wire in one blower to shut down the engine if the project starts moving too fast. Just for student safety. The rest of the project is very real.
My students need batteries to run the hovercraft. This will become a great hands on project for Nelson's Laws of Motion. The project has been great with my projects so far.
2016-09-19 18:22:33
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Pedaling our Way Through Our Day.
I teach a great group of extremely hard workers in Georgia. My students participate in a unique language immersion program, where they are required to speak in another language half a day. \r\nMy second grade students are expected to adapt to two teachers as well as be able to transition and learn in dual languages. \r\nMy immersion students are excited to explore the second grade curriculum, to learn about the great state of Georgia, grammar, writing, reading and to expand their capacity for critical thinking. They take pride in their efforts and are willing to challenge their minds for the sake of learning.\r\n
My students are in need of a new classroom rug. The current rug that we have is old and given to our classroom from another teacher. We need a new rug that is clean and comfortable so they can do their classwork on the carpet. We also are in need of some bicycle pedals, so that students can have movement during our class time. Our recess is at the very end of the day and students need an outlet to let out some of their energy. Students need to have a way that is fun and innovative to release some energy.
My students need a classroom area rug to have a space to work on that is clean and comfortable. Students need bicycle pedals to go under their desks to have movement during the school day.
2017-04-04 11:05:51
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Music, Performing Arts
Team Practices Make Perfect Teams
My students make up the \"little drumline that could\". They took huge steps forward in the past year, but they are still young and in need of encouragement and practice. Some have never even been in band before, but they have a full head of steam and excited for the opportunity to create something incredible together. Because some of them are filling roles in band that they have never done before, it is critical that they practice on an everyday basis to keep pace with drumlines that are much older and much more experienced as them.
Being a percussionist is not an easy life, but it's a life we wouldn't trade for anything. We are different from others in our marching band. The band takes a break from playing in parades...we do not (cannot is more accurate). We do not use wind to produce sound...we use EVERYTHING. We're a different lot, but we're some of the most intense and dedicated people you will find. \r\n\r\nThis is a special project. It will meet a couple of our needs. First, the practice pads are something we've wanted for a few years, but haven't had the funds to dedicate to them. They will allow our battery players to be able to simulate (almost exactly) the type of stick rebound that their marching instrument would give, but the pads are MUCH easier to transport back and forth to school. \r\n\r\nThe other items are things we use in band camp over the summer to increase team comradery and during team building activities.
My students need practice pads that will simulate their own drum's playing surfaces. The other items are used for team building purposes and activities.
2016-08-03 01:33:20
Grades 9-12
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
My Students are Crazy for Apple Watches!\r\n
My students are active and eager to learn how to live more healthy lifestyles. Many come from broken homes where many of the information about how to live a healthy lifestyle is not translated to them. \r\n\r\nI want to create an opportunity where they can learn more about what it means to live a healthy lifestyle and give them skills (with the help of technology) to then be able to teach others the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and pass on the good habits!
Some of my students are very active and love to run, ride a bike, or even lift weights at the gym. For other students, it’s about being active throughout the day. With the Apple Watch it doesn't matter because this awesome product combines the capabilities of an all-day activity tracker with those of a one-of-a-kind sport watch.\r\n\r\nMy students don't have the financial opportunities to track their daily fitness on a regular basis, the Apple Watch can help them start to track fitness but also learn to develop better habits for the rest of their life.\r\n\r\nWith these watches, they will be able to interact with their fitness, set goals to achieve a healthier lifestyle and learn new ways to educate their family and friends about how to live a more healthy life!
My students need Apple Watches for a fun way to track fitness & learn to follow a healthy diet!
2016-07-08 00:38:47
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Growing Future Programmers!
I believe in joyful and engaging learning in my classroom. In order to provide this type of learning environment I use hands-on activities and technology to increase student engagement. Integrating more technology into the classroom will be beneficial for all of my students.\r\n\r\nI have 23 first graders in my class with diverse learning needs and abilities.\r\nMy students currently have limited access to technology in the classroom. Several of my families are low income and do not have access to technology at home. I feel that it is beneficial to provide access since technology is becoming such a big part of society today. What these students are able to learn today will have a big impact on their future. The use of technology also helps to keep students engaged in their work. With proper guidance, Ozobots will allow students to learn simple coding in an exciting way that will possibly impact future educational goals.
Who would think that first grade kids could learn to easily write code for robots? Through the use of Ozobots, my students will learn how to write code and program their own robot. It's exciting to know that even my young students could become the programmers of the future. \r\n\r\nAfter watching a demonstration of Ozobots in my classroom, it was exciting to see a true collaborative effort on the part of the kids as they problem solved in order to complete tasks. \r\nDeveloping problem solving skills and strategies are important for young students. Using STEM learning to develop these skills is an exciting learning tool for students and teachers. \r\nThese Ozobots will be the hit of the classroom and I'm excited to see them in action. \r\n
My students need Ozobot robots to help them learn STEM skills in an exciting and engaging way.
2016-11-28 16:57:22
Grades 9-12
Math & Science, Special Needs
Mathematics, Special Needs
Scientific Calculators!
My students are from a small town in western Oklahoma. This is a low income district. Most of my students have moved here from Mexico. Some of these students are bilingual and some speak little to no English. Even though there might be a language barrier, these students are always ready and eager to learn.\r\n\r\nMy students are clever, spontaneous, and creative! I want to make my classroom a fun learning environment and encourage my students to accomplish their goals!
The calculators will be used by the students to help on daily homework assignments and tests. Students are allowed to use this particular calculator on End of Instruction tests and the ACT. Students will also be able to work fraction, exponent, and scientific notation problems with ease, using this tool. \r\nUsing these calculators in class will not only allow them the technology needed to be successful in math classes, but also allow them an opportunity to use consistent calculating tools that they otherwise may not be able to afford. \r\nThe consistency of every math student using the same calculator will alleviate some of the stress of learning how to maneuver a new calculator each day for the students who are already struggling in class.
My students need a class room set of (30) scientific calculators.
2016-07-12 23:26:31
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Alternative Seating for Comfy Classrooms
My students are 2nd graders in a school that serves 270 students in grades K-5 in Joplin, MO. The percentage of students on free and reduced lunch assistance is higher than the state average, indicating that the area has a higher level of poverty than the state average. \r\nBecause of the socioeconomic diversity that we have at out school, we try our best to make sure that all of our students feel welcome, safe and find a love for learning.
By letting a child sit/stand/crouch in a spot that is best for him, it will completely change his ability to work independently in reading and writing. Meaning, it will make him a better reader and writer!\r\nA Pediatric Physical Therapy study conducted in 2006 indicated that when a group of children diagnosed with ADHD were given alternative seating instead of school chairs they paid better attention and scored higher on standardized tests. When kids with an extra amount of energy are given the freedom to sit the way they choose, and switch positions freely, they are more likely to be engaged than if they were forced to sit a certain way for a long period of time.\r\nApart from the academic benefits, there are also behavior benefits. Children that are constantly out of their seat can feel at ease in their new comfy spot, and will more likely remain there for longer. Kids that prove to always be a distraction will be more engaged, so they won't take learning away from others. Kids that get tired and ornery half way through the day are more likely to stay alert.\r\nThese new seating options will make a world of difference for my students.
My students need to be able to sit/stand/crouch in places that are best for them, it will completely change their ability to work independently in reading and writing.
2016-11-16 15:22:40
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Tablets to the Rescue!
My students come from the highest poverty areas of the city. Despite so many hardships, the students come to school daily. Some students at my school are homeless. \r\n These students are hard working and very appreciative of items given to them. They participate in special programs that provide clothing, coats, shoes and sometimes services. They are always thankful when people help them.\r\n These tablets and headphones will allow more students to access the school system purchased computer programs.\r\n My students have difficulty focusing when testing and need headphones to keep them from being distracted. \r\n \r\n
The students will benefit from using the tablets and headphones to work on reading and math skills using Mindplay, RAPS 360, and Reflex Math to increase their know of reading and math. Using the headphones while working on the tablets will allow more than one student to work on a program at a time.\r\n The tablets and headphones will allow the students to use reading and math computer programs designed to increase their knowledge. \r\n Headphones are needed so that the students can focus while using the computer programs. With these new tablets and headphones the students will be able to use the school purchased computer programs to gain more reading and math knowledge so they can continue to grow academically. \r\n
My students need tablets and headphones to be able to use computer programs purchased by the school system. .
2016-08-25 13:46:19
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Colorful Learning Environment
My students come to school each day smiling and eager to learn. We work together as a team, encouraging each other, and we are becoming a family.\r\nWe like to gather in our learning community space to share and interact with each other. This area will be a safe place to work in cooperative groups.\r\nThe current carpet in our classroom is old, and has areas that are unsafe for my students to gather. We need this rug in our classroom!
This rug will provide my students with an area that is safe, and \r\ncomfortable, and will promote a sense of community in the classroom.\r\nMy students come to school each day smiling and eager to learn. We work together as a team, encouraging each other, and we are becoming a family.\r\n\r\nWe like to gather in our learning community space to share and interact with each other.\r\nThis area will be a safe place to work in cooperative groups.\r\n\r\nThe current carpet in our classroom is old, and has areas that are unsafe for my students to gather. We need this rug in our classroom!\r\n
My students need a comfortable rug to gather, learn and share with each other.
2016-12-20 23:04:25
Grades 6-8
Applied Learning
College & Career Prep
\"Tech My Knowledge\"
My students are special because they all have unique backgrounds. They are a melting pot of personalities that makes our school blend together for greatness. Each day they arrive to school and expect us to treat them fairly, show them love and prepare them for the future.\n \nAs a middle school with 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, we understand that this is a critical part of their school experience. Middle school is that gray area in which students experience many emotions. They haven't figure out how to handle certain issues without the guidance of adults. Each day brings a challenge, but we never give up hope and continue to give our best!
The materials that I am requesting will make a difference in my classroom because the students can use chromebooks for research. The students can begin using the chromebooks to build their future. They can start searching for higher education or training, explore career options and learn about their career interests and skills. Also, when I work with students in a small group setting, the chromebooks will provide that interactive tool for learning and discovery.\r\n\r\nMy student will be able to use these chromebooks to research various colleges and careers. These chromebooks will be a great tool for my students.\r\n\r\nThank you in advance for your consideration for my requested materials.
My students need 2 chromebooks to assist their learning without borders.
2017-01-25 09:16:37
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Wobble While You Work
I am a Second grade teacher of 17 amazing students. I have 9 boys and 8 girls as a Title I class. I have three students who often need to wonder the room for short breaks to help maintain focused. \r\n\r\nOur school is a low income school where many students live in poverty. We are a large rural school with approximately 600 students K-4. \r\n\r\nWe are wanting a place to call home for our small group instruction. We recently received a very generous donation of a small group table and would like alternate seating for our group time.
My students need to have an alternative seating to help them maintain focus while moving around. These wobble chairs provide students a safe was to stay seated and still be able to move. Unlike traditional school chairs that tip easily if not left flat on the floor, these wobble chairs are designed to help students attend to a task without limiting them to remain still. \r\n\r\nThe Wobble Chair’s base is slightly rounded on the bottom, allowing for a gentle rocking movement. This provides subtle input to the vestibule system, making it an awesome sensory strategy to promote engagement and attention in the classroom.
My students need alternative seating options! These chairs will allow my students to safely move in their seats while working. It will help some to maintain focus while still being able to move.
2016-08-03 12:26:32
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Reading Together is Fun!!!
My students are a mystery to me...I am relocating to a school in a district with diverse needs. The community is low income and less educated than others in the state. The student to teacher ratio is eleven to one and the school is considered large with 365 students. Over 65% of the students receive free or reduced lunch. By talking to people in the community, I am told students are hard working and the staff is committed to the students and their diverse needs.
The organization of reading groups is crucial to advancing students from one level to the next. Students need a way to stay organized and not waste time looking for their books and response journals. By using colored bins with individual names, students can quickly go to their reading groups and have their materials all in one place. My students will be responsible for the organization of the materials in their book bins, and always know where to find their books and reading supplies. The effect of these bins will be an increase in the actual time students will read each day.\r\n
My students need book and binder bins for their reading groups.
2016-05-15 21:17:34
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Music & The Arts
Applied Sciences, Visual Arts
The magic of STEAM in prek
My students are natural problem solvers. Helping my young students channel those \"wild and crazy\" ideas is so much fun but it is also a challenge. These materials will walk my little learners/thinkers through a problem-solving process thinking.
My students are thinkers, they enjoy using their hands to learn. They are loud, discoverers, dreamers, creative, they are curious. They are learners. I teach in a low-income school district which means many of my families work very hard to provide for their families with many of them working more than one job. My students are amazing. They come to school every day eager to learn and ready to explore whatever experiences I have waiting for them. By using art to explore STEM they are becoming more than scientists. They are becoming artists who engineer and solve problems.
My students will use the STEAM kit to explore STEM with Art infused. They will use the journals to document and create. By providing Geostix, Bristle Builders, blocks, and other different materials to build, I am giving my students the ability to become sculptors who work with science and math.
Your donation will help my students appreciate not only literature but the arts. By integrating art into my STEAM area, I am fostering art and showing its depth in science, math, engineering, art and technology. This project allows me to bridge Science and Engineering directly into our learning.\r\nIt will help my students problem solve and be ready for the world that awaits them. Most importantly though, it makes learning fun!
My students need STEAM centers to explore problems and discover solutions. While building and creating my students will increase early engineering and literacy skills.
2017-02-06 18:39:27
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
My Education, My Seating Choice! Flexible Seating in the Classroom.
I have a class full of 28 diverse, fun-loving students. They are a unique bunch, each with their own personality and learning style(s), who face daily challenges that go beyond the context of a book. They come to school energetic and eager to be involved in the classroom, but external factors including their socio-economical environment and distractions of their younger generation are definitely present and can manifest throughout the day. However, they are a group of students that promise in reaching a high level of success.
I have a very energetic class that loves to move around. Throughout the day I see them squirm in their seat and know they feel uncomfortable having to sit in a chair that doesn't meet their needs. I implemented a couple of seating arrangements in my classroom that allow the students to be in a different area of the classroom other than their student school chair. First, I turned my teacher office into a student library. The library only allows two students to sit in there at a time. Therefore, each student is able to sit in there only once a week to allow fairness. I also placed pictures of owls around the classroom and students can sit on the floor up against the owl. Again there are only a few of these and I have 28 students who would love to use them daily. As I see them working in the classroom at these few spots, they have shown improvement in their attention and focus in learning. \r\nMy students are the ones who inspired me to create an environment that includes flexible seating. \r\nMy students need these choices to allow them to be successful in their education. When students are able to make a choice, it increases their engagement whether it be independently, with a partner, or in a group. They will feel a sense of ownership in their learning and they can strive to do their best. Flexible seating supports both physical and cognitive strength.
My students need the choice of where they do their best work...they need flexible seating!
2016-07-12 21:11:37
Grades 9-12
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literacy
Globe Gazing! My Students Want to See the World!
My students are scholars, athletes, musicians, chess players, manga and anime fanatics, cheerleaders, artists, runners, and volunteers. They participate in all kinds of clubs and activities. They are funny, and quirky, and curious. Some are learning English. Many are looking forward to college and careers. They take great pride in our school. \r\n\r\nI try to create a welcoming environment for them filled with materials/resources that meet the needs of as many students as possible. As a high school librarian I see avid readers, non-readers, and every type of reader in between. Wherever my students begin, my goal is to help them grow and expand as readers, writers, thinkers, and dreamers. My school is a Title One school with students qualifying for free meals.Many of my students do not have a quiet, comfortable place to read at home. While most of my students can decode words on a page, many have not developed a love of or passion for reading. They have not found that special book, that \"home run\" book that changes the course of their reading lives. \r\n\r\n My students like the coffee house vibe we are trying to create in our library; an atmosphere of joy and inquiry prevails.
Students come to the library to do research on cities, countries, continents, regions of the world. They often have little if any idea of geography, distances and even how close places are in relation to each other. Making the leap from where a place is, to its role in our world is often quite challenging for students. Globes make a great supplement to reading and atlases. \r\n\r\nThere is something especially engaging and educational about a globe-it draws students in, and helps them make sense of location, distance, topography, politics, current issues, cultures.\r\n\r\nStudents will be able to use these globes in the library both individually, as they do research, and in small groups. The inflatable globes are especially useful for the latter. Globes are appealing to visual and kinesthetic learners who like a hands-on learning experience. Struggling students will have one more way to access the material they are trying to learn. \r\n\r\nMany students will enjoy spinning the globes, dreaming about far off lands, future adventures, junior years abroad. These will be inspirational as well as educational.
My students need a variety of globes-16\" land cover, and 12\" political to help them understand geography, history, politics and current events.
2017-03-22 20:22:37
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Learning with Technology
My students are creative, energetic, and eager to learn. They are a very diverse group in their backgrounds, home life, and in their learning styles and abilities. \r\n\r\nMany of my students live in poverty and have to face the challenges that come with that. I am not able to control their home lives, but I can make sure that school is a safe and fun place for them to come to learn both academic and social skills. \r\n\r\nMy students respond well to positive feedback. Focusing on the positive in each student, and focusing on their strengths, gives them the belief that they can succeed. My goal is to inspire a lifetime joy of learning.
Helping students learn at their individual level is very important to educators but can be challenging when teaching a class of diverse learners. These tablets, covers and screen savers will help me do just that. \r\n\r\nComputer games are very engaging to students and they will motivate my students to complete activities where they won't even realize they are learning. I plan to use them in all subject areas: reading, math, science, and social studies. Small groups of students will use them at the same time but the activities may be different. There are many quality apps for students that find their starting level, meet them there and help them progress at their own speed. I know that my students' will benefit from using these tablets.
My students need computer tablets so they can learn with technology and receive immediate feedback on their progress.
2016-08-26 09:38:52
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Pitter iPadder
My class is comprised of a special, select group of students that scored the lowest on the Kindergarten entrance test, the Developing Skills Checklist. We call our class Targeted Kindergarten and they are amazing and some of the hardest working kids I have ever had the privilege to teach. \r\nThese kids have had no previous exposure to school and are a little behind their peers. In addition, they all come from economically disadvantaged homes. My mission is to do whatever necessary to have these little people leave my class on a leveled field with the rest of their peers.
In the past, Donors Choose donors have blessed my class with 3 iPads. They are so popular in our room. My wish is that we had 3 more so that more students can reach their goals. \r\nA terrible flood has forced some of our students from their homes and we have students entering our school from other parts of our parish. We have an abundance of students and will more than likely add another section of kindergarten. We are welcoming these little people and trying to meet all of their needs.\r\nWith an additional 3 iPads with headphones, I can download the free apps that our new curriculum is suggesting and teach my targeted children how to read and be prepared for first grade.
My students need iPads to help with the targeted deficiencies such as letter sounds and pre-reading skills.
2017-01-26 14:59:48
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences
Teachers Love Video Games Too!
I teach at a fantastic elementary school, and my students are amazing. They are such hard workers and approach the world around them with such curiosity and intensity. My students are all unique individuals who all want the opportunity to thrive in today’s fast paced world. They come from many backgrounds, walks of life, and face many economic barriers. Seventy percent of my school's student body qualifies for free or reduced price lunch. Simply stated, that means that many of my students come from households at our near the poverty line. Poverty generates instability and fear and simultaneously robs students of many enriching experiences their more stable, wealthier counterparts are able to receive. \r\n \r\nMy students are bold eager learners. My students are dedicated. My students are important! There is a quote by the great education reformer Horace Mann that truly sums up the importance of education. “Education…beyond all other devices of human origin, is a great equalizer of conditions of men--the balance wheel of the social machinery…It does better than to disarm the poor of their hostility towards the rich, it prevents being poor.\"
The materials we're requesting are already all the kids can talk about and they're not even here yet! My students all rave about playing video games and are interested in gaming more than just about anything else! I want to capitalize on their love of gaming and get kids thinking about the element of design in technology. My kids can code and love to build already. This would give them another skill in their quest to master technology and how to be creative in the modern world. Bloxels cultivate imagination and discovery through a hands on approach to designing video games. The students use blocks and a game-board to design sets and characters and then used tablets to watch their creations come to life.
My students need Bloxels! This is an amazing hands on activity for kids to build, collaborate, and tell stories through video game creation.
2017-02-15 13:58:34
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Testing on Point
Cottonwood Elementary students are amazing kids. They have high energy and even higher learning needs. Over 50% of our students are on an individual education plan for learning disabilities. Since our school is a low income school, many of them do not have warm clothes for winter weather, or healthy food to eat on the weekends. \r\n\r\nThey work very hard and are highly motivated to do their best! Our students love to move and be active! We try to provide our students with as many \"magical moments\" as possible!
Here at Cottonwood, our students need as many exposures to positivity as we can possibly muster. State Assessments are coming next month, and our students have been working so hard in class! Many of our students come from homes where school is the very LAST aspect of life on the radar. \r\n\r\nI would LOVE to be able to provide them with a new pencil, and funky eraser as a small gift of motivation. I want my students to know I are rooting for them. I want my students to be able to wear a sticker home to show their parents they worked hard, stickers may seem silly, but who doesn't love a visual reminder that we have accomplished a hard task?
My students need these supplies to help promote a positive state assessments testing environment.
2016-09-05 17:56:08
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Calculators for Kids
My students often borrow calculators during class time, but I do not have enough to loan out during class. I am requesting money to purchase a class set of 10 at $100. A matched donation would get my students approximately 20 calculators to use while learning topics that a beyond arithmetic. \r\n\r\nMy goal in Algebra and Algebra Prep class is not to get bogged down with arithmetic deficiencies, but rather having the calculators allows them to reach higher than their elementary deficiencies otherwise would let them. \r\n\r\nThese students and their families typically can not afford to purchase the calculators themselves.\r\n\r\n
My students often are not able to purchase their own calculator needed to move into a class that is beyond arithmetic. These are students who need the assistance in arithmetic to make Algebra topics reachable and reasonable.\r\n\r\nI will make the calculators available each period for any student who needs the tool. I do ask for collateral so they remember to return it, but they obviously get the collateral back after returning the calculator.\r\n\r\nI find the students are less intimidated by more advanced mathematics topics if they have the tool available to make the arithmetic a non-issue. Less stress means more learning.
My students need calculators to use in Algebra and Algebra prep classes.
2016-05-24 12:51:23
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Building Math Life Skills for the Future!
I have two classes of special needs kids. One class is high functioning and one is lower functioning. A handful of my students live in group homes and need hands on life skills taught to them. These kids often get picked on and called dumb in their homes by their peers because they are in a developmental class. Often I play the role of teacher and parent in the learning environment that is my classroom. My students love hands on teacher interactions and small group lessons. We specialize in students with aggressive behavior. My students come from across the school district that can not be in a regular classroom. I love my kids, who are also my students and want to give them every learning possibility out there.
Students will learn through hands on experience with these materials, in small group lessons and one on one teacher activities. My kids learn through doing with their hands and not just their eyes. This allows for more time understanding a skill and practice mastering it, instead of losing them. A great example are the small money pouches! The kids will be able to make purchases, use the correct amount of money and learn how much money they should be getting back! These hands on manipulatives will assist my kids on staying focused on the lesson and not get distracted. These materials already have a 'home' in my classroom for next year. It will provide for a great structured environment during the school day.
My students need hands on math manipulatives to assist in learning life skills.
2016-09-12 20:52:29
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Becoming Architects, Engineers, and Builders by Age 6!
My six year old first grade students are an inquisitive group of children! They come from many different backgrounds, family dynamics, and socio-economic classes. Many children have parents in the military whose parent is sometimes out on deployment. Some of the children in my class have many advantages (books, learning games and activities) while others do not. I would like to have ALL the children in my classroom to have equal advantages to these activities in our class.\r\n\r\nEven though they all have different backgrounds they all love to learn and work together.
Children who are six and seven learn by \"playing\". With these materials they will be working on problem solving, strengthening their mathematical thinking, communicating and working with partners to build and design projects.\r\n\r\nThese materials and experiences will enhance their thinking skills while working with others. All the children will have access to these great learning activities! Children who are hesitant to speak up in class talk up a storm when working together to make or build a project. My second language children, special ed students, and my shy kids benefit because they are working with friends to make something and these sometimes quiet children blossom while working together. Learning while having fun is imperative to children this age.
My students need to learn by building- this enhances problem solving, communication, mathematical reasoning, and how to work together to create something!
2017-04-05 21:13:01
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Flexible Seating in Third
I teach the third grade gifted/high achieving class. This year my students were fortunate enough to have their own laptops. My students are constantly doing research projects and working cooperatively together in groups and pairs. They are often spread out all over the classroom, working on the floor or at the back tables. Flexible seating would greatly benefit these students, giving them more comfort while they work. A hard, cold floor is not the ideal place for these creative little minds to work. Having lap desks, swivel chairs, pillows, beanbag chairs, etc., would be much more conducive to learning.\r\nFlexible seating is a great way to motivate and engage students in learning. Given the option of different types of seating, students will be more motivated to learn and the seating will keep them actively engaged in their work. Keeping the students engaged and motivated will help them while they are learning the standards needed in third grade. Flexible seating will be available all around the classroom and students will be able to choose which type of seating helps them work best.
There would be many benefits of flexible seating in my classroom. Students grades will improve, they will be more actively engaged in learning, and they will be participating more and having meaningful conversations with each other. They will complete various research projects with their laptops while using the lap desks and working cooperatively on the pillows and beanbag chairs.\r\nStudents will have a better understanding of how they work best and will be able to stay on task longer than if they were working at their desks. Focus and productivity will increase and students will have more responsibility of choosing which work space works best for them.
My students need flexible seating so their focus and productivity will increase.
2016-09-12 19:12:40
Grades 6-8
Music & The Arts
Performing Arts, Visual Arts
iNeeds to Support STEAM
I have an amazing group of 6th grade students. They are excited to grow as they are becoming life-long learners. This group of students are invested in their future and believe that educational goals will aid them as they move forward. Our school is in the process of becoming a STEAM school. Integrating technology in the classroom enhances instruction, engages the students, and allows differentiation for all of the students. \r\n\r\nMy students are engaged as technology is used to support the classroom. They love to learn, and are excited as we use technology in our school. As a first year teacher, I enjoy coming to school and teaching the students I have. They are a lively, dynamic class that I have the pleasure to be with every school day. They strive to succeed and work hard to accomplish their goals in life.
With the use of an iPad in my classroom, students will have a variety of technological tools to support their learning. We will use it in numerous ways. I plan to use it for students to respond to the lessons in real time. To help manage online content for students to access for the lessons that are presented is another way I plan to use the iPad.\r\n\r\nAs a 6th grade we practice and perform a Shakespeare play. I am planning on using the iPad to record the play as we support the arts in our school community. This is an exciting activity that all students look forward to. They are sent home with a recording of their performance to share with others. I am also planning on capturing the art we create and publish it for the students and parents to enjoy. Using the iPad to help support the students publish the art projects and performances they will have, will not only improve their work, but give them a positive school experience.
My students need Ipad Pro to access and integrate the technology our school offers on a class wide level.
2016-08-25 17:24:17
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Health & Life Science
Endless Possibilities!
My school is located in a rural community and consists of students from diverse backgrounds and academic abilities. Science is my passion and I am thrilled to share the content with my 7th graders! My classroom is a space students feel comfortable in asking questions and are excited to explore. \r\n\r\nMy students LOVE to get dirty with hands-on activities and labs. I want to take the learning experience of my students to the digital level with my project. I want them to be able to research and create without limitations of resources.\r\n
Providing my students with iPads in the classroom will open them up to a world of science research that they have been limited. Our current textbooks are extremely out of date so students rely solely on information presented to them as a class. By putting resources at their finger tips they are able to explore concepts more up to date in the science world. \r\n\r\nIn addition to extensive research the iPads will also be used to address various learning modalities. There are applications available to provide assistance as simple as vocabulary practice to creating 3D models of cellular structures. For these activities students will rotate in lab stations to participate in the activity appropriate for their learning needs. I also want students to use Aurasma to practice digital skills while informing the school community of scientific content. The possibilities are endless when providing students with the tools to explore!
My students need iPad minis in order to explore science at a digital level. Students will have access to a variety of applications to investigate concepts and to meet the needs of diverse learning modalities.
2017-01-09 16:41:13
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Building a Grade Level of Chromebooks
I teach a wonderful group of 23 second graders. They come to school excited to start the day and ready to learn. Our school is located in a rural farming community, and the building houses kindergarten through sixth grade with four classroom at each grade level. My students come from homes whose parents work in the farming, coal mining, and health industries, just to name a few. We have a very supportive parent system and our school is growing technologically.
Adding seven Chromebooks to our classroom will be a huge asset to the students. They will allow us to have easier access to I-Ready, Accelerated Reader, Spelling City, and would make it much simpler to research various topics without leaving the classroom. They will also aide in supplementing classroom instruction. \r\nStudents will be able to utilize all Google programs to assist them in their learning and understanding of Language Arts and Math topics. Classroom instruction time will be utilized more efficiently because students will not need to leave the classroom as often for technology usage. Our grade level goal is to accumulate enough Chromebooks to support a whole classroom.
My students need seven HP Chromebooks to access the online components of our Reading and Math programs.
2016-11-08 15:49:48
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Seating for Active Learners
I teach math and science to 51 third grade students each day. These students are excited to learn and love coming to school. My students enjoy hands on projects and working in groups around the classroom. We have a daily routine which requires students to work in math stations and rotate multiple times during each class period. This keeps students moving and engaged.\r\n\r\nMany of my students are active learners, which means they struggle to sit still in a traditional classroom setting for more than a few minutes at a time. They constantly want to be \"on the go\" and moving around the classroom.
The wobble stools will help my active learners to stay engaged in group work while still being able to move. While sitting, the students will need to focus on balancing on the stool as they do their work. This will keep them from moving around and distracting others as they are engaged in various tasks. \r\n\r\nThe flexible seating option will benefit nearly every student in the class as they will want to join my math groups so that they can use the new seating option. With these stools, I hope that students will want to come to math and science class and be a part of daily groups.
My students need wobble stools to help them focus and stay engaged in daily lessons.
2017-01-29 16:35:28
Grades 3-5
Special Needs
Special Needs
Providing the Learning Environment That Kids Need
Our school is a large elementary school that is warm and inviting. Most of our students come from a variety of different economic backgrounds with over 70% of our students receiving free or reduced-price lunches. Harvesters (a food bank) provides backpack snacks for over one hundred of our students. Many students arrive to school with little or no school supplies. \r\n\r\nMy students are excited about learning and I am commitment to do whatever it takes to ensure their talents are developed in an atmosphere of high expectations and personal support. Students at my school are responsible, respectful and always ready to learn. \r\n\r\n
Flexible classrooms give students a choice in what kind of learning space works best for them, and help them to work collaboratively, communicate, and engage in critical thinking. The couch and table set will give students these opportunities. I want my classroom to represent the real world and seating arrangements in most classrooms are the same as they were 70 years ago. Students need seating that is confront and gives them an alternative to desk.\r\n\r\nI believe that by providing flexible, soft, and alternative seating to students, they would be able to move, release their energy, be happier, and more comfortable while doing their work.
My students need the couch and table set for flex seating opitions.
2017-01-19 11:58:15
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Headphones for Kiddos!
I teach in a co-taught 2nd grade classroom in Carbondale, Illinois. I have the honor of working with 25+ students from various backgrounds and abilities. \r\nAfter visiting the homes of every student last year I became very aware that these students come from homes with single parents and very little money. While home may not always be the most happy place, I strive to provide a place where students feel safe and are excited to learn! Students push me to make learning more fun using music, movement, and technology.
I am so blessed to be employed in a school district that helps us with technology. In fact, we have a plethora of iPad and Chromebook carts at our disposal. \r\nWhile it is fun, engaging, and educational - a classroom full of sounds can become a distraction. Students often request headphones so that they can better focus on their digital activities. \r\nWe have seen a great deal of growth using programs like ST Math, MobyMax, and GetEPIC. With your sponsorship we can help each student continue their progress and possibly ACHIEVE EVEN MORE with the ability to focus their work.
My students need headphones to use for daily chromebook time. During this time we allow students to practice math through MobyMax and ST Math applications. In addition, we use the reading program \"GetEPIC\".
2016-08-22 21:47:03
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Operation 60
I teach a group of eager and very active first grade students whose needs range from talented and gifted to students who need intensive interventions to be successful in school. A typical day in our first grade classroom involves a lot of activity. The students are engaged in learning activities that get them moving, talking to their classmates, and asking great questions. You will not see a lot of worksheets in our classroom. My students are learning through hands-on experiences and movement.
When we asked the students to give ideas for a project, the answer was , \"Make recess longer!\" My first graders have about 60 minutes of active play between PE and Recess. Some days the playground is too crowded so we need other options for safe recess.\r\n\r\nWe are on a mission to complete 60 minutes of physical activity each day. This \"kid-inspired\" project is going to help our class stay healthier and active. The students have requested recess equipment, yoga dvds, yoga mats, a scale, whistles, and water cooler to help us meet our goal! The students came up with the idea to have a fitness challenge. We are going to move our bodies at least 60 minutes daily. We will track our fitness levels using the scale each month. This grant will have allow us to have recess outside for 30 minutes and come inside for yoga. I have seen that by doing yoga it increases my students' mental focus and encourages self-esteem and body awareness. Yoga is a great way for my students to move their bodies, feel healthy, and build strength, flexibility, and confidence.\r\n\r\nIn our classroom, movement is going to be part of our daily schedule no questions asked. \r\n\r\nWhile many schools have eliminated recess, research is showing what we have long known. Movement matters! We are requesting the recess balls, yoga mats, yoga dvd and scale to help us meet our fitness goals. Lastly, the water cooler will keep our bodies hydrated so we are able to be flexible and move our bodies the recommend 60 minutes a day.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students need recess equipment, yoga mats, scale, and a water cooler to meet our daily 60 minute fitness goals.
2016-10-26 22:38:31
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Projecting our way into the Future!
I work in a special education room where all of my students are not on the grade level they need to be at. Each student comes from a different background. I have students who come from different levels of poverty. The majority of my students receive free/reduced lunch and a few receive the backpacks of food to take home on Fridays but despite everything, my students are always eager to learn new things. There is so much I would love to do with my students but unfortunately resources are scarce. We do the very best we can though and they are so appreciative of everything.
Our world is growing more and more advanced everyday. Our reading series offers an online source for the unit we are on each day but I do not have access to use this with my students due to the lack of technology in the classroom. If I had a projector, I could easily show my students what all Wonders online has to offer them each week when it comes to reading, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary. It would allow the students to be more advanced with technology and of course their reading, spelling, grammar, etc.\r\nMy students deserve to be able to do more than just the old fashioned pencil, paper, and book; they deserve to have technology in the classroom.
My students need a projector in the classroom so we can take our reading and math lessons to a whole new level of educational fun.
2017-03-31 13:49:41
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Amazing Anchor Charts
I am blessed with 24 students who are full of joy and ready to learn. My students come from all walks of life. Some have the best of the best and some are excited to come to school for a loving hug and a hot meal. We are a Title I Campus and every student receives free breakfast everyday. Our campus also offers weekend snack bags for those kiddos who just need a little extra to make it through the weekend. \r\nEven though our classroom is so diverse there is one thing that is the same for all of these students, they are here to learn and to succeed. I believe that every student should have the same opportunity to learn no matter what kind of background they come from. Here at MES you are a student just like everyone else and we will do everything we can to support our students so each student can succeed and grow.
We are asking for a teaching easel for the front of the classroom so my students are able to participate during shared writing, mini lessons, and creating anchor charts. We are a balanced literacy campus and create anchor charts daily in at least one content area. \r\n\r\nAnchor charts are extremely important in every content area because they give the students something to refer back to and it is their authentic work and writing. \r\n\r\nShared writing a major component of balanced literacy and right now we are struggling to create these due to the lack of a good place to create these anchor charts. My students not only use these Anchor charts to refer back to but they need that shared writing opportunity to learn writing skills. This easel would allow them to practice those skills as a whole class together instead of just practicing those skills individually. \r\n\r\n\r\n
My students need a teaching easel so they can create anchor charts!
2016-08-22 13:12:00
Grades 9-12
Health & Sports, Applied Learning
Gym & Fitness, Parent Involvement
Behavior and Technology (A match made in Heaven)
As a teacher in challenging socioeconomic school, our students deal with several hardships both in and out of the classroom. My goal, in dealing with these hardships, is to create new challenges, set goals, and inspire a new generation of students. \r\n\r\nMy students are inspired, motivated, and energetic! \r\nThey love to move, they love to play, and most importantly they love to learn. Many of them are being raised in a one guardian household, and all the students at our school, receive free lunch based on their socioeconomic status. These challenges may hinder most students from getting ahead in life. However, our students take these challenges in stride and aspire to not be just mediocre, but great. From the minute I walk in the door of my classroom, to the end of the school day, I focus on giving them life skills they need to be successful. These life skills may not help with their home lives, but hopefully these life skills can give them many years of joy. \r\n
Notebooks are a much needed necessity in my classroom. Every day, student behaviors are graded, charted, and processed using paper. Students also complete written tests using the same notebook paper, and I believe it is time to walk into the twenty first century. \r\n\r\nMy plan is to implement I pad's into the classroom because of such programs as \"Class Dojo, ITALC, and Kibbitz\", parents and students now have an understanding of where their behavior is every day. Programs such as these help enlist the help of guardians and fellow teachers. Each teacher and guardian can monitor, track, and see what their son or daughter/student is doing on a daily basis. Both parties can come up with new and ingenious ideas to help the student succeed on a higher level. Each party can also see what works and what doesn't work. Eventually, I as the teacher, could have a variety of modifications to use with new students. These modifications will help each student preform at an optimum level. Additionally, by having liquid crystal display (L.C.D.) tablets, students will be able to avoid weak areas, and focus on increasing their learning!\r\n\r\nBy donating to our project, you will be helping a child's behavior, focus, and comprehension. Students will be able to concentrate on the material at hand and not whether their materials are going to work or not. Additionally, this technology will help teachers, the guardian, and the student customize every student's educational and behavioral need. I feel that these new tools are imperative to further benefit the students at our school. \r\n
My students need new Ipad's to increase their success in behavioral and academic scores.
2016-09-07 17:28:30
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Health & Life Science
Sitting Pretty in Science Lab!
My students are the entirety of our school. I serve all the students at our school in the discipline of Science. My students come to me ready to learn, explore, and experiment to become critical thinkers. \r\nPart of my school is Title 1, which means they come from high poverty and may not have access to materials and resources at home. \r\nPart of my school is Magnet, which means their parents may not live close by, but have chosen to send their child here because of the opportunities and experiences they can be a part of at our school. \r\n
At the moment, my students only have the tile floor on which to sit when they are not at their individual stations. \r\n\r\nHaving a carpet would give them a defined space to be that would help them with focusing on the concept at hand and support them with their goal of using proper behavior. \r\n\r\nThe carpet would also be an inviting space for my scholars to read about Science concepts and share in an informal way with their peers. \r\n\r\nAt the end of class, the carpet will be the perfect place for my scholars to gather to share what they have learned during their time in Science Lab and hear the ideas of their classmates. \r\n
My students need a carpet on which to sit during our mini-lesson and sharing times during Science Lab.
2017-02-01 17:00:31
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Foundations of Pre-K Writing
I teach Pre-K for Chickasha Public Schools. BWECC includes grades Pre-K through 1st. We strive to offer the best developmentally appropriate school in the area. Pre-K students are full of excitement, joy, and eagerness to learn. They are fun, lovable, courageous, innocent, and offer unconditional love. My students enter the school year completely dependent on us for everything. The transformation from the helpless little child that takes place in a year’s time is remarkable. \r\n\r\nAs their teacher and “school mom” as I like to say, it is my life’s passion to teach, nurture, and most importantly love them. I also am entrusted with the task of teaching them the building blocks upon which they may build their successful school career. \r\n\r\n Our school is primarily low income school. Many of our students are at a disadvantage and all too often are not exposed to prior fundamentals that are crucial as a Pre-K student. \r\n
Writing in Pre-K looks very different from any other grade. The development of a child's fine motor skills are the building blocks on which they will learn to write. Early Writing is synonymous with the term emergent writing. It is one of the best predictors of of a child's later reading success. \r\n\r\nBefore a Pre-K child ever picks up a pencil, they are learning to write. We start from day one working on fine motor development in many different ways. We use pay-dough and play-dough cutting tools. We string bead on strings or pip cleaners. We finger paint and tear paper. We introduce letter formation with sand paper, curved and straight lines, play-dough, beans, and many more hands on resources to form the letters, numbers and shapes. \r\n\r\nAs with any class, we have children that are able to do much more than others. They have been exposed to many of these techniques and home or daycare. We adjust plans to the needs of each individual child. The items they we are requesting are tools that will enhance the development of many stages of pre-writing as well as a child ready to form letters. The items include a organized writing station that is child friendly. It also includes many tactile letter that teach formation, stamps, play-dough letter stamps, magnet boards to help with tracing, Lego sets that will form the letters, as well as, a paper dispenser that is child friendly and a roll of blank paper for them to use. The development of fine motor skill and correct letter formation, without using a pencil or crayons, are essential in their writing development.
My students need the foundations of writing with developmentally appropriate tools.
2016-10-26 21:49:34
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
If You Write- You're an Author!
My students are just like all children- they love move, dance, read and be silly. They love to play sports and make books. However, being an inner-city school in Chicago, many of my students come from low-income families. Coming to school is often their safe space and a place to come to get away from the realities of city living. \r\n\r\nMy students are wonderful and hold such a special place in my heart. I try to do whatever possible in my power to provide them with the tools that will help them be successful both in and out of the classroom. In our classroom, we work as a class family to focus on being peaceful, respectful and showing integrity. If only all adults would act like these children, our world would be a much better place.
Our class is starting our journey to learn what it takes to write books and be an author. Many of my students need significant practice with handwriting before we can begin and this will help! In addition, these books about the writing process will really help my students grasp what it takes to be an author. I always try to instill a love of reading and writing in my students from the very start. A big part of becoming a better writer is simply being given the tools and time to sit down and write. I can't wait to see them use these materials and begin to shine! \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students need writing materials story starters, books about being authors and notebooks.