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ROCOv2_2023_train_009804 | Anterior-posterior X-ray showing the anteriorly dislocated right glenohumeral joint.The head of the humerus (A) is dislocated anterior to the glenoid (B). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_013973 | Enlargement of the right epididymis with multiple small cystic dilatations. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_033741 | Color Doppler of the normal middle cerebral artery shows a normal MCA waveform pattern, with high resistance, low diastolic flow and increased pulsatility index | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_000127 | Well-defined solid homogeneous mediastinal mass in chest CT scan of case 1. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_032315 | Example of an abnormal mediastinal lymph node. An axial image of a contrast-enhanced computed tomography examination of the thorax. The size of a lymph node is specified by measuring the longest in-plane diameter and the corresponding short axis in the orthogonal direction | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041183 | Final position of RV, LV and RA pacing leads | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_046680 | Radiograph at one year after the final I and D showing the cement spacer that the patient was asked to “live with.” | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_015076 | Echocardiographic findings before surgery. In the parasternal long-axis view, the arrow indicates significant vegetations in aortic and mitral valves. LA = left atrium, LV = left ventricle, RV = right ventricle. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_009815 | CT abdomen showing air in the biliary tree and free air in the peritoneum. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_029745 | Postoperative AP radiograph at the time of 5-year followup. Surgery was performed due to multicentric adamantinoma of the right tibia and fibula. The tibial defect was bridged with a homologous tibia allograft and a vascularised fibula autograft. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041060 | MRI of the abdomen and pelvis.A 3-cm heterogeneous signal lesion exophytic from the lateral portion of the mid-right kidney was observed (yellow arrow). A cystic lesion was found adjacent to this lesion and slightly inferior, suggestive of a hemorrhagic cyst (white arrow).MRI: magnetic resonance imaging | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007939 | CMR showing concentric left ventricular hypertrophy. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_022640 | Preoperative radiograph showing the lateral cortex thickening in the subtrochanteric area and osteoarthritic change of the hip. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030827 | Patient #1: MRI 3 months after treatment of cervical necrosis (April 2009). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_006666 | Preoperative PNS CT view. Dome-shaped radiopacity is observed in the right maxillary sinus | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_027322 | 3 years followup after resection arthrodesis with blade plateshowing union and no recurrence | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_026987 | A CT scan before any treatment showed a nodule (2.8 cm×1.4 cm) in the right lower lobe and pleural effusion. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_037207 | Computed tomography scan images demonstrating abscess formation around gallstones in the intermuscular layer. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_002368 | Pre-treatment Orthopantomography. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_018941 | CT scan of the chest showing a lobulated mass with heterogeneous enhancement, compressing the mediastinum, right main bronchus and right pulmonary artery. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_037910 | Cranial magnetic resonance imaging of irregular contours of the mass lesions that are in contact with the fourth ventricle and the confluence of sinus (arrow). The processes are heterogeneous on T1-weighted imaging. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_059347 | CT sagittal image showing depth of intrathoracic penetration by solar powered garden light. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_009516 | The horizontal distance 1, 2, 3, and 4 were measured by using the lateral view of cervical spine X-ray. Distant 1 was the horizontal distance between the earhole and lateral shoulder. Distant 2 was the horizontal distance between plump line of posterior neck and posterior shoulder. Distant 3 was the horizontal distance between the anterior margin of C1 body and the posterior margin of C7 spinous process. Distant 4 was the horizontal distance between the earhole and midline of C7 lower margin. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_015055 | Multislice computed tomography of the thorax. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_017421 | CXR Posteroanterior View | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_056415 | Longitudinal CT image indicating hematoma extending to the lower portion of the right ureter (small arrows) and a fetus in the uterus (large arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_020414 | Panoramic radiograph showing bilateral ectopic eruption of the permanent maxillary first molars in an 8-year-old subject. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_021941 | Double contrast barium enema demonstrating anastomotic stricture prior to dilatation, two years before the obstructive episode. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007079 | Confluence of multiple B lines, appearing as two distinct bands outlined by the white double-headed arrows. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_006448 | CT shows a hypodense area in the right parapharyngeal region, surrounded by an area of soft tissue thickening. There is minimal ring enhancement of the lesion. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_029220 | The white arrow indicates the hypoplastic anterior pituitary. Note that the posterior pituitary bright spot is not seen. The solid white triangle shows the arachnoid cyst status after fenestration. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_053227 | Lateral fluorogram showing dorsal retractor placement. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041681 | Positron emission tomography (PET) scan showing pathologic fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake within the larynx and trachea with extension into the left mainstream bronchus as well as the proximal left upper and lower lobe bronchi. The involvement of bilateral cervical chain lymph nodes was also noted. Diffuse standardized uptake value (SUV) was greatest in the larynx (20.5) (red circle). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_051895 | Computed tomography of intra-abdominal cysts. Arrows point to multiple cysts arising from the stomach wall (axial). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_054352 | A lateral projection of an upper gastrointestinal imaging study in a 21 months old girl with posterior fossa malformations–hemangiomas–arterial anomalies–cardiac defects–eye abnormalities–sternal cleft and supraumbilical raphe (PHACES) syndrome who had a right aortic arch which demonstrates posterior impingement of the esophagus. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_021920 | Sagittal MRI image of the pelvis showing irregularity in the anterolateral bladder wall at the site of resection (see red arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_016548 | The imaging is done from duodenal bulb and the portal vein is identified going from 5 o’clock position to 10 o’clock position in a long axis. The CHD is identified between the probe and portal vein. The CHD is followed up by anticlockwise rotation and the continuity into cystic duct and gall bladder is seen. CHD: Common hepatic duct; PV: Portal vein; GB: Gall bladder. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041456 | CT (coronal section) of the abdomen with intravenous contrast showed multiple air densities seen in the liver | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_044514 | Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph after the revision left total hip arthroplasty. Note the decreased distance between femoral head center of rotation to the lesser trochanter, compared to Figure 5. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_006676 | X-ray examination results 20 h after admission revealed residual radiopaque dye used for computed tomography (CT) in the dilated bladder | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_010065 | MRI scan of 2009 showing a mucinous mass in the left side of the pelvis below the anastomosis from his original sigmoid colectomy. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_046313 | Axial Computed Tomography (CT) reveals expansion of the walls of the right maxillary sinus, obstruction with low density tissue of the whole cavity, and local erosion of the walls. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_016990 | SCFE in transverse plane CT before surgery | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_038454 | Long axis post gadolinium image showing apical thrombus. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_014805 | Control thorax HRCT parenchymal window showing regression of nodules and interstitial thickening in bilateral upper zones. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_000411 | Computed tomography chest scan showing multiple thick-walled cavities. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_051819 | Transverse CT image at the level of L5–6, illustrating margins of the multifidus lumborum (ML) and sacrocaudalis dorsalis lateralis (SDL). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_053826 | Color doppler ultrasound demonstrates active blood flow in the pseudoaneurysm (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_008346 | Abdomen CT 1 month after a second HSCT. Multiple conglomerated lymphadenopathies disappeared. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_057011 | Group 1: Straumann® Standard Plus (RN) extra-short 4 mm implants. Image shows the measurements taken from periapical radiographs to determine marginal bone loss around implants placed at positions 2.6 and 2.7 in the maxilla. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_055298 | Posterior-anterior view chest radiograph demonstrating a small, well delineated, solid lesion (arrowhead) in projection to the upper lobe on the left side in our 62-year-old patient. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_044434 | CT aortogram showing the extravasation of contrast from the aorta just proximal to the stent graft. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_019254 | CT image of RP (patient No. 13). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_003730 | Orthopantomogram showing normal bone morphology. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041913 | Smaller loculated fluid collection within the right midabdomen between the mesocolon of the proximal transverse colon/hepatic flexure and small intestine. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_016152 | Frontal chest radiograph performed on day 4 demonstrating air under the diaphragm bilaterally. This is particularly clear beneath the right diaphragm as indicated by the white arrow | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_053089 | Excretory urogram showing reverse-J deformity of right proximal ureter with dilatation, associated with right hydronephrosis | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_006074 | An extremely eccentric jet crossing the stent frame and mimicking a jet with an extensive circumferential extent. Note that it is actually a high velocity jet with a direction (“flying”) independent of the stent shape | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030357 | Preoperative gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI). Axial image shows osteolytic lesion with a relatively smooth margin in the T1 right vertebral pedicle and heterogeneously enhanced with gadolinium. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_031603 | A 60-year-old female patient with known long-standing PLD. Axial plane T2W fat-saturated MR image shows multiple parenchymal cysts in the liver (arrows) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_055154 | MRI – head coronal section, showing the left optic nerve (marked with purple circle) with hypersignal in comparison with the right optic nerve in T2 | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_008583 | Contrast-enhanced axial CT (arterial phase) shows early enhancement of the superior mesenteric vein (arrow) which is grossly distended and also shows similar enhancement to adjacent superior mesenteric artery (arrowhead). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_025409 | Coronal view showing the presence of dentinal caries on the contralateral side. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_035977 | Computed tomography (CT) showing presence of stomach and bowel loops in the chest. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_045749 | Computed tomography scan confirmed the diaphragmatic hernia with herniation of the transverse colon and part of the omentum into the thorax. The arrow on the right shows the level of the diaphragm, and the one on the left shows the herniated bowel. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_045999 | MRI coronal T1-weighted sequence noting secondary hydrocephalus that appeared as a complication of encephalitis, for which external drainage was installed (red arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_029190 | Coronal CT image shows destruction of nasal septum (asterisk) with mass filling the nasal cavity (arrows | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041473 | Supravalvular pulmonary stenosis with mild post-stenotic dilatation (lateral view). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030638 | Chest radiograph on day 1 | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_034983 | Axial sequence image shows inflamed GB walls with intraluminal gallstones and fistulous communication with 1st part of duodenum with adjacent duodenal wall thickening. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_040975 | Ultrasound image of dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve at the site of interscalene brachial plexus block. Dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve are seen in the middle scalene muscle. AS: anterior scalene muscle, MS: middle scalene muscle, Red circle: dorsal scapular nerve, Green circle: long thoracic nerve, C5: 5th cervical root, C6: 6th cervical root, C7: 7th cervical root. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_025338 | Panoramic view at the first visit shows calcification of both stylohyoid ligaments. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007863 | CT scan of the chest , abdomen, and pelvis with intravenous contrast , showing an IVC thrombosis.IVC, inferior vena cava | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_044576 | A CECT of the abdomen showing lymph nodal mass compressing the inferior vena cava (vertical white arrow). The right kidney has also been compressed (horizontal white arrow), the left kidney is normal (horizontal red arrow | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_020874 | Case 4. Panoramic radiograph showing lytic area with floating teeth. Maxilla. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_031739 | Late Gadolinium Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Image of the Right Atrial Mass | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_053000 | Periapical X-ray taken with the paralleling technique of the clinical situation shown in Figure 1. The gutta-percha tip shows the position of the initial osteotomy with respect to the sinus floor. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005467 | Follow-up thorax CT demonstrating resolution of mediastinal lymph nodes. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_057725 | Day of life 8. Computed tomography abdomen, showing hypo-echogenic mass within liver on the right, tracking into the peritoneal cavity and hydronephrosis with obstructive uropathy on the left. Liver mass, hydronephrosis with ascites secondary to TPN extravasation via the UVC. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_052986 | Chest radiography. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_003439 | Chest radiograph showing increase in the size of left upper lobe mass with underlying collapse and increased pleural effusion on right side as compared to the previous chest radiograph | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_036743 | The nonunion with the failed classic plate in AP view. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_002779 | An axial T2 FLAIR image (both arrows) shows bilateral subacute infarct of the thalamus. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_022534 | Lung CT showing multifocal ground-glass opacities in both lungs, suggesting a pulmonary hemorrhage. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_015310 | Abdominal computed tomography (CT) reveals a mass measuring 40 mm in diameter along the rectal wall and extending into the pelvis (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_050210 | Left Ventriculogram After Advancing of an Appropriately Sized Sheath From the Femoral Vein Across the VSD | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_052311 | Axial contrast-enhanced coronary CT superiorly to Figure 1. Internal lower density material is seen, raising suspicion for internal necrosis. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_037401 | Preoperatory endoral radiography. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_016521 | Anteroposterior X-ray of the left foot showing a triangular ossicle posteromedial to the navicular bone (arrow), with regular margins and apparent articulation with the navicular bone, consistent with a type 2 navicular accessory bone. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007250 | Initial radiograph. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_039099 | Computer tomography (CT) of the chest showing soft tissue thickening around LMS bronchus. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041565 | Follow-up chest radiograph showing full expansion of lung fields immediately after chest tube drain | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_053267 | The computed tomography revealed a 5.6 cm × 3.5 cm hypodense soft-tissue mass in the antrum of the stomach (white arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_031783 | Orthopantomograph showing unilocular radiolucency. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_033000 | Final angiographic results after stent implantation and after dilatation. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030244 | EUS showing a 2.2 cm hyperechoic lesion arising from the second layer (submucosa) with no calcification, cystic change, or ductal structure. EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_016301 | The impacted third left, mandibular molar was thought to be the cause of infection. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_022585 | X-ray of hand showing: a small and discrete lesion in the fourth metacarpo-phalangeal joint similar to early rheumatoïd arthritis. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_026439 | Cranial-enhanced MRI T1-weighted images reveal abnormal linear hyperintensity mainly on the left lateral lobe. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_031639 | Echocardiography shows normal chamber dimensions, without any significant valvulopathy. | [
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