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<s> [INST] Teacher career question What is a maths teacher? what is a maths teacher useful? #college #professor #lecture Keywords: teacher, maths, professor, career, lecture[/INST] <p>Hi!</p> <p>You are asking a very interesting question. I am giving you two sites that will give you some of an explanation that may answer your question.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Let me know if this helps</p> </s>
<s> [INST] I want to become an army officer. What can I do to become an army officer? I am Priyanka from Bangalore . Now am in 10th std . When I go to college I should not get confused on what I want to take to become army officer. So I am asking this question #military #army Keywords: officer, military, army, bangalore, college[/INST] <p>Hi. I joined the Army after I attended college and received a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. Commissioned officers enter the Military with a four year degree or receive officer training after joining and complete a tour. You can prepare yourself by taking Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) while in high school or a university. You can also attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) after graduating from college or become commissioned by earning a professional degree. If you decide to earn a degree, think about what you would like to do while in the military. The experience in the military was very rewarding. I wish you well and much success in your future. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] Will going abroad for your first job increase your chances for jobs back home? I'm planning on going abroad for my first job. It will be a teaching job and I don't have any serious career ideas. I don't know what job I would be working if I stay home instead so I'm assuming staying or leaving won't makeba huge difference in what I care about, unless I find something before my first job. I can think of ways that going abroad can be seen as good and bad. I do not know which side respectable employers willl side with. #working-abroad #employment- #overseas Keywords: abroad, overseas, employment, jobs, employers[/INST] <p>I work for a global company who values highly international experience. In fact, that is a key experience we look for in candidates. Therefore, I'd say it would be wise to take advantage of the teaching opportunity - even if only for a year or 2. You never know where it might lead and you will certainly have an edge on your return if you then look for employment in a global company.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] To become a specialist in business management, will I have to network myself? i hear business management is a hard way to get a job if you're not known in the right areas. #business #networking Keywords: networking, network, management, business, specialist[/INST] I agree with Denise. Every single job I've had since my first internship in college, I've found through connections. I have also been surprised that in some cases, connections that I least expected were crucial in helping me find new opportunities. For example, I am about to start a new role that in a lot of ways, is my dream job. A few months ago, I connected with someone that used to be on my team at a different company. We only worked on the same team for about 2 months, and 5 years later, ended up working at another tech company in Seattle. He ended up being the hiring manager for this new role, and after passing the other interviews, I got the job. I would say the most important thing when starting your career is to define what you want your brand to be, and what you want to be known for. This will help give you guidance on what activities and events to prioritize, books to read, etc. It's also essential to be mindful of the impression you leave with others. While networking is essential to building your career, it's important that it's also backed up by a reputation you feel proud about. As a student, I remember this feeling like an incredibly daunting task. It made it easier for me to find a group I could relate to. I joined ALPFA, an association for Latino Professionals that work across various business disciplines. I would recommend finding an organization that speaks to you, and begin practicing your networking skills there. </s>
<s> [INST] Are there any scholarships out there for students that are first generation and live in GA? I'm trying to find scholarships for first year students but they all seem to be for other states besides GA. Any help?? #college #scholarships #highschoolsenior #firstgeneration Keywords: scholarships, ga, college, highschoolsenior, firstgeneration[/INST] Check out this website! It allows you to search scholarships based on who you are and what you're interested in. It even filters what state they're available in. </s>
<s> [INST] How many years of coege do you need to be an engineer To be an engineer #united-states Keywords: engineer, years, coege, inst, states[/INST] <p>For the typical schedule it takes four years to receive a bachelor's degree in engineering. I took five years because I wanted to intern and gain experience along the way.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] I want to become a doctor because of my great interest in science and helping people, but can I major in something that isn't science oriented? I am a musician and want to pursue that in college as well, but I don't want my love of science to supersede that. #medicine #music Keywords: doctor, major, medicine, science, college[/INST] Of course! I know someone who doubled in classical languages and music performance. She's now an OB/GYN. I believe she needed to go back and complete some pre-med credits post-graduation, but it's certainly possible. </s>
<s> [INST] what kind of college could i go to for a soccer player I like soccer because i been playing sense i was 6 years old. soccer is my best sport i played for 1/7 years.every year. #college #soccer #building Keywords: soccer, college, sport, kind, player[/INST] <p>Hi Rodrigo!</p> <p>The important thing to remember if you are going to pursue professional sports is what are you going to do when you career is over? Too many people have short careers due to injuries and other reasons beyond their control so you have to be prepared with a backup career. It is important to consider what you might do for a career: Here are things that might help:</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What are the college classes like for and graphics design major? I'm asking because I was thinking about choosing that career as an major for when I go to college. I though why not ask someone who has went to college and graduated with and degree in that subject. #graphic-design #graphics Keywords: college, major, graphics, classes, degree[/INST] <p>If you like doing creative work, graphic design would be appropriate and much higher chance of landing a job rather than a fine arts degree (unless you want to try your luck in animations). From my personal experience, I have always been creative since elementary but I brushed if off cause I lived in a country where artists are frown upon and jobs were scarce around that area. </p><p><br></p><p>Throughout my college years, I was a nursing major for one semester then a computer science for a year and half but I could not stop drawing or painting in between it all. By my junior year, I decided to pick up a part-time job at a printing company, where I would use my artistic skills as a graphic designer. </p><p><br></p><p>From there, I knew I wanted to come back to my creative skills cause I really enjoy it. </p><p><br></p><p>My advice, try out graphic design courses and painting. To see the differences and what kind of creative work you'd want to do. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] what does it take to be an anesthesiologist? I am a sophomore who is interested in learning more about anesthesiologist. What steps do they have to take in order to become a anesthesiologist? Is it fun or hard? #doctor #healthcare #experience #anesthesiologist Keywords: anesthesiologist, doctor, sophomore, healthcare, inst[/INST] <html><head></head><body><p>Hi Deja,</p> <p>Know we're recommending a lot of videos for you, but here's a nice one that follows anesthesia resident Dr. Jesse Hill on a typical day as he works on the Obstetric anesthesia rotation at the Stanford University School of Medicine:</p> <p><a href=";feature=related" rel="nofollow"></a><a href=";feature=related" rel="nofollow"></a><a href=";feature=related" rel="nofollow">;feature=related</a></p></body></html> </s>
<s> [INST] What major is best for an aspiring Occupational Therapist? #majors #occupationaltherapist Keywords: majors, occupationaltherapist, major, occupational, therapist[/INST] <p>Hey Megan. You are looking at a great field. Typically you need a bachelors degree in Human Psychology, Biology, Human Physiology or any Health Science will offer you the best insight for going to the Occupation Therapy field.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How does the gender gap effect productivity in the work force? As a woman of color, I am concerned about being marginalized in the workplace. #scientists Keywords: productivity, workplace, gender, marginalized, woman[/INST] <p>Gender differences in access to economic opportunities are frequently debated in relation to gender differences in labor market participation. participation focus on productivity and earnings—for two reasons. First, a focus exclusively on labor force participation provides only a partial picture of women’s and men’s experience in the labor market. Far from being a simple decision about whether or not to join the labor force, participation in market work involves reallocating time across a variety of activities—a process that can be difficult and costly, particularly for women. And a focus solely on participation masks gender differences in the nature and dynamics of work. Second, despite significant progress in female labor force participation over the past 25 years pervasive and persistent gender differences remain in productivity and earnings across different sectors and jobs. Indeed, many women around the world appear to be caught in a productivity trap—one that imposes significant costs on women’s welfare and economic empowerment today and serious disincentives to invest in the women of tomorrow. Despite lower earnings and productivity, women are not worse farmers, entrepreneurs, and workers than men. We argue instead that gender differences in labor productivity and earnings are primarily the result of differences in the economic activities of men and women— although gender differences in human capital and in the returns to worker and job characteristics also play a role.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] As a civil engineer, what percent of your time would you say per week you spend on site helping to organize construction efforts and people and what percent of your time do you spend in an office making calculation and coming up with designs? I would love to be a civil engineer one day. I definitely don't want to be a construction worker and spend all day outside working with tools and building things but I also wouldn't want a 10 hour a day desk job. Civil engineer seems like a happy medium and I just wondered from a professional if that was the case. #mathematics #civil-engineering Keywords: engineer, engineering, hour, worker, calculation[/INST] <p>It all depends on what type of job you have. In my days as a new Civil Engineer, I also spent my full days either drafting or making calculations. During my structural design days, I spent all hours of the day in the office making calculations. Never saw a project. When I hit Public Work things changed. I did visit project sites, did project administration, did calculations and other administrative work. The amount of time spent on the various items was completely dependent on the project and what was happening. You can go days without getting out of the office and then you can spent an inordinate amount of time in the field. It is extremely variable. I loved it!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] what is the hardest about becoming a lawyer? Throughout the process of becoming a lawyer, what is the hardest? Is it the LSAT's OR getting into a Law school, or finding a job after? #lawyer Keywords: lsat, lawyer, hardest, law, school[/INST] The lawyer response is, "it depends!" Each person is different. I thought the prep was okay, but I struggled with the legal writing and research. My roommate really struggled with the testing, but aced the writing part. All of us struggle with employment at times in our life. It's going to depend on your own individual circumstances. The entire process is designed to be difficult, but doable, if you are capable. Your best bet is to develop good study habits now, practice for the tests, draft your entry essay early, and once you're in, ask for help early and often, develop a network of peers to assist as you study, and be ready to work hard and read a lot! </s>
<s> [INST] How to have a board that can attract $500,000 capital for a non-profit start up I've been accepted at Harvard's joint bachelor's and master's program in management for the summer of 2018. Since 2003, I've had a financial planning practice with Indian Tribes. My goal at Harvard is to learn best practices, so I can transition my practice into a sustainable and scalable non-profit organization, the Native Finance Development Corporation, for Indian Country. When funded, I will develop an online and in-person platform to provide financial education, debt resolution, savings and affordable loans to the tribal communities. Initially, I intend to leverage my relationship with existing client tribes. I've already submitted for establishment of my 401(c)3 with the IRS. In early March, 2018, I applied for certification as a Native American Community Development Finance Institution. I have a business plan. Over the next four years, I will attend Harvard full-time while developing the IT and human resources and training aspects of the non-profit. What would be the most effective and efficient way to develop this board? #business #business-development #nonprofits Keywords: nonprofits, bachelor, harvard, developing, financial[/INST] <p>Hi Cynthia -</p><p><br></p><p>First of all congratulations on having a well-thought out plan for your non-profit. You have shown a lot of initiative that this will help you go far. Board development is one of the most important things for a new organization to focus on. Members of your board help you establish credibility and ideally open their networks to you, both to raise visibility and of course, funds.</p><p><br></p><p>While community financial institutions are not my area of expertise, I will give you some tips that should be helpful in general. As your main need is for this board to be a funding/fundraising board for a community financial institution, that arena is where you need to look for individuals to invite onto your board. First, look at your own networks:</p><ol><li> Are any of your friends, community members, relatives, friends' relatives in finance? Can you approach them with your idea, see what they think and then invite them to join your board? </li><li>Look at similar institutions - community financial institutions (CFIs). Are there individuals on their boards that you can invite onto yours?</li><li>Once you have a core group of individuals on your board (not all need to have finance backgrounds - some can have HR experience or be from the community you are trying to help), then you need to put a fundraising plan in place. It would be helpful to have at least one board member who has fundraising experience. The fundraising plan should have concrete steps as to how the organization is going to reach its initial goal ($500,000), what is the timeline, what are the steps, etc.</li><li>Once you have your plan, then each member of the board should be encouraged to contribute and to help with fundraising in any way they can. Your plan should have options for commitment - dollar amount, amount each board member will help raise, what networks they can introduce you to, to help fundraise, etc.</li></ol><p>Board development should be customized for each organization as it is important to get a good mix of people on the board, and who hopefully have good chemistry working together. Your board chair should be the person you work closely with to help you keep other board members focused on their commitments.</p><p><br></p><p>Being at Harvard should help you access alumni networks, ask your professors for ideas on who should be on your board (perhaps one of them would agree to serve). Having a couple of big names helps attract others.</p><p><br></p><p>Hope this is helpful - wish you the very best!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> </s>
<s> [INST] To be a dental hygienist or a dentist? I'm a sophomore in high school and I am trying to decide what classes to take. I'm trying to take as many classes as I can if I decide I want to go to a four year school instead of just a two. I'm from Iowa and my biggest decision maker is how much I would make? I've read all over and there are tons of different numbers and job availabilities. I want to live extremely comfortably. I really enjoyed watching what the hygienist do, too. But, if the dentist make more then I think I want to do that. I need advice. #dentistry #dental-hygienist #family-dentistry #pediatric-dentistry Keywords: dentistry, dentist, hygienist, dental, decide[/INST] <p>Cierra, Both professions are great but don't think of it as "making the money". Do what you enjoy the monetary rewards will come. I've been practicing for 27 years as a RDH. I did make an effort to apply to dental school after 6 years as a hygienist but didn't get admitted. I'm very happy now that I didn't. As Dr. Barnett mentioned, as a hygienist, the schedule is very flexible if you want to have a family. Little did I know I would still be practicing but I have recently started teaching as a part-time adjunct clinical instructor. Every dental hygiene program has different requirements for their program so make sure you look at each one. Most programs are a 4 year but their are some 2 year associate programs. Then, if you want to do a completion of BS in dental hygiene you may. Other students have done a BS in science base degree then had options to apply to dental hygiene or DDS program. Whatever you decide, don't let the monetary part drive you, let the profession drive you to be and do your best. The best to you!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Is it better to sell your invention idea(s) to a company or raise money to patent it yourself? I have a lot of invention ideas and I am not sure how to get help. There are a lot of website that say they help people who have invention ideas but I am afraid they will steal my ideas and I will not have any legal ownership of them. #help #innovation #Mechanical #MechanicalEngineering #engineering #engineers #patent #legal #IndustrialDesign #design #inventor #problem #solving #ownership #money #company #future #product #products #ideas #architect #art #creative #science #technology #tech #customer Keywords: patent, invention, inventor, innovation, ideas[/INST] <p>lakeya,</p><p><br></p><p>You have an excellent question. As with most excellent questions, the answer is - it depends. What does it depend on? A couple things:</p><p><br></p><p>1) Could your invention be a business? - Not all inventions can. Some inventions might solve a problem in a way that's superior to any other, but if it can't be scaled (e.g. can't be manufactured in a way that brings cost below price by a sustainable margin, is not sufficiently differentiated from competition to attract customers, market of potential customers is not large enough to justify start-up costs, etc.) then there's no business. Keep in mind though - just because one person may not be able to turn an invention into a business doesn't mean it doesn't have value. An invention could be patented and then sold (or licensed) to a company with complementary characteristics from which value could be derived from synergies between the invention and their existing product (e.g. the company already has an established presence in the target market of the invention, the company manufactures their existing product in a similar way such that existing infrastructure could be utilized). </p><p><br></p><p>2) Do you want to be an entrepreneur? - If your invention could be a business that you could start yourself, the next question to ask is whether you want to be an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs often work long hours for long periods of time trying to get their businesses off the ground, and even then success is scarce. Read about successful entrepreneurs (and unsuccessful entrepreneurs) to learn more about the sheer size of the risks and rewards involved, and whether such a lifestyle works for you (one insightful resource from an experienced entrepreneur -</p><p><br></p><p>After careful reflection, if you're leaning toward 'yes' to both questions, then starting down the path of launching a business is next. If not, then selling (or licensing) your inventions to another individual or company with the means to bring it to market might be the best path. Whether you decide to start your own business or sell / license your invention as is, you'll likely want to apply for a patent. Patenting a product is not cheap (, but it's likely much cheaper than costs needed to launch a business. Here's a good article I stumbled across that may be helpful on the topic of applying for patents (</p><p><br></p><p>I'm far from an expert on this topic, but hopefully these thoughts help you find a path to more relevant resources. Best of luck to you!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Who/what do you think truly decides where you go to college? Most people claim their decision to enroll in a certain college was completely their own. But is this accurate? How much of an influence do you think counselors, family members, friends, and/or money have in their decision? Are there other factors that may indirectly influence their decision? #college #higher-education #niche #decisions Keywords: college, decisions, decides, decision, counselors[/INST] I don't have a specific answer. I have some questions though.... 1. In an ideal world, most students should answer "What is YOUR reason for attending a specific college"? Mine was cost at first. I attended a local community college. I thought I was just there because I was saving money, but I learned very quickly that some of the most incredible professors teach at community colleges!! 2. "Is your school choice to please yourself"? Ultimately, I became extremely happy with my college choices. As an undergrad, I had the most AMAZING professors who taught at community colleges, because that is what they loved doing! My abilities and dreams grew leaps and bounds, and I did not spend a lot of money that I didn't have. 3. "Are you attending because you have found your calling"? In my opinion, this question is more important the higher up the academic world you climb. As an undergraduate for my first A.A., I went to a community college that I could afford while working in the writing lab. Undergraduate education is somewhat uniform in terms of the type of general education classes required. For me, I looked more at what was important to me in a school for my BA I wanted to teach, so I selected a college that specialized in teaching. I stayed at the same women's college for grad school, because I loved the professors who already knew me and the work I was doing. They challenged the heck out me in grad school! Probably, because by grad school, they knew my weaknesses and my strengths. I returned to community college for a second AA degree because the college and the students, staff, faculty, and admin were all soooo amazing. 4. I have noticed some students attend schools because their parents did. In my opinion, the question here is: "Are you pursuing the work you really want to do"? None of my parents had degrees, so I selected a women's college for my advanced education, because I was influenced by a professor who knew I wanted to teach. The single BEST decision I ever made! I was influenced by an educator that knew me, and she more or less dropped me off there and told me to "start finding out about the opportunities there". I had no idea that it would be the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life. </s>
<s> [INST] How can I get my work in Android development noticed by prospective users? I have developed several Android applications (one of which is released on the Google Play Store) but am having trouble acquiring new users. I am looking for ways to increase my user base without spending money on advertising, etc. #android #technology #programming Keywords: android, development, developed, advertising, users[/INST] <p>You can add it to your signature when you send out an email. Don't make it too pushy, but at the end of your signature you can make a reference to it. </p><p><br></p><p>The same can be said of Social Media, when you post something just add it to the end of your post so that people can see it and then they may become more interested in looking at it on the playstore.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Which topics in college most helped with your career in Industrial Psychology? Hi, I am a high school senior and I have been interested in psychology for the majority of my life. When I heard about Industrial Psychology it really interested me and I would really like to know what topics in college assist those in the field. I would also like to know what is the day to day life in the job is like. #psychology Keywords: psychology, topics, industrial, college, career[/INST] <p>Hi Lans,</p> <p>Students who choose to major in industrial psychology will study psychology as it applies to organizational behavior or employees, workplace environment and its effects, employee and employers attitudes, motivational factors of groups, and much more. As an industrial psychology major you'll study topics including human development, personality, behavioral psychology, biopsychology, perception, and cognition. Many industrial psychology programs also include relevant courses in business management, since as an industrial psychologist you'll be involved with management at various levels throughout your career.</p> <p>As an undergraduate industrial psychology student, you'll become very proficient with research methodologies, experimentation, documentation, advanced statistical modeling, as well as various methods for analyzing data. In addition, you'll learn about the history of psychology, the present, and how you might mold the future of industrial psychology.</p> <p>To become a practicing industrial psychologist, you'll need to earn a bachelor's degree in psychology from an accredited psychology program. Following completion of your undergraduate degree, you'll also need to complete a master's or Ph.D. degree in psychology (although most employers prefer a Ph.D.) </p> <p>Job Duties and Tasks for: "Industrial-Organizational Psychologist"</p> <p>1) Analyze data, using statistical methods and applications, in order to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of workplace programs.</p> <p>2) Analyze job requirements and content in order to establish criteria for classification, selection, training, and other related personnel functions.</p> <p>3) Conduct research studies of physical work environments, organizational structures, communication systems, group interactions, morale, and motivation in order to assess organizational functioning.</p> <p>4) Develop and implement employee selection and placement programs.</p> <p>5) Develop interview techniques, rating scales, and psychological tests used to assess skills, abilities, and interests for the purpose of employee selection, placement, and promotion.</p> <p>6) Facilitate organizational development and change.</p> <p>7) Formulate and implement training programs, applying principles of learning and individual differences.</p> <p>8) Identify training and development needs.</p> <p>9) Observe and interview workers in order to obtain information about the physical, mental, and educational requirements of jobs as well as information about aspects such as job satisfaction.</p> <p>10) Study organizational effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency, including the nature of workplace supervision and leadership.</p> <p>11) Advise management concerning personnel, managerial, and marketing policies and practices and their potential effects on organizational effectiveness and efficiency.</p> <p>12) Assess employee performance.</p> <p>13) Counsel workers about job and career-related issues.</p> <p>14) Participate in mediation and dispute resolution.</p> <p>15) Study consumers' reactions to new products and package designs, and to advertising efforts, using surveys and tests.</p> <p>16) Write reports on research findings and implications in order to contribute to general knowledge and to suggest potential changes in organizational functioning.</p> <p>More in:</p> <p></p> <p>Have a professional journey of success!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How easy/hard is it to find a job in architecture? I am currently in between a few possible career options. How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job as an architect right out of college? How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job in the marketing field? How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job in the engineering field? #architecture #marketing-and-advertising #engineering Keywords: architect, architecture, engineering, career, marketing[/INST] To get a good job one needs to be trained or prepared. With good training and a good work effort, I believe everyone can secure a good paying job. So the first thing I would do is narrow down your field of interest to get the appropriate training. Business and marketing require very different training than architecture and engineering. Both fields will have pros and cons. Do you like building projects, working on business plans, travel, working outside etc.? Look on the internet, under each of the areas and get a feel for the jobs. Most jobs will require math but engineering and business have very different math course requirements. Once you figure out which general direction you are interested in, make sure you work on the requirements and find a in-state college/university’s that has that program if possible. You don’t want to be saddled with a huge college debt. Good luck. </s>
<s> [INST] If medicine improves and allows people to live much longer lives, how will we provide for everyone? As medical technology improves, people live longer, healthier lives. Anti-aging technologies are getting better and better. If people start regularly living to 100 or longer, or if human life is extended even further beyond natural limits, how we provide for everyone? How will people in my generation flourish if people currently in their 20s 30s, 40s, and 50s never retire, and keep working indefinitely? How will my generation support and care for a massive population of elderly people? #technology #future #medicine #career Keywords: aging, elderly, retire, medicine, generation[/INST] <p>Hi Sophie,</p><p> Really interesting question you have posed. Based off of your comment above, you seem to be concerned about the environmental impact of a growing population where people live longer and longer lives. So there's a term for the population that the earth can environmentally support, and that is called the "carrying capacity". Thomas Malthus put out a theory in the 19th Century that there is a finite population that the earth can support and and anything leading that could lead to mass famine, disease, and starvation. Thankfully Malthus' prediction has yet to come true but it is a real worry. The resources on earth are finite, that is true, but human ingenuity is pretty incredible. </p><p><br></p><p>We human have so far been able to invent ourselves out of ecological issues before ( think about the advent of nitrogen based fertilizers and the Green Revolution). While the problems and issues that we face ecologically and environmentally are great, I choose to believe that our intellect, creativity, and ingenuity will save has in the past at least. Also, what is limiting us to staying on Earth? We humans are explorers, perhaps one day interstellar space travel will actually be a reality and we will be able to inhabit other worlds, the possibilities are endless. </p><p><br></p><p>Keep thinking creatively and push yourself to think outside the box, our future depends on it.</p><p><br></p><p>Best,</p><p>Austin </p> </s>
<s> [INST] Why are there not more females that help or support other females in college? #female-empowerment #women #empowering-women Keywords: empowerment, females, women, empowering, support[/INST] <p>Hi Vanessa, thanks for submitting a question! In college, I was a part of an organization called OHIO Women in Business. Our mission was to attract women to the college of business, develop them through various workshops and speakers, and successfully launch them into the workforce upon graduation. Does your college have a women's organization for your major? If not, have you considered starting your own? Start talking to an adviser or mentor about this! I was friend's with the woman who started the organization at my school and all it takes is an idea and passion to help you implement it!</p><p><br></p><p>If you are apart of a woman's organization and feel you're not doing enough, look into Zonta Club. It's an international organization whose mission is to empower women through service and advocacy. I'm a member and love getting involved in the volunteering and fundraising events. Here's the international website:</p><p><br></p><p>My last piece of advice would be to read "Lean In." This will spark or increase your energy to really understand the gender gaps that still exist in today's society. Here's a link to the book's website:</p><p><br></p><p>Wish you all the best and hope this helps!</p><p><br></p> </s>
<s> [INST] What Is The Best Undergraduate Degree Before Pursuing A DVM? I know that there are several options for undergraduate degrees that I could do before pursuing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. I could do Pre-Med, an undergraduate in Biophysical Sciences, or basically, anything else that satisfies the minimum requirements for the veterinary college I am to attend. I would like to know what the best option is that will prepare me the most for my chosen occupation of Veterinary Medicine. #animals #veterinary #veterinary-technician #veterinary-medicine Keywords: veterinary, undergraduate, degree, dvm, college[/INST] <p>That is a good question, my son asked me the same thing. Your undergrade should be in one of the following:</p> </s>
<s> [INST] i am searching college for engineering in civil or computer in US and i am from nepal with medium economy i am from nepal and wants to know how can i join engineering in US and i am from medium economy family .. can i actually afford there by doing side job if available #engineer #consulting Keywords: engineering, engineer, college, nepal, join[/INST] <p>Working and going to school at the same time can be tough. But, if you apply to some schools, they might be able to help you with grant and scholarship money. Money can be given based on need and/or good grades. The financial aid office of the college would be able to tell you wait applications you need to complete.</p> <p>Good Luck!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] I am really interested in science, but not so much with math...are there any feilds in science that require limited math? Science is usually my best subject, but math is usually my worst. I really want to be involved in the science feild but i am afraid this isn't possible with my subpar math skills. I've found a few options, but am in need of suggestions. #science #biology #math Keywords: math, science, biology, subject, suggestions[/INST] <p>I have a pH.D. in microbiology and never was especially good in math. I did always have an abiding curiosity about the natural world. Most of the biological sciences do not require huge amounts of higher math to become a practicing scientists. More math is needed in molecular biology and biochemistry or chemistry, but integrative biology less. Physics will require a lot of higher math. The social sciences (sociology, etc.) may require a statistical math, but not much higher than that. In short, yes, you can have a career in a science that does not require higher math (beyond calculus)</p><p><br></p> </s>
<s> [INST] How to not give up on college when you are feeling depressed? I know this might be a bit of a hard question to answer... Lately, I have just been feeling like giving up because I feel like my education is pointless because I won't be able to succeed and get through it. I am about to graduate in May. I am trying to hold on, but I am not doing so well in my courses. Should I visit a counselor? How should I fix this? #dealing-with-college Keywords: depressed, counselor, college, courses, graduate[/INST] <p>Christi,</p><p><br></p><p>You've been dealing with this for at least 2 weeks now, yes, by all means see a counselor! Get help studying. Worse case scenario, consider dropping a class, and finishing in summer, rather than letting your grades take too big of a hit. I wish we were talking in person, so I could have a better feel for what is going on. The thing is, we all get panicky, we all get senioritis, but, in hindsight, graduation did not automatically thrust us into being adults. Many of us took stepping stone jobs - things that helped us to transition to our real careers. This is not the end all, be all. But, for goodness sakes, don't quit now! You are so close to the finish line you can see it! You are dripping in sweat! </p><p><br></p><p>It's really hard for us to counsel you, not really being able to get inside your head (and not being licensed, even if we could....). So yes, please, please, please, talk to someone trained to deal with these issues. You aren't the first student facing these concerns!</p><p><br></p><p>Kim</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Question for professions at PwC! What is your favorite part of your job and what is the most challenging part? What is your favorite part about your job? What is the most challenging part of your job? How do you honestly feel about your job and your career goals? Do you feel satisfied in your life being in the finance industry? How do you contribute to the better whole of society working the job you do? #CentreCollegeStudent #PwC #ProfessionalServiceWeek #passion Keywords: pwc, finance, career, challenging, professions[/INST] <p>Hi Madeline - I'm a Tax Manager at PwC and have been with the firm for 5 years. My experience has been varied at the firm and I've had the opportunity to travel for work to NYC for a secondment. I worked in the NYC office for 8 months and learned a lot of new technical concepts and built my network. </p><p><br></p><p>I think the best part about working at PwC is the networks you form with your colleagues and clients. With any position there are challenges, however leveraging the firm network results in getting our client's the best information. Tight deadlines always pose a challenge when we are working on a rush job, however the team is always helpful! </p> </s>
<s> [INST] How do I know I will get a job after college? I'm worried that I will struggle to find a job once I obtain my degree. #stressed #worried #help #career-path #college Keywords: college, career, degree, stressed, job[/INST] Jerrod, I'm certain you will get A JOB upon graduating from college, but I think more specifically you want to know if you will get a job in the field you majored in. You can start by looking at Bureau of Labor Statistics and go to the Occupation Outlook handbook. Look at occupations associated with your major. Then start networking while you are in school. Find out if there is an association on campus that is focused on those occupations (i.e Business club, Nursing association, etc,). Start networking on and off campus. Talk to the Career Services department at your school and see if they can help you with finding summer internships. Treat your internship like a job. When the internship supervisors see how well you are doing (and you need to well), they may hire you, but in the event that it is not in their budget, you know have credible people in your field who you can use as references. Soak up all the knowledge you can. In addition, you naturally want to keep your grades and attendance up and seize any opportunities on or off campus that will bring you a step closer to entering your field upon graduation. Start NOW!. Good luck. </s>
<s> [INST] Are there any rules of thumb when it comes to student loans? #finance #college #loans Keywords: loans, student, finance, college, rules[/INST] <p>Hi Shauna,&nbsp; I'm glad you're asking this question.&nbsp; Student loans are an investment in yourself and can be a "good" debt to get into, assuming your career will allow you to pay off the loans. I'd recommend that you only commit to loans that you will be able to pay within 10 years of completing your degree. There are calculators online that will help you to determine a typical salary for your career choice and the cost of your college.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What struggles can I expect when starting college? I want be as ready and prepared as I can when starting college. I want to avoid mistakes many generations of students make when starting college. #struggle #beready Keywords: struggles, college, struggle, students, starting[/INST] Hi Jonathan! What a big question! First, let me start off by saying that every college experience is a unique one depending on lots of different factors. I would say one of the biggest struggles most people face when starting college is time management. This is often the first time they are away from home and don't have anyone telling them what to do and when to do it. This is a very exciting, but also dangerous, thing. It is very easy to get caught up in socializing, relaxing, and making memories and therefore letting academics slide a bit. I found the easiest thing to do was make a concrete schedule each week of assignments, both ones due that week and ones due in coming weeks (or months) that needed continual work. This helped me prioritize my schoolwork first and then let everything else fall into place. I hope this helps a bit! </s>
<s> [INST] I want to became a lecturer, so what steps and college would be good for my future? for my future #teaching #teacher #lecturer Keywords: lecturer, teaching, teacher, college, future[/INST] <p>&lt;span style="background-color: transparent;"&gt; is a great resource for this! I poured through the pages of universities all over the U.S. when I was a senior in high school. Collegeboard was my go-to site! They put all of the information in one place and it is very easy to use. They even have various filters you can apply to see only colleges that have programs you are interested. To determine academic rigor, look at the admissions requirements, G.P.A. of past admitted applicants, SAT/ACT scores, class rank etc. This will give you an idea of what scores and grades you need to be accepted. However, don't be discouraged your application will be reviewed based on the full picture! College-board will help you get an idea of what is most important to the specific school you are applying to.&lt;/span&gt;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><em>This professional recommends the following </em><a href=""><em>next steps</em></a><em>:</em></p><ul><li>&lt;span style="background-color: transparent;"&gt;Chat with your Guidance Counselor&lt;/span&gt;</li><li>&lt;span style="background-color: transparent;"&gt;Create a account&lt;/span&gt;</li><li>&lt;span style="background-color: transparent;"&gt;Start using CollegeBoard as a resource to look up schools.&lt;/span&gt;</li></ul><p><br></p> </s>
<s> [INST] What advice would you give to a student applying to their dream school? I'll be a #highschool senior in the fall! What do you wish you heard earlier in the application process? What did you wish you had done earlier in high school to help yourself get into your dream school? I am head-over-heels for Duke! Any advice to prepare an eager student is much appreciated!! #college #college-admissions Keywords: admissions, applying, duke, college, highschool[/INST] <p>Courses and grades are really what matters most. Take as many AP classes as you can handle will help to set you apart from everyone else who is applying to Duke. Another way to set yourself apart is to have solid extracurricular activities. Don't just list them. Tell them how you contributed to the success of the organization you volunteered. Your college essay is very important. So let everyone you know (and also leverage who your parents know as well) to read it and give constructive feedback but make sure it is written in your own voice.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What is the best way to prepare for studying engineering in graduate school? I am interested in Computational Neuroscience, and hope to study either Biomedical engineering or electrical engineering in college, along with neuroscience. I want to make sure that I am a good candidate for graduate school (in engineering or computational neuroscience), while still adamantly studying neuroscience in undergrad. #gradschool #neuroscience #engineering Keywords: engineering, neuroscience, biomedical, studying, graduate[/INST] <p>Congratulations on being interested in finding the right career to follow.. It takes a special person to enter into a specific career field and meet the demands which that career area presents. The first step is to get to know yourself to see if you share the personality traits which make that make one successful in that area. The next step is doing networking to meet and talk to and possibly shadow people doing what you might think that you want to do to see if this is something that you really want to do, as a career area could look much different on the inside than it looks from the outside. When I was doing college recruiting, I encountered too many students, who skipped these important steps, and ended up in a career/job for which they were ill suited.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How to start looking for Internships? I'm in college and I want to get some research under my experience. #college #communications #economics Keywords: internships, research, college, economics, start[/INST] <p>Hi Dion,</p> <p>To start looking for an internship, you have to first decide what industry you would like to ultimately pursue a career in to guide you in your search. Once you have that, you should create or adjust your resume to address the experience you may already have in that field. I'd recommend including relevant coursework and any summer or on campus jobs you've held.</p> <p>Once you have your resume, you can go to websites like or, if you are interested in working for specific companies, check out their Career websites. Internships are often listed as a normal job posting would be. It may be a little early to apply for Summer Internships, so if you don't see anything yet, don't be discouraged because you may just have to wait a few months.</p> <p>You can also work through your college--most colleges have a career guidance department that specializes in connecting students with companies in the area. Good luck!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Can i be a biologist in Indianan. How much will i make. What else will i have to know. i am looking for a job that allows me to be a biologist that study all types of DNA and animals, plants, and virus. I would like to look into selective breeding and more. #biologist. #biology Keywords: biologist, indianan, biology, breeding, study[/INST] <p>Do some research here:</p><p><br></p><p>I searched for Biologist, but you may want to use some other position titles as well, depending on your interests. According to these statistics, the average pay is $68,000 in Indiana for biologists. You can find a lot of other information on that page as well about employment trends, qualification requirements, and other data.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How do I become an artist? I love art and want to learn how to turn it into a profession. #art #artist #music #career #career-counseling Keywords: artist, art, career, music, profession[/INST] Dear Famina, There are many options for employment related to art. I suggest you ask yourself the following: What type of art do I like to do? What am I good at? Do I like to work alone or with others? Do I want to help others directly through my art or just create and get paid? Am I drawn to visual art by hand or computer? The following are examples of different career options you might consider: art therapist illustrator designer teacher free lance artist display work You might google each of these to get a better idea of what the position involves and what is expected. You might also volunteer to assist at a variety of businesses to see first hand and talk to others about their work and what they like or don't like about it. Not knowing how old you are, I am not sure what is appropriate for you at your current age but you can do research and try different things before being hired so you have a better idea of what to go to school for in college, if that is what will help you move forward in a career. Good luck, art is a wonderful way to fulfill your creative soul and express your inner self while bringing beauty to the lives of others. </s>
<s> [INST] Of what importance is the university of a student if he wants to get a good job ?? I also want to know that if I can change my career after completing my engineering , I mean like if I get degree in EC can I get a job related to CS or IT ?? #engineering #career #jobs #salary #development Keywords: engineering, university, degree, student, career[/INST] <p>Great question. I would say that no matter what school you go to and what your degree is in, there are always options in life. The only challenge is that when you switch, you essentially have to "start over" to a some degree(depending on how dramatically different the career change is). </p> <p>Here's my story...I went to school to get my liberal studies degree not sure if I'd want to eventually get into education or law. After college and before grad school I tried out the corporate world then fell into the recruiting field. I decided to go into education and taught 6 years, and a few years back decided to revisit the corporate world. Has the switch set me back a few years? Sure. But, was the career transition worth it because I'm happy? Absolutely. </p> <p>Essentially, anything is doable with the right attitude, work ethic, and determination. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] Im interested in media but not sure what degrees or jobs I can get? What kinds of degrees can I major in that involve media, and what jobs can I get with that degree plan? #media #broadcast-media Keywords: media, broadcast, degree, degrees, major[/INST] <p>You must opt for Bachelors programs in Film, TV &amp; Production. You can get jobs in print and electronic media both. In their production or content development department as well.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] WHAT PROCESS CAN I FALLOW TO BECOME AN ENGLISH GRAMMAR TEACHER BECAUSE IT IS MY AMBITION #international-expertise Keywords: grammar, english, teacher, ambition, inst[/INST] Hello Geetha, After you complete your 12th , you can choose Bachelor of Arts course and also choose English literature to proceed further. You can specialise in English literature in Master degree if you want to study further. But to become teacher B. ed is also important </s>
<s> [INST] How hard are Engineering classes in college? I want to see if i want to take it .#work #engineering #choosing-a-major Keywords: engineering, college, classes, major, hard[/INST] <p>Engineering is certainly not the easiest major because of the math and science requirements. Within the engineering curriculum, chemical engineering is more challenging (with calculus and reaction rates etc.) than Civil or Industrial engineering which work more with algebra, geometry and trigonometry. There is a lot to learn and there is a fair amount of homework and practice required. To that end, all engineering fields offer a very diverse and rewarding career and is worth the effort that it takes to get a degree. I was only an average high school student and received a BS in mechanical engineering through night school as I worked. I would recommend going full time to a state school with an engineering program. Good luck. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] What are the normal work conditions (excludingthing likes weather and other changing variables)? #carpentry Keywords: carpentry, conditions, weather, variables, work[/INST] <p>If I'm interpreting this question correctly, you're asking about work conditions for carpenters. The thing you have to know is that carpentry covers everything from large construction projects to cabinetry to custom artwork. Because of that, the work conditions range from begin outside putting huge structure together to making fine artwork in wood indoors. And in the near future, computer aided design and manufacturing and rapid prototyping will get more and more pervasive. Very soon, you won't be able to avoid using computers and a whole host of automated manufacturing techniques. But while you can likely get a job as an unskilled laborer and then work your way up, I'd recommend taking advantage of training programs. The biggest mistake I see many young people make is thinking that "book learning" and being a college student are the only ways to go. One thing we must never lose is the ability to apply our knowledge and theories. The artisans of the past knew this, and would require people to be apprentices first. And the greatest craftsmen -- artists, carpenters, mechanics, electricians, plumbers, engineers and, I think, the best scientists and general problem solvers go in and get their "hands dirty". I have a dentist who is, as far as I can tell, the best I've ever had. His secret? He knows how to do bodywork on cars. Craft is craft. It's what makes humans tick.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What career would suite my interests? Hi everyone, I am 24 years old and have completed many courses, traveled and worked a few jobs. I now want to start studying towards a #degree but I have no idea what degree field to study. To get a degree in South Africa is expensive so I want to make the right choice. My interests include #travel, #food, #environment, #business, #hospitality and #psychology I would like a job that does not require me to be in a place for a very long time and must require me to travel as traveling is something I enjoy. I would like a job is challenging at times and has good #career #prospects. Can anyone point me in the right direction to a degree that might suit my #interests as I have absolutely no idea what to look at? Keywords: career, travel, traveling, jobs, degree[/INST] <p>Hi Dayne, excellent question. I think a lot people are wondering the same thing!</p><p>Growing up, I was interested in the arts and media. I thought I'd eventually end up in a creative field so I tried out a summer internship at a media production company. While it was a great experience and I loved working there, I couldn't see myself in media for the rest of my career. By trying it out, I realized my interest in film and media was better left as a hobby rather than a career. While I was in school, I also worked part time at a small accounting office and really liked what I did and was able to see myself doing that kind of work in the long run. I now work in public accounting and am still enjoying what I do--it suits my personality and skill sets well, and I find myself being challenged in positive ways.</p><p>My advice to you is to speak to professionals in the fields you're interested in, and possibly even shadow them for a day, or work for a few weeks to assess if you'd actually enjoy that type of career. Doing research on different career paths or studying the paths to success of people you look up to will help you to make an informed decision.</p><p>I've also come to learn that your interests may change and develop over time. I certainly would have never thought I'd be passionate about audit and the insurance industry when I was in school, but here I am enjoying my line of work! My advice is to look for a career that will give you opportunities and the flexibility to grow and change. Think about the skills and experiences you will gain, rather than simply the day-to-day tasks.</p><p>Good luck!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] what is the suggested education for special victims detective? Education recommended like major. Specific requirements needed to be a detective aside from education. #detective #law-enforcement #special-victims #law #majors #college-majors Keywords: detective, majors, major, requirements, education[/INST] <p>Using the search "international non-profit utilizing music and musicians" on the internet calls up a host of articles about non-profits that use music and musicians.&nbsp; Read as much as you can to find the causes for which you have a passion.&nbsp; To get into law school you need to keep your grades as high as you can.&nbsp; I went to the University of Georgia Law School and it had an excellent international law department.&nbsp; I recommend that you research law schools and apply to those who have a good international law departments. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] How achievable is it to open up my own architecture firm? I am a woman who plans on being a licensed architect with a Master's degree, and also plans to have a home and children. How difficult would it be to open my own firm? How will debt come in to the equation, and how long would it take? #architecture #architect #architecture-and-planning #math #physics #mathematical-physics Keywords: architect, architecture, debt, achievable, firm[/INST] <p>It is quite achievable. It also depends on what kind of architecture you plan on doing. For single family residential and up to 5 units, you do not need a license. If you plan on doing more than 5 unit housing and commercial work, you will need your license. What state are you in? There are a few states that require additional testing for the area. California is one of them. There is also something called the intern development program where you track areas you need to work in to be able to start taking your exams. Its been over 10 years since I started my journey, so you will need to check to see how much school and work is required before you are eligible to start taking your exams. The intern development program will have you exposed to a firm and the process of getting a project from design to construction. You are taught the project management required for this. BUT owning your own firm has business related to it. Being business savvy is a HUGE plus because schools don't really teach this at all. I worked for a coworker who went out on his own after working in firms for 7+ years or so. A lot of time and late nights were definitely a part of his work day. I left his firm after 5 years and its been almost 8 and he is up to 5-7 people in his firm now. It is achievable! </p> </s>
<s> [INST] How powerful is LinkedIn ? What is the role of LinkedIn in getting a job in US, are resumes given equal importance as LinkedIn. Which one is better ? #research #human-resources #resume #recruiting #resume-writing #linkedin #job-application Keywords: linkedin, resumes, resume, recruiting, job[/INST] <p>This is a great question and I'm so glad you are asking because there is lots of confusion about LinkedIn. As a recruiter with over 15 years of experience I've reviewed thousands of resumes and have used LinkedIn to find candidates since their beginning.</p> <p>A resume and a LinkedIn profile are both extremely important and will contain a lot of the same information. However, they have different purposes. Your LinkedIn profile allows you to be found by hiring managers, recruiters and other professionals looking to network with you. Think about your LinkedIn profile as your "always on" professional career advertisement. Hiring managers and recruiters are searching LinkedIn day and night seeking individuals with the right skill set, education and experience to join their teams. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date, free of typos and grammatical errors and remember your profile shouldn't just be a laundry list of what you've done at each company. It should clearly state your professional value proposition and highlight your achievements in each position you list. Every LinkedIn profile should include a pleasant-professional looking head shot for a picture. Save pictures with your friends, family and pets for Facebook and Instagram. This should be a picture of you dressed in work appropriate attire and grooming from shoulders up with a simple uncluttered background.</p> <p>Your resume, just as important as your LinkedIn profile, will be used when you want to apply for a job. I think of a resume more like your business card for career search. Your resume must be professional, free of typos and grammatical errors (just like your LinkedIn profile) and again, it shouldn't just be a laundry list of what you've done at each company. It should clearly state your professional value proposition or PVP -What is the value you can bring to an employer? (The PVP has replaced the old "Objective" used on resumes) and highlight your achievements in each position you list. Make an effort to quantify your achievements wherever possible and keep it clear and concise. A recruiter or hiring manager will only review a resume for a few seconds before they move on to the next. Make sure your resume is representing you in the best and most professional way possible so you receive that follow up email or call.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How should I prepare myself for my job search as I go into my senior year of college? I am a Sociology, Political Science, and International Studies major, and I love communicating with others in the community. #job-search #college-jobs #job #career-choice Keywords: college, career, major, prepare, jobs[/INST] <p>The most important thing that you can do is to get to know yourself well enough to determine a career focus and meet people who are doing what you think that you want to do, so that you can see the inside view of careers. Starting as soon as possible will enable you to take the right courses and make connections that could help you not only to determine appropriate career areas but put you in line for shadowing and internships and part time jobs and other career exposure related opportunities.</p><p><br></p><p>Getting to know yourself and how your personality traits relate to people involved in various career opportunities is very important in your decision making process. During my many years in Human Resources and College Recruiting, I ran across too many students who had skipped this very important step and ended up in a job situation which for which they were not well suited. Selecting a career area is like buying a pair of shoes. First you have to be properly fitted for the correct size, and then you need to try on and walk in the various shoe options to determine which is fits the best and is most comfortable for you to wear. Following are some important steps which I developed during my career which have been helpful to many .</p><p><br></p> </s>
<s> [INST] How important is travel to becoming educated, intellectual and well- rounded? It always seems as if the most interesting and thought- provoking people that I meet are those who have traveled the world and had many experiences. Do you think traveling is essential to becoming the most educated, influential and intellectual person one can be? #travel #education #importance #intellect Keywords: traveling, travel, traveled, importance, intellectual[/INST] <p>I do think that travelling is very helpful to becoming well-rounded and educated. Travel opens you up to different cultures, allowing you to compare your culture with that of others; educating you about people and places beyond your own that will help inform everything you do in your life; opening you up to new ideas, presented in new and different ways; and educating you about history, commerce, culture, language, and the arts that you will use for years to come. Most important, you learn much about yourself when you travel: how well you adapt to new situations, where your strengths and weaknesses lie and how to improve them, how strong your social skills are, an understanding of how empathetic and curious you are -- excellent traits in working with others. If you are required to learn a language in school, traveling to a country where they speak that language - and where you submerge yourself in that language and its culture -- will enhance your ability to speak and think in that language, cementing it into your brain if you continue to use it upon return from your trip. Also, studying abroad for a semester or longer opens you up to enhanced education. And, one of the best pluses of travel is that of making friends around the world - and, now, in this connected world, they can be friends for life. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] How can I ensure that the major that I pick now ( and am passionate about) will be relevant after 4 years? Every day is a new day with new advances, however as the world turns to more digital and technological advances, some majors that have nothing to do with technology can fall short from impacting as much as the STEM majors. With a non-STEM major that I am passionate about, I want to believe that I can make an equal impact as the STEM majors. #STEM #education #technology #digitalage Keywords: majors, stem, major, technological, technology[/INST] Cerrlin, there is no guarantee. As you know, technology is constantly changing therefore we must all keep learning about new technologies. If you are passionate about something in particular you should keep focusing on that because that passion will keep you interested. Technology is touching just about everything these days so whatever it is you are currently considering to major in keep an eye on possible links to technology because I do think it will at some point be affected by technology. Good luck! </s>
<s> [INST] Do I need to go to college to have a successful career? I'd like to save my money and not go in debt. #college Keywords: college, career, debt, inst, money[/INST] <p>Hi there,</p> <p>I applaud you for thinking ahead as cost for higher education has soared in recent years! I agree with the others that responded to your question, and I think you are on the right track trying to balance the cost to benefits. I worked in the student loan industry and know first hand how important it is to have a career plan in place or at least a passion identified prior to borrowing too much money. Depending upon your goals, think about related careers and whether or not higher education is for you. Some ways to cut costs are trying community college in your first and second years if you are not sure, and you can always transfer to a more expensive school after one or two years that has a strong program in the field chosen if you wish. Work/study programs are doable too to mitigate expenses. There are lots of options, but the first important step is to decide your passion, and then take it one step at a time. </p> <p>Best wishes!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What are the best career choices in the field of aeronautical engineering? i am interested in aeronautical engineering and want make it as my career. what percentage do i need to get an admission in aeronautical engineering? #science #engineer #aerospace #aeronautics #aircraft-engineer Keywords: aeronautical, engineering, aeronautics, aerospace, engineer[/INST] <p>You should ask the universities you are interested in syed. However, you need to know that aeronautical engineering job market isn't great to say the least. Check the link below.</p> <p></p> </s>
<s> [INST] What does a recruiter for a fashion/retail company look for in entry level candidates? I would love to work in the fashion industry one day, so i'd like to know how to prepare for interviewing for entry level jobs either during or right out of school. How can I be sure to secure that first interview? What should I be sure to include in my cover letter? Are there any activities etc. that I should definitely have done and on my resume? #fashion #human-resources #resume #interviews #recruiting #retail Keywords: recruiting, interviewing, recruiter, resume, fashion[/INST] <p>Hi Stacy!</p> <p>There are a number of things you can do to put yourself in the best position possible for a career in fashion.</p> <p>First- which area in fashion do you want to work in? Design, sales, marketing, advertising, buying, pattern making; etc? Fashion is a wide and complex industry with many parts. Before determining what you should do to get there; figure out where you want to go.</p> <p>Based on your goal- the next step is to declare a major that will allow you to be prepared for that role. Example: If you want to be a Fashion Designer, you want to have a major or courses in fashion design (of course), pattern-making, textiles, auto-cad, graphics, and other arts. If you want to be in on the business side of things- majors or courses in marketing, advertising, corporate communications, finance, and management would be best.</p> <p>Third, as a student- you want to make sure you have at least one internship under your belt by the time you graduate. Whether a short-term summer internship, or a internship that is long-term throughout the year- find one that is inline with where you want to be. If you're lucky, you may find an internship that pays. However, what should matter in the quality of the experience and the company. </p> <p>Find a part-time job in the fashion world. Even a job a Sales Associate at a store in your local mall will provide you with first-hand experience in the industry that can build your experience from the ground up, and show where you want to be. Nothing beats learning first hand.</p> <p>Lastly, join student organizations. Fashion and arts clubs is where you want to be. If one at your school doesn't exist, make your own! Employers love candidates who take on initiative and leadership roles.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] I want to study law but not sure what subjects need to be taken,so need some advice on that. #law-practice #lawyer #career-details Keywords: subjects, lawyer, law, study, practice[/INST] While I don't have any experience with South African Barristers, I would suggest you give some thought to what kind of law you would like to practice. If you are more introverted and don't want to be heavily involved with client interactions, then you should think about research as a focus area, or if you love the stage, you may want to get more involved in trial law. on the other hand, you may find that you like keeping things on track and orderly, therefore corporate law may be a good fit or if you are wanting to focus more on criminal justice, then you could lean toward defense law or becoming a prosecutor. The main point here is to do some self analysis and try to align yourself to a few different good options for you. With that, you will be better positioned to find a law school that is aligned to your focus areas and from there you will be able to better decipher the kind of course work preferred by that law school. good luck </s>
<s> [INST] What majors do you recommend in order to be an ethnomusicologist? I am currently enrolled in a World Musics class at my university, and I find the field of ethnomusicology fascinating. However, I'm curious what majors lead to this. There's music, obviously, but this doesn't prepare one for understanding other cultures. It seems that sociology would be equally helpful because you don't necessarily have to be a musician to study how music reflects/influences culture. There's also the option to get a degree in [Country/Region] Studies, but I don't know if that's too specific for this purpose. Can anyone weigh in on this? Thanks so much! #college-major #music #world-cultures #ethnomusicology #musicology #world-music Keywords: musicology, ethnomusicologist, ethnomusicology, majors, musics[/INST] <p>Hi Alexandra,</p> <p>Many Ethnomusicology programs, including the one at Penn (which is very highly regarded) require an Anthropology background, along with music. Depending what school's program you ultimately enter, you'll likely have to have completed at least some coursework in Cultural Anthropology, Linguistics, and possibly classes related to one or more specific cultures. You may need to complete a minor in the field, or even a full degree program. The same will likely go for music - at least courses in Music Theory and Music History, and possibly performance requirements as well. A double major or double degree in Music and Anthropology is certainly worth considering.</p> <p>Your best bet is to look into the best Ethno grad programs - Penn, Stanford, and Florida State are a good start - and see what their requirements are. That will point the way. And don't be afraid to call or email the department head at any school you might be interested in attending; they'll give you the best guidance.</p> <p>Best of luck! B.J.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How can I avoid taking out loans? About to be a freshman in college, but I do not want to fall into debt. #student #students #financial-aid #student-loans #loans Keywords: loans, debt, student, avoid, college[/INST] <p>Scholarships (outside the university and at the university). There are so many available scholarships at the university of your choosing that students end up no taking advantage of. Why? Because they didn't know it existed. You just have to know how to find them (visit your financial office).</p> <p>Work study programs at your school.</p> <p>Internships/Co-ops Programs</p> <p>Also, when you do apply for financial aid, and your school gives you a residual check, DO NOT spend it. Please get with a financial advisor who can instruct you where to put that money (mutal fund, etc). This way YOU are making money off of it and when you graduate you don't have that extra debit looming over your head.</p> <p>I hope this helps! Good luck on everything :)!!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How long does it usually take to get into a job after graduating college? I don't want to get into a hastle where I'm struggling to make a living because my job search isn't going well or I'm in a job I'm not happy with. #business #career #career-counseling #journalism #communications #communication #social-media-marketing #investigative-reporting Keywords: graduating, college, career, journalism, job[/INST] <p>I've read and heard that it's been difficult for recent graduates to find jobs, so my advice is to start now and pursue every opportunity. The more people you network with, the better. There are some basics To Do's such as creating a LinkedIn Profile and building out your network, attending conferences in industries your pursuing, and volunteering at a nonprofit to add to your experience and resume. When you find a job your interested in, go to the "advance search" in at LinkedIn as it's powerful tool to identify people you may know with the company. Good luck, and keep at it!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Will my dream career (Medical Social Worker) be enough to get me by financially? Im not doing it for the money, I genuinely want to help others because I car, but will it be enough to get me, and my future family, by? I dont want to live pay check to pay check, but at the same time, i'm not trying to live a fancy, luxurious life. #sociology #future-careers Keywords: careers, career, financially, future, dream[/INST] <p>Hi Michael, </p><p><br></p><p>I am a firm believer in studying what you love and the money tends to work it's way out. That being said, Social Work is not one of the higher paying fields. The more education you have and training, the higher salary you can command. For example, if you have a master's degree in social work are a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, you will earn more money than a social workers with only a bachelor's degree. The bigger the hospital and bigger city it is located in, usually the higher the salary. If you earn your LCSW, you can go into private practice and supplement your income. </p><p><br></p><p>Good Luck!</p><p><br></p><p>Natalie</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How would you recommend I go about getting a job in Hong Kong? Hi everyone, I am a college student currently very interested in working in Hong Kong. I am using some resources like Linkedin and stuff. I hear that it is possible to get jobs there even without sufficient Chinese(Cantonese and Mandarin alike). I'm looking for experiences in areas of: sales, HR, customer relations, and other business areas. If you have experiences working in Hong Kong or have knowledge about it, please let me know! #jobs #job-search #human-resources #working-abroad #hongkong #sales Keywords: hongkong, hong, cantonese, mandarin, kong[/INST] Hi Danny. There are a lot of international firms in Hong Kong. The speak pretty good English since it was a British Colony. I have been living in Asia in the past and people really like working in Hong Kong. There are also Staffing Companies if you like HR. I think banking and finance is another good option. Maybe they also offer internships. Good luck in your search! </s>
<s> [INST] DACA students? How can I look for financial resources for DACA students for college? #college-advice #DACA #accounting #finance Keywords: daca, financial, resources, college, finance[/INST] <p>Hi Ricardo, </p><p><br></p><p>The links below are to and , they have some great resources for you. Best of luck!</p><p><br></p><p></p><p><br></p><p></p> </s>
<s> [INST] What is the minimum gpa you need to be an athlete in north carolina To be a student athlete #united-states-government Keywords: gpa, athlete, carolina, minimum, inst[/INST] <p>At the Division I college level, the minimum GPA for initial eligibility is 2.3. There are also a few other requirements:</p> <p>You should also look at the NCAA's information on this and get registered with their Eligibility Center to help you stay on track:</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How do you balance who you are and who you will be with the past that you have encountered? It is important to realize that knowing your past shapes your identity, but how do you allow it to shape your future. #past #future Keywords: future, past, balance, identity, realize[/INST] <p>Hi Sally, our past shape part of us. Take the good as a good experience and the bad as a lesson that build you to be a stronger person and learn from the mistake. It is important to know what kind of a person would you like to be?! Look up some of the most successful person to read about their biography, what is their philosophy and principles in life that they stand by along their way to success. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] How much opportunity is there for a STEM major in the entertainment industry? My question regards the potential to find employment in the industry of entertainment (film and television) for a student majoring in a STEM field. I ask it because I have always had an interest in both of these areas, but they seem to be on opposite poles of the career spectrum. Particularly, I have an interest in computer science and software engineering on the STEM side, and something in production (VFX, SFX, writing, set prod., editing, etc.) on the side of entertainment. Is there any way I can combine the two? #college #computer-science #computer-software #film #software-engineering #stem #entertainment #vfx Keywords: stem, college, major, majoring, engineering[/INST] <p>"I have an interest in computer science and software engineering on the STEM side, and something in production (VFX, SFX, writing, set prod., editing, etc.) on the side of entertainment. Is there any way I can combine the two?"- Absolutely. Also digital design. Check online with the Studios, especially those who do animation. Also look into Film and Television production. Do your skills include film editing? Sound Editing? Plus, there is always need for your skill set on the management/production side. Best of luck. AC</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What is the day-to-day routine of a court judge or justice? I was curious about this career. #criminal-justice #justice #social-justice #judiciary Keywords: judiciary, judge, court, justice, career[/INST] <p>Well, it sort of depends on what level of judge you are talking about. Let's take it down to a district court judge at the county level.</p> <p>Given that the vast majority of cases never go to trial, a lot of the judge's time is spent reviewing documents: various motions filed by the lawyers for the parties, and making rulings on these motions. Some are easy. A lawyer wants a delay in a case because he is scheduled to be in trial in another court that day. Some are difficult. Motion for Summary Judgement, for example. This is a very long legal document, citing numerous other cases as justification to dismiss a case for some reason or another.</p> <p>Sometimes the judge has docket call. This might be first appearances for parties accused of a crime, or those for who a motion to revoke probation has been filed. He will hear the defendant make a plea, and set the bond, or, remand without bond.</p> <p>Divorce cases, child abuse cases, and juvenile law cases can be very emotional. The judge has to apply the law, regardless of personal feelings.</p> <p>Judges of course also have time to visit. But really, it is a lot of reading and writing.</p> <p>Unless, you are on the supreme court or an appellate court. In which case, see the answer above! Kim</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Where Is The Best Place To Work For A Electrician To Find Out Where I Need To Go #electrical-engineering Keywords: electrician, electrical, engineering, inst, place[/INST] Hey Tre! Its hard to categorize what you mean by best since it could mean: highest pay, best work/life balance, or job satisfaction? Here's a list of the highest paying locations for electricians: You have to remember that some of these states have income tax so you make a lot less and its probably on par with other states. Good luck with your search :) </s>
<s> [INST] What pre requisites do I have to complete to enroll in a nursing program I am asking this question because I am perusing a career in nursing and want to know the courses I will have to complete #nursing #nurse #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner Keywords: requisites, nursing, courses, nurses, nurse[/INST] <p>Great choice! Nursing is such a wonderful career. I would suggest looking into the nursing school/s that you would like to attend and seeing what their prerequisite list consists of. Each school can be slightly different. Some basic courses that all nursing schools would require are English, algebra, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, chemistry, childhood development, and psychology. Best of luck to you!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] My parents refuse to sign up for financial aid, because of certain information required, is there any alternative way around this or special circumstantial exceptions? I'm asking this question because my parents refuse to give me their information and they fail to see how FASFA could be a great help when it comes to financial educational needs. #financial-aid #personal-finance Keywords: fasfa, parents, financial, aid, finance[/INST] Hi Akilah, Since you need to apply for FAFSA each year, I figure the information below may still be helpful for you: Here is the link for individuals who generally don't need their parents' information: This is part of their 'Help' section under the question: 'Will I need my parents’ information?' at - if you answer 'Yes' to any of those questions you should not need your parents' information to successfully apply. If you answered 'No' to any of the scenarios from the link above, then you would still require your parents' info. But if your parents still are not willing to provide the info needed to fill out your FAFSA then what can you do? Check the below link out that details this exact special circumstance. You may need to work with your school's financial aid office to explain your situation. A key distinction in similar situations is to determine whether you are a 'Dependent' of your parents or considered 'Independent': I hope this helps! #financial-aid #personal-finance </s>
<s> [INST] What high school classes can I take to be a pharmacist What is required? #medicine #Classes Keywords: pharmacist, medicine, classes, school, high[/INST] <p>Hi Jayna,</p><p><br></p><p>I hope your school year is off to a great start. It is exciting to hear that you are interested in a pharmacology career! Many of the courses you should enroll in involve mathematics and sciences.</p><p>Here are some options you may want to consider:</p><ol><li>Chemistry , Organic Chemistry</li><li>Biology</li><li>Human Anatomy, Human Phisiology</li><li>Calculus</li><li>Statistics</li><li>Communication/Public Speaking</li></ol><p>Keep in mind your high school may not offer all of the listed courses, however you will be able to complete these studies during your undergraduate career (search for colleges with pharmacology programs). The more experience you can get early on, the more familiar you will be with the career path, and the more you will know if it is a good fit for you. All the best with your future studies!</p><p><br></p><p>Amanda</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What is a good college for Criminal Justice? I am a 10th grader interested in Criminal Justice and I'm looking for a good school that has an awesome Criminal Justice program #college #criminal-justice Keywords: college, criminal, justice, 10th, school[/INST] <p>Hi, Not much I can add to the great answer you have above except for another link - criminal justice is a wide open field, no matter where you go to school. There are a lot of good community college programs a well.</p> <p></p> <p>Criminology Ranked in 2009 | Criminology Rankings Methodology Criminology programs combine principles of sociology, law and psychology to prepare students to deal with criminals, understand the justice system and work to prevent crime. These are the top graduate schools for criminology. Each school's score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Is it possible to be accepted into medical school without being a science major? I have heard many differing views on how pre-medical studies work. I'm currently hoping to take pre-medical studies as a music performance major because music is a passion of mine and musicians are known for being hard working, focused, and detail-oriented, which are all skills necessary to become good doctors. #medical #music Keywords: medical, doctors, major, musicians, music[/INST] <p>I know a few people who took the exact route you're thinking - music undergrad, leading to Medical school - and are now doctors (that are still active performers on the side). I don't know if it's still true, but at one time, music majors had the highest medical school acceptance rates (percent, not total number) of any undergraduate degree for exactly the reasons you stated above. Music is one of the most demanding courses of study at the college level, and admissions officers know that.</p> <p>Sounds like a great plan!</p> <p>Best of luck!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] If you are a nurse can you make your own schedule? #nursing #nurse#schedule #medicine Keywords: schedule, nurse, nursing, inst, medicine[/INST] <p>Good question! The answer is not black and white unfortunately though. It depends on where you work and what area of nursing you choose. For example, if you choose a hospital job with shift work, you are normally hired in for a usual shift. Most shifts in hospital nursing are 12 hour shifts, but there are still 8, 10 and Weekend option only shifts. You would also get additional pay for working evening, nights, or weekend shifts. Keep in mind if you have a higher than usual number of patients admitted, or a co- worker calls in ill, if another nurse can’t be found a Nurse would have to stay over. This does give you a power of negotiation sometimes and we can be creative with this...such as, “I will work another 8 hours if I can be off on Friday.” In a free-standing surgery center that performs elective surgeries you normally have daytime hours. OR in the hospitals, you have set hours, but if cases are running long, you will have to stay over. Also for emergency cases, surgery nurses take turns being on call, for which you Re compensated a bit and higher pay if you get called in for a case. Home Care is somewhat similar. If you work in administration, Education or Infection Control, those hours are normal daytime hours usually. Doctor’s offices normally close on time. There is always plenty of overtime pay to be made. If you need a shift off and the schedule is already posted, you likely can get off if you work out a trade with your co-worker. So, we are flexible, especially if you help others out, they are more apt to help you out. However, we have to keep our patients safe as we can first and foremost. Your next steps would be to think about what kind of nursing YOU want to practice. When I was a new single Nurse without children I could work ER, evenings and nights and lots of hours. After I became more experienced in my practice , married and had children, I got into Nursing Administration as a Department Manager so I could better manage my schedule and be home with my family at the traditional times...however, one must remember that all shifts should see their manager sometimes as well. Work a late evening and begin night shift or go in early to see night staff and leave early from day shift. Flexible! Good luck in your journey! </p> </s>
<s> [INST] If I were to become a bio engineer what kind of jobs would be available? Could I work in a hospital and still make a lot of money? I am currently a high school senior who is planning on majoring in bio engineering in the fall. #engineer #bioengineering #science #hospital-and-health-care #engineering Keywords: bioengineering, engineering, engineer, bio, jobs[/INST] As with previous answers, the choice is yours. Begin college with a double major in biology/pre-med and mechanical engineering. You will be VERY busy, so don't plan on leading the cheerleading squad. While you are in school, try to locate bioengineering firms where you could intern. This will help you get connected to those who do the hiring. Study hard, but retain imagination. Any good engineer imagines what can work and then sets about building something that will do the job. </s>
<s> [INST] What is the best way to manage working two jobs, maintaining an A average, and make time for a social life in college? As a student who is depending on scholarships and my own jobs to pay for college, it is very intimidating to take on two jobs and keep my grades up. I worked as a manager in high school and the stress and workload of my job on top of school made me feel as if I were losing my life to my responsibilities. I understand I must take care of my responsibilities as an adult, but what can I do to balance my life so that I still enjoy my life? I do not want my college experience to be overshadowed by my bills as it was when I was in high school. #job #college #bills #time-management #stress-management Keywords: college, scholarships, maintaining, responsibilities, stress[/INST] <p>&lt;span style="background-color: transparent;"&gt;You have to set a routine for yourself and stick to it for the most part. Once you get into the groove of a routine it will be much easier for you to manage your time and have enough time for everything you need to do (including relaxing). Make yourself to-do lists on a weekly basis, use Google calendar or a planner to keep track of events, deadlines, and due dates. In addition to setting a routine and sticking to it, plan out relaxing activities into your day. Or set aside a time, after everything is done for the day, that you can have "me" time. I have also personally found it essential to not only find time for myself but also make use of that time in a way that is best for me and my holistic wellness. I have found the HeadSpace app to be an essential tool in helping me relax and generally feel more relaxed throughout the day, Guided meditation, even if you have a busy schedule, will make you feel more at ease and relaxed throughout the day as a whole (not just when you have the time to relax and focus on that "me" time).&lt;/span&gt;</p><p> </p><p>&lt;span style="background-color: transparent;"&gt;Set a routine.Use Google Calendar.Set aside Me TimeWrite weekly to-do lists and use a planner.Find a peaceful and restful activity that will help you feel relaxed.&lt;/span&gt;</p> </s>
<s> [INST] When is the best time to change my major? I am planning on majoring in journalism at the university I will be attending in the fall, however I am having second thoughts on my choice. I am considering changing my major but I want to at least give journalism a try before doing so. If I eventually decide on changing majors, what year of college would it be best to do so? #college-major #college #career Keywords: journalism, majors, major, majoring, college[/INST] <p>Hey Rachel, it's best to have your major figured out by the end of your sophomore year / beginning of your junior year. Many students change their major, so don't sweat it. You'll be taking basics / required coursework in years one and two. You will also have some electives -- this is a great time to take different classes you're interested in to see what you really find interesting, and can see yourself doing in the future. Worst case scenario, you have to take a few extra classes in your declared major to graduate. Enjoy the ride!</p><p><br></p><p>Warmly,</p><p>erinn e.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] In favor of International students.There are many international students studying in US but due to expensive tuition fee,living and other expenses they have no other choice than to work off-campus.So how can they maintain their GPA or do well in study? I am also an international student who wants to do something revolutionary in engineering field.But due to expensive tuition fee,other international students have to sacrifice their study and focus on work due to which they don't do good in their study.Study becomes second priority. #engineering #political-science Keywords: studying, tuition, students, gpa, student[/INST] <p>I hear you! As an international student I had to go through similar challenges. But I understand those challenges also helped me better prioritize my time, my studies and my activities. I think you can think of taking less number of courses per semester as one solution or getting campus jobs that let you do your homework when the work load is less (say being the RA for a dorm). </p> </s>
<s> [INST] What should I expect by majoring in Biology? I'm asking this question because I want to ensure that Biology is the right major for me and this major will directly affect my career path in the future. I don't want to go to college for four years and waste my parents money on a major I don't like or isn't a good fit for me. By the way not the medical side of Biology. #zoology #marinebiology #biology Keywords: biology, major, majoring, marinebiology, zoology[/INST] Biology is not a career where you are going to get rich and there are often little victories sprinkled in with serious crushing defeats. If your only concern is not wasting someones money, a degree in finance or business might be the right track. If you however want a career filled with asking questions and trying to discover what is happening in this world, biology is probably a good fit. If you are on the fence about studying biology there are two things you can do. 1. Take an introductory biology class (most universities require it anyway) and see if you are inspired. 2. Don't study biology. If you are not passionate about it don't waste the next 40 years of your life doing it. I love what I do but most people are not remotely interested in it and I don't impress people at dinner parties. </s>
<s> [INST] Electrical engineering or computer engineering I wish to work on a big tech company (apple, Samsung, dell, etc). What should I study?? I'm good at math so that won't be a problem. #electricalengineering #computer-engineering Keywords: engineering, electricalengineering, tech, electrical, computer[/INST] <p>Hello Ernis,</p><p> Congratulation in exploring these two options! Your math skills will help you. You can start with either Electrical Engineering or Computer Science because the 1st two years would have pretty much the same courses. By the third year you would have a good idea on what you want to specialize in. Best of Luck!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What are good engineer jobs? I like math and I here that engineer require math. I also like to build things. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #math #software-engineering #industrial-engineering Keywords: engineer, engineering, math, jobs, industrial[/INST] <p><a href=""><strong>Careers in engineering</strong></a>&nbsp;have to be one of the most lucrative career options both in India and abroad; yet young students get confused when they have to select their specialization.It is evident from the current trend that Computer Science provides largest employment opportunities. Hence without any doubt, Computer Science Engineering or CSE offers a very lucrative career option and would remain the same for a long time.</p><p>Here at&nbsp;<strong>career advice</strong>, we share the reasons to justify the above-mentioned statements:</p><p>Go through this article about : <a href="">Know Why You Should Pursue Computer Science Engineering</a></p> </s>
<s> [INST] How to keep confidence to study? After midterm, accounting and project management hurts me a lot. #study Keywords: study, confidence, accounting, management, inst[/INST] <p>Ena,</p> <p>Studying can be taxing on both your mind and your time. Here's a few things that worked for me:</p> <p>-Schedule your time: Research has shown that our brains focus best for about one and a half hours before needing a break or a reset. Try to organize your studying in 1.5 hour increments with a 15-20 minute break between sessions where you go for a walk, take care of a quick chore or chat with a friend. Then, return to your next study session. </p> <p>-Focus music: Check YouTube or your favorite music channels for focus music that you can play in the background while you study. This might help to keep you on task and also get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time.</p> <p>-Turn off all notifications: Turn off all alerts, alarms and notifications for anything (text, email, etc.) and put your phone on silent during the 1.5 hour study time. If you're working on your computer, close out your emails and all social media accounts. Almost everything you'll be notified about can wait until the 15-20 minute break, allowing you to not be distracted. The study sessions will stick more effectively and you will be able to cover more material.</p> <p>-Plan the material: Plan out the topics or materials that need to be covered during the 1.5 hours (this should be what is most important/what should be done now.) This way there is a good goal to accomplish by the end and you'll be able to better assess how much more or less time you may need for the topic at hand. It will also help you from jumping around too much and getting off track.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] If I cannot find a job in my career field after college, what should I do? #college #job Keywords: career, college, job, inst, field[/INST] <p>If you use the process which I present below, you will increase your chances of not only landing an appropriate job in your career area, but you will be well prepared if you ever lose your job and have to seek another. At least 80% of people who find jobs find them through the creation and maintenance of interpersonal networking relationships developed through the following processes.</p><p><br></p><p>Getting to know yourself and how your personality traits relate to people involved in various career opportunities is very important in your decision making process. During my many years in Human Resources and College Recruiting, I ran across too many students who had skipped this very important step and ended up in a job situation which for which they were not well suited. Selecting a career area is like buying a pair of shoes. First you have to be properly fitted for the correct size, and then you need to try on and walk in the various shoe options to determine which is fits the best and is most comfortable for you to wear. Following are some important steps which I developed during my career which have been helpful to many .</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Do public defenders have the same requirement as lawyers (Bar exam, etc) ? Aren't they technically government employees? Does that require any extra effort or tasks? #lawyer #attorney #criminal-defense Keywords: lawyers, lawyer, attorney, defenders, criminal[/INST] <p>Some public defenders are gov't employees, where others are private practitioners appointed by the courts to handle certain cases for indigent clients. It is an excellent way to start out a career in law. It's not always just about money. You will be exposed to a wide variety of cases, learn the realities of plea bargaining (most cases don't go to trial), and see how often innocent people plead guilty because they are afraid to take their chances with the judicial system. </p> <p>Prosecutors are also gov't employees, and of course, they are on the other side, trying to send people to prison or jail. They too are overworked many times, and I have seen them in trial totally unprepared, because the case has dragged out for two years, and changed prosecutors three times.Most lawyers do not stay with the prosecutors office for their entire careers, they use it as a stepping stone, often, to go into criminal defense. </p> <p>People pay a lot of money for a criminal defense attorney. </p> </s>
<s> [INST] How important is attending film school in boosting one's chance of breaking into the film/television industry? I've heard debates on both sides but am still undecided as to whether it is a good investment. I have been accepted into a prestigious film school that will require me and my parents to take on loans in order to meet the half of the tuition/board. Would it be better to major in a more lucrative area and try to do film on the side? I already have had experience in screenwriting, filmmaking, directing, producing, and entrepreneurship. My portfolio film won awards and is being screened at 7 film festivals. I am a networker and go-getter. I feel I would take advantage of all there is to offer at film school and am so motivating to learn more. However, some people have advised that I skip it and put the money into developing my craft and movies, and perhaps getting a different degree. #film #television #undecided Keywords: filmmaking, movies, film, school, tuition[/INST] <p>This is a difficult question to answer because there are people in the film industry that feel strongly on both sides of this issue. I want to be careful in answering so as not to make any enemies. On the other hand I think someone needs to give some sound advice to this often asked question. So, here goes. There was a time where film school was a must, today however many things have changed. I believe that schooling is important for a film or TV career, but what schooling is the real question. Get your feet wet working in the industry. There are a lot of smaller independent productions you can get involved in. This will help you find the area of production that interests you or that you are best suited for. Then you can decide what education would be best for the specific film career you are interested in. Graphic artist, art directors, writers, storage technicians, there are many areas of modern production, just watch the credits. Choose the education that will help you advance your ideal production job.</p> <p>James Hout</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Does undergrad prestige really matter? #college #undergrad #grad #school Keywords: undergrad, prestige, grad, college, inst[/INST] <p>No, it really does not matter what school you attend, as the most important factors are how well you do with the school work, which is an indication to an employer about what kind of employee you will be, and the effort that you put forth in your networking to set up networking connections that will help you throughout your education/career journey. Here is an important video for you to watch: ##;utm_medium=referral&amp;;utm_content=talk&amp;utm_term=education ##</p><p><br></p><p>The most important thing for you to do that will benefit your education journey is to get to know yourself better to determine which career area would most closely match the application of your personality traits and get to know people who are doing what you think that you might want to do, so you can see what they do, how they got there, and see what advice and suggestion they might have for you.</p><p><br></p><p>Getting to know yourself and how your personality traits relate to people involved in various career opportunities is very important in your decision making process. During my many years in Human Resources and College Recruiting, I ran across too many students who had skipped this very important step and ended up in a job situation which for which they were not well suited. Selecting a career area is like buying a pair of shoes. First you have to be properly fitted for the correct size, and then you need to try on and walk in the various shoe options to determine which is fits the best and is most comfortable for you to wear. Following are some important steps which I developed during my career which have been helpful to many .</p> </s>
<s> [INST] alright so what should i do if want to enter the world of forensics? I am debating on what I've been wanting to be for a while and it changed from Lawyer to Forensic Scientist Law just doesn't interest me anymore. #forensics #pathologist #toxicology #dna #entomologist Keywords: forensic, forensics, entomologist, lawyer, pathologist[/INST] <p>Step 1: Choose a Discipline Your first step is to choose a discipline. Forensic science is a broad field, integrating various disciplines of science in the pursuit of civil justice. Professionals in this field may specialize in toxicology, pathology, physical anthropology, behavioural science and general forensics, among other specialities.</p> <p>Step 2: Earn a Bachelor's Degree You must have at least bachelor's degrees to find employment in this occupation. Depending on the chosen discipline, students may focus their studies on the natural or biological sciences. For example, students interested in a career in toxicology may focus on microbiology, while those looking to begin a career in forensic ballistics may choose to focus on physics.</p> <p>Some colleges and universities offer Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science programs. Employing classroom and laboratory instruction, these 4-year degree programs combine various sciences applicable to forensic science. Courses may include:</p> <p>Microbiology Genetics Human anatomy Organic chemistry Toxicology Physics Evidence analysis Forensic anthropology Public speaking</p> <p>Step 3: Consider an Advanced Degree According to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, some disciplines require only bachelor's degrees, while others may require advanced degrees in applicable fields of science or medicine. So the third step is to consider an advanced degree. Forensic anthropologists typically have Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in anthropology with focuses on human osteology and anatomy. Forensic ondontologists must have at least Doctor of Dental Science (DDS) degrees. Forensic pathologists must obtain medical licensure from the American Board of Pathology, which requires four years of medical school and five years of combined residency and fellowship training.</p> <p>Step 4: Gain Experience Forensic scientists typically work in laboratories, hospitals, morgues, government facilities and police departments. Specific job duties vary according to discipline, but forensic scientists generally conduct scientific investigations and analyse findings to reveal details about occurrences, such as deaths, car accidents, and non-violent crimes. They work closely beside crime scene investigators, officers, deputies, and attorneys. Forensic scientists may serve as expert witnesses in criminal trials, where they present their findings to juries and judges.</p> <p>Step 5: Obtain Certification The last step is to obtain certification. Earning a voluntary professional certification may help you demonstrate your competence in your specialty. The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) offers two levels of certification for practicing forensic scientists. Candidates for diploma certification must hold bachelor's degrees in an applicable science, have two years of experience in criminology and pass a 220-question certification examination. Candidates for fellow certification must meet all diplomate requirements, complete a proficiency testing program and pass a comprehensive exam.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How difficult is it to become a sportscaster if I am not a professional athlete? I love to talk sports and would love even more to make money doing it. Is there a way to do this without being a famous athlete? #sports #career #sportscaster #communications Keywords: sportscaster, athlete, sports, professional, career[/INST] <p>It is not very hard if you have a passion for sports! You do not need to be a professional athlete. I would get to know the sport you want to sportscast as much as possible and learn the history behind it. Then work on that broadcasting voice!!! (Practice in front of the mirror)</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How does someone create a software? When I think of software, I think of it to be very complicated and out of my league. I wanted to know of someone's knowledge with this kind of thing. I wanted to know how someone could possibly create a functioning software. #software #software-engineering #software-development #software-design #software-documentation Keywords: software, documentation, create, development, engineering[/INST] <p>Hi Gloria,</p> <p>Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. I understand yes the name of it sounds complex and confusing. But the more you will get in depth of the subject the more interesting you will find it .However here is a simple program that you can use to create a clock using the notepad. All you need to do is just copy the following code and paste this in a notepad document. Then save it as batch file I mean saving with .bat extension. Follow the steps below: </p> <p>1.Go to the Desktop. (You can do it anywhere. But desktop will be more convenient.) 2.Click right mouse button and select Text Document to open Notepad. (Or Press Start + R &gt; type Notepad &gt; hit Enter) 3.Now copy the following code and paste it in the newly created text document. 4.Save the file as Clock.bat (Save it on Desktop or anywhere you like). 5 Now you will see a batch file named Clock.bat 6 Double click on it to see the result! </p> <p><a href="/users/10146/sush/">@echo</a> off Title DOS Based Date and Clock color b cls : Clock cls echo Current Date: %date% echo ............. echo ............. echo Current Time: %time% goto Clock</p> <p>You can also customize the code as below- You can change the Title of the code. Look at the title- Dos Based Date and Clock. You can use any name instead of the blue part. You can also change the color. Here I've used b for Aqua. You can use- 0 for black, 1 for blue, 2 for green, thus you can test 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, c, d, e, f. Each one will give you a different color! </p> <p>Source:</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Are nonprofits typically at career fairs? <p>I usually see for profit organizations and was wondering how often non-profit organizations are at career fairs? Are there career fairs strictly for non-profits?</p> Keywords: nonprofits, fairs, organizations, career, profits[/INST] <p>Hi Mounia,</p> <p>Yes, I would agree that some nonprofits may be represented at job fairs, but that's not really the best place to find them. Smaller nonprofits especially may not have the resources to send someone to a job fair; it doesn't really make sense to put time into that type of event when you have few openings. </p> <p>I highly recommend you check out, a nonprofit job search website. By looking at job postings in your area, you can get a sense of what nonprofits are around. If you are interested in a job or internship in the near future, I would suggest you concentrate on applying to existing openings rather than contacting nonprofits to ask about work or volunteering. </p> <p>Of course, if you are interested in volunteering, or hoping to network with nonprofit professionals, by all means reach out to folks at local nonprofits. I'd just suggest you keep in mind that many nonprofits are extremely busy and people may not always be responsive to you if you reach out with general questions. It's not necessarily that they don't want to assist you, it's just that nonprofits get a variety of emails from prospective volunteers/interns/staff and it's hard to have time to connect with everyone. </p> <p>However, if you are interested in networking, you should definitely give it a try! You may have more success if you tell them (briefly) a little bit about your background, including what school you attend, what you're interested in studying, and why you want to learn more about the nonprofit field. Tell them what interests you about their specific nonprofit and its mission, ask if they would have time for a call or meeting, and thank them for their time and for considering your request.</p> <p>Good luck!</p> <p>Kate</p> </s>
<s> [INST] Are there univerities that major in both biomedical studies and some sort of voice performance major? I am interested in entering the medical field, and I also have a strong passion for the arts, and more specifically singing. #medicine #voice-teacher Keywords: univerities, biomedical, medical, major, arts[/INST] <p>Usually state universities provide a variety of programs like this. I would search and use their college finder filters.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What are some job possibilities for a Biotechnology major? Biotechnology is the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc. So creating new drugs and testing them for results of the strategic genetic changes? Which companies are the leading companies in the field? #biology #biotechnology #biotech #biological-technician Keywords: biotechnology, biotech, biology, companies, biological[/INST] <p>The two main markets in the Biotech industry are medical and agricultural. </p> <p>A variety of jobs for science majors are offered in this industry some of which include engineers (very often PhDs) who research and develop new products, formulators (medical technologists, chemists, biologists) who manufacture the product, quality control technologists (medical technologists, chemists, biologists, clinical lab scientists) who typically do the testing, and quality assurance employees who monitor policies, procedures and regulations (FDA,ISO) to insure a quality product. Technical service representatives (who have a high level understanding of the product line) are also needed as they typically respond to solve customer's questions and problems.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How do you keep from being cynical when teaching in K-12 or public schools? A lot of reform movements seem to sweep through public education, movements of varying quality and scope. There are a lot of competing forces trying to influence the classroom. How do you keep from becoming cynical or losing your fire for teaching? #teaching #teacher #k-12-education #education Keywords: cynical, teaching, classroom, teacher, education[/INST] <p>You need an excellent teacher prep program, experience, and compassion. Many colleges provide incredible teaching programs. A few of the best in the nation are Johns Hopkins University, NYU, and UConn</p><p><br></p><p>Teaching involves a number of different skills and qualities. I would say the most important are:</p><p><br></p><ol><li>People skills - being friendly and working well with others. You will need to be personable, caring, kind, friendly, compassionate, and understanding. These qualities make a great teacher. But you also need to be stern and firm in your directions, rules, and discipline</li><li>Public speaking - every day in your class you will need to be able to speak and present information to your students, practice speech, and practice fluency of language and talking in front of others</li><li>The subject you plan to teach - become a master of the subject you plan to teach, make sure you know as much as possible and learn as much as you can about the subject you plan to teach. Take as many classes as possible in this subject and learn everything you can about it.</li><li>Psychology &amp; Human Development - start reading books and research articles on human development and psych. It will be helpful for you to know how people learn at different stages and the best ways to teach them at these stages (depending on stage of development and schema).</li></ol><p><br></p> </s>
<s> [INST] What do you know now that you wish you knew as a senior in college? <p>I have just entered my senior year in college and as graduation gets closer and closer I want to make certain that I do everything possible to help set myself up for success in life after college. Are there any professionals working in sports, marketing or public relations that have any advice on preparing for life after college and taking the first steps towards a career?</p> Keywords: college, graduation, senior, preparing, career[/INST] <p>1) Performance from high school carries no weight the moment you graduate from high school. 2) Having a plan is good but not necessary because college isn't what you think it will be (for better or for worse), and chances are, you're not who you think you are either. 3) You will change. This is okay. 4a) Some of your friendships will end for no other reason than the involved parties have changed. This is okay. Good, even. 4b) Invest in the relationships you want to keep; the best relationships don't happen passively. 5a) Take as many diverse classes in college. The more different from your major, the better. 5b) If you can't fit a class in your schedule that you want to take for pleasure, you can always audit it. 6) Learn outside of the classroom: volunteer events, internships, research opportunities, studying abroad, clubs. 7) Three months of summer break is great. Don't waste it. 8) Consider becoming an RA. It's a commitment not to be taken lightly, but it'll be awesome on your resume and save you a ton of money. 9) LEARN TO COOK. College is the best time to learn to cook. If anything, overpriced, subpar cafeteria food alone should be good enough reason to learn how to adult and cook. 10) You're not an adult, but you're not a child. You are both. Make the best of it.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How to get more involved in the community? Are there organizations or something that you would recommend I join/do in the community? What is a good way to start getting involved ? #career #job #community #community-involvement Keywords: community, involvement, involved, join, organizations[/INST] <p>Hi Tiffanie, </p><p><br></p><p>I would also suggest checking with your employer if you are currently working. Here at PwC we have a number of community lead initiatives, and we are encourage to give back to the community through volunteering and fundraising. If you're not currently in work, but actively looking, a good question for potential employers is if they encourage getting involved with the community, and if so how. Especially if this is something you're passionate about. More and more employees are beginning to recognise the importance of giving back, and encouraging their employees to actively participate. </p><p><br></p><p>Best of luck to you!</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How to improve my CV as a computer Engineering student? I'm a third year engineering student, and I studied different courses like (java, data structure, networking, mobile apps, AI, micro, electronics, and other topics ), but the issue is that when I want to apply for an internship or a research program especially internationally I have nothing to support my CV or personal statement just the projects I did in these courses which are not complex and my high GPA. Also, I always study online courses and try to improve my skills, but now at this time I feel it's not enough, so what kind of programs or activities should I participate in to improve ? #computer-engineering #computer-software #computer-hardware #artificial-intelligence #career-counseling #career-development #career-path #career-choice #engineering #programming #computer-programming #computer-networking Keywords: internship, courses, programs, improve, programming[/INST] <p>Hello Maya,</p><p>you are doing great with your curriculum and your high CGPA will hold you in good stead. I think you are missing on your strength. You must have done good in your project(s) or App development etc, make a mention, howsoever trivial that may appear to you. I have some more actions to suggest:</p><ol><li>Look beyond your curriculum: You may work on developing an App or a small macro say connecting two platforms seamlessly like What's App/Voot/Hangout and see if you can customize to make it useful for Digital Marketing/Social Engineering. </li><li>I am looking at the issue of bank or credit card frauds: how to stop cyber attacks against banks by studying the gaps in the existing system, if you get an opportunity. There is a time lag between fraud detection/ reporting and risk mitigation, presently it goes even upto 90 days or more.There are gaps even in the Operating systems and Ransomewares like Wannacry or Petyacry are exploiting these gaps/or soft spots and punching hole in it, so develop a patch. In fact, possibilities are endless. </li><li> I worked on a project to connect the Antenna system with a software to control the output and beam it at a particular direction and controlled the power output so that there is no spurious transmission (side or back lobes). Today you have robotics and AI to help in these kinds of projects/products.</li><li>May be you work on an OS based on Sanskrit! Develop a model or do system analysis, if you can.</li><li> Assess your capability/liking and working on it as an hobby. Keep looking at the problems we face in day to day world and try to pick up one issue that you can work on. Mention these efforts/products(if you develop and showcase it in your CV). </li><li>In addition, mention your strength on the subjects like: OS, Data Structures, AI and Robotics or languages etc. </li></ol> </s>
<s> [INST] What kind of graduate degree is in demand right now? I will be graduating with a Bachelor degree in Science soon. I don't want to work in science-related research so I don't want a Master of Science. I want to know what graduate degrees are in demand in industries such as pharmaceuticals or finance and are obtainable with a B. Sc. #finance #banking #pharmaceutical-industry Keywords: graduate, degree, bachelor, graduating, industries[/INST] <p>I have a BS &amp; MBA...and I'm in Finance. Your masters degree is going depend on what career path you choose and if you want be a manager or subject matter expert. Lots of Finance people have MBA's they you choose a concentration on what is most interesting to you- Human Resources, Project Management, Financial Crimes, Economics, Supply Chain Management...the list goes on depending on the school. Masters degrees are helpful but your work experience need to relevant to make it applicable.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] how many years of school do you have to take to be an advice columnist? i'm a sophemore and i love giving people advice that can help them. #arts Keywords: columnist, advice, years, arts, school[/INST] <p>To love helping people by giving them asked for good advice is a wonderful thing to do. To become an excellent advice columnist, it would be important to go to college to learn writing (how you say something is as important as what advice you are giving - to develop a writing style), psychology (how people think and respond to different advice), and perhaps even law (sometimes someone's problem and how it is solved may have legal implications. Getting a B.A. degree in one of these subjects (or through a dual major in, say, writing and psychology) would really give you the credentials to develop a career in this area. Also, college gives you connections - through other students, teachers, advisors, alumni - who can help open doors for possible internships working with an advice columnist and, eventually, become an advice columnist. Good luck! </p> </s>
<s> [INST] What software do you need to create a game? For my blog and personal reference #gaming #video-game-design #game-design Keywords: create, software, gaming, game, design[/INST] <p>Unity is a good starting point. It is free and there are a lot of pre made assets to build games and or prototypes quickly.</p> <p>UDK is a good, free option as well:</p> <p>If you want to create games with their latest, it will cost you ~$20 a month:</p> <p>In addition, the following will be helpful for asset creation: For modeling, a free option is Blender:</p> <p>For image manipulation and a good alternative to Photoshop, Gimp:</p> <p>If you are more interested in the technical side of things and have a game engine that you want to work with, you will need a programming IDE. Unity comes with a programming IDE called MonoDevelop. It is included with the installation of Unity but here is a link to read about it:</p> <p>If you are on a Mac and want to write in Objective C, C, C++, other languages, you can get a free programming IDE from the OSX app store or here:</p> <p>For Windows, Visual Studio:</p> <p>For Linux and all OS's really, Eclipse:</p> <p>It is the game engine that run the original Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein etc. and is released for free from ID below. There are XCode project files there as well to easily load into XCode.</p> <p>The original Doom source:</p> <p>A fun creative C++ toolkit called OpenFrameworks which is not a game engine per se but you can build games in it for many platforms. Check out the projects created with it on their site:</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What does a coroner usually do on a regular basis? #coroner #medicine #medical-school Keywords: coroner, medical, medicine, school, inst[/INST] <p>There is a show on ID/Discovery called: “Coroner, I Speak for the Dead” That will give you a real good idea of what he does. Other than autopsies and working with the police, they also take the witness stand, in the courtroom. Their job is sort of surgical in nature. There used to be a show called “Dr. G. Medical Examiner” If you could find some of those somewhere, she is awesome! </p> </s>
<s> [INST] How long does it take to truly pursue a career in Psychology? Im majoring in Psychology after recently changing from Anthropology and I wanted to know how long it would take me to study and start up a career in it like opening my own office and everything or even getting a good job related to it. #psy #psychology #college #life #career Keywords: psychology, college, career, pursue, study[/INST] <p>Hey Laura, in order to become a psychologist and operate your own practice (seeing clients) you will need to earn your bachelor's degree (four years), master's degree (1-2 years), and your doctorate (PhD)...which can take from five to seven years.</p><p><br></p><p>Some individuals choose to work in private practice, some work with a group of counselors and psychologists in one location (group practice), some work in academia (working with college students who are having mental and emotional challenges, ex. depression, anxiety, bipolar, ADHD, panic disorders, etc.) There are a lot of things you can do. I have offered a few examples for you to think about.</p><p><br></p><p>Additionally, see the link below for detailed information.</p><p><br></p><p>Warmly,</p><p>erinn e.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What does a software engineer do? I would like know, because I have a interest in the information technology industry. #technology Keywords: software, engineer, technology, industry, inst[/INST] <p>Computer software engineers apply the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and the systems that enable computers to perform their many applications.</p> <p>What does a Computer Software Engineer do? Could you give me a description of the field? Computer software engineers apply the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and the systems that enable computers to perform their many applications.</p> <p>Software engineers are involved in the design and development of many types of software, including software for operating systems and network distribution, and software for compilers (which convert programs for execution on a computer). In programming, or coding, software engineers instruct a computer, line by line, how to perform a desired function. Software engineers must possess strong programming skills, but are often more concerned with developing algorithms and analyzing and solving programming problems than with actually writing code.</p> <p>Typically software engineers, working in applications or systems development, analyze first the needs of the user. They then design, construct, test, and maintain computer applications software or systems to meet these needs.</p> <p>Computer Applications Software Engineers Computer applications software engineers analyze user needs and design, construct, and maintain general computer applications software or specialized utility programs. These engineers use different programming languages, depending on the purpose of the program. The programming languages most often used are C, C++, and Java, with Fortran and COBOL used less commonly. Some software engineers develop both packaged systems and systems software, or create customized applications.</p> <p>Computer Systems Software Engineers Computer systems software engineers coordinate the construction and maintenance of a company's computer systems and plan their future growth. Working with the company, they coordinate each department's computer needs - such as ordering, inventory, billing, and payroll recordkeeping - and make suggestions about the appropriate technical direction. The engineers also might set up the company's intranets, namely the networks that link computers within the organization and ease communication among the various departments.</p> <p>Systems software engineers work for companies that configure, implement, and install complete computer systems. These engineers may be members of the marketing or sales staff, serving as the primary technical resource for sales workers and customers. They may also be involved with technical support to the company's customers. Since the selling of complex computer systems often requires substantial customization for the purchaser's organization, software engineers help to explain the requirements necessary for installing and operating the new system in the purchaser's computing environment. One of the major responsibilities of systems software engineers is ensuring a proper level of security across the systems they are configuring.</p> <p>Additional information on software engineering can be found at the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center Webpage of software engineering.</p> <p>What does a Computer Software Engineer do? Could you give me a description of the field? Computer software engineers apply the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and the systems that enable computers to perform their many applications.</p> <p>Software engineers are involved in the design and development of many types of software, including software for operating systems and network distribution, and software for compilers (which convert programs for execution on a computer). In programming, or coding, software engineers instruct a computer, line by line, how to perform a desired function. Software engineers must possess strong programming skills, but are often more concerned with developing algorithms and analyzing and solving programming problems than with actually writing code.</p> <p>Typically software engineers, working in applications or systems development, analyze first the needs of the user. They then design, construct, test, and maintain computer applications software or systems to meet these needs.</p> <p>Computer Applications Software Engineers Computer applications software engineers analyze user needs and design, construct, and maintain general computer applications software or specialized utility programs. These engineers use different programming languages, depending on the purpose of the program. The programming languages most often used are C, C++, and Java, with Fortran and COBOL used less commonly. Some software engineers develop both packaged systems and systems software, or create customized applications.</p> <p>Computer Systems Software Engineers Computer systems software engineers coordinate the construction and maintenance of a company's computer systems and plan their future growth. Working with the company, they coordinate each department's computer needs - such as ordering, inventory, billing, and payroll recordkeeping - and make suggestions about the appropriate technical direction. The engineers also might set up the company's intranets, namely the networks that link computers within the organization and ease communication among the various departments.</p> <p>Systems software engineers work for companies that configure, implement, and install complete computer systems. These engineers may be members of the marketing or sales staff, serving as the primary technical resource for sales workers and customers. They may also be involved with technical support to the company's customers. Since the selling of complex computer systems often requires substantial customization for the purchaser's organization, software engineers help to explain the requirements necessary for installing and operating the new system in the purchaser's computing environment. One of the major responsibilities of systems software engineers is ensuring a proper level of security across the systems they are configuring.</p> <p>Additional information on software engineering can be found at the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center Webpage of software engineering.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] What are your hours of work, how many hours do you work per week and month. Do you sometimes have to work overtime and take work home. Do you work regular hours or shifts? My school Ferdinand Postma High School has given me a formal assessment to do research on the career that i want to pursue in the future. #science #forensic #investigator Keywords: investigator, career, hours, work, forensic[/INST] <p>Hi Nathan</p> <p>I have a PhD in Biochemistry / Cell and Molecular Biology and was working as a Research Fellow (PostDoctoral) till recently.</p> <p>Careers in Research can be very intensive, requiring long hours in the laboratory performing experiments. </p> <p>Work as a PostDoc researcher includes designing /planning,executing and analyses of experiments, along with regular work presentations, and report , grant and paper writing. you can choose to read literature make presentations, et at home. It may also include mentoring and training students and colleagues. A you become more senior, your time on the bench goes down with other activities taking more time.</p> <p>A lot depends lot on which specific area of research you specialize in.</p> <p>Hope this helps.</p> </s>
<s> [INST] How much does a editor make? I was just wondering how much a editor makes a year? #Thank you #editor #editing Keywords: editor, editing, year, make, inst[/INST] Well, someone who wants to be an editor who does not have full command of the rules of grammar makes nothing. That's the place to start, e.g., it's "an editor", not "a editor". The more you read, the more you write will prepare you best to edit. </s>
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