--- - pause: prompt: "{{ item }}" when: not tests|default(false)|bool tags: - skip_ansible_lint with_items: | Local installation might break your server. Use at your own risk. Proceed? Press ENTER to continue or CTRL+C and A to abort... - pause: prompt: | Enter the IP address of your server: (or use localhost for local installation): [localhost] register: _algo_server when: server is undefined - name: Set the facts set_fact: cloud_instance_ip: >- {% if server is defined %}{{ server }} {%- elif _algo_server.user_input %}{{ _algo_server.user_input }} {%- else %}localhost{% endif %} - block: - pause: prompt: | What user should we use to login on the server? (note: passwordless login required, or ignore if you're deploying to localhost) [root] register: _algo_ssh_user when: ssh_user is undefined - name: Set the facts set_fact: ansible_ssh_user: >- {% if ssh_user is defined %}{{ ssh_user }} {%- elif _algo_ssh_user.user_input %}{{ _algo_ssh_user.user_input }} {%- else %}root{% endif %} when: cloud_instance_ip != "localhost" - pause: prompt: | Enter the public IP address or domain name of your server: (IMPORTANT! This is used to verify the certificate) [{{ cloud_instance_ip }}] register: _endpoint when: endpoint is undefined - name: Set the facts set_fact: IP_subject_alt_name: >- {% if endpoint is defined %}{{ endpoint }} {%- elif _endpoint.user_input %}{{ _endpoint.user_input }} {%- else %}{{ cloud_instance_ip }}{% endif %}
--- - name: Ensure that the sshd_config file has desired options blockinfile: dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK ssh_tunneling_role" block: | Match Group algo AllowTcpForwarding local AllowAgentForwarding no AllowStreamLocalForwarding no PermitTunnel no X11Forwarding no notify: - restart ssh - name: Ensure that the algo group exist group: name: algo state: present gid: 15000 - name: Ensure that the jail directory exist file: path: /var/jail/ state: directory mode: 0755 owner: root group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" - block: - name: Ensure that the SSH users exist user: name: "{{ item }}" group: algo home: /var/jail/{{ item }} createhome: true generate_ssh_key: false shell: /bin/false state: present append: true with_items: "{{ users }}" - block: - name: Clean up the ssh-tunnel directory file: dest: "{{ ssh_tunnels_config_path }}" state: absent when: keys_clean_all|bool - name: Ensure the config directories exist file: dest: "{{ ssh_tunnels_config_path }}" state: directory recurse: true mode: "0700" - name: Check if the private keys exist stat: path: "{{ ssh_tunnels_config_path }}/{{ item }}.pem" register: privatekey with_items: "{{ users }}" - name: Build ssh private keys openssl_privatekey: path: "{{ ssh_tunnels_config_path }}/{{ item.item }}.pem" passphrase: "{{ p12_export_password }}" cipher: auto force: false no_log: "{{ no_log|bool }}" when: not item.stat.exists with_items: "{{ privatekey.results }}" register: openssl_privatekey - name: Build ssh public keys openssl_publickey: path: "{{ ssh_tunnels_config_path }}/{{ item.item.item }}.pub" privatekey_path: "{{ ssh_tunnels_config_path }}/{{ item.item.item }}.pem" privatekey_passphrase: "{{ p12_export_password }}" format: OpenSSH force: true no_log: "{{ no_log|bool }}" when: item.changed with_items: "{{ openssl_privatekey.results }}" - name: Build the client ssh config template: src: ssh_config.j2 dest: "{{ ssh_tunnels_config_path }}/{{ item }}.ssh_config" mode: 0700 with_items: "{{ users }}" delegate_to: localhost become: false - name: The authorized keys file created authorized_key: user: "{{ item }}" key: "{{ lookup('file', ssh_tunnels_config_path + '/' + item + '.pub') }}" state: present manage_dir: true exclusive: true with_items: "{{ users }}" - name: Get active users getent: database: group key: algo split: ":" - name: Delete non-existing users user: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent remove: true force: true when: item not in users with_items: "{{ getent_group['algo'][2].split(',') }}" tags: update-users
Host algo DynamicForward LogLevel quiet Compression yes IdentityFile {{ item }}.ssh.pem User {{ item }} Hostname {{ IP_subject_alt_name }}
--- ipsec_config_path: configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/ipsec/ ipsec_pki_path: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/.pki/" strongswan_shell: /usr/sbin/nologin strongswan_home: /var/lib/strongswan strongswan_service: "{{ 'strongswan-starter' if ansible_facts['distribution_version'] is version('20.04', '>=') else 'strongswan' }}" BetweenClients_DROP: true algo_ondemand_cellular: false algo_ondemand_wifi: false algo_ondemand_wifi_exclude: _null algo_dns_adblocking: false ipv6_support: false dns_encryption: true openssl_constraint_random_id: "{{ IP_subject_alt_name | to_uuid }}.algo" subjectAltName_type: "{{ 'DNS' if IP_subject_alt_name|regex_search('[a-z]') else 'IP' }}" subjectAltName: >- {{ subjectAltName_type }}:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }} {%- if ipv6_support -%},IP:{{ ansible_default_ipv6['address'] }}{%- endif -%} subjectAltName_USER: email:{{ item }}@{{ openssl_constraint_random_id }} nameConstraints: >- critical,permitted;{{ subjectAltName_type }}:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}{{- '/' if subjectAltName_type == 'IP' else '' -}} {%- if subjectAltName_type == 'IP' -%} ,permitted;DNS:{{ openssl_constraint_random_id }} {%- else -%} ,excluded;IP: {%- endif -%} ,permitted;email:{{ openssl_constraint_random_id }} {%- if ipv6_support -%} ,permitted;IP:{{ ansible_default_ipv6['address'] }}/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff {%- else -%} ,excluded;IP:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 {%- endif -%} openssl_bin: openssl strongswan_enabled_plugins: - aes - gcm - hmac - kernel-netlink - nonce - openssl - pem - pgp - pkcs12 - pkcs7 - pkcs8 - pubkey - random - revocation - sha2 - socket-default - stroke - x509 ciphers: defaults: ike: aes256gcm16-prfsha512-ecp384! esp: aes256gcm16-ecp384! pkcs12_PayloadCertificateUUID: "{{ 900000 | random | to_uuid | upper }}" VPN_PayloadIdentifier: "{{ 800000 | random | to_uuid | upper }}" CA_PayloadIdentifier: "{{ 700000 | random | to_uuid | upper }}"
--- - name: restart strongswan service: name={{ strongswan_service }} state=restarted - name: daemon-reload systemd: daemon_reload=true - name: restart apparmor service: name=apparmor state=restarted - name: rereadcrls shell: ipsec rereadcrls; ipsec purgecrls
--- - name: Register p12 PayloadContent shell: | set -o pipefail cat private/{{ item }}.p12 | base64 register: PayloadContent changed_when: false args: executable: bash chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" with_items: "{{ users }}" - name: Set facts for mobileconfigs set_fact: PayloadContentCA: "{{ lookup('file' , '{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/cacert.pem')|b64encode }}" - name: Build the mobileconfigs template: src: mobileconfig.j2 dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/apple/{{ item.0 }}.mobileconfig" mode: 0600 with_together: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ PayloadContent.results }}" no_log: "{{ no_log|bool }}" - name: Build the client ipsec config file template: src: client_ipsec.conf.j2 dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/{{ item }}.conf" mode: 0600 with_items: - "{{ users }}" - name: Build the client ipsec secret file template: src: client_ipsec.secrets.j2 dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/{{ item }}.secrets" mode: 0600 with_items: - "{{ users }}" - name: Restrict permissions for the local private directories file: path: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}" state: directory mode: 0700
--- - name: Copy the keys to the strongswan directory copy: src: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/ipsec.d/{{ item.dest }}" owner: "{{ item.owner }}" group: "{{ }}" mode: "{{ item.mode }}" with_items: - src: cacert.pem dest: cacerts/ca.crt owner: strongswan group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" mode: "0600" - src: certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt dest: certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt owner: strongswan group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" mode: "0600" - src: private/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.key dest: private/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.key owner: strongswan group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" mode: "0600" notify: - restart strongswan
--- - name: Setup the config files from our templates template: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/{{ item.dest }}" owner: "{{ item.owner }}" group: "{{ }}" mode: "{{ item.mode }}" with_items: - src: strongswan.conf.j2 dest: strongswan.conf owner: root group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" mode: "0644" - src: ipsec.conf.j2 dest: ipsec.conf owner: root group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" mode: "0644" - src: ipsec.secrets.j2 dest: ipsec.secrets owner: strongswan group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" mode: "0600" - src: charon.conf.j2 dest: strongswan.d/charon.conf owner: root group: "{{ root_group|default('root') }}" mode: "0644" notify: - restart strongswan - name: Get loaded plugins shell: | set -o pipefail find {{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/strongswan.d/charon/ -type f -name '*.conf' -exec basename {} \; | cut -f1 -d. changed_when: false args: executable: bash register: strongswan_plugins - name: Disable unneeded plugins lineinfile: dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/strongswan.d/charon/{{ item }}.conf" regexp: .*load.* line: load = no state: present notify: - restart strongswan when: item not in strongswan_enabled_plugins and item not in strongswan_additional_plugins with_items: "{{ strongswan_plugins.stdout_lines }}" - name: Ensure that required plugins are enabled lineinfile: dest="{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/strongswan.d/charon/{{ item }}.conf" regexp='.*load.*' line='load = yes' state=present notify: - restart strongswan when: item in strongswan_enabled_plugins or item in strongswan_additional_plugins with_items: "{{ strongswan_plugins.stdout_lines }}"
--- - include_tasks: ubuntu.yml when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' - name: Ensure that the strongswan user exists user: name: strongswan group: nogroup shell: "{{ strongswan_shell }}" home: "{{ strongswan_home }}" state: present - name: Install strongSwan package: name=strongswan state=present - import_tasks: ipsec_configuration.yml - import_tasks: openssl.yml tags: update-users - import_tasks: distribute_keys.yml - import_tasks: client_configs.yml delegate_to: localhost become: false tags: update-users - name: strongSwan started service: name: "{{ strongswan_service }}" state: started enabled: true - meta: flush_handlers - name: Delete the PKI directory file: path: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" state: absent become: false delegate_to: localhost when: - not algo_store_pki - not pki_in_tmpfs
--- - block: - debug: var=subjectAltName - name: Ensure the pki directory does not exist file: dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" state: absent when: keys_clean_all|bool - name: Ensure the pki directories exist file: dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/{{ item }}" state: directory recurse: true mode: "0700" with_items: - ecparams - certs - crl - newcerts - private - public - reqs - name: Ensure the config directories exist file: dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/{{ item }}" state: directory recurse: true mode: "0700" with_items: - apple - manual - name: Ensure the files exist file: dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/{{ item }}" state: touch with_items: - .rnd - private/.rnd - index.txt - index.txt.attr - serial - name: Generate the openssl server configs template: src: openssl.cnf.j2 dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/openssl.cnf" - name: Build the CA pair shell: > umask 077; {{ openssl_bin }} ecparam -name secp384r1 -out ecparams/secp384r1.pem && {{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new -newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName }}")) -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -x509 -days 3650 -batch -passout pass:"{{ CA_password }}" && touch {{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_ca_generated args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" creates: "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_ca_generated" executable: bash - name: Copy the CA certificate copy: src: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/cacert.pem" dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/cacert.pem" - name: Generate the serial number shell: echo 01 > serial && touch serial_generated args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" creates: serial_generated - name: Build the server pair shell: > umask 077; {{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new -newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName }}")) -keyout private/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.key -out reqs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.req -nodes -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" -batch && {{ openssl_bin }} ca -utf8 -in reqs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.req -out certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName }}")) -days 3650 -batch -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" && touch certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_crt_generated args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" creates: certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_crt_generated executable: bash - name: Build the client's pair shell: > umask 077; {{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new -newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName_USER }}")) -keyout private/{{ item }}.key -out reqs/{{ item }}.req -nodes -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ item }}" -batch && {{ openssl_bin }} ca -utf8 -in reqs/{{ item }}.req -out certs/{{ item }}.crt -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName_USER }}")) -days 3650 -batch -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ item }}" && touch certs/{{ item }}_crt_generated args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" creates: certs/{{ item }}_crt_generated executable: bash with_items: "{{ users }}" - name: Build the tests pair shell: > umask 077; {{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new -newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\")) -keyout private/ -out reqs/ -nodes -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -subj "/" -batch && {{ openssl_bin }} ca -utf8 -in reqs/ -out certs/ -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\")) -days 3650 -batch -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -subj "/" && touch certs/google-algo-test-pair.com_crt_generated args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" creates: certs/google-algo-test-pair.com_crt_generated executable: bash when: tests|default(false)|bool - name: Build openssh public keys openssl_publickey: path: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/public/{{ item }}.pub" privatekey_path: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/private/{{ item }}.key" format: OpenSSH with_items: "{{ users }}" - name: Build the client's p12 shell: > umask 077; {{ openssl_bin }} pkcs12 -in certs/{{ item }}.crt -inkey private/{{ item }}.key -export -name {{ item }} -out private/{{ item }}.p12 -passout pass:"{{ p12_export_password }}" args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" executable: bash with_items: "{{ users }}" register: p12 - name: Build the client's p12 with the CA cert included shell: > umask 077; {{ openssl_bin }} pkcs12 -in certs/{{ item }}.crt -inkey private/{{ item }}.key -export -name {{ item }} -out private/{{ item }}_ca.p12 -certfile cacert.pem -passout pass:"{{ p12_export_password }}" args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" executable: bash with_items: "{{ users }}" register: p12 - name: Copy the p12 certificates copy: src: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/private/{{ item }}.p12" dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/{{ item }}.p12" with_items: - "{{ users }}" - name: Get active users shell: > grep ^V index.txt | grep -v "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/\/CN=//g' args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" register: valid_certs - name: Revoke non-existing users shell: > {{ openssl_bin }} ca -gencrl -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName_USER }}")) -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -revoke certs/{{ item }}.crt -out crl/{{ item }}.crt register: gencrl args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" creates: crl/{{ item }}.crt executable: bash when: item.split('@')[0] not in users with_items: "{{ valid_certs.stdout_lines }}" - name: Generate new CRL file shell: > {{ openssl_bin }} ca -gencrl -config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}")) -passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}" -out crl/algo.root.pem when: - gencrl is defined - gencrl.changed args: chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" executable: bash delegate_to: localhost become: false vars: ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ ansible_playbook_python }}" - name: Copy the CRL to the vpn server copy: src: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/crl/algo.root.pem" dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/ipsec.d/crls/algo.root.pem" when: - gencrl is defined - gencrl.changed notify: - rereadcrls
--- - name: Set OS specific facts set_fact: strongswan_additional_plugins: [] - name: Ubuntu | Install strongSwan apt: name: strongswan state: present update_cache: true install_recommends: true - block: # - name: Ubuntu | Charon profile for apparmor configured copy: dest: /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.ipsec.charon content: " capability setpcap," owner: root group: root mode: 0644 notify: restart strongswan - name: Ubuntu | Enforcing ipsec with apparmor command: aa-enforce "{{ item }}" changed_when: false with_items: - /usr/lib/ipsec/charon - /usr/lib/ipsec/lookip - /usr/lib/ipsec/stroke tags: apparmor when: apparmor_enabled|default(false)|bool - name: Ubuntu | Enable services service: name={{ item }} enabled=yes with_items: - apparmor - "{{ strongswan_service }}" - netfilter-persistent - name: Ubuntu | Ensure that the strongswan service directory exists file: path: /etc/systemd/system/{{ strongswan_service }}.service.d/ state: directory mode: 0755 owner: root group: root - name: Ubuntu | Setup the cgroup limitations for the ipsec daemon template: src: 100-CustomLimitations.conf.j2 dest: /etc/systemd/system/{{ strongswan_service }}.service.d/100-CustomLimitations.conf notify: - daemon-reload - restart strongswan
# Options for the charon IKE daemon. charon { # Accept unencrypted ID and HASH payloads in IKEv1 Main Mode. # accept_unencrypted_mainmode_messages = no # Maximum number of half-open IKE_SAs for a single peer IP. # block_threshold = 5 # Whether Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) fetched via HTTP or LDAP # should be saved under a unique file name derived from the public key of # the Certification Authority (CA) to /etc/ipsec.d/crls (stroke) or # /etc/swanctl/x509crl (vici), respectively. # cache_crls = no # Whether relations in validated certificate chains should be cached in # memory. # cert_cache = yes # Send Cisco Unity vendor ID payload (IKEv1 only). # cisco_unity = no # Close the IKE_SA if setup of the CHILD_SA along with IKE_AUTH failed. close_ike_on_child_failure = yes # Number of half-open IKE_SAs that activate the cookie mechanism. # cookie_threshold = 10 # Delete CHILD_SAs right after they got successfully rekeyed (IKEv1 only). # delete_rekeyed = no # Delay in seconds until inbound IPsec SAs are deleted after rekeyings # (IKEv2 only). # delete_rekeyed_delay = 5 # Use ANSI X9.42 DH exponent size or optimum size matched to cryptographic # strength. # dh_exponent_ansi_x9_42 = yes # Use RTLD_NOW with dlopen when loading plugins and IMV/IMCs to reveal # missing symbols immediately. # dlopen_use_rtld_now = no # DNS server assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP). # dns1 = # DNS server assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP). # dns2 = # Enable Denial of Service protection using cookies and aggressiveness # checks. # dos_protection = yes # Compliance with the errata for RFC 4753. # ecp_x_coordinate_only = yes # Free objects during authentication (might conflict with plugins). # flush_auth_cfg = no # Whether to follow IKEv2 redirects (RFC 5685). # follow_redirects = yes # Maximum size (complete IP datagram size in bytes) of a sent IKE fragment # when using proprietary IKEv1 or standardized IKEv2 fragmentation, defaults # to 1280 (use 0 for address family specific default values, which uses a # lower value for IPv4). If specified this limit is used for both IPv4 and # IPv6. # fragment_size = 1280 # Name of the group the daemon changes to after startup. # group = # Timeout in seconds for connecting IKE_SAs (also see IKE_SA_INIT DROPPING). half_open_timeout = 5 # Enable hash and URL support. # hash_and_url = no # Allow IKEv1 Aggressive Mode with pre-shared keys as responder. # i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk = no # Whether to ignore the traffic selectors from the kernel's acquire events # for IKEv2 connections (they are not used for IKEv1). # ignore_acquire_ts = no # A space-separated list of routing tables to be excluded from route # lookups. # ignore_routing_tables = # Maximum number of IKE_SAs that can be established at the same time before # new connection attempts are blocked. # ikesa_limit = 0 # Number of exclusively locked segments in the hash table. # ikesa_table_segments = 1 # Size of the IKE_SA hash table. # ikesa_table_size = 1 # Whether to close IKE_SA if the only CHILD_SA closed due to inactivity. inactivity_close_ike = yes # Limit new connections based on the current number of half open IKE_SAs, # see IKE_SA_INIT DROPPING in strongswan.conf(5). # init_limit_half_open = 0 # Limit new connections based on the number of queued jobs. # init_limit_job_load = 0 # Causes charon daemon to ignore IKE initiation requests. # initiator_only = no # Install routes into a separate routing table for established IPsec # tunnels. # install_routes = yes # Install virtual IP addresses. # install_virtual_ip = yes # The name of the interface on which virtual IP addresses should be # installed. # install_virtual_ip_on = # Check daemon, libstrongswan and plugin integrity at startup. # integrity_test = no # A comma-separated list of network interfaces that should be ignored, if # interfaces_use is specified this option has no effect. # interfaces_ignore = # A comma-separated list of network interfaces that should be used by # charon. All other interfaces are ignored. # interfaces_use = # NAT keep alive interval. keep_alive = 25s # Plugins to load in the IKE daemon charon. # load = # Determine plugins to load via each plugin's load option. # load_modular = no # Initiate IKEv2 reauthentication with a make-before-break scheme. # make_before_break = no # Maximum number of IKEv1 phase 2 exchanges per IKE_SA to keep state about # and track concurrently. # max_ikev1_exchanges = 3 # Maximum packet size accepted by charon. # max_packet = 10000 # Enable multiple authentication exchanges (RFC 4739). # multiple_authentication = yes # WINS servers assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP). # nbns1 = # WINS servers assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP). # nbns2 = # UDP port used locally. If set to 0 a random port will be allocated. # port = 500 # UDP port used locally in case of NAT-T. If set to 0 a random port will be # allocated. Has to be different from charon.port, otherwise a random port # will be allocated. # port_nat_t = 4500 # Whether to prefer updating SAs to the path with the best route. # prefer_best_path = no # Prefer locally configured proposals for IKE/IPsec over supplied ones as # responder (disabling this can avoid keying retries due to # INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD notifies). # prefer_configured_proposals = yes # By default public IPv6 addresses are preferred over temporary ones (RFC # 4941), to make connections more stable. Enable this option to reverse # this. # prefer_temporary_addrs = no # Process RTM_NEWROUTE and RTM_DELROUTE events. # process_route = yes # Delay in ms for receiving packets, to simulate larger RTT. # receive_delay = 0 # Delay request messages. # receive_delay_request = yes # Delay response messages. # receive_delay_response = yes # Specific IKEv2 message type to delay, 0 for any. # receive_delay_type = 0 # Size of the AH/ESP replay window, in packets. # replay_window = 32 # Base to use for calculating exponential back off, see IKEv2 RETRANSMISSION # in strongswan.conf(5). # retransmit_base = 1.8 # Maximum jitter in percent to apply randomly to calculated retransmission # timeout (0 to disable). # retransmit_jitter = 0 # Upper limit in seconds for calculated retransmission timeout (0 to # disable). # retransmit_limit = 0 # Timeout in seconds before sending first retransmit. # retransmit_timeout = 4.0 # Number of times to retransmit a packet before giving up. # retransmit_tries = 5 # Interval in seconds to use when retrying to initiate an IKE_SA (e.g. if # DNS resolution failed), 0 to disable retries. # retry_initiate_interval = 0 # Initiate CHILD_SA within existing IKE_SAs (always enabled for IKEv1). reuse_ikesa = yes # Numerical routing table to install routes to. # routing_table = # Priority of the routing table. # routing_table_prio = # Whether to use RSA with PSS padding instead of PKCS#1 padding by default. # rsa_pss = no # Delay in ms for sending packets, to simulate larger RTT. # send_delay = 0 # Delay request messages. # send_delay_request = yes # Delay response messages. # send_delay_response = yes # Specific IKEv2 message type to delay, 0 for any. # send_delay_type = 0 # Send strongSwan vendor ID payload # send_vendor_id = no # Whether to enable Signature Authentication as per RFC 7427. # signature_authentication = yes # Whether to enable constraints against IKEv2 signature schemes. # signature_authentication_constraints = yes # The upper limit for SPIs requested from the kernel for IPsec SAs. # spi_max = 0xcfffffff # The lower limit for SPIs requested from the kernel for IPsec SAs. # spi_min = 0xc0000000 # Number of worker threads in charon. # threads = 16 # Name of the user the daemon changes to after startup. # user = crypto_test { # Benchmark crypto algorithms and order them by efficiency. # bench = no # Buffer size used for crypto benchmark. # bench_size = 1024 # Number of iterations to test each algorithm. # bench_time = 50 # Test crypto algorithms during registration (requires test vectors # provided by the test-vectors plugin). # on_add = no # Test crypto algorithms on each crypto primitive instantiation. # on_create = no # Strictly require at least one test vector to enable an algorithm. # required = no # Whether to test RNG with TRUE quality; requires a lot of entropy. # rng_true = no } host_resolver { # Maximum number of concurrent resolver threads (they are terminated if # unused). # max_threads = 3 # Minimum number of resolver threads to keep around. # min_threads = 0 } leak_detective { # Includes source file names and line numbers in leak detective output. # detailed = yes # Threshold in bytes for leaks to be reported (0 to report all). # usage_threshold = 10240 # Threshold in number of allocations for leaks to be reported (0 to # report all). # usage_threshold_count = 0 } processor { # Section to configure the number of reserved threads per priority class # see JOB PRIORITY MANAGEMENT in strongswan.conf(5). priority_threads { } } # Section containing a list of scripts (name = path) that are executed when # the daemon is started. start-scripts { } # Section containing a list of scripts (name = path) that are executed when # the daemon is terminated. stop-scripts { } tls { # List of TLS encryption ciphers. # cipher = # List of TLS key exchange methods. # key_exchange = # List of TLS MAC algorithms. # mac = # List of TLS cipher suites. # suites = } x509 { # Discard certificates with unsupported or unknown critical extensions. enforce_critical = no } }
conn algovpn-{{ IP_subject_alt_name }} fragmentation=yes rekey=no dpdaction=clear keyexchange=ikev2 compress=no dpddelay=35s ike={{ ciphers.defaults.ike }} esp={{ ciphers.defaults.esp }} right={{ IP_subject_alt_name }} rightid={{ IP_subject_alt_name }} rightsubnet={{ rightsubnet | default('') }} rightauth=pubkey leftsourceip=%config leftauth=pubkey leftcert={{ item }}.crt leftfirewall=yes left=%defaultroute auto=add
config setup uniqueids=never # allow multiple connections per user charondebug="ike {{ strongswan_log_level }}, knl {{ strongswan_log_level }}, cfg {{ strongswan_log_level }}, net {{ strongswan_log_level }}, esp {{ strongswan_log_level }}, dmn {{ strongswan_log_level }}, mgr {{ strongswan_log_level }}" conn %default fragmentation=yes rekey=no dpdaction=clear keyexchange=ikev2 compress=yes dpddelay=35s lifetime=3h ikelifetime=12h ike={{ ciphers.defaults.ike }} esp={{ ciphers.defaults.esp }} left=%any leftauth=pubkey leftid={{ IP_subject_alt_name }} leftcert={{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt leftsendcert=always leftsubnet=,::/0 right=%any rightauth=pubkey rightsourceip={{ strongswan_network }},{{ strongswan_network_ipv6 }} {% if algo_dns_adblocking or dns_encryption %} rightdns={{ local_service_ip }}{{ ',' + local_service_ipv6 if ipv6_support else '' }} {% else %} rightdns={% for host in dns_servers.ipv4 %}{{ host }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if ipv6_support %},{% for host in dns_servers.ipv6 %}{{ host }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %} {% endif %} conn ikev2-pubkey auto=add
#jinja2:lstrip_blocks: True <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>PayloadContent</key> <array> <dict> <key>IKEv2</key> <dict> <key>OnDemandEnabled</key> <integer>{{ 1 if algo_ondemand_wifi or algo_ondemand_cellular else 0 }}</integer> <key>OnDemandRules</key> <array> {% if algo_ondemand_wifi or algo_ondemand_cellular %} {% if algo_ondemand_wifi_exclude|b64decode != '_null' %} {% set WIFI_EXCLUDE_LIST = (algo_ondemand_wifi_exclude|b64decode|string).split(',') %} <dict> <key>Action</key> <string>Disconnect</string> <key>InterfaceTypeMatch</key> <string>WiFi</string> <key>SSIDMatch</key> <array> {% for network_name in WIFI_EXCLUDE_LIST %} <string>{{ network_name|e }}</string> {% endfor %} </array> </dict> {% endif %} <dict> <key>Action</key> {% if algo_ondemand_wifi %} <string>Connect</string> {% else %} <string>Disconnect</string> {% endif %} <key>InterfaceTypeMatch</key> <string>WiFi</string> <key>URLStringProbe</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>Action</key> {% if algo_ondemand_cellular %} <string>Connect</string> {% else %} <string>Disconnect</string> {% endif %} <key>InterfaceTypeMatch</key> <string>Cellular</string> <key>URLStringProbe</key> <string></string> </dict> {% endif %} <dict> <key>Action</key> <string>{{ 'Disconnect' if algo_ondemand_wifi or algo_ondemand_cellular else 'Connect' }}</string> </dict> </array> <key>AuthenticationMethod</key> <string>Certificate</string> <key>ChildSecurityAssociationParameters</key> <dict> <key>DiffieHellmanGroup</key> <integer>20</integer> <key>EncryptionAlgorithm</key> <string>AES-256-GCM</string> <key>IntegrityAlgorithm</key> <string>SHA2-512</string> <key>LifeTimeInMinutes</key> <integer>1440</integer> </dict> <key>DeadPeerDetectionRate</key> <string>Medium</string> <key>DisableMOBIKE</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>DisableRedirect</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>EnableCertificateRevocationCheck</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>EnablePFS</key> <true/> <key>IKESecurityAssociationParameters</key> <dict> <key>DiffieHellmanGroup</key> <integer>20</integer> <key>EncryptionAlgorithm</key> <string>AES-256-GCM</string> <key>IntegrityAlgorithm</key> <string>SHA2-512</string> <key>LifeTimeInMinutes</key> <integer>1440</integer> </dict> <key>LocalIdentifier</key> <string>{{ item.0 }}@{{ openssl_constraint_random_id }}</string> <key>PayloadCertificateUUID</key> <string>{{ pkcs12_PayloadCertificateUUID }}</string> <key>CertificateType</key> <string>ECDSA384</string> <key>ServerCertificateIssuerCommonName</key> <string>{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}</string> <key>RemoteAddress</key> <string>{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}</string> <key>RemoteIdentifier</key> <string>{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}</string> <key>UseConfigurationAttributeInternalIPSubnet</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> <key>IPv4</key> <dict> <key>OverridePrimary</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> <key>PayloadDescription</key> <string>Configures VPN settings</string> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>{{ algo_server_name }}</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>{{ VPN_PayloadIdentifier }}</string> <key>PayloadType</key> <string></string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>{{ VPN_PayloadIdentifier }}</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <real>1</real> <key>Proxies</key> <dict> <key>HTTPEnable</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>HTTPSEnable</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> <key>UserDefinedName</key> <string>AlgoVPN {{ algo_server_name }} IKEv2</string> <key>VPNType</key> <string>IKEv2</string> </dict> <dict> <key>Password</key> <string>{{ p12_export_password }}</string> <key>PayloadCertificateFileName</key> <string>{{ item.0 }}.p12</string> <key>PayloadContent</key> <data> {{ item.1.stdout }} </data> <key>PayloadDescription</key> <string>Adds a PKCS#12-formatted certificate</string> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>{{ algo_server_name }}</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>{{ pkcs12_PayloadCertificateUUID }}</string> <key>PayloadType</key> <string></string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>{{ pkcs12_PayloadCertificateUUID }}</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>PayloadCertificateFileName</key> <string>ca.crt</string> <key>PayloadContent</key> <data> {{ PayloadContentCA }} </data> <key>PayloadDescription</key> <string>Adds a CA root certificate</string> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>{{ algo_server_name }}</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>{{ CA_PayloadIdentifier }}</string> <key>PayloadType</key> <string></string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>{{ CA_PayloadIdentifier }}</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> </array> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>AlgoVPN {{ algo_server_name }} IKEv2</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>donut.local.{{ 500000 | random | to_uuid | upper }}</string> <key>PayloadOrganization</key> <string>AlgoVPN</string> <key>PayloadRemovalDisallowed</key> <false/> <key>PayloadType</key> <string>Configuration</string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>{{ 400000 | random | to_uuid | upper }}</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> </plist>
# For use with Easy-RSA 3.0 and OpenSSL 1.0.* RANDFILE = .rnd #################################################################### [ ca ] default_ca = CA_default # The default ca section #################################################################### [ CA_default ] dir = . # Where everything is kept certs = $dir # Where the issued certs are kept crl_dir = $dir # Where the issued crl are kept database = $dir/index.txt # database index file. new_certs_dir = $dir/certs # default place for new certs. certificate = $dir/cacert.pem # The CA certificate serial = $dir/serial # The current serial number crl = $dir/crl.pem # The current CRL private_key = $dir/private/cakey.pem # The private key RANDFILE = $dir/private/.rand # private random number file x509_extensions = basic_exts # The extensions to add to the cert # This allows a V2 CRL. Ancient browsers don't like it, but anything Easy-RSA # is designed for will. In return, we get the Issuer attached to CRLs. crl_extensions = crl_ext default_days = 3650 # how long to certify for default_crl_days= 3650 # how long before next CRL default_md = sha256 # use public key default MD preserve = no # keep passed DN ordering # A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look # For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional # and supplied fields are just that :-) policy = policy_anything # For the 'anything' policy, which defines allowed DN fields [ policy_anything ] countryName = optional stateOrProvinceName = optional localityName = optional organizationName = optional organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied name = optional emailAddress = optional #################################################################### # Easy-RSA request handling # We key off $DN_MODE to determine how to format the DN [ req ] default_bits = 2048 default_keyfile = privkey.pem default_md = sha256 distinguished_name = cn_only x509_extensions = easyrsa_ca # The extensions to add to the self signed cert # A placeholder to handle the $EXTRA_EXTS feature: #%EXTRA_EXTS% # Do NOT remove or change this line as $EXTRA_EXTS support requires it #################################################################### # Easy-RSA DN (Subject) handling # Easy-RSA DN for cn_only support: [ cn_only ] commonName = Common Name (eg: your user, host, or server name) commonName_max = 64 commonName_default = {{ IP_subject_alt_name }} # Easy-RSA DN for org support: [ org ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) countryName_default = US countryName_min = 2 countryName_max = 2 stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) stateOrProvinceName_default = California localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) localityName_default = San Francisco 0.organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company) 0.organizationName_default = Copyleft Certificate Co organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) organizationalUnitName_default = My Organizational Unit commonName = Common Name (eg: your user, host, or server name) commonName_max = 64 commonName_default = {{ IP_subject_alt_name }} emailAddress = Email Address emailAddress_default = emailAddress_max = 64 #################################################################### # Easy-RSA cert extension handling # This section is effectively unused as the main script sets extensions # dynamically. This core section is left to support the odd usecase where # a user calls openssl directly. [ basic_exts ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer:always extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth, keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment # The Easy-RSA CA extensions [ easyrsa_ca ] # PKIX recommendations: subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always basicConstraints = critical,CA:true,pathlen:0 nameConstraints = {{ nameConstraints }} # Limit key usage to CA tasks. If you really want to use the generated pair as # a self-signed cert, comment this out. keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign # nsCertType omitted by default. Let's try to let the deprecated stuff die. # nsCertType = sslCA # CRL extensions. [ crl_ext ] # Only issuerAltName and authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL. # issuerAltName=issuer:copy authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always
# strongswan.conf - strongSwan configuration file # # Refer to the strongswan.conf(5) manpage for details # # Configuration changes should be made in the included files charon { load_modular = yes plugins { include strongswan.d/charon/*.conf } user = strongswan group = nogroup {% if ansible_distribution == 'FreeBSD' %} filelog { charon { path = /var/log/charon.log time_format = %b %e %T ike_name = yes append = no default = 1 flush_line = yes } } {% endif %} } include strongswan.d/*.conf
--- wireguard_PersistentKeepalive: 0 wireguard_config_path: configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/wireguard/ wireguard_pki_path: "{{ wireguard_config_path }}/.pki/" wireguard_interface: wg0 wireguard_port_avoid: 53 wireguard_port_actual: 51820 keys_clean_all: false wireguard_dns_servers: >- {% if algo_dns_adblocking|default(false)|bool or dns_encryption|default(false)|bool %} {{ local_service_ip }}{{ ', ' + local_service_ipv6 if ipv6_support else '' }} {% else %} {% for host in dns_servers.ipv4 %}{{ host }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if ipv6_support %},{% for host in dns_servers.ipv6 %}{{ host }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %} {% endif %} wireguard_client_ip: >- {{ wireguard_network_ipv4 | ipmath(index|int+2) }} {{ ',' + wireguard_network_ipv6 | ipmath(index|int+2) if ipv6_support else '' }} wireguard_server_ip: >- {{ wireguard_network_ipv4 | ipaddr('1') }} {{ ',' + wireguard_network_ipv6 | ipaddr('1') if ipv6_support else '' }}
Shell Script
#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: wireguard # REQUIRE: LOGIN # BEFORE: securelevel # KEYWORD: shutdown . /etc/rc.subr name="wg" rcvar=wg_enable command="/usr/local/bin/wg-quick" start_cmd=wg_up stop_cmd=wg_down status_cmd=wg_status pidfile="/var/run/$" load_rc_config "$name" : ${wg_enable="NO"} : ${wg_interface="wg0"} wg_up() { echo "Starting WireGuard..." /usr/sbin/daemon -cS -p ${pidfile} ${command} up ${wg_interface} } wg_down() { echo "Stopping WireGuard..." ${command} down ${wg_interface} } wg_status () { not_running () { echo "WireGuard is not running on $wg_interface" && exit 1 } /usr/local/bin/wg show wg0 && echo "WireGuard is running on $wg_interface" || not_running } run_rc_command "$1"
--- - name: BSD | WireGuard installed package: name: wireguard state: present - name: Set OS specific facts set_fact: service_name: wireguard tags: always - name: BSD | Configure rc script copy: src: dest: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/wireguard mode: "0755" notify: restart wireguard
--- - name: Delete the lock files file: dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/wireguard/private_{{ item }}.lock" state: absent when: keys_clean_all|bool with_items: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" - name: Generate private keys command: wg genkey register: wg_genkey args: creates: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/wireguard/private_{{ item }}.lock" with_items: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" - block: - name: Save private keys copy: dest: "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}/private/{{ item['item'] }}" content: "{{ item['stdout'] }}" mode: "0600" no_log: "{{ no_log|bool }}" when: item.changed with_items: "{{ wg_genkey['results'] }}" delegate_to: localhost become: false - name: Touch the lock file file: dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/wireguard/private_{{ item }}.lock" state: touch with_items: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" when: wg_genkey.changed - name: Delete the preshared lock files file: dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/wireguard/preshared_{{ item }}.lock" state: absent when: keys_clean_all|bool with_items: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" - name: Generate preshared keys command: wg genpsk register: wg_genpsk args: creates: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/wireguard/preshared_{{ item }}.lock" with_items: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" - block: - name: Save preshared keys copy: dest: "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}/preshared/{{ item['item'] }}" content: "{{ item['stdout'] }}" mode: "0600" no_log: "{{ no_log|bool }}" when: item.changed with_items: "{{ wg_genpsk['results'] }}" delegate_to: localhost become: false - name: Touch the preshared lock file file: dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/wireguard/preshared_{{ item }}.lock" state: touch with_items: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" when: wg_genpsk.changed - name: Generate public keys shell: | set -o pipefail echo "{{ lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + '/private/' + item) }}" | wg pubkey register: wg_pubkey changed_when: false args: executable: bash with_items: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" - name: Save public keys copy: dest: "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}/public/{{ item['item'] }}" content: "{{ item['stdout'] }}" mode: "0600" no_log: "{{ no_log|bool }}" with_items: "{{ wg_pubkey['results'] }}" delegate_to: localhost become: false
--- - name: Ensure the required directories exist file: dest: "{{ item }}" state: directory recurse: true with_items: - "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}/preshared" - "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}/private" - "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}/public" - "{{ wireguard_config_path }}/apple/ios" - "{{ wireguard_config_path }}/apple/macos" delegate_to: localhost become: false - name: Include tasks for Ubuntu include_tasks: ubuntu.yml when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' tags: always - name: Include tasks for FreeBSD include_tasks: freebsd.yml when: ansible_distribution == 'FreeBSD' tags: always - name: Generate keys import_tasks: keys.yml tags: update-users - block: - block: - name: WireGuard user list updated lineinfile: dest: "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}/index.txt" create: true mode: "0600" insertafter: EOF line: "{{ item }}" register: lineinfile with_items: "{{ users }}" - set_fact: wireguard_users: "{{ (lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + 'index.txt')).split('\n') }}" - name: WireGuard users config generated template: src: client.conf.j2 dest: "{{ wireguard_config_path }}/{{ item.1 }}.conf" mode: "0600" with_indexed_items: "{{ wireguard_users }}" when: item.1 in users vars: index: "{{ item.0 }}" - include_tasks: mobileconfig.yml loop: - ios - macos loop_control: loop_var: system - name: Generate QR codes shell: > umask 077; which segno && segno --scale=5 --output={{ item.1 }}.png \ "{{ lookup('template', 'client.conf.j2') }}" || true changed_when: false with_indexed_items: "{{ wireguard_users }}" when: item.1 in users vars: index: "{{ item.0 }}" ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ ansible_playbook_python }}" args: chdir: "{{ wireguard_config_path }}" executable: bash become: false delegate_to: localhost - name: WireGuard configured template: src: server.conf.j2 dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/wireguard/{{ wireguard_interface }}.conf" mode: "0600" notify: restart wireguard tags: update-users - name: WireGuard enabled and started service: name: "{{ service_name }}" state: started enabled: true - name: Delete the PKI directory file: path: "{{ wireguard_pki_path }}" state: absent become: false delegate_to: localhost when: - not algo_store_pki - not pki_in_tmpfs - meta: flush_handlers
--- - name: WireGuard apple mobileconfig generated template: src: mobileconfig.j2 dest: "{{ wireguard_config_path }}/apple/{{ system }}/{{ item.1 }}.mobileconfig" mode: "0600" with_indexed_items: "{{ wireguard_users }}" when: item.1 in users vars: index: "{{ item.0 }}"
--- - name: WireGuard installed apt: name: wireguard state: present update_cache: true - name: Set OS specific facts set_fact: service_name: wg-quick@{{ wireguard_interface }} tags: always
[Interface] PrivateKey = {{ lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + '/private/' + item.1) }} Address = {{ wireguard_client_ip }} DNS = {{ wireguard_dns_servers }} {% if reduce_mtu|int > 0 %}MTU = {{ 1420 - reduce_mtu|int }} {% endif %} [Peer] PublicKey = {{ lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + '/public/' + IP_subject_alt_name) }} PresharedKey = {{ lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + '/preshared/' + item.1) }} AllowedIPs =,::/0 Endpoint = {{ IP_subject_alt_name }}:{{ wireguard_port }} {{ 'PersistentKeepalive = ' + wireguard_PersistentKeepalive|string if wireguard_PersistentKeepalive > 0 else '' }}
#jinja2:lstrip_blocks: True <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>PayloadContent</key> <array> {% include 'vpn-dict.j2' %} </array> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>AlgoVPN {{ algo_server_name }} WireGuard</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>donut.local.{{ 500000 | random | to_uuid | upper }}</string> <key>PayloadOrganization</key> <string>AlgoVPN</string> <key>PayloadRemovalDisallowed</key> <false/> <key>PayloadType</key> <string>Configuration</string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>{{ 400000 | random | to_uuid | upper }}</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> </plist>
[Interface] Address = {{ wireguard_server_ip }} ListenPort = {{ wireguard_port_actual if wireguard_port|int == wireguard_port_avoid|int else wireguard_port }} PrivateKey = {{ lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + '/private/' + IP_subject_alt_name) }} SaveConfig = false {% for u in wireguard_users %} {% if u in users %} {% set index = loop.index %} [Peer] # {{ u }} PublicKey = {{ lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + '/public/' + u) }} PresharedKey = {{ lookup('file', wireguard_pki_path + '/preshared/' + u) }} AllowedIPs = {{ wireguard_network_ipv4 | ipmath(index|int+1) | ipv4('address') }}/32{{ ',' + wireguard_network_ipv6 | ipmath(index|int+1) | ipv6('address') + '/128' if ipv6_support else '' }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
<dict> <key>IPv4</key> <dict> <key>OverridePrimary</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> <key>PayloadDescription</key> <string>Configures VPN settings</string> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>{{ algo_server_name }}</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>{{ algo_server_name + system | to_uuid | upper }}</string> <key>PayloadType</key> <string></string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>{{ algo_server_name + system | to_uuid | upper }}</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Proxies</key> <dict> <key>HTTPEnable</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>HTTPSEnable</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> <key>UserDefinedName</key> <string>AlgoVPN {{ algo_server_name }}</string> <key>VPN</key> <dict> <key>OnDemandEnabled</key> <integer>{{ 1 if algo_ondemand_wifi or algo_ondemand_cellular else 0 }}</integer> <key>OnDemandRules</key> <array> {% if algo_ondemand_wifi or algo_ondemand_cellular %} {% if algo_ondemand_wifi_exclude|b64decode != '_null' %} {% set WIFI_EXCLUDE_LIST = (algo_ondemand_wifi_exclude|b64decode|string).split(',') %} <dict> <key>Action</key> <string>Disconnect</string> <key>InterfaceTypeMatch</key> <string>WiFi</string> <key>SSIDMatch</key> <array> {% for network_name in WIFI_EXCLUDE_LIST %} <string>{{ network_name|e }}</string> {% endfor %} </array> </dict> {% endif %} <dict> <key>Action</key> {% if algo_ondemand_wifi %} <string>Connect</string> {% else %} <string>Disconnect</string> {% endif %} <key>InterfaceTypeMatch</key> <string>WiFi</string> <key>URLStringProbe</key> <string></string> </dict> <dict> <key>Action</key> {% if algo_ondemand_cellular %} <string>Connect</string> {% else %} <string>Disconnect</string> {% endif %} <key>InterfaceTypeMatch</key> <string>Cellular</string> <key>URLStringProbe</key> <string></string> </dict> {% endif %} <dict> <key>Action</key> <string>{{ 'Disconnect' if algo_ondemand_wifi or algo_ondemand_cellular else 'Connect' }}</string> </dict> </array> <key>AuthenticationMethod</key> <string>Password</string> <key>RemoteAddress</key> <string>{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}:{{ wireguard_port }}</string> </dict> <key>VPNSubType</key> <string>com.wireguard.{{ system }}</string> <key>VPNType</key> <string>VPN</string> <key>VendorConfig</key> <dict> <key>WgQuickConfig</key> <string>{{- lookup('template', 'client.conf.j2') | indent(8) }}</string> </dict> </dict>
Shell Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Refer PR #1774 for more details. set -ex DEPLOY_ARGS="provider=local server= ssh_user=ubuntu endpoint= ondemand_cellular=true ondemand_wifi=true ondemand_wifi_exclude=test dns_adblocking=true ssh_tunneling=true store_pki=true install_headers=false tests=true local_service_ip= no_log=false" CA_PASSWORD="test123" if [ "${DEPLOY}" == "docker" ] then docker run -i -v $(pwd)/config.cfg:/algo/config.cfg -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $(pwd)/configs:/algo/configs -e "DEPLOY_ARGS=${DEPLOY_ARGS}" local/algo /bin/sh -c "chown -R root: /root/.ssh && chmod -R 600 /root/.ssh && source .env/bin/activate && ansible-playbook main.yml -e \"${DEPLOY_ARGS}\" --skip-tags debug" else ansible-playbook main.yml -e "${DEPLOY_ARGS} ca_password=${CA_PASSWORD}" fi CA_PASSWORD_OUT=$(grep ca_password: configs/localhost/.config.yml | awk '{print $2}' | xargs) if [ "$CA_PASSWORD" = "$CA_PASSWORD_OUT" ]; then echo "ca_password tests(PR #1774) passed" else echo "ca_password tests(PR #1774) failed" exit 1 fi
Shell Script
#!/bin/bash echo "#!/bin/bash export METHOD=local export ONDEMAND_CELLULAR=true export ONDEMAND_WIFI=true export ONDEMAND_WIFI_EXCLUDE=test1,test2 export STORE_PKI=true export DNS_ADBLOCKING=true export SSH_TUNNELING=true export ENDPOINT= export USERS=desktop,user1,user2 export EXTRA_VARS='install_headers=false tests=true local_service_ip=' export ANSIBLE_EXTRA_ARGS='' export REPO_SLUG=${REPOSITORY:-trailofbits/algo} export REPO_BRANCH=${BRANCH:-master} curl -s${REPOSITORY:-trailofbits/algo}/${BRANCH:-master}/ | sudo -E bash -x"
Shell Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail xmllint --noout ./configs/ CA_CONSTRAINTS="$(openssl verify -verbose \ -CAfile ./configs/ \ ./configs/ 2>&1)" || true echo "$CA_CONSTRAINTS" | grep "permitted subtree violation" >/dev/null && \ echo "Name Constraints test passed" || \ (echo "Name Constraints test failed" && exit 1) echo "$CA_CONSTRAINTS" ansible-playbook deploy_client.yml \ -e client_ip=localhost \ -e vpn_user=desktop \ -e server_ip= \ -e rightsubnet='' ipsec up algovpn- ipsec statusall ipsec statusall | grep -w ^algovpn- | grep -w ESTABLISHED fping -t 900 -c3 -r3 -Dse host echo "IPsec tests passed" ipsec down algovpn-
Shell Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex DEPLOY_ARGS="provider=local server= ssh_user=ubuntu endpoint= ondemand_cellular=true ondemand_wifi=true ondemand_wifi_exclude=test dns_adblocking=true ssh_tunneling=true store_pki=true install_headers=false tests=true local_service_ip= no_log=false" if [ "${DEPLOY}" == "docker" ] then docker run -i -v $(pwd)/config.cfg:/algo/config.cfg -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $(pwd)/configs:/algo/configs -e "DEPLOY_ARGS=${DEPLOY_ARGS}" local/algo /bin/sh -c "chown -R root: /root/.ssh && chmod -R 600 /root/.ssh && source .env/bin/activate && ansible-playbook main.yml -e \"${DEPLOY_ARGS}\" --skip-tags debug" else ansible-playbook main.yml -e "${DEPLOY_ARGS}" fi
Shell Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 export REPOSITORY=${REPOSITORY:-${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}} export _BRANCH=${BRANCH#refs/heads/} export BRANCH=${_BRANCH:-${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}} if [[ "$DEPLOY" == "cloud-init" ]]; then bash tests/ | lxc profile set default user.user-data - else echo -e "#cloud-config\nssh_authorized_keys:\n - $(cat ~/.ssh/" | lxc profile set default user.user-data - fi lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv4.address lxc profile set default raw.lxc 'lxc.apparmor.profile = unconfined' lxc profile set default security.privileged true lxc profile show default lxc init ubuntu:${UBUNTU_VERSION} algo lxc network attach lxdbr0 algo eth0 eth0 lxc config device set algo eth0 ipv4.address lxc start algo ip addr until dig A +short algo.lxd @ | grep -vE '^$' > /dev/null; do sleep 3 done case ${UBUNTU_VERSION} in 20.04|22.04) lxc exec algo -- apt remove snapd --purge -y || true ;; 18.04) lxc exec algo -- apt install python3.8 -y ;; esac lxc list
Shell Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail PASS=$(grep ^p12_password: configs/ | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f2 -d\') ssh-keygen -p -P ${PASS} -N '' -f configs/ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -D -f -q -C -N desktop@ -i configs/ -F configs/ git config --global http.proxy 'socks5://' for i in {1..10}; do git clone -vv /tmp/ssh-tunnel-check && break || sleep 1; done echo "SSH tunneling tests passed"
Shell Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex USER_ARGS="{ 'server': '', 'users': ['desktop', 'user1', 'user2'], 'local_service_ip': '', 'no_log': false }" if [ "${DEPLOY}" == "docker" ] then docker run -i -v $(pwd)/config.cfg:/algo/config.cfg -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $(pwd)/configs:/algo/configs -e "USER_ARGS=${USER_ARGS}" local/algo /bin/sh -c "chown -R root: /root/.ssh && chmod -R 600 /root/.ssh && source .env/bin/activate && ansible-playbook users.yml -e \"${USER_ARGS}\" -t update-users --skip-tags debug -vvvvv" else ansible-playbook users.yml -e "${USER_ARGS}" -t update-users fi # # IPsec # if sudo openssl crl -inform pem -noout -text -in configs/ | grep CRL then echo "The CRL check passed" else echo "The CRL check failed" exit 1 fi if sudo openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text -in configs/ | grep -E "CN(=|\s+=\s+)user1" then echo "The new user exists" else echo "The new user does not exist" exit 1 fi # # WireGuard # if sudo test -f configs/ then echo "WireGuard: The new user exists" else echo "WireGuard: The new user does not exist" exit 1 fi # # SSH tunneling # if sudo test -f configs/ then echo "SSH Tunneling: The new user exists" else echo "SSH Tunneling: The new user does not exist" exit 1 fi
Shell Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail xmllint --noout ./configs/*/*.mobileconfig crudini --set configs/ Interface Table off wg-quick up configs/ wg ifconfig user1 ip route add dev user1 fping -t 900 -c3 -r3 -Dse wg | grep "latest handshake" host echo "WireGuard tests passed" wg-quick down configs/
_gitignore/ *.log Caddyfile Caddyfile.* !caddyfile/ # artifacts from pprof tooling *.prof *.test # build artifacts and helpers cmd/caddy/caddy cmd/caddy/caddy.exe cmd/caddy/tmp/*.exe # mac specific .DS_Store # go modules vendor # goreleaser artifacts dist caddy-build caddy-dist # IDE files .idea/ .vscode/
linters-settings: errcheck: ignore: fmt:.*,^Add.* ignoretests: true gci: sections: - standard # Standard section: captures all standard packages. - default # Default section: contains all imports that could not be matched to another section type. - prefix( # ensure that this is always at the top and always has a line break. - prefix( # Custom section: groups all imports with the specified Prefix. # Skip generated files. # Default: true skip-generated: true # Enable custom order of sections. # If `true`, make the section order the same as the order of `sections`. # Default: false custom-order: true linters: disable-all: true enable: - bodyclose - errcheck - gci - gofumpt - gosec - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - misspell - prealloc - staticcheck - typecheck - unconvert - unused # these are implicitly disabled: # - asciicheck # - depguard # - dogsled # - dupl # - exhaustive # - exportloopref # - funlen # - gci # - gochecknoglobals # - gochecknoinits # - gocognit # - goconst # - gocritic # - gocyclo # - godot # - godox # - goerr113 # - gofumpt # - goheader # - golint # - gomnd # - gomodguard # - goprintffuncname # - interfacer # - lll # - maligned # - nakedret # - nestif # - nlreturn # - noctx # - nolintlint # - rowserrcheck # - scopelint # - sqlclosecheck # - stylecheck # - testpackage # - unparam # - whitespace # - wsl run: # default concurrency is a available CPU number. # concurrency: 4 # explicitly omit this value to fully utilize available resources. deadline: 5m issues-exit-code: 1 tests: false # output configuration options output: format: 'colored-line-number' print-issued-lines: true print-linter-name: true issues: exclude-rules: # we aren't calling unknown URL - text: 'G107' # G107: Url provided to HTTP request as taint input linters: - gosec # as a web server that's expected to handle any template, this is totally in the hands of the user. - text: 'G203' # G203: Use of unescaped data in HTML templates linters: - gosec # we're shelling out to known commands, not relying on user-defined input. - text: 'G204' # G204: Audit use of command execution linters: - gosec # the choice of weakrand is deliberate, hence the named import "weakrand" - path: modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/selectionpolicies.go text: 'G404' # G404: Insecure random number source (rand) linters: - gosec - path: modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/streaming.go text: 'G404' # G404: Insecure random number source (rand) linters: - gosec
before: hooks: # The build is done in this particular way to build Caddy in a designated directory named in .gitignore. # This is so we can run goreleaser on tag without Git complaining of being dirty. The main.go in cmd/caddy directory # cannot be built within that directory due to changes necessary for the build causing Git to be dirty, which # subsequently causes gorleaser to refuse running. - rm -rf caddy-build caddy-dist vendor # vendor Caddy deps - go mod vendor - mkdir -p caddy-build - cp cmd/caddy/main.go caddy-build/main.go - /bin/sh -c 'cd ./caddy-build && go mod init caddy' # GoReleaser doesn't seem to offer {{.Tag}} at this stage, so we have to embed it into the env # so we run: TAG=$(git describe --abbrev=0) goreleaser release --rm-dist --skip-publish --skip-validate - go mod edit{{.Env.TAG}} ./caddy-build/go.mod # as of Go 1.16, `go` commands no longer automatically change go.{mod,sum}. We now have to explicitly # run `go mod tidy`. The `/bin/sh -c '...'` is because goreleaser can't find cd in PATH without shell invocation. - /bin/sh -c 'cd ./caddy-build && go mod tidy' # vendor the deps of the prepared to-build module - /bin/sh -c 'cd ./caddy-build && go mod vendor' - git clone --depth 1 caddy-dist - mkdir -p caddy-dist/man - go mod download - go run cmd/caddy/main.go manpage --directory ./caddy-dist/man - gzip -r ./caddy-dist/man/ - /bin/sh -c 'go run cmd/caddy/main.go completion bash > ./caddy-dist/scripts/bash-completion' builds: - env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 - GO111MODULE=on main: main.go dir: ./caddy-build binary: caddy goos: - darwin - linux - windows - freebsd goarch: - amd64 - arm - arm64 - s390x - ppc64le - riscv64 goarm: - "5" - "6" - "7" ignore: - goos: darwin goarch: arm - goos: darwin goarch: ppc64le - goos: darwin goarch: s390x - goos: darwin goarch: riscv64 - goos: windows goarch: ppc64le - goos: windows goarch: s390x - goos: windows goarch: riscv64 - goos: freebsd goarch: ppc64le - goos: freebsd goarch: s390x - goos: freebsd goarch: riscv64 - goos: freebsd goarch: arm goarm: "5" flags: - -trimpath - -mod=readonly ldflags: - -s -w signs: - cmd: cosign signature: "${artifact}.sig" certificate: '{{ trimsuffix (trimsuffix .Env.artifact ".zip") ".tar.gz" }}.pem' args: ["sign-blob", "--yes", "--output-signature=${signature}", "--output-certificate", "${certificate}", "${artifact}"] artifacts: all sboms: - artifacts: binary documents: - >- {{ .ProjectName }}_ {{- .Version }}_ {{- if eq .Os "darwin" }}mac{{ else }}{{ .Os }}{{ end }}_ {{- .Arch }} {{- with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }} {{- with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }} {{- if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }}.sbom cmd: syft args: ["$artifact", "--file", "${document}", "--output", "cyclonedx-json"] archives: - id: default format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip name_template: >- {{ .ProjectName }}_ {{- .Version }}_ {{- if eq .Os "darwin" }}mac{{ else }}{{ .Os }}{{ end }}_ {{- .Arch }} {{- with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }} {{- with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }} {{- if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }} # package the 'caddy-build' directory into a tarball, # allowing users to build the exact same set of files as ours. - id: source meta: true name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_buildable-artifact" files: - src: LICENSE dst: ./LICENSE - src: dst: ./ - src: AUTHORS dst: ./AUTHORS - src: ./caddy-build dst: ./ source: enabled: true name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_src' format: 'tar.gz' # Additional files/template/globs you want to add to the source archive. # # Default: empty. files: - vendor checksum: algorithm: sha512 nfpms: - id: default package_name: caddy vendor: Dyanim homepage: maintainer: Matthew Holt <> description: | Caddy - Powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go license: Apache 2.0 formats: - deb # - rpm bindir: /usr/bin contents: - src: ./caddy-dist/init/caddy.service dst: /lib/systemd/system/caddy.service - src: ./caddy-dist/init/caddy-api.service dst: /lib/systemd/system/caddy-api.service - src: ./caddy-dist/welcome/index.html dst: /usr/share/caddy/index.html - src: ./caddy-dist/scripts/bash-completion dst: /etc/bash_completion.d/caddy - src: ./caddy-dist/config/Caddyfile dst: /etc/caddy/Caddyfile type: config - src: ./caddy-dist/man/* dst: /usr/share/man/man8/ scripts: postinstall: ./caddy-dist/scripts/ preremove: ./caddy-dist/scripts/ postremove: ./caddy-dist/scripts/ release: github: owner: caddyserver name: caddy draft: true prerelease: auto changelog: sort: asc filters: exclude: - '^chore:' - '^ci:' - '^docs?:' - '^readme:' - '^tests?:' - '^\w+\s+' # a hack to remove commit messages without colons thus don't correspond to a package
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "expvar" "fmt" "hash" "hash/fnv" "io" "net" "net/http" "net/http/pprof" "net/url" "os" "path" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { // The hard-coded default `DefaultAdminListen` can be overidden // by setting the `CADDY_ADMIN` environment variable. // The environment variable may be used by packagers to change // the default admin address to something more appropriate for // that platform. See #5317 for discussion. if env, exists := os.LookupEnv("CADDY_ADMIN"); exists { DefaultAdminListen = env } } // AdminConfig configures Caddy's API endpoint, which is used // to manage Caddy while it is running. type AdminConfig struct { // If true, the admin endpoint will be completely disabled. // Note that this makes any runtime changes to the config // impossible, since the interface to do so is through the // admin endpoint. Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // The address to which the admin endpoint's listener should // bind itself. Can be any single network address that can be // parsed by Caddy. Accepts placeholders. // Default: the value of the `CADDY_ADMIN` environment variable, // or `localhost:2019` otherwise. // // Remember: When changing this value through a config reload, // be sure to use the `--address` CLI flag to specify the current // admin address if the currently-running admin endpoint is not // the default address. Listen string `json:"listen,omitempty"` // If true, CORS headers will be emitted, and requests to the // API will be rejected if their `Host` and `Origin` headers // do not match the expected value(s). Use `origins` to // customize which origins/hosts are allowed. If `origins` is // not set, the listen address is the only value allowed by // default. Enforced only on local (plaintext) endpoint. EnforceOrigin bool `json:"enforce_origin,omitempty"` // The list of allowed origins/hosts for API requests. Only needed // if accessing the admin endpoint from a host different from the // socket's network interface or if `enforce_origin` is true. If not // set, the listener address will be the default value. If set but // empty, no origins will be allowed. Enforced only on local // (plaintext) endpoint. Origins []string `json:"origins,omitempty"` // Options pertaining to configuration management. Config *ConfigSettings `json:"config,omitempty"` // Options that establish this server's identity. Identity refers to // credentials which can be used to uniquely identify and authenticate // this server instance. This is required if remote administration is // enabled (but does not require remote administration to be enabled). // Default: no identity management. Identity *IdentityConfig `json:"identity,omitempty"` // Options pertaining to remote administration. By default, remote // administration is disabled. If enabled, identity management must // also be configured, as that is how the endpoint is secured. // See the neighboring "identity" object. // // EXPERIMENTAL: This feature is subject to change. Remote *RemoteAdmin `json:"remote,omitempty"` // Holds onto the routers so that we can later provision them // if they require provisioning. routers []AdminRouter } // ConfigSettings configures the management of configuration. type ConfigSettings struct { // Whether to keep a copy of the active config on disk. Default is true. // Note that "pulled" dynamic configs (using the neighboring "load" module) // are not persisted; only configs that are pushed to Caddy get persisted. Persist *bool `json:"persist,omitempty"` // Loads a new configuration. This is helpful if your configs are // managed elsewhere and you want Caddy to pull its config dynamically // when it starts. The pulled config completely replaces the current // one, just like any other config load. It is an error if a pulled // config is configured to pull another config without a load_delay, // as this creates a tight loop. // // EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change. LoadRaw json.RawMessage `json:"load,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=caddy.config_loaders inline_key=module"` // The duration after which to load config. If set, config will be pulled // from the config loader after this duration. A delay is required if a // dynamically-loaded config is configured to load yet another config. To // load configs on a regular interval, ensure this value is set the same // on all loaded configs; it can also be variable if needed, and to stop // the loop, simply remove dynamic config loading from the next-loaded // config. // // EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change. LoadDelay Duration `json:"load_delay,omitempty"` } // IdentityConfig configures management of this server's identity. An identity // consists of credentials that uniquely verify this instance; for example, // TLS certificates (public + private key pairs). type IdentityConfig struct { // List of names or IP addresses which refer to this server. // Certificates will be obtained for these identifiers so // secure TLS connections can be made using them. Identifiers []string `json:"identifiers,omitempty"` // Issuers that can provide this admin endpoint its identity // certificate(s). Default: ACME issuers configured for // ZeroSSL and Let's Encrypt. Be sure to change this if you // require credentials for private identifiers. IssuersRaw []json.RawMessage `json:"issuers,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=tls.issuance inline_key=module"` issuers []certmagic.Issuer } // RemoteAdmin enables and configures remote administration. If enabled, // a secure listener enforcing mutual TLS authentication will be started // on a different port from the standard plaintext admin server. // // This endpoint is secured using identity management, which must be // configured separately (because identity management does not depend // on remote administration). See the admin/identity config struct. // // EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change. type RemoteAdmin struct { // The address on which to start the secure listener. Accepts placeholders. // Default: :2021 Listen string `json:"listen,omitempty"` // List of access controls for this secure admin endpoint. // This configures TLS mutual authentication (i.e. authorized // client certificates), but also application-layer permissions // like which paths and methods each identity is authorized for. AccessControl []*AdminAccess `json:"access_control,omitempty"` } // AdminAccess specifies what permissions an identity or group // of identities are granted. type AdminAccess struct { // Base64-encoded DER certificates containing public keys to accept. // (The contents of PEM certificate blocks are base64-encoded DER.) // Any of these public keys can appear in any part of a verified chain. PublicKeys []string `json:"public_keys,omitempty"` // Limits what the associated identities are allowed to do. // If unspecified, all permissions are granted. Permissions []AdminPermissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` publicKeys []crypto.PublicKey } // AdminPermissions specifies what kinds of requests are allowed // to be made to the admin endpoint. type AdminPermissions struct { // The API paths allowed. Paths are simple prefix matches. // Any subpath of the specified paths will be allowed. Paths []string `json:"paths,omitempty"` // The HTTP methods allowed for the given paths. Methods []string `json:"methods,omitempty"` } // newAdminHandler reads admin's config and returns an http.Handler suitable // for use in an admin endpoint server, which will be listening on listenAddr. func (admin *AdminConfig) newAdminHandler(addr NetworkAddress, remote bool) adminHandler { muxWrap := adminHandler{mux: http.NewServeMux()} // secure the local or remote endpoint respectively if remote { muxWrap.remoteControl = admin.Remote } else { muxWrap.enforceHost = !addr.isWildcardInterface() muxWrap.allowedOrigins = admin.allowedOrigins(addr) muxWrap.enforceOrigin = admin.EnforceOrigin } addRouteWithMetrics := func(pattern string, handlerLabel string, h http.Handler) { labels := prometheus.Labels{"path": pattern, "handler": handlerLabel} h = instrumentHandlerCounter( adminMetrics.requestCount.MustCurryWith(labels), h, ) muxWrap.mux.Handle(pattern, h) } // addRoute just calls muxWrap.mux.Handle after // wrapping the handler with error handling addRoute := func(pattern string, handlerLabel string, h AdminHandler) { wrapper := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := h.ServeHTTP(w, r) if err != nil { labels := prometheus.Labels{ "path": pattern, "handler": handlerLabel, "method": strings.ToUpper(r.Method), } adminMetrics.requestErrors.With(labels).Inc() } muxWrap.handleError(w, r, err) }) addRouteWithMetrics(pattern, handlerLabel, wrapper) } const handlerLabel = "admin" // register standard config control endpoints addRoute("/"+rawConfigKey+"/", handlerLabel, AdminHandlerFunc(handleConfig)) addRoute("/id/", handlerLabel, AdminHandlerFunc(handleConfigID)) addRoute("/stop", handlerLabel, AdminHandlerFunc(handleStop)) // register debugging endpoints addRouteWithMetrics("/debug/pprof/", handlerLabel, http.HandlerFunc(pprof.Index)) addRouteWithMetrics("/debug/pprof/cmdline", handlerLabel, http.HandlerFunc(pprof.Cmdline)) addRouteWithMetrics("/debug/pprof/profile", handlerLabel, http.HandlerFunc(pprof.Profile)) addRouteWithMetrics("/debug/pprof/symbol", handlerLabel, http.HandlerFunc(pprof.Symbol)) addRouteWithMetrics("/debug/pprof/trace", handlerLabel, http.HandlerFunc(pprof.Trace)) addRouteWithMetrics("/debug/vars", handlerLabel, expvar.Handler()) // register third-party module endpoints for _, m := range GetModules("admin.api") { router := m.New().(AdminRouter) handlerLabel := m.ID.Name() for _, route := range router.Routes() { addRoute(route.Pattern, handlerLabel, route.Handler) } admin.routers = append(admin.routers, router) } return muxWrap } // provisionAdminRouters provisions all the router modules // in the admin.api namespace that need provisioning. func (admin *AdminConfig) provisionAdminRouters(ctx Context) error { for _, router := range admin.routers { provisioner, ok := router.(Provisioner) if !ok { continue } err := provisioner.Provision(ctx) if err != nil { return err } } // We no longer need the routers once provisioned, allow for GC admin.routers = nil return nil } // allowedOrigins returns a list of origins that are allowed. // If admin.Origins is nil (null), the provided listen address // will be used as the default origin. If admin.Origins is // empty, no origins will be allowed, effectively bricking the // endpoint for non-unix-socket endpoints, but whatever. func (admin AdminConfig) allowedOrigins(addr NetworkAddress) []*url.URL { uniqueOrigins := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, o := range admin.Origins { uniqueOrigins[o] = struct{}{} } if admin.Origins == nil { if addr.isLoopback() { if addr.IsUnixNetwork() { // RFC 2616, Section 14.26: // "A client MUST include a Host header field in all HTTP/1.1 request // messages. If the requested URI does not include an Internet host // name for the service being requested, then the Host header field MUST // be given with an empty value." // // UPDATE July 2023: Go broke this by patching a minor security bug in 1.20.6. // Understandable, but frustrating. See: // // See also the discussion here: // // // We can no longer conform to RFC 2616 Section 14.26 from either Go or curl // in purity. (Curl allowed no host between 7.40 and 7.50, but now requires a // bogus host; see If we disable Host/Origin // security checks, the infosec community assures me that it is secure to do // so, because: // 1) Browsers do not allow access to unix sockets // 2) DNS is irrelevant to unix sockets // // I am not quite ready to trust either of those external factors, so instead // of disabling Host/Origin checks, we now allow specific Host values when // accessing the admin endpoint over unix sockets. I definitely don't trust // DNS (e.g. I don't trust 'localhost' to always resolve to the local host), // and IP shouldn't even be used, but if it is for some reason, I think we can // at least be reasonably assured that and ::1 route to the local // machine, meaning that a hypothetical browser origin would have to be on the // local machine as well. uniqueOrigins[""] = struct{}{} uniqueOrigins[""] = struct{}{} uniqueOrigins["::1"] = struct{}{} } else { uniqueOrigins[net.JoinHostPort("localhost", addr.port())] = struct{}{} uniqueOrigins[net.JoinHostPort("::1", addr.port())] = struct{}{} uniqueOrigins[net.JoinHostPort("", addr.port())] = struct{}{} } } if !addr.IsUnixNetwork() { uniqueOrigins[addr.JoinHostPort(0)] = struct{}{} } } allowed := make([]*url.URL, 0, len(uniqueOrigins)) for originStr := range uniqueOrigins { var origin *url.URL if strings.Contains(originStr, "://") { var err error origin, err = url.Parse(originStr) if err != nil { continue } origin.Path = "" origin.RawPath = "" origin.Fragment = "" origin.RawFragment = "" origin.RawQuery = "" } else { origin = &url.URL{Host: originStr} } allowed = append(allowed, origin) } return allowed } // replaceLocalAdminServer replaces the running local admin server // according to the relevant configuration in cfg. If no configuration // for the admin endpoint exists in cfg, a default one is used, so // that there is always an admin server (unless it is explicitly // configured to be disabled). func replaceLocalAdminServer(cfg *Config) error { // always* be sure to close down the old admin endpoint // as gracefully as possible, even if the new one is // disabled -- careful to use reference to the current // (old) admin endpoint since it will be different // when the function returns // (* except if the new one fails to start) oldAdminServer := localAdminServer var err error defer func() { // do the shutdown asynchronously so that any // current API request gets a response; this // goroutine may last a few seconds if oldAdminServer != nil && err == nil { go func(oldAdminServer *http.Server) { err := stopAdminServer(oldAdminServer) if err != nil { Log().Named("admin").Error("stopping current admin endpoint", zap.Error(err)) } }(oldAdminServer) } }() // set a default if admin wasn't otherwise configured if cfg.Admin == nil { cfg.Admin = &AdminConfig{ Listen: DefaultAdminListen, } } // if new admin endpoint is to be disabled, we're done if cfg.Admin.Disabled { Log().Named("admin").Warn("admin endpoint disabled") return nil } // extract a singular listener address addr, err := parseAdminListenAddr(cfg.Admin.Listen, DefaultAdminListen) if err != nil { return err } handler := cfg.Admin.newAdminHandler(addr, false) ln, err := addr.Listen(context.TODO(), 0, net.ListenConfig{}) if err != nil { return err } serverMu.Lock() localAdminServer = &http.Server{ Addr: addr.String(), // for logging purposes only Handler: handler, ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second, ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Second, IdleTimeout: 60 * time.Second, MaxHeaderBytes: 1024 * 64, } serverMu.Unlock() adminLogger := Log().Named("admin") go func() { serverMu.Lock() server := localAdminServer serverMu.Unlock() if err := server.Serve(ln.(net.Listener)); !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) { adminLogger.Error("admin server shutdown for unknown reason", zap.Error(err)) } }() adminLogger.Info("admin endpoint started", zap.String("address", addr.String()), zap.Bool("enforce_origin", cfg.Admin.EnforceOrigin), zap.Array("origins", loggableURLArray(handler.allowedOrigins))) if !handler.enforceHost { adminLogger.Warn("admin endpoint on open interface; host checking disabled", zap.String("address", addr.String())) } return nil } // manageIdentity sets up automated identity management for this server. func manageIdentity(ctx Context, cfg *Config) error { if cfg == nil || cfg.Admin == nil || cfg.Admin.Identity == nil { return nil } // set default issuers; this is pretty hacky because we can't // import the caddytls package -- but it works if cfg.Admin.Identity.IssuersRaw == nil { cfg.Admin.Identity.IssuersRaw = []json.RawMessage{ json.RawMessage(`{"module": "zerossl"}`), json.RawMessage(`{"module": "acme"}`), } } // load and provision issuer modules if cfg.Admin.Identity.IssuersRaw != nil { val, err := ctx.LoadModule(cfg.Admin.Identity, "IssuersRaw") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading identity issuer modules: %s", err) } for _, issVal := range val.([]any) { cfg.Admin.Identity.issuers = append(cfg.Admin.Identity.issuers, issVal.(certmagic.Issuer)) } } // we'll make a new cache when we make the CertMagic config, so stop any previous cache if identityCertCache != nil { identityCertCache.Stop() } logger := Log().Named("admin.identity") cmCfg := cfg.Admin.Identity.certmagicConfig(logger, true) // issuers have circular dependencies with the configs because, // as explained in the caddytls package, they need access to the // correct storage and cache to solve ACME challenges for _, issuer := range cfg.Admin.Identity.issuers { // avoid import cycle with caddytls package, so manually duplicate the interface here, yuck if annoying, ok := issuer.(interface{ SetConfig(cfg *certmagic.Config) }); ok { annoying.SetConfig(cmCfg) } } // obtain and renew server identity certificate(s) return cmCfg.ManageAsync(ctx, cfg.Admin.Identity.Identifiers) } // replaceRemoteAdminServer replaces the running remote admin server // according to the relevant configuration in cfg. It stops any previous // remote admin server and only starts a new one if configured. func replaceRemoteAdminServer(ctx Context, cfg *Config) error { if cfg == nil { return nil } remoteLogger := Log().Named("admin.remote") oldAdminServer := remoteAdminServer defer func() { if oldAdminServer != nil { go func(oldAdminServer *http.Server) { err := stopAdminServer(oldAdminServer) if err != nil { Log().Named("admin").Error("stopping current secure admin endpoint", zap.Error(err)) } }(oldAdminServer) } }() if cfg.Admin == nil || cfg.Admin.Remote == nil { return nil } addr, err := parseAdminListenAddr(cfg.Admin.Remote.Listen, DefaultRemoteAdminListen) if err != nil { return err } // make the HTTP handler but disable Host/Origin enforcement // because we are using TLS authentication instead handler := cfg.Admin.newAdminHandler(addr, true) // create client certificate pool for TLS mutual auth, and extract public keys // so that we can enforce access controls at the application layer clientCertPool := x509.NewCertPool() for i, accessControl := range cfg.Admin.Remote.AccessControl { for j, certBase64 := range accessControl.PublicKeys { cert, err := decodeBase64DERCert(certBase64) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("access control %d public key %d: parsing base64 certificate DER: %v", i, j, err) } accessControl.publicKeys = append(accessControl.publicKeys, cert.PublicKey) clientCertPool.AddCert(cert) } } // create TLS config that will enforce mutual authentication if identityCertCache == nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot enable remote admin without a certificate cache; configure identity management to initialize a certificate cache") } cmCfg := cfg.Admin.Identity.certmagicConfig(remoteLogger, false) tlsConfig := cmCfg.TLSConfig() tlsConfig.NextProtos = nil // this server does not solve ACME challenges tlsConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert tlsConfig.ClientCAs = clientCertPool // convert logger to stdlib so it can be used by HTTP server serverLogger, err := zap.NewStdLogAt(remoteLogger, zap.DebugLevel) if err != nil { return err } serverMu.Lock() // create secure HTTP server remoteAdminServer = &http.Server{ Addr: addr.String(), // for logging purposes only Handler: handler, TLSConfig: tlsConfig, ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second, ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Second, IdleTimeout: 60 * time.Second, MaxHeaderBytes: 1024 * 64, ErrorLog: serverLogger, } serverMu.Unlock() // start listener lnAny, err := addr.Listen(ctx, 0, net.ListenConfig{}) if err != nil { return err } ln := lnAny.(net.Listener) ln = tls.NewListener(ln, tlsConfig) go func() { serverMu.Lock() server := remoteAdminServer serverMu.Unlock() if err := server.Serve(ln); !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) { remoteLogger.Error("admin remote server shutdown for unknown reason", zap.Error(err)) } }() remoteLogger.Info("secure admin remote control endpoint started", zap.String("address", addr.String())) return nil } func (ident *IdentityConfig) certmagicConfig(logger *zap.Logger, makeCache bool) *certmagic.Config { var cmCfg *certmagic.Config if ident == nil { // user might not have configured identity; that's OK, we can still make a // certmagic config, although it'll be mostly useless for remote management ident = new(IdentityConfig) } template := certmagic.Config{ Storage: DefaultStorage, // do not act as part of a cluster (this is for the server's local identity) Logger: logger, Issuers: ident.issuers, } if makeCache { identityCertCache = certmagic.NewCache(certmagic.CacheOptions{ GetConfigForCert: func(certmagic.Certificate) (*certmagic.Config, error) { return cmCfg, nil }, Logger: logger.Named("cache"), }) } cmCfg = certmagic.New(identityCertCache, template) return cmCfg } // IdentityCredentials returns this instance's configured, managed identity credentials // that can be used in TLS client authentication. func (ctx Context) IdentityCredentials(logger *zap.Logger) ([]tls.Certificate, error) { if ctx.cfg == nil || ctx.cfg.Admin == nil || ctx.cfg.Admin.Identity == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no server identity configured") } ident := ctx.cfg.Admin.Identity if len(ident.Identifiers) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no identifiers configured") } if logger == nil { logger = Log() } magic := ident.certmagicConfig(logger, false) return magic.ClientCredentials(ctx, ident.Identifiers) } // enforceAccessControls enforces application-layer access controls for r based on remote. // It expects that the TLS server has already established at least one verified chain of // trust, and then looks for a matching, authorized public key that is allowed to access // the defined path(s) using the defined method(s). func (remote RemoteAdmin) enforceAccessControls(r *http.Request) error { for _, chain := range r.TLS.VerifiedChains { for _, peerCert := range chain { for _, adminAccess := range remote.AccessControl { for _, allowedKey := range adminAccess.publicKeys { // see if we found a matching public key; the TLS server already verified the chain // so we know the client possesses the associated private key; this handy interface // doesn't appear to be defined anywhere in the std lib, but was implemented here: // comparer, ok := peerCert.PublicKey.(interface{ Equal(crypto.PublicKey) bool }) if !ok || !comparer.Equal(allowedKey) { continue } // key recognized; make sure its HTTP request is permitted for _, accessPerm := range adminAccess.Permissions { // verify method methodFound := accessPerm.Methods == nil for _, method := range accessPerm.Methods { if method == r.Method { methodFound = true break } } if !methodFound { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden, Message: "not authorized to use this method", } } // verify path pathFound := accessPerm.Paths == nil for _, allowedPath := range accessPerm.Paths { if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, allowedPath) { pathFound = true break } } if !pathFound { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden, Message: "not authorized to access this path", } } } // public key authorized, method and path allowed return nil } } } } // in theory, this should never happen; with an unverified chain, the TLS server // should not accept the connection in the first place, and the acceptable cert // pool is configured using the same list of public keys we verify against return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized, Message: "client identity not authorized", } } func stopAdminServer(srv *http.Server) error { if srv == nil { return fmt.Errorf("no admin server") } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second) defer cancel() err := srv.Shutdown(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("shutting down admin server: %v", err) } Log().Named("admin").Info("stopped previous server", zap.String("address", srv.Addr)) return nil } // AdminRouter is a type which can return routes for the admin API. type AdminRouter interface { Routes() []AdminRoute } // AdminRoute represents a route for the admin endpoint. type AdminRoute struct { Pattern string Handler AdminHandler } type adminHandler struct { mux *http.ServeMux // security for local/plaintext endpoint enforceOrigin bool enforceHost bool allowedOrigins []*url.URL // security for remote/encrypted endpoint remoteControl *RemoteAdmin } // ServeHTTP is the external entry point for API requests. // It will only be called once per request. func (h adminHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ip, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(r.RemoteAddr) if err != nil { ip = r.RemoteAddr port = "" } log := Log().Named("admin.api").With( zap.String("method", r.Method), zap.String("host", r.Host), zap.String("uri", r.RequestURI), zap.String("remote_ip", ip), zap.String("remote_port", port), zap.Reflect("headers", r.Header), ) if r.TLS != nil { log = log.With( zap.Bool("secure", true), zap.Int("verified_chains", len(r.TLS.VerifiedChains)), ) } if r.RequestURI == "/metrics" { log.Debug("received request") } else { log.Info("received request") } h.serveHTTP(w, r) } // serveHTTP is the internal entry point for API requests. It may // be called more than once per request, for example if a request // is rewritten (i.e. internal redirect). func (h adminHandler) serveHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if h.remoteControl != nil { // enforce access controls on secure endpoint if err := h.remoteControl.enforceAccessControls(r); err != nil { h.handleError(w, r, err) return } } if strings.Contains(r.Header.Get("Upgrade"), "websocket") { // I've never been able demonstrate a vulnerability myself, but apparently // WebSocket connections originating from browsers aren't subject to CORS // restrictions, so we'll just be on the safe side h.handleError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("websocket connections aren't allowed")) return } if h.enforceHost { // DNS rebinding mitigation err := h.checkHost(r) if err != nil { h.handleError(w, r, err) return } } if h.enforceOrigin { // cross-site mitigation origin, err := h.checkOrigin(r) if err != nil { h.handleError(w, r, err) return } if r.Method == http.MethodOptions { w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE") w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Content-Length, Cache-Control") w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") } w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin) } h.mux.ServeHTTP(w, r) } func (h adminHandler) handleError(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { if err == nil { return } if err == errInternalRedir { h.serveHTTP(w, r) return } apiErr, ok := err.(APIError) if !ok { apiErr = APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError, Err: err, } } if apiErr.HTTPStatus == 0 { apiErr.HTTPStatus = http.StatusInternalServerError } if apiErr.Message == "" && apiErr.Err != nil { apiErr.Message = apiErr.Err.Error() } Log().Named("admin.api").Error("request error", zap.Error(err), zap.Int("status_code", apiErr.HTTPStatus), ) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(apiErr.HTTPStatus) encErr := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(apiErr) if encErr != nil { Log().Named("admin.api").Error("failed to encode error response", zap.Error(encErr)) } } // checkHost returns a handler that wraps next such that // it will only be called if the request's Host header matches // a trustworthy/expected value. This helps to mitigate DNS // rebinding attacks. func (h adminHandler) checkHost(r *http.Request) error { var allowed bool for _, allowedOrigin := range h.allowedOrigins { if r.Host == allowedOrigin.Host { allowed = true break } } if !allowed { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden, Err: fmt.Errorf("host not allowed: %s", r.Host), } } return nil } // checkOrigin ensures that the Origin header, if // set, matches the intended target; prevents arbitrary // sites from issuing requests to our listener. It // returns the origin that was obtained from r. func (h adminHandler) checkOrigin(r *http.Request) (string, error) { originStr, origin := h.getOrigin(r) if origin == nil { return "", APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden, Err: fmt.Errorf("required Origin header is missing or invalid"), } } if !h.originAllowed(origin) { return "", APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden, Err: fmt.Errorf("client is not allowed to access from origin '%s'", originStr), } } return origin.String(), nil } func (h adminHandler) getOrigin(r *http.Request) (string, *url.URL) { origin := r.Header.Get("Origin") if origin == "" { origin = r.Header.Get("Referer") } originURL, err := url.Parse(origin) if err != nil { return origin, nil } originURL.Path = "" originURL.RawPath = "" originURL.Fragment = "" originURL.RawFragment = "" originURL.RawQuery = "" return origin, originURL } func (h adminHandler) originAllowed(origin *url.URL) bool { for _, allowedOrigin := range h.allowedOrigins { if allowedOrigin.Scheme != "" && origin.Scheme != allowedOrigin.Scheme { continue } if origin.Host == allowedOrigin.Host { return true } } return false } // etagHasher returns a the hasher we used on the config to both // produce and verify ETags. func etagHasher() hash.Hash32 { return fnv.New32a() } // makeEtag returns an Etag header value (including quotes) for // the given config path and hash of contents at that path. func makeEtag(path string, hash hash.Hash) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s %x"`, path, hash.Sum(nil)) } func handleConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { switch r.Method { case http.MethodGet: w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") // Set the ETag as a trailer header. // The alternative is to write the config to a buffer, and // then hash that. w.Header().Set("Trailer", "ETag") hash := etagHasher() configWriter := io.MultiWriter(w, hash) err := readConfig(r.URL.Path, configWriter) if err != nil { return APIError{HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: err} } // we could consider setting up a sync.Pool for the summed // hashes to reduce GC pressure. w.Header().Set("Etag", makeEtag(r.URL.Path, hash)) return nil case http.MethodPost, http.MethodPut, http.MethodPatch, http.MethodDelete: // DELETE does not use a body, but the others do var body []byte if r.Method != http.MethodDelete { if ct := r.Header.Get("Content-Type"); !strings.Contains(ct, "/json") { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("unacceptable content-type: %v; 'application/json' required", ct), } } buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) buf.Reset() defer bufPool.Put(buf) _, err := io.Copy(buf, r.Body) if err != nil { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("reading request body: %v", err), } } body = buf.Bytes() } forceReload := r.Header.Get("Cache-Control") == "must-revalidate" err := changeConfig(r.Method, r.URL.Path, body, r.Header.Get("If-Match"), forceReload) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errSameConfig) { return err } default: return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, Err: fmt.Errorf("method %s not allowed", r.Method), } } return nil } func handleConfigID(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { idPath := r.URL.Path parts := strings.Split(idPath, "/") if len(parts) < 3 || parts[2] == "" { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("request path is missing object ID"), } } if parts[0] != "" || parts[1] != "id" { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("malformed object path"), } } id := parts[2] // map the ID to the expanded path rawCfgMu.RLock() expanded, ok := rawCfgIndex[id] rawCfgMu.RUnlock() if !ok { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusNotFound, Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown object ID '%s'", id), } } // piece the full URL path back together parts = append([]string{expanded}, parts[3:]...) r.URL.Path = path.Join(parts...) return errInternalRedir } func handleStop(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { if r.Method != http.MethodPost { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, Err: fmt.Errorf("method not allowed"), } } exitProcess(context.Background(), Log().Named("admin.api")) return nil } // unsyncedConfigAccess traverses into the current config and performs // the operation at path according to method, using body and out as // needed. This is a low-level, unsynchronized function; most callers // will want to use changeConfig or readConfig instead. This requires a // read or write lock on currentCtxMu, depending on method (GET needs // only a read lock; all others need a write lock). func unsyncedConfigAccess(method, path string, body []byte, out io.Writer) error { var err error var val any // if there is a request body, decode it into the // variable that will be set in the config according // to method and path if len(body) > 0 { err = json.Unmarshal(body, &val) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("decoding request body: %v", err) } } enc := json.NewEncoder(out) cleanPath := strings.Trim(path, "/") if cleanPath == "" { return fmt.Errorf("no traversable path") } parts := strings.Split(cleanPath, "/") if len(parts) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("path missing") } // A path that ends with "..." implies: // 1) the part before it is an array // 2) the payload is an array // and means that the user wants to expand the elements // in the payload array and append each one into the // destination array, like so: // array = append(array, elems...) // This special case is handled below. ellipses := parts[len(parts)-1] == "..." if ellipses { parts = parts[:len(parts)-1] } var ptr any = rawCfg traverseLoop: for i, part := range parts { switch v := ptr.(type) { case map[string]any: // if the next part enters a slice, and the slice is our destination, // handle it specially (because appending to the slice copies the slice // header, which does not replace the original one like we want) if arr, ok := v[part].([]any); ok && i == len(parts)-2 { var idx int if method != http.MethodPost { idxStr := parts[len(parts)-1] idx, err = strconv.Atoi(idxStr) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[%s] invalid array index '%s': %v", path, idxStr, err) } if idx < 0 || idx >= len(arr) { return fmt.Errorf("[%s] array index out of bounds: %s", path, idxStr) } } switch method { case http.MethodGet: err = enc.Encode(arr[idx]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("encoding config: %v", err) } case http.MethodPost: if ellipses { valArray, ok := val.([]any) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("final element is not an array") } v[part] = append(arr, valArray...) } else { v[part] = append(arr, val) } case http.MethodPut: // avoid creation of new slice and a second copy (see // arr = append(arr, nil) copy(arr[idx+1:], arr[idx:]) arr[idx] = val v[part] = arr case http.MethodPatch: arr[idx] = val case http.MethodDelete: v[part] = append(arr[:idx], arr[idx+1:]...) default: return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized method %s", method) } break traverseLoop } if i == len(parts)-1 { switch method { case http.MethodGet: err = enc.Encode(v[part]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("encoding config: %v", err) } case http.MethodPost: // if the part is an existing list, POST appends to // it, otherwise it just sets or creates the value if arr, ok := v[part].([]any); ok { if ellipses { valArray, ok := val.([]any) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("final element is not an array") } v[part] = append(arr, valArray...) } else { v[part] = append(arr, val) } } else { v[part] = val } case http.MethodPut: if _, ok := v[part]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("[%s] key already exists: %s", path, part) } v[part] = val case http.MethodPatch: if _, ok := v[part]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("[%s] key does not exist: %s", path, part) } v[part] = val case http.MethodDelete: delete(v, part) default: return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized method %s", method) } } else { // if we are "PUTting" a new resource, the key(s) in its path // might not exist yet; that's OK but we need to make them as // we go, while we still have a pointer from the level above if v[part] == nil && method == http.MethodPut { v[part] = make(map[string]any) } ptr = v[part] } case []any: partInt, err := strconv.Atoi(part) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[/%s] invalid array index '%s': %v", strings.Join(parts[:i+1], "/"), part, err) } if partInt < 0 || partInt >= len(v) { return fmt.Errorf("[/%s] array index out of bounds: %s", strings.Join(parts[:i+1], "/"), part) } ptr = v[partInt] default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid traversal path at: %s", strings.Join(parts[:i+1], "/")) } } return nil } // RemoveMetaFields removes meta fields like "@id" from a JSON message // by using a simple regular expression. (An alternate way to do this // would be to delete them from the raw, map[string]any // representation as they are indexed, then iterate the index we made // and add them back after encoding as JSON, but this is simpler.) func RemoveMetaFields(rawJSON []byte) []byte { return idRegexp.ReplaceAllFunc(rawJSON, func(in []byte) []byte { // matches with a comma on both sides (when "@id" property is // not the first or last in the object) need to keep exactly // one comma for correct JSON syntax comma := []byte{','} if bytes.HasPrefix(in, comma) && bytes.HasSuffix(in, comma) { return comma } return []byte{} }) } // AdminHandler is like http.Handler except ServeHTTP may return an error. // // If any handler encounters an error, it should be returned for proper // handling. type AdminHandler interface { ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) error } // AdminHandlerFunc is a convenience type like http.HandlerFunc. type AdminHandlerFunc func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) error // ServeHTTP implements the Handler interface. func (f AdminHandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { return f(w, r) } // APIError is a structured error that every API // handler should return for consistency in logging // and client responses. If Message is unset, then // Err.Error() will be serialized in its place. type APIError struct { HTTPStatus int `json:"-"` Err error `json:"-"` Message string `json:"error"` } func (e APIError) Error() string { if e.Err != nil { return e.Err.Error() } return e.Message } // parseAdminListenAddr extracts a singular listen address from either addr // or defaultAddr, returning the network and the address of the listener. func parseAdminListenAddr(addr string, defaultAddr string) (NetworkAddress, error) { input, err := NewReplacer().ReplaceOrErr(addr, true, true) if err != nil { return NetworkAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("replacing listen address: %v", err) } if input == "" { input = defaultAddr } listenAddr, err := ParseNetworkAddress(input) if err != nil { return NetworkAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing listener address: %v", err) } if listenAddr.PortRangeSize() != 1 { return NetworkAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("must be exactly one listener address; cannot listen on: %s", listenAddr) } return listenAddr, nil } // decodeBase64DERCert base64-decodes, then DER-decodes, certStr. func decodeBase64DERCert(certStr string) (*x509.Certificate, error) { derBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(certStr) if err != nil { return nil, err } return x509.ParseCertificate(derBytes) } type loggableURLArray []*url.URL func (ua loggableURLArray) MarshalLogArray(enc zapcore.ArrayEncoder) error { if ua == nil { return nil } for _, u := range ua { enc.AppendString(u.String()) } return nil } var ( // DefaultAdminListen is the address for the local admin // listener, if none is specified at startup. DefaultAdminListen = "localhost:2019" // DefaultRemoteAdminListen is the address for the remote // (TLS-authenticated) admin listener, if enabled and not // specified otherwise. DefaultRemoteAdminListen = ":2021" ) // PIDFile writes a pidfile to the file at filename. It // will get deleted before the process gracefully exits. func PIDFile(filename string) error { pid := []byte(strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid()) + "\n") err := os.WriteFile(filename, pid, 0o600) if err != nil { return err } pidfile = filename return nil } // idRegexp is used to match ID fields and their associated values // in the config. It also matches adjacent commas so that syntax // can be preserved no matter where in the object the field appears. // It supports string and most numeric values. var idRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m),?\s*"` + idKey + `"\s*:\s*(-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|(?U)".*")\s*,?`) // pidfile is the name of the pidfile, if any. var pidfile string // errInternalRedir indicates an internal redirect // and is useful when admin API handlers rewrite // the request; in that case, authentication and // authorization needs to happen again for the // rewritten request. var errInternalRedir = fmt.Errorf("internal redirect; re-authorization required") const ( rawConfigKey = "config" idKey = "@id" ) var bufPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() any { return new(bytes.Buffer) }, } // keep a reference to admin endpoint singletons while they're active var ( serverMu sync.Mutex localAdminServer, remoteAdminServer *http.Server identityCertCache *certmagic.Cache )
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "reflect" "sync" "testing" ) var testCfg = []byte(`{ "apps": { "http": { "servers": { "myserver": { "listen": ["tcp/localhost:8080-8084"], "read_timeout": "30s" }, "yourserver": { "listen": [""], "read_header_timeout": "15s" } } } } } `) func TestUnsyncedConfigAccess(t *testing.T) { // each test is performed in sequence, so // each change builds on the previous ones; // the config is not reset between tests for i, tc := range []struct { method string path string // rawConfigKey will be prepended payload string expect string // JSON representation of what the whole config is expected to be after the request shouldErr bool }{ { method: "POST", path: "", payload: `{"foo": "bar", "list": ["a", "b", "c"]}`, // starting value expect: `{"foo": "bar", "list": ["a", "b", "c"]}`, }, { method: "POST", path: "/foo", payload: `"jet"`, expect: `{"foo": "jet", "list": ["a", "b", "c"]}`, }, { method: "POST", path: "/bar", payload: `{"aa": "bb", "qq": "zz"}`, expect: `{"foo": "jet", "bar": {"aa": "bb", "qq": "zz"}, "list": ["a", "b", "c"]}`, }, { method: "DELETE", path: "/bar/qq", expect: `{"foo": "jet", "bar": {"aa": "bb"}, "list": ["a", "b", "c"]}`, }, { method: "POST", path: "/list", payload: `"e"`, expect: `{"foo": "jet", "bar": {"aa": "bb"}, "list": ["a", "b", "c", "e"]}`, }, { method: "PUT", path: "/list/3", payload: `"d"`, expect: `{"foo": "jet", "bar": {"aa": "bb"}, "list": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]}`, }, { method: "DELETE", path: "/list/3", expect: `{"foo": "jet", "bar": {"aa": "bb"}, "list": ["a", "b", "c", "e"]}`, }, { method: "PATCH", path: "/list/3", payload: `"d"`, expect: `{"foo": "jet", "bar": {"aa": "bb"}, "list": ["a", "b", "c", "d"]}`, }, { method: "POST", path: "/list/...", payload: `["e", "f", "g"]`, expect: `{"foo": "jet", "bar": {"aa": "bb"}, "list": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]}`, }, } { err := unsyncedConfigAccess(tc.method, rawConfigKey+tc.path, []byte(tc.payload), nil) if tc.shouldErr && err == nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected error return value, but got: %v", i, err) } if !tc.shouldErr && err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Should not have had error return value, but got: %v", i, err) } // decode the expected config so we can do a convenient DeepEqual var expectedDecoded any err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(tc.expect), &expectedDecoded) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Unmarshaling expected config: %v", i, err) } // make sure the resulting config is as we expect it if !reflect.DeepEqual(rawCfg[rawConfigKey], expectedDecoded) { t.Fatalf("Test %d:\nExpected:\n\t%#v\nActual:\n\t%#v", i, expectedDecoded, rawCfg[rawConfigKey]) } } } // TestLoadConcurrent exercises Load under concurrent conditions // and is most useful under test with `-race` enabled. func TestLoadConcurrent(t *testing.T) { var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { wg.Add(1) go func() { _ = Load(testCfg, true) wg.Done() }() } wg.Wait() } type fooModule struct { IntField int StrField string } func (fooModule) CaddyModule() ModuleInfo { return ModuleInfo{ ID: "foo", New: func() Module { return new(fooModule) }, } } func (fooModule) Start() error { return nil } func (fooModule) Stop() error { return nil } func TestETags(t *testing.T) { RegisterModule(fooModule{}) if err := Load([]byte(`{"admin": {"listen": "localhost:2999"}, "apps": {"foo": {"strField": "abc", "intField": 0}}}`), true); err != nil { t.Fatalf("loading: %s", err) } const key = "/" + rawConfigKey + "/apps/foo" // try update the config with the wrong etag err := changeConfig(http.MethodPost, key, []byte(`{"strField": "abc", "intField": 1}}`), fmt.Sprintf(`"/%s not_an_etag"`, rawConfigKey), false) if apiErr, ok := err.(APIError); !ok || apiErr.HTTPStatus != http.StatusPreconditionFailed { t.Fatalf("expected precondition failed; got %v", err) } // get the etag hash := etagHasher() if err := readConfig(key, hash); err != nil { t.Fatalf("reading: %s", err) } // do the same update with the correct key err = changeConfig(http.MethodPost, key, []byte(`{"strField": "abc", "intField": 1}`), makeEtag(key, hash), false) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("expected update to work; got %v", err) } // now try another update. The hash should no longer match and we should get precondition failed err = changeConfig(http.MethodPost, key, []byte(`{"strField": "abc", "intField": 2}`), makeEtag(key, hash), false) if apiErr, ok := err.(APIError); !ok || apiErr.HTTPStatus != http.StatusPreconditionFailed { t.Fatalf("expected precondition failed; got %v", err) } } func BenchmarkLoad(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { Load(testCfg, true) } }
# This is the official list of Caddy Authors for copyright purposes. # Authors may be either individual people or legal entities. # # Not all individual contributors are authors. For the full list of # contributors, refer to the project's page on GitHub or the repo's # commit history. Matthew Holt <> Light Code Labs <> Ardan Labs <>
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "log" "net/http" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "runtime/debug" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" "" "" ) // Config is the top (or beginning) of the Caddy configuration structure. // Caddy config is expressed natively as a JSON document. If you prefer // not to work with JSON directly, there are [many config adapters](/docs/config-adapters) // available that can convert various inputs into Caddy JSON. // // Many parts of this config are extensible through the use of Caddy modules. // Fields which have a json.RawMessage type and which appear as dots (•••) in // the online docs can be fulfilled by modules in a certain module // namespace. The docs show which modules can be used in a given place. // // Whenever a module is used, its name must be given either inline as part of // the module, or as the key to the module's value. The docs will make it clear // which to use. // // Generally, all config settings are optional, as it is Caddy convention to // have good, documented default values. If a parameter is required, the docs // should say so. // // Go programs which are directly building a Config struct value should take // care to populate the JSON-encodable fields of the struct (i.e. the fields // with `json` struct tags) if employing the module lifecycle (e.g. Provision // method calls). type Config struct { Admin *AdminConfig `json:"admin,omitempty"` Logging *Logging `json:"logging,omitempty"` // StorageRaw is a storage module that defines how/where Caddy // stores assets (such as TLS certificates). The default storage // module is `` (the local file system), // and the default path // [depends on the OS and environment](/docs/conventions#data-directory). StorageRaw json.RawMessage `json:"storage,omitempty" caddy:" inline_key=module"` // AppsRaw are the apps that Caddy will load and run. The // app module name is the key, and the app's config is the // associated value. AppsRaw ModuleMap `json:"apps,omitempty" caddy:"namespace="` apps map[string]App storage certmagic.Storage cancelFunc context.CancelFunc } // App is a thing that Caddy runs. type App interface { Start() error Stop() error } // Run runs the given config, replacing any existing config. func Run(cfg *Config) error { cfgJSON, err := json.Marshal(cfg) if err != nil { return err } return Load(cfgJSON, true) } // Load loads the given config JSON and runs it only // if it is different from the current config or // forceReload is true. func Load(cfgJSON []byte, forceReload bool) error { if err := notify.Reloading(); err != nil { Log().Error("unable to notify service manager of reloading state", zap.Error(err)) } // after reload, notify system of success or, if // failure, update with status (error message) var err error defer func() { if err != nil { if notifyErr := notify.Error(err, 0); notifyErr != nil { Log().Error("unable to notify to service manager of reload error", zap.Error(notifyErr), zap.String("reload_err", err.Error())) } return } if err := notify.Ready(); err != nil { Log().Error("unable to notify to service manager of ready state", zap.Error(err)) } }() err = changeConfig(http.MethodPost, "/"+rawConfigKey, cfgJSON, "", forceReload) if errors.Is(err, errSameConfig) { err = nil // not really an error } return err } // changeConfig changes the current config (rawCfg) according to the // method, traversed via the given path, and uses the given input as // the new value (if applicable; i.e. "DELETE" doesn't have an input). // If the resulting config is the same as the previous, no reload will // occur unless forceReload is true. If the config is unchanged and not // forcefully reloaded, then errConfigUnchanged This function is safe for // concurrent use. // The ifMatchHeader can optionally be given a string of the format: // // "<path> <hash>" // // where <path> is the absolute path in the config and <hash> is the expected hash of // the config at that path. If the hash in the ifMatchHeader doesn't match // the hash of the config, then an APIError with status 412 will be returned. func changeConfig(method, path string, input []byte, ifMatchHeader string, forceReload bool) error { switch method { case http.MethodGet, http.MethodHead, http.MethodOptions, http.MethodConnect, http.MethodTrace: return fmt.Errorf("method not allowed") } rawCfgMu.Lock() defer rawCfgMu.Unlock() if ifMatchHeader != "" { // expect the first and last character to be quotes if len(ifMatchHeader) < 2 || ifMatchHeader[0] != '"' || ifMatchHeader[len(ifMatchHeader)-1] != '"' { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("malformed If-Match header; expect quoted string"), } } // read out the parts parts := strings.Fields(ifMatchHeader[1 : len(ifMatchHeader)-1]) if len(parts) != 2 { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("malformed If-Match header; expect format \"<path> <hash>\""), } } // get the current hash of the config // at the given path hash := etagHasher() err := unsyncedConfigAccess(http.MethodGet, parts[0], nil, hash) if err != nil { return err } if hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)) != parts[1] { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusPreconditionFailed, Err: fmt.Errorf("If-Match header did not match current config hash"), } } } err := unsyncedConfigAccess(method, path, input, nil) if err != nil { return err } // the mutation is complete, so encode the entire config as JSON newCfg, err := json.Marshal(rawCfg[rawConfigKey]) if err != nil { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("encoding new config: %v", err), } } // if nothing changed, no need to do a whole reload unless the client forces it if !forceReload && bytes.Equal(rawCfgJSON, newCfg) { Log().Info("config is unchanged") return errSameConfig } // find any IDs in this config and index them idx := make(map[string]string) err = indexConfigObjects(rawCfg[rawConfigKey], "/"+rawConfigKey, idx) if err != nil { return APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError, Err: fmt.Errorf("indexing config: %v", err), } } // load this new config; if it fails, we need to revert to // our old representation of caddy's actual config err = unsyncedDecodeAndRun(newCfg, true) if err != nil { if len(rawCfgJSON) > 0 { // restore old config state to keep it consistent // with what caddy is still running; we need to // unmarshal it again because it's likely that // pointers deep in our rawCfg map were modified var oldCfg any err2 := json.Unmarshal(rawCfgJSON, &oldCfg) if err2 != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("%v; additionally, restoring old config: %v", err, err2) } rawCfg[rawConfigKey] = oldCfg } return fmt.Errorf("loading new config: %v", err) } // success, so update our stored copy of the encoded // config to keep it consistent with what caddy is now // running (storing an encoded copy is not strictly // necessary, but avoids an extra json.Marshal for // each config change) rawCfgJSON = newCfg rawCfgIndex = idx return nil } // readConfig traverses the current config to path // and writes its JSON encoding to out. func readConfig(path string, out io.Writer) error { rawCfgMu.RLock() defer rawCfgMu.RUnlock() return unsyncedConfigAccess(http.MethodGet, path, nil, out) } // indexConfigObjects recursively searches ptr for object fields named // "@id" and maps that ID value to the full configPath in the index. // This function is NOT safe for concurrent access; obtain a write lock // on currentCtxMu. func indexConfigObjects(ptr any, configPath string, index map[string]string) error { switch val := ptr.(type) { case map[string]any: for k, v := range val { if k == idKey { switch idVal := v.(type) { case string: index[idVal] = configPath case float64: // all JSON numbers decode as float64 index[fmt.Sprintf("%v", idVal)] = configPath default: return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s field must be a string or number", configPath, idKey) } continue } // traverse this object property recursively err := indexConfigObjects(val[k], path.Join(configPath, k), index) if err != nil { return err } } case []any: // traverse each element of the array recursively for i := range val { err := indexConfigObjects(val[i], path.Join(configPath, strconv.Itoa(i)), index) if err != nil { return err } } } return nil } // unsyncedDecodeAndRun removes any meta fields (like @id tags) // from cfgJSON, decodes the result into a *Config, and runs // it as the new config, replacing any other current config. // It does NOT update the raw config state, as this is a // lower-level function; most callers will want to use Load // instead. A write lock on rawCfgMu is required! If // allowPersist is false, it will not be persisted to disk, // even if it is configured to. func unsyncedDecodeAndRun(cfgJSON []byte, allowPersist bool) error { // remove any @id fields from the JSON, which would cause // loading to break since the field wouldn't be recognized strippedCfgJSON := RemoveMetaFields(cfgJSON) var newCfg *Config err := StrictUnmarshalJSON(strippedCfgJSON, &newCfg) if err != nil { return err } // prevent recursive config loads; that is a user error, and // although frequent config loads should be safe, we cannot // guarantee that in the presence of third party plugins, nor // do we want this error to go unnoticed (we assume it was a // pulled config if we're not allowed to persist it) if !allowPersist && newCfg != nil && newCfg.Admin != nil && newCfg.Admin.Config != nil && newCfg.Admin.Config.LoadRaw != nil && newCfg.Admin.Config.LoadDelay <= 0 { return fmt.Errorf("recursive config loading detected: pulled configs cannot pull other configs without positive load_delay") } // run the new config and start all its apps ctx, err := run(newCfg, true) if err != nil { return err } // swap old context (including its config) with the new one currentCtxMu.Lock() oldCtx := currentCtx currentCtx = ctx currentCtxMu.Unlock() // Stop, Cleanup each old app unsyncedStop(oldCtx) // autosave a non-nil config, if not disabled if allowPersist && newCfg != nil && (newCfg.Admin == nil || newCfg.Admin.Config == nil || newCfg.Admin.Config.Persist == nil || *newCfg.Admin.Config.Persist) { dir := filepath.Dir(ConfigAutosavePath) err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0o700) if err != nil { Log().Error("unable to create folder for config autosave", zap.String("dir", dir), zap.Error(err)) } else { err := os.WriteFile(ConfigAutosavePath, cfgJSON, 0o600) if err == nil { Log().Info("autosaved config (load with --resume flag)", zap.String("file", ConfigAutosavePath)) } else { Log().Error("unable to autosave config", zap.String("file", ConfigAutosavePath), zap.Error(err)) } } } return nil } // run runs newCfg and starts all its apps if // start is true. If any errors happen, cleanup // is performed if any modules were provisioned; // apps that were started already will be stopped, // so this function should not leak resources if // an error is returned. However, if no error is // returned and start == false, you should cancel // the config if you are not going to start it, // so that each provisioned module will be // cleaned up. // // This is a low-level function; most callers // will want to use Run instead, which also // updates the config's raw state. func run(newCfg *Config, start bool) (Context, error) { // because we will need to roll back any state // modifications if this function errors, we // keep a single error value and scope all // sub-operations to their own functions to // ensure this error value does not get // overridden or missed when it should have // been set by a short assignment var err error if newCfg == nil { newCfg = new(Config) } // create a context within which to load // modules - essentially our new config's // execution environment; be sure that // cleanup occurs when we return if there // was an error; if no error, it will get // cleaned up on next config cycle ctx, cancel := NewContext(Context{Context: context.Background(), cfg: newCfg}) defer func() { if err != nil { // if there were any errors during startup, // we should cancel the new context we created // since the associated config won't be used; // this will cause all modules that were newly // provisioned to clean themselves up cancel() // also undo any other state changes we made if currentCtx.cfg != nil { certmagic.Default.Storage = } } }() newCfg.cancelFunc = cancel // clean up later // set up logging before anything bad happens if newCfg.Logging == nil { newCfg.Logging = new(Logging) } err = newCfg.Logging.openLogs(ctx) if err != nil { return ctx, err } // start the admin endpoint (and stop any prior one) if start { err = replaceLocalAdminServer(newCfg) if err != nil { return ctx, fmt.Errorf("starting caddy administration endpoint: %v", err) } } // prepare the new config for use newCfg.apps = make(map[string]App) // set up global storage and make it CertMagic's default storage, too err = func() error { if newCfg.StorageRaw != nil { val, err := ctx.LoadModule(newCfg, "StorageRaw") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading storage module: %v", err) } stor, err := val.(StorageConverter).CertMagicStorage() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("creating storage value: %v", err) } = stor } if == nil { = DefaultStorage } certmagic.Default.Storage = return nil }() if err != nil { return ctx, err } // Load and Provision each app and their submodules err = func() error { for appName := range newCfg.AppsRaw { if _, err := ctx.App(appName); err != nil { return err } } return nil }() if err != nil { return ctx, err } if !start { return ctx, nil } // Provision any admin routers which may need to access // some of the other apps at runtime err = newCfg.Admin.provisionAdminRouters(ctx) if err != nil { return ctx, err } // Start err = func() error { started := make([]string, 0, len(newCfg.apps)) for name, a := range newCfg.apps { err := a.Start() if err != nil { // an app failed to start, so we need to stop // all other apps that were already started for _, otherAppName := range started { err2 := newCfg.apps[otherAppName].Stop() if err2 != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("%v; additionally, aborting app %s: %v", err, otherAppName, err2) } } return fmt.Errorf("%s app module: start: %v", name, err) } started = append(started, name) } return nil }() if err != nil { return ctx, err } // now that the user's config is running, finish setting up anything else, // such as remote admin endpoint, config loader, etc. return ctx, finishSettingUp(ctx, newCfg) } // finishSettingUp should be run after all apps have successfully started. func finishSettingUp(ctx Context, cfg *Config) error { // establish this server's identity (only after apps are loaded // so that cert management of this endpoint doesn't prevent user's // servers from starting which likely also use HTTP/HTTPS ports; // but before remote management which may depend on these creds) err := manageIdentity(ctx, cfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("provisioning remote admin endpoint: %v", err) } // replace any remote admin endpoint err = replaceRemoteAdminServer(ctx, cfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("provisioning remote admin endpoint: %v", err) } // if dynamic config is requested, set that up and run it if cfg != nil && cfg.Admin != nil && cfg.Admin.Config != nil && cfg.Admin.Config.LoadRaw != nil { val, err := ctx.LoadModule(cfg.Admin.Config, "LoadRaw") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading config loader module: %s", err) } logger := Log().Named("config_loader").With( zap.String("module", val.(Module).CaddyModule().ID.Name()), zap.Int("load_delay", int(cfg.Admin.Config.LoadDelay))) runLoadedConfig := func(config []byte) error { logger.Info("applying dynamically-loaded config") err := changeConfig(http.MethodPost, "/"+rawConfigKey, config, "", false) if errors.Is(err, errSameConfig) { return err } if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to run dynamically-loaded config", zap.Error(err)) return err } logger.Info("successfully applied dynamically-loaded config") return nil } if cfg.Admin.Config.LoadDelay > 0 { go func() { // the loop is here to iterate ONLY if there is an error, a no-op config load, // or an unchanged config; in which case we simply wait the delay and try again for { timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(cfg.Admin.Config.LoadDelay)) select { case <-timer.C: loadedConfig, err := val.(ConfigLoader).LoadConfig(ctx) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed loading dynamic config; will retry", zap.Error(err)) continue } if loadedConfig == nil { logger.Info("dynamically-loaded config was nil; will retry") continue } err = runLoadedConfig(loadedConfig) if errors.Is(err, errSameConfig) { logger.Info("dynamically-loaded config was unchanged; will retry") continue } case <-ctx.Done(): if !timer.Stop() { <-timer.C } logger.Info("stopping dynamic config loading") } break } }() } else { // if no LoadDelay is provided, will load config synchronously loadedConfig, err := val.(ConfigLoader).LoadConfig(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading dynamic config from %T: %v", val, err) } // do this in a goroutine so current config can finish being loaded; otherwise deadlock go func() { _ = runLoadedConfig(loadedConfig) }() } } return nil } // ConfigLoader is a type that can load a Caddy config. If // the return value is non-nil, it must be valid Caddy JSON; // if nil or with non-nil error, it is considered to be a // no-op load and may be retried later. type ConfigLoader interface { LoadConfig(Context) ([]byte, error) } // Stop stops running the current configuration. // It is the antithesis of Run(). This function // will log any errors that occur during the // stopping of individual apps and continue to // stop the others. Stop should only be called // if not replacing with a new config. func Stop() error { currentCtxMu.RLock() ctx := currentCtx currentCtxMu.RUnlock() rawCfgMu.Lock() unsyncedStop(ctx) currentCtxMu.Lock() currentCtx = Context{} currentCtxMu.Unlock() rawCfgJSON = nil rawCfgIndex = nil rawCfg[rawConfigKey] = nil rawCfgMu.Unlock() return nil } // unsyncedStop stops ctx from running, but has // no locking around ctx. It is a no-op if ctx has a // nil cfg. If any app returns an error when stopping, // it is logged and the function continues stopping // the next app. This function assumes all apps in // ctx were successfully started first. // // A lock on rawCfgMu is required, even though this // function does not access rawCfg, that lock // synchronizes the stop/start of apps. func unsyncedStop(ctx Context) { if ctx.cfg == nil { return } // stop each app for name, a := range ctx.cfg.apps { err := a.Stop() if err != nil { log.Printf("[ERROR] stop %s: %v", name, err) } } // clean up all modules ctx.cfg.cancelFunc() } // Validate loads, provisions, and validates // cfg, but does not start running it. func Validate(cfg *Config) error { _, err := run(cfg, false) if err == nil { cfg.cancelFunc() // call Cleanup on all modules } return err } // exitProcess exits the process as gracefully as possible, // but it always exits, even if there are errors doing so. // It stops all apps, cleans up external locks, removes any // PID file, and shuts down admin endpoint(s) in a goroutine. // Errors are logged along the way, and an appropriate exit // code is emitted. func exitProcess(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger) { // let the rest of the program know we're quitting atomic.StoreInt32(exiting, 1) // give the OS or service/process manager our 2 weeks' notice: we quit if err := notify.Stopping(); err != nil { Log().Error("unable to notify service manager of stopping state", zap.Error(err)) } if logger == nil { logger = Log() } logger.Warn("exiting; byeee!! 👋") exitCode := ExitCodeSuccess // stop all apps if err := Stop(); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to stop apps", zap.Error(err)) exitCode = ExitCodeFailedQuit } // clean up certmagic locks certmagic.CleanUpOwnLocks(ctx, logger) // remove pidfile if pidfile != "" { err := os.Remove(pidfile) if err != nil { logger.Error("cleaning up PID file:", zap.String("pidfile", pidfile), zap.Error(err)) exitCode = ExitCodeFailedQuit } } // shut down admin endpoint(s) in goroutines so that // if this function was called from an admin handler, // it has a chance to return gracefully // use goroutine so that we can finish responding to API request go func() { defer func() { logger = logger.With(zap.Int("exit_code", exitCode)) if exitCode == ExitCodeSuccess { logger.Info("shutdown complete") } else { logger.Error("unclean shutdown") } os.Exit(exitCode) }() if remoteAdminServer != nil { err := stopAdminServer(remoteAdminServer) if err != nil { exitCode = ExitCodeFailedQuit logger.Error("failed to stop remote admin server gracefully", zap.Error(err)) } } if localAdminServer != nil { err := stopAdminServer(localAdminServer) if err != nil { exitCode = ExitCodeFailedQuit logger.Error("failed to stop local admin server gracefully", zap.Error(err)) } } }() } var exiting = new(int32) // accessed atomically // Exiting returns true if the process is exiting. // EXPERIMENTAL API: subject to change or removal. func Exiting() bool { return atomic.LoadInt32(exiting) == 1 } // Duration can be an integer or a string. An integer is // interpreted as nanoseconds. If a string, it is a Go // time.Duration value such as `300ms`, `1.5h`, or `2h45m`; // valid units are `ns`, `us`/`µs`, `ms`, `s`, `m`, `h`, and `d`. type Duration time.Duration // UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler. func (d *Duration) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { if len(b) == 0 { return io.EOF } var dur time.Duration var err error if b[0] == byte('"') && b[len(b)-1] == byte('"') { dur, err = ParseDuration(strings.Trim(string(b), `"`)) } else { err = json.Unmarshal(b, &dur) } *d = Duration(dur) return err } // ParseDuration parses a duration string, adding // support for the "d" unit meaning number of days, // where a day is assumed to be 24h. The maximum // input string length is 1024. func ParseDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error) { if len(s) > 1024 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("parsing duration: input string too long") } var inNumber bool var numStart int for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { ch := s[i] if ch == 'd' { daysStr := s[numStart:i] days, err := strconv.ParseFloat(daysStr, 64) if err != nil { return 0, err } hours := days * 24.0 hoursStr := strconv.FormatFloat(hours, 'f', -1, 64) s = s[:numStart] + hoursStr + "h" + s[i+1:] i-- continue } if !inNumber { numStart = i } inNumber = (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.' || ch == '-' || ch == '+' } return time.ParseDuration(s) } // InstanceID returns the UUID for this instance, and generates one if it // does not already exist. The UUID is stored in the local data directory, // regardless of storage configuration, since each instance is intended to // have its own unique ID. func InstanceID() (uuid.UUID, error) { uuidFilePath := filepath.Join(AppDataDir(), "instance.uuid") uuidFileBytes, err := os.ReadFile(uuidFilePath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom() if err != nil { return uuid, err } err = os.WriteFile(uuidFilePath, []byte(uuid.String()), 0o600) return uuid, err } else if err != nil { return [16]byte{}, err } return uuid.ParseBytes(uuidFileBytes) } // CustomVersion is an optional string that overrides Caddy's // reported version. It can be helpful when downstream packagers // need to manually set Caddy's version. If no other version // information is available, the short form version (see // Version()) will be set to CustomVersion, and the full version // will include CustomVersion at the beginning. // // Set this variable during `go build` with `-ldflags`: // // -ldflags '-X' // // for example. var CustomVersion string // Version returns the Caddy version in a simple/short form, and // a full version string. The short form will not have spaces and // is intended for User-Agent strings and similar, but may be // omitting valuable information. Note that Caddy must be compiled // in a special way to properly embed complete version information. // First this function tries to get the version from the embedded // build info provided by go.mod dependencies; then it tries to // get info from embedded VCS information, which requires having // built Caddy from a git repository. If no version is available, // this function returns "(devel)" because Go uses that, but for // the simple form we change it to "unknown". If still no version // is available (e.g. no VCS repo), then it will use CustomVersion; // CustomVersion is always prepended to the full version string. // // See relevant Go issues: // and // // This function is experimental and subject to change or removal. func Version() (simple, full string) { // the currently-recommended way to build Caddy involves // building it as a dependency so we can extract version // information from go.mod tooling; once the upstream // Go issues are fixed, we should just be able to use // bi.Main... hopefully. var module *debug.Module bi, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo() if !ok { if CustomVersion != "" { full = CustomVersion simple = CustomVersion return } full = "unknown" simple = "unknown" return } // find the Caddy module in the dependency list for _, dep := range bi.Deps { if dep.Path == ImportPath { module = dep break } } if module != nil { simple, full = module.Version, module.Version if module.Sum != "" { full += " " + module.Sum } if module.Replace != nil { full += " => " + module.Replace.Path if module.Replace.Version != "" { simple = module.Replace.Version + "_custom" full += "@" + module.Replace.Version } if module.Replace.Sum != "" { full += " " + module.Replace.Sum } } } if full == "" { var vcsRevision string var vcsTime time.Time var vcsModified bool for _, setting := range bi.Settings { switch setting.Key { case "vcs.revision": vcsRevision = setting.Value case "vcs.time": vcsTime, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, setting.Value) case "vcs.modified": vcsModified, _ = strconv.ParseBool(setting.Value) } } if vcsRevision != "" { var modified string if vcsModified { modified = "+modified" } full = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s (%s)", vcsRevision, modified, vcsTime.Format(time.RFC822)) simple = vcsRevision // use short checksum for simple, if hex-only if _, err := hex.DecodeString(simple); err == nil { simple = simple[:8] } // append date to simple since it can be convenient // to know the commit date as part of the version if !vcsTime.IsZero() { simple += "-" + vcsTime.Format("20060102") } } } if full == "" { if CustomVersion != "" { full = CustomVersion } else { full = "unknown" } } else if CustomVersion != "" { full = CustomVersion + " " + full } if simple == "" || simple == "(devel)" { if CustomVersion != "" { simple = CustomVersion } else { simple = "unknown" } } return } // ActiveContext returns the currently-active context. // This function is experimental and might be changed // or removed in the future. func ActiveContext() Context { currentCtxMu.RLock() defer currentCtxMu.RUnlock() return currentCtx } // CtxKey is a value type for use with context.WithValue. type CtxKey string // This group of variables pertains to the current configuration. var ( // currentCtx is the root context for the currently-running // configuration, which can be accessed through this value. // If the Config contained in this value is not nil, then // a config is currently active/running. currentCtx Context currentCtxMu sync.RWMutex // rawCfg is the current, generic-decoded configuration; // we initialize it as a map with one field ("config") // to maintain parity with the API endpoint and to avoid // the special case of having to access/mutate the variable // directly without traversing into it. rawCfg = map[string]any{ rawConfigKey: nil, } // rawCfgJSON is the JSON-encoded form of rawCfg. Keeping // this around avoids an extra Marshal call during changes. rawCfgJSON []byte // rawCfgIndex is the map of user-assigned ID to expanded // path, for converting /id/ paths to /config/ paths. rawCfgIndex map[string]string // rawCfgMu protects all the rawCfg fields and also // essentially synchronizes config changes/reloads. rawCfgMu sync.RWMutex ) // errSameConfig is returned if the new config is the same // as the old one. This isn't usually an actual, actionable // error; it's mostly a sentinel value. var errSameConfig = errors.New("config is unchanged") // ImportPath is the package import path for Caddy core. // This identifier may be removed in the future. const ImportPath = ""
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "testing" "time" ) func TestParseDuration(t *testing.T) { const day = 24 * time.Hour for i, tc := range []struct { input string expect time.Duration }{ { input: "3h", expect: 3 * time.Hour, }, { input: "1d", expect: day, }, { input: "1d30m", expect: day + 30*time.Minute, }, { input: "1m2d", expect: time.Minute + day*2, }, { input: "1m2d30s", expect: time.Minute + day*2 + 30*time.Second, }, { input: "1d2d", expect: 3 * day, }, { input: "1.5d", expect: time.Duration(1.5 * float64(day)), }, { input: "4m1.25d", expect: 4*time.Minute + time.Duration(1.25*float64(day)), }, { input: "-1.25d12h", expect: time.Duration(-1.25*float64(day)) - 12*time.Hour, }, } { actual, err := ParseDuration(tc.input) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d ('%s'): Got error: %v", i, tc.input, err) continue } if actual != tc.expect { t.Errorf("Test %d ('%s'): Expected=%s Actual=%s", i, tc.input, tc.expect, actual) } } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "reflect" "" "" ) // Context is a type which defines the lifetime of modules that // are loaded and provides access to the parent configuration // that spawned the modules which are loaded. It should be used // with care and wrapped with derivation functions from the // standard context package only if you don't need the Caddy // specific features. These contexts are canceled when the // lifetime of the modules loaded from it is over. // // Use NewContext() to get a valid value (but most modules will // not actually need to do this). type Context struct { context.Context moduleInstances map[string][]Module cfg *Config cleanupFuncs []func() ancestry []Module } // NewContext provides a new context derived from the given // context ctx. Normally, you will not need to call this // function unless you are loading modules which have a // different lifespan than the ones for the context the // module was provisioned with. Be sure to call the cancel // func when the context is to be cleaned up so that // modules which are loaded will be properly unloaded. // See standard library context package's documentation. func NewContext(ctx Context) (Context, context.CancelFunc) { newCtx := Context{moduleInstances: make(map[string][]Module), cfg: ctx.cfg} c, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx.Context) wrappedCancel := func() { cancel() for _, f := range ctx.cleanupFuncs { f() } for modName, modInstances := range newCtx.moduleInstances { for _, inst := range modInstances { if cu, ok := inst.(CleanerUpper); ok { err := cu.Cleanup() if err != nil { log.Printf("[ERROR] %s (%p): cleanup: %v", modName, inst, err) } } } } } newCtx.Context = c return newCtx, wrappedCancel } // OnCancel executes f when ctx is canceled. func (ctx *Context) OnCancel(f func()) { ctx.cleanupFuncs = append(ctx.cleanupFuncs, f) } // LoadModule loads the Caddy module(s) from the specified field of the parent struct // pointer and returns the loaded module(s). The struct pointer and its field name as // a string are necessary so that reflection can be used to read the struct tag on the // field to get the module namespace and inline module name key (if specified). // // The field can be any one of the supported raw module types: json.RawMessage, // []json.RawMessage, map[string]json.RawMessage, or []map[string]json.RawMessage. // ModuleMap may be used in place of map[string]json.RawMessage. The return value's // underlying type mirrors the input field's type: // // json.RawMessage => any // []json.RawMessage => []any // [][]json.RawMessage => [][]any // map[string]json.RawMessage => map[string]any // []map[string]json.RawMessage => []map[string]any // // The field must have a "caddy" struct tag in this format: // // caddy:"key1=val1 key2=val2" // // To load modules, a "namespace" key is required. For example, to load modules // in the "http.handlers" namespace, you'd put: `namespace=http.handlers` in the // Caddy struct tag. // // The module name must also be available. If the field type is a map or slice of maps, // then key is assumed to be the module name if an "inline_key" is NOT specified in the // caddy struct tag. In this case, the module name does NOT need to be specified in-line // with the module itself. // // If not a map, or if inline_key is non-empty, then the module name must be embedded // into the values, which must be objects; then there must be a key in those objects // where its associated value is the module name. This is called the "inline key", // meaning the key containing the module's name that is defined inline with the module // itself. You must specify the inline key in a struct tag, along with the namespace: // // caddy:"namespace=http.handlers inline_key=handler" // // This will look for a key/value pair like `"handler": "..."` in the json.RawMessage // in order to know the module name. // // To make use of the loaded module(s) (the return value), you will probably want // to type-assert each 'any' value(s) to the types that are useful to you // and store them on the same struct. Storing them on the same struct makes for // easy garbage collection when your host module is no longer needed. // // Loaded modules have already been provisioned and validated. Upon returning // successfully, this method clears the json.RawMessage(s) in the field since // the raw JSON is no longer needed, and this allows the GC to free up memory. func (ctx Context) LoadModule(structPointer any, fieldName string) (any, error) { val := reflect.ValueOf(structPointer).Elem().FieldByName(fieldName) typ := val.Type() field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(structPointer).Elem().FieldByName(fieldName) if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %s does not exist in %#v", fieldName, structPointer)) } opts, err := ParseStructTag(field.Tag.Get("caddy")) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("malformed tag on field %s: %v", fieldName, err)) } moduleNamespace, ok := opts["namespace"] if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing 'namespace' key in struct tag on field %s", fieldName)) } inlineModuleKey := opts["inline_key"] var result any switch val.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: if isJSONRawMessage(typ) { // val is `json.RawMessage` ([]uint8 under the hood) if inlineModuleKey == "" { panic("unable to determine module name without inline_key when type is not a ModuleMap") } val, err := ctx.loadModuleInline(inlineModuleKey, moduleNamespace, val.Interface().(json.RawMessage)) if err != nil { return nil, err } result = val } else if isJSONRawMessage(typ.Elem()) { // val is `[]json.RawMessage` if inlineModuleKey == "" { panic("unable to determine module name without inline_key because type is not a ModuleMap") } var all []any for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ { val, err := ctx.loadModuleInline(inlineModuleKey, moduleNamespace, val.Index(i).Interface().(json.RawMessage)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("position %d: %v", i, err) } all = append(all, val) } result = all } else if typ.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice && isJSONRawMessage(typ.Elem().Elem()) { // val is `[][]json.RawMessage` if inlineModuleKey == "" { panic("unable to determine module name without inline_key because type is not a ModuleMap") } var all [][]any for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ { innerVal := val.Index(i) var allInner []any for j := 0; j < innerVal.Len(); j++ { innerInnerVal, err := ctx.loadModuleInline(inlineModuleKey, moduleNamespace, innerVal.Index(j).Interface().(json.RawMessage)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("position %d: %v", j, err) } allInner = append(allInner, innerInnerVal) } all = append(all, allInner) } result = all } else if isModuleMapType(typ.Elem()) { // val is `[]map[string]json.RawMessage` var all []map[string]any for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ { thisSet, err := ctx.loadModulesFromSomeMap(moduleNamespace, inlineModuleKey, val.Index(i)) if err != nil { return nil, err } all = append(all, thisSet) } result = all } case reflect.Map: // val is a ModuleMap or some other kind of map result, err = ctx.loadModulesFromSomeMap(moduleNamespace, inlineModuleKey, val) if err != nil { return nil, err } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type for module: %s", typ) } // we're done with the raw bytes; allow GC to deallocate val.Set(reflect.Zero(typ)) return result, nil } // loadModulesFromSomeMap loads modules from val, which must be a type of map[string]any. // Depending on inlineModuleKey, it will be interpreted as either a ModuleMap (key is the module // name) or as a regular map (key is not the module name, and module name is defined inline). func (ctx Context) loadModulesFromSomeMap(namespace, inlineModuleKey string, val reflect.Value) (map[string]any, error) { // if no inline_key is specified, then val must be a ModuleMap, // where the key is the module name if inlineModuleKey == "" { if !isModuleMapType(val.Type()) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected ModuleMap because inline_key is empty; but we do not recognize this type: %s", val.Type())) } return ctx.loadModuleMap(namespace, val) } // otherwise, val is a map with modules, but the module name is // inline with each value (the key means something else) return ctx.loadModulesFromRegularMap(namespace, inlineModuleKey, val) } // loadModulesFromRegularMap loads modules from val, where val is a map[string]json.RawMessage. // Map keys are NOT interpreted as module names, so module names are still expected to appear // inline with the objects. func (ctx Context) loadModulesFromRegularMap(namespace, inlineModuleKey string, val reflect.Value) (map[string]any, error) { mods := make(map[string]any) iter := val.MapRange() for iter.Next() { k := iter.Key() v := iter.Value() mod, err := ctx.loadModuleInline(inlineModuleKey, namespace, v.Interface().(json.RawMessage)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("key %s: %v", k, err) } mods[k.String()] = mod } return mods, nil } // loadModuleMap loads modules from a ModuleMap, i.e. map[string]any, where the key is the // module name. With a module map, module names do not need to be defined inline with their values. func (ctx Context) loadModuleMap(namespace string, val reflect.Value) (map[string]any, error) { all := make(map[string]any) iter := val.MapRange() for iter.Next() { k := iter.Key().Interface().(string) v := iter.Value().Interface().(json.RawMessage) moduleName := namespace + "." + k if namespace == "" { moduleName = k } val, err := ctx.LoadModuleByID(moduleName, v) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("module name '%s': %v", k, err) } all[k] = val } return all, nil } // LoadModuleByID decodes rawMsg into a new instance of mod and // returns the value. If mod.New is nil, an error is returned. // If the module implements Validator or Provisioner interfaces, // those methods are invoked to ensure the module is fully // configured and valid before being used. // // This is a lower-level method and will usually not be called // directly by most modules. However, this method is useful when // dynamically loading/unloading modules in their own context, // like from embedded scripts, etc. func (ctx Context) LoadModuleByID(id string, rawMsg json.RawMessage) (any, error) { modulesMu.RLock() modInfo, ok := modules[id] modulesMu.RUnlock() if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown module: %s", id) } if modInfo.New == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("module '%s' has no constructor", modInfo.ID) } val := modInfo.New() // value must be a pointer for unmarshaling into concrete type, even if // the module's concrete type is a slice or map; New() *should* return // a pointer, otherwise unmarshaling errors or panics will occur if rv := reflect.ValueOf(val); rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { log.Printf("[WARNING] ModuleInfo.New() for module '%s' did not return a pointer,"+ " so we are using reflection to make a pointer instead; please fix this by"+ " using new(Type) or &Type notation in your module's New() function.", id) val = reflect.New(rv.Type()).Elem().Addr().Interface().(Module) } // fill in its config only if there is a config to fill in if len(rawMsg) > 0 { err := StrictUnmarshalJSON(rawMsg, &val) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding module config: %s: %v", modInfo, err) } } if val == nil { // returned module values are almost always type-asserted // before being used, so a nil value would panic; and there // is no good reason to explicitly declare null modules in // a config; it might be because the user is trying to achieve // a result the developer isn't expecting, which is a smell return nil, fmt.Errorf("module value cannot be null") } ctx.ancestry = append(ctx.ancestry, val) if prov, ok := val.(Provisioner); ok { err := prov.Provision(ctx) if err != nil { // incomplete provisioning could have left state // dangling, so make sure it gets cleaned up if cleanerUpper, ok := val.(CleanerUpper); ok { err2 := cleanerUpper.Cleanup() if err2 != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("%v; additionally, cleanup: %v", err, err2) } } return nil, fmt.Errorf("provision %s: %v", modInfo, err) } } if validator, ok := val.(Validator); ok { err := validator.Validate() if err != nil { // since the module was already provisioned, make sure we clean up if cleanerUpper, ok := val.(CleanerUpper); ok { err2 := cleanerUpper.Cleanup() if err2 != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("%v; additionally, cleanup: %v", err, err2) } } return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid configuration: %v", modInfo, err) } } ctx.moduleInstances[id] = append(ctx.moduleInstances[id], val) return val, nil } // loadModuleInline loads a module from a JSON raw message which decodes to // a map[string]any, where one of the object keys is moduleNameKey // and the corresponding value is the module name (as a string) which can // be found in the given scope. In other words, the module name is declared // in-line with the module itself. // // This allows modules to be decoded into their concrete types and used when // their names cannot be the unique key in a map, such as when there are // multiple instances in the map or it appears in an array (where there are // no custom keys). In other words, the key containing the module name is // treated special/separate from all the other keys in the object. func (ctx Context) loadModuleInline(moduleNameKey, moduleScope string, raw json.RawMessage) (any, error) { moduleName, raw, err := getModuleNameInline(moduleNameKey, raw) if err != nil { return nil, err } val, err := ctx.LoadModuleByID(moduleScope+"."+moduleName, raw) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading module '%s': %v", moduleName, err) } return val, nil } // App returns the configured app named name. If that app has // not yet been loaded and provisioned, it will be immediately // loaded and provisioned. If no app with that name is // configured, a new empty one will be instantiated instead. // (The app module must still be registered.) This must not be // called during the Provision/Validate phase to reference a // module's own host app (since the parent app module is still // in the process of being provisioned, it is not yet ready). // // We return any type instead of the App type because it is NOT // intended for the caller of this method to be the one to start // or stop App modules. The caller is expected to assert to the // concrete type. func (ctx Context) App(name string) (any, error) { if app, ok := ctx.cfg.apps[name]; ok { return app, nil } appRaw := ctx.cfg.AppsRaw[name] modVal, err := ctx.LoadModuleByID(name, appRaw) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading %s app module: %v", name, err) } if appRaw != nil { ctx.cfg.AppsRaw[name] = nil // allow GC to deallocate } ctx.cfg.apps[name] = modVal.(App) return modVal, nil } // AppIfConfigured returns an app by its name if it has been // configured. Can be called instead of App() to avoid // instantiating an empty app when that's not desirable. If // the app has not been loaded, nil is returned. // // We return any type instead of the App type because it is not // intended for the caller of this method to be the one to start // or stop App modules. The caller is expected to assert to the // concrete type. func (ctx Context) AppIfConfigured(name string) any { if ctx.cfg == nil { // this can happen if the currently-active context // is being accessed, but no config has successfully // been loaded yet return nil } return ctx.cfg.apps[name] } // Storage returns the configured Caddy storage implementation. func (ctx Context) Storage() certmagic.Storage { return } // Logger returns a logger that is intended for use by the most // recent module associated with the context. Callers should not // pass in any arguments unless they want to associate with a // different module; it panics if more than 1 value is passed in. // // Originally, this method's signature was `Logger(mod Module)`, // requiring that an instance of a Caddy module be passed in. // However, that is no longer necessary, as the closest module // most recently associated with the context will be automatically // assumed. To prevent a sudden breaking change, this method's // signature has been changed to be variadic, but we may remove // the parameter altogether in the future. Callers should not // pass in any argument. If there is valid need to specify a // different module, please open an issue to discuss. // // PARTIALLY DEPRECATED: The Logger(module) form is deprecated and // may be removed in the future. Do not pass in any arguments. func (ctx Context) Logger(module ...Module) *zap.Logger { if len(module) > 1 { panic("more than 1 module passed in") } if ctx.cfg == nil { // often the case in tests; just use a dev logger l, err := zap.NewDevelopment() if err != nil { panic("config missing, unable to create dev logger: " + err.Error()) } return l } mod := ctx.Module() if len(module) > 0 { mod = module[0] } if mod == nil { return Log() } return ctx.cfg.Logging.Logger(mod) } // Modules returns the lineage of modules that this context provisioned, // with the most recent/current module being last in the list. func (ctx Context) Modules() []Module { mods := make([]Module, len(ctx.ancestry)) copy(mods, ctx.ancestry) return mods } // Module returns the current module, or the most recent one // provisioned by the context. func (ctx Context) Module() Module { if len(ctx.ancestry) == 0 { return nil } return ctx.ancestry[len(ctx.ancestry)-1] }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "encoding/json" "io" ) func ExampleContext_LoadModule() { // this whole first part is just setting up for the example; // note the struct tags - very important; we specify inline_key // because that is the only way to know the module name var ctx Context myStruct := &struct { // This godoc comment will appear in module documentation. GuestModuleRaw json.RawMessage `json:"guest_module,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=example inline_key=name"` // this is where the decoded module will be stored; in this // example, we pretend we need an io.Writer but it can be // any interface type that is useful to you guestModule io.Writer }{ GuestModuleRaw: json.RawMessage(`{"name":"module_name","foo":"bar"}`), } // if a guest module is provided, we can load it easily if myStruct.GuestModuleRaw != nil { mod, err := ctx.LoadModule(myStruct, "GuestModuleRaw") if err != nil { // you'd want to actually handle the error here // return fmt.Errorf("loading guest module: %v", err) } // mod contains the loaded and provisioned module, // it is now ready for us to use myStruct.guestModule = mod.(io.Writer) } // use myStruct.guestModule from now on } func ExampleContext_LoadModule_array() { // this whole first part is just setting up for the example; // note the struct tags - very important; we specify inline_key // because that is the only way to know the module name var ctx Context myStruct := &struct { // This godoc comment will appear in module documentation. GuestModulesRaw []json.RawMessage `json:"guest_modules,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=example inline_key=name"` // this is where the decoded module will be stored; in this // example, we pretend we need an io.Writer but it can be // any interface type that is useful to you guestModules []io.Writer }{ GuestModulesRaw: []json.RawMessage{ json.RawMessage(`{"name":"module1_name","foo":"bar1"}`), json.RawMessage(`{"name":"module2_name","foo":"bar2"}`), }, } // since our input is []json.RawMessage, the output will be []any mods, err := ctx.LoadModule(myStruct, "GuestModulesRaw") if err != nil { // you'd want to actually handle the error here // return fmt.Errorf("loading guest modules: %v", err) } for _, mod := range mods.([]any) { myStruct.guestModules = append(myStruct.guestModules, mod.(io.Writer)) } // use myStruct.guestModules from now on } func ExampleContext_LoadModule_map() { // this whole first part is just setting up for the example; // note the struct tags - very important; we don't specify // inline_key because the map key is the module name var ctx Context myStruct := &struct { // This godoc comment will appear in module documentation. GuestModulesRaw ModuleMap `json:"guest_modules,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=example"` // this is where the decoded module will be stored; in this // example, we pretend we need an io.Writer but it can be // any interface type that is useful to you guestModules map[string]io.Writer }{ GuestModulesRaw: ModuleMap{ "module1_name": json.RawMessage(`{"foo":"bar1"}`), "module2_name": json.RawMessage(`{"foo":"bar2"}`), }, } // since our input is map[string]json.RawMessage, the output will be map[string]any mods, err := ctx.LoadModule(myStruct, "GuestModulesRaw") if err != nil { // you'd want to actually handle the error here // return fmt.Errorf("loading guest modules: %v", err) } for modName, mod := range mods.(map[string]any) { myStruct.guestModules[modName] = mod.(io.Writer) } // use myStruct.guestModules from now on }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build gofuzz package caddy func FuzzParseDuration(data []byte) int { _, err := ParseDuration(string(data)) if err != nil { return 0 } return 1 }
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Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build !unix package caddy import ( "context" "net" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" ) func reuseUnixSocket(network, addr string) (any, error) { return nil, nil } func listenTCPOrUnix(ctx context.Context, lnKey string, network, address string, config net.ListenConfig) (net.Listener, error) { sharedLn, _, err := listenerPool.LoadOrNew(lnKey, func() (Destructor, error) { ln, err := config.Listen(ctx, network, address) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &sharedListener{Listener: ln, key: lnKey}, nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &fakeCloseListener{sharedListener: sharedLn.(*sharedListener), keepAlivePeriod: config.KeepAlive}, nil } // fakeCloseListener is a private wrapper over a listener that // is shared. The state of fakeCloseListener is not shared. // This allows one user of a socket to "close" the listener // while in reality the socket stays open for other users of // the listener. In this way, servers become hot-swappable // while the listener remains running. Listeners should be // re-wrapped in a new fakeCloseListener each time the listener // is reused. This type is atomic and values must not be copied. type fakeCloseListener struct { closed int32 // accessed atomically; belongs to this struct only *sharedListener // embedded, so we also become a net.Listener keepAlivePeriod time.Duration } type canSetKeepAlive interface { SetKeepAlivePeriod(d time.Duration) error SetKeepAlive(bool) error } func (fcl *fakeCloseListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) { // if the listener is already "closed", return error if atomic.LoadInt32(&fcl.closed) == 1 { return nil, fakeClosedErr(fcl) } // call underlying accept conn, err := fcl.sharedListener.Accept() if err == nil { // if 0, do nothing, Go's default is already set // and if the connection allows setting KeepAlive, set it if tconn, ok := conn.(canSetKeepAlive); ok && fcl.keepAlivePeriod != 0 { if fcl.keepAlivePeriod > 0 { err = tconn.SetKeepAlivePeriod(fcl.keepAlivePeriod) } else { // negative err = tconn.SetKeepAlive(false) } if err != nil { Log().With(zap.String("server", fcl.sharedListener.key)).Warn("unable to set keepalive for new connection:", zap.Error(err)) } } return conn, nil } // since Accept() returned an error, it may be because our reference to // the listener (this fakeCloseListener) may have been closed, i.e. the // server is shutting down; in that case, we need to clear the deadline // that we set when Close() was called, and return a non-temporary and // non-timeout error value to the caller, masking the "true" error, so // that server loops / goroutines won't retry, linger, and leak if atomic.LoadInt32(&fcl.closed) == 1 { // we dereference the sharedListener explicitly even though it's embedded // so that it's clear in the code that side-effects are shared with other // users of this listener, not just our own reference to it; we also don't // do anything with the error because all we could do is log it, but we // expliclty assign it to nothing so we don't forget it's there if needed _ = fcl.sharedListener.clearDeadline() if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && netErr.Timeout() { return nil, fakeClosedErr(fcl) } } return nil, err } // Close stops accepting new connections without closing the // underlying listener. The underlying listener is only closed // if the caller is the last known user of the socket. func (fcl *fakeCloseListener) Close() error { if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&fcl.closed, 0, 1) { // There are two ways I know of to get an Accept() // function to return to the server loop that called // it: close the listener, or set a deadline in the // past. Obviously, we can't close the socket yet // since others may be using it (hence this whole // file). But we can set the deadline in the past, // and this is kind of cheating, but it works, and // it apparently even works on Windows. _ = fcl.sharedListener.setDeadline() _, _ = listenerPool.Delete(fcl.sharedListener.key) } return nil } // sharedListener is a wrapper over an underlying listener. The listener // and the other fields on the struct are shared state that is synchronized, // so sharedListener structs must never be copied (always use a pointer). type sharedListener struct { net.Listener key string // uniquely identifies this listener deadline bool // whether a deadline is currently set deadlineMu sync.Mutex } func (sl *sharedListener) clearDeadline() error { var err error sl.deadlineMu.Lock() if sl.deadline { switch ln := sl.Listener.(type) { case *net.TCPListener: err = ln.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) } sl.deadline = false } sl.deadlineMu.Unlock() return err } func (sl *sharedListener) setDeadline() error { timeInPast := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute) var err error sl.deadlineMu.Lock() if !sl.deadline { switch ln := sl.Listener.(type) { case *net.TCPListener: err = ln.SetDeadline(timeInPast) } sl.deadline = true } sl.deadlineMu.Unlock() return err } // Destruct is called by the UsagePool when the listener is // finally not being used anymore. It closes the socket. func (sl *sharedListener) Destruct() error { return sl.Listener.Close() }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "net" "net/netip" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" "" ) // NetworkAddress represents one or more network addresses. // It contains the individual components for a parsed network // address of the form accepted by ParseNetworkAddress(). type NetworkAddress struct { // Should be a network value accepted by Go's net package or // by a plugin providing a listener for that network type. Network string // The "main" part of the network address is the host, which // often takes the form of a hostname, DNS name, IP address, // or socket path. Host string // For addresses that contain a port, ranges are given by // [StartPort, EndPort]; i.e. for a single port, StartPort // and EndPort are the same. For no port, they are 0. StartPort uint EndPort uint } // ListenAll calls Listen() for all addresses represented by this struct, i.e. all ports in the range. // (If the address doesn't use ports or has 1 port only, then only 1 listener will be created.) // It returns an error if any listener failed to bind, and closes any listeners opened up to that point. // // TODO: Experimental API: subject to change or removal. func (na NetworkAddress) ListenAll(ctx context.Context, config net.ListenConfig) ([]any, error) { var listeners []any var err error // if one of the addresses has a failure, we need to close // any that did open a socket to avoid leaking resources defer func() { if err == nil { return } for _, ln := range listeners { if cl, ok := ln.(io.Closer); ok { cl.Close() } } }() // an address can contain a port range, which represents multiple addresses; // some addresses don't use ports at all and have a port range size of 1; // whatever the case, iterate each address represented and bind a socket for portOffset := uint(0); portOffset < na.PortRangeSize(); portOffset++ { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil, ctx.Err() default: } // create (or reuse) the listener ourselves var ln any ln, err = na.Listen(ctx, portOffset, config) if err != nil { return nil, err } listeners = append(listeners, ln) } return listeners, nil } // Listen is similar to net.Listen, with a few differences: // // Listen announces on the network address using the port calculated by adding // portOffset to the start port. (For network types that do not use ports, the // portOffset is ignored.) // // The provided ListenConfig is used to create the listener. Its Control function, // if set, may be wrapped by an internally-used Control function. The provided // context may be used to cancel long operations early. The context is not used // to close the listener after it has been created. // // Caddy's listeners can overlap each other: multiple listeners may be created on // the same socket at the same time. This is useful because during config changes, // the new config is started while the old config is still running. How this is // accomplished varies by platform and network type. For example, on Unix, SO_REUSEPORT // is set except on Unix sockets, for which the file descriptor is duplicated and // reused; on Windows, the close logic is virtualized using timeouts. Like normal // listeners, be sure to Close() them when you are done. // // This method returns any type, as the implementations of listeners for various // network types are not interchangeable. The type of listener returned is switched // on the network type. Stream-based networks ("tcp", "unix", "unixpacket", etc.) // return a net.Listener; datagram-based networks ("udp", "unixgram", etc.) return // a net.PacketConn; and so forth. The actual concrete types are not guaranteed to // be standard, exported types (wrapping is necessary to provide graceful reloads). // // Unix sockets will be unlinked before being created, to ensure we can bind to // it even if the previous program using it exited uncleanly; it will also be // unlinked upon a graceful exit (or when a new config does not use that socket). // // TODO: Experimental API: subject to change or removal. func (na NetworkAddress) Listen(ctx context.Context, portOffset uint, config net.ListenConfig) (any, error) { if na.IsUnixNetwork() { unixSocketsMu.Lock() defer unixSocketsMu.Unlock() } // check to see if plugin provides listener if ln, err := getListenerFromPlugin(ctx, na.Network, na.JoinHostPort(portOffset), config); ln != nil || err != nil { return ln, err } // create (or reuse) the listener ourselves return na.listen(ctx, portOffset, config) } func (na NetworkAddress) listen(ctx context.Context, portOffset uint, config net.ListenConfig) (any, error) { var ln any var err error var address string var unixFileMode fs.FileMode var isAbtractUnixSocket bool // split unix socket addr early so lnKey // is independent of permissions bits if na.IsUnixNetwork() { var err error address, unixFileMode, err = internal.SplitUnixSocketPermissionsBits(na.Host) if err != nil { return nil, err } isAbtractUnixSocket = strings.HasPrefix(address, "@") } else { address = na.JoinHostPort(portOffset) } // if this is a unix socket, see if we already have it open, // force socket permissions on it and return early if socket, err := reuseUnixSocket(na.Network, address); socket != nil || err != nil { if !isAbtractUnixSocket { if err := os.Chmod(address, unixFileMode); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to set permissions (%s) on %s: %v", unixFileMode, address, err) } } return socket, err } lnKey := listenerKey(na.Network, address) switch na.Network { case "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6", "unix", "unixpacket": ln, err = listenTCPOrUnix(ctx, lnKey, na.Network, address, config) case "unixgram": ln, err = config.ListenPacket(ctx, na.Network, address) case "udp", "udp4", "udp6": sharedPc, _, err := listenerPool.LoadOrNew(lnKey, func() (Destructor, error) { pc, err := config.ListenPacket(ctx, na.Network, address) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &sharedPacketConn{PacketConn: pc, key: lnKey}, nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } spc := sharedPc.(*sharedPacketConn) ln = &fakeClosePacketConn{spc: spc, UDPConn: spc.PacketConn.(*net.UDPConn)} } if strings.HasPrefix(na.Network, "ip") { ln, err = config.ListenPacket(ctx, na.Network, address) } if err != nil { return nil, err } if ln == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported network type: %s", na.Network) } // TODO: Not 100% sure this is necessary, but we do this for net.UnixListener in listen_unix.go, so... if unix, ok := ln.(*net.UnixConn); ok { one := int32(1) ln = &unixConn{unix, address, lnKey, &one} unixSockets[lnKey] = unix } if IsUnixNetwork(na.Network) { if !isAbtractUnixSocket { if err := os.Chmod(address, unixFileMode); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to set permissions (%s) on %s: %v", unixFileMode, address, err) } } } return ln, nil } // IsUnixNetwork returns true if na.Network is // unix, unixgram, or unixpacket. func (na NetworkAddress) IsUnixNetwork() bool { return IsUnixNetwork(na.Network) } // JoinHostPort is like net.JoinHostPort, but where the port // is StartPort + offset. func (na NetworkAddress) JoinHostPort(offset uint) string { if na.IsUnixNetwork() { return na.Host } return net.JoinHostPort(na.Host, strconv.Itoa(int(na.StartPort+offset))) } // Expand returns one NetworkAddress for each port in the port range. // // This is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal. func (na NetworkAddress) Expand() []NetworkAddress { size := na.PortRangeSize() addrs := make([]NetworkAddress, size) for portOffset := uint(0); portOffset < size; portOffset++ { addrs[portOffset] = na.At(portOffset) } return addrs } // At returns a NetworkAddress with a port range of just 1 // at the given port offset; i.e. a NetworkAddress that // represents precisely 1 address only. func (na NetworkAddress) At(portOffset uint) NetworkAddress { na2 := na na2.StartPort, na2.EndPort = na.StartPort+portOffset, na.StartPort+portOffset return na2 } // PortRangeSize returns how many ports are in // pa's port range. Port ranges are inclusive, // so the size is the difference of start and // end ports plus one. func (na NetworkAddress) PortRangeSize() uint { if na.EndPort < na.StartPort { return 0 } return (na.EndPort - na.StartPort) + 1 } func (na NetworkAddress) isLoopback() bool { if na.IsUnixNetwork() { return true } if na.Host == "localhost" { return true } if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(na.Host); err == nil { return ip.IsLoopback() } return false } func (na NetworkAddress) isWildcardInterface() bool { if na.Host == "" { return true } if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(na.Host); err == nil { return ip.IsUnspecified() } return false } func (na NetworkAddress) port() string { if na.StartPort == na.EndPort { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(na.StartPort), 10) } return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", na.StartPort, na.EndPort) } // String reconstructs the address string for human display. // The output can be parsed by ParseNetworkAddress(). If the // address is a unix socket, any non-zero port will be dropped. func (na NetworkAddress) String() string { if na.Network == "tcp" && (na.Host != "" || na.port() != "") { na.Network = "" // omit default network value for brevity } return JoinNetworkAddress(na.Network, na.Host, na.port()) } // IsUnixNetwork returns true if the netw is a unix network. func IsUnixNetwork(netw string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(netw, "unix") } // ParseNetworkAddress parses addr into its individual // components. The input string is expected to be of // the form "network/host:port-range" where any part is // optional. The default network, if unspecified, is tcp. // Port ranges are inclusive. // // Network addresses are distinct from URLs and do not // use URL syntax. func ParseNetworkAddress(addr string) (NetworkAddress, error) { return ParseNetworkAddressWithDefaults(addr, "tcp", 0) } // ParseNetworkAddressWithDefaults is like ParseNetworkAddress but allows // the default network and port to be specified. func ParseNetworkAddressWithDefaults(addr, defaultNetwork string, defaultPort uint) (NetworkAddress, error) { var host, port string network, host, port, err := SplitNetworkAddress(addr) if err != nil { return NetworkAddress{}, err } if network == "" { network = defaultNetwork } if IsUnixNetwork(network) { _, _, err := internal.SplitUnixSocketPermissionsBits(host) return NetworkAddress{ Network: network, Host: host, }, err } var start, end uint64 if port == "" { start = uint64(defaultPort) end = uint64(defaultPort) } else { before, after, found := strings.Cut(port, "-") if !found { after = before } start, err = strconv.ParseUint(before, 10, 16) if err != nil { return NetworkAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid start port: %v", err) } end, err = strconv.ParseUint(after, 10, 16) if err != nil { return NetworkAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid end port: %v", err) } if end < start { return NetworkAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("end port must not be less than start port") } if (end - start) > maxPortSpan { return NetworkAddress{}, fmt.Errorf("port range exceeds %d ports", maxPortSpan) } } return NetworkAddress{ Network: network, Host: host, StartPort: uint(start), EndPort: uint(end), }, nil } // SplitNetworkAddress splits a into its network, host, and port components. // Note that port may be a port range (:X-Y), or omitted for unix sockets. func SplitNetworkAddress(a string) (network, host, port string, err error) { beforeSlash, afterSlash, slashFound := strings.Cut(a, "/") if slashFound { network = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(beforeSlash)) a = afterSlash } if IsUnixNetwork(network) { host = a return } host, port, err = net.SplitHostPort(a) if err == nil || a == "" { return } // in general, if there was an error, it was likely "missing port", // so try adding a bogus port to take advantage of standard library's // robust parser, then strip the artificial port before returning // (don't overwrite original error though; might still be relevant) var err2 error host, port, err2 = net.SplitHostPort(a + ":0") if err2 == nil { err = nil port = "" } return } // JoinNetworkAddress combines network, host, and port into a single // address string of the form accepted by ParseNetworkAddress(). For // unix sockets, the network should be "unix" (or "unixgram" or // "unixpacket") and the path to the socket should be given as the // host parameter. func JoinNetworkAddress(network, host, port string) string { var a string if network != "" { a = network + "/" } if (host != "" && port == "") || IsUnixNetwork(network) { a += host } else if port != "" { a += net.JoinHostPort(host, port) } return a } // DEPRECATED: Use NetworkAddress.Listen instead. This function will likely be changed or removed in the future. func Listen(network, addr string) (net.Listener, error) { // a 0 timeout means Go uses its default return ListenTimeout(network, addr, 0) } // DEPRECATED: Use NetworkAddress.Listen instead. This function will likely be changed or removed in the future. func ListenTimeout(network, addr string, keepalivePeriod time.Duration) (net.Listener, error) { netAddr, err := ParseNetworkAddress(JoinNetworkAddress(network, addr, "")) if err != nil { return nil, err } ln, err := netAddr.Listen(context.TODO(), 0, net.ListenConfig{KeepAlive: keepalivePeriod}) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ln.(net.Listener), nil } // DEPRECATED: Use NetworkAddress.Listen instead. This function will likely be changed or removed in the future. func ListenPacket(network, addr string) (net.PacketConn, error) { netAddr, err := ParseNetworkAddress(JoinNetworkAddress(network, addr, "")) if err != nil { return nil, err } ln, err := netAddr.Listen(context.TODO(), 0, net.ListenConfig{}) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ln.(net.PacketConn), nil } // ListenQUIC returns a quic.EarlyListener suitable for use in a Caddy module. // The network will be transformed into a QUIC-compatible type (if unix, then // unixgram will be used; otherwise, udp will be used). // // NOTE: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed. // // TODO: See if we can find a more elegant solution closer to the new NetworkAddress.Listen API. func ListenQUIC(ln net.PacketConn, tlsConf *tls.Config, activeRequests *int64) (http3.QUICEarlyListener, error) { lnKey := listenerKey("quic+"+ln.LocalAddr().Network(), ln.LocalAddr().String()) sharedEarlyListener, _, err := listenerPool.LoadOrNew(lnKey, func() (Destructor, error) { sqtc := newSharedQUICTLSConfig(tlsConf) // http3.ConfigureTLSConfig only uses this field and tls App sets this field as well //nolint:gosec quicTlsConfig := &tls.Config{GetConfigForClient: sqtc.getConfigForClient} earlyLn, err := quic.ListenEarly(ln, http3.ConfigureTLSConfig(quicTlsConfig), &quic.Config{ Allow0RTT: true, RequireAddressValidation: func(clientAddr net.Addr) bool { var highLoad bool if activeRequests != nil { highLoad = atomic.LoadInt64(activeRequests) > 1000 // TODO: make tunable? } return highLoad }, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &sharedQuicListener{EarlyListener: earlyLn, sqtc: sqtc, key: lnKey}, nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } sql := sharedEarlyListener.(*sharedQuicListener) // add current tls.Config to sqtc, so GetConfigForClient will always return the latest tls.Config in case of context cancellation ctx, cancel := sql.sqtc.addTLSConfig(tlsConf) // TODO: to serve QUIC over a unix socket, currently we need to hold onto // the underlying net.PacketConn (which we wrap as unixConn to keep count // of closes) because closing the quic.EarlyListener doesn't actually close // the underlying PacketConn, but we need to for unix sockets since we dup // the file descriptor and thus need to close the original; track issue: // var unix *unixConn if uc, ok := ln.(*unixConn); ok { unix = uc } return &fakeCloseQuicListener{ sharedQuicListener: sql, uc: unix, context: ctx, contextCancel: cancel, }, nil } // ListenerUsage returns the current usage count of the given listener address. func ListenerUsage(network, addr string) int { count, _ := listenerPool.References(listenerKey(network, addr)) return count } // contextAndCancelFunc groups context and its cancelFunc type contextAndCancelFunc struct { context.Context context.CancelFunc } // sharedQUICTLSConfig manages GetConfigForClient // see issue: type sharedQUICTLSConfig struct { rmu sync.RWMutex tlsConfs map[*tls.Config]contextAndCancelFunc activeTlsConf *tls.Config } // newSharedQUICTLSConfig creates a new sharedQUICTLSConfig func newSharedQUICTLSConfig(tlsConfig *tls.Config) *sharedQUICTLSConfig { sqtc := &sharedQUICTLSConfig{ tlsConfs: make(map[*tls.Config]contextAndCancelFunc), activeTlsConf: tlsConfig, } sqtc.addTLSConfig(tlsConfig) return sqtc } // getConfigForClient is used as tls.Config's GetConfigForClient field func (sqtc *sharedQUICTLSConfig) getConfigForClient(ch *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Config, error) { sqtc.rmu.RLock() defer sqtc.rmu.RUnlock() return sqtc.activeTlsConf.GetConfigForClient(ch) } // addTLSConfig adds tls.Config to the map if not present and returns the corresponding context and its cancelFunc // so that when cancelled, the active tls.Config will change func (sqtc *sharedQUICTLSConfig) addTLSConfig(tlsConfig *tls.Config) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) { sqtc.rmu.Lock() defer sqtc.rmu.Unlock() if cacc, ok := sqtc.tlsConfs[tlsConfig]; ok { return cacc.Context, cacc.CancelFunc } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) wrappedCancel := func() { cancel() sqtc.rmu.Lock() defer sqtc.rmu.Unlock() delete(sqtc.tlsConfs, tlsConfig) if sqtc.activeTlsConf == tlsConfig { // select another tls.Config, if there is none, // related sharedQuicListener will be destroyed anyway for tc := range sqtc.tlsConfs { sqtc.activeTlsConf = tc break } } } sqtc.tlsConfs[tlsConfig] = contextAndCancelFunc{ctx, wrappedCancel} // there should be at most 2 tls.Configs if len(sqtc.tlsConfs) > 2 { Log().Warn("quic listener tls configs are more than 2", zap.Int("number of configs", len(sqtc.tlsConfs))) } return ctx, wrappedCancel } // sharedQuicListener is like sharedListener, but for quic.EarlyListeners. type sharedQuicListener struct { *quic.EarlyListener sqtc *sharedQUICTLSConfig key string } // Destruct closes the underlying QUIC listener. func (sql *sharedQuicListener) Destruct() error { return sql.EarlyListener.Close() } // sharedPacketConn is like sharedListener, but for net.PacketConns. type sharedPacketConn struct { net.PacketConn key string } // Destruct closes the underlying socket. func (spc *sharedPacketConn) Destruct() error { return spc.PacketConn.Close() } // fakeClosedErr returns an error value that is not temporary // nor a timeout, suitable for making the caller think the // listener is actually closed func fakeClosedErr(l interface{ Addr() net.Addr }) error { return &net.OpError{ Op: "accept", Net: l.Addr().Network(), Addr: l.Addr(), Err: errFakeClosed, } } // errFakeClosed is the underlying error value returned by // fakeCloseListener.Accept() after Close() has been called, // indicating that it is pretending to be closed so that the // server using it can terminate, while the underlying // socket is actually left open. var errFakeClosed = fmt.Errorf("listener 'closed' 😉") // fakeClosePacketConn is like fakeCloseListener, but for PacketConns, // or more specifically, *net.UDPConn type fakeClosePacketConn struct { closed int32 // accessed atomically; belongs to this struct only spc *sharedPacketConn // its key is used in Close *net.UDPConn // embedded, so we also become a net.PacketConn and enable several other optimizations done by quic-go } // interface guard for extra optimizations // needed by QUIC implementation:, var _ quic.OOBCapablePacketConn = (*fakeClosePacketConn)(nil) // is used by quic-go and requires a net.PacketConn type assertable to a net.Conn, // but doesn't actually use these methods, the only methods needed are `ReadMsgUDP` and `SyscallConn`. var _ net.Conn = (*fakeClosePacketConn)(nil) // Close won't close the underlying socket unless there is no more reference, then listenerPool will close it. func (fcpc *fakeClosePacketConn) Close() error { if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&fcpc.closed, 0, 1) { _, _ = listenerPool.Delete(fcpc.spc.key) } return nil } type fakeCloseQuicListener struct { closed int32 // accessed atomically; belongs to this struct only *sharedQuicListener // embedded, so we also become a quic.EarlyListener uc *unixConn // underlying unix socket, if UDS context context.Context contextCancel context.CancelFunc } // Currently Accept ignores the passed context, however a situation where // someone would need a hotswappable QUIC-only (not http3, since it uses context.Background here) // server on which Accept would be called with non-empty contexts // (mind that the default net listeners' Accept doesn't take a context argument) // sounds way too rare for us to sacrifice efficiency here. func (fcql *fakeCloseQuicListener) Accept(_ context.Context) (quic.EarlyConnection, error) { conn, err := fcql.sharedQuicListener.Accept(fcql.context) if err == nil { return conn, nil } // if the listener is "closed", return a fake closed error instead if atomic.LoadInt32(&fcql.closed) == 1 && errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return nil, fakeClosedErr(fcql) } return nil, err } func (fcql *fakeCloseQuicListener) Close() error { if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&fcql.closed, 0, 1) { fcql.contextCancel() _, _ = listenerPool.Delete(fcql.sharedQuicListener.key) if fcql.uc != nil { // unix sockets need to be closed ourselves because we dup() the file // descriptor when we reuse them, so this avoids a resource leak fcql.uc.Close() } } return nil } // RegisterNetwork registers a network type with Caddy so that if a listener is // created for that network type, getListener will be invoked to get the listener. // This should be called during init() and will panic if the network type is standard // or reserved, or if it is already registered. EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change. func RegisterNetwork(network string, getListener ListenerFunc) { network = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(network)) if network == "tcp" || network == "tcp4" || network == "tcp6" || network == "udp" || network == "udp4" || network == "udp6" || network == "unix" || network == "unixpacket" || network == "unixgram" || strings.HasPrefix("ip:", network) || strings.HasPrefix("ip4:", network) || strings.HasPrefix("ip6:", network) { panic("network type " + network + " is reserved") } if _, ok := networkTypes[strings.ToLower(network)]; ok { panic("network type " + network + " is already registered") } networkTypes[network] = getListener } type unixConn struct { *net.UnixConn filename string mapKey string count *int32 // accessed atomically } func (uc *unixConn) Close() error { newCount := atomic.AddInt32(uc.count, -1) if newCount == 0 { defer func() { unixSocketsMu.Lock() delete(unixSockets, uc.mapKey) unixSocketsMu.Unlock() _ = syscall.Unlink(uc.filename) }() } return uc.UnixConn.Close() } // unixSockets keeps track of the currently-active unix sockets // so we can transfer their FDs gracefully during reloads. var ( unixSockets = make(map[string]interface { File() (*os.File, error) }) unixSocketsMu sync.Mutex ) // getListenerFromPlugin returns a listener on the given network and address // if a plugin has registered the network name. It may return (nil, nil) if // no plugin can provide a listener. func getListenerFromPlugin(ctx context.Context, network, addr string, config net.ListenConfig) (any, error) { // get listener from plugin if network type is registered if getListener, ok := networkTypes[network]; ok { Log().Debug("getting listener from plugin", zap.String("network", network)) return getListener(ctx, network, addr, config) } return nil, nil } func listenerKey(network, addr string) string { return network + "/" + addr } // ListenerFunc is a function that can return a listener given a network and address. // The listeners must be capable of overlapping: with Caddy, new configs are loaded // before old ones are unloaded, so listeners may overlap briefly if the configs // both need the same listener. EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change. type ListenerFunc func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string, cfg net.ListenConfig) (any, error) var networkTypes = map[string]ListenerFunc{} // ListenerWrapper is a type that wraps a listener // so it can modify the input listener's methods. // Modules that implement this interface are found // in the caddy.listeners namespace. Usually, to // wrap a listener, you will define your own struct // type that embeds the input listener, then // implement your own methods that you want to wrap, // calling the underlying listener's methods where // appropriate. type ListenerWrapper interface { WrapListener(net.Listener) net.Listener } // listenerPool stores and allows reuse of active listeners. var listenerPool = NewUsagePool() const maxPortSpan = 65535 // Interface guards (see var ( _ (interface{ SetReadBuffer(int) error }) = (*fakeClosePacketConn)(nil) _ (interface { SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error) }) = (*fakeClosePacketConn)(nil) )
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build gofuzz package caddy func FuzzParseNetworkAddress(data []byte) int { _, err := ParseNetworkAddress(string(data)) if err != nil { return 0 } return 1 }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "reflect" "testing" "" ) func TestSplitNetworkAddress(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { input string expectNetwork string expectHost string expectPort string expectErr bool }{ { input: "", expectErr: true, }, { input: "foo", expectHost: "foo", }, { input: ":", // empty host & empty port }, { input: "::", expectErr: true, }, { input: "[::]", expectHost: "::", }, { input: ":1234", expectPort: "1234", }, { input: "foo:1234", expectHost: "foo", expectPort: "1234", }, { input: "foo:1234-5678", expectHost: "foo", expectPort: "1234-5678", }, { input: "udp/foo:1234", expectNetwork: "udp", expectHost: "foo", expectPort: "1234", }, { input: "tcp6/foo:1234-5678", expectNetwork: "tcp6", expectHost: "foo", expectPort: "1234-5678", }, { input: "udp/", expectNetwork: "udp", expectErr: true, }, { input: "unix//foo/bar", expectNetwork: "unix", expectHost: "/foo/bar", }, { input: "unixgram//foo/bar", expectNetwork: "unixgram", expectHost: "/foo/bar", }, { input: "unixpacket//foo/bar", expectNetwork: "unixpacket", expectHost: "/foo/bar", }, } { actualNetwork, actualHost, actualPort, err := SplitNetworkAddress(tc.input) if tc.expectErr && err == nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected error but got %v", i, err) } if !tc.expectErr && err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error but got %v", i, err) } if actualNetwork != tc.expectNetwork { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected network '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expectNetwork, actualNetwork) } if actualHost != tc.expectHost { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected host '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expectHost, actualHost) } if actualPort != tc.expectPort { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected port '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expectPort, actualPort) } } } func TestJoinNetworkAddress(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { network, host, port string expect string }{ { network: "", host: "", port: "", expect: "", }, { network: "tcp", host: "", port: "", expect: "tcp/", }, { network: "", host: "foo", port: "", expect: "foo", }, { network: "", host: "", port: "1234", expect: ":1234", }, { network: "", host: "", port: "1234-5678", expect: ":1234-5678", }, { network: "", host: "foo", port: "1234", expect: "foo:1234", }, { network: "udp", host: "foo", port: "1234", expect: "udp/foo:1234", }, { network: "udp", host: "", port: "1234", expect: "udp/:1234", }, { network: "unix", host: "/foo/bar", port: "", expect: "unix//foo/bar", }, { network: "unix", host: "/foo/bar", port: "0", expect: "unix//foo/bar", }, { network: "unix", host: "/foo/bar", port: "1234", expect: "unix//foo/bar", }, { network: "", host: "::1", port: "1234", expect: "[::1]:1234", }, } { actual := JoinNetworkAddress(,, tc.port) if actual != tc.expect { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expect, actual) } } } func TestParseNetworkAddress(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { input string defaultNetwork string defaultPort uint expectAddr NetworkAddress expectErr bool }{ { input: "", expectErr: true, }, { input: ":", defaultNetwork: "udp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", }, }, { input: "[::]", defaultNetwork: "udp", defaultPort: 53, expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", Host: "::", StartPort: 53, EndPort: 53, }, }, { input: ":1234", defaultNetwork: "udp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", Host: "", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "udp/:1234", defaultNetwork: "udp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", Host: "", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "tcp6/:1234", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp6", Host: "", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "tcp4/localhost:1234", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp4", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "unix//foo/bar", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "unix", Host: "/foo/bar", }, }, { input: "localhost:1234-1234", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "localhost:2-1", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectErr: true, }, { input: "localhost:0", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 0, EndPort: 0, }, }, { input: "localhost:1-999999999999", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectErr: true, }, } { actualAddr, err := ParseNetworkAddressWithDefaults(tc.input, tc.defaultNetwork, tc.defaultPort) if tc.expectErr && err == nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected error but got: %v", i, err) } if !tc.expectErr && err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error but got: %v", i, err) } if actualAddr.Network != tc.expectAddr.Network { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected network '%v' but got '%v'", i, tc.expectAddr, actualAddr) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expectAddr, actualAddr) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected addresses %v but got %v", i, tc.expectAddr, actualAddr) } } } func TestParseNetworkAddressWithDefaults(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { input string defaultNetwork string defaultPort uint expectAddr NetworkAddress expectErr bool }{ { input: "", expectErr: true, }, { input: ":", defaultNetwork: "udp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", }, }, { input: "[::]", defaultNetwork: "udp", defaultPort: 53, expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", Host: "::", StartPort: 53, EndPort: 53, }, }, { input: ":1234", defaultNetwork: "udp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", Host: "", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "udp/:1234", defaultNetwork: "udp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "udp", Host: "", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "tcp6/:1234", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp6", Host: "", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "tcp4/localhost:1234", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp4", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "unix//foo/bar", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "unix", Host: "/foo/bar", }, }, { input: "localhost:1234-1234", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, }, { input: "localhost:2-1", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectErr: true, }, { input: "localhost:0", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectAddr: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 0, EndPort: 0, }, }, { input: "localhost:1-999999999999", defaultNetwork: "tcp", expectErr: true, }, } { actualAddr, err := ParseNetworkAddressWithDefaults(tc.input, tc.defaultNetwork, tc.defaultPort) if tc.expectErr && err == nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected error but got: %v", i, err) } if !tc.expectErr && err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error but got: %v", i, err) } if actualAddr.Network != tc.expectAddr.Network { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected network '%v' but got '%v'", i, tc.expectAddr, actualAddr) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expectAddr, actualAddr) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected addresses %v but got %v", i, tc.expectAddr, actualAddr) } } } func TestJoinHostPort(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { pa NetworkAddress offset uint expect string }{ { pa: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1234, }, expect: "localhost:1234", }, { pa: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1235, }, expect: "localhost:1234", }, { pa: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 1234, EndPort: 1235, }, offset: 1, expect: "localhost:1235", }, { pa: NetworkAddress{ Network: "unix", Host: "/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock", }, expect: "/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock", }, } { actual := if actual != tc.expect { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expect, actual) } } } func TestExpand(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { input NetworkAddress expect []NetworkAddress }{ { input: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 2000, EndPort: 2000, }, expect: []NetworkAddress{ { Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 2000, EndPort: 2000, }, }, }, { input: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 2000, EndPort: 2002, }, expect: []NetworkAddress{ { Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 2000, EndPort: 2000, }, { Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 2001, EndPort: 2001, }, { Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 2002, EndPort: 2002, }, }, }, { input: NetworkAddress{ Network: "tcp", Host: "localhost", StartPort: 2000, EndPort: 1999, }, expect: []NetworkAddress{}, }, { input: NetworkAddress{ Network: "unix", Host: "/foo/bar", StartPort: 0, EndPort: 0, }, expect: []NetworkAddress{ { Network: "unix", Host: "/foo/bar", StartPort: 0, EndPort: 0, }, }, }, } { actual := tc.input.Expand() if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, tc.expect) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %+v but got %+v", i, tc.expect, actual) } } } func TestSplitUnixSocketPermissionsBits(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { input string expectNetwork string expectPath string expectFileMode string expectErr bool }{ { input: "./foo.socket", expectPath: "./foo.socket", expectFileMode: "--w-------", }, { input: `.\relative\path.socket`, expectPath: `.\relative\path.socket`, expectFileMode: "--w-------", }, { // literal colon in resulting address // and defaulting to 0200 bits input: "./foo.socket:0666", expectPath: "./foo.socket:0666", expectFileMode: "--w-------", }, { input: "./foo.socket|0220", expectPath: "./foo.socket", expectFileMode: "--w--w----", }, { input: "/var/run/foo|222", expectPath: "/var/run/foo", expectFileMode: "--w--w--w-", }, { input: "./foo.socket|0660", expectPath: "./foo.socket", expectFileMode: "-rw-rw----", }, { input: "./foo.socket|0666", expectPath: "./foo.socket", expectFileMode: "-rw-rw-rw-", }, { input: "/var/run/foo|666", expectPath: "/var/run/foo", expectFileMode: "-rw-rw-rw-", }, { input: `c:\absolute\path.socket|220`, expectPath: `c:\absolute\path.socket`, expectFileMode: "--w--w----", }, { // symbolic permission representation is not supported for now input: "./foo.socket|u=rw,g=rw,o=rw", expectErr: true, }, { // octal (base-8) permission representation has to be between // `0` for no read, no write, no exec (`---`) and // `7` for read (4), write (2), exec (1) (`rwx` => `4+2+1 = 7`) input: "./foo.socket|888", expectErr: true, }, { // too many colons in address input: "./foo.socket|123456|0660", expectErr: true, }, { // owner is missing write perms input: "./foo.socket|0522", expectErr: true, }, } { actualPath, actualFileMode, err := internal.SplitUnixSocketPermissionsBits(tc.input) if tc.expectErr && err == nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected error but got: %v", i, err) } if !tc.expectErr && err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error but got: %v", i, err) } if actualPath != tc.expectPath { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected path '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expectPath, actualPath) } // fileMode.Perm().String() parses 0 to "----------" if !tc.expectErr && actualFileMode.Perm().String() != tc.expectFileMode { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected perms '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expectFileMode, actualFileMode.Perm().String()) } } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Even though the filename ends in _unix.go, we still have to specify the // build constraint here, because the filename convention only works for // literal GOOS values, and "unix" is a shortcut unique to build tags. //go:build unix package caddy import ( "context" "errors" "io/fs" "net" "sync/atomic" "syscall" "" "" ) // reuseUnixSocket copies and reuses the unix domain socket (UDS) if we already // have it open; if not, unlink it so we can have it. No-op if not a unix network. func reuseUnixSocket(network, addr string) (any, error) { if !IsUnixNetwork(network) { return nil, nil } socketKey := listenerKey(network, addr) socket, exists := unixSockets[socketKey] if exists { // make copy of file descriptor socketFile, err := socket.File() // does dup() deep down if err != nil { return nil, err } // use copied fd to make new Listener or PacketConn, then replace // it in the map so that future copies always come from the most // recent fd (as the previous ones will be closed, and we'd get // "use of closed network connection" errors) -- note that we // preserve the *pointer* to the counter (not just the value) so // that all socket wrappers will refer to the same value switch unixSocket := socket.(type) { case *unixListener: ln, err := net.FileListener(socketFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } atomic.AddInt32(unixSocket.count, 1) unixSockets[socketKey] = &unixListener{ln.(*net.UnixListener), socketKey, unixSocket.count} case *unixConn: pc, err := net.FilePacketConn(socketFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } atomic.AddInt32(unixSocket.count, 1) unixSockets[socketKey] = &unixConn{pc.(*net.UnixConn), addr, socketKey, unixSocket.count} } return unixSockets[socketKey], nil } // from what I can tell after some quick research, it's quite common for programs to // leave their socket file behind after they close, so the typical pattern is to // unlink it before you bind to it -- this is often crucial if the last program using // it was killed forcefully without a chance to clean up the socket, but there is a // race, as the comment in net.UnixListener.close() explains... oh well, I guess? if err := syscall.Unlink(addr); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { return nil, err } return nil, nil } func listenTCPOrUnix(ctx context.Context, lnKey string, network, address string, config net.ListenConfig) (net.Listener, error) { // wrap any Control function set by the user so we can also add our reusePort control without clobbering theirs oldControl := config.Control config.Control = func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error { if oldControl != nil { if err := oldControl(network, address, c); err != nil { return err } } return reusePort(network, address, c) } // even though SO_REUSEPORT lets us bind the socket multiple times, // we still put it in the listenerPool so we can count how many // configs are using this socket; necessary to ensure we can know // whether to enforce shutdown delays, for example (see #5393). ln, err := config.Listen(ctx, network, address) if err == nil { listenerPool.LoadOrStore(lnKey, nil) } // if new listener is a unix socket, make sure we can reuse it later // (we do our own "unlink on close" -- not required, but more tidy) one := int32(1) if unix, ok := ln.(*net.UnixListener); ok { unix.SetUnlinkOnClose(false) ln = &unixListener{unix, lnKey, &one} unixSockets[lnKey] = ln.(*unixListener) } // lightly wrap the listener so that when it is closed, // we can decrement the usage pool counter return deleteListener{ln, lnKey}, err } // reusePort sets SO_REUSEPORT. Ineffective for unix sockets. func reusePort(network, address string, conn syscall.RawConn) error { if IsUnixNetwork(network) { return nil } return conn.Control(func(descriptor uintptr) { if err := unix.SetsockoptInt(int(descriptor), unix.SOL_SOCKET, unixSOREUSEPORT, 1); err != nil { Log().Error("setting SO_REUSEPORT", zap.String("network", network), zap.String("address", address), zap.Uintptr("descriptor", descriptor), zap.Error(err)) } }) } type unixListener struct { *net.UnixListener mapKey string count *int32 // accessed atomically } func (uln *unixListener) Close() error { newCount := atomic.AddInt32(uln.count, -1) if newCount == 0 { defer func() { addr := uln.Addr().String() unixSocketsMu.Lock() delete(unixSockets, uln.mapKey) unixSocketsMu.Unlock() _ = syscall.Unlink(addr) }() } return uln.UnixListener.Close() } // deleteListener is a type that simply deletes itself // from the listenerPool when it closes. It is used // solely for the purpose of reference counting (i.e. // counting how many configs are using a given socket). type deleteListener struct { net.Listener lnKey string } func (dl deleteListener) Close() error { _, _ = listenerPool.Delete(dl.lnKey) return dl.Listener.Close() }
//go:build unix && !freebsd package caddy import "" const unixSOREUSEPORT = unix.SO_REUSEPORT
//go:build freebsd package caddy import "" const unixSOREUSEPORT = unix.SO_REUSEPORT_LB
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "log" "os" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" ) func init() { RegisterModule(StdoutWriter{}) RegisterModule(StderrWriter{}) RegisterModule(DiscardWriter{}) } // Logging facilitates logging within Caddy. The default log is // called "default" and you can customize it. You can also define // additional logs. // // By default, all logs at INFO level and higher are written to // standard error ("stderr" writer) in a human-readable format // ("console" encoder if stdout is an interactive terminal, "json" // encoder otherwise). // // All defined logs accept all log entries by default, but you // can filter by level and module/logger names. A logger's name // is the same as the module's name, but a module may append to // logger names for more specificity. For example, you can // filter logs emitted only by HTTP handlers using the name // "http.handlers", because all HTTP handler module names have // that prefix. // // Caddy logs (except the sink) are zero-allocation, so they are // very high-performing in terms of memory and CPU time. Enabling // sampling can further increase throughput on extremely high-load // servers. type Logging struct { // Sink is the destination for all unstructured logs emitted // from Go's standard library logger. These logs are common // in dependencies that are not designed specifically for use // in Caddy. Because it is global and unstructured, the sink // lacks most advanced features and customizations. Sink *SinkLog `json:"sink,omitempty"` // Logs are your logs, keyed by an arbitrary name of your // choosing. The default log can be customized by defining // a log called "default". You can further define other logs // and filter what kinds of entries they accept. Logs map[string]*CustomLog `json:"logs,omitempty"` // a list of all keys for open writers; all writers // that are opened to provision this logging config // must have their keys added to this list so they // can be closed when cleaning up writerKeys []string } // openLogs sets up the config and opens all the configured writers. // It closes its logs when ctx is canceled, so it should clean up // after itself. func (logging *Logging) openLogs(ctx Context) error { // make sure to deallocate resources when context is done ctx.OnCancel(func() { err := logging.closeLogs() if err != nil { Log().Error("closing logs", zap.Error(err)) } }) // set up the "sink" log first (std lib's default global logger) if logging.Sink != nil { err := logging.Sink.provision(ctx, logging) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("setting up sink log: %v", err) } } // as a special case, set up the default structured Caddy log next if err := logging.setupNewDefault(ctx); err != nil { return err } // then set up any other custom logs for name, l := range logging.Logs { // the default log is already set up if name == DefaultLoggerName { continue } err := l.provision(ctx, logging) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("setting up custom log '%s': %v", name, err) } // Any other logs that use the discard writer can be deleted // entirely. This avoids encoding and processing of each // log entry that would just be thrown away anyway. Notably, // we do not reach this point for the default log, which MUST // exist, otherwise core log emissions would panic because // they use the Log() function directly which expects a non-nil // logger. Even if we keep logs with a discard writer, they // have a nop core, and keeping them at all seems unnecessary. if _, ok := l.writerOpener.(*DiscardWriter); ok { delete(logging.Logs, name) continue } } return nil } func (logging *Logging) setupNewDefault(ctx Context) error { if logging.Logs == nil { logging.Logs = make(map[string]*CustomLog) } // extract the user-defined default log, if any newDefault := new(defaultCustomLog) if userDefault, ok := logging.Logs[DefaultLoggerName]; ok { newDefault.CustomLog = userDefault } else { // if none, make one with our own default settings var err error newDefault, err = newDefaultProductionLog() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("setting up default Caddy log: %v", err) } logging.Logs[DefaultLoggerName] = newDefault.CustomLog } // set up this new log err := newDefault.CustomLog.provision(ctx, logging) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("setting up default log: %v", err) } newDefault.logger = zap.New(newDefault.CustomLog.core) // redirect the default caddy logs defaultLoggerMu.Lock() oldDefault := defaultLogger defaultLogger = newDefault defaultLoggerMu.Unlock() // if the new writer is different, indicate it in the logs for convenience var newDefaultLogWriterKey, currentDefaultLogWriterKey string var newDefaultLogWriterStr, currentDefaultLogWriterStr string if newDefault.writerOpener != nil { newDefaultLogWriterKey = newDefault.writerOpener.WriterKey() newDefaultLogWriterStr = newDefault.writerOpener.String() } if oldDefault.writerOpener != nil { currentDefaultLogWriterKey = oldDefault.writerOpener.WriterKey() currentDefaultLogWriterStr = oldDefault.writerOpener.String() } if newDefaultLogWriterKey != currentDefaultLogWriterKey { oldDefault.logger.Info("redirected default logger", zap.String("from", currentDefaultLogWriterStr), zap.String("to", newDefaultLogWriterStr), ) } return nil } // closeLogs cleans up resources allocated during openLogs. // A successful call to openLogs calls this automatically // when the context is canceled. func (logging *Logging) closeLogs() error { for _, key := range logging.writerKeys { _, err := writers.Delete(key) if err != nil { log.Printf("[ERROR] Closing log writer %v: %v", key, err) } } return nil } // Logger returns a logger that is ready for the module to use. func (logging *Logging) Logger(mod Module) *zap.Logger { modID := string(mod.CaddyModule().ID) var cores []zapcore.Core if logging != nil { for _, l := range logging.Logs { if l.matchesModule(modID) { if len(l.Include) == 0 && len(l.Exclude) == 0 { cores = append(cores, l.core) continue } cores = append(cores, &filteringCore{Core: l.core, cl: l}) } } } multiCore := zapcore.NewTee(cores...) return zap.New(multiCore).Named(modID) } // openWriter opens a writer using opener, and returns true if // the writer is new, or false if the writer already exists. func (logging *Logging) openWriter(opener WriterOpener) (io.WriteCloser, bool, error) { key := opener.WriterKey() writer, loaded, err := writers.LoadOrNew(key, func() (Destructor, error) { w, err := opener.OpenWriter() return writerDestructor{w}, err }) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } logging.writerKeys = append(logging.writerKeys, key) return writer.(io.WriteCloser), !loaded, nil } // WriterOpener is a module that can open a log writer. // It can return a human-readable string representation // of itself so that operators can understand where // the logs are going. type WriterOpener interface { fmt.Stringer // WriterKey is a string that uniquely identifies this // writer configuration. It is not shown to humans. WriterKey() string // OpenWriter opens a log for writing. The writer // should be safe for concurrent use but need not // be synchronous. OpenWriter() (io.WriteCloser, error) } type writerDestructor struct { io.WriteCloser } func (wdest writerDestructor) Destruct() error { return wdest.Close() } // BaseLog contains the common logging parameters for logging. type BaseLog struct { // The module that writes out log entries for the sink. WriterRaw json.RawMessage `json:"writer,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=caddy.logging.writers inline_key=output"` // The encoder is how the log entries are formatted or encoded. EncoderRaw json.RawMessage `json:"encoder,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=caddy.logging.encoders inline_key=format"` // Level is the minimum level to emit, and is inclusive. // Possible levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, PANIC, and FATAL Level string `json:"level,omitempty"` // Sampling configures log entry sampling. If enabled, // only some log entries will be emitted. This is useful // for improving performance on extremely high-pressure // servers. Sampling *LogSampling `json:"sampling,omitempty"` writerOpener WriterOpener writer io.WriteCloser encoder zapcore.Encoder levelEnabler zapcore.LevelEnabler core zapcore.Core } func (cl *BaseLog) provisionCommon(ctx Context, logging *Logging) error { if cl.WriterRaw != nil { mod, err := ctx.LoadModule(cl, "WriterRaw") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading log writer module: %v", err) } cl.writerOpener = mod.(WriterOpener) } if cl.writerOpener == nil { cl.writerOpener = StderrWriter{} } var err error cl.writer, _, err = logging.openWriter(cl.writerOpener) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("opening log writer using %#v: %v", cl.writerOpener, err) } repl := NewReplacer() level, err := repl.ReplaceOrErr(cl.Level, true, true) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid log level: %v", err) } level = strings.ToLower(level) // set up the log level switch level { case "debug": cl.levelEnabler = zapcore.DebugLevel case "", "info": cl.levelEnabler = zapcore.InfoLevel case "warn": cl.levelEnabler = zapcore.WarnLevel case "error": cl.levelEnabler = zapcore.ErrorLevel case "panic": cl.levelEnabler = zapcore.PanicLevel case "fatal": cl.levelEnabler = zapcore.FatalLevel default: return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized log level: %s", cl.Level) } if cl.EncoderRaw != nil { mod, err := ctx.LoadModule(cl, "EncoderRaw") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loading log encoder module: %v", err) } cl.encoder = mod.(zapcore.Encoder) } if cl.encoder == nil { // only allow colorized output if this log is going to stdout or stderr var colorize bool switch cl.writerOpener.(type) { case StdoutWriter, StderrWriter, *StdoutWriter, *StderrWriter: colorize = true } cl.encoder = newDefaultProductionLogEncoder(colorize) } cl.buildCore() return nil } func (cl *BaseLog) buildCore() { // logs which only discard their output don't need // to perform encoding or any other processing steps // at all, so just shorcut to a nop core instead if _, ok := cl.writerOpener.(*DiscardWriter); ok { cl.core = zapcore.NewNopCore() return } c := zapcore.NewCore( cl.encoder, zapcore.AddSync(cl.writer), cl.levelEnabler, ) if cl.Sampling != nil { if cl.Sampling.Interval == 0 { cl.Sampling.Interval = 1 * time.Second } if cl.Sampling.First == 0 { cl.Sampling.First = 100 } if cl.Sampling.Thereafter == 0 { cl.Sampling.Thereafter = 100 } c = zapcore.NewSamplerWithOptions(c, cl.Sampling.Interval, cl.Sampling.First, cl.Sampling.Thereafter) } cl.core = c } // SinkLog configures the default Go standard library // global logger in the log package. This is necessary because // module dependencies which are not built specifically for // Caddy will use the standard logger. This is also known as // the "sink" logger. type SinkLog struct { BaseLog } func (sll *SinkLog) provision(ctx Context, logging *Logging) error { if err := sll.provisionCommon(ctx, logging); err != nil { return err } ctx.cleanupFuncs = append(ctx.cleanupFuncs, zap.RedirectStdLog(zap.New(sll.core))) return nil } // CustomLog represents a custom logger configuration. // // By default, a log will emit all log entries. Some entries // will be skipped if sampling is enabled. Further, the Include // and Exclude parameters define which loggers (by name) are // allowed or rejected from emitting in this log. If both Include // and Exclude are populated, their values must be mutually // exclusive, and longer namespaces have priority. If neither // are populated, all logs are emitted. type CustomLog struct { BaseLog // Include defines the names of loggers to emit in this // log. For example, to include only logs emitted by the // admin API, you would include "admin.api". Include []string `json:"include,omitempty"` // Exclude defines the names of loggers that should be // skipped by this log. For example, to exclude only // HTTP access logs, you would exclude "http.log.access". Exclude []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` } func (cl *CustomLog) provision(ctx Context, logging *Logging) error { if err := cl.provisionCommon(ctx, logging); err != nil { return err } // If both Include and Exclude lists are populated, then each item must // be a superspace or subspace of an item in the other list, because // populating both lists means that any given item is either a rule // or an exception to another rule. But if the item is not a super- // or sub-space of any item in the other list, it is neither a rule // nor an exception, and is a contradiction. Ensure, too, that the // sets do not intersect, which is also a contradiction. if len(cl.Include) > 0 && len(cl.Exclude) > 0 { // prevent intersections for _, allow := range cl.Include { for _, deny := range cl.Exclude { if allow == deny { return fmt.Errorf("include and exclude must not intersect, but found %s in both lists", allow) } } } // ensure namespaces are nested outer: for _, allow := range cl.Include { for _, deny := range cl.Exclude { if strings.HasPrefix(allow+".", deny+".") || strings.HasPrefix(deny+".", allow+".") { continue outer } } return fmt.Errorf("when both include and exclude are populated, each element must be a superspace or subspace of one in the other list; check '%s' in include", allow) } } return nil } func (cl *CustomLog) matchesModule(moduleID string) bool { return cl.loggerAllowed(moduleID, true) } // loggerAllowed returns true if name is allowed to emit // to cl. isModule should be true if name is the name of // a module and you want to see if ANY of that module's // logs would be permitted. func (cl *CustomLog) loggerAllowed(name string, isModule bool) bool { // accept all loggers by default if len(cl.Include) == 0 && len(cl.Exclude) == 0 { return true } // append a dot so that partial names don't match // (i.e. we don't want "foo.b" to match ""); we // will also have to append a dot when we do HasPrefix // below to compensate for when when namespaces are equal if name != "" && name != "*" && name != "." { name += "." } var longestAccept, longestReject int if len(cl.Include) > 0 { for _, namespace := range cl.Include { var hasPrefix bool if isModule { hasPrefix = strings.HasPrefix(namespace+".", name) } else { hasPrefix = strings.HasPrefix(name, namespace+".") } if hasPrefix && len(namespace) > longestAccept { longestAccept = len(namespace) } } // the include list was populated, meaning that // a match in this list is absolutely required // if we are to accept the entry if longestAccept == 0 { return false } } if len(cl.Exclude) > 0 { for _, namespace := range cl.Exclude { // * == all logs emitted by modules // . == all logs emitted by core if (namespace == "*" && name != ".") || (namespace == "." && name == ".") { return false } if strings.HasPrefix(name, namespace+".") && len(namespace) > longestReject { longestReject = len(namespace) } } // the reject list is populated, so we have to // reject this entry if its match is better // than the best from the accept list if longestReject > longestAccept { return false } } return (longestAccept > longestReject) || (len(cl.Include) == 0 && longestReject == 0) } // filteringCore filters log entries based on logger name, // according to the rules of a CustomLog. type filteringCore struct { zapcore.Core cl *CustomLog } // With properly wraps With. func (fc *filteringCore) With(fields []zapcore.Field) zapcore.Core { return &filteringCore{ Core: fc.Core.With(fields), cl:, } } // Check only allows the log entry if its logger name // is allowed from the include/exclude rules of func (fc *filteringCore) Check(e zapcore.Entry, ce *zapcore.CheckedEntry) *zapcore.CheckedEntry { if, false) { return fc.Core.Check(e, ce) } return ce } // LogSampling configures log entry sampling. type LogSampling struct { // The window over which to conduct sampling. Interval time.Duration `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Log this many entries within a given level and // message for each interval. First int `json:"first,omitempty"` // If more entries with the same level and message // are seen during the same interval, keep one in // this many entries until the end of the interval. Thereafter int `json:"thereafter,omitempty"` } type ( // StdoutWriter writes logs to standard out. StdoutWriter struct{} // StderrWriter writes logs to standard error. StderrWriter struct{} // DiscardWriter discards all writes. DiscardWriter struct{} ) // CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information. func (StdoutWriter) CaddyModule() ModuleInfo { return ModuleInfo{ ID: "caddy.logging.writers.stdout", New: func() Module { return new(StdoutWriter) }, } } // CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information. func (StderrWriter) CaddyModule() ModuleInfo { return ModuleInfo{ ID: "caddy.logging.writers.stderr", New: func() Module { return new(StderrWriter) }, } } // CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information. func (DiscardWriter) CaddyModule() ModuleInfo { return ModuleInfo{ ID: "caddy.logging.writers.discard", New: func() Module { return new(DiscardWriter) }, } } func (StdoutWriter) String() string { return "stdout" } func (StderrWriter) String() string { return "stderr" } func (DiscardWriter) String() string { return "discard" } // WriterKey returns a unique key representing stdout. func (StdoutWriter) WriterKey() string { return "std:out" } // WriterKey returns a unique key representing stderr. func (StderrWriter) WriterKey() string { return "std:err" } // WriterKey returns a unique key representing discard. func (DiscardWriter) WriterKey() string { return "discard" } // OpenWriter returns os.Stdout that can't be closed. func (StdoutWriter) OpenWriter() (io.WriteCloser, error) { return notClosable{os.Stdout}, nil } // OpenWriter returns os.Stderr that can't be closed. func (StderrWriter) OpenWriter() (io.WriteCloser, error) { return notClosable{os.Stderr}, nil } // OpenWriter returns io.Discard that can't be closed. func (DiscardWriter) OpenWriter() (io.WriteCloser, error) { return notClosable{io.Discard}, nil } // notClosable is an io.WriteCloser that can't be closed. type notClosable struct{ io.Writer } func (fc notClosable) Close() error { return nil } type defaultCustomLog struct { *CustomLog logger *zap.Logger } // newDefaultProductionLog configures a custom log that is // intended for use by default if no other log is specified // in a config. It writes to stderr, uses the console encoder, // and enables INFO-level logs and higher. func newDefaultProductionLog() (*defaultCustomLog, error) { cl := new(CustomLog) cl.writerOpener = StderrWriter{} var err error cl.writer, err = cl.writerOpener.OpenWriter() if err != nil { return nil, err } cl.encoder = newDefaultProductionLogEncoder(true) cl.levelEnabler = zapcore.InfoLevel cl.buildCore() logger := zap.New(cl.core) // capture logs from other libraries which // may not be using zap logging directly _ = zap.RedirectStdLog(logger) return &defaultCustomLog{ CustomLog: cl, logger: logger, }, nil } func newDefaultProductionLogEncoder(colorize bool) zapcore.Encoder { encCfg := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig() if term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd())) { // if interactive terminal, make output more human-readable by default encCfg.EncodeTime = func(ts time.Time, encoder zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder) { encoder.AppendString(ts.UTC().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05.000")) } if colorize { encCfg.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder } return zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(encCfg) } return zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(encCfg) } // Log returns the current default logger. func Log() *zap.Logger { defaultLoggerMu.RLock() defer defaultLoggerMu.RUnlock() return defaultLogger.logger } var ( defaultLogger, _ = newDefaultProductionLog() defaultLoggerMu sync.RWMutex ) var writers = NewUsagePool() const DefaultLoggerName = "default" // Interface guards var ( _ io.WriteCloser = (*notClosable)(nil) _ WriterOpener = (*StdoutWriter)(nil) _ WriterOpener = (*StderrWriter)(nil) )
package caddy import ( "net/http" "" "" "" "" ) // define and register the metrics used in this package. func init() { prometheus.MustRegister(collectors.NewBuildInfoCollector()) const ns, sub = "caddy", "admin" adminMetrics.requestCount = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: ns, Subsystem: sub, Name: "http_requests_total", Help: "Counter of requests made to the Admin API's HTTP endpoints.", }, []string{"handler", "path", "code", "method"}) adminMetrics.requestErrors = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: ns, Subsystem: sub, Name: "http_request_errors_total", Help: "Number of requests resulting in middleware errors.", }, []string{"handler", "path", "method"}) } // adminMetrics is a collection of metrics that can be tracked for the admin API. var adminMetrics = struct { requestCount *prometheus.CounterVec requestErrors *prometheus.CounterVec }{} // Similar to promhttp.InstrumentHandlerCounter, but upper-cases method names // instead of lower-casing them. // // Unlike promhttp.InstrumentHandlerCounter, this assumes a "code" and "method" // label is present, and will panic otherwise. func instrumentHandlerCounter(counter *prometheus.CounterVec, next http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { d := newDelegator(w) next.ServeHTTP(d, r) counter.With(prometheus.Labels{ "code": metrics.SanitizeCode(d.status), "method": metrics.SanitizeMethod(r.Method), }).Inc() }) } func newDelegator(w http.ResponseWriter) *delegator { return &delegator{ ResponseWriter: w, } } type delegator struct { http.ResponseWriter status int } func (d *delegator) WriteHeader(code int) { d.status = code d.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(code) } // Unwrap returns the underlying ResponseWriter, necessary for // http.ResponseController to work correctly. func (d *delegator) Unwrap() http.ResponseWriter { return d.ResponseWriter }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "reflect" "sort" "strings" "sync" ) // Module is a type that is used as a Caddy module. In // addition to this interface, most modules will implement // some interface expected by their host module in order // to be useful. To learn which interface(s) to implement, // see the documentation for the host module. At a bare // minimum, this interface, when implemented, only provides // the module's ID and constructor function. // // Modules will often implement additional interfaces // including Provisioner, Validator, and CleanerUpper. // If a module implements these interfaces, their // methods are called during the module's lifespan. // // When a module is loaded by a host module, the following // happens: 1) ModuleInfo.New() is called to get a new // instance of the module. 2) The module's configuration is // unmarshaled into that instance. 3) If the module is a // Provisioner, the Provision() method is called. 4) If the // module is a Validator, the Validate() method is called. // 5) The module will probably be type-asserted from // 'any' to some other, more useful interface expected // by the host module. For example, HTTP handler modules are // type-asserted as caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler values. // 6) When a module's containing Context is canceled, if it is // a CleanerUpper, its Cleanup() method is called. type Module interface { // This method indicates that the type is a Caddy // module. The returned ModuleInfo must have both // a name and a constructor function. This method // must not have any side-effects. CaddyModule() ModuleInfo } // ModuleInfo represents a registered Caddy module. type ModuleInfo struct { // ID is the "full name" of the module. It // must be unique and properly namespaced. ID ModuleID // New returns a pointer to a new, empty // instance of the module's type. This // method must not have any side-effects, // and no other initialization should // occur within it. Any initialization // of the returned value should be done // in a Provision() method (see the // Provisioner interface). New func() Module } // ModuleID is a string that uniquely identifies a Caddy module. A // module ID is lightly structured. It consists of dot-separated // labels which form a simple hierarchy from left to right. The last // label is the module name, and the labels before that constitute // the namespace (or scope). // // Thus, a module ID has the form: <namespace>.<name> // // An ID with no dot has the empty namespace, which is appropriate // for app modules (these are "top-level" modules that Caddy core // loads and runs). // // Module IDs should be lowercase and use underscores (_) instead of // spaces. // // Examples of valid IDs: // - http // - http.handlers.file_server // - caddy.logging.encoders.json type ModuleID string // Namespace returns the namespace (or scope) portion of a module ID, // which is all but the last label of the ID. If the ID has only one // label, then the namespace is empty. func (id ModuleID) Namespace() string { lastDot := strings.LastIndex(string(id), ".") if lastDot < 0 { return "" } return string(id)[:lastDot] } // Name returns the Name (last element) of a module ID. func (id ModuleID) Name() string { if id == "" { return "" } parts := strings.Split(string(id), ".") return parts[len(parts)-1] } func (mi ModuleInfo) String() string { return string(mi.ID) } // ModuleMap is a map that can contain multiple modules, // where the map key is the module's name. (The namespace // is usually read from an associated field's struct tag.) // Because the module's name is given as the key in a // module map, the name does not have to be given in the // json.RawMessage. type ModuleMap map[string]json.RawMessage // RegisterModule registers a module by receiving a // plain/empty value of the module. For registration to // be properly recorded, this should be called in the // init phase of runtime. Typically, the module package // will do this as a side-effect of being imported. // This function panics if the module's info is // incomplete or invalid, or if the module is already // registered. func RegisterModule(instance Module) { mod := instance.CaddyModule() if mod.ID == "" { panic("module ID missing") } if mod.ID == "caddy" || mod.ID == "admin" { panic(fmt.Sprintf("module ID '%s' is reserved", mod.ID)) } if mod.New == nil { panic("missing ModuleInfo.New") } if val := mod.New(); val == nil { panic("ModuleInfo.New must return a non-nil module instance") } modulesMu.Lock() defer modulesMu.Unlock() if _, ok := modules[string(mod.ID)]; ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("module already registered: %s", mod.ID)) } modules[string(mod.ID)] = mod } // GetModule returns module information from its ID (full name). func GetModule(name string) (ModuleInfo, error) { modulesMu.RLock() defer modulesMu.RUnlock() m, ok := modules[name] if !ok { return ModuleInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("module not registered: %s", name) } return m, nil } // GetModuleName returns a module's name (the last label of its ID) // from an instance of its value. If the value is not a module, an // empty string will be returned. func GetModuleName(instance any) string { var name string if mod, ok := instance.(Module); ok { name = mod.CaddyModule().ID.Name() } return name } // GetModuleID returns a module's ID from an instance of its value. // If the value is not a module, an empty string will be returned. func GetModuleID(instance any) string { var id string if mod, ok := instance.(Module); ok { id = string(mod.CaddyModule().ID) } return id } // GetModules returns all modules in the given scope/namespace. // For example, a scope of "foo" returns modules named "", // "foo.loo", but not "bar", "", etc. An empty scope // returns top-level modules, for example "foo" or "bar". Partial // scopes are not matched (i.e. scope "" does not match // name ""). // // Because modules are registered to a map under the hood, the // returned slice will be sorted to keep it deterministic. func GetModules(scope string) []ModuleInfo { modulesMu.RLock() defer modulesMu.RUnlock() scopeParts := strings.Split(scope, ".") // handle the special case of an empty scope, which // should match only the top-level modules if scope == "" { scopeParts = []string{} } var mods []ModuleInfo iterateModules: for id, m := range modules { modParts := strings.Split(id, ".") // match only the next level of nesting if len(modParts) != len(scopeParts)+1 { continue } // specified parts must be exact matches for i := range scopeParts { if modParts[i] != scopeParts[i] { continue iterateModules } } mods = append(mods, m) } // make return value deterministic sort.Slice(mods, func(i, j int) bool { return mods[i].ID < mods[j].ID }) return mods } // Modules returns the names of all registered modules // in ascending lexicographical order. func Modules() []string { modulesMu.RLock() defer modulesMu.RUnlock() names := make([]string, 0, len(modules)) for name := range modules { names = append(names, name) } sort.Strings(names) return names } // getModuleNameInline loads the string value from raw of moduleNameKey, // where raw must be a JSON encoding of a map. It returns that value, // along with the result of removing that key from raw. func getModuleNameInline(moduleNameKey string, raw json.RawMessage) (string, json.RawMessage, error) { var tmp map[string]any err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &tmp) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } moduleName, ok := tmp[moduleNameKey].(string) if !ok || moduleName == "" { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("module name not specified with key '%s' in %+v", moduleNameKey, tmp) } // remove key from the object, otherwise decoding it later // will yield an error because the struct won't recognize it // (this is only needed because we strictly enforce that // all keys are recognized when loading modules) delete(tmp, moduleNameKey) result, err := json.Marshal(tmp) if err != nil { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("re-encoding module configuration: %v", err) } return moduleName, result, nil } // Provisioner is implemented by modules which may need to perform // some additional "setup" steps immediately after being loaded. // Provisioning should be fast (imperceptible running time). If // any side-effects result in the execution of this function (e.g. // creating global state, any other allocations which require // garbage collection, opening files, starting goroutines etc.), // be sure to clean up properly by implementing the CleanerUpper // interface to avoid leaking resources. type Provisioner interface { Provision(Context) error } // Validator is implemented by modules which can verify that their // configurations are valid. This method will be called after // Provision() (if implemented). Validation should always be fast // (imperceptible running time) and an error must be returned if // the module's configuration is invalid. type Validator interface { Validate() error } // CleanerUpper is implemented by modules which may have side-effects // such as opened files, spawned goroutines, or allocated some sort // of non-stack state when they were provisioned. This method should // deallocate/cleanup those resources to prevent memory leaks. Cleanup // should be fast and efficient. Cleanup should work even if Provision // returns an error, to allow cleaning up from partial provisionings. type CleanerUpper interface { Cleanup() error } // ParseStructTag parses a caddy struct tag into its keys and values. // It is very simple. The expected syntax is: // `caddy:"key1=val1 key2=val2 ..."` func ParseStructTag(tag string) (map[string]string, error) { results := make(map[string]string) pairs := strings.Split(tag, " ") for i, pair := range pairs { if pair == "" { continue } before, after, isCut := strings.Cut(pair, "=") if !isCut { return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing key in '%s' (pair %d)", pair, i) } results[before] = after } return results, nil } // StrictUnmarshalJSON is like json.Unmarshal but returns an error // if any of the fields are unrecognized. Useful when decoding // module configurations, where you want to be more sure they're // correct. func StrictUnmarshalJSON(data []byte, v any) error { dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data)) dec.DisallowUnknownFields() return dec.Decode(v) } // isJSONRawMessage returns true if the type is encoding/json.RawMessage. func isJSONRawMessage(typ reflect.Type) bool { return typ.PkgPath() == "encoding/json" && typ.Name() == "RawMessage" } // isModuleMapType returns true if the type is map[string]json.RawMessage. // It assumes that the string key is the module name, but this is not // always the case. To know for sure, this function must return true, but // also the struct tag where this type appears must NOT define an inline_key // attribute, which would mean that the module names appear inline with the // values, not in the key. func isModuleMapType(typ reflect.Type) bool { return typ.Kind() == reflect.Map && typ.Key().Kind() == reflect.String && isJSONRawMessage(typ.Elem()) } var ( modules = make(map[string]ModuleInfo) modulesMu sync.RWMutex )
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "reflect" "testing" ) func TestGetModules(t *testing.T) { modulesMu.Lock() modules = map[string]ModuleInfo{ "a": {ID: "a"}, "a.b": {ID: "a.b"}, "a.b.c": {ID: "a.b.c"}, "": {ID: ""}, "a.c": {ID: "a.c"}, "a.d": {ID: "a.d"}, "b": {ID: "b"}, "b.a": {ID: "b.a"}, "b.b": {ID: "b.b"}, "b.a.c": {ID: "b.a.c"}, "c": {ID: "c"}, } modulesMu.Unlock() for i, tc := range []struct { input string expect []ModuleInfo }{ { input: "", expect: []ModuleInfo{ {ID: "a"}, {ID: "b"}, {ID: "c"}, }, }, { input: "a", expect: []ModuleInfo{ {ID: "a.b"}, {ID: "a.c"}, {ID: "a.d"}, }, }, { input: "a.b", expect: []ModuleInfo{ {ID: "a.b.c"}, {ID: ""}, }, }, { input: "a.b.c", }, { input: "b", expect: []ModuleInfo{ {ID: "b.a"}, {ID: "b.b"}, }, }, { input: "asdf", }, } { actual := GetModules(tc.input) if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, tc.expect) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %v but got %v", i, tc.expect, actual) } } } func TestModuleID(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { input ModuleID expectNamespace string expectName string }{ { input: "foo", expectNamespace: "", expectName: "foo", }, { input: "", expectNamespace: "foo", expectName: "bar", }, { input: "a.b.c", expectNamespace: "a.b", expectName: "c", }, } { actualNamespace := tc.input.Namespace() if actualNamespace != tc.expectNamespace { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected namespace '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expectNamespace, actualNamespace) } actualName := tc.input.Name() if actualName != tc.expectName { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected name '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.expectName, actualName) } } }
<p align="center"> <a href=""> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset=""> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset=""> <img src="" alt="Caddy" width="550"> </picture> </a> <br> <h3 align="center">a <a href=""><img src="" height="28" style="vertical-align: -7.7px" valign="middle"></a> project</h3> </p> <hr> <h3 align="center">Every site on HTTPS</h3> <p align="center">Caddy is an extensible server platform that uses TLS by default.</p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <br> <a href="" title="@caddyserver on Twitter"><img src="" alt="@caddyserver on Twitter"></a> <a href="" title="Caddy Forum"><img src="" alt="Caddy Forum"></a> <br> <a href="" title="Caddy on Sourcegraph"><img src="" alt="Caddy on Sourcegraph"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Cloudsmith"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="">Releases</a> · <a href="">Documentation</a> · <a href="">Get Help</a> </p> ### Menu - [Features](#features) - [Install](#install) - [Build from source](#build-from-source) - [For development](#for-development) - [With version information and/or plugins](#with-version-information-andor-plugins) - [Quick start](#quick-start) - [Overview](#overview) - [Full documentation](#full-documentation) - [Getting help](#getting-help) - [About](#about) <p align="center"> <b>Powered by</b> <br> <a href=""> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset=""> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset=""> <img src="" alt="CertMagic" width="250"> </picture> </a> </p> ## [Features]( - **Easy configuration** with the [Caddyfile]( - **Powerful configuration** with its [native JSON config]( - **Dynamic configuration** with the [JSON API]( - [**Config adapters**]( if you don't like JSON - **Automatic HTTPS** by default - [ZeroSSL]( and [Let's Encrypt]( for public names - Fully-managed local CA for internal names & IPs - Can coordinate with other Caddy instances in a cluster - Multi-issuer fallback - **Stays up when other servers go down** due to TLS/OCSP/certificate-related issues - **Production-ready** after serving trillions of requests and managing millions of TLS certificates - **Scales to hundreds of thousands of sites** as proven in production - **HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3** all supported by default - **Highly extensible** [modular architecture]( lets Caddy do anything without bloat - **Runs anywhere** with **no external dependencies** (not even libc) - Written in Go, a language with higher **memory safety guarantees** than other servers - Actually **fun to use** - So much more to [discover]( ## Install The simplest, cross-platform way to get started is to download Caddy from [GitHub Releases]( and place the executable file in your PATH. See [our online documentation]( for other install instructions. ## Build from source Requirements: - [Go 1.20 or newer]( ### For development _**Note:** These steps [will not embed proper version information]( For that, please follow the instructions in the next section._ ```bash $ git clone "" $ cd caddy/cmd/caddy/ $ go build ``` When you run Caddy, it may try to bind to low ports unless otherwise specified in your config. If your OS requires elevated privileges for this, you will need to give your new binary permission to do so. On Linux, this can be done easily with: `sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./caddy` If you prefer to use `go run` which only creates temporary binaries, you can still do this with the included `` like so: ```bash $ go run -exec ./ main.go ``` If you don't want to type your password for `setcap`, use `sudo visudo` to edit your sudoers file and allow your user account to run that command without a password, for example: ``` username ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/setcap ``` replacing `username` with your actual username. Please be careful and only do this if you know what you are doing! We are only qualified to document how to use Caddy, not Go tooling or your computer, and we are providing these instructions for convenience only; please learn how to use your own computer at your own risk and make any needful adjustments. ### With version information and/or plugins Using [our builder tool, `xcaddy`]( ``` $ xcaddy build ``` ...the following steps are automated: 1. Create a new folder: `mkdir caddy` 2. Change into it: `cd caddy` 3. Copy [Caddy's main.go]( into the empty folder. Add imports for any custom plugins you want to add. 4. Initialize a Go module: `go mod init caddy` 5. (Optional) Pin Caddy version: `go get` replacing `version` with a git tag, commit, or branch name. 6. (Optional) Add plugins by adding their import: `_ "import/path/here"` 7. Compile: `go build` ## Quick start The [Caddy website]( has documentation that includes tutorials, quick-start guides, reference, and more. **We recommend that all users -- regardless of experience level -- do our [Getting Started]( guide to become familiar with using Caddy.** If you've only got a minute, [the website has several quick-start tutorials]( to choose from! However, after finishing a quick-start tutorial, please read more documentation to understand how the software works. 🙂 ## Overview Caddy is most often used as an HTTPS server, but it is suitable for any long-running Go program. First and foremost, it is a platform to run Go applications. Caddy "apps" are just Go programs that are implemented as Caddy modules. Two apps -- `tls` and `http` -- ship standard with Caddy. Caddy apps instantly benefit from [automated documentation](, graceful on-line [config changes via API](, and unification with other Caddy apps. Although [JSON]( is Caddy's native config language, Caddy can accept input from [config adapters]( which can essentially convert any config format of your choice into JSON: Caddyfile, JSON 5, YAML, TOML, NGINX config, and more. The primary way to configure Caddy is through [its API](, but if you prefer config files, the [command-line interface]( supports those too. Caddy exposes an unprecedented level of control compared to any web server in existence. In Caddy, you are usually setting the actual values of the initialized types in memory that power everything from your HTTP handlers and TLS handshakes to your storage medium. Caddy is also ridiculously extensible, with a powerful plugin system that makes vast improvements over other web servers. To wield the power of this design, you need to know how the config document is structured. Please see [our documentation site]( for details about [Caddy's config structure]( Nearly all of Caddy's configuration is contained in a single config document, rather than being scattered across CLI flags and env variables and a configuration file as with other web servers. This makes managing your server config more straightforward and reduces hidden variables/factors. ## Full documentation Our website has complete documentation: **** The docs are also open source. You can contribute to them here: ## Getting help - We advise companies using Caddy to secure a support contract through [Ardan Labs]( before help is needed. - A [sponsorship]( goes a long way! We can offer private help to sponsors. If Caddy is benefitting your company, please consider a sponsorship. This not only helps fund full-time work to ensure the longevity of the project, it provides your company the resources, support, and discounts you need; along with being a great look for your company to your customers and potential customers! - Individuals can exchange help for free on our community forum at Remember that people give help out of their spare time and good will. The best way to get help is to give it first! Please use our [issue tracker]( only for bug reports and feature requests, i.e. actionable development items (support questions will usually be referred to the forums). ## About Matthew Holt began developing Caddy in 2014 while studying computer science at Brigham Young University. (The name "Caddy" was chosen because this software helps with the tedious, mundane tasks of serving the Web, and is also a single place for multiple things to be organized together.) It soon became the first web server to use HTTPS automatically and by default, and now has hundreds of contributors and has served trillions of HTTPS requests. **The name "Caddy" is trademarked.** The name of the software is "Caddy", not "Caddy Server" or "CaddyServer". Please call it "Caddy" or, if you wish to clarify, "the Caddy web server". Caddy is a registered trademark of Stack Holdings GmbH. - _Project on Twitter: [@caddyserver]( - _Author on Twitter: [@mholt6]( Caddy is a project of [ZeroSSL](, a Stack Holdings company. Debian package repository hosting is graciously provided by [Cloudsmith]( Cloudsmith is the only fully hosted, cloud-native, universal package management solution, that enables your organization to create, store and share packages in any format, to any place, with total confidence.
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "fmt" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // NewReplacer returns a new Replacer. func NewReplacer() *Replacer { rep := &Replacer{ static: make(map[string]any), } rep.providers = []ReplacerFunc{ globalDefaultReplacements, rep.fromStatic, } return rep } // NewEmptyReplacer returns a new Replacer, // without the global default replacements. func NewEmptyReplacer() *Replacer { rep := &Replacer{ static: make(map[string]any), } rep.providers = []ReplacerFunc{ rep.fromStatic, } return rep } // Replacer can replace values in strings. // A default/empty Replacer is not valid; // use NewReplacer to make one. type Replacer struct { providers []ReplacerFunc static map[string]any } // Map adds mapFunc to the list of value providers. // mapFunc will be executed only at replace-time. func (r *Replacer) Map(mapFunc ReplacerFunc) { r.providers = append(r.providers, mapFunc) } // Set sets a custom variable to a static value. func (r *Replacer) Set(variable string, value any) { r.static[variable] = value } // Get gets a value from the replacer. It returns // the value and whether the variable was known. func (r *Replacer) Get(variable string) (any, bool) { for _, mapFunc := range r.providers { if val, ok := mapFunc(variable); ok { return val, true } } return nil, false } // GetString is the same as Get, but coerces the value to a // string representation as efficiently as possible. func (r *Replacer) GetString(variable string) (string, bool) { s, found := r.Get(variable) return ToString(s), found } // Delete removes a variable with a static value // that was created using Set. func (r *Replacer) Delete(variable string) { delete(r.static, variable) } // fromStatic provides values from r.static. func (r *Replacer) fromStatic(key string) (any, bool) { val, ok := r.static[key] return val, ok } // ReplaceOrErr is like ReplaceAll, but any placeholders // that are empty or not recognized will cause an error to // be returned. func (r *Replacer) ReplaceOrErr(input string, errOnEmpty, errOnUnknown bool) (string, error) { return r.replace(input, "", false, errOnEmpty, errOnUnknown, nil) } // ReplaceKnown is like ReplaceAll but only replaces // placeholders that are known (recognized). Unrecognized // placeholders will remain in the output. func (r *Replacer) ReplaceKnown(input, empty string) string { out, _ := r.replace(input, empty, false, false, false, nil) return out } // ReplaceAll efficiently replaces placeholders in input with // their values. All placeholders are replaced in the output // whether they are recognized or not. Values that are empty // string will be substituted with empty. func (r *Replacer) ReplaceAll(input, empty string) string { out, _ := r.replace(input, empty, true, false, false, nil) return out } // ReplaceFunc is the same as ReplaceAll, but calls f for every // replacement to be made, in case f wants to change or inspect // the replacement. func (r *Replacer) ReplaceFunc(input string, f ReplacementFunc) (string, error) { return r.replace(input, "", true, false, false, f) } func (r *Replacer) replace(input, empty string, treatUnknownAsEmpty, errOnEmpty, errOnUnknown bool, f ReplacementFunc, ) (string, error) { if !strings.Contains(input, string(phOpen)) { return input, nil } var sb strings.Builder // it is reasonable to assume that the output // will be approximately as long as the input sb.Grow(len(input)) // iterate the input to find each placeholder var lastWriteCursor int // fail fast if too many placeholders are unclosed var unclosedCount int scan: for i := 0; i < len(input); i++ { // check for escaped braces if i > 0 && input[i-1] == phEscape && (input[i] == phClose || input[i] == phOpen) { sb.WriteString(input[lastWriteCursor : i-1]) lastWriteCursor = i continue } if input[i] != phOpen { continue } // our iterator is now on an unescaped open brace (start of placeholder) // too many unclosed placeholders in absolutely ridiculous input can be extremely slow (issue #4170) if unclosedCount > 100 { return "", fmt.Errorf("too many unclosed placeholders") } // find the end of the placeholder end := strings.Index(input[i:], string(phClose)) + i if end < i { unclosedCount++ continue } // if necessary look for the first closing brace that is not escaped for end > 0 && end < len(input)-1 && input[end-1] == phEscape { nextEnd := strings.Index(input[end+1:], string(phClose)) if nextEnd < 0 { unclosedCount++ continue scan } end += nextEnd + 1 } // write the substring from the last cursor to this point sb.WriteString(input[lastWriteCursor:i]) // trim opening bracket key := input[i+1 : end] // try to get a value for this key, handle empty values accordingly val, found := r.Get(key) if !found { // placeholder is unknown (unrecognized); handle accordingly if errOnUnknown { return "", fmt.Errorf("unrecognized placeholder %s%s%s", string(phOpen), key, string(phClose)) } else if !treatUnknownAsEmpty { // if treatUnknownAsEmpty is true, we'll handle an empty // val later; so only continue otherwise lastWriteCursor = i continue } } // apply any transformations if f != nil { var err error val, err = f(key, val) if err != nil { return "", err } } // convert val to a string as efficiently as possible valStr := ToString(val) // write the value; if it's empty, either return // an error or write a default value if valStr == "" { if errOnEmpty { return "", fmt.Errorf("evaluated placeholder %s%s%s is empty", string(phOpen), key, string(phClose)) } else if empty != "" { sb.WriteString(empty) } } else { sb.WriteString(valStr) } // advance cursor to end of placeholder i = end lastWriteCursor = i + 1 } // flush any unwritten remainder sb.WriteString(input[lastWriteCursor:]) return sb.String(), nil } // ToString returns val as a string, as efficiently as possible. // EXPERIMENTAL: may be changed or removed later. func ToString(val any) string { switch v := val.(type) { case nil: return "" case string: return v case fmt.Stringer: return v.String() case error: return v.Error() case byte: return string(v) case []byte: return string(v) case []rune: return string(v) case int: return strconv.Itoa(v) case int32: return strconv.Itoa(int(v)) case int64: return strconv.Itoa(int(v)) case uint: return strconv.Itoa(int(v)) case uint32: return strconv.Itoa(int(v)) case uint64: return strconv.Itoa(int(v)) case float32: return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 32) case float64: return strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', -1, 64) case bool: if v { return "true" } return "false" default: return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v) } } // ReplacerFunc is a function that returns a replacement // for the given key along with true if the function is able // to service that key (even if the value is blank). If the // function does not recognize the key, false should be // returned. type ReplacerFunc func(key string) (any, bool) func globalDefaultReplacements(key string) (any, bool) { // check environment variable const envPrefix = "env." if strings.HasPrefix(key, envPrefix) { return os.Getenv(key[len(envPrefix):]), true } switch key { case "system.hostname": // OK if there is an error; just return empty string name, _ := os.Hostname() return name, true case "system.slash": return string(filepath.Separator), true case "system.os": return runtime.GOOS, true case "system.wd": // OK if there is an error; just return empty string wd, _ := os.Getwd() return wd, true case "system.arch": return runtime.GOARCH, true case "": return nowFunc(), true case "": return nowFunc().Format(http.TimeFormat), true case "": return nowFunc().Format("02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700"), true case "": return strconv.Itoa(nowFunc().Year()), true case "": return strconv.FormatInt(nowFunc().Unix(), 10), true case "": return strconv.FormatInt(nowFunc().UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond), 10), true } return nil, false } // ReplacementFunc is a function that is called when a // replacement is being performed. It receives the // variable (i.e. placeholder name) and the value that // will be the replacement, and returns the value that // will actually be the replacement, or an error. Note // that errors are sometimes ignored by replacers. type ReplacementFunc func(variable string, val any) (any, error) // nowFunc is a variable so tests can change it // in order to obtain a deterministic time. var nowFunc = time.Now // ReplacerCtxKey is the context key for a replacer. const ReplacerCtxKey CtxKey = "replacer" const phOpen, phClose, phEscape = '{', '}', '\\'
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build gofuzz package caddy func FuzzReplacer(data []byte) (score int) { NewReplacer().ReplaceAll(string(data), "") NewReplacer().ReplaceAll(NewReplacer().ReplaceAll(string(data), ""), "") NewReplacer().ReplaceAll(NewReplacer().ReplaceAll(string(data), ""), NewReplacer().ReplaceAll(string(data), "")) NewReplacer().ReplaceAll(string(data[:len(data)/2]), string(data[len(data)/2:])) return 0 }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "testing" ) func TestReplacer(t *testing.T) { type testCase struct { input, expect, empty string } rep := testReplacer() // ReplaceAll for i, tc := range []testCase{ { input: "{", expect: "{", }, { input: `\{`, expect: `{`, }, { input: "foo{", expect: "foo{", }, { input: `foo\{`, expect: `foo{`, }, { input: "foo{bar", expect: "foo{bar", }, { input: `foo\{bar`, expect: `foo{bar`, }, { input: "foo{bar}", expect: "foo", }, { input: `foo\{bar\}`, expect: `foo{bar}`, }, { input: "}", expect: "}", }, { input: `\}`, expect: `\}`, }, { input: "{}", expect: "", }, { input: `\{\}`, expect: `{}`, }, { input: `{"json": "object"}`, expect: "", }, { input: `\{"json": "object"}`, expect: `{"json": "object"}`, }, { input: `\{"json": "object"\}`, expect: `{"json": "object"}`, }, { input: `\{"json": "object{bar}"\}`, expect: `{"json": "object"}`, }, { input: `\{"json": \{"nested": "object"\}\}`, expect: `{"json": {"nested": "object"}}`, }, { input: `\{"json": \{"nested": "{bar}"\}\}`, expect: `{"json": {"nested": ""}}`, }, { input: `pre \{"json": \{"nested": "{bar}"\}\}`, expect: `pre {"json": {"nested": ""}}`, }, { input: `\{"json": \{"nested": "{bar}"\}\} post`, expect: `{"json": {"nested": ""}} post`, }, { input: `pre \{"json": \{"nested": "{bar}"\}\} post`, expect: `pre {"json": {"nested": ""}} post`, }, { input: `{{`, expect: "{{", }, { input: `{{}`, expect: "", }, { input: `{"json": "object"\}`, expect: "", }, { input: `{unknown}`, empty: "-", expect: "-", }, { input: `back\slashes`, expect: `back\slashes`, }, { input: `double back\\slashes`, expect: `double back\\slashes`, }, { input: `placeholder {with \{ brace} in name`, expect: `placeholder in name`, }, { input: `placeholder {with \} brace} in name`, expect: `placeholder in name`, }, { input: `placeholder {with \} \} braces} in name`, expect: `placeholder in name`, }, { input: `\{'group':'default','max_age':3600,'endpoints':[\{'url':'https://some.domain.local/a/d/g'\}],'include_subdomains':true\}`, expect: `{'group':'default','max_age':3600,'endpoints':[{'url':'https://some.domain.local/a/d/g'}],'include_subdomains':true}`, }, { input: `{}{}{}{\\\\}\\\\`, expect: `{\\\}\\\\`, }, { input: string([]byte{0x26, 0x00, 0x83, 0x7B, 0x84, 0x07, 0x5C, 0x7D, 0x84}), expect: string([]byte{0x26, 0x00, 0x83, 0x7B, 0x84, 0x07, 0x7D, 0x84}), }, } { actual := rep.ReplaceAll(tc.input, tc.empty) if actual != tc.expect { t.Errorf("Test %d: '%s': expected '%s' but got '%s'", i, tc.input, tc.expect, actual) } } } func TestReplacerSet(t *testing.T) { rep := testReplacer() for _, tc := range []struct { variable string value any }{ { variable: "test1", value: "val1", }, { variable: "asdf", value: "123", }, { variable: "numbers", value: 123.456, }, { variable: "äöü", value: "öö_äü", }, { variable: "with space", value: "space value", }, { variable: "1", value: "test-123", }, { variable: "mySuper_IP", value: "", }, { variable: "testEmpty", value: "", }, } { rep.Set(tc.variable, tc.value) // test if key is added if val, ok := rep.static[tc.variable]; ok { if val != tc.value { t.Errorf("Expected value '%s' for key '%s' got '%s'", tc.value, tc.variable, val) } } else { t.Errorf("Expected existing key '%s' found nothing", tc.variable) } } // test if all keys are still there (by length) length := len(rep.static) if len(rep.static) != 8 { t.Errorf("Expected length '%v' got '%v'", 7, length) } } func TestReplacerReplaceKnown(t *testing.T) { rep := Replacer{ providers: []ReplacerFunc{ // split our possible vars to two functions (to test if both functions are called) func(key string) (val any, ok bool) { switch key { case "test1": return "val1", true case "asdf": return "123", true case "äöü": return "öö_äü", true case "with space": return "space value", true default: return "NOOO", false } }, func(key string) (val any, ok bool) { switch key { case "1": return "test-123", true case "mySuper_IP": return "", true case "testEmpty": return "", true default: return "NOOO", false } }, }, } for _, tc := range []struct { testInput string expected string }{ { // test vars without space testInput: "{test1}{asdf}{äöü}{1}{with space}{mySuper_IP}", expected: "val1123öö_äütest-123space value1.2.3.4", }, { // test vars with space testInput: "{test1} {asdf} {äöü} {1} {with space} {mySuper_IP} ", expected: "val1 123 öö_äü test-123 space value ", }, { // test with empty val testInput: "{test1} {testEmpty} {asdf} {1} ", expected: "val1 EMPTY 123 test-123 ", }, { // test vars with not finished placeholders testInput: "{te{test1}{as{{df{1}", expected: "{teval1{as{{dftest-123", }, { // test with non existing vars testInput: "{test1} {nope} {1} ", expected: "val1 {nope} test-123 ", }, } { actual := rep.ReplaceKnown(tc.testInput, "EMPTY") // test if all are replaced as expected if actual != tc.expected { t.Errorf("Expected '%s' got '%s' for '%s'", tc.expected, actual, tc.testInput) } } } func TestReplacerDelete(t *testing.T) { rep := Replacer{ static: map[string]any{ "key1": "val1", "key2": "val2", "key3": "val3", "key4": "val4", }, } startLen := len(rep.static) toDel := []string{ "key2", "key4", } for _, key := range toDel { rep.Delete(key) // test if key is removed from static map if _, ok := rep.static[key]; ok { t.Errorf("Expected '%s' to be removed. It is still in static map.", key) } } // check if static slice is smaller expected := startLen - len(toDel) actual := len(rep.static) if len(rep.static) != expected { t.Errorf("Expected length '%v' got length '%v'", expected, actual) } } func TestReplacerMap(t *testing.T) { rep := testReplacer() for i, tc := range []ReplacerFunc{ func(key string) (val any, ok bool) { return "", false }, func(key string) (val any, ok bool) { return "", false }, } { rep.Map(tc) // test if function (which listens on specific key) is added by checking length if len(rep.providers) == i+1 { // check if the last function is the one we just added pTc := fmt.Sprintf("%p", tc) pRep := fmt.Sprintf("%p", rep.providers[i]) if pRep != pTc { t.Errorf("Expected func pointer '%s' got '%s'", pTc, pRep) } } else { t.Errorf("Expected providers length '%v' got length '%v'", i+1, len(rep.providers)) } } } func TestReplacerNew(t *testing.T) { rep := NewReplacer() if len(rep.providers) != 2 { t.Errorf("Expected providers length '%v' got length '%v'", 2, len(rep.providers)) } else { // test if default global replacements are added as the first provider hostname, _ := os.Hostname() wd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Setenv("CADDY_REPLACER_TEST", "envtest") defer os.Setenv("CADDY_REPLACER_TEST", "") for _, tc := range []struct { variable string value string }{ { variable: "system.hostname", value: hostname, }, { variable: "system.slash", value: string(filepath.Separator), }, { variable: "system.os", value: runtime.GOOS, }, { variable: "system.arch", value: runtime.GOARCH, }, { variable: "system.wd", value: wd, }, { variable: "env.CADDY_REPLACER_TEST", value: "envtest", }, } { if val, ok := rep.providers[0](tc.variable); ok { if val != tc.value { t.Errorf("Expected value '%s' for key '%s' got '%s'", tc.value, tc.variable, val) } } else { t.Errorf("Expected key '%s' to be recognized by first provider", tc.variable) } } } } func BenchmarkReplacer(b *testing.B) { type testCase struct { name, input, empty string } rep := testReplacer() rep.Set("str", "a string") rep.Set("int", 123.456) for _, bm := range []testCase{ { name: "no placeholder", input: `simple string`, }, { name: "string replacement", input: `str={str}`, }, { name: "int replacement", input: `int={int}`, }, { name: "placeholder", input: `{"json": "object"}`, }, { name: "escaped placeholder", input: `\{"json": \{"nested": "{bar}"\}\}`, }, } { b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { rep.ReplaceAll(bm.input, bm.empty) } }) } } func testReplacer() Replacer { return Replacer{ providers: make([]ReplacerFunc, 0), static: make(map[string]any), } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "os" "path/filepath" "" "" ) func init() { isService, err := svc.IsWindowsService() if err != nil || !isService { return } // Windows services always start in the system32 directory, try to // switch into the directory where the caddy executable is. execPath, err := os.Executable() if err == nil { _ = os.Chdir(filepath.Dir(execPath)) } go func() { _ = svc.Run("", runner{}) }() } type runner struct{} func (runner) Execute(args []string, request <-chan svc.ChangeRequest, status chan<- svc.Status) (bool, uint32) { notify.SetGlobalStatus(status) status <- svc.Status{State: svc.StartPending} for { req := <-request switch req.Cmd { case svc.Interrogate: status <- req.CurrentStatus case svc.Stop, svc.Shutdown: status <- svc.Status{State: svc.StopPending} exitProcessFromSignal("SIGINT") return false, 0 } } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "context" "os" "os/signal" "" ) // TrapSignals create signal/interrupt handlers as best it can for the // current OS. This is a rather invasive function to call in a Go program // that captures signals already, so in that case it would be better to // implement these handlers yourself. func TrapSignals() { trapSignalsCrossPlatform() trapSignalsPosix() } // trapSignalsCrossPlatform captures SIGINT or interrupt (depending // on the OS), which initiates a graceful shutdown. A second SIGINT // or interrupt will forcefully exit the process immediately. func trapSignalsCrossPlatform() { go func() { shutdown := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(shutdown, os.Interrupt) for i := 0; true; i++ { <-shutdown if i > 0 { Log().Warn("force quit", zap.String("signal", "SIGINT")) os.Exit(ExitCodeForceQuit) } Log().Info("shutting down", zap.String("signal", "SIGINT")) go exitProcessFromSignal("SIGINT") } }() } // exitProcessFromSignal exits the process from a system signal. func exitProcessFromSignal(sigName string) { logger := Log().With(zap.String("signal", sigName)) exitProcess(context.TODO(), logger) } // Exit codes. Generally, you should NOT // automatically restart the process if the // exit code is ExitCodeFailedStartup (1). const ( ExitCodeSuccess = iota ExitCodeFailedStartup ExitCodeForceQuit ExitCodeFailedQuit )
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build windows || plan9 || nacl || js package caddy func trapSignalsPosix() {}
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build !windows && !plan9 && !nacl && !js package caddy import ( "context" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "" "" ) // trapSignalsPosix captures POSIX-only signals. func trapSignalsPosix() { go func() { sigchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigchan, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGUSR1, syscall.SIGUSR2) for sig := range sigchan { switch sig { case syscall.SIGQUIT: Log().Info("quitting process immediately", zap.String("signal", "SIGQUIT")) certmagic.CleanUpOwnLocks(context.TODO(), Log()) // try to clean up locks anyway, it's important os.Exit(ExitCodeForceQuit) case syscall.SIGTERM: Log().Info("shutting down apps, then terminating", zap.String("signal", "SIGTERM")) exitProcessFromSignal("SIGTERM") case syscall.SIGUSR1: Log().Info("not implemented", zap.String("signal", "SIGUSR1")) case syscall.SIGUSR2: Log().Info("not implemented", zap.String("signal", "SIGUSR2")) case syscall.SIGHUP: // ignore; this signal is sometimes sent outside of the user's control Log().Info("not implemented", zap.String("signal", "SIGHUP")) } } }() }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "" "" ) // StorageConverter is a type that can convert itself // to a valid, usable certmagic.Storage value. (The // value might be short-lived.) This interface allows // us to adapt any CertMagic storage implementation // into a consistent API for Caddy configuration. type StorageConverter interface { CertMagicStorage() (certmagic.Storage, error) } // HomeDir returns the best guess of the current user's home // directory from environment variables. If unknown, "." (the // current directory) is returned instead, except GOOS=android, // which returns "/sdcard". func HomeDir() string { home := homeDirUnsafe() if home == "" && runtime.GOOS == "android" { home = "/sdcard" } if home == "" { home = "." } return home } // homeDirUnsafe is a low-level function that returns // the user's home directory from environment // variables. Careful: if it cannot be determined, an // empty string is returned. If not accounting for // that case, use HomeDir() instead; otherwise you // may end up using the root of the file system. func homeDirUnsafe() string { home := os.Getenv("HOME") if home == "" && runtime.GOOS == "windows" { drive := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE") path := os.Getenv("HOMEPATH") home = drive + path if drive == "" || path == "" { home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE") } } if home == "" && runtime.GOOS == "plan9" { home = os.Getenv("home") } return home } // AppConfigDir returns the directory where to store user's config. // // If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, it returns: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/caddy. // Otherwise, os.UserConfigDir() is used; if successful, it appends // "Caddy" (Windows & Mac) or "caddy" (every other OS) to the path. // If it returns an error, the fallback path "./caddy" is returned. // // The config directory is not guaranteed to be different from // AppDataDir(). // // Unlike os.UserConfigDir(), this function prefers the // XDG_CONFIG_HOME env var on all platforms, not just Unix. // // Ref: func AppConfigDir() string { if basedir := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); basedir != "" { return filepath.Join(basedir, "caddy") } basedir, err := os.UserConfigDir() if err != nil { Log().Warn("unable to determine directory for user configuration; falling back to current directory", zap.Error(err)) return "./caddy" } subdir := "caddy" switch runtime.GOOS { case "windows", "darwin": subdir = "Caddy" } return filepath.Join(basedir, subdir) } // AppDataDir returns a directory path that is suitable for storing // application data on disk. It uses the environment for finding the // best place to store data, and appends a "caddy" or "Caddy" (depending // on OS and environment) subdirectory. // // For a base directory path: // If XDG_DATA_HOME is set, it returns: $XDG_DATA_HOME/caddy; otherwise, // on Windows it returns: %AppData%/Caddy, // on Mac: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Caddy, // on Plan9: $home/lib/caddy, // on Android: $HOME/caddy, // and on everything else: $HOME/.local/share/caddy. // // If a data directory cannot be determined, it returns "./caddy" // (this is not ideal, and the environment should be fixed). // // The data directory is not guaranteed to be different from AppConfigDir(). // // Ref: func AppDataDir() string { if basedir := os.Getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); basedir != "" { return filepath.Join(basedir, "caddy") } switch runtime.GOOS { case "windows": appData := os.Getenv("AppData") if appData != "" { return filepath.Join(appData, "Caddy") } case "darwin": home := homeDirUnsafe() if home != "" { return filepath.Join(home, "Library", "Application Support", "Caddy") } case "plan9": home := homeDirUnsafe() if home != "" { return filepath.Join(home, "lib", "caddy") } case "android": home := homeDirUnsafe() if home != "" { return filepath.Join(home, "caddy") } default: home := homeDirUnsafe() if home != "" { return filepath.Join(home, ".local", "share", "caddy") } } return "./caddy" } // ConfigAutosavePath is the default path to which the last config will be persisted. var ConfigAutosavePath = filepath.Join(AppConfigDir(), "autosave.json") // DefaultStorage is Caddy's default storage module. var DefaultStorage = &certmagic.FileStorage{Path: AppDataDir()}
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddy import ( "fmt" "sync" "sync/atomic" ) // UsagePool is a thread-safe map that pools values // based on usage (reference counting). Values are // only inserted if they do not already exist. There // are two ways to add values to the pool: // // 1. LoadOrStore will increment usage and store the // value immediately if it does not already exist. // 2. LoadOrNew will atomically check for existence // and construct the value immediately if it does // not already exist, or increment the usage // otherwise, then store that value in the pool. // When the constructed value is finally deleted // from the pool (when its usage reaches 0), it // will be cleaned up by calling Destruct(). // // The use of LoadOrNew allows values to be created // and reused and finally cleaned up only once, even // though they may have many references throughout // their lifespan. This is helpful, for example, when // sharing thread-safe io.Writers that you only want // to open and close once. // // There is no way to overwrite existing keys in the // pool without first deleting it as many times as it // was stored. Deleting too many times will panic. // // The implementation does not use a sync.Pool because // UsagePool needs additional atomicity to run the // constructor functions when creating a new value when // LoadOrNew is used. (We could probably use sync.Pool // but we'd still have to layer our own additional locks // on top.) // // An empty UsagePool is NOT safe to use; always call // NewUsagePool() to make a new one. type UsagePool struct { sync.RWMutex pool map[any]*usagePoolVal } // NewUsagePool returns a new usage pool that is ready to use. func NewUsagePool() *UsagePool { return &UsagePool{ pool: make(map[any]*usagePoolVal), } } // LoadOrNew loads the value associated with key from the pool if it // already exists. If the key doesn't exist, it will call construct // to create a new value and then stores that in the pool. An error // is only returned if the constructor returns an error. The loaded // or constructed value is returned. The loaded return value is true // if the value already existed and was loaded, or false if it was // newly constructed. func (up *UsagePool) LoadOrNew(key any, construct Constructor) (value any, loaded bool, err error) { var upv *usagePoolVal up.Lock() upv, loaded = up.pool[key] if loaded { atomic.AddInt32(&upv.refs, 1) up.Unlock() upv.RLock() value = upv.value err = upv.err upv.RUnlock() } else { upv = &usagePoolVal{refs: 1} upv.Lock() up.pool[key] = upv up.Unlock() value, err = construct() if err == nil { upv.value = value } else { upv.err = err up.Lock() // this *should* be safe, I think, because we have a // write lock on upv, but we might also need to ensure // that upv.err is nil before doing this, since we // released the write lock on up during construct... // but then again it's also after midnight... delete(up.pool, key) up.Unlock() } upv.Unlock() } return } // LoadOrStore loads the value associated with key from the pool if it // already exists, or stores it if it does not exist. It returns the // value that was either loaded or stored, and true if the value already // existed and was func (up *UsagePool) LoadOrStore(key, val any) (value any, loaded bool) { var upv *usagePoolVal up.Lock() upv, loaded = up.pool[key] if loaded { atomic.AddInt32(&upv.refs, 1) up.Unlock() upv.Lock() if upv.err == nil { value = upv.value } else { upv.value = val upv.err = nil } upv.Unlock() } else { upv = &usagePoolVal{refs: 1, value: val} up.pool[key] = upv up.Unlock() value = val } return } // Range iterates the pool similarly to how sync.Map.Range() does: // it calls f for every key in the pool, and if f returns false, // iteration is stopped. Ranging does not affect usage counts. // // This method is somewhat naive and acquires a read lock on the // entire pool during iteration, so do your best to make f() really // fast, m'kay? func (up *UsagePool) Range(f func(key, value any) bool) { up.RLock() defer up.RUnlock() for key, upv := range up.pool { upv.RLock() if upv.err != nil { upv.RUnlock() continue } val := upv.value upv.RUnlock() if !f(key, val) { break } } } // Delete decrements the usage count for key and removes the // value from the underlying map if the usage is 0. It returns // true if the usage count reached 0 and the value was deleted. // It panics if the usage count drops below 0; always call // Delete precisely as many times as LoadOrStore. func (up *UsagePool) Delete(key any) (deleted bool, err error) { up.Lock() upv, ok := up.pool[key] if !ok { up.Unlock() return false, nil } refs := atomic.AddInt32(&upv.refs, -1) if refs == 0 { delete(up.pool, key) up.Unlock() upv.RLock() val := upv.value upv.RUnlock() if destructor, ok := val.(Destructor); ok { err = destructor.Destruct() } deleted = true } else { up.Unlock() if refs < 0 { panic(fmt.Sprintf("deleted more than stored: %#v (usage: %d)", upv.value, upv.refs)) } } return } // References returns the number of references (count of usages) to a // key in the pool, and true if the key exists, or false otherwise. func (up *UsagePool) References(key any) (int, bool) { up.RLock() upv, loaded := up.pool[key] up.RUnlock() if loaded { // I wonder if it'd be safer to read this value during // our lock on the UsagePool... guess we'll see... refs := atomic.LoadInt32(&upv.refs) return int(refs), true } return 0, false } // Constructor is a function that returns a new value // that can destruct itself when it is no longer needed. type Constructor func() (Destructor, error) // Destructor is a value that can clean itself up when // it is deallocated. type Destructor interface { Destruct() error } type usagePoolVal struct { refs int32 // accessed atomically; must be 64-bit aligned for 32-bit systems value any err error sync.RWMutex }
Contributing to Caddy ===================== Welcome! Thank you for choosing to be a part of our community. Caddy wouldn't be nearly as excellent without your involvement! For starters, we invite you to join [the Caddy forum]( where you can hang out with other Caddy users and developers. ## Common Tasks - [Contributing code](#contributing-code) - [Writing a Caddy module](#writing-a-caddy-module) - [Asking or answering questions for help using Caddy](#getting-help-using-caddy) - [Reporting a bug](#reporting-bugs) - [Suggesting an enhancement or a new feature](#suggesting-features) - [Improving documentation](#improving-documentation) Other menu items: - [Values](#values) - [Coordinated Disclosure](#coordinated-disclosure) - [Thank You](#thank-you) ### Contributing code You can have a huge impact on the project by helping with its code. To contribute code to Caddy, first submit or comment in an issue to discuss your contribution, then open a [pull request]( (PR). If you're new to our community, that's okay: **we gladly welcome pull requests from anyone, regardless of your native language or coding experience.** You can get familiar with Caddy's code base by using [code search at Sourcegraph]( We hold contributions to a high standard for quality :bowtie:, so don't be surprised if we ask for revisions&mdash;even if it seems small or insignificant. Please don't take it personally. :blue_heart: If your change is on the right track, we can guide you to make it mergable. Here are some of the expectations we have of contributors: - **Open an issue to propose your change first.** This way we can avoid confusion, coordinate what everyone is working on, and ensure that any changes are in-line with the project's goals and the best interests of its users. We can also discuss the best possible implementation. If there's already an issue about it, comment on the existing issue to claim it. A lot of valuable time can be saved by discussing a proposal first. - **Keep pull requests small.** Smaller PRs are more likely to be merged because they are easier to review! We might ask you to break up large PRs into smaller ones. [An example of what we want to avoid.]( - **Keep related commits together in a PR.** We do want pull requests to be small, but you should also keep multiple related commits in the same PR if they rely on each other. - **Write tests.** Good, automated tests are very valuable! Written properly, they ensure your change works, and that other changes in the future won't break your change. CI checks should pass. - **Benchmarks should be included for optimizations.** Optimizations sometimes make code harder to read or have changes that are less than obvious. They should be proven with benchmarks and profiling. - **[Squash]( insignificant commits.** Every commit should be significant. Commits which merely rewrite a comment or fix a typo can be combined into another commit that has more substance. Interactive rebase can do this, or a simpler way is `git reset --soft <diverging-commit>` then `git commit -s`. - **Be responsible for and maintain your contributions.** Caddy is a growing project, and it's much better when individual contributors help maintain their change after it is merged. - **Use comments properly.** We expect good godoc comments for package-level functions, types, and values. Comments are also useful whenever the purpose for a line of code is not obvious. - **Pull requests may still get closed.** The longer a PR stays open and idle, the more likely it is to be closed. If we haven't reviewed it in a while, it probably means the change is not a priority. Please don't take this personally, we're trying to balance a lot of tasks! If nobody else has commented or reacted to the PR, it likely means your change is useful only to you. The reality is this happens quite a lot. We don't tend to accept PRs that aren't generally helpful. For these reasons or others, the PR may get closed even after a review. We are not obligated to accept all proposed changes, even if the best justification we can give is something vague like, "It doesn't sit right." Sometimes PRs are just the wrong thing or the wrong time. Because it is open source, you can always build your own modified version of Caddy with a change you need, even if we reject it in the official repo. Plus, because Caddy is extensible, it's possible your feature could make a great plugin instead! - **You certify that you wrote and comprehend the code you submit.** The Caddy project welcomes original contributions that comply with [our CLA](, meaning that authors must be able to certify that they created or have rights to the code they are contributing. In addition, we require that code is not simply copy-pasted from Q/A sites or AI language models without full comprehension and rigorous testing. In other words: contributors are allowed to refer to communities for assistance and use AI tools such as language models for inspiration, but code which originates from or is assisted by these resources MUST be: - Licensed for you to freely share - Fully comprehended by you (be able to explain every line of code) - Verified by automated tests when feasible, or thorough manual tests otherwise We have found that current language models (LLMs, like ChatGPT) may understand code syntax and even problem spaces to an extent, but often fail in subtle ways to convey true knowledge and produce correct algorithms. Integrated tools such as GitHub Copilot and Sourcegraph Cody may be used for inspiration, but code generated by these tools still needs to meet our criteria for licensing, human comprehension, and testing. These tools may be used to help write code comments and tests as long as you can certify they are accurate and correct. Note that it is often more trouble than it's worth to certify that Copilot (for example) is not giving you code that is possibly plagiarised, unlicensed, or licensed with incompatible terms -- as the Caddy project cannot accept such contributions. If that's too difficult for you (or impossible), then we recommend using these resources only for inspiration and write your own code. Ultimately, you (the contributor) are responsible for the code you're submitting. As a courtesy to reviewers, we kindly ask that you disclose when contributing code that was generated by an AI tool or copied from another website so we can be aware of what to look for in code review. We often grant [collaborator status](#collaborator-instructions) to contributors who author one or more significant, high-quality PRs that are merged into the code base. #### HOW TO MAKE A PULL REQUEST TO CADDY Contributing to Go projects on GitHub is fun and easy. After you have proposed your change in an issue, we recommend the following workflow: 1. [Fork this repo]( This makes a copy of the code you can write to. 2. If you don't already have this repo (caddyserver/caddy.git) repo on your computer, clone it down: `git clone` 3. Tell git that it can push the caddyserver/caddy.git repo to your fork by adding a remote: `git remote add myfork<your-username>/caddy.git` 4. Make your changes in the caddyserver/caddy.git repo on your computer. 5. Push your changes to your fork: `git push myfork` 6. [Create a pull request]( to merge your changes into caddyserver/caddy @ master. (Click "compare across forks" and change the head fork.) This workflow is nice because you don't have to change import paths. You can get fancier by using different branches if you want. ### Writing a Caddy module Caddy can do more with modules! Anyone can write one. Caddy modules are Go libraries that get compiled into Caddy, extending its feature set. They can add directives to the Caddyfile, add new configuration adapters, and even implement new server types (e.g. HTTP, DNS). [Learn how to write a module here]( You should also share and discuss your module idea [on the forums]( to have people test it out. We don't use the Caddy issue tracker for third-party modules. ### Getting help using Caddy If you have a question about using Caddy, [ask on our forum](! There will be more people there who can help you than just the Caddy developers who follow our issue tracker. Issues are not the place for usage questions. Many people on the forums could benefit from your experience and expertise, too. Once you've been helped, consider giving back by answering other people's questions and participating in other discussions. ### Reporting bugs Like every software, Caddy has its flaws. If you find one, [search the issues]( to see if it has already been reported. If not, [open a new issue]( and describe the bug, and somebody will look into it! (This repository is only for Caddy and its standard modules.) **You can help us fix bugs!** Speed up the patch by identifying the bug in the code. This can sometimes be done by adding `fmt.Println()` statements (or similar) in relevant code paths to narrow down where the problem may be. It's a good way to [introduce yourself to the Go language](, too. We may reply with an issue template. Please follow the template so we have all the needed information. Unredacted&mdash;yes, actual values matter. We need to be able to repeat the bug using your instructions. Please simplify the issue as much as possible. If you don't, we might close your report. The burden is on you to make it easily reproducible and to convince us that it is actually a bug in Caddy. This is easiest to do when you write clear, concise instructions so we can reproduce the behavior (even if it seems obvious). The more detailed and specific you are, the faster we will be able to help you! We suggest reading [How to Report Bugs Effectively]( Please be kind. :smile: Remember that Caddy comes at no cost to you, and you're getting free support when we fix your issues. If we helped you, please consider helping someone else! #### Bug reporting expectations Maintainers---or more generally, developers---need three things to act on bugs: 1. To agree or be convinced that it's a bug (reporter's responsibility). - A bug is unintentional, undesired, or surprising behavior which violates documentation or relevant spec. It might be either a mistake in the documentation or a bug in the code. - This project usually does not work around bugs in other software, systems, and dependencies; instead, we recommend that those bugs are fixed at their source. This sometimes means we close issues or reject PRs that attempt to fix, workaround, or hide bugs in other projects. 2. To be able to understand what is happening (mostly reporter's responsibility). - If the reporter can provide satisfactory instructions such that a developer can reproduce the bug, the developer will likely be able to understand the bug, write a test case, and implement a fix. This is the least amount of work for everyone and path to the fastest resolution. - Otherwise, the burden is on the reporter to test possible solutions. This is less preferable because it loosens the feedback loop, slows down debugging efforts, obscures the true nature of the problem from the developers, and is unlikely to result in new test cases. 3. A solution, or ideas toward a solution (mostly maintainer's responsibility). - Sometimes the best solution is a documentation change. - Usually the developers have the best domain knowledge for inventing a solution, but reporters may have ideas or preferences for how they would like the software to work. - Security, correctness, and project goals/vision all take priority over a user's preferences. - It's simply good business to yield a solution that satisfies the users, and it's even better business to leave them impressed. Thus, at the very least, the reporter is expected to: 1. Convince the reader that it's a bug in Caddy (if it's not obvious). 2. Reduce the problem down to the minimum specific steps required to reproduce it. The maintainer is usually able to do the rest; but of course the reporter may invest additional effort to speed up the process. ### Suggesting features First, [search to see if your feature has already been requested]( If it has, you can add a :+1: reaction to vote for it. If your feature idea is new, open an issue to request the feature. Please describe your idea thoroughly so that we know how to implement it! Really vague requests may not be helpful or actionable and, without clarification, will have to be closed. While we really do value your requests and implement many of them, not all features are a good fit for Caddy. Most of those [make good modules](#writing-a-caddy-module), which can be made by anyone! But if a feature is not in the best interest of the Caddy project or its users in general, we may politely decline to implement it into Caddy core. Additionally, some features are bad ideas altogether (for either obvious or non-obvious reasons) which may be rejected. We'll try to explain why we reject a feature, but sometimes the best we can do is, "It's not a good fit for the project." ### Improving documentation Caddy's documentation is available at []( and its source is in the [website repo]( If you would like to make a fix to the docs, please submit an issue there describing the change to make. Note that third-party module documentation is not hosted by the Caddy website, other than basic usage examples. They are managed by the individual module authors, and you will have to contact them to change their documentation. Our documentation is scoped to the Caddy project only: it is not for describing how other software or systems work, even if they relate to Caddy or web servers. That kind of content [can be found in our community wiki](, however. ## Collaborator Instructions Collaborators have push rights to the repository. We grant this permission after one or more successful, high-quality PRs are merged! We thank them for their help. The expectations we have of collaborators are: - **Help review pull requests.** Be meticulous, but also kind. We love our contributors, but we critique the contribution to make it better. Multiple, thorough reviews make for the best contributions! Here are some questions to consider: - Can the change be made more elegant? - Is this a maintenance burden? - What assumptions does the code make? - Is it well-tested? - Is the change a good fit for the project? - Does it actually fix the problem or is it creating a special case instead? - Does the change incur any new dependencies? (Avoid these!) - **Answer issues.** If every collaborator helped out with issues, we could count the number of open issues on two hands. This means getting involved in the discussion, investigating the code, and yes, debugging it. It's fun. Really! :smile: Please, please help with open issues. Granted, some issues need to be done before others. And of course some are larger than others: you don't have to do it all yourself. Work with other collaborators as a team! - **Do not merge pull requests until they have been approved by one or two other collaborators.** If a project owner approves the PR, it can be merged (as long as the conversation has finished too). - **Prefer squashed commits over a messy merge.** If there are many little commits, please [squash the commits]( so we don't clutter the commit history. - **Don't accept new dependencies lightly.** Dependencies can make the world crash and burn, but they are sometimes necessary. Choose carefully. Extremely small dependencies (a few lines of code) can be inlined. The rest may not be needed. For those that are, Caddy uses [go modules]( All external dependencies must be installed as modules, and _Caddy must not export any types defined by those dependencies_. Check this diligently! - **Be extra careful in some areas of the code.** There are some critical areas in the Caddy code base that we review extra meticulously: the `caddyhttp` and `caddytls` packages especially. - **Make sure tests test the actual thing.** Double-check that the tests fail without the change, and pass with it. It's important that they assert what they're purported to assert. - **Recommended reading** - [CodeReviewComments]( for an idea of what we look for in good, clean Go code - [Linus Torvalds describes a good commit message]( - [Best Practices for Maintainers]( - [Shrinking Code Review]( ## Values (WIP) - A person is always more important than code. People don't like being handled "efficiently". But we can still process issues and pull requests efficiently while being kind, patient, and considerate. - The ends justify the means, if the means are good. A good tree won't produce bad fruit. But if we cut corners or are hasty in our process, the end result will not be good. ## Security Policy If you think you've found a security vulnerability, please refer to our [Security Policy]( document. ## Thank you Thanks for your help! Caddy would not be what it is today without your contributions.
--- version: 2 updates: - package-ecosystem: "github-actions" directory: "/" schedule: interval: "monthly"
# These are supported funding model platforms github: [mholt] # Replace with up to 4 GitHub Sponsors-enabled usernames e.g., [user1, user2] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username custom: # Replace with up to 4 custom sponsorship URLs e.g., ['link1', 'link2']
# Security Policy The Caddy project would like to make sure that it stays on top of all practically-exploitable vulnerabilities. ## Supported Versions | Version | Supported | | ------- | ------------------ | | 2.x | ✔️ | | 1.x | :x: | | < 1.x | :x: | ## Acceptable Scope A security report must demonstrate a security bug in the source code from this repository. Some security problems are the result of interplay between different components of the Web, rather than a vulnerability in the web server itself. Please only report vulnerabilities in the web server itself, as we cannot coerce the rest of the Web to be fixed (for example, we do not consider IP spoofing, BGP hijacks, or missing/misconfigured HTTP headers a vulnerability in the Caddy web server). Vulnerabilities caused by misconfigurations are out of scope. Yes, it is entirely possible to craft and use a configuration that is unsafe, just like with every other web server; we recommend against doing that. We do not accept reports if the steps imply or require a compromised system or third-party software, as we cannot control those. We expect that users secure their own systems and keep all their software patched. For example, if untrusted users are able to upload/write/host arbitrary files in the web root directory, it is NOT a security bug in Caddy if those files get served to clients; however, it _would_ be a valid report if a bug in Caddy's source code unintentionally gave unauthorized users the ability to upload unsafe files or delete files without relying on an unpatched system or piece of software. Client-side exploits are out of scope. In other words, it is not a bug in Caddy if the web browser does something unsafe, even if the downloaded content was served by Caddy. (Those kinds of exploits can generally be mitigated by proper configuration of HTTP headers.) As a general rule, the content served by Caddy is not considered in scope because content is configurable by the site owner or the associated web application. Security bugs in code dependencies (including Go's standard library) are out of scope. Instead, if a dependency has patched a relevant security bug, please feel free to open a public issue or pull request to update that dependency in our code. ## Reporting a Vulnerability We get a lot of difficult reports that turn out to be invalid. Clear, obvious reports tend to be the most credible (but are also rare). First please ensure your report falls within the accepted scope of security bugs (above). We'll need enough information to verify the bug and make a patch. To speed things up, please include: - Most minimal possible config (without redactions!) - Command(s) - Precise HTTP requests (`curl -v` and its output please) - Full log output (please enable debug mode) - Specific minimal steps to reproduce the issue from scratch - A working patch Please DO NOT use containers, VMs, cloud instances or services, or any other complex infrastructure in your steps. Always prefer `curl -v` instead of web browsers. We consider publicly-registered domain names to be public information. This necessary in order to maintain the integrity of certificate transparency, public DNS, and other public trust systems. Do not redact domain names from your reports. The actual content of your domain name affects Caddy's behavior, so we need the exact domain name(s) to reproduce with, or your report will be ignored. It will speed things up if you suggest a working patch, such as a code diff, and explain why and how it works. Reports that are not actionable, do not contain enough information, are too pushy/demanding, or are not able to convince us that it is a viable and practical attack on the web server itself may be deferred to a later time or possibly ignored, depending on available resources. Priority will be given to credible, responsible reports that are constructive, specific, and actionable. (We get a lot of invalid reports.) Thank you for understanding. When you are ready, please email Matt Holt (the author) directly: matt at dyanim dot com. Please don't encrypt the email body. It only makes the process more complicated. Please also understand that due to our nature as an open source project, we do not have a budget to award security bounties. We can only thank you. If your report is valid and a patch is released, we will not reveal your identity by default. If you wish to be credited, please give us the name to use and/or your GitHub username. If you don't provide this we can't credit you. Thanks for responsibly helping Caddy&mdash;and thousands of websites&mdash;be more secure!
# Used as inspiration: name: Tests on: push: branches: - master - 2.* pull_request: branches: - master - 2.* jobs: test: strategy: # Default is true, cancels jobs for other platforms in the matrix if one fails fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macos-latest - windows-latest go: - '1.20' - '1.21' include: # Set the minimum Go patch version for the given Go minor # Usable via ${{ matrix.GO_SEMVER }} - go: '1.20' GO_SEMVER: '~1.20.6' - go: '1.21' GO_SEMVER: '~1.21.0' # Set some variables per OS, usable via ${{ matrix.VAR }} # CADDY_BIN_PATH: the path to the compiled Caddy binary, for artifact publishing # SUCCESS: the typical value for $? per OS (Windows/pwsh returns 'True') - os: ubuntu-latest CADDY_BIN_PATH: ./cmd/caddy/caddy SUCCESS: 0 - os: macos-latest CADDY_BIN_PATH: ./cmd/caddy/caddy SUCCESS: 0 - os: windows-latest CADDY_BIN_PATH: ./cmd/caddy/caddy.exe SUCCESS: 'True' runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install Go uses: actions/setup-go@v4 with: go-version: ${{ matrix.GO_SEMVER }} check-latest: true # These tools would be useful if we later decide to reinvestigate # publishing test/coverage reports to some tool for easier consumption # - name: Install test and coverage analysis tools # run: | # go get # go get # go get -u # echo "$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Print Go version and environment id: vars run: | printf "Using go at: $(which go)\n" printf "Go version: $(go version)\n" printf "\n\nGo environment:\n\n" go env printf "\n\nSystem environment:\n\n" env printf "Git version: $(git version)\n\n" # Calculate the short SHA1 hash of the git commit echo "short_sha=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Get dependencies run: | go get -v -t -d ./... # mkdir test-results - name: Build Caddy working-directory: ./cmd/caddy env: CGO_ENABLED: 0 run: | go build -trimpath -ldflags="-w -s" -v - name: Publish Build Artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: caddy_${{ runner.os }}_go${{ matrix.go }}_${{ steps.vars.outputs.short_sha }} path: ${{ matrix.CADDY_BIN_PATH }} # Commented bits below were useful to allow the job to continue # even if the tests fail, so we can publish the report separately # For info about set-output, see - name: Run tests # id: step_test # continue-on-error: true run: | # (go test -v -coverprofile=cover-profile.out -race ./... 2>&1) > test-results/test-result.out go test -v -coverprofile="cover-profile.out" -short -race ./... # echo "status=$?" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # Relevant step if we reinvestigate publishing test/coverage reports # - name: Prepare coverage reports # run: | # mkdir coverage # gocov convert cover-profile.out > coverage/coverage.json # # Because Windows doesn't work with input redirection like *nix, but output redirection works. # (cat ./coverage/coverage.json | gocov-xml) > coverage/coverage.xml # To return the correct result even though we set 'continue-on-error: true' # - name: Coerce correct build result # if: matrix.os != 'windows-latest' && steps.step_test.outputs.status != ${{ matrix.SUCCESS }} # run: | # echo "step_test ${{ steps.step_test.outputs.status }}\n" # exit 1 s390x-test: name: test (s390x on IBM Z) runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository && != 'dependabot[bot]' continue-on-error: true # August 2020: s390x VM is down due to weather and power issues steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Run Tests run: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo -e "${SSH_KEY//_/\\n}" > ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa && chmod og-rwx ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa # short sha is enough? short_sha=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) # The environment is fresh, so there's no point in keeping accepting and adding the key. rsync -arz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" --progress --delete --exclude '.git' . "$CI_USER""$short_sha" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -t "$CI_USER" "cd /var/tmp/$short_sha; go version; go env; printf "\n\n";CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -v ./..." test_result=$? # There's no need leaving the files around ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "$CI_USER" "rm -rf /var/tmp/'$short_sha'" echo "Test exit code: $test_result" exit $test_result env: SSH_KEY: ${{ secrets.S390X_SSH_KEY }} CI_USER: ${{ secrets.CI_USER }} goreleaser-check: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v4 with: version: latest args: check env: TAG: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.version_tag }}
name: Cross-Build on: push: branches: - master - 2.* pull_request: branches: - master - 2.* jobs: cross-build-test: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: goos: - 'android' - 'linux' - 'solaris' - 'illumos' - 'dragonfly' - 'freebsd' - 'openbsd' - 'plan9' - 'windows' - 'darwin' - 'netbsd' go: - '1.21' include: # Set the minimum Go patch version for the given Go minor # Usable via ${{ matrix.GO_SEMVER }} - go: '1.21' GO_SEMVER: '~1.21.0' runs-on: ubuntu-latest continue-on-error: true steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install Go uses: actions/setup-go@v4 with: go-version: ${{ matrix.GO_SEMVER }} check-latest: true - name: Print Go version and environment id: vars run: | printf "Using go at: $(which go)\n" printf "Go version: $(go version)\n" printf "\n\nGo environment:\n\n" go env printf "\n\nSystem environment:\n\n" env - name: Run Build env: CGO_ENABLED: 0 GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }} shell: bash continue-on-error: true working-directory: ./cmd/caddy run: | GOOS=$GOOS go build -trimpath -o caddy-"$GOOS"-amd64 2> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "::warning ::$GOOS Build Failed" exit 0 fi
name: Lint on: push: branches: - master - 2.* pull_request: branches: - master - 2.* permissions: contents: read jobs: # From golangci: permissions: contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code pull-requests: read # for golangci/golangci-lint-action to fetch pull requests name: lint strategy: matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macos-latest - windows-latest runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-go@v4 with: go-version: '~1.21.0' check-latest: true # Workaround for skip-pkg-cache: true - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3 with: version: v1.54 # Workaround for skip-pkg-cache: true # Windows times out frequently after about 5m50s if we don't set a longer timeout. args: --timeout 10m # Optional: show only new issues if it's a pull request. The default value is `false`. # only-new-issues: true
name: Release on: push: tags: - 'v*.*.*' jobs: release: name: Release strategy: matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest go: - '1.21' include: # Set the minimum Go patch version for the given Go minor # Usable via ${{ matrix.GO_SEMVER }} - go: '1.21' GO_SEMVER: '~1.21.0' runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} # # permissions: id-token: write # # "Releases" is part of `contents`, so it needs the `write` contents: write steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Install Go uses: actions/setup-go@v4 with: go-version: ${{ matrix.GO_SEMVER }} check-latest: true # Force fetch upstream tags -- because 65 minutes # tl;dr: actions/checkout@v3 runs this line: # git -c protocol.version=2 fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=1 origin +ebc278ec98bb24f2852b61fde2a9bf2e3d83818b:refs/tags/ # which makes its own local lightweight tag, losing all the annotations in the process. Our earlier script ran: # git fetch --prune --unshallow # which doesn't overwrite that tag because that would be destructive. # Credit to @francislavoie for the investigation. # - name: Force fetch upstream tags run: git fetch --tags --force # - name: Print Go version and environment id: vars run: | printf "Using go at: $(which go)\n" printf "Go version: $(go version)\n" printf "\n\nGo environment:\n\n" go env printf "\n\nSystem environment:\n\n" env echo "version_tag=${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "short_sha=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # Add "pip install" CLI tools to PATH echo ~/.local/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH # Parse semver TAG=${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//} SEMVER_RE='[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)\([0-9A-Za-z\.-]*\)' TAG_MAJOR=`echo ${TAG#v} | sed -e "s#$SEMVER_RE#\1#"` TAG_MINOR=`echo ${TAG#v} | sed -e "s#$SEMVER_RE#\2#"` TAG_PATCH=`echo ${TAG#v} | sed -e "s#$SEMVER_RE#\3#"` TAG_SPECIAL=`echo ${TAG#v} | sed -e "s#$SEMVER_RE#\4#"` echo "tag_major=${TAG_MAJOR}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "tag_minor=${TAG_MINOR}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "tag_patch=${TAG_PATCH}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "tag_special=${TAG_SPECIAL}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # Cloudsmith CLI tooling for pushing releases # See - name: Install Cloudsmith CLI run: pip install --upgrade cloudsmith-cli - name: Validate commits and tag signatures run: | # Import Matt Holt's key curl '' | gpg --import echo "Verifying the tag: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.version_tag }}" # tags are only accepted if signed by Matt's key git verify-tag "${{ steps.vars.outputs.version_tag }}" || exit 1 - name: Install Cosign uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@main - name: Cosign version run: cosign version - name: Install Syft uses: anchore/sbom-action/download-syft@main - name: Syft version run: syft version # GoReleaser will take care of publishing those artifacts into the release - name: Run GoReleaser uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v4 with: version: latest args: release --clean --timeout 60m env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} TAG: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.version_tag }} COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL: 1 # Only publish on non-special tags (e.g. non-beta) # We will continue to push to Gemfury for the foreseeable future, although # Cloudsmith is probably better, to not break things for existing users of Gemfury. # See - name: Publish .deb to Gemfury if: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag_special == '' }} env: GEMFURY_PUSH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GEMFURY_PUSH_TOKEN }} run: | for filename in dist/*.deb; do # armv6 and armv7 are both "armhf" so we can skip the duplicate if [[ "$filename" == *"armv6"* ]]; then echo "Skipping $filename" continue fi curl -F package=@"$filename" https://${GEMFURY_PUSH_TOKEN} done # Publish only special tags (unstable/beta/rc) to the "testing" repo # See - name: Publish .deb to Cloudsmith (special tags) if: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag_special != '' }} env: CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY }} run: | for filename in dist/*.deb; do # armv6 and armv7 are both "armhf" so we can skip the duplicate if [[ "$filename" == *"armv6"* ]]; then echo "Skipping $filename" continue fi echo "Pushing $filename to 'testing'" cloudsmith push deb caddy/testing/any-distro/any-version $filename done # Publish stable tags to Cloudsmith to both repos, "stable" and "testing" # See - name: Publish .deb to Cloudsmith (stable tags) if: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag_special == '' }} env: CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY }} run: | for filename in dist/*.deb; do # armv6 and armv7 are both "armhf" so we can skip the duplicate if [[ "$filename" == *"armv6"* ]]; then echo "Skipping $filename" continue fi echo "Pushing $filename to 'stable'" cloudsmith push deb caddy/stable/any-distro/any-version $filename echo "Pushing $filename to 'testing'" cloudsmith push deb caddy/testing/any-distro/any-version $filename done
name: Release Published # Event payload: on: release: types: [published] jobs: release: name: Release Published strategy: matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: # See - name: Trigger event on caddyserver/dist uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v2 with: token: ${{ secrets.REPO_DISPATCH_TOKEN }} repository: caddyserver/dist event-type: release-tagged client-payload: '{"tag": "${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}"}' - name: Trigger event on caddyserver/caddy-docker uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v2 with: token: ${{ secrets.REPO_DISPATCH_TOKEN }} repository: caddyserver/caddy-docker event-type: release-tagged client-payload: '{"tag": "${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}"}'
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyconfig import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" ) // Adapter is a type which can adapt a configuration to Caddy JSON. // It returns the results and any warnings, or an error. type Adapter interface { Adapt(body []byte, options map[string]any) ([]byte, []Warning, error) } // Warning represents a warning or notice related to conversion. type Warning struct { File string `json:"file,omitempty"` Line int `json:"line,omitempty"` Directive string `json:"directive,omitempty"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` } func (w Warning) String() string { var directive string if w.Directive != "" { directive = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", w.Directive) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d%s: %s", w.File, w.Line, directive, w.Message) } // JSON encodes val as JSON, returning it as a json.RawMessage. Any // marshaling errors (which are highly unlikely with correct code) // are converted to warnings. This is convenient when filling config // structs that require a json.RawMessage, without having to worry // about errors. func JSON(val any, warnings *[]Warning) json.RawMessage { b, err := json.Marshal(val) if err != nil { if warnings != nil { *warnings = append(*warnings, Warning{Message: err.Error()}) } return nil } return b } // JSONModuleObject is like JSON(), except it marshals val into a JSON object // with an added key named fieldName with the value fieldVal. This is useful // for encoding module values where the module name has to be described within // the object by a certain key; for example, `"handler": "file_server"` for a // file server HTTP handler (fieldName="handler" and fieldVal="file_server"). // The val parameter must encode into a map[string]any (i.e. it must be // a struct or map). Any errors are converted into warnings. func JSONModuleObject(val any, fieldName, fieldVal string, warnings *[]Warning) json.RawMessage { // encode to a JSON object first enc, err := json.Marshal(val) if err != nil { if warnings != nil { *warnings = append(*warnings, Warning{Message: err.Error()}) } return nil } // then decode the object var tmp map[string]any err = json.Unmarshal(enc, &tmp) if err != nil { if warnings != nil { *warnings = append(*warnings, Warning{Message: err.Error()}) } return nil } // so we can easily add the module's field with its appointed value tmp[fieldName] = fieldVal // then re-marshal as JSON result, err := json.Marshal(tmp) if err != nil { if warnings != nil { *warnings = append(*warnings, Warning{Message: err.Error()}) } return nil } return result } // RegisterAdapter registers a config adapter with the given name. // This should usually be done at init-time. It panics if the // adapter cannot be registered successfully. func RegisterAdapter(name string, adapter Adapter) { if _, ok := configAdapters[name]; ok { panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: already registered", name)) } configAdapters[name] = adapter caddy.RegisterModule(adapterModule{name, adapter}) } // GetAdapter returns the adapter with the given name, // or nil if one with that name is not registered. func GetAdapter(name string) Adapter { return configAdapters[name] } // adapterModule is a wrapper type that can turn any config // adapter into a Caddy module, which has the benefit of being // counted with other modules, even though they do not // technically extend the Caddy configuration structure. // See caddyserver/caddy#3132. type adapterModule struct { name string Adapter } func (am adapterModule) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { return caddy.ModuleInfo{ ID: caddy.ModuleID("caddy.adapters." +, New: func() caddy.Module { return am }, } } var configAdapters = make(map[string]Adapter)
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyconfig import ( "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "time" "" ) func init() { caddy.RegisterModule(HTTPLoader{}) } // HTTPLoader can load Caddy configs over HTTP(S). // // If the response is not a JSON config, a config adapter must be specified // either in the loader config (`adapter`), or in the Content-Type HTTP header // returned in the HTTP response from the server. The Content-Type header is // read just like the admin API's `/load` endpoint. Uf you don't have control // over the HTTP server (but can still trust its response), you can override // the Content-Type header by setting the `adapter` property in this config. type HTTPLoader struct { // The method for the request. Default: GET Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` // The URL of the request. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // HTTP headers to add to the request. Headers http.Header `json:"header,omitempty"` // Maximum time allowed for a complete connection and request. Timeout caddy.Duration `json:"timeout,omitempty"` // The name of the config adapter to use, if any. Only needed // if the HTTP response is not a JSON config and if the server's // Content-Type header is missing or incorrect. Adapter string `json:"adapter,omitempty"` TLS *struct { // Present this instance's managed remote identity credentials to the server. UseServerIdentity bool `json:"use_server_identity,omitempty"` // PEM-encoded client certificate filename to present to the server. ClientCertificateFile string `json:"client_certificate_file,omitempty"` // PEM-encoded key to use with the client certificate. ClientCertificateKeyFile string `json:"client_certificate_key_file,omitempty"` // List of PEM-encoded CA certificate files to add to the same trust // store as RootCAPool (or root_ca_pool in the JSON). RootCAPEMFiles []string `json:"root_ca_pem_files,omitempty"` } `json:"tls,omitempty"` } // CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information. func (HTTPLoader) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { return caddy.ModuleInfo{ ID: "caddy.config_loaders.http", New: func() caddy.Module { return new(HTTPLoader) }, } } // LoadConfig loads a Caddy config. func (hl HTTPLoader) LoadConfig(ctx caddy.Context) ([]byte, error) { repl := caddy.NewReplacer() client, err := hl.makeClient(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } method := repl.ReplaceAll(hl.Method, "") if method == "" { method = http.MethodGet } url := repl.ReplaceAll(hl.URL, "") req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } for key, vals := range hl.Headers { for _, val := range vals { req.Header.Add(repl.ReplaceAll(key, ""), repl.ReplaceKnown(val, "")) } } resp, err := doHttpCallWithRetries(ctx, client, req) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode >= 400 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("server responded with HTTP %d", resp.StatusCode) } body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return nil, err } // adapt the config based on either manually-configured adapter or server's response header ct := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type") if hl.Adapter != "" { ct = "text/" + hl.Adapter } result, warnings, err := adaptByContentType(ct, body) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, warn := range warnings { ctx.Logger().Warn(warn.String()) } return result, nil } func attemptHttpCall(client *http.Client, request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { resp, err := client.Do(request) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("problem calling http loader url: %v", err) } else if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 499 { resp.Body.Close() return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad response status code from http loader url: %v", resp.StatusCode) } return resp, nil } func doHttpCallWithRetries(ctx caddy.Context, client *http.Client, request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { var resp *http.Response var err error const maxAttempts = 10 for i := 0; i < maxAttempts; i++ { resp, err = attemptHttpCall(client, request) if err != nil && i < maxAttempts-1 { select { case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 500): case <-ctx.Done(): return resp, ctx.Err() } } else { break } } return resp, err } func (hl HTTPLoader) makeClient(ctx caddy.Context) (*http.Client, error) { client := &http.Client{ Timeout: time.Duration(hl.Timeout), } if hl.TLS != nil { var tlsConfig *tls.Config // client authentication if hl.TLS.UseServerIdentity { certs, err := ctx.IdentityCredentials(ctx.Logger()) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting server identity credentials: %v", err) } if tlsConfig == nil { tlsConfig = new(tls.Config) } tlsConfig.Certificates = certs } else if hl.TLS.ClientCertificateFile != "" && hl.TLS.ClientCertificateKeyFile != "" { cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(hl.TLS.ClientCertificateFile, hl.TLS.ClientCertificateKeyFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } if tlsConfig == nil { tlsConfig = new(tls.Config) } tlsConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert} } // trusted server certs if len(hl.TLS.RootCAPEMFiles) > 0 { rootPool := x509.NewCertPool() for _, pemFile := range hl.TLS.RootCAPEMFiles { pemData, err := os.ReadFile(pemFile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed reading ca cert: %v", err) } rootPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pemData) } if tlsConfig == nil { tlsConfig = new(tls.Config) } tlsConfig.RootCAs = rootPool } client.Transport = &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig} } return client, nil } var _ caddy.ConfigLoader = (*HTTPLoader)(nil)
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyconfig import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "mime" "net/http" "strings" "sync" "" ) func init() { caddy.RegisterModule(adminLoad{}) } // adminLoad is a module that provides the /load endpoint // for the Caddy admin API. The only reason it's not baked // into the caddy package directly is because of the import // of the caddyconfig package for its GetAdapter function. // If the caddy package depends on the caddyconfig package, // then the caddyconfig package will not be able to import // the caddy package, and it can more easily cause backward // edges in the dependency tree (i.e. import cycle). // Fortunately, the admin API has first-class support for // adding endpoints from modules. type adminLoad struct{} // CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information. func (adminLoad) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo { return caddy.ModuleInfo{ ID: "admin.api.load", New: func() caddy.Module { return new(adminLoad) }, } } // Routes returns a route for the /load endpoint. func (al adminLoad) Routes() []caddy.AdminRoute { return []caddy.AdminRoute{ { Pattern: "/load", Handler: caddy.AdminHandlerFunc(al.handleLoad), }, { Pattern: "/adapt", Handler: caddy.AdminHandlerFunc(al.handleAdapt), }, } } // handleLoad replaces the entire current configuration with // a new one provided in the response body. It supports config // adapters through the use of the Content-Type header. A // config that is identical to the currently-running config // will be a no-op unless Cache-Control: must-revalidate is set. func (adminLoad) handleLoad(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { if r.Method != http.MethodPost { return caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, Err: fmt.Errorf("method not allowed"), } } buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) buf.Reset() defer bufPool.Put(buf) _, err := io.Copy(buf, r.Body) if err != nil { return caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("reading request body: %v", err), } } body := buf.Bytes() // if the config is formatted other than Caddy's native // JSON, we need to adapt it before loading it if ctHeader := r.Header.Get("Content-Type"); ctHeader != "" { result, warnings, err := adaptByContentType(ctHeader, body) if err != nil { return caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: err, } } if len(warnings) > 0 { respBody, err := json.Marshal(warnings) if err != nil { caddy.Log().Named("admin.api.load").Error(err.Error()) } _, _ = w.Write(respBody) } body = result } forceReload := r.Header.Get("Cache-Control") == "must-revalidate" err = caddy.Load(body, forceReload) if err != nil { return caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("loading config: %v", err), } } caddy.Log().Named("admin.api").Info("load complete") return nil } // handleAdapt adapts the given Caddy config to JSON and responds with the result. func (adminLoad) handleAdapt(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { if r.Method != http.MethodPost { return caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, Err: fmt.Errorf("method not allowed"), } } buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) buf.Reset() defer bufPool.Put(buf) _, err := io.Copy(buf, r.Body) if err != nil { return caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("reading request body: %v", err), } } result, warnings, err := adaptByContentType(r.Header.Get("Content-Type"), buf.Bytes()) if err != nil { return caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: err, } } out := struct { Warnings []Warning `json:"warnings,omitempty"` Result json.RawMessage `json:"result"` }{ Warnings: warnings, Result: result, } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(out) } // adaptByContentType adapts body to Caddy JSON using the adapter specified by contentType. // If contentType is empty or ends with "/json", the input will be returned, as a no-op. func adaptByContentType(contentType string, body []byte) ([]byte, []Warning, error) { // assume JSON as the default if contentType == "" { return body, nil, nil } ct, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(contentType) if err != nil { return nil, nil, caddy.APIError{ HTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, Err: fmt.Errorf("invalid Content-Type: %v", err), } } // if already JSON, no need to adapt if strings.HasSuffix(ct, "/json") { return body, nil, nil } // adapter name should be suffix of MIME type _, adapterName, slashFound := strings.Cut(ct, "/") if !slashFound { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed Content-Type") } cfgAdapter := GetAdapter(adapterName) if cfgAdapter == nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized config adapter '%s'", adapterName) } result, warnings, err := cfgAdapter.Adapt(body, nil) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("adapting config using %s adapter: %v", adapterName, err) } return result, warnings, nil } var bufPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() any { return new(bytes.Buffer) }, }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" ) // Adapter adapts Caddyfile to Caddy JSON. type Adapter struct { ServerType ServerType } // Adapt converts the Caddyfile config in body to Caddy JSON. func (a Adapter) Adapt(body []byte, options map[string]any) ([]byte, []caddyconfig.Warning, error) { if a.ServerType == nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no server type") } if options == nil { options = make(map[string]any) } filename, _ := options["filename"].(string) if filename == "" { filename = "Caddyfile" } serverBlocks, err := Parse(filename, body) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } cfg, warnings, err := a.ServerType.Setup(serverBlocks, options) if err != nil { return nil, warnings, err } // lint check: see if input was properly formatted; sometimes messy files files parse // successfully but result in logical errors (the Caddyfile is a bad format, I'm sorry) if warning, different := FormattingDifference(filename, body); different { warnings = append(warnings, warning) } result, err := json.Marshal(cfg) return result, warnings, err } // FormattingDifference returns a warning and true if the formatted version // is any different from the input; empty warning and false otherwise. // TODO: also perform this check on imported files func FormattingDifference(filename string, body []byte) (caddyconfig.Warning, bool) { // replace windows-style newlines to normalize comparison normalizedBody := bytes.Replace(body, []byte("\r\n"), []byte("\n"), -1) formatted := Format(normalizedBody) if bytes.Equal(formatted, normalizedBody) { return caddyconfig.Warning{}, false } // find where the difference is line := 1 for i, ch := range normalizedBody { if i >= len(formatted) || ch != formatted[i] { break } if ch == '\n' { line++ } } return caddyconfig.Warning{ File: filename, Line: line, Message: "Caddyfile input is not formatted; run 'caddy fmt --overwrite' to fix inconsistencies", }, true } // Unmarshaler is a type that can unmarshal // Caddyfile tokens to set itself up for a // JSON encoding. The goal of an unmarshaler // is not to set itself up for actual use, // but to set itself up for being marshaled // into JSON. Caddyfile-unmarshaled values // will not be used directly; they will be // encoded as JSON and then used from that. // Implementations must be able to support // multiple segments (instances of their // directive or batch of tokens); typically // this means wrapping all token logic in // a loop: `for d.Next() { ... }`. type Unmarshaler interface { UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *Dispenser) error } // ServerType is a type that can evaluate a Caddyfile and set up a caddy config. type ServerType interface { // Setup takes the server blocks which // contain tokens, as well as options // (e.g. CLI flags) and creates a Caddy // config, along with any warnings or // an error. Setup([]ServerBlock, map[string]any) (*caddy.Config, []caddyconfig.Warning, error) } // UnmarshalModule instantiates a module with the given ID and invokes // UnmarshalCaddyfile on the new value using the immediate next segment // of d as input. In other words, d's next token should be the first // token of the module's Caddyfile input. // // This function is used when the next segment of Caddyfile tokens // belongs to another Caddy module. The returned value is often // type-asserted to the module's associated type for practical use // when setting up a config. func UnmarshalModule(d *Dispenser, moduleID string) (Unmarshaler, error) { mod, err := caddy.GetModule(moduleID) if err != nil { return nil, d.Errf("getting module named '%s': %v", moduleID, err) } inst := mod.New() unm, ok := inst.(Unmarshaler) if !ok { return nil, d.Errf("module %s is not a Caddyfile unmarshaler; is %T", mod.ID, inst) } err = unm.UnmarshalCaddyfile(d.NewFromNextSegment()) if err != nil { return nil, err } return unm, nil } // Interface guard var _ caddyconfig.Adapter = (*Adapter)(nil)
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "errors" "fmt" "io" "log" "strconv" "strings" ) // Dispenser is a type that dispenses tokens, similarly to a lexer, // except that it can do so with some notion of structure. An empty // Dispenser is invalid; call NewDispenser to make a proper instance. type Dispenser struct { tokens []Token cursor int nesting int } // NewDispenser returns a Dispenser filled with the given tokens. func NewDispenser(tokens []Token) *Dispenser { return &Dispenser{ tokens: tokens, cursor: -1, } } // NewTestDispenser parses input into tokens and creates a new // Dispenser for test purposes only; any errors are fatal. func NewTestDispenser(input string) *Dispenser { tokens, err := allTokens("Testfile", []byte(input)) if err != nil && err != io.EOF { log.Fatalf("getting all tokens from input: %v", err) } return NewDispenser(tokens) } // Next loads the next token. Returns true if a token // was loaded; false otherwise. If false, all tokens // have been consumed. func (d *Dispenser) Next() bool { if d.cursor < len(d.tokens)-1 { d.cursor++ return true } return false } // Prev moves to the previous token. It does the inverse // of Next(), except this function may decrement the cursor // to -1 so that the next call to Next() points to the // first token; this allows dispensing to "start over". This // method returns true if the cursor ends up pointing to a // valid token. func (d *Dispenser) Prev() bool { if d.cursor > -1 { d.cursor-- return d.cursor > -1 } return false } // NextArg loads the next token if it is on the same // line and if it is not a block opening (open curly // brace). Returns true if an argument token was // loaded; false otherwise. If false, all tokens on // the line have been consumed except for potentially // a block opening. It handles imported tokens // correctly. func (d *Dispenser) NextArg() bool { if !d.nextOnSameLine() { return false } if d.Val() == "{" { // roll back; a block opening is not an argument d.cursor-- return false } return true } // nextOnSameLine advances the cursor if the next // token is on the same line of the same file. func (d *Dispenser) nextOnSameLine() bool { if d.cursor < 0 { d.cursor++ return true } if d.cursor >= len(d.tokens)-1 { return false } curr := d.tokens[d.cursor] next := d.tokens[d.cursor+1] if !isNextOnNewLine(curr, next) { d.cursor++ return true } return false } // NextLine loads the next token only if it is not on the same // line as the current token, and returns true if a token was // loaded; false otherwise. If false, there is not another token // or it is on the same line. It handles imported tokens correctly. func (d *Dispenser) NextLine() bool { if d.cursor < 0 { d.cursor++ return true } if d.cursor >= len(d.tokens)-1 { return false } curr := d.tokens[d.cursor] next := d.tokens[d.cursor+1] if isNextOnNewLine(curr, next) { d.cursor++ return true } return false } // NextBlock can be used as the condition of a for loop // to load the next token as long as it opens a block or // is already in a block nested more than initialNestingLevel. // In other words, a loop over NextBlock() will iterate // all tokens in the block assuming the next token is an // open curly brace, until the matching closing brace. // The open and closing brace tokens for the outer-most // block will be consumed internally and omitted from // the iteration. // // Proper use of this method looks like this: // // for nesting := d.Nesting(); d.NextBlock(nesting); { // } // // However, in simple cases where it is known that the // Dispenser is new and has not already traversed state // by a loop over NextBlock(), this will do: // // for d.NextBlock(0) { // } // // As with other token parsing logic, a loop over // NextBlock() should be contained within a loop over // Next(), as it is usually prudent to skip the initial // token. func (d *Dispenser) NextBlock(initialNestingLevel int) bool { if d.nesting > initialNestingLevel { if !d.Next() { return false // should be EOF error } if d.Val() == "}" && !d.nextOnSameLine() { d.nesting-- } else if d.Val() == "{" && !d.nextOnSameLine() { d.nesting++ } return d.nesting > initialNestingLevel } if !d.nextOnSameLine() { // block must open on same line return false } if d.Val() != "{" { d.cursor-- // roll back if not opening brace return false } d.Next() // consume open curly brace if d.Val() == "}" { return false // open and then closed right away } d.nesting++ return true } // Nesting returns the current nesting level. Necessary // if using NextBlock() func (d *Dispenser) Nesting() int { return d.nesting } // Val gets the text of the current token. If there is no token // loaded, it returns empty string. func (d *Dispenser) Val() string { if d.cursor < 0 || d.cursor >= len(d.tokens) { return "" } return d.tokens[d.cursor].Text } // ValRaw gets the raw text of the current token (including quotes). // If the token was a heredoc, then the delimiter is not included, // because that is not relevant to any unmarshaling logic at this time. // If there is no token loaded, it returns empty string. func (d *Dispenser) ValRaw() string { if d.cursor < 0 || d.cursor >= len(d.tokens) { return "" } quote := d.tokens[d.cursor].wasQuoted if quote > 0 && quote != '<' { // string literal return string(quote) + d.tokens[d.cursor].Text + string(quote) } return d.tokens[d.cursor].Text } // ScalarVal gets value of the current token, converted to the closest // scalar type. If there is no token loaded, it returns nil. func (d *Dispenser) ScalarVal() any { if d.cursor < 0 || d.cursor >= len(d.tokens) { return nil } quote := d.tokens[d.cursor].wasQuoted text := d.tokens[d.cursor].Text if quote > 0 { return text // string literal } if num, err := strconv.Atoi(text); err == nil { return num } if num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(text, 64); err == nil { return num } if bool, err := strconv.ParseBool(text); err == nil { return bool } return text } // Line gets the line number of the current token. // If there is no token loaded, it returns 0. func (d *Dispenser) Line() int { if d.cursor < 0 || d.cursor >= len(d.tokens) { return 0 } return d.tokens[d.cursor].Line } // File gets the filename where the current token originated. func (d *Dispenser) File() string { if d.cursor < 0 || d.cursor >= len(d.tokens) { return "" } return d.tokens[d.cursor].File } // Args is a convenience function that loads the next arguments // (tokens on the same line) into an arbitrary number of strings // pointed to in targets. If there are not enough argument tokens // available to fill targets, false is returned and the remaining // targets are left unchanged. If all the targets are filled, // then true is returned. func (d *Dispenser) Args(targets ...*string) bool { for i := 0; i < len(targets); i++ { if !d.NextArg() { return false } *targets[i] = d.Val() } return true } // AllArgs is like Args, but if there are more argument tokens // available than there are targets, false is returned. The // number of available argument tokens must match the number of // targets exactly to return true. func (d *Dispenser) AllArgs(targets ...*string) bool { if !d.Args(targets...) { return false } if d.NextArg() { d.Prev() return false } return true } // CountRemainingArgs counts the amount of remaining arguments // (tokens on the same line) without consuming the tokens. func (d *Dispenser) CountRemainingArgs() int { count := 0 for d.NextArg() { count++ } for i := 0; i < count; i++ { d.Prev() } return count } // RemainingArgs loads any more arguments (tokens on the same line) // into a slice and returns them. Open curly brace tokens also indicate // the end of arguments, and the curly brace is not included in // the return value nor is it loaded. func (d *Dispenser) RemainingArgs() []string { var args []string for d.NextArg() { args = append(args, d.Val()) } return args } // RemainingArgsRaw loads any more arguments (tokens on the same line, // retaining quotes) into a slice and returns them. Open curly brace // tokens also indicate the end of arguments, and the curly brace is // not included in the return value nor is it loaded. func (d *Dispenser) RemainingArgsRaw() []string { var args []string for d.NextArg() { args = append(args, d.ValRaw()) } return args } // NewFromNextSegment returns a new dispenser with a copy of // the tokens from the current token until the end of the // "directive" whether that be to the end of the line or // the end of a block that starts at the end of the line; // in other words, until the end of the segment. func (d *Dispenser) NewFromNextSegment() *Dispenser { return NewDispenser(d.NextSegment()) } // NextSegment returns a copy of the tokens from the current // token until the end of the line or block that starts at // the end of the line. func (d *Dispenser) NextSegment() Segment { tkns := Segment{d.Token()} for d.NextArg() { tkns = append(tkns, d.Token()) } var openedBlock bool for nesting := d.Nesting(); d.NextBlock(nesting); { if !openedBlock { // because NextBlock() consumes the initial open // curly brace, we rewind here to append it, since // our case is special in that we want the new // dispenser to have all the tokens including // surrounding curly braces d.Prev() tkns = append(tkns, d.Token()) d.Next() openedBlock = true } tkns = append(tkns, d.Token()) } if openedBlock { // include closing brace tkns = append(tkns, d.Token()) // do not consume the closing curly brace; the // next iteration of the enclosing loop will // call Next() and consume it } return tkns } // Token returns the current token. func (d *Dispenser) Token() Token { if d.cursor < 0 || d.cursor >= len(d.tokens) { return Token{} } return d.tokens[d.cursor] } // Reset sets d's cursor to the beginning, as // if this was a new and unused dispenser. func (d *Dispenser) Reset() { d.cursor = -1 d.nesting = 0 } // ArgErr returns an argument error, meaning that another // argument was expected but not found. In other words, // a line break or open curly brace was encountered instead of // an argument. func (d *Dispenser) ArgErr() error { if d.Val() == "{" { return d.Err("unexpected token '{', expecting argument") } return d.Errf("wrong argument count or unexpected line ending after '%s'", d.Val()) } // SyntaxErr creates a generic syntax error which explains what was // found and what was expected. func (d *Dispenser) SyntaxErr(expected string) error { msg := fmt.Sprintf("syntax error: unexpected token '%s', expecting '%s', at %s:%d import chain: ['%s']", d.Val(), expected, d.File(), d.Line(), strings.Join(d.Token().imports, "','")) return errors.New(msg) } // EOFErr returns an error indicating that the dispenser reached // the end of the input when searching for the next token. func (d *Dispenser) EOFErr() error { return d.Errf("unexpected EOF") } // Err generates a custom parse-time error with a message of msg. func (d *Dispenser) Err(msg string) error { return d.Errf(msg) } // Errf is like Err, but for formatted error messages func (d *Dispenser) Errf(format string, args ...any) error { return d.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf(format, args...)) } // WrapErr takes an existing error and adds the Caddyfile file and line number. func (d *Dispenser) WrapErr(err error) error { if len(d.Token().imports) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("%w, at %s:%d import chain ['%s']", err, d.File(), d.Line(), strings.Join(d.Token().imports, "','")) } return fmt.Errorf("%w, at %s:%d", err, d.File(), d.Line()) } // Delete deletes the current token and returns the updated slice // of tokens. The cursor is not advanced to the next token. // Because deletion modifies the underlying slice, this method // should only be called if you have access to the original slice // of tokens and/or are using the slice of tokens outside this // Dispenser instance. If you do not re-assign the slice with the // return value of this method, inconsistencies in the token // array will become apparent (or worse, hide from you like they // did me for 3 and a half freaking hours late one night). func (d *Dispenser) Delete() []Token { if d.cursor >= 0 && d.cursor <= len(d.tokens)-1 { d.tokens = append(d.tokens[:d.cursor], d.tokens[d.cursor+1:]...) d.cursor-- } return d.tokens } // DeleteN is the same as Delete, but can delete many tokens at once. // If there aren't N tokens available to delete, none are deleted. func (d *Dispenser) DeleteN(amount int) []Token { if amount > 0 && d.cursor >= (amount-1) && d.cursor <= len(d.tokens)-1 { d.tokens = append(d.tokens[:d.cursor-(amount-1)], d.tokens[d.cursor+1:]...) d.cursor -= amount } return d.tokens } // isNewLine determines whether the current token is on a different // line (higher line number) than the previous token. It handles imported // tokens correctly. If there isn't a previous token, it returns true. func (d *Dispenser) isNewLine() bool { if d.cursor < 1 { return true } if d.cursor > len(d.tokens)-1 { return false } prev := d.tokens[d.cursor-1] curr := d.tokens[d.cursor] return isNextOnNewLine(prev, curr) } // isNextOnNewLine determines whether the current token is on a different // line (higher line number) than the next token. It handles imported // tokens correctly. If there isn't a next token, it returns true. func (d *Dispenser) isNextOnNewLine() bool { if d.cursor < 0 { return false } if d.cursor >= len(d.tokens)-1 { return true } curr := d.tokens[d.cursor] next := d.tokens[d.cursor+1] return isNextOnNewLine(curr, next) }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "errors" "reflect" "strings" "testing" ) func TestDispenser_Val_Next(t *testing.T) { input := `host:port dir1 arg1 dir2 arg2 arg3 dir3` d := NewTestDispenser(input) if val := d.Val(); val != "" { t.Fatalf("Val(): Should return empty string when no token loaded; got '%s'", val) } assertNext := func(shouldLoad bool, expectedCursor int, expectedVal string) { if loaded := d.Next(); loaded != shouldLoad { t.Errorf("Next(): Expected %v but got %v instead (val '%s')", shouldLoad, loaded, d.Val()) } if d.cursor != expectedCursor { t.Errorf("Expected cursor to be %d, but was %d", expectedCursor, d.cursor) } if d.nesting != 0 { t.Errorf("Nesting should be 0, was %d instead", d.nesting) } if val := d.Val(); val != expectedVal { t.Errorf("Val(): Expected '%s' but got '%s'", expectedVal, val) } } assertNext(true, 0, "host:port") assertNext(true, 1, "dir1") assertNext(true, 2, "arg1") assertNext(true, 3, "dir2") assertNext(true, 4, "arg2") assertNext(true, 5, "arg3") assertNext(true, 6, "dir3") // Note: This next test simply asserts existing behavior. // If desired, we may wish to empty the token value after // reading past the EOF. Open an issue if you want this change. assertNext(false, 6, "dir3") } func TestDispenser_NextArg(t *testing.T) { input := `dir1 arg1 dir2 arg2 arg3 dir3` d := NewTestDispenser(input) assertNext := func(shouldLoad bool, expectedVal string, expectedCursor int) { if d.Next() != shouldLoad { t.Errorf("Next(): Should load token but got false instead (val: '%s')", d.Val()) } if d.cursor != expectedCursor { t.Errorf("Next(): Expected cursor to be at %d, but it was %d", expectedCursor, d.cursor) } if val := d.Val(); val != expectedVal { t.Errorf("Val(): Expected '%s' but got '%s'", expectedVal, val) } } assertNextArg := func(expectedVal string, loadAnother bool, expectedCursor int) { if !d.NextArg() { t.Error("NextArg(): Should load next argument but got false instead") } if d.cursor != expectedCursor { t.Errorf("NextArg(): Expected cursor to be at %d, but it was %d", expectedCursor, d.cursor) } if val := d.Val(); val != expectedVal { t.Errorf("Val(): Expected '%s' but got '%s'", expectedVal, val) } if !loadAnother { if d.NextArg() { t.Fatalf("NextArg(): Should NOT load another argument, but got true instead (val: '%s')", d.Val()) } if d.cursor != expectedCursor { t.Errorf("NextArg(): Expected cursor to remain at %d, but it was %d", expectedCursor, d.cursor) } } } assertNext(true, "dir1", 0) assertNextArg("arg1", false, 1) assertNext(true, "dir2", 2) assertNextArg("arg2", true, 3) assertNextArg("arg3", false, 4) assertNext(true, "dir3", 5) assertNext(false, "dir3", 5) } func TestDispenser_NextLine(t *testing.T) { input := `host:port dir1 arg1 dir2 arg2 arg3` d := NewTestDispenser(input) assertNextLine := func(shouldLoad bool, expectedVal string, expectedCursor int) { if d.NextLine() != shouldLoad { t.Errorf("NextLine(): Should load token but got false instead (val: '%s')", d.Val()) } if d.cursor != expectedCursor { t.Errorf("NextLine(): Expected cursor to be %d, instead was %d", expectedCursor, d.cursor) } if val := d.Val(); val != expectedVal { t.Errorf("Val(): Expected '%s' but got '%s'", expectedVal, val) } } assertNextLine(true, "host:port", 0) assertNextLine(true, "dir1", 1) assertNextLine(false, "dir1", 1) d.Next() // arg1 assertNextLine(true, "dir2", 3) assertNextLine(false, "dir2", 3) d.Next() // arg2 assertNextLine(false, "arg2", 4) d.Next() // arg3 assertNextLine(false, "arg3", 5) } func TestDispenser_NextBlock(t *testing.T) { input := `foobar1 { sub1 arg1 sub2 } foobar2 { }` d := NewTestDispenser(input) assertNextBlock := func(shouldLoad bool, expectedCursor, expectedNesting int) { if loaded := d.NextBlock(0); loaded != shouldLoad { t.Errorf("NextBlock(): Should return %v but got %v", shouldLoad, loaded) } if d.cursor != expectedCursor { t.Errorf("NextBlock(): Expected cursor to be %d, was %d", expectedCursor, d.cursor) } if d.nesting != expectedNesting { t.Errorf("NextBlock(): Nesting should be %d, not %d", expectedNesting, d.nesting) } } assertNextBlock(false, -1, 0) d.Next() // foobar1 assertNextBlock(true, 2, 1) assertNextBlock(true, 3, 1) assertNextBlock(true, 4, 1) assertNextBlock(false, 5, 0) d.Next() // foobar2 assertNextBlock(false, 8, 0) // empty block is as if it didn't exist } func TestDispenser_Args(t *testing.T) { var s1, s2, s3 string input := `dir1 arg1 arg2 arg3 dir2 arg4 arg5 dir3 arg6 arg7 dir4` d := NewTestDispenser(input) d.Next() // dir1 // As many strings as arguments if all := d.Args(&s1, &s2, &s3); !all { t.Error("Args(): Expected true, got false") } if s1 != "arg1" { t.Errorf("Args(): Expected s1 to be 'arg1', got '%s'", s1) } if s2 != "arg2" { t.Errorf("Args(): Expected s2 to be 'arg2', got '%s'", s2) } if s3 != "arg3" { t.Errorf("Args(): Expected s3 to be 'arg3', got '%s'", s3) } d.Next() // dir2 // More strings than arguments if all := d.Args(&s1, &s2, &s3); all { t.Error("Args(): Expected false, got true") } if s1 != "arg4" { t.Errorf("Args(): Expected s1 to be 'arg4', got '%s'", s1) } if s2 != "arg5" { t.Errorf("Args(): Expected s2 to be 'arg5', got '%s'", s2) } if s3 != "arg3" { t.Errorf("Args(): Expected s3 to be unchanged ('arg3'), instead got '%s'", s3) } // (quick cursor check just for kicks and giggles) if d.cursor != 6 { t.Errorf("Cursor should be 6, but is %d", d.cursor) } d.Next() // dir3 // More arguments than strings if all := d.Args(&s1); !all { t.Error("Args(): Expected true, got false") } if s1 != "arg6" { t.Errorf("Args(): Expected s1 to be 'arg6', got '%s'", s1) } d.Next() // dir4 // No arguments or strings if all := d.Args(); !all { t.Error("Args(): Expected true, got false") } // No arguments but at least one string if all := d.Args(&s1); all { t.Error("Args(): Expected false, got true") } } func TestDispenser_RemainingArgs(t *testing.T) { input := `dir1 arg1 arg2 arg3 dir2 arg4 arg5 dir3 arg6 { arg7 dir4` d := NewTestDispenser(input) d.Next() // dir1 args := d.RemainingArgs() if expected := []string{"arg1", "arg2", "arg3"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(args, expected) { t.Errorf("RemainingArgs(): Expected %v, got %v", expected, args) } d.Next() // dir2 args = d.RemainingArgs() if expected := []string{"arg4", "arg5"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(args, expected) { t.Errorf("RemainingArgs(): Expected %v, got %v", expected, args) } d.Next() // dir3 args = d.RemainingArgs() if expected := []string{"arg6"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(args, expected) { t.Errorf("RemainingArgs(): Expected %v, got %v", expected, args) } d.Next() // { d.Next() // arg7 d.Next() // dir4 args = d.RemainingArgs() if len(args) != 0 { t.Errorf("RemainingArgs(): Expected %v, got %v", []string{}, args) } } func TestDispenser_ArgErr_Err(t *testing.T) { input := `dir1 { } dir2 arg1 arg2` d := NewTestDispenser(input) d.cursor = 1 // { if err := d.ArgErr(); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "{") { t.Errorf("ArgErr(): Expected an error message with { in it, but got '%v'", err) } d.cursor = 5 // arg2 if err := d.ArgErr(); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "arg2") { t.Errorf("ArgErr(): Expected an error message with 'arg2' in it; got '%v'", err) } err := d.Err("foobar") if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Err(): Expected an error, got nil") } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Testfile:3") { t.Errorf("Expected error message with filename:line in it; got '%v'", err) } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "foobar") { t.Errorf("Expected error message with custom message in it ('foobar'); got '%v'", err) } var ErrBarIsFull = errors.New("bar is full") bookingError := d.Errf("unable to reserve: %w", ErrBarIsFull) if !errors.Is(bookingError, ErrBarIsFull) { t.Errorf("Errf(): should be able to unwrap the error chain") } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "bytes" "io" "unicode" ) // Format formats the input Caddyfile to a standard, nice-looking // appearance. It works by reading each rune of the input and taking // control over all the bracing and whitespace that is written; otherwise, // words, comments, placeholders, and escaped characters are all treated // literally and written as they appear in the input. func Format(input []byte) []byte { input = bytes.TrimSpace(input) out := new(bytes.Buffer) rdr := bytes.NewReader(input) var ( last rune // the last character that was written to the result space = true // whether current/previous character was whitespace (beginning of input counts as space) beginningOfLine = true // whether we are at beginning of line openBrace bool // whether current word/token is or started with open curly brace openBraceWritten bool // if openBrace, whether that brace was written or not openBraceSpace bool // whether there was a non-newline space before open brace newLines int // count of newlines consumed comment bool // whether we're in a comment quoted bool // whether we're in a quoted segment escaped bool // whether current char is escaped nesting int // indentation level ) write := func(ch rune) { out.WriteRune(ch) last = ch } indent := func() { for tabs := nesting; tabs > 0; tabs-- { write('\t') } } nextLine := func() { write('\n') beginningOfLine = true } for { ch, _, err := rdr.ReadRune() if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { break } panic(err) } if comment { if ch == '\n' { comment = false space = true nextLine() continue } else { write(ch) continue } } if !escaped && ch == '\\' { if space { write(' ') space = false } write(ch) escaped = true continue } if escaped { write(ch) escaped = false continue } if quoted { if ch == '"' { quoted = false } write(ch) continue } if space && ch == '"' { quoted = true } if unicode.IsSpace(ch) { space = true if ch == '\n' { newLines++ } continue } spacePrior := space space = false ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I find it helpful to think of the formatting loop in two // main sections; by the time we reach this point, we // know we are in a "regular" part of the file: we know // the character is not a space, not in a literal segment // like a comment or quoted, it's not escaped, etc. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ch == '#' { comment = true } if openBrace && spacePrior && !openBraceWritten { if nesting == 0 && last == '}' { nextLine() nextLine() } openBrace = false if beginningOfLine { indent() } else if !openBraceSpace { write(' ') } write('{') openBraceWritten = true nextLine() newLines = 0 // prevent infinite nesting from ridiculous inputs (issue #4169) if nesting < 10 { nesting++ } } switch { case ch == '{': openBrace = true openBraceWritten = false openBraceSpace = spacePrior && !beginningOfLine if openBraceSpace { write(' ') } continue case ch == '}' && (spacePrior || !openBrace): if last != '\n' { nextLine() } if nesting > 0 { nesting-- } indent() write('}') newLines = 0 continue } if newLines > 2 { newLines = 2 } for i := 0; i < newLines; i++ { nextLine() } newLines = 0 if beginningOfLine { indent() } if nesting == 0 && last == '}' && beginningOfLine { nextLine() nextLine() } if !beginningOfLine && spacePrior { write(' ') } if openBrace && !openBraceWritten { write('{') openBraceWritten = true } write(ch) beginningOfLine = false } // the Caddyfile does not need any leading or trailing spaces, but... trimmedResult := bytes.TrimSpace(out.Bytes()) // ...Caddyfiles should, however, end with a newline because // newlines are significant to the syntax of the file return append(trimmedResult, '\n') }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build gofuzz package caddyfile import "bytes" func FuzzFormat(input []byte) int { formatted := Format(input) if bytes.Equal(formatted, Format(formatted)) { return 1 } return 0 }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "strings" "testing" ) func TestFormatter(t *testing.T) { for i, tc := range []struct { description string input string expect string }{ { description: "very simple", input: `abc def g hi jkl mn`, expect: `abc def g hi jkl mn`, }, { description: "basic indentation, line breaks, and nesting", input: ` a b c { d } e { f } g { h { i } } j { k { l } } m { n { o } p { q r s } } { { t u v w } }`, expect: `a b c { d } e { f } g { h { i } } j { k { l } } m { n { o } p { q r s } } { { t u v w } }`, }, { description: "block spacing", input: `a{ b } c{ d }`, expect: `a { b } c { d }`, }, { description: "advanced spacing", input: `abc { def }ghi{ jkl mno pqr}`, expect: `abc { def } ghi { jkl mno pqr }`, }, { description: "env var placeholders", input: `{$A} b { {$C} } d { {$E} } { {$F} } `, expect: `{$A} b { {$C} } d { {$E} } { {$F} }`, }, { description: "env var placeholders with port", input: `:{$PORT}`, expect: `:{$PORT}`, }, { description: "comments", input: `#a "\n" #b { c } d { e#f # g } h { # i }`, expect: `#a "\n" #b { c } d { e#f # g } h { # i }`, }, { description: "quotes and escaping", input: `"a \"b\" "#c d e { "f" } g { "h" } i { "foo bar" } j { "\"k\" l m" }`, expect: `"a \"b\" "#c d e { "f" } g { "h" } i { "foo bar" } j { "\"k\" l m" }`, }, { description: "bad nesting (too many open)", input: `a { { }`, expect: `a { { } `, }, { description: "bad nesting (too many close)", input: `a { { }}}`, expect: `a { { } } } `, }, { description: "json", input: `foo bar "{\"key\":34}" `, expect: `foo bar "{\"key\":34}"`, }, { description: "escaping after spaces", input: `foo \"literal\"`, expect: `foo \"literal\"`, }, { description: "simple placeholders as standalone tokens", input: `foo {bar}`, expect: `foo {bar}`, }, { description: "simple placeholders within tokens", input: `foo{bar} foo{bar}baz`, expect: `foo{bar} foo{bar}baz`, }, { description: "placeholders and malformed braces", input: `foo{bar} foo{ bar}baz`, expect: `foo{bar} foo { bar } baz`, }, { description: "hash within string is not a comment", input: `redir / /some/#/path`, expect: `redir / /some/#/path`, }, { description: "brace does not fold into comment above", input: `# comment { foo }`, expect: `# comment { foo }`, }, { description: "matthewpi/vscode-caddyfile-support#13", input: `{ email {$ACMEEMAIL} #debug } block { } `, expect: `{ email {$ACMEEMAIL} #debug } block { } `, }, { description: "matthewpi/vscode-caddyfile-support#13 - bad formatting", input: `{ email {$ACMEEMAIL} #debug } block { } `, expect: `{ email {$ACMEEMAIL} #debug } block { } `, }, } { // the formatter should output a trailing newline, // even if the tests aren't written to expect that if !strings.HasSuffix(tc.expect, "\n") { tc.expect += "\n" } actual := Format([]byte(tc.input)) if string(actual) != tc.expect { t.Errorf("\n[TEST %d: %s]\n====== EXPECTED ======\n%s\n====== ACTUAL ======\n%s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", i, tc.description, string(tc.expect), string(actual)) } } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) // parseVariadic determines if the token is a variadic placeholder, // and if so, determines the index range (start/end) of args to use. // Returns a boolean signaling whether a variadic placeholder was found, // and the start and end indices. func parseVariadic(token Token, argCount int) (bool, int, int) { if !strings.HasPrefix(token.Text, "{args[") { return false, 0, 0 } if !strings.HasSuffix(token.Text, "]}") { return false, 0, 0 } argRange := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(token.Text, "{args["), "]}") if argRange == "" { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Placeholder "+token.Text+" cannot have an empty index", zap.String("file", token.File+":"+strconv.Itoa(token.Line)), zap.Strings("import_chain", token.imports)) return false, 0, 0 } start, end, found := strings.Cut(argRange, ":") // If no ":" delimiter is found, this is not a variadic. // The replacer will pick this up. if !found { return false, 0, 0 } var ( startIndex = 0 endIndex = argCount err error ) if start != "" { startIndex, err = strconv.Atoi(start) if err != nil { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Variadic placeholder "+token.Text+" has an invalid start index", zap.String("file", token.File+":"+strconv.Itoa(token.Line)), zap.Strings("import_chain", token.imports)) return false, 0, 0 } } if end != "" { endIndex, err = strconv.Atoi(end) if err != nil { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Variadic placeholder "+token.Text+" has an invalid end index", zap.String("file", token.File+":"+strconv.Itoa(token.Line)), zap.Strings("import_chain", token.imports)) return false, 0, 0 } } // bound check if startIndex < 0 || startIndex > endIndex || endIndex > argCount { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Variadic placeholder "+token.Text+" indices are out of bounds, only "+strconv.Itoa(argCount)+" argument(s) exist", zap.String("file", token.File+":"+strconv.Itoa(token.Line)), zap.Strings("import_chain", token.imports)) return false, 0, 0 } return true, startIndex, endIndex } // makeArgsReplacer prepares a Replacer which can replace // non-variadic args placeholders in imported tokens. func makeArgsReplacer(args []string) *caddy.Replacer { repl := caddy.NewEmptyReplacer() repl.Map(func(key string) (any, bool) { // TODO: Remove the deprecated {args.*} placeholder // support at some point in the future if matches := argsRegexpIndexDeprecated.FindStringSubmatch(key); len(matches) > 0 { // What's matched may be a substring of the key if matches[0] != key { return nil, false } value, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) if err != nil { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Placeholder {args." + matches[1] + "} has an invalid index") return nil, false } if value >= len(args) { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Placeholder {args." + matches[1] + "} index is out of bounds, only " + strconv.Itoa(len(args)) + " argument(s) exist") return nil, false } caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Placeholder {args." + matches[1] + "} deprecated, use {args[" + matches[1] + "]} instead") return args[value], true } // Handle args[*] form if matches := argsRegexpIndex.FindStringSubmatch(key); len(matches) > 0 { // What's matched may be a substring of the key if matches[0] != key { return nil, false } if strings.Contains(matches[1], ":") { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Variadic placeholder {args[" + matches[1] + "]} must be a token on its own") return nil, false } value, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) if err != nil { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Placeholder {args[" + matches[1] + "]} has an invalid index") return nil, false } if value >= len(args) { caddy.Log().Named("caddyfile").Warn( "Placeholder {args[" + matches[1] + "]} index is out of bounds, only " + strconv.Itoa(len(args)) + " argument(s) exist") return nil, false } return args[value], true } // Not an args placeholder, ignore return nil, false }) return repl } var ( argsRegexpIndexDeprecated = regexp.MustCompile(`args\.(.+)`) argsRegexpIndex = regexp.MustCompile(`args\[(.+)]`) )
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "fmt" ) type adjacency map[string][]string type importGraph struct { nodes map[string]bool edges adjacency } func (i *importGraph) addNode(name string) { if i.nodes == nil { i.nodes = make(map[string]bool) } if _, exists := i.nodes[name]; exists { return } i.nodes[name] = true } func (i *importGraph) addNodes(names []string) { for _, name := range names { i.addNode(name) } } func (i *importGraph) removeNode(name string) { delete(i.nodes, name) } func (i *importGraph) removeNodes(names []string) { for _, name := range names { i.removeNode(name) } } func (i *importGraph) addEdge(from, to string) error { if !i.exists(from) || !i.exists(to) { return fmt.Errorf("one of the nodes does not exist") } if i.willCycle(to, from) { return fmt.Errorf("a cycle of imports exists between %s and %s", from, to) } if i.areConnected(from, to) { // if connected, there's nothing to do return nil } if i.nodes == nil { i.nodes = make(map[string]bool) } if i.edges == nil { i.edges = make(adjacency) } i.edges[from] = append(i.edges[from], to) return nil } func (i *importGraph) addEdges(from string, tos []string) error { for _, to := range tos { err := i.addEdge(from, to) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (i *importGraph) areConnected(from, to string) bool { al, ok := i.edges[from] if !ok { return false } for _, v := range al { if v == to { return true } } return false } func (i *importGraph) willCycle(from, to string) bool { collector := make(map[string]bool) var visit func(string) visit = func(start string) { if !collector[start] { collector[start] = true for _, v := range i.edges[start] { visit(v) } } } for _, v := range i.edges[from] { visit(v) } for k := range collector { if to == k { return true } } return false } func (i *importGraph) exists(key string) bool { _, exists := i.nodes[key] return exists }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "io" "regexp" "strings" "unicode" ) type ( // lexer is a utility which can get values, token by // token, from a Reader. A token is a word, and tokens // are separated by whitespace. A word can be enclosed // in quotes if it contains whitespace. lexer struct { reader *bufio.Reader token Token line int skippedLines int } // Token represents a single parsable unit. Token struct { File string imports []string Line int Text string wasQuoted rune // enclosing quote character, if any heredocMarker string snippetName string } ) // Tokenize takes bytes as input and lexes it into // a list of tokens that can be parsed as a Caddyfile. // Also takes a filename to fill the token's File as // the source of the tokens, which is important to // determine relative paths for `import` directives. func Tokenize(input []byte, filename string) ([]Token, error) { l := lexer{} if err := l.load(bytes.NewReader(input)); err != nil { return nil, err } var tokens []Token for { found, err := if err != nil { return nil, err } if !found { break } l.token.File = filename tokens = append(tokens, l.token) } return tokens, nil } // load prepares the lexer to scan an input for tokens. // It discards any leading byte order mark. func (l *lexer) load(input io.Reader) error { l.reader = bufio.NewReader(input) l.line = 1 // discard byte order mark, if present firstCh, _, err := l.reader.ReadRune() if err != nil { return err } if firstCh != 0xFEFF { err := l.reader.UnreadRune() if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // next loads the next token into the lexer. // A token is delimited by whitespace, unless // the token starts with a quotes character (") // in which case the token goes until the closing // quotes (the enclosing quotes are not included). // Inside quoted strings, quotes may be escaped // with a preceding \ character. No other chars // may be escaped. The rest of the line is skipped // if a "#" character is read in. Returns true if // a token was loaded; false otherwise. func (l *lexer) next() (bool, error) { var val []rune var comment, quoted, btQuoted, inHeredoc, heredocEscaped, escaped bool var heredocMarker string makeToken := func(quoted rune) bool { l.token.Text = string(val) l.token.wasQuoted = quoted l.token.heredocMarker = heredocMarker return true } for { // Read a character in; if err then if we had // read some characters, make a token. If we // reached EOF, then no more tokens to read. // If no EOF, then we had a problem. ch, _, err := l.reader.ReadRune() if err != nil { if len(val) > 0 { if inHeredoc { return false, fmt.Errorf("incomplete heredoc <<%s on line #%d, expected ending marker %s", heredocMarker, l.line+l.skippedLines, heredocMarker) } return makeToken(0), nil } if err == io.EOF { return false, nil } return false, err } // detect whether we have the start of a heredoc if !(quoted || btQuoted) && !(inHeredoc || heredocEscaped) && len(val) > 1 && string(val[:2]) == "<<" { // a space means it's just a regular token and not a heredoc if ch == ' ' { return makeToken(0), nil } // skip CR, we only care about LF if ch == '\r' { continue } // after hitting a newline, we know that the heredoc marker // is the characters after the two << and the newline. // we reset the val because the heredoc is syntax we don't // want to keep. if ch == '\n' { // check if there's too many < if string(val[:3]) == "<<<" { return false, fmt.Errorf("too many '<' for heredoc on line #%d; only use two, for example <<END", l.line) } heredocMarker = string(val[2:]) if !heredocMarkerRegexp.Match([]byte(heredocMarker)) { return false, fmt.Errorf("heredoc marker on line #%d must contain only alpha-numeric characters, dashes and underscores; got '%s'", l.line, heredocMarker) } inHeredoc = true l.skippedLines++ val = nil continue } val = append(val, ch) continue } // if we're in a heredoc, all characters are read as-is if inHeredoc { val = append(val, ch) if ch == '\n' { l.skippedLines++ } // check if we're done, i.e. that the last few characters are the marker if len(val) > len(heredocMarker) && heredocMarker == string(val[len(val)-len(heredocMarker):]) { // set the final value val, err = l.finalizeHeredoc(val, heredocMarker) if err != nil { return false, err } // set the line counter, and make the token l.line += l.skippedLines l.skippedLines = 0 return makeToken('<'), nil } // stay in the heredoc until we find the ending marker continue } // track whether we found an escape '\' for the next // iteration to be contextually aware if !escaped && !btQuoted && ch == '\\' { escaped = true continue } if quoted || btQuoted { if quoted && escaped { // all is literal in quoted area, // so only escape quotes if ch != '"' { val = append(val, '\\') } escaped = false } else { if (quoted && ch == '"') || (btQuoted && ch == '`') { return makeToken(ch), nil } } // allow quoted text to wrap continue on multiple lines if ch == '\n' { l.line += 1 + l.skippedLines l.skippedLines = 0 } // collect this character as part of the quoted token val = append(val, ch) continue } if unicode.IsSpace(ch) { // ignore CR altogether, we only actually care about LF (\n) if ch == '\r' { continue } // end of the line if ch == '\n' { // newlines can be escaped to chain arguments // onto multiple lines; else, increment the line count if escaped { l.skippedLines++ escaped = false } else { l.line += 1 + l.skippedLines l.skippedLines = 0 } // comments (#) are single-line only comment = false } // any kind of space means we're at the end of this token if len(val) > 0 { return makeToken(0), nil } continue } // comments must be at the start of a token, // in other words, preceded by space or newline if ch == '#' && len(val) == 0 { comment = true } if comment { continue } if len(val) == 0 { l.token = Token{Line: l.line} if ch == '"' { quoted = true continue } if ch == '`' { btQuoted = true continue } } if escaped { // allow escaping the first < to skip the heredoc syntax if ch == '<' { heredocEscaped = true } else { val = append(val, '\\') } escaped = false } val = append(val, ch) } } // finalizeHeredoc takes the runes read as the heredoc text and the marker, // and processes the text to strip leading whitespace, returning the final // value without the leading whitespace. func (l *lexer) finalizeHeredoc(val []rune, marker string) ([]rune, error) { stringVal := string(val) // find the last newline of the heredoc, which is where the contents end lastNewline := strings.LastIndex(stringVal, "\n") // collapse the content, then split into separate lines lines := strings.Split(stringVal[:lastNewline+1], "\n") // figure out how much whitespace we need to strip from the front of every line // by getting the string that precedes the marker, on the last line paddingToStrip := stringVal[lastNewline+1 : len(stringVal)-len(marker)] // iterate over each line and strip the whitespace from the front var out string for lineNum, lineText := range lines[:len(lines)-1] { // find an exact match for the padding index := strings.Index(lineText, paddingToStrip) // if the padding doesn't match exactly at the start then we can't safely strip if index != 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched leading whitespace in heredoc <<%s on line #%d [%s], expected whitespace [%s] to match the closing marker", marker, l.line+lineNum+1, lineText, paddingToStrip) } // strip, then append the line, with the newline, to the output. // also removes all "\r" because Windows. out += strings.ReplaceAll(lineText[len(paddingToStrip):]+"\n", "\r", "") } // Remove the trailing newline from the loop if len(out) > 0 && out[len(out)-1] == '\n' { out = out[:len(out)-1] } // return the final value return []rune(out), nil } func (t Token) Quoted() bool { return t.wasQuoted > 0 } // NumLineBreaks counts how many line breaks are in the token text. func (t Token) NumLineBreaks() int { lineBreaks := strings.Count(t.Text, "\n") if t.wasQuoted == '<' { // heredocs have an extra linebreak because the opening // delimiter is on its own line and is not included in the // token Text itself, and the trailing newline is removed. lineBreaks += 2 } return lineBreaks } var heredocMarkerRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$") // isNextOnNewLine tests whether t2 is on a different line from t1 func isNextOnNewLine(t1, t2 Token) bool { // If the second token is from a different file, // we can assume it's from a different line if t1.File != t2.File { return true } // If the second token is from a different import chain, // we can assume it's from a different line if len(t1.imports) != len(t2.imports) { return true } for i, im := range t1.imports { if im != t2.imports[i] { return true } } // If the first token (incl line breaks) ends // on a line earlier than the next token, // then the second token is on a new line return t1.Line+t1.NumLineBreaks() < t2.Line }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build gofuzz package caddyfile func FuzzTokenize(input []byte) int { tokens, err := Tokenize(input, "Caddyfile") if err != nil { return 0 } if len(tokens) == 0 { return -1 } return 1 }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "testing" ) func TestLexer(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { input []byte expected []Token expectErr bool errorMessage string }{ { input: []byte(`host:123`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "host:123"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`host:123 directive`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "host:123"}, {Line: 3, Text: "directive"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`host:123 { directive }`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "host:123"}, {Line: 1, Text: "{"}, {Line: 2, Text: "directive"}, {Line: 3, Text: "}"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`host:123 { directive }`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "host:123"}, {Line: 1, Text: "{"}, {Line: 1, Text: "directive"}, {Line: 1, Text: "}"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`host:123 { #comment directive # comment foobar # another comment }`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "host:123"}, {Line: 1, Text: "{"}, {Line: 3, Text: "directive"}, {Line: 5, Text: "foobar"}, {Line: 6, Text: "}"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`host:123 { # hash inside string is not a comment redir / /some/#/path }`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "host:123"}, {Line: 1, Text: "{"}, {Line: 3, Text: "redir"}, {Line: 3, Text: "/"}, {Line: 3, Text: "/some/#/path"}, {Line: 4, Text: "}"}, }, }, { input: []byte("# comment at beginning of file\n# comment at beginning of line\nhost:123"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 3, Text: "host:123"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`a "quoted value" b foobar`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "a"}, {Line: 1, Text: "quoted value"}, {Line: 1, Text: "b"}, {Line: 2, Text: "foobar"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`A "quoted \"value\" inside" B`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "A"}, {Line: 1, Text: `quoted "value" inside`}, {Line: 1, Text: "B"}, }, }, { input: []byte("An escaped \"newline\\\ninside\" quotes"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "An"}, {Line: 1, Text: "escaped"}, {Line: 1, Text: "newline\\\ninside"}, {Line: 2, Text: "quotes"}, }, }, { input: []byte("An escaped newline\\\noutside quotes"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "An"}, {Line: 1, Text: "escaped"}, {Line: 1, Text: "newline"}, {Line: 1, Text: "outside"}, {Line: 1, Text: "quotes"}, }, }, { input: []byte("line1\\\nescaped\nline2\nline3"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "line1"}, {Line: 1, Text: "escaped"}, {Line: 3, Text: "line2"}, {Line: 4, Text: "line3"}, }, }, { input: []byte("line1\\\nescaped1\\\nescaped2\nline4\nline5"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "line1"}, {Line: 1, Text: "escaped1"}, {Line: 1, Text: "escaped2"}, {Line: 4, Text: "line4"}, {Line: 5, Text: "line5"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`"unescapable\ in quotes"`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `unescapable\ in quotes`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`"don't\escape"`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `don't\escape`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`"don't\\escape"`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `don't\\escape`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`un\escapable`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `un\escapable`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`A "quoted value with line break inside" { foobar }`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "A"}, {Line: 1, Text: "quoted value with line\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak inside"}, {Line: 2, Text: "{"}, {Line: 3, Text: "foobar"}, {Line: 4, Text: "}"}, }, }, { input: []byte(`"C:\php\php-cgi.exe"`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `C:\php\php-cgi.exe`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`empty "" string`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `empty`}, {Line: 1, Text: ``}, {Line: 1, Text: `string`}, }, }, { input: []byte("skip those\r\nCR characters"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: "skip"}, {Line: 1, Text: "those"}, {Line: 2, Text: "CR"}, {Line: 2, Text: "characters"}, }, }, { input: []byte("\xEF\xBB\xBF:8080"), // test with leading byte order mark expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: ":8080"}, }, }, { input: []byte("simple `backtick quoted` string"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `simple`}, {Line: 1, Text: `backtick quoted`}, {Line: 1, Text: `string`}, }, }, { input: []byte("multiline `backtick\nquoted\n` string"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `multiline`}, {Line: 1, Text: "backtick\nquoted\n"}, {Line: 3, Text: `string`}, }, }, { input: []byte("nested `\"quotes inside\" backticks` string"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `nested`}, {Line: 1, Text: `"quotes inside" backticks`}, {Line: 1, Text: `string`}, }, }, { input: []byte("reverse-nested \"`backticks` inside\" quotes"), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `reverse-nested`}, {Line: 1, Text: "`backticks` inside"}, {Line: 1, Text: `quotes`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<EOF content EOF same-line-arg `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: "content"}, {Line: 3, Text: `same-line-arg`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<VERY-LONG-MARKER content VERY-LONG-MARKER same-line-arg `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: "content"}, {Line: 3, Text: `same-line-arg`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<EOF extra-newline EOF same-line-arg `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: "extra-newline\n"}, {Line: 4, Text: `same-line-arg`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<EOF EOF same-line-arg `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: ""}, {Line: 2, Text: `same-line-arg`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<EOF content EOF same-line-arg `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: "content"}, {Line: 3, Text: `same-line-arg`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`prev-line heredoc <<EOF multi line content EOF same-line-arg next-line `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `prev-line`}, {Line: 2, Text: `heredoc`}, {Line: 2, Text: "\tmulti\n\tline\n\tcontent"}, {Line: 6, Text: `same-line-arg`}, {Line: 7, Text: `next-line`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`escaped-heredoc \<< >>`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `escaped-heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: `<<`}, {Line: 1, Text: `>>`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`not-a-heredoc <EOF content `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `not-a-heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: `<EOF`}, {Line: 2, Text: `content`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`not-a-heredoc <<<EOF content`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `not-a-heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: `<<<EOF`}, {Line: 1, Text: `content`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`not-a-heredoc "<<" ">>"`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `not-a-heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: `<<`}, {Line: 1, Text: `>>`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`not-a-heredoc << >>`), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `not-a-heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: `<<`}, {Line: 1, Text: `>>`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`not-a-heredoc <<HERE SAME LINE content HERE same-line-arg `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `not-a-heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: `<<HERE`}, {Line: 1, Text: `SAME`}, {Line: 1, Text: `LINE`}, {Line: 2, Text: `content`}, {Line: 3, Text: `HERE`}, {Line: 3, Text: `same-line-arg`}, }, }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<s � s `), expected: []Token{ {Line: 1, Text: `heredoc`}, {Line: 1, Text: "�"}, }, }, { input: []byte("\u000Aheredoc \u003C\u003C\u0073\u0073\u000A\u00BF\u0057\u0001\u0000\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u003D\u001F\u000A\u0073\u0073\u000A\u00BF\u0057\u0001\u0000\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u003D\u001F\u000A\u00BF\u00BF\u0057\u0001\u0000\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u003D\u001F"), expected: []Token{ { Line: 2, Text: "heredoc", }, { Line: 2, Text: "\u00BF\u0057\u0001\u0000\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u003D\u001F", }, { Line: 5, Text: "\u00BF\u0057\u0001\u0000\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u003D\u001F", }, { Line: 6, Text: "\u00BF\u00BF\u0057\u0001\u0000\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u00FF\u003D\u001F", }, }, }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<<EOF content EOF same-line-arg `), expectErr: true, errorMessage: "too many '<' for heredoc on line #1; only use two, for example <<END", }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<EOF content `), expectErr: true, errorMessage: "incomplete heredoc <<EOF on line #3, expected ending marker EOF", }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<EOF content EOF `), expectErr: true, errorMessage: "mismatched leading whitespace in heredoc <<EOF on line #2 [\tcontent], expected whitespace [\t\t] to match the closing marker", }, { input: []byte(`heredoc <<EOF content EOF `), expectErr: true, errorMessage: "mismatched leading whitespace in heredoc <<EOF on line #2 [ content], expected whitespace [\t\t] to match the closing marker", }, } for i, testCase := range testCases { actual, err := Tokenize(testCase.input, "") if testCase.expectErr { if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected error, got actual: %v", actual) continue } if err.Error() != testCase.errorMessage { t.Fatalf("expected error '%v', got: %v", testCase.errorMessage, err) } continue } if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%v", err) } lexerCompare(t, i, testCase.expected, actual) } } func lexerCompare(t *testing.T, n int, expected, actual []Token) { if len(expected) != len(actual) { t.Fatalf("Test case %d: expected %d token(s) but got %d", n, len(expected), len(actual)) } for i := 0; i < len(actual) && i < len(expected); i++ { if actual[i].Line != expected[i].Line { t.Fatalf("Test case %d token %d ('%s'): expected line %d but was line %d", n, i, expected[i].Text, expected[i].Line, actual[i].Line) break } if actual[i].Text != expected[i].Text { t.Fatalf("Test case %d token %d: expected text '%s' but was '%s'", n, i, expected[i].Text, actual[i].Text) break } } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" ) // Parse parses the input just enough to group tokens, in // order, by server block. No further parsing is performed. // Server blocks are returned in the order in which they appear. // Directives that do not appear in validDirectives will cause // an error. If you do not want to check for valid directives, // pass in nil instead. // // Environment variables in {$ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE} notation // will be replaced before parsing begins. func Parse(filename string, input []byte) ([]ServerBlock, error) { // unfortunately, we must copy the input because parsing must // remain a read-only operation, but we have to expand environment // variables before we parse, which changes the underlying array (#4422) inputCopy := make([]byte, len(input)) copy(inputCopy, input) tokens, err := allTokens(filename, inputCopy) if err != nil { return nil, err } p := parser{ Dispenser: NewDispenser(tokens), importGraph: importGraph{ nodes: make(map[string]bool), edges: make(adjacency), }, } return p.parseAll() } // allTokens lexes the entire input, but does not parse it. // It returns all the tokens from the input, unstructured // and in order. It may mutate input as it expands env vars. func allTokens(filename string, input []byte) ([]Token, error) { return Tokenize(replaceEnvVars(input), filename) } // replaceEnvVars replaces all occurrences of environment variables. // It mutates the underlying array and returns the updated slice. func replaceEnvVars(input []byte) []byte { var offset int for { begin := bytes.Index(input[offset:], spanOpen) if begin < 0 { break } begin += offset // make beginning relative to input, not offset end := bytes.Index(input[begin+len(spanOpen):], spanClose) if end < 0 { break } end += begin + len(spanOpen) // make end relative to input, not begin // get the name; if there is no name, skip it envString := input[begin+len(spanOpen) : end] if len(envString) == 0 { offset = end + len(spanClose) continue } // split the string into a key and an optional default envParts := strings.SplitN(string(envString), envVarDefaultDelimiter, 2) // do a lookup for the env var, replace with the default if not found envVarValue, found := os.LookupEnv(envParts[0]) if !found && len(envParts) == 2 { envVarValue = envParts[1] } // get the value of the environment variable // note that this causes one-level deep chaining envVarBytes := []byte(envVarValue) // splice in the value input = append(input[:begin], append(envVarBytes, input[end+len(spanClose):]...)...) // continue at the end of the replacement offset = begin + len(envVarBytes) } return input } type parser struct { *Dispenser block ServerBlock // current server block being parsed eof bool // if we encounter a valid EOF in a hard place definedSnippets map[string][]Token nesting int importGraph importGraph } func (p *parser) parseAll() ([]ServerBlock, error) { var blocks []ServerBlock for p.Next() { err := p.parseOne() if err != nil { return blocks, err } if len(p.block.Keys) > 0 || len(p.block.Segments) > 0 { blocks = append(blocks, p.block) } if p.nesting > 0 { return blocks, p.EOFErr() } } return blocks, nil } func (p *parser) parseOne() error { p.block = ServerBlock{} return p.begin() } func (p *parser) begin() error { if len(p.tokens) == 0 { return nil } err := p.addresses() if err != nil { return err } if p.eof { // this happens if the Caddyfile consists of only // a line of addresses and nothing else return nil } if ok, name := p.isNamedRoute(); ok { // named routes only have one key, the route name p.block.Keys = []string{name} p.block.IsNamedRoute = true // we just need a dummy leading token to ease parsing later nameToken := p.Token() nameToken.Text = name // get all the tokens from the block, including the braces tokens, err := p.blockTokens(true) if err != nil { return err } tokens = append([]Token{nameToken}, tokens...) p.block.Segments = []Segment{tokens} return nil } if ok, name := p.isSnippet(); ok { if p.definedSnippets == nil { p.definedSnippets = map[string][]Token{} } if _, found := p.definedSnippets[name]; found { return p.Errf("redeclaration of previously declared snippet %s", name) } // consume all tokens til matched close brace tokens, err := p.blockTokens(false) if err != nil { return err } // Just as we need to track which file the token comes from, we need to // keep track of which snippet the token comes from. This is helpful // in tracking import cycles across files/snippets by namespacing them. // Without this, we end up with false-positives in cycle-detection. for k, v := range tokens { v.snippetName = name tokens[k] = v } p.definedSnippets[name] = tokens // empty block keys so we don't save this block as a real server. p.block.Keys = nil return nil } return p.blockContents() } func (p *parser) addresses() error { var expectingAnother bool for { tkn := p.Val() // special case: import directive replaces tokens during parse-time if tkn == "import" && p.isNewLine() { err := p.doImport(0) if err != nil { return err } continue } // Open brace definitely indicates end of addresses if tkn == "{" { if expectingAnother { return p.Errf("Expected another address but had '%s' - check for extra comma", tkn) } // Mark this server block as being defined with braces. // This is used to provide a better error message when // the user may have tried to define two server blocks // without having used braces, which are required in // that case. p.block.HasBraces = true break } // Users commonly forget to place a space between the address and the '{' if strings.HasSuffix(tkn, "{") { return p.Errf("Site addresses cannot end with a curly brace: '%s' - put a space between the token and the brace", tkn) } if tkn != "" { // empty token possible if user typed "" // Trailing comma indicates another address will follow, which // may possibly be on the next line if tkn[len(tkn)-1] == ',' { tkn = tkn[:len(tkn)-1] expectingAnother = true } else { expectingAnother = false // but we may still see another one on this line } // If there's a comma here, it's probably because they didn't use a space // between their two domains, e.g. ",", which would not be // parsed as two separate site addresses. if strings.Contains(tkn, ",") { return p.Errf("Site addresses cannot contain a comma ',': '%s' - put a space after the comma to separate site addresses", tkn) } p.block.Keys = append(p.block.Keys, tkn) } // Advance token and possibly break out of loop or return error hasNext := p.Next() if expectingAnother && !hasNext { return p.EOFErr() } if !hasNext { p.eof = true break // EOF } if !expectingAnother && p.isNewLine() { break } } return nil } func (p *parser) blockContents() error { errOpenCurlyBrace := p.openCurlyBrace() if errOpenCurlyBrace != nil { // single-server configs don't need curly braces p.cursor-- } err := p.directives() if err != nil { return err } // only look for close curly brace if there was an opening if errOpenCurlyBrace == nil { err = p.closeCurlyBrace() if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // directives parses through all the lines for directives // and it expects the next token to be the first // directive. It goes until EOF or closing curly brace // which ends the server block. func (p *parser) directives() error { for p.Next() { // end of server block if p.Val() == "}" { // p.nesting has already been decremented break } // special case: import directive replaces tokens during parse-time if p.Val() == "import" { err := p.doImport(1) if err != nil { return err } p.cursor-- // cursor is advanced when we continue, so roll back one more continue } // normal case: parse a directive as a new segment // (a "segment" is a line which starts with a directive // and which ends at the end of the line or at the end of // the block that is opened at the end of the line) if err := p.directive(); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // doImport swaps out the import directive and its argument // (a total of 2 tokens) with the tokens in the specified file // or globbing pattern. When the function returns, the cursor // is on the token before where the import directive was. In // other words, call Next() to access the first token that was // imported. func (p *parser) doImport(nesting int) error { // syntax checks if !p.NextArg() { return p.ArgErr() } importPattern := p.Val() if importPattern == "" { return p.Err("Import requires a non-empty filepath") } // grab remaining args as placeholder replacements args := p.RemainingArgs() // set up a replacer for non-variadic args replacement repl := makeArgsReplacer(args) // splice out the import directive and its arguments // (2 tokens, plus the length of args) tokensBefore := p.tokens[:p.cursor-1-len(args)] tokensAfter := p.tokens[p.cursor+1:] var importedTokens []Token var nodes []string // first check snippets. That is a simple, non-recursive replacement if p.definedSnippets != nil && p.definedSnippets[importPattern] != nil { importedTokens = p.definedSnippets[importPattern] if len(importedTokens) > 0 { // just grab the first one nodes = append(nodes, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", importedTokens[0].File, importedTokens[0].snippetName)) } } else { // make path relative to the file of the _token_ being processed rather // than current working directory (issue #867) and then use glob to get // list of matching filenames absFile, err := filepath.Abs(p.Dispenser.File()) if err != nil { return p.Errf("Failed to get absolute path of file: %s: %v", p.Dispenser.File(), err) } var matches []string var globPattern string if !filepath.IsAbs(importPattern) { globPattern = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(absFile), importPattern) } else { globPattern = importPattern } if strings.Count(globPattern, "*") > 1 || strings.Count(globPattern, "?") > 1 || (strings.Contains(globPattern, "[") && strings.Contains(globPattern, "]")) { // See issue #2096 - a pattern with many glob expansions can hang for too long return p.Errf("Glob pattern may only contain one wildcard (*), but has others: %s", globPattern) } matches, err = filepath.Glob(globPattern) if err != nil { return p.Errf("Failed to use import pattern %s: %v", importPattern, err) } if len(matches) == 0 { if strings.ContainsAny(globPattern, "*?[]") { caddy.Log().Warn("No files matching import glob pattern", zap.String("pattern", importPattern)) } else { return p.Errf("File to import not found: %s", importPattern) } } else { // See issue #5295 - should skip any files that start with a . when iterating over them. sep := string(filepath.Separator) segGlobPattern := strings.Split(globPattern, sep) if strings.HasPrefix(segGlobPattern[len(segGlobPattern)-1], "*") { var tmpMatches []string for _, m := range matches { seg := strings.Split(m, sep) if !strings.HasPrefix(seg[len(seg)-1], ".") { tmpMatches = append(tmpMatches, m) } } matches = tmpMatches } } // collect all the imported tokens for _, importFile := range matches { newTokens, err := p.doSingleImport(importFile) if err != nil { return err } importedTokens = append(importedTokens, newTokens...) } nodes = matches } nodeName := p.File() if p.Token().snippetName != "" { nodeName += fmt.Sprintf(":%s", p.Token().snippetName) } p.importGraph.addNode(nodeName) p.importGraph.addNodes(nodes) if err := p.importGraph.addEdges(nodeName, nodes); err != nil { p.importGraph.removeNodes(nodes) return err } // copy the tokens so we don't overwrite p.definedSnippets tokensCopy := make([]Token, 0, len(importedTokens)) var ( maybeSnippet bool maybeSnippetId bool index int ) // run the argument replacer on the tokens // golang for range slice return a copy of value // similarly, append also copy value for i, token := range importedTokens { // update the token's imports to refer to import directive filename, line number and snippet name if there is one if token.snippetName != "" { token.imports = append(token.imports, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d (import %s)", p.File(), p.Line(), token.snippetName)) } else { token.imports = append(token.imports, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d (import)", p.File(), p.Line())) } // naive way of determine snippets, as snippets definition can only follow name + block // format, won't check for nesting correctness or any other error, that's what parser does. if !maybeSnippet && nesting == 0 { // first of the line if i == 0 || isNextOnNewLine(tokensCopy[i-1], token) { index = 0 } else { index++ } if index == 0 && len(token.Text) >= 3 && strings.HasPrefix(token.Text, "(") && strings.HasSuffix(token.Text, ")") { maybeSnippetId = true } } switch token.Text { case "{": nesting++ if index == 1 && maybeSnippetId && nesting == 1 { maybeSnippet = true maybeSnippetId = false } case "}": nesting-- if nesting == 0 && maybeSnippet { maybeSnippet = false } } if maybeSnippet { tokensCopy = append(tokensCopy, token) continue } foundVariadic, startIndex, endIndex := parseVariadic(token, len(args)) if foundVariadic { for _, arg := range args[startIndex:endIndex] { token.Text = arg tokensCopy = append(tokensCopy, token) } } else { token.Text = repl.ReplaceKnown(token.Text, "") tokensCopy = append(tokensCopy, token) } } // splice the imported tokens in the place of the import statement // and rewind cursor so Next() will land on first imported token p.tokens = append(tokensBefore, append(tokensCopy, tokensAfter...)...) p.cursor -= len(args) + 1 return nil } // doSingleImport lexes the individual file at importFile and returns // its tokens or an error, if any. func (p *parser) doSingleImport(importFile string) ([]Token, error) { file, err := os.Open(importFile) if err != nil { return nil, p.Errf("Could not import %s: %v", importFile, err) } defer file.Close() if info, err := file.Stat(); err != nil { return nil, p.Errf("Could not import %s: %v", importFile, err) } else if info.IsDir() { return nil, p.Errf("Could not import %s: is a directory", importFile) } input, err := io.ReadAll(file) if err != nil { return nil, p.Errf("Could not read imported file %s: %v", importFile, err) } // only warning in case of empty files if len(input) == 0 || len(strings.TrimSpace(string(input))) == 0 { caddy.Log().Warn("Import file is empty", zap.String("file", importFile)) return []Token{}, nil } importedTokens, err := allTokens(importFile, input) if err != nil { return nil, p.Errf("Could not read tokens while importing %s: %v", importFile, err) } // Tack the file path onto these tokens so errors show the imported file's name // (we use full, absolute path to avoid bugs: issue #1892) filename, err := filepath.Abs(importFile) if err != nil { return nil, p.Errf("Failed to get absolute path of file: %s: %v", importFile, err) } for i := 0; i < len(importedTokens); i++ { importedTokens[i].File = filename } return importedTokens, nil } // directive collects tokens until the directive's scope // closes (either end of line or end of curly brace block). // It expects the currently-loaded token to be a directive // (or } that ends a server block). The collected tokens // are loaded into the current server block for later use // by directive setup functions. func (p *parser) directive() error { // a segment is a list of tokens associated with this directive var segment Segment // the directive itself is appended as a relevant token segment = append(segment, p.Token()) for p.Next() { if p.Val() == "{" { p.nesting++ if !p.isNextOnNewLine() && p.Token().wasQuoted == 0 { return p.Err("Unexpected next token after '{' on same line") } if p.isNewLine() { return p.Err("Unexpected '{' on a new line; did you mean to place the '{' on the previous line?") } } else if p.Val() == "{}" { if p.isNextOnNewLine() && p.Token().wasQuoted == 0 { return p.Err("Unexpected '{}' at end of line") } } else if p.isNewLine() && p.nesting == 0 { p.cursor-- // read too far break } else if p.Val() == "}" && p.nesting > 0 { p.nesting-- } else if p.Val() == "}" && p.nesting == 0 { return p.Err("Unexpected '}' because no matching opening brace") } else if p.Val() == "import" && p.isNewLine() { if err := p.doImport(1); err != nil { return err } p.cursor-- // cursor is advanced when we continue, so roll back one more continue } segment = append(segment, p.Token()) } p.block.Segments = append(p.block.Segments, segment) if p.nesting > 0 { return p.EOFErr() } return nil } // openCurlyBrace expects the current token to be an // opening curly brace. This acts like an assertion // because it returns an error if the token is not // a opening curly brace. It does NOT advance the token. func (p *parser) openCurlyBrace() error { if p.Val() != "{" { return p.SyntaxErr("{") } return nil } // closeCurlyBrace expects the current token to be // a closing curly brace. This acts like an assertion // because it returns an error if the token is not // a closing curly brace. It does NOT advance the token. func (p *parser) closeCurlyBrace() error { if p.Val() != "}" { return p.SyntaxErr("}") } return nil } func (p *parser) isNamedRoute() (bool, string) { keys := p.block.Keys // A named route block is a single key with parens, prefixed with &. if len(keys) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(keys[0], "&(") && strings.HasSuffix(keys[0], ")") { return true, strings.TrimSuffix(keys[0][2:], ")") } return false, "" } func (p *parser) isSnippet() (bool, string) { keys := p.block.Keys // A snippet block is a single key with parens. Nothing else qualifies. if len(keys) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(keys[0], "(") && strings.HasSuffix(keys[0], ")") { return true, strings.TrimSuffix(keys[0][1:], ")") } return false, "" } // read and store everything in a block for later replay. func (p *parser) blockTokens(retainCurlies bool) ([]Token, error) { // block must have curlies. err := p.openCurlyBrace() if err != nil { return nil, err } nesting := 1 // count our own nesting tokens := []Token{} if retainCurlies { tokens = append(tokens, p.Token()) } for p.Next() { if p.Val() == "}" { nesting-- if nesting == 0 { if retainCurlies { tokens = append(tokens, p.Token()) } break } } if p.Val() == "{" { nesting++ } tokens = append(tokens, p.tokens[p.cursor]) } // make sure we're matched up if nesting != 0 { return nil, p.SyntaxErr("}") } return tokens, nil } // ServerBlock associates any number of keys from the // head of the server block with tokens, which are // grouped by segments. type ServerBlock struct { HasBraces bool Keys []string Segments []Segment IsNamedRoute bool } // DispenseDirective returns a dispenser that contains // all the tokens in the server block. func (sb ServerBlock) DispenseDirective(dir string) *Dispenser { var tokens []Token for _, seg := range sb.Segments { if len(seg) > 0 && seg[0].Text == dir { tokens = append(tokens, seg...) } } return NewDispenser(tokens) } // Segment is a list of tokens which begins with a directive // and ends at the end of the directive (either at the end of // the line, or at the end of a block it opens). type Segment []Token // Directive returns the directive name for the segment. // The directive name is the text of the first token. func (s Segment) Directive() string { if len(s) > 0 { return s[0].Text } return "" } // spanOpen and spanClose are used to bound spans that // contain the name of an environment variable. var ( spanOpen, spanClose = []byte{'{', '$'}, []byte{'}'} envVarDefaultDelimiter = ":" )
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package caddyfile import ( "bytes" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" ) func TestParseVariadic(t *testing.T) { var args = make([]string, 10) for i, tc := range []struct { input string result bool }{ { input: "", result: false, }, { input: "{args[1", result: false, }, { input: "1]}", result: false, }, { input: "{args[:]}aaaaa", result: false, }, { input: "aaaaa{args[:]}", result: false, }, { input: "{args.}", result: false, }, { input: "{args.1}", result: false, }, { input: "{args[]}", result: false, }, { input: "{args[:]}", result: true, }, { input: "{args[:]}", result: true, }, { input: "{args[0:]}", result: true, }, { input: "{args[:0]}", result: true, }, { input: "{args[-1:]}", result: false, }, { input: "{args[:11]}", result: false, }, { input: "{args[10:0]}", result: false, }, { input: "{args[0:10]}", result: true, }, } { token := Token{ File: "test", Line: 1, Text: tc.input, } if v, _, _ := parseVariadic(token, len(args)); v != tc.result { t.Errorf("Test %d error expectation failed Expected: %t, got %t", i, tc.result, v) } } } func TestAllTokens(t *testing.T) { input := []byte("a b c\nd e") expected := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"} tokens, err := allTokens("TestAllTokens", input) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %v", err) } if len(tokens) != len(expected) { t.Fatalf("Expected %d tokens, got %d", len(expected), len(tokens)) } for i, val := range expected { if tokens[i].Text != val { t.Errorf("Token %d should be '%s' but was '%s'", i, val, tokens[i].Text) } } } func TestParseOneAndImport(t *testing.T) { testParseOne := func(input string) (ServerBlock, error) { p := testParser(input) p.Next() // parseOne doesn't call Next() to start, so we must err := p.parseOne() return p.block, err } for i, test := range []struct { input string shouldErr bool keys []string numTokens []int // number of tokens to expect in each segment }{ {`localhost`, false, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{}}, {`localhost dir1`, false, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{1}}, {`localhost:1234 dir1 foo bar`, false, []string{ "localhost:1234", }, []int{3}, }, {`localhost { dir1 }`, false, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{1}}, {`localhost:1234 { dir1 foo bar dir2 }`, false, []string{ "localhost:1234", }, []int{3, 1}}, {`http://localhost https://localhost dir1 foo bar`, false, []string{ "http://localhost", "https://localhost", }, []int{3}}, {`http://localhost https://localhost { dir1 foo bar }`, false, []string{ "http://localhost", "https://localhost", }, []int{3}}, {`http://localhost, https://localhost { dir1 foo bar }`, false, []string{ "http://localhost", "https://localhost", }, []int{3}}, {`http://localhost, { }`, true, []string{ "http://localhost", }, []int{}}, {`host1:80, dir1 foo bar dir2 baz`, false, []string{ "host1:80", "", }, []int{3, 2}}, {`,,`, false, []string{ "", "", "", }, []int{}}, {`, dir1 foo { bar baz } dir2`, false, []string{ "", "", }, []int{6, 1}}, {` dir1 { bar baz } dir2 { foo bar }`, false, []string{ "", }, []int{5, 5}}, {`localhost dir1 { foo`, true, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{3}}, {`localhost dir1 { }`, false, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{3}}, {`localhost dir1 { } }`, true, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{}}, {`localhost{ dir1 }`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`localhost dir1 { nested { foo } } dir2 foo bar`, false, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{7, 3}}, {``, false, []string{}, []int{}}, {`localhost dir1 arg1 import testdata/import_test1.txt`, false, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{2, 3, 1}}, {`import testdata/import_test2.txt`, false, []string{ "host1", }, []int{1, 2}}, {`import testdata/not_found.txt`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, // empty file should just log a warning, and result in no tokens {`import testdata/empty.txt`, false, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import testdata/only_white_space.txt`, false, []string{}, []int{}}, // import path/to/dir/* should skip any files that start with a . when iterating over them. {`localhost dir1 arg1 import testdata/glob/*`, false, []string{ "localhost", }, []int{2, 3, 1}}, // import path/to/dir/.* should continue to read all dotfiles in a dir. {`import testdata/glob/.*`, false, []string{ "host1", }, []int{1, 2}}, {`""`, false, []string{}, []int{}}, {``, false, []string{}, []int{}}, // Unexpected next token after '{' on same line {`localhost dir1 { a b }`, true, []string{"localhost"}, []int{}}, // Unexpected '{' on a new line {`localhost dir1 { a b }`, true, []string{"localhost"}, []int{}}, // Workaround with quotes {`localhost dir1 "{" a b "}"`, false, []string{"localhost"}, []int{5}}, // Unexpected '{}' at end of line {`localhost dir1 {}`, true, []string{"localhost"}, []int{}}, // Workaround with quotes {`localhost dir1 "{}"`, false, []string{"localhost"}, []int{2}}, // import with args {`import testdata/import_args0.txt a`, false, []string{"a"}, []int{}}, {`import testdata/import_args1.txt a b`, false, []string{"a", "b"}, []int{}}, {`import testdata/import_args*.txt a b`, false, []string{"a"}, []int{2}}, // test cases found by fuzzing! {`import }{$"`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import /*/*.txt`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import /???/?*?o`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import /??`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import /[a-z]`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import {$}`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import {%}`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import {$$}`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, {`import {%%}`, true, []string{}, []int{}}, } { result, err := testParseOne(test.input) if test.shouldErr && err == nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected an error, but didn't get one", i) } if !test.shouldErr && err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but got: %v", i, err) } // t.Logf("%+v\n", result) if len(result.Keys) != len(test.keys) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d keys, got %d", i, len(test.keys), len(result.Keys)) continue } for j, addr := range result.Keys { if addr != test.keys[j] { t.Errorf("Test %d, key %d: Expected '%s', but was '%s'", i, j, test.keys[j], addr) } } if len(result.Segments) != len(test.numTokens) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d segments, had %d", i, len(test.numTokens), len(result.Segments)) continue } for j, seg := range result.Segments { if len(seg) != test.numTokens[j] { t.Errorf("Test %d, segment %d: Expected %d tokens, counted %d", i, j, test.numTokens[j], len(seg)) continue } } } } func TestRecursiveImport(t *testing.T) { testParseOne := func(input string) (ServerBlock, error) { p := testParser(input) p.Next() // parseOne doesn't call Next() to start, so we must err := p.parseOne() return p.block, err } isExpected := func(got ServerBlock) bool { if len(got.Keys) != 1 || got.Keys[0] != "localhost" { t.Errorf("got keys unexpected: expect localhost, got %v", got.Keys) return false } if len(got.Segments) != 2 { t.Errorf("got wrong number of segments: expect 2, got %d", len(got.Segments)) return false } if len(got.Segments[0]) != 1 || len(got.Segments[1]) != 2 { t.Errorf("got unexpected tokens: %v", got.Segments) return false } return true } recursiveFile1, err := filepath.Abs("testdata/recursive_import_test1") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } recursiveFile2, err := filepath.Abs("testdata/recursive_import_test2") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // test relative recursive import err = os.WriteFile(recursiveFile1, []byte( `localhost dir1 import recursive_import_test2`), 0644) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.Remove(recursiveFile1) err = os.WriteFile(recursiveFile2, []byte("dir2 1"), 0644) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.Remove(recursiveFile2) // import absolute path result, err := testParseOne("import " + recursiveFile1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !isExpected(result) { t.Error("absolute+relative import failed") } // import relative path result, err = testParseOne("import testdata/recursive_import_test1") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !isExpected(result) { t.Error("relative+relative import failed") } // test absolute recursive import err = os.WriteFile(recursiveFile1, []byte( `localhost dir1 import `+recursiveFile2), 0644) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // import absolute path result, err = testParseOne("import " + recursiveFile1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !isExpected(result) { t.Error("absolute+absolute import failed") } // import relative path result, err = testParseOne("import testdata/recursive_import_test1") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !isExpected(result) { t.Error("relative+absolute import failed") } } func TestDirectiveImport(t *testing.T) { testParseOne := func(input string) (ServerBlock, error) { p := testParser(input) p.Next() // parseOne doesn't call Next() to start, so we must err := p.parseOne() return p.block, err } isExpected := func(got ServerBlock) bool { if len(got.Keys) != 1 || got.Keys[0] != "localhost" { t.Errorf("got keys unexpected: expect localhost, got %v", got.Keys) return false } if len(got.Segments) != 2 { t.Errorf("got wrong number of segments: expect 2, got %d", len(got.Segments)) return false } if len(got.Segments[0]) != 1 || len(got.Segments[1]) != 8 { t.Errorf("got unexpected tokens: %v", got.Segments) return false } return true } directiveFile, err := filepath.Abs("testdata/directive_import_test") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = os.WriteFile(directiveFile, []byte(`prop1 1 prop2 2`), 0644) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.Remove(directiveFile) // import from existing file result, err := testParseOne(`localhost dir1 proxy { import testdata/directive_import_test transparent }`) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !isExpected(result) { t.Error("directive import failed") } // import from nonexistent file _, err = testParseOne(`localhost dir1 proxy { import testdata/nonexistent_file transparent }`) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error when importing a nonexistent file") } } func TestParseAll(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range []struct { input string shouldErr bool keys [][]string // keys per server block, in order }{ {`localhost`, false, [][]string{ {"localhost"}, }}, {`localhost:1234`, false, [][]string{ {"localhost:1234"}, }}, {`localhost:1234 { } localhost:2015 { }`, false, [][]string{ {"localhost:1234"}, {"localhost:2015"}, }}, {`localhost:1234, http://host2`, false, [][]string{ {"localhost:1234", "http://host2"}, }}, {`localhost:1234, http://host2,`, true, [][]string{}}, {`, { }, { }`, false, [][]string{ {"", ""}, {"", ""}, }}, {`import testdata/import_glob*.txt`, false, [][]string{ {"glob0.host0"}, {"glob0.host1"}, {"glob1.host0"}, {"glob2.host0"}, }}, {`import notfound/*`, false, [][]string{}}, // glob needn't error with no matches {`import notfound/file.conf`, true, [][]string{}}, // but a specific file should // recursive self-import {`import testdata/import_recursive0.txt`, true, [][]string{}}, {`import testdata/import_recursive3.txt import testdata/import_recursive1.txt`, true, [][]string{}}, // cyclic imports {`(A) { import A } :80 import A `, true, [][]string{}}, {`(A) { import B } (B) { import A } :80 import A `, true, [][]string{}}, } { p := testParser(test.input) blocks, err := p.parseAll() if test.shouldErr && err == nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected an error, but didn't get one", i) } if !test.shouldErr && err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected no error, but got: %v", i, err) } if len(blocks) != len(test.keys) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d server blocks, got %d", i, len(test.keys), len(blocks)) continue } for j, block := range blocks { if len(block.Keys) != len(test.keys[j]) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %d keys in block %d, got %d", i, len(test.keys[j]), j, len(block.Keys)) continue } for k, addr := range block.Keys { if addr != test.keys[j][k] { t.Errorf("Test %d, block %d, key %d: Expected '%s', but got '%s'", i, j, k, test.keys[j][k], addr) } } } } } func TestEnvironmentReplacement(t *testing.T) { os.Setenv("FOOBAR", "foobar") os.Setenv("CHAINED", "$FOOBAR") for i, test := range []struct { input string expect string }{ { input: "", expect: "", }, { input: "foo", expect: "foo", }, { input: "{$NOT_SET}", expect: "", }, { input: "foo{$NOT_SET}bar", expect: "foobar", }, { input: "{$FOOBAR}", expect: "foobar", }, { input: "foo {$FOOBAR} bar", expect: "foo foobar bar", }, { input: "foo{$FOOBAR}bar", expect: "foofoobarbar", }, { input: "foo\n{$FOOBAR}\nbar", expect: "foo\nfoobar\nbar", }, { input: "{$FOOBAR} {$FOOBAR}", expect: "foobar foobar", }, { input: "{$FOOBAR}{$FOOBAR}", expect: "foobarfoobar", }, { input: "{$CHAINED}", expect: "$FOOBAR", // should not chain env expands }, { input: "{$FOO:default}", expect: "default", }, { input: "foo{$BAR:bar}baz", expect: "foobarbaz", }, { input: "foo{$BAR:$FOOBAR}baz", expect: "foo$FOOBARbaz", // should not chain env expands }, { input: "{$FOOBAR", expect: "{$FOOBAR", }, { input: "{$LONGER_NAME $FOOBAR}", expect: "", }, { input: "{$}", expect: "{$}", }, { input: "{$$}", expect: "", }, { input: "{$", expect: "{$", }, { input: "}{$", expect: "}{$", }, } { actual := replaceEnvVars([]byte(test.input)) if !bytes.Equal(actual, []byte(test.expect)) { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected: '%s' but got '%s'", i, test.expect, actual) } } } func TestImportReplacementInJSONWithBrace(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range []struct { args []string input string expect string }{ { args: []string{"123"}, input: "{args[0]}", expect: "123", }, { args: []string{"123"}, input: `{"key":"{args[0]}"}`, expect: `{"key":"123"}`, }, { args: []string{"123", "123"}, input: `{"key":[{args[0]},{args[1]}]}`, expect: `{"key":[123,123]}`, }, } { repl := makeArgsReplacer(test.args) actual := repl.ReplaceKnown(test.input, "") if actual != test.expect { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected: '%s' but got '%s'", i, test.expect, actual) } } } func TestSnippets(t *testing.T) { p := testParser(` (common) { gzip foo errors stderr } { import common } `) blocks, err := p.parseAll() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(blocks) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expect exactly one server block. Got %d.", len(blocks)) } if actual, expected := blocks[0].Keys[0], ""; expected != actual { t.Errorf("Expected server name to be '%s' but was '%s'", expected, actual) } if len(blocks[0].Segments) != 2 { t.Fatalf("Server block should have tokens from import, got: %+v", blocks[0]) } if actual, expected := blocks[0].Segments[0][0].Text, "gzip"; expected != actual { t.Errorf("Expected argument to be '%s' but was '%s'", expected, actual) } if actual, expected := blocks[0].Segments[1][1].Text, "stderr"; expected != actual { t.Errorf("Expected argument to be '%s' but was '%s'", expected, actual) } } func writeStringToTempFileOrDie(t *testing.T, str string) (pathToFile string) { file, err := os.CreateTemp("", t.Name()) if err != nil { panic(err) // get a stack trace so we know where this was called from. } if _, err := file.WriteString(str); err != nil { panic(err) } if err := file.Close(); err != nil { panic(err) } return file.Name() } func TestImportedFilesIgnoreNonDirectiveImportTokens(t *testing.T) { fileName := writeStringToTempFileOrDie(t, ` { # This isn't an import directive, it's just an arg with value 'import' basicauth / import password } `) // Parse the root file that imports the other one. p := testParser(`import ` + fileName) blocks, err := p.parseAll() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } auth := blocks[0].Segments[0] line := auth[0].Text + " " + auth[1].Text + " " + auth[2].Text + " " + auth[3].Text if line != "basicauth / import password" { // Previously, it would be changed to: // basicauth / import /path/to/test/dir/password // referencing a file that (probably) doesn't exist and changing the // password! t.Errorf("Expected basicauth tokens to be 'basicauth / import password' but got %#q", line) } } func TestSnippetAcrossMultipleFiles(t *testing.T) { // Make the derived Caddyfile that expects (common) to be defined. fileName := writeStringToTempFileOrDie(t, ` { import common } `) // Parse the root file that defines (common) and then imports the other one. p := testParser(` (common) { gzip foo } import ` + fileName + ` `) blocks, err := p.parseAll() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(blocks) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expect exactly one server block. Got %d.", len(blocks)) } if actual, expected := blocks[0].Keys[0], ""; expected != actual { t.Errorf("Expected server name to be '%s' but was '%s'", expected, actual) } if len(blocks[0].Segments) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Server block should have tokens from import") } if actual, expected := blocks[0].Segments[0][0].Text, "gzip"; expected != actual { t.Errorf("Expected argument to be '%s' but was '%s'", expected, actual) } } func testParser(input string) parser { return parser{Dispenser: NewTestDispenser(input)} }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package httpcaddyfile import ( "fmt" "net" "net/netip" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "unicode" "" "" "" "" ) // mapAddressToServerBlocks returns a map of listener address to list of server // blocks that will be served on that address. To do this, each server block is // expanded so that each one is considered individually, although keys of a // server block that share the same address stay grouped together so the config // isn't repeated unnecessarily. For example, this Caddyfile: // // { // bind // } //,, localhost:9999 { // bind // } // // has two server blocks to start with. But expressed in this Caddyfile are // actually 4 listener addresses:,,, // and This is because the bind directive is applied to each // key of its server block (specifying the host part), and each key may have // a different port. And we definitely need to be sure that a site which is // bound to be served on a specific interface is not served on others just // because that is more convenient: it would be a potential security risk // if the difference between interfaces means private vs. public. // // So what this function does for the example above is iterate each server // block, and for each server block, iterate its keys. For the first, it // finds one key ( and determines its listener address // ( - because of 'bind' and automatic HTTPS). It then adds // the listener address to the map value returned by this function, with // the first server block as one of its associations. // // It then iterates each key on the second server block and associates them // with one or more listener addresses. Indeed, each key in this block has // two listener addresses because of the 'bind' directive. Once we know // which addresses serve which keys, we can create a new server block for // each address containing the contents of the server block and only those // specific keys of the server block which use that address. // // It is possible and even likely that some keys in the returned map have // the exact same list of server blocks (i.e. they are identical). This // happens when multiple hosts are declared with a 'bind' directive and // the resulting listener addresses are not shared by any other server // block (or the other server blocks are exactly identical in their token // contents). This happens with our example above because // and are used exclusively with the second server block. This // repetition may be undesirable, so call consolidateAddrMappings() to map // multiple addresses to the same lists of server blocks (a many:many mapping). // (Doing this is essentially a map-reduce technique.) func (st *ServerType) mapAddressToServerBlocks(originalServerBlocks []serverBlock, options map[string]any, ) (map[string][]serverBlock, error) { sbmap := make(map[string][]serverBlock) for i, sblock := range originalServerBlocks { // within a server block, we need to map all the listener addresses // implied by the server block to the keys of the server block which // will be served by them; this has the effect of treating each // key of a server block as its own, but without having to repeat its // contents in cases where multiple keys really can be served together addrToKeys := make(map[string][]string) for j, key := range sblock.block.Keys { // a key can have multiple listener addresses if there are multiple // arguments to the 'bind' directive (although they will all have // the same port, since the port is defined by the key or is implicit // through automatic HTTPS) addrs, err := st.listenerAddrsForServerBlockKey(sblock, key, options) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("server block %d, key %d (%s): determining listener address: %v", i, j, key, err) } // associate this key with each listener address it is served on for _, addr := range addrs { addrToKeys[addr] = append(addrToKeys[addr], key) } } // make a slice of the map keys so we can iterate in sorted order addrs := make([]string, 0, len(addrToKeys)) for k := range addrToKeys { addrs = append(addrs, k) } sort.Strings(addrs) // now that we know which addresses serve which keys of this // server block, we iterate that mapping and create a list of // new server blocks for each address where the keys of the // server block are only the ones which use the address; but // the contents (tokens) are of course the same for _, addr := range addrs { keys := addrToKeys[addr] // parse keys so that we only have to do it once parsedKeys := make([]Address, 0, len(keys)) for _, key := range keys { addr, err := ParseAddress(key) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing key '%s': %v", key, err) } parsedKeys = append(parsedKeys, addr.Normalize()) } sbmap[addr] = append(sbmap[addr], serverBlock{ block: caddyfile.ServerBlock{ Keys: keys, Segments: sblock.block.Segments, }, pile: sblock.pile, keys: parsedKeys, }) } } return sbmap, nil } // consolidateAddrMappings eliminates repetition of identical server blocks in a mapping of // single listener addresses to lists of server blocks. Since multiple addresses may serve // identical sites (server block contents), this function turns a 1:many mapping into a // many:many mapping. Server block contents (tokens) must be exactly identical so that // reflect.DeepEqual returns true in order for the addresses to be combined. Identical // entries are deleted from the addrToServerBlocks map. Essentially, each pairing (each // association from multiple addresses to multiple server blocks; i.e. each element of // the returned slice) becomes a server definition in the output JSON. func (st *ServerType) consolidateAddrMappings(addrToServerBlocks map[string][]serverBlock) []sbAddrAssociation { sbaddrs := make([]sbAddrAssociation, 0, len(addrToServerBlocks)) for addr, sblocks := range addrToServerBlocks { // we start with knowing that at least this address // maps to these server blocks a := sbAddrAssociation{ addresses: []string{addr}, serverBlocks: sblocks, } // now find other addresses that map to identical // server blocks and add them to our list of // addresses, while removing them from the map for otherAddr, otherSblocks := range addrToServerBlocks { if addr == otherAddr { continue } if reflect.DeepEqual(sblocks, otherSblocks) { a.addresses = append(a.addresses, otherAddr) delete(addrToServerBlocks, otherAddr) } } sort.Strings(a.addresses) sbaddrs = append(sbaddrs, a) } // sort them by their first address (we know there will always be at least one) // to avoid problems with non-deterministic ordering (makes tests flaky) sort.Slice(sbaddrs, func(i, j int) bool { return sbaddrs[i].addresses[0] < sbaddrs[j].addresses[0] }) return sbaddrs } // listenerAddrsForServerBlockKey essentially converts the Caddyfile // site addresses to Caddy listener addresses for each server block. func (st *ServerType) listenerAddrsForServerBlockKey(sblock serverBlock, key string, options map[string]any, ) ([]string, error) { addr, err := ParseAddress(key) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing key: %v", err) } addr = addr.Normalize() switch addr.Scheme { case "wss": return nil, fmt.Errorf("the scheme wss:// is only supported in browsers; use https:// instead") case "ws": return nil, fmt.Errorf("the scheme ws:// is only supported in browsers; use http:// instead") case "https", "http", "": // Do nothing or handle the valid schemes default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported URL scheme %s://", addr.Scheme) } // figure out the HTTP and HTTPS ports; either // use defaults, or override with user config httpPort, httpsPort := strconv.Itoa(caddyhttp.DefaultHTTPPort), strconv.Itoa(caddyhttp.DefaultHTTPSPort) if hport, ok := options["http_port"]; ok { httpPort = strconv.Itoa(hport.(int)) } if hsport, ok := options["https_port"]; ok { httpsPort = strconv.Itoa(hsport.(int)) } // default port is the HTTPS port lnPort := httpsPort if addr.Port != "" { // port explicitly defined lnPort = addr.Port } else if addr.Scheme == "http" { // port inferred from scheme lnPort = httpPort } // error if scheme and port combination violate convention if (addr.Scheme == "http" && lnPort == httpsPort) || (addr.Scheme == "https" && lnPort == httpPort) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("[%s] scheme and port violate convention", key) } // the bind directive specifies hosts (and potentially network), but is optional lnHosts := make([]string, 0, len(sblock.pile["bind"])) for _, cfgVal := range sblock.pile["bind"] { lnHosts = append(lnHosts, cfgVal.Value.([]string)...) } if len(lnHosts) == 0 { if defaultBind, ok := options["default_bind"].([]string); ok { lnHosts = defaultBind } else { lnHosts = []string{""} } } // use a map to prevent duplication listeners := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, lnHost := range lnHosts { // normally we would simply append the port, // but if lnHost is IPv6, we need to ensure it // is enclosed in [ ]; net.JoinHostPort does // this for us, but lnHost might also have a // network type in front (e.g. "tcp/") leading // to "[tcp/::1]" which causes parsing failures // later; what we need is "tcp/[::1]", so we have // to split the network and host, then re-combine network, host, ok := strings.Cut(lnHost, "/") if !ok { host = network network = "" } host = strings.Trim(host, "[]") // IPv6 networkAddr := caddy.JoinNetworkAddress(network, host, lnPort) addr, err := caddy.ParseNetworkAddress(networkAddr) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing network address: %v", err) } listeners[addr.String()] = struct{}{} } // now turn map into list listenersList := make([]string, 0, len(listeners)) for lnStr := range listeners { listenersList = append(listenersList, lnStr) } sort.Strings(listenersList) return listenersList, nil } // Address represents a site address. It contains // the original input value, and the component // parts of an address. The component parts may be // updated to the correct values as setup proceeds, // but the original value should never be changed. // // The Host field must be in a normalized form. type Address struct { Original, Scheme, Host, Port, Path string } // ParseAddress parses an address string into a structured format with separate // scheme, host, port, and path portions, as well as the original input string. func ParseAddress(str string) (Address, error) { const maxLen = 4096 if len(str) > maxLen { str = str[:maxLen] } remaining := strings.TrimSpace(str) a := Address{Original: remaining} // extract scheme splitScheme := strings.SplitN(remaining, "://", 2) switch len(splitScheme) { case 0: return a, nil case 1: remaining = splitScheme[0] case 2: a.Scheme = splitScheme[0] remaining = splitScheme[1] } // extract host and port hostSplit := strings.SplitN(remaining, "/", 2) if len(hostSplit) > 0 { host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostSplit[0]) if err != nil { host, port, err = net.SplitHostPort(hostSplit[0] + ":") if err != nil { host = hostSplit[0] } } a.Host = host a.Port = port } if len(hostSplit) == 2 { // all that remains is the path a.Path = "/" + hostSplit[1] } // make sure port is valid if a.Port != "" { if portNum, err := strconv.Atoi(a.Port); err != nil { return Address{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid port '%s': %v", a.Port, err) } else if portNum < 0 || portNum > 65535 { return Address{}, fmt.Errorf("port %d is out of range", portNum) } } return a, nil } // String returns a human-readable form of a. It will // be a cleaned-up and filled-out URL string. func (a Address) String() string { if a.Host == "" && a.Port == "" { return "" } scheme := a.Scheme if scheme == "" { if a.Port == strconv.Itoa(certmagic.HTTPSPort) { scheme = "https" } else { scheme = "http" } } s := scheme if s != "" { s += "://" } if a.Port != "" && ((scheme == "https" && a.Port != strconv.Itoa(caddyhttp.DefaultHTTPSPort)) || (scheme == "http" && a.Port != strconv.Itoa(caddyhttp.DefaultHTTPPort))) { s += net.JoinHostPort(a.Host, a.Port) } else { s += a.Host } if a.Path != "" { s += a.Path } return s } // Normalize returns a normalized version of a. func (a Address) Normalize() Address { path := a.Path // ensure host is normalized if it's an IP address host := strings.TrimSpace(a.Host) if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(host); err == nil { if ip.Is6() && !ip.Is4() && !ip.Is4In6() { host = ip.String() } } return Address{ Original: a.Original, Scheme: lowerExceptPlaceholders(a.Scheme), Host: lowerExceptPlaceholders(host), Port: a.Port, Path: path, } } // lowerExceptPlaceholders lowercases s except within // placeholders (substrings in non-escaped '{ }' spans). // See func lowerExceptPlaceholders(s string) string { var sb strings.Builder var escaped, inPlaceholder bool for _, ch := range s { if ch == '\\' && !escaped { escaped = true sb.WriteRune(ch) continue } if ch == '{' && !escaped { inPlaceholder = true } if ch == '}' && inPlaceholder && !escaped { inPlaceholder = false } if inPlaceholder { sb.WriteRune(ch) } else { sb.WriteRune(unicode.ToLower(ch)) } escaped = false } return sb.String() }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //go:build gofuzz package httpcaddyfile func FuzzParseAddress(data []byte) int { addr, err := ParseAddress(string(data)) if err != nil { if addr == (Address{}) { return 1 } return 0 } return 1 }
package httpcaddyfile import ( "testing" ) func TestParseAddress(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range []struct { input string scheme, host, port, path string shouldErr bool }{ {``, "", "", "", "", false}, {`localhost`, "", "localhost", "", "", false}, {`localhost:1234`, "", "localhost", "1234", "", false}, {`localhost:`, "", "localhost", "", "", false}, {``, "", "", "", "", false}, {``, "", "", "1234", "", false}, {`:1234`, "", "", "1234", "", false}, {`[::1]`, "", "::1", "", "", false}, {`[::1]:1234`, "", "::1", "1234", "", false}, {`:`, "", "", "", "", false}, {`:http`, "", "", "", "", true}, {`:https`, "", "", "", "", true}, {`localhost:http`, "", "", "", "", true}, // using service name in port is verboten, as of Go 1.12.8 {`localhost:https`, "", "", "", "", true}, {`http://localhost:https`, "", "", "", "", true}, // conflict {`http://localhost:http`, "", "", "", "", true}, // repeated scheme {`host:https/path`, "", "", "", "", true}, {`http://localhost:443`, "http", "localhost", "443", "", false}, // NOTE: not conventional {`https://localhost:80`, "https", "localhost", "80", "", false}, // NOTE: not conventional {`http://localhost`, "http", "localhost", "", "", false}, {`https://localhost`, "https", "localhost", "", "", false}, {`http://{env.APP_DOMAIN}`, "http", "{env.APP_DOMAIN}", "", "", false}, {`{env.APP_DOMAIN}:80`, "", "{env.APP_DOMAIN}", "80", "", false}, {`{env.APP_DOMAIN}/path`, "", "{env.APP_DOMAIN}", "", "/path", false}, {`{env.APP_PATH}`, "", "", "", "/{env.APP_PATH}", false}, {``, "http", "", "", "", false}, {``, "https", "", "", "", false}, {`http://[::1]`, "http", "::1", "", "", false}, {`http://localhost:1234`, "http", "localhost", "1234", "", false}, {``, "https", "", "1234", "", false}, {`http://[::1]:1234`, "http", "::1", "1234", "", false}, {``, "", "", "", "", false}, {`::1`, "", "::1", "", "", false}, {`localhost::`, "", "localhost::", "", "", false}, {`#$%@`, "", "#$%@", "", "", false}, // don't want to presume what the hostname could be {`host/path`, "", "host", "", "/path", false}, {`http://host/`, "http", "host", "", "/", false}, {`//asdf`, "", "", "", "//asdf", false}, {`:1234/asdf`, "", "", "1234", "/asdf", false}, {`http://host/path`, "http", "host", "", "/path", false}, {`https://host:443/path/foo`, "https", "host", "443", "/path/foo", false}, {`host:80/path`, "", "host", "80", "/path", false}, {`/path`, "", "", "", "/path", false}, } { actual, err := ParseAddress(test.input) if err != nil && !test.shouldErr { t.Errorf("Test %d (%s): Expected no error, but had error: %v", i, test.input, err) } if err == nil && test.shouldErr { t.Errorf("Test %d (%s): Expected error, but had none (%#v)", i, test.input, actual) } if !test.shouldErr && actual.Original != test.input { t.Errorf("Test %d (%s): Expected original '%s', got '%s'", i, test.input, test.input, actual.Original) } if actual.Scheme != test.scheme { t.Errorf("Test %d (%s): Expected scheme '%s', got '%s'", i, test.input, test.scheme, actual.Scheme) } if actual.Host != { t.Errorf("Test %d (%s): Expected host '%s', got '%s'", i, test.input,, actual.Host) } if actual.Port != test.port { t.Errorf("Test %d (%s): Expected port '%s', got '%s'", i, test.input, test.port, actual.Port) } if actual.Path != test.path { t.Errorf("Test %d (%s): Expected path '%s', got '%s'", i, test.input, test.path, actual.Path) } } } func TestAddressString(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range []struct { addr Address expected string }{ {Address{Scheme: "http", Host: "host", Port: "1234", Path: "/path"}, "http://host:1234/path"}, {Address{Scheme: "", Host: "host", Port: "", Path: ""}, "http://host"}, {Address{Scheme: "", Host: "host", Port: "80", Path: ""}, "http://host"}, {Address{Scheme: "", Host: "host", Port: "443", Path: ""}, "https://host"}, {Address{Scheme: "https", Host: "host", Port: "443", Path: ""}, "https://host"}, {Address{Scheme: "https", Host: "host", Port: "", Path: ""}, "https://host"}, {Address{Scheme: "", Host: "host", Port: "80", Path: "/path"}, "http://host/path"}, {Address{Scheme: "http", Host: "", Port: "1234", Path: ""}, "http://:1234"}, {Address{Scheme: "", Host: "", Port: "", Path: ""}, ""}, } { actual := test.addr.String() if actual != test.expected { t.Errorf("Test %d: expected '%s' but got '%s'", i, test.expected, actual) } } } func TestKeyNormalization(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { input string expect Address }{ { input: "", expect: Address{ Host: "", }, }, { input: "http://host:1234/path", expect: Address{ Scheme: "http", Host: "host", Port: "1234", Path: "/path", }, }, { input: "HTTP://A/ABCDEF", expect: Address{ Scheme: "http", Host: "a", Path: "/ABCDEF", }, }, { input: "A/ABCDEF", expect: Address{ Host: "a", Path: "/ABCDEF", }, }, { input: "A:2015/Path", expect: Address{ Host: "a", Port: "2015", Path: "/Path", }, }, { input: "sub.{env.MY_DOMAIN}", expect: Address{ Host: "sub.{env.MY_DOMAIN}", }, }, { input: "sub.ExAmPle", expect: Address{ Host: "sub.example", }, }, { input: "sub.\\{env.MY_DOMAIN\\}", expect: Address{ Host: "sub.\\{env.my_domain\\}", }, }, { input: "sub.{env.MY_DOMAIN}.com", expect: Address{ Host: "sub.{env.MY_DOMAIN}.com", }, }, { input: ":80", expect: Address{ Port: "80", }, }, { input: ":443", expect: Address{ Port: "443", }, }, { input: ":1234", expect: Address{ Port: "1234", }, }, { input: "", expect: Address{}, }, { input: ":", expect: Address{}, }, { input: "[::]", expect: Address{ Host: "::", }, }, { input: "", expect: Address{ Host: "", }, }, { input: "[2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]:1234", expect: Address{ Host: "2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348", Port: "1234", }, }, { // IPv4 address in IPv6 form (#4381) input: "[::ffff:cff4:e77d]:1234", expect: Address{ Host: "::ffff:cff4:e77d", Port: "1234", }, }, { input: "::ffff:cff4:e77d", expect: Address{ Host: "::ffff:cff4:e77d", }, }, } for i, tc := range testCases { addr, err := ParseAddress(tc.input) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Test %d: Parsing address '%s': %v", i, tc.input, err) continue } actual := addr.Normalize() if actual.Scheme != tc.expect.Scheme { t.Errorf("Test %d: Input '%s': Expected Scheme='%s' but got Scheme='%s'", i, tc.input, tc.expect.Scheme, actual.Scheme) } if actual.Host != tc.expect.Host { t.Errorf("Test %d: Input '%s': Expected Host='%s' but got Host='%s'", i, tc.input, tc.expect.Host, actual.Host) } if actual.Port != tc.expect.Port { t.Errorf("Test %d: Input '%s': Expected Port='%s' but got Port='%s'", i, tc.input, tc.expect.Port, actual.Port) } if actual.Path != tc.expect.Path { t.Errorf("Test %d: Input '%s': Expected Path='%s' but got Path='%s'", i, tc.input, tc.expect.Path, actual.Path) } } }
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt and The Caddy Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package httpcaddyfile import ( "encoding/base64" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "html" "net/http" "os" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { RegisterDirective("bind", parseBind) RegisterDirective("tls", parseTLS) RegisterHandlerDirective("root", parseRoot) RegisterHandlerDirective("vars", parseVars) RegisterHandlerDirective("redir", parseRedir) RegisterHandlerDirective("respond", parseRespond) RegisterHandlerDirective("abort", parseAbort) RegisterHandlerDirective("error", parseError) RegisterHandlerDirective("route", parseRoute) RegisterHandlerDirective("handle", parseHandle) RegisterDirective("handle_errors", parseHandleErrors) RegisterHandlerDirective("invoke", parseInvoke) RegisterDirective("log", parseLog) RegisterHandlerDirective("skip_log", parseSkipLog) } // parseBind parses the bind directive. Syntax: // // bind <addresses...> func parseBind(h Helper) ([]ConfigValue, error) { var lnHosts []string for h.Next() { lnHosts = append(lnHosts, h.RemainingArgs()...) } return h.NewBindAddresses(lnHosts), nil } // parseTLS parses the tls directive. Syntax: // // tls [<email>|internal]|[<cert_file> <key_file>] { // protocols <min> [<max>] // ciphers <cipher_suites...> // curves <curves...> // client_auth { // mode [request|require|verify_if_given|require_and_verify] // trusted_ca_cert <base64_der> // trusted_ca_cert_file <filename> // trusted_leaf_cert <base64_der> // trusted_leaf_cert_file <filename> // } // alpn <values...> // load <paths...> // ca <acme_ca_endpoint> // ca_root <pem_file> // key_type [ed25519|p256|p384|rsa2048|rsa4096] // dns <provider_name> [...] // propagation_delay <duration> // propagation_timeout <duration> // resolvers <dns_servers...> // dns_ttl <duration> // dns_challenge_override_domain <domain> // on_demand // eab <key_id> <mac_key> // issuer <module_name> [...] // get_certificate <module_name> [...] // insecure_secrets_log <log_file> // } func parseTLS(h Helper) ([]ConfigValue, error) { cp := new(caddytls.ConnectionPolicy) var fileLoader caddytls.FileLoader var folderLoader caddytls.FolderLoader var certSelector caddytls.CustomCertSelectionPolicy var acmeIssuer *caddytls.ACMEIssuer var keyType string var internalIssuer *caddytls.InternalIssuer var issuers []certmagic.Issuer var certManagers []certmagic.Manager var onDemand bool for h.Next() { // file certificate loader firstLine := h.RemainingArgs() switch len(firstLine) { case 0: case 1: if firstLine[0] == "internal" { internalIssuer = new(caddytls.InternalIssuer) } else if !strings.Contains(firstLine[0], "@") { return nil, h.Err("single argument must either be 'internal' or an email address") } else { if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } acmeIssuer.Email = firstLine[0] } case 2: certFilename := firstLine[0] keyFilename := firstLine[1] // tag this certificate so if multiple certs match, specifically // this one that the user has provided will be used, see #2588: // ... but we // must be careful about how we do this; being careless will // lead to failed handshakes // // we need to remember which cert files we've seen, since we // must load each cert only once; otherwise, they each get a // different tag... since a cert loaded twice has the same // bytes, it will overwrite the first one in the cache, and // only the last cert (and its tag) will survive, so any conn // policy that is looking for any tag other than the last one // to be loaded won't find it, and TLS handshakes will fail // (see end of issue #3004) // // tlsCertTags maps certificate filenames to their tag. // This is used to remember which tag is used for each // certificate files, since we need to avoid loading // the same certificate files more than once, overwriting // previous tags tlsCertTags, ok := h.State["tlsCertTags"].(map[string]string) if !ok { tlsCertTags = make(map[string]string) h.State["tlsCertTags"] = tlsCertTags } tag, ok := tlsCertTags[certFilename] if !ok { // haven't seen this cert file yet, let's give it a tag // and add a loader for it tag = fmt.Sprintf("cert%d", len(tlsCertTags)) fileLoader = append(fileLoader, caddytls.CertKeyFilePair{ Certificate: certFilename, Key: keyFilename, Tags: []string{tag}, }) // remember this for next time we see this cert file tlsCertTags[certFilename] = tag } certSelector.AnyTag = append(certSelector.AnyTag, tag) default: return nil, h.ArgErr() } var hasBlock bool for nesting := h.Nesting(); h.NextBlock(nesting); { hasBlock = true switch h.Val() { case "protocols": args := h.RemainingArgs() if len(args) == 0 { return nil, h.Errf("protocols requires one or two arguments") } if len(args) > 0 { if _, ok := caddytls.SupportedProtocols[args[0]]; !ok { return nil, h.Errf("wrong protocol name or protocol not supported: '%s'", args[0]) } cp.ProtocolMin = args[0] } if len(args) > 1 { if _, ok := caddytls.SupportedProtocols[args[1]]; !ok { return nil, h.Errf("wrong protocol name or protocol not supported: '%s'", args[1]) } cp.ProtocolMax = args[1] } case "ciphers": for h.NextArg() { if !caddytls.CipherSuiteNameSupported(h.Val()) { return nil, h.Errf("wrong cipher suite name or cipher suite not supported: '%s'", h.Val()) } cp.CipherSuites = append(cp.CipherSuites, h.Val()) } case "curves": for h.NextArg() { if _, ok := caddytls.SupportedCurves[h.Val()]; !ok { return nil, h.Errf("Wrong curve name or curve not supported: '%s'", h.Val()) } cp.Curves = append(cp.Curves, h.Val()) } case "client_auth": cp.ClientAuthentication = &caddytls.ClientAuthentication{} for nesting := h.Nesting(); h.NextBlock(nesting); { subdir := h.Val() switch subdir { case "mode": if !h.Args(&cp.ClientAuthentication.Mode) { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } case "trusted_ca_cert", "trusted_leaf_cert": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if subdir == "trusted_ca_cert" { cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedCACerts = append(cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedCACerts, h.Val()) } else { cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedLeafCerts = append(cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedLeafCerts, h.Val()) } case "trusted_ca_cert_file", "trusted_leaf_cert_file": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } filename := h.Val() certDataPEM, err := os.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { return nil, err } block, _ := pem.Decode(certDataPEM) if block == nil || block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" { return nil, h.Errf("no CERTIFICATE pem block found in %s", h.Val()) } if subdir == "trusted_ca_cert_file" { cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedCACerts = append(cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedCACerts, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(block.Bytes)) } else { cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedLeafCerts = append(cp.ClientAuthentication.TrustedLeafCerts, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(block.Bytes)) } default: return nil, h.Errf("unknown subdirective for client_auth: %s", subdir) } } case "alpn": args := h.RemainingArgs() if len(args) == 0 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } cp.ALPN = args case "load": folderLoader = append(folderLoader, h.RemainingArgs()...) case "ca": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 1 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } acmeIssuer.CA = arg[0] case "key_type": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 1 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } keyType = arg[0] case "eab": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 2 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } acmeIssuer.ExternalAccount = &acme.EAB{ KeyID: arg[0], MACKey: arg[1], } case "issuer": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } modName := h.Val() modID := "tls.issuance." + modName unm, err := caddyfile.UnmarshalModule(h.Dispenser, modID) if err != nil { return nil, err } issuer, ok := unm.(certmagic.Issuer) if !ok { return nil, h.Errf("module %s (%T) is not a certmagic.Issuer", modID, unm) } issuers = append(issuers, issuer) case "get_certificate": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } modName := h.Val() modID := "tls.get_certificate." + modName unm, err := caddyfile.UnmarshalModule(h.Dispenser, modID) if err != nil { return nil, err } certManager, ok := unm.(certmagic.Manager) if !ok { return nil, h.Errf("module %s (%T) is not a certmagic.CertificateManager", modID, unm) } certManagers = append(certManagers, certManager) case "dns": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } provName := h.Val() if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges = new(caddytls.ChallengesConfig) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS = new(caddytls.DNSChallengeConfig) } modID := "dns.providers." + provName unm, err := caddyfile.UnmarshalModule(h.Dispenser, modID) if err != nil { return nil, err } acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS.ProviderRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(unm, "name", provName, h.warnings) case "resolvers": args := h.RemainingArgs() if len(args) == 0 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges = new(caddytls.ChallengesConfig) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS = new(caddytls.DNSChallengeConfig) } acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS.Resolvers = args case "propagation_delay": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 1 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } delayStr := arg[0] delay, err := caddy.ParseDuration(delayStr) if err != nil { return nil, h.Errf("invalid propagation_delay duration %s: %v", delayStr, err) } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges = new(caddytls.ChallengesConfig) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS = new(caddytls.DNSChallengeConfig) } acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS.PropagationDelay = caddy.Duration(delay) case "propagation_timeout": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 1 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } timeoutStr := arg[0] var timeout time.Duration if timeoutStr == "-1" { timeout = time.Duration(-1) } else { var err error timeout, err = caddy.ParseDuration(timeoutStr) if err != nil { return nil, h.Errf("invalid propagation_timeout duration %s: %v", timeoutStr, err) } } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges = new(caddytls.ChallengesConfig) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS = new(caddytls.DNSChallengeConfig) } acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS.PropagationTimeout = caddy.Duration(timeout) case "dns_ttl": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 1 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } ttlStr := arg[0] ttl, err := caddy.ParseDuration(ttlStr) if err != nil { return nil, h.Errf("invalid dns_ttl duration %s: %v", ttlStr, err) } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges = new(caddytls.ChallengesConfig) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS = new(caddytls.DNSChallengeConfig) } acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS.TTL = caddy.Duration(ttl) case "dns_challenge_override_domain": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 1 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges = new(caddytls.ChallengesConfig) } if acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS == nil { acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS = new(caddytls.DNSChallengeConfig) } acmeIssuer.Challenges.DNS.OverrideDomain = arg[0] case "ca_root": arg := h.RemainingArgs() if len(arg) != 1 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if acmeIssuer == nil { acmeIssuer = new(caddytls.ACMEIssuer) } acmeIssuer.TrustedRootsPEMFiles = append(acmeIssuer.TrustedRootsPEMFiles, arg[0]) case "on_demand": if h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } onDemand = true case "insecure_secrets_log": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } cp.InsecureSecretsLog = h.Val() default: return nil, h.Errf("unknown subdirective: %s", h.Val()) } } // a naked tls directive is not allowed if len(firstLine) == 0 && !hasBlock { return nil, h.ArgErr() } } // begin building the final config values configVals := []ConfigValue{} // certificate loaders if len(fileLoader) > 0 { configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.cert_loader", Value: fileLoader, }) } if len(folderLoader) > 0 { configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.cert_loader", Value: folderLoader, }) } // some tls subdirectives are shortcuts that implicitly configure issuers, and the // user can also configure issuers explicitly using the issuer subdirective; the // logic to support both would likely be complex, or at least unintuitive if len(issuers) > 0 && (acmeIssuer != nil || internalIssuer != nil) { return nil, h.Err("cannot mix issuer subdirective (explicit issuers) with other issuer-specific subdirectives (implicit issuers)") } if acmeIssuer != nil && internalIssuer != nil { return nil, h.Err("cannot create both ACME and internal certificate issuers") } // now we should either have: explicitly-created issuers, or an implicitly-created // ACME or internal issuer, or no issuers at all switch { case len(issuers) > 0: for _, issuer := range issuers { configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.cert_issuer", Value: issuer, }) } case acmeIssuer != nil: // implicit ACME issuers (from various subdirectives) - use defaults; there might be more than one defaultIssuers := caddytls.DefaultIssuers() // if a CA endpoint was set, override multiple implicit issuers since it's a specific one if acmeIssuer.CA != "" { defaultIssuers = []certmagic.Issuer{acmeIssuer} } for _, issuer := range defaultIssuers { switch iss := issuer.(type) { case *caddytls.ACMEIssuer: issuer = acmeIssuer case *caddytls.ZeroSSLIssuer: iss.ACMEIssuer = acmeIssuer } configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.cert_issuer", Value: issuer, }) } case internalIssuer != nil: configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.cert_issuer", Value: internalIssuer, }) } // certificate key type if keyType != "" { configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.key_type", Value: keyType, }) } // on-demand TLS if onDemand { configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.on_demand", Value: true, }) } for _, certManager := range certManagers { configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.cert_manager", Value: certManager, }) } // custom certificate selection if len(certSelector.AnyTag) > 0 { cp.CertSelection = &certSelector } // connection policy -- always add one, to ensure that TLS // is enabled, because this directive was used (this is // needed, for instance, when a site block has a key of // just ":5000" - i.e. no hostname, and only on-demand TLS // is enabled) configVals = append(configVals, ConfigValue{ Class: "tls.connection_policy", Value: cp, }) return configVals, nil } // parseRoot parses the root directive. Syntax: // // root [<matcher>] <path> func parseRoot(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { var root string for h.Next() { if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } root = h.Val() if h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } } return caddyhttp.VarsMiddleware{"root": root}, nil } // parseVars parses the vars directive. See its UnmarshalCaddyfile method for syntax. func parseVars(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { v := new(caddyhttp.VarsMiddleware) err := v.UnmarshalCaddyfile(h.Dispenser) return v, err } // parseRedir parses the redir directive. Syntax: // // redir [<matcher>] <to> [<code>] // // <code> can be "permanent" for 301, "temporary" for 302 (default), // a placeholder, or any number in the 3xx range or 401. The special // code "html" can be used to redirect only browser clients (will // respond with HTTP 200 and no Location header; redirect is performed // with JS and a meta tag). func parseRedir(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { if !h.Next() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } to := h.Val() var code string if h.NextArg() { code = h.Val() } var body string var hdr http.Header switch code { case "permanent": code = "301" case "temporary", "": code = "302" case "html": // Script tag comes first since that will better imitate a redirect in the browser's // history, but the meta tag is a fallback for most non-JS clients. const metaRedir = `<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Redirecting...</title> <script>window.location.replace("%s");</script> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL='%s'"> </head> <body>Redirecting to <a href="%s">%s</a>...</body> </html> ` safeTo := html.EscapeString(to) body = fmt.Sprintf(metaRedir, safeTo, safeTo, safeTo, safeTo) code = "200" // don't redirect non-browser clients default: // Allow placeholders for the code if strings.HasPrefix(code, "{") { break } // Try to validate as an integer otherwise codeInt, err := strconv.Atoi(code) if err != nil { return nil, h.Errf("Not a supported redir code type or not valid integer: '%s'", code) } // Sometimes, a 401 with Location header is desirable because // requests made with XHR will "eat" the 3xx redirect; so if // the intent was to redirect to an auth page, a 3xx won't // work. Responding with 401 allows JS code to read the // Location header and do a window.location redirect manually. // see // see if codeInt < 300 || (codeInt > 399 && codeInt != 401) { return nil, h.Errf("Redir code not in the 3xx range or 401: '%v'", codeInt) } } // don't redirect non-browser clients if code != "200" { hdr = http.Header{"Location": []string{to}} } return caddyhttp.StaticResponse{ StatusCode: caddyhttp.WeakString(code), Headers: hdr, Body: body, }, nil } // parseRespond parses the respond directive. func parseRespond(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { sr := new(caddyhttp.StaticResponse) err := sr.UnmarshalCaddyfile(h.Dispenser) if err != nil { return nil, err } return sr, nil } // parseAbort parses the abort directive. func parseAbort(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { h.Next() // consume directive for h.Next() || h.NextBlock(0) { return nil, h.ArgErr() } return &caddyhttp.StaticResponse{Abort: true}, nil } // parseError parses the error directive. func parseError(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { se := new(caddyhttp.StaticError) err := se.UnmarshalCaddyfile(h.Dispenser) if err != nil { return nil, err } return se, nil } // parseRoute parses the route directive. func parseRoute(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { allResults, err := parseSegmentAsConfig(h) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, result := range allResults { switch result.Value.(type) { case caddyhttp.Route, caddyhttp.Subroute: default: return nil, h.Errf("%s directive returned something other than an HTTP route or subroute: %#v (only handler directives can be used in routes)", result.directive, result.Value) } } return buildSubroute(allResults, h.groupCounter, false) } func parseHandle(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { return ParseSegmentAsSubroute(h) } func parseHandleErrors(h Helper) ([]ConfigValue, error) { subroute, err := ParseSegmentAsSubroute(h) if err != nil { return nil, err } return []ConfigValue{ { Class: "error_route", Value: subroute, }, }, nil } // parseInvoke parses the invoke directive. func parseInvoke(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { h.Next() // consume directive if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } for h.Next() || h.NextBlock(0) { return nil, h.ArgErr() } // remember that we're invoking this name // to populate the server with these named routes if h.State[namedRouteKey] == nil { h.State[namedRouteKey] = map[string]struct{}{} } h.State[namedRouteKey].(map[string]struct{})[h.Val()] = struct{}{} // return the handler return &caddyhttp.Invoke{Name: h.Val()}, nil } // parseLog parses the log directive. Syntax: // // log <logger_name> { // hostnames <hostnames...> // output <writer_module> ... // format <encoder_module> ... // level <level> // } func parseLog(h Helper) ([]ConfigValue, error) { return parseLogHelper(h, nil) } // parseLogHelper is used both for the parseLog directive within Server Blocks, // as well as the global "log" option for configuring loggers at the global // level. The parseAsGlobalOption parameter is used to distinguish any differing logic // between the two. func parseLogHelper(h Helper, globalLogNames map[string]struct{}) ([]ConfigValue, error) { // When the globalLogNames parameter is passed in, we make // modifications to the parsing behavior. parseAsGlobalOption := globalLogNames != nil var configValues []ConfigValue for h.Next() { // Logic below expects that a name is always present when a // global option is being parsed; or an optional override // is supported for access logs. var logName string if parseAsGlobalOption { if h.NextArg() { logName = h.Val() // Only a single argument is supported. if h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } } else { // If there is no log name specified, we // reference the default logger. See the // setupNewDefault function in the logging // package for where this is configured. logName = caddy.DefaultLoggerName } // Verify this name is unused. _, used := globalLogNames[logName] if used { return nil, h.Err("duplicate global log option for: " + logName) } globalLogNames[logName] = struct{}{} } else { // An optional override of the logger name can be provided; // otherwise a default will be used, like "log0", "log1", etc. if h.NextArg() { logName = h.Val() // Only a single argument is supported. if h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } } } cl := new(caddy.CustomLog) // allow overriding the current site block's hostnames for this logger; // this is useful for setting up loggers per subdomain in a site block // with a wildcard domain customHostnames := []string{} for h.NextBlock(0) { switch h.Val() { case "hostnames": if parseAsGlobalOption { return nil, h.Err("hostnames is not allowed in the log global options") } args := h.RemainingArgs() if len(args) == 0 { return nil, h.ArgErr() } customHostnames = append(customHostnames, args...) case "output": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } moduleName := h.Val() // can't use the usual caddyfile.Unmarshaler flow with the // standard writers because they are in the caddy package // (because they are the default) and implementing that // interface there would unfortunately create circular import var wo caddy.WriterOpener switch moduleName { case "stdout": wo = caddy.StdoutWriter{} case "stderr": wo = caddy.StderrWriter{} case "discard": wo = caddy.DiscardWriter{} default: modID := "caddy.logging.writers." + moduleName unm, err := caddyfile.UnmarshalModule(h.Dispenser, modID) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ok bool wo, ok = unm.(caddy.WriterOpener) if !ok { return nil, h.Errf("module %s (%T) is not a WriterOpener", modID, unm) } } cl.WriterRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(wo, "output", moduleName, h.warnings) case "format": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } moduleName := h.Val() moduleID := "caddy.logging.encoders." + moduleName unm, err := caddyfile.UnmarshalModule(h.Dispenser, moduleID) if err != nil { return nil, err } enc, ok := unm.(zapcore.Encoder) if !ok { return nil, h.Errf("module %s (%T) is not a zapcore.Encoder", moduleID, unm) } cl.EncoderRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(enc, "format", moduleName, h.warnings) case "level": if !h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } cl.Level = h.Val() if h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } case "include": if !parseAsGlobalOption { return nil, h.Err("include is not allowed in the log directive") } for h.NextArg() { cl.Include = append(cl.Include, h.Val()) } case "exclude": if !parseAsGlobalOption { return nil, h.Err("exclude is not allowed in the log directive") } for h.NextArg() { cl.Exclude = append(cl.Exclude, h.Val()) } default: return nil, h.Errf("unrecognized subdirective: %s", h.Val()) } } var val namedCustomLog val.hostnames = customHostnames isEmptyConfig := reflect.DeepEqual(cl, new(caddy.CustomLog)) // Skip handling of empty logging configs if parseAsGlobalOption { // Use indicated name for global log options = logName } else { if logName != "" { = logName } else if !isEmptyConfig { // Construct a log name for server log streams logCounter, ok := h.State["logCounter"].(int) if !ok { logCounter = 0 } = fmt.Sprintf("log%d", logCounter) logCounter++ h.State["logCounter"] = logCounter } if != "" { cl.Include = []string{"http.log.access." +} } } if !isEmptyConfig { val.log = cl } configValues = append(configValues, ConfigValue{ Class: "custom_log", Value: val, }) } return configValues, nil } // parseSkipLog parses the skip_log directive. Syntax: // // skip_log [<matcher>] func parseSkipLog(h Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) { for h.Next() { if h.NextArg() { return nil, h.ArgErr() } } return caddyhttp.VarsMiddleware{"skip_log": true}, nil }