sqfstar: Create a squashfs filesystem (compressed using `gzip` by default) from an uncompressed tar archive
sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} < {{archive.tar}}
sqfstar: Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with `gzip`, and [comp]ress the filesystem using a specific algorithm
zcat {{archive.tar.gz}} | sqfstar -comp {{gzip|lzo|lz4|xz|zstd|lzma}} {{filesystem.squashfs}}
sqfstar: Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with `xz`, excluding some of the files
xzcat {{archive.tar.xz}} | sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} {{file1 file2 ...}}
sqfstar: Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with `zstd`, excluding files ending with `.gz`
zstdcat {{archive.tar.zst}} | sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} "{{*.gz}}"
sqfstar: Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with `lz4`, excluding files matching a regular expression
lz4cat {{archive.tar.lz4}} | sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} -regex "{{regular_expression}}"
handlr: Open a URL in the default application
handlr open {{}}
handlr: Open a PDF in the default PDF viewer
handlr open {{path/to/file.pdf}}
handlr: Set `imv` as the default application for PNG files
handlr set {{.png}} {{imv.desktop}}
handlr: Set MPV as the default application for all audio files
handlr set {{'audio/*'}} {{mpv.desktop}}
handlr: List all default apps
handlr list
handlr: Print the default application for PNG files
handlr get {{.png}}
git-cat-file: Get the [s]ize of the HEAD commit in bytes
git cat-file -s HEAD
git-cat-file: Get the [t]ype (blob, tree, commit, tag) of a given Git object
git cat-file -t {{8c442dc3}}
git-cat-file: Pretty-[p]rint the contents of a given Git object based on its type
git cat-file -p {{HEAD~2}}
freshclam: Update virus definitions
tex: Compile a DVI document
tex {{source.tex}}
tex: Compile a DVI document, specifying an output directory
tex -output-directory={{path/to/directory}} {{source.tex}}
tex: Compile a DVI document, exiting on each error
tex -halt-on-error {{source.tex}}
uprecords: Display a summary of the top 10 historical uptime records
uprecords: Display the top 25 records
uprecords -m {{25}}
uprecords: Display the downtime between reboots instead of the kernel version
uprecords -d
uprecords: Show the most recent reboots
uprecords -B
uprecords: Don't truncate information
uprecords -w
kubectl-apply: Apply a configuration to a resource by file name or `stdin`
kubectl apply -f {{resource_filename}}
kubectl-apply: Edit the latest last-applied-configuration annotations of resources from the default editor
kubectl apply edit-last-applied -f {{resource_filename}}
kubectl-apply: Set the latest last-applied-configuration annotations by setting it to match the contents of a file
kubectl apply set-last-applied -f {{resource_filename}}
kubectl-apply: View the latest last-applied-configuration annotations by type/name or file
kubectl apply view-last-applied -f {{resource_filename}}
magick-mogrify: Resize all JPEG images in the directory to 50% of their initial size
magick mogrify -resize {{50%}} {{*.jpg}}
magick-mogrify: Resize all images starting with `DSC` to 800x600
magick mogrify -resize {{800x600}} {{DSC*}}
magick-mogrify: Convert all PNGs in the directory to JPEG
magick mogrify -format {{jpg}} {{*.png}}
magick-mogrify: Halve the saturation of all image files in the current directory
magick mogrify -modulate {{100,50}} {{*}}
magick-mogrify: Double the brightness of all image files in the current directory
magick mogrify -modulate {{200}} {{*}}
distrobox-export: Export an app from the container to the host (the desktop entry/icon will show up in your host system's application list)
distrobox-export --app {{package}} --extra-flags "--foreground"
distrobox-export: Export a binary from the container to the host
distrobox-export --bin {{path/to/binary}} --export-path {{path/to/binary_on_host}}
distrobox-export: Export a binary from the container to the host (i.e.`$HOME/.local/bin`)
distrobox-export --bin {{path/to/binary}} --export-path {{path/to/export}}
distrobox-export: Export a service from the container to the host (`--sudo` will run the service as root inside the container)
distrobox-export --service {{package}} --extra-flags "--allow-newer-config" --sudo
distrobox-export: Unexport/delete an exported application
distrobox-export --app {{package}} --delete
obabel: Convert a .mol file to XYZ coordinates
obabel {{path/to/file.mol}} -O {{path/to/}}
obabel: Convert a SMILES string to a 500x500 picture
obabel -:"{{SMILES}}" -O {{path/to/output_file.png}} -xp 500
obabel: Convert a file of SMILES string to separate 3D .mol files
obabel {{path/to/file.smi}} -O {{path/to/output_file.mol}} --gen3D -m
obabel: Render multiple inputs into one picture
obabel {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} -O {{path/to/output_file.png}}
gh-release: List releases in a GitHub repository, limited to 30 items
gh release list
gh-release: Display information about a specific release
gh release view {{tag}}
gh-release: Create a new release
gh release create {{tag}}
gh-release: Delete a specific release
gh release delete {{tag}}
gh-release: Download assets from a specific release
gh release download {{tag}}
gh-release: Upload assets to a specific release
gh release upload {{tag}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
virt-viewer: Launch `virt-viewer` with a prompt to select running virtual machines
virt-viewer: Launch `virt-viewer` for a specific virtual machine by ID, UUID or name
virt-viewer "{{domain}}"
virt-viewer: Wait for a virtual machine to start and automatically reconnect if it shutdown and restarts
virt-viewer --reconnect --wait "{{domain}}"
virt-viewer: Connect to a specific remote virtual machine over TLS
virt-viewer --connect "xen//{{url}}" "{{domain}}"
virt-viewer: Connect to a specific remote virtual machine over SSH
virt-viewer --connect "qemu+ssh//{{username}}@{{url}}/system" "{{domain}}"
rbenv: Install a Ruby version
rbenv install {{version}}
rbenv: Display a list of the latest stable versions for each Ruby
rbenv install --list
rbenv: Display a list of installed Ruby versions
rbenv versions
rbenv: Use a specific Ruby version across the whole system
rbenv global {{version}}
rbenv: Use a specific Ruby version for an application/project directory
rbenv local {{version}}
rbenv: Display the currently selected Ruby version
rbenv version
rbenv: Uninstall a Ruby version
rbenv uninstall {{version}}
rbenv: Display all Ruby versions that contain the specified executable
rbenv whence {{executable}}
pbmtomgr: Convert a PBM image into a MGR bitmap
pbmtomgr {{path/to/image.pbm}} > {{path/to/output.mgr}}
xrandr: Display the current state of the system (known screens, resolutions, ...)
xrandr --query
xrandr: Disable disconnected outputs and enable connected ones with default settings
xrandr --auto
xrandr: Change the resolution and update frequency of DisplayPort 1 to 1920x1080, 60Hz
xrandr --output {{DP1}} --mode {{1920x1080}} --rate {{60}}
xrandr: Set the resolution of HDMI2 to 1280x1024 and put it on the right of DP1
xrandr --output {{HDMI2}} --mode {{1280x1024}} --right-of {{DP1}}
xrandr: Disable the VGA1 output
xrandr --output {{VGA1}} --off
xrandr: Set the brightness for LVDS1 to 50%
xrandr --output {{LVDS1}} --brightness {{0.5}}
xrandr: Display the current state of any X server
xrandr --display :{{0}} --query
zapier: Connect to a Zapier account
zapier login
zapier: Initialize a new Zapier integration with a project template
zapier init {{path/to/directory}}
zapier: Add a starting trigger, create, search, or resource to your integration
zapier scaffold {{trigger|create|search|resource}} {{name}}
zapier: Test an integration
zapier test
zapier: Build and upload an integration to Zapier
zapier push
zapier: Display help
zapier help
zapier: Display help for a specific command
zapier help {{command}}
sacct: Display job ID, job name, partition, account, number of allocated cpus, job state, and job exit codes for recent jobs
sacct: Display job ID, job state, job exit code for recent jobs
sacct --brief
sacct: Display the allocations of a job
sacct --jobs {{job_id}} --allocations
sacct: Display elapsed time, job name, number of requested CPUs, and memory requested of a job
sacct --jobs {{job_id}} --format=Elapsed,JobName,ReqCPUS,ReqMem
sacct: Display recent jobs that occurred from one week ago up to the present day
sacct --starttime=$(date -d "1 week ago" +'%F')
sacct: Output a larger number of characters for an attribute
sacct --format=JobID,JobName%100
getfacl: Display the file access control list
getfacl {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
getfacl: Display the file access control list with [n]umeric user and group IDs
getfacl --numeric {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
getfacl: Display the file access control list with [t]abular output format
getfacl --tabular {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
hledger-aregister: Show transactions and running balance in the `assets:bank:checking` account
hledger aregister assets:bank:checking
hledger-aregister: Show transactions and running balance in the first account named `*savings*`
hledger aregister savings
hledger-aregister: Show the checking account's cleared transactions, with a specified width
hledger aregister checking --cleared --width {{120}}
hledger-aregister: Show the checking register, including transactions from forecast rules
hledger aregister checking --forecast
sh: Start an interactive shell session
sh: Execute a command and then exit
sh -c "{{command}}"
sh: Execute a script
sh {{path/to/}}
sh: Read and execute commands from `stdin`
sh -s
scontrol: Show information for job
scontrol show job {{job_id}}
scontrol: Suspend a comma-separated list of running jobs
scontrol suspend {{job_id1,job_id2,...}}
scontrol: Resume a comma-separated list of suspended jobs
scontrol resume {{job_id1,job_id2,...}}
scontrol: Hold a comma-separated list of queued jobs (Use `release` command to permit the jobs to be scheduled)
scontrol hold {{job_id1,job_id2,...}}
scontrol: Release a comma-separated list of suspended job
scontrol release {{job_id1,job_id2,...}}
hashcat: Perform a brute-force attack (mode 3) with the default hashcat mask
hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{3}} {{hash_value}}
hashcat: Perform a brute-force attack (mode 3) with a known pattern of 4 digits
hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{3}} {{hash_value}} "{{?d?d?d?d}}"
hashcat: Perform a brute-force attack (mode 3) using at most 8 of all printable ASCII characters
hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{3}} --increment {{hash_value}} "{{?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a}}"