stringlengths 10
| bash
stringlengths 1
pnmtotiff: View documentation for the current command | tldr pamtotiff |
snake4: Start a snake game | snake4 |
snake4: Choose level | {{1|2|3|4|5}} |
snake4: Navigate the snake | {{Up|Down|Left|Right arrow key}} |
snake4: Pause game | <Spacebar> |
snake4: Quit game | q |
snake4: Show the high scores | snake4 --highscores |
xxhsum: Calculate the checksum for a file using a specific algorithm | xxhsum -H{{0|32|64|128}} {{path/to/file}} |
xxhsum: Run benchmark | xxhsum -b |
az-webapp: List available runtimes for a web application | az webapp list-runtimes --os-type {{windows|linux}} |
az-webapp: Create a web application | az webapp up --name {{name}} --location {{location}} --runtime {{runtime}} |
az-webapp: List all web applications | az webapp list |
az-webapp: Delete a specific web application | az webapp delete --name {{name}} --resource-group {{resource_group}} |
espeak: Speak a phrase aloud | espeak "I like to ride my bike." |
espeak: Speak a file aloud | espeak -f {{path/to/file}} |
espeak: Save output to a WAV audio file, rather than speaking it directly | espeak -w {{filename.wav}} "It's GNU plus Linux" |
espeak: Use a different voice | espeak -v {{voice}} |
pacman-key: Initialize the `pacman` keyring | sudo pacman-key --init |
pacman-key: Add the default Arch Linux keys | sudo pacman-key --populate {{archlinux}} |
pacman-key: List keys from the public keyring | pacman-key --list-keys |
pacman-key: Add the specified keys | sudo pacman-key --add {{path/to/keyfile.gpg}} |
pacman-key: Receive a key from a key server | sudo pacman-key --recv-keys "{{uid|name|email}}" |
pacman-key: Print the fingerprint of a specific key | pacman-key --finger "{{uid|name|email}}" |
pacman-key: Sign an imported key locally | sudo pacman-key --lsign-key "{{uid|name|email}}" |
pacman-key: Remove a specific key | sudo pacman-key --delete "{{uid|name|email}}" |
findfs: Search block devices by filesystem label | findfs LABEL={{label}} |
findfs: Search by filesystem UUID | findfs UUID={{uuid}} |
findfs: Search by partition label (GPT or MAC partition table) | findfs PARTLABEL={{partition_label}} |
findfs: Search by partition UUID (GPT partition table only) | findfs PARTUUID={{partition_uuid}} |
helix: Open a file | helix {{path/to/file}} |
helix: Change the Helix theme | :theme {{theme_name}} |
helix: Save and Quit | :wq<Enter> |
helix: Force-quit without saving | :q!<Enter> |
helix: Undo the last operation | u |
helix: Search for a pattern in the file (press `n`/`N` to go to next/previous match) | /{{search_pattern}}<Enter> |
helix: Format the file | :format |
lzfgrep: View documentation for the original command | tldr xzgrep |
ppmshift: Shift the lines in the input image by a randomized amount not exceeding s to the left or to the right | ppmshift {{s}} {{path/to/input_file.ppm}} > {{path/to/output_file.ppm}} |
jmeter: Run a specific test plan in nongui mode | jmeter --nongui --testfile {{path/to/file.jmx}} |
jmeter: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific log file | jmeter --nogui --testfile {{path/to/file.jmx}} --logfile {{path/to/logfile.jtl}} |
jmeter: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific proxy | jmeter --nongui --testfile {{path/to/file.jmx}} --proxyHost {{}} --proxyPort {{8888}} |
jmeter: Run a test plan in nongui mode using a specific JMeter property | jmeter --jmeterproperty {{key}}='{{value}}' --nongui --testfile {{path/to/file.jmx}} |
userdbctl: List all known user records | userdbctl user |
userdbctl: Show details of a specific user | userdbctl user {{username}} |
userdbctl: List all known groups | userdbctl group |
userdbctl: Show details of a specific group | userdbctl group {{groupname}} |
userdbctl: List all services currently providing user/group definitions to the system | userdbctl services |
sbt: Start a REPL (interactive shell) | sbt |
sbt: Create a new Scala project from an existing Giter8 template hosted on GitHub | sbt new {{scala/hello-world.g8}} |
sbt: Compile and run all tests | sbt test |
sbt: Delete all generated files in the `target` directory | sbt clean |
sbt: Compile the main sources in `src/main/scala` and `src/main/java` directories | sbt compile |
sbt: Use the specified version of sbt | sbt -sbt-version {{version}} |
sbt: Use a specific jar file as the sbt launcher | sbt -sbt-jar {{path}} |
sbt: List all sbt options | sbt -h |
gcrane-completion: Generate the autocompletion script for your shell | gcrane completion {{shell_name}} |
gcrane-completion: Disable completion descriptions | gcrane completion {{shell_name}} --no-descriptions |
gcrane-completion: Load completions in your current shell session (bash/zsh) | source <(gcrane completion bash/zsh)> |
gcrane-completion: Load completions in your current shell session (fish) | gcrane completion fish | source |
gcrane-completion: Load completions for every new session (bash) | gcrane completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/gcrane |
gcrane-completion: Load completions for every new session (zsh) | gcrane completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_gcrane" |
gcrane-completion: Load completions for every new session (fish) | gcrane completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/ |
gcrane-completion: Display help | gcrane completion {{shell_name}} {{-h|--help}} |
loc: Print lines of code in the current directory | loc |
loc: Print lines of code in the target directory | loc {{path/to/directory}} |
loc: Print lines of code with stats for individual files | loc --files |
loc: Print lines of code without .gitignore (etc.) files (e.g. two -u flags will additionally count hidden files and dirs) | loc -u |
hostapd: Start an access point | sudo hostapd {{path/to/hostapd.conf}} |
hostapd: Start an access point, forking into the background | sudo hostapd -B {{path/to/hostapd.conf}} |
pdfcrop: Automatically detect and remove the margin for each page in a PDF file | pdfcrop {{path/to/input_file.pdf}} {{path/to/output_file.pdf}} |
pdfcrop: Set the margins of each page to a specific value | pdfcrop {{path/to/input_file.pdf}} --margins '{{left}} {{top}} {{right}} {{bottom}}' {{path/to/output_file.pdf}} |
pdfcrop: Set the margins of each page to a specific value, using the same value for left, top, right and bottom | pdfcrop {{path/to/input_file.pdf}} --margins {{300}} {{path/to/output_file.pdf}} |
pdfcrop: Use a user-defined bounding box for cropping instead of automatically detecting it | pdfcrop {{path/to/input_file.pdf}} --bbox '{{left}} {{top}} {{right}} {{bottom}}' {{path/to/output_file.pdf}} |
pdfcrop: Use different user-defined bounding boxes for odd and even pages | pdfcrop {{path/to/input_file.pdf}} --bbox-odd '{{left}} {{top}} {{right}} {{bottom}}' --bbox-even '{{left}} {{top}} {{right}} {{bottom}}' {{path/to/output_file.pdf}} |
pdfcrop: Automatically detect margins using a lower resolution for improved performance | pdfcrop {{path/to/input_file.pdf}} --resolution {{72}} {{path/to/output_file.pdf}} |
git-for-each-repo: Run maintenance on each of a list of repositories stored in the `maintenance.repo` user configuration variable | git for-each-repo --config={{maintenance.repo}} {{maintenance run}} |
git-for-each-repo: Run `git pull` on each repository listed in a global configuration variable | git for-each-repo --config={{global_configuration_variable}} {{pull}} |
xcv: Cut a file | xcv x {{input_file}} |
xcv: Copy a file | xcv c {{input_file}} |
xcv: Paste a file | xcv v {{output_file}} |
xcv: List files available for pasting | xcv l |
unix2dos: Change the line endings of a file | unix2dos {{path/to/file}} |
unix2dos: Create a copy with DOS-style line endings | unix2dos {{-n|--newfile}} {{path/to/file}} {{path/to/new_file}} |
unix2dos: Display file information | unix2dos {{-i|--info}} {{path/to/file}} |
unix2dos: Keep/add/remove Byte Order Mark | unix2dos --{{keep-bom|add-bom|remove-bom}} {{path/to/file}} |
dhclient: Get an IP address for the `eth0` interface | sudo dhclient {{eth0}} |
dhclient: Release an IP address for the `eth0` interface | sudo dhclient -r {{eth0}} |
md-to-clip: Convert tldr-pages files and save into the same directories | md-to-clip {{path/to/ path/to/ ...}} |
md-to-clip: Convert tldr-pages files and save into a specific directory | md-to-clip --output-directory {{path/to/directory}} {{path/to/ path/to/ ...}} |
md-to-clip: Convert a tldr-page file to `stdout` | md-to-clip --no-file-save <(echo '{{page-content}}') |
md-to-clip: Convert tldr-pages files while recognizing additional placeholders from a specific config | md-to-clip --special-placeholder-config {{path/to/config.yaml}} {{path/to/ path/to/ ...}} |
md-to-clip: Display help | md-to-clip --help |
md-to-clip: Display version | md-to-clip --version |
mongo: Connect to a local database on the default port (`mongodb://localhost:27017`) | mongo |
mongo: Connect to a database | mongo --host {{host}} --port {{port}} {{db_name}} |
mongo: Authenticate using the specified username on the specified database (you will be prompted for a password) | mongo --host {{host}} --port {{port}} --username {{username}} --authenticationDatabase {{authdb_name}} {{db_name}} |
mongo: Evaluate a JavaScript expression on a database | mongo --eval '{{JSON.stringify(}}' {{db_name}} |
yarn-why: Show why a Yarn package is installed | yarn-why {{package}} |
xetex: Compile a PDF document | xetex {{source.tex}} |
xetex: Compile a PDF document, specifying an output directory | xetex -output-directory={{path/to/directory}} {{source.tex}} |