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② 상임대표가 부득이한 사유로 직무를 수행할 수 없을 때에는 집행위원장이 그 직무를 대행한다.
[ { "begin": 2, "end": 6, "entity": "상임대표", "id": 1052, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 34, "end": 39, "entity": "집행위원장", "id": 1053, "type": "CV" } ]
제7조(회의) ① 대책위원회의 회의는 상임대표가 필요하다고 인정하거나 재적위원 3분의 1 이상의 요구가 있을 경우에 소집한다.
[ { "begin": 44, "end": 49, "entity": "3분의 1", "id": 1054, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 0, "end": 3, "entity": "제7조", "id": 1055, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 10, "end": 15, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1056, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 21, "end": 25, "entity": "상임대표", "id": 1057, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 39, "end": 43, "entity": "재적위원", "id": 1058, "type": "CV" } ]
② 대책위원회 회의는 재적위원 과반수의 출석으로 시작하고, 출석위원 과반수의 찬성으로 의결한다.
[ { "begin": 2, "end": 7, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1059, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 12, "end": 16, "entity": "재적위원", "id": 1060, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 17, "end": 20, "entity": "과반수", "id": 1061, "type": "CV,QT" }, { "begin": 38, "end": 41, "entity": "과반수", "id": 1062, "type": "CV,QT" }, { "begin": 22, "end": 26, "entity": "출석으로", "id": 1063, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 33, "end": 37, "entity": "출석위원", "id": 1064, "type": "CV" } ]
제8조(집행위원회) ① 대책위원회의 업무를 효율적으로 추진하기 위하여 집행위원회를 둔다.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 3, "entity": "제8조", "id": 1065, "type": "CV,QT" }, { "begin": 13, "end": 18, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1066, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 30, "end": 34, "entity": "추진하기", "id": 1067, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 4, "end": 9, "entity": "집행위원회", "id": 1068, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 39, "end": 44, "entity": "집행위원회", "id": 1069, "type": "OG" } ]
② 집행위원회는 25명 이내로 구성하며 집행위원은 상임대표가 지명하고, 집행위원장은 집행위원회에서 호선한다.〈개정 2019.
[ { "begin": 9, "end": 15, "entity": "25명 이내", "id": 1070, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 2, "end": 7, "entity": "집행위원회", "id": 1071, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 47, "end": 52, "entity": "집행위원회", "id": 1072, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 2, "end": 6, "entity": "집행위원", "id": 1073, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 22, "end": 26, "entity": "집행위원", "id": 1074, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 40, "end": 44, "entity": "집행위원", "id": 1075, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 47, "end": 51, "entity": "집행위원", "id": 1076, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 28, "end": 32, "entity": "상임대표", "id": 1077, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 40, "end": 45, "entity": "집행위원장", "id": 1078, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 64, "end": 69, "entity": "2019.", "id": 1079, "type": "DT" } ]
3. 26〉③ 집행위원회는 대책위원회의 업무 전반에 관한 사항을 위임받아 수행한다.
[ { "begin": 29, "end": 34, "entity": "관한 사항", "id": 1080, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 8, "end": 13, "entity": "집행위원회", "id": 1081, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 15, "end": 20, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1082, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 36, "end": 40, "entity": "위임받아", "id": 1083, "type": "TM" } ]
제9조(대책위원회의 사무처리) 대책위원회는 다음 각 호의 사무를 처리한다.〈개정 2019.
[ { "begin": 27, "end": 30, "entity": "각 호", "id": 1084, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 0, "end": 3, "entity": "제9조", "id": 1085, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 11, "end": 15, "entity": "사무처리", "id": 1086, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 4, "end": 9, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1087, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 17, "end": 22, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1088, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 45, "end": 50, "entity": "2019.", "id": 1089, "type": "DT" } ]
3. 26〉1.
대책위원회 및 집행위원회(이하 “위원회 등”이라 한다)에서 결정된 사항2.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 6, "entity": "대책위원회 ", "id": 1090, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 8, "end": 13, "entity": "집행위원회", "id": 1091, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 2, "end": 5, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1092, "type": "CV,EV" }, { "begin": 10, "end": 13, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1093, "type": "CV,EV" }, { "begin": 18, "end": 21, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1094, "type": "CV,EV" } ]
위원회 등에 부의되는 안건 및 회의 준비 등에 관한 사항3.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 3, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1095, "type": "CV,EV" } ]
위원회 등의 기능과 관련된 전문적인 조사·연구에 관한 사항4.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 3, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1096, "type": "CV,EV" }, { "begin": 15, "end": 18, "entity": "전문적", "id": 1097, "type": "TM" } ]
그 밖에 위원회 등의 업무 지원에 관한 사항제10조(운영비 등의 지원) ① 시장은 대책위원회가 하는 각종 사업을 추진하기 위하여 예산의 범위에서 필요한 경비를 지원할 수 있다.〈개정 2019.
[ { "begin": 5, "end": 8, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1098, "type": "CV,EV" }, { "begin": 48, "end": 51, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1099, "type": "CV,EV" }, { "begin": 22, "end": 28, "entity": "사항제10조", "id": 1100, "type": "" }, { "begin": 46, "end": 51, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1101, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 63, "end": 67, "entity": "추진하기", "id": 1102, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 102, "end": 107, "entity": "2019.", "id": 1103, "type": "DT" } ]
3. 26〉② 시장은 대책위원회의 운영을 위하여 필요한 경우에는 공유재산을 무상으로 사용하게 할 수 있다.〈개정 2019.
[ { "begin": 12, "end": 17, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1104, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 36, "end": 40, "entity": "공유재산", "id": 1105, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 63, "end": 68, "entity": "2019.", "id": 1106, "type": "DT" } ]
3. 26〉제11조(조사ㆍ연구 의뢰) 대책위원회 업무수행을 위하여 필요한 때에는 관계전문가 또는 관계기관, 단체 등에 전문적인 조사 또는 연구 등을 의뢰할 수 있다.〔제목개정 2019.
[ { "begin": 21, "end": 26, "entity": "대책위원회", "id": 1107, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 27, "end": 31, "entity": "업무수행", "id": 1108, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 45, "end": 50, "entity": "관계전문가", "id": 1109, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 66, "end": 69, "entity": "전문적", "id": 1110, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 98, "end": 103, "entity": "2019.", "id": 1111, "type": "DT" } ]
3. 26〕제12조(준용) 이 조례에 규정한 것 외의 필요한 사항은 「광명시 지방보조금 관리 조례」, 「광명시 재무회계 규칙」등 관계 규정을 준용한다.〈개정 2019.
[ { "begin": 72, "end": 77, "entity": "관계 규정", "id": 1112, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 39, "end": 42, "entity": "광명시", "id": 1113, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 58, "end": 61, "entity": "광명시", "id": 1114, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 43, "end": 48, "entity": "지방보조금", "id": 1115, "type": "CV" }, { "begin": 62, "end": 66, "entity": "재무회계", "id": 1116, "type": "CV,FD" }, { "begin": 88, "end": 93, "entity": "2019.", "id": 1117, "type": "DT" } ]
3. 26〉제13조(시행규칙) 이 조례 시행에 필요한 사항은 규칙으로 정한다.
[ { "begin": 11, "end": 15, "entity": "시행규칙", "id": 1118, "type": "CV" } ]
부 칙제1조(시행일) 이 조례는 2016년 1월 1일부터 시행한다.
[ { "begin": 18, "end": 26, "entity": "2016년 1월", "id": 1119, "type": "DT" }, { "begin": 27, "end": 31, "entity": "1일부터", "id": 1120, "type": "DT" } ]
제2조(다른 조례의 폐지) 이 조례의 시행과 동시에, 광명역세권 활성화 범시민 대책 위원회 설치 및 지원 등에 관한 조례는 폐지한다.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 3, "entity": "제2조", "id": 1121, "type": "CV,QT" }, { "begin": 36, "end": 39, "entity": "활성화", "id": 1122, "type": "CV,OG" }, { "begin": 47, "end": 50, "entity": "위원회", "id": 1123, "type": "CV,EV" } ]
2. 27 조례 제2338호〉이 조례는 공포한 날부터 시행한다.
3. 26 조례 제2458호〉이 조례는 공포한 날부터 시행한다.
(Enacted) Ordinance 646, 30thApr2005(Partially revised) Ordinance 676, 2ndJan2006(Partially revised) Ordinance 694, 18thJul2006(Partially revised) Ordinance of Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City for Establishment of Administrative(Partially revised) Ordinance 730 of Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City for Establishment of Administrative, 5thApr2007(Partially revised) Ordinance 853, 11thAug2010(Partially revised) Ordinance 884 of Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City for Payment of Rewards for Collecting a local revenue, 9thMay2011(Partially revised) Ordinance 911, 1stDec2011(Wholly revised) Ordinance 1358, 1stApr2019Chapter
[ { "begin": 173, "end": 178, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1124, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 282, "end": 287, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1125, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 449, "end": 454, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1126, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 262, "end": 265, "entity": "730", "id": 1127, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 429, "end": 432, "entity": "884", "id": 1128, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 477, "end": 484, "entity": "Payment", "id": 1129, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 513, "end": 518, "entity": "local", "id": 1130, "type": "TM" } ]
1. GeneralArticle 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Ordinance is to regulate matters associated with attraction of and support for businesses to advance the industrial structure and vitalize the local economy of Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City.
[ { "begin": 21, "end": 28, "entity": "Purpose", "id": 1131, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 34, "end": 41, "entity": "purpose", "id": 1132, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 99, "end": 109, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1133, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 117, "end": 124, "entity": "support", "id": 1134, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 193, "end": 198, "entity": "local", "id": 1135, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 223, "end": 228, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1136, "type": "LC" } ]
Article 2 (Definition) The terms used in this Ordinance shall be defined as follows:1.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1137, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 27, "end": 32, "entity": "terms", "id": 1138, "type": "TM" } ]
“Business” shall mean a business purposing profit which locates other business establishments such as a head officeㆍa branchㆍan office or a factory etc in Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City ("Dalseo-gu").
[ { "begin": 17, "end": 21, "entity": "mean", "id": 1139, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 104, "end": 108, "entity": "head", "id": 1140, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 118, "end": 124, "entity": "branch", "id": 1141, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 148, "end": 151, "entity": "etc", "id": 1142, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 168, "end": 173, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1143, "type": "LC" } ]
“Transferring Business” shall mean a business which had conducted outside of Dalseo-gu then moves into or establish in Dalseo-gu.
[ { "begin": 30, "end": 34, "entity": "mean", "id": 1144, "type": "TM" } ]
“Attraction of Business” shall mean to attract businesses located in outside of Dalseo-gu to move into or establish in Dalseo-gu.
[ { "begin": 1, "end": 11, "entity": "Attraction", "id": 1145, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 31, "end": 35, "entity": "mean", "id": 1146, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 93, "end": 97, "entity": "move", "id": 1147, "type": "TM" } ]
“Support for Business”shall mean to support promotion of business activities administratively, and financially within the limit of the budget.
[ { "begin": 1, "end": 8, "entity": "Support", "id": 1148, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 28, "end": 32, "entity": "mean", "id": 1149, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 36, "end": 43, "entity": "support", "id": 1150, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 44, "end": 53, "entity": "promotion", "id": 1151, "type": "TM" } ]
2. System for Attraction of and Support for BusinessesArticle 3 (Duty) The Mayor of Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City (“Mayor”) shall ensure that attraction of and support for businesses can be conducted efficiently.
[ { "begin": 3, "end": 9, "entity": "System", "id": 1152, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 14, "end": 24, "entity": "Attraction", "id": 1153, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 32, "end": 39, "entity": "Support", "id": 1154, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 65, "end": 69, "entity": "Duty", "id": 1155, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 97, "end": 102, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1156, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 149, "end": 159, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1157, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 167, "end": 174, "entity": "support", "id": 1158, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 190, "end": 193, "entity": "can", "id": 1159, "type": "MT,TM" } ]
Article 4 (Establishing an exclusive team etc) ① The Mayor shall establish an exclusive team which generalizes tasks associated with attraction of and support for businesses.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1160, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 27, "end": 36, "entity": "exclusive", "id": 1161, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 78, "end": 87, "entity": "exclusive", "id": 1162, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 37, "end": 41, "entity": "team", "id": 1163, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 88, "end": 92, "entity": "team", "id": 1164, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 42, "end": 45, "entity": "etc", "id": 1165, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 133, "end": 143, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1166, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 151, "end": 158, "entity": "support", "id": 1167, "type": "TM" } ]
② The foregoing Team shall push forward works efficiently and systematically by establishing a collaboration system with the related organizations.
[ { "begin": 16, "end": 20, "entity": "Team", "id": 1168, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 27, "end": 31, "entity": "push", "id": 1169, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 32, "end": 39, "entity": "forward", "id": 1170, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 62, "end": 68, "entity": "system", "id": 1171, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 109, "end": 115, "entity": "system", "id": 1172, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 5 (Support with Infrastructure) The Mayor, where appropriate to promote job opportunities for the residents Dalseo-gu through attraction of businesses, may provide necessary infrastructure which may take the form of new construction of or maintenance of existing road, sewage works, environmental facilities, etc, within the budget.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1173, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 11, "end": 18, "entity": "Support", "id": 1174, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 24, "end": 38, "entity": "Infrastructure", "id": 1175, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 51, "end": 56, "entity": "where", "id": 1176, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 80, "end": 83, "entity": "job", "id": 1177, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 134, "end": 144, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1178, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 182, "end": 196, "entity": "infrastructure", "id": 1179, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 216, "end": 220, "entity": "form", "id": 1180, "type": "MT,TM" }, { "begin": 224, "end": 227, "entity": "new", "id": 1181, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 247, "end": 258, "entity": "maintenance", "id": 1182, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 6 (Provision of Skilled Labor) The Mayor shall use reasonable effort to supply suitable manpower to the newly attracted businesses for their early settlement and employment stability.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1183, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 70, "end": 76, "entity": "effort", "id": 1184, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 7 (Exemption of Local Taxes) Moved entities shall be received various taxation exemption in accordance with the applicable ordinance and regulation.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1185, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 24, "end": 29, "entity": "Local", "id": 1186, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 8 (Government Fee Exemption) For the following transactions in order to attract new businesses and support their operation shall be exempted to fifty-hundredths of the standard amount provided Article 2 of 「Regulation for collecting standard of Government Fee required a nationwide standardization according to the condition of 1 of Art.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1187, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 201, "end": 208, "entity": "Article", "id": 1188, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 71, "end": 76, "entity": "order", "id": 1189, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 88, "end": 91, "entity": "new", "id": 1190, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 107, "end": 114, "entity": "support", "id": 1191, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 176, "end": 184, "entity": "standard", "id": 1192, "type": "TR" }, { "begin": 241, "end": 249, "entity": "standard", "id": 1193, "type": "TR" }, { "begin": 290, "end": 298, "entity": "standard", "id": 1194, "type": "TR" }, { "begin": 185, "end": 191, "entity": "amount", "id": 1195, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 290, "end": 305, "entity": "standardization", "id": 1196, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 323, "end": 332, "entity": "condition", "id": 1197, "type": "TM" } ]
139 of the Local Government Act」.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 3, "entity": "139", "id": 1198, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 11, "end": 16, "entity": "Local", "id": 1199, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 28, "end": 31, "entity": "Act", "id": 1200, "type": "MT,TM" } ]
Application for ‘Certificate of Site Standard for Factory Establishment2.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 11, "entity": "Application", "id": 1201, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 17, "end": 28, "entity": "Certificate", "id": 1202, "type": "CV,TM" }, { "begin": 32, "end": 36, "entity": "Site", "id": 1203, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 37, "end": 45, "entity": "Standard", "id": 1204, "type": "TR" } ]
Certificate of Factory Registration3.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 11, "entity": "Certificate", "id": 1205, "type": "CV,TM" } ]
Certificate of copy of Factory Registered bookArticle 9 (Support with Corporate Finance) The Mayor shall render full support to the businesses in their application for ‘finance for managerial stability’ with authorities handling ‘the managerial stability fund for small and medium enterprises’.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 11, "entity": "Certificate", "id": 1206, "type": "CV,TM" }, { "begin": 57, "end": 64, "entity": "Support", "id": 1207, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 105, "end": 111, "entity": "render", "id": 1208, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 112, "end": 116, "entity": "full", "id": 1209, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 117, "end": 124, "entity": "support", "id": 1210, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 152, "end": 163, "entity": "application", "id": 1211, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 192, "end": 201, "entity": "stability", "id": 1212, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 245, "end": 254, "entity": "stability", "id": 1213, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 255, "end": 259, "entity": "fund", "id": 1214, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 264, "end": 269, "entity": "small", "id": 1215, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 274, "end": 280, "entity": "medium", "id": 1216, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 10 (Operation of Showroom for Manufactured Goods) ① The Mayor shall provide and operate a showroom to display goods manufactured by the enterprises, in an area where a large number of people passes, to promote the goods and new market.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1217, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 110, "end": 117, "entity": "display", "id": 1218, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 163, "end": 167, "entity": "area", "id": 1219, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 168, "end": 173, "entity": "where", "id": 1220, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 176, "end": 181, "entity": "large", "id": 1221, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 232, "end": 235, "entity": "new", "id": 1222, "type": "TM" } ]
② The said goods for display shall be of those which represent the corresponding enterprise, and selected in the following priority, to maintain order and maximize the displaying effect: goods of the newly attracted enterprise, new product of a manufacture, goods of a promising SME, etc.
[ { "begin": 21, "end": 28, "entity": "display", "id": 1223, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 168, "end": 175, "entity": "display", "id": 1224, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 67, "end": 80, "entity": "corresponding", "id": 1225, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 145, "end": 150, "entity": "order", "id": 1226, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 200, "end": 203, "entity": "new", "id": 1227, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 228, "end": 231, "entity": "new", "id": 1228, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 232, "end": 239, "entity": "product", "id": 1229, "type": "TM" } ]
③ Competitiveness of businesses shall be promoted by advertising products of businesses or posting business news in the official media and publications (such as web site, official gazettes etc).
[ { "begin": 129, "end": 134, "entity": "media", "id": 1230, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 161, "end": 164, "entity": "web", "id": 1231, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 189, "end": 192, "entity": "etc", "id": 1232, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 11 (Support with Business Activities) ① The Mayor shall provide information (“Business Circulars”) to the enterprises, containing various business related information helpful for the enhancement of competitiveness and smooth operation of business.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1233, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 12, "end": 19, "entity": "Support", "id": 1234, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 72, "end": 83, "entity": "information", "id": 1235, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 163, "end": 174, "entity": "information", "id": 1236, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 127, "end": 137, "entity": "containing", "id": 1237, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 191, "end": 202, "entity": "enhancement", "id": 1238, "type": "TM" } ]
② The Business Circulars shall be published on a monthly basis, and used high speed communications such as fax for rapid distribution.
[ { "begin": 73, "end": 83, "entity": "high speed", "id": 1239, "type": "TR" }, { "begin": 84, "end": 98, "entity": "communications", "id": 1240, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 107, "end": 110, "entity": "fax", "id": 1241, "type": "TM" } ]
③ The Mayor may subsidize within the budget, for hosting seminars related to the management strategy or technology/productivity improvement, or activities related to investment and trading.
[ { "begin": 81, "end": 100, "entity": "management strategy", "id": 1242, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 12 (Promotion of Workers’ Morale) The Mayor may, within the budget, provide local or overseas training to promote morale of workers, productivity and harmony between management and labor.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1243, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 12, "end": 21, "entity": "Promotion", "id": 1244, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 34, "end": 40, "entity": "Morale", "id": 1245, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 84, "end": 89, "entity": "local", "id": 1246, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 102, "end": 110, "entity": "training", "id": 1247, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 122, "end": 128, "entity": "morale", "id": 1248, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 174, "end": 184, "entity": "management", "id": 1249, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 13 (Legal Aid) ① The Mayor shall provide free legal advice or counsel through Dalseo-gu’s legal adviser to the businesses, upon request, for solving various disputes related to domestic business management.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1250, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 18, "end": 21, "entity": "Aid", "id": 1251, "type": "CV,TM" }, { "begin": 49, "end": 53, "entity": "free", "id": 1252, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 60, "end": 66, "entity": "advice", "id": 1253, "type": "TM" } ]
② A lawyer specialized in international legal matters may be commissioned and used to help the businesses with export, overseas market development or international disputes arising out of international trade.
[ { "begin": 181, "end": 184, "entity": "out", "id": 1254, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 14 (Special Treatment for Civil Complaint) Civil complaints associated with business activities (including the works associated with the attraction of businesses) shall be dealt with immediately in the batch, taking precedence over other civil complaints.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1255, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 34, "end": 39, "entity": "Civil", "id": 1256, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 51, "end": 56, "entity": "Civil", "id": 1257, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 145, "end": 155, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1258, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 235, "end": 239, "entity": "over", "id": 1259, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 246, "end": 251, "entity": "civil", "id": 1260, "type": "TM" } ]
3. Operation of Working CommitteeArticle 15 (Working Committee) ① The Working Committee of Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City for Business Attraction and Support (“Committee”) shall be established and operated in order to pursue the works of business attraction and support in an efficient and systematic manner.
[ { "begin": 104, "end": 109, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1261, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 141, "end": 151, "entity": "Attraction", "id": 1262, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 156, "end": 163, "entity": "Support", "id": 1263, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 215, "end": 220, "entity": "order", "id": 1264, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 253, "end": 263, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1265, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 268, "end": 275, "entity": "support", "id": 1266, "type": "TM" } ]
② ‘Committee for Coordinating GU’s Affairs’ shall act as the Committee.
[ { "begin": 50, "end": 53, "entity": "act", "id": 1267, "type": "MT,TM" } ]
Article 16 (Function of Committee) The Committee shall discuss the following agenda for business attraction and support, and ensure that the decided agenda shall be implemented without delay.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1268, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 12, "end": 20, "entity": "Function", "id": 1269, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 97, "end": 107, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1270, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 177, "end": 184, "entity": "without", "id": 1271, "type": "TM" } ]
Identification of new project2.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 14, "entity": "Identification", "id": 1272, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 18, "end": 21, "entity": "new", "id": 1273, "type": "TM" } ]
Early identification of solutions for difficulties faced by businesses3.
[ { "begin": 6, "end": 20, "entity": "identification", "id": 1274, "type": "TM" } ]
Others necessary for the business attraction and supportChapter
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 6, "entity": "Others", "id": 1275, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 34, "end": 44, "entity": "attraction", "id": 1276, "type": "TM" } ]
4. Operation of Advisory Group and ForumArticle 17 (Dalseo Businessmen’s Committee) ① The Mayor may establish and operate Dalseo Businessmen’s Committee (“Dalgyeonghoe”) to hear difficulties/suggestions of businesses and advise therefrom on the business support matters.
[ { "begin": 25, "end": 30, "entity": "Group", "id": 1277, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 254, "end": 261, "entity": "support", "id": 1278, "type": "TM" } ]
③ The Dalgyeonghoe shall have ordinary meetings once every 2 months, and perform the functionof the policy proponent so that Dalseo-gu would be ‘the good place for business’.
[ { "begin": 149, "end": 153, "entity": "good", "id": 1279, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 154, "end": 159, "entity": "place", "id": 1280, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 18 (Operation of Economic Forum) ① The Mayor may operate the Economic Forum to enhance a mind set for enterprise operation and seek development plans for the regional economy aimed at businessmen .
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1281, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 102, "end": 105, "entity": "set", "id": 1282, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 135, "end": 139, "entity": "seek", "id": 1283, "type": "TM" } ]
② The Economic Forum shall be operated as a cooperative project with Dalgyeonghoe.
Article 19 (Enforcement Regulation) Matters required to enforce this Ordinance shall be determined as the ‘Enforcement Regulation’.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1284, "type": "TM" } ]
Supplementary Provisions1.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 13, "entity": "Supplementary", "id": 1285, "type": "TM" } ]
(Effective Date) This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 51, "end": 55, "entity": "from", "id": 1286, "type": "TM" } ]
(Interim Measure) The ‘21C Dalseo Businessmen’s Club’ and the ‘Dalseo FTI Forum’ inoperation prior to the enforcement of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been establishedand in operation in accordance with this Ordinance.
[ { "begin": 9, "end": 16, "entity": "Measure", "id": 1287, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 23, "end": 26, "entity": "21C", "id": 1288, "type": "DT,QT" } ]
Supplementary Provisions (Revised on 2 Jan 2006 by Ordinance 676)This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 13, "entity": "Supplementary", "id": 1289, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 43, "end": 47, "entity": "2006", "id": 1290, "type": "DT,QT" }, { "begin": 61, "end": 64, "entity": "676", "id": 1291, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 99, "end": 103, "entity": "from", "id": 1292, "type": "TM" } ]
Supplementary Provisions (Revised on 18 Jul 2006 by Ordinance 694)1.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 13, "entity": "Supplementary", "id": 1293, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 44, "end": 48, "entity": "2006", "id": 1294, "type": "DT,QT" }, { "begin": 62, "end": 65, "entity": "694", "id": 1295, "type": "QT" } ]
(Effective Date) This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 51, "end": 55, "entity": "from", "id": 1296, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 2 has been omittedSupplementary Provisions (Revised on 5 Apr 2007 by Ordinance 730)1.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1297, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 10, "end": 13, "entity": "has", "id": 1298, "type": "MT" }, { "begin": 69, "end": 73, "entity": "2007", "id": 1299, "type": "DT,QT" }, { "begin": 87, "end": 90, "entity": "730", "id": 1300, "type": "QT" } ]
(Effective Date) This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 51, "end": 55, "entity": "from", "id": 1301, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 2 has been omitted.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1302, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 10, "end": 13, "entity": "has", "id": 1303, "type": "MT" } ]
Supplementary Provisions (Revised on 11 Aug 2010 by Ordinance 853)This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 13, "entity": "Supplementary", "id": 1304, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 40, "end": 43, "entity": "Aug", "id": 1305, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 44, "end": 48, "entity": "2010", "id": 1306, "type": "DT,QT" }, { "begin": 62, "end": 65, "entity": "853", "id": 1307, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 100, "end": 104, "entity": "from", "id": 1308, "type": "TM" } ]
Supplementary Provisions (Revised on 9 May 2011 by Ordinance 884)1.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 13, "entity": "Supplementary", "id": 1309, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 43, "end": 47, "entity": "2011", "id": 1310, "type": "DT,QT" }, { "begin": 61, "end": 64, "entity": "884", "id": 1311, "type": "QT" } ]
(Effective Date) his Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 17, "end": 20, "entity": "his", "id": 1312, "type": "MT" }, { "begin": 50, "end": 54, "entity": "from", "id": 1313, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 2 and 3 have been omitted.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1314, "type": "TM" } ]
Supplementary Provisions (Revised on 1 Dec 2011 by Ordinance 911)This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 13, "entity": "Supplementary", "id": 1315, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 39, "end": 42, "entity": "Dec", "id": 1316, "type": "MT" }, { "begin": 43, "end": 47, "entity": "2011", "id": 1317, "type": "DT,QT" }, { "begin": 61, "end": 64, "entity": "911", "id": 1318, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 99, "end": 103, "entity": "from", "id": 1319, "type": "TM" } ]
Supplementary Provisions (Revised on 1 Apr 2019 by Ordinance 1358)This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 13, "entity": "Supplementary", "id": 1320, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 43, "end": 47, "entity": "2019", "id": 1321, "type": "DT" }, { "begin": 61, "end": 65, "entity": "1358", "id": 1322, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 100, "end": 104, "entity": "from", "id": 1323, "type": "TM" } ]
(Enacted) Ordinance 742, 25thJul2007(Partially revised) Ordinance 793, 16thDec2008(Wholly revised) Ordinance 941, 1stMay2012(Partially revised) Ordinance 969 of Daegu Dalseo-gu on Formation and Operation of Committee, 4thMar2013(Partially revised) Ordinance of Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City for Establishment of AdministrativeOrganization, 11thJul2013(Wholly revised) Ordinance 1004, 23rdSep2013(Partially revised) Ordinance 1368, 11thJul2019Chapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this ordinance is to support foreigners and multicultural families whoreside in Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City to settle as a member of the community, by helping them tohave stable family life and by organizing administrative supports for them to have independence.
[ { "begin": 161, "end": 166, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1324, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 274, "end": 279, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1325, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 605, "end": 610, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1326, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 180, "end": 189, "entity": "Formation", "id": 1327, "type": "TR" }, { "begin": 488, "end": 495, "entity": "Purpose", "id": 1328, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 501, "end": 508, "entity": "purpose", "id": 1329, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 533, "end": 540, "entity": "support", "id": 1330, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 744, "end": 751, "entity": "support", "id": 1331, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 644, "end": 650, "entity": "member", "id": 1332, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 699, "end": 705, "entity": "family", "id": 1333, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 718, "end": 728, "entity": "organizing", "id": 1334, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 2 (Definition) The terms used in this Ordinance shall be defined as follows:1.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1335, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 27, "end": 32, "entity": "terms", "id": 1336, "type": "TM" } ]
“Foreign Resident” shall mean a person who resides and works in Dalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City(“Region” hereinafter) for a period not less than 90 days a year, a person who has attained the Koreancitizenship and his/her children, and a person who is new to the Korean language, culture and locality.
[ { "begin": 25, "end": 29, "entity": "mean", "id": 1337, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 39, "end": 42, "entity": "who", "id": 1338, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 175, "end": 178, "entity": "who", "id": 1339, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 249, "end": 252, "entity": "who", "id": 1340, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 77, "end": 82, "entity": "Daegu", "id": 1341, "type": "LC" }, { "begin": 129, "end": 135, "entity": "period", "id": 1342, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 140, "end": 144, "entity": "less", "id": 1343, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 179, "end": 182, "entity": "has", "id": 1344, "type": "MT" }, { "begin": 256, "end": 259, "entity": "new", "id": 1345, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 196, "end": 202, "entity": "Korean", "id": 1346, "type": "AF,CV" }, { "begin": 267, "end": 273, "entity": "Korean", "id": 1347, "type": "AF,CV" } ]
The term “Multicultural Family” means such a family under any of the following.
[ { "begin": 4, "end": 8, "entity": "term", "id": 1348, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 24, "end": 30, "entity": "Family", "id": 1349, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 32, "end": 37, "entity": "means", "id": 1350, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 45, "end": 51, "entity": "family", "id": 1351, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 52, "end": 57, "entity": "under", "id": 1352, "type": "TM" } ]
A member of the family has a marital relationship with a Korean national as stipulated in Article 2.3 ofthe Framework Act on Treatment of Foreigners Residing in the Republic of Korea, or attained the Koreannationality pursuant to Article 2 to Article 4 of the Nationality Act;b.
[ { "begin": 2, "end": 8, "entity": "member", "id": 1353, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 16, "end": 22, "entity": "family", "id": 1354, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 23, "end": 26, "entity": "has", "id": 1355, "type": "MT" }, { "begin": 37, "end": 49, "entity": "relationship", "id": 1356, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 57, "end": 63, "entity": "Korean", "id": 1357, "type": "AF,CV" }, { "begin": 200, "end": 206, "entity": "Korean", "id": 1358, "type": "AF,CV" }, { "begin": 90, "end": 97, "entity": "Article", "id": 1359, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 230, "end": 237, "entity": "Article", "id": 1360, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 243, "end": 250, "entity": "Article", "id": 1361, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 98, "end": 101, "entity": "2.3", "id": 1362, "type": "QT" }, { "begin": 108, "end": 117, "entity": "Framework", "id": 1363, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 118, "end": 121, "entity": "Act", "id": 1364, "type": "MT,TM" }, { "begin": 272, "end": 275, "entity": "Act", "id": 1365, "type": "MT,TM" } ]
A family consisting of a member who has attained the Korean nationality pursuant to Article 2 to 4 ofthe Nationality Act3.
[ { "begin": 2, "end": 8, "entity": "family", "id": 1366, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 25, "end": 31, "entity": "member", "id": 1367, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 32, "end": 35, "entity": "who", "id": 1368, "type": "OG" }, { "begin": 36, "end": 39, "entity": "has", "id": 1369, "type": "MT" }, { "begin": 53, "end": 59, "entity": "Korean", "id": 1370, "type": "AF,CV" }, { "begin": 84, "end": 91, "entity": "Article", "id": 1371, "type": "TM" } ]
The term “Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family Support Organization” means such a nonprofitcorporation or institution, established with its main business being ‘the provision of support to foreignresidents and multicultural families’.
[ { "begin": 4, "end": 8, "entity": "term", "id": 1372, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 45, "end": 51, "entity": "Family", "id": 1373, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 52, "end": 59, "entity": "Support", "id": 1374, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 60, "end": 72, "entity": "Organization", "id": 1375, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 74, "end": 79, "entity": "means", "id": 1376, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 141, "end": 144, "entity": "its", "id": 1377, "type": "MT,OG" }, { "begin": 183, "end": 190, "entity": "support", "id": 1378, "type": "TM" } ]
Article 3 (Status and Responsibility of Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family)1) Foreign Residents and Multicultural Family shall be entitled to use properties and public facilitiesof the Region, unless prohibited by other acts or ordinances, and they shall be given various administrativesupports as same as they are given to the residents of the Region.
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 7, "entity": "Article", "id": 1379, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 75, "end": 81, "entity": "Family", "id": 1380, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 121, "end": 127, "entity": "Family", "id": 1381, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 168, "end": 174, "entity": "public", "id": 1382, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 227, "end": 231, "entity": "acts", "id": 1383, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 318, "end": 321, "entity": "are", "id": 1384, "type": "MT" } ]
2) Foreign Residents and Multicultural Family shall assume an obligation as a resident by complying withthe basic order, etc and shall use efforts for the growth of the local society.
[ { "begin": 39, "end": 45, "entity": "Family", "id": 1385, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 52, "end": 58, "entity": "assume", "id": 1386, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 108, "end": 113, "entity": "basic", "id": 1387, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 121, "end": 124, "entity": "etc", "id": 1388, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 155, "end": 161, "entity": "growth", "id": 1389, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 169, "end": 174, "entity": "local", "id": 1390, "type": "TM" } ]
4. (Duty of Mayor)1) The Mayor of the Region shall set policies to support Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families fortheir early settlement in the Region and for them to have stable family life (“Policy”).
[ { "begin": 4, "end": 8, "entity": "Duty", "id": 1391, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 38, "end": 44, "entity": "Region", "id": 1392, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 153, "end": 159, "entity": "Region", "id": 1393, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 51, "end": 54, "entity": "set", "id": 1394, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 135, "end": 138, "entity": "set", "id": 1395, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 67, "end": 74, "entity": "support", "id": 1396, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 188, "end": 194, "entity": "family", "id": 1397, "type": "TM" } ]
2) The Mayor shall use his best effort to provide a team, personnel and financial resources required topursue the Policy.
[ { "begin": 23, "end": 26, "entity": "his", "id": 1398, "type": "MT" }, { "begin": 32, "end": 38, "entity": "effort", "id": 1399, "type": "TM" } ]
5. (Establishment of Support Plan)1) The Mayor shall establish, implement and evaluate the annual support plan for Foreign Residents andMulticultural Families (“Support Plan”).
[ { "begin": 21, "end": 28, "entity": "Support", "id": 1400, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 161, "end": 168, "entity": "Support", "id": 1401, "type": "TM" }, { "begin": 98, "end": 105, "entity": "support", "id": 1402, "type": "TM" } ]
2) The Support Plan shall cover following issues:(1) Purpose and vision of the support for Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families;(2) Policy for support of Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families;(3) Education and promotion to improve understanding of various cultures;(4) Financing and fund raising for support of Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families;(5) Service link between the related teams and implementation of the inter-team collaboration system to ensureefficiency in support of Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families;(6) Implementation of the public-private sector collaboration system;(7) Others as necessary to support Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families3) The Mayor shall take into consideration the basic plans and the enforcement plans stated under the FrameworkAct on Treatment of Foreigners Residing in the Republic of Korea and the Multicultural Families Support Actwhen establish the Support Plan.
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6. (Eligibility for Support)1) Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families residing in the Region, except for those who do not havethe legitimate status to stay in Korea pursuant to laws (such as the Immigration Control Act), shall beeligible to receive Support from the Region.
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2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a foreigner shall be entitled to the Support in any of the followingcircumstances:(1) Emergency relief is in need due to disaster or disease;(2) Under a campaign to clear the illegal immigrant statusArticle
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7. (Range of Support)1) The range of Support available for Foreign Residents (“Support”) of the Region shall include thefollowing:(1) Support with learning of the Korean language and culture to help adapt to the local way of living;(2) Consultation on hardship, living, legal matters, getting a job, etc;(3) Living shelter and emergency relief for disaster or disease victims;(4) Support for cultural/sports events(5) Others as approved by the Mayor2) The range of Support available for Multicultural Families shall include the following:(1) Education and promotion to the general public to improve the understanding of multicultural family;(2) Provision of basic information and education required for marriage immigrants to adapt to the localcommunity;(3) Support with learning of the Korean language, and provision of occupational training and job opportunitiesto marriage immigrants;(4) Projects to maintain equality in family life in the form of consultation on family affairs, education onparenting and living as a family unit, etc;(5) Provision of interpretation/translation services to marriage immigrants;(6) Support with learning of the Korean language for children of Multicultural Families;(7) Child care and education support for children who are members of multicultural families (revised on 11thJul 2019)(8) Operation and support of integrated programs such as culture, arts, and sports for social adaptation of multicultural families (revised on 11thJul 2019)(9) Others as approved by the Mayor (revised on 11thJul 2019)3) The Mayor shall provide budget required for the performance of the above provisions 1) and 2).
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8. (Participation to Policy by Foreign Resident)1) The Mayor shall ensure that Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families participate in the Policy.
2) The Mayor shall create conditions for Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families to activelyparticipate in the local voluntary activities.
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2. Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family Support CommitteeArticle
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9. (Establishment of Committee)1) The Mayor shall establish the “Support Committee for Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family ofDalseo-gu of Daegu Metropolitan City”(“the Committee”) to pursue the Support Policy in an efficientmanner.
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2) The Committee shall consist of up to 15 members including the Chairman, and more than half of the membersshall be the commissioned members.
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3) The Chairman of the Committee shall be the Deputy Mayor of Dalseo-gu, and the Deputy Chairman shall beselected from the members of the Committee.
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4) Members of the Committee shall be selected from the following:(1) Official member: Deputy Mayor of Dalseo-gu, Director of Planning Department of the Region and relatedofficials of District Office of Education, Police Department, Job Center, Immigration Office;(2) Commissioned member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor among the following, providedthat female members shall be more than 40/100 of the total number of commissioned members:i.
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Ward councilors of Dalseo-gu;ii.
Persons associated with organizations or academia for foreign residents and multicultural families (such asreligious groups or multicultural family centers, etc);iii.
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Foreign residents or member of a multicultural family who have resided in the Region for more than 1 year5) The term of office of each commissioned member shall be two years, renewable for further terms, provided,that the term of office of a member who fills a vacancy shall be the remaining term of office of his/herpredecessor.
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