[ "A chef is working in a kitchen preparing food, and he is making a sushi roll and squeezing it tightly.", "A man was at the kitchen and making a sushi roll", "A man in a kitchen is preparing a roll by pressing it down with piece of cloth.", "In a kitchen a man is pressing down on food that is on the counter.", "A man in a kitchen surrounded by ingredients rolls a sushi roll.", "A person squeezes a sushi roll on a cutting board in a small kitchen", "A chef shows how he makes food by pressing dough to make a shape then shows his results", "A person working in a professional kitchen preparing a type of food that's in a roll", "A chef is preparing a sushi roll and rolling it.", "A chef wraps and squeezes food until something comes out the end." ]
[ "A young child is laughing while seated on an airplane.", "A young child laughing in an airplane as she plays with her mom laughing", "A young girl in a flowered shirt is laughing while on an airplane", "A girl, riding on an airplane, is laughing and smiling.", "A young girl sits in an airplane seat while laughing at the camera.", "A little girl is sitting in a transport and laughing and a woman is talking to her.", "A girl and woman are on a plane and the girl is laughing.", "A girl tilts to her side laughing while a woman pets her.", "A young girl is giggling and a person in the seat next to hers strokes her hair.", "A young girl is sitting in a seat on an airplane, and she is giggling and a person strokes her hair." ]
[ "The man is giving the lady a lecture on the right way to do boxing.", "A man was giving training to a girl to do boxing by folding his legs and move his hands", "A big guy in a boxing ring showing a girl boxing techniques and form", "A large bald man is in a gym showing a woman the correct technique to throw a power punch when boxing.", "A coach with red top and black bottom is showing how to boxing to a lady with black top on.", "A couple is in a boxing ring practicing their boxing moves", "Man and woman practicing boxing moves while the man describes how to do them.", "A woman is getting trained in fighting in a gym.", "In a gym a man is showing a woman how to properly kick box as they practice together", "A man is speaking to a woman as she is doing a boxing practice." ]
[ "A person drives a car down the road with no steering wheel to hold on to.", "A person is using a wrench on a piece of a car while two people laugh.", "A person is using a wrench to steer the car that he is driving on the road as it doesn't have a steering wheel.", "a person is steering a car wheel on a road using a spanner", "A person is driving a vehicle and using a tool to stir.", "Someone is driving a car which has no steering wheel and is using a spanner to turn the axle as they laugh.", "A person is using a wrench in place of a steering wheel to drive a car.", "A person drives a car without a steering wheel and uses a tool in it's place.", "A jack ass is using a wrench to steer a vehicle instead of a wheel.", "A person was trying to use the spanner instead of staring to drive the car" ]
[ "A man is kneeling on the ground and using a saw to cut into the floor.", "A man is working and cutting into concrete with a saw.", "Man in a white shirt is stooping down using acircular saw to cut through the carpet on a floor.", "A man is kneeling down in a house using a saw to cut into the ground", "A male carpenter is sanding the floor which is made of wood.", "A man was using an electric saw to cut a wood", "A man wearing a hat is using a circular saw on the floor.", "A man with a black baseball cap turned backwards is sawing the floor with a circular saw", "A man uses a power tool on a floor while another man says some things about him", "A gentleman using a circular saw to cut a hole in the floor." ]
[ "A person with painted fingernails is snapping over and over.", "A woman next to bubble wrap as she starts to snap her fingers with red nail polish", "A girl snaps her finger in front of a large set of bubble wrap.", "A lady repeatedly snaps her fingers in front of the camera.", "A person, with painted fingernails, is holding their hand up in front of cloth and snapping their fingers.", "A woman with red nail polish snaps her fingers repeatedly.", "A person with red fingernails is clicking their fingers several times.", "someone is snapping their fingers back and forth over a blanket", "A person uses their thumb and middle finger to make a snap sound.", "A woman is snapping her fingers in front of a light colored fabric." ]
[ "A man dumps four eggs with a bit of shell in them into a skillet.", "A person talks as he dumps some egges onto a pan on the stove.", "A person puts four eggs into a pan to cook them.", "A guy demonstrates how to fry eggs as he pours 4 eggs into frying pan with small eggs shells in the center.", "A man pours four eggs into a frying pan with some oil in it and talks about the egg shells that are in the pan.", "A person pours four eggs into a pan and shells are present too.", "A man dumped four eggs into a frying pan and talked about how the shells were decoration.", "A man is pouring four eggs into a pan that contains hot oil for cooking.", "A man pours eggs into a frying pan and explains how he does it as they cook.", "A person is putting four eggs in to a pan" ]
[ "A person burns Tupac's face onto wood using a special tool.", "A person creates a piece of art using a wood burner.", "Someone is using an electronic pen to draw on the cover of a book.", "A man is using a machine to paint a painting of a man,", "A man uses an electric tool to burn wood and create art.", "A person uses a wood burner to create an artwork", "A person uses a hot wire to burn a design into a work piece", "A person is using an electronic pen to burn an image on a canvas.", "An artist does a sample of a shading technique on a portrait", "A man is using a special tool to burn into a piece of wood to make a portrait of another person" ]
[ "A group of two girls and one woman are sitting on the floor playing patty cake.", "A woman sits on the floor of a kitchen and plays patty cake with two children while they eat snacks.", "A woman sits on the floor with two young girls and plays pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake with them", "Little girls are sitting on the kitchen floor with a teenage girl and begin to play patty cake.", "Three people are sitting on the floor playing patty cake.", "Two kids and a woman are sitting on a kitchen floor and playing patty cake.", "A woman and two girls are sitting on the floor and playing a game of patty-cake.", "An adult and two little girls are sitting on a floor plaing patty cake.", "A woman is sitting with two girls on a kitchen floor playing with their hands.", "Two girls and a woman sit on the kitchen floor and play patty-cake." ]
[ "A bunch of children are around a birthday cake and one boy blows out candles.", "A little boys is blowing out candles, whilst other children applaud.", "A group of children celebrate a boy's birthday while the boy blows out candles on a birthday cake.", "A young boy blows out the candle of his birthday cake while friends and family cheer him on.", "A boy blows out candles on a cake and a group of other children clap their hands.", "A little boy blows out the candles on a birthday cake while surrounded by other children.", "A group of kids are standing around a cake and a little boy is in the center blowing out the candles then they start clapping.", "A boy surrounded by several children blows out candles on a birthday cake then the children clap.", "A little boy surrounded by other kids is blowing out birthday candles.", "A kid blows out candles on a birthday cake and the kids clap." ]
[ "An instructor has his legs spread, places his palms on the floor and speaks about breath control.", "a person is demonstrating how to do a stretch in the gym", "A male instructor in a gym is showing how to do stretches properly.", "A man making a tutorial for how to stretch forward while spreading your legs apart in a gym", "A man in a gym is talking about his stretching position.", "A man sits on the floor and shows how to do a stretch.", "A man in a gym is demonstrating how to do a stretching exercise.", "A black man is seated on the floor demonstrating a particular stretch.", "Man sits on floor with legs apart, leans forward with arms extended, places palms down, and lowers head.", "A man is seated on the floor with his legs extended and then he leans his head forward." ]
[ "A person in a sweater is using a bow and arrow.", "Someone is setting up a compound bow and arrow at a shooting gallery.", "A person is shooting a bow and arrow in a gymnasium.", "Someone loads a bow and then shoots an arrow into a target in a building.", "A person is practicing archery inside by shooting their arrow at a target on the wall.", "Someone at an archery practice room shoots an arrow at a target.", "A person from above aims an arrow at a target on the ground level.", "Someone is shooting areas at a target inside a building.", "A man using an archery inside a gym shooting targets.", "A man is using a bow and arrow indoors to shoot a wood board." ]
[ "Chicken wrap being cut up into small sides and placed in a container with strawberries.", "a person demonstrates hos wo cut a rolled sandwhich and places it in a container", "A person is using a knife to cut a wrap sandwich into small pieces and placing them on a plate.", "A person chops a wrap into pieces to put into a lunch plate with strawberries.", "A timelapse where a man cuts up small pieces of a wrap then puts into a case", "A person slices up a sandwich wrap then adds to the pieces to a pack filled with strawberries.", "A woman is seen chopping up a rolled sandwich of some sort.", "A perso slices up a sandwich wrap into small pieces and places them into a lunch box.", "A person is cutting a roll up into slices and puts the slices into a food container that has strawberries on one side of it.", "A person is prepping lunch, they are cutting a sandwich into rolls and placing them into a container." ]
[ "The man describes and demonstrates how to correct use the faucets.", "A person showing how to calibrate different beer taps at a bar", "A man is showing and describing a group of taps in a bar.", "A hand points to different beer tabs and the pulls on one lever.", "A man explaining how to control beer taps while practically demonstrating the same.", "A person is demonstrating how to calibrate a beer faucet or tap properly.", "A man points at a beer faucet and uses his fingers to turn a handle on the faucet.", "Someone is tapping and testing one of several many taps.", "A man is explaing how beer taps work in an establishment and touching the taps.", "A man is explaining how to calibrate a beer faucet in a bar." ]
[ "A women tossing something in the air and catching it while a baby laughs.", "A woman throws a bottle up and down in the air while a baby watches and giggles excitedly.", "A person tosses an object up in the air and catches it while a baby laughs.", "A toddler is laughing while watching an adult toss an item in the air.", "A woman is throwing a bottle in the air, while a baby watches, amused.", "In a room, a young toddler is sitting on a bed while a woman next to her is making her laugh.", "A baby laughing as a woman throws something into the air.", "A baby laughs enthusiastically as a woman repeatedly tosses up and catches an object.", "A woman is seen entertaining a small child by tossing an object up in the air.", "A little girl sitting on a couch giggles as the person next to her throws something in the air and catches it." ]
[ "In the media center a young lady angering some knowledge.", "a tv news reporter is talking about the weather in the studio presenting the show.", "A woman shows weather forecasts on an electronic background screen that shows a map.", "A weather anchor woman giving the weather report on tv", "A woman is talking as she is reporting the weather by using a monitor.", "A woman stands in front of a screen and describes the weather.", "While standing in front of a weather screen, a woman, who is speaking, turns a few times directing her hands to one side.", "A woman is standing and talking in front of a picture of a map with clouds and sun on it.", "A young TV weather commentator is discussing the weather in a foreign language.", "A woman tells the weather for area of the county that is cloudy." ]
[ "A person photocopies herself licking the copier and looks at the results.", "A woman is licking the glass of a copy machine and presses the button and makes a few copies of this.", "A young person sticks their head on a copier while eating something and a woman examines the photo.", "A woman makes a copy of her tongue with the copy machine and then looks at the copies.", "A woman places her face and tongue on a copy machine and continues to make copies of herself.", "A woman makes a copy of her face and tongue on a copier machine", "A lady making photocopy of herself opening her mouth with a photocopy machine", "A woman is taking something with her mouth from the top of a copy machine and gets a print out of that.", "A woman takes her face and puts it on a copier and copy's her face", "A woman puts her tongue on a copier glass then takes a few copies." ]
[ "A guide on working with a leaf blower, starting with a man clearing out leaves around trees.", "Some text is displayed and then a man is outdoors blowing leaves with a leaf blower", "A person with a leaf blower on their back is blowing leaves in a yard.", "A man is blowing away leaves with a leaf blower.", "A person shows how to use a leaf blower the right way.", "A person showing the proper way to use a leaf blower.", "A guy with orange high visibility jacket on is blowing the leaves under the tree", "a man is using a leaf blower music is playing and directions pop up.", "A demonstration of how to work a leaf blower is given.", "A man was outside blowing leaves using a blower outdoor" ]
[ "A woman is standing up and doing different ballet turns.", "A woman stands in a studio room and does a spin, video plays in slow motion.", "A lady was practice some kind of dance alone by rotating and moving her legs", "a blond girl is showing how to do a spin with one foot in the air.", "A girl in a red shirt is demonstrating a ballet move from different angles.", "A woman in casual wear performs a ballet spin in a studio environment.", "A woman does a spin while performing a type of dance.", "A woman is spinning one time on her foot in regular speed followed by slow motion.", "In a studio woman is spinning around and showing her dance moves and how to balance", "Woman spinning around showing different dance moves in slow motion." ]
[ "A man is at a gym demonstrating to another man how not to do a push up.", "In a workout gym, a man watches while another man does a series of push ups.", "A man doing push ups at a gym stops, talks to a man watching him, then starts doing pushups again.", "A man is trying to do push ups while another one is watching him.", "A man is doing pushups in the gym while talking to another man.", "a man preforming a variation of push ups with another man guiding", "A man is doing push ups on the floor as a man stands and talks to him.", "A man is doing some pushups while someone is watching him.", "A man does push-ups, pauses to kneel and listen to another men, and then keeps doing push-ups.", "A person demonstrating the techniques of doing a proper push up." ]
[ "A woman slices a carrot and it falls to the floor.", "A woman cuts a carrot with a knife and the carrot falls on the ground.", "The lady is laughing as the carrots she is cutting falls on the floor.", "As a woman chops carrots, a piece drops onto the floor and she picks it up.", "A person is chopping carrots with a knife and part of the carrot falls on the ground.", "A young woman is tasting vegetable at a table and spitting them on the floor", "A person chops carrots and then gets up from the table and then sits down again.", "A woman chops a carrot on a cutting board while chatting with her friend.", "A girl sitting at a table in a room, cuts a piece of sausage on a cutting board and a piece flips on the floor and she gets up and picks up up and sits back down.", "A person chops a carrot on a board with a knife." ]
[ "Three girls are practicing a lacross practice in unison on a field.", "A group of three girls with blue top and grey bottoms are practise the hockey with balls.", "Three girls are standing in a field demonstrating different field hockey exercises.", "Three female field hockey players are showing different skills.", "A team of girls are demonstrating proper techniques for field hockey.", "Three athletes are showing a variety of training exercises for field hockey using sticks and balls.", "On a hockey field outside are three girls doing exercises with their stick and a stick and ball to help prepare them to play in a game of field hockey.", "Girls are hitting and bouncing balls with hockey sticks on a field.", "3 people at hockey practice, showing different drills they like to run.", "Three teenage girls demonstrate a series of field hockey exercises." ]
[ "A woman standing at the bar takes a shot of alcohol.", "A young lady is doing shots of liquor at a bar.", "A person is taking a shot and having a gross reaction at a bar.", "A woman downs a drink of alcohol and shudders and grimaces.", "A woman shakes her head after taking a shot of liquor at a bar.", "A woman is shown sitting at a bar and doing a shot, people laugh.", "At a bar table, a girl is taking a drink and shakes her head and a man laughs at her.", "A woman quickly drinks an alcoholic shot, then shudders wildly as others laugh and comment.", "A woman drinks a shot of liquor and then shakes her head wildly.", "A lady sitting at a bar having a very strong drink and not enjoying it at all based on her facial expression." ]
[ "A man proposes to a woman inside of a hot air balloon.", "People getting ready to take a hot-air balloon ride while a man takes a picture.", "A group of people are in a hot air balloon as one man takes a picture while smiling.", "A man proposed to a woman as they stood in the crowd in the balloon", "As a group of people prepare for lift off on a hot air balloon, a man proposes to his girlfriend.", "People are waiting to go up in a hot air balloon and taking pictures.", "A group of people preparing to take off on a hot air balloon ride.", "People prepare to take off in a hot air balloon and someone proposes.", "A group of people are on a hot air balloon and a man proposes.", "A man drops to one knee to propose in a hot air balloon." ]
[ "A couple are dancing before the scene cuts to a ballet dancer and then to a group in costume who are circling around.", "A group of ballet dancers dance on stage while music plays.", "There are a man and weman dancing in floor and then a lady only and some group of pepple in dancing", "Various ballet dancers dance on stage as somber music plays in the background.", "A man and women are performing ballet dance routines on stage.", "A short bit of a ballet by the composer Brahms.", "Ballet dancers are performing on a stage in what appears to be a production.", "Ballet dancers are performing beautiful moves on stage as gentle violin music plays.", "A group of people are on stage performing a ballet dance.", "A variety of people do ballet, including a man and a woman, and a circle of ladies." ]
[ "A man blows one long note on a set of bagpipes.", "A man plays the bagpipes near a microphone and then stops.", "A young man is shown playing one long note on a bagpipe.", "A person stands and plays a long drone note on the bagpipes while standing next to a microphone", "A man is in a room playing the bag pipes into a microphone.", "A man is blowing on bagpipes with a microphone close by.", "A man attempts to play a song on the bagpipes in front of a microphone.", "A young man plays a droning tune on a set of bagpipes.", "The man is wearing a bandana standing in front of a microphone as he plays the Irish piping bags", "A man is standing in front of a microphone and playing bagpipes." ]
[ "A person demonstrates a hole punching machine with a sheet of paper and a component of the machine in his hand.", "A man showing off a product for office zone as he puts paper into a machine", "A man shows the holes punched in the pages by a ring binding machine, and the matching ring, then places some paper in, to punch.", "A person is instructing how to use a page binding machine", "Someone is showing how to use a paper punch for making a booklet.", "Instructional video of a man explaining a spiral book binding instrument.", "A man is demonstrating how to use a multi hole paper punch.", "A person is demonstrating how to punch holes in order to make a book.", "A man demonstrates how to use a new hole puncher.", "A man demonstrates how to use a machine to punch holes in papers and bind them together." ]
[ "A boy runs around the bases in a kickball game while others talk.", "Kids playing ball outside as on boy makes a home run and runs around the bases.", "A kid runs across the bases as other people cheer and laugh.", "A kid is running and a ball comes flying at him.", "A group of kids playing baseball and one boy runs to home base.", "A kid is running around baseball bases during a kickball game.", "A group of kids play kickball together outside in the sun", "A lot of kids are having fun running and playing ball at the park.", "A group of kids are on a baseball field playing a game of baseball", "A number of boys and girls are playing in their school playground." ]
[ "A man wearing a golfing outfit practicing his swing over and over again.", "A man is lining up his club with a small golf ball on a tee, and takes his swing.", "A man is practicing his golf swing over and over again.", "A man on a golf field hits the ball with his golf club", "A man hits a golf ball with a golf club in a black and white film.", "A man in golfing attire hits a golf ball three times at a golf course.", "Old black and white videos are shown of a man playing golf.", "A vintage video of a man showing how to hit a golf ball.", "Music plays while a golfer takes shots in a silent movie style.", "A person is using a golf pole to swing and hit a ball far away and into a hole" ]
[ "A young girl is weaving a basket while on her knees.", "Women sitting on a plastic tarp are showing their basket weaving skills and talking about it.", "A group of women sitting outside as they start to weave baskets talking about difficulty", "Three women sit on a large mat outdoors and weave baskets.", "a group of women are weaving baskets together while a man and child are talking in the background.", "A woman is sitting on the ground with a group of other woman and children as she weaves a basket", "Several women are on a blanket in the sand and they are weaving reeds to make baskets.", "A group of people are outside and the are using straw to make baskets.", "native women sewing a buket out of natural and organic matter so they can use it for the outdoors", "A lady is sitting down and weaving a basket outside on a tarp." ]
[ "a woman in a pink fleece is kind of dancing and moving while another person repeats 'techonology'.", "A woman is dancing while other people in the room sing.", "A woman in a pink top and blue jeans dances in a bedroom.", "A young woman is moving her hands and legs in an erratic way while someone else is saying \"technology\".", "A girl is standing in a room and trying to do a robot like dance in front of other people.", "A girl stands in the middle of a room and does a robotic dance, as another person sings in a robotic voice.", "Woman doing a strange dance while another woman is singing", "A girl is in a room and doing a robotic dance, people stand around and watch.", "A woman in a pink shirt pretends to be a robot for her kids.", "A woman is pretending to be a robot and saying the word \"technology.\"" ]
[ "A boy was closing his mouth with his hands and eating something", "A boy is trying to do rap music with his hands on his mouth.", "A kid tries to make beat box noises with his mouth", "A boy starts beat boxing in front of a camera at a high pace.", "A young boy attempts to make different beat boxing sounds with his mouth.", "A young boy using his hands and mouth to make odd sounds.", "A young boy is forming a fist with his hands and then making music beatbox style into it", "A young man covering his mouth to make noises in his room", "A kid is making a series of sounds with his mouth which initially sounds like a cough before turning to a tune.", "A young man in a yellow shirt \"beat boxing\" into his cupped hands." ]
[ "Two men are standing on the sideline of a field while men are playing ball.", "Two teams of players compete on a sports field in the presence of many people.", "Two soccer teams are playing in a large stadium with many spectators.", "A group of girls are playing rugby with a umpire watching.", "A soccer coach watches as a group of men play soccer.", "A soccer match is being played outdoors on a sunny day in front of a large crowd", "Two teams are on the field playing a game of lacrosse.", "People in the crowd laugh and talk as they watch a game being played.", "A team runs around on a field and are kicking around a ball.", "Spectators are recording a lacrosse match in a large stadium." ]
[ "A group of people are playing a game of hockey on the ice.", "Two hockey teams play against each other on an ice rink.", "At an ice skating rink two teams are playing hockey.", "A team of people are playing a sport and someone is commenting the sport", "A hockey game is being played on the ice at a very large event center.", "Fan recording a hockey game with the announcer talking in the background.", "Professional hockey teams compete on the ice inside a large arena.", "People in opposing orange and white colors play hockey at a rink.", "A group play a game of ice hockey with a commentary.", "Two teams play ice hockey while a crowd watches and music plays." ]
[ "A man takes his hands and catches a fish in the corner of a wall.", "A man is in knee deep water and catches a fish with his hands. Other kids are around watching him.", "A man has his hands in a rock pool, he lifts out a fish and hold it in front of himself.", "A man is with others by a body of water and proceeded to get a fish out of water with his bare hands", "An Australian man kneels down in knee deep water and pulls out a fish.", "A man stands in a bit of shallow water and easily picks up a live fish with both hands", "A man uses his hands to grab a fish out of the water and talks about it.", "A man catches a fish in the water using just his hands.", "A man picked a fish out of the pond", "A man calmly places his hands in the water and catches a fish." ]
[ "A woman in a dress finishes wrapping a gift with elaborate decorations.", "A woman is showing how to wrap and decorate presents.", "A woman wraps christmas tree ribbon around a roll that looks like toilet paper.", "A lady is wrapping a circular Christmas gift and wraps a ribbon around it to give it an extra sparkle.", "A woman stands at a table and places decoration on a circular gift.", "A lady standing in front of a bunch of crafts is wrapping toilet paper with Christmas trees.", "The woman finishes decoratively wrapping a roll of toilet paper by using a piece of ribbon to wrap around it.", "The woman gives instructions on how to a decorate the side of a present.", "A woman is demonstrating how to put christmas tree decorations on a roll of tissue.", "A lady showing how to wrap a Christmass present with glitter trees." ]
[ "People are attending some kind of convention and appear to be very tired.", "In a banquet hall a group of men and women are sitting, a few standing, listening to a preacher.", "Several people are sitting in chairs while hugging one another.", "A big group of people in a public area doing strange things kneeling in front of each other, some sleeping, and others playing.", "A crowd of people are sitting and a couple of people are hugging while a man is talking in the background.", "a lot of people in the room crying and laying on the floor", "People seated in a large auditorium talks and make noise and some hug each other.", "A noisy crowd of people are siting and standing while a band plays.", "People in a worship service washing feet, hugging and praying.", "In a large audience, a man lays on the floor and prays at a womans foot." ]
[ "A young girl pushes a carton across ice as a woman talks and a skater passes by.", "A young child is practicing ice skating using a milk crate to help balance.", "A child is using a crate to balance herself on ice skates.", "A young girl walking across an icy surface and using a plastic crate to help her balance.", "A little girls is attempting to ice skate while using milk crates for balance", "A little girl is pushing a black crate in the snow.", "Little girl pushing a black crate across an ice field to keep from falling down.", "a little girl pushing a plastic crate on a snowed over lake", "A little girl is using a basket to hold herself up while walking around in the snow.", "A small child is seen pushing a crate while the mother talks." ]
[ "A man rides a bull between three other men, two men sit and commentate.", "A group of people are determining a bull riding play by watching the replay.", "Three rodeo workers explain how they do their job in the ring.", "A couple of guys discuss a replay that they are watching on television that pertains to bull riding.", "Two men who both work as rodeo clowns use video footage of themselves working to expain their techniques for working in the rodeo ring", "Two men talking about a triangle around a bull at the rodeo.", "Two men talk while a man rides a bull with three people surround him.", "In a studio two men are spking,then waching in ox playing", "Men are describing how they perform their duties at a rodeo.", "2 men watching a bull rider and discussing what they are viewing." ]
[ "Someone is catching oil from a car into a bucket.", "Man working under a car, touching a stream of oil draining from car.", "a person uses their finger to redirect the flow of oil as it drains from a vehicle suspended above them.", "People under a vehicle are attempting to change the oil from it.", "Men are draining the oil from a car on a rack in a garage.", "A car is raised on a lift and a mechanic drains the oil into a steel pan.", "Underneath a car lift, a mechanic laughs as the oil is turned into rubber.", "A car is raised up high on jacks and a man is standing underneath it holding a wire.", "A person is doing maintenance underneath a car, the person is holding onto a wire attached under the car.", "A man showing how to do some maintenance work to an old truck." ]
[ "A girl is sitting on a bed tying some cord around a piece of wood.", "In a room a young girl is holding a long object with string wrapped around it.", "A girl is winding a string around a wooden stick.", "A young girl adjusts a camera to best show a wooden wheel on a stick.", "A girl is adjusting the camera to better display what she is working on.", "A young woman wraps string tightly around a wooden toy.", "A woman in a couch little girl is holding a pole on her hand and trying to spend some yard with it", "A girl showing her technique of making a finished product with yarn.", "A girl sitting on a bed is preparing to create a video of demonstration involving string.", "a girl is showing a wooden stick with a string attached and is adjusting her camera to show it clearly." ]
[ "A man is testing a heavy weight attached to a wooden handle.", "A male has a large hammer and he is showing it then puts it down by his side and is explaining about the weight of it.", "A man holds a giant wooden hammer with both arms and steps aside with it.", "A man prepares to use a heavy sledgehammer for a workout.", "A man adds eighteen pounds to his sledgehammer and picks it up to step to the side.", "A man is checking the weight of some sort of hammer, then places it by his side.", "A man is using a very large and long wooden hammer inside of a garage.", "A man puts the handle on a sledge hammer and taps it on the floor.", "A man wearing a yellow shirt and a back brace is holding a sledge hammer.", "A man has a large sledge hammer and has it in one hand moving to his side." ]
[ "A young girl begins a camel rider outside in the desert.", "A young girl is seated on a Camel while a man adjust her saddle.", "A young girl mounts and prepares to ride a camel.", "Girl holds onto metal handle, guide gives riding instructions, and girl is sitting on top of camel.", "A young girl on a camal sitting and holding the straps while others watch.", "A young girl sits on a camel as a man leads it.", "A girl is on the top of a camel and she is excited to ride it.", "A small child is shown riding a camel and a man helps her get on.", "A little girl is sitting on top of a camel as another man is adjusting her seating", "a little kid rides on top of a camel and is assisted by someone" ]
[ "A man rides a jet ski across a river but stalls in the middle and gets off.", "A man is on an ATV in the water, he gets off of it and goes into the water", "A person is going on a motor boat in a river", "A person appears to be attempting to drive a 4 wheeler in the middle of a river.", "People have a discussion about a man as he tries to cross a shallow River in an ATV before he gets stuck and gets off.", "A man was driving a truck in a lake and stopped on the middle", "A man on an ATV attempts to cross a lake and gets stuck in the water.", "A man is driving a red quad cycle in the middle of a lake.", "A man is riding a four wheeler across a pond.", "A person rides a 4-wheeler into a body of water, gets stuck, and gets off the vehicle while people off-camera comment." ]
[ "A group of people are standing around a large muddy pool of water, and a man is standing beside a jeep that is covered in mud.", "A man and his buddies laugh about getting a jeep stuck in the mud.", "A jeep was full of muddy sand and and something fall into the mud and a person gets that", "A group of people are talking and laughing while surrounding a mud-covered vehicle stuck in the mud.", "A group of people are in the mud, around a mud covered jeep.", "A group of people running in the water with jeeps and laughing about it.", "A couple of men laugh at a man who's jeep is stuck in the mud.", "A group of men together in the mud as they construct different things and laugh", "A group of people are driving jeeps through the mud.", "A group of people laugh about their muddy jeep they are off roading." ]
[ "A small tractor is used to clear a path in deep snow.", "A person is on a small tractor with a plow and the person is plowing snow.", "A man with boots slowly drives a red snow plow, making a path.", "Outside in the snow someone is shoveling a path with a red snow plow.", "A lawn tractor fitted with a plow blade, with an operator plowing snow", "A man drives a red snow plow and plows the deep snow creating a walkable path.", "A mini snow shovelling vehicle is seen at work when driven by a person.", "A man operating a plower and moving snow out of the way in front of him", "The man is in the bob cat, snow plowing the sidewalk by himself.", "This gentleman, dressed in cold weather gear, is driving the motorized snowplow in order to clear a wide path beyond the footbridge." ]
[ "A group of people pushing a man in a wheel chair as he rolls down the street", "Two guys are pushing a third guy in a wheelchair down the street.", "A man in a wheelchair is being pushed down the street by two men and another talks in background.", "two boys run down a street, while one of them pushes a third boy in a wheelchair, then send him speeding down the street", "A man sitting in a poered wheel chair is driving fast and another man is running along.", "A group of people are seen pushing a man extremely fast in a wheelchair.", "A person in a wheelchair is being pushed very rapidly down a street by two people.", "A person rushes someone down a road on a wheel chair by pushing them.", "Two men push a man in a wheelchair down the street.", "Young men are pushing another person in a wheelchair down a street at a face pace." ]
[ "Young man is sitting down in a room and playing a game on their phone while making faces", "boy playing on a cell phone while making noises at something on the screen.", "A teenage boy is talking and making faces while using his cell phone.", "A boy is sitting and reading aloud from his cell phone and then texting back.", "A young boy sitting in front of his phone as he makes faces recording himself", "A boy is on his cell phone making faces as he talks about the autocorrect function.", "A young man reads from the screen of a phone and makes faces.", "A boy reads the results of a test from his phone and makes funny faces.", "A teenager is talking about auto correct while typing on his phone.", "A boy is on his cellphone and is getting upset with the autocorrect on the phone" ]
[ "Big pieces of carving status carved from big stones are displaying outdoors.", "A person looks closely at a posted sign and then at a snow sculpture.", "Outside the building are some great sculptures displayed this winter.", "A person is making a ice sculpture outside and finishes the work.", "The plaque for an art installation is seen, and then the sculptures are shown.", "Legend label of a sculptor with his artwork of people made with snow and ice.", "A sign of the name of a sculpture and a view of the sculpture it's self", "A few white large cement statues of different kinds are outside", "A town square full of large ice sculptures and cars driving by.", "There are many structures made out of snow and it is called the big chill." ]
[ "Two teens sharpen their pencils while the sounds of a motorcycle plays.", "Some persons were continuously Sharpe their pencils with the rotating handle sharpener attached to wall", "A girl sharpens a pencil slowly and a boy sharpens a pencil very fast.", "Two different teenagers are shown sharpening pencils to sound effects.", "A couple of kids sharping there pencils and one has a motor going in it.", "A girl and a boy take turns using a manual pencil sharpener mounted on the wall", "Two people are sharpening their pencils in a sharpener on a wall.", "A guy and a girl are sharpening pencils with the girl doing it slow and the guy doing it fast.", "A man and young woman sharpen pencils using a sharpener.", "Two students sharpen their pencils at a sharpener mounted on a wall." ]
[ "A young man wearing a loose tie hanging around his neck is pushing against his front teeth with his thumb and speaking in a foreign language.", "A man is showing the audience how to tie a red tie.", "A man speaks into the camera while holding a tie that is around his neck.", "A man wearing a dress shirt is about to demonstrate tying a tie.", "A man makes a weird face in front of the camera, adjusts his tie and speaks in a foreign language.", "A man holds his hand to his mouth then moves his hand and speaks.", "a man is speaking to camera trying to show how to tie a tie", "A man talks and talks to the camera and you can only see his mouth.", "A man in a blue shirt is wearing a stripped tie", "A young man speaking Spanish talks to the camera as he prepares to tie a tie around his neck." ]
[ "Four women in a classroom play a game involving orange blocks and multiples of numbers.", "A group of women sit around a lab table and play dominoes.", "One woman is instructing another about a dominoes game.", "A group of woman in a classroom play dominos by a sink", "A group of older women are sitting around a table playing a game.", "Four adult women are sitting around a lab table in a classroom talking to each other.", "women are playing a game with different tiles.", "The women are gathered together to play a game, which one is trying to explain to the lady in black.", "A group of woman one is showing the other how to play Domino's .", "A group of women play dominoes together inside a classroom." ]
[ "A woman on a dock, performs a yoga pose while an upbeat pop song plays in the background.", "A woman doing a time lapse of a yoga headstand on a dock near water.", "A woman is standing on her head while the background sky is time-lapsed.", "A woman does a handstand while the sun goes down.", "A young woman stands on her head on a beach at sunset.", "A woman is on a beach at night standing on her head", "A woman is standing on her head in a timelapse.", "A woman doing a yoga-type head stand in front of a body of water as the sun rises (or sets?).", "A woman does a headstand on a dock beside the ocean as the clouds and sun move behind her.", "A woman on a dock over the water going up into a headstand." ]
[ "A woman rubs her face with a wipe in front of a mirror.", "A woman demonstrating how she does her eyebrows while looking in a mirror then at the camera.", "A young woman applies eye makeup and wipes her face with a tissue.", "A young woman showing off how she puts make up on her forehead and tries to clean it", "A young girl is demonstrating how to put on eye liner in the mirror", "A young woman dabs makeup on her face, talks, and displays her eyebrows.", "A young woman is shown applying makeup to her face while explaining what she does.", "A young woman sitting in front of a mirror applying eyebrow makeup.", "Woman looking into a mirror trying to put makeup on her eyebrows.", "A woman blots at her face with a kleenex while looking into a mirror." ]
[ "A man is swinging a golf club, hitting a golf ball on a windy golf course.", "A man poises and then swings and hits a gulf ball and turns around at his friend who is laughing.", "A man stands on an open field on a windy day and hits a golf ball with a club", "A man in a red pullover and khaki pants demonstrates how to hit the ball on a green.", "A man stands with a golf club and then hits the golf ball.", "A man is driving a golf ball off a tee and missing the fairway.", "A man in a red shirt hits a golf ball off of a tee.", "A man hits a golf ball with a club across a golf course.", "Young man in a red shirt hitting a golf ball off a tee into the woods.", "A man hits a golf ball on the course and walks toward the equipment." ]
[ "A man describes and demonstrates how to clean a window sill", "A man in white cleans the inside of a uPVC window using a duster and aerosol cleaner.", "A man is spraying some solution on the sill of a window before using a rag to clean it.", "A man is standing near a window using a rag to wipe the dust off the window sill.", "A guy stands at a window as he sprays the window seal with a cleaning solution and then wipes it down.", "A man sprays the bottom of a window with a hand spray and wipes it with a cloth", "While a man is talking, he sprays liquid on a window sill and wipes it with a cloth.", "A man sprays the window sill and wipes it off with a cloth.", "A man is using a spray bottle and a cloth to clean the dust off of the ledge of the window", "A man demonstrates and explains how to clean the track on a sliding glass window." ]
[ "Two people are in a toy aisle pretending to fit each other.", "A man is hitting another man with a stick in the aisle of a store.", "Two people are play-fighting with two toy swords in the bike section of a store.", "Two men together at a toystore department as they hit each other with toys and run away", "Two people are in the toy aisle at a store hitting eachother with play swords.", "Two kids are in a store having a pretend sword fight.", "Two children playing with plastic swords in a Walmart store.", "Two boys are playing with toy swords hitting each other.", "A couple of young kids are in the isle of a toy store playing with fake swords", "Two persons were playing with the duplicate sword and beating each other" ]
[ "The guy is doing a demonstration on the piece of electronic gadget that he has.", "A young bare chested man is holding a computer circuit board.", "A man is holding a piece of electronic circuit board up to the camera and then places it on the back of a monitor.", "A man sits on a bed as he shows part of a computer, then puts it into something.", "A man is holding a circuit board and places it on an electronic.", "A man is showing the control board of a piece from a computer.", "Man without a shirt explaining about a circuit board from a computer.", "A man who is shirtless is showing a mother board for his computer.", "In a room a person holds a piece of an electronic hardware.", "A man is showing different computer components to the camera." ]
[ "A person rides a dogsled across a snow covered field as it is pulled by two dogs.", "A person rides on a sledding device being pulled by two dogs down a snowy slope.", "A man on a slet pulled by two sled dogs goes through a snowy field", "A person is riding a sleigh with two dogs in the front.", "Someone, riding on a two -dog dogsled is riding along a the base of a hill while music is playing.", "A sled is pulled by a group of dogs down a snowy hill.", "a man is skiing with cart tied to two dogs", "Someone stands on the back of a sled while two dogs pull him through the snow.", "A man on a sled is being pulled through the snow by two sled dogs.", "A man is standing on a sled that is being pulled by dogs." ]
[ "A young girl puts something in front of the face of another young girl, who reels back and falls over", "A person evading the object placed near his mouth falls to the floor.", "A person places a small container in front of the nose of the other causing her to fall over.", "A girl sits on a chair, another puts something in front of her, and she falls backwards.", "A woman is offering a girl something really bad to smell and she falls down from the chair", "a young lady let her friend smell something but when the she smell it she fell down on the floor", "A litte girl put a object to a girls nose and she smells it then she falls backwards.", "A person reaches out with an item, and another person smells it, and then falls backwards off their chair.", "A woman is trying to give a girl some food, but she fell over the chair and laughs so hard.", "Two young girls are sitting in a room with others present and music playing, as one reaches over and tries to shove something into the mouth of the other, and the other girl falls over giggling in her chair." ]
[ "In a dimly lit room with reddish light a man adjusts his glasses while an artificial voice laughs.", "The woman is listening to a recording of a man who is laughing at her.", "Man in a dark video talking like a computer and laughing.", "A woman pushes up her glasses using her finger and then she smirks.", "Someone speaks in a robotic voice while old lady wearing glasses uses her index finger to push her glasses up on her face.", "An older woman uses her camera to change her voice so that it sounds funny.", "A woman with a striped shirt adjusts her glasses in a dim room.", "An older person adjusts their glasses with their index finger while listening to a voice recording.", "A woman stares into the camera and straightens her glasses with her finger.", "A man pushes his eyeglasses up on his nose while a computer voice speaks and laughs." ]
[ "A group of young men mosh to metal music, slamming into each other and dancing.", "A group of males are performing rock music as they pretend to be in a mosh pit by bashing each other.", "A heavy metal band plays as kids mosh and slam dance into one another.", "In a small space, a band is playing heavy metal music while people in the audience are dancing.", "Inside a band are playing while males are jumping about and dancing.", "A band is playing, and boys are on a dance floor dancing.", "a group of men are violently dancing to music indoors.", "a man singing and a group of people jumping around", "A band is playing with guys dancing erratically in front of them.", "A rock group starts to sing and a few people around them start a mosh pit." ]
[ "A person is sanding the inside of a skating wheel.", "A hand moves around a cloth on the inside of a roller skate wheel.", "A person is using a rag to clean the wheel of a skateboard.", "A person is holding a cloth to the side of a spinning circular object.", "A man wearing a wedding ring is polishing a roller skate wheel.", "Someone is polishing a wheel of some sort, it could be a roller skating wheel.", "A person attempts to clean a rolling blade with a small piece of cloth.", "Someone is cleaning something that is metal with a rag.", "Someone appears to be cleaning or polishing a skateboard wheel.", "a machine is cleaning a wheel of a rollerblade and making it shine." ]
[ "A group of people are seen playing some sort of outdoor ball game.", "A boy hits a kickball a good ways as two teams play.", "A man kicks a soccer ball and starts running around the field.", "A man rolls a ball to another man and he kicks it and then runs around bases while people cheer.", "A bunch of people play a game of kickball in the park.", "A person kicks a soccer ball and then runs around the bases while others cheer.", "People are playing kick ball outside and running around the bases.", "A group of people enthusiastically play a game of kickball outdoors on a park field.", "A group of people play baseball outside and call out commands to each other.", "At a field, a teen kicks the ball then runs around the bases." ]
[ "A young man sitting in a chair is having his long hair straightened.", "A girl uses a hair tool to do something to a boy’s hair.", "A teenage girl is talking to another girl and is flat ironing the hair of a male who is seated in front of her.", "Man, with shoulder-length hair, sits while a woman pulls and uses straightening tool on his hair.", "A woman is straightening a boys' long hair with a flat iron.", "In a bedroom a woman is styling another man's hair and there are conversations taking place with someone in the background", "A girl is shown using a straightener on a boy's hair while another girl laughs and talks.", "A teen girl is using a straightening hot iron on a boys hair.", "The woman is standing up, straightening her friends curly hair.", "In a bedroom a male is sitting while a female is using electric straightners to straighten his hair while they are chatting." ]
[ "A marching band is shown clapping cymbals together while dancing.", "A marching band's cymbal section is practicing a routine.", "A group of people knock their cymbals together in synchronized motions.", "A group of teens perform choreography while holding cymbals and drums.", "A band is standing outside and holding two metal plates to make a sound.", "A group of students practice a marching routine with cymbals.", "Students are practicing their routine for the marching band.", "A group of teenagers perform a dance routine incorporating large cymbals.", "A group of teenagers in a line are playing cymbals while doing a choreographed dance in a parking lot.", "A group of people are in a parking lot, dancing, and playing with cymbals, among some other music" ]
[ "A man in India is inserting his card in an ATM machine.", "A man gets out his debit card and proceeds to use it on atm machine then other people line up", "A man walks up to a bank machine and scans his card.", "A man in a dress shirt walks up to and uses an ATM.", "A man takes a card out of his wallet and places in a machine.", "A man walks up to an ATM and uses it while a woman waits behind him.", "A man walks up to an ATM, puts his card in, then out, a woman comes up from behind to see what he's doing.", "A man is removing his card from his wallet and trying to insert it in an ATM while a woman behind him is peeping.", "A man takes begins to use an ATM shortly before a woman stands in line behind him and tries to look at his transaction.", "A man inserts his card into an ATM machine to get money out." ]
[ "A man uses a blowtorch to singe a piece of wood that is inside of a shop.", "A gloved hand heats a rectangle of sheet metal using a hand held blow torch.", "A man is using an open flame to heat a type of metal.", "a man is soldering a wooden plank that's leaned on to a wall.", "A blowtorch is being used to distress or treat a plank of wood.", "A person is holding a blow torch and welding a large piece of metal.", "Person showing how to burn wood with a blowtorch to make it look different.", "A person is using a flame to burn a piece of board.", "A person is using a blow torch on the blade of an ax.", "A person with a hand torch searing a block of wood." ]
[ "A group of young women are dancing to the Macarena.", "A group of people participate in a line dance to a popular song.", "A group of people are up dancing in sync and the macarena song is playing.", "A group of people are standing in a line and dancing.", "Low quality footage of a line of people doing the macarena.", "A group of kids are doing a dance together singing a song together.", "A group of people are standing side by side and are doing the Macarena.", "A group of people in a room all do the Macarena dance together.", "A group of people are standing in a line as they do the macarena dance.", "People are dancing in a bar with some fancy lighting." ]
[ "A group of people are throwing snowballs at a police car.", "some people are throwing snow to the car police but it seems that they are just having fun", "A group of people are throwing snowballs and hitting a police vehicle.", "A large group of people are throwing snowballs at a police car.", "A group of young people pelt a police car with snowballs.", "A group of people are throwing snowballs at each other and a police car.", "A crowd makes snow balls and throws them at a police car", "A large group of people throw snowballs at a police car outside during the winter.", "A group of people throw snowballs as a police car.", "A lot of people are throwing snowballs at a still police car." ]
[ "a young man is shown dancing and singing while a woman is waving her fingers to the camera", "In black and white, a man sings with a heavy German accent to some strange music", "A person is recording a music video about hands.", "A man is singing into the camera in black and white while music is playing.", "A man was singing and a girl was twiddling her fingers", "A man is on a rooftop singing along to the music in the background.", "A man is singing in a music video and the song is about hands.", "A young man is singing in a modern style with a techno beat as a backing track before a women twiddles her fingers.", "A person is standing and is singing to the camera", "A young man in a black jacket sings, and a woman moves her fingers." ]
[ "A bartender is doing tricks and stunts with bottles of alcohol and fire in front of a crowd", "A bartender balances a flaming stack of glasses on his head", "A man is balancing a fire-topped stack of items while the crowd cheers on.", "Someone is walking with a stack of what looks like glasses through a crow of people.", "A tall structure with a flame on the top moves slowly down a street at night", "At a crowded venue, a tall object that is on fire is moving through the crowd and music is playing and a loudspeaker is blaring.", "In a bar a server balances a tower of glasses and carries two flaming bottles while people cheer.", "Someone is balancing a tower stack of glass bottles and cups, with the top lite on fire, in a bar, whilst others cheer them on.", "In a bar a bartender is holding a pyramid with glasses and on flame on his forehead", "A person is balancing a huge totem on his head that is lit with fire in front of an audience." ]
[ "A guy stands at a counter as he adds water to a vase then adds flowers to it.", "A man pours water into a vase then begins adding orchids, while talking about it.", "A man shows how to put water into a vase and than add flowers.", "A man adds water to his bouquet before he starts to put in the orchids.", "A man in a blue shirt is demonstrating how to make a bouquet with orchids in glass vases.", "A man is pouring water into a vase filled with plants then adds a flower to it.", "A man is filling up the base of a large stand of green shoots with water, as he is talking about it.", "A man pours water into a large vase and then places flowers in it while speaking.", "A man is arranging plants and flowers in two flower holders.", "A man is demonstrating how to make a flower arrangement with orchids." ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating how to do a particular leg exercise.", "A woman is in a room demonstrating stretches.", "Woman standing on a mat showing how to do a proper lunge.", "a woman is performing a set of lunge exercises and is describing to do them", "A lady with blue top and black bottom is showing how to do the leg stretch on a green matt", "A woman is standing on a mat with one leg forward and her hands on her hip ,she then switch's legs and talks.", "A lady is doing and explaining how she does lunges.", "A woman tells how to do squats while demonstrating.", "A woman in a workout studio demonstrates the form of a yoga pose.", "This lady is talking about the proper way to do a lunge by keeping the knee safe." ]
[ "A girl is sitting on the floor before getting up and doing a few kicks in the air.", "A young girl stands up and kicks the air in a room.", "A girl stands in front of camera and she tries to kick up high.", "A young girl gets up off the floor and holds onto a chair and kicks her right leg to shoulder height.", "A young girl stands up and practices throwing kicks high into the air", "A girl gets up from the floor to show off her high kicks.", "A girls stands up and kicks the air while holding on to a chair.", "A girl gets up from the floor and does a high kick.", "A girl stands up, holds on to a chair and kicks her leg to the side twice.", "A young girl stands up, holds onto a chair and does leg kicks with her right leg." ]
[ "A man is seen using a menstrual pad as a tissue.", "A boy with a koxtex wiping and blowing his nose on it.", "A man is using a strip of paper to wipe his nose as a person laughs.", "A man uses a feminine hygine product to blow his nose in a car.", "A boy blows and cleans his nose with a lady's feminine product", "The boy is in the backseat of his parents car, blowing his nose with a clean feminine pad.", "A man wipes his nose with a maxi pad in the front seat of a car.", "A boy blows his nose into a diaper while an adult off camera questions his actions.", "A man blows his nose into a pad and someone is laughing in the back.", "A boy is blowing his nose on a sanitary napkin." ]
[ "A young boy is running and then he kicks a ball being thrown at him by another boy across a lawn.", "two young teenager are running and playing together with a ball in the backyard.", "two boys play a game with a ball in a grassy outdoor area", "A boy receives a bowled ball from another boy, kicks it and runs to a shed.", "A couple of kids out side in a yard playing a game of kick ball.", "A person had a ball rolled to them, kicks it and runs to a shed.", "A boy with a cap kicks a blue ball that is rolled towards him.", "There is a boy rolling a blue ball to another boy who kicks the ball.", "A kid is out of breath trying to play ball with another kid in the backyard.", "A boy pitches a kick ball to another boy who kicks the ball and then runs to a shed." ]
[ "A woman holds and demos out a new clothes iron.", "A woman is very excited to have received an iron.", "A lady is ironing the top of a table with an iron that has come out of a box.", "A woman is happy to receive a new iron as she looks at it.", "A woman gets a new iron and laughs and shows how to use it.", "A woman giggles and pretends to use an iron on an ironing board.", "A woman speaks Spanish as she happily unboxes a new iron.", "A woman is pulling a brand new iron out of its box and is really excited about it", "A woman is excited as she receives a brand new blue and white iron from a box.", "A woman laughs and smiles after taking out a clothing iron from a box." ]
[ "A person grabs a steering wheel and spins it around.", "A person spins the steering wheel of a car and handles the parts.", "A person spins the steering wheel all the way in one direction and then spins it the other way.", "A person spins an apparent broken steering wheel inside a vehicle so that is spins all the way around.", "A mans hand can be seen spinning a car steering while in each direction.", "A person stands at the car driver's side and spins the steering wheel to the right and left.", "Someone is demonstrating how their car steering wheel is not working correctly and is free wheeling.", "A man is spinning the steering wheel of a car clockwise and anti-clockwise", "A man holds a steering wheel and spins it around.", "A person spins a car steering wheel around and it spins freely" ]
[ "A man describing how to shoot weight over a slow motion athlete", "A person is holding a ball and is spinning round on a circle", "Man extends leg and opposite arm, while holding ball to his neck, as he spins on level surface by stadium.", "A strong looking man out in a stadium field twirling in a circle.", "A man holding a shot put was spinning around", "A man narrates a technique demonstrated for effective discus throwing.", "A person is standing in a shot put ring turning around and around", "A man spins with a shotput on a mound in a green field.", "Someone is narrating a guy who is in spin mode about to throw a shot put.", "A man does one a half turns getting ready to throw a shot put." ]
[ "A girl packing items in a blue duffle bag.", "On a bed, a woman packs items into her travel bag.", "A girl tells what she carry's in her tote that she need to have everyday.", "A woman is folding clothes and putting it in a luggage bag.", "A woman packs a blue bag with different belongings.", "A woman speaking a foreign language seems to be showing how to pack a duffel bag.", "The Asian girl explains and demonstrates how she packs her gym bag, but the soundtrack on the video raises the pitch and speed of her speech", "A girl is placing clothing into a duffel bag that is sitting on a bed.", "A woman is talking and packing a bag on a bed in a bedroom.", "A girl is packing a bag on the bed and points at it." ]
[ "A skier in an orange suit takes off at the start and immediately falls", "A man is skiing down a slope wearing a helmet and falls down and has a hard time getting up", "A person is doing ice skating and is falling down on the ground", "Multiple skiers wearing numbers on their chests make their way downhill on a course with cones. The skier in orange falls down and gets back up and keeps going. Onlookers are watching on the side behind the fence.", "A man skiing down a track loses his balance and falls down on the track.", "Two people start out on a hill skiing and then one falls down and has a hard time getting up.", "A skier on a race course falls backwards, gets up then falls forward.", "A man skiing down a hill loses his balance and then tries to get up.", "A skier in a race falls down and has trouble standing up.", "A man is skiing until he slips and falls down on the snow." ]
[ "A female in a flowered dress puts on a pair of black sandals.", "A young woman in a dress is putting her shoe on.", "A young girl in a dress puts a pair of sandals on.", "A teen girl is recorded from the floor up, as she puts on her shoes.", "A woman is sitting on a chair with one leg up on the other knee, and she is putting a shoe on her foot.", "A girl is recorded leaning over, putting on her fancy shoes.", "A woman is sitting down wearing a skirt and a sweater and is trying to put on her sandals", "a woman is trying to put sandles on as the camera looks up at her", "A woman that sits on a bed is putting a black shoe.", "A girl wearing a skirt puts on her dress shoes." ]
[ "a girl in red throws a volley ball in an inside gym.", "A girl standing in front of some folded up bleachers serving a vollyball.", "A girl is holding a ball in one hand, then hits it foward with the other before turning and looking at a person heard talking.", "A young girl is practicing hitting a volleyball and talking.", "A young girl in a gymnasium serves a volleyball, someone talks to her.", "A girl holds a volleyball then hits it underhand with her right hand.", "Teenage girl in a uniform hitting a volleyball into the air in front of gym bleachers.", "In a basketball gym, a young woman serves a volleyball to someone.", "Girl in a gym hitting a volleyball in the direction of someone else.", "a girl standing in a gym hits a ball that she is holding" ]
[ "A MAN DESCRIBES HOW THEIR UNIQUE FORM FITTING WOVEN BASKETS CAN ADD TO THE DECOR OF A ROOM.", "A narator describes the process of how a basket is made and what the product is like.", "A person is showing how to make a basket that can be used for multiple things.", "A person is rotating a basket while weaving it, followed by showing a completed basket", "A man demonstrates how to weave a basket and examples are shown with it in use.", "A man demonstrates weaving a basket as he says an advertisement about them.", "A person is doing a container using tree leaves and that is shown as a bag and a man is sitting sofa by his side the container is kept for newspaper", "A person weaves a basket that give a distinct look for the home.", "A basket weaver is making a basket out of bamboo, then the same basket is seen sitting on a staircase.", "Someone is weaving a basket on some sort of turn table or something." ]
[ "A boy is sitting in a room, and he begins to play a set of drums.", "A male is sitting in an empty classroom playing the drums.", "A beginner on drum set plays a simple groove using a drum and cymbal.", "A man is playing a drum set while alone in a large room.", "A person is sitting on a chair and is playing the drums by sticks", "A boy seems to be practicing on his drum set.", "A young man sits at a drum set and plays a song.", "A young man plays the drums while sitting down in front of a set.", "A teenage boy plays a simple rhythm on his drum set while sitting down.", "A young man sitting at a drumset, playing in a large auditorium." ]
[ "An egg is frying in a pan on an electric stove top.", "An egg with the yolk broken, cooking in a small frying pan.", "A person fries an egg that bubbles in a black pan.", "An egg is being fried on a nonstick pan on top of a glass induction stove.", "An egg is being fried on a frying pan for the video duration.", "An egg cooks and sizzles in a black frying pan.", "In a pan, a large eggs sizzles as the sound of a fan can be heard.", "an egg being fried in a frying pan on a stove", "An egg is being fried in a small skillet with the yolk side up.", "A person is making an egg sunny side up in a frying pan." ]
[ "A man is blowing into a musical instrument to create a sound.", "A person holds a dijido with the end of it towards the camera while he blows in the horn.", "A young boy blows on a wooden baseball bat in front of camera.", "Standing indoors, a man plays a didgeridoo and swings it around in circles.", "A person waves a digeridoo around as he blows into it, making an echoing sound.", "A man is sitting in the dark playing an Australian instrument.", "Using a long wooden tube a man makes sounds such as music.", "A person is playing a didgeridoo with the end piece pointed at the camera.", "The young boy is having fun as he plays around with his bat in the room.", "A boy standing in his room blowing through a long tube" ]
[ "A guy pulls a waxing strip off another guy's leg and he screams.", "Hands smooth a rectangular wax strip over a teenage boy's arm and yanks off strip causing yelling and screaming.", "A group of young boys are watching a person take off tape that is stuck to another boy's leg.", "A hair removal waxing pad is applied and pulled off of a leg.", "A boy is lying on the floor with wax tape on his shin before a girl counts down and rips the hair off.", "A person pulled the tape off a person leg while waxing it", "A person rubs another person's leg and then pull a piece of stripping from the leg of the person, who then pulls their legs back and yells.", "A boy laying on a bed jumps after tape that was places across his calf was pulled off.", "A group of friends sit on a bed together, one of them a male who is getting his leg waxed.", "A person does a countdown before a wax strip is pulled off the leg of a teen boys leg who curses out loud." ]
[ "A group of children slowly slide down a snowy hill in winter.", "Someone is bending down and sledding down a hill passing by other sledders.", "Several people are walking and sledding down a hill and some are walking up.", "A group of people are going down the side of a snow hill on sleds.", "A gathering of people, with sleds and toboggans, plays in an open field of snow", "People are pulling their sleds up a snowy hill while people sled down it.", "a group of children and adults are playing in the snow and a boy rides a sled.", "A group of people are enjoying a nice day out skiing and snowboarding.", "Multiple people are outdoors in the snow; trying to slide down the hill together.", "Snowboarders laugh and conversate as they use their boards to slide down a snowy hill." ]
[ "A group of men wearing uniforms are playing crashing cymbals.", "A group of people are clapping symbols together in order to make music.", "A group of men are standing in a line playing the cymbals.", "A group of marching band members are in a line playing cymbals while people watch.", "A group of band members playing the cymbals when two members start hitting them with eachothers cymbals.", "Percussionists playing cymbals as a part of a university drum line.", "A man steps out from a group of cymbal players and knocks cymbals with another player before getting back in line.", "University of Alabama percussion band is playing cymbals.", "A group of men in a line are playing metal cymbals while music is playing.", "A bunch of students standing in a row and clanging cymbols together." ]
[ "Ballet dancers are performing on stage in a synchronised fashion.", "A group of women put on a ballet show on stage for a group of people.", "A ballerina concert where ten woman in white dresses show off their abilities", "Young women in white dance in a synchronized ballet performance.", "A group of women dancers are on stage performing for an audience.", "On stage a group of ballerinas dance in unison while music plays.", "A group of ballet dancers perform on a stage while some soft orchestra music plays", "a group of women dancers are dressed in white and dancing to the Swan song.", "A group of ballerinas on a stage dance in synchronized movements together.", "a group of women are doing ballet while music is playing in the background." ]
[ "Someone is describing how to use this new mop and duster.", "A person was using a type of mop to clean various places found in a home", "A person is explaining how to use a versatile floor mop while others are demonstrating different functions.", "A infomercial describing the virtues of a new mopping system.", "A women is moping different texture flooring while using the same mop.", "a woman demonstrating a mop to clean floor surfaces", "New style mop and dusting tool for use anywhere in the house.", "A man gives details about a multi purpose mop that can clean hard to reach places.", "A person is demonstrating how to clean with a special mop.", "Demonstration and narration of a mop available on the advertised website." ]
[ "A male is sitting down and playing an electric guitar.", "In a room, a young man sitting on a bed is strumming an electric guitar.", "A man playing a guitar and playing notes really fast.", "A boy was sitting down with a guitar he was playing", "Teenage boy sitting on the edge of a bed playing a guitar with skill.", "A young man playing his electric guitar in his room sitting on the bed.", "A teen boy is sitting down playing an electric guitar.", "A man is playing rock music on an electric guitar.", "A young man is sitting on a chair and making sounds on a guitar.", "A young man is playing an electric guitar while sitting down." ]
[ "In a home, an older man is making a fist and saying something unintelligible.", "An older man wearing glasses shakes his head and makes hand gestures.", "An older man speaking and using sign language to convey an idea.", "An elderly man with a disability is presenting in front of a camera and using sign language.", "A man is with glasses is sitting down and doing multiple gestures with his hands.", "A man is sitting down and performing American Sign Language.", "An older gentleman with glasses makes guestures with his arms and hands.", "A man uses sign language to relay a message.", "An elderly man shows his fist on camera hen tries to elbow the camera but nods away", "A man is looking at the camera and trying to talk but using sign language at the same time." ]
[ "A man picking up a small column and a man walking and lighting his cigarette.", "One man is carrying an object up the stairs while another is walking down the street smoking.", "A man lifts up a sculpture and carries it, another man walks down the street.", "A man lefts up a large piller and carries it away, another man is walking in the streets while smoking.", "A man picks up a large tube and caries it away while another man smokes a cigarette.", "A man picks up a pillar and another man crosses a road.", "A man carries a rug out of a warehouse and then walks away to smoke a cigarette.", "Three men are walking, a man is lifting a statue, and a man is walking while lighting a cigarette.", "A Man lifts a statue. Another man walks down the street and lights a cigarette", "a man is removing some statues from an area while another man is crossing the street and lighting a smoke" ]
[ "A woman ties a bandana into a bow on her head.", "A lady with black top on is tying the butterfly knot on her hair band and trying to sort it out nicely", "A person demonstrates how to tie a scarf in a bow while on the head.", "A woman is tying a scarf around her head and trying to make a bow that doesn't fall in her face.", "A woman is tying a knot on a cloth that is wrapped around her head.", "A person is tying a bow in the hair as they sit alone in a room.", "A girl is tying a piece of cloth around her head in the shape of a bow.", "A woman is tying a scarf into a bow around the head.", "A woman is showing how to make a bow out of a head band.", "A girls is tying a large brown bow to the top front of her head." ]
[ "A boy shows how you can use a pen to tap out the rhythm of a song.", "A white hand is smashing a pen on a table repeatedly.", "A kid take a pencil to a desk in a rhythmic pattern.", "A person is making a music beat by tapping a pencil on a table and explaining how they are doing it.", "A young boy uses a pen to make a rhythmic tapping sound without any music playing.", "A closeup of two hands and someone tapping a tool on a table to create rhythm.", "A boy using a paper clip to make noise by hitting his desk then talking to an audience", "A man is showing how to make a beat with a pencil on the table.", "A person is making some noise by hitting a small object on the table several times", "A person taps on a desk and hits hand to make a drum noise." ]
[ "A man is draining oil and loosening a cap on a car.", "A man drains oil out of an engine while he explains what he is doing.", "A man is talking and showing how to drain oil out of an engine.", "A man removes an oil cap while explaining how to change oil on a car.", "Used oils is drained from an engine, for extra flow the cap is removed from the top too.", "a man removes a black cap from a machine that is next to him", "A man demonstrates the proper steps in removing oil from an engine.", "A man narrates and demonstrates how to do an oil change on a vehicle.", "a man describes how to fill the oil quicker on a machine by removing a part.", "A person tells how to change the oil in a motor and how to make if flow quick." ]
[ "a bartender is practicing and performing juggling with shaker cup", "A young man juggles several different cups in a bar.", "A bartender juggles three mixer cups in front of a shelf full of bottles.", "A bartender juggles drink shakers in the air while in a bar.", "In a bar a man is juggling some bottles of cocktail without dropping them to the ground", "A man is juggling mixing cups in a bar in slow motion.", "A barman behind a bar with drinks on display demonstrates his juggling skills in slow motion.", "A man is juggling a set of three cups in the back of the bar.", "A bartender is at a bar juggling cocktail shakers in front of shelves of cocktails and liquor bottles.", "A bartender demonstrates how to juggle drinking glasses in slow motion." ]