How many of the line items that have a quantity greater than 40 have been shipped by air?
quantity greater than 40 refers to l_quantity > 40; shipped by air refers to l_shipmode = 'AIR'
SELECT COUNT(l_linenumber) FROM lineitem WHERE l_quantity > 40 AND l_shipmode = 'AIR'
CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `c_custkey` INTEGER NOT NULL, `c_mktsegment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_nationkey` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `c_name` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_phone` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_acctbal` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `c_comment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`c_custkey`), FOREIGN KEY (`c_nationkey`) REFERENCES `nation` (`n_nationkey`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_shipdate DATE null, l_orderkey INTEGER not null, l_discount REAL not null, l_extendedprice REAL not null, l_suppkey INTEGER not null, l_quantity INTEGER not null, l_returnflag TEXT null, l_partkey INTEGER not null, l_linestatus TEXT null, l_tax REAL not null, l_commitdate DATE null, l_receiptdate DATE null, l_shipmode TEXT null, l_linenumber INTEGER not null, l_shipinstruct TEXT null, l_comment TEXT null, primary key (l_orderkey, l_linenumber), foreign key (l_orderkey) references orders (o_orderkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (l_partkey, l_suppkey) references partsupp (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE nation ( n_nationkey INTEGER not null primary key, n_name TEXT null, n_regionkey INTEGER null, n_comment TEXT null, foreign key (n_regionkey) references region (r_regionkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE orders ( o_orderdate DATE null, o_orderkey INTEGER not null primary key, o_custkey INTEGER not null, o_orderpriority TEXT null, o_shippriority INTEGER null, o_clerk TEXT null, o_orderstatus TEXT null, o_totalprice REAL null, o_comment TEXT null, foreign key (o_custkey) references customer (c_custkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE part ( p_partkey INTEGER not null primary key, p_type TEXT null, p_size INTEGER null, p_brand TEXT null, p_name TEXT null, p_container TEXT null, p_mfgr TEXT null, p_retailprice REAL null, p_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE partsupp ( ps_partkey INTEGER not null, ps_suppkey INTEGER not null, ps_supplycost REAL not null, ps_availqty INTEGER null, ps_comment TEXT null, primary key (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey), foreign key (ps_partkey) references part (p_partkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (ps_suppkey) references supplier (s_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE region ( r_regionkey INTEGER not null primary key, r_name TEXT null, r_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE supplier ( s_suppkey INTEGER not null primary key, s_nationkey INTEGER null, s_comment TEXT null, s_name TEXT null, s_address TEXT null, s_phone TEXT null, s_acctbal REAL null, foreign key (s_nationkey) references nation (n_nationkey) );
Count the total number of tweet IDs in `en`.
"en" is the language and refers to Lang = 'en'
CREATE TABLE location ( LocationID INTEGER constraint location_pk primary key, Country TEXT, State TEXT, StateCode TEXT, City TEXT ); CREATE TABLE user ( UserID TEXT constraint user_pk primary key, Gender TEXT ); CREATE TABLE twitter ( TweetID TEXT primary key, Weekday TEXT, Hour INTEGER, Day INTEGER, Lang TEXT, IsReshare TEXT, Reach INTEGER, RetweetCount INTEGER, Likes INTEGER, Klout INTEGER, Sentiment REAL, "text" TEXT, LocationID INTEGER, UserID TEXT, foreign key (LocationID) references location(LocationID), foreign key (UserID) references user(UserID) );
How many shoutouts are there in the regular season of 1977?
regular season refers to `R/P` = 'R'
SELECT COUNT(year) FROM CombinedShutouts WHERE year = 1977 AND `R/P` = 'R'
CREATE TABLE AwardsMisc ( name TEXT not null primary key, ID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT ); CREATE TABLE HOF ( year INTEGER, hofID TEXT not null primary key, name TEXT, category TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Teams ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, franchID TEXT, confID TEXT, divID TEXT, rank INTEGER, playoff TEXT, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, Pts INTEGER, SoW TEXT, SoL TEXT, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, name TEXT, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID) ); CREATE TABLE Coaches ( coachID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT not null, lgID TEXT, stint INTEGER not null, notes TEXT, g INTEGER, w INTEGER, l INTEGER, t INTEGER, postg TEXT, postw TEXT, postl TEXT, postt TEXT, primary key (coachID, year, tmID, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsCoaches ( coachID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) ); CREATE TABLE Master ( playerID TEXT, coachID TEXT, hofID TEXT, firstName TEXT, lastName TEXT not null, nameNote TEXT, nameGiven TEXT, nameNick TEXT, height TEXT, weight TEXT, shootCatch TEXT, legendsID TEXT, ihdbID TEXT, hrefID TEXT, firstNHL TEXT, lastNHL TEXT, firstWHA TEXT, lastWHA TEXT, pos TEXT, birthYear TEXT, birthMon TEXT, birthDay TEXT, birthCountry TEXT, birthState TEXT, birthCity TEXT, deathYear TEXT, deathMon TEXT, deathDay TEXT, deathCountry TEXT, deathState TEXT, deathCity TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsPlayers ( playerID TEXT not null, award TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, pos TEXT, primary key (playerID, award, year), foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE CombinedShutouts ( year INTEGER, month INTEGER, date INTEGER, tmID TEXT, oppID TEXT, "R/P" TEXT, IDgoalie1 TEXT, IDgoalie2 TEXT, foreign key (IDgoalie1) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (IDgoalie2) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Goalies ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, stint INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP TEXT, Min TEXT, W TEXT, L TEXT, "T/OL" TEXT, ENG TEXT, SHO TEXT, GA TEXT, SA TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostMin TEXT, PostW TEXT, PostL TEXT, PostT TEXT, PostENG TEXT, PostSHO TEXT, PostGA TEXT, PostSA TEXT, primary key (playerID, year, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesSC ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP INTEGER, Min INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, SHO INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (playerID, year), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, SA INTEGER, GA INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Scoring ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, "+/-" TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPA TEXT, SHG TEXT, SHA TEXT, GWG TEXT, GTG TEXT, SOG TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostG TEXT, PostA TEXT, PostPts TEXT, PostPIM TEXT, "Post+/-" TEXT, PostPPG TEXT, PostPPA TEXT, PostSHG TEXT, PostSHA TEXT, PostGWG TEXT, PostSOG TEXT, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSC ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, S INTEGER, G INTEGER, GDG INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSup ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, PPA TEXT, SHA TEXT, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE SeriesPost ( year INTEGER, round TEXT, series TEXT, tmIDWinner TEXT, lgIDWinner TEXT, tmIDLoser TEXT, lgIDLoser TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GoalsWinner INTEGER, GoalsLoser INTEGER, note TEXT, foreign key (year, tmIDWinner) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (year, tmIDLoser) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamSplits ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, hW INTEGER, hL INTEGER, hT INTEGER, hOTL TEXT, rW INTEGER, rL INTEGER, rT INTEGER, rOTL TEXT, SepW TEXT, SepL TEXT, SepT TEXT, SepOL TEXT, OctW TEXT, OctL TEXT, OctT TEXT, OctOL TEXT, NovW TEXT, NovL TEXT, NovT TEXT, NovOL TEXT, DecW TEXT, DecL TEXT, DecT TEXT, DecOL TEXT, JanW INTEGER, JanL INTEGER, JanT INTEGER, JanOL TEXT, FebW INTEGER, FebL INTEGER, FebT INTEGER, FebOL TEXT, MarW TEXT, MarL TEXT, MarT TEXT, MarOL TEXT, AprW TEXT, AprL TEXT, AprT TEXT, AprOL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamVsTeam ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, oppID TEXT not null, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID, oppID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (oppID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsHalf ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, half INTEGER not null, rank INTEGER, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (year, tmID, half), foreign key (tmID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsPost ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsSC ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE abbrev ( Type TEXT not null, Code TEXT not null, Fullname TEXT, primary key (Type, Code) );
Show the alias for the county at coordinate (18.090875, -66.867756).
coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'
SELECT T2.alias FROM zip_data AS T1 INNER JOIN alias AS T2 ON T1.zip_code = T2.zip_code WHERE T1.latitude = 18.090875 AND T1.longitude = -66.867756
CREATE TABLE CBSA ( CBSA INTEGER primary key, CBSA_name TEXT, CBSA_type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE state ( abbreviation TEXT primary key, name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE congress ( cognress_rep_id TEXT primary key, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT, CID TEXT, party TEXT, state TEXT, abbreviation TEXT, House TEXT, District INTEGER, land_area REAL, foreign key (abbreviation) references state(abbreviation) ); CREATE TABLE zip_data ( zip_code INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state TEXT, multi_county TEXT, type TEXT, organization TEXT, time_zone TEXT, daylight_savings TEXT, latitude REAL, longitude REAL, elevation INTEGER, state_fips INTEGER, county_fips INTEGER, region TEXT, division TEXT, population_2020 INTEGER, population_2010 INTEGER, households INTEGER, avg_house_value INTEGER, avg_income_per_household INTEGER, persons_per_household REAL, white_population INTEGER, black_population INTEGER, hispanic_population INTEGER, asian_population INTEGER, american_indian_population INTEGER, hawaiian_population INTEGER, other_population INTEGER, male_population INTEGER, female_population INTEGER, median_age REAL, male_median_age REAL, female_median_age REAL, residential_mailboxes INTEGER, business_mailboxes INTEGER, total_delivery_receptacles INTEGER, businesses INTEGER, "1st_quarter_payroll" INTEGER, annual_payroll INTEGER, employees INTEGER, water_area REAL, land_area REAL, single_family_delivery_units INTEGER, multi_family_delivery_units INTEGER, total_beneficiaries INTEGER, retired_workers INTEGER, disabled_workers INTEGER, parents_and_widowed INTEGER, spouses INTEGER, children INTEGER, over_65 INTEGER, monthly_benefits_all INTEGER, monthly_benefits_retired_workers INTEGER, monthly_benefits_widowed INTEGER, CBSA INTEGER, foreign key (state) references state(abbreviation), foreign key (CBSA) references CBSA(CBSA) ); CREATE TABLE alias ( zip_code INTEGER primary key, alias TEXT, foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE area_code ( zip_code INTEGER, area_code INTEGER, primary key (zip_code, area_code), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE avoid ( zip_code INTEGER, bad_alias TEXT, primary key (zip_code, bad_alias), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE country ( zip_code INTEGER, county TEXT, state TEXT, primary key (zip_code, county), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code), foreign key (state) references state(abbreviation) ); CREATE TABLE zip_congress ( zip_code INTEGER, district TEXT, primary key (zip_code, district), foreign key (district) references congress(cognress_rep_id), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) );
How many transactions have been made to purchase a root beer brand from California?
California refers to State = 'CA';
SELECT COUNT(T3.RootBeerID) FROM rootbeerbrand AS T1 INNER JOIN rootbeer AS T2 ON T1.BrandID = T2.BrandID INNER JOIN `transaction` AS T3 ON T2.RootBeerID = T3.RootBeerID WHERE T1.State = 'CA'
CREATE TABLE customers ( CustomerID INTEGER primary key, First TEXT, Last TEXT, StreetAddress TEXT, City TEXT, State TEXT, ZipCode INTEGER, Email TEXT, PhoneNumber TEXT, FirstPurchaseDate DATE, SubscribedToEmailList TEXT, Gender TEXT ); CREATE TABLE geolocation ( LocationID INTEGER primary key, Latitude REAL, Longitude REAL, foreign key (LocationID) references location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE location ( LocationID INTEGER primary key, LocationName TEXT, StreetAddress TEXT, City TEXT, State TEXT, ZipCode INTEGER, foreign key (LocationID) references geolocation(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE rootbeerbrand ( BrandID INTEGER primary key, BrandName TEXT, FirstBrewedYear INTEGER, BreweryName TEXT, City TEXT, State TEXT, Country TEXT, Description TEXT, CaneSugar TEXT, CornSyrup TEXT, Honey TEXT, ArtificialSweetener TEXT, Caffeinated TEXT, Alcoholic TEXT, AvailableInCans TEXT, AvailableInBottles TEXT, AvailableInKegs TEXT, Website TEXT, FacebookPage TEXT, Twitter TEXT, WholesaleCost REAL, CurrentRetailPrice REAL ); CREATE TABLE rootbeer ( RootBeerID INTEGER primary key, BrandID INTEGER, ContainerType TEXT, LocationID INTEGER, PurchaseDate DATE, foreign key (LocationID) references geolocation(LocationID), foreign key (LocationID) references location(LocationID), foreign key (BrandID) references rootbeerbrand(BrandID) ); CREATE TABLE rootbeerreview ( CustomerID INTEGER, BrandID INTEGER, StarRating INTEGER, ReviewDate DATE, Review TEXT, primary key (CustomerID, BrandID), foreign key (CustomerID) references customers(CustomerID), foreign key (BrandID) references rootbeerbrand(BrandID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "transaction" ( TransactionID INTEGER primary key, CreditCardNumber INTEGER, CustomerID INTEGER, TransactionDate DATE, CreditCardType TEXT, LocationID INTEGER, RootBeerID INTEGER, PurchasePrice REAL, foreign key (CustomerID) references customers(CustomerID), foreign key (LocationID) references location(LocationID), foreign key (RootBeerID) references rootbeer(RootBeerID) );
Calculate the number of international students of University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2013.
international students refers to DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(num_students, pct_international_students), 100); University of Wisconsin-Madison refers to university_name = 'University of Wisconsin-Madison'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013
SELECT CAST(T1.num_students * T1.pct_international_students AS REAL) / 100 FROM university_year AS T1 INNER JOIN university AS T2 ON T1.university_id = T2.id WHERE T1.year = 2013 AND T2.university_name = 'University of Wisconsin-Madison'
CREATE TABLE country ( id INTEGER not null primary key, country_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE ranking_system ( id INTEGER not null primary key, system_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE ranking_criteria ( id INTEGER not null primary key, ranking_system_id INTEGER default NULL, criteria_name TEXT default NULL, foreign key (ranking_system_id) references ranking_system(id) ); CREATE TABLE university ( id INTEGER not null primary key, country_id INTEGER default NULL, university_name TEXT default NULL, foreign key (country_id) references country(id) ); CREATE TABLE university_ranking_year ( university_id INTEGER default NULL, ranking_criteria_id INTEGER default NULL, year INTEGER default NULL, score INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (ranking_criteria_id) references ranking_criteria(id), foreign key (university_id) references university(id) ); CREATE TABLE university_year ( university_id INTEGER default NULL, year INTEGER default NULL, num_students INTEGER default NULL, student_staff_ratio REAL default NULL, pct_international_students INTEGER default NULL, pct_female_students INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (university_id) references university(id) );
How many methods with solutions with path 'maravillas_linq-to-delicious\tasty.sln'?
solution refers to SolutionId;
SELECT COUNT(T2.SolutionId) FROM Solution AS T1 INNER JOIN Method AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.SolutionId WHERE T1.Path = 'maravillas_linq-to-delicious\tasty.sln'
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Method" ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT, FullComment TEXT, Summary TEXT, ApiCalls TEXT, CommentIsXml INTEGER, SampledAt INTEGER, SolutionId INTEGER, Lang TEXT, NameTokenized TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "MethodParameter" ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, MethodId TEXT, Type TEXT, Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Repo ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, Url TEXT, Stars INTEGER, Forks INTEGER, Watchers INTEGER, ProcessedTime INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Solution ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, RepoId INTEGER, Path TEXT, ProcessedTime INTEGER, WasCompiled INTEGER );
State the most popular movie? When was it released and who is the director for the movie?
most popular movie refers to MAX(movie_popularity); when it was released refers to movie_release_year; director for the movie refers to director_name;
SELECT movie_title, movie_release_year, director_name FROM movies ORDER BY movie_popularity DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ); CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) );
What is the full name of the actor who has the highest number of restricted films?
restricted refers to rating = 'R'; highest number of film refers to Max(Count(film_id)); full name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name FROM ( SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, COUNT(T2.film_id) AS num FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T3.rating = 'R' GROUP BY T1.first_name, T1.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE film_text ( film_id INTEGER not null primary key, title TEXT not null, description TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "actor" ( actor_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "address" ( address_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, address TEXT not null, address2 TEXT, district TEXT not null, city_id INTEGER not null references city on update cascade, postal_code TEXT, phone TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "category" ( category_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "city" ( city_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, city TEXT not null, country_id INTEGER not null references country on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "country" ( country_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, country TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "customer" ( customer_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, email TEXT, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, create_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film" ( film_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, title TEXT not null, description TEXT, release_year TEXT, language_id INTEGER not null references language on update cascade, original_language_id INTEGER references language on update cascade, rental_duration INTEGER default 3 not null, rental_rate REAL default 4.99 not null, length INTEGER, replacement_cost REAL default 19.99 not null, rating TEXT default 'G', special_features TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_actor" ( actor_id INTEGER not null references actor on update cascade, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (actor_id, film_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_category" ( film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, category_id INTEGER not null references category on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (film_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inventory" ( inventory_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "language" ( language_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payment" ( payment_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, rental_id INTEGER references rental on update cascade on delete set null, amount REAL not null, payment_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rental" ( rental_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rental_date DATETIME not null, inventory_id INTEGER not null references inventory on update cascade, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, return_date DATETIME, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (rental_date, inventory_id, customer_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "staff" ( staff_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, picture BLOB, email TEXT, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, username TEXT not null, password TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "store" ( store_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, manager_staff_id INTEGER not null unique references staff on update cascade, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
Among the reviews for the podcast "Please Excuse My Dead Aunt Sally", how many of them are made in the year 2019?
"Please Excuse My Dead Aunt Sally" is the title of podcast; made in the year 2019 refers to created_at like '2019%'
SELECT COUNT(T2.created_at) FROM podcasts AS T1 INNER JOIN reviews AS T2 ON T2.podcast_id = T1.podcast_id WHERE T1.title = 'Please Excuse My Dead Aunt Sally' AND T2.created_at LIKE '2019-%'
CREATE TABLE runs ( run_at text not null, max_rowid integer not null, reviews_added integer not null ); CREATE TABLE podcasts ( podcast_id text primary key, itunes_id integer not null, slug text not null, itunes_url text not null, title text not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "reviews" ( podcast_id TEXT not null constraint reviews_podcasts_podcast_id_fk references podcasts, title TEXT not null, content TEXT not null, rating INTEGER not null, author_id TEXT not null, created_at TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "categories" ( podcast_id TEXT not null constraint categories_podcasts_podcast_id_fk references podcasts, category TEXT not null, constraint "PRIMARY" primary key (podcast_id, category) ); CREATE INDEX category_podcast_id_idx on categories (podcast_id);
List the community area names in the Northwest.
the Northwest refers to side = 'Northwest'
SELECT community_area_name FROM Community_Area WHERE side = 'Northwest'
CREATE TABLE Community_Area ( community_area_no INTEGER primary key, community_area_name TEXT, side TEXT, population TEXT ); CREATE TABLE District ( district_no INTEGER primary key, district_name TEXT, address TEXT, zip_code INTEGER, commander TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT, fax TEXT, tty TEXT, twitter TEXT ); CREATE TABLE FBI_Code ( fbi_code_no TEXT primary key, title TEXT, description TEXT, crime_against TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IUCR ( iucr_no TEXT primary key, primary_description TEXT, secondary_description TEXT, index_code TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Neighborhood ( neighborhood_name TEXT primary key, community_area_no INTEGER, foreign key (community_area_no) references Community_Area(community_area_no) ); CREATE TABLE Ward ( ward_no INTEGER primary key, alderman_first_name TEXT, alderman_last_name TEXT, alderman_name_suffix TEXT, ward_office_address TEXT, ward_office_zip TEXT, ward_email TEXT, ward_office_phone TEXT, ward_office_fax TEXT, city_hall_office_room INTEGER, city_hall_office_phone TEXT, city_hall_office_fax TEXT, Population INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Crime ( report_no INTEGER primary key, case_number TEXT, date TEXT, block TEXT, iucr_no TEXT, location_description TEXT, arrest TEXT, domestic TEXT, beat INTEGER, district_no INTEGER, ward_no INTEGER, community_area_no INTEGER, fbi_code_no TEXT, latitude TEXT, longitude TEXT, foreign key (ward_no) references Ward(ward_no), foreign key (iucr_no) references IUCR(iucr_no), foreign key (district_no) references District(district_no), foreign key (community_area_no) references Community_Area(community_area_no), foreign key (fbi_code_no) references FBI_Code(fbi_code_no) );
Name the oldest employee who is working on night shift. How old is the employee?
working on night shift refers to ShiftID = 3; oldest employee refers to min(BirthDate); age = 2022-year(BirthDate)+1
SELECT T1.FirstName, T1.LastName , STRFTIME('%Y', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - STRFTIME('%Y', BirthDate) FROM Person AS T1 INNER JOIN Employee AS T2 ON T1.BusinessEntityID = T2.BusinessEntityID INNER JOIN EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS T3 ON T2.BusinessEntityID = T3.BusinessEntityID WHERE T3.ShiftId = 3 ORDER BY STRFTIME('%Y', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - STRFTIME('%Y', BirthDate) DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE CountryRegion ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Culture ( CultureID TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Currency ( CurrencyCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE CountryRegionCurrency ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, CurrencyCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (CountryRegionCode, CurrencyCode), foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode), foreign key (CurrencyCode) references Currency(CurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE Person ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PersonType TEXT not null, NameStyle INTEGER default 0 not null, Title TEXT, FirstName TEXT not null, MiddleName TEXT, LastName TEXT not null, Suffix TEXT, EmailPromotion INTEGER default 0 not null, AdditionalContactInfo TEXT, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityContact ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, PersonID INTEGER not null, ContactTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, PersonID, ContactTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ContactTypeID) references ContactType(ContactTypeID), foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE EmailAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, EmailAddressID INTEGER, EmailAddress TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (EmailAddressID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Employee ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, NationalIDNumber TEXT not null unique, LoginID TEXT not null unique, OrganizationNode TEXT, OrganizationLevel INTEGER, JobTitle TEXT not null, BirthDate DATE not null, MaritalStatus TEXT not null, Gender TEXT not null, HireDate DATE not null, SalariedFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, VacationHours INTEGER default 0 not null, SickLeaveHours INTEGER default 0 not null, CurrentFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Password ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PasswordHash TEXT not null, PasswordSalt TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE PersonCreditCard ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, CreditCardID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, CreditCardID), foreign key (CreditCardID) references CreditCard(CreditCardID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductCategory ( ProductCategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductDescription ( ProductDescriptionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModel ( ProductModelID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CatalogDescription TEXT, Instructions TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture ( ProductModelID INTEGER not null, ProductDescriptionID INTEGER not null, CultureID TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID, CultureID), foreign key (ProductModelID) references ProductModel(ProductModelID), foreign key (ProductDescriptionID) references ProductDescription(ProductDescriptionID), foreign key (CultureID) references Culture(CultureID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductPhoto ( ProductPhotoID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ThumbNailPhoto BLOB, ThumbnailPhotoFileName TEXT, LargePhoto BLOB, LargePhotoFileName TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductSubcategory ( ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductCategoryID INTEGER not null, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductCategoryID) references ProductCategory(ProductCategoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesReason ( SalesReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ReasonType TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritory ( TerritoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, "Group" TEXT not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPerson ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, TerritoryID INTEGER, SalesQuota REAL, Bonus REAL default 0.0000 not null, CommissionPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPersonQuotaHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, QuotaDate DATETIME not null, SalesQuota REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, QuotaDate), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritoryHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, TerritoryID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, TerritoryID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE ScrapReason ( ScrapReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE Shift ( ShiftID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, StartTime TEXT not null, EndTime TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StartTime, EndTime) ); CREATE TABLE ShipMethod ( ShipMethodID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ShipBase REAL default 0.0000 not null, ShipRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOffer ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, DiscountPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, Type TEXT not null, Category TEXT not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME not null, MinQty INTEGER default 0 not null, MaxQty INTEGER, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AddressID INTEGER not null, AddressTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, AddressID, AddressTypeID), foreign key (AddressID) references Address(AddressID), foreign key (AddressTypeID) references AddressType(AddressTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTaxRate ( SalesTaxRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null, TaxType INTEGER not null, TaxRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Name TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceID, TaxType), foreign key (StateProvinceID) references StateProvince(StateProvinceID) ); CREATE TABLE Store ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, Name TEXT not null, SalesPersonID INTEGER, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (SalesPersonID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesReasonID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SalesOrderID, SalesReasonID), foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SalesReasonID) references SalesReason(SalesReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistoryArchive ( TransactionID INTEGER not null primary key, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE UnitMeasure ( UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductCostHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, StandardCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductDocument ( ProductID INTEGER not null, DocumentNode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, DocumentNode), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (DocumentNode) references Document(DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE ProductInventory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, Shelf TEXT not null, Bin INTEGER not null, Quantity INTEGER default 0 not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, LocationID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductProductPhoto ( ProductID INTEGER not null, ProductPhotoID INTEGER not null, "Primary" INTEGER default 0 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, ProductPhotoID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ProductPhotoID) references ProductPhoto(ProductPhotoID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductReview ( ProductReviewID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReviewerName TEXT not null, ReviewDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, EmailAddress TEXT not null, Rating INTEGER not null, Comments TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ShoppingCartItem ( ShoppingCartItemID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ShoppingCartID TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER default 1 not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, DateCreated DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOfferProduct ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID) references SpecialOffer(SpecialOfferID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderDetail ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CarrierTrackingNumber TEXT, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, UnitPriceDiscount REAL default 0.0000 not null, LineTotal REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID) references SpecialOfferProduct(SpecialOfferID, ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistory ( TransactionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE Vendor ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, Name TEXT not null, CreditRating INTEGER not null, PreferredVendorStatus INTEGER default 1 not null, ActiveFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, PurchasingWebServiceURL TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductVendor ( ProductID INTEGER not null, BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AverageLeadTime INTEGER not null, StandardPrice REAL not null, LastReceiptCost REAL, LastReceiptDate DATETIME, MinOrderQty INTEGER not null, MaxOrderQty INTEGER not null, OnOrderQty INTEGER, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (UnitMeasureCode) references UnitMeasure(UnitMeasureCode) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderHeader ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, EmployeeID INTEGER not null, VendorID INTEGER not null, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ShipDate DATETIME, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (EmployeeID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (VendorID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ShipMethodID) references ShipMethod(ShipMethodID) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderDetail ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER not null, PurchaseOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, DueDate DATETIME not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, LineTotal REAL not null, ReceivedQty REAL not null, RejectedQty REAL not null, StockedQty REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (PurchaseOrderID) references PurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrder ( WorkOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, StockedQty INTEGER not null, ScrappedQty INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, DueDate DATETIME not null, ScrapReasonID INTEGER, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ScrapReasonID) references ScrapReason(ScrapReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrderRouting ( WorkOrderID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, OperationSequence INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, ScheduledStartDate DATETIME not null, ScheduledEndDate DATETIME not null, ActualStartDate DATETIME, ActualEndDate DATETIME, ActualResourceHrs REAL, PlannedCost REAL not null, ActualCost REAL, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (WorkOrderID, ProductID, OperationSequence), foreign key (WorkOrderID) references WorkOrder(WorkOrderID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerID INTEGER primary key, PersonID INTEGER, StoreID INTEGER, TerritoryID INTEGER, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID), foreign key (StoreID) references Store(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductListPriceHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ListPrice REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Address" ( AddressID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, AddressLine1 TEXT not null, AddressLine2 TEXT, City TEXT not null, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null references StateProvince, PostalCode TEXT not null, SpatialLocation TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "AddressType" ( AddressTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BillOfMaterials" ( BillOfMaterialsID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductAssemblyID INTEGER references Product, ComponentID INTEGER not null references Product, StartDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, EndDate DATETIME, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null references UnitMeasure, BOMLevel INTEGER not null, PerAssemblyQty REAL default 1.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (ProductAssemblyID, ComponentID, StartDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BusinessEntity" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ContactType" ( ContactTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CurrencyRate" ( CurrencyRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CurrencyRateDate DATETIME not null, FromCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, ToCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, AverageRate REAL not null, EndOfDayRate REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (CurrencyRateDate, FromCurrencyCode, ToCurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Department" ( DepartmentID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, GroupName TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, DepartmentID INTEGER not null references Department, ShiftID INTEGER not null references Shift, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, DepartmentID, ShiftID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeePayHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, RateChangeDate DATETIME not null, Rate REAL not null, PayFrequency INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, RateChangeDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "JobCandidate" ( JobCandidateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, BusinessEntityID INTEGER references Employee, Resume TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Location" ( LocationID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CostRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Availability REAL default 0.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "PhoneNumberType" ( PhoneNumberTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Product" ( ProductID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ProductNumber TEXT not null unique, MakeFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, FinishedGoodsFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Color TEXT, SafetyStockLevel INTEGER not null, ReorderPoint INTEGER not null, StandardCost REAL not null, ListPrice REAL not null, Size TEXT, SizeUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, WeightUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, Weight REAL, DaysToManufacture INTEGER not null, ProductLine TEXT, Class TEXT, Style TEXT, ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER references ProductSubcategory, ProductModelID INTEGER references ProductModel, SellStartDate DATETIME not null, SellEndDate DATETIME, DiscontinuedDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Document" ( DocumentNode TEXT not null primary key, DocumentLevel INTEGER, Title TEXT not null, Owner INTEGER not null references Employee, FolderFlag INTEGER default 0 not null, FileName TEXT not null, FileExtension TEXT not null, Revision TEXT not null, ChangeNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER not null, DocumentSummary TEXT, Document BLOB, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (DocumentLevel, DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "StateProvince" ( StateProvinceID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceCode TEXT not null, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null references CountryRegion, IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Name TEXT not null unique, TerritoryID INTEGER not null references SalesTerritory, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CreditCard" ( CreditCardID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CardType TEXT not null, CardNumber TEXT not null unique, ExpMonth INTEGER not null, ExpYear INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "SalesOrderHeader" ( SalesOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, DueDate DATETIME not null, ShipDate DATETIME, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, OnlineOrderFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, SalesOrderNumber TEXT not null unique, PurchaseOrderNumber TEXT, AccountNumber TEXT, CustomerID INTEGER not null references Customer, SalesPersonID INTEGER references SalesPerson, TerritoryID INTEGER references SalesTerritory, BillToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null references Address, CreditCardID INTEGER references CreditCard, CreditCardApprovalCode TEXT, CurrencyRateID INTEGER references CurrencyRate, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, Comment TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
List all the numbers ordered by 'Rochester Ltd' in 2018.
Rochester Ltd is the name of the customer; all the numbers ordered refer to OrderNumber; 2018 refers to SUBSTR(OrderDate, -2) = '18';
SELECT DISTINCT T FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN T1.OrderDate LIKE '%/%/18' AND T2.`Customer Names` = 'Rochester Ltd' THEN T1.OrderNumber ELSE NULL END AS T FROM `Sales Orders` T1 INNER JOIN Customers T2 ON T2.CustomerID = T1._CustomerID ) WHERE T IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE Customers ( CustomerID INTEGER constraint Customers_pk primary key, "Customer Names" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INTEGER constraint Products_pk primary key, "Product Name" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Regions ( StateCode TEXT constraint Regions_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Team" ( SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Team_pk" primary key, "Sales Team" TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Store Locations" ( StoreID INTEGER constraint "Store Locations_pk" primary key, "City Name" TEXT, County TEXT, StateCode TEXT constraint "Store Locations_Regions_StateCode_fk" references Regions(StateCode), State TEXT, Type TEXT, Latitude REAL, Longitude REAL, AreaCode INTEGER, Population INTEGER, "Household Income" INTEGER, "Median Income" INTEGER, "Land Area" INTEGER, "Water Area" INTEGER, "Time Zone" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Orders" ( OrderNumber TEXT constraint "Sales Orders_pk" primary key, "Sales Channel" TEXT, WarehouseCode TEXT, ProcuredDate TEXT, OrderDate TEXT, ShipDate TEXT, DeliveryDate TEXT, CurrencyCode TEXT, _SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Sales Team_SalesTeamID_fk" references "Sales Team"(SalesTeamID), _CustomerID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Customers_CustomerID_fk" references Customers(CustomerID), _StoreID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Store Locations_StoreID_fk" references "Store Locations"(StoreID), _ProductID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Products_ProductID_fk" references Products(ProductID), "Order Quantity" INTEGER, "Discount Applied" REAL, "Unit Price" TEXT, "Unit Cost" TEXT );
Which episode of The simpson 20s: Season 20 has received the most nominations? Indicate the title.
received the most nomination refers to MAX(COUNT(episode_id))
SELECT T2.title FROM Award AS T1 INNER JOIN Episode AS T2 ON T1.episode_id = T2.episode_id GROUP BY T1.episode_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Episode" ( episode_id TEXT constraint Episode_pk primary key, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, number_in_series INTEGER, title TEXT, summary TEXT, air_date TEXT, episode_image TEXT, rating REAL, votes INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Person ( name TEXT constraint Person_pk primary key, birthdate TEXT, birth_name TEXT, birth_place TEXT, birth_region TEXT, birth_country TEXT, height_meters REAL, nickname TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Award ( award_id INTEGER primary key, organization TEXT, year INTEGER, award_category TEXT, award TEXT, person TEXT, role TEXT, episode_id TEXT, season TEXT, song TEXT, result TEXT, foreign key (person) references Person(name), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Character_Award ( award_id INTEGER, character TEXT, foreign key (award_id) references Award(award_id) ); CREATE TABLE Credit ( episode_id TEXT, category TEXT, person TEXT, role TEXT, credited TEXT, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id), foreign key (person) references Person(name) ); CREATE TABLE Keyword ( episode_id TEXT, keyword TEXT, primary key (episode_id, keyword), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Vote ( episode_id TEXT, stars INTEGER, votes INTEGER, percent REAL, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) );
What is the model of the oldest user's device?
model of the device refers to device_model; oldest user refers to MAX(age);
SELECT T1.device_model FROM phone_brand_device_model2 AS T1 INNER JOIN gender_age AS T2 ON T2.device_id = T1.device_id ORDER BY T2.age DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE `app_all` ( `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `app_events` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_installed` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_active` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`,`app_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`event_id`) REFERENCES `events` (`event_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `app_events_relevant` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_installed` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `is_active` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`,`app_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`event_id`) REFERENCES `events_relevant` (`event_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app_all` (`app_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `app_labels` ( `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `label_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`label_id`) REFERENCES `label_categories` (`label_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app_all` (`app_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `events` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `device_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `longitude` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `latitude` REAL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `events_relevant` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `device_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL, `longitude` REAL NOT NULL, `latitude` REAL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`device_id`) REFERENCES `gender_age` (`device_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `gender` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `age` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `group` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`device_id`) REFERENCES `phone_brand_device_model2` (`device_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age_test` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age_train` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `gender` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `age` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `group` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `label_categories` ( `label_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `category` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`label_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `phone_brand_device_model2` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `phone_brand` TEXT NOT NULL, `device_model` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`,`phone_brand`,`device_model`) ); CREATE TABLE `sample_submission` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `F23-` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F24-26` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F27-28` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F29-32` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F33-42` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F43+` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M22-` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M23-26` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M27-28` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M29-31` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M32-38` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M39+` REAL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) );
Which vendor's selling price for Hex Nut 5 is the lowest, please give the vendor's name.
vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice; lowest selling price = MIN(StandardPrice)
SELECT T3.Name FROM ProductVendor AS T1 INNER JOIN Product AS T2 ON T1.ProductID = T2.ProductID INNER JOIN Vendor AS T3 ON T1.BusinessEntityID = T3.BusinessEntityID WHERE T2.Name = 'Hex Nut 5' ORDER BY T1.StandardPrice LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE CountryRegion ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Culture ( CultureID TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Currency ( CurrencyCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE CountryRegionCurrency ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, CurrencyCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (CountryRegionCode, CurrencyCode), foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode), foreign key (CurrencyCode) references Currency(CurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE Person ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PersonType TEXT not null, NameStyle INTEGER default 0 not null, Title TEXT, FirstName TEXT not null, MiddleName TEXT, LastName TEXT not null, Suffix TEXT, EmailPromotion INTEGER default 0 not null, AdditionalContactInfo TEXT, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityContact ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, PersonID INTEGER not null, ContactTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, PersonID, ContactTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ContactTypeID) references ContactType(ContactTypeID), foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE EmailAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, EmailAddressID INTEGER, EmailAddress TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (EmailAddressID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Employee ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, NationalIDNumber TEXT not null unique, LoginID TEXT not null unique, OrganizationNode TEXT, OrganizationLevel INTEGER, JobTitle TEXT not null, BirthDate DATE not null, MaritalStatus TEXT not null, Gender TEXT not null, HireDate DATE not null, SalariedFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, VacationHours INTEGER default 0 not null, SickLeaveHours INTEGER default 0 not null, CurrentFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Password ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PasswordHash TEXT not null, PasswordSalt TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE PersonCreditCard ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, CreditCardID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, CreditCardID), foreign key (CreditCardID) references CreditCard(CreditCardID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductCategory ( ProductCategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductDescription ( ProductDescriptionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModel ( ProductModelID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CatalogDescription TEXT, Instructions TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture ( ProductModelID INTEGER not null, ProductDescriptionID INTEGER not null, CultureID TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID, CultureID), foreign key (ProductModelID) references ProductModel(ProductModelID), foreign key (ProductDescriptionID) references ProductDescription(ProductDescriptionID), foreign key (CultureID) references Culture(CultureID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductPhoto ( ProductPhotoID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ThumbNailPhoto BLOB, ThumbnailPhotoFileName TEXT, LargePhoto BLOB, LargePhotoFileName TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductSubcategory ( ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductCategoryID INTEGER not null, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductCategoryID) references ProductCategory(ProductCategoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesReason ( SalesReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ReasonType TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritory ( TerritoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, "Group" TEXT not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPerson ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, TerritoryID INTEGER, SalesQuota REAL, Bonus REAL default 0.0000 not null, CommissionPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPersonQuotaHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, QuotaDate DATETIME not null, SalesQuota REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, QuotaDate), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritoryHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, TerritoryID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, TerritoryID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE ScrapReason ( ScrapReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE Shift ( ShiftID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, StartTime TEXT not null, EndTime TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StartTime, EndTime) ); CREATE TABLE ShipMethod ( ShipMethodID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ShipBase REAL default 0.0000 not null, ShipRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOffer ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, DiscountPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, Type TEXT not null, Category TEXT not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME not null, MinQty INTEGER default 0 not null, MaxQty INTEGER, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AddressID INTEGER not null, AddressTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, AddressID, AddressTypeID), foreign key (AddressID) references Address(AddressID), foreign key (AddressTypeID) references AddressType(AddressTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTaxRate ( SalesTaxRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null, TaxType INTEGER not null, TaxRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Name TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceID, TaxType), foreign key (StateProvinceID) references StateProvince(StateProvinceID) ); CREATE TABLE Store ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, Name TEXT not null, SalesPersonID INTEGER, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (SalesPersonID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesReasonID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SalesOrderID, SalesReasonID), foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SalesReasonID) references SalesReason(SalesReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistoryArchive ( TransactionID INTEGER not null primary key, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE UnitMeasure ( UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductCostHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, StandardCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductDocument ( ProductID INTEGER not null, DocumentNode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, DocumentNode), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (DocumentNode) references Document(DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE ProductInventory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, Shelf TEXT not null, Bin INTEGER not null, Quantity INTEGER default 0 not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, LocationID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductProductPhoto ( ProductID INTEGER not null, ProductPhotoID INTEGER not null, "Primary" INTEGER default 0 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, ProductPhotoID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ProductPhotoID) references ProductPhoto(ProductPhotoID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductReview ( ProductReviewID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReviewerName TEXT not null, ReviewDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, EmailAddress TEXT not null, Rating INTEGER not null, Comments TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ShoppingCartItem ( ShoppingCartItemID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ShoppingCartID TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER default 1 not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, DateCreated DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOfferProduct ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID) references SpecialOffer(SpecialOfferID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderDetail ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CarrierTrackingNumber TEXT, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, UnitPriceDiscount REAL default 0.0000 not null, LineTotal REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID) references SpecialOfferProduct(SpecialOfferID, ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistory ( TransactionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE Vendor ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, Name TEXT not null, CreditRating INTEGER not null, PreferredVendorStatus INTEGER default 1 not null, ActiveFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, PurchasingWebServiceURL TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductVendor ( ProductID INTEGER not null, BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AverageLeadTime INTEGER not null, StandardPrice REAL not null, LastReceiptCost REAL, LastReceiptDate DATETIME, MinOrderQty INTEGER not null, MaxOrderQty INTEGER not null, OnOrderQty INTEGER, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (UnitMeasureCode) references UnitMeasure(UnitMeasureCode) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderHeader ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, EmployeeID INTEGER not null, VendorID INTEGER not null, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ShipDate DATETIME, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (EmployeeID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (VendorID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ShipMethodID) references ShipMethod(ShipMethodID) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderDetail ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER not null, PurchaseOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, DueDate DATETIME not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, LineTotal REAL not null, ReceivedQty REAL not null, RejectedQty REAL not null, StockedQty REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (PurchaseOrderID) references PurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrder ( WorkOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, StockedQty INTEGER not null, ScrappedQty INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, DueDate DATETIME not null, ScrapReasonID INTEGER, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ScrapReasonID) references ScrapReason(ScrapReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrderRouting ( WorkOrderID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, OperationSequence INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, ScheduledStartDate DATETIME not null, ScheduledEndDate DATETIME not null, ActualStartDate DATETIME, ActualEndDate DATETIME, ActualResourceHrs REAL, PlannedCost REAL not null, ActualCost REAL, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (WorkOrderID, ProductID, OperationSequence), foreign key (WorkOrderID) references WorkOrder(WorkOrderID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerID INTEGER primary key, PersonID INTEGER, StoreID INTEGER, TerritoryID INTEGER, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID), foreign key (StoreID) references Store(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductListPriceHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ListPrice REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Address" ( AddressID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, AddressLine1 TEXT not null, AddressLine2 TEXT, City TEXT not null, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null references StateProvince, PostalCode TEXT not null, SpatialLocation TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "AddressType" ( AddressTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BillOfMaterials" ( BillOfMaterialsID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductAssemblyID INTEGER references Product, ComponentID INTEGER not null references Product, StartDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, EndDate DATETIME, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null references UnitMeasure, BOMLevel INTEGER not null, PerAssemblyQty REAL default 1.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (ProductAssemblyID, ComponentID, StartDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BusinessEntity" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ContactType" ( ContactTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CurrencyRate" ( CurrencyRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CurrencyRateDate DATETIME not null, FromCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, ToCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, AverageRate REAL not null, EndOfDayRate REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (CurrencyRateDate, FromCurrencyCode, ToCurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Department" ( DepartmentID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, GroupName TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, DepartmentID INTEGER not null references Department, ShiftID INTEGER not null references Shift, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, DepartmentID, ShiftID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeePayHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, RateChangeDate DATETIME not null, Rate REAL not null, PayFrequency INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, RateChangeDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "JobCandidate" ( JobCandidateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, BusinessEntityID INTEGER references Employee, Resume TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Location" ( LocationID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CostRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Availability REAL default 0.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "PhoneNumberType" ( PhoneNumberTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Product" ( ProductID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ProductNumber TEXT not null unique, MakeFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, FinishedGoodsFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Color TEXT, SafetyStockLevel INTEGER not null, ReorderPoint INTEGER not null, StandardCost REAL not null, ListPrice REAL not null, Size TEXT, SizeUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, WeightUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, Weight REAL, DaysToManufacture INTEGER not null, ProductLine TEXT, Class TEXT, Style TEXT, ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER references ProductSubcategory, ProductModelID INTEGER references ProductModel, SellStartDate DATETIME not null, SellEndDate DATETIME, DiscontinuedDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Document" ( DocumentNode TEXT not null primary key, DocumentLevel INTEGER, Title TEXT not null, Owner INTEGER not null references Employee, FolderFlag INTEGER default 0 not null, FileName TEXT not null, FileExtension TEXT not null, Revision TEXT not null, ChangeNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER not null, DocumentSummary TEXT, Document BLOB, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (DocumentLevel, DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "StateProvince" ( StateProvinceID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceCode TEXT not null, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null references CountryRegion, IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Name TEXT not null unique, TerritoryID INTEGER not null references SalesTerritory, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CreditCard" ( CreditCardID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CardType TEXT not null, CardNumber TEXT not null unique, ExpMonth INTEGER not null, ExpYear INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "SalesOrderHeader" ( SalesOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, DueDate DATETIME not null, ShipDate DATETIME, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, OnlineOrderFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, SalesOrderNumber TEXT not null unique, PurchaseOrderNumber TEXT, AccountNumber TEXT, CustomerID INTEGER not null references Customer, SalesPersonID INTEGER references SalesPerson, TerritoryID INTEGER references SalesTerritory, BillToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null references Address, CreditCardID INTEGER references CreditCard, CreditCardApprovalCode TEXT, CurrencyRateID INTEGER references CurrencyRate, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, Comment TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
Which region is Joshua Bennet located in?
"Joshua Bennett" is the name of Sales Team
CREATE TABLE Customers ( CustomerID INTEGER constraint Customers_pk primary key, "Customer Names" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INTEGER constraint Products_pk primary key, "Product Name" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Regions ( StateCode TEXT constraint Regions_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Team" ( SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Team_pk" primary key, "Sales Team" TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Store Locations" ( StoreID INTEGER constraint "Store Locations_pk" primary key, "City Name" TEXT, County TEXT, StateCode TEXT constraint "Store Locations_Regions_StateCode_fk" references Regions(StateCode), State TEXT, Type TEXT, Latitude REAL, Longitude REAL, AreaCode INTEGER, Population INTEGER, "Household Income" INTEGER, "Median Income" INTEGER, "Land Area" INTEGER, "Water Area" INTEGER, "Time Zone" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Orders" ( OrderNumber TEXT constraint "Sales Orders_pk" primary key, "Sales Channel" TEXT, WarehouseCode TEXT, ProcuredDate TEXT, OrderDate TEXT, ShipDate TEXT, DeliveryDate TEXT, CurrencyCode TEXT, _SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Sales Team_SalesTeamID_fk" references "Sales Team"(SalesTeamID), _CustomerID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Customers_CustomerID_fk" references Customers(CustomerID), _StoreID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Store Locations_StoreID_fk" references "Store Locations"(StoreID), _ProductID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Products_ProductID_fk" references Products(ProductID), "Order Quantity" INTEGER, "Discount Applied" REAL, "Unit Price" TEXT, "Unit Cost" TEXT );
What is the net worth of the actor starred in Misery who has a height ranging from 60 to 70 inches tall?
Misery refers to Title = 'Misery'; height ranging from 60 to 70 inches refers to Height (Inches) BETWEEN 60 and 70
SELECT T3.NetWorth FROM movie AS T1 INNER JOIN characters AS T2 ON T1.MovieID = T2.MovieID INNER JOIN actor AS T3 ON T3.ActorID = T2.ActorID WHERE T1.Title = 'Misery' AND T3.`Height (Inches)` BETWEEN 60 AND 70 AND T3.Gender = 'Male'
CREATE TABLE actor ( ActorID INTEGER constraint actor_pk primary key, Name TEXT, "Date of Birth" DATE, "Birth City" TEXT, "Birth Country" TEXT, "Height (Inches)" INTEGER, Biography TEXT, Gender TEXT, Ethnicity TEXT, NetWorth TEXT ); CREATE TABLE movie ( MovieID INTEGER constraint movie_pk primary key, Title TEXT, "MPAA Rating" TEXT, Budget INTEGER, Gross INTEGER, "Release Date" TEXT, Genre TEXT, Runtime INTEGER, Rating REAL, "Rating Count" INTEGER, Summary TEXT ); CREATE TABLE characters ( MovieID INTEGER, ActorID INTEGER, "Character Name" TEXT, creditOrder INTEGER, pay TEXT, screentime TEXT, primary key (MovieID, ActorID), foreign key (ActorID) references actor(ActorID), foreign key (MovieID) references movie(MovieID) );
Among the providers in Argentina, which supplier has an account that is in debt?
Argentina refers to n_name = 'ARGENTINA'; supplier refers to s_name; an account in debt refers to s_acctbal < 0
SELECT T1.s_name FROM supplier AS T1 INNER JOIN nation AS T2 ON T1.s_nationkey = T2.n_nationkey WHERE T1.s_acctbal < 0 AND T2.n_name = 'ARGENTINA'
CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `c_custkey` INTEGER NOT NULL, `c_mktsegment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_nationkey` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `c_name` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_phone` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_acctbal` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `c_comment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`c_custkey`), FOREIGN KEY (`c_nationkey`) REFERENCES `nation` (`n_nationkey`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_shipdate DATE null, l_orderkey INTEGER not null, l_discount REAL not null, l_extendedprice REAL not null, l_suppkey INTEGER not null, l_quantity INTEGER not null, l_returnflag TEXT null, l_partkey INTEGER not null, l_linestatus TEXT null, l_tax REAL not null, l_commitdate DATE null, l_receiptdate DATE null, l_shipmode TEXT null, l_linenumber INTEGER not null, l_shipinstruct TEXT null, l_comment TEXT null, primary key (l_orderkey, l_linenumber), foreign key (l_orderkey) references orders (o_orderkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (l_partkey, l_suppkey) references partsupp (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE nation ( n_nationkey INTEGER not null primary key, n_name TEXT null, n_regionkey INTEGER null, n_comment TEXT null, foreign key (n_regionkey) references region (r_regionkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE orders ( o_orderdate DATE null, o_orderkey INTEGER not null primary key, o_custkey INTEGER not null, o_orderpriority TEXT null, o_shippriority INTEGER null, o_clerk TEXT null, o_orderstatus TEXT null, o_totalprice REAL null, o_comment TEXT null, foreign key (o_custkey) references customer (c_custkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE part ( p_partkey INTEGER not null primary key, p_type TEXT null, p_size INTEGER null, p_brand TEXT null, p_name TEXT null, p_container TEXT null, p_mfgr TEXT null, p_retailprice REAL null, p_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE partsupp ( ps_partkey INTEGER not null, ps_suppkey INTEGER not null, ps_supplycost REAL not null, ps_availqty INTEGER null, ps_comment TEXT null, primary key (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey), foreign key (ps_partkey) references part (p_partkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (ps_suppkey) references supplier (s_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE region ( r_regionkey INTEGER not null primary key, r_name TEXT null, r_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE supplier ( s_suppkey INTEGER not null primary key, s_nationkey INTEGER null, s_comment TEXT null, s_name TEXT null, s_address TEXT null, s_phone TEXT null, s_acctbal REAL null, foreign key (s_nationkey) references nation (n_nationkey) );
Indicate which company is located in France?
company refers to CompanyName; France is a country
SELECT CompanyName FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'France'
What is the average revenue made by Latin movies?
Latin movies refers to language_name = 'Latin'; average revenue = AVG(revenue)
SELECT AVG(T1.revenue) FROM movie AS T1 INNER JOIN movie_languages AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id INNER JOIN language AS T3 ON T2.language_id = T3.language_id WHERE T3.language_name = 'Latin'
CREATE TABLE country ( country_id INTEGER not null primary key, country_iso_code TEXT default NULL, country_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE department ( department_id INTEGER not null primary key, department_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE gender ( gender_id INTEGER not null primary key, gender TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE genre ( genre_id INTEGER not null primary key, genre_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE keyword ( keyword_id INTEGER not null primary key, keyword_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE language ( language_id INTEGER not null primary key, language_code TEXT default NULL, language_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE language_role ( role_id INTEGER not null primary key, language_role TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE movie ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, title TEXT default NULL, budget INTEGER default NULL, homepage TEXT default NULL, overview TEXT default NULL, popularity REAL default NULL, release_date DATE default NULL, revenue INTEGER default NULL, runtime INTEGER default NULL, movie_status TEXT default NULL, tagline TEXT default NULL, vote_average REAL default NULL, vote_count INTEGER default NULL ); CREATE TABLE movie_genres ( movie_id INTEGER default NULL, genre_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (genre_id) references genre(genre_id), foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id) ); CREATE TABLE movie_languages ( movie_id INTEGER default NULL, language_id INTEGER default NULL, language_role_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (language_id) references language(language_id), foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id), foreign key (language_role_id) references language_role(role_id) ); CREATE TABLE person ( person_id INTEGER not null primary key, person_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE movie_crew ( movie_id INTEGER default NULL, person_id INTEGER default NULL, department_id INTEGER default NULL, job TEXT default NULL, foreign key (department_id) references department(department_id), foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id), foreign key (person_id) references person(person_id) ); CREATE TABLE production_company ( company_id INTEGER not null primary key, company_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE production_country ( movie_id INTEGER default NULL, country_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (country_id) references country(country_id), foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id) ); CREATE TABLE movie_cast ( movie_id INTEGER default NULL, person_id INTEGER default NULL, character_name TEXT default NULL, gender_id INTEGER default NULL, cast_order INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (gender_id) references gender(gender_id), foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id), foreign key (person_id) references person(person_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "movie_keywords" ( movie_id INTEGER default NULL references movie, keyword_id INTEGER default NULL references keyword ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "movie_company" ( movie_id INTEGER default NULL references movie, company_id INTEGER default NULL references production_company );
Among films with store ID of 2, list the title of films with the highest rental rate.
highest rental rate refers to MAX(rental_rate)
SELECT T1.title FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN inventory AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id WHERE T2.store_id = 2 ORDER BY rental_rate DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE film_text ( film_id INTEGER not null primary key, title TEXT not null, description TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "actor" ( actor_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "address" ( address_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, address TEXT not null, address2 TEXT, district TEXT not null, city_id INTEGER not null references city on update cascade, postal_code TEXT, phone TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "category" ( category_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "city" ( city_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, city TEXT not null, country_id INTEGER not null references country on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "country" ( country_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, country TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "customer" ( customer_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, email TEXT, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, create_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film" ( film_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, title TEXT not null, description TEXT, release_year TEXT, language_id INTEGER not null references language on update cascade, original_language_id INTEGER references language on update cascade, rental_duration INTEGER default 3 not null, rental_rate REAL default 4.99 not null, length INTEGER, replacement_cost REAL default 19.99 not null, rating TEXT default 'G', special_features TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_actor" ( actor_id INTEGER not null references actor on update cascade, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (actor_id, film_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_category" ( film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, category_id INTEGER not null references category on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (film_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inventory" ( inventory_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "language" ( language_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payment" ( payment_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, rental_id INTEGER references rental on update cascade on delete set null, amount REAL not null, payment_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rental" ( rental_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rental_date DATETIME not null, inventory_id INTEGER not null references inventory on update cascade, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, return_date DATETIME, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (rental_date, inventory_id, customer_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "staff" ( staff_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, picture BLOB, email TEXT, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, username TEXT not null, password TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "store" ( store_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, manager_staff_id INTEGER not null unique references staff on update cascade, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
Calculate the total salary for employees who did inspection from ID 52270 to 52272.
inspection from ID 52270 to 52272 refers to inspection_id between 52270 and 52272
SELECT SUM(T2.salary) FROM inspection AS T1 INNER JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.employee_id = T2.employee_id WHERE T1.inspection_id BETWEEN 52270 AND 52272
CREATE TABLE employee ( employee_id INTEGER primary key, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip INTEGER, phone TEXT, title TEXT, salary INTEGER, supervisor INTEGER, foreign key (supervisor) references employee(employee_id) ); CREATE TABLE establishment ( license_no INTEGER primary key, dba_name TEXT, aka_name TEXT, facility_type TEXT, risk_level INTEGER, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip INTEGER, latitude REAL, longitude REAL, ward INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE inspection ( inspection_id INTEGER primary key, inspection_date DATE, inspection_type TEXT, results TEXT, employee_id INTEGER, license_no INTEGER, followup_to INTEGER, foreign key (employee_id) references employee(employee_id), foreign key (license_no) references establishment(license_no), foreign key (followup_to) references inspection(inspection_id) ); CREATE TABLE inspection_point ( point_id INTEGER primary key, Description TEXT, category TEXT, code TEXT, fine INTEGER, point_level TEXT ); CREATE TABLE violation ( inspection_id INTEGER, point_id INTEGER, fine INTEGER, inspector_comment TEXT, primary key (inspection_id, point_id), foreign key (inspection_id) references inspection(inspection_id), foreign key (point_id) references inspection_point(point_id) );
What is the highest possible discount rate for 'Excess Inventory'?
excess inventory refers to Type = 'Excess Inventory'; highest possible discount refers to Max(DiscountPct);
SELECT DiscountPct FROM SpecialOffer WHERE Type = 'Excess Inventory' ORDER BY DiscountPct DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE CountryRegion ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Culture ( CultureID TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Currency ( CurrencyCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE CountryRegionCurrency ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, CurrencyCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (CountryRegionCode, CurrencyCode), foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode), foreign key (CurrencyCode) references Currency(CurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE Person ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PersonType TEXT not null, NameStyle INTEGER default 0 not null, Title TEXT, FirstName TEXT not null, MiddleName TEXT, LastName TEXT not null, Suffix TEXT, EmailPromotion INTEGER default 0 not null, AdditionalContactInfo TEXT, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityContact ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, PersonID INTEGER not null, ContactTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, PersonID, ContactTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ContactTypeID) references ContactType(ContactTypeID), foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE EmailAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, EmailAddressID INTEGER, EmailAddress TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (EmailAddressID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Employee ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, NationalIDNumber TEXT not null unique, LoginID TEXT not null unique, OrganizationNode TEXT, OrganizationLevel INTEGER, JobTitle TEXT not null, BirthDate DATE not null, MaritalStatus TEXT not null, Gender TEXT not null, HireDate DATE not null, SalariedFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, VacationHours INTEGER default 0 not null, SickLeaveHours INTEGER default 0 not null, CurrentFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Password ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PasswordHash TEXT not null, PasswordSalt TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE PersonCreditCard ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, CreditCardID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, CreditCardID), foreign key (CreditCardID) references CreditCard(CreditCardID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductCategory ( ProductCategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductDescription ( ProductDescriptionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModel ( ProductModelID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CatalogDescription TEXT, Instructions TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture ( ProductModelID INTEGER not null, ProductDescriptionID INTEGER not null, CultureID TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID, CultureID), foreign key (ProductModelID) references ProductModel(ProductModelID), foreign key (ProductDescriptionID) references ProductDescription(ProductDescriptionID), foreign key (CultureID) references Culture(CultureID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductPhoto ( ProductPhotoID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ThumbNailPhoto BLOB, ThumbnailPhotoFileName TEXT, LargePhoto BLOB, LargePhotoFileName TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductSubcategory ( ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductCategoryID INTEGER not null, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductCategoryID) references ProductCategory(ProductCategoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesReason ( SalesReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ReasonType TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritory ( TerritoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, "Group" TEXT not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPerson ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, TerritoryID INTEGER, SalesQuota REAL, Bonus REAL default 0.0000 not null, CommissionPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPersonQuotaHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, QuotaDate DATETIME not null, SalesQuota REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, QuotaDate), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritoryHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, TerritoryID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, TerritoryID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE ScrapReason ( ScrapReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE Shift ( ShiftID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, StartTime TEXT not null, EndTime TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StartTime, EndTime) ); CREATE TABLE ShipMethod ( ShipMethodID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ShipBase REAL default 0.0000 not null, ShipRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOffer ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, DiscountPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, Type TEXT not null, Category TEXT not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME not null, MinQty INTEGER default 0 not null, MaxQty INTEGER, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AddressID INTEGER not null, AddressTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, AddressID, AddressTypeID), foreign key (AddressID) references Address(AddressID), foreign key (AddressTypeID) references AddressType(AddressTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTaxRate ( SalesTaxRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null, TaxType INTEGER not null, TaxRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Name TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceID, TaxType), foreign key (StateProvinceID) references StateProvince(StateProvinceID) ); CREATE TABLE Store ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, Name TEXT not null, SalesPersonID INTEGER, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (SalesPersonID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesReasonID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SalesOrderID, SalesReasonID), foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SalesReasonID) references SalesReason(SalesReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistoryArchive ( TransactionID INTEGER not null primary key, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE UnitMeasure ( UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductCostHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, StandardCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductDocument ( ProductID INTEGER not null, DocumentNode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, DocumentNode), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (DocumentNode) references Document(DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE ProductInventory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, Shelf TEXT not null, Bin INTEGER not null, Quantity INTEGER default 0 not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, LocationID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductProductPhoto ( ProductID INTEGER not null, ProductPhotoID INTEGER not null, "Primary" INTEGER default 0 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, ProductPhotoID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ProductPhotoID) references ProductPhoto(ProductPhotoID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductReview ( ProductReviewID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReviewerName TEXT not null, ReviewDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, EmailAddress TEXT not null, Rating INTEGER not null, Comments TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ShoppingCartItem ( ShoppingCartItemID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ShoppingCartID TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER default 1 not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, DateCreated DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOfferProduct ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID) references SpecialOffer(SpecialOfferID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderDetail ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CarrierTrackingNumber TEXT, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, UnitPriceDiscount REAL default 0.0000 not null, LineTotal REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID) references SpecialOfferProduct(SpecialOfferID, ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistory ( TransactionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE Vendor ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, Name TEXT not null, CreditRating INTEGER not null, PreferredVendorStatus INTEGER default 1 not null, ActiveFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, PurchasingWebServiceURL TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductVendor ( ProductID INTEGER not null, BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AverageLeadTime INTEGER not null, StandardPrice REAL not null, LastReceiptCost REAL, LastReceiptDate DATETIME, MinOrderQty INTEGER not null, MaxOrderQty INTEGER not null, OnOrderQty INTEGER, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (UnitMeasureCode) references UnitMeasure(UnitMeasureCode) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderHeader ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, EmployeeID INTEGER not null, VendorID INTEGER not null, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ShipDate DATETIME, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (EmployeeID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (VendorID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ShipMethodID) references ShipMethod(ShipMethodID) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderDetail ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER not null, PurchaseOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, DueDate DATETIME not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, LineTotal REAL not null, ReceivedQty REAL not null, RejectedQty REAL not null, StockedQty REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (PurchaseOrderID) references PurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrder ( WorkOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, StockedQty INTEGER not null, ScrappedQty INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, DueDate DATETIME not null, ScrapReasonID INTEGER, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ScrapReasonID) references ScrapReason(ScrapReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrderRouting ( WorkOrderID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, OperationSequence INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, ScheduledStartDate DATETIME not null, ScheduledEndDate DATETIME not null, ActualStartDate DATETIME, ActualEndDate DATETIME, ActualResourceHrs REAL, PlannedCost REAL not null, ActualCost REAL, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (WorkOrderID, ProductID, OperationSequence), foreign key (WorkOrderID) references WorkOrder(WorkOrderID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerID INTEGER primary key, PersonID INTEGER, StoreID INTEGER, TerritoryID INTEGER, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID), foreign key (StoreID) references Store(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductListPriceHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ListPrice REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Address" ( AddressID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, AddressLine1 TEXT not null, AddressLine2 TEXT, City TEXT not null, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null references StateProvince, PostalCode TEXT not null, SpatialLocation TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "AddressType" ( AddressTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BillOfMaterials" ( BillOfMaterialsID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductAssemblyID INTEGER references Product, ComponentID INTEGER not null references Product, StartDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, EndDate DATETIME, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null references UnitMeasure, BOMLevel INTEGER not null, PerAssemblyQty REAL default 1.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (ProductAssemblyID, ComponentID, StartDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BusinessEntity" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ContactType" ( ContactTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CurrencyRate" ( CurrencyRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CurrencyRateDate DATETIME not null, FromCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, ToCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, AverageRate REAL not null, EndOfDayRate REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (CurrencyRateDate, FromCurrencyCode, ToCurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Department" ( DepartmentID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, GroupName TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, DepartmentID INTEGER not null references Department, ShiftID INTEGER not null references Shift, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, DepartmentID, ShiftID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeePayHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, RateChangeDate DATETIME not null, Rate REAL not null, PayFrequency INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, RateChangeDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "JobCandidate" ( JobCandidateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, BusinessEntityID INTEGER references Employee, Resume TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Location" ( LocationID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CostRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Availability REAL default 0.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "PhoneNumberType" ( PhoneNumberTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Product" ( ProductID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ProductNumber TEXT not null unique, MakeFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, FinishedGoodsFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Color TEXT, SafetyStockLevel INTEGER not null, ReorderPoint INTEGER not null, StandardCost REAL not null, ListPrice REAL not null, Size TEXT, SizeUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, WeightUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, Weight REAL, DaysToManufacture INTEGER not null, ProductLine TEXT, Class TEXT, Style TEXT, ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER references ProductSubcategory, ProductModelID INTEGER references ProductModel, SellStartDate DATETIME not null, SellEndDate DATETIME, DiscontinuedDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Document" ( DocumentNode TEXT not null primary key, DocumentLevel INTEGER, Title TEXT not null, Owner INTEGER not null references Employee, FolderFlag INTEGER default 0 not null, FileName TEXT not null, FileExtension TEXT not null, Revision TEXT not null, ChangeNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER not null, DocumentSummary TEXT, Document BLOB, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (DocumentLevel, DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "StateProvince" ( StateProvinceID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceCode TEXT not null, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null references CountryRegion, IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Name TEXT not null unique, TerritoryID INTEGER not null references SalesTerritory, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CreditCard" ( CreditCardID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CardType TEXT not null, CardNumber TEXT not null unique, ExpMonth INTEGER not null, ExpYear INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "SalesOrderHeader" ( SalesOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, DueDate DATETIME not null, ShipDate DATETIME, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, OnlineOrderFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, SalesOrderNumber TEXT not null unique, PurchaseOrderNumber TEXT, AccountNumber TEXT, CustomerID INTEGER not null references Customer, SalesPersonID INTEGER references SalesPerson, TerritoryID INTEGER references SalesTerritory, BillToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null references Address, CreditCardID INTEGER references CreditCard, CreditCardApprovalCode TEXT, CurrencyRateID INTEGER references CurrencyRate, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, Comment TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
What is the name of author with the ID of 1722?
SELECT Name FROM Author WHERE Id = 1722
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Author" ( Id INTEGER constraint Author_pk primary key, Name TEXT, Affiliation TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Conference" ( Id INTEGER constraint Conference_pk primary key, ShortName TEXT, FullName TEXT, HomePage TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Journal" ( Id INTEGER constraint Journal_pk primary key, ShortName TEXT, FullName TEXT, HomePage TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Paper ( Id INTEGER primary key, Title TEXT, Year INTEGER, ConferenceId INTEGER, JournalId INTEGER, Keyword TEXT, foreign key (ConferenceId) references Conference(Id), foreign key (JournalId) references Journal(Id) ); CREATE TABLE PaperAuthor ( PaperId INTEGER, AuthorId INTEGER, Name TEXT, Affiliation TEXT, foreign key (PaperId) references Paper(Id), foreign key (AuthorId) references Author(Id) );
In businesses with a category of automotive, how many of them has an star rating below 3?
"Automotive" is the category of business; star rating below 3 refers to stars < 3
SELECT COUNT(T1.business_id) FROM Business AS T1 INNER JOIN Business_Categories ON T1.business_id = Business_Categories.business_id INNER JOIN Categories AS T3 ON Business_Categories.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T3.category_name LIKE 'Automotive' AND T1.stars < 3
CREATE TABLE Attributes ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Attributes_pk primary key, attribute_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Categories ( category_id INTEGER constraint Categories_pk primary key, category_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Compliments ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Compliments_pk primary key, compliment_type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Days ( day_id INTEGER constraint Days_pk primary key, day_of_week TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Years ( year_id INTEGER constraint Years_pk primary key, actual_year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Attributes" ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Attributes_attribute_id_fk references Attributes, business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Business_business_id_fk references Business, attribute_value TEXT, constraint Business_Attributes_pk primary key (attribute_id, business_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Categories" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Business_business_id_fk references Business, category_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Categories_category_id_fk references Categories, constraint Business_Categories_pk primary key (business_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Hours" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Days_day_id_fk references Days, opening_time TEXT, closing_time TEXT, constraint Business_Hours_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Checkins" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Days_day_id_fk references Days, label_time_0 TEXT, label_time_1 TEXT, label_time_2 TEXT, label_time_3 TEXT, label_time_4 TEXT, label_time_5 TEXT, label_time_6 TEXT, label_time_7 TEXT, label_time_8 TEXT, label_time_9 TEXT, label_time_10 TEXT, label_time_11 TEXT, label_time_12 TEXT, label_time_13 TEXT, label_time_14 TEXT, label_time_15 TEXT, label_time_16 TEXT, label_time_17 TEXT, label_time_18 TEXT, label_time_19 TEXT, label_time_20 TEXT, label_time_21 TEXT, label_time_22 TEXT, label_time_23 TEXT, constraint Checkins_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Elite" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Users_user_id_fk references Users, year_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Years_year_id_fk references Years, constraint Elite_pk primary key (user_id, year_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Reviews" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Users_user_id_fk references Users, review_stars INTEGER, review_votes_funny TEXT, review_votes_useful TEXT, review_votes_cool TEXT, review_length TEXT, constraint Reviews_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Tips" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Users_user_id_fk references Users, likes INTEGER, tip_length TEXT, constraint Tips_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users_Compliments" ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Compliments_compliment_id_fk references Compliments, user_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Users_user_id_fk references Users, number_of_compliments TEXT, constraint Users_Compliments_pk primary key (compliment_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_pk primary key, active TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, stars REAL, review_count TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Users_pk primary key, user_yelping_since_year INTEGER, user_average_stars TEXT, user_votes_funny TEXT, user_votes_useful TEXT, user_votes_cool TEXT, user_review_count TEXT, user_fans TEXT );
Among the orders placed by Pacific Ltd, how many orders have been applied 5% discount ?
orders by Pacific Ltd refer to OrderNumber where Customer Names = 'Pacific Ltd'; applied 5% discount refers to Discount Applied = 0.05;
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.`Discount Applied` = 0.05 AND T2.`Customer Names` = 'Pacific Ltd' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM `Sales Orders` AS T1 INNER JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T2.CustomerID = T1._CustomerID
CREATE TABLE Customers ( CustomerID INTEGER constraint Customers_pk primary key, "Customer Names" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INTEGER constraint Products_pk primary key, "Product Name" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Regions ( StateCode TEXT constraint Regions_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Team" ( SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Team_pk" primary key, "Sales Team" TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Store Locations" ( StoreID INTEGER constraint "Store Locations_pk" primary key, "City Name" TEXT, County TEXT, StateCode TEXT constraint "Store Locations_Regions_StateCode_fk" references Regions(StateCode), State TEXT, Type TEXT, Latitude REAL, Longitude REAL, AreaCode INTEGER, Population INTEGER, "Household Income" INTEGER, "Median Income" INTEGER, "Land Area" INTEGER, "Water Area" INTEGER, "Time Zone" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Orders" ( OrderNumber TEXT constraint "Sales Orders_pk" primary key, "Sales Channel" TEXT, WarehouseCode TEXT, ProcuredDate TEXT, OrderDate TEXT, ShipDate TEXT, DeliveryDate TEXT, CurrencyCode TEXT, _SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Sales Team_SalesTeamID_fk" references "Sales Team"(SalesTeamID), _CustomerID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Customers_CustomerID_fk" references Customers(CustomerID), _StoreID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Store Locations_StoreID_fk" references "Store Locations"(StoreID), _ProductID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Products_ProductID_fk" references Products(ProductID), "Order Quantity" INTEGER, "Discount Applied" REAL, "Unit Price" TEXT, "Unit Cost" TEXT );
Please list the IDs of all the menus in which the dish "Clear green turtle" had appeared.
Clear green turtle is a name of dish;
SELECT T1.menu_id FROM MenuPage AS T1 INNER JOIN MenuItem AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.menu_page_id INNER JOIN Dish AS T3 ON T2.dish_id = T3.id WHERE T3.name = 'Clear green turtle'
CREATE TABLE Dish ( id INTEGER primary key, name TEXT, description TEXT, menus_appeared INTEGER, times_appeared INTEGER, first_appeared INTEGER, last_appeared INTEGER, lowest_price REAL, highest_price REAL ); CREATE TABLE Menu ( id INTEGER primary key, name TEXT, sponsor TEXT, event TEXT, venue TEXT, place TEXT, physical_description TEXT, occasion TEXT, notes TEXT, call_number TEXT, keywords TEXT, language TEXT, date DATE, location TEXT, location_type TEXT, currency TEXT, currency_symbol TEXT, status TEXT, page_count INTEGER, dish_count INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE MenuPage ( id INTEGER primary key, menu_id INTEGER, page_number INTEGER, image_id REAL, full_height INTEGER, full_width INTEGER, uuid TEXT, foreign key (menu_id) references Menu(id) ); CREATE TABLE MenuItem ( id INTEGER primary key, menu_page_id INTEGER, price REAL, high_price REAL, dish_id INTEGER, created_at TEXT, updated_at TEXT, xpos REAL, ypos REAL, foreign key (dish_id) references Dish(id), foreign key (menu_page_id) references MenuPage(id) );
For each donation not from a teacher, state the donor account id and calculate the percentage of donation given for optional support.
not from a teacher refers to is_teacher_acct = 'f'; donor account id refers to donor_acctid; percentage of donation = divide(donation_optional_support, donation_total)*100%
SELECT donor_acctid, donation_optional_support / donation_total FROM donations WHERE is_teacher_acct = 'f'
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "essays" ( projectid TEXT, teacher_acctid TEXT, title TEXT, short_description TEXT, need_statement TEXT, essay TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "projects" ( projectid TEXT not null primary key, teacher_acctid TEXT, schoolid TEXT, school_ncesid TEXT, school_latitude REAL, school_longitude REAL, school_city TEXT, school_state TEXT, school_zip INTEGER, school_metro TEXT, school_district TEXT, school_county TEXT, school_charter TEXT, school_magnet TEXT, school_year_round TEXT, school_nlns TEXT, school_kipp TEXT, school_charter_ready_promise TEXT, teacher_prefix TEXT, teacher_teach_for_america TEXT, teacher_ny_teaching_fellow TEXT, primary_focus_subject TEXT, primary_focus_area TEXT, secondary_focus_subject TEXT, secondary_focus_area TEXT, resource_type TEXT, poverty_level TEXT, grade_level TEXT, fulfillment_labor_materials REAL, total_price_excluding_optional_support REAL, total_price_including_optional_support REAL, students_reached INTEGER, eligible_double_your_impact_match TEXT, eligible_almost_home_match TEXT, date_posted DATE ); CREATE TABLE donations ( donationid TEXT not null primary key, projectid TEXT, donor_acctid TEXT, donor_city TEXT, donor_state TEXT, donor_zip TEXT, is_teacher_acct TEXT, donation_timestamp DATETIME, donation_to_project REAL, donation_optional_support REAL, donation_total REAL, dollar_amount TEXT, donation_included_optional_support TEXT, payment_method TEXT, payment_included_acct_credit TEXT, payment_included_campaign_gift_card TEXT, payment_included_web_purchased_gift_card TEXT, payment_was_promo_matched TEXT, via_giving_page TEXT, for_honoree TEXT, donation_message TEXT, foreign key (projectid) references projects(projectid) ); CREATE TABLE resources ( resourceid TEXT not null primary key, projectid TEXT, vendorid INTEGER, vendor_name TEXT, project_resource_type TEXT, item_name TEXT, item_number TEXT, item_unit_price REAL, item_quantity INTEGER, foreign key (projectid) references projects(projectid) );
Was the user who created the "World War 2 and Kids" list eligible for trial when he created the list? Indicate how many followers does the said list has.
user was eligible for trial when he created the list refers to user_eligible_for_trial = 1; number of followers a list have refers to list_followers;
SELECT T2.user_eligible_for_trial, T1.list_followers FROM lists AS T1 INNER JOIN lists_users AS T2 ON T1.user_id = T1.user_id AND T1.list_id = T2.list_id WHERE T1.list_title = 'World War 2 and Kids'
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ); CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) );
Who was the Law and Order series writer who also won the Television Silver Gavel Award at the American Bar Association Silver Gavel Awards for Media and the Arts for two consecutive years?
who refers to name; writer refers to role = 'writer'; won refers to result = 'Winner'; the Television refers to award = 'Television'; Silver Gavel Award refers to award_category = 'Silver Gavel Award'; the American Bar Association Silver Gavel Awards for Media and the Arts refers to organization = 'American Bar Association Silver Gavel Awards for Media and the Arts'
SELECT t3.name FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT T2.year AS years, T1.name, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY T1.name ORDER BY T2.year) AS rm FROM Person AS T1 INNER JOIN Award AS T2 ON T1.person_id = T2.person_id WHERE T2.award = 'Television' AND T2.award_category = 'Silver Gavel Award' AND T2.series = 'Law and Order' AND T2.result = 'Winner' AND T2.organization = 'American Bar Association Silver Gavel Awards for Media and the Arts' ) AS T3 GROUP BY t3.name HAVING COUNT(t3.years - t3.rm) >= 2
CREATE TABLE Episode ( episode_id TEXT primary key, series TEXT, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, number_in_series INTEGER, title TEXT, summary TEXT, air_date DATE, episode_image TEXT, rating REAL, votes INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Keyword ( episode_id TEXT, keyword TEXT, primary key (episode_id, keyword), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Person ( person_id TEXT primary key, name TEXT, birthdate DATE, birth_name TEXT, birth_place TEXT, birth_region TEXT, birth_country TEXT, height_meters REAL, nickname TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Award ( award_id INTEGER primary key, organization TEXT, year INTEGER, award_category TEXT, award TEXT, series TEXT, episode_id TEXT, person_id TEXT, role TEXT, result TEXT, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id), foreign key (person_id) references Person(person_id) ); CREATE TABLE Credit ( episode_id TEXT, person_id TEXT, category TEXT, role TEXT, credited TEXT, primary key (episode_id, person_id), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id), foreign key (person_id) references Person(person_id) ); CREATE TABLE Vote ( episode_id TEXT, stars INTEGER, votes INTEGER, percent REAL, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) );
Lists all parts supplied by Supplier#000000034.
part refers to p_name; Supplier#000000034 refers to s_name = 'Supplier#000000034'
SELECT T3.p_name FROM partsupp AS T1 INNER JOIN supplier AS T2 ON T1.ps_suppkey = T2.s_suppkey INNER JOIN part AS T3 ON T1.ps_partkey = T3.p_partkey WHERE T2.s_name = 'Supplier#000000034'
CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `c_custkey` INTEGER NOT NULL, `c_mktsegment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_nationkey` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `c_name` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_phone` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_acctbal` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `c_comment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`c_custkey`), FOREIGN KEY (`c_nationkey`) REFERENCES `nation` (`n_nationkey`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_shipdate DATE null, l_orderkey INTEGER not null, l_discount REAL not null, l_extendedprice REAL not null, l_suppkey INTEGER not null, l_quantity INTEGER not null, l_returnflag TEXT null, l_partkey INTEGER not null, l_linestatus TEXT null, l_tax REAL not null, l_commitdate DATE null, l_receiptdate DATE null, l_shipmode TEXT null, l_linenumber INTEGER not null, l_shipinstruct TEXT null, l_comment TEXT null, primary key (l_orderkey, l_linenumber), foreign key (l_orderkey) references orders (o_orderkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (l_partkey, l_suppkey) references partsupp (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE nation ( n_nationkey INTEGER not null primary key, n_name TEXT null, n_regionkey INTEGER null, n_comment TEXT null, foreign key (n_regionkey) references region (r_regionkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE orders ( o_orderdate DATE null, o_orderkey INTEGER not null primary key, o_custkey INTEGER not null, o_orderpriority TEXT null, o_shippriority INTEGER null, o_clerk TEXT null, o_orderstatus TEXT null, o_totalprice REAL null, o_comment TEXT null, foreign key (o_custkey) references customer (c_custkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE part ( p_partkey INTEGER not null primary key, p_type TEXT null, p_size INTEGER null, p_brand TEXT null, p_name TEXT null, p_container TEXT null, p_mfgr TEXT null, p_retailprice REAL null, p_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE partsupp ( ps_partkey INTEGER not null, ps_suppkey INTEGER not null, ps_supplycost REAL not null, ps_availqty INTEGER null, ps_comment TEXT null, primary key (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey), foreign key (ps_partkey) references part (p_partkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (ps_suppkey) references supplier (s_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE region ( r_regionkey INTEGER not null primary key, r_name TEXT null, r_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE supplier ( s_suppkey INTEGER not null primary key, s_nationkey INTEGER null, s_comment TEXT null, s_name TEXT null, s_address TEXT null, s_phone TEXT null, s_acctbal REAL null, foreign key (s_nationkey) references nation (n_nationkey) );
What is the Island Trading customer's complete address?
Island Trading refers to CompanyName = 'Island Trading'; complete address = Address, City, Region, Country, PostalCode
SELECT Address, City, Region, Country, PostalCode FROM Customers WHERE CompanyName = 'Island Trading'
Which residential area in Arecibo county has the highest average house value? Please give its zip_code.
"ARECIBO" is the county; highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)
SELECT T1.zip_code FROM zip_data AS T1 INNER JOIN country AS T2 ON T1.zip_code = T2.zip_code WHERE T2.county = 'ARECIBO' ORDER BY T1.avg_house_value DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE CBSA ( CBSA INTEGER primary key, CBSA_name TEXT, CBSA_type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE state ( abbreviation TEXT primary key, name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE congress ( cognress_rep_id TEXT primary key, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT, CID TEXT, party TEXT, state TEXT, abbreviation TEXT, House TEXT, District INTEGER, land_area REAL, foreign key (abbreviation) references state(abbreviation) ); CREATE TABLE zip_data ( zip_code INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state TEXT, multi_county TEXT, type TEXT, organization TEXT, time_zone TEXT, daylight_savings TEXT, latitude REAL, longitude REAL, elevation INTEGER, state_fips INTEGER, county_fips INTEGER, region TEXT, division TEXT, population_2020 INTEGER, population_2010 INTEGER, households INTEGER, avg_house_value INTEGER, avg_income_per_household INTEGER, persons_per_household REAL, white_population INTEGER, black_population INTEGER, hispanic_population INTEGER, asian_population INTEGER, american_indian_population INTEGER, hawaiian_population INTEGER, other_population INTEGER, male_population INTEGER, female_population INTEGER, median_age REAL, male_median_age REAL, female_median_age REAL, residential_mailboxes INTEGER, business_mailboxes INTEGER, total_delivery_receptacles INTEGER, businesses INTEGER, "1st_quarter_payroll" INTEGER, annual_payroll INTEGER, employees INTEGER, water_area REAL, land_area REAL, single_family_delivery_units INTEGER, multi_family_delivery_units INTEGER, total_beneficiaries INTEGER, retired_workers INTEGER, disabled_workers INTEGER, parents_and_widowed INTEGER, spouses INTEGER, children INTEGER, over_65 INTEGER, monthly_benefits_all INTEGER, monthly_benefits_retired_workers INTEGER, monthly_benefits_widowed INTEGER, CBSA INTEGER, foreign key (state) references state(abbreviation), foreign key (CBSA) references CBSA(CBSA) ); CREATE TABLE alias ( zip_code INTEGER primary key, alias TEXT, foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE area_code ( zip_code INTEGER, area_code INTEGER, primary key (zip_code, area_code), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE avoid ( zip_code INTEGER, bad_alias TEXT, primary key (zip_code, bad_alias), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE country ( zip_code INTEGER, county TEXT, state TEXT, primary key (zip_code, county), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code), foreign key (state) references state(abbreviation) ); CREATE TABLE zip_congress ( zip_code INTEGER, district TEXT, primary key (zip_code, district), foreign key (district) references congress(cognress_rep_id), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) );
State the table name of country with description of "Covers mainland Tanzania only".
SELECT DISTINCT T1.TableName FROM Country AS T1 INNER JOIN CountryNotes AS T2 ON T1.CountryCode = T2.Countrycode WHERE T2.Description = 'Covers mainland Tanzania only.'
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Country" ( CountryCode TEXT not null primary key, ShortName TEXT, TableName TEXT, LongName TEXT, Alpha2Code TEXT, CurrencyUnit TEXT, SpecialNotes TEXT, Region TEXT, IncomeGroup TEXT, Wb2Code TEXT, NationalAccountsBaseYear TEXT, NationalAccountsReferenceYear TEXT, SnaPriceValuation TEXT, LendingCategory TEXT, OtherGroups TEXT, SystemOfNationalAccounts TEXT, AlternativeConversionFactor TEXT, PppSurveyYear TEXT, BalanceOfPaymentsManualInUse TEXT, ExternalDebtReportingStatus TEXT, SystemOfTrade TEXT, GovernmentAccountingConcept TEXT, ImfDataDisseminationStandard TEXT, LatestPopulationCensus TEXT, LatestHouseholdSurvey TEXT, SourceOfMostRecentIncomeAndExpenditureData TEXT, VitalRegistrationComplete TEXT, LatestAgriculturalCensus TEXT, LatestIndustrialData INTEGER, LatestTradeData INTEGER, LatestWaterWithdrawalData INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Series" ( SeriesCode TEXT not null primary key, Topic TEXT, IndicatorName TEXT, ShortDefinition TEXT, LongDefinition TEXT, UnitOfMeasure TEXT, Periodicity TEXT, BasePeriod TEXT, OtherNotes INTEGER, AggregationMethod TEXT, LimitationsAndExceptions TEXT, NotesFromOriginalSource TEXT, GeneralComments TEXT, Source TEXT, StatisticalConceptAndMethodology TEXT, DevelopmentRelevance TEXT, RelatedSourceLinks TEXT, OtherWebLinks INTEGER, RelatedIndicators INTEGER, LicenseType TEXT ); CREATE TABLE CountryNotes ( Countrycode TEXT NOT NULL , Seriescode TEXT NOT NULL , Description TEXT, primary key (Countrycode, Seriescode), FOREIGN KEY (Seriescode) REFERENCES Series(SeriesCode), FOREIGN KEY (Countrycode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode) ); CREATE TABLE Footnotes ( Countrycode TEXT NOT NULL , Seriescode TEXT NOT NULL , Year TEXT, Description TEXT, primary key (Countrycode, Seriescode, Year), FOREIGN KEY (Seriescode) REFERENCES Series(SeriesCode), FOREIGN KEY (Countrycode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode) ); CREATE TABLE Indicators ( CountryName TEXT, CountryCode TEXT NOT NULL , IndicatorName TEXT, IndicatorCode TEXT NOT NULL , Year INTEGER NOT NULL , Value INTEGER, primary key (CountryCode, IndicatorCode, Year), FOREIGN KEY (CountryCode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode) ); CREATE TABLE SeriesNotes ( Seriescode TEXT not null , Year TEXT not null , Description TEXT, primary key (Seriescode, Year), foreign key (Seriescode) references Series(SeriesCode) );
Provide the destinations of flight number 1596.
destination refers to DEST; flight number refers to OP_CARRIER_FL_NUM; OP_CARRIER_FL_NUM = 1596;
The main character Elsa is voiced by which actor and who is the director of the movie?
Elsa is the main character of the movie which refers to hero = 'Elsa'; voiced by which actor refers to voice-actor;
SELECT T1.`voice-actor`, T3.director FROM `voice-actors` AS T1 INNER JOIN characters AS T2 ON T1.movie = T2.movie_title INNER JOIN director AS T3 ON T2.movie_title = T3.name WHERE T2.hero = 'Elsa'
CREATE TABLE characters ( movie_title TEXT primary key, release_date TEXT, hero TEXT, villian TEXT, song TEXT, foreign key (hero) references "voice-actors"(character) ); CREATE TABLE director ( name TEXT primary key, director TEXT, foreign key (name) references characters(movie_title) ); CREATE TABLE movies_total_gross ( movie_title TEXT, release_date TEXT, genre TEXT, MPAA_rating TEXT, total_gross TEXT, inflation_adjusted_gross TEXT, primary key (movie_title, release_date), foreign key (movie_title) references characters(movie_title) ); CREATE TABLE revenue ( Year INTEGER primary key, "Studio Entertainment[NI 1]" REAL, "Disney Consumer Products[NI 2]" REAL, "Disney Interactive[NI 3][Rev 1]" INTEGER, "Walt Disney Parks and Resorts" REAL, "Disney Media Networks" TEXT, Total INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "voice-actors" ( character TEXT primary key, "voice-actor" TEXT, movie TEXT, foreign key (movie) references characters(movie_title) );
List out the total pages of the words that has repeated times more than 3000.
repeated more than 3000 times refers to occurrences > 3000;
SELECT T1.pages FROM langs AS T1 INNER JOIN langs_words AS T2 ON T1.lid = T2.lid WHERE T2.occurrences > 3000 GROUP BY T1.pages
CREATE TABLE langs(lid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, lang TEXT UNIQUE, locale TEXT UNIQUE, pages INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- total pages in this language words INTEGER DEFAULT 0); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE pages(pid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, page INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, -- wikipedia page id revision INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, -- wikipedia revision page id title TEXT, words INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- number of different words in this page UNIQUE(lid,page,title)); CREATE TRIGGER ins_page AFTER INSERT ON pages FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET pages=pages+1 WHERE lid=NEW.lid; END; CREATE TRIGGER del_page AFTER DELETE ON pages FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET pages=pages-1 WHERE lid=OLD.lid; END; CREATE TABLE words(wid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, word TEXT UNIQUE, occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0); CREATE TABLE langs_words(lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, wid INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, occurrences INTEGER, -- repetitions of this word in this language PRIMARY KEY(lid,wid)) WITHOUT ROWID; CREATE TRIGGER ins_lang_word AFTER INSERT ON langs_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET words=words+1 WHERE lid=NEW.lid; END; CREATE TRIGGER del_lang_word AFTER DELETE ON langs_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET words=words-1 WHERE lid=OLD.lid; END; CREATE TABLE pages_words(pid INTEGER REFERENCES pages(pid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, wid INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- times this word appears into this page PRIMARY KEY(pid,wid)) WITHOUT ROWID; CREATE TRIGGER ins_page_word AFTER INSERT ON pages_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE pages SET words=words+1 WHERE pid=NEW.pid; END; CREATE TRIGGER del_page_word AFTER DELETE ON pages_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE pages SET words=words-1 WHERE pid=OLD.pid; END; CREATE TABLE biwords(lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, w1st INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, w2nd INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- times this pair appears in this language/page PRIMARY KEY(lid,w1st,w2nd)) WITHOUT ROWID;
What is the year of independence of Brunei?
year of independence refers to IndepYear; Brunei is a name of country;
SELECT IndepYear FROM Country WHERE Name = 'Brunei'
List the closing time and day of week of active businesses in Scottsdale with stars greater than the 60% of average age of star rating.
active business refers to active = 'true';  'Scottsdale' is the name of city; stars greater than the 60% of average age of star rating refers to stars  > avg(stars) * 60%
SELECT T2.closing_time, T3.day_of_week FROM Business AS T1 INNER JOIN Business_Hours AS T2 ON T1.business_id = T2.business_id INNER JOIN Days AS T3 ON T2.day_id = T3.day_id WHERE T1.city LIKE 'Scottsdale' AND T1.active LIKE 'TRUE' AND T1.stars > 0.6 * ( SELECT AVG(T1.stars) FROM Business AS T1 INNER JOIN Business_Hours AS T2 ON T1.business_id = T2.business_id INNER JOIN Days AS T3 ON T2.day_id = T3.day_id WHERE T1.city LIKE 'Scottsdale' AND T1.active LIKE 'TRUE' )
CREATE TABLE Attributes ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Attributes_pk primary key, attribute_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Categories ( category_id INTEGER constraint Categories_pk primary key, category_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Compliments ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Compliments_pk primary key, compliment_type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Days ( day_id INTEGER constraint Days_pk primary key, day_of_week TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Years ( year_id INTEGER constraint Years_pk primary key, actual_year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Attributes" ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Attributes_attribute_id_fk references Attributes, business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Business_business_id_fk references Business, attribute_value TEXT, constraint Business_Attributes_pk primary key (attribute_id, business_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Categories" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Business_business_id_fk references Business, category_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Categories_category_id_fk references Categories, constraint Business_Categories_pk primary key (business_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Hours" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Days_day_id_fk references Days, opening_time TEXT, closing_time TEXT, constraint Business_Hours_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Checkins" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Days_day_id_fk references Days, label_time_0 TEXT, label_time_1 TEXT, label_time_2 TEXT, label_time_3 TEXT, label_time_4 TEXT, label_time_5 TEXT, label_time_6 TEXT, label_time_7 TEXT, label_time_8 TEXT, label_time_9 TEXT, label_time_10 TEXT, label_time_11 TEXT, label_time_12 TEXT, label_time_13 TEXT, label_time_14 TEXT, label_time_15 TEXT, label_time_16 TEXT, label_time_17 TEXT, label_time_18 TEXT, label_time_19 TEXT, label_time_20 TEXT, label_time_21 TEXT, label_time_22 TEXT, label_time_23 TEXT, constraint Checkins_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Elite" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Users_user_id_fk references Users, year_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Years_year_id_fk references Years, constraint Elite_pk primary key (user_id, year_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Reviews" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Users_user_id_fk references Users, review_stars INTEGER, review_votes_funny TEXT, review_votes_useful TEXT, review_votes_cool TEXT, review_length TEXT, constraint Reviews_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Tips" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Users_user_id_fk references Users, likes INTEGER, tip_length TEXT, constraint Tips_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users_Compliments" ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Compliments_compliment_id_fk references Compliments, user_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Users_user_id_fk references Users, number_of_compliments TEXT, constraint Users_Compliments_pk primary key (compliment_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_pk primary key, active TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, stars REAL, review_count TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Users_pk primary key, user_yelping_since_year INTEGER, user_average_stars TEXT, user_votes_funny TEXT, user_votes_useful TEXT, user_votes_cool TEXT, user_review_count TEXT, user_fans TEXT );
What was the deposit interest rate in the Commonwealth of Australia in 1979 in percentage?
deposit interest rate refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Deposit interest rate (%)'; in the Commonwealth of Australia refers to  LongName = 'Commonwealth of Australia'; in 1979 refers to Year = '1979'
SELECT T1.Value FROM Indicators AS T1 INNER JOIN Country AS T2 ON T1.CountryCode = T2.CountryCode WHERE T2.LongName = 'Commonwealth of Australia' AND T1.IndicatorName = 'Deposit interest rate (%)' AND T1.Year = 1979
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Country" ( CountryCode TEXT not null primary key, ShortName TEXT, TableName TEXT, LongName TEXT, Alpha2Code TEXT, CurrencyUnit TEXT, SpecialNotes TEXT, Region TEXT, IncomeGroup TEXT, Wb2Code TEXT, NationalAccountsBaseYear TEXT, NationalAccountsReferenceYear TEXT, SnaPriceValuation TEXT, LendingCategory TEXT, OtherGroups TEXT, SystemOfNationalAccounts TEXT, AlternativeConversionFactor TEXT, PppSurveyYear TEXT, BalanceOfPaymentsManualInUse TEXT, ExternalDebtReportingStatus TEXT, SystemOfTrade TEXT, GovernmentAccountingConcept TEXT, ImfDataDisseminationStandard TEXT, LatestPopulationCensus TEXT, LatestHouseholdSurvey TEXT, SourceOfMostRecentIncomeAndExpenditureData TEXT, VitalRegistrationComplete TEXT, LatestAgriculturalCensus TEXT, LatestIndustrialData INTEGER, LatestTradeData INTEGER, LatestWaterWithdrawalData INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Series" ( SeriesCode TEXT not null primary key, Topic TEXT, IndicatorName TEXT, ShortDefinition TEXT, LongDefinition TEXT, UnitOfMeasure TEXT, Periodicity TEXT, BasePeriod TEXT, OtherNotes INTEGER, AggregationMethod TEXT, LimitationsAndExceptions TEXT, NotesFromOriginalSource TEXT, GeneralComments TEXT, Source TEXT, StatisticalConceptAndMethodology TEXT, DevelopmentRelevance TEXT, RelatedSourceLinks TEXT, OtherWebLinks INTEGER, RelatedIndicators INTEGER, LicenseType TEXT ); CREATE TABLE CountryNotes ( Countrycode TEXT NOT NULL , Seriescode TEXT NOT NULL , Description TEXT, primary key (Countrycode, Seriescode), FOREIGN KEY (Seriescode) REFERENCES Series(SeriesCode), FOREIGN KEY (Countrycode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode) ); CREATE TABLE Footnotes ( Countrycode TEXT NOT NULL , Seriescode TEXT NOT NULL , Year TEXT, Description TEXT, primary key (Countrycode, Seriescode, Year), FOREIGN KEY (Seriescode) REFERENCES Series(SeriesCode), FOREIGN KEY (Countrycode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode) ); CREATE TABLE Indicators ( CountryName TEXT, CountryCode TEXT NOT NULL , IndicatorName TEXT, IndicatorCode TEXT NOT NULL , Year INTEGER NOT NULL , Value INTEGER, primary key (CountryCode, IndicatorCode, Year), FOREIGN KEY (CountryCode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode) ); CREATE TABLE SeriesNotes ( Seriescode TEXT not null , Year TEXT not null , Description TEXT, primary key (Seriescode, Year), foreign key (Seriescode) references Series(SeriesCode) );
What answer did user No. 2681 give to the question "Do you currently have a mental health disorder?"?
question refers to questiontext; user No. 2681 refers to UserID = 2681
SELECT T1.AnswerText FROM Answer AS T1 INNER JOIN Question AS T2 ON T1.QuestionID = T2.questionid WHERE T2.questiontext = 'Do you currently have a mental health disorder?' AND T1.UserID = 2681
CREATE TABLE Question ( questiontext TEXT, questionid INTEGER constraint Question_pk primary key ); CREATE TABLE Survey ( SurveyID INTEGER constraint Survey_pk primary key, Description TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Answer" ( AnswerText TEXT, SurveyID INTEGER constraint Answer_Survey_SurveyID_fk references Survey, UserID INTEGER, QuestionID INTEGER constraint Answer_Question_questionid_fk references Question, constraint Answer_pk primary key (UserID, QuestionID) );
What is the percentage calories protein of Raspberry Chiffon Pie?
Raspberry Chiffon Pie refers title; percentage calories protein refers to pcnt_cal_prot
SELECT pcnt_cal_prot FROM Recipe AS T1 INNER JOIN Nutrition AS T2 ON T1.recipe_id = T2.recipe_id WHERE T1.title = 'Raspberry Chiffon Pie'
CREATE TABLE Ingredient ( ingredient_id INTEGER primary key, category TEXT, name TEXT, plural TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Recipe ( recipe_id INTEGER primary key, title TEXT, subtitle TEXT, servings INTEGER, yield_unit TEXT, prep_min INTEGER, cook_min INTEGER, stnd_min INTEGER, source TEXT, intro TEXT, directions TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Nutrition ( recipe_id INTEGER primary key, protein REAL, carbo REAL, alcohol REAL, total_fat REAL, sat_fat REAL, cholestrl REAL, sodium REAL, iron REAL, vitamin_c REAL, vitamin_a REAL, fiber REAL, pcnt_cal_carb REAL, pcnt_cal_fat REAL, pcnt_cal_prot REAL, calories REAL, foreign key (recipe_id) references Recipe(recipe_id) ); CREATE TABLE Quantity ( quantity_id INTEGER primary key, recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, max_qty REAL, min_qty REAL, unit TEXT, preparation TEXT, optional TEXT, foreign key (recipe_id) references Recipe(recipe_id), foreign key (ingredient_id) references Ingredient(ingredient_id), foreign key (recipe_id) references Nutrition(recipe_id) );
How many movies has the highest networth actor acted in?
highest networth refers to max(networth)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM characters AS T1 INNER JOIN actor AS T2 ON T1.ActorID = T2.ActorID WHERE CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(T2.NetWorth, ',', ''), '$', '') AS REAL) = ( SELECT MAX(CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(NetWorth, ',', ''), '$', '') AS REAL)) FROM actor)
CREATE TABLE actor ( ActorID INTEGER constraint actor_pk primary key, Name TEXT, "Date of Birth" DATE, "Birth City" TEXT, "Birth Country" TEXT, "Height (Inches)" INTEGER, Biography TEXT, Gender TEXT, Ethnicity TEXT, NetWorth TEXT ); CREATE TABLE movie ( MovieID INTEGER constraint movie_pk primary key, Title TEXT, "MPAA Rating" TEXT, Budget INTEGER, Gross INTEGER, "Release Date" TEXT, Genre TEXT, Runtime INTEGER, Rating REAL, "Rating Count" INTEGER, Summary TEXT ); CREATE TABLE characters ( MovieID INTEGER, ActorID INTEGER, "Character Name" TEXT, creditOrder INTEGER, pay TEXT, screentime TEXT, primary key (MovieID, ActorID), foreign key (ActorID) references actor(ActorID), foreign key (MovieID) references movie(MovieID) );
How many percent of Bluefish dishes are located at the center of the menu page?
percent = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(xpos BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.75 and ypos BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.75), COUNT(id)), 1.0); Bluefish is a sub name of dish; located at the center of the menu page refers to xpos BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.75 and ypos BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.75;
SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.xpos BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.75 AND T2.ypos BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.75 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T2.id) FROM Dish AS T1 INNER JOIN MenuItem AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.dish_id WHERE T1.name LIKE '%BLuefish%'
CREATE TABLE Dish ( id INTEGER primary key, name TEXT, description TEXT, menus_appeared INTEGER, times_appeared INTEGER, first_appeared INTEGER, last_appeared INTEGER, lowest_price REAL, highest_price REAL ); CREATE TABLE Menu ( id INTEGER primary key, name TEXT, sponsor TEXT, event TEXT, venue TEXT, place TEXT, physical_description TEXT, occasion TEXT, notes TEXT, call_number TEXT, keywords TEXT, language TEXT, date DATE, location TEXT, location_type TEXT, currency TEXT, currency_symbol TEXT, status TEXT, page_count INTEGER, dish_count INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE MenuPage ( id INTEGER primary key, menu_id INTEGER, page_number INTEGER, image_id REAL, full_height INTEGER, full_width INTEGER, uuid TEXT, foreign key (menu_id) references Menu(id) ); CREATE TABLE MenuItem ( id INTEGER primary key, menu_page_id INTEGER, price REAL, high_price REAL, dish_id INTEGER, created_at TEXT, updated_at TEXT, xpos REAL, ypos REAL, foreign key (dish_id) references Dish(id), foreign key (menu_page_id) references MenuPage(id) );
List the names of all the cast members in the series.
cast member refers to category = 'Cast'
SELECT T2.name FROM Credit AS T1 INNER JOIN Person AS T2 ON T2.person_id = T1.person_id WHERE T1.category = 'Cast'
CREATE TABLE Episode ( episode_id TEXT primary key, series TEXT, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, number_in_series INTEGER, title TEXT, summary TEXT, air_date DATE, episode_image TEXT, rating REAL, votes INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Keyword ( episode_id TEXT, keyword TEXT, primary key (episode_id, keyword), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Person ( person_id TEXT primary key, name TEXT, birthdate DATE, birth_name TEXT, birth_place TEXT, birth_region TEXT, birth_country TEXT, height_meters REAL, nickname TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Award ( award_id INTEGER primary key, organization TEXT, year INTEGER, award_category TEXT, award TEXT, series TEXT, episode_id TEXT, person_id TEXT, role TEXT, result TEXT, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id), foreign key (person_id) references Person(person_id) ); CREATE TABLE Credit ( episode_id TEXT, person_id TEXT, category TEXT, role TEXT, credited TEXT, primary key (episode_id, person_id), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id), foreign key (person_id) references Person(person_id) ); CREATE TABLE Vote ( episode_id TEXT, stars INTEGER, votes INTEGER, percent REAL, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) );
What is the object whose attribute is blurry in image no.2377993? Give the explanation about the object.
attribute is blurry refers to ATT_CLASS = 'blurry'; image no.2377993 refers to IMG_ID = 22377993; explanation about the object refers to OBJ_CLASS
CREATE TABLE ATT_CLASSES ( ATT_CLASS_ID INTEGER default 0 not null primary key, ATT_CLASS TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE OBJ_CLASSES ( OBJ_CLASS_ID INTEGER default 0 not null primary key, OBJ_CLASS TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE IMG_OBJ ( IMG_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, OBJ_CLASS_ID INTEGER null, X INTEGER null, Y INTEGER null, W INTEGER null, H INTEGER null, primary key (IMG_ID, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID), foreign key (OBJ_CLASS_ID) references OBJ_CLASSES (OBJ_CLASS_ID) ); CREATE TABLE IMG_OBJ_ATT ( IMG_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, ATT_CLASS_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, primary key (IMG_ID, ATT_CLASS_ID, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID), foreign key (ATT_CLASS_ID) references ATT_CLASSES (ATT_CLASS_ID), foreign key (IMG_ID, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID) references IMG_OBJ (IMG_ID, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID) ); CREATE TABLE PRED_CLASSES ( PRED_CLASS_ID INTEGER default 0 not null primary key, PRED_CLASS TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE IMG_REL ( IMG_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, PRED_CLASS_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, OBJ1_SAMPLE_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, OBJ2_SAMPLE_ID INTEGER default 0 not null, primary key (IMG_ID, PRED_CLASS_ID, OBJ1_SAMPLE_ID, OBJ2_SAMPLE_ID), foreign key (PRED_CLASS_ID) references PRED_CLASSES (PRED_CLASS_ID), foreign key (IMG_ID, OBJ1_SAMPLE_ID) references IMG_OBJ (IMG_ID, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID), foreign key (IMG_ID, OBJ2_SAMPLE_ID) references IMG_OBJ (IMG_ID, OBJ_SAMPLE_ID) );
What is the price of the book that sells the best?
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
SELECT T2.price FROM sales AS T1 INNER JOIN titles AS T2 ON T1.title_id = T2.title_id ORDER BY T1.qty DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ); CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ); CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ); CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade );
How many films are categorized as horror?
"Horror" is the name of category
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film_category AS T1 INNER JOIN category AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id WHERE T2.name = 'Horror'
CREATE TABLE film_text ( film_id INTEGER not null primary key, title TEXT not null, description TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "actor" ( actor_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "address" ( address_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, address TEXT not null, address2 TEXT, district TEXT not null, city_id INTEGER not null references city on update cascade, postal_code TEXT, phone TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "category" ( category_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "city" ( city_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, city TEXT not null, country_id INTEGER not null references country on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "country" ( country_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, country TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "customer" ( customer_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, email TEXT, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, create_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film" ( film_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, title TEXT not null, description TEXT, release_year TEXT, language_id INTEGER not null references language on update cascade, original_language_id INTEGER references language on update cascade, rental_duration INTEGER default 3 not null, rental_rate REAL default 4.99 not null, length INTEGER, replacement_cost REAL default 19.99 not null, rating TEXT default 'G', special_features TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_actor" ( actor_id INTEGER not null references actor on update cascade, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (actor_id, film_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_category" ( film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, category_id INTEGER not null references category on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (film_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inventory" ( inventory_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "language" ( language_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payment" ( payment_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, rental_id INTEGER references rental on update cascade on delete set null, amount REAL not null, payment_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rental" ( rental_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rental_date DATETIME not null, inventory_id INTEGER not null references inventory on update cascade, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, return_date DATETIME, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (rental_date, inventory_id, customer_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "staff" ( staff_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, picture BLOB, email TEXT, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, username TEXT not null, password TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "store" ( store_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, manager_staff_id INTEGER not null unique references staff on update cascade, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
How many users mildly likes the 7 Minute Workout app and when was it last updated?
mildly likes the app refers to Sentiment_Polarity> = 0 and Sentiment_Polarity<0.5;
SELECT COUNT(T2.Sentiment_Polarity), T1."Last Updated" FROM playstore AS T1 INNER JOIN user_reviews AS T2 ON T1.App = T2.App WHERE T1.App = '7 Minute Workout' AND T2.Sentiment_Polarity BETWEEN 0 AND 0.5
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "playstore" ( App TEXT, Category TEXT, Rating REAL, Reviews INTEGER, Size TEXT, Installs TEXT, Type TEXT, Price TEXT, "Content Rating" TEXT, Genres TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user_reviews" ( App TEXT references "playstore" (App), Translated_Review TEXT, Sentiment TEXT, Sentiment_Polarity TEXT, Sentiment_Subjectivity TEXT );
How many businesses with music_karaoke attribute are closed?
music_karaoke attribute refers to attribute_name = 'music_karaoke' AND attribute_value = 'true'; businesses are closed refers to active = 'false'
SELECT COUNT(T2.business_id) FROM Attributes AS T1 INNER JOIN Business_Attributes AS T2 ON T1.attribute_id = T2.attribute_id INNER JOIN Business AS T3 ON T2.business_id = T3.business_id WHERE T1.attribute_name = 'music_karaoke' AND T3.active = 'false' AND T2.attribute_value IN ('none', 'no', 'false')
CREATE TABLE Attributes ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Attributes_pk primary key, attribute_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Categories ( category_id INTEGER constraint Categories_pk primary key, category_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Compliments ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Compliments_pk primary key, compliment_type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Days ( day_id INTEGER constraint Days_pk primary key, day_of_week TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Years ( year_id INTEGER constraint Years_pk primary key, actual_year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Attributes" ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Attributes_attribute_id_fk references Attributes, business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Business_business_id_fk references Business, attribute_value TEXT, constraint Business_Attributes_pk primary key (attribute_id, business_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Categories" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Business_business_id_fk references Business, category_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Categories_category_id_fk references Categories, constraint Business_Categories_pk primary key (business_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Hours" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Days_day_id_fk references Days, opening_time TEXT, closing_time TEXT, constraint Business_Hours_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Checkins" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Days_day_id_fk references Days, label_time_0 TEXT, label_time_1 TEXT, label_time_2 TEXT, label_time_3 TEXT, label_time_4 TEXT, label_time_5 TEXT, label_time_6 TEXT, label_time_7 TEXT, label_time_8 TEXT, label_time_9 TEXT, label_time_10 TEXT, label_time_11 TEXT, label_time_12 TEXT, label_time_13 TEXT, label_time_14 TEXT, label_time_15 TEXT, label_time_16 TEXT, label_time_17 TEXT, label_time_18 TEXT, label_time_19 TEXT, label_time_20 TEXT, label_time_21 TEXT, label_time_22 TEXT, label_time_23 TEXT, constraint Checkins_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Elite" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Users_user_id_fk references Users, year_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Years_year_id_fk references Years, constraint Elite_pk primary key (user_id, year_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Reviews" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Users_user_id_fk references Users, review_stars INTEGER, review_votes_funny TEXT, review_votes_useful TEXT, review_votes_cool TEXT, review_length TEXT, constraint Reviews_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Tips" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Users_user_id_fk references Users, likes INTEGER, tip_length TEXT, constraint Tips_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users_Compliments" ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Compliments_compliment_id_fk references Compliments, user_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Users_user_id_fk references Users, number_of_compliments TEXT, constraint Users_Compliments_pk primary key (compliment_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_pk primary key, active TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, stars REAL, review_count TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Users_pk primary key, user_yelping_since_year INTEGER, user_average_stars TEXT, user_votes_funny TEXT, user_votes_useful TEXT, user_votes_cool TEXT, user_review_count TEXT, user_fans TEXT );
What are the names of the suppliers whose products have the highest user satisfaction?
name of the supplier refers to SupplierID; highest user satisfaction refers to max(ReorderLevel)
SELECT DISTINCT T2.CompanyName FROM Products AS T1 INNER JOIN Suppliers AS T2 ON T1.SupplierID = T2.SupplierID WHERE T1.ReorderLevel = ( SELECT MAX(ReorderLevel) FROM Products )
What is the percentage of flights from Los Angeles International airport that were cancelled due to a type C cancellation code?
percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'), COUNT(Code)), 100); flights from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; cancelled refers to Cancelled = 1; cancelled due to a type C cancellation code refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C';
SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM Airports AS T1 INNER JOIN Airlines AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.ORIGIN WHERE T2.FL_DATE = '2018/8/15' AND T2.CANCELLATION_CODE IS NOT NULL AND T1.Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'
In which county can you find the city with the highest number of females?
highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)
SELECT T4.county FROM zip_data AS T3 INNER JOIN country AS T4 ON T3.zip_code = T4.zip_code GROUP BY T4.county ORDER BY T3.female_population DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE CBSA ( CBSA INTEGER primary key, CBSA_name TEXT, CBSA_type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE state ( abbreviation TEXT primary key, name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE congress ( cognress_rep_id TEXT primary key, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT, CID TEXT, party TEXT, state TEXT, abbreviation TEXT, House TEXT, District INTEGER, land_area REAL, foreign key (abbreviation) references state(abbreviation) ); CREATE TABLE zip_data ( zip_code INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state TEXT, multi_county TEXT, type TEXT, organization TEXT, time_zone TEXT, daylight_savings TEXT, latitude REAL, longitude REAL, elevation INTEGER, state_fips INTEGER, county_fips INTEGER, region TEXT, division TEXT, population_2020 INTEGER, population_2010 INTEGER, households INTEGER, avg_house_value INTEGER, avg_income_per_household INTEGER, persons_per_household REAL, white_population INTEGER, black_population INTEGER, hispanic_population INTEGER, asian_population INTEGER, american_indian_population INTEGER, hawaiian_population INTEGER, other_population INTEGER, male_population INTEGER, female_population INTEGER, median_age REAL, male_median_age REAL, female_median_age REAL, residential_mailboxes INTEGER, business_mailboxes INTEGER, total_delivery_receptacles INTEGER, businesses INTEGER, "1st_quarter_payroll" INTEGER, annual_payroll INTEGER, employees INTEGER, water_area REAL, land_area REAL, single_family_delivery_units INTEGER, multi_family_delivery_units INTEGER, total_beneficiaries INTEGER, retired_workers INTEGER, disabled_workers INTEGER, parents_and_widowed INTEGER, spouses INTEGER, children INTEGER, over_65 INTEGER, monthly_benefits_all INTEGER, monthly_benefits_retired_workers INTEGER, monthly_benefits_widowed INTEGER, CBSA INTEGER, foreign key (state) references state(abbreviation), foreign key (CBSA) references CBSA(CBSA) ); CREATE TABLE alias ( zip_code INTEGER primary key, alias TEXT, foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE area_code ( zip_code INTEGER, area_code INTEGER, primary key (zip_code, area_code), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE avoid ( zip_code INTEGER, bad_alias TEXT, primary key (zip_code, bad_alias), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) ); CREATE TABLE country ( zip_code INTEGER, county TEXT, state TEXT, primary key (zip_code, county), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code), foreign key (state) references state(abbreviation) ); CREATE TABLE zip_congress ( zip_code INTEGER, district TEXT, primary key (zip_code, district), foreign key (district) references congress(cognress_rep_id), foreign key (zip_code) references zip_data(zip_code) );
List all the mountains that are volcanic along with its longitude and latitude.
SELECT Name, Latitude, Longitude FROM mountain WHERE Type = 'volcano'
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "borders" ( Country1 TEXT default '' not null constraint borders_ibfk_1 references country, Country2 TEXT default '' not null constraint borders_ibfk_2 references country, Length REAL, primary key (Country1, Country2) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "city" ( Name TEXT default '' not null, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint city_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, Population INTEGER, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL, primary key (Name, Province), constraint city_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "continent" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Area REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "country" ( Name TEXT not null constraint ix_county_Name unique, Code TEXT default '' not null primary key, Capital TEXT, Province TEXT, Area REAL, Population INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "desert" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Area REAL, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "economy" ( Country TEXT default '' not null primary key constraint economy_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, GDP REAL, Agriculture REAL, Service REAL, Industry REAL, Inflation REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "encompasses" ( Country TEXT not null constraint encompasses_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Continent TEXT not null constraint encompasses_ibfk_2 references continent on update cascade on delete cascade, Percentage REAL, primary key (Country, Continent) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ethnicGroup" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint ethnicGroup_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Name TEXT default '' not null, Percentage REAL, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_desert" ( Desert TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_desert_ibfk_3 references desert on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_desert_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Desert), constraint geo_desert_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_estuary" ( River TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, River), constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_island" ( Island TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_island_ibfk_3 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_island_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Island), constraint geo_island_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_lake" ( Lake TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_lake_ibfk_3 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_lake_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Lake), constraint geo_lake_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_mountain" ( Mountain TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_3 references mountain on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Mountain), constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_river" ( River TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_river_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_river_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, River), constraint geo_river_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_sea" ( Sea TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_sea_ibfk_3 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_sea_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Sea), constraint geo_sea_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_source" ( River TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_source_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_source_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, River), constraint geo_source_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "island" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Islands TEXT, Area REAL, Height REAL, Type TEXT, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "islandIn" ( Island TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_4 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_3 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, Lake TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_1 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, River TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_2 references river on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "isMember" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint isMember_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Organization TEXT default '' not null constraint isMember_ibfk_2 references organization on update cascade on delete cascade, Type TEXT default 'member', primary key (Country, Organization) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "lake" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Area REAL, Depth REAL, Altitude REAL, Type TEXT, River TEXT, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "language" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint language_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Name TEXT default '' not null, Percentage REAL, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "located" ( City TEXT, Province TEXT, Country TEXT constraint located_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, River TEXT constraint located_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Lake TEXT constraint located_ibfk_4 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea TEXT constraint located_ibfk_5 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint located_ibfk_2 foreign key (City, Province) references city on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint located_ibfk_6 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "locatedOn" ( City TEXT default '' not null, Province TEXT default '' not null, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint locatedOn_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Island TEXT default '' not null constraint locatedOn_ibfk_2 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, primary key (City, Province, Country, Island), constraint locatedOn_ibfk_3 foreign key (City, Province) references city on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint locatedOn_ibfk_4 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "mergesWith" ( Sea1 TEXT default '' not null constraint mergesWith_ibfk_1 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea2 TEXT default '' not null constraint mergesWith_ibfk_2 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, primary key (Sea1, Sea2) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "mountain" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Mountains TEXT, Height REAL, Type TEXT, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "mountainOnIsland" ( Mountain TEXT default '' not null constraint mountainOnIsland_ibfk_2 references mountain on update cascade on delete cascade, Island TEXT default '' not null constraint mountainOnIsland_ibfk_1 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, primary key (Mountain, Island) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "organization" ( Abbreviation TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null constraint ix_organization_OrgNameUnique unique, City TEXT, Country TEXT constraint organization_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT, Established DATE, constraint organization_ibfk_2 foreign key (City, Province) references city on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint organization_ibfk_3 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "politics" ( Country TEXT default '' not null primary key constraint politics_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Independence DATE, Dependent TEXT constraint politics_ibfk_2 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Government TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "population" ( Country TEXT default '' not null primary key constraint population_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Population_Growth REAL, Infant_Mortality REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "province" ( Name TEXT not null, Country TEXT not null constraint province_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Population INTEGER, Area REAL, Capital TEXT, CapProv TEXT, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "religion" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint religion_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Name TEXT default '' not null, Percentage REAL, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "river" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, River TEXT, Lake TEXT constraint river_ibfk_1 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea TEXT, Length REAL, SourceLongitude REAL, SourceLatitude REAL, Mountains TEXT, SourceAltitude REAL, EstuaryLongitude REAL, EstuaryLatitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sea" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Depth REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "target" ( Country TEXT not null primary key constraint target_Country_fkey references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Target TEXT );
How many orders shipped via ship have a medium priority?
orders shipped via ship refer to o_orderkey where l_shipmode = 'SHIP'; medium priority refers to o_orderpriority = '3-MEDIUM';
SELECT COUNT(T1.o_orderkey) FROM orders AS T1 INNER JOIN lineitem AS T2 ON T1.o_orderkey = T2.l_orderkey WHERE T2.l_shipmode = 'SHIP' AND T1.o_orderpriority = '3-MEDIUM'
CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `c_custkey` INTEGER NOT NULL, `c_mktsegment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_nationkey` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `c_name` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_phone` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `c_acctbal` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `c_comment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`c_custkey`), FOREIGN KEY (`c_nationkey`) REFERENCES `nation` (`n_nationkey`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_shipdate DATE null, l_orderkey INTEGER not null, l_discount REAL not null, l_extendedprice REAL not null, l_suppkey INTEGER not null, l_quantity INTEGER not null, l_returnflag TEXT null, l_partkey INTEGER not null, l_linestatus TEXT null, l_tax REAL not null, l_commitdate DATE null, l_receiptdate DATE null, l_shipmode TEXT null, l_linenumber INTEGER not null, l_shipinstruct TEXT null, l_comment TEXT null, primary key (l_orderkey, l_linenumber), foreign key (l_orderkey) references orders (o_orderkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (l_partkey, l_suppkey) references partsupp (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE nation ( n_nationkey INTEGER not null primary key, n_name TEXT null, n_regionkey INTEGER null, n_comment TEXT null, foreign key (n_regionkey) references region (r_regionkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE orders ( o_orderdate DATE null, o_orderkey INTEGER not null primary key, o_custkey INTEGER not null, o_orderpriority TEXT null, o_shippriority INTEGER null, o_clerk TEXT null, o_orderstatus TEXT null, o_totalprice REAL null, o_comment TEXT null, foreign key (o_custkey) references customer (c_custkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE part ( p_partkey INTEGER not null primary key, p_type TEXT null, p_size INTEGER null, p_brand TEXT null, p_name TEXT null, p_container TEXT null, p_mfgr TEXT null, p_retailprice REAL null, p_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE partsupp ( ps_partkey INTEGER not null, ps_suppkey INTEGER not null, ps_supplycost REAL not null, ps_availqty INTEGER null, ps_comment TEXT null, primary key (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey), foreign key (ps_partkey) references part (p_partkey) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (ps_suppkey) references supplier (s_suppkey) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE region ( r_regionkey INTEGER not null primary key, r_name TEXT null, r_comment TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE supplier ( s_suppkey INTEGER not null primary key, s_nationkey INTEGER null, s_comment TEXT null, s_name TEXT null, s_address TEXT null, s_phone TEXT null, s_acctbal REAL null, foreign key (s_nationkey) references nation (n_nationkey) );
How many wins does the team have whose goaltender have the most number of successfully stopping the other team from scoring during the entire game?
Number of wins refers to W; Shutout refers to SHO; a shutout is credited to a goaltender who successfully stops the other team from scoring during the entire game.
CREATE TABLE AwardsMisc ( name TEXT not null primary key, ID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT ); CREATE TABLE HOF ( year INTEGER, hofID TEXT not null primary key, name TEXT, category TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Teams ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, franchID TEXT, confID TEXT, divID TEXT, rank INTEGER, playoff TEXT, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, Pts INTEGER, SoW TEXT, SoL TEXT, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, name TEXT, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID) ); CREATE TABLE Coaches ( coachID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT not null, lgID TEXT, stint INTEGER not null, notes TEXT, g INTEGER, w INTEGER, l INTEGER, t INTEGER, postg TEXT, postw TEXT, postl TEXT, postt TEXT, primary key (coachID, year, tmID, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsCoaches ( coachID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) ); CREATE TABLE Master ( playerID TEXT, coachID TEXT, hofID TEXT, firstName TEXT, lastName TEXT not null, nameNote TEXT, nameGiven TEXT, nameNick TEXT, height TEXT, weight TEXT, shootCatch TEXT, legendsID TEXT, ihdbID TEXT, hrefID TEXT, firstNHL TEXT, lastNHL TEXT, firstWHA TEXT, lastWHA TEXT, pos TEXT, birthYear TEXT, birthMon TEXT, birthDay TEXT, birthCountry TEXT, birthState TEXT, birthCity TEXT, deathYear TEXT, deathMon TEXT, deathDay TEXT, deathCountry TEXT, deathState TEXT, deathCity TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsPlayers ( playerID TEXT not null, award TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, pos TEXT, primary key (playerID, award, year), foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE CombinedShutouts ( year INTEGER, month INTEGER, date INTEGER, tmID TEXT, oppID TEXT, "R/P" TEXT, IDgoalie1 TEXT, IDgoalie2 TEXT, foreign key (IDgoalie1) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (IDgoalie2) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Goalies ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, stint INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP TEXT, Min TEXT, W TEXT, L TEXT, "T/OL" TEXT, ENG TEXT, SHO TEXT, GA TEXT, SA TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostMin TEXT, PostW TEXT, PostL TEXT, PostT TEXT, PostENG TEXT, PostSHO TEXT, PostGA TEXT, PostSA TEXT, primary key (playerID, year, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesSC ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP INTEGER, Min INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, SHO INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (playerID, year), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, SA INTEGER, GA INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Scoring ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, "+/-" TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPA TEXT, SHG TEXT, SHA TEXT, GWG TEXT, GTG TEXT, SOG TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostG TEXT, PostA TEXT, PostPts TEXT, PostPIM TEXT, "Post+/-" TEXT, PostPPG TEXT, PostPPA TEXT, PostSHG TEXT, PostSHA TEXT, PostGWG TEXT, PostSOG TEXT, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSC ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, S INTEGER, G INTEGER, GDG INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSup ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, PPA TEXT, SHA TEXT, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE SeriesPost ( year INTEGER, round TEXT, series TEXT, tmIDWinner TEXT, lgIDWinner TEXT, tmIDLoser TEXT, lgIDLoser TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GoalsWinner INTEGER, GoalsLoser INTEGER, note TEXT, foreign key (year, tmIDWinner) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (year, tmIDLoser) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamSplits ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, hW INTEGER, hL INTEGER, hT INTEGER, hOTL TEXT, rW INTEGER, rL INTEGER, rT INTEGER, rOTL TEXT, SepW TEXT, SepL TEXT, SepT TEXT, SepOL TEXT, OctW TEXT, OctL TEXT, OctT TEXT, OctOL TEXT, NovW TEXT, NovL TEXT, NovT TEXT, NovOL TEXT, DecW TEXT, DecL TEXT, DecT TEXT, DecOL TEXT, JanW INTEGER, JanL INTEGER, JanT INTEGER, JanOL TEXT, FebW INTEGER, FebL INTEGER, FebT INTEGER, FebOL TEXT, MarW TEXT, MarL TEXT, MarT TEXT, MarOL TEXT, AprW TEXT, AprL TEXT, AprT TEXT, AprOL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamVsTeam ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, oppID TEXT not null, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID, oppID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (oppID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsHalf ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, half INTEGER not null, rank INTEGER, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (year, tmID, half), foreign key (tmID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsPost ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsSC ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE abbrev ( Type TEXT not null, Code TEXT not null, Fullname TEXT, primary key (Type, Code) );
Which job level is O'Rourke at?
job level refers to job_lvl
SELECT job_lvl FROM employee WHERE lname = 'O''Rourke'
CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ); CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ); CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ); CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade );
Among the players who have passed away, who had the most award?
pass away refers to deathDate ! = 'null'; most award refers to playerID where Max(Count(award))
SELECT T1.playerID FROM players AS T1 INNER JOIN awards_players AS T2 ON T1.playerID = T2.playerID WHERE deathDate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY T1.playerID ORDER BY COUNT(award) DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE awards_players ( playerID TEXT not null, award TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT null, note TEXT null, pos TEXT null, primary key (playerID, year, award), foreign key (playerID) references players (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE coaches ( coachID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT not null, lgID TEXT null, stint INTEGER not null, won INTEGER null, lost INTEGER null, post_wins INTEGER null, post_losses INTEGER null, primary key (coachID, year, tmID, stint), foreign key (tmID, year) references teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE draft ( id INTEGER default 0 not null primary key, draftYear INTEGER null, draftRound INTEGER null, draftSelection INTEGER null, draftOverall INTEGER null, tmID TEXT null, firstName TEXT null, lastName TEXT null, suffixName TEXT null, playerID TEXT null, draftFrom TEXT null, lgID TEXT null, foreign key (tmID, draftYear) references teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE player_allstar ( playerID TEXT not null, last_name TEXT null, first_name TEXT null, season_id INTEGER not null, conference TEXT null, league_id TEXT null, games_played INTEGER null, minutes INTEGER null, points INTEGER null, o_rebounds INTEGER null, d_rebounds INTEGER null, rebounds INTEGER null, assists INTEGER null, steals INTEGER null, blocks INTEGER null, turnovers INTEGER null, personal_fouls INTEGER null, fg_attempted INTEGER null, fg_made INTEGER null, ft_attempted INTEGER null, ft_made INTEGER null, three_attempted INTEGER null, three_made INTEGER null, primary key (playerID, season_id), foreign key (playerID) references players (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE players ( playerID TEXT not null primary key, useFirst TEXT null, firstName TEXT null, middleName TEXT null, lastName TEXT null, nameGiven TEXT null, fullGivenName TEXT null, nameSuffix TEXT null, nameNick TEXT null, pos TEXT null, firstseason INTEGER null, lastseason INTEGER null, height REAL null, weight INTEGER null, college TEXT null, collegeOther TEXT null, birthDate DATE null, birthCity TEXT null, birthState TEXT null, birthCountry TEXT null, highSchool TEXT null, hsCity TEXT null, hsState TEXT null, hsCountry TEXT null, deathDate DATE null, race TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE teams ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT null, tmID TEXT not null, franchID TEXT null, confID TEXT null, divID TEXT null, `rank` INTEGER null, confRank INTEGER null, playoff TEXT null, name TEXT null, o_fgm INTEGER null, -- o_fga int null, o_ftm INTEGER null, -- o_fta int null, -- o_3pm int null, -- o_3pa int null, -- o_oreb int null, -- o_dreb int null, -- o_reb int null, -- o_asts int null, -- o_pf int null, -- o_stl int null, -- o_to int null, -- o_blk int null, o_pts INTEGER null, -- d_fgm int null, -- d_fga int null, -- d_ftm int null, -- d_fta int null, -- d_3pm int null, -- d_3pa int null, -- d_oreb int null, -- d_dreb int null, -- d_reb int null, -- d_asts int null, -- d_pf int null, -- d_stl int null, -- d_to int null, -- d_blk int null, d_pts INTEGER null, -- o_tmRebound int null, -- d_tmRebound int null, homeWon INTEGER null, homeLost INTEGER null, awayWon INTEGER null, awayLost INTEGER null, -- neutWon int null, -- neutLoss int null, -- confWon int null, -- confLoss int null, -- divWon int null, -- divLoss int null, -- pace int null, won INTEGER null, lost INTEGER null, games INTEGER null, -- min int null, arena TEXT null, -- attendance int null, -- bbtmID varchar(255) null, primary key (year, tmID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "awards_coaches" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, year INTEGER, coachID TEXT, award TEXT, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, foreign key (coachID, year) references coaches (coachID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "players_teams" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, playerID TEXT not null references players on update cascade on delete cascade, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP INTEGER, GS INTEGER, minutes INTEGER, points INTEGER, oRebounds INTEGER, dRebounds INTEGER, rebounds INTEGER, assists INTEGER, steals INTEGER, blocks INTEGER, turnovers INTEGER, PF INTEGER, fgAttempted INTEGER, fgMade INTEGER, ftAttempted INTEGER, ftMade INTEGER, threeAttempted INTEGER, threeMade INTEGER, PostGP INTEGER, PostGS INTEGER, PostMinutes INTEGER, PostPoints INTEGER, PostoRebounds INTEGER, PostdRebounds INTEGER, PostRebounds INTEGER, PostAssists INTEGER, PostSteals INTEGER, PostBlocks INTEGER, PostTurnovers INTEGER, PostPF INTEGER, PostfgAttempted INTEGER, PostfgMade INTEGER, PostftAttempted INTEGER, PostftMade INTEGER, PostthreeAttempted INTEGER, PostthreeMade INTEGER, note TEXT, foreign key (tmID, year) references teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "series_post" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, year INTEGER, round TEXT, series TEXT, tmIDWinner TEXT, lgIDWinner TEXT, tmIDLoser TEXT, lgIDLoser TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, foreign key (tmIDWinner, year) references teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (tmIDLoser, year) references teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade );
What is the percentage of employees who work the night shift?
percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'Night')), (COUNT(ShiftID)) as percentage;
SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Name = 'Night' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T2.BusinessEntityID) FROM Shift AS T1 INNER JOIN EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS T2 ON T1.ShiftId = T2.ShiftId
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE CountryRegion ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Culture ( CultureID TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Currency ( CurrencyCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE CountryRegionCurrency ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, CurrencyCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (CountryRegionCode, CurrencyCode), foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode), foreign key (CurrencyCode) references Currency(CurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE Person ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PersonType TEXT not null, NameStyle INTEGER default 0 not null, Title TEXT, FirstName TEXT not null, MiddleName TEXT, LastName TEXT not null, Suffix TEXT, EmailPromotion INTEGER default 0 not null, AdditionalContactInfo TEXT, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityContact ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, PersonID INTEGER not null, ContactTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, PersonID, ContactTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ContactTypeID) references ContactType(ContactTypeID), foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE EmailAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, EmailAddressID INTEGER, EmailAddress TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (EmailAddressID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Employee ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, NationalIDNumber TEXT not null unique, LoginID TEXT not null unique, OrganizationNode TEXT, OrganizationLevel INTEGER, JobTitle TEXT not null, BirthDate DATE not null, MaritalStatus TEXT not null, Gender TEXT not null, HireDate DATE not null, SalariedFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, VacationHours INTEGER default 0 not null, SickLeaveHours INTEGER default 0 not null, CurrentFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Password ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PasswordHash TEXT not null, PasswordSalt TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE PersonCreditCard ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, CreditCardID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, CreditCardID), foreign key (CreditCardID) references CreditCard(CreditCardID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductCategory ( ProductCategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductDescription ( ProductDescriptionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModel ( ProductModelID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CatalogDescription TEXT, Instructions TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture ( ProductModelID INTEGER not null, ProductDescriptionID INTEGER not null, CultureID TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID, CultureID), foreign key (ProductModelID) references ProductModel(ProductModelID), foreign key (ProductDescriptionID) references ProductDescription(ProductDescriptionID), foreign key (CultureID) references Culture(CultureID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductPhoto ( ProductPhotoID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ThumbNailPhoto BLOB, ThumbnailPhotoFileName TEXT, LargePhoto BLOB, LargePhotoFileName TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductSubcategory ( ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductCategoryID INTEGER not null, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductCategoryID) references ProductCategory(ProductCategoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesReason ( SalesReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ReasonType TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritory ( TerritoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, "Group" TEXT not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPerson ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, TerritoryID INTEGER, SalesQuota REAL, Bonus REAL default 0.0000 not null, CommissionPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPersonQuotaHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, QuotaDate DATETIME not null, SalesQuota REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, QuotaDate), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritoryHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, TerritoryID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, TerritoryID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE ScrapReason ( ScrapReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE Shift ( ShiftID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, StartTime TEXT not null, EndTime TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StartTime, EndTime) ); CREATE TABLE ShipMethod ( ShipMethodID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ShipBase REAL default 0.0000 not null, ShipRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOffer ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, DiscountPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, Type TEXT not null, Category TEXT not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME not null, MinQty INTEGER default 0 not null, MaxQty INTEGER, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AddressID INTEGER not null, AddressTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, AddressID, AddressTypeID), foreign key (AddressID) references Address(AddressID), foreign key (AddressTypeID) references AddressType(AddressTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTaxRate ( SalesTaxRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null, TaxType INTEGER not null, TaxRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Name TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceID, TaxType), foreign key (StateProvinceID) references StateProvince(StateProvinceID) ); CREATE TABLE Store ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, Name TEXT not null, SalesPersonID INTEGER, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (SalesPersonID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesReasonID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SalesOrderID, SalesReasonID), foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SalesReasonID) references SalesReason(SalesReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistoryArchive ( TransactionID INTEGER not null primary key, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE UnitMeasure ( UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductCostHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, StandardCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductDocument ( ProductID INTEGER not null, DocumentNode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, DocumentNode), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (DocumentNode) references Document(DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE ProductInventory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, Shelf TEXT not null, Bin INTEGER not null, Quantity INTEGER default 0 not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, LocationID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductProductPhoto ( ProductID INTEGER not null, ProductPhotoID INTEGER not null, "Primary" INTEGER default 0 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, ProductPhotoID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ProductPhotoID) references ProductPhoto(ProductPhotoID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductReview ( ProductReviewID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReviewerName TEXT not null, ReviewDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, EmailAddress TEXT not null, Rating INTEGER not null, Comments TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ShoppingCartItem ( ShoppingCartItemID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ShoppingCartID TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER default 1 not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, DateCreated DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOfferProduct ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID) references SpecialOffer(SpecialOfferID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderDetail ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CarrierTrackingNumber TEXT, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, UnitPriceDiscount REAL default 0.0000 not null, LineTotal REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID) references SpecialOfferProduct(SpecialOfferID, ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistory ( TransactionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE Vendor ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, Name TEXT not null, CreditRating INTEGER not null, PreferredVendorStatus INTEGER default 1 not null, ActiveFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, PurchasingWebServiceURL TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductVendor ( ProductID INTEGER not null, BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AverageLeadTime INTEGER not null, StandardPrice REAL not null, LastReceiptCost REAL, LastReceiptDate DATETIME, MinOrderQty INTEGER not null, MaxOrderQty INTEGER not null, OnOrderQty INTEGER, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (UnitMeasureCode) references UnitMeasure(UnitMeasureCode) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderHeader ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, EmployeeID INTEGER not null, VendorID INTEGER not null, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ShipDate DATETIME, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (EmployeeID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (VendorID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ShipMethodID) references ShipMethod(ShipMethodID) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderDetail ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER not null, PurchaseOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, DueDate DATETIME not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, LineTotal REAL not null, ReceivedQty REAL not null, RejectedQty REAL not null, StockedQty REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (PurchaseOrderID) references PurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrder ( WorkOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, StockedQty INTEGER not null, ScrappedQty INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, DueDate DATETIME not null, ScrapReasonID INTEGER, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ScrapReasonID) references ScrapReason(ScrapReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrderRouting ( WorkOrderID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, OperationSequence INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, ScheduledStartDate DATETIME not null, ScheduledEndDate DATETIME not null, ActualStartDate DATETIME, ActualEndDate DATETIME, ActualResourceHrs REAL, PlannedCost REAL not null, ActualCost REAL, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (WorkOrderID, ProductID, OperationSequence), foreign key (WorkOrderID) references WorkOrder(WorkOrderID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerID INTEGER primary key, PersonID INTEGER, StoreID INTEGER, TerritoryID INTEGER, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID), foreign key (StoreID) references Store(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductListPriceHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ListPrice REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Address" ( AddressID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, AddressLine1 TEXT not null, AddressLine2 TEXT, City TEXT not null, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null references StateProvince, PostalCode TEXT not null, SpatialLocation TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "AddressType" ( AddressTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BillOfMaterials" ( BillOfMaterialsID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductAssemblyID INTEGER references Product, ComponentID INTEGER not null references Product, StartDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, EndDate DATETIME, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null references UnitMeasure, BOMLevel INTEGER not null, PerAssemblyQty REAL default 1.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (ProductAssemblyID, ComponentID, StartDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BusinessEntity" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ContactType" ( ContactTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CurrencyRate" ( CurrencyRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CurrencyRateDate DATETIME not null, FromCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, ToCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, AverageRate REAL not null, EndOfDayRate REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (CurrencyRateDate, FromCurrencyCode, ToCurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Department" ( DepartmentID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, GroupName TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, DepartmentID INTEGER not null references Department, ShiftID INTEGER not null references Shift, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, DepartmentID, ShiftID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeePayHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, RateChangeDate DATETIME not null, Rate REAL not null, PayFrequency INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, RateChangeDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "JobCandidate" ( JobCandidateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, BusinessEntityID INTEGER references Employee, Resume TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Location" ( LocationID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CostRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Availability REAL default 0.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "PhoneNumberType" ( PhoneNumberTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Product" ( ProductID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ProductNumber TEXT not null unique, MakeFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, FinishedGoodsFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Color TEXT, SafetyStockLevel INTEGER not null, ReorderPoint INTEGER not null, StandardCost REAL not null, ListPrice REAL not null, Size TEXT, SizeUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, WeightUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, Weight REAL, DaysToManufacture INTEGER not null, ProductLine TEXT, Class TEXT, Style TEXT, ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER references ProductSubcategory, ProductModelID INTEGER references ProductModel, SellStartDate DATETIME not null, SellEndDate DATETIME, DiscontinuedDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Document" ( DocumentNode TEXT not null primary key, DocumentLevel INTEGER, Title TEXT not null, Owner INTEGER not null references Employee, FolderFlag INTEGER default 0 not null, FileName TEXT not null, FileExtension TEXT not null, Revision TEXT not null, ChangeNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER not null, DocumentSummary TEXT, Document BLOB, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (DocumentLevel, DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "StateProvince" ( StateProvinceID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceCode TEXT not null, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null references CountryRegion, IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Name TEXT not null unique, TerritoryID INTEGER not null references SalesTerritory, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CreditCard" ( CreditCardID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CardType TEXT not null, CardNumber TEXT not null unique, ExpMonth INTEGER not null, ExpYear INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "SalesOrderHeader" ( SalesOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, DueDate DATETIME not null, ShipDate DATETIME, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, OnlineOrderFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, SalesOrderNumber TEXT not null unique, PurchaseOrderNumber TEXT, AccountNumber TEXT, CustomerID INTEGER not null references Customer, SalesPersonID INTEGER references SalesPerson, TerritoryID INTEGER references SalesTerritory, BillToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null references Address, CreditCardID INTEGER references CreditCard, CreditCardApprovalCode TEXT, CurrencyRateID INTEGER references CurrencyRate, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, Comment TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
How many players bat with their left hands?
bat with their left hands refers to Batting_hand = 'Left-hand bat'
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Batting_hand = 'Left-hand bat' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Batting_Style AS T2 ON T1.Batting_hand = T2.Batting_Id
CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ); CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) );
What is the most common type of compliments that a user has received from other users?
the most common type of compliments refers to MAX(COUNT(compliment_type))
SELECT T2.compliment_type FROM Users_Compliments AS T1 INNER JOIN Compliments AS T2 ON T1.compliment_id = T2.compliment_id GROUP BY T2.compliment_type ORDER BY COUNT(T2.compliment_type) DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE Attributes ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Attributes_pk primary key, attribute_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Categories ( category_id INTEGER constraint Categories_pk primary key, category_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Compliments ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Compliments_pk primary key, compliment_type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Days ( day_id INTEGER constraint Days_pk primary key, day_of_week TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Years ( year_id INTEGER constraint Years_pk primary key, actual_year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Attributes" ( attribute_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Attributes_attribute_id_fk references Attributes, business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Attributes_Business_business_id_fk references Business, attribute_value TEXT, constraint Business_Attributes_pk primary key (attribute_id, business_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Categories" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Business_business_id_fk references Business, category_id INTEGER constraint Business_Categories_Categories_category_id_fk references Categories, constraint Business_Categories_pk primary key (business_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business_Hours" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Business_Hours_Days_day_id_fk references Days, opening_time TEXT, closing_time TEXT, constraint Business_Hours_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Checkins" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Business_business_id_fk references Business, day_id INTEGER constraint Checkins_Days_day_id_fk references Days, label_time_0 TEXT, label_time_1 TEXT, label_time_2 TEXT, label_time_3 TEXT, label_time_4 TEXT, label_time_5 TEXT, label_time_6 TEXT, label_time_7 TEXT, label_time_8 TEXT, label_time_9 TEXT, label_time_10 TEXT, label_time_11 TEXT, label_time_12 TEXT, label_time_13 TEXT, label_time_14 TEXT, label_time_15 TEXT, label_time_16 TEXT, label_time_17 TEXT, label_time_18 TEXT, label_time_19 TEXT, label_time_20 TEXT, label_time_21 TEXT, label_time_22 TEXT, label_time_23 TEXT, constraint Checkins_pk primary key (business_id, day_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Elite" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Users_user_id_fk references Users, year_id INTEGER constraint Elite_Years_year_id_fk references Years, constraint Elite_pk primary key (user_id, year_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Reviews" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Reviews_Users_user_id_fk references Users, review_stars INTEGER, review_votes_funny TEXT, review_votes_useful TEXT, review_votes_cool TEXT, review_length TEXT, constraint Reviews_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Tips" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Business_business_id_fk references Business, user_id INTEGER constraint Tips_Users_user_id_fk references Users, likes INTEGER, tip_length TEXT, constraint Tips_pk primary key (business_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users_Compliments" ( compliment_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Compliments_compliment_id_fk references Compliments, user_id INTEGER constraint Users_Compliments_Users_user_id_fk references Users, number_of_compliments TEXT, constraint Users_Compliments_pk primary key (compliment_id, user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Business" ( business_id INTEGER constraint Business_pk primary key, active TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, stars REAL, review_count TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Users" ( user_id INTEGER constraint Users_pk primary key, user_yelping_since_year INTEGER, user_average_stars TEXT, user_votes_funny TEXT, user_votes_useful TEXT, user_votes_cool TEXT, user_review_count TEXT, user_fans TEXT );
List the case number of the crimes in wards with population below 52000 that have beat greater than the 90% of the average beat of all crimes.
population below 52000 refers to population < 52000; beat greater than the 90% of the average beat refers to beat > multiply(avg(beat), 0.9) where population < 52000
SELECT COUNT(T1.report_no) FROM Crime AS T1 INNER JOIN Ward AS T2 ON T1.ward_no = T2.ward_no WHERE T2.Population < 52000 AND T1.beat > ( SELECT AVG(T1.beat) * 0.9 FROM Crime AS T1 INNER JOIN Ward AS T2 ON T1.ward_no = T2.ward_no WHERE T2.Population < 52000 )
CREATE TABLE Community_Area ( community_area_no INTEGER primary key, community_area_name TEXT, side TEXT, population TEXT ); CREATE TABLE District ( district_no INTEGER primary key, district_name TEXT, address TEXT, zip_code INTEGER, commander TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT, fax TEXT, tty TEXT, twitter TEXT ); CREATE TABLE FBI_Code ( fbi_code_no TEXT primary key, title TEXT, description TEXT, crime_against TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IUCR ( iucr_no TEXT primary key, primary_description TEXT, secondary_description TEXT, index_code TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Neighborhood ( neighborhood_name TEXT primary key, community_area_no INTEGER, foreign key (community_area_no) references Community_Area(community_area_no) ); CREATE TABLE Ward ( ward_no INTEGER primary key, alderman_first_name TEXT, alderman_last_name TEXT, alderman_name_suffix TEXT, ward_office_address TEXT, ward_office_zip TEXT, ward_email TEXT, ward_office_phone TEXT, ward_office_fax TEXT, city_hall_office_room INTEGER, city_hall_office_phone TEXT, city_hall_office_fax TEXT, Population INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Crime ( report_no INTEGER primary key, case_number TEXT, date TEXT, block TEXT, iucr_no TEXT, location_description TEXT, arrest TEXT, domestic TEXT, beat INTEGER, district_no INTEGER, ward_no INTEGER, community_area_no INTEGER, fbi_code_no TEXT, latitude TEXT, longitude TEXT, foreign key (ward_no) references Ward(ward_no), foreign key (iucr_no) references IUCR(iucr_no), foreign key (district_no) references District(district_no), foreign key (community_area_no) references Community_Area(community_area_no), foreign key (fbi_code_no) references FBI_Code(fbi_code_no) );
What is the full name of the driver who transported the first shipment of the company?
first shipment of the company refers to Min(ship_date); full name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT T2.first_name, T2.last_name FROM shipment AS T1 INNER JOIN driver AS T2 ON T1.driver_id = T2.driver_id ORDER BY T1.ship_date ASC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE city ( city_id INTEGER primary key, city_name TEXT, state TEXT, population INTEGER, area REAL ); CREATE TABLE customer ( cust_id INTEGER primary key, cust_name TEXT, annual_revenue INTEGER, cust_type TEXT, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip REAL, phone TEXT ); CREATE TABLE driver ( driver_id INTEGER primary key, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip_code INTEGER, phone TEXT ); CREATE TABLE truck ( truck_id INTEGER primary key, make TEXT, model_year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE shipment ( ship_id INTEGER primary key, cust_id INTEGER, weight REAL, truck_id INTEGER, driver_id INTEGER, city_id INTEGER, ship_date TEXT, foreign key (cust_id) references customer(cust_id), foreign key (city_id) references city(city_id), foreign key (driver_id) references driver(driver_id), foreign key (truck_id) references truck(truck_id) );
State the order number where Qualitest ordered the highest product quantity.
Qualitest ordered the highest product quantity refers to Customer Names where MAX(Order Quantity);
SELECT T1.OrderNumber FROM `Sales Orders` AS T1 INNER JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T2.CustomerID = T1._CustomerID WHERE T2.`Customer Names` = 'Qualitest ' ORDER BY T1.`Order Quantity` DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE Customers ( CustomerID INTEGER constraint Customers_pk primary key, "Customer Names" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INTEGER constraint Products_pk primary key, "Product Name" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Regions ( StateCode TEXT constraint Regions_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Team" ( SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Team_pk" primary key, "Sales Team" TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Store Locations" ( StoreID INTEGER constraint "Store Locations_pk" primary key, "City Name" TEXT, County TEXT, StateCode TEXT constraint "Store Locations_Regions_StateCode_fk" references Regions(StateCode), State TEXT, Type TEXT, Latitude REAL, Longitude REAL, AreaCode INTEGER, Population INTEGER, "Household Income" INTEGER, "Median Income" INTEGER, "Land Area" INTEGER, "Water Area" INTEGER, "Time Zone" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Orders" ( OrderNumber TEXT constraint "Sales Orders_pk" primary key, "Sales Channel" TEXT, WarehouseCode TEXT, ProcuredDate TEXT, OrderDate TEXT, ShipDate TEXT, DeliveryDate TEXT, CurrencyCode TEXT, _SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Sales Team_SalesTeamID_fk" references "Sales Team"(SalesTeamID), _CustomerID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Customers_CustomerID_fk" references Customers(CustomerID), _StoreID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Store Locations_StoreID_fk" references "Store Locations"(StoreID), _ProductID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Products_ProductID_fk" references Products(ProductID), "Order Quantity" INTEGER, "Discount Applied" REAL, "Unit Price" TEXT, "Unit Cost" TEXT );
Among the sales with 40% discount via in-store channel, how many products were shipped from warehouse code of WARE-NMK1003?
40% discount refers to Discount Applied = 0.4; in-store channel refers to Sales Channel = 'In-Store'; orders refer to OrderNumber;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T) FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN `Sales Channel` = 'In-Store' AND WarehouseCode = 'WARE-NMK1003' AND `Discount Applied` = '0.4' THEN OrderNumber ELSE NULL END AS T FROM `Sales Orders` ) WHERE T IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE Customers ( CustomerID INTEGER constraint Customers_pk primary key, "Customer Names" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INTEGER constraint Products_pk primary key, "Product Name" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Regions ( StateCode TEXT constraint Regions_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Team" ( SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Team_pk" primary key, "Sales Team" TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Store Locations" ( StoreID INTEGER constraint "Store Locations_pk" primary key, "City Name" TEXT, County TEXT, StateCode TEXT constraint "Store Locations_Regions_StateCode_fk" references Regions(StateCode), State TEXT, Type TEXT, Latitude REAL, Longitude REAL, AreaCode INTEGER, Population INTEGER, "Household Income" INTEGER, "Median Income" INTEGER, "Land Area" INTEGER, "Water Area" INTEGER, "Time Zone" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Sales Orders" ( OrderNumber TEXT constraint "Sales Orders_pk" primary key, "Sales Channel" TEXT, WarehouseCode TEXT, ProcuredDate TEXT, OrderDate TEXT, ShipDate TEXT, DeliveryDate TEXT, CurrencyCode TEXT, _SalesTeamID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Sales Team_SalesTeamID_fk" references "Sales Team"(SalesTeamID), _CustomerID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Customers_CustomerID_fk" references Customers(CustomerID), _StoreID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Store Locations_StoreID_fk" references "Store Locations"(StoreID), _ProductID INTEGER constraint "Sales Orders_Products_ProductID_fk" references Products(ProductID), "Order Quantity" INTEGER, "Discount Applied" REAL, "Unit Price" TEXT, "Unit Cost" TEXT );
Give the full name and capability of students who failed in any courses.
full name of students = f_name, l_name; failed refers to grade IS NULL;
SELECT T2.f_name, T2.l_name, T1.capability FROM RA AS T1 INNER JOIN student AS T2 ON T2.student_id = T1.student_id INNER JOIN registration AS T3 ON T2.student_id = T3.student_id WHERE T3.grade IS NULL OR T3.grade = ''
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "course" ( course_id INTEGER constraint course_pk primary key, name TEXT, credit INTEGER, diff INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE prof ( prof_id INTEGER constraint prof_pk primary key, gender TEXT, first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT, email TEXT, popularity INTEGER, teachingability INTEGER, graduate_from TEXT ); CREATE TABLE RA ( student_id INTEGER, capability INTEGER, prof_id INTEGER, salary TEXT, primary key (student_id, prof_id), foreign key (prof_id) references prof(prof_id), foreign key (student_id) references student(student_id) ); CREATE TABLE registration ( course_id INTEGER, student_id INTEGER, grade TEXT, sat INTEGER, primary key (course_id, student_id), foreign key (course_id) references course(course_id), foreign key (student_id) references student(student_id) ); CREATE TABLE student ( student_id INTEGER primary key, f_name TEXT, l_name TEXT, phone_number TEXT, email TEXT, intelligence INTEGER, gpa REAL, type TEXT );
How many platforms are available for the game Pro Evolution Soccer 2016?
game Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 refers to game_name = 'Pro Evolution Soccer 2016'
SELECT COUNT(T2.id) FROM game_platform AS T1 INNER JOIN platform AS T2 ON T1.platform_id = T2.id INNER JOIN game_publisher AS T3 ON T1.game_publisher_id = T3.id INNER JOIN game AS T4 ON T3.game_id = T4.id WHERE T4.game_name = 'Pro Evolution Soccer 2016'
CREATE TABLE genre ( id INTEGER not null primary key, genre_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE game ( id INTEGER not null primary key, genre_id INTEGER default NULL, game_name TEXT default NULL, foreign key (genre_id) references genre(id) ); CREATE TABLE platform ( id INTEGER not null primary key, platform_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE publisher ( id INTEGER not null primary key, publisher_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE game_publisher ( id INTEGER not null primary key, game_id INTEGER default NULL, publisher_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (game_id) references game(id), foreign key (publisher_id) references publisher(id) ); CREATE TABLE game_platform ( id INTEGER not null primary key, game_publisher_id INTEGER default NULL, platform_id INTEGER default NULL, release_year INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (game_publisher_id) references game_publisher(id), foreign key (platform_id) references platform(id) ); CREATE TABLE region ( id INTEGER not null primary key, region_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE region_sales ( region_id INTEGER default NULL, game_platform_id INTEGER default NULL, num_sales REAL default NULL, foreign key (game_platform_id) references game_platform(id), foreign key (region_id) references region(id) );
Which division had the most games with more than 5 total field goals on 2020/2/22? Give the full name of the division?
more than 5 total field goals refers to SUM(FTHG, FTAG)>5, which are short names for Final-time Home-team Goals and Final-time Away-team Goals; 2020/2/22 is a date;
SELECT T2.division, T2.name FROM matchs AS T1 INNER JOIN divisions AS T2 ON T1.Div = T2.division WHERE T1.Date = '2020-02-22' AND T1.FTAG + T1.FTHG > 5 ORDER BY T1.FTAG + T1.FTHG DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE divisions ( division TEXT not null primary key, name TEXT, country TEXT ); CREATE TABLE matchs ( Div TEXT, Date DATE, HomeTeam TEXT, AwayTeam TEXT, FTHG INTEGER, FTAG INTEGER, FTR TEXT, season INTEGER, foreign key (Div) references divisions(division) );
Who made the most assists in a single game in the Stanley Cup finals ?
the most assists refers to max(A)
CREATE TABLE AwardsMisc ( name TEXT not null primary key, ID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT ); CREATE TABLE HOF ( year INTEGER, hofID TEXT not null primary key, name TEXT, category TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Teams ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, franchID TEXT, confID TEXT, divID TEXT, rank INTEGER, playoff TEXT, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, Pts INTEGER, SoW TEXT, SoL TEXT, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, name TEXT, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID) ); CREATE TABLE Coaches ( coachID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT not null, lgID TEXT, stint INTEGER not null, notes TEXT, g INTEGER, w INTEGER, l INTEGER, t INTEGER, postg TEXT, postw TEXT, postl TEXT, postt TEXT, primary key (coachID, year, tmID, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsCoaches ( coachID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) ); CREATE TABLE Master ( playerID TEXT, coachID TEXT, hofID TEXT, firstName TEXT, lastName TEXT not null, nameNote TEXT, nameGiven TEXT, nameNick TEXT, height TEXT, weight TEXT, shootCatch TEXT, legendsID TEXT, ihdbID TEXT, hrefID TEXT, firstNHL TEXT, lastNHL TEXT, firstWHA TEXT, lastWHA TEXT, pos TEXT, birthYear TEXT, birthMon TEXT, birthDay TEXT, birthCountry TEXT, birthState TEXT, birthCity TEXT, deathYear TEXT, deathMon TEXT, deathDay TEXT, deathCountry TEXT, deathState TEXT, deathCity TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsPlayers ( playerID TEXT not null, award TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, pos TEXT, primary key (playerID, award, year), foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE CombinedShutouts ( year INTEGER, month INTEGER, date INTEGER, tmID TEXT, oppID TEXT, "R/P" TEXT, IDgoalie1 TEXT, IDgoalie2 TEXT, foreign key (IDgoalie1) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (IDgoalie2) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Goalies ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, stint INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP TEXT, Min TEXT, W TEXT, L TEXT, "T/OL" TEXT, ENG TEXT, SHO TEXT, GA TEXT, SA TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostMin TEXT, PostW TEXT, PostL TEXT, PostT TEXT, PostENG TEXT, PostSHO TEXT, PostGA TEXT, PostSA TEXT, primary key (playerID, year, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesSC ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP INTEGER, Min INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, SHO INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (playerID, year), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, SA INTEGER, GA INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Scoring ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, "+/-" TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPA TEXT, SHG TEXT, SHA TEXT, GWG TEXT, GTG TEXT, SOG TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostG TEXT, PostA TEXT, PostPts TEXT, PostPIM TEXT, "Post+/-" TEXT, PostPPG TEXT, PostPPA TEXT, PostSHG TEXT, PostSHA TEXT, PostGWG TEXT, PostSOG TEXT, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSC ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, S INTEGER, G INTEGER, GDG INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSup ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, PPA TEXT, SHA TEXT, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE SeriesPost ( year INTEGER, round TEXT, series TEXT, tmIDWinner TEXT, lgIDWinner TEXT, tmIDLoser TEXT, lgIDLoser TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GoalsWinner INTEGER, GoalsLoser INTEGER, note TEXT, foreign key (year, tmIDWinner) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (year, tmIDLoser) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamSplits ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, hW INTEGER, hL INTEGER, hT INTEGER, hOTL TEXT, rW INTEGER, rL INTEGER, rT INTEGER, rOTL TEXT, SepW TEXT, SepL TEXT, SepT TEXT, SepOL TEXT, OctW TEXT, OctL TEXT, OctT TEXT, OctOL TEXT, NovW TEXT, NovL TEXT, NovT TEXT, NovOL TEXT, DecW TEXT, DecL TEXT, DecT TEXT, DecOL TEXT, JanW INTEGER, JanL INTEGER, JanT INTEGER, JanOL TEXT, FebW INTEGER, FebL INTEGER, FebT INTEGER, FebOL TEXT, MarW TEXT, MarL TEXT, MarT TEXT, MarOL TEXT, AprW TEXT, AprL TEXT, AprT TEXT, AprOL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamVsTeam ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, oppID TEXT not null, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID, oppID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (oppID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsHalf ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, half INTEGER not null, rank INTEGER, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (year, tmID, half), foreign key (tmID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsPost ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsSC ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE abbrev ( Type TEXT not null, Code TEXT not null, Fullname TEXT, primary key (Type, Code) );
What is the scheduled local departure time and the actual departure time of the flight from Philadelphia to Harrisburg with the plane's tail number N627AE on the 13th of August 2018?
scheduled local departure time refers to CRS_DEP_TIME; actual departure time refers to DEP_TIME; from Philadelphia refers to ORIGIN = 'PHL'; to Harrisburg refers to DEST = 'MDT'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N627AE'; on the 13th of August 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/13';
The person named Al Jean achieved the Primetime Emmy Award category in 2009, which episode did AI Jean achieve?
in 2009 refers to year = 2009
SELECT T2.episode_id FROM Award AS T1 INNER JOIN Episode AS T2 ON T1.episode_id = T2.episode_id WHERE SUBSTR(T1.year, 1, 4) = '2009' AND T1.person = 'Al Jean' AND T1.award_category = 'Primetime Emmy';
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Episode" ( episode_id TEXT constraint Episode_pk primary key, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, number_in_series INTEGER, title TEXT, summary TEXT, air_date TEXT, episode_image TEXT, rating REAL, votes INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Person ( name TEXT constraint Person_pk primary key, birthdate TEXT, birth_name TEXT, birth_place TEXT, birth_region TEXT, birth_country TEXT, height_meters REAL, nickname TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Award ( award_id INTEGER primary key, organization TEXT, year INTEGER, award_category TEXT, award TEXT, person TEXT, role TEXT, episode_id TEXT, season TEXT, song TEXT, result TEXT, foreign key (person) references Person(name), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Character_Award ( award_id INTEGER, character TEXT, foreign key (award_id) references Award(award_id) ); CREATE TABLE Credit ( episode_id TEXT, category TEXT, person TEXT, role TEXT, credited TEXT, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id), foreign key (person) references Person(name) ); CREATE TABLE Keyword ( episode_id TEXT, keyword TEXT, primary key (episode_id, keyword), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Vote ( episode_id TEXT, stars INTEGER, votes INTEGER, percent REAL, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) );
How many donors who donated to the city of Pocatello are not teachers?
city of Pocatello refers to donor_city = 'Pocatello'; not teachers refers to is_teacher_acct = 'f'
SELECT COUNT(donationid) FROM donations WHERE donor_city = 'Pocatello' AND is_teacher_acct = 'f'
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "essays" ( projectid TEXT, teacher_acctid TEXT, title TEXT, short_description TEXT, need_statement TEXT, essay TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "projects" ( projectid TEXT not null primary key, teacher_acctid TEXT, schoolid TEXT, school_ncesid TEXT, school_latitude REAL, school_longitude REAL, school_city TEXT, school_state TEXT, school_zip INTEGER, school_metro TEXT, school_district TEXT, school_county TEXT, school_charter TEXT, school_magnet TEXT, school_year_round TEXT, school_nlns TEXT, school_kipp TEXT, school_charter_ready_promise TEXT, teacher_prefix TEXT, teacher_teach_for_america TEXT, teacher_ny_teaching_fellow TEXT, primary_focus_subject TEXT, primary_focus_area TEXT, secondary_focus_subject TEXT, secondary_focus_area TEXT, resource_type TEXT, poverty_level TEXT, grade_level TEXT, fulfillment_labor_materials REAL, total_price_excluding_optional_support REAL, total_price_including_optional_support REAL, students_reached INTEGER, eligible_double_your_impact_match TEXT, eligible_almost_home_match TEXT, date_posted DATE ); CREATE TABLE donations ( donationid TEXT not null primary key, projectid TEXT, donor_acctid TEXT, donor_city TEXT, donor_state TEXT, donor_zip TEXT, is_teacher_acct TEXT, donation_timestamp DATETIME, donation_to_project REAL, donation_optional_support REAL, donation_total REAL, dollar_amount TEXT, donation_included_optional_support TEXT, payment_method TEXT, payment_included_acct_credit TEXT, payment_included_campaign_gift_card TEXT, payment_included_web_purchased_gift_card TEXT, payment_was_promo_matched TEXT, via_giving_page TEXT, for_honoree TEXT, donation_message TEXT, foreign key (projectid) references projects(projectid) ); CREATE TABLE resources ( resourceid TEXT not null primary key, projectid TEXT, vendorid INTEGER, vendor_name TEXT, project_resource_type TEXT, item_name TEXT, item_number TEXT, item_unit_price REAL, item_quantity INTEGER, foreign key (projectid) references projects(projectid) );
List down film titles from id 1 to 10.
id 1 to 10 refers to film_id BETWEEN 1 and 10
SELECT title FROM film WHERE film_id BETWEEN 1 AND 10
CREATE TABLE film_text ( film_id INTEGER not null primary key, title TEXT not null, description TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "actor" ( actor_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "address" ( address_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, address TEXT not null, address2 TEXT, district TEXT not null, city_id INTEGER not null references city on update cascade, postal_code TEXT, phone TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "category" ( category_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "city" ( city_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, city TEXT not null, country_id INTEGER not null references country on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "country" ( country_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, country TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "customer" ( customer_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, email TEXT, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, create_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film" ( film_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, title TEXT not null, description TEXT, release_year TEXT, language_id INTEGER not null references language on update cascade, original_language_id INTEGER references language on update cascade, rental_duration INTEGER default 3 not null, rental_rate REAL default 4.99 not null, length INTEGER, replacement_cost REAL default 19.99 not null, rating TEXT default 'G', special_features TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_actor" ( actor_id INTEGER not null references actor on update cascade, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (actor_id, film_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_category" ( film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, category_id INTEGER not null references category on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (film_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inventory" ( inventory_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "language" ( language_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payment" ( payment_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, rental_id INTEGER references rental on update cascade on delete set null, amount REAL not null, payment_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rental" ( rental_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rental_date DATETIME not null, inventory_id INTEGER not null references inventory on update cascade, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, return_date DATETIME, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (rental_date, inventory_id, customer_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "staff" ( staff_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, picture BLOB, email TEXT, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, username TEXT not null, password TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "store" ( store_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, manager_staff_id INTEGER not null unique references staff on update cascade, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
Please list the top three product names with the highest unit price.
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
SELECT t1.productName FROM products AS t1 INNER JOIN orderdetails AS t2 ON t1.productCode = t2.productCode ORDER BY t2.priceEach DESC LIMIT 3
CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ); CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ); CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ); CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ); CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ); CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) );
Please provide the id of the solution whose repository has the most watchers.
id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);
SELECT T2.Id FROM Repo AS T1 INNER JOIN Solution AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.RepoId WHERE T1.Watchers = ( SELECT MAX(Watchers) FROM Repo )
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Method" ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT, FullComment TEXT, Summary TEXT, ApiCalls TEXT, CommentIsXml INTEGER, SampledAt INTEGER, SolutionId INTEGER, Lang TEXT, NameTokenized TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "MethodParameter" ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, MethodId TEXT, Type TEXT, Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Repo ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, Url TEXT, Stars INTEGER, Forks INTEGER, Watchers INTEGER, ProcessedTime INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Solution ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, RepoId INTEGER, Path TEXT, ProcessedTime INTEGER, WasCompiled INTEGER );
Please list the name of the person who was in the Hall of Fame in the year 1978.
SELECT name FROM HOF WHERE year = 1978
CREATE TABLE AwardsMisc ( name TEXT not null primary key, ID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT ); CREATE TABLE HOF ( year INTEGER, hofID TEXT not null primary key, name TEXT, category TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Teams ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, franchID TEXT, confID TEXT, divID TEXT, rank INTEGER, playoff TEXT, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, Pts INTEGER, SoW TEXT, SoL TEXT, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, name TEXT, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID) ); CREATE TABLE Coaches ( coachID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT not null, lgID TEXT, stint INTEGER not null, notes TEXT, g INTEGER, w INTEGER, l INTEGER, t INTEGER, postg TEXT, postw TEXT, postl TEXT, postt TEXT, primary key (coachID, year, tmID, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsCoaches ( coachID TEXT, award TEXT, year INTEGER, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) ); CREATE TABLE Master ( playerID TEXT, coachID TEXT, hofID TEXT, firstName TEXT, lastName TEXT not null, nameNote TEXT, nameGiven TEXT, nameNick TEXT, height TEXT, weight TEXT, shootCatch TEXT, legendsID TEXT, ihdbID TEXT, hrefID TEXT, firstNHL TEXT, lastNHL TEXT, firstWHA TEXT, lastWHA TEXT, pos TEXT, birthYear TEXT, birthMon TEXT, birthDay TEXT, birthCountry TEXT, birthState TEXT, birthCity TEXT, deathYear TEXT, deathMon TEXT, deathDay TEXT, deathCountry TEXT, deathState TEXT, deathCity TEXT, foreign key (coachID) references Coaches (coachID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE AwardsPlayers ( playerID TEXT not null, award TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, note TEXT, pos TEXT, primary key (playerID, award, year), foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE CombinedShutouts ( year INTEGER, month INTEGER, date INTEGER, tmID TEXT, oppID TEXT, "R/P" TEXT, IDgoalie1 TEXT, IDgoalie2 TEXT, foreign key (IDgoalie1) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (IDgoalie2) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Goalies ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, stint INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP TEXT, Min TEXT, W TEXT, L TEXT, "T/OL" TEXT, ENG TEXT, SHO TEXT, GA TEXT, SA TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostMin TEXT, PostW TEXT, PostL TEXT, PostT TEXT, PostENG TEXT, PostSHO TEXT, PostGA TEXT, PostSA TEXT, primary key (playerID, year, stint), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesSC ( playerID TEXT not null, year INTEGER not null, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, GP INTEGER, Min INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, SHO INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (playerID, year), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE GoaliesShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, SA INTEGER, GA INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE Scoring ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, "+/-" TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPA TEXT, SHG TEXT, SHA TEXT, GWG TEXT, GTG TEXT, SOG TEXT, PostGP TEXT, PostG TEXT, PostA TEXT, PostPts TEXT, PostPIM TEXT, "Post+/-" TEXT, PostPPG TEXT, PostPPA TEXT, PostSHG TEXT, PostSHA TEXT, PostGWG TEXT, PostSOG TEXT, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSC ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, tmID TEXT, lgID TEXT, pos TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, Pts INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringShootout ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, stint INTEGER, tmID TEXT, S INTEGER, G INTEGER, GDG INTEGER, foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE ScoringSup ( playerID TEXT, year INTEGER, PPA TEXT, SHA TEXT, foreign key (playerID) references Master (playerID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE SeriesPost ( year INTEGER, round TEXT, series TEXT, tmIDWinner TEXT, lgIDWinner TEXT, tmIDLoser TEXT, lgIDLoser TEXT, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GoalsWinner INTEGER, GoalsLoser INTEGER, note TEXT, foreign key (year, tmIDWinner) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (year, tmIDLoser) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamSplits ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, hW INTEGER, hL INTEGER, hT INTEGER, hOTL TEXT, rW INTEGER, rL INTEGER, rT INTEGER, rOTL TEXT, SepW TEXT, SepL TEXT, SepT TEXT, SepOL TEXT, OctW TEXT, OctL TEXT, OctT TEXT, OctOL TEXT, NovW TEXT, NovL TEXT, NovT TEXT, NovOL TEXT, DecW TEXT, DecL TEXT, DecT TEXT, DecOL TEXT, JanW INTEGER, JanL INTEGER, JanT INTEGER, JanOL TEXT, FebW INTEGER, FebL INTEGER, FebT INTEGER, FebOL TEXT, MarW TEXT, MarL TEXT, MarT TEXT, MarOL TEXT, AprW TEXT, AprL TEXT, AprT TEXT, AprOL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamVsTeam ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, oppID TEXT not null, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, OTL TEXT, primary key (year, tmID, oppID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (oppID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsHalf ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, half INTEGER not null, rank INTEGER, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, primary key (year, tmID, half), foreign key (tmID, year) references Teams (tmID, year) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsPost ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, BenchMinor TEXT, PPG TEXT, PPC TEXT, SHA TEXT, PKG TEXT, PKC TEXT, SHF TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE TeamsSC ( year INTEGER not null, lgID TEXT, tmID TEXT not null, G INTEGER, W INTEGER, L INTEGER, T INTEGER, GF INTEGER, GA INTEGER, PIM TEXT, primary key (year, tmID), foreign key (year, tmID) references Teams (year, tmID) on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE abbrev ( Type TEXT not null, Code TEXT not null, Fullname TEXT, primary key (Type, Code) );
Please list the depth of the lakes that are located in the Province of Albania.
SELECT T2.Depth FROM located AS T1 INNER JOIN lake AS T2 ON T1.Lake = T2.Name WHERE T1.Province = 'Albania'
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "borders" ( Country1 TEXT default '' not null constraint borders_ibfk_1 references country, Country2 TEXT default '' not null constraint borders_ibfk_2 references country, Length REAL, primary key (Country1, Country2) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "city" ( Name TEXT default '' not null, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint city_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, Population INTEGER, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL, primary key (Name, Province), constraint city_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "continent" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Area REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "country" ( Name TEXT not null constraint ix_county_Name unique, Code TEXT default '' not null primary key, Capital TEXT, Province TEXT, Area REAL, Population INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "desert" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Area REAL, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "economy" ( Country TEXT default '' not null primary key constraint economy_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, GDP REAL, Agriculture REAL, Service REAL, Industry REAL, Inflation REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "encompasses" ( Country TEXT not null constraint encompasses_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Continent TEXT not null constraint encompasses_ibfk_2 references continent on update cascade on delete cascade, Percentage REAL, primary key (Country, Continent) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ethnicGroup" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint ethnicGroup_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Name TEXT default '' not null, Percentage REAL, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_desert" ( Desert TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_desert_ibfk_3 references desert on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_desert_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Desert), constraint geo_desert_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_estuary" ( River TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, River), constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_island" ( Island TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_island_ibfk_3 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_island_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Island), constraint geo_island_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_lake" ( Lake TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_lake_ibfk_3 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_lake_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Lake), constraint geo_lake_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_mountain" ( Mountain TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_3 references mountain on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Mountain), constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_river" ( River TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_river_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_river_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, River), constraint geo_river_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_sea" ( Sea TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_sea_ibfk_3 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_sea_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, Sea), constraint geo_sea_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "geo_source" ( River TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_source_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint geo_source_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT default '' not null, primary key (Province, Country, River), constraint geo_source_ibfk_2 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "island" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Islands TEXT, Area REAL, Height REAL, Type TEXT, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "islandIn" ( Island TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_4 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_3 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, Lake TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_1 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, River TEXT constraint islandIn_ibfk_2 references river on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "isMember" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint isMember_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Organization TEXT default '' not null constraint isMember_ibfk_2 references organization on update cascade on delete cascade, Type TEXT default 'member', primary key (Country, Organization) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "lake" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Area REAL, Depth REAL, Altitude REAL, Type TEXT, River TEXT, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "language" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint language_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Name TEXT default '' not null, Percentage REAL, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "located" ( City TEXT, Province TEXT, Country TEXT constraint located_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, River TEXT constraint located_ibfk_3 references river on update cascade on delete cascade, Lake TEXT constraint located_ibfk_4 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea TEXT constraint located_ibfk_5 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint located_ibfk_2 foreign key (City, Province) references city on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint located_ibfk_6 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "locatedOn" ( City TEXT default '' not null, Province TEXT default '' not null, Country TEXT default '' not null constraint locatedOn_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Island TEXT default '' not null constraint locatedOn_ibfk_2 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, primary key (City, Province, Country, Island), constraint locatedOn_ibfk_3 foreign key (City, Province) references city on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint locatedOn_ibfk_4 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "mergesWith" ( Sea1 TEXT default '' not null constraint mergesWith_ibfk_1 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea2 TEXT default '' not null constraint mergesWith_ibfk_2 references sea on update cascade on delete cascade, primary key (Sea1, Sea2) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "mountain" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Mountains TEXT, Height REAL, Type TEXT, Longitude REAL, Latitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "mountainOnIsland" ( Mountain TEXT default '' not null constraint mountainOnIsland_ibfk_2 references mountain on update cascade on delete cascade, Island TEXT default '' not null constraint mountainOnIsland_ibfk_1 references island on update cascade on delete cascade, primary key (Mountain, Island) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "organization" ( Abbreviation TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null constraint ix_organization_OrgNameUnique unique, City TEXT, Country TEXT constraint organization_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Province TEXT, Established DATE, constraint organization_ibfk_2 foreign key (City, Province) references city on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint organization_ibfk_3 foreign key (Province, Country) references province on update cascade on delete cascade ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "politics" ( Country TEXT default '' not null primary key constraint politics_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Independence DATE, Dependent TEXT constraint politics_ibfk_2 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Government TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "population" ( Country TEXT default '' not null primary key constraint population_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Population_Growth REAL, Infant_Mortality REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "province" ( Name TEXT not null, Country TEXT not null constraint province_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Population INTEGER, Area REAL, Capital TEXT, CapProv TEXT, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "religion" ( Country TEXT default '' not null constraint religion_ibfk_1 references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Name TEXT default '' not null, Percentage REAL, primary key (Name, Country) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "river" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, River TEXT, Lake TEXT constraint river_ibfk_1 references lake on update cascade on delete cascade, Sea TEXT, Length REAL, SourceLongitude REAL, SourceLatitude REAL, Mountains TEXT, SourceAltitude REAL, EstuaryLongitude REAL, EstuaryLatitude REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sea" ( Name TEXT default '' not null primary key, Depth REAL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "target" ( Country TEXT not null primary key constraint target_Country_fkey references country on update cascade on delete cascade, Target TEXT );
Which city does the address 1623 Kingstown Drive belong to?
SELECT T1.city FROM city AS T1 INNER JOIN address AS T2 ON T2.city_id = T1.city_id WHERE T2.address = '1623 Kingstown Drive'
CREATE TABLE film_text ( film_id INTEGER not null primary key, title TEXT not null, description TEXT null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "actor" ( actor_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "address" ( address_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, address TEXT not null, address2 TEXT, district TEXT not null, city_id INTEGER not null references city on update cascade, postal_code TEXT, phone TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "category" ( category_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "city" ( city_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, city TEXT not null, country_id INTEGER not null references country on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "country" ( country_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, country TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "customer" ( customer_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, email TEXT, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, create_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film" ( film_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, title TEXT not null, description TEXT, release_year TEXT, language_id INTEGER not null references language on update cascade, original_language_id INTEGER references language on update cascade, rental_duration INTEGER default 3 not null, rental_rate REAL default 4.99 not null, length INTEGER, replacement_cost REAL default 19.99 not null, rating TEXT default 'G', special_features TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_actor" ( actor_id INTEGER not null references actor on update cascade, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (actor_id, film_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "film_category" ( film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, category_id INTEGER not null references category on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (film_id, category_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inventory" ( inventory_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, film_id INTEGER not null references film on update cascade, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "language" ( language_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, name TEXT not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payment" ( payment_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, rental_id INTEGER references rental on update cascade on delete set null, amount REAL not null, payment_date DATETIME not null, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rental" ( rental_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rental_date DATETIME not null, inventory_id INTEGER not null references inventory on update cascade, customer_id INTEGER not null references customer on update cascade, return_date DATETIME, staff_id INTEGER not null references staff on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (rental_date, inventory_id, customer_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "staff" ( staff_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, first_name TEXT not null, last_name TEXT not null, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, picture BLOB, email TEXT, store_id INTEGER not null references store on update cascade, active INTEGER default 1 not null, username TEXT not null, password TEXT, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "store" ( store_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, manager_staff_id INTEGER not null unique references staff on update cascade, address_id INTEGER not null references address on update cascade, last_update DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
How many scenes are there in Act 1 in Twelfth Night?
Twelfth Night refers to Title = 'Twelfth Night'
SELECT COUNT(T1.id) FROM works AS T1 INNER JOIN chapters AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.work_id WHERE T2.Act = 1 AND T1.Title = 'Twelfth Night'
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "chapters" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Act INTEGER not null, Scene INTEGER not null, Description TEXT not null, work_id INTEGER not null references works ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "characters" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CharName TEXT not null, Abbrev TEXT not null, Description TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "paragraphs" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ParagraphNum INTEGER not null, PlainText TEXT not null, character_id INTEGER not null references characters, chapter_id INTEGER default 0 not null references chapters ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "works" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Title TEXT not null, LongTitle TEXT not null, Date INTEGER not null, GenreType TEXT not null );
What are the Department ids under the Sales and Marketing Group?
Sales and Marketing is group name of a department
SELECT DepartmentID FROM Department WHERE GroupName = 'Sales and Marketing'
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE CountryRegion ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Culture ( CultureID TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE Currency ( CurrencyCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE CountryRegionCurrency ( CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, CurrencyCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (CountryRegionCode, CurrencyCode), foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode), foreign key (CurrencyCode) references Currency(CurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE Person ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PersonType TEXT not null, NameStyle INTEGER default 0 not null, Title TEXT, FirstName TEXT not null, MiddleName TEXT, LastName TEXT not null, Suffix TEXT, EmailPromotion INTEGER default 0 not null, AdditionalContactInfo TEXT, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityContact ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, PersonID INTEGER not null, ContactTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, PersonID, ContactTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ContactTypeID) references ContactType(ContactTypeID), foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE EmailAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, EmailAddressID INTEGER, EmailAddress TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (EmailAddressID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Employee ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, NationalIDNumber TEXT not null unique, LoginID TEXT not null unique, OrganizationNode TEXT, OrganizationLevel INTEGER, JobTitle TEXT not null, BirthDate DATE not null, MaritalStatus TEXT not null, Gender TEXT not null, HireDate DATE not null, SalariedFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, VacationHours INTEGER default 0 not null, SickLeaveHours INTEGER default 0 not null, CurrentFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE Password ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, PasswordHash TEXT not null, PasswordSalt TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE PersonCreditCard ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, CreditCardID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, CreditCardID), foreign key (CreditCardID) references CreditCard(CreditCardID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Person(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductCategory ( ProductCategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductDescription ( ProductDescriptionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModel ( ProductModelID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CatalogDescription TEXT, Instructions TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture ( ProductModelID INTEGER not null, ProductDescriptionID INTEGER not null, CultureID TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID, CultureID), foreign key (ProductModelID) references ProductModel(ProductModelID), foreign key (ProductDescriptionID) references ProductDescription(ProductDescriptionID), foreign key (CultureID) references Culture(CultureID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductPhoto ( ProductPhotoID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ThumbNailPhoto BLOB, ThumbnailPhotoFileName TEXT, LargePhoto BLOB, LargePhotoFileName TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductSubcategory ( ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductCategoryID INTEGER not null, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductCategoryID) references ProductCategory(ProductCategoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesReason ( SalesReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ReasonType TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritory ( TerritoryID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null, "Group" TEXT not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, CostLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (CountryRegionCode) references CountryRegion(CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPerson ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, TerritoryID INTEGER, SalesQuota REAL, Bonus REAL default 0.0000 not null, CommissionPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesYTD REAL default 0.0000 not null, SalesLastYear REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesPersonQuotaHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, QuotaDate DATETIME not null, SalesQuota REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, QuotaDate), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTerritoryHistory ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, TerritoryID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, TerritoryID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID) ); CREATE TABLE ScrapReason ( ScrapReasonID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE Shift ( ShiftID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, StartTime TEXT not null, EndTime TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StartTime, EndTime) ); CREATE TABLE ShipMethod ( ShipMethodID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ShipBase REAL default 0.0000 not null, ShipRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOffer ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Description TEXT not null, DiscountPct REAL default 0.0000 not null, Type TEXT not null, Category TEXT not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME not null, MinQty INTEGER default 0 not null, MaxQty INTEGER, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE BusinessEntityAddress ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AddressID INTEGER not null, AddressTypeID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, AddressID, AddressTypeID), foreign key (AddressID) references Address(AddressID), foreign key (AddressTypeID) references AddressType(AddressTypeID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesTaxRate ( SalesTaxRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null, TaxType INTEGER not null, TaxRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Name TEXT not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceID, TaxType), foreign key (StateProvinceID) references StateProvince(StateProvinceID) ); CREATE TABLE Store ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, Name TEXT not null, SalesPersonID INTEGER, Demographics TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (SalesPersonID) references SalesPerson(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesReasonID INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SalesOrderID, SalesReasonID), foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SalesReasonID) references SalesReason(SalesReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistoryArchive ( TransactionID INTEGER not null primary key, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE UnitMeasure ( UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null primary key, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null ); CREATE TABLE ProductCostHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, StandardCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductDocument ( ProductID INTEGER not null, DocumentNode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, DocumentNode), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (DocumentNode) references Document(DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE ProductInventory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, Shelf TEXT not null, Bin INTEGER not null, Quantity INTEGER default 0 not null, rowguid TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, LocationID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductProductPhoto ( ProductID INTEGER not null, ProductPhotoID INTEGER not null, "Primary" INTEGER default 0 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, ProductPhotoID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ProductPhotoID) references ProductPhoto(ProductPhotoID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductReview ( ProductReviewID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReviewerName TEXT not null, ReviewDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, EmailAddress TEXT not null, Rating INTEGER not null, Comments TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE ShoppingCartItem ( ShoppingCartItemID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ShoppingCartID TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER default 1 not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, DateCreated DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SpecialOfferProduct ( SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID) references SpecialOffer(SpecialOfferID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE SalesOrderDetail ( SalesOrderID INTEGER not null, SalesOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CarrierTrackingNumber TEXT, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, SpecialOfferID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, UnitPriceDiscount REAL default 0.0000 not null, LineTotal REAL not null, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (SalesOrderID) references SalesOrderHeader(SalesOrderID), foreign key (SpecialOfferID, ProductID) references SpecialOfferProduct(SpecialOfferID, ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE TransactionHistory ( TransactionID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderID INTEGER not null, ReferenceOrderLineID INTEGER default 0 not null, TransactionDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, TransactionType TEXT not null, Quantity INTEGER not null, ActualCost REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE Vendor ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null primary key, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, Name TEXT not null, CreditRating INTEGER not null, PreferredVendorStatus INTEGER default 1 not null, ActiveFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, PurchasingWebServiceURL TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references BusinessEntity(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductVendor ( ProductID INTEGER not null, BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null, AverageLeadTime INTEGER not null, StandardPrice REAL not null, LastReceiptCost REAL, LastReceiptDate DATETIME, MinOrderQty INTEGER not null, MaxOrderQty INTEGER not null, OnOrderQty INTEGER, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (BusinessEntityID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (UnitMeasureCode) references UnitMeasure(UnitMeasureCode) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderHeader ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, EmployeeID INTEGER not null, VendorID INTEGER not null, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, ShipDate DATETIME, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (EmployeeID) references Employee(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (VendorID) references Vendor(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (ShipMethodID) references ShipMethod(ShipMethodID) ); CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderDetail ( PurchaseOrderID INTEGER not null, PurchaseOrderDetailID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, DueDate DATETIME not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, UnitPrice REAL not null, LineTotal REAL not null, ReceivedQty REAL not null, RejectedQty REAL not null, StockedQty REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (PurchaseOrderID) references PurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderID), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrder ( WorkOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductID INTEGER not null, OrderQty INTEGER not null, StockedQty INTEGER not null, ScrappedQty INTEGER not null, StartDate DATETIME not null, EndDate DATETIME, DueDate DATETIME not null, ScrapReasonID INTEGER, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID), foreign key (ScrapReasonID) references ScrapReason(ScrapReasonID) ); CREATE TABLE WorkOrderRouting ( WorkOrderID INTEGER not null, ProductID INTEGER not null, OperationSequence INTEGER not null, LocationID INTEGER not null, ScheduledStartDate DATETIME not null, ScheduledEndDate DATETIME not null, ActualStartDate DATETIME, ActualEndDate DATETIME, ActualResourceHrs REAL, PlannedCost REAL not null, ActualCost REAL, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (WorkOrderID, ProductID, OperationSequence), foreign key (WorkOrderID) references WorkOrder(WorkOrderID), foreign key (LocationID) references Location(LocationID) ); CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerID INTEGER primary key, PersonID INTEGER, StoreID INTEGER, TerritoryID INTEGER, AccountNumber TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, foreign key (PersonID) references Person(BusinessEntityID), foreign key (TerritoryID) references SalesTerritory(TerritoryID), foreign key (StoreID) references Store(BusinessEntityID) ); CREATE TABLE ProductListPriceHistory ( ProductID INTEGER not null, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ListPrice REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, primary key (ProductID, StartDate), foreign key (ProductID) references Product(ProductID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Address" ( AddressID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, AddressLine1 TEXT not null, AddressLine2 TEXT, City TEXT not null, StateProvinceID INTEGER not null references StateProvince, PostalCode TEXT not null, SpatialLocation TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "AddressType" ( AddressTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BillOfMaterials" ( BillOfMaterialsID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ProductAssemblyID INTEGER references Product, ComponentID INTEGER not null references Product, StartDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, EndDate DATETIME, UnitMeasureCode TEXT not null references UnitMeasure, BOMLevel INTEGER not null, PerAssemblyQty REAL default 1.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (ProductAssemblyID, ComponentID, StartDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "BusinessEntity" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ContactType" ( ContactTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CurrencyRate" ( CurrencyRateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CurrencyRateDate DATETIME not null, FromCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, ToCurrencyCode TEXT not null references Currency, AverageRate REAL not null, EndOfDayRate REAL not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (CurrencyRateDate, FromCurrencyCode, ToCurrencyCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Department" ( DepartmentID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, GroupName TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeeDepartmentHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, DepartmentID INTEGER not null references Department, ShiftID INTEGER not null references Shift, StartDate DATE not null, EndDate DATE, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, StartDate, DepartmentID, ShiftID) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "EmployeePayHistory" ( BusinessEntityID INTEGER not null references Employee, RateChangeDate DATETIME not null, Rate REAL not null, PayFrequency INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, primary key (BusinessEntityID, RateChangeDate) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "JobCandidate" ( JobCandidateID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, BusinessEntityID INTEGER references Employee, Resume TEXT, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Location" ( LocationID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, CostRate REAL default 0.0000 not null, Availability REAL default 0.00 not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "PhoneNumberType" ( PhoneNumberTypeID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Product" ( ProductID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT not null unique, ProductNumber TEXT not null unique, MakeFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, FinishedGoodsFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Color TEXT, SafetyStockLevel INTEGER not null, ReorderPoint INTEGER not null, StandardCost REAL not null, ListPrice REAL not null, Size TEXT, SizeUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, WeightUnitMeasureCode TEXT references UnitMeasure, Weight REAL, DaysToManufacture INTEGER not null, ProductLine TEXT, Class TEXT, Style TEXT, ProductSubcategoryID INTEGER references ProductSubcategory, ProductModelID INTEGER references ProductModel, SellStartDate DATETIME not null, SellEndDate DATETIME, DiscontinuedDate DATETIME, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Document" ( DocumentNode TEXT not null primary key, DocumentLevel INTEGER, Title TEXT not null, Owner INTEGER not null references Employee, FolderFlag INTEGER default 0 not null, FileName TEXT not null, FileExtension TEXT not null, Revision TEXT not null, ChangeNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, Status INTEGER not null, DocumentSummary TEXT, Document BLOB, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null, unique (DocumentLevel, DocumentNode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "StateProvince" ( StateProvinceID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, StateProvinceCode TEXT not null, CountryRegionCode TEXT not null references CountryRegion, IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, Name TEXT not null unique, TerritoryID INTEGER not null references SalesTerritory, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, unique (StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "CreditCard" ( CreditCardID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CardType TEXT not null, CardNumber TEXT not null unique, ExpMonth INTEGER not null, ExpYear INTEGER not null, ModifiedDate DATETIME default current_timestamp not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "SalesOrderHeader" ( SalesOrderID INTEGER primary key autoincrement, RevisionNumber INTEGER default 0 not null, OrderDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, DueDate DATETIME not null, ShipDate DATETIME, Status INTEGER default 1 not null, OnlineOrderFlag INTEGER default 1 not null, SalesOrderNumber TEXT not null unique, PurchaseOrderNumber TEXT, AccountNumber TEXT, CustomerID INTEGER not null references Customer, SalesPersonID INTEGER references SalesPerson, TerritoryID INTEGER references SalesTerritory, BillToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipToAddressID INTEGER not null references Address, ShipMethodID INTEGER not null references Address, CreditCardID INTEGER references CreditCard, CreditCardApprovalCode TEXT, CurrencyRateID INTEGER references CurrencyRate, SubTotal REAL default 0.0000 not null, TaxAmt REAL default 0.0000 not null, Freight REAL default 0.0000 not null, TotalDue REAL not null, Comment TEXT, rowguid TEXT not null unique, ModifiedDate DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null );
How frequently did the words 1 and 25 appear together?
How frequently refers to occurrences;  word 1 refers to wid = 1; word 25 refers to wid = 25; appear together means pair, which is a relationship of two words: w1st and w2nd, where w1st is word id of the first word and w2nd is a word id of the second word;  w1st or w2nd = wid = 1; w1st or w2nd = wid = 25;
SELECT occurrences FROM biwords WHERE w1st = 1 AND w2nd = 25
CREATE TABLE langs(lid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, lang TEXT UNIQUE, locale TEXT UNIQUE, pages INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- total pages in this language words INTEGER DEFAULT 0); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE pages(pid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, page INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, -- wikipedia page id revision INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, -- wikipedia revision page id title TEXT, words INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- number of different words in this page UNIQUE(lid,page,title)); CREATE TRIGGER ins_page AFTER INSERT ON pages FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET pages=pages+1 WHERE lid=NEW.lid; END; CREATE TRIGGER del_page AFTER DELETE ON pages FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET pages=pages-1 WHERE lid=OLD.lid; END; CREATE TABLE words(wid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, word TEXT UNIQUE, occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0); CREATE TABLE langs_words(lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, wid INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, occurrences INTEGER, -- repetitions of this word in this language PRIMARY KEY(lid,wid)) WITHOUT ROWID; CREATE TRIGGER ins_lang_word AFTER INSERT ON langs_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET words=words+1 WHERE lid=NEW.lid; END; CREATE TRIGGER del_lang_word AFTER DELETE ON langs_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE langs SET words=words-1 WHERE lid=OLD.lid; END; CREATE TABLE pages_words(pid INTEGER REFERENCES pages(pid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, wid INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- times this word appears into this page PRIMARY KEY(pid,wid)) WITHOUT ROWID; CREATE TRIGGER ins_page_word AFTER INSERT ON pages_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE pages SET words=words+1 WHERE pid=NEW.pid; END; CREATE TRIGGER del_page_word AFTER DELETE ON pages_words FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE pages SET words=words-1 WHERE pid=OLD.pid; END; CREATE TABLE biwords(lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, w1st INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, w2nd INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- times this pair appears in this language/page PRIMARY KEY(lid,w1st,w2nd)) WITHOUT ROWID;
Which game has Jessica Carolina Aguilera Aguilera participated in? Give the id of the game.
id of the game refers to games_id;
SELECT T2.games_id FROM person AS T1 INNER JOIN games_competitor AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.person_id WHERE T1.full_name = 'Jessica Carolina Aguilera Aguilera'
CREATE TABLE city ( id INTEGER not null primary key, city_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE games ( id INTEGER not null primary key, games_year INTEGER default NULL, games_name TEXT default NULL, season TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE games_city ( games_id INTEGER default NULL, city_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (city_id) references city(id), foreign key (games_id) references games(id) ); CREATE TABLE medal ( id INTEGER not null primary key, medal_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE noc_region ( id INTEGER not null primary key, noc TEXT default NULL, region_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE person ( id INTEGER not null primary key, full_name TEXT default NULL, gender TEXT default NULL, height INTEGER default NULL, weight INTEGER default NULL ); CREATE TABLE games_competitor ( id INTEGER not null primary key, games_id INTEGER default NULL, person_id INTEGER default NULL, age INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (games_id) references games(id), foreign key (person_id) references person(id) ); CREATE TABLE person_region ( person_id INTEGER default NULL, region_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (person_id) references person(id), foreign key (region_id) references noc_region(id) ); CREATE TABLE sport ( id INTEGER not null primary key, sport_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE event ( id INTEGER not null primary key, sport_id INTEGER default NULL, event_name TEXT default NULL, foreign key (sport_id) references sport(id) ); CREATE TABLE competitor_event ( event_id INTEGER default NULL, competitor_id INTEGER default NULL, medal_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (competitor_id) references games_competitor(id), foreign key (event_id) references event(id), foreign key (medal_id) references medal(id) );
Among the HTC users, calculate the percentage of female users who are over 80.
HTC refers to phone_brand = 'HTC'; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(gender = 'F' AND age > 80), COUNT(device_id)); female refers to gender = 'F'; over 80 refers to age > 80
SELECT SUM(IIF(T1.gender = 'F' AND T1.age > 80, 1, 0)) / COUNT(T1.device_id) AS per FROM gender_age AS T1 INNER JOIN phone_brand_device_model2 AS T2 ON T1.device_id = T2.device_id WHERE T2.phone_brand = 'HTC'
CREATE TABLE `app_all` ( `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `app_events` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_installed` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_active` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`,`app_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`event_id`) REFERENCES `events` (`event_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `app_events_relevant` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_installed` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `is_active` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`,`app_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`event_id`) REFERENCES `events_relevant` (`event_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app_all` (`app_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `app_labels` ( `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `label_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`label_id`) REFERENCES `label_categories` (`label_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app_all` (`app_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `events` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `device_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `longitude` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `latitude` REAL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `events_relevant` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `device_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL, `longitude` REAL NOT NULL, `latitude` REAL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`device_id`) REFERENCES `gender_age` (`device_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `gender` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `age` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `group` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`device_id`) REFERENCES `phone_brand_device_model2` (`device_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age_test` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age_train` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `gender` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `age` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `group` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `label_categories` ( `label_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `category` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`label_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `phone_brand_device_model2` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `phone_brand` TEXT NOT NULL, `device_model` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`,`phone_brand`,`device_model`) ); CREATE TABLE `sample_submission` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `F23-` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F24-26` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F27-28` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F29-32` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F33-42` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F43+` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M22-` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M23-26` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M27-28` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M29-31` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M32-38` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M39+` REAL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) );
How many papers are published under the journal "Software - Practice and Experience"?
papers refers to Paper.Id; 'Software - Practice and Experience' is the FullName of a journal;
SELECT COUNT(T1.Id) FROM Paper AS T1 INNER JOIN Journal AS T2 ON T1.JournalId = T2.Id WHERE T2.FullName = 'Software - Practice and Experience'
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Author" ( Id INTEGER constraint Author_pk primary key, Name TEXT, Affiliation TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Conference" ( Id INTEGER constraint Conference_pk primary key, ShortName TEXT, FullName TEXT, HomePage TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Journal" ( Id INTEGER constraint Journal_pk primary key, ShortName TEXT, FullName TEXT, HomePage TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Paper ( Id INTEGER primary key, Title TEXT, Year INTEGER, ConferenceId INTEGER, JournalId INTEGER, Keyword TEXT, foreign key (ConferenceId) references Conference(Id), foreign key (JournalId) references Journal(Id) ); CREATE TABLE PaperAuthor ( PaperId INTEGER, AuthorId INTEGER, Name TEXT, Affiliation TEXT, foreign key (PaperId) references Paper(Id), foreign key (AuthorId) references Author(Id) );
Please list the location coordinates of all the Galaxy Note 2 devices when an event happened.
location coordinates = longitude, latitude; Galaxy Note 2 refers to device_model = 'Galaxy Note 2';
SELECT T1.longitude, T1.latitude FROM events AS T1 INNER JOIN phone_brand_device_model2 AS T2 ON T1.device_id = T2.device_id WHERE T2.device_model = 'Galaxy Note 2'
CREATE TABLE `app_all` ( `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`app_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `app_events` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_installed` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_active` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`,`app_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`event_id`) REFERENCES `events` (`event_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `app_events_relevant` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `is_installed` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `is_active` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`,`app_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`event_id`) REFERENCES `events_relevant` (`event_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app_all` (`app_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `app_labels` ( `app_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `label_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`label_id`) REFERENCES `label_categories` (`label_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app_all` (`app_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `events` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `device_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `longitude` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `latitude` REAL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `events_relevant` ( `event_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `device_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL, `longitude` REAL NOT NULL, `latitude` REAL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`event_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`device_id`) REFERENCES `gender_age` (`device_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `gender` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `age` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `group` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`device_id`) REFERENCES `phone_brand_device_model2` (`device_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age_test` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `gender_age_train` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `gender` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `age` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, `group` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `label_categories` ( `label_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `category` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`label_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `phone_brand_device_model2` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `phone_brand` TEXT NOT NULL, `device_model` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`,`phone_brand`,`device_model`) ); CREATE TABLE `sample_submission` ( `device_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `F23-` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F24-26` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F27-28` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F29-32` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F33-42` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `F43+` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M22-` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M23-26` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M27-28` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M29-31` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M32-38` REAL DEFAULT NULL, `M39+` REAL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`device_id`) );
Please give the name of the director who achieved the Outstanding Animated Program (For Programming Less Than One Hour) award whose episode title is "No Loan Again, Naturally".
the director refers to role = 'director'
SELECT T1.person FROM Award AS T1 INNER JOIN Episode AS T2 ON T1.episode_id = T2.episode_id WHERE T1.role = 'director' AND T1.award = 'Outstanding Animated Program (For Programming Less Than One Hour)' AND T2.title = 'No Loan Again, Naturally';
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Episode" ( episode_id TEXT constraint Episode_pk primary key, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, number_in_series INTEGER, title TEXT, summary TEXT, air_date TEXT, episode_image TEXT, rating REAL, votes INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Person ( name TEXT constraint Person_pk primary key, birthdate TEXT, birth_name TEXT, birth_place TEXT, birth_region TEXT, birth_country TEXT, height_meters REAL, nickname TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Award ( award_id INTEGER primary key, organization TEXT, year INTEGER, award_category TEXT, award TEXT, person TEXT, role TEXT, episode_id TEXT, season TEXT, song TEXT, result TEXT, foreign key (person) references Person(name), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Character_Award ( award_id INTEGER, character TEXT, foreign key (award_id) references Award(award_id) ); CREATE TABLE Credit ( episode_id TEXT, category TEXT, person TEXT, role TEXT, credited TEXT, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id), foreign key (person) references Person(name) ); CREATE TABLE Keyword ( episode_id TEXT, keyword TEXT, primary key (episode_id, keyword), foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) ); CREATE TABLE Vote ( episode_id TEXT, stars INTEGER, votes INTEGER, percent REAL, foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id) );
List out sale rep that has sold 1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper. List out their names and quantity sold throughout the year.
1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers;
SELECT t5.firstName, t5.lastName, SUM(t2.quantityOrdered) FROM products AS t1 INNER JOIN orderdetails AS t2 ON t1.productCode = t2.productCode INNER JOIN orders AS t3 ON t2.orderNumber = t3.orderNumber INNER JOIN customers AS t4 ON t3.customerNumber = t4.customerNumber INNER JOIN employees AS t5 ON t4.salesRepEmployeeNumber = t5.employeeNumber WHERE t1.productName = '1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper' GROUP BY t5.lastName, t5.firstName
CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ); CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ); CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ); CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ); CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ); CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) );
Who among the players drafted by Arizona Coyotes in 2000 has committed the highest rule violations?
who refers to PlayerName; drafted by Arizona Coyotes refers to overallby = 'Arizona Coyotes'; committed the highest rule violations refers to MAX(PIM); in 2000 refers to draftyear = 2000;
SELECT T2.PlayerName FROM SeasonStatus AS T1 INNER JOIN PlayerInfo AS T2 ON T1.ELITEID = T2.ELITEID WHERE T2.overallby = 'Arizona Coyotes' AND T2.draftyear = 2000 ORDER BY T1.PIM DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE height_info ( height_id INTEGER primary key, height_in_cm INTEGER, height_in_inch TEXT ); CREATE TABLE weight_info ( weight_id INTEGER primary key, weight_in_kg INTEGER, weight_in_lbs INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE PlayerInfo ( ELITEID INTEGER primary key, PlayerName TEXT, birthdate TEXT, birthyear DATE, birthmonth INTEGER, birthday INTEGER, birthplace TEXT, nation TEXT, height INTEGER, weight INTEGER, position_info TEXT, shoots TEXT, draftyear INTEGER, draftround INTEGER, overall INTEGER, overallby TEXT, CSS_rank INTEGER, sum_7yr_GP INTEGER, sum_7yr_TOI INTEGER, GP_greater_than_0 TEXT, foreign key (height) references height_info(height_id), foreign key (weight) references weight_info(weight_id) ); CREATE TABLE SeasonStatus ( ELITEID INTEGER, SEASON TEXT, TEAM TEXT, LEAGUE TEXT, GAMETYPE TEXT, GP INTEGER, G INTEGER, A INTEGER, P INTEGER, PIM INTEGER, PLUSMINUS INTEGER, foreign key (ELITEID) references PlayerInfo(ELITEID) );
Among the recipes with sea bass, how many percent of recipes can serve 10 people and above?
sea bass is a name of an ingredient; can serve 10 people and above refers to servings > = 10; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(servings > = 10 THEN recipe_id)), COUNT(recipe_id), 100)
SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.servings >= 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM Recipe AS T1 INNER JOIN Quantity AS T2 ON T1.recipe_id = T2.recipe_id INNER JOIN Ingredient AS T3 ON T3.ingredient_id = T2.ingredient_id WHERE T3.name = 'sea bass steak'
CREATE TABLE Ingredient ( ingredient_id INTEGER primary key, category TEXT, name TEXT, plural TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Recipe ( recipe_id INTEGER primary key, title TEXT, subtitle TEXT, servings INTEGER, yield_unit TEXT, prep_min INTEGER, cook_min INTEGER, stnd_min INTEGER, source TEXT, intro TEXT, directions TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Nutrition ( recipe_id INTEGER primary key, protein REAL, carbo REAL, alcohol REAL, total_fat REAL, sat_fat REAL, cholestrl REAL, sodium REAL, iron REAL, vitamin_c REAL, vitamin_a REAL, fiber REAL, pcnt_cal_carb REAL, pcnt_cal_fat REAL, pcnt_cal_prot REAL, calories REAL, foreign key (recipe_id) references Recipe(recipe_id) ); CREATE TABLE Quantity ( quantity_id INTEGER primary key, recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, max_qty REAL, min_qty REAL, unit TEXT, preparation TEXT, optional TEXT, foreign key (recipe_id) references Recipe(recipe_id), foreign key (ingredient_id) references Ingredient(ingredient_id), foreign key (recipe_id) references Nutrition(recipe_id) );
List the full names and phone numbers of clients that were from the Pacific.
full name refers to first, middle, last; the Pacific refers to division = 'Pacific'
SELECT T1.first, T1.middle, T1.last, T1.phone FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T2.division = 'Pacific'
CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ); CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ); CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ); CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ); CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) );
What is the average number of courses taught by a professor?
professor refers to professor = 1; average number of courses = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id) where professor = 1 )
SELECT CAST(COUNT(T1.course_id) AS REAL) / COUNT(DISTINCT T2.p_id) AS num FROM taughtBy AS T1 INNER JOIN person AS T2 ON T1.p_id = T2.p_id WHERE T2.professor = 1
CREATE TABLE course ( course_id INTEGER constraint course_pk primary key, courseLevel TEXT ); CREATE TABLE person ( p_id INTEGER constraint person_pk primary key, professor INTEGER, student INTEGER, hasPosition TEXT, inPhase TEXT, yearsInProgram TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "advisedBy" ( p_id INTEGER, p_id_dummy INTEGER, constraint advisedBy_pk primary key (p_id, p_id_dummy), constraint advisedBy_person_p_id_p_id_fk foreign key (p_id, p_id_dummy) references person (p_id, p_id) ); CREATE TABLE taughtBy ( course_id INTEGER, p_id INTEGER, primary key (course_id, p_id), foreign key (p_id) references person(p_id), foreign key (course_id) references course(course_id) );
Who is the publisher of the game 2002 FIFA World Cup?
who is the publisher refers to publisher_name; 2002 FIFA World Cup refers to game_name = '2002 FIFA World Cup';
SELECT T2.publisher_name FROM game_publisher AS T1 INNER JOIN publisher AS T2 ON T1.publisher_id = T2.id INNER JOIN game AS T3 ON T1.game_id = T3.id WHERE T3.game_name = '2002 FIFA World Cup'
CREATE TABLE genre ( id INTEGER not null primary key, genre_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE game ( id INTEGER not null primary key, genre_id INTEGER default NULL, game_name TEXT default NULL, foreign key (genre_id) references genre(id) ); CREATE TABLE platform ( id INTEGER not null primary key, platform_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE publisher ( id INTEGER not null primary key, publisher_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE game_publisher ( id INTEGER not null primary key, game_id INTEGER default NULL, publisher_id INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (game_id) references game(id), foreign key (publisher_id) references publisher(id) ); CREATE TABLE game_platform ( id INTEGER not null primary key, game_publisher_id INTEGER default NULL, platform_id INTEGER default NULL, release_year INTEGER default NULL, foreign key (game_publisher_id) references game_publisher(id), foreign key (platform_id) references platform(id) ); CREATE TABLE region ( id INTEGER not null primary key, region_name TEXT default NULL ); CREATE TABLE region_sales ( region_id INTEGER default NULL, game_platform_id INTEGER default NULL, num_sales REAL default NULL, foreign key (game_platform_id) references game_platform(id), foreign key (region_id) references region(id) );
Among the countries that have GNP greater than 1500, what is the percentage of the countries have English as its language?
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T2.Language = 'English', 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.Code) FROM Country AS T1 INNER JOIN CountryLanguage AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.CountryCode WHERE T1.GNP > 1500
Which team won by wickets in match ID 335993?
team refers to Team_Name
SELECT T1.Team_Name FROM Team AS T1 INNER JOIN Match AS T2 ON T1.team_id = T2.match_winner INNER JOIN Player_Match AS T3 ON T1.Team_Id = T3.Team_Id INNER JOIN Win_By AS T4 ON T2.Win_Type = T4.Win_Id WHERE T2.Match_Id = '335993' GROUP BY T1.Team_Name
CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ); CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) );
From 1593 onwards, what is the difference between the number of comedy works and history works?
From 1593 onwards refers to Date > 1593; comedy works and history works refers to GenreType = 'comedy' and GenreType = 'History'
SELECT SUM(IIF(GenreType = 'Comedy', 1, 0)) - SUM(IIF(GenreType = 'History', 1, 0)) FROM works WHERE Date > 1593
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "chapters" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Act INTEGER not null, Scene INTEGER not null, Description TEXT not null, work_id INTEGER not null references works ); CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "characters" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, CharName TEXT not null, Abbrev TEXT not null, Description TEXT not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "paragraphs" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, ParagraphNum INTEGER not null, PlainText TEXT not null, character_id INTEGER not null references characters, chapter_id INTEGER default 0 not null references chapters ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "works" ( id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, Title TEXT not null, LongTitle TEXT not null, Date INTEGER not null, GenreType TEXT not null );
State the name of vendor that supplies book resources to all school with literacy subject as their primary focus.
literacy subject as primary focus refers to primary_focus_subject = 'Literacy'
SELECT DISTINCT T1.vendor_name FROM resources AS T1 INNER JOIN projects AS T2 ON T1.projectid = T2.projectid WHERE T2.primary_focus_subject LIKE 'Literacy'
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "essays" ( projectid TEXT, teacher_acctid TEXT, title TEXT, short_description TEXT, need_statement TEXT, essay TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "projects" ( projectid TEXT not null primary key, teacher_acctid TEXT, schoolid TEXT, school_ncesid TEXT, school_latitude REAL, school_longitude REAL, school_city TEXT, school_state TEXT, school_zip INTEGER, school_metro TEXT, school_district TEXT, school_county TEXT, school_charter TEXT, school_magnet TEXT, school_year_round TEXT, school_nlns TEXT, school_kipp TEXT, school_charter_ready_promise TEXT, teacher_prefix TEXT, teacher_teach_for_america TEXT, teacher_ny_teaching_fellow TEXT, primary_focus_subject TEXT, primary_focus_area TEXT, secondary_focus_subject TEXT, secondary_focus_area TEXT, resource_type TEXT, poverty_level TEXT, grade_level TEXT, fulfillment_labor_materials REAL, total_price_excluding_optional_support REAL, total_price_including_optional_support REAL, students_reached INTEGER, eligible_double_your_impact_match TEXT, eligible_almost_home_match TEXT, date_posted DATE ); CREATE TABLE donations ( donationid TEXT not null primary key, projectid TEXT, donor_acctid TEXT, donor_city TEXT, donor_state TEXT, donor_zip TEXT, is_teacher_acct TEXT, donation_timestamp DATETIME, donation_to_project REAL, donation_optional_support REAL, donation_total REAL, dollar_amount TEXT, donation_included_optional_support TEXT, payment_method TEXT, payment_included_acct_credit TEXT, payment_included_campaign_gift_card TEXT, payment_included_web_purchased_gift_card TEXT, payment_was_promo_matched TEXT, via_giving_page TEXT, for_honoree TEXT, donation_message TEXT, foreign key (projectid) references projects(projectid) ); CREATE TABLE resources ( resourceid TEXT not null primary key, projectid TEXT, vendorid INTEGER, vendor_name TEXT, project_resource_type TEXT, item_name TEXT, item_number TEXT, item_unit_price REAL, item_quantity INTEGER, foreign key (projectid) references projects(projectid) );
Write down the call id of clients whose first name start with alphabet "B".
first name start with alphabet "B" refers to first like 'B%'
SELECT T2.call_id FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN callcenterlogs AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.`rand client` WHERE T1.first LIKE 'B%'
CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ); CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ); CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ); CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ); CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ); CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) );
What is the processed time to download the repository whose files are contained in the solution with the path "jeffdik_tachy\src\Tachy.sln".
SELECT DISTINCT T2.ProcessedTime FROM Repo AS T1 INNER JOIN Solution AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.RepoId WHERE T2.Path = 'jeffdik_tachysrcTachy.sln'
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "Method" ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, Name TEXT, FullComment TEXT, Summary TEXT, ApiCalls TEXT, CommentIsXml INTEGER, SampledAt INTEGER, SolutionId INTEGER, Lang TEXT, NameTokenized TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "MethodParameter" ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, MethodId TEXT, Type TEXT, Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Repo ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, Url TEXT, Stars INTEGER, Forks INTEGER, Watchers INTEGER, ProcessedTime INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Solution ( Id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement, RepoId INTEGER, Path TEXT, ProcessedTime INTEGER, WasCompiled INTEGER );
In the matches where the winning margin is less than fifty, how many teams won by wicket?
winning margin is less than fifty refers to Win_Margin < 50; won by wicket refers to Win_Type = 'wickets'
SELECT COUNT(T2.Win_Id) FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Win_By AS T2 ON T1.Win_Type = T2.Win_Id WHERE T2.Win_Type = 'wickets' AND T1.Win_Margin < 50
CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ); CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ); CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) );