תום הולך מהר.
Tom walks fast.
Please can you translate this message from English to Hebrew?
Том уверен, что Земля плоская.
Tom is convinced that the earth is flat.
please can you switch the text from English to Russian
Я влиятельный.
I'm powerful.
please communicate this text from English to Russian?
Are you still talking about Tom?
State ancora parlando di Tom?
please translate this message from Italian to English.
Ben de Boston'u beğenirim.
I like Boston, too.
Communicate this sentence from English to Turkish?
Don't be so melodramatic.
Non sia così melodrammatico.
please convert from Italian to English?
I've been in Australia for three years.
Я в Австралии уже три года.
please translate from Russian to English?
Ẓriɣ dakken Tom ur yeskerkis ara fell-awent.
I know that Tom won't lie to you.
Please can you switch the message from English to Berber?
Sie haben sich nicht genug Mühe gegeben.
You didn't try hard enough.
can you please translate this input message from English to German.
Faça sua escolha.
Make your choice.
can you switch the text from English to Portuguese.
Tämä on paras kirja, jonka olen koskaan lukenut.
This is the best book I have ever read.
Please switch the text from English to Finnish
Show me.
Покажите мне.
Can you translate this sentence from Russian to English?
Tom und Maria entschlossen sich, nicht zu gehen.
Tom and Mary decided not to leave.
communicate this message from English to German.
The enemy attacked the town.
L'ennemi attaqua la ville.
please translate this input sentence from French to English?
Він надзвичайно небезпечний.
It's extremely dangerous.
can you communicate this message from English to Ukrainian?
D wi i d igmaḍ.
These are the results.
can you please translate from English to Kabyle.
Tom almost always wears dark clothes.
Tom trägt fast immer dunkle Kleidung.
translate from German to English?
Я пыталась не заплакать.
I tried not to cry.
please can you translate this input text from English to Russian.
Avreste potuto prendere appunti.
You could've taken notes.
Please convert from English to Italian
You have a bright future.
Please can you convert from English to Japanese.
Elle lui a fait un massage.
She gave him a massage.
Please translate from English to French.
Tom watched Mary disappear around the corner.
תום הביט במרי נעלמת מאחורי הפינה.
Can you please switch the text from Hebrew to English?
As soon as the bell rang, Tom headed for the door.
can you communicate this sentence from English to Japanese
Don't get involved with that guy.
can you please switch the sentence from English to Japanese
She is on friendly terms with him.
Ela mantém relações amigáveis com ele.
please can you switch the text from Portuguese to English
You're so stupid.
Micsoda hülye vagy!
Please switch the message from Hungarian to English?
Tom says that he wants to come with us.
Том вели дека сака да дојде со нас.
Can you switch the sentence from Macedonian to English?
Das Buch hat mir gefallen.
I liked this book.
Translate from English to German?
Can you see?
please can you convert from Mandarin_chinese to English?
Did you have a nice weekend?
Tesɛeddaḍ tagara n yimalas yelhan?
please translate this sentence from Berber to English?
Tom hat Frau und Kinder.
Tom has a wife and kids.
can you please convert from English to German.
I bet Tom thirty dollars that I could do that.
Eu apostei com o Tom trinta dólares que eu poderia fazer isso.
please communicate this message from Portuguese to English
Мне нужно знать, что кому-то не всё равно.
I need to know that someone cares.
can you switch the sentence from English to Russian
Tom, Mary'yi çok iyi tanımıyor.
Tom doesn't know Mary very well.
Please can you translate this input message from English to Turkish?
All our attempts failed.
כל נסיונותינו נכשלו.
translate this input message from Hebrew to English?
Can I take pictures here?
Zemreɣ ad ṣewwreɣ da?
please communicate this text from Berber to English
Tente não se preocupar muito.
Try not to worry too much.
i need a translation from English to Portuguese?
Ilaq ad tbeddem.
You may rise.
Please translate this text from English to Kabyle.
They created a government.
Sie schufen eine Regierung.
Please can you translate from German to English
Wissen d acu ay as-yeḍran i tebḥirt n Tom.
I wonder what happened to Tom's garden.
Can you translate this sentence from English to Berber
She almost froze to death in the snow.
Она чуть не замёрзла в снегу.
translate this input sentence from Russian to English?
Is that your goal?
Quello è il vostro obiettivo?
please switch the message from Italian to English?
Tom is right behind Mary.
Tom ist gleich hinter Maria.
Can you switch the sentence from German to English?
Who's the man playing the piano?
can you please convert from English to Japanese.
Versuchst du gerade, witzig zu sein?
Are you trying to be funny?
Can you translate this sentence from English to German
Зачем вы здесь?
Why are you here?
Please communicate this text from English to Russian
أرجوك لا تقل بأنك لن تدع توم يلعب معي بعد الآن.
Please don't say that you won't let Tom play with me anymore.
can you switch the message from English to Arabic
Avete letto questo?
Did you read this?
Can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian.
The swimmer, Cindy Nicholas, barely made it ashore at Dover at the end of the exhausting swim, but a spokesman from the Channel Swimming Association announced that she was in very good shape.
La nuotatrice, Cindy Nicholas, è riuscita a malapena a giungere a riva a Dover alla fine della lunga nuotata, ma un portavoce della Channel Swimming Association ha annunciato che era molto in forma.
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Няма праблем.
No problem.
please can you translate this text from English to Belarusian?
What do you think about Tom?
Que penses-tu de Tom?
Translate this input text from French to English?
Maybe there is hope.
Talvez haja esperança.
Can you please communicate this message from Portuguese to English?
He went to America to study American literature.
He is Amerika gahn üm amerikaansche Literatur to studeren.
can you please communicate this sentence from Low_german to English?
La sto innervosendo?
Am I making you nervous?
Can you please communicate this text from English to Italian?
¿Tom hizo eso?
Did Tom do that?
can you translate this text from English to Spanish?
I retired.
Wwiɣ-d lantrit.
Please can you translate this input sentence from Kabyle to English
Vergiss nicht, dir die Hände zu waschen!
Don't forget to wash your hands.
Please translate this input message from English to German?
Él se convirtió en un cantante famoso.
He became a famous singer.
communicate this sentence from English to Spanish
Can we trust Tom?
Können wir Tom vertrauen?
please translate from German to English.
Tom ur d-yufi acemma.
Tom found nothing.
Please translate this message from English to Berber
He turned the table upside down.
Il retourna la table sur son plateau.
Please translate this input text from French to English
Tom is from Boston.
Tom é de Boston.
communicate this message from Portuguese to English.
Eu quero que mais gente se engaje.
I want more people to get involved.
please switch the text from English to Portuguese?
I'm still not hungry.
please translate this text from English to Japanese?
It's still too soon to say.
Bunu söylemek için hala çok erken.
Can you communicate this message from Turkish to English?
I was able to buy a ticket.
Я смог купить билет.
can you translate this input text from Russian to English.
Io non le ho comprate.
I didn't buy them.
translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Sie kam.
She came.
Please translate this text from English to German?
हामीलाई के आशा गर्ने थाहा थियो।
We knew what to expect.
can you please communicate this sentence from English to Nepali.
That's why we like each other.
Dat is waarom we elkaar leuk vinden.
can you translate this message from Dutch to English?
टॉमने मायक्रोफोन चालू केला.
Tom switched on the microphone.
Translate this text from English to Marathi.
The rest will be easy.
Останатото ќе биде лесно.
Please translate this sentence from Macedonian to English.
This ring is very expensive.
Это кольцо очень дорогое.
can you please switch the text from Russian to English?
Tom said that his doctor told him not to smoke anymore.
Tom yenna-d dakken imsujji-nnes yenna-as ad yessebded akeyyef.
can you please convert from Berber to English?
तू प्रत्येक रविवारी चर्चला जातेस का?
Do you go to church every Sunday?
can you please translate from English to Marathi.
Donne-nous une seconde.
Give us a second.
please translate this input text from English to French.
Bizim en kısa sürede oraya gitmemiz gerekiyor.
We need to get there as soon as we can.
Please translate this input text from English to Turkish
He said he didn't like his new job.
Disse che a lui non piaceva il suo nuovo lavoro.
Can you please translate this input message from Italian to English.
Možná to není zas až tak dobrý nápad.
Maybe this isn't such a good idea.
Communicate this sentence from English to Czech
The work is done.
Il lavoro è completato.
please can you translate this message from Italian to English
Stop here.
Halte hier.
Convert from German to English?
I've got to go to church tomorrow.
Holnap templomba kell mennem.
translate from Hungarian to English.
She was naive.
그는 순진했다.
please can you switch the message from Korean to English?
Tom feels the same way as I do.
Tom empfindet genauso wie ich.
Can you switch the sentence from German to English?
Tom shouts a lot.
Tom schreit viel.
convert from German to English.
He also promised a strong foreign policy.
Hij beloofte ook een sterk buitenlands beleid.
Convert from Dutch to English.
It works.
Translate this message from Italian to English?
Tom has a lot of clothes in his closet that he never wears anymore.
Tom'un dolabında artık asla giymediği bir sürü kıyafet var.
Communicate this message from Turkish to English.
I drink beer.
Ich trinke Bier.
Please can you switch the sentence from German to English?
Ich wollte nur etwas Gutes tun.
I only wanted to do some good.
Can you please communicate this text from English to German?
Vorrei poter capire come disattivare i commenti sul mio blog.
I wish I could figure out how to disable comments on my blog.
Can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Have you decided whether or not you're going to sell your house?
Hast du dich entschieden, ob du dein Haus verkaufst oder nicht?
Can you translate this text from German to English
У всех нас есть тайны.
We all have secrets.
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Russian?
Deus ouviu minhas preces.
My prayer was answered.
Please translate this message from English to Portuguese?
It's supper time.
please can you translate this input message from Japanese to English?
Tom was dismissed without notice.
Switch the text from English to Japanese
Tom doesn't look old.
Том не е старолик.
Please translate this input message from Macedonian to English?
Ihr seid sehr mutig.
You are very courageous.
Please switch the sentence from English to German.
Beef, please.
communicate this text from English to Japanese.
I like the blue one. How much does it cost?
Eu gosto do azul. Qual é o preço?
switch the message from Portuguese to English.