id (string)
translation (translation)
{"en": "The country is also developing historic sites such as the centuries-old Mada'in Saleh, home to sandstone tombs of the same civilisation which built the Jordanian city of Petra.\n", "cs": "Zem\u011b tak\u00e9 podporuje rozvoj historick\u00fdch m\u00edst, jako je n\u011bkolik set let star\u00e1 Mada'in Saleh s p\u00edskovcov\u00fdmi hrobkami vybudovan\u00fdmi stejnou civilizac\u00ed, kter\u00e1 postavila jord\u00e1nsk\u00e9 m\u011bsto Petra.\n"}
{"en": "Facebook hides 'likes' in new Australia trial\n", "cs": "Facebook nov\u011b skr\u00fdv\u00e1 po\u010det \u201elajk\u016f\u201c pro p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvky v Austr\u00e1lii\n"}
{"en": "Facebook has begun hiding the number of \"likes\" for posts in Australia, it said today, a trial designed to ease social pressure that could be rolled out worldwide.\n", "cs": "Facebook za\u010dal skr\u00fdvat po\u010det \u201elajk\u016f\u201c pro p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvky v Austr\u00e1lii, ozn\u00e1mil dnes, jedn\u00e1 se o pokus, kter\u00fd m\u00e1 zm\u00edrnit soci\u00e1ln\u00ed nap\u011bt\u00ed a mohl by se postupn\u011b pou\u017e\u00edt na cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b.\n"}
{"en": "Account holders across the country will also be blocked from viewing the number of reactions and video views on other people's posts from today, but will still be able to see how people respond to their own.\n", "cs": "U\u017eivatel\u00e9 z cel\u00e9 zem\u011b budou m\u00edt od dne\u0161n\u00edho dne blokovan\u00fd tak\u00e9 po\u010det reakc\u00ed a sledov\u00e1n\u00ed video p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvk\u016f v p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvc\u00edch ostatn\u00edch lid\u00ed, ale budou st\u00e1le moci vid\u011bt, jak lid\u00e9 reaguj\u00ed na ty jejich.\n"}
{"en": "\"We don't want Facebook to feel like a competition,\" the company said in a statement.\n", "cs": "\u201eNechceme, aby byl Facebook vn\u00edm\u00e1n jako konkurence,\u201c prohl\u00e1sila spole\u010dnost.\n"}
{"en": "\"This is a test to see how people engage with this new format. We hope to learn from this over time in order to see if we will roll this out more broadly,\" it said.\n", "cs": "\u201eToto je test, abychom vid\u011bli, jak se lid\u00e9 zapoj\u00ed do tohoto nov\u00e9ho uspo\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed. Douf\u00e1me, \u017ee se z toho budeme \u010dasem moci pou\u010dit, abychom zjistili, zda to budeme moci uplatnit i v dal\u0161\u00edch oblastech,\u201c uvedla spole\u010dnost.\n"}
{"en": "More than one billion people use Facebook worldwide, but the social media giant has come under pressure to combat the platform's impact on mental health.\n", "cs": "Na cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 Facebook v\u00edce ne\u017e miliarda lid\u00ed, ale gigant soci\u00e1ln\u00edch m\u00e9di\u00ed se dostal pod tlak, aby bojoval proti dopad\u016fm t\u00e9to platformy na lidskou psychiku.\n"}
{"en": "In Australia, one in five children report experiencing cyberbullying, according to the country's eSafety commissioner.\n", "cs": "Podle australsk\u00e9ho komisa\u0159e pro elektronickou bezpe\u010dnost hl\u00e1s\u00ed ka\u017ed\u00e9 p\u00e1t\u00e9 d\u00edt\u011b v Austr\u00e1lii kyber\u0161ikanu.\n"}
{"en": "Facebook's decision comes after it launched a trial in July to hide \"likes\" on the company's other major social media platform, Instagram.\n", "cs": "Rozhodnut\u00ed Facebooku p\u0159i\u0161lo pot\u00e9, co v \u010dervenci odstartoval pokus skr\u00fdvat \u201elajky\u201c na dal\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdznamn\u00e9 platform\u011b soci\u00e1ln\u00edch m\u00e9di\u00ed, Instagramu.\n"}
{"en": "What began as a test on Instagram in Canada was expanded to Australia, Brazil and several other major markets.\n", "cs": "To, co Instagramu zah\u00e1jil jako test v Kanad\u011b, se d\u00e1le za\u010dalo uplat\u0148ovat v Austr\u00e1lii, Braz\u00edlii a na n\u011bkolika dal\u0161\u00edch hlavn\u00edch trz\u00edch.\n"}
{"en": "The Facebook trial was described as \"a limited test in order for us to get some early learnings.\"\n", "cs": "Zkou\u0161ka Facebooku byla ozna\u010dena za \u201emal\u00fd test, abychom se mohli od za\u010d\u00e1tku u\u010dit\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "\"While this has been testing on Instagram, Facebook and (Instagram) are different surfaces and we will likely see different data come from this test,\" the company said.\n", "cs": "\u201eI kdy\u017e testov\u00e1n\u00ed prob\u011bhlo na Instagramu, Facebook a (Instagram) jsou rozd\u00edln\u00e1 m\u00e9dia a z tohoto testu pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b dostaneme r\u016fzn\u00e1 data,\u201c \u0159ekla spole\u010dnost.\n"}
{"en": "The social media giant did not confirm how long the trial would run for.\n", "cs": "Gigant soci\u00e1ln\u00edch m\u00e9di\u00ed nepotvrdil, jak dlouho bude cel\u00fd proces trvat.\n"}
{"en": "\"We want to understand from people whether removing the total counts improves their experience, while also not limiting any positive interactions,\" said Mia Garlick, of Facebook Australia.\n", "cs": "\u201eChceme od lid\u00ed zjistit, zda odstran\u011bn\u00ed celkov\u00e9ho po\u010dtu lajk\u016f zlep\u0161uje jejich z\u00e1\u017eitky a z\u00e1rove\u0148 neomezuje \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 pozitivn\u00ed interakce,\u201c \u0159ekla Mia Garlickov\u00e1 z australsk\u00e9ho Facebooku.\n"}
{"en": "Lorenzo strengthens into Category 4 hurricane east of Caribbean\n", "cs": "Hurik\u00e1n Lorenzo zes\u00edlil na stupe\u0148 4 v\u00fdchodn\u011b od Karibiku\n"}
{"en": "Hurricane Lorenzo strengthened into a Category 4 storm Thursday, producing swells that could affect parts of the Windward Islands and South America, the National Hurricane Center said.\n", "cs": "Hurik\u00e1n Lorenzo ve \u010dtvrtek zes\u00edlil na stupe\u0148 4 a vyvolal vlny, kter\u00e9 by mohly ovlivnit n\u011bkter\u00e9 z N\u00e1v\u011btrn\u00fdch ostrov\u016f a Ji\u017en\u00ed Ameriku, uvedlo N\u00e1rodn\u00ed centrum pro hurik\u00e1ny.\n"}
{"en": "The eye of the major hurricane was about 1,660 miles southwest of the Azores in the NHC's 11 p.m. EDT update. The storm was moving north-northwest at 14 mph with 145 mph maximum sustained winds.\n", "cs": "Oko hlavn\u00edho hurik\u00e1nu se nach\u00e1zelo asi 1660 mil jihoz\u00e1padn\u011b od Azorsk\u00fdch ostrov\u016f v 11:00 ve\u010der v\u00fdchodn\u00edho letn\u00edho \u010dasu. Bou\u0159e se pohybovala severoz\u00e1padn\u00edm sm\u011brem rychlost\u00ed 14 mil za hodinu s maxim\u00e1ln\u00edmi udr\u017eovan\u00fdmi v\u011btry 145 mil za hodinu.\n"}
{"en": "The storm isn't forecast to make landfall in the coming days, though a turn toward the northeast Saturday could bring Lorenzo near the Azores in the middle of next week. Forecasters predict the storm will weaken below Category 3 on Monday.\n", "cs": "Nep\u0159edpokl\u00e1d\u00e1 se, \u017ee bou\u0159e v p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edch dnech doraz\u00ed na pevninu, a\u010dkoli obrat na severov\u00fdchod v sobotu by mohl p\u0159ihnat hurik\u00e1n Lorenzo do bl\u00edzkosti Azor b\u011bhem poloviny p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edho t\u00fddne. Progn\u00f3zy p\u0159edpov\u00eddaj\u00ed, \u017ee bou\u0159e v pond\u011bl\u00ed zesl\u00e1bne na stupe\u0148 3.\n"}
{"en": "Swells generated by the storm could cause life-threatening surf and rip currents in the Windward Islands and northeastern South America.\n", "cs": "Vlny vytvo\u0159en\u00e9 bou\u0159\u00ed by mohly b\u00fdt nebezpe\u010dn\u00e9 v p\u0159\u00edbojov\u00fdch a zp\u011btn\u00fdch proudech na ostrovech a severov\u00fdchod\u011b Ji\u017en\u00ed Ameriky.\n"}
{"en": "Lorenzo is the season's second Category 4 or higher storm. Dorian reached Category 5 status near the Bahamas.\n", "cs": "Lorenzo je druh\u00e1 sez\u00f3nn\u00ed bou\u0159e se stupn\u011bm 4 nebo vy\u0161\u0161\u00edm. Hurik\u00e1n Dorian dos\u00e1hl stupn\u011b 5 pobl\u00ed\u017e Baham.\n"}
{"en": "According to Colorado State University Meteorologist Philip Klotzbach, the Western Hemisphere, which encompasses the Atlantic and eastern Pacific basins, has generated 16 named storms since Aug. 21.\n", "cs": "Podle meteorologa ze st\u00e1tn\u00ed Univerzity Philipa Klotzbacha v Coloradu se na z\u00e1padn\u00ed polokouli, na kter\u00e9 se nach\u00e1zej\u00ed Atlantik a v\u00fdchodn\u00ed Pacifik, vytvo\u0159ilo od 21. srpna 16 pojmenovan\u00fdch bou\u0159\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "\"This is the most on record for the Western Hemisphere between Aug. 21-Sept. 23, breaking the old record of 15 named storms set in 1984 and 2002,\" he wrote on Twitter.\n", "cs": "\u201eToto je nejv\u00edce zaznamenan\u00fdch bou\u0159\u00ed na z\u00e1padn\u00ed polokouli v obdob\u00ed mezi 21. a 23. z\u00e1\u0159\u00edm, \u010d\u00edm\u017e byl p\u0159ekon\u00e1n star\u00fd rekord 15 pojmenovan\u00fdch bou\u0159\u00ed v letech 1984 a 2002,\u201c napsal na Twitteru.\n"}
{"en": "Patriot missile system to Saudi Arabia after Iran oil attacks\n", "cs": "Raketov\u00fd syst\u00e9m Patriot pro Sa\u00fadskou Ar\u00e1bii po \u00fatoc\u00edch \u00cdr\u00e1nu na jej\u00ed ropn\u00e1 pole\n"}
{"en": "U.S. Soldiers talk after a routine inspection of a Patriot missile battery at a Turkish military base in Gaziantep, Turkey.\n", "cs": "Ameri\u010dt\u00ed voj\u00e1ci hovo\u0159\u00ed po rutinn\u00ed inspekci rakety Patriot na tureck\u00e9 vojensk\u00e9 z\u00e1kladn\u011b v Gaziantepu.\n"}
{"en": "The Pentagon on Thursday announced that the U.S. will send a Patriot missile battery, radars and roughly 200 support personnel to Saudi Arabia in the wake of the attacks on its oil facilities earlier this month.\n", "cs": "Pentagon ve \u010dtvrtek ozn\u00e1mil, \u017ee v d\u016fsledku \u00fatok\u016f na ropn\u00e1 pole po\u0161lou Spojen\u00e9 st\u00e1ty na za\u010d\u00e1tku tohoto m\u011bs\u00edce do Sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 Ar\u00e1bie raketovou baterii Patriot, radary a zhruba 200 podp\u016frn\u00fdch pracovn\u00edk\u016f.\n"}
{"en": "Defense Secretary Mark Esper has \"approved putting additional forces on prepare to deploy orders,\" Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman wrote in a statement. \"While no decision has been made to deploy these additional forces, they will maintain a heightened state of readiness.\"\n", "cs": "Americk\u00fd ministr obrany Mark Esper \u201eschv\u00e1lil nasazen\u00ed dal\u0161\u00edch sil na p\u0159\u00edpravu rozkaz\u016f k rozm\u00eds\u0165ov\u00e1n\u00ed\u201c, \u0159ekl mluv\u010d\u00ed Pentagonu Jonathan Hoffman. \u201eI kdy\u017e nebylo rozhodnuto o rozm\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed t\u011bchto sil, z\u016fstanou nad\u00e1le ve zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00e9m stavu pohotovosti.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "Those additional forces include two Patriot missile artillery batteries and one Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD missile defense system.\n", "cs": "Mezi tyto s\u00edly pat\u0159\u00ed dv\u011b d\u011blost\u0159eleck\u00e9 baterie Patriot a protiraketov\u00fd obrann\u00fd syst\u00e9m THAAD.\n"}
{"en": "THAAD, one of the world's most advanced missile systems, can target incoming missiles and blast them out of the sky. THAAD interceptors, fired from a truck-based launcher, use kinetic energy to deliver \"hit to kill\" strikes to ballistic threats.\n", "cs": "THAAD, jeden z nejmodern\u011bj\u0161\u00edch raketov\u00fdch syst\u00e9m\u016f na sv\u011bt\u011b, um\u00ed zam\u011b\u0159it p\u0159\u00edchoz\u00ed rakety a sest\u0159elit je z nebe. Zachycova\u010de THAAD, odpalovan\u00e9 ze spou\u0161t\u011b\u010de um\u00edst\u011bn\u00e9m na t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9m n\u00e1kladn\u00edm automobilu, vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed kinetickou energii k tomu, aby zas\u00e1hly balistick\u00e9 st\u0159ely a \u201ezni\u010dily je destruktivn\u00ed silou\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "\"It is important to note these steps are a demonstration of our commitment to regional partners, and the security and stability in the Middle East. Other countries have called out Iranian misadventures in the region, and we look for them to reinforce Saudi Arabia's defense,\" Hoffman wrote.\n", "cs": "\u201eJe d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 si uv\u011bdomit, \u017ee tyto kroky jsou projevem z\u00e1vazku v\u016f\u010di na\u0161im region\u00e1ln\u00edm partner\u016fm, bezpe\u010dnosti a stabilit\u011b na Bl\u00edzk\u00e9m v\u00fdchod\u011b. Ostatn\u00ed zem\u011b vyzvaly k postupu proti \u00edr\u00e1nsk\u00fdm z\u00e1sah\u016fm v regionu a my se je sna\u017e\u00edme z\u00edskat pro pos\u00edlen\u00ed obrany Sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 Ar\u00e1bie,\u201c napsal Hoffman.\n"}
{"en": "President Donald Trump slammed Iran's alleged role in the attacks on Saudi oil facilities, telling world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday that they should pressure Tehran into diplomatic talks.\n", "cs": "Prezident Donald Trump ost\u0159e zkritizoval \u00cdr\u00e1n za \u00fadajnou roli v \u00fatoc\u00edch na sa\u00fadsk\u00e1 ropn\u00e1 za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed a \u0159ekl sv\u011btov\u00fdm v\u016fdc\u016fm na Valn\u00e9m shrom\u00e1\u017ed\u011bn\u00ed OSN v \u00fater\u00fd, \u017ee by m\u011bli tla\u010dit Teher\u00e1n do diplomatick\u00fdch rozhovor\u016f.\n"}
{"en": "\"All nations have a duty to act,\" Trump said regarding his call to counter Iranian behavior. \"No responsible government should subsidize Iran's bloodlust. As long as Iran's menacing behavior continues, sanctions will not be lifted, they will be tightened.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eV\u0161echny n\u00e1rody maj\u00ed povinnost jednat,\u201c \u0159ekl Trump ohledn\u011b sv\u00e9 v\u00fdzvy k boji proti chov\u00e1n\u00ed \u00cdr\u00e1nu. \u201e\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e1 odpov\u011bdn\u00e1 vl\u00e1da by nem\u011bla podporovat \u00edr\u00e1nskou krve\u017e\u00edznivost. Dokud budou \u00edr\u00e1nsk\u00e9 \u00fatoky pokra\u010dovat, sankce nebudou zru\u0161eny, ale budou je\u0161t\u011b p\u0159\u00edsn\u011bny.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "The Sept. 14 strikes on the world's largest crude-processing plant and oil field forced Saudi Arabia to shut down half of its production operations. The drone attacks triggered the largest spike in crude prices in decades and renewed concerns of a budding conflict in the Middle East. While Tehran has been widely blamed for the attacks, it maintains that it was not involved.\n", "cs": "\u00datok ze 14. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed na nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed ropn\u00fd z\u00e1vod a ropn\u00e1 pole p\u0159inutila Sa\u00fadskou Ar\u00e1bii zastavit polovinu produkce ropy. Dronov\u00e9 \u00fatoky zp\u016fsobily nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed n\u00e1r\u016fst cen ropy v posledn\u00edch desetilet\u00edch a obnovily obavy z rod\u00edc\u00edho se konfliktu na Bl\u00edzk\u00e9m v\u00fdchod\u011b. Navzdory v\u0161eobecn\u00e9mu m\u00edn\u011bn\u00ed Teher\u00e1n pop\u00edr\u00e1, \u017ee se na \u00fatoku pod\u00edlel.\n"}
{"en": "Skydiver dies after crashing into big rig trailer on California highway\n", "cs": "Para\u0161utistka zem\u0159ela po n\u00e1razu do velk\u00e9 n\u00e1v\u011bsov\u00e9 soupravy na kalifornsk\u00e9 d\u00e1lnici\n"}
{"en": "The 28-year-old woman was skydiving with a group of seven people around 2 p.m. Thursday, California Highway Patrol PIO Ruben Jones told CNN.\n", "cs": "28let\u00e1 \u017eena sesko\u010dila pad\u00e1kem se skupinou sedmi lid\u00ed ve \u010dtvrtek kolem 14:00 hodin, \u0159ekl CNN mluv\u010d\u00ed kalifornsk\u00e9 d\u00e1lni\u010dn\u00ed hl\u00eddky Ruben Jones.\n"}
{"en": "The group took off from the Lodi Parachute Center. CNN has reached out to the facility for comment.\n", "cs": "Skupina vzl\u00e9tla z Lodi Parachute Center. CNN oslovilo para\u0161utistick\u00e9 st\u0159edisko, aby se k incidentu vyj\u00e1d\u0159ilo.\n"}
{"en": "Conditions were windy, and the woman crashed into the truck during the skydiving group's descent near the Lodi Airport, Jones said.\n", "cs": "Podm\u00ednky byly v\u011btrn\u00e9 a \u017eena narazila do kamionu b\u011bhem sestupu skupiny para\u0161utist\u016f pobl\u00ed\u017e Lodi Airport, \u0159ekl Jones.\n"}
{"en": "The station spoke to Lisa Reyes, who was driving with her father and brother on Highway 99 when the woman crashed.\n", "cs": "Televizn\u00ed stanice hovo\u0159ila s Lisou Reyesovou, kter\u00e1 pr\u00e1v\u011b jela po d\u00e1lnici 99 se sv\u00fdm otcem a bratrem, kdy\u017e \u017eena havarovala.\n"}
{"en": "\"The way the person was struggling, just struggling against the wind and their body was just moving really, really fast,\" she told the station.\n", "cs": "\u201eU\u017e jenom zp\u016fsob, jak\u00fdm ta \u017eena z\u00e1polila s v\u011btrem a jej\u00ed t\u011blo se pohybovalo velmi, opravdu velmi rychle,\u201c \u0159ekla stanici.\n"}
{"en": "'Hideous' Central Coast camouflage child rapist ordered to look at victim in court\n", "cs": "Soud na\u0159\u00eddil \u201ehroziv\u00e9mu\u201c d\u011btsk\u00e9mu n\u00e1siln\u00edkovi v masce v centr\u00e1ln\u00ed \u010d\u00e1sti zem\u011b konfrontaci s ob\u011bt\u00ed\n"}
{"en": "Dressed in a leafy Ghillie camouflage suit, the man grabbed the then 12-year-old from behind and dragged her into bushland as she made her way to school on the state's Central Coast in May 2017.\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e oble\u010den\u00fd do maskovac\u00edho p\u0159evleku Ghillie s t\u0159\u00e1sn\u011bmi p\u0159epadl tehdy 12letou d\u00edvku zezadu a vt\u00e1hl ji do bu\u0161e, kdy\u017e byla v kv\u011btnu 2017 na cest\u011b do \u0161koly v centr\u00e1ln\u00ed \u010d\u00e1sti zem\u011b.\n"}
{"en": "He then tied her to a tree and sexually assaulted her.\n", "cs": "Pot\u00e9 ji p\u0159iv\u00e1zal ke stromu a sexu\u00e1ln\u011b napadl.\n"}
{"en": "Shortly after the arrest, a search warrant was executed at a home where officers seized a number of items relevant to the investigation.\n", "cs": "Kr\u00e1tce po zat\u010den\u00ed byl proveden p\u0159\u00edkaz k prohl\u00eddce domu, ve kter\u00e9m policist\u00e9 zabavili \u0159adu v\u011bc\u00ed souvisej\u00edc\u00edch s vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00edm.\n"}
{"en": "The man pleaded guilty to seven charges involving the attack and a further three charges over the grooming and sexual abuse of another girl, aged 11, between August 2016 and April 2017.\n", "cs": "Od srpna 2016 do dubna 2017 se mu\u017e p\u0159iznal k sedmi obvin\u011bn\u00edm z \u00fatoku a dal\u0161\u00edm t\u0159em obvin\u011bn\u00edm ze sexu\u00e1ln\u00edho zneu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed jin\u00e9 d\u00edvky ve v\u011bku 11 let.\n"}
{"en": "The 12-year-old victim had been walking along a track when she looked back and saw him suddenly emerge from the bushes armed with a large tree branch and a knife.\n", "cs": "Dvan\u00e1ctilet\u00e1 ob\u011b\u0165 \u0161la pod\u00e9l kolej\u00ed, kdy\u017e se ohl\u00e9dla a spat\u0159ila \u00fato\u010dn\u00edka, kter\u00fd se n\u00e1hle vyno\u0159il zpoza ke\u0159\u016f vyzbrojen\u00fd silnou v\u011btv\u00ed a no\u017eem.\n"}
{"en": "An example of a camouflage Ghillie suit the man used.\n", "cs": "Uk\u00e1zka maskovac\u00edho obleku Ghillie, kter\u00fd mu\u017e pou\u017e\u00edval.\n"}
{"en": "When she pleaded \"stop, stop, stop,\" he put her in a headlock and forced her into the scrub.\n", "cs": "Kdy\u017e prosila \u201ep\u0159esta\u0148, p\u0159esta\u0148, p\u0159esta\u0148,\u201c chytil ji za hlavu a p\u0159inutil ji j\u00edt s n\u00edm do k\u0159ov\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "The man told the girl: \"Shhh, don't scream. Don't scream or I'll have to hurt you.\"\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e d\u00edvce \u0159ekl: \u201e\u0160\u0161\u0161, nek\u0159i\u010d. Nek\u0159i\u010d, nebo ti budu muset ubl\u00ed\u017eit.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "Holding the knife in his right hand, he tied her hands and feet with cable ties before lashing her to the tree and abusing her for almost an hour. After he cut her loose, the girl ran crying hysterically to school.\n", "cs": "V prav\u00e9 ruce dr\u017eel n\u016f\u017e, sv\u00e1zal d\u00edv\u010diny ruce a nohy kabely, pak ji p\u0159iv\u00e1zal ke stromu a t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 hodinu ji zneu\u017e\u00edval. Pot\u00e9, co j\u00ed uvolnil pouta, b\u011b\u017eela d\u00edvka s hysterick\u00fdm pl\u00e1\u010dem do \u0161koly.\n"}
{"en": "The man arrived at work about 9.30am after failing to reply to several text messages and phone calls from colleagues.\n", "cs": "Mu\u017e dorazil do pr\u00e1ce kolem v 9:30 pot\u00e9, co neodpov\u011bd\u011bl na n\u011bkolik textov\u00fdch zpr\u00e1v a telefon\u00e1t\u016f od sv\u00fdch koleg\u016f.\n"}
{"en": "With dirt, grass and tree matter on his clothes, he claimed to have been involved in a road rage incident where he had chased another driver into the bush and fallen down an embankment.\n", "cs": "\u0160p\u00ednu, tr\u00e1vu a list\u00ed na sv\u00e9m oble\u010den\u00ed zd\u016fvodnil tvrzen\u00edm, \u017ee se p\u0159ipletl do incidentu na silnici, kde pron\u00e1sledoval jin\u00e9ho \u0159idi\u010de do k\u0159ov\u00ed a upadl na pob\u0159e\u017e\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "The man's sentencing hearing continues on Tuesday.\n", "cs": "Sly\u0161en\u00ed ob\u017ealovan\u00e9ho mu\u017ee bude pokra\u010dovat v \u00fater\u00fd.\n"}
{"en": "No federal charges in fatal California police shooting\n", "cs": "P\u0159i st\u0159elb\u011b policist\u016f v Kalifornii nepadla \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 feder\u00e1ln\u00ed obvin\u011bn\u00ed\n"}
{"en": "Federal authorities declined to pursue civil rights charges Thursday against Sacramento police officers who fatally shot an unarmed black man, a killing that sparked protests and spurred changes to a state law governing when authorities can use deadly force.\n", "cs": "Feder\u00e1ln\u00ed \u00fa\u0159ady odm\u00edtly ve \u010dtvrtek zah\u00e1jit st\u00edh\u00e1n\u00ed za poru\u0161en\u00ed ob\u010dansk\u00fdch pr\u00e1v proti policist\u016fm ze Sacramenta, kte\u0159\u00ed zast\u0159elili neozbrojen\u00e9ho \u010dernocha, zabit\u00ed vyvolalo protesty a po\u017eadavek ke zm\u011bn\u011b z\u00e1kona, podle kter\u00e9ho p\u0159\u00edslu\u0161n\u00edci \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edch org\u00e1n\u016f mohou pou\u017e\u00edt smrt\u00edc\u00ed s\u00edlu.\n"}
{"en": "The U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI said a federal review of the 2018 shooting of 22-year-old Stephon Clark found \"insufficient evidence\" to pursue charges against Officers Terrance Mercadal and Jared Robinet. Both will be returned to active duty.\n", "cs": "Kancel\u00e1\u0159 st\u00e1tn\u00edho prokur\u00e1tora a FBI uvedly, \u017ee feder\u00e1ln\u00ed p\u0159ezkoum\u00e1n\u00ed st\u0159elby na 22let\u00e9ho Stephona Clarka v roce 2018 nena\u0161lo \u201edostate\u010dn\u00e9 d\u016fkazy\u201c k zah\u00e1jen\u00ed trestn\u00edho st\u00edh\u00e1n\u00ed a ob\u017ealoby proti d\u016fstojn\u00edk\u016fm Terranci Mercadalovi a Jaredu Robinetovi. Oba se vr\u00e1t\u00ed do aktivn\u00ed slu\u017eby.\n"}
{"en": "The California attorney general's office in March declined to issue state criminal charges after a nearly yearlong investigation. Attorney General Xavier Becerra said then evidence showed the officers had reason to believe their lives were in danger because he was advancing toward them holding what they thought was a gun. Investigators found only a cellphone.\n", "cs": "Kancel\u00e1\u0159 gener\u00e1ln\u00edho prokur\u00e1tora v Kalifornii v b\u0159eznu po t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 celoro\u010dn\u00edm vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed odm\u00edtla podat trestn\u00ed obvin\u011bn\u00ed. Gener\u00e1ln\u00ed prokur\u00e1tor Xavier Becerra uvedl, \u017ee podle sv\u011bdectv\u00ed d\u016fkaz\u016f m\u011bli d\u016fstojn\u00edci d\u016fvod domn\u00edvat se, \u017ee jejich \u017eivoty byly v ohro\u017een\u00ed, proto\u017ee podez\u0159el\u00fd \u0161el sm\u011brem k nim a dr\u017eel p\u0159edm\u011bt, kter\u00fd pova\u017eovali za zbra\u0148. Vy\u0161et\u0159ovatel\u00e9 na\u0161li pouze mobiln\u00ed telefon.\n"}
{"en": "Sacramento police also announced Thursday their internal investigation did not find any policy or training violations.\n", "cs": "Policie v Sacramentu tak\u00e9 ozn\u00e1mila, \u017ee jejich intern\u00ed vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed nezjistilo \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 poru\u0161en\u00ed sm\u011brnic ani k\u00e1zn\u011b.\n"}
{"en": "\"Although no policy violations occurred in this incident or in the events leading up to it, we are committed to implementing strategies that may prevent similar tragedies in the future,\" Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn said in a statement.\n", "cs": "\u201eA\u010dkoli p\u0159i tomto incidentu \u010di ud\u00e1lostech, kter\u00e9 k n\u011bmu vedly, nedo\u0161lo k \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9mu poru\u0161en\u00ed intern\u00edch z\u00e1sad, jsme odhodl\u00e1ni uplat\u0148ovat v praxi strategie, kter\u00e9 mohou v budoucnu zabr\u00e1nit podobn\u00fdm trag\u00e9di\u00edm,\u201c uvedl v prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed policejn\u00ed \u0161\u00e9f v Sacramentu Daniel Hahn.\n"}
{"en": "Clark's brother, Stevante Clark, posted on Facebook Thursday that he was in a meeting with federal and local authorities. \"These people have failed when it comes to (accountability),\" he wrote.\n", "cs": "Clark\u016fv bratr Stevante Clark zve\u0159ejnil ve \u010dtvrtek na Facebooku p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvek, \u017ee se setkal s feder\u00e1ln\u00edmi i m\u00edstn\u00edmi \u00fa\u0159ady. \u201eTito lid\u00e9 selhali, co se toho (odpov\u011bdnosti) t\u00fd\u010de,\u201c napsal.\n"}
{"en": "Authorities have said the officers believed Clark was approaching them with a gun after he ran from them into his grandparents\" backyard. The officers had been pursuing Clark after receiving calls about someone breaking car windows and an elderly neighbor's sliding glass door.\n", "cs": "Podle policie se d\u016fstojn\u00edci domn\u00edvali, \u017ee se k nim Clark bl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed se zbran\u00ed pot\u00e9, co za\u010dal ut\u00edkat sm\u011brem od nich do dvorku sv\u00fdch prarodi\u010d\u016f. Policist\u00e9 Clarka pron\u00e1sledovali, kdy\u017e dostali ozn\u00e1men\u00ed o tom, \u017ee n\u011bkdo rozbil okna automobilu a posuvn\u00e9 sklen\u011bn\u00e9 dve\u0159e jednoho ze soused\u016f.\n"}
{"en": "The officers shot Clark seven times as he approached them.\n", "cs": "Policist\u00e9 vyst\u0159elili na Clarka celkem sedmkr\u00e1t, kdy\u017e se k nim bl\u00ed\u017eil.\n"}
{"en": "The federal investigation looked at evidence such as witness statements, audio and video recordings, dispatch records, police reports, and autopsy reports to determine whether the officers acted willfully with the intent to use objectively unreasonable force.\n", "cs": "Feder\u00e1ln\u00ed vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed zkoumalo jako d\u016fkazy v\u00fdpov\u011bdi sv\u011bdk\u016f, zvukov\u00e9 a obrazov\u00e9 z\u00e1znamy, z\u00e1znamy o st\u0159elb\u011b, policejn\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy a pitevn\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy, aby zjistilo, zda policist\u00e9 jednali \u00famysln\u011b s c\u00edlem pou\u017e\u00edt nep\u0159im\u011b\u0159enou s\u00edlu.\n"}
{"en": "Lawmakers last month updated the nation's oldest law governing police use of deadly force, making it now among the country's most comprehensive when combined with additional training.\n", "cs": "Z\u00e1konod\u00e1rci minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc novelizovali nejstar\u0161\u00ed z\u00e1kon, kter\u00fdm se \u0159\u00edd\u00ed pou\u017eit\u00ed smrt\u00edc\u00ed s\u00edly p\u0159\u00edslu\u0161n\u00edky policie a kter\u00fd je nyn\u00ed v kombinaci s dal\u0161\u00ed pr\u016fpravou nejobs\u00e1hlej\u0161\u00ed v zemi.\n"}
{"en": "California's old standard made it rare for police officers to be charged following a shooting and rarer still for them to be convicted. It was based on the doctrine of \"reasonable fear,\" meaning if prosecutors or jurors believed officers had a reason to fear for their safety, they could use lethal force.\n", "cs": "Podle star\u0161\u00ed verze z\u00e1kona byly vz\u00e1cn\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edpady, kdy policist\u00e9 byli obvin\u011bni n\u00e1sledn\u011b po st\u0159elb\u011b a je\u0161t\u011b vz\u00e1cn\u011bji usv\u011bd\u010deni. Byl zalo\u017een na doktr\u00edn\u011b \u201ezd\u016fvodniteln\u00e9 obavy\u201c, co\u017e znamen\u00e1, \u017ee pokud st\u00e1tn\u00ed z\u00e1stupci nebo porotci v\u011b\u0159ili, \u017ee policist\u00e9 m\u011bli d\u016fvod se ob\u00e1vat o svoji bezpe\u010dnost, mohli pou\u017e\u00edt smrt\u00edc\u00ed s\u00edlu.\n"}
{"en": "The new law, which takes effect Jan. 1, will allow police to use deadly force only when \"necessary\" to defend against an imminent threat of death or serious injury to officers or bystanders.\n", "cs": "Nov\u00fd z\u00e1kon, kter\u00fd vstoup\u00ed v platnost 1. ledna, umo\u017en\u00ed policist\u016fm pou\u017e\u00edt smrt\u00edc\u00ed s\u00edlu pouze tehdy, pokud je to \u201enezbytn\u00e9\u201c k obran\u011b p\u0159ed bezprost\u0159edn\u00edm ohro\u017een\u00edm \u017eivota nebo v\u00e1\u017en\u00fdm zran\u011bn\u00ed policist\u016f \u010di kolemjdouc\u00edch.\n"}
{"en": "Pope warns tech execs to use AI for the common good\n", "cs": "Pape\u017e varoval p\u0159edstavitele technologick\u00fdch spole\u010dnost\u00ed, aby pou\u017e\u00edvali um\u011blou inteligenci pouze pro \u00fa\u010dely obecn\u00e9ho blaha\n"}
{"en": "Pope Francis on Friday warned tech company executives, diplomats and financiers that the race to create artificial intelligence and other forms of digital development pose the risk of increasing social inequality unless the work is accompanied by an ethical evaluation of the common good.\n", "cs": "Pape\u017e Franti\u0161ek v p\u00e1tek varoval p\u0159edstavitele technologick\u00fdch spole\u010dnost\u00ed, diplomaty a finan\u010dn\u00edky, \u017ee v\u00fdvoj um\u011bl\u00e9 inteligence a dal\u0161\u00edch formy digit\u00e1ln\u00edho rozvoje p\u0159edstavuj\u00ed riziko pro zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed soci\u00e1ln\u00ed nerovnosti, pokud nebude pr\u00e1ce ocen\u011bna tak\u00e9 eticky a v z\u00e1jmu obecn\u00e9ho blaha.\n"}
{"en": "Francis addressed a Vatican conference that brought government envoys and Facebook and Google representatives together with philosophers, physicists and ethicists. A smattering of academics and Catholic bishops rounded out participants at \"The Common Good in the Digital Age\" conference.\n", "cs": "Franti\u0161ek m\u011bl proslov na konferenci ve Vatik\u00e1nu, kter\u00e9 se \u00fa\u010dastnili vl\u00e1dn\u00ed vyslanci a z\u00e1stupci Facebooku a Googlu spole\u010dn\u011b s filozofy, fyziky a etiky. \u00da\u010dast na konferenci \u201eObecn\u00e9 blaho v digit\u00e1ln\u00edm v\u011bku\u201c zavr\u0161ili akademici a katoli\u010dt\u00ed biskupov\u00e9.\n"}
{"en": "The three-day gathering is the latest evidence of the Vatican wanting a place in the debate over the prospects and perils of artificial intelligence.\n", "cs": "T\u0159\u00eddenn\u00ed konference je \u010derstv\u00fdm d\u016fkazem toho, \u017ee Vatik\u00e1n chce zaujmout m\u00edsto v debat\u011b o v\u00fdhod\u00e1ch a nebezpe\u010d\u00ed um\u011bl\u00e9 inteligence.\n"}
{"en": "The debates included technology advancements in warfare and the future of work with increasing reliance on machines, as well as a case study examining the Christchurch, New Zealand, massacre and decisions taken by social media companies after video spread of the carnage.\n", "cs": "Diskuze se t\u00fdkaly technologick\u00e9ho pokroku ve vojenstv\u00ed a budoucnosti pr\u00e1ce se zvy\u0161uj\u00edc\u00edm se pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00edm stroj\u016f, a tak\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edpadov\u00e9 studie, kter\u00e1 se zab\u00fdv\u00e1 masakrem v Christchurch na Nov\u00e9m Z\u00e9landu a opat\u0159en\u00edmi spole\u010dnost\u00ed provozuj\u00edc\u00edch soci\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00e9dia, kter\u00e1 tyto spole\u010dnosti p\u0159ijaly pot\u00e9, co se video masakru roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159ilo na soci\u00e1ln\u00edch s\u00edt\u00edch.\n"}
{"en": "In his speech to the conference, Francis praised the potential of technological progress, noting that machines at the dawn of the industrial revolution spared workers dangerous and monotonous labor. But he warned that increased reliance on robotics for the sake of profits risked depriving people of the dignity of labor.\n", "cs": "Ve sv\u00e9m projevu na konferenci Franti\u0161ek ocenil potenci\u00e1l technologick\u00e9ho pokroku a poznamenal, \u017ee stroje na \u00fasvitu pr\u016fmyslov\u00e9 revoluce pracuj\u00edc\u00edm u\u0161et\u0159ili nebezpe\u010dnou a rutinn\u00ed pr\u00e1ci. Varoval v\u0161ak, \u017ee zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00e1 z\u00e1vislost na stroj\u00edch kv\u016fli zisk\u016fm p\u0159in\u00e1\u0161\u00ed riziko, \u017ee lid\u00e9 budou p\u0159ipraveni o d\u016fstojnost p\u0159i pr\u00e1ci.\n"}
{"en": "\"If technological advancement became the cause of increasingly evident inequalities, it would not be true and real progress,\" he warned. \"If mankind's so-called technological progress were to become an enemy of the common good, this would lead to an unfortunate regression to a form of barbarism dictated by the law of the strongest.\"\n", "cs": "\u201ePokud by se technologick\u00fd pokrok stal p\u0159\u00ed\u010dinou st\u00e1le v\u00fdrazn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch soci\u00e1ln\u00edch nerovnost\u00ed, nejednalo by se o skute\u010dn\u00fd pokrok,\u201c varoval. \u201ePokud by se takzvan\u00fd technologick\u00fd pokrok lidstva m\u011bl st\u00e1t nep\u0159\u00edtelem obecn\u00e9ho blaha, vedlo by to k ne\u017e\u00e1douc\u00edmu \u00fapadku ve form\u011b barbarstv\u00ed diktovan\u00e9m z\u00e1konem nejsiln\u011bj\u0161\u00edch.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "Organizers of the conference said they hoped to tap into participants\" expertise identify possible future advisers for the Catholic Church on high tech issues.\n", "cs": "Organiz\u00e1to\u0159i konference uvedli, \u017ee doufaj\u00ed, \u017ee vyu\u017eij\u00ed odborn\u00e9 znalosti jej\u00edch \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f a ur\u010d\u00ed mo\u017en\u00e9 budouc\u00ed poradce z \u0159ad katolick\u00e9 c\u00edrkve v ot\u00e1zk\u00e1ch nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edch technologi\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "The House voted Friday to block the national emergency declaration President Donald Trump is using to fund his proposed border wall.\n", "cs": "Sn\u011bmovna v p\u00e1tek hlasovala o zablokov\u00e1n\u00ed n\u00e1rodn\u00edho nouzov\u00e9ho prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed, kter\u00e9 prezident Donald Trump pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 k financov\u00e1n\u00ed sv\u00e9ho n\u00e1vrhu na stavbu zdi pod\u00e9l hranice s Mexikem.\n"}
{"en": "The Democratic-held chamber passed a resolution to terminate Trump's action by a 236-174 margin, sending it to the president. Eleven Republicans and one independent supported it. The Senate already approved the measure in a 54-41 vote, as 11 Republicans joined Democrats in backing it.\n", "cs": "Doln\u00ed komora ovl\u00e1dan\u00e1 demokraty p\u0159ijala usnesen\u00ed, kter\u00fdm ukon\u010dila Trumpovo po\u010d\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed pom\u011brem hlas\u016f 236 ku 174, a poslala ji prezidentovi. Usnesen\u00ed podpo\u0159ilo jeden\u00e1ct republik\u00e1n\u016f a jeden nez\u00e1visl\u00fd poslanec. Sen\u00e1t u\u017e toto opat\u0159en\u00ed schv\u00e1lil pom\u011brem hlas\u016f 54 ku 41, nebo\u0165 11 republik\u00e1n\u016f se p\u0159ipojilo k demokrat\u016fm a hlasovalo pro jeho p\u0159ijet\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "Trump will likely veto the resolution, the sixth time he will have blocked congressional legislation as president. He already vetoed a measure to end the emergency declaration in March.\n", "cs": "Trump bude pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b usnesen\u00ed vetovat, ji\u017e po\u0161est\u00e9 by tak zablokoval kongresovou legislativu ve funkci prezidenta Spojen\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f. Ji\u017e v b\u0159eznu vetoval opat\u0159en\u00ed vedouc\u00ed k ukon\u010den\u00ed nouzov\u00e9ho prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "Neither chamber of Congress appears to have the two-thirds majority needed to override the president's opposition.\n", "cs": "Zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee ani jedna z obou komor Kongresu nem\u00e1 pot\u0159ebnou v\u011bt\u0161inu k p\u0159ehlasov\u00e1n\u00ed prezidentovy opozice.\n"}
{"en": "Failing to get the funding he desired for borders on the southern border from both the Mexican government and Congress, Trump declared the national emergency in February. His administration plans to pull $3.6 billion from military construction to fund border projects.\n", "cs": "Proto\u017ee nez\u00edskal od mexick\u00e9 vl\u00e1dy ani Kongresu finan\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky, kter\u00e9 po\u017eadoval pro vybudov\u00e1n\u00ed zdi pod\u00e9l ji\u017en\u00ed hranice USA, vyhl\u00e1sil Trump v \u00fanoru n\u00e1rodn\u00ed nouzovou situaci. Jeho administrativa pl\u00e1nuje vy\u010dlenit 3,6 miliardy dolar\u016f z vojensk\u00e9 v\u00fdstavby pro financov\u00e1n\u00ed projekt\u016f na hranici.\n"}
{"en": "Democrats have accused Trump of both circumventing Congress' power of the purse and raiding key Defense funds for unnecessary barriers. A handful of Republicans in both the House and Senate also had concerns about the precedent Trump's declaration would set for executive overreach in the future.\n", "cs": "Demokrat\u00e9 obvinili Trumpa, \u017ee se pokou\u0161\u00ed obej\u00edt jak Kongres, kter\u00fd m\u00e1 hlavn\u00ed pravomoc p\u0159i schvalov\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00fddaj\u016f ze st\u00e1tn\u00edho rozpo\u010dtu, tak kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00e9 obrann\u00e9 fondy kv\u016fli zbyte\u010dn\u00e9 bari\u00e9\u0159e. \u010c\u00e1st republik\u00e1n\u016f ve Sn\u011bmovn\u011b reprezentant\u016f i v Sen\u00e1tu m\u011bla tak\u00e9 obavy z p\u0159ekra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00fdkonn\u00fdch pravomoc\u00ed, kter\u00e9 by Trumpovo prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed mohlo do budoucna p\u0159in\u00e9st.\n"}
{"en": "Some Senate Republicans facing elections next year have faced sharp political pressure over the national emergency vote.\n", "cs": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed republik\u00e1ni v Sen\u00e1tu, kter\u00e9 p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed rok \u010dekaj\u00ed volby, \u010delili b\u011bhem hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed o n\u00e1rodn\u00edm nouzov\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed ostr\u00e9mu politick\u00e9mu tlaku.\n"}
{"en": "Google Marks Its 21st Birthday With a Doodle: All You Need to Know\n", "cs": "Google v den sv\u00fdch 21. narozenin zve\u0159ejnil doodle: V\u0161e, co pot\u0159ebujete v\u011bd\u011bt\n"}
{"en": "Google is marking its own birthday today with a doodle. The doodle features a photo of a 90s' style computer with Google search page and date stamp for September 27, 1998, surrounded by confetti in Google colours. A smaller doodle with number 21 as candles, as a part of Google logo, shows on the search results page. The search giant was founded 21 years ago in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, then students at Stanford University in California. September 27 is, however, not Google's actual birthday.\n", "cs": "Google dnes zve\u0159ejnil v den sv\u00fdch narozenin nov\u00fd doodle. Doodle obsahuje obr\u00e1zek po\u010d\u00edta\u010de ve stylu 90. let s vyhled\u00e1vac\u00ed Google str\u00e1nkou a raz\u00edtkem s datem 27. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 1998, a je obklopen\u00fd konfetami v Google barv\u00e1ch. Na str\u00e1nce s v\u00fdsledky vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, jako sou\u010d\u00e1st Google loga, je zobrazen men\u0161\u00ed doodle \u010d\u00edslem 21 v podob\u011b sv\u00ed\u010dek. Vyhled\u00e1vac\u00ed gigant byl zalo\u017een p\u0159ed 21 lety v roce 1998 Larry Pagem a Sergey Brinem, tehdej\u0161\u00edmi studenty na Stanfordsk\u00e9 univerzit\u011b v Kalifornii. Av\u0161ak 27. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed Google ve skute\u010dnosti narozeniny nem\u00e1.\n"}
{"en": "If you take the company's incorporation date as its birthday, then Google was born on September 4, 1998, however, the company never celebrated the day as its birthday, at least not in the form of a doodle. Google celebrated September 7 as its birthday in doodles until 2005, following which it switched to September 27.\n", "cs": "Pokud pova\u017eujeme za \u201edatum narozen\u00ed\u201c spole\u010dnosti ofici\u00e1ln\u00ed z\u00e1pis do obchodn\u00edho rejst\u0159\u00edku, potom se Google \u201enarodil\u201c 4. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 1998, spole\u010dnost v\u0161ak nikdy neoslavovala tento den jako datum sv\u00e9ho zrozen\u00ed, alespo\u0148 v \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9m doodlu. Google slavil 7. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed jako den sv\u00fdch narozenin ve form\u011b doodl\u016f a\u017e do roku 2005, pak p\u0159e\u0161el na datum 27. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "Initially, the search engine was called \"BackRub\" and it was later renamed \"Google.\"\n", "cs": "Internetov\u00fd vyhled\u00e1va\u010d se zpo\u010d\u00e1tku jmenoval \u201eBackRub\u201c a pozd\u011bji byl p\u0159ejmenov\u00e1n na \u201eGoogle\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "\"We chose our systems name, Google, because it is a common spelling of googol, or 10100 and fits well with our goal of building very large-scale search engines,\" Sergey Brin and Lawrence (Larry) Page wrote in 1998 in a paper published about launching a prototype of a \"large-scale search engine.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eVybrali jsme si n\u00e1zev na\u0161eho syst\u00e9mu, Google, proto\u017ee se vyslovuje podobn\u011b jako googol neboli 10100 a dob\u0159e se hod\u00ed na\u0161emu c\u00edli vybudovat ob\u0159\u00ed vyhled\u00e1va\u010d,\u201c napsali Sergey Brin a Lawrence (Larry) Page v roce 1998 do novin, kter\u00e9 zve\u0159ejnily spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed prototypu \u201erozs\u00e1hl\u00e9ho vyhled\u00e1va\u010de\u201c.\n"}
{"en": "The company got its start thanks to Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim who invested $100,000; in June 1999, the company had raised a $25 million round from Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins. Google moved to its Mountain View location in the same year, where it remains. In 2001, the company was granted a patent for its technology.\n", "cs": "Spole\u010dnost byla zah\u00e1jena d\u00edky spoluzakladateli firmy Sunu Andymu Bechtolsheimovi, kter\u00fd do n\u00ed investoval 100 000 dolar\u016f; v \u010dervnu 1999 z\u00edskal Google od spole\u010dnosti Sequoia Capital a Kleiner Perkins finan\u010dn\u00ed zdroj ve v\u00fd\u0161i 25 milion\u016f dolar\u016f. Ve stejn\u00e9m roce se Google p\u0159est\u011bhoval do nov\u00e9ho s\u00eddla v Mountain View, kde je dodnes. V roce 2001 byl spole\u010dnosti ud\u011blen patent na jej\u00ed technologii.\n"}
{"en": "What started out as a Web search engine has since turned into a massive conglomerate that calls itself Alphabet and Google is a subsidiary company. Today, Google operates all over the world in over 100 languages, answering trillions of search queries each year.\n", "cs": "To, co za\u010dalo jako b\u011b\u017en\u00fd webov\u00fd vyhled\u00e1va\u010d, se mezit\u00edm prom\u011bnilo v masivn\u00ed konglomer\u00e1t, kter\u00fd nese jm\u00e9no Alphabet a Google je jeho dce\u0159inou spole\u010dnost\u00ed. Dnes spole\u010dnost Google p\u016fsob\u00ed po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b ve v\u00edce ne\u017e 100 jazyc\u00edch a ka\u017ed\u00fd rok zodpov\u00edd\u00e1 biliony vyhled\u00e1vac\u00edch dotaz\u016f.\n"}
{"en": "\"The relentless search for better answers continues to be at the core of everything we do,\" Google writes on its Our Story page. \"Today, with more than 60,000 employees in 50 different countries, Google makes hundreds of products used by billions of people across the globe, from YouTube and Android to Smartbox and, of course, Google Search. Although we've ditched the Lego servers and added just a few more company dogs, our passion for building technology for everyone has stayed with us - from the dorm room, to the garage, and to this very day.\n", "cs": "\u201eNeust\u00e1l\u00e9 vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed lep\u0161\u00edch odpov\u011bd\u00ed je i nad\u00e1le j\u00e1drem ve\u0161ker\u00e9 na\u0161\u00ed \u010dinnosti,\u201c napsal Google na sv\u00e9 str\u00e1nce Our Story. \u201eDnes, s v\u00edce ne\u017e 60 000 zam\u011bstnanci v 50 r\u016fzn\u00fdch zem\u00edch, Google vytv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed stovky produkt\u016f, kter\u00e9 pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed miliardy lid\u00ed po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b, od YouTube a Android po Smartbox a samoz\u0159ejm\u011b Google Search. P\u0159esto\u017ee jsme se zbavili prvotn\u00edho serveru postaven\u00e9ho z lega a p\u0159idali jen n\u011bkolik firemn\u00edch ps\u016f, na\u0161e v\u00e1\u0161e\u0148 pro budov\u00e1n\u00ed technologi\u00ed pro v\u0161echny n\u00e1m z\u016fstala \u2013 od kolejn\u00ed m\u00edstnosti p\u0159es prostory gar\u00e1\u017ee a\u017e dodnes.\n"}
{"en": "Oil falls after Iran claims US offered to remove sanctions, Trump denies\n", "cs": "Ropa oslabila po prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed \u00cdr\u00e1nu, \u017ee mu USA nab\u00eddly zru\u0161en\u00ed sankc\u00ed, Trump to pop\u00edr\u00e1\n"}
{"en": "Iranian President Hassan Rouhani makes a speech during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran on January 10, 2019.\n", "cs": "\u00cdr\u00e1nsk\u00fd prezident Hassan R\u00fah\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159ednesl projev b\u011bhem ceremoni\u00e1lu v Teher\u00e1nu, \u00cdr\u00e1n, 10. ledna 2019.\n"}
{"en": "Oil slid after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani claimed Friday that the U.S. offered to remove all sanctions on Iran in exchange for negotiations. President Donald Trump and the State Department later denied those claims, causing oil to rebound from the lows.\n", "cs": "Ropa oslabila po p\u00e1te\u010dn\u00edm prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed \u00edr\u00e1nsk\u00e9ho prezidenta Hassana R\u00fah\u00e1n\u00edho, \u017ee USA nab\u00eddly zru\u0161en\u00ed v\u0161ech sankc\u00ed v\u016f\u010di \u00cdr\u00e1nu v\u00fdm\u011bnou za jedn\u00e1n\u00ed. Prezident Donald Trump a americk\u00e9 ministerstvo zahrani\u010d\u00ed pozd\u011bji toto tvrzen\u00ed pop\u0159eli, co\u017e zp\u016fsobilo, \u017ee se ceny ropy op\u011bt odrazily ode dna.\n"}
{"en": "WTI crude futures were last down by 0.9% to $55.91 after falling as low as $54.79. Brent crude futures dropped 1.4% to $61.89.\n", "cs": "Ceny ropy WTI se naposledy sn\u00ed\u017eily o 0,9% na 55,91 dolar\u016f pot\u00e9, co spadly na pouh\u00fdch 54,79 dolar\u016f za barel. Ceny ropy Brent klesly o 1,4% na 61,89 dolar\u016f za barel.\n"}
{"en": "\"The German chancellor, the prime minister of England (Britain) and the president of France were in New York and all insisted that this meeting take place. And America says that it will lift the sanctions,\" Rouhani said on his official website, according to Reuters. \"It was up for debate what sanctions will be lifted and they (the United States) had said clearly that we will lift all sanctions.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eN\u011bmeck\u00fd kancl\u00e9\u0159, p\u0159edseda vl\u00e1dy Anglie (Brit\u00e1nie) a francouzsk\u00fd prezident byli v New Yorku a v\u0161ichni trvali na tom, aby se toto setk\u00e1n\u00ed uskute\u010dnilo. A Amerika \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee t\u00edm dojde ke zru\u0161en\u00ed sankc\u00ed,\u201c uvedl podle agentury Reuters R\u00fah\u00e1n\u00ed na sv\u00e9m ofici\u00e1ln\u00edm webu. \u201eDebatovalo se o tom, jak\u00e9 sankce budou zru\u0161eny a Spojen\u00e9 st\u00e1ty jasn\u011b \u0159ekly, \u017ee zru\u0161\u00ed v\u0161echny sankce.\u201c\n"}
{"en": "Trump later said he responded \"of course, NO!\" to Iran who he said wanted him to lift the sanctions in order to meet.\n", "cs": "Trump pozd\u011bji \u0159ekl, \u017ee odpov\u011bd\u011bl \u201esamoz\u0159ejm\u011b, \u017ee NE!\u201c, kdy\u017e dle jeho slov \u00cdr\u00e1n po\u017eadoval nejprve zru\u0161en\u00ed v\u0161ech sankc\u00ed, aby mohlo doj\u00edt k setk\u00e1n\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "The State Department called the report \"baseless,\" adding the U.S. is committed to zero oil exports from the Iranian regime, Bloomberg News said.\n", "cs": "Ministerstvo zahrani\u010d\u00ed ozna\u010dilo zpr\u00e1vu za \u201enepodlo\u017eenou\u201c a dodalo, \u017ee USA se zav\u00e1zaly k nulov\u00e9mu v\u00fdvozu ropy od \u00edr\u00e1nsk\u00e9ho re\u017eimu, uvedla zpravodajsk\u00e1 agentura Bloomberg News.\n"}
{"en": "Rouhani's comment came after a series of drones attacked oil facilities in Saudi Arabia on Sept. 14, which had forced the kingdom to cut production in half. The U.S. and some European countries, as well as Saudi Arabia, have blamed the attack on Iran. Tehran has denied any role in the incident. The Trump administration also announced plans to deploy U.S. forces to the region.\n", "cs": "R\u00fah\u00e1n\u00edho koment\u00e1\u0159 p\u0159i\u0161el po s\u00e9rii \u00fatok\u016f dron\u016f na ropn\u00e1 za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed v Sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 Ar\u00e1bii dne 14. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, co\u017e donutilo sa\u00fadsk\u00e9 kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed sn\u00ed\u017eit produkci ropy na polovinu. USA a n\u011bkter\u00e9 evropsk\u00e9 zem\u011b, jako\u017e i Sa\u00fadsk\u00e1 Ar\u00e1bie, obvinily z \u00fatoku \u00cdr\u00e1n. Teher\u00e1n pop\u0159el jakoukoliv \u00fa\u010dast na incidentu. Trumpova administrativa tak\u00e9 ozn\u00e1mila pl\u00e1n na rozm\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed americk\u00fdch vojensk\u00fdch sil v dan\u00e9m regionu.\n"}
{"en": "The State Department didn't immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.\n", "cs": "Ministerstvo zahrani\u010d\u00ed neodpov\u011bd\u011blo ihned na \u017e\u00e1dost CNBC o vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed.\n"}
{"en": "\"There's been a big bearish risk from a thaw in the US Iran situation for some time and this will put a remarkable amount of oil back onto the market immediately if it were to occur,\" said John Kilduff of Again Capital.\n", "cs": "\u201eN\u011bjakou dobu hrozilo, \u017ee ve vztahu mezi USA a \u00cdr\u00e1nem dojde k uvoln\u011bn\u00ed napjat\u00e9 situace, a trh by byl okam\u017eit\u011b znovu zaplaven obrovsk\u00fdm mno\u017estv\u00edm ropy, pokud by se tak stalo\u201c, \u0159ekl John Kilduff ze spole\u010dnosti Again Capital.\n"}
{"en": "\"It's not just Iranian production and exports. Its' millions of barrels in floating storage and millions of barrels sitting in China's ports waiting to be processed by customs,\" Kilduff said.\n", "cs": "\u201eNejedn\u00e1 se pouze o \u00edr\u00e1nskou v\u00fdrobu a v\u00fdvoz. Jedn\u00e1 se tak\u00e9 o miliony \u00edr\u00e1nsk\u00fdch barel\u016f na plovouc\u00edch skladovac\u00edch plo\u0161in\u00e1ch a miliony barel\u016f v \u010d\u00ednsk\u00fdch p\u0159\u00edstavech, kter\u00e9 \u010dekaj\u00ed na celn\u00ed odbaven\u00ed,\u201c \u0159ekl Kilduff.\n"}
{"en": "Trump last year withdrew the U.S. from a nuclear deal between Iran, the U.S. and five other countries that removed sanctions from the country in return for its commitment to end its nuclear.\n", "cs": "Trump v lo\u0148sk\u00e9m roce st\u00e1hl USA z jadern\u00e9 dohody mezi \u00cdr\u00e1nem, USA a p\u011bti dal\u0161\u00edmi zem\u011bmi, kter\u00e1 ru\u0161ila sankce v zemi v\u00fdm\u011bnou za jej\u00ed z\u00e1vazek ukon\u010dit v\u00fdrobu jadern\u00e9 energie.\n"}
{"en": "The Islamic Republic, a target of U.S. sanctions for decades, was blamed by Washington for recent attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, which Tehran denies. Iran also shot down a U.S. military drone and announced plans to execute 17 suspected U.S. spies.\n", "cs": "Isl\u00e1msk\u00e1 republika, kter\u00e1 je po cel\u00e1 desetilet\u00ed ter\u010dem americk\u00fdch sankc\u00ed, byla obvin\u011bna Washingtonem z ned\u00e1vn\u00fdch \u00fatok\u016f na ropn\u00e9 tankery u Hormuzsk\u00e9ho pr\u016flivu, co\u017e Teher\u00e1n pop\u00edr\u00e1. \u00cdr\u00e1n tak\u00e9 sest\u0159elil americk\u00fd vojensk\u00fd dron a ozn\u00e1mil, \u017ee m\u00e1 v \u00famyslu popravit 17 osob podez\u0159el\u00fdch z americk\u00e9 \u0161pion\u00e1\u017ee.\n"}