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3f68778d-2019-04-17T11:47:34Z-00010-000 | Nationalization of US automakers would increase US debt. |
34a77a0a-2019-04-17T11:47:33Z-00057-000 | Sens. Max Baucus, D-Montana - "'Millions of Americans are losing their jobs -- millions. And to some degree, they're losing their jobs because of actions taken by some of these firms. At the same time, they're giving themselves bonuses. I mean, give me a break. What are these people thinking? That's part of the problem. They're not thinking.'"[2] |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00089-000 | While it is true that nuclear energy does compete with renewables, it should be noted that fossil fuels are equally competitors. In so far as fossil fuels contribute to global warming and nuclear energy does not, therefore, fossil fuels are the real enemy of renewables. |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00074-000 | Energy efficiency is more important than nuclear power. |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00167-000 | Nuclear Power Now .org: "Unfortunately, the voting public has been victimized by forty years of misinformation regarding the safety of nuclear power. The graphs on nuclear energy showing it to be safe, economical, and in our national interest are countered by anti-nuclear activists using fear tactics to frighten the electorate into inaction." |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00077-000 | Nuclear is only clean energy source that can replace fossil fuels |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00108-000 | US Senator Pete Domenici writes in his book "A Brighter Tomorrow: Fulfilling the Promise of Nuclear Energ": "nuclear power plants roam the world daily without any significant problems. He says, "Nuclear power is safe and sure. Every week, one or two nuclear power plants dock at a major port in America or somewhere else in the world. And these power plants have been doing so for half a century now. ... No accidents of any kind have ever marred these dockings, no leaks have cleared blocks of cities; no emergencies have been declared."[1] |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00094-000 | Fossil fuels are not inherently required in mining Uranium and building nuclear plants. It just so happens that all modern machinery and vehicles involved in this process are powered by fossil fuels. Yet, these fossil-fuel-based machinery can be replaced by electric vehicles and machinery, possibly supplied by nuclear power plants themselves. In sum, nuclear energy is inherently clean. It is only the processes surrounding it that are dirty. This can and will change. |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00081-000 | Nuclear energy is the primary alternative to dirty coal |
8b68ae4-2019-04-17T11:47:47Z-00028-000 | Radiation around nuclear plants is well within safe limits |
d8150fb5-2019-04-17T11:47:48Z-00004-000 | The Church is not a democracy; it need not respond to criticisms of its condom policies. |
d8150fb5-2019-04-17T11:47:48Z-00037-000 | Condoms are needed where abstinence is not an option for women |
37fd60c0-2019-04-17T11:47:29Z-00091-000 | Health insurance should no longer be associated with businesses. If health insurance is to be mandated, it should be mandated on individuals. |
b1ddd96f-2019-04-17T11:47:40Z-00000-000 | People can be trusted to make the right choices |
3d9e8a34-2019-04-17T11:47:44Z-00061-000 | Free trade creates more jobs (and better ones) than it destroys |
42f8393e-2019-04-17T11:47:34Z-00134-000 | Erkki Koskelaa. "Tax progression is good for employment in popular models of trade union behaviour". Elsevier Science B.V. 1996 - Using three popular models of trade union behaviour — the monopoly union, the ‘right-to-manage’ and the efficient bargain model — as the framework for analysis, this paper provides the unambiguously negative answer that under plausible assumptions an increased tax progression lowers wages and is good for employment in all three popular models of trade union behaviour. This means that the effects of taxation appear to be very sensitive to the structure of labour markets." |
42f8393e-2019-04-17T11:47:34Z-00037-000 | Bottom-up progressive taxation leads to stronger growth |
42f8393e-2019-04-17T11:47:34Z-00099-000 | It is unfair to punish people for succeeding in society. They should be rewarded for succeeding, or at least left to reap the benefits of their success. |
42f8393e-2019-04-17T11:47:34Z-00026-000 | Progressive taxation is not necessarily good for employment |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00003-000 | Religious opposition to Euthanasia should not be considered in law |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00109-000 | The physician has always acted as healer. Euthanasia contradicts this basic role. |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00064-000 | Euthanasia is different than taking a life in self-defense; the life is innocent. |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00049-000 | While a right to refuse treatment may exist, a right to assisted suicide does not |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00034-000 | Euthanasia violates the guiding principle of medical ethics is to do no harm |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00065-000 | Nobody has the right to take another's life, including with euthanasia |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00111-000 | a physician must not be involved in deliberately harming their patient. Without this principle, the medical profession would lose a great deal of trust; and admitting that killing is an acceptable part of a doctor’s role would likely increase the danger of involuntary euthanasia, not reduce it. |
89c45bda-2019-04-17T11:47:42Z-00104-000 | It is false to claim that the state or doctors are choosing to euthanize individuals. Doctors and the state make no choice at all, accept to permit and empower individuals to make their own choice to die or not. Any argument against euthanasia that is premised on the notion that it is wrong for one individual to kill or harm another misses this critical point; euthanasia only involves governments and doctors allowing patients to harm/kill themselves. It is a case of of the state and doctors allowing individuals to exercise their own liberties, rather than of the state or doctors taking any liberties away from the patient. |
ce875d98-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00017-000 | Breastfeeding improves health of mothers |
d995a8ce-2019-04-17T11:47:29Z-00141-000 | Race and gender are more fundamental than sexual orientation. Race and gender are clearly hereditary, while there is much more room for debate as to whether sexual orientation is hereditary or voluntary, or some mix of both nature and nurture. So, to compare gays in the military with the past debates on women and blacks in the military goes too far. |
ffc14fd7-2019-04-17T11:47:27Z-00091-000 | A Center for American Progress study has found that money that goes into the oil sector instead of the clean energy economy means a net loss of 14 jobs per million dollars.[9] |
51355556-2019-04-17T11:47:44Z-00057-000 | The 2000 Florida Supreme court decision that gave George Bush the presidency over Al Gore undermined, for many people, confidence in the democratic nature of the electoral process. It was felt that the decision should have been made by the voters, not the Florida supreme court. With superdelegates playing a major role in the 2008 presidential elections, citizens and writers are drawing the comparison to the 2000 Bush-Gore elections. Superdelegates, therefore, agitate unhealed wounds. |
51355556-2019-04-17T11:47:44Z-00029-000 | Voters should be fully empowered to choose primary nominee. |
51355556-2019-04-17T11:47:44Z-00077-000 | If the perception builds that primary elections are decided in large part in back-room dealings, voters may feel alienated and discouraged from participating in future elections. This would be particularly unfortunate in America, given the recent upsurge in voter participation. |
e10d3563-2019-04-17T11:47:44Z-00051-000 | After the precedent of 2000 where the intervention of the Supreme Court was necessary to determine the president of the United States and the current tight and challenging competition for the Democrat nomination, people feel that there is a need for rules and consistency to strengthen the democratic process of electing the most important person within the US political system. |
4d2e82ff-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00056-000 | "Tar Sands Invasion." Dirty Oil Sands. May 2010: "Given the climate change risks associated with development of the tar sands and other highcarbon fuels, the best security policy for America is to invest in cleaner, low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels." |
f7127a7c-2019-04-17T11:47:21Z-00039-000 | "PLO chief: We will recognize Israel in return for 1967 borders." Haaretz. October 13th, 2010: "Senior Palestine Liberation Organization official Yasser Abed Rabbo said on Wednesday that the Palestinians will be willing to recognize the State of Israel in any way that it desires, if the Americans would only present a map of the future Palestinian state that includes all of the territories captured in 1967, including East Jerusalem. In response to U.S. State Department Spokesman Phillip Crowley's statement on Tuesday night that the Palestinians should respond to the Israeli demand, Abed Rabbo told Haaretz, "We want to receive a map of the State of Israel which Israel wants us to accept." 'If the map will be based on the 1967 borders and will not include our land, our houses and East Jerusalem, we will be willing to recognize Israel according to the formulation of the government within the hour,' added Rabbo." |
f7127a7c-2019-04-17T11:47:21Z-00002-000 | Pre-1967 borders not a recipe for peace but more hostilities. |
f7127a7c-2019-04-17T11:47:21Z-00040-000 | Israel has not recognized a Palestinian state, or even committed to the creation of one, so can't expect Palestinians to recognize Israel. Or, at least, it can't complain too much. The two must meet in the middle. The pre-1967 borders enable this. |
f7127a7c-2019-04-17T11:47:21Z-00026-000 | Territory taken during 1967 war was taken from palestinians. |
f7127a7c-2019-04-17T11:47:21Z-00031-000 | Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said in 2006 that the pre-1967 borders uphold the "legitimate aspiration of the Palestinian people for a secure, united, democratic and economically viable state coexisting peacefully with Israel."[1] |
b6d8cde6-2019-04-17T11:47:19Z-00029-000 | "Jobs in the Pipeline." Wall Street Journal Editorial. July 7th, 2001: "With 9.1% unemployment and gasoline prices in the stratosphere, President Obama must sometimes wish that some big corporation would suddenly show up and offer a shovel-ready, multibillion-dollar project to create 100,000 jobs and reduce U.S. reliance on oil from dictatorships. Oh, wait. His Secretary of State has had that offer sitting on her desk since she was sworn in." |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00021-000 | Corporal punishment induces fear and despair in children |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00052-000 | Corporal punishment is designed to punish specific acts of significant misbehavior and delinquency. It is not a wanton and unreasonable act of violence. Child abuse, on the contrary, is the unjustified and unreasoned beating of children. The act of child-abuse is not meant to punish a child, but is inflicted without restraint or concern for the general welfare of a child. The intention of corporal punishment, on the contrary, is meant to instill a level of discipline in a child that is necessary to their future. It is in the child's best interest, whereas child-abuse is clearly not. |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00007-000 | Corporal punishment reflects breakdown of communication |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00053-000 | David Benatar. "Corporal Punishment Social Theory and Practice". Social Theory and Practice. Summer 1998: "Clearly there are instances of abuse and of abusive physical punishment. But that is insufficient to demonstrate even a correlation between corporal punishment and abuse, and a fortiori a causal relationship. Research into possible links between corporal punishment and abuse has proved inconclusive so far. Some studies have suggested that abusive parents use corporal punishment more than nonabusive parents, but other studies have shown this not to be the case.(7) The findings of one study,8 conducted a year after corporal punishment by parents was abolished in Sweden, suggested that Swedish parents were as prone to serious abuse of their children as were parents in the United States, where corporal punishment was (and is) widespread. These findings are far from decisive, but they caution us against hasty conclusions about the abusive effects of corporal punishment." |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00031-000 | Physical injuries only occur in abusive corporal punishment. |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00054-000 | David Benatar. "Corporal Punishment Social Theory and Practice". Social Theory and Practice. Summer 1998: "Opponents of the corporal punishment of children are rightly critical of its extensive use and the severity with which it is all too often inflicted. They have been at pains to show that corporal punishment is not used merely as a last resort, but is inflicted regularly and for the smallest of infractions.(1) They have also recorded the extreme harshness of many instances of corporal punishment.(2) [...] I have no hesitation in joining the opposition to such practices, which are correctly labeled as child abuse. Where I believe that opponents of corporal punishment are wrong is in saying that physical punishment should never be inflicted." |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00024-000 | Corporal punishment often escalates to child abuse |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00032-000 | General statements against corporal punishment |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00025-000 | Corporal punishment should be limited, but not abandoned |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00056-000 | Comments by Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education (PTAVE) from their website at www.NoSpank.net: "Spanking does for a child's development what wife-beating does for a marriage."[6] |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00012-000 | Corporal punishment increases depression and suicide |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00005-000 | Generations of people have been subjected to corporal punishment. |
1d10487f-2019-04-17T11:47:31Z-00073-000 | Bill Gothard: "We don't focus on corporal punishment. We focus on teaching and training."[12] |
555b8419-2019-04-17T11:47:35Z-00014-000 | Secret voting systems allow for employer abuses. |
c11cc3ad-2019-04-17T11:47:30Z-00060-000 | Surveys in Canada, Japan, Norway, the U.S. and the U.K. indicated that consumers want GM foods to be labeled, but an experimental test in North America showed that GM labels did not have a significant impact on consumer purchasing. If the idea is for information on labels to affect consumer behavior, the fact that it does not, raises the question, "what's the point?". |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00133-000 | If eating meat is both bad for animals and for humans, it seems that the moral trade-off is fairly simply in favor of vegetarianism. And, even if eating meat is simply "unnecessary", the fact that it is bad for animals makes the moral trade-off simple, and in-favor of vegetarianism. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00028-000 | Vegetarianism would cause the extinction of domesticated animals. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00031-000 | Vegetarians adopt a proper philosophy toward animals |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00016-000 | Vegetarian foods have as many health risks as animal foods. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00137-000 | We should eat five or six portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but without adding some meat or fish it is hard to make sure our body is getting the protein and iron it needs to be healthy. It might be OK for adults to choose a vegetarian diet for themselves, but should we allow vegetarian parents to impose such a diet on their babies? Meats are an easy and reliable source of protein, an essential building-block for the human body. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00153-000 | There is enough food in the world. The problem is that it cannot be easily distributed to remote areas internationally. Therefore, an individual living in an industrial society, who opts to adopt a vegetarian diet, will unlikely free-up food that can then be distributed to remote areas in the world afflicted by famine. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00018-000 | It is healthiest to eat a balanced diet with both meat and vegetable products. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00034-000 | Farming animals for meat is very unnatural. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00020-000 | Vegetarian diet can provide all essential nutrients |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00127-000 | Cows, sheep, chickens, etc as we know them today could not live a life in the wild any more, so if they were not kept as livestock these breeds of animal would rapidly become extinct. Is this the objective of Vegetarians? Causing mass extinction? Is this moral? Or, are domesticated farm animals meant to persist in their domesticated form, for human consumption? The later is correct. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00097-000 | Animal testing and the subjugation of animals undermines a fundamental scientific reality; that humans and animals are kin. With humans and Chimpanzees sharing 99.4% of their genetic code, and humans and mice sharing 99% of their genetic code, it is important to recognize that humans are, on a scientific basis, the kin of animals. The testing of animals undermines this scientific understanding by subjugating animals. This is harmful to broader scientific progression in society. |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00098-000 | Albert Einstein - "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." |
e3d235e2-2019-04-17T11:47:41Z-00145-000 | Good examples of environmentalist meat-eaters include Theodore Roosevelt and Native American Indians. These meat-eating-environmentalists appreciate the source of their meat, the life-form that was behind it, and acted to uphold a sustainable environmental balance. As long as you live up to these principles, there is no contradiction between eating meat and being an environmentalist. |
4e909451-2019-04-17T11:47:36Z-00138-000 | "Post Endorses John McCain". New York Post. 8 Sept. 2008 - "Taxes: McCain knows that when government absorbs ever-larger shares of national income, the economy suffers...High tax rates diminish investment, killing jobs and stunting growth...And while Obama promises tax cuts for "95 percent" of Americans, what he actually is proposing is some $650 billion in tax-credit-driven hikes in entitlement and other spending, to be paid for with heavier imposts across the board, but especially on investment - like a sharply higher capital-gains tax...This is bad news for the millions of ordinary Americans who own stocks, either personally or through pension funds or who plan someday to sell their homes or other real property." |
3dfdaea9-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00046-000 | A Center for American Progress study released in March of 2010 concluded that a strategy aimed at deporting the nation’s population of illegal immigrants would cost the government approximately $285 billion over five years. (A deportation-only policy would amount to $922 in new taxes for “every man, woman, and child in this country).” In separate research released in January, UCLA professor Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda found that if undocumented immigrants were removed from the economy, it would reduce U.S. GDP by $2.6 trillion over ten years. |
3dfdaea9-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00031-000 | US is capable of deporting all illegal immigrants |
3dfdaea9-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00062-000 | A USA Today/Gallup Poll dated March 2007 asked, "Should the government deport all illegal immigrants back to their home country?" In response, only 24% of American citizens believed the government should deport all illegal immigrants. Furthermore, 59% of American citizens believed the government should allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United States and become U.S. citizens, but only if they meet certain requirements. |
3dfdaea9-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00018-000 | Exploiting cheap labor is no justification for allowing illegals |
3dfdaea9-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00012-000 | Illegal aliens have no moral right to remain in the US |
3dfdaea9-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00013-000 | Path to citizenship forces illegals to pay back taxes. |
3dfdaea9-2019-04-17T11:47:25Z-00006-000 | US can help shield illegal immigrants from hardship. |
d24f411a-2019-04-17T11:47:24Z-00022-000 | It is true that nuclear energy is 0-emission in its inherent processes, but it is wrong to sacrifice one environmental principle (local ecosystems and human safety) in order to push another (climate change). |
d24f411a-2019-04-17T11:47:24Z-00024-000 | Claes Thegerstroem of Sweden’s Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management group: "We can never say it is completely safe. If we start to speak like that, sooner or later, people will understand we are not telling the truth. But we can say, of all the options, this is the best option. Everything else is less safe."[4] |
651b1111-2019-04-17T11:47:45Z-00026-000 | Complicated US primaries lead to misleading vote counts |
651b1111-2019-04-17T11:47:45Z-00046-000 | The problem with a national primary is that it would violate many of the interests and powers that are constitutionally and politically necessary to preserve. First, it would violate the state governments' powers in establishing the election process and state parties interests in working together with the state to craft this process. Second, it would violate the interests of the Parties to preserve their right to free association and to ensure that their nominee reflects the interests of their party. |
651b1111-2019-04-17T11:47:45Z-00024-000 | The complicated primary system creates confusion and turns voters off |
8873a43b-2019-04-17T11:47:27Z-00006-000 | Dana Blankenhorn. "The fundamental value of Internet access." ZDNet. May 8th, 2009: "Internet access [...] is fundamental to my childrens’ interactions with the world. It defines their economic utility, their ability to learn, even many of their social relationships. [...] Enabling that, or disabling that, is not a question of 'rights,' but it is fundamental." |
8873a43b-2019-04-17T11:47:27Z-00003-000 | "The internet as a right." The Guardian. October 24th, 2008: "The internet is a right. [...] It’s in their enlightened self-interest. And I will suggest that the WEF Global Agenda Council should catalogue, quantify, and demonstrate that self-interest in terms of the benefit the internet brings a nation in: 1. business – jobs created, efficiencies found, innovation sparked, entrepreneurism supported; 2. education – every human able to search all our digital knowledge, distributed university curricula, the growth of the aggregated education, the pull toward literacy; 3. politics – the ability of citizens to coalesce and act, the increase in involvement in politics, the greater transparency enabled (which some politicians will not think is in their self-interest – but that is precisely why we will want this creed to separate democrats from dictators and the corrupt); 4. government – we have only begun to use connectivity to improve governance in its relationships with constituents and in efficiencies; 4. society – I argue in my book that staying connected may change the nature of relationships for the good – one-to-one and nation-to-nation." |
8873a43b-2019-04-17T11:47:27Z-00022-000 | Matt Asay. "Is Internet access a 'fundamental right'?" CNET. May 6th, 2009: "Wow. We live in such an entitlement culture that we expect to be handed everything, Internet access now included. Does that mean I'm guaranteed fast access, or will dial-up do?" |
8873a43b-2019-04-17T11:47:27Z-00012-000 | Do you want to make a world when a mother tells her child: "you cannot stay on the internet anymore" that she has taken a right from him? Compare taking the right for a home or for education with taking the "right" to access the internet. |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00011-000 | Doctors should be trusted to check abuse of medical marijuana |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00162-000 | Bernard Rimland, PhD, Founder of the Autism Society of America (ASA). "Medical Marijuana: a Valuable Treatment for Autism?" Autism Research Review International. 2003: "It is important to keep in mind the distinction between legalizing marijuana for medical uses, which has been done in some states, and 'recreational' drug use which is illegal throughout the U.S. |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00088-000 | Marijuana dispensaries should be regulated, but allowed |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00164-000 | Philip Denney, MD, co-founder of a medical cannabis evaluation practice, stated the following in his Nov. 17, 2005 testimony to the Arkansas legislature in support of House Bill 1303, "An Act to Permit the Medical Use of Marijuana": "While a substance may have some potential for misuse, in my opinion, that's a poor excuse to deny its use and benefit to everyone else."[29] |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00119-000 | Bill Frist, MD Former US Senator (R-TN). ProCon.org. Oct. 20, 2003: Based on current evidence, I believe that marijuana is a dangerous drug and that there are less dangerous medicines offering the same relief from pain and other medical symptoms."[16] |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00074-000 | Medical benefits of marijuana outweigh potential risks |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00044-000 | The health risks of smoking marijuana are relatively minor |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00014-000 | Legalizing medical marijuana is not legalizing recreational use |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00121-000 | Jacob Sullum, Senior Editor of Reason magazine. "Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use." 2003 book: "It's beyond serious dispute that marijuana, which has been used therapeutically for thousands of years, helps relieve nausea and restore appetite. Marinol, a capsule containing THC, is approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for AIDS wasting syndrome and the side effects of cancer chemotherapy. But smoked marijuana has several advantages over Marinol..." |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00061-000 | Marijuana is a good alternative medicine to suit individual needs |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00137-000 | Who can say that marijuana use is "worth it" or "not worth it"? Many individuals strongly believe that marijuana use has a "mind expanding" effect that makes the health costs worth it. Other disagree. But can the government or anyone conclude for us all that "it's not worth it"? No. With so much subjectiveness involved, marijuana should not be illegal. |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00122-000 | Gabriel Nahas, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology and Medicine at Columbia University. "Marihuana Is the Wrong Medicine." Wall Street Journal. Mar. 11, 1997: "The debate over using marihuana as medicine has been distorted by a basic confusion: the implicit assumption that smoking marihuana is a better therapy than the ingestion of its active therapeutic agent THC or a more effective one than approved medications. This assumption is wrong. THC (also known as Marinol) is an approved remedy that may be prescribed by physicians for nausea and AIDS wasting syndrome. It is safer than marihuana smoke."[19] |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00168-000 | Medical marijuana has a high likelihood of being abused. This is one of the main criteria of the FDA's decisions in regards to legalizing drugs for medical uses. Medical marijuana's potential for abuse exists mainly due to its substantial use as a recreational drug, which creates the potential that, for example, individuals will obtain or produce false prescriptions or IDs, or that they will illicitly sell Marijuana obtained via a prescription. |
87b8c230-2019-04-17T11:47:26Z-00138-000 | Sanjay Gupta, MD, Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN. "Why I Would Vote No on Pot." Time magazine. Nov. 6, 2006: "Marijuana isn't really very good for you. True, there are health benefits for some patients. [but...] Frequent marijuana use can seriously affect your short-term memory. It can impair your cognitive ability (why do you think people call it dope?) and lead to long-lasting depression or anxiety. While many people smoke marijuana to relax, it can have the opposite effect on frequent users. And smoking anything, whether it's tobacco or marijuana, can seriously damage your lung tissue...Despite all the talk about the medical benefits of marijuana, smoking the stuff is not going to do your health any good." |
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