Cody E2E Testing
These tests interact with the VScode user interface and test Cody from a mock server through to VScode UI.
All Tests
pnpm test:e2e
Individual Test
pnpm test:e2e $TEST_FILE_NAME
Debug Test
# Run all tests in debug mode
pnpm test:e2e --debug
# Run a specific test in debug mode
pnpm test:e2e $TEST_FILE_NAME --debug
Flakiness in tests can often be attributed to timing issues, such as asynchronous actions taking longer than expected to complete. By performing a hover action before a click action, you give the application a bit more time to react and stabilize before attempting the subsequent click. This can help mitigate timing-related flakiness.
await page.getByLabel('.vscode', { exact: true }).hover() await page.getByLabel('.vscode', { exact: true }).click()