'torch.dtype' object has no attribute 'kind'
- opened
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-23-498af2553c1b> in <cell line: 3>()
1 import scipy
----> 3 scipy.io.wavfile.write("techno.wav", rate=model.config.sampling_rate, data=output)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/scipy/io/wavfile.py in write(filename, rate, data)
771 try:
--> 772 dkind = data.dtype.kind
773 if not (dkind == 'i' or dkind == 'f' or (dkind == 'u' and
774 data.dtype.itemsize == 1)):
AttributeError: 'torch.dtype' object has no attribute 'kind'
You can now save the audio using this code. [ If you know how to fix the above error please comment below.]
import scipy
import numpy as np
def save_tts(output, model, output_file_path):
# Convert the PyTorch tensor to a NumPy array
output_np = output.cpu().numpy()
# Normalize the audio data to the range [-1, 1] if needed
output_np = np.interp(output_np, (output_np.min(), output_np.max()), (-1, 1))
# Set the desired bit depth (e.g., 8 bits)
bit_depth = 8
# Reduce the amplitude of the audio data significantly to fit within the valid range for 8 bits
output_np = (output_np * 0.5 * 127).astype(np.int8) # Adjust the factor (0.5) if needed
# Write the WAV file using SciPy
scipy.io.wavfile.write(output_file_path, rate=model.config.sampling_rate, data=output_np)
# Usage
save_tts(output, model, "techno.wav")
Good catch
- we should convert the final waveform to numpy
. Fixed here: https://huggingface.co/facebook/mms-tts-eng/commit/c71de0fe7204c83f1c10820a7d696d0b450048ba
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