Doubts around NER

by initesh - opened


I have pre-trained FastText as well as bert-base-uncased on custom corpus.
How can I use it for NER training?

Specifically, is something like this possible in flair:

embedding_types = [
    WordEmbeddings('path to custom fasttext vectors'), # .txt file generated from fasttext
    FlairEmbeddings('path to custom flair-forward vectors'),
    FlairEmbeddings('path to custom flair-backward vectors'),

When we use this as embedder, what happens behind the scenes?

embeddings = TransformerWordEmbeddings(model='xlm-roberta-large',
  • Is it simply taking the token embeddings from 'xlm-roberta-large' and puts a linear layer for NER on top of it?
  • Where exactly FLERT's functionalities are used? Are they automatically handled behind the scenes?
    • If yes, how can I turn off FLERT's features so that I can compare the gains we are getting before and after using FLERT
  • I have pre-trained "bert-base-uncased" on custom dataset. How should I use this instead of "xlm-roberta-large"?
  • Any suggestions on whether or not we should use CRF layer on top of bert embeddings for NER tasks
  • The flag "use_rnn" what exactly it does? If I switch it off, what does it do? Will it switch off char-rnn layer or word-rnn layer?

I know these are lot of questions but simplicity of Flair enabled me to quickly run experiments and hence the curiosity :)


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