Update Gemma Finetuning SFT Notebook
- opened
Update original notebook with eos token and save model functionality to create working end to end example
See https://huggingface.co/google/gemma-7b/discussions/93 for context.
Note, for some reason my local ssh client and hf servers aren't communicating ssh keys correctly so I can't make proper PRs with CLI. Using the web gui to do so which limits my ability to update existing PRs. My apologies
See https://github.com/huggingface/blog/pull/2029 for the corresponding blog fix
Is there a way to display the rich format of the notebook? @ybelkada Appreciate your answer.
When you mean rich format does that mean notebook rendered in the HF website here?
Right, GH has that feature... Not sure about it here...
changed pull request status to