Please move PTH/original into new model/repo.

by Qubitium - opened

Having the original pth files double the bandwidth cost and time. Please move the original pth to a separate model/repo. Thank you! I can image the 405B downloaders having a tough time syncing a 2TB repo.

Meta Llama org

Having the original pth files double the bandwidth cost and time. Please move the original pth to a separate model/repo. Thank you! I can image the 405B downloaders having a tough time syncing a 2TB repo.

as a workaround you can initialize the model using transformers code, this way it will only pull safetensors instead of the entire repo

if you don't want to use transformers, clone with git lfs with pointers and run this: git lfs pull --include "*.safetensors"

note that it will still take more space than the size of the safetensors alone, but it will not consume more bandwidth

huggingface-cli download --exclude="*original*" does the trick

Can we delete the hidden .git file once we've downloaded the model?

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