What is a stage and will quants be available?

by supercharge19 - opened

What is stage 1 and stage 2, does one require both of these files to have it operational or can I work with the smaller (stage 2 pt file) only?

How can this be quantized, are you planning to do it?

MetaVoice org
edited Feb 9

What is stage 1 and stage 2, does one require both of these files to have it operational or can I work with the smaller (stage 2 pt file) only?

You need both models!

How can this be quantized, are you planning to do it?

There's a thread on this at https://github.com/metavoiceio/metavoice-src/issues/19

sidroopdaska changed discussion status to closed

Hey @supercharge19 - just an FYI that we've shipped weight quantisation - you can find more info on how to use this inside the README via the --quantization_mode flag.

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