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Upload bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder ctranslate fp16 weights
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8.53 kB
- ctranslate2
- int8
- float16
license: openrail
- bigcode/the-stack
- code
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
pipeline_tag: text-generation
inference: false
- name: SantaCoder
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL HumanEval (Python)
- name: pass@1
type: pass@1
value: 0.18
verified: false
- name: pass@10
type: pass@10
value: 0.29
verified: false
- name: pass@100
type: pass@100
value: 0.49
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL MBPP (Python)
- name: pass@1
type: pass@1
value: 0.35
verified: false
- name: pass@10
type: pass@10
value: 0.58
verified: false
- name: pass@100
type: pass@100
value: 0.77
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL HumanEval (JavaScript)
- name: pass@1
type: pass@1
value: 0.16
verified: false
- name: pass@10
type: pass@10
value: 0.27
verified: false
- name: pass@100
type: pass@100
value: 0.47
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL MBPP (Javascript)
- name: pass@1
type: pass@1
value: 0.28
verified: false
- name: pass@10
type: pass@10
value: 0.51
verified: false
- name: pass@100
type: pass@100
value: 0.70
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL HumanEval (Java)
- name: pass@1
type: pass@1
value: 0.15
verified: false
- name: pass@10
type: pass@10
value: 0.26
verified: false
- name: pass@100
type: pass@100
value: 0.41
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL MBPP (Java)
- name: pass@1
type: pass@1
value: 0.28
verified: false
- name: pass@10
type: pass@10
value: 0.44
verified: false
- name: pass@100
type: pass@100
value: 0.59
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: loubnabnl/humaneval_infilling
name: HumanEval FIM (Python)
- name: single_line
type: exact_match
value: 0.44
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL HumanEval FIM (Java)
- name: single_line
type: exact_match
value: 0.62
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: nuprl/MultiPL-E
name: MultiPL HumanEval FIM (JavaScript)
- name: single_line
type: exact_match
value: 0.60
verified: false
- task:
type: text-generation
type: code_x_glue_ct_code_to_text
name: CodeXGLUE code-to-text (Python)
- name: BLEU
type: bleu
value: 18.13
verified: false
# # Fast-Inference with Ctranslate2
Speedup inference while reducing memory by 2x-4x using int8 inference in C++ on CPU or GPU.
quantized version of [bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder](https://huggingface.co/bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder)
pip install hf-hub-ctranslate2>=2.0.8 ctranslate2>=3.14.0
Converted on 2023-05-31 using
ct2-transformers-converter --model bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder --output_dir /home/michael/tmp-ct2fast-gpt_bigcode-santacoder --force --copy_files tokenizer.json README.md tokenizer_config.json special_tokens_map.json .gitattributes --quantization float16 --trust_remote_code
Checkpoint compatible to [ctranslate2>=3.14.0](https://github.com/OpenNMT/CTranslate2) and [hf-hub-ctranslate2>=2.0.8](https://github.com/michaelfeil/hf-hub-ctranslate2)
- `compute_type=int8_float16` for `device="cuda"`
- `compute_type=int8` for `device="cpu"`
from hf_hub_ctranslate2 import TranslatorCT2fromHfHub, GeneratorCT2fromHfHub
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
model_name = "michaelfeil/ct2fast-gpt_bigcode-santacoder"
# use either TranslatorCT2fromHfHub or GeneratorCT2fromHfHub here, depending on model.
model = GeneratorCT2fromHfHub(
# load in int8 on CUDA
# tokenizer=AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder")
outputs = model.generate(
text=["How do you call a fast Flan-ingo?", "User: How are you doing? Bot:"],
# Licence and other remarks:
This is just a quantized version. Licence conditions are intended to be idential to original huggingface repo.
# Original description
# SantaCoder
Play with the model on the [SantaCoder Space Demo](https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigcode/santacoder-demo).
# Table of Contents
1. [Model Summary](#model-summary)
2. [Use](#use)
3. [Limitations](#limitations)
4. [Training](#training)
5. [License](#license)
6. [Citation](#citation)
# Model Summary
This is the Megatron-version of [SantaCoder](https://huggingface.co/bigcode/santacoder).
We refer the reader to the [SantaCoder model page](https://huggingface.co/bigcode/santacoder) for full documentation about this model
- **Repository:** [bigcode/Megatron-LM](https://github.com/bigcode-project/Megatron-LM)
- **Project Website:** [bigcode-project.org](www.bigcode-project.org)
- **Paper:** [🎅SantaCoder: Don't reach for the stars!🌟](https://t.co/YV3pzUbYOr)
- **Point of Contact:** [contact@bigcode-project.org](mailto:contact@bigcode-project.org)
- **Languages:** Python, Java, and JavaScript
There are two versions (branches) of the model:
* `main`: Uses the `gpt_bigcode` model. [Requires the bigcode fork of transformers](https://github.com/bigcode-project/transformers).
* `main_custom`: Packaged with its modeling code. Requires `transformers>=4.27`.
Alternatively, it can run on older versions by setting the configuration parameter `activation_function = "gelu_pytorch_tanh"`.
# Use
## Intended use
The model was trained on GitHub code. As such it is _not_ an instruction model and commands like "Write a function that computes the square root." do not work well.
You should phrase commands like they occur in source code such as comments (e.g. `# the following function computes the sqrt`) or write a function signature and docstring and let the model complete the function body.
### Attribution & Other Requirements
The pretraining dataset of the model was filtered for permissive licenses only. Nevertheless, the model can generate source code verbatim from the dataset. The code's license might require attribution and/or other specific requirements that must be respected. We provide a [search index](https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigcode/santacoder-search) that let's you search through the pretraining data to identify where generated code came from and apply the proper attribution to your code.
# Limitations
The model has been trained on source code in Python, Java, and JavaScript. The predominant language in source is English although other languages are also present. As such the model is capable to generate code snippets provided some context but the generated code is not guaranteed to work as intended. It can be inefficient, contain bugs or exploits.
# Training
## Model
- **Architecture:** GPT-2 model with multi-query attention and Fill-in-the-Middle objective
- **Pretraining steps:** 600K
- **Pretraining tokens:** 236 billion
- **Precision:** float16
## Hardware
- **GPUs:** 96 Tesla V100
- **Training time:** 6.2 days
- **Total FLOPS:** 2.1 x 10e21
## Software
- **Orchestration:** [Megatron-LM](https://github.com/bigcode-project/Megatron-LM)
- **Neural networks:** [PyTorch](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch)
- **FP16 if applicable:** [apex](https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex)
# License
The model is licenses under the CodeML Open RAIL-M v0.1 license. You can find the full license [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigcode/license).