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Base Model: mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0_2_student_answer_train_examples_mistral_0416

  • LoRAs weights for Mistral-7b-Instruct-v0_2

Noteworthy changes:

  • reduced training hyperparams: epochs=3 (previously 4)

  • new training prompt: "Teenager students write in simple sentences. You are a teenager student, and please answer the following question. {training example}"

  • old training prompt: "Teenager students write in simple sentences [with typos and grammar errors]. You are a teenager student, and please answer the following question. {training example}"

Model Details

Fine-tuned model that talks like middle school students, using simple vocabulary and grammar.

  • Trained on student Q&As physics topics including pulley/ramp examples that discuss work, force, and etc.

Model Description

  • Developed by: [More Information Needed]
  • Funded by [optional]: [More Information Needed]
  • Shared by [optional]: [More Information Needed]
  • Model type: [More Information Needed]
  • Language(s) (NLP): [More Information Needed]
  • License: [More Information Needed]
  • Finetuned from model [optional]: [More Information Needed]

Model Sources [optional]

  • Repository: [More Information Needed]
  • Paper [optional]: [More Information Needed]
  • Demo [optional]: [More Information Needed]

Model Details

Fine-tuned model to talk like middle school students, using typos/grammar errors. Trained on student Q&As physics topics including pulley/ramp examples that discuss work, force, and etc.

  • Developed by: Nora T
  • Finetuned from model: mistralai_Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2
  • Repository: [More Information Needed]
  • Paper [optional]: [More Information Needed]
  • Demo [optional]: [More Information Needed]

How to Get Started:

  1. Load Mistral model first:
from peft import PeftModel # for fine-tuning
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline, GenerationConfig, GPTQConfig, BitsAndBytesConfig

model_name_or_path = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2"
nf4_config = BitsAndBytesConfig( # quantization 4-bit
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path,

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=True)
  1. Load in LoRA weights:
lora_model_path = "{path_to_loras_folder}/mistralai_Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-testgen-LoRAs" # load loras
model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(
        model, lora_model_path, torch_dtype=torch.float16, force_download=True,

Training Hyperparams

  • LoRA Rank: 128
  • LoRA Alpha: 32
  • Batch Size: 64
  • Cutoff Length: 256
  • Learning rate: 3e-4
  • Epochs: 3
  • LoRA Dropout: 0.05

Training Data

Trained on raw text file

Preprocessing [optional]

[More Information Needed]

Technical Specifications

Model Architecture and Objective

[More Information Needed]


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Citation [optional]

Framework versions

  • PEFT 0.7.1
Downloads last month
Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) is not available, repository is disabled.

Model tree for ntseng/mistralai_Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0_2_student_answer_train_examples_mistral_0416

this model