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Model description

This is a RandomForestQuantileRegressor trained on the California Housing dataset.

Intended uses & limitations

This model is not ready to be used in production.

Training Procedure

The model was trained using default parameters on a 5-fold cross-validation pipeline.


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Hyperparameter Value
bootstrap True
ccp_alpha 0.0
criterion squared_error
default_quantiles 0.5
max_features 1.0
max_samples_leaf 1
min_impurity_decrease 0.0
min_samples_leaf 1
min_samples_split 2
min_weight_fraction_leaf 0.0
n_estimators 100
oob_score False
random_state RandomState(MT19937)
verbose 0
warm_start False

Model Plot

RandomForestQuantileRegressor(random_state=RandomState(MT19937) at 0x129E7B440)
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Evaluation Results

Metric Value
Mean Absolute Percentage Error 0.164007
Median Absolute Error 0.171
Mean Squared Error 0.25832
R-Squared 0.806

How to Get Started with the Model

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from examples.plot_qrf_huggingface_inference import CrossValidationPipeline
pipeline = CrossValidationPipeline.load(qrf_pkl_filename)

Model Card Authors

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Model Card Contact

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