Flask server running but POST request hangs and times out.

by prompterminal - opened

My flask server says it's "Running on http://17.X8.0.2:3001"
I have a .env.local file with "RIFFUSION_FLASK_URL=http://17.X8.0.2:3001/run_inference/"

I've clicked on play on the front end riffusion-app-main.
Sound is on.
I've got nothing.

I've made a POSTrequest with http://17.X8.0.2:3001/run_inference/ on postman
with this:
"alpha": 0.75,
"num_inference_steps": 50,
"seed_image_id": "og_beat",

"start": {
"prompt": "church bells on sunday",
"seed": 42,
"denoising": 0.75,
"guidance": 7.0

"end": {
"prompt": "jazz with piano",
"seed": 123,
"denoising": 0.75,
"guidance": 7.0

The request is hanging. It finally times out.

Exposed HTTP port, TCP port for the flask app. It's running. I can't hear anything.

Riffusion org

A while ago we extended the timeout on the frontend side to 60s, so you could try again. But by the sound of it inference might just be taking a long time on your setup. I suggest checking whether you are running on GPU and how long it takes to run inference outside of the server.

hmartiros changed discussion status to closed

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