Dataset - tiny shakespeare, character-level
Tiny shakespeare, of the good old char-rnn fame :) Treated on character-level.
- Tokenization performed on Character level
- Vocab size 65. Following are the unique tokens
- Number of total tokens - 1115394
- trained on 1,003,854 tokens (90%)
- validation is performed on 111,540 tokens (10%)
The Huggingface Spaces Gradio App
This model is used for the following Huggingface Spaces Gradio App.
The app is available here
The takes following as input
- Seed Text (Prompt) - This provided as input text to the GPT model, based on which it generates further contents. If no data is provided, the only a space (" ") is provided as input
- Max tokens to generate - This controls the numbers of character tokens it will generate. The default value is 100.
- Temperature - This accepts value between 0 to 1. Higher value introduces more randomness in the next token generation. Default value is set to 0.7.
- Select Top N in each step - This is optional field. If no value is provided (or <= 0), all available tokens are considered for next token prediction based on SoftMax probability. However, if a number is set then only that many top characters will be considered for next token prediction.