filename labeling and SD version issues

by ia42 - opened

I'm a newbie in the SD scene, and just learning the ropes. From what I gather, embeddings like these are specific to either SD1 or SD2? does that mean I can only use them on top of an SD 2.X model? is it specific to a certain resolution, like a 512-based model vs a 768 one?

also I see one says one filename saying it is 1000 steps and the other says nothing. so which one do I pick? is the one with no steps mentioned the better or lesser one? please add a word or two in the README if that is OK.

Hi! Embeddings for 1.x do not work on 2.x or the other way around. Most embeddings are specifically for a certain model and resolution; I haven't tested it myself, but I don't think 768x embeddings work on the 512 model.

Usually, when there's an upload with the amount of steps in the filename and one without, the one without is the 'finished' embedding and the one with the steps is either one that's ~halfway that but uploaded for comparing. The final one is 1500 steps, but the one with 1000 steps is a bit less strong!

spaablauw changed discussion status to closed

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