I don't know what the logic of the bug is, but this made it bootable.

Yuanxh changed pull request status to merged
Intelligent System Security Lab org

Thanks for your suggestion, but it doesn't seem solved yet...

So that's another problem...
I was able to get it running on my free CPU space that I duplicated.

Intelligent System Security Lab org

Yeah, me too... It can run on another space that I duplicated.

It works now, but we haven't solved anything...

The symptoms are similar to the eternal build stack problem that happened over a month ago, but a little different... In any case, it was impossible for the user to solve the problem alone and unscathed.
The commit history would disappear, but at that time, re-uploading could sometimes fix it. This time it can be fixed by duplicating the space, so is there a possibility that it can be fixed by renaming and replacing the duplicated one...?

Intelligent System Security Lab org

Thanks for your answer. We have created a new Space as v0.1.2, and the current Space as v0.1.1.

And one of them doesn't work even though the content is the same.๐Ÿ˜‡
Well, it's a bug in HF, so it will be fixed in time. If it is confusing until it is fixed, you can make it private and keep it hidden.

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