File size: 6,355 Bytes
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import torch
from diffusers.image_processor import VaeImageProcessor
from torch.nn import functional as F
import cv2
import utils
from rife.pytorch_msssim import ssim_matlab
import numpy as np
import logging
from rife.RIFE_HDv3 import Model
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download, snapshot_download
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
def pad_image(img, scale):
_, _, h, w = img.shape
tmp = max(32, int(32 / scale))
ph = ((h - 1) // tmp + 1) * tmp
pw = ((w - 1) // tmp + 1) * tmp
padding = (0, pw - w, 0, ph - h)
return F.pad(img, padding), padding
def make_inference(model, I0, I1, upscale_amount, n):
middle = model.inference(I0, I1, upscale_amount)
if n == 1:
return [middle]
first_half = make_inference(model, I0, middle, upscale_amount, n=n // 2)
second_half = make_inference(model, middle, I1, upscale_amount, n=n // 2)
if n % 2:
return [*first_half, middle, *second_half]
return [*first_half, *second_half]
def ssim_interpolation_rife(model, samples, exp=1, upscale_amount=1, output_device="cpu"):
print(f"samples dtype:{samples.dtype}")
print(f"samples shape:{samples.shape}")
output = []
pbar = utils.ProgressBar(samples.shape[0], desc="RIFE inference")
# [f, c, h, w]
for b in range(samples.shape[0]):
frame = samples[b : b + 1]
_, _, h, w = frame.shape
I0 = samples[b : b + 1]
I1 = samples[b + 1 : b + 2] if b + 2 < samples.shape[0] else samples[-1:]
I0, padding = pad_image(I0, upscale_amount)
I0 =
I1, _ = pad_image(I1, upscale_amount)
I1 =
# [c, h, w]
I0_small = F.interpolate(I0, (32, 32), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)
I1_small = F.interpolate(I1, (32, 32), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)
ssim = ssim_matlab(I0_small[:, :3], I1_small[:, :3])
if ssim > 0.996:
I1 = samples[b : b + 1]
# print(f'upscale_amount:{upscale_amount}')
# print(f'ssim:{upscale_amount}')
# print(f'I0 shape:{I0.shape}')
# print(f'I1 shape:{I1.shape}')
I1, padding = pad_image(I1, upscale_amount)
# print(f'I0 shape:{I0.shape}')
# print(f'I1 shape:{I1.shape}')
I1 = make_inference(model, I0, I1, upscale_amount, 1)
# print(f'I0 shape:{I0.shape}')
# print(f'I1[0] shape:{I1[0].shape}')
I1 = I1[0]
# print(f'I1[0] unpadded shape:{I1.shape}')
I1_small = F.interpolate(I1, (32, 32), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)
ssim = ssim_matlab(I0_small[:, :3], I1_small[:, :3])
if padding[3] > 0 and padding[1] >0 :
frame = I1[:, :, : -padding[3],:-padding[1]]
elif padding[3] > 0:
frame = I1[:, :, : -padding[3],:]
elif padding[1] >0:
frame = I1[:, :, :,:-padding[1]]
frame = I1
tmp_output = []
if ssim < 0.2:
for i in range((2**exp) - 1):
tmp_output = make_inference(model, I0, I1, upscale_amount, 2**exp - 1) if exp else []
frame, _ = pad_image(frame, upscale_amount)
# print(f'frame shape:{frame.shape}')
frame = F.interpolate(frame, size=(h, w))
for i, tmp_frame in enumerate(tmp_output):
# tmp_frame, _ = pad_image(tmp_frame, upscale_amount)
tmp_frame = F.interpolate(tmp_frame, size=(h, w))
return output
def load_rife_model(model_path):
model = Model()
model.load_model(model_path, -1)
return model
# Create a generator that yields each frame, similar to cv2.VideoCapture
def frame_generator(video_capture):
while True:
ret, frame =
if not ret:
yield frame
def rife_inference_with_path(model, video_path):
# Open the video file
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
fps = video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) # Get the frames per second
tot_frame = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # Total frames in the video
pt_frame_data = []
pt_frame =
# Cyclic reading of the video frames
while video_capture.isOpened():
ret, frame =
if not ret:
# BGR to RGB
frame_rgb = frame[..., ::-1]
frame_rgb = frame_rgb.copy()
tensor = torch.from_numpy(frame_rgb).float().to("cpu", non_blocking=True).float() / 255.0
tensor.permute(2, 0, 1)
) # to [c, h, w,]
pt_frame = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(pt_frame_data))
pt_frame =
pbar = utils.ProgressBar(tot_frame, desc="RIFE inference")
frames = ssim_interpolation_rife(model, pt_frame)
pt_image = torch.stack([frames[i].squeeze(0) for i in range(len(frames))])
image_np = VaeImageProcessor.pt_to_numpy(pt_image) # (to [49, 512, 480, 3])
image_pil = VaeImageProcessor.numpy_to_pil(image_np)
video_path = utils.save_video(image_pil, fps=16)
if pbar:
return video_path
def rife_inference_with_latents(model, latents):
rife_results = []
latents =
for i in range(latents.size(0)):
# [f, c, w, h]
latent = latents[i]
frames = ssim_interpolation_rife(model, latent)
pt_image = torch.stack([frames[i].squeeze(0) for i in range(len(frames))]) # (to [f, c, w, h])
return torch.stack(rife_results)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# snapshot_download(repo_id="AlexWortega/RIFE", local_dir="model_rife")
# model = load_rife_model("model_rife")
# video_path = rife_inference_with_path(model, "/mnt/ceph/develop/jiawei/CogVideo/output/20241003_130720.mp4")
# print(video_path) |