runtime error

ations like sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and information retrieval. 8. **Advancements in multi-modal processing**: Fast language models have also enabled advancements in multi-modal processing, where language is combined with other modalities like images and audio. 9. **Practical applications in industries**: Fast language models have been applied in various industries, such as: * Customer service: Fast language models can quickly respond to customer queries and provide support. * Healthcare: Fast language models can help identify relevant medical information and provide concise summaries. * Education: Fast language models can generate personalized educational content and help automate grading. 10. **Enabling new applications and industries**: Fast language models have the potential to create new industries and applications that we cannot yet imagine, much like the emergence of the Internet or Mobile apps. In summary, fast language models are important because they enable efficient, scalable, and accurate processing of large amounts of text data, which has far-reaching implications for various applications and industries. INFO ---*--- Creating llama3-70b-8192 Assistant ---*--- DEBUG Debug logs enabled DEBUG Reading run: f9152933-2e42-4a96-b914-dc9e698088f2 DEBUG Checking if table exists: groq_rag_assistant ERROR (psycopg.OperationalError) connection failed: connection to server at "", port 5532 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? (Background on this error at: DEBUG Creating schema: ai ERROR: Error loading ASGI app. Attribute "app" not found in module "app".

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