import cv2 | |
from PIL import Image | |
import numpy as np | |
import functools | |
import time | |
def calTime(mark): | |
""" | |
一个输出函数时间的装饰器. | |
:param mark: str, 可选填, 如果填了就会在print开头加上mark标签。 | |
""" | |
if isinstance(mark, str): | |
def decorater(func): | |
def wrapper(*args, **kw): | |
start_time = time.time() | |
return_param = func(*args, **kw) | |
print("[Mark-{}] {} 函数花费的时间为 {:.2f}.".format(mark, func.__name__, time.time() - start_time)) | |
return return_param | |
return wrapper | |
return decorater | |
else: | |
func = mark | |
def wrapper(*args, **kw): | |
start_time = time.time() | |
return_param = func(*args, **kw) | |
print("{} 函数花费的时间为 {:.2f}.".format(func.__name__, time.time() - start_time)) | |
return return_param | |
return wrapper | |
def ChangeImageDPI(input_path, output_path, dpi=300): | |
""" | |
改变输入图像的dpi. | |
input_path: 输入图像路径 | |
output_path: 输出图像路径 | |
dpi:打印分辨率 | |
""" | |
image = | |, dpi=(dpi, dpi)) | |
# print(1) | |
print("Your Image's DPI have been changed. The last DPI = ({},{}) ".format(dpi,dpi)) | |
def IDphotos_cut(x1, y1, x2, y2, img): | |
""" | |
在图片上进行滑动裁剪,输入输出为 | |
输入:一张图片img,和裁剪框信息(x1,x2,y1,y2) | |
输出: 裁剪好的图片,然后裁剪框超出了图像范围,那么将用0矩阵补位 | |
------------------------------------ | |
x:裁剪框左上的横坐标 | |
y:裁剪框左上的纵坐标 | |
x2:裁剪框右下的横坐标 | |
y2:裁剪框右下的纵坐标 | |
crop_size:裁剪框大小 | |
img:裁剪图像(numpy.array) | |
output_path:裁剪图片的输出路径 | |
------------------------------------ | |
""" | |
crop_size = (y2-y1, x2-x1) | |
""" | |
------------------------------------ | |
temp_x_1:裁剪框左边超出图像部分 | |
temp_y_1:裁剪框上边超出图像部分 | |
temp_x_2:裁剪框右边超出图像部分 | |
temp_y_2:裁剪框下边超出图像部分 | |
------------------------------------ | |
""" | |
temp_x_1 = 0 | |
temp_y_1 = 0 | |
temp_x_2 = 0 | |
temp_y_2 = 0 | |
if y1 < 0: | |
temp_y_1 = abs(y1) | |
y1 = 0 | |
if y2 > img.shape[0]: | |
temp_y_2 = y2 | |
y2 = img.shape[0] | |
temp_y_2 = temp_y_2 - y2 | |
if x1 < 0: | |
temp_x_1 = abs(x1) | |
x1 = 0 | |
if x2 > img.shape[1]: | |
temp_x_2 = x2 | |
x2 = img.shape[1] | |
temp_x_2 = temp_x_2 - x2 | |
# 生成一张全透明背景 | |
print("crop_size:", crop_size) | |
background_bgr = np.full((crop_size[0], crop_size[1]), 255, dtype=np.uint8) | |
background_a = np.full((crop_size[0], crop_size[1]), 0, dtype=np.uint8) | |
background = cv2.merge((background_bgr, background_bgr, background_bgr, background_a)) | |
background[temp_y_1: crop_size[0] - temp_y_2, temp_x_1: crop_size[1] - temp_x_2] = img[y1:y2, x1:x2] | |
return background | |
def resize_image_esp(input_image, esp=2000): | |
""" | |
输入: | |
input_path:numpy图片 | |
esp:限制的最大边长 | |
""" | |
# resize函数=>可以让原图压缩到最大边为esp的尺寸(不改变比例) | |
width = input_image.shape[0] | |
length = input_image.shape[1] | |
max_num = max(width, length) | |
if max_num > esp: | |
print("Image resizing...") | |
if width == max_num: | |
length = int((esp / width) * length) | |
width = esp | |
else: | |
width = int((esp / length) * width) | |
length = esp | |
print(length, width) | |
im_resize = cv2.resize(input_image, (length, width), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) | |
return im_resize | |
else: | |
return input_image | |
def resize_image_by_min(input_image, esp=600): | |
""" | |
将图像缩放为最短边至少为esp的图像。 | |
:param input_image: 输入图像(OpenCV矩阵) | |
:param esp: 缩放后的最短边长 | |
:return: 缩放后的图像,缩放倍率 | |
""" | |
height, width = input_image.shape[0], input_image.shape[1] | |
min_border = min(height, width) | |
if min_border < esp: | |
if height >= width: | |
new_width = esp | |
new_height = height * esp // width | |
else: | |
new_height = esp | |
new_width = width * esp // height | |
return cv2.resize(input_image, (new_width, new_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA), new_height / height | |
else: | |
return input_image, 1 | |
def detect_distance(value, crop_heigh, max=0.06, min=0.04): | |
""" | |
检测人头顶与照片顶部的距离是否在适当范围内。 | |
输入:与顶部的差值 | |
输出:(status, move_value) | |
status=0 不动 | |
status=1 人脸应向上移动(裁剪框向下移动) | |
status-2 人脸应向下移动(裁剪框向上移动) | |
--------------------------------------- | |
value:头顶与照片顶部的距离· | |
crop_heigh: 裁剪框的高度 | |
max: 距离的最大值 | |
min: 距离的最小值 | |
--------------------------------------- | |
""" | |
value = value / crop_heigh # 头顶往上的像素占图像的比例 | |
if min <= value <= max: | |
return 0, 0 | |
elif value > max: | |
# 头顶往上的像素比例高于max | |
move_value = value - max | |
move_value = int(move_value * crop_heigh) | |
# print("上移{}".format(move_value)) | |
return 1, move_value | |
else: | |
# 头顶往上的像素比例低于min | |
move_value = min - value | |
move_value = int(move_value * crop_heigh) | |
# print("下移{}".format(move_value)) | |
return -1, move_value | |
def draw_picture_dots(image, dots, pen_size=10, pen_color=(0, 0, 255)): | |
""" | |
给一张照片上绘制点。 | |
image: Opencv图像矩阵 | |
dots: 一堆点,形如[(100,100),(150,100)] | |
pen_size: 画笔的大小 | |
pen_color: 画笔的颜色 | |
""" | |
if isinstance(dots, dict): | |
dots = [v for u, v in dots.items()] | |
image = image.copy() | |
for x, y in dots: | |, (int(x), int(y)), pen_size, pen_color, -1) | |
return image | |
def draw_picture_rectangle(image, bbox, pen_size=2, pen_color=(0, 0, 255)): | |
image = image.copy() | |
x1 = int(bbox[0]) | |
y1 = int(bbox[1]) | |
x2 = int(bbox[2]) | |
y2 = int(bbox[3]) | |
cv2.rectangle(image, (x1,y1), (x2, y2), pen_color, pen_size) | |
return image | |
def generate_gradient(start_color, width, height, mode="updown"): | |
# 定义背景颜色 | |
end_color = (255, 255, 255) # 白色 | |
# 创建一个空白图像 | |
r_out = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=int) | |
g_out = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=int) | |
b_out = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=int) | |
if mode == "updown": | |
# 生成上下渐变色 | |
for y in range(height): | |
r = int((y / height) * end_color[0] + ((height - y) / height) * start_color[0]) | |
g = int((y / height) * end_color[1] + ((height - y) / height) * start_color[1]) | |
b = int((y / height) * end_color[2] + ((height - y) / height) * start_color[2]) | |
r_out[y, :] = r | |
g_out[y, :] = g | |
b_out[y, :] = b | |
else: | |
# 生成中心渐变色 | |
img = np.zeros((height, width, 3)) | |
# 定义椭圆中心和半径 | |
center = (width//2, height//2) | |
end_axies = max(height, width) | |
# 定义渐变色 | |
end_color = (255, 255, 255) | |
# 绘制椭圆 | |
for y in range(end_axies): | |
axes = (end_axies - y, end_axies - y) | |
r = int((y / end_axies) * end_color[0] + ((end_axies - y) / end_axies) * start_color[0]) | |
g = int((y / end_axies) * end_color[1] + ((end_axies - y) / end_axies) * start_color[1]) | |
b = int((y / end_axies) * end_color[2] + ((end_axies - y) / end_axies) * start_color[2]) | |
cv2.ellipse(img, center, axes, 0, 0, 360, (b, g, r), -1) | |
b_out, g_out, r_out = cv2.split(np.uint64(img)) | |
return r_out, g_out, b_out | |
def add_background(input_image, bgr=(0, 0, 0), mode="pure_color"): | |
""" | |
本函数的功能为为透明图像加上背景。 | |
:param input_image: numpy.array(4 channels), 透明图像 | |
:param bgr: tuple, 合成纯色底时的BGR值 | |
:param new_background: numpy.array(3 channels),合成自定义图像底时的背景图 | |
:return: output: 合成好的输出图像 | |
""" | |
height, width = input_image.shape[0], input_image.shape[1] | |
b, g, r, a = cv2.split(input_image) | |
a_cal = a / 255 | |
if mode == "pure_color": | |
# 纯色填充 | |
b2 = np.full([height, width], bgr[0], dtype=int) | |
g2 = np.full([height, width], bgr[1], dtype=int) | |
r2 = np.full([height, width], bgr[2], dtype=int) | |
elif mode == "updown_gradient": | |
b2, g2, r2 = generate_gradient(bgr, width, height, mode="updown") | |
else: | |
b2, g2, r2 = generate_gradient(bgr, width, height, mode="center") | |
output = cv2.merge(((b - b2) * a_cal + b2, (g - g2) * a_cal + g2, (r - r2) * a_cal + r2)) | |
return output | |
def rotate_bound(image, angle): | |
""" | |
一个旋转函数,输入一张图片和一个旋转角,可以实现不损失图像信息的旋转。 | |
- image: numpy.array(3 channels) | |
- angle: 旋转角(度) | |
""" | |
(h, w) = image.shape[:2] | |
(cX, cY) = (w / 2, h / 2) | |
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cX, cY), -angle, 1.0) | |
cos = np.abs(M[0, 0]) | |
sin = np.abs(M[0, 1]) | |
nW = int((h * sin) + (w * cos)) | |
nH = int((h * cos) + (w * sin)) | |
M[0, 2] += (nW / 2) - cX | |
M[1, 2] += (nH / 2) - cY | |
return cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (nW, nH)), cos, sin | |
def rotate_bound_4channels(image, a, angle): | |
""" | |
【rotate_bound_4channels的4通道版本】 | |
一个旋转函数,输入一张图片和一个旋转角,可以实现不损失图像信息的旋转。 | |
Inputs: | |
- image: numpy.array(3 channels), 输入图像 | |
- a: numpy.array(1 channels), 输入图像的A矩阵 | |
- angle: 旋转角(度) | |
Returns: | |
- input_image: numpy.array(3 channels), 对image进行旋转后的图像 | |
- result_image: numpy.array(4 channels), 旋转且透明的图像 | |
- cos: float, 旋转角的余弦值 | |
- sin: float, 旋转角的正弦值 | |
""" | |
input_image, cos, sin = rotate_bound(image, angle) | |
new_a, _, _ = rotate_bound(a, angle) # 对做matte旋转,以便之后merge | |
b, g, r = cv2.split(input_image) | |
result_image = cv2.merge((b, g, r, new_a)) # 得到抠图结果图的无损旋转结果 | |
return input_image, result_image, cos, sin | |
def cover_image(image, background, x, y, mode=1): | |
""" | |
mode = 1: directly cover | |
mode = 2: cv2.add | |
mode = 3: bgra cover | |
""" | |
image = image.copy() | |
background = background.copy() | |
height1, width1 = background.shape[0], background.shape[1] | |
height2, width2 = image.shape[0], image.shape[1] | |
wuqiong_bg_y = height1 + 1 | |
wuqiong_bg_x = width1 + 1 | |
wuqiong_img_y = height2 + 1 | |
wuqiong_img_x = width2 + 1 | |
def cover_mode(image, background, imgy1=0, imgy2=-1, imgx1=0, imgx2=-1, bgy1=0, bgy2=-1, bgx1=0, bgx2=-1, mode=1): | |
if mode == 1: | |
background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2] = image[imgy1:imgy2, imgx1:imgx2] | |
elif mode == 2: | |
background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2] = cv2.add(background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2], image[imgy1:imgy2, imgx1:imgx2]) | |
elif mode == 3: | |
b, g, r, a = cv2.split(image[imgy1:imgy2, imgx1:imgx2]) | |
b2, g2, r2, a2 = cv2.split(background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2]) | |
background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2, 0] = b * (a / 255) + b2 * (1 - a / 255) | |
background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2, 1] = g * (a / 255) + g2 * (1 - a / 255) | |
background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2, 2] = r * (a / 255) + r2 * (1 - a / 255) | |
background[bgy1:bgy2, bgx1:bgx2, 3] = cv2.add(a, a2) | |
return background | |
if x >= 0 and y >= 0: | |
x2 = x + width2 | |
y2 = y + height2 | |
if x2 <= width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
background = cover_mode(image, background,0,wuqiong_img_y,0,wuqiong_img_x,y,y2,x,x2,mode) | |
elif x2 > width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
# background[y:y2, x:] = image[:, :width1 - x] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, 0, wuqiong_img_y, 0, width1-x, y, y2, x, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
elif x2 <= width1 and y2 > height1: | |
# background[y:, x:x2] = image[:height1 - y, :] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, 0, height1-y, 0, wuqiong_img_x, y, wuqiong_bg_y, x, x2,mode) | |
else: | |
# background[y:, x:] = image[:height1 - y, :width1 - x] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, 0, height1-y, 0, width1-x, y, wuqiong_bg_y, x, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
elif x < 0 and y >= 0: | |
x2 = x + width2 | |
y2 = y + height2 | |
if x2 <= width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
# background[y:y2, :x + width2] = image[:, abs(x):] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, 0, wuqiong_img_y, abs(x), wuqiong_img_x, y, y2, 0, x+width2,mode) | |
elif x2 > width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, 0, wuqiong_img_y, abs(x), width1+abs(x), y, y2, 0, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
elif x2 <= 0: | |
pass | |
elif x2 <= width1 and y2 > height1: | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, 0, height1-y, abs(x), wuqiong_img_x, y, wuqiong_bg_y, 0, x2, mode) | |
else: | |
# background[y:, :] = image[:height1 - y, abs(x):width1 + abs(x)] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, 0, height1-y, abs(x), width1+abs(x), y, wuqiong_bg_y, 0, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
elif x >= 0 and y < 0: | |
x2 = x + width2 | |
y2 = y + height2 | |
if y2 <= 0: | |
pass | |
if x2 <= width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
# background[:y2, x:x2] = image[abs(y):, :] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), wuqiong_img_y, 0, wuqiong_img_x, 0, y2, x, x2,mode) | |
elif x2 > width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
# background[:y2, x:] = image[abs(y):, :width1 - x] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), wuqiong_img_y, 0, width1-x, 0, y2, x, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
elif x2 <= width1 and y2 > height1: | |
# background[:, x:x2] = image[abs(y):height1 + abs(y), :] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), height1+abs(y), 0, wuqiong_img_x, 0, wuqiong_bg_y, x, x2,mode) | |
else: | |
# background[:, x:] = image[abs(y):height1 + abs(y), :width1 - abs(x)] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), height1+abs(y), 0, width1-abs(x), 0, wuqiong_bg_x, x, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
else: | |
x2 = x + width2 | |
y2 = y + height2 | |
if y2 <= 0 or x2 <= 0: | |
pass | |
if x2 <= width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
# background[:y2, :x2] = image[abs(y):, abs(x):] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), wuqiong_img_y, abs(x), wuqiong_img_x, 0, y2, 0, x2,mode) | |
elif x2 > width1 and y2 <= height1: | |
# background[:y2, :] = image[abs(y):, abs(x):width1 + abs(x)] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), wuqiong_img_y, abs(x), width1+abs(x), 0, y2, 0, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
elif x2 <= width1 and y2 > height1: | |
# background[:, :x2] = image[abs(y):height1 + abs(y), abs(x):] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), height1+abs(y), abs(x), wuqiong_img_x, 0, wuqiong_bg_y, 0, x2,mode) | |
else: | |
# background[:, :] = image[abs(y):height1 - abs(y), abs(x):width1 + abs(x)] | |
background = cover_mode(image, background, abs(y), height1-abs(y), abs(x), width1+abs(x), 0, wuqiong_bg_y, 0, wuqiong_bg_x,mode) | |
return background | |
def image2bgr(input_image): | |
if len(input_image.shape) == 2: | |
input_image = input_image[:, :, None] | |
if input_image.shape[2] == 1: | |
result_image = np.repeat(input_image, 3, axis=2) | |
elif input_image.shape[2] == 4: | |
result_image = input_image[:, :, 0:3] | |
else: | |
result_image = input_image | |
return result_image | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
image = cv2.imread("./03.png", -1) | |
result_image = add_background(image, bgr=(255, 255, 255)) | |
cv2.imwrite("test.jpg", result_image) |