try: |
import os,re,json,random,aiocron,asyncio |
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient,events,functions,types |
except ModuleNotFoundError: |
os.system('pip install --upgrade pip && pip install telethon && pip install asyncio && pip install aiocron && clear') |
os.sys.exit('installed the required packages !') |
def get(file): |
with open(file,'r') as r: |
return json.load(r) |
def put(file,data): |
with open(file,'w') as w: |
json.dump(data,w) |
def font(text): |
if isinstance(text,str): |
text = text.lower() |
return text.translate(text.maketrans('qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm-0123456789','ǫᴡᴇʀᴛʏᴜɪᴏᴘᴀsᴅғɢʜᴊᴋʟᴢxᴄᴠʙɴᴍ-𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗')) |
else: |
return None |
api_id = 17064702 |
api_hash = 'f65880b9eededbee85346f874819bbc5' |
session = input('enter the session name : ') |
bot = TelegramClient(session,api_id,api_hash) |
dev = 1725955696 |
if not os.path.exists('data') or not os.path.isdir('data'): |
os.mkdir('data') |
if not os.path.exists(f'data/{session}.json') or not os.path.isfile(f'data/{session}.json'): |
data = {'bot':'on','autojoin':'off','contact':'off','secretary':'off','forward':'off','forwardauthor':'off','forwardtime':10,'forwardid':0,'forwardchat':None,'forwardtype':None,'forwardreply':None,'subscription':30,'admins':[],'groups':[],'secretarytext':[]} |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
async def forward_message(to_peer,id,from_peer,reply_text,drop_author): |
message = await bot(functions.messages.ForwardMessagesRequest(from_peer = from_peer,id = [id],to_peer = to_peer,drop_author = drop_author)) |
if reply_text: |
await bot.send_message(to_peer,reply_text,reply_to = message.updates[0].id) |
forwardtime = get(f'data/{session}.json')['forwardtime'] |
@aiocron.crontab(f'*/{forwardtime} * * * *') |
async def clock(): |
data = get(f'data/{session}.json') |
if data['bot'] == 'on' and data['subscription'] != 0: |
if data['forward'] == 'on': |
if data['forwardid'] and data['forwardchat'] and data['forwardtype']: |
i = 0 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs(): |
if (data['forwardtype'] == 'privates' and isinstance(dialog.entity,types.User)) or (data['forwardtype'] == 'groups' and isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Chat)) or (data['forwardtype'] == 'super groups' and isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup): |
try: |
await forward_message(dialog.id,data['forwardid'],data['forwardchat'],data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off') |
i += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
await bot.send_message(dev,font(e)) |
await bot.send_message(dev,font(f'Sent to {i} of ' + data['forwardtype'] + ' !')) |
@aiocron.crontab(f'12 12 * * *') |
async def subscription(): |
data = get(f'data/{session}.json') |
if data['subscription'] > 0: |
data['subscription'] -= 1 |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
else: |
await bot.send_message(dev,font('The subscription to this tabchi has ended !')) |
@bot.on(events.NewMessage()) |
async def updateMessage(event): |
data = get(f'data/{session}.json') |
text = event.raw_text |
chat_id = event.chat_id |
from_id = event.sender_id |
if from_id == dev or from_id in data['admins'] or chat_id in data['groups']: |
if from_id == dev: |
if match := re.match(r'AddSubscription (\d+)',text): |
time = int(match.group(1)) |
data['subscription'] += time |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font('The subscription of the robot has been successfully increased !')) |
elif match := re.match(r'LowSubscription (\d+)',text): |
time = int(match.group(1)) |
data['subscription'] -= time |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font('The subscription of the robot has been successfully reduced !')) |
if from_id != dev and data['subscription'] == 0: |
return await event.reply(font('Your subscription has ended !')) |
if match := re.match(r'(Bot|Secretary|Contact|AutoJoin|Forward|ForwardAuthor) ([Oo][Nn]|[Oo][Ff][Ff])',text): |
index = match.group(1).lower() |
status = match.group(2).lower() |
data[index] = status |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font(f'{index} now is {status} !')) |
elif data['bot'] == 'on': |
if text == 'Help': |
await event.reply(f''' |
خاموش و روشن کردن ربات : |
Bot on | off |
خاموش و روشن کردن حالت منشی : |
Secretary on | off |
خاموش و روشن کردن حالت ذخیره خودکار مخاطب : |
Contact on | off |
خاموش و روشن کردن حالت عضو شدن خودکار لینک های خصوصی : |
AutoJoin on | off |
خاموش و روشن کردن فوروارد خودکار : |
Forward on | off |
فوروارد بدون نقل قول یا با نقل قول : |
ForwardAuthor on | off |
اطلاع از آنلاین بودن ربات : |
Ping |
گرفتن اطلاعات ربات : |
Info |
بدست آوردن اطلاعات یک فرد : |
Id (REPLY) |
اضافه کردن ادمین به ربات : |
AddSudo (ID) |
حذف ادمین از ربات : |
DeleteSudo (ID) |
گرفتن لیست ادمین ها : |
SudoList |
تغییر نام اکانت : |
SetFirstName |
تغییر نام خانوادگی اکانت : |
SetLastName |
تغییر بیوگرافی اکانت : |
SetBiography |
تغییر یوزرنیم اکانت : |
SetUserName |
تنظیم عکس برای عکس پروفایل اکانت : |
SetPhoto (REPLY) |
حذف تمام عکس های پروفایل ربات : |
DeletePhoto |
اضافه کردن متن منشی رندوم : |
AddSecretary (TEXT) |
حذف متن منشی : |
DeleteSecretary (TEXT) |
لیست متن های منشی رندوم : |
SecretaryList |
استارت کردن ربات : |
Start (@username) |
عضو شدن در یک گروه یا کانال : |
Join (@username) |
لفت دادن از یک گروه یا کانال : |
Left (@username) |
پاکسازی لیست مخاطبین : |
CleanContactsList |
اشتراک گزاری شماره اکانت : |
Share |
تنظیم زمان فوروارد خودکار : |
ForwardTime (TIME) |
اد کردن یه کاربر به همهی گروه ها : |
AddAll (REPLY) |
فوروارد برای همه : |
ForwardAll (REPLY) |
فوروارد برای پیوی ها : |
ForwardPrivates (REPLY) |
فوروارد برای گروه های عادی : |
ForwardGroups (REPLY) |
فوروارد برای سوپر گروه ها : |
ForwardSuperGroups (REPLY) |
تنظیم فوروارد خودکار : |
SetForward privates | super groups | groups |
تنظیم متن ریپلی کردن روی پیام فوروارد شده : |
SetForwardReply (REPLY) |
حذف متن ریپلی شده روی پیام فوروارد شده : |
DeleteForwardReply |
اضافه کردن یک گروه به عنوان گروه مدیریت اکانت : |
AddGp (IN GROUP) |
حذف کردن یک گروه از لیست گروه های مدیریت اکانت : |
DeleteGp (IN GROUP) |
اشتراک ربات : {data['subscription']} |
''') |
elif text == 'Ping': |
await event.reply(font('I am Online !')) |
elif text == 'Info': |
private_chats = 0 |
bots = 0 |
groups = 0 |
broadcast_channels = 0 |
admin_in_groups = 0 |
creator_in_groups = 0 |
admin_in_broadcast_channels = 0 |
creator_in_channels = 0 |
unread_mentions = 0 |
unread = 0 |
largest_group_member_count = 0 |
largest_group_with_admin = 0 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs(): |
entity = dialog.entity |
if isinstance(entity,types.Channel): |
if entity.broadcast: |
broadcast_channels += 1 |
if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights: |
admin_in_broadcast_channels += 1 |
if entity.creator: |
creator_in_channels += 1 |
elif entity.megagroup: |
groups += 1 |
if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights: |
admin_in_groups += 1 |
if entity.creator: |
creator_in_groups += 1 |
elif isinstance(entity,types.User): |
private_chats += 1 |
if entity.bot: |
bots += 1 |
elif isinstance(entity,types.Chat): |
groups += 1 |
if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights: |
admin_in_groups += 1 |
if entity.creator: |
creator_in_groups += 1 |
unread_mentions += dialog.unread_mentions_count |
unread += dialog.unread_count |
list = f'status !' |
list += f'\nprivate chats : {private_chats}' |
list += f'\nbots : {bots}' |
list += f'\ngroups : {groups}' |
list += f'\nbroadcast channels : {broadcast_channels}' |
list += f'\nadmin in groups : {admin_in_groups}' |
list += f'\ncreator in groups : {creator_in_groups}' |
list += f'\nadmin in broadcast channels : {admin_in_broadcast_channels}' |
list += f'\ncreator in channels : {creator_in_channels}' |
list += f'\nunread mentions : {unread_mentions}' |
list += f'\nunread : {unread}' |
list += f'\nlargest group member count : {largest_group_member_count}' |
list += f'\nlargest group with admin : {largest_group_with_admin}' |
await event.reply(font(list)) |
elif match := re.match(r'AddSudo (\d+)',text): |
id = int(match.group(1)) |
data['admins'].append(id) |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.respond(font(f'{id} was successfully added to the list of admins !')) |
elif match := re.match(r'DeleteSudo (\d+)',text): |
id = int(match.group(1)) |
data['admins'].remove(id) |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.respond(font(f'{id} was successfully removed from the list of admins !')) |
elif text == 'SudoList': |
list = font('Sudo List :') |
for id in data['admins']: |
list += f'\n• [ᴜsᴇʀ](tg://user?id={id})' |
await event.respond(font(list)) |
elif text == 'CleanSudoList': |
data['admins'] = [] |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
elif match := re.match(r'SetFirstName (.*)',text): |
try: |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest(first_name = match.group(1))) |
await event.reply(font('Your first name has been successfully changed !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif match := re.match(r'SetLastName (.*)',text): |
try: |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest(last_name = match.group(1))) |
await event.reply(font('Your last name has been successfully changed !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif match := re.match(r'SetBiography (.*)',text): |
try: |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest(about = match.group(1))) |
await event.reply(font('Your Biography has been successfully changed !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif match := re.match(r'SetUserName (.*)',text): |
try: |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateUsernameRequest(username = match.group(1))) |
await event.reply(font('Your username has been successfully changed !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif text == 'DeletePhoto': |
try: |
photos = await bot.get_profile_photos('me') |
for photo in photos: |
await bot(functions.photos.DeletePhotosRequest(id = [types.InputPhoto(id = photo.id,access_hash = photo.access_hash,file_reference = photo.file_reference)])) |
await event.reply(font('All your photos have been deleted !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif match := re.match(r'AddSecretary (.*)',text): |
if match.group(1) in data['secretarytext']: |
await event.respond(font('This text is already saved !')) |
else: |
data['secretarytext'].append(match.group(1)) |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.respond(font('This text has been successfully added !')) |
elif match := re.match(r'DeleteSecretary (.*)',text): |
if match.group(1) in data['secretarytext']: |
data['secretarytext'].remove(match.group(1)) |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.respond(font('This text has been successfully removed !')) |
else: |
await event.respond(font('This text does not exist !')) |
elif text == 'SecretaryList': |
list = font('Secretary List :') |
for text in data['secretarytext']: |
list += f'\n• {text}' |
await event.respond(font(list)) |
elif match := re.match(r'Start (.*)',text): |
try: |
await bot.send_message(match.group(1),'/start') |
await event.reply(font('The bot started successfully !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif match := re.match(r'Join (.*)',text): |
invitelink = match.group(1) |
explode = invitelink.split('/') |
if len(explode) > 1: |
try: |
await bot(functions.messages.ImportChatInviteRequest(explode[-1])) |
await event.reply(font('I became a member !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
else: |
try: |
await bot(functions.channels.JoinChannelRequest(invitelink)) |
await event.reply(font('I became a member !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif match := re.match(r'Left (.*)',text): |
invitelink = match.group(1) |
explode = invitelink.split('/') |
if len(explode) > 1: |
try: |
group = await client.get_entity(invitelink) |
await bot(functions.messages.DeleteExportedChatInviteRequest(int('-100' + str(group.id)))) |
event.reply(font('I became a member !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
else: |
try: |
await bot(functions.channels.LeaveChannelRequest(invitelink)) |
await event.reply(font('I became a member !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif text == 'CleanContactsList': |
try: |
contacts = await bot(functions.contacts.GetContactsRequest(hash = 0)) |
await bot(functions.contacts.DeleteContactsRequest(id = [contact.id for contact in contacts.users])) |
await event.reply(font('All your contacts have been deleted !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif text == 'Share': |
me = await bot.get_me() |
await bot.send_file(event.chat_id,types.InputMediaContact(phone_number = me.phone,first_name = me.first_name,last_name = me.last_name or str(),vcard = str())) |
elif match := re.match(r'ForwardTime (\d+)',text): |
time = int(match.group(1)) |
clock.spec = f'*/{time} * * * *' |
clock.start() |
data['forwardtime'] = time |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.respond(font(f'The forwarding time was automatically set to {time} minute !')) |
elif text == 'DeleteForwardReply': |
data['forwardreply'] = None |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font(f'Replay on the forwarded message was successfully deleted !')) |
elif event.is_reply: |
if text == 'Id': |
getMessage = await event.get_reply_message() |
sender = getMessage.sender |
id = sender.id |
first_name = sender.first_name |
last_name = sender.last_name |
username = sender.username |
phone = sender.phone |
list = f'id : {id}' |
list += f'\nfirst name : {first_name}' |
list += f'\nlast name : {last_name}' |
list += f'\nusername : {username}' |
list += f'\nphone : {phone}' |
await event.reply(font(list)) |
elif text == 'SetPhoto': |
try: |
message = await event.get_reply_message() |
media = await bot.download_media(message) |
await bot(functions.photos.UploadProfilePhotoRequest(await bot.upload_file(media))) |
os.remove(media) |
await event.reply(font('Your photo has been successfully changed !')) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
elif text == 'AddAll': |
getMessage = await event.get_reply_message() |
id = getMessage.sender.id |
i = 0 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs(): |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Chat) or (isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup): |
try: |
await bot(functions.channels.InviteToChannelRequest(dialog.entity,[id])) |
i += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
await event.reply(font(f'User {id} was successfully added to {i} groups !')) |
elif text == 'ForwardAll': |
i = 0 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs(): |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,(types.Chat,types.User)) or (isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup): |
try: |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off') |
i += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of groups and super groups and privates !')) |
elif text == 'ForwardPrivates': |
i = 0 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs(): |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.User): |
try: |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off') |
i += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of privates !')) |
elif text == 'ForwardGroups': |
i = 0 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs(): |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Chat): |
try: |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off') |
i += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of groups !')) |
elif text == 'ForwardSuperGroups': |
i = 0 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs(): |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup: |
try: |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off') |
i += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of super groups !')) |
elif match := re.match(r'SetForward (privates|super groups|groups)',text): |
data['forwardid'] = event.reply_to_msg_id |
data['forwardchat'] = event.chat_id |
data['forwardtype'] = match.group(1) |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font('Automatic forwarding has been successfully set !')) |
elif text == 'SetForwardReply': |
getMessage = await event.get_reply_message() |
if getMessage.raw_text: |
data['forwardreply'] = getMessage.raw_text |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font(f'The replay text was successfully set on the forwarded message !')) |
else: |
await event.reply(font(f'Please only reply to the text message !')) |
elif event.is_group: |
if text == 'AddGp': |
data['groups'].append(int(chat_id)) |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font('This group was added to the list of bot management groups !')) |
elif text == 'DeleteGp': |
data['groups'].remove(int(chat_id)) |
put(f'data/{session}.json',data) |
await event.reply(font('This group was removed from the list of bot management groups !')) |
elif text == 'AddContact': |
try: |
contacts = await bot(functions.contacts.GetContactsRequest(hash = 0)) |
await bot(functions.channels.InviteToChannelRequest(event.chat_id,[contact.id for contact in contacts.users])) |
except Exception as e: |
await event.reply(font(e)) |
await event.reply(font('I added most of my contacts to this group !')) |
elif data['bot'] == 'on' and data['subscription'] != 0: |
if data['secretary'] == 'on' and event.is_private: |
if len(data['secretarytext']) > 0: |
await event.reply(random.choice(data['secretarytext'])) |
if data['contact'] == 'on' and event.contact: |
await bot(functions.contacts.AddContactRequest(id = event.contact.user_id,first_name = event.contact.first_name,last_name = event.contact.last_name,phone = event.contact.phone_number,add_phone_privacy_exception = False)) |
if data['autojoin'] == 'on': |
if links := re.findall('(?:https?://)?(t|telegram)\.me/(?:\+|joinchat/)([\w\-]+)',text): |
for link in links: |
await bot(functions.messages.ImportChatInviteRequest(link[-1])) |
bot.start() |
clock.start() |
subscription.start() |
bot.run_until_disconnected() |
asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() |